スライド 1 - Trafikverket
スライド 1 - Trafikverket
03/10/2013 Seminar on Japan’s High Speed Rail Policy and Technology Shinkansen technology -Today and in the FutureFuminao OKUMURA, Executive Director, Railway Technical Research Institute September 24, 2013 Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway Contents 2 Introduction of RTRI R & D of Shinkansen Harmony with the Environment Improvement of Safety In the Future Concluding Remarks Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway 1 03/10/2013 3 Introduction of RTRI Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway RTRI’s Laboratory and Testing Station Gatsugi Anti-Salt Testing Station ・Kunitachi 4 headquarters Shiozawa Snow Testing Station Wind Tunnel Technical Center ・ Tokyo Office ・ Shinjuku Office Yamanashi Maglev Test Center Hino Civil Engineering Testing Station Miyazaki Maglev Test Center Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway 4 2 03/10/2013 a high-speed railway line proposal between Tokyo and Osaka High speed train seminar in YAMAHA hall in 1957 Constructing a dedicated track with standard gauge, 1435mm Using concrete sleepers and long rails Introducing high-performance vehicles capable of a maximum speed of 250km/h. Adopting onboard signaling systems and Automatic Train Control systems (ATC) Shortening the journey time between Tokyo – Osaka to three hours With these innovative techniques. Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway "Hikari-cho," the Birthplace of Shinkansen 6 Researchers working inside Shinkansen test train (1962) Opening ceremony (1 October 1964) National Railway Museum in York (UK) The first Shinkansen's name “Hikari” means "Light” Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway 3 03/10/2013 Organization of RTRI Board of Trustees Board of Directors Personnel : 530 persons (170 PhDs ) Budget : 180 million USD Patents : 2200 President Planning Division Compliance Division Administration Division Accounting Division Information Management Division International Affairs Division R&D Promotion Division Marketing & Business Development Div. Railway International Standards Center Auditors Chairman Executive Directors Railway Technology Promotion Center 8 Vice Presidents 12 Research Divisions ・ Vehicle Structure Technology Division ・ Vehicle Control Technology Division ・ Structures Technology Division ・ Power Supply Technology Division ・ Track Technology Division ・ Disaster Prevention Technology Division ・ Signalling & Transport Information Tech. Div. ・ Materials Technology Division ・ Railway Dynamics Division ・ Environmental Engineering Division ・ Human Science Division ・ Maglev Systems Technology Division Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway The Role of RTRI for Railways 9 RTRI Contributing to: - development of railways, - progress of science and culture Through pursuing: - comprehensive R&D - surveys - studies Ranging: railway technologies and railway labor science - from basic research to practical technologies as a body succeeding the activities relating tests and research of the former Japanese National Railways [Articles of Association] Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway 4 03/10/2013 10 R & D of Shinkansen Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway Slab Track Introduction to Shinkansen slab rail adjusting mortar concrete track bed peg Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway 5 03/10/2013 Track structure of Shinkansen Ballasted Slab Tokaido 東海道 Sanyo-east 山陽東 Sanyo-west 山陽西 Tohoku 東 北 Jyoetsu 上 越 Hokuriku北 陸 Kyushu 九 州 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway Comparison of maintenance costs 12 Ballasted track Slab track Maintenance cost (M-Yen/Year/km) 10 8 Costs 1/4 Others Fastenings CA-mortar 6 Alignment 4 Leveling Overall leveling 2 0 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 Year Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway 6 03/10/2013 Development of High-Speed Shinkansen Bogies Conventional Shinkansen Bogie (1964~1992 Series 0, 100, 200 ) Bolsterless Shinkansen Bogie (1992~ Series 300 and later ) Conventional Shinkansen Bogie for Series 100 Bolsterless Shinkansen Bogie for Series 700 Bogie weight 9,860 kg 6,660 kg Unsprung mass 4,630 kg 3,420 kg Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway Bolsterless Shinkansen Bogie • Greater stability at high speed • Higher running performance on curves • Less vibration and greater ride comfort • Smaller in size and weight Center pin & Mono traction-link Light weight coupling Eliminate end-beams Aluminum alloy gear-case Wheelbase 2500 mm Aluminum alloy axle-box Hollow (φ60 mm) axle Wheel diameter (910 mm → 860 mm) Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway 7 03/10/2013 16 Harmony with the Environment Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway Wayside environmental problems in Shinkansen 17 Wayside noise Other parts Pantograph Leading car Bogie Bridge Micro pressure wave Train (a) Generation of compression Wave (b) Propagation of compression wave (c) Radiation of impulsive wave (micro-pressure wave) Pressure Tunnel Railway TechnicalDistance Research Institute Railway Technical Research Distance 8 03/10/2013 Other parts Pantograph Wayside noise Leading car Bogie Rolling noise Bridge noise A-weighted sound level [dB] pressure 騒音レベル(dB) Aerodynamic noise 10dB Wayside environmental problems in Shinkansen 18 Aerodynamic noise + Rolling noise Total noise Bogie Pantograph Bridge Leading car Other parts Aerodynamic noise 0 2 Time [s] 4 6 時間(s) Noise source contribution analysis Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway Noise source identification 19 Wind tunnel test Field test Mirror microphone Railway Technical Technical Research Research Institute Railway 9 03/10/2013 Mitigation measures for aerodynamic noise 20 Pantograph shield Pantograph Series 0 (220km/h) 1970 1980 Series 300 (270km/h) 1990 2000 Series N700 (300km/h) 2010 2020 Low noise pantograph On-board sound barrier Series 700 (285km/h) Series E2 (275km/h) Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Computational simulation for aerodynamic noise 21 The flow rolls up strongly behind the panhead and its support Computational simulation is helpful in developing new noise reduction technologies. Panhead Improvement of pantograph shape Panhead Panhead support Upper frame Panhead support Simulation of air flow Application of new materials Porous material Sound source identification Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 10 03/10/2013 Mitigation measures for rolling noise and bridge noise 22 Mitigation for sound source Bogie cover Rail damper Rail grinding Sound absorbing material Sound barrier Improvement of barrier shape Sound absorbing material Sound suppression device Resilient material Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Wayside environmental problems in Shinkansen 23 Micro pressure wave Train (a) Generation of (b) Propagation of compression compression wave Wave (c) Radiation of impulsive wave (micro-pressure wave) Pressure Tunnel Railway TechnicalDistance Research Railway Technical Research Institute Distance 11 03/10/2013 Mitigation measures for micro pressure wave 24 Mitigation in radiation of impulsive wave Mitigation in generation of compression wave Tunnel entrance hood Utilization of branches in tunnel Cross-section area (m2) Optimization of train nose shape Mitigation in propagation process Series 300 Series 700 Series 500 Installation of ballast layer in tunnel (m) Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Model experiment apparatus 25 3D model Train model Tunnel model Axisymmetric model Train model shooting apparatus Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 12 03/10/2013 Numerical analysis of pressure waves from portals 26 Viewing from exit side Pressure Pressure Speed: 270km/h, with 10m-entrance hood on both sides. Viewing from entrance side Generation of waves inside the tunnel at train entry and leaving Propagation of waves inside the tunnel Reflection of waves at both portals Emission of waves from portals to the outside Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Wind Tunnel Technical Center 27 27 - Low-noise performance unequaled in the world. Background noise level: 75dB(A) - Highest wind velocity(400 km/h) for the large-scale and low-noise. - Equipped with a high-speed(216km/h) moving belt ground plane. Fan (D=5m) Panoramic view of the center (Maibara city) Automobile on moving belt Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 13 03/10/2013 28 Improvement of Safety Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Rolling Stock Test Plant 29 Purpose - Simulating severe conditions difficult to reproduce on real tracks - Preliminary examination of newly designed trucks Special features - Test of one vehicle or one truck - Vertical, lateral and rolling action Maximum speed - 500 km/h Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 14 03/10/2013 Semiactive Suspension 30 •Shaking of the body is detected with an acceleration sensor. •A variable damper attached between a chassis and the bodies is controlled at high speed, and resistance to control vibration occurs. •Decrease in more than 30% of rolling. Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Cerajet 31 Benefits •Improvement of Adhesion •Safety Benefit •Reliability Benefit •Maintenance Benefit •Economical in use •Financial Benefit •Improves efficiency Main Reservoir Magnet Valve Tank Wheel Rubber Hose Nozzle Rail Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 15 03/10/2013 Simulation of Train Derailment 32 Simulation program "DIASTARS" (Dynamic Interaction Analysis for Shinkansen Train And Railway Structures) Behavior of viaducts Video Behavior of trucks Video 2004 Chu-etsu earthquake (Tokamachi viaduct) Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Estimation of Earthquake Motion 33 33 Intended structures 地表面 断層 20km 20km Video Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 16 03/10/2013 Large-Scale Shaking Table 34 Purpose - R&D on seismic performance of rolling stock, tracks, structures Special features - Two-dimensional horizontal excitation (±1 m) - Maximum acceleration: ±2000 gal - Maximum surcharge weight: 500 kN Video Actuator Vibration table(5m×7m) Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 35 In the Future Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 17 03/10/2013 Future-Oriented Subjects 37 37 Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Development of Railway Simulators 42 Objective Improvement of efficiency and quality of technological development by development of railway simulator Car, track and A contact wire/ pantograph model train-set models Virtual railway Virtual railway test track test track Car model Simulator between structure and wheel Train-set model Model between sturcture and wheel Overhead contact line and pantograph Simulator Wheel model An integrated air flow and aerodynamic noise simulator Earthquake simulator Track model Ground/structure model Fault Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 18 03/10/2013 Brake Drag Panel Actuated by Flow Around Train without External Power Animation Flow direction Torque Balancer Train running direction Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Large Wind Tunnel Test at 400 km/h Animation Flow direction Prototype of aero dynamic brake Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 19 03/10/2013 Future-Oriented Subjects (FY 2010 – 2014) Sustainable Development of Railway Networks Smoothing passenger flows at traffic nodes Improvement of safety and reliability by intelligent trains Improvement of the safety against derailment/collision Safety and Reliability of Railway Systems 露岩部 Analysis of car body deformation behaviors Smoothing passenger flows and around stations Diversified techniques to evaluate train operation A technique to evaluate freight traffic Evaluation/measures to preserve the wayside environment for high speed operation A technique to evaluate aerodynamic noise / preventive measures Noise/ground vibration preventive materials Evaluation and measures 複数運動モードを考慮した振動低減対策 for inside-cabin comfort Raising the safety against meteorological disasters Simulation of the local meteorological conditions A technology of disaster/hazard mapping Construction of an advanced, independent train safety control system A derailment-proof truck Raising the safety against earthquakes A system to predict large-scale earthquake motion Evaluation of train running safety in earthquakes Earthquake-proof technologies/measures Development of Railway Simulators 上下動ダンパ Vertical damper 車体間ヨーダンパ 振り子ダンパ Tilting damper Body-end yaw damper Car, track and train-set models Simulation of the phenomena between structure and wheel A prototype virtual railway test track An integrated air flow and aerodynamic noise simulator A contact wire/pantograph simulator RTRI 左右動ダンパ Lateral damper 軸ダンパ Axle damper A technique/measure to improve vibration ride comfort A technique/measure to reduce noise inside cars A technique to evaluate comfort inside cars Design/development of a railway simulator core system Superconducting cable A new power supply system Innovation of structure renewal technologies Technologies to renew deteriorated Bridges , viaducts on revenue service lines Flywheel A new technology to monitor and maintain equipment conditions Innovative Maintenance A technology to monitor/maintain equipment conditions Basic technologies to monitor equipment conditions Application of superconducting technologies Use of semiconducting elements of low-loss Utilization of natural energy Reduction of car energy consumption Lightweight cars made of new materials High-efficiency car components Decreasein car aerodynamic resistance Low-loss Rotator Energy Efficiency Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute Nano-technology metallic material 46 Concluding remarks The Shinkansen started its operation in 1964. Since then, the high-speed rail system has evolved with continued technical innovation, such as speed increase, ride comfort improvement, and environmental measures to reduce noise and vibration. Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 20 03/10/2013 47 The Shinkansen will be celebrating its 50th anniversary next year, and it boasts a remarkable, zero-fatality record throughout the 50-year high-speed rail services. Its safe, comfortable high-speed service has been contributed a lot to the advancement of Japanese people’s life. RTRI will also pursue further railway research and development so that railways can support the progress of society in the years ahead. Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 48 Tack så mycket! Thank you for your attention. Railway Technical Technical Research Railway Research Institute 21
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