A fun CD of songs for Quilters.


A fun CD of songs for Quilters.
A fun CD of songs for Quilters.
By David F. Anderson
“I’m Gonna Make Myself A Quilt”
A CD which you will smile as you relate to the songs.
A great gift idea!
Available now!
Keep an eye out for Volume 2 Quilting music CD
“Stitch One For Me” in the near future.
For more information, or to listen to samples of this, or other CD’s,
“I’m Gonna Make Myself A Quilt”
I went to a Camp
Words and music: David F. Anderson Copywrite: 2009 T.A.D.A. music.
I went to a camp, on a quilting retreat
Twas the first time I’d ever been there
I left my poor husband at home with 8 kids
It was hard, but he cooks pretty fair.
I set up my sewing machine and my chair
And my fabric, in tubs on the floor
Then I started to work, not a worry or care
I just couldn’t ask for much more.
The meals that they fed me, I have to tell you
it’s the best camp food I ever et
The desserts, rich and luscious, don’t know what to do,
I don’t think I’ve passed up one yet.
At three in the morning, I called it a day
And I went to my room, shut the door
I had just closed my eyes, when the gals in my room
In a chorus broke out in a snore
I’m here at this camp, I’m not going to leave
I’ll chain myself up to this chair
I know all good things must come to an end
Still to tell you the truth, it’s not fair!
My time is about over, seems just like I came
I’ve met many new friends for sure
When ever I’m having a very rough day
This time I’ve had will be the cure.
Yes, when ever I’m having a very rough day
This time I’ve had will be the cure.
Hello Quilter my Old Friend
Words by: David F. Anderson
copywrite: 2009 T.A.D.A. music.
Hello quilter my old friend, I’ve come to sew with you again
It seems just like it was yesterday, since I have seen my dear friend faye.
And once again we’re cutting blocks for a quilt that has just begun,
We’re having fun, with all the sounds of quilting.
See that gal that’s over there, she has a quilt I have to stare
Because it’s something that I’ve never seen,
made out of corduroy and old blue jeans
and there are patches that are round, and some are pink and square
I wouldn’t dare, to put her down, for quilting.
And now tonight is show and tell, I do not think that I feel well
Because I really don’t like microphones.
Speaking in public scares me to the bone
But I will speak up loud so that all will hear my tale
Everything pales, compared to stories of quilting.
And now it’s time to say goodbye, I feel as if I’m going to cry
Because so many are now friends to me, this has been a special time indeed.
And as I travel back to my home and my family, they’re sure to see.
I’ve been refreshed, from quilting. And I am blessed, from quilting.
Let Me Sew
Words by: Garry Gamble
Copywrite: 2009 T.A.D.A. music.
As a quilter in the fall, ‘neath her sewing machine
Sat and piped, I heard her say: “I’ve just one more seam”
Let me sew, let me sew, please don’t make me go
This quilt I brought along with me, I’ll finish in the spring.
On her cheek a tear did form, she had a crooked seam
On the floor her her pattern torn, fiendish quilters scream!
Saralee, Saralee, cake with golden hue
Coffee break, because of thee, I quilt again renewed.
I’m Gonna Make Myself a Quilt
Words and music: David F. Anderson copywrite: 2009 T,A.D.A. music.
I’m gonna make, myself a quilt
I do not know how one is built
But I’m a man, so it’s o.k.
I’m gonna make it anyway.
Won’t ask for help, it’s not my style
I may be lost, but I’ll just smile
Cause there’s one thing, I will not do
And that’s admit that I haven’t a clue.
Oh – Oh, I’m gonna get it done
Oh – oh, I’m kinda havin’ fun.
Well here’s some rags, I got my knife
I’ll cut this up, It looks alright
Though all the squares don’t seem to match
I’ll just keep going since I cut up the batch.
I’m doing ok, I’ve got the knack
I think I’ve found the perfect back
This flannel sheet, will do I think
Just as long as the color’s not pink.
Well now it’s done, it looks alright
Though all the seams are not so tight
I’ll snuggle in, my favorite chair
I can rest, I haven’t a care.
Oh, I think, I’ll make another one
Oh – oh, cause quilting’s kind of fun.
Seam rippers blues
Words and music: David F. Anderson
Copywrite: 2009 T.A.D.A. Music.
I took up the hobby, of quilting to relax
I thought it would be easy, but I didn’t have all the facts
Well I’m taking out my ripper,
Cause you gotta do what you gotta do
Oh Lord, give me patience, cause I got the seam rippers blues.
I grab my next two fabrics, to make myself a patch
Sewed them both together, but they just don’t seem to match (chorus)
I pull each tiny stitch but my eyes are getting crossed
Searching for my sanity, which long ago was lost
I’ve gone through many trials, I thought nothing could be new
But this ripping out of seams, Lord, what am I going to do.
Well I gotta keep on goin, gonna make it to the end
Yes one day I’ll be finished, in the mean time until then. (chorus)
Tag: oh lord give me patience, cause I got the seam rippers blues.
Quiltshop in the Sky
Words by: David F. Anderson Music: Bobby Emmonds
Copywrite: 2009 T.A.D.A. Music.
I’m going to that quiltshop in the sky
I’m going to a place where irons never die
And there the coffee pots, never will run dry
In that quiltshop in the sky.
I’m going where they pin new quilts up all day long
And every cut I make is straight and never wrong
I guess I’m gonna make it my eternal home
It’s that quiltshop in the sky.
Well there’ll be lots of log cabins and appliqué
Ya , the angels will be stitchin’ all over the place
We’ll finally meet the owner, face to face
In that quiltshop in the sky.
I hope that you’ll be there, it’s gonna be a blast
The owner will receive you if you only ask
And then you can forget all about your scraps
In that quiltshop in the sky, oh in that quiltshop in the sky
Oh in that quiltshop in the sky!
Table Setup for Two
Words: David F. Anderson Copywrite: 2009 T.A.D.A. Music.
Quilting, quilting, that’s all I want to do
I just love it, looking around at the view
It may be a large log cabin, or a wedding bouquet pattern
But I’ll be fine, yes truly divine, at a table setup for two
Dear instructor, give me your answer true
Do you think that I’ll need one yard or two?
It won’t be a lone star pattern,
Last years quilt is in my Saturn
Though it’s not done, it will still be fun
At a table setup for two
Yes, I’ll be fine, it’s truly divine,
at a table setup for two.
Fabric envy
Words and music: David F. Anderson
Copywrite: T.A.D.A. Music.
I’ve got my sewing machine, my table and chair,
and tub with fabric galore
I’m here at the start of my quilting retreat,
I’m in heaven, who could want more!
All of a sudden, I look to my left,
and I’m starring, my mouth open wide
The pattern’s so perfect, the colors divine,
I want it, it has to be mine.
Fabric envy, I’m wishing that it could be mine.
Fabric envy, why am not satisfied.
I reach out to touch it, and hold in my hands
I’ve never felt something so rich
Maybe at lunch while the others are gone
I can take it and make a quick switch.
Then I’m reminded, all things come from God
And be thankful for what He supplies
Being content with the things that I have
That’s where my treasure should lie.
Fabric envy, I don’t want to wish life away
Fabric envy, I choose not to have it today. (repeat)
I choose not to have it today, I don’t want to wish life away,
I choose not to have it today.
She’s a quilter
Words and music: David F. Anderson
Copywrite: 2009 T.A.D.A. Music.
She’s such a stitch, she cuts me up
She wants more coffee, in her cup
She’ll work past one, or maybe two
It’s a unique species and it’s just what they do
Yah she’s a quilter and she does it for fun
She’s a quilter, always on the run
She’s chosen thread, she’s just begun
By the end of the retreat, she’ll have it all done.
She’s in her van, she’s on a quest
To find the fabric, that is the best
She’s looking round, the biggest store
And when she’s finally through,
She can’t get through the door. (chorus)
She’s on a roll, she’s doing o.k.
She’s working on, an appliqué
It may be hard, it may be tough
But when it comes to quilting, she just can’t get enough
7ow the retreat, is at an end
She has to go, say bye to friends
To leave is hard, she sheds a tear
But then she smiles and remembers she’ll be back next year!
2nd Chorus:
She’s a quilter, and she does it for fun
Yah she’s a quilter and she’ll always be one
She’s a quilter, you can tell by her face
She’s trying to make it better for the human race.
Yah She’s a quilter!
Words by: David f. Anderson
qui qui qui, qui qui qui quiltin’
qui qui qui, qui qui qui quiltin’
C. 2009 T.A.D.A. music.
qui qui qui, qui qui qui quiltin’
quiltin' is the thing to do, When your feeling sad and blue
when you don’t know what to do, quilting is the thing to do
Wha oooo, wha ooooo
When your feeling down and out And you don't know what your about
Get yourself some fabric fine, quilt it once, then quilt it twice
qui qui qui, qui qui qui quilting (chorus)
When down times get your mind upset
Don't look back and don't regret
Take a little tip from me, And try this awesome remedy
qui qui qui, qui qui qui quiltin’ (chorus)
change key Wha oooo, wha oooo
When you’re tucked in bed real tight
But find you cannot sleep tonight
Grab a needle and a thread, Soon you’ll find you nod your head
qui qui qui, qui qui qui quiltin’ (chorus)
tag: quiltin' is the thing to do
quiltin' is the thing to do
Quilt of Awes Song lyrics:
All lyrics: David and Terry Anderson
Copywrite: 2009 T.A.D.A. Music.
Someday over a weekend
Someday over a weekend
Not far away,
I’d like to go to a camp
Where I heard I could quilt all day.
Sometime, I’ll find a moment
Just for me.
When I can leave all the housework
and my day will be free.
Someday I’ll have an empty nest
and all the time to sew
could I want more?
But my hands may be crippled by arthritis
And my back broken from scrubbing all the floors.
Somehow I wish that I could
Go this year,
But I know I’ll have to wait
While my husband shoots a deer.
If other women get to go then why oh why can’t I?
Registrar song
As registrar of this camp
In the beautiful county of Nodd,
We welcome you most regally
(Other office person)
But we have to verify it legally
To see, to see, if she, if she
is staying in willow or in bear lodge
Or maybe in a cabin for this session.
We represent the housekeeping staff
We represent the housekeeping staff
The housekeeping staff, the housekeeping staff
And in the name of the housekeeping staff,
We wish to welcome you to quilt retreat
Maintenance Staff
We represent the maintenance staff
the maintenance staff, maintenance staff,
and in the name of the maintenance staff
we wish to welcome you to quilt retreat
Follow the Concrete Trail
Follow the concrete trail
Follow the concrete trail
Follow, follow, follow, follow
Follow the concrete trail
We’re off to find the building, the building where we are to sew.
A room at camp to sew all day and most of us into the night
We’ll sew for a while, then check out the snacks
And after some coffee, we’ll go right back.
Because, because, because, because, because
That’s just the thing a quilter does.
We’re off to find the building and the wonderful place to sew
My Quilt is King Sized
My quilt is King size for my husband
Not queen, not full, not twin
I’d use all the best fabrics in my quilt blocks
Like Satin and velvet not chince…..
He’s just a guy who likes to fish
Come home and eat my tuna hotdish.
And then snuggle in with a big king sized quilt
It’s better than I could wish.
Ding Dong my Quilt is Done
Ding dong the quilt is done
Which old quilt
The quilt I brought
Ding dong the quilt I brought is done
Hang it on the balcony ledge
Look up ladies, see the edge
Nicely bordered, yes my quilt is done.
We’ve stayed up till the wee late hours
We’ve sewed, and sewed, yo ho you know
Were going to cheer and shout and bring the snacks out
Wake up , sleepy head,
We’ve had real fun and been well fed
And most of all, my quilt I brought is done.
Ding dong the quilt is done
Which old quilt
The quilt she brought
Ding dong the quilt she brought is done
Hang it on the balcony ledge
Look up ladies, see the edge
Nicely bordered, yes her quilt is done.
She’s stayed up till the wee late hours
She’s sewed, and sewed, yo ho you know
Were going to cheer and shout
and bring the snacks out
Wake up , sleepy head,
We’ve had real fun and been well fed
And most of all, the quilt she brought is done.
And quilting at a camp is really fun.