On The Move NC Brighton, Issue 26.
On The Move NC Brighton, Issue 26.
LIFESTYLE > FASHION ON THE MOVE Fashion If you’re going away this summer, follow NC’s tips for the tastiest travel essentials for 2007. Words: Grace Timothy White holdall, £30, Burton PVC suitcase, £45, Marks and Spencer Girls on tour Getaway bags by Angel Jackson, £165 each, Lavender Room Eden Weekend Bag, £40, Accessorize Romantic Getaway for two Lime Travel Wallet, £89, www.billybag.com Pink heart key ring, £20, www.billybag.com MiniBreak White handbag, £20, Tesco Luggage tags, £6, Marks and Spencer Passport holder, £9.50, Marks and Spencer Passport wallet, £22.50, Birdy Num Num Shoe bag, £6, Marks and Spencer Leather bag, £245, www.billybag.com 22 NC BRIGHTON JUNE 2007 Grab bag, £18, Ravel Sunglasses case, £28.50, Birdy Num Num www.ncbrighton.com Set of two storage trunks, £20, Matalan www.ncbrighton.com Stockists: Accessorize 01273 823943; Birdy Num Num 0208 749 60 80; Burton 01273 728098; Lavender Room 01273 220380; Marks and Spencer 01273 328081; Matalan 01273 543800; Ravel 01273 323043; Tesco 01273 749405. JUNE 2007 NC BRIGHTON 23