March 2012
March 2012
Company presentation March 2012 Index Prelios Snapshot Prelios 2011 Guidelines 2012-2014 Annexes 2 Mission Our mission is to create sustainable value through real-estate strategies and solutions based on excellence, innovation and a seamless integration of competences consolidate the positioning as a pure real estate manager, increasing the proportion of services for third parties and gradually reducing the invested capital; become a point of reference in real estate services for Italian and international investors through the offer of high standard in terms of quality, governance and transparency; create a sophisticated culture, thus contributing to the real estate sector’s structural evolution. 3 COMPANY PRESENTATION Prelios Snapshot A leading real estate manager with a fully integrated business model of specialistic services (Agency, Property, Project, Credit Servicing), management activities (Fund and Asset management) and co-investments MANAGEMENT PLATFORM CO-INVESTMENTS Funds and assets management Agency Property & Project Management Credit Servicing 4 COMPANY PRESENTATION Real estate Funds Real estate SPVs NPLs THIRD PARTIES THIRD PARTIES PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO A lean and efficient organization 5 COMPANY PRESENTATION Index Prelios Snapshot Prelios 2011 Guidelines 2012-2014 Annexes 6 Results and Targets (€/mln) December 2011 December 2010 Mgmt Platform revenues 149.0 162.3 Mgmt Platform EBIT +20.3 +24.1 AUM Real Estate book (€/bln) of which: third parties Net Financial Position Assets Sales (€/bln) Consolidated net profit 10,7 ~ 30% Targets (BoD 11/11/11) +20/+24 12,7 1) ~ 15% 2) 488.0 424.0 <500 1,8 1,6 ~1,5 -289.6 -95.3 1) Includes 1.4 bln of portfolio Baubecon. 2) Includes the reclassification of F. Cloe and F. Armilla (Prelios stake less than 5%), into third parties funds. 7 COMPANY PRESENTATION <11 bln (270)/(290) Consolidated Profit and Loss (€/mln) ACTUAL 2011 DECEMBER ACTUAL 2011 SEPTEMBER Revenues 177.8 121.6 254.0 of which service activities of which other revenues 149.0 28.8 113.6 8.0 162.3 91.7 EBIT services 19.2 14.5 23.5 Income from equity participations services Management platform/G&A 1.1 20.3 0.9 15.4 0.6 24.1 EBIT consolidated investment activities (24.5) (15.3) (3.5) Income from equity participations Interest income from Shareholders' loans Investments (45.7) 23.8 (46.4) (13.9) 19.9 (9.3) (3.9) 24.4 17.0 (26.1) 6.1 41.1 31.8 31.8 5.7 37.9 41.1 (29.8) (23.7) (23.7) (24.1) 14.2 17.4 EBIT incl. income from equity part. & interest income from shareholders' loans Rinascente/Coin gain net of related expenses Profit (loss) before financial expenses, one off property tax, restructuring costs, property writedowns/revaluations and income taxes Financial charges Profit (loss) before property tax, restructuring costs, property writedowns/revaluations and income taxes Restructuring costs (48.7) (21.1) (21.2) (194.6) (136.1) (77.3) (8.9) (8.9) 0.0 Profit before taxes (276.2) (151.9) (81.0) Income taxes Net income (15.3) (291.5) (2.2) (154.1) (13.4) (94.4) 1.9 1.2 (0.9) (289.6) (152.9) (95.3) Real estate writedowns/revaluations One off - Property tax Minority interests Net income after minority interests 8 ACTUAL 2010 DECEMBER COMPANY PRESENTATION Key metrics as December 2011 Co-investments Management platform 1) Result Fund & Asset 2,7 Property & Project 7.4 Credit Servicing -2.4 Total Platform 29.7 G&A Net Invested Capital 22.0 Agency Mkt.Value 100% Italy Germany Poland Real Estate NPL Total coinvestments 9 20.3 1) Market value based on third party evaluator valuations 2) As NAV for NPL has been considered the net invested capital COMPANY PRESENTATION Net Debt pro rata NAV pro rata 3,486 4,212 102 1,116 911 35 597 662 4 519 248 31 7,800 2,062 1,264 798 2) 1,215 102 9,015 2,062 1,264 900 3,363 28 15 13 -9.4 Third parties Total Mkt.Value pro rata 165 Total 12,378 2,090 1,279 913 Prelios’ Portfolio December 2011 Asset under Management € 12.4 bln (mkt value) (included NPL € 1.2 bln (book value) and Real Estate € 11.2 bln) 10% NPL Real Estate 90% Breakdown by Geographical area Italy: Breakdown by use 14% 50% 49% Italy 37% 14% Residential & Trading Development & Other Third parties Poland Germany & Poland: Breakdown by use Residential & Trading 21% 2% 52% Development & Other Third parties 25% Germany 1% 10 COMPANY PRESENTATION 36% Commercial Yielding & core Commercial & other Real Estate Writedowns and Revaluations (€/mln) September 2011 Germany (81.9) (136.1) (2.4) (51.8) Italy Poland (81.9) (81.9) Q4 (55.0) 0.1 Poland (47.4) (11.2) Germany Italy December 2011 (194.6) (2.3) Poland 11 COMPANY PRESENTATION (99.2) (93.1) Italy Germany Restructuring costs and one off items (€/mln) 21.1 19.1 mln in Q3 48.7 3.0 3.5 5.4 21.1 10.0 27.6 mln in Q4 13.7 2.0 Layoff Precs Price adjustment/ costs on previous years disposals June 2011 12 COMPANY PRESENTATION Receivables Write offs Restructuring costs September 2011 Layoff Precs Network (Rebranding) Receivables Write offs & Others Actual December 2011 55.5 Sales trend (€/mln) Gross margin on book value on sales is approx. +5% as of Dec 2011 ITALY Target 2011 1,790.3 1,464.1 841.5 1,109.3 710.4 ~1,500 627.6 905.6 749.4 478.7 43.2 Dec 2011 13 COMPANY PRESENTATION 4.3 3.0 Sept 2011 Jun 2011 GERMANY POLAND Net Financial Position Dec 2010 – Dec 2011 (€/mln) 28.6 8.3 15.3 75.4 28.3 (33.2) (17.0) (41.7) 488.0 424.0 December 2010 Rinascente e COIN Dresden 14 COMPANY PRESENTATION Other distributions Equity contrib. to funds and SPV Deferred payments on investments/ acquisitions Restructuring costs Financial expenses NWC and other December 2011 Group Corporate Lines (€/mln) Before refinancing Expiry 320 Jul-12 CLUB DEAL (i) UNICREDIT BANCA POP. SONDRIO 25 5 Feb-12 Mar-12 INTESA SANPAOLO 359 20 DEUTSCHE BANK 20 Apr-12 Sub total 379 PIRELLI&C. 160 TOTAL 539 Average margin 665 bps (*) Bank CLUB DEAL Sub total 370 PIRELLI&C. 150 TOTAL 520 Average margin Jul-12 300 bps Bank After refinancing Expiry (ii) Jun-13 Jul-17 (*) Weighted average margin of Club Deal and Pirelli & C. (i) Club Deal participants: Unicredit Intesa SanPaolo Monte Paschi Siena Banca Popolare Milano 132M 57M 50M 50M Banca Popolare Sondrio Banca Popolare Emilia Romagna Banca Carige UBI - Centrobanca (ii) Amortizing with financial covenants related to maximum level of NFP and minimum level of Equity; 15 COMPANY PRESENTATION Dec-14 20M 20M 20M 10M Financial situation of co-investments (€/mln) Net debt 2011 Net debt 2010 LTV pro-rata Prelios 65%: - Real Estate 61% - NPL 86% 12.5 LTV pro-rata Prelios 70%: - Real Estate 68% - NPL 90% 9.2 9.0 6.2 0.3 2.5 1.6 0.4 2.1 0.3 1.3 0.6 Italy 0.6 Italy 0.7 Germ & Pol AuM M.V. 100% Net Debt 100% Net Debt pro rata 16 COMPANY PRESENTATION NPL Real Estate AuM M.V. 100% Net Debt 100% Net Debt pro rata NPL Real Estate Financial situation of co-investments (€/mln) Net debt as of December 2011 Refinancing 2) 6.2 1) Italy 1.6 Ger & Pol 0.3 1.3 0.27 0.25 0.02 0.35 0.12 0.23 0.45 0.12 0.33 0.2 0.10 0.10 Net Debt 100% Net Debt pro rata NPL Real Estate 2012 2013 2014 1) Not including 0.4 of F. Cloe e F. Armilla in 2011 classified as Third Parties Funds (Prelios’ share is lower than 5%) 2) Due to maturity 17 COMPANY PRESENTATION Beyond Financial situation of co-investments Bank Loan characteristics 1) LTV Real Estate 61% : Italy 54%, Germany 73% and Poland 12% (pro-rata Prelios) Average Duration 2.2: Italy 1.6, Germany 2.5, Poland 0.0 (pro-rata Prelios) Average Spread : 206 bps (pro-rata Prelios) 63% interest rate risk hedged (pro-rata Prelios) Recourse guarantees for approx. 46.6€ mln (pro-rata Prelios) 1) Excluded NPL and subsidized loans 18 COMPANY PRESENTATION Index Prelios Snapshot Prelios 2011 Guidelines 2012-2014 Annexes 19 2012 – 2014 trend Acceleration of the process to reduce investments and increase sales with a particular focus on Germany Focus on reducing the net financial position Focus on domestic market, relaunch of prelios SGR and development of management services for third parties (Asset Management, Property&Project and Agency) Implementation of another restructuring plan aimed at increasing operational efficiency 20 COMPANY PRESENTATION Guidance for 2012-2014 trend Domestic management platform EBIT 1 € 14-18 million in 2012 € 22-26 million in 2013 € 36-40 million in 2014 Net Financial Position € 390 million in 2012 € 340 million in 2013 € 220 million in 2014 1) It includes management platform relating to Italy Real Estate and NPL, as well G&A expenses 21 COMPANY PRESENTATION Index Prelios Snapshot Prelios 2011 Guidelines 2012-2014 Annexes 22 22 A guide to better understand our numbers INDICATORS Revenues Ebit from management platform Ebit from consolidated investment activities Income from equity participations 23 COMPANY PRESENTATION DRIVERS Sales of consolidated assets Offer of specialised services (listed below) Asset Mgmt. Fund Mgmt. Agency Property & Project Credit Servicing Disposal of consolidated assets/activities Pro rata net income from sales of minority investments (funds/ vehicles) Capital gain on participation disposals Management Platform (€/mln) Fund & Asset management ACTUAL 2011 DECEMBER ACTUAL 2011 SEPTEMBER ACTUAL 2010 DECEMBER Revenues 29.1 22.7 38.7 Ebit 16.1 13.5 22.8 Revenues 20.1 16.6 20.7 Ebit 5.6 5.9 6.7 Revenues Ebit 23.4 2.6 18.8 2.0 25.2 3.5 Revenues Ebit 14.3 (2.4) 8.5 (3.9) 16.5 (0.3) Revenues Ebit 4.2 (9.4) 3.3 (7.8) 2.6 (12.3) Revenues Ebit 91.2 12.6 69.9 9.7 103.7 20.4 Revenues Ebit 56.2 9.2 42.4 6.9 9.7 56.0 5.0 Revenues Ebit 1.7 (1.5) 1.4 (1.2) 9.7 2.6 (1.3) 20.4 Revenues 149.0 113.6 162.3 20.3 15.4 24.1 Property Agency NPL – Credit Servicing G&A (Holding) Management Platform ITALY Management Platform GERMANY Management Platform POLAND TOTAL MANAGEMENT PLATFORM 24 COMPANY PRESENTATION Management Platform Germany (€/mln) ACTUAL 2011 DECEMBER ACTUAL 2011 SEPTEMBER ACTUAL 2010 DECEMBER Revenues 13.4 10.4 13.3 Ebit 6.1 5.0 2.4 Revenues 3.1 2.4 2.3 Ebit 0.5 0.3 0.8 Revenues 39.7 29.6 40.5 Ebit 2.7 1.6 1.9 Revenues 56.2 42.4 Ebit 9.2 6.9 56.0 5.0 Fund & AM Fee Agency Property / Facility Service Platform 25 COMPANY PRESENTATION Prelios Assets Breakdown as of December 2011 (€/mln) Mkt. Value 100% 31.12.11 Book value 100% 31.12.11 Net debt 100% 31.12.11 Mkt. Value pro rata Prelios 31.12.11 Book Value pro rata Prelios Net Debt pro rata Prelios LTV pro rata NAV pro rata Prelios NIC pro rata Prelios EBIT+IEP+IIP ITALY 3,486 3,200 1,816 1,116 1,037 597 54% 519 397 32.0 GERMANY 4,212 4,202 3,337 911 907 662 73% 248 211 6.5 POLAND 102 52 11 35 18 4 12% 31 7 -4.7 TOTAL REAL ESTATE CO-INVESTED 7,800 7,454 5,164 2,062 1,962 1,264 61% 798 615 33.8 THIRD PARTIES ITALY 1,949 1,813 424 28 24 15 53% 13 9 0.4 THIRD PARTIES GERMANY 1) 1,414 1,414 TOTAL REAL ESTATE 11,163 10,681 1) The company considers Baubecon investment out of 26 COMPANY PRESENTATION -2.6 5,588 2,090 the calculation of net asset value starting from 30.09.2011 1,986 1,279 61% 811 624 31.6 NPL (investment) 102 -46.2 MANAGEMENT PLATFORM 165 20.3 TOTAL PRELIOS 891 5.7 Italy: Real Estate Assets Breakdown as of December 2011 (€/mln) Mkt. Value 100% 31.12.11 Book value 100% 31.12.11 Net debt 100% 31.12.11 Mkt. Value pro rata Prelios 31.12.11 Book Value pro rata Prelios Net Debt pro rata Prelios COMMERCIAL YIELDING & CORE 1,995 1,849 996 554 533 296 TRADING & SOHO 735 645 449 262 228 DEVELOPMENT 273 264 114 104 LANDS 484 441 257 TOTAL ITALY COINVESTED 3,486 3,200 THIRD PARTIES 1,949 TOTAL ITALY 5,435 NAV pro rata Prelios NIC pro rata Prelios EBIT+IEP+IIP 53% 258 228 22.2 154 59% 108 52 18.4 101 48 46% 56 23 -2.8 195 175 99 51% 96 94 -5.8 1,816 1,116 1,037 597 54% 519 397 32 1,813 424 28 24 15 53% 13 9 0 5,013 2,241 1,144 1,061 612 54% 532 406 32.4 LTV 1) 1) Includes 31.8 on Rinascente / COIN disposal Third parties 36% 36% Lands Lands Trading & Soho 14% 27 COMPANY PRESENTATION 9% 5% Commercial Yielding & Core Fund Management - Prelios SGR Profile Prelios SGR is a property fund and asset management company, active in promoting, setting up and managing of real estate investment funds Set up in 2003, it develops and manages: “Ordinary” closed end real estate funds targeting retail investors “Ordinary” and “opportunistic” closed end real estate funds targeting Institutional Investors Prelios SGR manages 22 funds: 9 ordinary, of which 2 listed 13 opportunistic AuM € 5.3 bn and NAV of € 2.1 bln Track record in the performance of the funds under management and in product innovation In 2011 Clarice Light Industrial Fund and in 2010 Cloe Fund have been recognised as Best Italian Specialist Funds for the highest total return over the last 3 years at the prestigious IPD European Property Investment Awards 28 COMPANY PRESENTATION Prelios SGR: leading fund management company in the Italian market Asset Under Management (Euro Bln) (*) 8.69** 1. IDEA FIMIT SGR 2. 5.3 *** 4.3 3. GENERALI IMMOBILIARE ITALIA SGR 3.8 4. INVESTIRE IMMOBILIARE SGR 3.4 5. BNP PARIBAS REIM SGR 1.9 6. FABRICA IMMOBILIARE SGR 1.7 7. SORGENTE SGR 1.4 8. TORRE SGR 9. FINANZIARIA INTERNAZIONALE SGR 0.9 10. REAM SGR 0.8 11. DUEMME SGR 0.8 12. AEDES BPM REAL ESTATE SGR 13. ZERO SGR 0.6 14. CASTELLO SGR 0.6 15. ALTRE SGR Italian leading position with a market share of over 14% 0.8 3.0 Source: Prelios analysis on year report Fondi Immobiliari Italiani - Assogestioni, June 2011. * Data as of October 2011 ** As at date of the merger of First Atlantic RE SGR in Fimit SGR (October 2011) *** Total AUM includes a third parties SPV managed by Prelios SGR (AUM funds ca. €4.8 bn, AUM third parties SPV ca. €0.6 bn) 29 COMPANY PRESENTATION Prelios’ Service Platform will capture internal and external growth opportunities Short-medium term growth possibilities (€ Bn, AuM) Growth forecasts Consolidation opportunities In Europe, the commitment of capital sources to Real Estate is expected to ~26% grow by 5-8% pa. in the next 5 years 48 In Italy, Public and Private Pension Funds and Banking Foundations will lead the growth increasing 38 80% ~10 their 32% 100% 22 smaller SGRs with AuM < €2,0 Bn Total 100% 68% 60% investment in real estate funds 40% Disposal and valorization of public real estate properties (barracks, 20% 14% offices, etc.) Social Housing projects promoted by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SGR 0% AuM 30 Jun 11 The average trend for the next three years results in a moderate growth due also international 54% to the decrease investors Expected AuM increase propelled by the launch of new products AuM 31 Dec 13 of appetite CAGR AuM 2008 – 30 Jun 2011~10%; moderate increase of the growth trend expected in the next 2.5 years period Prelios Top 5 SGRs 54% includes: IDeA FIMIT SGR Investire Immobiliare SGR BNP REIM SGR Generali Immobiliare SGR towards Italian real estate market Capture third party AuM without additional equity investment by leveraging on leading market position and the development of new investment products Consolidation opportunities offered by highly fragmented Italian SGR market Source: Prelios analysis and estimations based on data from Scenari Immobiliari, Inrev, AIFI. 30 COMPANY PRESENTATION Fund Management – Asset and geographical allocation Asset Classes Geographical Location Milan & province 7% Industrial/Logistics 5% 7% 27% Tourism/Hospitality Retail/Entertainment 15% Rome & province Residential Offices 9% 23% 7% Turin 9% Palermo 9% 23% 6% 10% 39% Asset Under Management are primarily composed of income producing properties used as offices attended by Retail e Telephone Exchange. 4% Other North West Provinces Other North East provinces Other Central provinces Other South & Islands provinces Prelios SGR manages over 1,160 properties mainly located in Italian cities, like Milan and Rome. Property expertise across all sectors and markets 31 COMPANY PRESENTATION Naples Fund Management – The Investors Funds Current Unit-Holders Financial Institutions/Sovereign funds Insurance companies 12% 1% 4% 39% 10% Corporate Investors/Investment funds Fundations/Pension funds Public Entities Family Offices/High Net Worth individuals 28% 6% Free float In Italy, the demand of funds shares and asset management services comes primarily from institutional investors, like insurance companies, pension funds, foundations and financial institutions. Prelios SGR team has a deep knowledge of the Italian institutional investors market and is able to reach many investors leveraging on the direct and privileged relationship with the investor base present in the portfolio under management. 32 COMPANY PRESENTATION Fund Management - Funds Under Management Investors Type Ordinary/Listed Retail 24 452 10 years 2014 Institutional 11 541 12 years 2016 Opportunistic Institutional 141 135 7 years 2013 •Armilla Ordinary Institutional 14 234 15 years 2021 •Raissa Opportunistic Institutional 202 250 8 years 2013 •Social & Public Initiatives Opportunistic Institutional 18 242 7 years 2014 •FIPRS Ordinary Institutional 32 288 16 years 2022 •Fedora Ordinary Institutional 5 61 6 years 2015 Institutional 7 315 10 years 2020 •Tecla •Cloe •Patrimonio Uffici Office •Anastasia •Olinda Retail Residential Other SPV Ordinary Ordinary N° Assets OMV € mln Duration Date Ordinary/Listed Retail 28 499 10 years 2014 Opportunistic Institutional 1 150 7 years 2014 Opportunistic Institutional - - 7 years 2013 •Spazio Industriale Ordinary Institutional 195 427 10 years 2015 •Clarice Ordinary Institutional 70 215 17 years 2021 83 7 years 2017 •Retail & Entertainment •Progetto Uffici* Industrial Expiration Fund Type •Monteverdi Opportunistic Institutional 8 •Città di Torino Opportunistic Institutional 16 128 8 years 2015 •Diomira Opportunistic Institutional 70 53 10 years 2015 •Progetti Residenza** Opportunistic Institutional - - 10 years 2016 •Portafogli Misti Opportunistic Institutional 73 27 7 years 2013 •Enasarco Uno Opportunistic Institutional 271 45 30 years 2040 •Hospitality & Leisure Opportunistic Institutional 4 67 7 years 2013 Opportunistic Institutional 1 40 7 years 2015 SPV Institutional 300 538 2 years 2013 •Vivaldi •Excelsia 9 Total * The fund has sold its asset in Q2 2011 ** The fund has sold its asset in Q2 2010 33 COMPANY PRESENTATION 1,491 4,790 Property & Project Management - Profile Prelios Property & Project Management is a full service provider for medium and large customers with more than twenty years experience in its field with a knowledge based model Prelios Property & Project Management is a leader in the Italian market for integrated technical and administration services for real estate management and value enhancement. In more than 20 years, Prelios Property & Project Management has promoted and coordinated large urban projects that rank among Europe’s most significant for size and quality. As of today, the 50% of turnover is carry out with Third Parties. 34 COMPANY PRESENTATION Property & Project Management – Description of Services Administrative Management This activity directly takes charge of all aspects of administration & service provision: from the management of lease agreements, “active” and “passive”, on behalf of the owner and the tenant; from invoicing and collection activities to management of late payments and litigations; from operating costs management to reporting; as well as to any task related to property taxes. Building Management This activity manages all third party property service providers, including the relevant tender processes, develops and coordinates the mandated maintenance, and ensures full compliance with all safety laws. Documentation Management, Due Diligence and Sales Support These activities make it possible to carefully evaluate the potential of an investment; they paint a clear picture of the opportunities and the possible problems. It takes charge of any task related to documentation management, due diligence – from analysis and maps to the fulfilments involving regulations and certifications —and sales support. Management & Development of Shopping Center These activities carry out all the different tasks relevant to the management of a shopping center, maximizing the profitability of such an investment. The Company manages all operational aspects of services provision; all administrative issues and relations with retailers; marketing and promotional events; and tenant mix enhancement and reinforcement plans (in cooperation with Prelios Agency). Project Management Providers of services such as feasibility analysis, planning and construction, design manager, project manager, general building contractor, and guarantee of excellent results devoting special attention to its efficiency and safety PhotoVoltaic Systems From 2011. These activities include the optimization of properties’ environmental impact, the area of “green building” (when designing new buildings), the possible solutions for “green retrofitting” (in existing buildings), all the stages of developing, designing and installing medium and large sized photovoltaic plants, particularly those installed on buildings (BAPV/BIPV). 35 COMPANY PRESENTATION Property & Project Management - Track Record Prelios Property Management Transaction Period Comune di Milano From Jan, 2003 to Sept, 2009 Manager: Properties: Annual rent: Activities: litigation, Prelios Property – Sovigest – Manutencoop Social Housing, Lotti 2/4 _ Approx 10.000 lease agreements Approx € 12 mln Call center, administration and service provision, management of late payment and evicted, property service and maintenance INPDAP (1) From Jan,2002 to Jul, 2004 Manager: Properties: Annual rent: Activities: and litigation, Prelios Property – AGIED – Immobiliare Confaro “Ente Lotti” Rented portfolio, Lotti 3/10 _ Approx 7.500 lease agreements Approx € 25 mln Call center, administration and service provision, management of late payment evicted, property service and maintenance, sales support 7,500 INPDAP (2) From May,2002 to Jul, 2004 Manger: Properties: Annual rent: Activities: and litigation, Sovigest - Prelios Property “Ente Lotti” Rented portfolio, Lotti 1/9 _ Approx 7.000 lease agreements Approx € 25 mln Call center, administration and service provision, management of late payment evicted, property service and maintenance, sales support. 7,000 INPS (1) From Jul, 2002 as of today Manager: Properties: Annual Rent: Activities: and litigation, Sovigest - Prelios Property Portfolio ex INPDAI, Ente Lotto 3 _ Approx 8.000 lease agreements Approx € 22 mln Call center, administration and service provision, management of late payment evicted, property service and maintenance, sales support. 8,000 INPS (2) From Jul, 2002 as of today Manager: Properties Annual rents: Activities: and litigation, Prelios Property – Immobiliare Confaro portfolio ex INPDAI, Ente Lotto 1 _ Approx 2.500 lease agreements Approx € 7 mln Call center, administration and service provision, management of late payment evicted, property service and maintenance, sales support. 2,500 TELECOM From Nov, 2002 to Manager: Properties Annual rents: Activities: and litigation, Prelios Property Portfolio Telecom _ Approx 9.000 lease agreements Approx € 7 mln Call center, administration and service provision, management of late payment evicted, property service and maintenance, sales support. 9,000 36 COMPANY PRESENTATION Description Number of lease Agreement s 10,000 Property & Project Management - Track Record Management & Development of Shopping Center As part of a company completely focused on the customers’ needs PP&PM can provide a full range of services, supported by our Group’s track record. PP&PM is the first in Italy to design, develop, and manage Entertainment Centres. All activities are managed on the basis of the specific needs of the project: management, marketing, building and project. The centres currently managed by PP&PM are the following: Bicocca Village & Bicocca Village Gate (Milan) 45°Parallelo, Moncalieri Centre (Turin) Grotte Centre, Camerano (Ancona) Borgonovo Entertaintment Centre (Perugia) Selection of major Prelios Property & Project Management’s Clients 37 COMPANY PRESENTATION Property & Project Management - Track Record Prelios Project Management Project Grande Bicocca (Milano) Client Gross surface (s.l.p.): Tenant Use Constructio n Cost Time PP&PM Main Activities Bicocca University Deutsche Bank Pirelli & C. Siemens, etc. 825,000 sq.m. N/A Mix Use Development N/A 1985 - 2010 Project Management Lambda S.r.l. 14,100 sq.m. Pirelli & C. S.p.A. Offices Euro 32 mln end in 2003 Coordination of Building Permits, Project Management, Development Management, Tender and Purchasing Cloe Fund 12,070 sq.m. Prelios S.p.A. Offices Euro 23 mln end in 2009 General Building Contract (GBC) Entertainment Euro 41 mln & + Retail Center Euro 18.7 mln Headquarters Pirelli (Milano) Headquarters Prelios (Milano) Bicocca Village + Gate 29,165 sq.m + Olinda Fondo Shops 8,994 sq.m. (Milano) 38 COMPANY PRESENTATION UCI Cinemas, Virgin Active, Play City, Darty, etc. end in 2004 estimate end in 2011 Coordination of Building Permits, Project Management, Development Management, Tender and Purchasing Property & Project Management - Track Record Prelios Project Management Project Headquarters 3M Italia (Pioltello, Milano) Headquarters RCS (Milano) Portello Area ex Alfa Romeo Square Client Gross surface (s.l.p.) Tenant Use Construction Cost Time PP&PM Main Activities 3M Italia S.p.A. 10,600 sq.m. 3M Italia S.p.A. Offices Euro 22 mln end in 2010 General Building Contract (GBC) 91,000 sq.m. Iniziative Immobiliari 2 S.r.l. (46,500 sq.m. built) RCS Media Group Offices Euro 74.0 mln end in 2010 Project Management Auredia S.r.l. 26,200 sq.m. Finiper Retail Center Euro 39 mln end in 2004 Coordination of Urban and Building Permits, Design Management, Development Management, Retail & Entarteintment Fund 17,350 sq.m. La Rinascente Retail Euro 45.0 mln estimated end in 2014 Project Management Manifatture Milano 84,282 sq.m. Manifatture Milano Mix Use Development N/A estimated end in 2014 Project Management (Milano) Tritone (Roma) Manifatture Tabacchi (Milano) 39 COMPANY PRESENTATION Agency - Profile Prelios Agency is a key player in the real estate integrated-service industry. Over time, Prelios Agency has accrued an in-depth knowledge of the market and of the various real estate asset classes. Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of these markets, Prelios Agency is the benchmark that Italian and International private and institutional clients look to. The Company is Knight Frank’s exclusive Italian associate for commercial real estate. Knight Frank, in a partnership with Newmark, is a world leader in consultancy, with offices in five continents. 40 COMPANY PRESENTATION real estate Agency - Description of Services Brokerage & Advisory ... for investors Prelios Agency provides accurate evaluations, from an analysis of the market situation to the formulation of a Broker’s Opinion of Value; careful fine-tuning of an investment strategy, a business plan or a marketing plan; dedicated scouting work aimed at the acquisition of out-ofmarket property. ... for owners The Company offers an evaluation of entire portfolios through geo-marketing instruments; defines strategies, business plans and marketing plans together with the client; finds buyers, users and leaseholders. Finally, it takes charge of commercial contacts, guides the negotiating process and structures the transaction, giving assistance to the landlord up to and including the closing of the deal. Prelios Agency can represent the owners of land, properties and property portfolios, providing effective coordination and specialized skills to obtain the highest value from the asset sold or leased. ... for tenants Prelios Agency identifies properties with the required characteristics, through carefully tailored scouting work. It provides the same service and expertise in high street retail, via the FIM brand. Also, Prelios Agency can conduct a negotiation in the most effective way, structuring the transaction up to and including the closing of the deal. Appraisal The services provided by Prelios Valuations & e-Services include Full Appraisals to evaluate the worth of individual buildings or property portfolios through proprietary models for economic and financial analysis; Mass Appraisals, for the statistical re-evaluation of large property portfolios through the Magister system, accessed via a Web channel; Loan Services, for evaluating property collateral used as a credit guarantee, both for performing and for distressed portfolios; e-Services for the distribution of all services through a nationwide property portal. Financial Solutions Through its subsidiary, Prelios Finance, the Group helps its clients identify tailored financial solutions, in collaboration with major banks. 41 COMPANY PRESENTATION Agency - Track Record - Brokerage Prelios Agency Address Milano, Piazza del Duomo Napoli, Via Toledo Milano, Corso Buenos Aires Montevarchi Loc. Becorpi Milano, Corso Garibaldi Roma, Via Colombo Napoli, Via Depretis Year Building Use Tenancy Purchase price Buyer 2011 Entire building Department Store Rinascente Monotenant Euro 472 mln Institutional Investor 2011 Entire building Retail Vacant Euro 30 mln Private Investor 2011 Entire building Retail Pluritenant Euro 39 mln Private Investor 2011 Entire building Industrial Monotenant Euro 30 mln Private Investor 2010 Entire building Office Pluritenant Euro 43 mln Institutional Investor 2010 Entire building Office Monotenant Euro 73 mln Institutional Investor 2010 Entire building Office Vacant Euro 23 mln Private Investor 42 COMPANY PRESENTATION Agency - Track Record - Brokerage Prelios Agency Adress Palermo, Loc. Terrasini Firenze, Via Cavour / Ricasoli Milano, Corso Europa Milano, Via del Lauro Milano, Via Santa Sofia Transaction SCIP 1 Year Building Use Tenancy Purchase price Buyer 2010 Entire building Hospitality Monotenant Euro 23 mln Private Investor 2010 Entire building Office Vacant Euro 28 mln Institutional Investor 2009 Entire building Office / Retail Pluritenant Euro 65 mln Private Investor 2009 Entire building Office Pluritenant Euro 60 mln Institutional Investor 2009 Entire building Office Vacant Euro 37 mln Private Investor Year 2000 43 COMPANY PRESENTATION Sales Support Activity: Experience in Management of Public Properties Management activities of the assessment, technical due diligence and documentation of a portfolio of over 300 properties (of which 151 directly managed by Prelios Agency) referring to a public institutions for an equivalent market value of over € 1.5 bln. This activities were carried out by the “Consorzio G6 Advisor” (Prelios Agency, Romeo, Intesa San Paolo and Deloitte) on behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and SCIP Securitization of Real Estate Public Company Ltd.) (€/mln) 1.500 Agency - Track Records - Appraisal Prelios Valuations Customer 2008 2009 2010 2011 Poste Italiane 11,100 13,000 10,570 10,400 Ing Direct 3,350 3,700 5,550 10,500 Intesa San Paolo - - 8,400 13,200 Iside 233,000 251,000 249,000 263,000 Deutsche Bank 53,000 - 116,000 92,000 Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna 103,000 22,000 52,000 67,000 Credem Leasing - 6,000 5,000 3,000 Credem - 7,000 3,000 4,000 DB Mutui 5,000 14,000 3,000 3,000 Typology Main Customer & number of appraisal Main Customer & number of appraisal Main Customer Per year 44 COMPANY PRESENTATION Track Record Loan Service Mass Appraisal 2008 SNAM PIRELLI BANCO DI SARDEGNA TOURING CLUB ITALIANO THETIS CARISPAQ AGOS ITAFINCO 2009 COGEMAR BANCA INTERMOBILIARE DI INVESTIMENTI E GESTIONI BANCA POPOLARE DI APRILIA GEFIN IMMOBILIARE SRL CEAM BANCA POPOLARE DI RAVENNA TECNOCOSTRUZIONI Full Appraisal 2010 EUROPA RISORSE AHLSTROM OFFICINE FONDERIE CERVATI BAYER CROP SCIENCE PRELIOS CREDIT SERVICING UNITED SAFETY 2011 CREDIT SUISSE DHL PIAGGIO AERO STOLL PORSCHE ENPAIA KNIGHT FRANK Credit Servicing - Profile Prelios Credit Servicing Spa (“PRECS”) is a NPL Servicing company registered as art.107 of Banking Law company. Thanks to its unique track record in the NPL market, PRECS is one of the main Italian player of the sector with € 8 bln of assets under management. The positive opinion of the rating agencies confirms the authoritativeness and the reliability of the company. 45 COMPANY PRESENTATION Credit Servicing - Description of Services PRECS manages the whole servicing process, from planning to execution and administrative aspects, offering customized and high level solutions to meet increasingly complex and sophisticated needs Main Services Loan Management structure to proactively manage secured and unsecured claims throughout the domestic market Proprietary IT platform specific for NPL management Master Servicing Function carrying out all the servicing activities related to the Law 130 Vehicles Portfolios. Legal Network Coordination to improve efficiency and selection of the external lawyers National NPL Consultant Network aimed at speeding up collection recovery, negotiating out-of-court proposals and finding third –party buyers at auctions and technical department to evaluate the guarantees for the Npls Portfolio Asset department to support the NPL collection under the guidelines of the applicable special services documentation and interface with external sources including securitized bond investors and rating agencies. 46 COMPANY PRESENTATION Credit Servicing – AuM as of December 2011 Portfolio Originator GBV (€MM) Valore Nominale GBV (€ mln) SAGRANTINO BPVN, Intra, Akros, Barclays, Bank PLC 1,556.74 ELIPSO BAPV 2,272.84 CALLIOPE BNL 832.57 ISLAND REFINANCING BdS 1,880.93 MASTINO BNL 591.7 SCRIO BNL 294.10 BDS II BdS 269.44 CFT Banca Pop. Intra, Antonveneta, Ist. Credito Fondiario Toscana 88.16 LSF UCB Banca Italfondiario 30.75 * Portfolio Originator Villa Luana e Villa Costanza 54.50 TOTAL 47 COMPANY PRESENTATION 7,871.79 Germany & Poland: Real Estate Assets Breakdown as of December 2011 (€/mln) 31.12.11 Net debt 100% 31.12.11 Mkt. Value pro rata Prelios 31.12.11 Book Value pro rata Prelios Net Debt pro rata Prelios LTV NAV pro rata Prelios NIC pro rata Prelios EBIT+IEP+IIP 921 918 634 367 367 245 67% 122 94 -0,4 HIGHSTREET (Commercial) 2.858 2.858 2.447 346 346 296 85% 50 46 10,0 Residential Small deals 290 285 190 129 126 85 66% 44 39 0,5 Commercial & other 144 142 65 69 68 37 53% 32 32 -3,6 TOTAL GERMANY COINVESTED 4.212 4.202 3.337 911 907 662 73% 248 211 6,5 THIRD PARTIES GERMANY (BAUBECON) 1) 1.414 1.414 TOTAL GERMANY 5.626 5.617 3.337 911 907 662 73% 248 211 3,9 TOTAL POLAND LANDS 102 52 11 35 18 4 12% 31 7 -4,7 DGAG (Residential) Mkt. Value 100% 31.12.11 Book value 100% 1) 1) -2,6 The company considers Baubecon investment out of the calculation of net asset value starting from 30.09.2011 48 COMPANY PRESENTATION Germany - Residential Portfolio: a snapshot (FY 2011) Total Asset Under Management at Market Value of 1.2 €/bln The portfolio in JV focused in North (60%) followed by Middle (17%) and East (23%) Units owned ~ 23k. Units managed ~ 70k Vacancy ~ 3% Annual estimated NCR 86 €/mln Yield on BV ~ 7,1% Germany - Bad Oldesloe, Berliner Ring (DGAG) 49 COMPANY PRESENTATION DGAG: Key data - FY2011 Units: approx 18.000 Cities: Kiel, Lubeck Yield: 7.4% Vacancy: 2,2% Rents Growth Vacancy % NRC EURO/qm DGAG Vacancy RU % DGAG 3,80% 5,250 3,61% 3,60% 5,200 3,40% 3,20% 3,00% 5,18 5,150 5,13 3% 3,13% 5,16 Sep '10 Dec '10 5,20 5,21 5,14 5,11 5,09 5,100 2,80% 5,13 5,16 5,19 5,06 2,86% 2,52% 2,60% 2,41% 5,050 2,43% 2,40% 5,0 2,37% 2,20% 2,17% 2,30% 2,08% 2,37% 2,17% 2,00% Dec '07 Jun '08 Dec '08 Jun '09 Dec '09 Mar '10 Jun '10 Sep '10 Dec '10 Mar '11 Vacancy Rate (Residential) 50 COMPANY PRESENTATION Jun '11 Sep '11 Dec '11 5,000 4,950 Dec '07 Jun '08 Dec '08 Jun '09 Dec '09 Mar '10 Jun '10 Mar '11 Jun '11 Sep '11 Dec '11 Rent per square meter development (net rent contracted residential and commercial) Tizian 1: Key data - FY2011 Units: 955 Cities: Berlin Yield: 6.82% Vacancy: 1.69% Rents Growth Vacancy % Vacancy RU % NRC € / sqm 4,40 4,98% 4,68% 4,38% 3,00 % 4,08% 4,25 3,58% 3,48% 3,18% 2,88% 4,28 4,30 3,96% 3,78% 4,35 4,35 4,53% 3,16% 2,28% 1,69% 1,38% 1,37% 1,16% 0,63% 0,48% Mar '10 Jun '10 Sep '10 Dec '10 Vacancy Rate 51 COMPANY PRESENTATION 4,31 Dec '09 Jun '10 Sep '10 Dec '10 Mar '11 Jun '11 Sep '11 4,13 4,00 3,90 3,85 0,78% Dec '09 4,31 3,95 1,37% 1,08% Jun '09 4,30 4,05 1,68% Dec '08 4,31 4,10 1,98% Jun '08 4,30 4,22 4,15 2,53% Dec '07 4,30 4,20 2,95% 2,85% 2,58% 4,31 4,30 Mar '11 Jun '11 3,81 3,80 Sep '11 Dec '11 Dec '07 Jun '08 Dec '08 Jun '09 Mar '10 Rent per square meter development Dec '11 Commercial Portfolio: a snapshot (FY 2011) Total Asset Under Management at Market Value € 3.0 bln Highstreet n.101 assets almost fully let to Karstadt and passing rent € 170 mln Mistral: 6 trading assets HIGHSTREET Breakdown of total area by use Office 2,2% Sale and lease back 15.50 year lease Acquisition date: 2008 Assets: 101 throughout Germany Lettable area SQM 1.6 mln Main assets: KaDeWe Berlin, Bahnohfplatz Munich Retail 2,4% Other /Sporting good stores 3,0% Logistics 0,5% Parking 0,9% Portfolio almost fully let to Karstadt Germany, KaDeWe, Berlin (Highstreet) 52 COMPANY PRESENTATION Germany, Oberpollinger, Munich (Highstreet) Department Stores 91,2% Participated Real Estate AuM 100% December 2011 (€/mln) Quota PRE Passing Rent Passing Yield Vacancy 10,4% Fondo TECLA 44,8% 28.134 6,2% Fondo FIRPS 22,0% 20.741 7,3% Fondo Raissa 35,0% 18.107 7,2% Fondo Olinda 11,3% 31.783 8,5% Book Value Market Value Net Debt 452.281 452.281 264.032 284.751 288.180 173.969 249.943 250.180 64.545 14,5% 375.410 498.920 196.875 Dolcetto Tre S.r.l. 33,0% 1.000 7,7% 12.966 16.750 10.906 Fondo Monteverdi 49,3% 5.156 6,9% 48,5% 74.552 82.219 22.364 FONDO SPAZIO INDUSTRIALE 22,1% 23.683 7,1% 14,8% 332.507 338.770 183.789 FONDO HOSPITALITY & LEASURE 35,0% 3.650 5,5% 22,1% 66.345 67.300 82.127 132.254 7,2% 10,9% 1.848.755 1.994.600 996.289 176.139 2.486.058 TOTAL Italy Commercial Germany 6,0% 3,8% 2.955.771 2.957.539 Mistral Properties 35,0% 6.012 6,1% 9,4% 97.921 99.659 39.264 Highstreet 12,1% 170.127 6,0% 3,6% 2.857.850 2.857.880 2.446.794 85.956 7,1% 3,1% 1.217.027 1.225.015 838.939 648.444 Residential Yielding Germany DGAG - Residential+Special Properties 40,0% 67.017 7,2% 2,3% 932.318 935.402 SIG (West, Baltic, Sachsen) 50,0% 7.891 6,6% 9,8% 119.616 121.659 80.034 Small Assets (Resident Berlin 1, Tizian 1+2) 40,0% 11.048 6,7% 2,8% 165.093 167.953 110.461 TOTAL Germany 262.096 6,3% 3,6% 4.172.797 4.182.553 3.324.997 TOTAL YIELDING PORTFOLIO 394.350 6,5% 5,8% 6.021.552 6.177.153 4.321.286 11.058 n.m. n.m. 645.368 734.789 448.802 Development ITA 34 n.m. n.m. 705.833 756.930 371.362 Development Germany 58 n.m. n.m. 29.445 29.445 11.807 177 n.m. n.m. 51.959 101.638 10.866 1.432.605 1.622.802 842.837 7.454.157 7.799.955 5.164.123 Trading ITA Development Poland OTHER PORTFOLIO GRAND TOTAL REAL ESTATE 53 COMPANY PRESENTATION 11.327 405.677 5,4% Pro rata Real Estate AuM December 2011 (€/mln) Quota PRE Passing Rent Passing Yield Vacancy 11,8% Book Value Market Value Net Debt Fondo TECLA 44,8% 12.604 6,2% 202.622 202.622 122.578 Fondo FIRPS 22,0% 4.555 7,3% 62.531 63.284 44.499 Fondo Raissa 35,0% 6.337 7,2% 87.480 87.563 22.591 Fondo Olinda 11,3% 3.591 8,5% 42.421 56.378 22.247 Dolcetto Tre S.r.l. 33,0% 330 7,7% 4.279 5.528 3.599 Fondo Monteverdi 49,3% 2.540 6,9% 36.722 40.498 11.016 14,5% 48,5% FONDO SPAZIO INDUSTRIALE 22,1% 5.239 7,1% 14,8% 73.550 74.936 40.649,181 FONDO HOSPITALITY & LEASURE 35,0% 1.278 5,5% 22,1% 23.221 23.555 28.744 6,8% 12,0% 532.826 554.363 295.878,296 6,0% 4,4% 387.694 388.309 312.993 TOTAL Italy 36.473 Commercial Germany 23.166 Mistral Properties 35,0% 2.581 6,2% 10,9% 41.895 42.506 17.394 Highstreet 12,1% 20.585 6,0% 3,6% 345.800 345.803 295.598 35.172 6,9% 3,2% 507.385 510.719 344.566 Residential Yielding Germany DGAG - Residential+Special Properties 40,0% 26.807 7,0% 2,3% 381.594 381.834 259.378 SIG (West, Baltic, Sachsen) 50,0% 3.946 6,6% 9,8% 59.796 61.562 43.756 Small Assets (Resident Berlin 1, Tizian 1+2) 40,0% 4.419 6,7% 2,8% 65.995 67.323 41.432 TOTAL Germany 58.338 6,5% 3,7% 895.079 899.028 657.558,259 TOTAL YIELDING PORTFOLIO 94.811 6,6% 6,8% 1.427.905 1.453.392 953.437 3.817 n.m n.m 228.457 262.284 154.321,816 8 n.m n.m 275.695 299.530 147.256,890 2.277 n.m n.m 11.624 11.624 4.826,137 65 n.m n.m 18.227 35.037 4.285 534.001 608.474 310.690 1.961.907 2.061.866 1.264.127 Trading ITA Development ITA Development Germany Development Poland OTHER PORTFOLIO GRAND TOTAL REAL ESTATE 54 COMPANY PRESENTATION 6.166 100.977 5,1% Consolidated Balance Sheet (€/mln) 1 December 2011 September 2011 December 2010 820.4 889.4 969.2 of which participations and shareholders' loan 651.6 724.5 802.9 of which goodwill 148.1 148.1 148.1 Fixed assets 2 Net working capital 70.4 110.3 106.0 3 Net invested capital 890.8 999.6 1,075.1 4 6 Net equity of which group net equity Funds Net financial position 326.2 318.8 76.6 488.0 464.4 456.3 61.1 474.2 589.6 579.8 61.6 424.0 7 Total sources 890.8 999.6 1,075.1 1.50 1.02 0.72 5 Gearing 55 COMPANY PRESENTATION Prelios shareholders’ structure Market capitalization as February 2012 approx. 113 €/mln Mediobanca Spa; 2,6% Assicurazioni Generali SpA; 3,1% Camfin Spa; 14,8% Benetton Family; 2,7% Invesco LTD; 2,8% Norges Bank Investment Management; 2,9% Otus Capital Management Ltd.; 2,1% Market; 69% International institutional investors (Italy 26%, UK 12%, USA 18%, DE 8%, CH 8%, Other 28%) 56 COMPANY PRESENTATION Disclaimer This presentation contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements based on Prelios SpA’s current expectations and projections about future events and does not constitute an offer or solicitation for the sale, purchase or acquisition of securities of any of the companies mentioned and is directed to professionals of the financial community. These statements appear in a number of places in this presentation and include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the customer base, estimates regarding future growth in the different business lines and the global business, market share, financial results and other aspects of the activities and situation relating to the Company. Such forward looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those expressed in or implied by these forward looking statements as a result of various factors, many of which are beyond the ability of Prelios SpA to control or estimate precisely. Consequently it is recommended that they be viewed as indicative only. Analysts are cautioned not to place undue reliance on those forward looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this presentation. Prelios. SpA undertakes no obligation to release publicly the results of any revisions to these forward looking statements which may be made to reflect events and circumstances after the date of this presentation, including, without limitation, changes in Prelios. SpA business or acquisition strategy or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. The Manager mandated to draft corporate accounting documents of Prelios. SpA., attests – as per art.154-bis. comma 2 of the Testo Unico della Finanza (D.Lgs. 58/1998) – that all the accounting information contained in this presentation correspond to the documented results, books and accounting of the Company. 57 COMPANY PRESENTATION Riccardo Taranto, Prelios’ Financial Reporting Officer, declares, pursuant to article 154-bis of the Uniform Financial Act 871998 (Decree 58/1998) that the accounting information contained in this presentation, corresponds to the underlying documentary records, books of accounts and accounting entries.
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