The Study of Ternary Liquid-liquid Equilibria and the Fluidness of
The Study of Ternary Liquid-liquid Equilibria and the Fluidness of
! The Study of Ternary Liquid-liquid Equilibria and the Fluidness of Solution Contains the Polyvinyl Butyral , - G ! . / ; H " $ 1 = # 0 < I % 2 & ( ' 3 ( 4 ) 5 ( 6( * + J 7 JK 138 ( ? > 4 J L @ A JMJN B 8 C 9 D E : F : JFlory-Huggins L model O P _ l { P U Q V R a S b c - d T e - T f b g U m n | `o \ ] p iq K 4 4 Y e Z r h ` T e Y Z [ \ ] ^ 23,000J 26,500J54,000 i b f L JN L 25sJt u sv w u sx k WNS-S-PX V WPolyvinyl Butyral;PVBX` k ` z } ~ `S K } ~ 4 T a a b iG j M` `y ` f b ^ y f f ^x o p Model ` } ~ ib ^iq `R i 4 ¡ ¢ £ ' x y ¤ ¥ Flory-Huggins ] f f ¦ § x ABSTRACT Title:The study of ternary liquid-liquid equilibria and fluidness Pages 138 of solution contains the Polyvinyl Butyral. School National Taipei University of Technology Department Graduate Institute of Chemical Engineering Time June, 2009 Degree Master ResearcherEn-Hung Chen AdvisorDr Ji-Sheng Chang KeywordsPVB1-butanolwaterliquid-liquid equilibriaethanolFlory-Huggins model In the study of ternary system of nonsolvent-solvent-polymer phase equilibrium. For substances choosing,we had taken Polyvinyl Butyral as our polymer;molecule weight respectively 23,000,26,500,and 54,000,chose ethanol and 1-butanol are our solvent ,and taken water as our nonsolvent ones. In the first part of our researches ,we had used the cloud point method to prepare binodal curve. Experiment temperatures were chosen at 25 35 45 pressure in normal. The second part, we used Brookfield visco meter to measure the viscosity of ternary component mixtures,to observe the fludility of solutions. According to the experiment data,we have found the phase behavior of our systems weak depend on temperature.We can used the Flory-Huggins model to correlate the data of binodal curve that the values of binary interaction parameters were determined from those correlation calculations. ii 7 ! 8 J G " 9 H ' K L & l | } ~ R y ¡ ¥ µ  æ × ó ç ¶ + ? U b 8 , @ c d * q - . A V ; à ' Ý 0 X 2 [ \ i t u 3 D Z h 1 C Y g s 0 B W f * / 3 P e r m Û é ö § - . 23 E F ! + , 4 5 G 6 H I ] T j v w x * k y - , & - l z X T J { / y ' u q ? ] & ¡ ¢ Ê ß Ë p ¶ % ê Í 0 Û P ¨ ; Ì Ü y R Ç » & à : X J Ï } ì Ð í ÷ ¸ { ¼ ± Î 2ë ' X « ¬ & \ P « ® X q ¯ ] º Æ K ´ ¹ Å ª ³ ¸ X © X & Ä ¨ · É Þ ; ² ; È u X ¦ ± Þ õ ¦ Ø è ô > T a & ' K Ö = S a & ¶ H Ü < R F [ ° Á * ] ¤ ) * o p P £ ( ; Q ` n ' / P B X & ] S O ; m % . N _ $ : M ^ # ø Û 7 á Ü ½ ¾ W ¿ · u À C ] Ñ º Ò â ] iii Ó Ô Õ ¯ Ö y × Ø î ' L ¡ . X / Ù P ã Ú ï ä ð å m Ë ñ Û Ì · 2 ò ....................................................................................................... i ....................................................................................................... ii ............................................................................................................... iii ............................................................................................................... iv ........................................................................................................... vi ........................................................................................................... ix ................................................................................................ 1 1.1 ............................................................................................... 1 1.2 . ...................................................................................... 1 1.3 ............................................................................4 1.4 ! " # ……………………………………………………6 $ 1.5 % & ' ( ) * + , ………………………………………………6 1.6 - . / 0 ……………………………………………………………10 1.7 1 23 ……………………………………………………………10 4 ! 2.1 ! " " 5 7 6 8 2.2 ; < = > 7 9 C ............................................................................ 11 : ....................................................................................... 11 2.3 ! " ? @ A B ..................................................................... 11 8 ............................................................................... 12 D E/ F 7 …………………………………….48 8 3.1 D E/ F 7 8 G H ………………………………48 3.2 D E/ F 5 6 I J ………………………………48 3.3 D E/ F & K ? @ A B …………………………………………50 L ! " M ………………………………………………........106 N 4.1 % & ' 4.2 ! " ? ! @ M " N M O N P O P Q R S …………………………...106 ………………………………………...107 4.3 M N T U V ………………………………………………………112 iv Z X W [ Y \ T …………………………………………………………………133 * ..................................................................................................... .134 ] ……………………………………………………………………....137 v 1.1 ^ _ ` a b c ………..…………………………………………………….3 d 1.2 PVB e f g F h …………..………………………………………………….6 2.1 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l m binodal curve n i o p…...15 2.2 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l m binodal curve n i o p…...16 2.3 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l m binodal curve n i o p…...17 2.4 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l m binodal curve n i o p…...18 2.5 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l m binodal curve n i o p…..19 2.6 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l m binodal curve n i o p…...20 3.1 q 298.15 K rs D t uv w 27 x ySolvent/Nonsolventzm F & K ? @ m n 3.3 q 298.15 K rs g & K ? @ o uv m n 3.5 q 298.15 K rs D j w F i t x w 27 x K ? @ D F & K m n i ? @ D F & E C i j { i j k l { D E C i j { t j k l { D E uv w 27 x ySolvent/Nonsolventzm C i j m n i j k l { D E p………………………………………………...56 o t i uv w 27 x ySolvent/Nonsolventzm C i j PVB26 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p………………………………..57 g K i p……………………………………………….55 o 3.10 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C E/ D PVB23 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p………………………..………56 g 3.9 q 298.15 K rs { ySolvent/Nonsolventzm 3.8 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C / { p………………………………………………..54 o uv 3.7 q 298.15 K rs { l PVB54 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p…………………………………..55 g & k ySolvent/Nonsolventzm 27 3.6 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C / { p………………………………………….…….53 i t i 3.4 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C F j PVB26 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p…………………………………..54 D / i PVB23 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p…………………………………..53 g 3.2 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C / C ? @ m n i o i j k l { D p……………………………………………..57 vi 3.11 q 298.15 K rs j { D t uv w 27 ySolvent/Nonsolventzm x F & K ? @ m 3.13 q 308.15 K rs { D t n j F K ? @ m 3.15 q 308.15 K rs { o w 27 g & n t K ? D i j o w F @ m n t K { ? @ x i & m o w n 27 g K { ? @ & o uv m n g K ? @ w { D F & K j k l { D C i j i j l { D x C i i j k l { D o uv w x ySolvent/Nonsolventzm 27 C i m n j k l { D p……………………………………………63 i t i o uv w 27 x ySolvent/Nonsolventzm C i PVB54 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p……………………………64 g ? k ySolvent/Nonsolventzm 27 3.24 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C E/ i p……………………………………………62 i t 3.23 q 308.15 K rs j D C ySolvent/Nonsolventzm x 3.22 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C F PVB26 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p……………………………63 D E/ { p……………………………………………61 i t 3.21 q 308.15 K rs j l j 3.20 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C F k PVB23 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p……………………………62 D E/ j p……………………………………………60 i uv 3.19 q 308.15 K rs j i PVB54 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p………………………………61 g & C ySolvent/Nonsolventzm 27 3.18 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C E/ D p……………………………………………59 i uv 3.17 q 308.15 K rs { ySolvent/Nonsolventzm x 3.16 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C F { PVB26 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p………………………………60 D E/ l PVB23 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p……………………………....59 g & k p…………………………………...………58 i uv i 3.14 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C E/ i PVB54 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p…………………………....58 g 3.12 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C E/ C @ m n i o i j k l { D p……………………………………………64 vii 3.25 q 318.15 K rs { D t uv w 27 ySolvent/Nonsolventzm x F & K ? @ 3.27 q 318.15 K rs { D m t n i uv j & K ? @ m 3.29 q 318.15 K rs { k l { D 27 ySolvent/Nonsolventzm x n t E/ F & K ? 3.31 q318.15 K rs D j o w 27 k l { F @ & K ? @ g t m uv w n i 27 o m n & K ? @ D x 4.1 F o uv w 4.2 X x m n t i K o { C i j i j k l { D C i j uv i j k l { D w 27 x ySolvent/Nonsolventzm C i j ? @ m n i o i j k l { D p………………………………………….…70 ! " ? @ & M N m B ……………………………………………………………………..113 o X l p…………………………………………….69 o H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3) C i j b k ySolvent/Nonsolventzm 27 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) C i j b j PVB54 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p……………………………….70 g & i ySolvent/Nonsolventzm 3.36 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C E/ j p…………………………………………….68 i t 3.35 q318.15 K rs { i p…………………………………67 3.34 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C F C PVB26 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p……………………………….69 D E/ D PVB23 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p……………………………….68 g 3.33 q318.15 K rs { j ySolvent/Nonsolventzm x 3.32 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C E/ i PVB54 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p………………………………67 g D { C p……………………………………………66 i uv i 3.30 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB MWn=54000 (3)C D PVB26 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p………………………………66 g F j p…………………………………………..65 o w i 3.28 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C E/ i PVB23 (3)27 & | u} ~ o p………………………………..65 g 3.26 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C E/ C ! " ? @ & M N m B …………………………………………………………………..…114 viii 1.1 PVB g 1.2 A : ……………………………………………………………….5 & ' T ………………………………………………………..5 1.3. Nonsolvent - Solvent - Polymer 1.4 ( 2.1 ) A L i g # $ C i & ………………………………...8 …………………………………………………..9 Binodal curve 5 6 B ………………………………………..12 2.2 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ….18 2.3 q 308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ….19 2.4 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ….20 2.5 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3) C i j k l ! " ? 2.6 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C @ i m j k ~ l ……..21 ! " ….22 ? @ 2.7 q 308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ …..23 2.8 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ …..24 2.9 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ m ~ ………25 2.10 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ….26 2.11 q 308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ….27 2.12 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C 2.13 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l ! i j " ? 2.14 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l ! ~ ! l @ ..30 ? " @ ? …31 @ " ~ ..29 " ! m @ ! …..28 ? l k ? " l k j " k j i ! m j i 2.16 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C l @ i 2.15 q 308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C 2.17 k ? …32 @ ..33 2.18 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ...34 2.19 q 308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ...35 2.20 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C 2.21 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l ! " i ? j @ k m l ! ~ " @ ..36 ? ..37 2.22 q 298.15 K rs H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ..38 2.23 q 308.15 K rs H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ..39 2.24 q 318.15 K rs H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l ! " ? @ ..40 ix 2.25 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l ! " 2.26 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) C ? m & ' 7 i & ' 7 i & ' 7 ' 7 ' 7 3.1 ' 3.2 7 E/ F 5 6 D I J E/ F 5 6 I J m } u PVB 27 ~ k j E/ F & K & | m ~ i j E/ F & @ K m } i E/ F & & @ u PVB 27 K ? | m m } ~ " ? @ ! " ? @ m k l ! " ? @ m i j k l ! " ? @ m …………………………..49 ………………………………..71 i j k l s{ D …………………………………...73 i j k l s{ D & H2O(1)uC2H5OH(2)g 27 x rs | m @ …………………………………...75 i j k l s{ D ……………………………………………….……………..76 3.9 q298.15 KrsPVB23(3)q1 ! l j 3.8 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3) C @ …………………………………………………………...…74 ? ~ ? H2O(1)uC2H5OH(2)g 27 x rs 3.7 q298.15 K rsPVB54 (3)q1 D l k 3.6 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3) C " ………………………………………………………..……72 ? u PVB 27 } ! H2O(1)uC2H5OH(2)g 27 x rs m 3.5 q298.15 K rsPVB26 (3)q1 D l k 3.4 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3) C @ ………………………………………………..50 3.3 q 298.15 K rsPVB23 (3)q1 D ? ……………………………………………………………...47 ..41 ……………………………………………………………...46 2.31 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3)C & " ……………………………………………………………...45 ! …………………………………………………………...44 2.30 q 308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3)C & l j i 2.29 q 298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3)C & ~ …………………………………………………………...43 2.28 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) C m k …………………………………………….......................42 m j 2.27 q 308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) C m @ u PVB 27 & | m H2O(1)uC4H9OH(2)g 27 x rsD x ……………………………….……77 3.10 q 298.15 Kr,H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23(3)C / F & K ? @ m } u PVB 27 ~ j F & K ? & | m @ m } u PVB 27 ~ F & K ? m } & @ i j | m E/ F & K ? @ 3.18 m } & | m i j E/ F & K ? @ m } k & | m F & K ? @ } i 3.23 E/ F & K ? @ & | m } ~ k l s{ D j k l s{ D ………………………………….87 i j k l s{ D & | m H2O(1)uC4H9OH(2)g 27 x rs …………………………….………89 i j k l s{ D ……………………………………………………….90 q308.15 K rsPVB26 (3)q1 sD j i 3.22 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3) C D …………………………………………………….……88 u PVB 27 ~ H2O(1)uC2H5OH(2)g 27 x rs 3.21 q308.15 K rsPVB23 (3)q1 D s{ ………………………………85 3.20 q308.15 KrsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C E/ l ……………………………………………………..86 u PVB 27 ~ D H2O(1)uC2H5OH(2)g 27 x r 3.19 q308.15 K rsPVB54 (3)q1 D ……………………….…………83 q308.15 KrsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C s{ ………………………………………………………84 u PVB 27 ~ l H2O(1)uC2H5OH(2)g 27 x rs 3.17 q 308.15 K rsPVB26 (3)q1 s D k ……………………………….…81 3.16 q 308.15 KrsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C E ………………………………………………………….82 u PVB 27 ~ D H2O(1)uC4H9OH(2)g 27 x rs 3.15 q308.15 K rsPVB23 (3)q1 D ………………………………..79 3.14 q 298.15 Kr,H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3)C E/ s{ ………………………………………………………….80 3.13 q 298.15 KrsPVB54(3)q1 D l H2O(1)uC4H9OH(2)g 27 x r 3.12 q 298.15 KrsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3)C E/ k …………………………………………………………...…78 3.11 q 298.15 KrsPVB26(3)q1 sD i u PVB 27 & | m H2O(1)uC4H9OH(2)g 27 x r xi …………………………………91 3.24 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) C E/ 3.25 F & ? @ 3.26 } u PVB 27 ~ 3.27 E/ F & K ? @ & | m 3.28 m } uPVB27 ~ 3.29 E/ F & K ? @ & m } | i m 3.31 E/ F & K ? @ 3.32 m } i & | m 3.33 E/ F & K ? @ 3.34 m & | ~ 3.35 E/ F & K ? @ m 3.36 m & | ~ E/ F & K ? @ m m } ~ D j k l s{ D i j k l s{ D ……………………………….101 i j k l s{ D & H2O(1)uC4H9OH(2)g 27 x rs | m ……………………………….103 u PVB 27 i j k l s{ D …………………………………………………….104 q318.15 KrsPVB54 (3)q1 D s{ ………………………….………99 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C l ………………………………………………….…102 u PVB 27 } k H2O(1)uC4H9OH(2)g 27 x rs q318.15 KrsPVB26 (3)q1 D j i q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C D ………………………………………………….…100 u PVB 27 } H2O(1)uC2H5OH(2)g 27 x r q318.15 KrsPVB23 (3)q1 D s{ …………………………………97 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3)C l ………………………………………………….…..98 uPVB27 ~ k H2O(1)uC2H5OH(2)g 27 x r q 318.15 K rsPVB54(3)q1 sD j …………………………………...95 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3)C 3.30 D ……………………………….……………………..96 uPVB27 ~ H2O(1)uC2H5OH(2)g 27 x rs q 318.15 K rsPVB26(3)q1 sD s{ ………………….……………..93 q 318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3)C l ……………………………………………………...94 q318.15 K rsPVB23(3)q1 D k H2O(1)uC4H9OH(2)g 27 x r q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) C j …………………………………………………...…92 q308.15 K rsPVB54 (3)q1 sD 3.37 K i & | H2O(1)uC4H9OH(2)g 27 x rs m xii ……………………………….105 3.38 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C 4.1 E/ D F & K ? @ i j k l s{ D …………………………………………………….106 (nonsolvent)/D (solvent)/% & ' (polymer)g C i j 4.2 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l ...108 Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U ………………………………..…...115 4.3 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………..……..….116 4.4 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………..….117 4.5 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U ………………………………..…….118 4.6 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U ……………………………….……..119 4.7 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………….…..……120 4.8 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………….121 4.9 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………….122 4.10 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………..….123 4.11 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………….124 4.12 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………….125 4.13 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………….126 4.14 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………….127 xiii 4.15 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U ………………………………….…128 4.16 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………...129 4.17 q298.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U ………………………………….....130 4.18 q308.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U ……………………………….……131 4.19 q318.15 K rsH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)C i j k l Flory-Huggins model m & M N T U …………………………………….132 xiv 1.1 5 6 ! " 7 89 :; < 8= I9 :; < V WU RX U c d e f Z 5 % v e E Q > 8? & i w 1 Ij x E § & @ 8A 2 ,L B M y k #" CD ¨© ª « 2 5 E | < Z } & { ¤ \X R]^ r ¬ ,-. [ s P / 0 % & 1 2 3 4 ¢ a ,! } , 3 £ 7 RSSpecific ligandT Q _Q R! 6 ` u S# pH ,45 t ¡ ¥ (P 0 + 'O q I * N 5 ~ L z % Bonnerjea et al.[1] F G 60H E :; } '() 9 Z o\p { 1 W} n z lm RYSSolid supportT gh W& K % 100 [2] } J #$ K 2 9 :; C < CT' ¤ a0b % ¥ ¦ & aK Y 0, 1.2 9 3 O » :; (d e ¨ ´ O < ° P ®K ¶ ¯ d #¼ ° e ; · ~ < 8± Y¸ P ¹ ² ½ P ; ¾ < :O < ,) ¿ ( substrate ) 8Å Æ · ( i ; Z 5 (d µ e , 3 _ W(³ O ´ (Z µ 5 { º ( Allosteric center ) ° À ? Á Â Ã Ä _ ½ ( inhibitor ) 8Ç È ! 5 ( cofactor ) :É · ( effector ) » ¨w Ê » ¨gW Ë Ì ~ P Í Î Ï 0 & 1 2 Ð 4, â Ñ µ #Ò Ý Þ ´ : ° ß { · º 3 ê å | ¶ » P Ó 8Ô ® , ¨:Ð K 9 ³ Õ_ ñ Õ ò ó Z :¶ ,9 4 Ó Ö ) lÀ ? ç 5 ; O < Ø < × 1 Ù_ ` Ú v S ligand T :Q : á ô R8× :; æ R ( supports ) Y ë ³ R_Ò è 2 (d e ï ãä ,0& 0 · õ w 1 Í 0 Î Ï ³ 1 ³ ß d ô à µ 2 Ø 9 ì Õö × O ÙCRÜ ( { :¶ (³ · ñ × á 3 é e Û ¼ í < d 4 Z i ; c Ð e î Å 5 ï W; Æ 'ð < ï Yb 'ý Z ÷ ø 4 ñ õ i ù Õ% 9 & c d e ú û À ? ; < ï [ go0ü j k l , :þ ô µ 3 ´ Ï [3,4] P (1)} O (P ã]^ A C , (2) ó b} 9 , (3) & V P , (4) P i , (5)µ 3 & , (6)µ 3 » ¿° ) Z 5 À ? , (7) , á (8){ x oä 0, # Ï Ð ¸ ¹ ! " 2 6 9 , + Y :; ! < " 8¨á J » P ¨ 4 c 6 3 6 D & 7 I = } l A 0 (Polyacrylamide )c 0aK W " & 0Y% Ø 1 'bÊ [ \} Z 5 ( 2 6 ) Ö * Ø 8 WJ 9 P P :; ( Back-Pressure ),1978 Ohlsen et al # 0W} ° W / ! (5 #6 Û & 7 )C#] 1.1 L 8 ,3 9: N \ < 7 P 4 ; & } . þ Ø Û K Û $Ø - Rc 5 þ i ( Agarose ) Ø ë I [5]. >?'3 Z { þ } Ø ° l < pH r 2 ; < ¨ü Y6 s Ï Û F þ E" K L V 7 & P K G c A @ H 5 B _9 0Y K C :Q M, ] 1.1 N Geometry Material Thin sheet Cellulose O Y/ R[6] 0ë Regenerated cellulose Cellulose/GMA composite Poly( glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate ) Poly( glycidy methacrylate ) Poly( methyl methcrylate, acrylonitrile ) Chitin and chitosan Nylon Poly ( HEMA ) Hollow fiber Polyamide Polyethylene Poly ( ethylene vinyl alcohol ) Poly ( propylene ) Silicon dioxide glass Spiral-wound Cellulose/GMA-DEAEMA copolymer Cross-linked rod Poly ( styrene-co-divinylbenzene ) Poly ( chloromethyl styrene-co-divinylbenzzene ) Poly ( glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate ) Poly ( N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide-co-acrylamide-co-butyl methacrylate ) 1967 Axen et al.[7] CP I CNBr ~ P gCuatrecasas et al.[33] ö ; < 2 w g9 V :; < (S / á 2 á d e · ì R $Q'ð î ï " 3 U V G z H 0J c K QSdetranT Q RU b ' nuclease, chymotrypsin : carboxypeptidase % ¯ 2 I" & V & 9 " : I 0, 9 :; ! < 2 X RK $QSagaroseT 8T SpolyacrylamideTC " P W U ÕScelluloseT 8 RW 0Y3 K Ï M: S1TWí _Q ì X Rê Y _ ( ! à á b` @ [ SchanellingT \ Z | % & - , 3 ]Z 5 ^ 'À ? 3 2 í Z S2TW g ° Ra _Q R» S3T ) Z F K P ¨ W i | y { Q Q ¬ m 5 RQ RU aX 3 ) ç R V c Z * % L IQ R U & 5 É d 0 z Ï 1 p ) q r à 1 ! ¢ R ¸ , V f Ie j Z k { Ssteric hindranceT o Rn ä b W h ß i R ]^ Z x p P _ à z ¦ 5 ê K s á t u ) Z Q l 5 D w Rv X , 9 :; < 2 Mb3 K 2 1. } É ° lR9 :; < 2 Shigh performance liquid affinity chromatrographyT[8,9] } l I É A :; k < ° lR; ]^ a0¶ 2 L 'Q RU ^ 8É m ò SHPLCTI| 2 }S~ 0 X RK V W| % < & } # X ß W P I A h R! Y» I P A K X T b3 e " f ¨ ^ É 1 Rä 2 ø i ' 'i 0÷ y x Mà & Z i 49 IãI HPLC L á ( 3 9 :P 8' —} É ° lR9 :; < 2 SHPLCT , " 2 _ HPLC ( Ü P * ¶ Ê | ! HPLC ) ¬ a{ ¹ P ) K * I P A i ]^ @ * ¦ Q R U V , 2. ¢ [ 9 :; < 2 Sradial-flow affinity chromatographyT[10] X ¢ ? ^ [ " (Ý [ R Rì [ ! 9 :; < }½ Þ 2 î #" ', [ R[ } #z % % ± ï 4 z [ À ; P 8 RI [ ) ( [ i ^ ² @ ù L " 1 ã ! " 5 ` R [ ¢ IZ Ü ½ Ö î } ! _ Rê 'k [ " @ ` b _Q á [ RL * | X # m ß ¶ q 8 © , 3. 9 :P ; < 2 SAffinity membrane chromatographyT[11] 9 e [ :P Rê R¤ ; v X e } % [ ß & < 2 Ê }X É £ I( Q Rê k ¡ ¦ P W IY YZ 9 ³ SMF UFTaK p :; < 1 2 2 5 e ^ { f I9 X R ' _ :P í _ ê ¢ Z < 2 ¥ 0U ; MW V ¦ & 3 ¤ d ¶ Q , 1.3 ¥ ¦ § ¨ SPolyvinyl Butyral©PVBTª 4 \ « & ¦ ¨ Ý y z ( ® ° $ f ð l ± 3 5 { Ð ² ³ ¬ SPVAT: ¦ ¥ ¦ SPVAcT Ù¥ PVB ° ² b ° IÀ ? § ¨ ,IY z ¬ u µ t ³ À D E Z ´ p ¥ Ä Åq Ì Í Î P Ô Õ & W ߺ :ä ' ¨ ° ó » 8à :· ¨ :® ¦ § ¨ Ö Ï 8à 4 Û 8· × 8à :· ú ¦ Ù¥ ¸ ¹ L I ´ 5 » ¿ ¼ PVB ° $ ³ P ° , ³ ¸ 0 ß · b ù 1 2 0J ( ¿ ¬ 8¥ ¨ ¾ ° À Á 8Ç $3 Ý U 8 (V & l R Ý 8È V Ç & P 1.08~1.10° Â É WJ Ý Î P 0 8Ê i Ã Ë 8 WÙ 230ÐIYX Ñ Ò Ï Z Ð ,PVB ° $Ó µ 3 | 8» § ¯ ° PVA Z · » ú ) ¬ º ; ¨, C, ¾ ø Æ $Ï C_Ú ¼ ó ,¥ ° P { · ¹ 0J $(³ à ú 8· V k } ó 3 $/ § :à ³ ° ½ ¦ C i · z PVB ° ${ Z K } · : } }} ³ PVB ° $ ´ ² ° 5 { Ip q q 5 ? ¦ , ¶1.1 PVB ¶1.2 ¥ § 8 Æ L ¼ 8à 8Ü 8 þ P Þ 8Ý á ó 4 , 5 8A Ð P 8T U 5 Ø A â ó þ P á 4 C3 1 ^ P } · » ã ¦ Ù Ò G ¶ H L I 0 ]1.2 PVB° $ P ° [35] Sg/cm3T Z 5 Tg 1.08~1.12 1.46~1.4 q 0.3~0.6 20000å100000 d HS24hT 5~60 50ÐS ¨T æ h H ~90ÐS} ¨ T 85~91 Ô Ö H Ò ç S7KPaT 1è104 47 é æ S7KPaT 4~8.5è103 } 0Å SÐT 1.2 2.7~3.3 ê K ë Ò ì Î A / 60Hz 2 S2053Nm/m T Ï í î S1/ïT S4.4~12.7T è10-6 é æ ð P ñ S3.5~4Tè105 S0.07kg/cm2T 400~480 0.005~0.0065 Î A Î A ò ó ô 60Hz S40KV/mT  1.4 l ø ¯ ( ú ` ó ö llõ Ü ` X Ü c û L 3 ÷ á & (chemical potential)µi l m C 1 ^ ù \ W ú û ± ° ü ý 3 '± þ ÷ á l Î Ü ll ll Ü Z ³ á SФrensen(1980)[12]W 9: ú Ý 95%IY Ý Type I Type II, ¨Û Type I ll ]8 W± á ÷ Q l Ü 3 (l K û Z ` ó l K ¯ ú : ` ¯ L © á 3 ;bType II ù ]8 Q l Ü 3 l û Z ` ó (l ¯ ú ` ó ,9 ó ¯ ú ª ± ` 5 Z 5 Type I Ý Û $ à Sporous membraneT 8I { þ Z K ,Type 0 ± ÷ á Q l Ü ÷ á l Q Type 0 _Type III W f = ? , 1.5 } Type III ù ó 5 Ü l ®P { ¨P Z K  P Sdense membraneT 8 Scomposite membraneT , S symmetric membrane T 6 | l ®P P P S asymmetric membraneT,  ¿,l P ®P » ],| l N P ®P } Z b 5 ù Wþ ]^ ¿ K » I ¿ b } Z @ ) b à 5 û á 3 ®K / ; | W / » ( , : ¿S sponge-like » à ö , N b Z |  $ Z K @ ( Z b  ) @ à { structureT_ b SmacrovoidsT , b ) K R R (³ Rc ]^ ]^ Y N b ¿Sfinger-like » structureT, 2005 Deniz Tanyolac et al.[13] 0¥ ¦ § ¨ ß P aK 9 : P ; d § W÷ e ø ¨ < ´ i ° þ P Z $ ? 4_% & W9 :P ]^ ) aK A 0W 6 I ; ú J ¡ < ¨ # ó · l $ 3 e ÷ Û Ú ø i 45 8 :_d BSA 3 l ! e " m ÷ ø [14,15]f b© 3 ú # l ¥ ¦ % 9: 0J d , Strathmann [16]W Z 4 & 3 ' Z K ³ (1)' » 2 Ssintering methodT') þ } Z 5 À Á S( T ) TI M ÅÏ ' A » 5 ß à A ) á þ 5 + ]^ * - o_. A ê 5 (è w b # PTFE, / , & * (2)é æ 2 Sstretched methodT'0 » 1 I ¶ é æ à á ) # PE8 PTFE, (3)2 3 4 5 2 Strack-etched methodTI6 YoI& ó · 7 5 à á ï à b , (4) £ 7 2 Sphase inversionT'Ió · Ü solutionT£ q K I} Z 5 K 8 . ; 8 K . } Z W SgelTo\¸ 9 5 lSpolymer ó (: U & ¯ bá , Kesting [17] 3 N £ 7 2 Z K < 2 ¡ 2 ³ ¢ (1)< 2 Sdry processingT= Åq & } Ð * @ > à á 9 W gà á Z W¡ 6 7 2 } Z 5 ß ó l A z Z B 4@ C ó l ó > · ? } Z 5 ó , (2)¡ 2 Swet processingT'} Z 5 ó l4 f 5 > ! á 7 R | 9 Õ W ó · = gà á ó · _| , ó · e (1)Ï ¶ P i D ð | ó · -ó · -} Z 5 SNS-S-PTß ± á Z , (2) ¶ P i ó · Z 5 _| ó · Z 5 i E e f ' , F : K Ñ ú # F G | ó · G '± ± á ¶ 1bà á I V Ý Þ ¶#¶ 1.2.Stropnik et al. [18] Ï 9 W K H ®K ¶ } U W106 cp IYK · K Z Z { Z 5 Wó l ± á Shomogeneous solution regionT,II ! H l · Stwo-phase regionT,III ! » R ¨_ó ð ó Ò á K H I Z 4b Á ( Sgel regionT,W Gel § & , [ Gel, Polyner (P) Binodal curve Spinodal curve III JJ 1 JJ K Tie lines 2 K 3 IK 4 K Solvent (S) Nonsolvent (NS) ¶1.3. Nonsolvent - Solvent - Polymer ¶Y ± W 4SEI Ï ¶ YL II ³ H { M V R Stropnik et al.[18]ú á Ý ¶ U K # 1 ¨ê K ú ó N YÎ 5 , U á £ Ð ¹ Z M _| ? Z M ( K LZ Q < _S l-l K & SEI U ¨ » H 1O ,Ü P ó AT l Q W" Z III » Y ³ 2V Sdirect accumulation of polymerT8K 8 Z binodal curve£ 7 á ? ¶ [18,19] ,û 6 4,û ¸ á L 7 lR 1 W i ³ l (∂∆µi / ∂φ j )T . P = 0 ¢ ¯ H ó III Tl K II TE 1,Spinodal curve Ï d Z ± à ¨ á 3 l ¿S nucleation of polymer leanphase T8K × 4W decompositionT_K Z [ \ \ N ] ^ ¨ [15]l _ á } Z ¶ 1.4 E X ¶_Y% _ á q 1 SEI K I R ³ q ! " ß# | « · y ¶ ó X + d 3 l q ó & · l ®P 5 % ¿ ` S c _b á  P P c ó , la e µ Æ á N f ) d 3 g } ,L ¿" Í Î i } Z '! 5 ¬ aL SL ß? , X à á 2 8K 3 8K 4 SE ¿,LK » » k _æ Y [ 36 ] 2 TV SLK 1 K 2 8K 3 8K 43 LK á S m > Ý á ý 3 ,Kim et al.[20] _Munari et al[21]l ü @ à ³ à Z 3 ¿ Ï 'à } ¿ ß ¿'Ö » » Ï » á } W b R ®P W= j , » , a { W= } = Ï ã& ¬ aI w= ¿S spinodal × n L L¸ o _ bµ at = { Æ ¿ £ 7 2 , ª 2 h l ? H #$ ! S III T h 4 Tb3 K & II T ¸ ´ L 5 4á ¿Snucleation of polymer rich phaseT,X × Z P I/ i l· _ ¶ u û Z _ á ß p d H ´ á q L Z i î 'z '{ ß · ¤ P 5 a± _| ¥ { bs3 á | Z x a0¶ Z V ¾ G E bsó r ó Z ó { ¸ ¹ ¶w ± 0ü ,o¸W¡ · l · ¬ 9 5 i _| ó aX y · A E z x f ¢ B ' } ¶ ñ y ~ 'L , v ¢ ß 2 e 5 Ï -,>?\ Aã z Id ! Õ Ió l 1.6 ! ã& ª « ¬ 2 Id ! ¶ i ú ¥ ¦ S w ÷ Ü g. á ¾ bs3 E a± i ß G Z bsó · _ 'z V î '{ ß d á 5 _| P ¥ « 9: 5 l ± at 0ü i ó ¹ ¶w Z | ¸ · _| ó ¬ ¶ f ' ¢ 5 z y ñ v ¢ ß 2 e A aX Ï E · -,>?\ ,o¸W¡ · { { x ó ¤ Z a0¶ Z á Z ª K « ü u û 1 (ü 2 & _: ¦ Ð u wK ¤ ,û » æ I k / 6 ü ` ¸ ¹ ll a0x w aÎ SPolyvinyl Butyral©PVBTó l[ ¨ ª Z § ´ r x z y ' B } ~ , % õ _ 1.7 " # $ q L u û l· l · ll H I/ P ó p aI Õy Ió ¶ w= Aã L Ï ,û , 10 S P K « « K ü ª ª ¹ u 6 _0û u 1 » û 2 _: ü ± ü aÎ l l wI Flory-Huggins ± 9: » w Ê l " Ý á ª Z 4 k « á u ¦ 54,000(PVB54)¬ ª 2.2 * ¥ ' z - u § , § ¨ u Z V ( 5 Z # W ¾ Ï Ü 23,000(PVB23)826,500(PVB26)8 K u M2 0 Å 5 ű W 25Ð835Ð_ 45Ð, V u Z 4X á SOHAUS analysisT Å , ¤ ¥ Ω Å Å Å 0Ð~100Ð 0 PT-100 K k K ±0.1 mg, Polyvinyl Butyral ¨ MWn=23,000(PVB23 Z 21000å25000)826,500(PVB26 Z Z 25000å28000)854,000(PVB54 Z å57000): h ¥ ÷ á ) ä W±0.1Ð,A + ¦ at & m { t « Å H2O/C2H5OH/PVB _ H2O/C4H9OH/PVB ± ¦ , W¥ 2.1 & 5 Z 5 5 Z 51000 Ethanol (absolute AR) C2H6O;FW 46.07;CAS NO ¬ 64-17-5; J.T.Baker § 1-Butanol,99.5H; C4H10O; FW 74.12;CAS 71-36-3; ¬ SIGMA-ALDRICH 45 ª « 11 ( A 10MΩ .cm ( 25Ð )) 2.3 . / 0 ª M2 0 k ®K 9: ä 1 u « M2 2 ©k ª « ± ¬ ÷ á k (1).Q Åt ( á V (2). / ¤ y (Ü z Y ÷ á 2 u ä k PVB + Solvent á l-l K á Z 4à 2 3 á ò Z . ¾ M" z , M2 ¬ a l#¶ 2.1. ± ó 0 binodal curve, binodal curveI M (4).¸ Y% M©¬ 3 2 (3). ¹ 3 PVB+Solvent V 8 Ï 0ê ¨Ü M 2 ä z ¶Y{ Õ #Ï Q P , U l u Ø binodal curve E aX Q waterSnonsolvent T| l-l á ¹ / ó ( á ¸ ó Åm l a i j _ á d î ó ' · w ± G ¶ k ¡ P ó ¢ £ , l¥ y w± PVB+Solvent ó á ÷ lQ á , Mk _ PVB (P) III I | II Solvent (S) ¶¦ 2.1 Binodal curve ª « Nonsolvent (NS) ¬ aL8 12 § ¶¦ I a binodal O P , ( ! 2 ( - 3 18.015)" # $ % ( 46.069 & 23,00026,50054,000) ' ( ) * + , 74.12 - . / 0 1 4 5 2 - 6 , - . ( ) * + 7 8 w1 = Wnonsolvent Wnonsolvent + Wsolvent + WPVB w2 = Wsolvent Wnonsolvent + Wsolvent + WPVB w3 = WPVB + Wsolvent + WPVB Wnonsolvent 4 4 * 2.1* 2.3* 2.5 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) 9 23,00026,50054,000: ? @ A B C DEF ;< A G H : I J 2.2~J 2.4J 2.10~ J J 2.12J 2.18~J 2.203J 2.5J 2.13J 2.21KL U ;< . / 0 N O 2 M - J 2.2~J 2.4 P Q O J3* 2.2* 2.4* 2.6 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3) 9I : PVB 298.15 K308.15 K318.15 K > = J 2.10~J 2.12J 2.18~J 2.20 9- . . S A G H : I JT 298.15 K308.15 K318.15 K >? @ A B C = R DEF J 2.6~J 2.8J 2.14~J 2.16J 2.22~J 2.243J J 2.9J 2.17J 25KL M J 2.6~J 2.8J 2.14~J 2.16J 2.22~J 2.24 9 - . / 0 N O 2 - P Q O R S J T U I H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3) X H Z f Dg [ \< hKX " = de ] b ^ P Q _ ` a < = b c X " Y Z de b 9- J V . 6a W " < = Y b i3 J 2.26~J 2.28 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) 913 . " Y Z [ \c " " ip Y Y Z q Z [ ] r ^ P V \c W s Q J 2.29~J 2.31 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3) 9- t ] hK ^ P Q j k X " 3 14 u de ] t ^ l i X H v m . w x n y Eo z * 2.1 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9- . 6 binodal curve 2 - B C 298.15 K 308.15 K 318.15 K No. w1 w2 w1 w2 w1 w2 1 0.1580 0.6993 0.1839 0.6771 0.2193 0.6484 2 0.1788 0.7010 0.1988 0.6854 0.2208 0.6633 3 0.1859 0.7113 0.2150 0.6850 0.2419 0.6623 4 0.1979 0.7158 0.2220 0.6959 0.2491 0.6699 5 0.2190 0.7155 0.2327 0.7024 0.2598 0.6784 6 0.2616 0.6922 0.2557 0.6969 0.2755 0.6782 7 0.2639 0.7045 0.2664 0.7019 0.2843 0.6841 8 0.2842 0.6995 0.2821 0.7019 0.2904 0.6864 9 0.2820 0.7092 0.2993 0.6922 0.3168 0.6740 * 2.2 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9- . 6 binodal curve 2 - B C 298.15 K 308.15 K 318.15 K No. w1 w2 w1 w2 w1 w2 1 0.1729 0.6948 0.1710 0.6965 0.1802 0.6884 2 0.1849 0.7011 0.1803 0.7057 0.1902 0.6978 3 0.1904 0.7150 0.1933 0.7114 0.1990 0.7078 4 0.2024 0.7181 0.1972 0.7238 0.2079 0.7126 5 0.2140 0.7221 0.2109 0.7265 0.2219 0.7151 6 0.2247 0.7296 0.2183 0.7341 0.2263 0.7265 7 0.2282 0.7409 0.2411 0.7286 0.2291 0.7400 8 0.2347 0.7492 0.2454 0.7383 0.2528 0.7309 9 0.2565 0.7342 0.2581 0.7327 0.2633 0.7284 15 * 2.3 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- . 6 binodal curve 2 - B C 298.15 K 308.15 K 318.15 K No. w1 w2 w1 w2 w1 w2 1 0.2008 0.6652 0.2110 0.6566 0.2143 0.6566 2 0.2104 0.6720 0.2208 0.6653 0.2228 0.6640 3 0.2162 0.6876 0.2233 0.6803 0.2355 0.6679 4 0.2269 0.6925 0.2362 0.6841 0.2436 0.6756 5 0.2345 0.7009 0.2462 0.6902 0.2527 0.6850 6 0.2488 0.7038 0.2554 0.6982 0.2632 0.6894 7 0.2587 0.7115 0.2634 0.7048 0.2756 0.6934 8 0.2716 0.7106 0.2812 0.7019 0.2839 0.6999 9 0.2810 0.7094 0.2773 0.7134 0.2930 0.6982 * 2.4 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- . 6 binodal curve 2 - B C 298.15 K 308.15 K 318.15 K No. w1 w2 w1 w2 w1 w2 1 0.1445 0.7182 0.1485 0.7171 0.1541 0.7250 2 0.1573 0.7275 0.1559 0.7283 0.1778 0.7092 3 0.1683 0.7320 0.1647 0.7367 0.1854 0.7160 4 0.1784 0.7388 0.1766 0.7404 0.2015 0.7182 5 0.1909 0.7442 0.1863 0.7507 0.2098 0.7279 6 0.1914 0.7616 0.1870 0.7557 0.2139 0.7403 7 0.2003 0.7684 0.2028 0.7652 0.2296 0.7398 8 0.2142 0.7693 0.2166 0.7673 0.2390 0.7450 9 0.2249 0.7660 0.2328 0.7591 0.2423 0.7490 16 4 * 2.5 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9- . 6 binodal curve 2 - B C 298.15 K 308.15 K 318.15 K No. w1 w2 w1 w2 w1 w2 1 0.1981 0.6707 0.2039 0.6646 0.2143 0.6566 2 0.2030 0.6819 0.2159 0.6724 0.2258 0.6602 3 0.2130 0.6889 0.2403 0.6793 0.2409 0.6636 4 0.2215 0.6986 0.2376 0.6660 0.2500 0.6724 5 0.2330 0.7021 0.2473 0.6911 0.2606 0.6770 6 0.2453 0.7067 0.2653 0.6901 0.2648 0.6911 7 0.2642 0.7048 0.2746 0.6940 0.2777 0.6918 8 0.2732 0.7102 0.2836 0.6998 0.2909 0.6942 9 0.2809 0.7109 0.2853 0.7052 0.2892 0.7019 * 2.6 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9- . 6 binodal curve 2 - B C 298.15 K 308.15 K 318.15 K No. w1 w2 w1 w2 w1 w2 1 0.1501 0.7178 0.1588 0.7082 0.1599 0.7107 2 0.1627 0.7206 0.1693 0.7165 0.1744 0.7106 3 0.1722 0.7290 0.1761 0.7252 0.1791 0.7229 4 0.1781 0.7399 0.1888 0.7292 0.1925 0.7275 5 0.1853 0.7506 0.1932 0.7427 0.2026 0.7343 6 0.1975 0.7550 0.2095 0.7452 0.2171 0.7352 7 0.2111 0.7578 0.2244 0.7452 0.2271 0.7413 8 0.2192 0.7646 0.2273 0.7554 0.2429 0.7406 9 0.2274 0.7638 0.2414 0.7504 0.2430 0.7418 17 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.2 t fr 0.4 0.6 3) 0.6 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh we we igh 3( B2 PV act io n 0.8 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 J 2.2 ;298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3) 9- 18 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.2 B2 3(3 0.4 0.6 c fra 0.6 0.4 tio n C 2H 5 OH ht (2) eig we )w igh t fr PV act ion 0.8 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 J 2.3 ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3) 9- 19 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H2O(1)/C4H 9OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 on cti fra C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig )w we igh 3(3 t fr act B2 PV ion 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 J 2.4 ; 318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3) 9- 20 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 298.15 K at 308.15 K at 318.15 K 0 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 we we igh t fr act ) 3(3 B2 PV ion 0.8 on cti fra C 2H 5 OH ( 2) t igh 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 J 2.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3) 9- . " Y Z [ \6< = ] ^ 21 1 binodal curve H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 on cti fra C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig )w we igh 3(3 t fr act B2 PV ion 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 J 2.6 ; 298.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9- 22 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.8 B2 PV igh t fr act io n 0.2 3(3 0.4 0.6 0.4 io act n C 4H 9 OH t fr ( 2) h eig we )w 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.7 ; 308.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9- 23 0.8 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H 9OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 ) 3(3 B2 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 ion act C 4H 9 OH t fr (2) i gh we we igh t PV fra ct i on 0.2 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 J 2.8 ; 318.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9- 24 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 298.15 K at 308.15 K at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 t fr 3) 23( 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 io act C 4H 9 OH ( 2) t fr i gh we we igh B PV act ion 0.2 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 2.9 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9- . " Y Z [ \6< = ] ^ 25 1 binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 we we (3) t fr 6 B2 igh PV act ion 0.8 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH (2) t fr igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 J 2.10 ; 298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- 26 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.2 t fr ) 6(3 B2 0.4 0.6 ion act t fr C 2H 5 OH ( 2) i gh we we igh PV act io n 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.11 ; 308.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- 27 0.8 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 we we (3) t fr 26 igh B PV act ion 0.2 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.12 ; 318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- 28 0.8 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H2O(1)/C2 H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 298.15 K at 308.15 K at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 26 0.4 0.6 (3) we we i gh B PV t fr act ion 0.2 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 J 2.13 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 1 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- . " Y Z [ \6< = ] ^ P Q 29 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.2 3) 26( 0.4 0.6 ht C 4H 9 OH ( 2) ig we we igh B PV t fr act i on 0.8 ctio fra 0.6 0.4 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 J 2.14 ;298.15 K>H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- 30 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.8 t fr 0.4 0.6 )w ctio fra 0.6 0.4 n C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig we ig h 6(3 B2 act i PV on 0.2 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 J 2.15 ;308.15 K>H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- 31 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 ht 0.4 0.6 (3) n ctio fra C 4H 9 OH (2) t igh we we ig 6 B2 PV fra cti on 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.16 ;318.15 K>H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- 32 0.8 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 298.15 K at 308.15 K at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 t fr 3) 26( 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 io act n C 4H 9 OH t fr ( 2) i gh we we igh B PV act io n 0.2 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 J 2.17 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 1 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9- . " Y Z [ \6< = ] ^ P Q 33 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C2H 5OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 we we (3) t fr 54 igh B PV act ion 0.2 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.18 ; 298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9- 34 0.8 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.2 54 0.4 0.6 (3) we we i gh B PV t fr act i on 0.8 io act t fr C 2H 5 OH ( 2) igh 0.6 0.4 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 J 2.19 ; 308.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9\ 35 . 1 " Y Z [ binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 4 B5 0.6 0.4 (3) 0.4 0.6 n C 2H 5 OH io act t fr (2) igh we we igh PV t fr act io n 0.2 0.2 0.8 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.20 ; 318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9- 36 0.8 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H 2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 298.15 K at 308.15 K at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 we we (3) t fr 54 igh B PV act ion 0.2 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 J 2.21 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 1 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9- . " Y Z [ \6< = ] ^ P Q 37 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4 H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 298.15 k 1 0 0.8 0.6 0.4 (3) ht 54 we we ig B PV fra cti on 0.2 io act n C 4H 9 OH t fr (2) igh 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.22 ; 298.15 K > H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9- 38 0.8 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.2 t fr 3) 54( 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 io act C 4H 9 OH ( 2) t fr i gh we we igh B PV act io n 0.8 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.23 ; 308.15 K > H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9- 39 0.8 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H 2O(1)/C 4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 318.15 K 0 1 0.2 PV we i gh t fr act ion 0.8 B5 4(3 0.4 0.6 )w c fra 0.4 tio n C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.24 ; 318.15 K > H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9- 40 0.8 . 1 " Y Z [ \ binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 298.15 K at 308.15 K at 318.15 K 0 1 0.2 PV we i gh t fr act io n 0.8 4( B5 0.6 t fr (2) igh we 0.6 0.4 0.8 ion act C 4H 9 OH 3) 0.4 0.2 1 0 0 J 2.25 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction 0.8 1 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9- . " Y Z [ \6< = ] ^ P Q 41 binodal curve H 2 O(1)/C 2 H 5 OH(2)/PVB(3) T=298.15 K at PVB23 at PVB26 at PVB54 0 1 0.2 B PV t fr act i on 0.8 (3) 0.6 act 0.6 0.4 ion C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh we we igh 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.26 ; 298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) 9 ] ^ P 0.8 Q 42 . " 1 Y Z [ \6 binodal curve H 2 O(1)/C2 H 5 OH(2)/PVB(3) T=308.15 K at PVB23 at PVB26 at PVB54 0 1 0.8 B( PV t fr act ion 0.2 0.6 3) we we i gh 0.4 ion act t fr C 2H 5 OH ( 2) igh 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.27 ; 308.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) 9 ] ^ P 0.8 Q 43 . " Y 1 Z [ \6 binodal curve H 2 O(1)/C 2 H 5 OH(2)/PVB(3) T=318.15 K at PVB23 at PVB26 at PVB54 0 1 0.8 PV t fr act ion 0.2 3) B( 0.6 0.6 0.4 n tio C 2H 5 OH c fra (2) t igh we we igh 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.28 ; 318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) 9 ] ^ P 0.8 Q 44 . " 1 Y Z [ \6 binodal curve H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3) T=298.15 K at PVB23 at PVB26 at PVB54 0 1 0.2 3) B( 0.4 0.6 o cti fra C 4H 9 OH ht (2) we ig we igh t PV fra cti on 0.8 0.6 0.4 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.29 ; 298.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3)9 ] ^ P 0.8 Q 45 . " Y Z 1 [ \6 binodal curve H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3) T=308.15 K at PVB23 at PVB26 at PVB54 0 1 0.8 3) B( 0.6 0.4 ion act C 4H 9 OH t fr (2) igh we we igh t fr PV act ion 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.30 ; 308.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3)9 ] ^ P 0.8 Q 46 . " 1 Y Z [ \6 binodal curve H 2 O(1)/C 4 H 9 OH(2)/PVB(3) T=318.15 K at PVB23 at PVB26 at PVB54 0 1 0.2 PV fra cti on 0.8 3) B( 0.6 o cti fra 0.6 0.4 n C 4H 9 OH ht (2) we ig we igh t 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 2.31 ; 318.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3)9 ] ^ P 0.8 Q 47 . " 1 Y Z [ \6 c 5 3 d|} = ¢ ~ ~ l ;¡ " A = I 5 d6|} L / = ~ A J[ = \ ¤ I ¥ 3.1 = s A = o O " = r 2 l = - > 2 - ¬ ® ¯ ¦ § ;¨ ¥ 2 < ° = © L P § Q ( { " 5 @ 5 3 = 0«~100«' = E >5 ± ² 6r A ³ ´ µ ~300«3¹ < ! ¸ r ¤ I < = ³ < Ω < = º < » A < = < = ¼ ½ = ; PT-100 ; 25«35«45«3 ª 0.01~250 rpm3¶ · ¸ r ¤ I < = ³ ´ ¨ ´ H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3)H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3) 3 3 L " £ / ;{ ±0.1«3¾ ( ¿ À Y OHAUS analysis¼ ½ = Á0.1 mg3 3.2 ; " Ë PVB V ÑÒ a W 6A Ó ? M à ÄÅ Æ ? = V W Ð Ï Ð V V Ì PVB @ W Í W 2 - P ç ï ß ´ 6 = Ü 0 ðè Q if Í É " Î ë ñ ô / s õ ~ Ý 6 0 è Da 0 D ã Þ 6ï @ Ü Ý é ò ð Þ à 6{ Ø ó Ï @ Ô \~ dIF " c Õ Ø 3Â Ð Ö V i Ç ª W z Í Ú È Û É Î Ç È Ê T É - ` Ê Ë PVB L 3 ~ ~ ? PVB× PVB Ø Ë5 = Ù ;¡ Î z Ëz R V 5 ì Äö 48 â L R á í ª ä Ä8a 5 î ð = 6ï 6 PVB ÷ ã ø Í = if Î K0 ~ ù swelledPVB è c å æ ê F / - r Ì 0 gel |} c ú û EÏ 0 Î ª 6 Æ ~ È Ý Þ 5 ;h = (Ö É Û ^ Ü Ì PVB Ê = L 2 P Q @ = L 62 r ~ R í [ Ò y Î ~ / 0 c r | 6 È ] ^ L " ~ - . l ç ² Ø ËDT - V V 5 @ U | ~ ã 6 6£ L É ) 5 = " ë 3 9- 5 . ¡ ¡ ¦ = £ Dp d L ~ 0 V è W ;c d6 = 0 = = 62 6 3 PVB( P ) c = d h d = d Solvent ( S J4 3.1 ! ! ! ! = 5 | [ ~ NonsolventNS \ R PVB = if ´ \ [ Ç ý \3 6+ 5 è Stropnik et al. [18] z 3Ü Í þ Ë PVB ù I D ;h = - £ 6 - l | ;106 cp U = " ª PVB++ ] ü5 dL dKö Ú @ Ç Ü F ü - Gel 6 î Å T gel û 5 q ¡ R { R " 5 = = Í V W de 34 4 4 4 4 49 + J 5 5 Y Z [ \ 3.3 A ¥ ¦ ¤ I ;" ¥ 6> A < = q ; 25 « § 35 « 45 «>3 | ~ # A $ % & ' >8 (1) M = ¤ I ( ) ¯ R Ö ª *(ratio)6 co-solventH2O (1) + C2H5OH (2) H2O (1) + C4H9OH (2) + Ë, o O PVB(3)F ) 5 - o O 2 - PVB 5 3 (2) E¯ ¹ < ! ¸ - 5 < = r . / ;¹ < 6>Da < = y ¹ < 6Ä+ 5 = s A 5 EM = 0 £ 3 PVB (P) Solvent (S) J 3.2 | ~ Nonsolvent (NS) V W de J: + (——) = [ \ (-------)5 5 Y Z [ \ ; >V : W Þ G H A ? < w ÷ = x L J _ = L ? 6& @ ª = K 6 L ² O ) ² >( " a = 7 Ë) Ø 2 } 3 ² ) = 9 E8 (power law model)I £ ¶ ¤ ;o ' 3 1 = A|} > 7 Ë (5 ? Ø C M ² L £ A |} |} = a ×4 > B I 5 I ¤ . 61 - i; = , )L ` = ¸ ü 3& ; F _ Ý I < = ¸ = ü 50 · ³ I ´ A ¹ r > < ¯ ¤ ª ® ´ ; 25 «>3 I  E ËR ( ³ ED o M < A à Ä: a A @ } 9N 6 £ U W ) Y A ~ < A < A = @ A H 3 o @ s @ B § @ l Q R*` , *6/ A|} O . ( ª @ B [1 C 7 B A C - S H @ A| JEr 7 I A A S ª - ~ @ o . JU I [ \3 6 H O A < (w3) E = | H 63 ;9- 5 @ ª @ 2 ) s ª ª 5 > ´ 1 = A S 16 H ª £ o 16 H ª 9A|} H 9- ³ 16 H ª A - ; 45 « > = P V ( *X O O ´ G F ³ 25 « > = ; 35 « > = 15 U3Z T # = = < E) 20 U3 ¥ / V J3( z 25 US T J z ª ;" # > = A V W < EF JT O F @ = T # 6 >5 | d\3 * 3.2 * 3.3* 3.5D* 3.13* 3.15* 3.17D* 3.25* 3.27 * 3.29 ) Ö ª ( *ratio6 co-solvent (H2O(1)+C2H5OH(2))+ PVB(3) O = J A z P Q U ã A 6 A * 3.28* 3.30KL ~ [ ª < = >M 0 = £ c J z M PVB(3);, H = H2O(1)+C2H5OH(2)( PVB(3) G N >( * w3 ) 3* 3.2* 3.4* 3.6D* 3.14* 3.16* 3.18D* 3.26 6JT | o G DJ 3.3 J 3.5 J 3.7DJ 3.15J 3.17J 3.19D J 3.27J 3.29J 3.31 KL >M Ë, 23,00026,50054,000) - o O PVB(3)5 = ;298.15 K308.15 K318.15 K Ö : ¯ M 62 \ 9- . - 5 U B ã C | V [ \ ª î \ ] s 9- . 5 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) 9- . " JF @ DM ~ @ J 3.4J 3.6J 3.8DJ 3.16J 3.18 J 3.20DJ 3.28J 3.30J 3.32*+ 3 * 3.7 * 3.9* 3.11D* 3.19* 3.21* 3.23D* 3.31* 3.33 * 3.35 ) O = Ö ª ( *ratio6 co-solvent (H2O(1)+C4H9OH(2))+ PVB(3) A J z Ë, o 23,00026,50054,000) - o O PVB(3)5 = ;298.15 K308.15 K318.15 K Ö : ¯ A G ª < = >M = 0 £ c DJ 3.9 J 3.11 J 3.13DJ 3.21J 3.23 J 3.25D 51 J 3.33J 3.35J 3.37 KL >M P Q U ã 6 A * 3.34* 3.36KL ~ [ z PVB(3);, H = H2O(1)+C4H9OH(2)( PVB(3) G N >( * w3 ) 3* 3.8* 3.10* 3.12D* 3.20* 3.22* 3.24D* 3.32 6JT | J M 62 \ 9- . 5 M - U B ã C | V [ ª î \ ] s 9- . 5 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3) 9- . " JF @ DM ~ @ \ J 3.10J 3.12J 3.14DJ 3.22J 3.24J 3.26DJ 3.34J 3.36J 3.38*+ 3 = l © Í ^ < U ` r = ] _ a 5 < ^ = U 9- Eo ip ` K . " Jr 52 q r V de W s < 5 Þ = ] | i3 ^ ~ l © m n 3ü c ü5 * 3.1 ; 298.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB23 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1 /0 w3 a (cp) a (cp) 37.49/1 w3 a (cp) 29.47/1 w3 . { " w3 a (cp) 20.16/1 a (cp) 9.71/1 0.0164 8.64 0.0083 8.60 0.0113 8.34 0.0086 8.65 0.0092 8.14 0.0254 9.36 0.016 8.92 0.0235 9.71 0.0199 10.65 0.0203 11.83 0.0462 51.94 0.0234 50.72 0.0461 52.48 0.0394 56.94 0.0431 63.58 0.0681 263.48 0.0416 257.94 0.0624 265.31 0.0578 258.31 0.0637 269.53 0.0861 694.64 0.0859 634.51 0.0847 502.64 0.0865 569.54 0.0832 568.94 0.1038 714.64 0.1057 659.69 0.1135 689.15 0.1090 632.96 0.1084 658.48 0.1167 831.64 0.1214 683.15 0.1254 825.64 0.1215 863.14 0.1215 956.15 0.1495 1038.16 0.1431 1124.95 0.1495 1163.61 0.1438 1257.64 0.1435 1206.54 0.1618 1346.92 0.1651 1308.66 0.1682 1297.42 0.1627 1295.64 0.1627 1308.67 b WRS/NS: ( * * 3.2 ;298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9139 w3 0.0861 37.49/1 0.0238 0.8903 0.0859 29.47/1 0.0301 0.8852 0.0847 20.16/1 0.0432 0.8703 0.0865 9.74/1 0.0857 0.8311 0.0832 53 d5 * 3.3 ; 298.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB26 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1 /0 w3 a (cp) a (cp) 39.64/1 w3 a (cp) 28.76 /1 w3 . { " w3 a (cp) 20.16/ 1 a (cp) 11.71 /1 0.0082 8.16 0.0106 8.75 0.0082 8.15 0.0086 8.31 0.0104 8.71 0.0195 9.67 0.0238 9.85 0.0206 9.26 0.0233 8.62 0.0284 9.54 0.0435 43.27 0.0458 45.28 0.0418 46.168 0.0415 41.73 0.0382 46.34 0.0627 279.64 0.0653 284.67 0.0625 296.54 0.0627 263.52 0.0624 258.91 0.0863 689.46 0.0868 649.61 0.0828 643.97 0.0846 659.28 0.0865 689.48 0.1057 728.91 0.1028 751.98 0.1086 723.68 0.1036 728.94 0.1028 705.64 0.1198 845.38 0.1280 886.15 0.1295 894.61 0.1183 865.16 0.1285 835.98 0.1438 1248.95 0.1405 1280.41 0.1428 1268.49 0.1416 1306.94 0.1455 1218.65 0.1657 1395.05 0.1682 1367.92 0.1694 1329.58 0.1629 1358.67 0.1685 1349.65 * 3.4 ;298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9137 w3 0.0863 39.64/1 0.0225 0.8907 0.0868 28.76/1 0.0308 0.8863 0.0829 20.16/1 0.0433 0.8721 0.0846 11.71/1 0.0667 0.8468 0.0865 54 d5 * 3.5 ; 298.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB54 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 w3 a (cp) a (cp) 37.64/1 w3 a (cp) 28.62/1 w3 . { " w3 a (cp) 19.17/1 a (cp) 11.87/1 0.0135 8.17 0.0086 8.49 0.0103 8.16 0.0106 8.34 0.0087 8.75 0.0215 9.64 0.0216 9.14 0.0215 9.48 0.0218 10.52 0.0187 9.83 0.0435 47.29 0.0427 38.54 0.0426 41.05 0.0428 43.64 0.0384 41.54 0.0621 276.48 0.0584 294.67 0.0638 279.65 0.0624 296.18 0.0651 287.65 0.0872 673.94 0.0847 679.82 0.0849 689.24 0.0865 682.42 0.0827 659.81 0.1038 746.18 0.1028 715.84 0.1034 749.13 0.1058 743.85 0.1058 746.68 0.1267 863.35 0.1276 864.27 0.1205 853.46 0.1192 829.76 0.1168 859.24 0.1482 1246.84 0.1438 1176.52 0.1437 1255.34 0.1462 1209.58 0.1405 1286.34 0.1638 1459.25 0.1693 1462.58 0.1682 1429.68 0.1597 1413.65 0.1584 1403.65 * 3.6 ;298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9128 w3 0.0872 37.64/1 0.0237 0.8916 0.0847 28.62/1 0.0309 0.8842 0.0849 19.17/1 0.0452 0.8682 0.0866 11.87/1 0.0713 0.8460 0.0827 55 d5 * 3.7 ; 298.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB23 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 w3 a (cp) a (cp) 37.94/1 w3 a (cp) 30.54/1 w3 . { w3 a (cp) 21.15/1 " a (cp) 9.16/1 0.0086 8.20 0.0083 8.35 0.0086 8.314 0.0103 8.624 0.0095 8.56 0.0205 16.34 0.0187 15.34 0.0197 15.94 0.0215 15.894 0.0201 16.721 0.0384 124.89 0.0413 124.68 0.0406 116.95 0.0385 120.46 0.03695 119.627 0.0631 367.25 0.0617 358.64 0.0621 369.72 0.0597 372.64 0.0583 369.57 0.0843 487.65 0.0855 492.68 0.0873 493.58 0.0851 483.16 0.0847 489.15 0.1036 639.24 0.1036 647.26 0.1054 658.49 0.1034 643.82 0.1064 635.94 0.1218 916.67 0.1165 921.34 0.1184 893.57 0.1215 843.92 0.1220 856.97 0.1357 1206.57 0.1369 1276.48 0.1359 1289.48 0.1386 1304.67 0.1384 1242.96 0.1651 1396.75 0.1578 1389.46 0.1548 1368.59 0.1582 1362.42 0.1641 1354.52 * 3.8 ;298.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9157 w3 0.0843 37.94/1 0.0235 0.8910 0.0855 30.54/1 0.0290 0.8837 0.0873 21.15/1 0.0413 0.8736 0.0851 9.16/1 0.0901 0.8252 0.0847 56 d5 * 3.9 ; 298.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB26 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 a (cp) 39.13/1 w3 a (cp) 29.26/1 w3 . { w3 a (cp) 18.15/1 " a (cp) 9.16/1 0.0092 8.31 0.0093 8.64 0.0088 8.32 0.0087 6.375 0.0096 7.24 0.0216 15.67 0.0173 15.94 0.0205 16.93 0.0186 15.394 0.0215 15.30 0.0415 96.54 0.0405 92.37 0.0384 103.57 0.0396 113.246 0.0432 123.94 0.0615 333.91 0.0634 343.51 0.0632 331.92 0.0652 316.92 0.0638 339.67 0.0873 493.24 0.0854 489.28 0.0861 498.64 0.0872 479.34 0.0846 498.71 0.1031 659.24 0.1160 636.42 0.1065 639.54 0.1029 653.42 0.0967 635.68 0.1216 952.48 0.1254 982.67 0.1234 967.53 0.1168 987.34 0.1203 962.50 0.1395 1226.49 0.1395 1206.82 0.1364 1229.42 0.1387 1220.61 0.1416 1251.37 0.1567 1386.65 0.1584 1352.94 0.1549 1329.57 0.1628 1361.92 0.1621 1358.48 * 3.10 ;298.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9127 w3 0.0873 39.13/1 0.0228 0.8918 0.0854 29.26/1 0.0302 0.8837 0.0861 18.15/1 0.0477 0.8651 0.0872 9.16/1 0.0901 0.8253 0.0846 57 d5 * 3.11 ; 298.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent69" 5 PVB54 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 a (cp) 38.74/1 w3 a (cp) 30.46/1 w3 . { w3 a (cp) 21.61/1 9.11/1 a (cp) 0.0099 8.39 0.0085 8.31 0.0097 8.73 0.0085 8.345 0.0096 8.24 0.0193 11.7 0.0186 12.64 0.0205 15.34 0.0189 16.54 0.0206 16.37 0.0368 69.731 0.0384 82.94 0.0418 84.91 0.0396 86.59 0.0410 85.34 0.0562 178.64 0.0627 214.67 0.0635 196.71 0.0634 215.64 0.0583 226.95 0.0829 539.15 0.0864 569.54 0.0894 562.84 0.0842 523.69 0.0849 516.37 0.1035 623.81 0.1067 615.84 0.1137 629.47 0.1056 639.16 0.1005 624.31 0.1205 916.84 0.1246 952.47 0.1248 918.64 0.1257 964.27 0.1168 956.83 0.1436 1205.67 0.1451 1130.94 0.1439 1184.91 0.1421 1205.94 0.1418 1246.57 0.1652 1328.68 0.1597 1328.76 0.1652 1358.69 0.1627 1348.67 0.1624 1349.27 * 3.12 ;298.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9171 w3 0.0829 38.74/1 0.0230 0.8906 0.0864 30.46/1 0.0289 0.8816 0.0895 21.61/1 0.0405 0.8753 0.0842 9.11/1 0.0906 0.8245 0.0849 58 d5 * 3.13 ; 308.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB23 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 a (cp) 37.64/1 w3 a (cp) 31.14/1 w3 . { w3 a (cp) 18.68/1 " a (cp) 10.12/1 0.0096 10.758 0.0103 11.13 0.0094 9.13 0.0083 8.571 0.0097 9.46 0.0185 26.13 0.0239 29.75 0.0193 24.79 0.0189 26.75 0.0183 28.73 0.0426 159.48 0.0451 158.49 0.0415 170.71 0.0383 157.58 0.0368 164.87 0.0635 289.43 0.0631 276.84 0.0586 281.04 0.0638 287.16 0.0628 282.19 0.0868 429.20 0.0841 427.48 0.0876 426.19 0.0855 398.41 0.0861 410.75 0.1092 849.41 0.1051 867.19 0.1143 854.14 0.1046 894.58 0.0947 856.45 0.1231 995.18 0.1243 914.67 0.121 890.56 0.1172 818.64 0.1215 869.31 0.1435 1284.29 0.1394 1206.75 0.1424 1148.76 0.1367 1203.56 0.1425 1280.37 0.1597 1369.48 0.1584 1367.18 0.1651 1358.42 0.1654 1354.17 0.1673 1368.45 * 3.14 ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9132 w3 0.0868 37.64/1 0.0238 0.8921 0.0841 31.14/1 0.0284 0.8840 0.0876 18.68/1 0.0464 0.8681 0.0855 10.12/1 0.0821 0.8317 0.0862 59 d5 * 3.15 ; 308.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB26 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 a (cp) 41.89/1 w3 a (cp) 30.23/1 w3 . { w3 a (cp) 19.84/1 " a (cp) 9.71/1 0.0093 9.18 0.0105 9.51 0.0102 9.34 0.0093 8.64 0.0086 7.58 0.0184 18.30 0.0197 23.58 0.0204 20.164 0.0187 23.61 0.0196 25.48 0.0395 141.60 0.0399 130.46 0.0412 146.37 0.0415 140.29 0.0395 146.91 0.0683 324.00 0.0623 286.37 0.0583 271.64 0.0589 267.31 0.0631 284.16 0.0862 493.45 0.0849 489.37 0.0866 435.67 0.0876 450.37 0.0859 463.16 0.1098 628.59 0.1101 698.71 0.1038 864.56 0.1021 896.28 0.1067 840.35 0.1231 878.69 0.1283 879.58 0.1226 953.14 0.1241 954.31 0.1221 964.26 0.1451 1230.91 0.1468 1238.59 0.1384 1296.48 0.1395 1249.64 0.1424 1296.28 0.1597 1439.59 0.1627 1416.61 0.1622 1396.28 0.1614 1367.15 0.1615 1405.68 * 3.16 ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9138 w3 0.0862 41.89/1 0.0199 0.8952 0.0849 30.23/1 0.0293 0.8841 0.0866 19.84/1 0.0437 0.8686 0.0877 9.712/1 0.0854 0.8287 0.0859 60 d5 * 3.17 ; 308.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB54 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 0.0869 w3 a (cp) 8.641 a (cp) 39.84/1 w3 a (cp) 29.88/1 w3 . { w3 a (cp) 20.12/1 " a (cp) 11.51/1 0.0119 10.58 0.0098 11.38 0.0105 10.61 0.0086 8.96 0.01975 16.934 0.0215 21.67 0.023 23.46 0.0234 20.42 0.0205 17.68 0.03957 116.48 0.0435 103.64 0.0427 90.48 0.0425 98.34 0.0416 129.48 0.06341 483.16 0.0612 469.54 0.0694 403.59 0.0569 402.67 0.0621 369.17 0.08591 499.67 0.0810 498.02 0.0825 487.61 0.0867 486.76 0.0863 498.64 0.1037 634.16 0.1067 613.54 0.1067 630.67 0.1125 625.15 0.1035 635.91 0.1289 862.42 0.1262 829.48 0.1169 853.61 0.1238 861.57 0.1241 897.67 0.1467 1203.84 0.1492 1193.12 0.1368 1160.51 0.1405 1256.29 0.1438 1206.14 0.1697 1382.21 0.1652 1387.64 0.1694 1397.51 0.1637 1386.97 0.1625 1419.64 * 3.18 ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9141 w3 0.0859 39.84/1 0.0225 0.8964 0.0811 29.88/1 0.0298 0.8877 0.0825 20.12/1 0.0433 0.8700 0.086 11.51/1 0.0731 0.8406 0.0863 61 d5 * 3.19 ; 308.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent69" 5 PVB23 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 a (cp) 41.31/1 w3 a (cp) 28.51/1 w3 . w3 a (cp) 19.59/1 { a (cp) 9.184/1 0.0092 9.24 0.0103 9.86 0.0086 9.857 0.0097 9.61 0.0093 9.62 0.0186 26.42 0.0236 30.24 0.0183 19.56 0.0196 18.16 0.0183 16.65 0.0385 89.25 0.0416 96.16 0.0413 98.15 0.0395 96.14 0.0412 94.46 0.0597 161.49 0.0624 159.47 0.0584 168.65 0.0634 159.34 0.0643 162.49 0.0856 276.16 0.0835 269.47 0.0831 273.15 0.0837 286.16 0.0816 279.15 0.1150 682.46 0.1085 691.15 0.1098 667.5 0.1135 659.15 0.1064 653.74 0.1216 773.16 0.1185 790.20 0.1193 783.15 0.1215 769.46 0.1256 786.46 0.1435 1064.94 0.1394 1063.16 0.1423 1056.46 0.1468 1028.64 0.1462 1036.49 0.1596 1345.42 0.1567 1327.46 0.1624 1276.46 0.1624 1294.76 0.1643 1296.56 * 3.20 ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9144 w3 0.0856 41.31/1 0.0216 0.8947 0.0837 28.51/1 0.0311 0.8858 0.0831 19.59/1 0.0445 0.8718 0.0837 9.181/1 0.0902 0.8281 0.0817 62 d5 * 3.21 ; 308.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent69" 5 PVB26 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 a (cp) 40.11/1 w3 a (cp) 32.37/1 w3 . w3 a (cp) 20.72/1 { a (cp) 12.55/1 0.0099 9.45 0.0086 8.41 0.0092 7.48 0.0097 8.64 0.0088 9.25 0.0234 25.10 0.0223 26.15 0.0215 25.74 0.0195 26.46 0.0197 23.45 0.0380 157.42 0.0369 169.15 0.0384 170.56 0.0376 156.80 0.0394 84.64 0.0576 196.45 0.0613 198.46 0.0535 182.64 0.0643 186.42 0.0617 165.74 0.0846 385.46 0.0834 360.61 0.0849 306.45 0.0852 298.15 0.0851 282.41 0.1150 832.64 0.1146 810.42 0.1064 726.46 0.1024 659.47 0.1164 689.46 0.1267 894.55 0.1205 834.21 0.1194 785.40 0.1231 796.55 0.1218 786.54 0.1384 1120.35 0.1453 1089.15 0.1389 1093.51 0.1453 1125.43 0.1425 1026.84 0.1597 1349.89 0.1603 1314.61 0.1537 1322.90 0.1624 1328.16 0.1644 1326.49 * 3.22 ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9154 w3 0.0846 40.11/1 0.0223 0.8942 0.0835 32.37/1 0.0274 0.8876 0.0850 20.72/1 0.0421 0.8726 0.0853 12.55/1 0.0675 0.8473 0.0852 63 d5 * 3.23 ; 308.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent69" 5 PVB54 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 a (cp) 37.58/1 w3 a (cp) 29.27/1 w3 . w3 a (cp) 19.32/1 { a (cp) 10.14/1 0.0085 9.42 0.0130 10.54 0.0105 10.64 0.0099 10.67 0.0097 10.28 0.0231 27.67 0.0199 31.64 0.0186 29.17 0.0194 28.72 0.0179 26.54 0.0461 160.73 0.0379 169.75 0.0394 178.57 0.0395 176.94 0.0398 156.46 0.0568 287.65 0.0618 300.47 0.0624 215.64 0.0649 199.42 0.0614 189.81 0.0862 403.81 0.0837 399.49 0.0841 426.54 0.0839 410.65 0.0872 398.57 0.1134 834.64 0.1064 820.43 0.1100 793.86 0.1134 846.67 0.1138 849.30 0.1197 873.10 0.1283 879.311 0.1243 896.82 0.1249 871.46 0.1219 897.47 0.1451 1279.12 0.1421 1264.92 0.1481 1169.74 0.1415 1103.94 0.1426 1124.45 0.1657 1377.95 0.1624 1369.15 0.1634 1359.74 0.1694 1348.07 0.1627 1359.92 * 3.24 ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9138 w3 0.0862 37.58/1 0.0238 0.8925 0.0837 29.27/1 0.0302 0.8856 0.0842 19.32/1 0.0499 0.8661 0.0840 10.14/1 0.0819 0.8309 0.0872 64 d5 * 3.25 ; 318.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB23 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 a (cp) 37.69/1 w3 a (cp) 31.15/1 w3 . { w3 a (cp) 20.83/1 " a (cp) 9.431/1 0.0137 6.97 0.0126 6.19 0.011 5.67 0.0098 5.21 0.0093 5.01 0.0248 6.92 0.0203 8.30 0.0206 7.91 0.0187 6.89 0.0186 6.37 0.0419 63.72 0.0412 60.24 0.0369 49.49 0.0397 46.82 0.0386 43.67 0.0627 69.16 0.0651 68.61 0.0619 69.19 0.0589 66.94 0.0639 65.47 0.0811 159.27 0.0835 173.16 0.082 165.49 0.0816 152.49 0.0834 136.97 0.1206 630.57 0.1138 607.19 0.1064 598.19 0.1190 583.91 0.1050 563.79 0.1280 639.17 0.1268 621.97 0.1214 605.14 0.1248 586.17 0.1208 569.48 0.1397 946.02 0.1492 963.57 0.1432 900.46 0.1461 850.19 0.1382 836.19 0.1627 1246.82 0.1653 1230.97 0.1631 1203.94 0.1671 * 3.26 ;318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . 1132.67 0.1605 { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9189 w3 0.0811 37.69/1 0.0236 0.8928 0.0836 31.15/1 0.0286 0.8894 0.0820 20.83/1 0.0421 0.8763 0.0816 9.431/1 0.0879 0.8287 0.0834 65 d5 1135.90 * 3.27 ; 318.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB26 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 a (cp) 38.47/1 w3 a (cp) 29.21/1 w3 . { w3 a (cp) 18.52/1 " a (cp) 11.96/1 0.0095 7.81 0.0092 7.20 0.0083 6.89 0.0092 6.94 0.0096 7.15 0.0195 8.34 0.0225 8.51 0.0203 8.39 0.0183 8.52 0.0191 7.69 0.0386 95.37 0.0423 89.64 0.0434 85.70 0.0394 81.34 0.0386 80.42 0.0641 96.15 0.0593 99.16 0.0569 95.34 0.0624 96.27 0.0634 89.37 0.0861 198.47 0.0837 183.46 0.0852 165.94 0.0827 158.46 0.0816 169.87 0.1016 589.54 0.1028 519.43 0.1034 563.14 0.1034 533.16 0.1030 553.72 0.1270 713.46 0.1194 694.57 0.1254 694.18 0.1240 672.13 0.1168 659.64 0.1430 998.67 0.1462 995.16 0.1426 986.46 0.1435 956.18 0.1397 967.59 0.1640 1300.50 0.1597 1237.20 0.1612 1257.61 0.1615 * 3.28 ;318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . 1246.91 0.1627 { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9139 w3 0.0861 38.47/1 0.0233 0.8930 0.0837 29.21/1 0.0302 0.8845 0.0853 18.52/1 0.0470 0.8703 0.0827 11.96/1 0.0709 0.8475 0.0816 66 d5 1235.97 * 3.29 ; 318.15 K > ! ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent695 PVB54 (3)( ) = B C w3 WRS/NS 1/0 w3 a (cp) a (cp) 37.23/1 w3 w3 a (cp) 31.36/1 a (cp) 20.31/1 . { w3 " a (cp) 11.70/1 0.0110 9.33 0.0088 9.64 0.0145 8.69 0.0097 8.31 0.0089 7.96 0.0240 15.46 0.0215 12.34 0.0189 8.97 0.0240 8.49 0.0183 8.56 0.0410 89.46 0.0402 98.41 0.0394 96.46 0.0426 98.16 0.0396 98.34 0.0630 145.67 0.0631 142.67 0.0615 125.46 0.0653 103.54 0.0615 98.46 0.0835 273.64 0.0824 265.49 0.0846 265.34 0.0843 231.11 0.0856 201.64 0.1130 648.15 0.1034 653.19 0.1064 652.49 0.1067 635.49 0.0989 697.45 0.1180 783.14 0.1195 753.16 0.1156 763.15 0.1254 753.16 0.1257 725.61 0.1438 1054.34 0.1425 1005.67 0.1394 1026.48 0.1468 1093.16 0.1394 1002.64 0.1627 1352.67 0.1624 1335.34 0.1624 1326.46 0.1624 1295.61 0.1621 1308.49 * 3.30 ;318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB MWn=54000 (3)9{ " d5 | ~ [ \ 62 - B C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9165 w3 0.0835 37.23/1 0.0240 0.8936 00824 31.36/1 0.0282 0.8871 0.0847 20.31/1 0.0430 0.8727 0.0843 11.70/1 0.0720 0.8424 0.0856 67 . * 3.31 ;318.15 K > PVB23 (3)( 5 w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 ! ) ª ( a (cp) 38.12/1 Solvent/Nonsolvent69 = B w3 . { " C a (cp) 31.21/1 w3 w3 a (cp) 21.73/1 a (cp) 9.21/1 0.0136 2.31 0.0951 1.97 0.0134 1.67 0.0123 0.99 0.0098 0.93 0.0197 5.12 0.0184 3.16 0.0197 2.86 0.0184 1.83 0.0189 1.28 0.0394 8.43 0.0421 6.97 0.0384 5.21 0.0379 4.15 0.0394 3.19 0.0617 30.14 0.0624 18.24 0.0616 16.48 0.0576 11.67 0.0058 8.72 0.0813 56.21 0.0811 46.27 0.0822 36.17 0.0816 34.15 0.0789 23.19 0.1046 269.71 0.1046 268.14 0.1046 234.16 0.1027 215.49 0.0984 198.15 0.1231 513.46 0.1256 430.19 0.1241 398.14 0.1207 364.58 0.1235 328.16 0.1438 951.34 0.1422 931.61 0.1369 897.16 0.1387 831.19 0.1367 789.23 0.1568 1153.19 0.1538 1035.16 0.1597 987.14 1120.46 0.1643 1097.52 0.1627 * 3.32 ;318.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9187 w3 0.0813 38.12/1 0.0226 0.8963 0.0811 31.21/1 0.0314 0.8863 0.0823 21.73/1 0.0381 0.8803 0.0816 9.217/1 0.1005 0.8206 0.0789 68 d5 * 3.33 ;318.15 K > PVB26 (3)( 5 w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 ! ) a (cp) 39.14/1 ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent69- w3 = B . { " C a (cp) 30.51/1 w3 w3 a (cp) 21.71/1 a (cp) 9.181/1 0.0131 4.15 0.0103 3.64 0.0089 3.14 0.0102 2.53 0.0093 2.46 0.0219 7.21 0.0231 6.94 0.0211 6.68 0.0193 6.78 0.0203 6.15 0.0431 26.19 0.0391 21.15 0.0416 14.21 0.0386 13.41 0.0391 11.02 0.0673 49.00 0.0637 46.89 0.0621 43.91 0.0637 42.61 0.0631 36.92 0.0825 84.15 0.0832 76.18 0.0812 73.15 0.0814 72.91 0.0815 65.94 0.1067 381.29 0.1091 362.19 0.1034 321.58 0.1030 299.14 0.1026 289.16 0.1267 610.27 0.1237 590.41 0.1276 583.14 0.1301 560.14 0.1271 531.96 0.1431 998.14 0.1452 996.14 0.1461 987.19 0.1425 980.16 0.1431 963.18 0.1637 1187.14 0.1671 1196.14 0.1629 1198.46 0.1621 * 3.34 ;318.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . 1193.18 0.1641 { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9175 w3 0.0825 39.14/1 0.0229 0.8939 0.0832 30.51/1 0.0292 0.8896 0.0812 21.71/1 0.0405 0.8781 0.0814 9.183/1 0.0902 0.8283 0.0815 69 d5 1195.37 * 3.35 ;318.15 K > PVB54 (3)( 5 w3 WRS/NS 1/0 a (cp) w3 ! ) a (cp) 42.14/1 ª ( Solvent/Nonsolvent69- w3 = B . { " C a (cp) 29.80/1 w3 w3 a (cp) 21.28/1 a (cp) 11.90/1 0.013 4.89 0.0093 4.92 0.0082 4.10 0.0101 3.91 0.0093 4.23 0.0197 6.27 0.0197 5.31 0.0184 6.24 0.0182 6.83 0.0192 7.14 0.0369 36.49 0.0389 31.13 0.0383 25.14 0.0392 26.98 0.0385 27.67 0.0617 63.74 0.0631 56.02 0.0651 51.61 0.0601 36.19 0.0642 48.19 0.0836 130.49 0.0842 101.60 0.0822 96.14 .0806 92.46 0.0813 89.24 0.1037 523.49 0.1002 510.30 0.1131 401.67 0.1123 396.57 0.1002 389.48 0.1146 563.79 0.1190 621.84 0.1271 692.67 0.1241 635.84 0.1183 623.16 0.1437 801.64 0.1364 893.14 .1431 1012.30 0.1430 1011.97 0.1421 989.26 0.1601 1125.91 0.1591 1103.57 0.1620 1092.15 0.1621 1120.67 1130.97 0.1671 * 3.36 ;318.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9| ~ [ \ 62 - B . { " C WRS/NS 1/0 w1 0.0000 w2 0.9187 w3 0.0813 42.14/1 0.0214 0.8980 0.0806 29.80/1 0.0298 0.8880 0.0822 21.28/1 0.0412 0.8746 0.0842 11.90/1 0.0710 0.8454 0.0836 70 d5 3000 H2O(1)/C 2H5 OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=298.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR =37.4983/1 S/NS =29.4798/1 S/NS =20.1631/1 S/NS S/NS =9.7041/1 η / cp WR =1/0 S/NS 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 w3 J 3.3 ; 298.15 K >PVB23 (3);, H PVB ( JT 6 = ) 6P Q 0.12 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C2H5OH(2)( *>5 71 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=298.15 K 0 1 0.2 B PV we i gh t fr act ion 0.8 23 0.4 ( 3) 0.6 io act t fr C 2H 5 OH ( 2) igh we 0.6 0.4 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 3.4 ; 298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3) 9| ~ [ 0.8 \ 72 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2O(1)/C2H5 OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=298.15 K WR WR =1/0 S/NS =39.6413/1 S/NS WR S/NS=28.7613/1 2000 WR =11.7196/1 S/NS η / cp WR =20.1624/1 S/NS 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 w3 J 3.5 ;298.15 K >PVB26 (3);, H PVB ( JT 6 = ) 6P Q 0.12 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C2H5OH(2)( *>5 73 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=298.18 K 0 1 0.2 B PV t fr act ion 0.8 26 0.6 ( 3) io act t fr C 2H 5 OH ( 2) igh we we i gh 0.4 0.6 0.4 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 3.6 ; 298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3) 9| ~ [ 0.8 \ 74 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=298.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR η / cp WR S/NS S/NS S/NS =1/0 =37.6417/1 =28.6245/1 =19.1754/1 S/NS S/NS =11.8756/1 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 J 3.7 ;298.15 K >PVB54 (3);, 6 = PVB ( ) 6P w3 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C2H5OH(2)( *>5 H Q 0.12 JT 75 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=298.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 we we (3) igh 54 t fr act B PV ion 0.2 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH (2) t fr igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 3.8 ; 298.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3) 9| ~ [ 0.8 \ 76 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2O(1)/C4H 9OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=298.15 K WR S/NS=1/0 WR S/NS =37.9417/1 WR S/NS=30.5462/1 2000 WR =21.1586/1 S/NS =9.1689/1 η / cp WR S/NS 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 J 3.9 ;298.15 K>PVB23(3);, = PVB ( ) 6P 0.12 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C4H9OH(2)( *>5 6 H Q w3 JT 77 H2O(1)/C4H OH(2)/PVB23(3) 9 T=298.15 K 0 1 0.2 B2 3(3 0.4 0.6 c fra 0.6 0.4 tio n C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig we )w igh t fr PV act ion 0.8 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 3.10 ; 298.15 K>,H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23(3)9 ~ [ \ 0.8 78 . 1 { " d5 | 3000 H 2O(1)/C4 H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=298.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR S/NS =39.1343/1 S/NS S/NS =1/0 =29.2678/1 =18.1565/1 S/NS =9.1683/1 η / cp WR S/NS 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 J 3.11 ; 298.15 K>PVB26(3);, 5 6 = PVB ( ) 6P w3 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C4H9OH(2)( *> H Q 0.12 JT 79 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=298.15 K 0 1 0.2 B PV t fr act ion 0.8 26 0.6 ( 3) io act t fr C 4H 9 OH ( 2) igh we we i gh 0.4 0.6 0.4 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 3.12 ; 298.15 K>H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3)9 ~ [ \ 0.8 80 . { " 1 d5 | 3000 H2 O(1)/C 4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=298.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR =38.7421/1 S/NS =30.4674/1 S/NS S/NS S/NS =21.6156/1 =9.1047/1 η / cp WR =1/0 S/NS 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 J 3.13 ; 298.15 K>PVB54(3);, 6 = PVB ( ) 6P w3 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C4H9OH(2)( *>5 H Q 0.12 JT 81 H2O(1)/C4 H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=298.15 K 0 1 0.8 PV t fr act ion 0.2 B5 4(3 0.6 )w we i gh 0.4 0.4 io act n C 4H 9 OH t fr (2) h eig 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 3.14 ; 298.15 K>,H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3)9 ~ [ \ 0.8 82 . 1 { " d5 | 3000 H 2O(1)/C 2H5 OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=308.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR S/NS =37.6441/1 S/NS S/NS =31.1437/1 =18.6847/1 =10.1279/1 S/NS η / cp WR =1/0 S/NS 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 w J 3.15 ;308.15 K >PVB23 (3);, 5 6 = PVB ( ) 6P H Q 83 0.12 0.16 0.2 3 H2O(1)C2H5OH(2)( *> JT H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=308.15 K 0 1 0.8 B PV t fr act ion 0.2 23 0.6 ( 3) we we i gh 0.4 io act t fr C 2H 5 OH ( 2) igh 0.6 0.4 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 3.16 ; 308.15 K>H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9| ~ [ 0.8 \ 84 . 1 { " d5 3000 H 2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=308.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR S/NS S/NS =1/0 =41.8923/1 =30.2328/1 =19.8412/1 S/NS =9.7123/1 S/NS η / cp WR S/NS 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 w3 J 3.17 ; 308.15 K >PVB26 (3);, 5 6 = PVB ( ) 6P H Q 85 0.12 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C2H5OH(2)( *> JT H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=308.15 K 0 1 0.2 B PV fra cti on 0.8 26 0.6 we we (3) igh t 0.4 0.4 io act C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 3.18 | 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction ;308.15 K>H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9~ [ 0.8 \ 86 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2O(1)/C2H 5OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=308.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR =39.8452/1 S/NS =29.8894/1 S/NS =20.1219/1 S/NS =11.5012/1 S/NS η / cp WR =1/0 S/NS 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 J 3.19 ;308.15 K >PVB54 (3);, 6 = PVB ( ) 6P w3 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C2H5OH(2)( *>5 H Q 0.12 JT 87 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=308.15 K 0 1 0.2 PV we i gh t fr act ion 0.8 B5 4(3 0.4 0.6 )w 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) h eig 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 3.20 ;308.15 K>H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9 ~ [ \ 0.8 88 . { " 1 d5 | 3000 H2O(1)/C4H 9OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=308.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR =41.3018/1 S/NS =28.5021/1 S/NS =19.5921/1 S/NS =9.1814/1 S/NS η / cp WR =1/0 S/NS 1000 0 0 0.04 0.08 J 3.21 ;308.15 K >PVB23 (3);, 5 = PVB ( ) 6P w3 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C4H9OH(2)( *> H Q 0.12 JT 89 H2 O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=308.15 K 0 1 0.2 B PV we i gh t fr act ion 0.8 23 0.4 ( 3) 0.6 io act t fr C 4H 9 OH ( 2) igh we 0.6 0.4 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction J 3.22 ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3) 9| ~ [ 0.8 \ 90 . 1 { " d5 3000 H 2O(1)/C4H 9OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=308.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR S/NS S/NS S/NS =1/0 =40.1031/1 =32.3757/1 =20.7248/1 =12.5592/1 S/NS η / cp WR S/NS 1000 0 0 J 3.23 0.04 0.08 w3 5 ;308.15 K >PVB26 (3);, = PVB ( ) 6P Q H JT 91 0.12 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C4H9OH(2)( *> H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=308.15 K 0 1 0.2 B2 6(3 0.4 0.6 c fra C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig we )w igh t fr PV act ion 0.8 0.6 0.4 tio n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 3.24 | 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) 9~ [ 0.8 \ 92 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2O(1)/C4H 9OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=308.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR S/NS =37.5815/1 S/NS S/NS S/NS =1/0 =29.2718/1 =19.3292/1 =10.1401/1 η / cp WR S/NS 1000 0 0 J 3.25 0.04 0.08 w3 5 ;308.15 K >PVB54 (3);, = PVB ( ) 6P Q H JT 93 0.12 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C4H9OH(2)( *> H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=308.15 K 0 1 0.8 PV t fr act i on 0.2 B5 4(3 0.6 )w we i gh 0.4 c fra C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig 0.6 0.4 n tio 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 3.26 | 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction ;308.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) 9~ [ 0.8 \ 94 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2 O(1)/C 2H 5OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=318.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR S/NS S/NS =1/0 =37.6922/1 =31.1527/1 =20.838/1 S/NS =9.4301/1 S/NS η / cp WR S/NS 1000 0 0 J 3.27 0.04 0.08 ;318.15 K >PVB23(3);, 6 = PVB( ) 6P Q w3 0.12 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C2H5OH(2)( *>5 H JT 95 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=318.15 K 0 1 0.2 3(3 t fr B2 0.4 0.6 c fra C 2H 5 OH ht (2) eig we )w igh PV act ion 0.8 0.6 0.4 tio n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 3.28 | 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction ; 318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3)9~ [ 0.8 \ 96 . 1 { " d5 3000 H 2O(1)/C2H 5OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=318.15 K WR =1/0 S/NS WR S/NS=38.4781/1 WR 2000 WR S/NS S/NS =29.2173/1 =18.5247/1 =11.9617/1 η / cp WR S/NS 1000 0 0 J 3.29 0.04 0.08 w3 5 ; 318.15 K >PVB26(3);, 6 = PVB( ) 6P Q H JT 97 0.12 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C2H5OH(2)( *> H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=318.15 K 0 1 0.2 PV t fr act i on 0.8 B2 6(3 0.6 )w we i gh 0.4 c fra C 2H 5 OH ht (2) eig 0.6 0.4 n tio 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 3.30 | 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction ; 318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3)9~ [ 0.8 \ 98 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2 O(1)/C 2H 5OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=318.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR =37.2346/1 S/NS =31.3667/1 S/NS =20.3145/1 S/NS =11.7018/1 S/NS η / cp WR =1/0 S/NS 1000 0 0 J 3.31 0.04 0.08 w3 5 ; 318.15 K >PVB54(3);, 6 = PVB( ) 6P Q H JT 99 0.12 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C2H5OH(2)( *> H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=318.15 K 0 1 0.8 PV t fr act ion 0.2 B5 4(3 0.6 )w we i gh 0.4 c fra C 2H 5 OH ht (2) eig 0.6 0.4 n tio 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 3.32 | 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction ; 318.15 K >H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3)9~ [ 0.8 \ 100 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2O(1)/C4H 9OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=318.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR =38.1272/1 S/NS S/NS =31.2172/1 =21.7348/1 S/NS =9.2175/1 S/NS η / cp WR =1/0 S/NS 1000 0 0 J 3.33 0.04 0.08 ;318.15 K>PVB23 (3);, 6 = PVB ( ) 6P w3 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C4H9OH(2)( *>5 H Q 0.12 JT 101 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23(3) T=318.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 we we (3) t fr 23 igh B PV act ion 0.2 0.4 io act C 4H 9 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 3.34 | 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction ;318.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)9~ [ 0.8 \ 102 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2 O(1)/C 4H 9OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=318.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR =1/0 S/NS S/NS S/NS S/NS =39.1478/1 =30.5162/1 =21.7123/1 =9.1831/1 η / cp WR S/NS 1000 0 0 J 3.35 0.04 0.08 ;318.15 K>PVB26 (3);, 6 = PVB ( ) 6P w3 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C4H9OH(2)( *>5 H Q 0.12 JT 103 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) T=318.15 K 0 1 0.8 PV t fr act i on 0.2 B2 6(3 0.6 )w we i gh 0.4 c fra C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig 0.6 0.4 n tio 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 3.36 | 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction ;318.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)9~ [ 0.8 \ 104 . 1 { " d5 3000 H2O(1)/C 4H9 OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=318.15 K WR WR WR 2000 WR S/NS =1/0 =42.1493/1 S/NS S/NS S/NS =29.8019/1 =21.2801/1 =11.9078/1 η / cp WR S/NS 1000 0 0 J 3.37 0.04 0.08 ;318.15 K>PVB54 (3);, 6 = PVB ( ) 6P w3 0.16 0.2 H2O(1)C4H9OH(2)( *>5 H Q 0.12 JT 105 H2 O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) T=318.15 K 0 1 0.8 PV t fr act ion 0.2 B5 4(3 0.6 )w we i gh 0.4 c fra C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig 0.6 0.4 n tio 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 J 3.38 | 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction ;318.15 K >H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)9~ [ 0.8 \ 106 . 1 { " d5 ;C c 7 9- . d Å " _ Æ £ e 3 M ó © g § ' ; 1942 i Flory Huggins j l k F É 1 ä B 9- 2 . - - , 6 m ¦ (lacttie)C â ã c ú [23]1 B c 5 @ B 3; 1952 iTompa[24] Flory-Huggins 1 : f ~ 0 En l liquid-liquid phase separation gap ;" p u c Flory – Hggins model I P h 1 B 3 4.1 È Flory-Huggin ¦ C 7 r ò 1 ä J B J " o q l < -5 " >5 ¯ Ó binodal ß curve3 l c 9- . 5 5 " Y Z B 1 1 ñ B " r J L M Flory-Huggins J z t u theory + ) É , - 6à ¦ B s J g12 g13 ð g 23 È v É m y ÷ l < = Þ Rr 9A Kr B ÷ # I m ¦ m ¦ ä J - P { Z " " D 9 Ò Q o . < ~ } Y Z 6ò ~ ó J6" iZ L 3Û R J " dv i " u 2 s macrovoid Õ L l ñ [ \x A ~ 8 R R spinodal curve 3Tompa etal [24] o G c ä B s 9 M r s r 6 è | 9 = s [s 107 " Ò L U l 1 I tie-line ; T û Mulder,1996 J q ¯ Û . 5 r 5 " Y iFlory, 19533Y # tie-line 6 ¤ 9- v - J ;c tie-line Ò - 3p 3c Ì binodal curve ;" h + binodal curve s P Fig. 4-1 ¯ ÌL dif u í q P Lai 25 Kim 26 0 i " u w ¿ critical pointo @ Kim et al.,19993P ª binodal curve tie-line z A r J z J Q En 3 9- P 2 U ) T ¦ v ô 3 m tie-line 2 - (nonsolvent)/(solvent)/c J J. CP { + 4.2 9 P --c . " J (critical point); (B) Berghmans point. @ 69- (polymer)9- È É / 5 65 5 " Y Z £ 1 B Chu and Munk[27]Altena and Smolders [28]Yilmaz and McHugh [29]Cheng et al.[30] Li and Jiang[31]ðKrimi et al.[32]o U Z L F Flory-Huggins s X c v 3 5 Gibbs Free Energy model 7 ÷ *+ - 9- T 7 P 4 ∆GM = n1 lnφ1 + n2 lnφ2 + n3 lnφ3 + g12(u2)n1φ2 + g13(φ3)n1φ3 + g23(φ3)n2φ3 + gT (u1,φ3)n1φ2φ3 RT (Eq. 1) o 9- 6I ¦ B gT m n K(Eq. 1)% R- 8 ∆GM = n1 ln φ1 + n2 ln φ2 + n3 ln φ3 + g12 (u2 )n1φ2 + g13 (φ3 )n1φ3 + g 23 (φ3 )n2φ3 RT (Eq.2) 108 φi = ni vi 8i - } ) 4 ∑ n jv j j φ1 φ2 u2 = ö - 6} ) " l ) (φ1 + φ2 ) (φ1 + φ2 ) u1 = ni 8i - vi 8i - B } g ij 89- - gT 89- 9- *+ (1)(2)ðc 1, 2, 3 : >¢ £ Û # (Eq. 2)¤ 7 o 6 O 3E: J z ® Y α i a ± β = µ ½ h P 1 B ¦ § - B = I L l É = Q ¡ M ¥ L ¨ 6I B ;R = ¡ B 3 3 H U I ¦ l 9- -c * (3) & B ä ; o 5 ð-c ¦ m c n Ò O © 9 è o gT = 0 3; Ó - [28,29,30]3 ^ Í P ¦ - ; Õ g12 g13 ð g 23 Ô > = ú ¦ B O I C ¦ j (Eq. 2) " Y Z V á r _ e ; ª < ª ¥ >a X " ¯ð°y z C Z µ " ¦ ¬ m ¦ 9 iª>« Z I I --c i ð- µ i ðµ Æ m R y chemical potential³ ª " o Ò Ó i=1,2,3 i α ² β : i (Eq.3) * i - ; ðX " R m y 34 + 4 g 4 ª R α ´ û 6 R m y K " Y Z 7 r * + 4 β ∆ µ i = ∆ µ i i=1,2,3 (Eq.4) µ 4 Ì 4 ∆GM ∂ R T ∆µi = RT ∂ni T F(Eq. 2)¨ , (Eq.5) ,P ,N j≠i (Eq. 5)I ¶ B 7 l r J z >9 7 4 109 ∆µ1 v = ln φ 1 + 1 − φ 1 − 1 φ RT v2 v1 φ v3 − 2 + ( g12φ 3 + g13φ 3 )(φ 2 2 + φ 3) dg 23 dg12 v1 v1 2 dg13 g 23φ2φ3 − u1u2φ2 φ2φ32 − − φ1φ3 v2 du2 dφ3 v2 dφ3 (Eq.6) ∆µ 2 v v v = ln φ 2 + 1 − φ 2 − 2 φ 1 − 2 φ 3 + ( 2 g12φ 1 + g 23φ 3 )(φ 1 + φ 3 ) RT v1 v3 v1 − − dg13 dg12 v2 v2 v 2 dg 23 g13φ1φ3 − 2 u1u2φ2 φ1φ32 − φ2φ3 − v1 v1 du2 v1 dφ3 dφ3 (Eq.7) ∆ µ3 = ln φ RT 3 + 1− φ 3 v3 v φ 1− 3φ v1 v2 − + ( 2 v3 v g13φ 1 + 3 g 23φ 2 )(φ 1 + φ 2 ) v1 v2 v dg13 v3 dg 23 v3 g12φ1φ2 − 3 φ1 φ2 + φ3 (φ1 + φ2 ) v1 v1 dφ3 v2 dφ3 − g12 u2 ∑φ (Eq.8) φ3 g13 g 23 ∆µiα = ∆µiβ 5 ! " # (Eq.4) i = 1, 2,3 $%&'()*+,-./0123 ; KL X \ π LL Z ] = 3> < M N O P g S _ /h ( ? ! +,- ^ (Eq.9) i = 1, 2,3 ∑ φπ = 1 (Eq.9) = 1 π = α, β π (Eq. 4)(Eq. 9) : > " A BC D Q T R S /012%&Y ` @ S T a M i Z E > F U *,-9 G : 4 ,-H 5*,6 4 P 8 ,- [ 7 I G 4 4 8 -KV J 9 W ,. = Flory-Huggins model)b -b 4 8 .c d etie linef j 100 N = ∑ f1,k + f2,k + f3,k 3 N K =1 > k = ) (Eq.10)# 110 F ## f1,k = (∆µ1,αk − ∆µ1,βk ) ∆µ1,αk ###### f 2,k = f3, k = =l (∆µ2,α k − ∆µ 2,β k ) ∆µ2,α k =m (∆µ3,α k − ∆µ3,βk ) ∆µ3,α k =w m n o n 7 o x 4 7 y 4 p z q p { r q | r o 4 7 4 4 s t s p u t q r u v# v 4 s t u v# N=g } # ####N j ~,=4 8 .7 b 4 # ####Bj LL b b 4 8 9 : # # p S T U )/012 g12 g13 g 23 g12 l C D U m l e1 f m n m e2f n m e1 f n e2f> n ? - B F 1q ∆G E 0eEq.11f X X ∆G E + X1 ln 1 + ln 2 ) φ1 φ2 RT g12 = X1φ2 ( Koningsveld Kleintjens g eEq.12f u 4 a,b,c = eEq.12f0o m *,6 0© ¨ e1f¤ n ª 8 9 : ! « P 8 l m n 9 : g12 $M = eEq.12f ¬ φ2 ¡ ¢ = h2 £ φ2 φ1 + φ2 /012> eEq.13f ® ¯ A P 0 l m n ° ® ¯ A 111 ? > A B¥ ¦ § = [34] P 1 )φ3 + g13φ32 = ln φ1 + (1 − P0 Xn ln F ,6 b 1 − cφ2 e3f - [33]7 2 h2 = g13 l ^ g12 = a − F ] eEq.11f eEq.13f Xn ¤ - g23 m 8 ± - e2f¤ n e3f - /012> ? > A B² © ª 8 « 4.3 0 Flory-Huggin model - R ¨ H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB *,6 ¸ . ¹ º »µ ¶  O 4 \ \ h µ µ ¶ .à .¤ ¶ · Ë ¸ Ì Í Ä 4 8 . H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) ³ 9 : .v b 4 4 8 S T Î p S t ¼ ) g13 vS 0½ u ¿ g13 v´ T p T µ S · v-¾ Flory-Huggins model Á À T ¶ . º 0 PVB Å -R g13 = φ . g23 = u2 > *,-b - b T ) g23 va b c 2 0½ »@ b S o Æ =i Ç È Ï 112 É -¾ 1Ð " ¤ ÊM. Karimi etal [32] Ñ - « S T . 4.1 H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) *,6 b b 4 8 Ò d -R S T .Ó Ô /02 v T g13 g23=a+ φ φ g12 (K) LL a b c Water(1)+Ethanol(2)+PVB23 (3) 298.15 1.500* -1.342 0.9086 0.5666 -51.15 56.72 308.15 1.500* 0.06963 -79.806 21.722 -93.28 -14.643 -26.614 0.46 318.15 1.500* 2.87 -21.856 126.42 -244.26 2.2 125.6 -337.95 4.61 2.896 1.0108 156.07 0.71 Water(1)+Ethanol(2)+PVB26 (3) 298.15 1.573 6.846 2.439 1.029 -17.39 308.15 1.716* 2.697 1.982 1.0035 -0.03473 59.958 20.517 318.15 1.860 7.074 2.2029 1.0318 -8.559 127.02 -170.42 4.41 2.01 Water(1)+Ethanol(2)+PVB54 (3) 298.15 1.831 10.42 11.158 1.0118 8.3839 399.15 -375.54 1.52 308.15 1.895 2.275 2.0807 1.007 4.4565 59.891 -126.21 1.44 318.15 2.511 8.033 2.409 1.041 -5.4643 187.06 -227.77 3.78 π LL = 100 3N * E > ∑( N K =1 g13 .S f1, k + f 2, k + f 3, k T Õ ) Ö 113 4.2 H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3) *,6 b b 4 8 Ò d -R S T .Ó Ô /02 v T g13 g23=a+ φ φ g12 (K) LL a b c Water(1)+1-Butanol(2)+PVB23 (3) 298.15 2.1803 2.9403 1.792 1.0039 -4.351 308.15 1.3658 1.9102 2.0065 0.99722 4.101 318.15 0.7883 2.0461 2.7512 1.0007 147.21 -324.49 2.54 44.344 -46.85 -1.2413 33.128 1.23 -110.64 2.7 Water(1)+ 1-Butanol (2)+PVB26 (3) 34.252 -132.99 3.52 298.15 1.9879 2.1043 2.0683 1.0016 4.6932 308.15 1.50275* 4.0416 1.889 1.0188 -2.4203 141.02 293.02 3.06 318.15 1.0176 2.9185 1.6243 1.0145 -3.8693 60.529 116.07 3.34 Water(1)+ 1-Butanol (2)+PVB54 (3) -6.8785 1.0215 27.996 298.15 2.754 -12.55 308.15 3.1329 -37.422 29.752 0.97501 234.02 318.15 3.5118 5.6269 1.0128 ( 2.1588 100 N ∑ f1, k + f 2, k + f 3, k 3 N K =1 * E > g13 .S T Õ Ö π LL = ) 114 -235.65 -107.73 3.79 -948.3 1117.7 3.43 -5.2478 420.57 541.82 4.71 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.8 t fr 0.6 0.4 3) 0.4 0.6 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh we we igh 3( B2 PV act io n 0.2 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.2 298.15 K BH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)*,6 model .-R S 0.8 T Õ Ö 115 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.2 B2 3(3 0.4 0.6 c fra 0.6 0.4 tio n C 2H 5 OH ht (2) eig we )w igh t fr PV act ion 0.8 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.3 308.15 K BH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)*,6 model .-R S 0.8 T Õ Ö 116 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H2O(1)/C2 H5OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 318.15K 0 1 0.8 B PV t fr act ion 0.2 23 0.6 (3) we we i gh 0.4 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.4 318.15 K BH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB23 (3)*,6 model .-R S 0.8 T Õ Ö 117 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H2O(1)/C4H 9OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.8 3(3 t fr act B2 PV ion 0.2 0.6 on cti fra C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig )w we igh 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.5 298.15 K BH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)*,6 model .-R S 0.8 T Õ Ö 118 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.2 B2 PV igh t fr act io n 0.8 3(3 0.4 0.6 0.4 io act n C 4H 9 OH t fr ( 2) h eig we )w 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.6 308.15 K BH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)*,6 model .-R S 0.8 T Õ Ö 119 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H 9OH(2)/PVB23(3) at 318.15 K 1 0 0.8 ) 3(3 B2 we igh t PV fra ct i on 0.2 0.6 0.4 ion act C 4H 9 OH t fr (2) i gh we 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.8 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.7 318.15 K BH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB23 (3)*,6 model .-R S 0.8 T Õ Ö 120 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 we we (3) t fr 6 B2 igh PV act ion 0.2 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH (2) t fr igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.8 298.15 K BH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)*,6 model .-R S 0.8 T Õ Ö 121 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.8 t fr ) 6(3 B2 0.4 0.6 ion act t fr C 2H 5 OH ( 2) i gh we we igh PV act io n 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.9 308.15 K BH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)*,6 model .-R S 0.8 T Õ Ö 122 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 we we (3) t fr 26 igh B PV act ion 0.2 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.10 318.15 K BH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB26 (3)*,6 Flory-Huggins model .-R S T Õ Ö 123 0.8 9 : 1 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.2 3) 26( 0.4 0.6 ht C 4H 9 OH ( 2) ig we we igh B PV t fr act i on 0.8 ctio fra 0.6 0.4 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.11 298.15 K BH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)*,6 Flory-Huggins model .-R S T Õ Ö 124 0.8 9 : 1 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 308.15 K 1 0 0.8 t fr 6(3 B2 act i PV on 0.2 0.6 )w we ig h 0.4 ctio fra n C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.8 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.12 308.15 K BH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)*,6 model .-R 0.8 S T Õ Ö 125 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26(3) at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 ht 0.4 0.6 (3) n ctio fra C 4H 9 OH (2) t igh we we ig 6 B2 PV fra cti on 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.13 318.15 K BH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB26 (3)*,6 Flory-Huggins model .-R S T Õ Ö 126 0.8 9 : 1 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C2H 5OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 298.15 K 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 we we (3) t fr 54 igh B PV act ion 0.2 0.4 io act n C 2H 5 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.14 298.15 K BH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)*,6 Flory-Huggins model .-R S T Õ Ö 127 0.8 9 : 1 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 308.15 K 1 0 0.8 ht ig we 3) 54( 0.6 0.4 on cti fra C 2H 5 OH ht (2) we ig B PV fra cti on 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.15 308.15 K BH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)*,6 Flory-Huggins model .-R S T Õ Ö 128 0.8 9 : 1 binodal curve H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 318.15 K 0 1 0.8 4 B5 0.4 0.6 (3) 0.6 0.4 n C 2H 5 OH io act t fr (2) igh we we igh PV t fr act io n 0.2 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.16 318.15 K BH2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB54 (3)*,6 Flory-Huggins model .-R S T Õ Ö 129 0.8 9 : 1 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4 H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 298.15 k 0 1 0.8 0.4 0.6 (3) ht 54 we we ig B PV fra cti on 0.2 0.4 io act n C 4H 9 OH t fr (2) igh 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.17 298.15 K BH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)*,6 Flory-Huggins model .-R S T Õ Ö 130 0.8 9 : 1 binodal curve H 2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 308.15 K 0 1 0.2 t fr 3) 54( 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 io act C 4H 9 OH ( 2) t fr i gh we we igh B PV act io n 0.8 n 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.18 308.15 K BH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)*,6 model .-R 0.8 S T Õ Ö 131 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins binodal curve H 2O(1)/C 4H9OH(2)/PVB54(3) at 318.15 K 0 1 0.2 PV we i gh t fr act ion 0.8 B5 4(3 0.4 0.6 )w c fra 0.4 tio n C 4H 9 OH ht (2) eig 0.6 0.8 0.2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 H2O(1) weight fraction × 4.19 318.15 K BH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB54 (3)*,6 model .-R 0.8 S T Õ Ö 132 9 : 1 Flory-Huggins ¤-48gØDÈgÙ ß G ØD / ê Z ) 2 à 3 gX 48g½ à B ,- í s \ Ü ë ] p ^ á 1 q â /* ,-4× /0 1 ³î ï 2 . ã F s ³ä Á å Ä ,Ö 0 Á ì O ñ æ /ð oÚ Z ç Û Ü W 1 @ Ý q Ð 1 W " Ð é " h S T Þ S è T 0 È ò 1. ' , H2O(1)/C2H5OH (2)/PVB (3) H2O(1)/C4H9OH (2)/PVB (3) PVB - 23000 26500 54000¼o 298.15 K 308.15 K 318.15 K * ? <B 8Ò d g 2. * ,6 Z 9 ó m : . b ô õ È 8Ò d ö Z ÷ H2O(1)/C2H5OH(2)/PVB(3) 4-ø ù ã úH2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3)û 3.m b ô õ È Õ Ö ö ÷ H2O(1)/C4H9OH(2)/PVB(3)9 : m b ô õ ÈÒ úH2O(1)/C2H5OH (2)/PVB (3)9 d : 8ü 4. Flory-Huggins model g} . J Æ -R Ç S ÈÉ T U ) /0 -¾ ¤-9 1 : 2 ,ý g12 g13 g23h Ñ « 0 þ = S 3 T g . Õ tie line gv / Ö > Î \ Ä Flory-Huggins model  O b b 48[ = 133 0 . [1] J.Bonnerjea,S.Oh,Hoare,and P.Dunnill, Protein purification:the right step at right time ,Bio/Technology 4,954-958 (1986). [2] E. Klein, Affinity membrane:Their chemical and performance in adsorptive separation process ,John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,New York(1991). [3] S. R. Narayanan, L. J. Crane: Affinity chromatography supports: a look at performance requirements [4] Catherine Charcosset: Purification of proteins by membrane chromatography, J. Chem. Technol. 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