2011 - Pike County Public Library District
2011 - Pike County Public Library District
MINUTES OF THE ONE HUNDREDAND NINETEENTH ANNUAL SESSION OF THE SARDTSASSOCIATION OF OLD REGULAR BAPTIST THE CHURCH OF JESUSCHRIST In sessionand assembledat the SARDIS ASSOCIATION BUILDING Varney, Pike County, Kentucky September9,10, and ltr20ll Elder ThomasJ. Dials - Moderator Elder Hobart Hamilton - AssistantModerator Brother Archie Prince - Clerk Elder Edward Lee Smith - AssistantClerk GUIDE ME, OH THOU GREAT JEHOVAH Guide me, O, Thou Great Jehovuh, Pilgrim's through this barren land; I am weuh, but Thou ure mighty, HoId me with Thy powedal hund Breud of Heuven, Bread of Heaven, Feed me 'till I want no more. Open Thou the crystalfountuin, Whencethe healing streams dotlow; Let the jlry cloudy pillar Leud me all my journey through. Strong deliverer, strong deliverer Be Thou still my strength and shield. Feed me with the heavenlymanna, In this barren wilderness: Be my sword, and shield, snd banner Be my robe of righteoasness. Fight and conquer,fight and conquer, AII my foes by sovereigngrsce. When I tread the verge of Jordon, Bid my anxious fears subside; Desth of deaths, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaun's side. Sangs of praises, songs of praises, I will ever give to thee. TABLE OF CONTENTS FRIDAYPROCEEDINGS. SATURDAY PROCF-EDINGS. (t S T A N D I N GI T E \ 1 S r3 S U N D A YS E R V I C ' E S l-5 C I I R C U L A Rt . E T T h R l8 LINIONAND ( OMN{UNIONMEETTNGS.. . . 20 M E M O R I A L\ I E E T I N G S ,.. 22 LETTERSOFC'ONDOLENCE ... ...28 S P E C I A LN ' I F L T I \ . G.S. . . 29 O B I T U A R I I ] SB. R E T H R E NA N D S I S T E R S . . 30 O B I T U A R I E SI .- R I E N D S. .. -51 CONSTITUTI0\ 60 A R T I C L h SO F F . . \ l T H . bl R U L E SO F I ) E ( ' O R U M 62 C H U R C HD [ , L E G A T E S . . . . 63 O R D A I N E D\ I I \ I S T E R S . . 64 L I B E R A T E DB R E T H R E N ... 66 C H U R C H E SA N D C ' L E R K S 67 S T A T I S T I C A LT A B L E 68 PROCEEDINGS of the ONE HUNDREDAND EIGHTEENTHANNUAL SESSION of the SARDIS ASSOCIATION OF OLD REGULAR BAPTIST T H E C H U R C H O F J E S U SC H R I S T FRIDAY S e p t e m b e9r . 2 0 1 1 T h e S a r d i sA s s o c i a t i oonf O l d R e g u l aB r a p t i s tt.h eC ' h u r c o hf .lcsuC s h r i s ta . s s e m b l ei d n thcBusrr.. R o o t no f t h c S a r d i sA s s o c i a t i oBnu i l d i n ga t 1 8 0B m s h yS c h o oR l o a dV . a r n e ' yP. i k eC o u n t yK , c n t u c k ru . :' our host.thc PilgrimsHorncChurchandco-hostChurches: Applc Orchard.BentBranch.TurkeyCrcck.r: Littlc Tavic.on Fridavbcforethe sccondSaturdav in Sentcrnbcr. l0l | . Aboutthc hoLtrof 9:00a.rn.our Modcrator.EldcrThornas.f . Dials.carncto the Standand welcornc,: clcrvoltc. []rothcrTornspokcas fbllows:Whata greatblcssingit is to sL-c the brothersandsistcrs.lt is ., inrportanlhou wc conductoursclves.I wantto geton the cloudof glorf andgo up andseeCod as Brothc: ('larcttccMathissaid,"wc arenot lrcrcto do our will or anothcrlnan'su'ill. butGodour Fathcr."Thewhol. clutvot'tnanis to f-earGod.I nccdhis strcngth.Thc stepsof a rightcousntilnareordcredof thc Lord. \\.. rurcnot lir ing to plcasernan.but wc arepleasingGod to Iivc. Eldcr.lackRobinctte. havingbccnchosenas alternatcfbr this scssiolr's Introductory Senlon,carrct() tltc stancl to preachthe opcningof thc servicc.He procccdcd as lbllous: lf you don't know the Lord.find a placcandcall on hirn. Hc sang."Oh, Look WhatI HavcTraclcd."Ilc said.I am thankfulto be lrere,givethc Lorclthc honor.In rnyhouscaremanymansions. I go andprcparca placcfor youthatyoumaybe thercalso. Thc old rvritersaid,I cricdrnightyuntothe Lord andhc hcarclrnvcrv andpickedmy feetup out of theclar anclsctthcm uponthe rock which is JesusChrist. Jcsusis thc authorarrdfinishcrof your faith. Jcsussaid. hL,|ttlld'I,s|ttttt|u||ht,door,undknock..[/'un.t'tnunhettt,ttt.|.t.tlit.t,,ttttdtlpenthetloor,Iv,illc,ome vitlr ltittt,turtlht v'ithnte. You mustrepentwhile you llrvc liic andopportunity.I wantto go to thatncu placc. .lohnsaid.I sawthe holy city ncw Jerusalcnr conrinqclr.lu'n fiom God out of Heaven.Praythatthc Lorclwill strcngthcn nre. Elc'lcr LconardNapierthcnled in prayer. ElclcrAlbertCablecamcto prcachthc Introclucton,Scnnon statingthatwhcreverwe mcetout it canbe ctrllccl holr,sround.Ithankthe-Lordhe hasblesscdusto r.ne-ct out herctoday.Theword wasmadeflcshand clu'cltarnongntcn. We aresinncrssavcdby gracc..lc'sus carncdown to do what no otherman coulddo. I thiinkGod I got an operation of thc LordandSaviorJcsusChrist.God getsthepraise.Gloryto God. Grace hasbccnon my rnind.I didn'tearnit. I didn'tdeserve it. Whata promiscGod hasmade.It is goodandgrace aboundsin our hcar1.Preachingis not learnedof manbut is by thc revelationof God. ThankGod todaythat hc hasblcssedus.The scriptures werewrittenby holy mcn. In thc Book of Gerresis manwascorruptbefore thc Lord. Man'shcartwascontinuallyevil beforethc Lord. It grievedGod the he mademan. Noahfound of God we arewhatwc are. You canfollow gracefrom Genesis sracc. By thc -sracc to Revelations. Grace is rnan,clous. Onedav when I getto thatheavenlycountryI will know in full whatthatgraceis. We aresinnerssaved hr grace.The Biblc tcachesus to denyungodlyandworldly lust. ThankGod for thatgrace.I labormore .rbundantly.Paul said. I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith: henceforththcre is a crown of rrghteousness. which thc Lord. the righteousjudge,shallgive rne at the day. Wherefbre seeingv'eul.soare \ ( )lllpUSSe(l tltt't'uc'etltat is .setha/braus. Wc areboughtby the blood of JesusC'hrist.we areredeerncd by the blood of .lcsus ChrisI. If lto.soever.sltull c'allupontheLord .shallhesuvecl.Ibelier,'e in etcrnalsalvation.Bchold.Iwill nrakca new covcnantrviththe houscof Judah.I will write my lau,sin theirmind andstalnpthemin their hcart.Wc don't r.l'alkb1'sight.but by faith. God'spromiseswill corlc-true. It is an everlasting salvation. It is not in vain. Paulprayedaboutthethornin theflesh.God said.rnysraceis sufficientfor thee.Hc picked nrcLlpout of thc horriblcpit andplaccdme uponthatrock. It is far bcttcrfelt thantold. Gracesaveda u,rctch like rnc. Wc knou'sorrcthing aboutwhatGod hasdonefor us. In nt'/utlter'.sltrntse are mun.r: man.siotts, if it vrerenol so, I n'ouldltuvelolcl.t'ou. I go lo prepurc u Ttluct,fitr ttttt. I v'ill utnta ugain untl ret't,iye.r'ou unto nn'.self': thut v'hert'I unr,therc.t'enar he ulso. He is cotnin-q backaficr thc ChLrrch.Ble.s.ted is he thut huye u purt in tltelirst re.;urt't't'littn: on hintlhe.setttnrltleath hathnopov'(t'. \'ca. thoughI walk throughthc valley o f t h es h a d o wo f d c a t hI w i l l f c a r n oe v i l . l f w c d i e w e l r a v ca b c t t c rh o r n ct o s o t o . H o p ei s t h ea n c h o r o f thesoul. Hopeis surcandstcadfast anchorccl in thevcil. Thc graccLrpon nrcu'asnot in vain. My flcshshall restin hopc. We rnar"stunrblc. lrutwe will ncvcrfall. Thc word scntoLrtu ill accornplish whatit was scnt out to accornplish.Ianr rvaitingforthe blcssedappcarance of JesusC'hrist.l\loscssaid.standstill andsee the salvationof thc Lord. Thankyou Lord for what you havcdoncfbr cachandcvcryonc of us. Wc arc bouglttby the blooclof'thc Lord and saviorJesusChrist. Gooclbyc. old \\orld \\c arL-soing horneto Iive fbrevennorc. Thc SardisAssociatiotr dclcgatcs and a largcdclegationfrorn our Corrcsponding Srstcr.Associations remained in thc Busincss Roorntbr thcWork of thisAssociation ancl.asis ourcustorn. thcrnanvnon-dcle-uate Brethren. Sistcrsand fiicndsweredismisscd in the Preaching to assemblc Roorr.r tt'rhcarthc prcaching of-: EldcrHaston\\'hitaker.Old IndianBottom ElderJimnrvDalcSanders, UnionAssociation E l d e rP a u lD . M o o r c ,P h i l a d e l p hA i as s o c i a t i o n E l d e rC ' h u c kt l a l l . N e w S a l e mA s s o c i a t i o n Eldc-rBLrddr,'W. Carty.NorthernNew SalcmAssociatiorr The delcgatcs havingassernbled thcmsclves in ordcr.EldcrThornasJ. Dials,our Moderator, callcdto seatsthc delcgatcs fiotnour Churches sentto represent thcmin thisAssocration andthedelegates scntby our Corresponding Sistcr ,Associations.BrotherTommy calledupon Elder Estill Hamiltonof thc Union Association. to opcnthc Scn,ice. BrotherEstillprcachcdas follows:I carrehereto cmbraceyolr andto showyou rny love. Evcryone shouldhavecotnclookingup tclGod. Thc Lord is lookingdown uponus at all tirnes.He cumeto his ow'rt and hisott'nreceivedhim nol. But as man.r'asrec'eivetl him, to thentgave hepov'er lo hec'onte the sonsof God. He choseme out of this world and I arnno moreof this world. I believein a real resurrection, today. We needto praisethc Lord with all our soul,rnindandstrength.Let everyonecotneuntome. Lct everything thatbreathsthebreathof lifc praisethe Lord. WhenIget in troubleI call uponthe Lord. I havea King that canlift nle up no matterhow lorv I get. He spoketo the seaandit becamecalni. He wore a crownof thorns. Theypiercedhim in the sideandforthwithcamebloodandwater. My strengthcomesfrom God. Jesuscame down to this earth. Pcoplelovedarkness morethanlight. Jesussaid,comeunto me all ye that laborand areheavyladen,my yoke is easyand my burdcnr. i:_: and I will give you restunto your soul. Thirty someyearsagoI hada heartattack.Theyworkedg irh r::. long time. The nursesaidthe Lord hasa purposefor this man. I told my wife, if I die, I want to dic ar :: post. We oughtto touch someone'slife alongthe way. I am runningtowardHeavenall the time. Thr. noneotherthanthe houseof the Lord. ElderDeffort Thornsberry. of the New SalemAssociation,then red ln prayer. Thc SardisAssociation thcnproceeded as follows: ( l) Our Modcrator.EldcrThomas.1.Dials.cameto the standand saidthatduringthis weekwc har. workcdand enjoycdcachother. This a worshipservice.Lct God guideyou in what you say. (2) Thc Moderatorappointed a Committeeon Financcto reccivecontributions sentto the Associatio' by thc scvcralChurchcsas follows: EldcrBilly JoeRobinson EldcrRandyLackey ElderChestcrCochran (3) Thc Modcratorcalledfor the Lettersand from the SardisAssociationChurchesto be handedin to the Clcrk andfor the contributions to bc handedin to thc Cornrnittcc on Finance. (4) Havingreviewedthc Lettersreceivedfrom the Churchcsfbr rcgularform andorder,the Letterfrorn thc PilgrilnsHolneChurchwasread,anduponregularrnoveandsccond.all Letterswerereceivedalongwith thc Minutesof thc August,20l I mectingof theEnonChurchandtherccordof thepresbycrydissolvingthc EnonChurchducto thc lackof mcmbersanda letterfrornthc C'haritvChurchstatingthatthe CharityChurch hasbcendissolvcdducto lackofgrowth,attendance andhclpat thc CharityChurch,thedelegates wereseated and thc Qucriesand Rcquestwerc referredto the Committccon Arrangements. (,5) The Cornrnitteeon Financereported$5.37-5.00 rc-ccivedfrom the Churchesas reportedin the StatisticalTablc and afterturningthis amountovcr to thc Trcasurerwas dischargedby regularmovc and scconci. (6) Thc Moderatorappointcda Committcc'to arranscthc preachingfor Friday night and Saturday consisting of onedclegate fromeachChurchin thc Sardis.Association. andtheentiredelegation fromthehost church. (7) The Modcratorappointedthe following Committecof Tellersto take the vote of the Sardis Associationdelcgatesfor Officersto servethe SardisAssociationfor the comingyear and instructedthe dclegatcsto vote for a Moderator,AssistantModerator.Clerk and AssistantClerk: ElderDavidLester,Old Friendship Association Eldcr TeddyHonaker,New SalemAssociation EldcrMurl F. Caudill.Old IndianBottomAssociation (8) The SardisAssociation it's 201I organization thencompleted by selecting thefollowingOfficersto servefor the corningyear and. by regularmove and second,the reportof the Comrnitteeof Tellerswas acceptedandthe committeewas discharged: ElderThomas.T.Dials.Moderator EldcrHobartHamilton.AssistantModerator BrotherArchic Prince.C'lerk ElderEdwardLcc Srnith.Assistant Clerk (9) The Cornrnittec appointedto arrangcthe preaching lbr FridayNight and Saturdayreported.Thc following Brethrenwcrc used: FRIDAY NIGHT EldcrHillardNewsomc.NorthernNew SalcmAssociation ElderFarrisTuttle. NorthernNew SalcmAssociation ElderRicharcl Staton.SardisAssociation SATURDAY ElderLitton D1'c.Ncw SalernAssociation EldcrJohnnyThornsbcrry, New SalernAssociation ElderDannyIIurlcy.Old Friendship Association ElderRogerHicks.New SalcrnAssociation E l d e rD a n n l B ' c l c h c rU . n i o nA s s o c i a t i o n ( l0) Cornnrittcc' appointccl to takccarcof thevisitingBrethrenandto sccthatthc Standbc suppliedwith Ministers: B r o t h c rL c s l i cM c G u i r c EldcrElbcrtScsco ( I l) By rcgularrnoveetndsccond,the Articlcsof Faithwere rcad and the readingof the Rulcsof Dccorurnandthc C'onstitution wasomitted. ( 1 2 ) T h e M o d c r a t o r c a l l c d f o r t h e L e t t e r s f r o m o u r C o r r e s p o n d i n - e S i s t e r A s s oTchi ae tf iool nl osw . ing Lettersandattachc'cl corrcspondcnce werereadand,by regularmovc andsccond,werercceived.thedclcgates wereseatcdwith us in Councilandgiventhc righthandof fellowshipby our Modcrator: UNION: Rcprcscntcd by thc fbllowingdelegatcs: JinrmyDaleSanders. DannyBclcher.GaryVarney. JohnB. Sanders. CLrrtisCarroll.Bill Elkins.BobbyRobinson.Floyd (Buck) Ratliff.SherdMullins. Paul Hogston.TerryHall. Lcc Laync.Toy Looney.RoyLooney,A. B. Thacker,JamesBarney.FitchReed,Ralph Coleman.GobelBurke.BruceAkers.Andy Fields.RaynondThacker,RogerColeman.Estill Hamilton. JohnnyPaulCIincand StephenBaldridge.Letterin the handsof ElderRogerColeman. \ t \\ \ \l-t-\l: Rcpresr'nted JohnPaulHamilton,SquireHamiltt,n.t by thefollowingdelegates: ': r -r. I r,'n.rrtitlanrilton.DeffortThornsberry, JohnnyThornsberry. JohnB. Hamilton.James('. I.,-. " : . . 1 ; . s .Q l r g c r H i c k s . C h u c k H a l l , N o r t h e r n G a y l e B r o w n , L o g a n K i s e r , P a u l G r i f f y , R a l p h S l o n e . . l r :i.:::'.iL,n.('hc:tc'r.lohnson,Harvey Tackett.David Lowe, Omery Compton.Troy Branhanr.I) ('liircncePotter,PaulBoggs,Auttis Cox. ClydeLewis,TeddyHonaker,KennethFrazre:. :,,:'n.hc'rr). lr:,,r.nrbcn'). GaryBrownandTony Roberts. Letterin the handsof ElderPaulBoggs. \ORTHERN NEW SALEM: Represented by thefollowingdelegate s: JohnM. Elkins,RayHrrrr:' Ilrrtldr\\'. C'arty,Bill Blevins,Hillard Newsome,DuaneGraves,Wilburn Nichols,WayneSartin.[)e:' l'lkins.LarrvNewsorne, StoneyBlackburn,Jimrly Sowardsand FarrisTuttle. Letterinthe handsof [ ... \t()nc) []lackburn. PHILADELPHIA: Rcpresented by the followingdclegates:LutherRamey.Jr.. Lowell Adkins.tl l'avlor.RoscoeEldridge.Par"rl D. Moore, Ira Adkins,Jr.. Teddy Parker.FarrellHoward,CastonClay Pu-('haronGilliarn.GarvAdkins. DallasBledsoe. Jr.andWillis Tollivcr. Letterin thehandsof Elderlra Adkr . .lr. OLD FRIENDSHIP: Rcpresentcd by thc followingdelcgates:Dinny Hurley,DcweyMatney,Dar .. Lcstcr.DaruryC. Justus.JarnesD. Stacy,GeorgeThomason, John R. Justus,RogerMcCoy, HcrbertNlri. ,ArthurShort,EdgarBaker,Jr., StevcBaker,RogerBaker,DaveGibson,Ray Church.Will Matncy,Gcorr:, Bakcr.GaryD. Justus.MonrocMatney.WoodrowWhitt, BurnisLester.Allan Hunt,Kevin Salmons,Phillrl Fstt-'p. RogcrBlankenship, Larry Gibsonand Kermit Lestcr. Lettcrin the handsof Elder DaveGibson. OLD INDIAN BOTTOM: Represcnted by thefollowingdelcgates: BcrtCaudill,Murl F. Caudill,Randr ('onrbs.DclmarJoncs,Doug Bailey.Cecil Baldridge.RalphC'loud.RonnieCornbs,Cecil Watson,Sterc Lvcans.HastonWhitakcr,JeffRoark.HansfordWhitaker,Man,in Thornsberryand RubenLycans. Lettcrrn handsof EldcrHastonWhitaker. ( I 3 ) Thc Moderatorcalledfor TransicntMinistersandothermembersof our samefaithandorderdesirins to takca scatwith usandreccivc'd thefollowing:EdwardL. Srnith.ArchicPrince.EddieWilliamson,Lconard Napicr.BobbyScott.Sr.,ChcsterCochran.RichardStatonandCharlesJarrcll. (l-l) ThcModeratorcallcdfornewlyorganizedChurchesorotherChurchesofoursamefaithandor rlcsiringto takc up correspondcnce with the SardisAssociation. and fbr Associations desiringto take up corrcspondcnce with theSardisAssociation.EldcrSamFry,Moderatorof the Brideof ChristChurchlocated rrtL.uralcttc.WV. carncforthandwasallowcdto spcak.Aftcr briefqucstioning. by regularmovcandsccond. thcir dcle-gates wcrc seatedand their Letterof Rcquestfor Corrcspondencc was referredto the committccon l t r r i l l tg c l n c n t s . from eachChurch consistingof onedelegate 11,5; TheModcratorappointeda Committeeon Arrangements andall thc Officcrsof theSardisAssociation, alongwith theentiredelegation from eachof our Corresponding Sistcr,\ssociations. to arrangethebusinessfrom Saturday's sessionofthe SardisAssociation.By regularrnove andsccondthis comrnittee will meetat 2:00p.m.today. ( I 6 ) On rnotionfiom BrotherAlvin Thornbury,seconded by BrotherMontyMesser,theSardisAssociation uiis acliournr-d until 9:00a.m.Saturday 10,201l. morning.September SATURDAY S e p t e m b e1r 0 ,2 0 1 1 Met pursuant to adjournment at the SardisAssociation Buildingwhere.aboutthehourof 9:00a.m..our \loderator,ElderThomasJ. Dials,cameto the standstatingthatonc moretime I getthe privilegeto comc bcfbreyou. Oneday whcn thc Lord cofilcsbackagainhe will deliverus to our Father.Jesussaid." M.vgruc'e i.:.str//icient./br thee." Let his samespirit leadus the sameas yesterday.Wc arcnot livingto pleaseman,but \\'carepleasingGod to livc. He thencalleduponEldcrReubenLycans.of theOld IndianBottonrAssociation. to opcntheseservices. He said.we area blcsscdpcoplctoday.Wc neverknowwhenwc scparatc if ',vcwill evermeetagain.We must *'ait forthe powerto comcdown. Whcn we awakein his likcncss.\\'c ri'ill bc satisf-ied. Run the racewith patience thatis setbcforcyou. I arngladto be a partof this farnih..It takcsfirithto pleaseGod. And an highwayshallbe there.anda way,andit shallbc callcdthc u ar o1'holincss; thc unclcanshallnot p a s s o v e r i tT. h i s i s t h c K i n g ' s h i g h w aIya.m g l a d G o d s e t m e o n t h i s u a rI .1 - v o u g e t i n t h i s w a y a n d i t g c t s in you it will takeyou to Heavcn.All thc daysof our appointed tirncn c arcu aitingtbr theKing to come.then we will be fully satisficd.We arelookingforthe greatI Arn. lf wc arccloingthirrgsthatwc arcashamcd for o u r c h i l d r c n t o s e e u s d o . w e s h o r - r l d n o t b c d o i n gI ftG h co m d h. a s c a l l c d \ ( ) r r . \ ( ) u h a r c t o c o r n e ( i o d ' s w a y . WhenGodtold Jonahto go to Ninevehhc wentto go to Joppaandhc lirunda shipandpaidhis own farc. He got down in the bottomof thc shipbLrtcouldnot hidefrom the Lord. Whcna srcatu ind carne'thcy bcgan to throwthingsofTthcship. Theybeginto castlotsto sccwho wasto blanrcandit lcll on .lonah..lonahsaid. I am an Hebrewand I fcarGod. WhenJesuswent into a shipwith his disciplc-s to q()1tlthe-othcrsidcof thc lake,astheysailcdhc fcll asleepandtherecamedowna stonnof wind. Theybccanrc atiaiclunclcanrcto .lcsus. Hc calmcdthewind. TheypickcdJonahup andthrewhirnoverboard. u,as irr Jonah thchcllr o1'thcu halcthrcc daysandthreenightsbut Godraisedhirnup. Jesuswasin thc carththreedaysanc'l thrccnishtsancl(iodraiscd him up. Jonahwasnotgoingto do whatGodtold hirnto do but hebecamcwilling. .lonuhgothiscvc-s flstened on Jerusalcrn. Salvationis of thc Lord. It gocsdown into the heartof man. Lct c\cr\ nrln starrdin his own placetoday. No rnanis perf-ect in this lif'e. Thc rnanon thc insideis a perf-ect ntnn. He thcn led in prayer. The SardisAssociation thenproceeded as follows: (l) Calledthc roll of delegates andrnarkcdthc absentees. (2) Elder Billy Joe Robinson.chosento prcparcthc CircularLetter for this scssionof thc Sardis Association.cameto the Standand readhis letter. Bv recularrnovcand second.thc Lcttcrr.n,as rcceivedand orderedto be printcdin our Minutes. (3) Readthc Bill of Arrangemcnts and.by regularmoveandsecond.rcccivedthc report.At this tirnethe Moderatorreleasedthe Brethren.Sistersand friendsto assemblein the Preachincroorn. (4) Readthe Letterof Requestfor Correspondence frorn the Bride of Christ Church. Elder Sam Fry, Moderatorof the Brideof ChristChurch.andElderSammieMoore.thc AssistantModeratorof the Brideof ChristChurch.spokeandagreedtheycanlineup with theArticlesof Faith.Rulesof DecorumandConstitution o f t h eS a r d i sA s s o c i a t i o n . \::crhncfdiscussionandquestioningbythedelegationandafterallrequestingtospeakwereall 'i'-.ti. hr rc!.tttlar tl'lo\jeandsecondthe Brideof ChristChurchLetterwasreceivedandthe Church\\ ir: :r..rlrlcr ri orkins u'atchcarefor oneyearanda committeeconsistingof the followingbrotherswas apporr.. r i r r r ku i l h t h i sC ' h u r c h : EldcrThornasJ. Dials Eldc-rRichardStaton ElderRandvLackev ElderHobartHamilton ElderLeonardNapier ElderEdwardL. Smith ElderChesterCochran ElderArthur Mathis BrotherArchie Prince The dateof Octoberl5,20ll at 6:30p.m.was sct forthe first meeting.Directionsto the Churcharfbllows: From RoutetJ. S. 52 at Fort Gay,WestVirginiatakeStateRoutc37 castapproximatcly ten milc ttr :: . with StateRoutc152. Turn lefi ontoStateRoutcI 52 andfollow it northto Lavalette, -iunction WestVirginr., Altcr passingMcDonald'son the left andthe fire dcpartrncnton the right. turn right onto Eight StreetRp.,.. Go approxirnately onefourthrnileandturnrightontoCarnpC'rcckRoad.FollowCampCreekRoad,keeprr.to theright.approximately two rnilcto thc Church. FrotnIntcrstate 64 at Huntington, WestVirginiatakeExit fl andfollow StateRoute152northto Lavaletru WcstVirginiapassingtheTripleH Restaurant on thc lcft. Aftcr passinethercstaurant go approximately on. fburthrnilcandttrrnleftontoEightStreetRoad.FollorvEightStrcctRoadapproximatcly onequartermileanu tr"rrn rightontoCarnpCreekRoad. FollowCampCreekRoad.kccpineto theright,approximately two milc. to theChr"rrch. The address of the C'hurchis: ,5064RighrForkC'arnpCrcck H u n t i n g t o nW . c s tV i r s l n l a1 5 7 0 1 (-5) By regtrlarrlove and sccond.the reportof thc C'clnrrnittcc on the HistoricalLibrary of the Sardis Association of Old RegularBaptist,asgivenby BrotherArchicPnnce.wasreceived.Thc PikcCountypublic Librarycanbc reached on theinternetat thcaddrcss: u'rvn'.pikclibrary.org. On theirhomepageyou shouldsee I-lNKS.Click on LINKS. Click on Gencalogy to acccssthe-SardisAssociation filesor for a shortcut usethc aciclrcss. http//www.pikcli brary.org/li nkpagcs/sard i srni nutcs.htrn. C'lcrksNotc:We nccdminutesfor theyears1893-1907.l 9 l0- 1915 anrJ1925.Also.anypicturesandhistorics o1'thcSarclis Association c'hurchcs arereqllested.If a',,ailablc contact: EIdcrBobbyScott.Sr. ElclerEdwardL. Smith BrotherArchiePrince BrotherRalphW. E. Varney,Jr. (606)353-7858 ( 606) 834- 99s8 ( 304) 486- 5960 ( 606) 63 l - 3520 (6) Readthe Lettersof Condolencelrom our Sisters.theNorthernNew SalemAssociationandthe Union Association.and by regularmove and second.orderedthemto be printedin our Minutes. t 7 ) Rcada requestfrornthe SamariaChurchto removethenameof LarryR. May frornthe list of Ordained \lrniste-rs. By regularInoveandsecondthe requestwasgranted. t ll ) Reada requestfrom the SalernChurchto removethe namcof SteveWhite from the list of Ordained \lrnisters.By regularmoveandsccondthe rcquestwasgrantcd. (9) Appointeda Cornmittee asto who shall of Tellcrsto takcthc voteof thc SiirdisAssociation delcgatcs prcachthe Introductory andw'hoshallbe his alternate: Serrnonat our year20l2 Associalion ElderMurl F. t'audill.Old lndianBottomAssociation E l d c rW i l l i s T o l l i v c r .P h i l a d c l p h iAas s o c i a t i o n EldcrJeff Roark.Old IndianBottomAssociation Appointeda secondCornrnittcc of Tellersto takethc voteof thc SardisAssociation as to who delegates .hall preparcthe CircularLctterfbr our 2012Association: E l d c rR a l p hC l o u d .O l d I n d i a nB o t t o r nA s s o c i a t i o n ElderLarryNcwsorne. NorthernNcw SalernAssociation ElderWaymeSartin.NortherrtNew SalernAssociation 'fhese Corlrnittccsrcportedas followsandwcrc dischargcd by regularrno\c andsccond: ElderArthLrrMathis.Prcachthe Introcluctory Scnnon ElderPaulBcvins.Alternatc ElderMikc Lowc.PreparcCircr-rlar Lctter ( l0) TheCornrnittec Inetandrcported.By regularrnovcand appointcd thcpreachins on Fridayto arrange secondthc reportwasrcccivedandthecornmittee wasdischarged. The fbllowingBrcthrenpreachcd Saturday nightand Sunday: SATURDAYNIGHT EldcrBrianYoung.SardisAssociation EldcrLeonardNapicr.SardisAssociation ElderArrhurMathis.SardisAssociation SUNDAY ElderStoneyBlackburn.NorthernNew SalernAssociation E l d e rW i l l i a r nA d a i r .S r . .S a r d i sA s s o c i a t i o n ElderFitchReed.UnionAssociation ElderHobartHamilton.SardisAssociation ElderThornasJ. Dials.SardisAssociation . ( .rllcdlbr thc-SardisAssociationTreasurerReport. A move and secondwas madeto rr-.e i "'\ lllI r!-pt)n. SARDIS ASSOCIATION TREASURER REPORT 20ll Balanco c n h a n d9 - 0 1- 1 0 $ 93s0.s5 . \ d d2 0 l 0 l n c o m e : ChurchContributions for Minutes $ 5.515.00 ObituaryPictures 482.00 $ InterestIncome 6.61 $ Rcnt Income S 2348.14 AdvanceCoal Royalty 500.00 $ BuildingFundContributions $ 7,303.l6 FoodFundContributions $ 7.150.00 Misccllaneous Income $ 3.597.49 Total2010Incorne $ 26.902.40 TotalAvailablefbr 2010 $ 36.252.95 Less2010Expenses EquipmentExpensc MinuteExpcnse/M aiIing Clcrk Expcnse Buildingand LandExpensc B u i l d i n gS c c u r i t y ElcctricExpcnse WaterExpense TclephoncExpense Insurancc Expense Food and SupplyExpcnse Bank Chargcs Miscellancous Expense $ $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 2 2l.5 4.707.45 67.29 7,44s.06 2r 9 . 8 9 4,230.09 1 .r 3 8 . 2 0 6r3.75 890.80 6.857.4s 1.80 s0.00 T o t a l2 0 1 0E x p e n s c Balanceon Hand8-3I - I I $27,043.e3) $ 9.209.02 ( | 2 ) By regularmovcandsecond.it wasorderedthattheClerkbeappointedSccretary-Treasurer for 201I andthathc bc allowed$75.00for his exDense. ( l-l ) Rcccivedthe reporl of the Building Committeeand.by regularmove and second.orderedit bc clischarscd and thc Moderatorappointa new BuildingComrnitteeto be responsible for all use. repair. rnrpro\crnents. maintenance and preservation property as follows: of the EldcrPaulMaynard BrothcrLesMcGuire BrotherArchiePrince BrothcrErvinThacker BrotherTony Williamson Elde'rRichardStaton BrotherDanielStanley ElderDavid May BrotherDannyReed ElderChesterCochran BrotherCecilSetser BrotherDwight Maynard ElderRandallLee Lackey BrotherCharlesCanada Elder HaroldSesco BrotherClydeJames BrotherErnestSesco BrotherFerrellSesco the printingof our Minutes. { l-l) By regularmoveand second,it is orderedthatthe Clerksuperintend printedandthathe be allowed$300.00for his expense. :ilt hc'havethe nunrberof copiesnecessary (15) It is ordered.by regularrnoveand second.that we correspond with the Union Association. New :.rlcnrAssociatron. Association. Old Friendship Association NorthernNcw SalcmAssociation, Philadclphia .rndOld lndianBottornAssociatiorl. thatourClerkpreparc theLcttcrsolCorrespondencc andFilcof MinLrtr--s: .indthatBrcthrento attendtheseAssociations be appointed as follows: asdelegatcs Building.Ashcarnp.Pikc UNION: Whcn convcnedwith thc hostChurchesat the-Union .Association ('ountv.KY. bc-einning in Septcnrbcr. l0l l: BobbyScott.Sr..Thornas on Fridaybcforcthc thirc'lSaturday ('lyde Pcrrv.,{rthurMathis.GeorgcSaundcrs, I Dials.HobartHanrilton.ArchicPrincc.Bob.lustice. Eddie \\'illiarnson. WayneBlackbum.EdwardL. Srnith,FrankieScott.LconardNapicrandRandallLowe. Letter r nt h c h a n d so f E l d c rT h o r n a .s1 D . ials. N E W S A L E M : W h c n c o n v c n e dw i t h t h c h o s tC h u r c h c sa t t h c \ c u ' S a l c n rA s s o c i a t i oB nuilding, \l innic.FloydC'ounty. in Scptcrnbcr, KY. beginningorrFridaybeforcthefourthSaturclar l0 I I : ThomasJ. l ) i a l s .B o b b yS c o t t .S r . . H o b a r tF l a r n i l t o nE. d d i eW i l l i a r n s o nL. c o n a r c\la p i c r . \ r c h i c P r i n c e C . hester ('ochran.RandallScott.Arthur Mathis.MarionDuncan.FrankieScott.I:cjriartlL. Srnith.Monly Mcsser. ('lydc Perry.Don Preecc.WayncBlackburnand GcorgeSaunders.Lcttcr in thc hanclsof'ElclerHobart Hanrilton. NORTHERN NEW SALEM: Whcn convcnecl with thc Rosc of Shanrn('hr-rrclr. 5(r(r5Carlcton l l o c k w o o d R o a d . S o u t h R o c k w o o d , M i c hbi geagni n. n i n g o n F n d a y b c f o r c t h c i l r s t S a t ui nr ,c.l\aurg u s t . 2 0 l 2 : HobartHarnilton.Thonras.1.Dials.ChestcrC'ochran. Ron Harnilton.RichardStatonancll\larionDuncan. Lctterin the handsof EldcrRichardStaton. P I I I L A D E L P H I A : W h e n c o n v e r r cw d i t h t h e S o u t hF o r k ( ' h r - r r caht t h e P h i l a d c ' l p hAi as s o c i a t i o n Building.Worthington. KY. bcginningon FridaybcforcthcsecondSatLrrday in August.20 I l: ArchiePrince. BobbyScott.Sr..Ilobart Harnilton.ThonrasJ. Dials.EdwardL. Srnith.C'hcster Gary L. Napier. C'ochran. LeonardNapier.FrankieScott.ArthLrrMathis.GcorgeSaunders, MarionDuncan.Clydc Perryand Lestcr Lettcr in C'ochran. thc harrcls of Elclc'r BobbvScott.Sr. with thcPincGrovcChurch.RightForkof Gr-rcsses OLD FRIENDSHIP: Whenconvenccl Fork.Hurlcy. Va. beginningon Fridaybeforcthe fburth Saturdayin August.20ll: ThornasJ. Dials,HobartHarnilton. .\rchie Princc,BobbyScott.Sr..CharlcsPa1.ntcr. FrankicScott.Ivan Blankenship. Drcxcl C'line,Marion Duncan.CharlcsTe-stennan. EddieWillianrson andClvdePcrrv.Lcttcrin thehandsof BrotherArchicPrincc. OLD INDIAN BOTTOM: Whenconvcncdwith thc Little Horne.Doty CrcekandJanrcsMcnrtirial Churches at thc Association Buildingat theMalletForkChurch.PineTop.KnottCor"rnty. KY. bcginningon F r i d a y b e f b r c t h e f l r s t S a t u r d a y i n S c ' p t e r n b cTr .h2o0rln2a: s J . D i a l s . C ' h e s t c r C o c h r a n . A r c h i e P r i n c c . H o b a r l Hamilton.FrankieScott,Eddie Williamson.Arthur Mathis.Marion Duncan,Dcwcy Blackburn.Vir-sil Fletcherand BLrtlcrFletcher.Letterin thc handsof EldcrChcstcrCochran. ( l6) By regularrnoveandsecond. thc reportof Brethrencalledin Associations. Union.C'omnrunion and MernorialMectingswasornittcdtoday. ( I 7) Reada Requestfrom the Buck CreekChurchaskingto hostthe 2012 SardisAssociation.The Big Branch,Dix Fork, Little Tavie,Apple Orchardand PilgrimsHome Churchesverballyrequested to co-host Association. granted. the By regularmove and secondthe requestswere It is requested that all donationsfor food be sentno laterthanJune,2012.to: BrotherArchiePrince 242 Sundance Lane Prichard.WV 2-55-s-5 The SardisAssociation Buildingis locatedon KY Routc88l at 180BrushySchoolRoad,Varney,Pike County,KY. Follow US RouteI l9 from Pikcvillc,KY, towardWilliarnson, WV, for aboutl2 niilcsto thc fbotof BentMountainandturnlcft ontoKY Route881for aboutl0 rnilesto thc lareeSardisAssociation sign on the lefi andonto BrushySchoolRoad. lf travelingfrornWilliarlrson,WV towardPikcvillc,KY on US R o u t cl l 9 . t h ed i s t a n c ies a b o u tl 6 m i l e sa n dt u r nr i s h to n t oK Y R o u t e8 8 1 . ( I 8) TheSardisAssociation is sothankfulforthernanyBrothers. Sisters andfriends.alongwith ourHost ChurchcsandtheBuildingComrnittcc. who havelaboredso muchfor thistheOnc HundrcdandNincteenth Session of thc SardisAssociation. We extcndour sincere"ThankYou" to VelocityMarkctat Zebulon.KY; to KentuckyFricdChickcnat Inez.KY for prcparing thechicken:to ElclcrJinrrnyDalcSandcrs. ConnicCanes Mike Lyonsof thePikeCountySolidWasteDepartrncnt; and to Ncil McGuircof PepsiColaCo. at Pikcvillc who handledthc softdrinks;to PraterCreckIcc for iceancluseof thc icc rnachine: to theCampcrsfor bcing cxccllentguestsandfor thcirdonation;to EldcrPaulMayrard.BrothcrDanielStanlcy.BrothcrDeanLowe, and BrotherGcraldFieldsfor all thetripsto pick up fbod and sLrpplics: to all the Sistcrswho work so hard in tlie kitchcnpreparing food. dclicious andto theBrethren. SistcrsandFrie-nds of thc PilgrimsHomeChurch who staffthc Concession Stand. Eachycarwe think thc Associationcannot be anybcttcrthanthis year,but theykeepgettingbetterand bettcr. ThankGod fbr all the corrcsponding brothcrsand sistcrswho camcto this grandold Association. ThankGod for theloveandpeacetheSardisAssociation hascnjoycdoverthc lastf-ewyears.ThankGod fbr thc gooclntcctings we havchadandhis Spiritthatfills usn,ithso much.joy.Wc cannotthankhirnenoughfbr a l l h i sb l e s s i n g s . ( l9) By rcgularmovL-andsccond.thc rcadingof the MinutcsbcforetheAssociation ariscswasomitted anclit is orderedthattheseMinutcsbe sisncdbv thc Officersof the SardisAssociation. ll0) On motionfrornEldcrButlerFletchcr.sccondby BrotherCliftonRobinettc.it is ordcrcdthatthe ,Association Sarclis adjournto reconvenc at thc SardisAssociation Buildingat our rcgularmeetingtirne.the Fridarbcfbrethc sccondSaturday in September, 2012. (ll) Thc SardisAssociation was closedwith prcachingby ElderWayneSartin,of the NorthcrnNew Salcrn\ssociation.BrotherWaynethenled in prayer. ll (22) This work doneand signedby the SardisAssociationof Old RegularBaptist.the Chr,rrch of Jesus Christ. Brother Archie Prince.Clerk I THESSALOMA^{S: Chapter5 l'erses9 - 23 For God hath not appointed usto rlrath, hut to obtairtsulvutiottby our Lord Jesus Chri.st, Who died.fbr us,thut, v'hetherv,e v,akeor sleep,v,eshould liyt, togethct'tt,ithhim. Where/brec'om.fbrtvourselvestogether,ond edily one ctnotltct'.t,r'(n usulso ),e do. And we beseec'h you, brethren,to know themv'hic'hlubour unt()nsr'otr,(n(l ure ovct' t'ott irt the Lorcl, anclaclrnonish.vou,' Ancl to esteemthem very highl.t'irt love /br their v'ork ls.saAc,..1nd ba ut peuc'e umong your.sclves. lVov,v,eexhort.vott,brethren, v'ern thentthat are unntlv, c'omfrtrt lltt,f t,t,bleminded, sttpport the w,euk,be patient loward all men. Seethat none renclerevil for evil unto an_vman: hul ever"/ollotrthut whit'h i,sgoocl, both among r-ourselves,end to all men. Rejoice evertnore. P ru.t,witho ut ('easi ng. In everltthing give thanks:.fbrthis is lhe will o/'Gotlin Chri.st./c.stt.; c'oncentingvou. Quenc'hnot the Spirit. Despisenot prophesvings. Prove all things; holcl./astto that w,hichis goocl. Abstain./rom all appearanceo.f'evil. And the very God of peoce sanctrfy you wholly; and I pray God 1,s11y whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of'our Lord Jesus Christ, tl STANDINGITEMS Item 1. Item 14 of our 1975Minutesis reprinted,withoutthe preamble,as follows: SardisAssociation 13,1975 September of Old RegularBaptist Dingess.WestVirginia Brethren: In answerto theQueryfrom the Dix Fork Churchasking."Doesthe SardisAssociationbelievein Si- : wearingpants.slacksor shorts?"We, as an Advisorybody.say: To answerthis query in the affirmative would be interpretedb1zsome Brethrentoo liberally and :l would saywe havelaid down the gateand openedthe doorsto anythingand ever)'thing. 'l'o by'someBrethrentoo strictlyandthel'\\'(,... answerthis Queryin the negativewould be interpreted saywe haveshutthedooron everythingandCommitteesrvouldflow fion-rChurchto Church1iL.*31s1.\\ . believetheSardisAssociationshouldadvisetheChurchesto advisetheirmembers,bothBrethrenandSistcrin a mannerthat becometha Child of God. \\ to dresssoberlyzurdmodestlyand to conductthemseh,es believethateachChild of God will adornthemselves in a manncrthattheycaneasilybe identifiedfrom ti:. world. We feel the Bible,the infallibleWord of God. setsfbrlh and the Spirit will teachus how we shoui.: dresszrndconductourselves. We believe.andtheAssociationhassostatedin thepast.thatcach(lhurchin the SardisAssociationhol..: thekeyto its own doorandis the solejudgeof theconductof its membersaslongastheyfollow theorthodlr principlesof religionandkeepup a Godly disciplineaccordingto therr-rles of the Gospelas laid down in thc In fbct. Article 3 of our Constitutionguar.rntees that the Associationshall not infringeon an\ Scriptr"rres. internalright of the Churches. Elder War.'neHerald BrotherRalphW. E. Varney.Jr. M. Ray Brother.lames Item 2. The Association,by regularmove and second.saidthat if a Sisterhascut her hair,sheshould be askedto let it grow out; if shefails to do so and cutsher hair again,shewill be excluded. Item 3. It is orderedthat we adviseour Ministersof our Churchesnot to marryanyonehavinga living lrusbandor wife unlesstheybring scriptureevidencefor puttingtheirhusbandor wife away. (1929minute) Item 4. It is orderedthatwe adviseour Churchesnot to allow theirMinistersto oreachwith anvMinister r.vhohastwo living women. (19i 9 minute) Item 5. It is orderedthat requestsfor Union, Communionand Memorialmeetingsbe publishedin our Miirutes. IJ Item 6. Bv motion and second,it is orderedthat Obituariesof our deceased Brethrenand Sistersthat are .: _-trodstandingwith the Churchesat thetime of deathbe printedin our Minutes. Also, friendsof the ' :urchesthat are recommendedby the Churchesbe printed in a separatesectionof our minute. Theseare : ' I'c presented to the Clerk at the endof the Association.A chargeof $15.00will be madefor a picturewith ':e (rbituary.exceptthat picturesof an Elderor his wife will continueto be printedfree. Clerks lt{ote: Pleasenote the aboveorder - it is incumbentupon the churchesin the SardisAssociationthat :rcr be the screenand recommendingbody of Obituariesof Friendsto be printedin our minutesand identifu :re same(by note or otherwise)to the Clerks when the Obituary is turned in. Each Church Moderatoris turrherrequiredto screenand approveany Obituaryof a Friendof the Churchandto rejectany Obituarythat that is offensiveto the SardisAssociation. naslanguage Item 7. "We the SardisAssociation,adviseour SisterChurchesthat it is not our practiceto usesisters ,rr double-marriedmen in any function of the ministry. including leading prayer,in any of our Church scrr,ices." Item 8. By regularmove and second,it is orderedthat Item (15) of our 1999Minute be reprintedas tbllows: "lt is a sin for anyoneto put away their wife or husbandfor any causeexceptfor fomication and marry another.In regardsto goingbehindone'sexperienceor receivingonein the Churchwith morethanoneliving companion,we say that eachChurch shall be the solejudge to the validity of one's experience.Churches should not be forced to receive members,however, that would destroy the body. (Receiveshould be interpretedto include all meansof receivingmembers.)" 14 SUNDAY S E P T E M B E R1 1 , 2 O I 1 t]l. ,\bout the hour of l0:00 a.m.our Moderator,ElderThornasJ. Dials,cameforth and announced (Jr.: He said.I cannotcomecloseto tellingyou how greatGod'spoweris. ThatSpiritcauses rurrangcrncnts. cup to nln over. Chcrisheveryblessingyou get. You needthatto get yor"rthroughthe valley. When \\ c gc: l e n o s p o t o r b l c m i s h b e c a u s e t h e n abt ou dr a- vl r i r l : o n t h a t c l o u d w c w i lul n d c r s t a n d h i s p o wTe hr .e r c w i l b Iravebeenchangcdto a spiritualbody. cameto the standand preachcda' ElderStoncyBlackburn.of the NorthernNcw SalemAssociation. lirllows:God hasbeensogoodto us. I trustGod. I believeGod is aboutreadyto comcandgethis childrcn. If youdon't havehis Spirityou arenot of hirn. His comrnandmcnts arenotgricvous.Thereis no otherfiicntl likc.fcsus..lesussaid.if you arcnry friendyou will ke-ep rny cornrnandments. If you havcbccnbornagain Heavenis yourhome. You haveto do something.Jesussaid.givc me yourwholchcartandI will be fbund with you. God prorniscdme a homcovcr there. Whcn I seea rainbowI thinkof thc promiseGod madcto ncverdestroythc earthby wateragain.It will be destroycd by fire andbrirnstone.If you lovehim you will kccphis cclrnmandments. God told Gidconhow to fightthc battle.And Gidconsaidto Cod. if thouwill saveIsraclby nrinchand astlrouhassaid.Gidconsaid,I will put a fleeceof wool in the floor andif thedew be on thc flcccconly and it is dry Lrponall the earthbcsidc.thenI shallknow thatthou wilt saveIsraelby my handasthou hassaid. Thc ne'xtnrorninghe roscup andthrustthc fleecetogethcrandringcdout a bowl of water. Thenhe saidunto God. lct thc fleecebc dry andon all thc groundlet thcrcb-vdew. And Gocldid so thatnight.it wasdry upon thc f'lcccconlyandthcrcwasdewon all theground.Gidconwentout to battlcwith 32,000rncnandGod told go horne.He still hadtoo nrany. hinrtlratwastoo rnany.God saidspeakin theircarandtell thern.i1'afiaid, waterup likc a dogtakewith him, Godtold Gideonto takcthemdownto thewaterandtheonesthatlappecl 300 lappedwatcr. lf God be with you,you canwin thebattlctoday.Theoneson 9l I werecowards.Whcn (iod's wrathpollrsout.you will know what is hittingyoLr.Thercis a extrastrengthwhenGod strengthens v()u. If yoLrdon't lovcGodyoucannotloveyourfaniilythc way yor-r should.Whcnyoucometo the Lordyou u'ill llnd out what lor,'cis all about. was led by hlderRichardStaton.of thc SardisAssociation. Prutvcr 's EldcrWilliarnAdair.Sr.,ofthe SardisAssociation. fbllowcdhinrpreaching. Blessthe Lordtoday.He nrv rock in a worriedland. He'srnyshcltcrin thetirncof stonn. My pcaceI leavewith you.my peaceI give untovou.notastheworldgivcth.giveI untoyou. If thegospclbe hid,it is hid to themthatarclost. Thc gods of'this u'orldhavcblindedthern. You rnustcall on the grcatI Am. You needJesusin your life today. wc arc tried by thc fire. He canrcdown to this low groundof sorrowandtasteddeaththat you Sonrctirnc rlight livc fbrevcr.WheneverI do good,evil is present.He leadethrnebesidethe still water.he restoreth nrv soul. Satanwill leadyou out into a barrenland.ThoughI speakwith thetonguesof men andof angcls andharc not charity.I am becomeas soundingbrassor a tinkling cymbalandthoughI bestowall my goods to fccd thc poor andthor"rgh I give my body to be burnedand hathnot charity.it profitethme nothing. Thc'rcis noncgoodsavingGodtoday. If you wantto do good,getholdof God. Fearnot littleflock for i1is vour firthcrsgoodpleasure to -eiveyou thekingdom.Takeup the crossandfollow Jesus. l5 ' . .rbr)uttime that the trumpetwill sound. On the day of Pentecost they met in one placein one accordand suddenlycameas a soundof a mighty - . . i r i n g n , i n d f r o m H e a v e n t h a t f i l l e tdhael h l o u s eH y .e l o n g t o b e . e s h a l l f i l lt h i s h o u s e w i t h j o y t o d aW - ,,thc'dupontoday. We long to go to Heavenwhen we die. Thoupreparest a tablebeforernein thepresence of rnineencmv.thouanointestmy headwith oil, my cup -..:rnr,'th over.surelygoodness andmercyshallfollow rneall thedaysof my lifc. andI will dwell in thehouse :'thc-Lord forever.We needJesustoday. His nametodayis wonderful.We needto proclaimhis namc :lt)\'Ceverynameon this earth. Standtherew,ithyourloinsgirdaboutwith truth,andhavingon thcbreastplateof,righteousncss andyour ::ct shodwith thepreparation of thc gospelof peace.Standye in thc way andseckthegoodold pathandfind -r:t fbr your soul. 'fhereis a restwaitingfor us. Get down on your knccsand say.Lord havemercyon rne. \\ c'havea fatherin glory,not by work of righteousness, but by his rnc-rc,n-. If you don't haveJesuswhenyou thc you goin-e clown in watcr, havc is up. Thcre will be faith on this earthwhen bctter him. Jcsus'Church _i() lc'\uScorles. If you have.Tesus, you arehis. We shouldworshipGod crcry day. Forgetnot to asscmble '.()urselves as somcdo. Whenwc leavehcretodaythink of thc wondcrfirlhopcwc havetoday.The Church r. theelectlady. Godhasdresscd herup. We will meetin theair. Don't gricrc aficrrne.I am goingto shine :rtthc morning.God hasgivenus a drink of waterthatendurcthuntocvcrlastinslifc. EldcrFitchReed.of thc Union Association. followcdsayinghe conside-rs it a srcathonorthathis namc ,,rasput on thc list to preachtoday. He preached. in. the hiddenrnanof thc heartis uhat God is interested Thc innermangetsto catfrornHeaven.Jesustold themall throughthe gospclthathc u'asgoingto suf-fer. Pilatecouldfind no faultwith Jesus.but relcased to thc crowda murdcrer. An old brothergot up and it seerned like evcrythinghc saidwasdirectcdat nlc. Er crv tirneI corncby thc watcrwhercI wasbaptizcd.I rcrnember the baptisrn.WhenGod'slovc camein. thingslookedgoodto mc. God'sword is true,let everymanbc a lair. WhenI makentistakcsI arnthe onewho hasto pay. I havean advocate with God. Hc shorvcdmc the tlre of hcll onc night. You mustservcthe Lordwith all your rnindandstrength.Thcre'n'asclarkness fiorn thc sixthhouruntil the ninthhour. Joscphbcggedthc bodyof Jesus.The first day of the-wcck the sistcrs r isitedthc tornb.The stonewasalreadyrollcdbackandan angelsaidwhy scckthc living in thc tornbof the dcad.God is no rcspectcr of pcrson.I wasthinkingabouttheold sistcrsandbrothersthatharc goneon but theywill getup on theresurrcction day. The BiblesaysGodwill leaveHeavcnwith a shout.thc voiccof the archangel andwith thetrurnpof God.Thedeadin Christshallrisefirst;thenwe whicharealivcandrernain shallbe caughtup togetherwith thenrin thecloudsto rneetthc Lord in the air: andso shallwL-cverbe with the Lord. Wc will be knownas wc areknown. I am afiaidto fly but whenthc LordcomesbackI will fly on thc cloudof glory. We will be ablcto givc hitn honorand glory. The flcsh hasthe messenger of satanin it. The thorn in thc fleshbuffetsus. We can say.oh grave,whercis thy victory. The victory is in Jesus. Thercwill be little childrenin Heaven.Thercwill be no childrenin hcll. In that rnorningnaturcu,ill ccaseto bc. Onc daywc will gatheron thatcloud. Theyall shallknow nrefrom thc'leastto thegreatest.I am lookingfor the Lordto come. I feelrich in here.The easternsky will rolledbacklike a scroll. If you have not repented.starttoday. Look up for your redernptiondrawethnigh. In He'avcnall rvill be peace.joy and love. ElderHobartHatnilton.AssistantModeratorofthe SardisAssociation. cameto the standnextstatins. I hopewhat I saywould not causeyou to forgetaboutwhat you havebeenhearing. l6 - \'' : i :..r.l.rccrr hcrr-.the Spiritis here. I havethoughtmanythings. .i .:, rn :rn I did notwantanyoneto tellme I wasa sinner,eventhoughI knewI wasone. Whcn:: '. :.ri , :nj rt cut nry hear1.WhenI wentto Churchthe Spiritcut me. 1v,,qf n ill takecareof you if you looktowardHeaven.Perfectlovewilltake careof you. You nrrr.:: '- lrrrc ot'Cod in you. God changes yourheart. Krn-sDariushad a kingdornso greathe could not carryout all that was necessary.He cho:c: -, andof thesethreepresidents Danielwasfirst. Theybeginto try to find a faultin Daniel.bul ., Irrc.iclcnts llnil no fhultin this rnan. Trustin the Lord andhe will delivcryoufrom all thingsthatcorneto 1ou. : prcsrdents approached the king to passa decrcethatwhosocvershallaska petitionof any God or nran: thirtl day.exccptof thee.oh king,he shallbe castinto a denof lions. The king signedthe decrce.[);rn. bou,cdand lookedtowardHeavenand beganto pray. God is so goodto us. The Spirit of the Lord hasi''e.' hcrc. Whcnthekingrealizedwhathe haddonc.hewassad.God is not a Godof hatred.but theGodof lor .' Whcnhc givesloveto someone, theytry to tcll theworld how goodJesusis. Whcn lookingtowardHcarcr it is good. ThankGod hc gaveknowledge to makemcdicine. Whcn the king couldnot changcthe law, theythrew Danielin thc lions' den. King Dariuscouldn..,: slcep. N<lman can changcthe word of God. I wish cverybodywould get readyto go to Flcaven.Onlr .r rcnmantwill go. The king arosecarlyin the morningandwentin hastcto thc denof lions. Whenhe canrc to the lions'dcn he calledout to Danieland Daniclwas alive. Hc told Daniclto comcforth. Thc angclol (ioclcloseclthc lions' rnouthand they did Daniclno hann. The kinc kncw no otherGod like thc God ol I)anicl. The Lordis rvondcrl'nl, I wouldrccommend him to anybody.If wc areCod'schildren,wc shouldshinc cnoughliqhtaroundour children.thatthcywouldwantto go to Heavcn.Whenwe leavehcre,let'slcaveour firrnilywith a hopcthattheywill secus again. Praiscthe Lord. Everyoncshouldbe praisingthc Lord. ElderThornas J. Dials.Moderator of thc SardisAssociation. carnestatingthattheSpiritis so strong.Thc brothcrshavctolclyouthc tmth. Theyhavetold you aboutcscaping frornthe lions'dcnandfrom fire. lt has be-cnso good.wc havercjoiccdso much. Thcrcwasa tnanin theceilinglisteningto an old rnanprcaching.He wcnt to slcepandfcll out of the ccilrng.Thc old nranlaidhishandson him andhc wasalright.To escape theseconddeathwc mustgctJesus whilc Christ we havelif-cand opportunity.Thereis no tinrc aftcr deathto get salvation.Thcre is no more thousandvcars.Thc bloodof Jcsusmustbc appliedto thc inncrmanto escapethc scconddcath. Yc must bc bornagainto rcccivecternallife. You havcto gct Jesus.I belicvein theclcansing powerof God. There r sc l c a n s i npgo w c ri n t h c b l o o do f J c s u s . Tho'had to takethc red heif'eroutsidcof thc city to be killcd. Theyhadto get cleanhands.You must gct ilttothc clcansing handsof Cod. BcforeyoLlgethomeyou musthavcthe clcansing blood. Theyhadto hc clcanto hancllc thehcifer.I am gladthcrcis a trccof life today.Thc way I feelnow I arngoinghorne.Gct boarci on thc old ship it is sailingtoday. Thercis just one destination and that is glory land. I want to go Irontc.I wantto getrny fccton thc cloudsof glory. I havegot a bctterplaceto go to. The manon thc inside is rlrcsse-d Ltp. l : l d c rE d w a r dL . S m i t hc a l l e dt h ed i s m i s s i o n . Your Clerks t7 CIRCULARLETTER ij:,,:hcrslnd Sistersas the ApostlePaulwrote it is with fearand tremblingthat I approachyour ' , :.. r lodll\ . I standin needof your prayers. It hasbeenwith rnanyprayersthatI haveundertaken the ' : r r r 1t h c C ' i r c u l aL r e t t e rf o r 2 0 1l . I .rrnlikc Kins Solornonsaid in his prayer.I am like a little child who knows not when to go out and -:r i() cotllc in. Hc asked the Lord for his help and when thc Lord asked him what three things he ' .::ricd.King Solomon did not requestriches. And so, the Lord gavc hirn wisdom suchas no man before r-'trrr aticr had possessed. \lrtttlrcw ll:10 For thi.sis he, oJ'whom it is v'r'itten,Bchold. I s'antln.t'L4essengerbe./bt.ethv /ace ,:i,lrthullprep(tre7l1rvt(il:bcfirethee.|bclievethatGodhasgivenhisMinistersaSpirittopreachwith ::rtitrt tcachmen and women what they must do to be saved. Sinnersntust repentof thcir sins,bcing born .:=.rrrilrd cleansedby the blood of Jesusand get a drink of that livins \\'iitr'ras wcll as gettingthc watcr a . r n t r s rans C h r i s td i d . Matthcw 13:34 All thesething,sspoke.Iesusunto the multitude in puruhlt,.s; und v'ithout o parable ' 1t,tkt'lte not Ltnlothem that it might be /ul/illed v,hich v,u.sspokenb.t'theprophet stt.t'ittg, I v,ill utter thing,s .,.ltit'lrltut'e bee,nkept .;ecret.fi'om the /oundation o/ the vutrld. Psalrns78:l&2 Give ear, O m.vpeopl(.,to m.vlav'; incline.vour eors to tht,vrtrd of m1'motih. I v'ill ,)l)cntn.r'nnuth in u parable: I x,ill utter dark savingsq/'old. Today, Preachershavc different gifts: somc may get deep in the Biblc. and harc a sifi of brin-eing thincs togcther and some may go a morc common route, but it is thc sarnc spirit that cives us Ltnderstanding. Jesushad a way with words but pcoplc would not understandhirn. Thc Biblc savsthat the pcople were astonishedat his doctrine that he had taught with power and authoritl. Matthew 7:28 And il t'ume lo pe!;,\ v'henJesushud entled the.sesa.vings,the peoltlt'v't't't,tt.stonishetl ut his doc'trine.The pcople who heard him speak were again amazedat the powcr of thc spokcn word. Today, we havc not seenthe father, but have felt him in our hearts. John l4: l-3 I'et not.t'out'hearts he troubled, ye heliet,ein Gotl. be[ieveal.so irt me. In nt.fhther's House Qremaw Mansions, if it v'ere not so, I v,ould haye told v'ou. I go ov,ot'to pt'cpure u plrtt,e.fbrvou, Iv'ill c'omeagain and ret'eiv'e.t'ouLnltomv.relf'thatv'here I am there.voumo).be ul.so. So to inherit this mansionwc must believc and be born againnot of a comrptible seedbut of incornrptiblc.by thc word of God which Iiveth and abideth tbrcver. But the word of the Lord endurethforcver and this the word r,r,hich by thc gospel is prcachedunto you. John 7:46 The o.//icerun,sv'erecl never a men spoke like this man. We can seethat people werc astonished.Jesusmadesometruly greatstatements. John8:58 Jesussaid unto them,Verih',verilv,I sa.vunto vou,befbreAbrahqntv,as,I ant. .Tohnl0:30 1 und mv./atherare one. l8 John l4:9 Jesussaid unto him, haveI beenso long time v'ith rou, and ret has thou not knov'nmt,. Phillip? He that hath seemnte hath seenthe.father;and hov, sat'estthou then, Shev,us the /ather"! Revelation22:20 He v,hichte.stiJieth thesethingssaith, surel.t'I c'omequickl-,-. Amen. Et,enso c,unrt' LorclJesus. He madethe simplestatement. it is finished. Ephesians 2:8&9 For bv groc'eare ve sut,edthrough/hith; unclthat not of'1,ourseh,es it is thegili o/'Gotl:und thut not of workslestanv ntanshouldhoa.st. It rneansthat our salvationcomesto us on the basisof beliefandfaith. Acts: l6:31 Believeon the Lord JesusChristctndthou.shullha.;uyecl.Neitheris theresalvationin any othcr.for thercis noneothcrnameundcrHcavengivcn arlong mcn wherebywe mustbe saved. Acts 28:28 Bc it knov'nthere/breunto rou, thal the Sulvutiottol'God is sent untothe Gentiles,and thut the.t'v'illhearir. ( God callcdPetertoprcachChristr.rnto C'ornclius. a gentile.) Rotnansl0:10 For with theheartmun helievethunto richttorl.r/r(,.r.!, and v,iththemouthconfbssiott i.stttulc ttttltt.sulyulion. II Tirnothy 2: l0 Therefbre I endure all thing.r/br tha t,lat't sulyttlion v'hic'h i.sin Chri.:t Jesus v'ith eternul glor.t'. '.i satrc,thut they nrat,also obtuin the Hebrews 5:9 And being ntatlepefibc't,he bec'umathc uuthor of aternul .;alvation unto all them that ohe.t'him. I Peter l:5 Who are kept h1'thepov'er o./'Godthrough liith ttnto .sulyutionreatly to he ret,euledut tltt' last tinre. It means that whilc God could ncvcr acccptntc as a sinncr.condcmnedand unclcan.he will acccpt tne bccauseof his son whom I havc rcceivcd thc salration purchascdfor me. Jcsus shed his prcciousblood on the Crossto covcr our sin, thcrcfbrcas fiir as lnv salvationis conccrned. It is finishcd: John l9 30 WhenJesustherefitrehud ret'eivetltht,vittt,gur,ht, .suid,it is /inishecl;he bov,edhi.shead urtd guve up lhe ghost. I Petcr l : l tl & 19 For us much as re knox' thut .r't'\'(,t'L, not retleernedwith c'orruptiblethings, ussilver urrdgoltl, f |om .t'our vuin c'onversalionreceivedh.t'trutlition fi'ont.t'ourjhther; but w,iththeprec,iousblootl rl (.ltri.rt,u.sof u lamb u'ithouthlenri.sh und vithout .\l)ot. So. Ibelieve Jcsusis coming again to reccivc nrv body and soul and he told us to bc ready in that day. I Thcssalonians2:19 For u'httt is our hope, or jo.t',or ('t'ov'tto/'re.joic'ing'?Are not evetl),e in the l)r'L'\cn(eof our Lortl .IesusChrisl at his t,ontin,q'! N{avGod BlessYou. Your Scrvant (-H^ 6,A,({/;,.-l9 UNION AND COMMUNION MEETINGS AND MI]\ISTERSTO ATTE]\D APRIL,20I2 SOtITHERN HOME: FirstSaturday andSunday.CommunionSaturday evening.Ministerscalled:Paul \laward. BuddyCarty.Gary Young,Jeff Dillon, DannyAdamsand David May. l-ITTLE ROSIE: SecondSaturday and Sunday.ComntunionSaturday eveningat 3:00p.m. Ministers AlbcrtCable.HobaftHamilton,RichardStaton.PaulBer,'ins. ElbertSescoandBilly JoeRobinson. calle-d: andSunday.CommunionSaturdayr evening.Ministerscalled:Charles OKEECHOBEE: FourthSaturday .larrcll,JamesBarney.BrianYoung,ChrisWattsand RichardLowc. MAY,2012 SALEM: First Saturdayand Sunday. Comrnunion3:00 p.m. followingthc regularSaturdayservice. Ministerscalled:CrccdThomas,HobartHarnilton,DannyRunyon.Billy.locRobinson. and JackRobinette RobertHaney. TURKEY CREEK: SecondSaturday andSunday.CommunionSaturdalr * cninr at 3:00p.m. Ministers called:ElberlSesco,DannyRunyon,StoneyBlackburn, JackRobinette, Don Littlc.HaroldSesco.GaryL. YoungandEric Williamson. JUNE,20I2 APPLE ORCHARD: FirstSaturday andSunday.CommunionSaturday eveningat l:00 p.rn. Ministers callcd: Jery Overstreet. JackRobinette, DuaneSmith.DannyRunyon andArthur Mathis. ELIZABETH: First Saturdayand Sunday.CommunionSunday. Ministcrscalled: Ral.rnondSmith, AlbertCable. W. H. Cochranand Bcn Scott. PILGRIMS REST: SecondSaturday andSunday.CommunionSundayfollowingregularchurchservice. Ministerscalled: StoneyBlackburn.HaroldSesco,Mikc Lowc andBilly Howard. B U C K C R E E K : T h i r d S a t u r d a y a n d S u n dCaoyr. n m u n i o n S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g a t 4 : 0 0Mpi .nni sr .t e r s c a l l c d : HotnerMuncy.Jr.. Bobby Scott,Sr., Gary Blevins,WallaceSartin.RichardStaton.Arthur May, Jack Robinette. ButlerFletcherandAlbertClable. SIDNEY: FourthSaturday andSunday.Comrnunion Saturday eveningat 4:00p.nr.Ministerscallcd:Bcn Scott,AlbertCable,LacyWalters,DavidCriggerandThomasJ. Dials. LITTLE VIRGIE: FourthSaturday andSunday.CommunionSaturday eveningat 2:00 p.m. Ministers called: Arthur May. Albert Cable.JackRobinette.ElbertSescoand Billy JoeRobinson. JULY,2OI2 DIX FORK: First Saturdayand Sunday.CommunionSaturdayeveningat 4:00 p.m. Ministerscalled: FrankieScott.DannyBelcher.DannyHurley.Garv Adkins and PaulBevins. 20 S \\l \RI.{: FirstSaturday at 5:00p.m. MinrstL'rs e.r., and Sunday.CommunionSaturdayevenin-e 'fhonra:.T. ('llr-: .. Dials.WayneHerald.Jr..ChrisWatts,Ben Scott,DannyRunyon,Billy Howardand \ l l t hi : . l-E.\\\AH: SccondSaturday andSunday.CommunionSaturday eveningat l:00 p.rn. Ministerscul . IlichardStaton.Elber-t Sesco.HaroldSescoandLeonRobinson.Business on this dayonly staftsat i : i.t.nt . \lT. PLEASANT: SccondSaturday and Sunday.ComrnunionSaturday eveningat 4:00p.m. Minr':.'. callcd: ThornasJ. Dials.JanrcsTackett.EdwardLee Srnith.JerryOverstrcet andDavid Lcster. l.lTTLE TAVIII: SecondSaturday and Sunday.CommunionSaturday eveningat 4:00 p.tt't.Mini'tt':. called: Mr-rrlF. CaLrdill, Don Lawson.ThomasJ. Dials.Cary Blcvinsand Raynnond Stapleton. BIG BRANCH: ThirdSaturday andSunday.Cornmunion Saturday eveningat I :00p.m. Ministcrscallcti .lohnPaulHanrilton.DauneSrnith.Billy JoeRobinsonand LeonRobinson. M A R Y E L I Z A B E T H : T h i r d S a t u r d a y a n d S u n dfa' oym . munionSaturdaycveningat5:00p M.irnni.s t c r . callcd: ThornasJ. Dials.HcnnanWest.GayleBrown.DavidLcster.KcnncthB. Judeand DannyHurls BRIDE OF CHRIST: ThirdSaturday andSunday.Conrrnurtion Sundavaftcrregularscrvicc.All RegLrllr B a p t i srtn i n i s t c rcsa l e d . :{ARROWS BRANCH: FourthSaturdayandSunday.C'ornrnunion startingat I I :00a.m.aficr Saturday busincss.Ministcrscalled: HobartHarnilton.FrankieScott.LacvWaltcrs.ElbertSesco.EricWilliarnson. and Billy JoeRobinsonwith Moderatorattcnding. nuJusr, zorz T A B I T H A : F i r s t S a t r - r r d a y a n d S u nCdoam y .m u n i o n S a t u r d a y c - r ' c n i n s a t 3 : 0 M 0 pi n. ri n s t. e r s c a l l e L de : on l{obinson. PaulMaynard. Arthr-rr May,HarrisonRunyon.Billy.locRobinson, Chester ElbertSesco Cochran. anclAlbcrl Cablc. I I E N T B R A N C H : T h i r dS a t u r d a y a nSdu n d a yC. o m m u n i o S n a t u r d a y c v c n i t r s a f t c rl t: h0 c0 p . r n .b u s i n c s s ntcctirlg.Ministcrscallcd: StoneyBlackburn.ThornasJ. Dials.Arthur Mathisand HaroldSesco. ROSA: Third Saturday and Sundtry.CornmunionSundays'ening. Ministerscalled: BobbyScott,Sr.. Lconarcl Harnilton.StoneyBlackbum.JackRobinette and DnnnyRunyonwith modcratorattending. .\NTIOCH: FourthSaturdayand Sunday.CommunionSundayfbllowingthe regularChurchservice-. N'linistcrs called: BillyJoe Robinson.PaulMaynard.StoncvBlackburnand PrestonLewis. BETHANY: FourthSaturday andSr"rnday. Conrrnunion Saturday at 5:00p.m. Ministcrscalled: cvenin-e IlobartHarnilton. Thornas J. Dials.RobertHaney.HarrisonRunyon,GabeLowc,Jr.andWayneHcrald.Jr. PILGRIMS HOME: FourlhSaturday and Sunday.CommunionSunday.Ministerscalled: Don Little, HobartF{antilton andBarryLucas. ll MEMORJAL MEETINGS MARCH, 2OI2 ,ht t ( HOBEE CHURCH will hold a memorialmeetingof all deceased membersof the Okeechobee -. ' ,'n thc tbLrrthSr,rnday. Ministerscalled:Arlice Peaden. DeeOsborne, Jeff Dillon, DannyAdams. . :r \.lriir.Sr. and BruceForsyh. \ | t \ t ( ) R I.{ l- \I E ETING of all thc deccased mernbers of theSardisAssociation will beheldatthe Sardis - r.rtr(,n Buildingon theodd Sunday(April l) at l0:00 a.m.Ministerscalled:EstillHamilton,Reuben . ;:r. .!nrlDarid Lcster.Hobar-t HamiltonandThomasJ. Dial. Everyonebrins covereddishes. APRIL,20I2 . \\l \RIA CHURCH will hold a rnemorialmeetingof all deccased membersof thc SamariaChurchon ' .:.i)llic-rthefrrstSaturday.Ministerscallcd: RichardStaton.ElbertSesco,IvanBlankenship, Harold ' . . . , ' . r n tB c obinson. l illy'JoR I ' l t ( ; R I I I S H O M E C H U R C H w i l l h o l da r n e m o r i aml e e t i n go n t h es c c o n dS a t u r d aayt t h c C h u r c hf b r ':r,,'c buricdon thc WilliamsonFamilyCcmetery.Servicewill beganat 6:00 p.rn. Ministerscallcd: .:rcri \\/altcrs.MichaelLowc andRichardStaton. MAY,2012 I F \\\AH CtIURCH will holda rncnrorial rneetingat theChurchfbr all thc deccascd on thc Ficldsand '. :k ( crretcryon the'second Harold Sundayin May at l0:30 a.rn. Ministerscallcd: KennethB. JLrde. . - \!(). ,,\lbcr1 CablcandRen Scottwith rnoderator attending. I | | Tl,E ROSIE CHURCH will hold a rnemorialmeetingof the Whitc familyon Sundavtbllor.r,ing thc - . r,ndSaturday at thc Church. Ministcrscalled:RandyLackey.Tirn Robinson,HaroldSescoandDuane -:rith. rot'THERN HOME CHURCH will hold a rnemorialrneetingat the formcrCharityChurchbuildingrn , rccnsboro,GAonthcSundayfbllowingthcsecondSatu a0 y a I. mM 1 r0d: 3 . inisterscallcd . A: l b e r t C a b l c , . ).rrid May. BruccForsythandWilliamsAdair.Sr. tilG IIRANCH CHURCH will holda memorialmeetingof the Ratliff.McCoy.Morrisonand Blackburn :.:nrilics, alsothoseburiedon tlie HanncrsCcmeteryon Sundayaftcrthethird Saturday.Ministerscallcd: , ).rnnyRunyon.GabeD. Lowe..1r.,RichardStatonand DalcWilliamson. \l \RY ELIZABETH CHURCH will holda memorialrneeting of ZellaMay (Fralcy)Harrisonand son, irarlcs t E. Harrisonandfarnilyat theChurchon Sundayafterthethird Saturday.Ministc'rs called:Bobby \e ott. Sr..AlbertCable.HaroldScsco.LacyWaltersand WallaceSartin. \IEMORIAL MEETING will be hcld at the homeof BrotherDanielStanleyat Dix Fork in memoryof IlrotherAlbertStanleyandBrotherRushConeyWilliamsonon thethirdSaturday at3:00p.m. All Regular llaptistMinisterswclcomc. I-ITTLE VIRGIE CHURCH will hold a memorialmeetingof all deceased membersandfriendsof the Little Virgie Churchon Sundayafter the fourth Saturday. Ministerscalled: Paul V. Damron,Hobart Harnilton.JirnmyAmos andStoneyBlackburn. t2 \ \RRO\\ S BRANCH CHURCH will holda rnemorialrneetingof all deceased membersandt-r.r;: ihe \urrtrris BranchChurchon the fourthSaturday andSunday.Ministerscalled:FrankieScott.I ir I I)r.rl..Lacl'Walters.Janrc-s TackettandBobbyScott.Sr. S I I ) \ E Y C H U R C H w i l l h o l da m e n r o r i ar ln e e t i nogf J o b eB l a c k b u r a n n dT r i x i eB l a c k b u r nh.i s r r i t ; . , lll thc clcccascd on thatcemcteryatthc old homeplaccon PigeonRoostFork of Wolf CreckorrSLr:, l i i l l o u i n gt h c f o u r t hS a t u r d a y M . i n i s t e r sc a l l e d : W a y n eH e r a l d . . 1 rT. ,h o m a sJ . D i a l s .R i c h a r dl , . . \lilfbrd Lowc.LacyWaltcrsandKennethB. Jude. I $ f t fi r ii ,t i BETHANY CHURCH will hold a memorialmeetingat thc HannahCernetery on Sundayfollou inr : . lbtrrthSaturday at l l:00 a.rn. Ministerscalled: WallaceSartin.KennethB. .ludeandAlbertCablcu.' Modcratorand AssistantModeratorattcnding.Everyoneis welcome. \IEMORIAL MEETING will bc heldon thc Stanleyand HinklcC'emetery on the RightForkof Bnr.i , ('rcckon thc fburlhSaturday cveningat 5:00p.m. Ministerscalled:DuancSrnith,RichardStaton,Ston.', []lackburnandCiaryYoung. N{ENIORIAt, MEETING will bc heldat thc Dix ForkC'hurchfbr all buriedon theCochranCemeter\(\r thc lastSaturday in May at 4:00p.rn. Ministerscallcd: LacyWaltersand EdwardL. Smith. N { E N I O R I A LM E E T I N G w i l l b c h e l do n t h eS t a n l e y C e m c - t c r yDai xt F o r ko n t h c l a s tS u n d a y a lt l : ( t t , a.rn.lVlinistcrs called:W. H. Cochran. DavidC'rigser. ChesterCochran. CharlesEdwardsandAlbertCable JUNE,20I2 \IEMORIAI MEETING will be heldon thc Srnithf'cmetcryon thc Rockhousc Forkof Big Crcckon thc l l r s t S u n d a yi n . l u n ca t l l : 0 0 a . r n .M i n i s t e r cs a l l c d :D a l eW i l l i a r n s o nE, l b e r tS e s c < 1 R,i c h a r dS t a t o na n d L a c yW a l t c r s . SOIITFIERNHOME CHtIRCI{ will holda memorialmeetingof all dcccased mcrnbcrsof the Southcrn llorttc('hurchon thc flrst Saturday f)anny and Sunday.Ministerscallcd: Runyon,JamcsBarney.Tern I " u l l c rI^) a v i dC r i g g c ra n dR i l l y W i l l i a m s o n . T.\BITHA CHURCH will hold a mcmorialmcetingof all dcceascd memberson thc first Saturday and Surtclar'. Ministcrscallcd:Wa1,nc W. H. Cochran. Herald..1r., JackRobincttc. JerryRunyon.Bc'nScottand T h o r n a .s1 D . ials. l-t-.\N\--,\HCHTJRCIIwill holda rnetnorial rncetingof all dcceased on thc MuncyCemetery. alsoElder Ilonrcr lvluncy.Sr. and all othcrsburicdon thc Rubv Muncy Cerncteryas well as SisterGamct(Lowc') \ lur narclwho is buriedon thc cemcterynear thernouthof LackcyBranchaswell asothersburiedon other rrr.eu ccrt.tctcries. This will bc at l0:30 a.m.on Sundayfollowingthe secondSaturday.Ministerscallcd: IlrehurdStaton.Bcn Scott.Albcrt Cable.WayncHerald.Jr. and KenncthB. Jr"rde. I . l l ' . 1 ' 1 . [T- A V I E C H U R C H w i l l h o l da r n c m o r i atln c e t i n go n t h c C e r n e t e rnye x tt o t h e C h u r c hf o r a l l .ic.er'ccl tt-rcrnbers of thechurchon thc sccondSundayat l0:30 a.m. Ministerscalled:GaryAdkins,Greg \r'r\.rrtl:R . i r l p lC i l o r . radn dA l b e r tC a b l e . \l\R\ F-t-lZABETHCHURCHwillholdamemorialmeetingofGlenLoweandhiswife,MaryE.Lowc, ruttltc h,,nrcon Big Crcekon Sundayafterthe secondSaturdayat 5:00 p.m. Ministerscalled: Richard Staton.I ll.'crtSe'sco. HaroldSesco.JohnPaulHamiltonandHobartHamilton. ll \l t. \lORl.{L MEETING will be heldon theRobinette Sundayfollowingthethird Saturday Cemeteryon ,.rj .rt I l:00 a.m. and for all thoseburied on the John Gilford BlackburnCemeteryat Dix Fork. ' ' ' .icr-:called: PaulBevins.RichardStaton.DannyRunyon.HaroldSescoandAndrewWalters. \ll)\t-\ memberson the Howell and Jude CHURCH u'ill hold a rnemorialrneetingof all deceased - ' : . , ' t c r i c ' : i n t h c h e a d o f P e t e r C a v e a t l 0 : 3 0 a . r n . o n S u n d a y a f t c r t h c t h i r d SMai tnui rsdt ea rys. c a l l e d : : .' \sott. N{ilfordLowe.KennethB. JudcandGabeD. Lowc.Jr. Flt \T BRANCH CHURCH will hold a rnemorialmeetingof all dcceased mcmbersof the Bcnt Branch ' .::eh on thethirdSatr-rrday andSunday.Ministcrscalled:EdwardL. Srnith.DannyRunyonandBilly Joe - 'r lll:t)1.1. \ l t - \ l O R l A L M E E T I N G w i l l b c h e l do n t h c B l a c k b u r n C e r n c t c rov n D i x F o r kR o a da t S i d n e yK , Y on ' -' lirunhSattrrday in Juneat 3:00p.rn.in rnemoryol'JamesBallardandMazieSrnithBlackburn, Willianr , ,.hicranclOpalC'riggerBlackburn.WilliarnCodyiind LeonaBlackburnStanlcy.GcraldineBlackburn. . :rtluK. [)eskins,DeloresJohnsonBlackburn.ElderRushStanley.GcorgcSrriithtrndEnnalDeskinsand '\ - nronandDarlcneC'rigger Wc u'clcorncall Old RcgularBaptist who areburiedon thc CriggerCcmetery. \ ' l r nr r t c r s . \ \TIOCH CHURCH will holda monorialmeetingat thc MathisCcmctcrlin thc hcadof BuffaloCrcck : : \ \ l r n c C ' o u n t y o n S u n d a y f b l l o w i n g t h e f o u r t h S a t u r d a y i n J u n e a t l 0N: {3i 0n ai s. tncrr.s c a l l eL c lo: n a r d \.rpicr.TcnnisSturgell,PaulMatthews.Everyoncwelcome.Dinnertobc scrrccl. JULY,20I2 \l E\IORIAL MEETING will be heldat BrotherLacyFletchcr's homcfor brothcr.locFlctchcr.his wifc, I l.rzclFletchcr.andson.RogerFletcher. of Rayancl LacyOrvilleFletchcr.Orvillc Spencc.infantclaughtcr :haron Spence(Katic Lynn Spencc),inf-ant sonof Jcff andMary Spencc(Cory Matthnr Spcncc).Samrny \l)cltcc.MaryAlicc Spence. EstillSpencc. ErnestSpence, PaulineSpcnceandothcrsburicclon thcccnlctery , ' n O r v i l l cR o a do n t h c o d d S u n c l a(yJ u l y I ) . A l l R c g L r l aBra p t i srt n i n i s t c rasr ei n r i t c d . \l EMORIAL MEETING of BrotherDcweyJudc'sFamilywill be heldon theJudc('cnrctcrrin thehead ,r1'BigPctcrCavcon thc Sundayafterthe first Saturday in July. Ministerscallcd: KcnncthLl..fudc,Bcn Seott.RanclyLackey.LonnicJude,Henry.lude,ButlerFletcherandGabeD. Lowc..lr. [:lizabcthChurch u i l l u i v ea w a yf o r t h i sr n c c t i n g . 1'tlRKEY CREEK CHURCH will hold a mcmorialrncetingat the churchhousc tirr thc deccascd rnctnbers of thc Reedand Lockard farnilicson the first Sunday.Ministcrscallcd: (lan Young.Stoney fllackburn.DuaneSnrithand EIbertScsco. I.EANNAH CHURCH will holda mernorialrneeting of all deceased on thc RobinsonandScottCernetery ttcarthc LcannahChurchat l0:30 a.rn.on the SundayaftcrthesccondSaturday.i\linistcrscalled:Wayne llcrald.Jr..AlbertCable.KcnncthB. JudcandCliflbrd Williarns. BETHANY CHURCH will hold a mcmorialrneetingon Sundayfollowingthc se-cond Saturday at I l:00 a.rlt.at the May Cenretery in the Flatwoodson MarrowboneCreekin Wesl Vir.einia.All corresponding rninisters arc invitcd. Everyoncis welconte. BLICK CREEK CHLIRCH will giveawayto a memorialmeetingon SundayaftcrthethirdSaturrday to be he-ldon thc DialsCernetery on theJackCassidyBranchof ColdwaterRoad. Ministerscalled:KennethB. Jude,ThornasJ. Dials,AlbertCable.Ben ScottandWai,neHerald.Jr. 11 \lF.\lORl.\l- \IEETING will be held at the NarrowsBranchChurchon Sundayfollowingthc r; \ . r t r i r l l i rb\ c s r n n i n _ a st l l : 0 0 a . m .f o r a l l t h e d e c e a s eodn t h e J u l i u sS c o t tC e r n e t e r(yB l a c k b e r r yF r , : : I Lrr,.li.KY andBrotherClydeBrownandSisterFernBrownwho areburiedon the Hill CrestCenre-te r. Kcrr,,rl. \\ \'. Ministcrscalled: ElbertSesco.HobartHamilton.JohnB. Hamilton.JirnmvDve.trch,..' I \rnrtli. \\''avncHcrald..lr. with Moderatorattending. Bl(; BR,\NCH CHURCH will hold a tnemorialmeetingof thc J. M. Taylorfamilyandwill rncludcr: \lurnitrd. Lowc. Taylor. Scott,Blackburnand Nichols farnilieson Sundayaftcr thc third Saturrl.r', \liniste'rscallecl:DannyRunyon,DaleWilliamson,DuancSmithandRichardStaton. SIDNEY CHtIRCH will holda memorialmeetingof JohnnieStacyandRachclStacy.hiswife.andof ( t,r., Slircv.Tan Howell. Ora Howell.his wifc. May Jude,Mary Moore.RalphandCarcyRced,RobertHorr.. artdotltcrlarnilyrncrnbcrs on SundayafterthefburthSaturday.Ministerscalled:ButlcrFlctchcr.Billr'.1t,. llolrinson.WayrreHerald.Jr. andThomasJ. Dials. AUGUST.20l2 l\IEl\loRlAL MEETING of GeorgeLowc.JaneLowc. SamStaton.Lora Staton.JosephStaton.N4on: Stuton.JcrryStatonandMaryStatonwill bc heldat the ElizabethChurchat l0:30 a.rn.or.lSundayaftcrthe flrst Saturc'lay. Ministerscalled: LonnicStaton.Milford [-owc,KennethB. Jude.GabcD. Lor,l'c'. .fr. anti WayncHerald.Jr. SAMARIA CHURCH will hold a mcmorialrncctingat thc Dillon-PrinceCcmeteryon Sundayafierthc first Saturday.Ministerscallcd: DauncSmith,Arthur May. Eric Williarnson.PaulBevinsand Jcffrcr I)illon. APPLE ORCHARD CHURCH will hold a ntcmorialrncctingof all thc deccased on the Applc Orchard ('cn.rclcr\'. (irovc ('crnctery thcPinc Ccrnetcry in Lennox.GA. theMillwood in Rcddick.FL. thcJocTaylor ('ctrctcrl,and.locTaylorfhrnilyburicdat Mahcr.WV, thc McC'ealy Ccmeteryat Mahcr,WV. BentRidgc ('r'nrctcrv.I{oscHillC'ernctery in Ashland.KY, FloridaNationalC'crnctc'ry in Bushncll,Florida.Ft.McCo,r ('ctrctr-ryirr Ft. McCoy.FloridaandHennonScalfCernetcry on f'urry Branchand SisterHesterMal.nard a n c l a l l t h a t i r r c b r " r r i c c l o n t h e W i l l i a r n s o n C e r n e t e r y o n S u n d a y f o l l o r v i n g t h eM f i ri n s ti sStaetrusrcdaal yl c. d : ('lilfbrd Irlrt []lankcnsltip. Williams.KcnncthB. Judc.RichardStatonand HobartHarnilton. DIX FORK CHURCH will holda rnemorialrneeting of all dccceiscd mcnrbcrs of the Dix ForkC'hurchon Sunclar' lbllowingthe firstStrturday. Ministcrscalled: BobbyScott.Sr..RichardStaton.GaryYoungand Stoncl'BlackbLrrn. BRIDE OF CHRIST CHURCH will holda mcrlorialmeetingon Sundayaftcrthc secondSaturday at thc (iovcrtttttcrtt C'etncte ry on Route37 approxirnately 5 milessouthof Waync.WV. Ministcrscalled:Sarnrnic MoorcanciSarnFryeandall RegularBaptistministcrswclconre. BIICK CREEK CHURCH will hold a rncrnorial rneetingof thedeceased at on thc BlackburnCenrctc-ry Marrou'botrc. WV. This meetingwill bc hcld at the ccmetcryon Sundayafter thc secondSaturday. Mittistcrscallctl: KenncthB. Jude.ThornasJ. Dials.LacyFletcher, Wayrc Herald.Jr. andAlbcrt Cablc. I,t ANNAH CHURCH will hold a mernorialnrcetingat l0:30 a.nr.on Sundayaftcrthe secondSaturday of all thc deccascd on theLowcCemetery andof ClintonB. LoweandMarieLowethatareburicdat Maher. WcstVirginia.Ministerscallcd:RichardStaton.HaroldSesco, CliffordWilliants,DannyRunyonandBen Scott. LITTLE ROSIE CHURCH'uvillhold a mernorialmeetingof all deceased niembersof the Little Rosic ('hurchon Sundayafterthc secondSaturday. Ministerscalled:ElbertSesco. BobbyScott.Sr..HaroldSesco, PaulBo,'ins.StoneyBlackbLrrn and Lloyd Brown. : . , R | \l\ REST CHtIRCH will hold a mernorialmeetingon Sundayafterthe secondSaturdal'fbr thckilled in action. Serricc-s . . ' ,.rrhcrsof the Churchandthe friendsof the communityandveterans " a n n yN e w s o m eD . a n n yR u n y o nr v i t h - r : ' . i i l 0 : - 1 0a . n r . M i n i s t e r sc a l l e d :E a r l D . N e w s o m eD 'r. EveryoneWelcome.Dinnerwill be served. .- :r .rtte'nclin-9. \ ! t \ l ( ) R l \ I - \ I E E T I N G w i l l b c h c l da t t h eP i l g r i m sH o m eC h u r c ho n S a t u r d a yA.u g u s t1 1 .2 0 1 2a t 7 : 0 0 ' : .::lthoscburicdon thc AlfredYoungCcmetery.Ministerscalled:DannyRunyon,RichardStaton, , . : l ' : . i n c t t cG. r c gS t a n l e a y n dH a r o l dS e s c o . F t l ( , l l R \ \ C H C H U R C H w i l l h o l d a m e m o r i am l e e t i n go f a l l t h e d c c e a s eodn t h e M c C o y C e m e t e r y . ..:rn!.lohnandMargrctMcCoy,OscarMcCoy farnily.TolbertMcCoyfamily,alsoJohnnieNichols.Sr. ' . .rntlLovn'c farnilyof Gulnare,KY. SisterVictoria(McCoy)MaynardandBrotherR. C. Maynard.Sr. :..r,ti.r)aficrthc third Saturday.Ministerscalled:RichardStaton,DannyRunyon.DaleWilliamsonand -: Ilrrbtnsort. to be Ut ( K CREEK CHURCH will giveawayto a mcmorialrneeting on Sundayafterthethird Saturday - . i t i n t h c D a r e J u d c a n d F l c t c h c r C c r n e t e r y o r r P e t c rM C ianvi e . s t c r s c a l l c dM: i l f o r d L o w c , W a y n e H e r a l d . - 1.l,rr ci.luclc. AlberrCable,DannyHurleyand ThomasJ. Dials. \ l \ R \ E L I Z A B E T H C H U R C H w i l l h o l da r n c m o r i arln e c t i n o g f E l d e rJ . W . S m i t ha n da l l t h ed e c e a s e d ' .nrhcrsof'tltcMary ElizabethChurchon Sundayaftcrthc third Saturday.Ministerscallcd: PaulBevins. \ l.cr1C'able. GabcLowe.Jr..ArthurMay and EdwardL. Snrith. \ l t ) \ E Y C H U R C H w i l l h o l da r n e r n o r i ar nl c e t i n og f W i l l a n cC l h a r i t vJ u d ea n da l l f a m i l ym e m b e rbs u r i e d .::thchcaclof PetcrCaveon Sundayfollowingthc thirdSaturday.Ministcrcallcd:BenScott.LacyFletcher. llrrtlcrFletcher,LonnieJudc.GabcLowc,Jr. andKcnncthB. Judc. Churchwill bc hcld at thc ccrnctery. SIDNEI'CHURCH will hold a rncrriorial rnectingof all dc'ccascd rncrnbe-rs and of of thc Sidnc-y'ChLrrch I:ldcrW. W. Ficldsandall thatareburiedon thc BascornMapard Ccnrctcrvon PctcrCavcon Sundayafter thcfburthSaturday. Ministcrscalled:GabeLowc.Jr..WallaceSartin.HobartF{anrilton anc'l KcnnethB. Jude. BIG BRANCH CHURCH will hold a mcnrorialnrcctingat the HenryTaylor('crnc-tr.n'at I I:00 zr.rn. on Surrday afterthc fourthSaturdav.Ministcrscalled: Ben Scott.GabeLowc..1r..Dalc Willrarnson. Danny Runyon.Billy Joc RobinsonandKcnncthB. Jude. Dinnerwill be scrvcdncarby. SEPTEMBER.20I2 SAMARIA CHURCH will hold a rncmorialrneetingon the LackeyCemctery'onSundavafterthc first Saturday.Ministerscallcd: HobartHarnilton.RandallLackcy.WallaceSarlin.AlbcrrC'ableandEdwardL. Srnith. LEANNAH CHURCH will hold a mcrnorialrnectingon the McCoyCenicteryin thc headof Mcathouse. abouta rnilc abovethc-LcannahChurch.on the first Sundayin memoryof ShirlcnlVIcCoy. his wifc. Lucy McCoy.Van Avory McCoy.andothersburiedon this Cemetery.Also.ElderDike Blackburnandhis wife OraBlackburn.anddaughterMaeBlackburnandall othersburiednearthemouthof Wolf Creekareincluded. Ministerscalled: CliffordWilliams,WayncHcrald.Jr..WallaceSartin.Albeft Cable.Billv Joc Robinson and Ben Scott. LEANNAH CHURCH will hold a memorialmeetingin mernoryof all deceased membersof the Leannah Churchon thefirstSundayevcningat 5:00p.m.at theLeannah Lacy Church.Ministerscalled:GregStanley, Walters.HaroldSescoand RichardStaton. ForkCernetcn,,: \lE\IORL\L \IEETI\G of ErvinMonisonandall othersburiedon theMay,nard ( rcck()nSllnda!attcrthr-secondSaturday at 1l:00 a.m. Ministercalled: KennethB. Jude.Bcn S. . ( r a b c[ ) . L , o u c . . l r . membcr. at theChurchfor all thedeceased Bt ('K CREEK CHURCH will holda memorialrneeting ('rcck ('hurch at Warfield,KY on Sundarl::andthede-ccased buriedin the MaynardCernetery []rrek thrrtlSaturclal'. Ministcrscalled:W. H. Cochran. KennethB. Jude,LeonardNapier,PaulMaynardantll't S c o t tS . r. I-IT'TLE VIRGIE CHURCH will hold a rncmorialrnectingof SisterRuby HonakerHunt. hcr hu:l..,' \lont. thcirdaughtcr. LorcncHunt.CharlieHonakerandotherfamilymembcrson thethirdSaturdarlt : p.nr at thc horneof hcrson.JohnnyHonaker,whichis locatcdapproxintatcly thrccfourthsrnilcup Surt.:' GregStanlcr.I'.' Luncat Kirnpcr.KY. Ministerscalled:TcddyHonakcr.RichardStaton.LeonRobinson, l\lavnard.Tinr l{obinsonandall othcrRegularBaptistMinisterswho areableto attend.The familr inr '. c\ cr\'()llc. GeorgcFral','. \1,{RY ELIZABETH CHURCH will hold a mcrnorialmectingof ElderWallaceJackson. [)onnieLowc.Williarn(Torn)Fralcyand his wif'cInis FraleyJacksonandothcrson Sundayafterthc thi:. Saturdav.Ministerscalled:DavidCrigger.FrankicScott.GalcBrurwn. PaulBevins.ArthurMathisandI.1,.. \\'uItcrs. mcctingon the HannahCernetcry on Sundayafterthc thir.: SANIARIA CHURCH will hold a rnernorial Ministcrscallc-d:KenncthB. Jude.AlbcrtCable.LconardNapier.JackRobinette andDavidNlar Sirturdal'. S l D N E Y C H U R C H w i l l h o l d a m c m o r i a l r n e e t i n g o f J o h n n i c J u d c . A m c r ihci as Jwui fdec. ,t h e i r t h r c e s c ' r n . . gre'at grandchildrcn. Mark Juc'lc. inlantsonof KcnnethB. Jude"Dolli. ,,\nrbrosc. MatthcwandRussell.lhree antlTanStacy.husbandof PaulincStacyon Sundavaftcrthc lburrhSatLrrday. Ministcrscalled: Flor.l .lLrclc .luclc.KcnncthB. Judc.GabcLowe.Jr..WayncSartin.DewcyJuclc.AlbertCableandMilford Lowe. rnembers BETHANY CfIURCH will hold a nrcrnorialrncctingof all cjccc'ascd of thc BethanyC'hurchon Sundavaficrthc fburlhSaturday at I l:00 a.rn.Ministcrscallcd: DavidCriggcr.WayneHerald.Jr..Edward l S n r i t ha n dF r a n k i cS c o t t . \ l T P L E A S A N TC H U R C H w i l l h o l da m c m o r i am n a m i l ya t t h eh o r n eo l ' l c c t i n -osf t h cJ o h nL . B l a c k b u r F I:lclcr[)cu,cyBlackburn.,t450 WestTunnclRoad.Sharpsburg. KY on the odd Sunday(Septcmber 30) at l l : 0 0 l . r n . M i n i s t c r sc a l l c d : R i c h a r dS t a t o nH " i l l a r dN c w s o n r cL. a c vW a l t e r sJ. c r r yO v c r s t r e catn d D o n I l l a k cL - i t t l c . OCTOBER,2OI2 l-l.lZ.\BETH CHURCH will hold a rne-rnorial nrcctingon the first Saturday andSundayfor all dcceascd r r c r n b c r :o 1 ' t h cE l i z a b e t hC h u r c h . M i n i s t c r sc a l l c d : B c n S c o t t .A l b e r t C a b l e .W a v n eH e r a l d J. r . a n d [{urnronclSnrith. S.\ l- E \l CHtIRCH will holda rnemorial rneeting on thc llrstSaturday andSundayfbr all deceased nrcmbers ot'thcSalcrnChurch.Ministcrscalled:Lloyd Brown,HaroldSesco,DuancSmith.GregStanleyandBobby S c o t tS . r. membersof theTurkeyCreek Tl-IRKEY CREEK CHURCH will hold a memorialmeetingof all deceased andSr-rnday. Ministerscalled:BobbyScott,Sr.,LeonardHarnilton. JohnPaul Churchon the'sccond Saturday Hanrilton.Dalc \\'illiarnson. Grec Stanlev.RalphSlone.Jr. andW. Lee Roberts. 27 \' . I'l I \\ \\T CHURCH will hold a memorialmeetingof all deceased membersof the Mt. Pleasant : :Lrndavafter the secondSaturdayat ll:00 a.m. Ministerscalled:Albert Cable.Johnny . " '--':-i. PaulBoggs,Mike JusticeandMurl F. Caudill. . i \\\ who areburiedon \H CHURCH will hold a memorialmeetingat the Churchof all the deceased " ( inrctcryat l0:30 a.m.on SundayafterthesecondSaturday.Ministerscalled:CliffordWilliams, " [] .lucic'. ThornasJ. DialsandAlbertCable. I I I I I t. T \\'lE CHURCH will hold a memorialmeetingon the secondSaturday andSunday.Ministers - : i).rnnrBclcher,GabeLowe,Jr..RichardStatonandMike Justice. R( )\ \ ( Ht'RCH will hold a memorialmeetingof all deceased membersof the RosaChurchon the third , .r.r.:".rnrlSundayat l0:30 a.m. Ministerscallcd: Albert Cable,John R. Justice,RichardStaton,Zeb - ' . - . \ r t l r L rM r a t h i sa n dP h i l l i pE s t e p . \ll)\t.\ CHURCH will hold a mcmorialmeetingon Sundavfollowingthe fourthSaturday fbr JohnJude : ilrllc.lude'. hiswife: Annie(Howell)Jude,wife of WanenG. Jude:J. T. Jude.sonof WarrenG. Judeand '' r .ludc:tu'odaughters. Mary Ann andBettyJane.childrcnof HenryandConnieJude.Ministerscalled: '-' \r-rr1t. KcnnethB. Jude,LacyFlctchcrandCliffordWillianis. Pll.(;RI\lS HOME CHURCH will hold a menrorialmeetingof all dcceased mc'rnbers andfricndsof the -:nn: IIorneChurchon the fourthSaturdayand Sunday.Ministerscalled: StoncyBlackburn.Richard . : i , ) na n dM i c h a e Ll o w c . L E T T E R O F C O N D O L E N C ET O O U R S I S T E RT H E S A R D I SA S S O C I A T I O N \\'c. vour Sister.theNorthernNew SalemAssociation, wish to express to you our dccpcstsyn-rpathy . :hc passingof you belovedElders.Brothersand Sisterssinceyour lastgathering. joyousdayswe wercblesscdto havc \\'c cnjoyedtheirfellowshipyesterday. todaywc rememberthe :: -'rnin worship.Now theyrestin peaceleavingus with preciousrnemories. Respectfully. BrotherNcwsome BrotherElkins-Clerks LETTER OF CONDOLENCE We. your Sister,theUnion Association. wishto conveyto you,our Sister,the SardisAssociation, our rnlc€rcandhcartfeltsympathyon the lossof yourblesscdElders,Brothers.andSisterssinccyour last _!ethering. May God sustainyou with the blessedassurance prayer. May that is found in faith and sincereprccioustnemoriesof thosegoneon beforeus bring cornfoftandpeaceuntil wc rneetagainin God's c'te'rnal Heaven"...wherethere'sjoy. joy, joy." With everlastinglove. ElderDannyBelcher ElderBarry Lucas BrotherGordonDeel 2tt SPECIALMEETINGS CHURCH Bent BranchChurch DAY AND TIME Everyodd Sundayat l0:00 a.m. Bent Branch/Pilgrims Home at Bent Branch New YearsEve at 7:00p.m. Buck CreekChurch SecondSaturdayApril 14, 2012at 6:00 p.m. at Eldcr \\ , Sartin'shomeon Emily Creek,Ky. LeannahChurch New YearsEve at 7:00p.m. Everyodd Sundayat l0:30 a.m.exceotJulv l. Azzie HowardBirthdayJuly 3 l. Z\n at 7:"00p.m. Little Tavie Church Everyodd Sundayat l0:30 a.m. Mary Elizabeth Church Everyodd Sundayat I 1:00a.m.exceptApril l. PilgrirnsHome Church SecondSaturdaynight at 7:00p.m. PilgrimsRestChurch Ey9.y fourth Safurdaynight at 7:00p.m. The meetingin ..\:will be dedicatedto the memory of Brothersand Sistersri restablished the ChurchJanuary25,1969.Ministercalled HobartHamilton,RichardStaiondnd StoneyBlackburn- SalcmChurch EasterMorning2012at I l:00 a.m. SamariaChurch Everyodd Sundayat 1l:00 a.m. SARDISASSOCIATIONAT BUILDING Everyodd Saturdayat 6:00 p.m.(NoneMarch 3l or D e c e m b e3r l . 2 0 1I ) SidneyChurch SecondSaturdayAugust,2012at 6:00 p.m. at Elder Willie Howard'shomeon Meathouse, Canada,Ky. SouthernHomeChurch Everythird. fourth.and odd Sundayat l0:30 a.m. Communionfirst Saturdayeveningin October:Ministers Called:Bill SmithandGlenDixon. SpecialCommunionMeetingin Greensboro, GA at former CharityChurchon the secondSaturdayat 5:00p.m. and Sundayat l0:30 a.m in November,2012. Minislerscalled: StanleyCampbell,DannyRunyon,DuaneSmith,Eric WilliamsonandBrianYoung. New YearsEveat 7:00p.m. RosaChurch Everyfirst Saturdayeveningat 6:00 o.m. C h r i s t m aE s v ea t 5 : 0 0p . m . - Turkcy CreekChurch N-ewYearsEveat 7:30p.m. Everyodd Sundayat I I :00 a.m exceptApril I ,2012. JunesecondSaturdayand Sunday.Ministerscalled:Estill Hamilton,EdwardL. Smith,Bill Blevins,Ray Hamilton, JamesBarney,Paul Bevins,WayneHerald,Ji. and Lloyd Brown. 29 OBITUARIES of BRETHRENAND SISTERS ELDERWILLIE BLACKBURN \\ rllrc'Blackburn,eightyone, of TurkeyCreek,Kentuckywent to - . , . . : : ht h c L o r do n A u g u s t1 3 ,2 0 1l . H e w a sb o r nM a y 4 , 1 9 3 0 .H e ." ,- ::r.inic-d to AnnaKazeeBlackburnfor sixtyyears. llc u as a coal miner for forty two years. He was a memberof the , , : RcgularBaptistChurchcalledTurkeyCreekfor manyyears. llc u'aspre-ceded in deathby: one daughter.Linda Lee: a grand Kinrberly;two brothers, Arnold andTom Blackburn,Jr. and *-: .-:lrtcr. - - :..rrcnts. JudieandTorn Blackburn. ilc is survivcdby: two daughters, DianaGail Dcskinsand Louella . ::n I Booth:a son,Dennis(Ella)Blackburn;oncsister,OraRobinson : i LrrkcvCreek,Kentucky;one brother.Lawycr Blackburnof Florida ::'.r .r Sor-in-law,Larry Lee. Therearc nine grandchildren:Beverly Angela(Chris)Conlcy,A.J.(Brayley)Booth, . ) 'Lrg)Ilatfield.Kcni(Chuck)Hensley, Wagoner. John(Jesyka) \., , l.rBooth.Mary Snodgrass, LeighAnn BlackburnandAmberBlackburn.He hastwelvegreat-grandchildren. \\ illie Blackburn,my dad,was broughtup in hardtirnesand familieswerepoor in thosedays. Whcn dad ' t,ld r--nou-qh to work he got a job in thecoalmineswherehe earneda living for his family. Dad did not havc :- ..ih tbnnal cducationbut he learnedthe rnineswell and was a boss and later rose to the position of -,.:.crirttcndent. Dadprovidedfor his family. Whentheminesshutdown he wentto Georgiato getpeachcs to .r , .rndin somecascshe gavcthemaway. [)ad lovedhis gardenand workedhardin it. If his gardendid well hc would sharewith others. Dad took : : . ( ' h u r c h . h i s G o d a n d h i s g i f t s t h a t G o d g a v c h i m v e r y s c r i ol fucsal lyl .e d o n h e w o u l d p r a y f o r a n y o n e t h a t .,.i.cdfbr prayer.He would leavehis dinnerto prayfor a sickchild.He lovcdto singandattcndedhis Church ::,:Lrlarly andvisitedothcrs. Dad was a goodman.onc that fearedGod and loved his wif-e.Anna.and his farnily. Hc servedas clcrk at :hc TurkcyCreekChurchof Old RcgularBaptistfor manyyears.Dadwasan avid fishcnnan.Hc wouldgo to \orris Lakcin Tennessee for two weeksat a time. lf he hada successful trip whcnhe got backhornche would :nr itc farnilyandbrothcrsand sistersto a fish fry at his home. He. also,lovcdto squirrelhuntandwould fix :hcnrrvith gravy. My dad lovedlifc and lovedto scepeoplclaugh. He would tell peoplea jokc 1oget the'mto laugh. Hc ',itruldpull something on anyone, evena stranger suchastheonehecalleddogjaw. He alsokiddedpcopleabout ,)posslnland would ask.would yor.rlike a big fat one. Dad was truly lovedand will be greatlymisscd. Writtcnby daughtcr. DianaDeskins 30 GEORGEWASHINGTONADAIR. SR. Loving husband,fatherandwonderfulgrandfather.Dad wasborn Febnrary12.1925in PuritanMines.WestVirginiaandpassedon May 3 1, 201I in ColoradoSprings,Colorado. He was a memberof the SouthernHome Old RegularBaptistChurchin Sparr,Florida. He is survivedby his threechildren:CarolePuleoof Colorado Springs. Colorado. Brucc(Glenda) Adairof Menifee,California andRita (Drcw) Funderburk of ColoradoSprings.Coloradoandgrandchildren: Crystal(Brcnt) Robson.April (Keith) Pennington,Candice(Brian) Sanders.MatthcwFunderburk.Sean AdairandRcbeccaAdair. Great-grandchildren: CiaraandJustinRobson and Demetrius, RomanandAshtonPennington. He waspreceded in deathby: his wife.JoyccAdair:his son.Georgc Adair..fr.;his parents.JamesAdair and RebeccaAdair Grubb: his stepfather. CarlosGrubb;his br,'::. Tomrny.Albcrt.Henry,JohnnyAdair,Clarence NancyRowlandsandMaudicMalion Grubb;his sisters. Dadgrewup in WestVirginia,whcrehe sharcdhis childhoodwrth his sevensiblings.In 1942hc.e:,. in theCCC unit in WcstVirginia.Thenat cighteen hecnlistedin thc Navy"whcrchewasstationed in Hon,' Hawaii. He proudlyservedfor threeand a half yearsand thenwas marricdit 1946to JoyceChaprnan. ln an cffort to makca bettcrlife for thcirgrowingfarnily.DadandMornmovedto Califbrniain 19,51.I : . lefi thc coalminingtown bchindandtook theirtwo youngchildren.Georgc,Jr. andCaroleto thcir neu Ir," in Cornpton. California.In l954 theirthirdchild.BrucewasbornandthcnRitain l96l . Thc familysettlcd;: ' a homcin Norwalkandthenfinallyto thcirhorncin La Mirada.wherethcylivedtogetherfor thenextfortr n.: . ycars. Dadrvorkecl for McDonncllDouglasAerospaccfor twentyonevearsasa tool andjig makcr. Both(ict'r.and Bnrcc.alsoworkedfbr thecompanyduringDadstenurc. In 200-5, DadandMotn movcdto ColoradoSprings.('oloradowherethcysettledinto a new homcclo:c : t h c i r f h r n i l yT. h e y l o v e d t h e i r n c w d r e a m h o m e . t h c i r n e w n e i g h b o r h o o d a n d t h e y e n j o y e d t h e b e a u t i f u l r n o u n t vlew. Dadcnjoyedspcnding timewith his childrcnandgrandchildrcn. happiest whenhis familywasclosc.N{an. hourswerespentin the garage,working with wood or crafl projectsfor the family. Always a carnerain han,.: Dadwas knownfor capturingthc candidlamily morncnts.Dad lovcdmakinghomemade ice creamon fbLrni' of July.cnjoyinghis favoritchorehound homefamilymovies. candics.andu'atchin-e Wc havctruly lostan amazingmanin our Dad. Our hc-arts arebroken.but know he is rejoicingwith Morr: andhis othcrfarnilywith thc goodLord. Our heartsarcfirll krrowingthathe will alwaysbe with us all, lookinr in on us fiorn tirneto tirne. Hc wasthestrcngthandthc backboncof our familyandit u,illbe ditllcultto go on withouthirn. Wc will continueto sayhis prayerat our fanrilymealsandremember his lovingwordsin our dailr li v c s . Wc lovc yor-r.We'll rnissyou. We'll nevcrfbr-qct you. Thankyou for all thatyou did to enrichour livc: and showus trueunconditional loveeachandcvcryday. Y o u r L o v i n gF a m i l y 3l HATTIE BEVINS Hattie Bcvins. ninety four, of Hatficld. Kentucky passedaw'ay W e d n e s d a yJ.a n u a r y5 . 2 0 1 1 ,a t P i k e v i l l eM e d i c a lC e n t e r P . ikevillc. Kentucky. Shc rvasborn June30. l9l6 in Pike County.Kcntucky. Hattiewas thc daughterof thc lateJoeBud iindVada (Young)Bunis. Besideshcr parents.shewas preccdedin deathby hcr husband. Janres Bcvirrs,wlro died Nor,'embcr. 22. 1987.sisters:MaxineYoung.Lakic Robinettcand LunaBevinsanda half brothcr.Virgil Burris. Shc was a hornernaker and armcnrberof thc PilgrirnsHorne-Old RcgularBaptistChurch.Hattie was happicstwhen shc was raisins vcgctablesin hcr garde'nand f'lowcrsin her yard. ) ' a i n cosf S h ei s s u r v i v e db y o n c s o n .J a r n c H s . " J i r n r n y("C o n n i cC Be'lfry.Kcntucky:two granddaughters. April (Russ) Thornpsonof l - c x i n g t o nK . c n t u c k ya n d J a r n i c( R y a n ) S r n i t ho f L c x i n g t o n .K c n t u c k l ' :t r r c g r c a t - g r a n d c h i l d r cEnv:a n T h o r n p s o nS.t e v c nS m i t h A , l y s s aS r n i t hA, b i g a i lS n i i t ha n dA d d i s o nS r n i t ha l l o 1 ' L c r i n g t o n K.c n t u c k ys; p c c i a l nicccs.Sandy(Cal) Runyonof Pikc'n,illc. Kcntucky,Linda(John)Ball o1'Bcltir.Kcntuckl-.Dcbbie(Tornrny) Robinctteof Hatflcld.Kentucky:spccialncphcw.Burton(Hazcl)Bevinsof Hatticld.Kc-ntuckv: spccialgreat ) o s c s . . l u s t a( \nr c h o l a s ) l l o l d c rN. i c h o l a a s nd r r i c c cas n dn e p h c w sE. d d i e( \ ' v e t t c )R u n y o nL, o n c t t a( J c r c m yM IlcatherBcvins:srcat-grcat rtieccsand nephcws.Triniti Shac,Brock.Jayla..fordan anclZoc! anclhcr loving curctakcrs. KathyRose.Anita Srnithand.loAnnBevins anda hostof othcrlor rngtumilr ancltricnds.rvhor,r'ill sacllyrnissherpassing. FuncralServ'ices werchcld I I :00a.rn.Saturday. Januarytl.201I iit thc R. E. Rogcrsljuncrall lorncw'ithOld RcgularBaptistMinistcrsOfficiating.Shc was buriedin the SrnithCcmctcn at llockhouscFork. Hatfield. Kcntuckyrvith RussThonipson,RyanSrnith.EddicRunyon.NicholasBer,ins..fcrcrnr \loscs and Don Paul f}cvirrsscrvingas pallbcarcrs. LUCINA BLACKBURN It is with a hcavyhcartandoverflowirrg love.thatwe try to writethe obituaryof our dearmothcr.LucinaBlackbum.ShcwasbornApril 26. I 918 and was the daughterof the' late Frcnchand BessicSpcars Blackburn.Shewasoneof six childrenbornol'thisunion.Shehadtwo brothcrs.Erscland ChesterBlackburnand two sistcrs.Fay Blackburn andthc lateToka Hunt. Shealsohada sister.Ernistinc. who dicdasan inftrnt. ShcrnarriedLestcrBlackburnon January16,1938andtheyhadsix children.threcboysandthrccsirls. Thc girlsareBcrnedaFitch,Dcloris Knaufandthe lateHclenShcncfield.ThcirsonsareEugene. Marvenc, and DattnyBlackburn.Lcsterpasscdawayon April 30, 1975. The-se childrenwill ncverquit rnorningthe lossof theirbelovcdparents. How do we dcscribeMornrny'lThercarenot enoughwords! Shewas so nruchto so manypcople. Shc grandchildrcn, leavcsfourtecn twentysevengreat-grandchildren, grandchild.Thcytoo.will andone-qrcat--srcatfbrcvcrmorn the lossof theirrnont-maw(Grandrna). Shcwenthomcto bc with her Lord at SalcrnCornmunityHospitalin Salcrn.Ohio on Novcmber20. 2010 at-5:30 a . m . O u r l o s si s H e a v e n ' g sain. Shcwasa rlernberof the Big BranchOld RegularBaptistChurchandwzrsa faithfulmemberaslongasshc u as able. Evcryonetherelovedherdearlv. ll She was known as a wonderfulcook and her chickenand dumplingswere known by manr'. Sh. memberof the McCombsHomemakersfor manyyearsand was a very accomplished quilter. Sheiil:,, .. for rnanyyearsat the GulnareFire Dept.Shehelpedto makequiltsthat were sold andthe money\\'a\ !r . the fire department. Althoughher time hereon earthamountedto ninetytwo years.sevenmonthsand twentytwo dar:. : farnily.that time was way too short. Mommy lived by herselfafterdaddydieduntil the ageof ninety. As her healthfailed,shehadto lcu',hotnc in Missouri Branchand go to Ohio to be takencareof by her daughters.We know that it \\'i.r\.r adjustrncnt for her.but shenevercomplained. I knorvthat shelost someof her spark.whenherdaughterHelenpassedawayfrom cancer.Shewasc:tivc yearsold at thc timc. Helcnwastheonly daughterthatlived nearherandshetook herpassingve-nh.,Hcr threcsonsall livcdcloscby andEugenecheckedon hersometimes two or threetimesa day. Shekncri couldalwayscallanyof thcrl if shencededanyhing. Shealsowasblcssed with cousinsthathclpedherout , . rnuch. Momrnyneverlearnec'l to drivc a car.but shehad wondcrfulfriendsand family who took hcr pl.i., Viola.Ncll and Bob.we will alwaysbc gratefulfor thc love.carcandcompanionship thatyou gavehcrl Motntnywas a lot of thingsto a lot of differentpeople.but to her kids.shewasjust Monrny. Shc ., sornconewho was alwaysthcrefor us. Shewas a friendto everyoncsheknew. Momtny.we will alwaysmissyou, but somedaywe will sccyou in Hcavenand we will nevcrbc par:again. Writtenby hcr daughters, BerncdaFitchandDclorisKnauf JOHNNY CHARLES COC}IRAN With a sadand brokenheartI will try with the help of the Lord to writc theobituaryof a dearbrother.wonderfulhusband.dadandgrandpa. .lolrrrny CharlcswasbornNovcrnber 7. 1947anddiedJanuary19.201I . IIc wasthesonof JuliusandElouiseBrownCochranwho prccedcd hirn in clcath. He was prcccdedin deathby threebrothers:Danny Edward. M i c h a c J- lu l i u sa n da n i n f a n t . Hc leavesto mournhis losshis lovingwifc of thirtynineycarsand threcrnonths.BarbaraAllen Cochran.Thcywcrcrnarriedon Novcmber 1. 197| . Theywereblessed with threechildrcn:Tonva(Randcl)Shobe. (Jarnic) Brancli ConlcyandScottic(Jamic)Cochran, all of PointPleasant, Wcst Virginia. Thcy had eight grandchildren: John. Derick. Josie. Bradcn.Kamissa. Tommy,Leah,andRylec.Johnnyhadthrccbrothers: BobbyGenc.LarryRonald(Eva)andDonnie(April)andthrcesisters:Mary LouiseRusk,JanetFaycHall and I)cbbic(Te'try)Staats.He hadmanyniccesandncpheu,s. Brothcr.lohnnyscrveda tour in Vrctnam and he rctiredfrorn the postoffice. BrothcrJohnnystartedcomingbackto churchsoonafterhe foundout he hadcanccr.Hc nevcrgaveup. hc rvoLtld go evcnwhenhe wasso sick. The lasttitle he -qotto cometo churchwasNew YearsEvebut hc hadto lcar''ce-arlybecausehc was soweak. So.he startedhavingus to cometo his houseandsingandhold prayer.Hc was so pcrsistent.I thoughtof the little wornanthat hadthe issueof blood,who amonga very largecrowd sau .fcsusandsaidrvithinherself.if I maybut touchthehemof his garment.I know I'll be madewholeandshedid andwasrtradewhole. I believeBrotherJohnnytouchedhim on the morningof January12,201I . He told rne hc felt Iike thc Lord hadforgir,'en hirn andr,r,anted to be baptized.He wantedrneandBrotherLesterCochranto baptizehirn and whcn he cameout of the watertherewas a peacefullook on his face. He told Barbhe just rvantcdto go on hornc. 3i So,children.I believehe is restingnow and in no more pain. If you want to seeDad againyou are going to haveto repentand be born again. So,sleepon BrotherJohnnyuntil we meetagainon thatblessedshore,for our lossis Heaven'ssain. A brotherin hope. ElderChesterCochran BARBARA SUE DESKINS It is with eternalsadness, thatwe,thefamily ofBarbaraSueDeskins. s'ill try to write the obituaryof our beloved.wife and mother. To try to put into wordsthe love in our heartsfor herandfor all of thelo'u,e thatshc gave. Mom wasborn on March25. 1943in Sidney.Kentuckyto thc latc OrnerandGladys(Crigger)Williamson. Shelcft thisworldon March18. l0l I in Mt. Clemens,Michigan.Shewaslaid to restin theWilliamson tarlily cemeteryin Sidney,Kentuckyon whatwould havebcenhcr sixty cightbirthday. BarbaraSuewas prccededin deathby her brothers:Okie, Clifford, PcrryandClintonJr. Shewasalsoprecededin deathby hersister,Bessie \lae Stacey. She is survivedby her sisters,Anna Baldwin and Hazel t Bob)Thackerall of Sidney,Kentucky.Sheis alsosurvivedby brother-in-lawJerryStaceyof Incz,Kentucky. \dditional survivorsinclude:her specialcousin,Brenda(Howard)Phillips;aunts.Inis Brown and Edith \\'illiamson.all of Sidney,Kentuckyandmanycousins,niecesandnephcws. After graduatingfrom Belfry (KY) High Schoolin 1961,she attendedbusincssschoolin Pikeville, Kcntucky.On Scptember 29, 1962.shemarriedthe love of her lifc, OnasDeskins,Jr. in Fcrndale, Michigan. :hc'is alsosurvivedby herhusband (Debra) their three and sons:Michaelof Ray,Michigan,Mitchcll of Jackson. \lichiganand Matthew(Nancy)of Plainwell.Michigan. Mom's familywas herprideandjoy. Duringher life. Mom andhcr lovc.wcrealwaysthcreto helpguidc ,rr in everystepof our lives. Shecheeredus on duringlittle league.Shc nurscdus whcn wc wcre sick. She .tood and applaudedwhen we graduatedfrom high schooland collcgeand shecried when we werc manied. \ Ithoughsheis no longerhercwith us.hcrspiritandlovewill continueto hclpguideusaswc continueour own \rurney's down life's highway. BarbaraSuejoinedthe Little IdaOld RegularBaptistChurchin Dctroit.Michigan.Shelatertransferred hcr .'ttcrto the Dix Fork Old RegularBaptistChurchin Sidncy,Kcntuckyandwasa rtremberthercuntil hcr death. :r additionto her family, Mom will be sadlymissedby all her friendsandacquaintances thatknew of her gcntle \rndnessto the elderlyand for her deeplove for animals. We could not have askedfor a more loving or caringwife and mother. Thc menroryof her love will bc '.,rcverin our hearts. We would like to expressour deepest thanksto themembersof theDix ForkChurchfor all thekindnessand ..rpportgiven to us duringthis sadtime. Written by her family la ELIZABETH SMITH MARSHALL DIALS I lizlhcth SrnithMarshallDials was born October3. 1920and died l . r r r r n r ]. 1 0 .l 0 l l . W h c n w c a r c b o r n i n t o t h i s w o r l d w c o r n o o n e e l s e klr,,ri. ri lrirl lics bcfbrc Lrs. Lifc is a yourncythat takes us to unknown l e o p l c . A s a y o u n _ cqh i l d w e a b s o r bo u r p c r s o n a l i t y i . i . r . . ' . .t i r n c si r n c p .rrtl 1'r!'1'sslrull traits lrorn thc environrlcnt.thc things aroundus, to form h,.,u c arc. This journey hasrnanyburnpsandjoys as we travel along. "i ( )n Octobcr 3. 1920a child was born to Archic and Mary Marshall r n \ l o t h c n v c ' l lS c o t l a n d i, n t h e B r i t i s h I l c s . W h i l c b c i n g r a i s e di n t h i s .rrr.rlllirnnin-cl for cornrnunityhcr dad, Archic. dccidcdto go to Ar"rstralia rrrrnt)nriCrcasclnsand nrerkca lifc' for his f-arnily,but his journey was . hrrnsctland hc-e-ncicd up in Mongohcla. PA where he worked in thc r'r)rlnrincs. In 1925hc sentfbr his fanrilyto corneto Arncricaand Mary { 0 I ,| .rntlhcr lbur childrencarncthru Ellis Island,Ncw York to thenew countrywhcrctheirDadhadchosento nrri,. .r lir ing.This younggirl wasfivc yearsold andhcrjourncyof life took a drasticchange.Shcbccamca \'ourI l.rrlrandu,hileworkingin thearcaof Pcnnsvlvania sherncta youngmanthatwouldtakehcrjourncyto itnolh. I t l r r c tei o n . O n S e p t e r n b 2 c rl . 1 9 4 8s h cn r a r r i c Jd e r o n r [e) i a l sa n dc a m ct o K c n t L r c kt yo s t a f th e ro w n f i r r n i l rt i r. t to lr. inelLrtlcrl Thorras.fcrorne. Barbara.fcan. and.lackDials. Torn rnarriedPeggyHannonand thcy aclclccl Totnn.ra BarbgaveherJohnEdwardLayte who precedcd hcr in dcatlt..lle. RertccandTodd.lere-nry. Ior.n'nc) prcccdcd nr;rrriccl lrrcclaParslcyandgavchcr ArtrandaDialsandBrittanyAnnDialswho her in dcath.Anclth, rninrlchildrcn addcdto hcrjourneygrcat-grandchildren; Tomma(Norrnan)gavchcr BryceCory.Toclcl(Krnr ThomasanclMatthewTodd and Amandasavc hcr Jadah. Her grandchildrcni.rndsrcat:'.r\c hcr.lan-rcs a v ch c r s c 'rrn u c hj o y . :rrrntlchilrlrg cn l { c r ' . i o u r n c v r c a l l y c h a n glc9d6i3nw h e n s h c a n d J c r o n r e g a v e t h e i r h a n d t o E i d e r W a y n e H c r a l d . S r . a n t t I l . . l c\r\ ' i l l i s D i a l st o h c b a p t i z e cd l a i r n i n gt h c L o r da st h c i rs a v i o r .T h e yj o i n c dt h c B u c kC r e e kO l d R c - q u l a r llrrptislC'hurch andMotnrnywouldopenherhomcto fbcdthechurchcrowdsaslongasshecould. Shccnjoy'ctl 1()e()()klirr hcr Brothersand Sistersand thc fcllowshipof thc church. This f-ellowship dcvclopedinto tttnnr u trnrlcrlirlfiicndships thatshechcrishccl so rnuch.As oncof thcsespecialfricndswouldpasssheu,ouldsay."l ii rll nrcctthcmin thc rnorning".Throughthcchurchshcdcvclopcda specialfricndship with BrothcrWavncantl Sr.tcr'[:rlnaHcraldwhonrshccnjoycdnranyhourstalkingaboutthc Bibleandenjoyingcachothcr'sconlparl\'. I l r r . l i r c n t l s h i up ' a sa s p e c i aj ol y i n M o r n ' sj o u r n c y . ln I 958.lcrourc who wasa constnrction workergothurtandlaterdevelopcd cancerandfor aboutcightycars nr()nun\attcndcdto his cvcrynced.whilc takingcarcof hcr children.This cvcntwoulddrastically chanschcr [-rccuusc givc to sccto thc on 27.1966 she had to thc lovc of her lif-c She continucd July up to cancer. i()r.u'nc\ hcr firrnily.tlcr faithin thc Good Lord hclpcdhcr to accornplish hrrnrcr.rncl the obstacles on herjourncy. ( )n .lunuarvjournc'y I lirr in -10.201 shehada rna.jor strokcandher took a dircctionthatshehad prcparcc'l hcnshcurcttltc Lord,MornurywL-nthornc.I-ler-iounre'y It)(r.lr,r, thatcarnethm rnanyjoys andburnpshascndcd ill \ lct()r\. .\ n()tcthatshckcptwith hcr.addressed herthoughts on thisgreatjourncyis asfollows:DON'T WISFIFOR L \ ( l l P \ t t T o F L I F E T O B E P A S T . D E S P I T EA L L T H E P R O B L E M SA N D A L L T H E P R E S S U R [ T S . t , \ . l o Y l t J E. I O U R N E YI.T ' SA G O O D W O R L D A N D A G O O D L I F E .G O D M A D E I T S O . I T I S L ] PT O U S T O F I N D T H E S W E E T N E S S IN IT.TO FINDWHAT WE CAN OF HEAVENHF,RE \ . f \ \ 1 E l l . . A R R I V E W . I T H L O U R L O V E D O N E S .A T T H A T H E A V E N W H I C H I S E V E R L A S T I N C L Y I l l , I t[ . \ f ' T I ] R . ' "r'.:n\\\'rotethe following: In my last words in this earth (God's Foot.stool),let me thank.r'ou.fblk.s lt,:ra: . ',:r'i,r es a strangerto your waltswith loveand compassion.Youmadenteat hontein Kentuc'kt',r7ll'11'd.i'.r . .j:tlt,refitto you as voursv'ereto me,v)ebecame.friends and Chri.stianbrothersand sister.s,v'hereGod : .;:lrt't':Jerusalemour ntotherand Heavenour.futurehonte. . :ro\\'Mommy hasarrived,herjourneyhereon earthis over,sheis sleepingin theheartof thc carlhLrntil --:,,: davwhenour savior,JesusChrist.comesin a cloudof glory andcompletesherjourncyby takinghcr - : .ic,-'that sheworkedso hardto setto. HEAVEN SWEETHEAVEN. Writtenby Her lovingson,Tom Dials KENNETH DARRELL ELKINS .: :' r cry difficult to put someone's life into wordson a pagc. There rnanythingsthat will inevitablybe left unsaid. I will try nry best - -: lnto wordsthe manthat Kennethwas. {cnnethDanell Elkinswasbornon April ll,1957 to Georgiaand . ^-':1Elkins.He hasone sister,Phyllis,andtwo brothers,Donnieand - -) He grew up alwaysknowing the valuc of hard work and the . .-.rndous wealthof havinga lovingfamily. llc rnarriedMildred Ann Bevinson April 20.1979. Togetherthey --'J three children:JosephDaniel Bevins of Blaine, Kentucky, ,"Jrcc' Bevins of Lexington.Kentucky and Robert Seth Elkins of - \.:nston,Kentucky.JosephmarriedMichelleFieldsandtogetherthey ,. -' .{dam ChristophcrFieldsand KelseyAnn Bevins. .\ll theaforementioned thingsarejustfacts.Theytell a lot aboutthc "what"o1'apcrsonhut no1rruchabout 'rvho". Aboveall else,Kennethlovedthe Lord. His wholedemeanor andoutlookon lif c changedtheday , .cr God in. He was alwaysthe typeof personwho would lenda helpinghandto an\()ncrn nccd. But hc - - . . i n r e t h e m a n w h o w o u l d l e n d a h e l p i n g w oHr cdw . o u l d o f f e r f r i e n d s h i p a n d a r r rorfr' cs lp i r i t u a g lu i c l u n c c :.irnily.friendsand co-workers.Of course,to him. co-workerusuallyrncanttanrilr too sirtcchc and his - -,,ther, Donnie,werealwaystogethcr.Theywerelike co-conspirators of ajob well doncnrirccln ith a littlc fun. Everyonehastheirown memoriesof Kenneth,andI couldnevcrgo into dctailaboLrt that. BLrtI cansaythis : ccftain.Jodyknowshim asthemanwho raisedhim andgot hirnhis firstjob at BrokcnI Iill ancltradcdin his -'hiclesoJodycouldhavea truckof his own. I know him asthemanwho happilylct rlc prctcndasa childthat ;ould operatehis dozeror coal truck and as the man who agrecdto be thcrc fbr mc'on a clavcvcn thorlghhc ..,.rnted to takeme andrun. Sethknowshim ashis favoriteman in the world andthc rlan u'ho taughthirn about time. Kclscvknous hinras Papawand -.rns.gavehim his firstoneandtook hirnsquirrelhuntingfor father/son rc' rrr&r1 shewantedto teachher how to fish. Mom will alwaysknow him as thc nranu'ho pLrthcr first anrong .,il carthlythings. He was her perfectpartnerin life and in "rook"! Kennethdiedsuddenlyon April 12.2011.Noneof us werereadyto saygoodbrc..lt'sclifflcultto not think ,f themanythingswe won't get to do with him or thingswe'lllnevergetto sa)-to hirn. But thereis so t.uuch Jr)rnfortin the factthat,althoughit was so unexpected, he wasprepared.He is u'herchc rvasworkingto go. Hc .rred his life for God andhe is restingnow at home. He would want us to rcrncrnbcrhirn and smilc. Kenncth ,rasbaptizedon November17.1999andbecamea faithfulmemberof thc PilgrinrsHorncC'hurchwherclrc .c'r-Ved as AssistantClerk. Kennethis missedbv a hostof brothersand sistcrsand all of his loved oncs. i6 LARRY EUGENEFLETCHER .\s I sit hcrethispeaceful rainymorninglookingout my window,it i: u itlr a hcary heartandfond memoriesof my dearBrother.I. with the hclpo1'thclord,will attcmptto rvritetheobituaryof my naturalbrother runtlBrothcrin Christ. LarryEugene(Blue)Fletcher.He wasbornJune l(). l9-s8in Louisa.Kentucky.He passedawaypeacefullyin his sleep, 11his horncon NattsCrcek.Kcntucky.in the earlymorninghoursof \pril I 8. 201I afterbattlingColonCanccrfor abouttwo ycars,making his stay here on Gods footstool fifty two ye-ars,ninc rnonthsand scvctrtcen days. BrothcrEugenewas the son of Virgil Fletcherand Mabcl(.fLrdc)Flctchcr. On Junc24, 1976BrotherEugenernarriedhis rvift of thirtyfour years.MaryLee(Judc)Fletcher.To theirunion,was blcsscdthrce sons:Floyd RichardFletcher.Larry Virgil (Ladonna) Mali FlctchcrandJanresEugenc(Teresa) Fletchcr;fourgrandchildren: BrotherEugcneis also survivedby four brothers:Jimrly (Jimbo)(lrene)Fletcherof N4anint Kcntucky,Butlcr(Mary) Fletcher.Bobby(Sherry)Fletcher,RonnieLec (Ginger)Fletcherall of \utt. t ' . . . Kcntuckyandthrcesistcrs:Mary Ellen(Clayton)Lawson,Annic Lois (Russe ll) Collierand Bonnic t \ I .,'. Fitchall of NattsC'rcek,Kcntucky.BrothcrEugencleavesbehinda hostof niecesandnephewsthulu r thcir "BuddvEugenc." asthcyalwayscalledhim. BuddyEugencalwaysfoundtime to playwith thcm rr:r.' thcvrvantedhirnto. LittleChildrenbroughtgrcatjoy to BuddyEugeneandtheyknew it. BrothcrEugencwasa hartlworking rnanall his lif'e. As a youngman he workedin loggingand srrr'," ri'orkrrntilhc wentto work asa striprnincrin 1976andworkeduntil he took sickwith ColonCanccrin lr,, I'rc hcardhirn saythc Lord blessed him ncverto rnissa pay dayfor mostof theseyearsuntil he took siek lt . t l r c t t t c r s t i r n p o r l a n t t h i n g i n h i s l i f b w a s t h c d a y t h c L o r d s a v eOdnhSi sespot term l . b e r l 3 . 2 0 0 9 . B r o t h c r [ :,u S . ' : '"r'alkccl in thew'aters nutrrr., of PigeonRoostto bebaptized at thehandsof hisdaddy.BrotherVirgil Flctcher.rncl brothcr.Illdcr ButlcrFlctchcr.BrotherEugenewasa mernberof the SidneyOld RegularBaptistChurchri hcrhc attcndedandhclpcdfaithfullyuntil his passing. BrothcrEugcnealwayslookedforwardto nreeting out with his new familyin Christeverytirnehe coultl 11sccmcdas if he couldn'tmcetcnou_qh. He truly lovedthisOld Time Baptistfarnilyandwasalwaysreadrl,' talk abor-rt thcgooclncss of thc [,ord. BrotherEugenclovcdall Gods'crcation andI can'tendwithor-rt sayingthat IlrolhcrELrecnc hada spccialgift of rnakingpeoplefccl goodaroundhim, whetherit be at church.at hrshonrc or.ius(anywhcre hc was. Pcoplercallyenjoycdsittingon hisporch,talkinganddrinkingcoffeeandenjoyingthe' l i r l l n c so sf lif'c. Psaltn4 vcrses7 and 8: Thouha.;tytutgludnes.s in nt.t'heurt,more thunin the time that their corn untl their rtirrt'itrct't'u.st,cl. hoth I will lu.r'dov'nin pcaceund.sleep.fbr thou,Lord, onlv mukestme dv,ellin su/at.t'. I f-cc'lBrothcrEugenclaid down in peaceandjust fcll asleepin the Safetyof the Lord and SaviorJcsus ('lrrist.Slccpon.rny Brother.untilthc Lordcallsus homein theGreatandNobleResurrection Morningandwe cartsinsthatnov songtogethcr.I'r,cbeenrcdecmed bothsoulandbodyby thebloodof the Lamb. Writtcnin thc Lovethatonly God canbornus with. Your Brotherin Christ.Elder Butler Fletcherand BrotherEugene'swife, Mary Lee Fletcher 37 BESSIE REGINA FRYE Known by most asJean,sweptthroughthe gatesto be with the Lord on September 6,201l. ShewasbornJuly 10, 1939,thedaughter of the lateOtis and Dorthy Crum Caddof Verdunville,WestVirginia. She was precededin death by one son, Gordon Gene Frye; two sisters,BettyCaddRife andThomaCaddSammonsandonebrotherOtis Cadd,Jr. Surviving are her husbandof fifty four years,SamuelO'dell Frye; one son, SamuelDavid Frye at home and one daughter,Cynthia Rence Fryeof Huntington.WestVirginia;four grandchildren: JamieandDebra Smithof Wayre,WestVirginia,SamuelandLeighFryeof Wayne,West Virginia, Joshuaand ChristinaFrye of Lavalette,West Virginia and AmandaFryeof Wa1me,West Virginia and ten great-grandchildren. of whom shewas mostproud:Ashley,Makayla,Emma,Holdin,Jamison,Vinnie,Isaiah.Ben.Trcvanand.lack. Also, four sisters:Gail Jobeof Alabama,RebaDamronof West Virginia.Anne Mulderof Alabanraand Susic Damronof WestVirginia,two brothers,FrankandGaryCaddbothof WestVirginiaanda rriultituclc of "acloptcd" family members,for shetreatedher friendswith the love that shetreatedher fanrily. Shehasbeena Christianfor fifty yearsand was a memberof The Bridc of ChristChurchol'Old Rcgular Baptists. Shewasa homemaker, dedicatedwife, motherandgrandmother andleavesa powerfulwitncssbchind.Shc will continueto be loveddearlyby manyandyes.we missherevcrydaybut wc know thatthc Angelscarrie-d hcr b a c k t o G o d w h e r e s h e r e s t s i n p a r a dI ni shee.r o w n w o r d s , w h i c h s h e n e v e r h e s i t a t e d t o t c l l a n y o n c . " l f y o u w a n t to go where I am going, you must be born again." Writtenbv hcr son.David TONEY HOWELL Toney Howell, eightyseven,of Inez,Kentuckywas serenaded by angelsand carriedaway to be with our Lord foreveron EasterSunday .\prrl 24, 20ll at Kings Daughter'sMedical Ccntcr in Ashland. Kentucky.Toneywas born March 9, 1923in Martin County.Kentucky to the lateBoyd andVistieVires Howell. In additionto his parcnts.hc waspreceded in deathby: oneson,RogerLeeHowell,sons-in-law. John Chapman,KennethCampbelland GeorgePauley:one granddaughter. Ruth Pauley;six brothers:Johnah,JamesRobert,Millard, Ester.Boyd. Jr.,Clinton and Hayesandthreesisters:Sadie,Madieand Vadie, Survivingare:his preciouswife, RubyMaynardHowell,of sixtysix vears;daughters: LindaPauleyof Pilgrim,Kentucky;HazelCarnpbellof Lovely, Kentucky; ErnestinePack and Joann Chapmanof Louisa. Kentucky;sons:DonaldandEddieof Inez,Kentucky;Sammyof Louisa,Kentuckyand Leslieof Kcnnit. Wcst Virginia; one sister,Karen Sammonsof Louisa,Kentucky;one brother.Ehner of Inez, Kentucky;thirtecn grandchildren;fourteengreat-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren and many niecesand nephewsand fiiends. Daddywas a very hardworker,a timber man and a jack of all trades.He madesurehis family had plcnty to eatandwereall together.He was a sweetspiritedman. He lovedliving andhe was alwaysjolly andjoking aroundwith people.He alwayshada smileevenin hardtimes. Hardtimeswith no complaintswashis charactc-r. 38 \IARTH,{..LI\DA'' \IALI\DA HE\SLE\ K\OX "'-'r Lrnda Knox was born on April 6. 1939 in Logan.West , rhc u'asthedaughterof the lateNonaandAvery Hensley.She :.\rr\ on C)ctober l, 2010in Clewiston,Florida. ,.l.liticrn parents, to her shewasprecededin deathby: herhusband :'.\rr \ cars.RonaldE. Knox; oneson.HarlanRonaldKnox; eight .', Pctc.Greenway, ColumbusOliver.Alec.Robert.SamuelDavid \lbr'rt Rush and Tornmy: three sisters:Rose Maric Hensley, \nn Cox andNevadaMounts. . ; is survivcdby: thrccdaughters. TondaD. Moorc (Wilbert)of :.1.Kcntucky.Gail Muench(David)ofMillbrook,Ncw York and ': K. Etzweiler(Marty)of Clewiston.Florida:ninegrandchildren .-:r grcat-grandchildren; one brother.John Henry Hcnsleyof - : a r ) n .W c s t V i r g i n i aa n d o n e s i s t e r .M a r y C h r i s t i n eB l c v i n so f ' . J t o nK . entucky. .:.lcr Lindawasa faithfirllongtimemernberofthe Old RcgularBaptistChurchin Okccchobee. Okeechobcc :.r Shcand BrotherRonwercgreatsuppofters of the churchancicontinucdto attcndcvcnastheirhealth :.eantlywcakcncd.Shecarcdtbr BrotherRontirelessly andwe ncvcrrcalizcdthc crtentof hcrillncssuntil :r: dcath.tenmonthsearlicr.Shecontinued to attendchurchandwasblcsscdto attcndcornrnunion shortly '.' hcrdeath.In hcr hr"rmblc way shealwaysstrcsscd to herfamilyfhc irnportancc of thc churchandtrusting ,,rdfbr guidancc. \\ c'continueto misstheirpresence at theOkeechobee Churchbut rcalizcthe'1' arctogcthcragainwith the ln hopcto mectthcnrin FIcarcn. SisterLola and BrothcrStanlclCanrnbcll JAMES DANIEL LACKEY It is with a brokenheartanda whisperedprayerthatthe Lord might . : n1cwritetheobituarvof mv husband andbestfriend.JamesDaniel .larnes leftthisworldon October23.2010. The farnilymisseshim .r''crate . ly, but I wc look forwardto thatdaywhe'nwe canall reunitcin ,.i\ cn. wherethercwill be no morcsickness. painandsorrow. .larnes was the first bornof eightchildrenof the latc Corneliusand :-'llia (White) Lackey. James lovcd his farrily. neighborsand :rnrunity. Hc was alwaysthcre for thosein necd. Jamcswas a ' ,ndcrfulexamplefor our four sons. He workedhard. lived simply, .' tl caredvery little for posscssions or worldly goods.Jamcswasa very . r n b l es o u l . His favoritehobbywasfishing,althoughhe usuallythrewthernbackunlcsssolnconcclseaskcdfor thcrn. irneshad a greatlove for childrenand so enjoyedbeingwith thern. As wc lookt"'d throughpicturesto r-rsc fbr :c funeralwe werehardpresscd to find a pictureof Jamesthatdidn'thavea child in it. Jameswas"Papaw"to .rr grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jamesattendedchurch faithfully over many yearsand was baptizedin 2010 and becamea mernberof r.rrnariaOld RegularBaptistChurchat Dingess.West Virsinia. Until we rncctasain.we are lcft witli our :rL'nrories to cherish. Writtenwith thehelpof theLord.Jarnes' wife: SisterKirn Lackey BESSIE LOWE []cssicRobinsonLowe.ninetyfour,of Williarnson,WestVirginia au'ay Thursday.March 17. 2011 at the AppalachianRegional Irasscc'l I l o s p i t aEl . R . Shcri'asbornAugust26, l9 I 6 in PikeCounty,Kentucky.Shewas thc dar"rghtcr of thc late JamesA. Robinsonand Matilda Stanley I{olrinson.ShcrnaniedJamesEdwardLowc on June21. 1962.Shewas prcccdcdin dcathby hcr husbandon October8. 1995;six brothers: KcnusRobinson.WilliarnBurleyRobinson. JosephRobinson.Cleston Ilr-rbinson. JohnnyRobinsonand f:lcaineRobinsonand two sislers, (icrlrudeNcwsorneandSarahAnn Maynard. Bcssiervars baptizedthc third Sundayin Scptember, 1969by Elders ('harlic.fohnsonanclHenryMaynard.Shctooknrcmbership at theApple OrchardOld RcgularBaptistChurchthe first Sr-rnday in Octobcr,1969. Bcssieis surviveda a hostof nieccsandncphcwsandone specialgreat-great-nephew, Tern L \\ DON MAY Don N'laywasbornAugust14. I 96tlanddicd March21.201I . He *'asthc youneestof fburteenchildrenrearcdby JirnrnieMay andFaynell ( ( i r o s s )M a , " " . Startin-q with the oldcsthis brothcrsanclsistersiire EstaLec Wcst, .lanrcsSarnuclMay. Effic Rita Hunt.GcorgeWashingtonMay, Kellis l\111.Lillian Rhodcs.WooclicMay. RhondaMay. David May. Bcrnie lVlay'. Arlcnc('haprntrn. Jonathan May andJocyMay. I)on.joincd thc Dix ForkOld RegularBaptistChurchon January 23. l0ll. H c w a s b a p t i z c db y E l d c r s L a c y W a l t c ' r sa n d l v a n N e i l Thornsbury.Don hadlotsof nephews andnieccs.cousinsandfriends. W r i t t c nb y h i s l o v r n gb r o t h c rK . c l l i sM a y . WAYNE THOMAS MCDONALD Waync ThornasMcDonald, sevcntytwo. of Delbarton,West \''irsinia.ucrrt homc-to be with the Lord orr Thursday,Septentber 16, l 0 l 0 a t h i s r c s i d c n c e .H c w a s b o r n S c p t c r n b e1r 2 . 1 9 3 8i n L o g a n ('orrnt,u'. Wcst Virginia. a son of thc late Howardand Belle (Kazee) N l cI ) o n u k l . In additionto his parcntshc was prcccdedin dcathby two sisters, PaulincWhitc and Dottic C'ooperand threebrothers:James"Cotton", ltobcrt"FJob"andChcstcrJerryMcDonald. Wavnc\\rasa Unitcd StatesArrny Veteranof the 22nd lnfantry4th [)ir isionantla rlernberof theTurkeyCreekOld RegularBaptistChurch. Thosc lcti to che'rishhis memory inclr"rde his loving wife, Mary (Shcppard) McDonaldof AcademyDrive.WestVirginia;two daughters, DcnisclJopkinsof ,Acaderny Drive.WestVirginiaandher husband. Kenneth,of PatrickSprings.Virginiaand GoldicBclchcranclhcr husbandJoshof Chanrnanville. WestVirsinia. D. Deskins. Dad is alsosurvivcdby onesister.DortheaDeskinsandher husband, Daclwas precededin deathby his parents.ThomasRoy and Mary Victoria HarrisonNtch,,,lbrothcrs.WallaceandLittleJ. DadandMom wcrernarriedin Pikeville.Kentuckyon April 13, 1963.Dad workedas a carpr'n:.: roadconstruction crr'w.a candymaker.andminerin thecoalnrinesin KentuckyandWestVirginiaan.: V i r g i n i aC a sC o . '.' Dad and Mom movedto Vennilion.Ohio in July of 1969wheredad accepteda job with I't,rt: C'ornpany andhc workcd fbr Fordfor thirty years. He retiredin 1999. Dad was baptizedin August. I ','k. RaptistChurch.Hc wasa rncmberof the Big BranchChurchin PikeCounty.KentLre thc Old Regr"rlar r: ' went sen'icc. times He also to to attend. lovcdgoingto churchscrvices andtravcledto Kcntuckyrnany a n cM l ichigan. Dadlovedfishing.gardcning. woodworkingincludingrnakingfurniture.He enjoyedandwasa htS: , ('lcvcland Indians.Dadwill bc greatlyrnissedby us but we know thathe is no longersufferinganrlr- . thc .lcsus.Wc look fbrwardto againbcingwith Dad. God sawyougettingwcary.He did whatHe thoughtbcst.He put His arrnsaroundyou,andsaid."ct'nt.' dayandwith His annsaroundyou,yougentl\\lrn: rcst."Hc opcnedup tlis GoldcnGatcon thatircarlbrcaking a\\'ay.It brokeour heartsto loscyou.you did not go alcine.A partof us wentwith you,thedayGod callcri. hottrc' written with love for our Dad and Grandna. Johnand Alex Roy Icnnif-er, G. C. REED OLrrclac'l anc'lhusband.G. C. Rccd.wcnt to be with the Lord on . 0 1 0 . H c w a sb o r no n A p r i l 8 . 1 9 2 5 .H c w a st h es o no f t h e O c t o b c -r + 2 latcKcn and EIsicRcccl.Ilc is sadlytnissedby: his wifc of sixtythree ycars.Saralrllazc'lRccd:his childrcn:KenncthRecd.JudyThompson. and Paul llcctl. Tracy'Chandlcrand PatsvKirnblc:his grandchildren grcat-granclchildrcn host larnily and fricnds. ancia of in dcathby his son.RockyReed. We know we Ilc was prcccclccl bc so selfishon our part. We know cannotbringhinr back.thatwor-rld hc is in a bcttcrplacc'. a placcwhcrcthcretsno tnorcsorrow.no painand no tcars. Ilc-is in a placcrvhc'rc hc canhcar.wherchc cantalk plain:a placcrvhc'rc'his backis healedanda placcwherehc canrememberall t h i n g s .H c i s i n a p l a c cc a l l e dH c a v c n . Thc Biblctcllsus thatwe canbe whcrehe is in lJcavenif we trustJesusasour LordandSavior.C. C. was n rncrnbcrof the Old RcgularBaptistChurcliof TurkeyCrcek.Kcntucky.We thankGod for the time we had uith hirn. Ilc was a wondcrfulhusbandancldaddy. He was a man who nevergaveup. An exatnplcis his u'hccli"rarrou for dayson his rvher"-lbarrow. But thepartsthathe wasusingdidn'tfit. But hethor.rglit . Ilc-u,orkc-d hc coulclrrukc thcr.l.r f-itlvhichhe coulclncrt.Still he didn'tgive-up until he knew for his own self. So.he andI parts thc thc lawn rnowcrgraveyard aswe call it. I thoughthe hadgivenup,but not so. Severaldays carricrl to latcr hc carricdit back to his work placc and beganworking with differentpartswhich did ftt. Soonthe r,r'hcclbarnr\\' wASas -{oodas new, red paint and all. Hc nevergaveup. Now we havea much biggerproblern thanthc u hcclbarrowandwe don'thaveany parts. But we know thatGod hasall the partswe need. We must rcl\'orrhirnandstickso closetogetherthatthewind can'tblow betweenus andlike theold mannevergive up. Written by his son and daughter-in-law, Kennethand Anita Reed and his lovins wife. SisterSarahHazelReecl. ,+l . R B I L L Y G E N E( W I L I , I E J O H N )S E S C OS . (icne Sesco"Sr. was born in Pike County. Kentuckyon ^ , ' r ' 1 9 .1 9 1 3 . H e w a s t h e s o n o f t h e l a t e W i l l i e a n d A n n i e - \L.SCo of Bent Branch.Kentucky. - :r.rrricdthc first time iri the late60's and had a daughter.Mary . , rflc'ga of HardinCounty.Kentucky.In 1973.hemetandmarried ' . l l c l e n( L i t t l e )S c s c o .T h e yh a dt w o c h i l d r e no, n es o n ,B i l l y \ - .it). .lr.andhis wife.LoriaSescoof Prestonsburg. Kentuckyand .,:ht.'r. Helen Renceand hcr husband.Jcff Wolf-eof Halmes n :a b r i e l l a - - , , 1 ' ( ' o w p e nK, c n t u c k y .H e h a dt h r c eg r a n d c h i l d r cG . \\ trlt-c. KeracAllen WolfeandC'athena RaycllaGencSesco.He ' J \istcr.NetticPostellof LincolnPark.Michigan. ,.1rlru,asprecedcdin dcathby: two brothers.EldcrLloyd Scsco Exic Kcndrick.VcmiceJohnsand BronisBrown. ,'rtcrSesco.four sisters:EthclJackson. '.,.iuorked for the highwaydepartment as a signpaintcrfbr twcntvsevcnyearsbcfbrerctiringin 1996. . .\asalsoan avid KentuckyWildcatsbasketball andCincinnatiRed'sbaseballfan. My deardiiddylovcd I wouldhavcto savhistruly ,::i things.It's hardto put intowordsandchoose.just a f-cw.Firstandforcnrost - :clationship witlr God andJesusChrist. His lovefbr God wasvcryprolbundandspccialto anyonewhcr in rnyrnind ::rnr.To spcakof God alwaysmovedhirnto tcars.Thcreis absolutely no questionwhatsocvcr thatwcrcwaitingfbr hrnrthcrc. ..,.ldvhascrosscd overintoHeavcnandjoincdhisrnanysiblingsandparents ., .rndMornrnygavetheir livcs to the Lord on June29, l99l at the PilgrimHomeOId RcgularBaptist ' - : r a f i c r a l o n g t r a v eH l.ewasamemberofthcBentBranchOldRcgularBaptistChurchandaborrowcc .cr to thc PilgrimRestOld RegularBaptistas wcll. . hclicvcyou couldnot havcmct a bettcrmanthanrny dad. He is oneman who truly would give you the -- 't'f'hisbackor givc his lastdollarto sorneone tnan in nced.Thatwasthekind of swectandcotnpassionatc .,. l)addyhada hugehcartalongwith strongmoralsandcthics.He'alsohadJcsusChristin his heart.You -r.rnv who didn'thavernuchat all. wouldgivc it so frccly a richmanholdon to whattheyhavcyetrnydacldy. ':rcrsinnced . I'mproudtocallhimmydaddy.proudtohavcknownhim.proudtohavchadliirriinourlivcs .'.. in my cycsmy daddywill alrvaysbc rny hcro. 'Ihcy \cxt. I would haveto sayhis lovc lbr my rnorn.Hclcn. hada rareand specialbondyou don't scca ': tlrr--se "Love days.It wasa Story"if cvcr I sawonc. Alwaysdoingfbr cachothc'randthcrcfbr cachother - . cn'sinceof thc word. Theyspentthirtyscvenanclonc halfycarstogcthcr.Mou'inggrasstogcthcrwith an . ;ru:hrnowcrback in the daysand tendingthc gardcntogethcras r.r'e-ll as tcnclingto our necds. lt was a - :.ing andsimplclifc thatwent on thatway fbr rnanyyears.as wc canncdvc'sctables togcthcr.shuckedand 'rgcdbcans. \lorn staycdby Dad'ssidethrou-qhor"rt his two month illncssand battlcin thc hospitalwith lung canccr 'cr\,. : Thcyweresodependant on eachothcr.He wasneverableto retllrnhontc.Daddylovcdall hischildrcn. . l r . . R e n e e a n d M a rAys. c h i l d r c n h e a l w a y s h e l p c d w i t h o u r h o m o , r , o r k . w o r k c d o r . r o u r b i k e s . t o o k u s t i s h i .: .rn picnicswhich includcdwatchingthc boatsat JennyWilcy and FishtrapLakcs. Wc lradscitnanylazy . : : u n c r a f t e r n o o n s l i k c tThharto. w i n a g o o d B B Q a n d w a t c n n c l o n a n d a g r c a t t i m c w a s h a dDbaydadl yl .a l s o ..'d his threegrandchildren so vcry much. Theywcrc so dearandpreciousto him. Theyhada specialboncl :h hirn. He wouldalwayssay."That'sPawPaw'sbabics".He wasalwaysso vervproudof themandshowing ' : ' t h c i r p i c t u r cH s .e t h o u g h t t h e y h u n g t h e m o oWn h. e n t h c g r a n d c h i l d r e n w c r c a r o u n d h i s f ' a c e w o u l d l i g h t ,. They seemedto be the bestmcdicine. He thrivedand enjoyedwatchingthe kids grow and play. He . -ncciallyloved gettinglittle hugs and kissesfrorn them. All that love he f-eltfor thernwas definitclr, .-;rprocated as theythor-rght he walkedon water. I bclieveDadwas a wonderfullvheartwarming. co iovial.endearing. andlovrngperson. waspromincrnt Ilis snrilcandlau-ulr anda fixtureto all who knewhim. Thatlaughhe hadwastnrl\ . That bc-autiful srnilewas and will alwaysbe thereeverytime I think of daddy. Daddy u'ill \l \', rcnrcnrbered with the most loving, sweetestand fondestof memories.How do you put into $ rird: l. vctr loveand rnisssotneone'lHow do you expressto someonehow wonderfulmy daddywas'.)Our h..''tirrs cr bc brokenandscarred by his abscnce.Knowinghe is with his Fatherin Heavenandno lonrer -. doc'shelpour pain. Daddylcavesbehindrnanyotherfamily.friendsandlovedonesto rnoumhis p.r.. ' ri'ill bc sadlyandgreatlymissedby all of thosewho kncw and lovedhim. I oving andmissingyou forever, Vourdaughter, Renee'SescoWolfc W I L L I A M R I L E Y ( B I L L ) S I M P K I N S ,J R Tltektrd giv'th und the Lord tukethuu'ut'hlesshe the numeo/'the Lot'tl. B r o t h c rB i l l S i r n p k i n sJ,r . .n i n c t - vo.f W i l l i a m s c r nW. e s tV i r g i n i a passccl awayTr-resday Scpternber 13.201I at thc Appalachian Regional llospital. Hc wasbornJanuary2,5.l92l aI Lynnside.WestVirginiato t h c l a t cW i l l i a r nR i l e yS i r n p k i n sS. r .a n dL y d i aH e n s l c yS i m p k i n s .H e is also prcceclecl in deathby a daughter:BrcndaWolford; brothers: (iolclcrr. Everett.Clycle..larncs. Kcn Sirnpkinsandan infantbrotherand sistcrs.EclnaFlernrnings andThurscyRoggs. Flcwasa rctirccJ coalrnincr.u rnembcrofthe U.M.W.A..an activc rncnrhcr of theLittlc RosieOld RcgLrlar BaptistChurchanda membcrof thc SartlisAssociation Old RcgularBaptistfbr twcntysix years.Hc was for gr"ridancc Brotlre-r Bill wasvcrvablein Pravcrandkncw wherehis hclpcanrefiom. BrotherBill wasconvefiedto Chrr': nran\ycarsagoancinL'\,er lostthe evidcnce . The Scripturespcaksfor itsclf: P s a l n r2s7 : l 3 - 1 4 13. Ihudlhintetl. unles.slhudheliet,edtoset,thegootlnes.so/'theLORDinthelando.ftheliving. l4.Ltrhti ('ourega orrtltt' LORD. be ol glxnl urtdht,shull str<'ngthcn thineheurt; wait, I sur',on the LORD. BrotherBill is survivcdby his lovingwil-eo1-sixtyfivc years;MargicCiscoSimpkins;brother.Lawrcncc (.loncll)Simpkinsof'('olunrbus.Ohio; grandchilclrcn. Lori Cartcrof Louisvillc,Kentuckyand Gary Stcvcn Woltirrdof'Dry Ridgc.Kentuckyandninc grcat-grandchildren. f]rothcrBill was onc of the last of his -{cncration.Thcrc was alwayssomethingto do. Therewas no rctircrncttt cven in thc wintcr tirne. I don'tthink hc w,ouldcvcr havebccn satisfiedif he'dhad to give it up allouclhcr.Hc r,vas alwaysbusyaroundthe houscworkingon the property,makingcraftsin his sparetirnr-r)r cloingsotncthing fbr SistcrMargie. SistcrMargic.rnaythc mernorics of Bill surroundyou andgiveyou strengthin thc daysahead.Wc bclicvc placc thcrcis anothcrmcctinq on thc othersidcwhenthis lifc is over. P s a l n r3s9 : l - 5 I O LORD lltouhu.g.seurt'hed me,undkno\'il nte. 2. Thouknon'estnt.r,dov'nsitting and mineupri.sing, thou trtrtlt'r',stttttdc.st trt.t'tlrought ulhr q/l 3. Thouc'ontTtrl^r.re.rl ntvputh und mv lving dov,n,and art ucquaintedv'ith ttll nrvrlrr.r'.s.4. Frtr therei.snot ctv'orclinnt.t'tongue, but, lo O LORD thouknow,est it altogether.5. Thouhast ha.st,t ntehehindund hefbre,und laid thinehund uponme. So.Slccpon BrothcrBill. till theGod of Heavendeclares thattirneshallbe no moreandcallsr"rs all home uhcrc tlrcrcwill be no rnoresufferingbut all w,illbe peacelovejoy andhappiness forever. Your Brotherin Christ.ElderWarrneHerald..lr. IRENE ROBINETTE SIPPLE t . . il.,rhinette Sipple was born on May 10. 1950 at Varney, . ' ( iraccYoung Robinetteandthe lateEarl E. Robinette.She ::.irrvCharlesLarrySippleon October76. 1968.As a result -'..irrtlse-rvicing his countryshernovedto Fort Hood.Texas - r .r)nC'harlcs JodySipplcwasbornon August13,1969.After back -.i to Kentucky,theirdaughterTonyaMaric Sipplewas !l.rr -l l. 1976. Betweenthe birthsof her two children.Mom - l ' r l g r i r nH s o m e O l dR e g u l a r B a p t i s t C h u rocnhN o v c m b e 1r 4 . -:c \hc wasa memberfor thirtynineyears. . .rl1e.nded beauticianschool fbr a short tirnc and was a :rrr nrostof herlif-ebutworkedfLrlltirneworshipingandscn'ing ::ng thc lastycarof hcr lif'cshcwasa mcrnbcrof the ShelbyValleySeniorCrtizcnsCcnterwhereshc . .r'cndingas muchtime asher healthwouldallow. ThoughMorn sufferedfrornrnanyillncsscsduring ' . .,cars.shcalwayshada smileandkind word fbr cvcryone.Her heartwasmadeof -eold.On December | \l()m passedawayat PikevillcMedicalCenterwith her lovcdoncsby hcr sidc. .rrlcs hcrfathcr,shewaspreceded . in deathby oncsistcr,Mary BettyRobinette.In additionto hcr tnother . .rr ir cd by: herson,Jody(Misty)Sipple:daughter. Tonya(Mikc) Davis,threebrothers: Clifton(JoAnn) .::c.Richard(Gcncva)Robincttc, Kelly(Rhonda)Robinette andonesister,Cleo(Mike)Johnson.Shealso '.cliindfivc grandchildren: WhitneySipple.KaticSipplc.Kody Davis.BlakeDavisandAaronDorton. J \\ as laid to rcstat the RobinetteCemctery.Vamcy, Kentucky. Writtcn with ctcrnallovc by, Her sonanddaushter-in-law. Jodvand Mistv GAIL DEANE RATLIFF SLONE ,\ rtha heavyheartandmuchsadness I will try to writethisin honor . ,ronderfulandbelovedMornmy,Gail DeaneRatliff Slone.Gail . r r r n o n M a y 2 7 , 1 9 3 2 .t o l r a a n d D e l p h i aR a t l i t f o f W o l f p i t . ' .ik). Granny(Dclphia)Ratliff had scvcnchildrcn.shc lost fbr,rr ::.'n in infancyor childbirthand one son. lra Ratlifi .1r..rn zt ',:rrngaccidcntat thc ageof twelve. \ltrnrm! onlyhasoncsistcrsurviving,Guinevcre Gibson.who livcs : \lycrs. Florida.Shcwasonlysixteenwhcnshcmct HatlcrSlone, -.irrnanat PikcvillcCollcgcwho hadreccivcda honorablc dischargc 'r :he-US Anny afterservingin the KoreanWar. Mom andDadwere - : . c dA u g u s t .l 9 4 l J . \lornmvandDaddvhadthreechildren:PatriciaJean.LindaLou and ' :. Hatler. Mommy had so manyfriendsand sucha lovc for hcr churchand hcr largechurchfarnily. Morr : I)adjoinedthe BentBranchChurchin the summerof I 969. I canremembergoingto BentBranchChurch -'n Vom would cleanthe churchand Daddy would mow the g1ass.Morn loved cookingfor the church. :lrny would feedherbrothersandsistersall dayin our smallhouse.I wondernow, in this economy,how she , rt Mom alwayswasso closeandhada greatlove for herDad. GrannyhadalreadypassedawaywhenPoppy .rndbrokehis hip. Mommy broughthirn homefrom the hospitaland took careof him for threeyears. - :rcverknew any of us but thoughtMommy was his nurse. I recallone day him askingher,"Honey.do they . r ou goodhere.becauseyou aresurea wonderfulnurse'?" ;16 .\t thattirnc'Momrnywason herkneessoakinghis feet,dueto a bedsore.I know Mommy hadsuchl i:, lif c andthe Lord blessedher for almostseventyyearsuntil shewasdiagnosed with cancerthreediffere-nr: bLttshefelt blessedeachtirnewhen shegot throughthe treatmentanddifferentsurgeries.I was with hcr .. tlredoctortold her shewasterminalwith the lastcancer.Her response. with a smile."I am seventytu tr , old. if I live oneto threcmoreyears,thatwill makerneseventyfive. That'slongenoughfor anybodyto 1. S h cn e rc ' rt a l k e da b o u ti t a g a i n . S h e l o v c d h e r c h i l d r e n . g r a n d c h i l d r e n . a n d g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d r e n m o r e t hAafnt earnsyhtehw i nags. d i a s-r-r , rvithParkinson f)iseasc. shehadto giveup sittingwith BraydenandGrayson, rnydaughter, Danielle's. chiltir, Thcn shegot to spendmoretimc with rny othcrdaughter,Megan. But her greatestdisappointmcnt was li;.rr' . to givc up voluntccring atthc PikevilleMedicalCenter.Thatwastheloveof herlife,helpingpeoplc.Thc nu:'.saidMomtnypushedpaticntsin wheelchairs whcn shewas the onethatneededto be caredfor. Shesatal:: nursitrghotnewith Daddyuntil thc doctormadehcr stayhome. Thatwason Friday,shepassedawaythc n..' T h L r r s c l aMyo. r n t t e v c r w a n t e d l o b e a b o t h e r t o a n y ol w n ea .s s o b l e s s c d t o h a v e h e r t h e l a s t t w o y e a r s o t ' l : , rvondcrfirllifc. Writtenby hcr daughter, LindaLou SloneColeman HATLER SLONE It is with a sadhcartthatI try to writcthisobitr-rarv fbr ourdad.Hatler S l o n c . H c w a s b o r n o n r n a y2 2 . l c ) 2 7 a . t . l o n i c a nK . c n t r . r c kiyn. P i k c ('ounty.and passcda\\'avol.ll\4ay-1.l0ll. He u,Asthc son of Jarnes ,Anros SloncandMcrcv.fusticcSlonc.Thisntarriage wasblessed with thc b i r t ho f ' t h r c c- r . r i r lZsc; l l a .E t h c l .a n dT h c l r t r a A . f t c r t h ed c a t ho f J e t r n e s Anros.our srandllothcrnrarricdBob Sloncandout of this unioncamca s u r rL . inton. Prcccding hirnin tlcathwasliisentircfarnilywith thecxception of his sistcr.EthclBlackburnwho livcs in Pikcville.Kcntucky. lVlr,'rnothcr. Gail DcaneRatliffSlonc.alsowcntto Heavcnto bc with thc L o r c ol n S c p t c r n b e1r6 .2 0 1 0 . Daddycornpleted thc eighthgradeand thenattcndedHcllier High Schoolin Hellicr.Kentucky.Aficr gradr-ration hewascalledto dutywith theUnitcdStatcsArmy andduringthc KorcattWar and was stationedin Gcrrnany.After his tour was over he returncdhome and continucdhis c'rlucation at Pikci,illcC'ollegc. Hc tnetour Mom. Gail DeancRatlifl of Wcllfpit,Kentuckyandthcyweremarriedin August.1948.Daddy thcn crtrollcdin Union Collegeat Barboursville. Kcntucky.wherehe receivcdhis degreein Elcrncntarl [:ducation. Itr I 9-50.thcy decidedto starta farnily.which resultcdin two girls, PatriciaJeanand Linda Lor"rand later a son..latncsHatlcr. Mom anddadwcrc nol only husbandandwife, but alsoBrotherandSisterin Christ.being baptizcdtogcthcrat the Bcnt BranchOld RegularBaptistChurchin the surnmerof 1969. Thcy werc botlr dc'dicatcd ttrcmbcrs of thatchurch.Mornahvaysworkedlateat nightandearlythenextmorningprcparingfood to takcto church.Shelovcdcvcryminutcof it. And Daddywas so proudto be a Deaconandalsothe church cl c r k . Ilc u'asa greattcacher.He alwaystricd to bc a perfectionistin anyhing he did andhe wantedus to clothe sarllc.Wc alwaysgot nothingbut goodcornmentsfrom his fomrerstudents.He wasstrictbut theyknew he was alwaysfirir andcaredabouteachof thern. He wantedthemto havea betterfuture. His first teachingjob was at thc Bcnt Schoolon IslandCreek. Laterhe was hiredat GrapevineElementary,wherehe taughtfor manyyears anclfinallvtcachingand drivingthe schoolbus at JohnsCreekElementary wherehe retiredafterthirty eight ycars.His nassionwashis students. r\ dad very much,but I know he t s l n Heavenwith Jesuswherethereis no sufferingor pain and r: love.peaceandjoy! Writtenby: PatriciaJeanSloneFinkbone,Loving daughter CHARLES CURTIS "CORNSHUCK'' SMITH .: :. ('urtis"Cornshuck" Smith,eightyone,of Sidney,Kentucky, ' : ttr bc with the Lord on Sunday.May 29.2011at 4:58 p.m. . : to hiswishes,hc diedat his homcon Dix Forksurrounded by ' - l.rrlily. .,.r. bornSeptcmber23. 1929in PikcCounty.Kentucky.the son .'- ( )nrcrandFannyMay Srnith.Hc wasalsopreceded in death . rng$'ifeof forty fivc years,MinnieLucillcPinsonSrnith,two :rri.jt)ltC brother. . \urvivedby his threechildrcn:Bonnie(Dennis)Blackburnof {cntucky,Charles(Susan)Smithof Georgetown, Kcntuckyand : rRandall)West of Canada.Kentucky;fbur grandchildren: ; t.Tustin) Zumwalt of Georgetown.Kcntucky.Amber (Matt) . :'Prc-stonsburg, Kentucky.JessicaSrnithof Georgetown. KcntuckyandJacob(Miranda)WcstofCanada. - \\: two gleat-grandchildren, Taylor and BrodyZumwaltof Georgetown,Kcntucky;two brothcrs,Onis ':'( anada. KcntuckyandHcrbertSrnithof Ypsilanti,Michigan;two sisters, FonnicKincaidandMary.fanc ',,1hof Raceland, Kentucky.Specialfricndswho aidedthefamilyin his carcwereLacyWalters,Daniel . . . StcveMullins.WalterBogarandhisbrothcr,OnisSmith.Specialniece,Vicki Hatfieldprovidednursing ' :hc dayof his dcath. : -'rt asa faithfulmcmberof the Dix ForkOld RegularBaptistChurchfor forty six years.havingjoincdwith , ':rsrcgation in July,1963.Hc wasa retire'd coalrnincrandalsoan avidhunter.gardcner andoutdoorsnlan t h cd e c l i n eo f h i s h e a l t h . : . titneralwasprcached by dearfiicnd.ElclerLacyWaltcrsalongu,ithEldersDavidC'riggcr. EdwardLcc .ittdIvan Ncal Thornsbury.He was br.rricd in thc VarncyC'cnrctcrv on Dir Fork u'ith SteveMullins. -: Ilogar,BruceWilliamson, TonyWilliamson. RonGannon.WavneBlackburn. DanielStanlc'y andCharles ::.i: serViflg as pallbearcrs. i,'tias knownby manyBrothcrsand Sistersin the Churchas "Mr. Wonde'rtirl" bccausc whenaskedhow : hc would say."wonderful.wondcrful." He truly was a wonderfulBrother. GRACE SMITH :. loving memoryof my mother,GraceSrnith. Mothcr was born .,r 19. 1934at Henon,Kcntucky.Shewasthc daughterofthe late l). .\nd Rebecca PinsonTaylorandwasoncof eightchildren.Shc :rccededin deathby two brothers,Glenn Taylor and JamesAlfred ,r and two sisters Matilda Blankship and MagaleneTaylor. :'.rns siblingsareEasterMuncy,EugeneTaylorandJuniorTaylor. .:: lovedher brothersand sistersand was alwaysglad to get to spend : .i ith them. \lother was marriedfor twentyeightyearsto JonahSmith,Jr..who --'.1in 1982.Sheand Dad werewonderfulparentsand I owe all I am -'nr. Mother loved her grandchildren,Ryan David and Abygail . r. Shewasso happyto haveonegrandchild. but to gettwo. "oneof each."shewouldsaywasa blessrng. .18 Shealrvaysplayedwith therr,lovedto hearthemlaughandalwaystaughtthemabouttheLord. I anr:r, * . hadhcr in theirlives. Mom alsolovedher dogs,BrandyandMonty. Motherwasa caringandcompassionate womanwho alwaysgavethebenefitof thedoubt.Shcn oul,.: . a l w a y s a b o u t h e r f a r n i l y , b e i t i m r n e d i a t e o r t h e cM h uortchhe.r w a s a m e m b e r o f t h e A p p l e O r c h a r d O l d R . BaptistChurchfor lrianyyearsand dearlylovedto go. I atn so lucky to havchadGraceTaylor Smith as my Motherand could not havewantedanyonccl:.. \ taughtme so manythingsandI will alwaysremember herandherwordsof kindness.Motherwasa \\ ()nri..wolllan,mother.grandmother, sister,aunt,fiiend; but mostof all shewas a Christian. I will alwayslove you. Mommv. your daughter,SandyMorgan. CECIL STACY with a sadheartandrny prcciousrncmoriesI will attenrptto write thc obituaryof rnyPapaw. He departedthis life on March 2r,2010 and wcnt to bc with thc Lord. He was bornJanuary25. 1930. Hc wasthc sonof the lateRobert a n dR c b c c c (aD a v i s )S t a c y . llc was rnarriedto Vina (Jude)Stacya.d he leavesbehindhis children.wif-e.grandbabic's andgrcat-grandbabics. t{is farnilyall loved hirn clearly.He was a grcatfathcr.sonand papaw. I hopconc dayto gct to seehirnandbe with hinr in Heaven.He is sadlyrlissedby all his farnily.frie'nds andall who knewandlovedhim. Hc wasa goodChristianman. Hc wasa rncrnbcr of thc SidncvOld IlcgularBaptistChLrrch. Written with a heartfull of love. Vina (Stacy)Robinson. granddaughter LEE ROY STANLEY It is witlr very saddcncd hcartsthatwe write of the passingof our dcar loved one. Lec Roy Stanlcy. He was born in pike County, K c n t r r c kov n N a r r o u , B s rarrch o n . f u n c1 9 , 1 9 2 6t o t h e l a t ew i l l i e a n d (iracictlinkle Stanley.Hc lcft thisworld on JLrly5, 201I at his hornein Ilcorse.Michi-ean. Hc was rctircdfrom RevereCopperand Brass. He was a mcmbcr ot'thcPilgrimsRcstChurchof varney.Kentucky.He servedin world war II and was a Military Police during the NurembergTriars in (icrrnanv. Ilr- is survivcdby: his wife, Billie Trout Stanley;one daughter, LurcttaHLrnt:one grandson,JasonHunt andthreegreat-grandchildren: .{nastasiaHLrnt.christopherHunt and Emily Emery Hr"rnt.He is sltrvivcdby fbur sisters:MargaretYoung.Betty Maynard,NancylreneStanleyand Mary (James)Burkeall of Varncl'.Kcnttrckyandtwo brothers,EzraLee (Virginia)Stanleyof LincolnPark.MichiganandLarry(Anita) Stanlcvof PikeC'ounty.Kentucky. He is alsosurvivedby two aunts.ClaraBlevinsof Lincoln Park,Michiganand Lishaphilpot of Texas. Roy wasprecededin deathby: his first wife, EdnaMae Stanley,two grandsons, five brothers:JohnStanley, ()liver Stanley,Goble Stanley,who was killed in World War ll and two brotherswho died in infancyand a .rr-p-mother, Mary Stanley. Roybecamea memberof thePilgrimsHomechurch in the 1950'sandin lg69 helped pilgrimsRest organizethe ( hurchand was a trueand dedicatedmemberof his home churchas well as the Little Ida Church. He lived a full and rich life and will be sadlymissedby his churchlarnilyas well as his naturalfarnily. Roy' we all lovedyou very much. Funeralserviceswereheldat the Little Ida Church in Ecorse,Michigan. He .ras laid to restat MichiganMemorialCemetery. Writtenby the family I THESSALOI{IA^{S: Chapter 4 VersesI3-t g But I wottld not haveyolt to be ignorant, brethren, concerning tltent wlticl at-eesleep, i;,tl v-€sorrov, tlot, evenas others w,hichhave no hope. For if we believe that Jesus diecl and rose ogain, even so thent ul.so y,ltic'1 sleep in r'\r/.!will God bring with him. For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, tt,itl tlte yric:e o/'the ''t'lrangel,and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall r-ise./it.st; Then we which ore alir)e and remain shall be caught ttp togetlter trith tlrcm irt the ''trcls,to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be w,ithtlte Lorcl. Where.forecomfort one another with these words. 50 OBITUARIES of FRIENDS OF THE CHURCH FLOSSIE ALDRIDGE With preciousrnemories, we will try to write the obituaryof our swcct.kind andgentlcrnorl. Mom dicdpcaccfullyat honieon Febmary 2 3 .l 0 l I a t t h ea g eo f c i g h t ye i g h t . Morn was born June 20. 1922 to Harry Ncwsomc and Myrtle ('haprnanNcr"'sonrc of ForcstHills. Kcntucky.Morn was preccded in dcathby a bclol'cddad/husband. MarionAldridgc.who wasa member o1'Bc-thany Old RcgularBaptistChurch. Mom was alsoprccededin dcatlrbv a son.MarionJuniorAldridge. Survivingchildrenare lmogencHall. CarolJeanBroecker.Roxie Davis.MarlcncAldridgeandBcrnardAldridgc.Mom wasdceplyloved. aclnrircd andadorcdby us children. Mom was a fricnd to everyoncthat shckncw. Mom workcdhardall hcr lif'eandlovcdflowcrs.gardening andcanningvcgetablcs. Mornheldthc Old RcgularBaptistC'hurch closeto herhea(. We acheinsideto sechcr clnplychairnow.butwc knowsheis now rcstingpcaccfully.Morn'sprimarycaregiverwasour sister,Marlenc. ll'ho alsoliveclwith rnornandprovidcdverygoodcareto mom. Thankyou.God. fbr our rnol.n's Iifc and all our prcciousmomcnts. To ever,v'thing therei:; a .geusott antl u litttt'lo (t'er.t'putposaunder/he Heaven:u time lo he born. und u tintelo die; tt time to plant, ancla tintelo pluck trltthut vhit'h i.rpluntt,tl.(Ecclcsiastes 3: I -2). Writtenwith love by her children FRAZIER H. BARBERY It is with a brokcnheaftthatwc will try to writetheobituaryof our dcarhusband. fathcrandfiicnd,Dr. FrazicrH. Barbery. He wasborn O c t o b c r2 1 . 1 9 1 1i n P r i n c c t o r W r . c s t V i r s i n i aa n d c l i c dD e c e m b elr. l 0 l 0 i n H a r r i s o nT. c n n e s s e e . Hc was thc son of thc latc LarrtryH. Barberyand FrancesBarbcry [:dwarcls who sun,ivcs.He was the son-in-lawof the lateWilliam G (Bustcr)ancl E,mcstine Vamey. Hc lcavcsto t'nornhis wife. Rita (Thornas)Barbcry.Thcv wercmarricdon Dccember29.1965making it firrtylivc years.Hc alsolcavcstwo bcautifulchildren.CyrthiaEllen ( nrzc(husbandJarncs)and FrazierH. Barbcry.Jr.(wifcCynthia)and five granclchildrcn: JordanH.Barbery. Sarnantha C'ru2e,JC Cruzc,Skylar ( nrzc and FrazicrH. BarberyIII. In addition,one brother,HarryJ. []arbcn'. Fraztcrgraduatedfrom PrincetonHigh School,Princeton,West Virginia, went on to receivea bachelor clcgrccfiortrMarshallUniversity.a masters degreefrom theUniversityofArizonaanda PHD fromtheUniversity of Arizona. Hc rvasirr thc Unitcd StatesAir Forcestationedat DMAFB in Tucson.Arizonawhereservedin Base Sccuritvand Eclucation Office. ,sI teacherand .'-.: .r\.1ll!-diatoron manycasesthroughoutthe UnitedStates.He was an exceptional years. helping - . r-..rn\:tudt--nts the This was student interaction. He enjoyed over obviousin his daily . : . . . : l l lt h c - i r d r e a m s b y a s s i s t i n g t h e m o n g e t t i n g i n t o t h e c o l l e g e o f t h e i r c h o i c e a n d c a r e e r s t h e y [3c'rng thepersonandeducatorhe washe neverliked hearinganyonesay." I can't do that". He always i .1,11 u orkedhardenoughyou could succeedat anythingyou wantedto pursue.He alsobelievedthat - - . r ) Ldr o . " D o i t r i g h t . " ..' -'r lor cd to run in the park,play chessand go boating. Therewas not mucli he wouldn't try. He was -' :..rcpcrson.Frazierwasa goodmanwho lovedhis family,friendsandlife. Thereis a hugevordin our ' -' ihutcanncverbe filled. We loveandmissvoLlverv much. Written by his loving wife, Rita Barbery And fricnd. BcrthaJeanReed LAURSE NICHOLAS "KERNIE'' BLACKBURN L./r)r/.r ntentorie.s, hou'the.t'linger, hov'thc.t'ever flood nt.t'soul, ':illnc.s.s <t/'themidnight,pret'ious.suc'red .s(ene.s uttfold. '... I rcf'lcct on the lif-eof our wonderfuldaddyit is a rerninderof '.i preciouslife reallyis. . .rurSC Nicholas"Kernie"BlackburnwasbornSepternber 15.I 93tt rcr ille. Kentucky to thc late Sterling and Georgia Gilliam -..rLrrn.Surroundedby family and friendshc passcdawayon May l i{c *'as unitcd in marriageto Maxine Robinsonon Fcbruary2, '.. rnakingthcir lifc fifty thrccycarstogether.They were blesscd :ri o children, a daughter. Madelenc Donahucandhusband, Michael . .r Sor, WayneBlackburnand wifc, Pam and a grandson,Michael ,:rtlcnDonahucand wif-c.Katic. Hc was also blessedwith two grcat-granddaughtcrs. Pcy'tonMichelle ' .rhucand PageElizabethDonahuc. llc waspreceded in deathby ElmerandThreecicMaynardwho gaveto hirna lovingcarinshorneall of his I)addywas alwaysa kid at heart,he lovedto havea goodtime. He had suchti ri'onderfulnrcchanical gift. . -,ruldfix ahnostanythingthatwasbroken.Sincehe is notwith usanynorcphysically'and hasonlybcengone . rr)rttime.I havehadtheoccasionto stopwhcn I hada problemandthink aboutu'hatdaddvu'ouldhavernc .rndit worked. We areon our own with no dadto run to but,with whathe taughtus.hc livcson. WhileDaddywasso sickandcallinguponthe Lord.onedayhe told me he didn't thinkGodheardhirnand -.:rd."yes.he does."Keepon praying.Wcll, Daddydidjust thatandhe waitedjust likc thc song."WhenGod :trldsa Rose."He waitedjust like a roscbud in thc gardento be unfolded.Whenthepctalsarein place.God .i lvs getsit right. Only God canunfold a rose. So now Daddyis anothcrrosein the "MastersBouquet." Writtcn by his daughterwith love.honorandrespect, Hopingto nreetin glory. MadeleneDonahue. t/ OPAL JUNE BROWNING With an achein rny heartanda void thatcanneverbe filled.I will try to write in celebration of our mother'slife. Lovedby all who knew thananyof her childrenand hc'r.shchada lovc of lif'candmoreencr-qy rnostof hcr -rrandchildren. Mom lovedsingingfor thc Lord.goingto church.s*ving. walkingandtraveling.Althoughhcr staturewassmall, hcr voiccwas bcyondrneasurc.Shcwasalwaystcllingher fricndsand farnilyaboutnecdingthc Lord in thcir livcs. Motn was a rncrnberof Mt. Hopc Free"villBaptistChurch in Dingcss.WestVirginiafor manyycars.but shealsolovcdvisitingall the othcrchurchcsarouncl. Monr was bornon May 3 l. 1928at f)ingcss.Wcst Virginiato the latcNathandNancy(Conn)Dcskins.Shcwenthon.rc to bewith thc Lord on May 29, 2010. at herhomeat LaurclCreck.WestVirginia. Makingher stayhereon eartheightyoncycar' clcvenrnonthsancltwentycightdays. Othcrthanhcrparcnts. in deathby hcroldcstdaughter. sheis precedcd DreamaWhitein 2005;herbrothcr. (Buddy) NathDeskins. .1r..BustcrDeskinsandWaync Dcskinserndsisters, DixieMarcumandBeckyWellnran Lcfi to rnournin our lossis hcr hr-rsband. WayncBrowningof LaurclCreck,WestVirginia.her only sor. N'lichael WayncBrowningofLaurclC'rcck.WcstVirginia:daLrghtcrs, Gcrtieand NoahWhite,Jr.,Shcilaan.: Adani Whitc of MarrowboncCreek.Wcst Virginia.Brendaand RichardLackey.Dclla and Tracy Lackcyr,: LaurclC'rcck.Wcst Virginia, Linda anclDcnnisDillow of Dingcss,West Virginia and Candyand Darrt: Hcnclcrsonof Huron. Ohio. Sistcrs.Maric ('oplcv. Faye Dillon. Lizzie Marcunr and Estclle Vance Grandchildrcn: Samantha. MatthewandCorcvWilson.Arnanda. Johnny,LukeandLilly Stepp,Michacl.April. ( arnrvn.Ethanrnd LauryrWhitc.Kristv..lLrstin. Ty'lcrandBailcySpradlin.Sheena. Ben.HcidiandMollic June Barncttc.Stacy.Donaldand Kcith Smith..losh.l:ricaand HunterWhite,Whitney.Bobbyand KaylecPreccc. Wcsleyand .lcssicaWhitc. Nathanand Brittanr.' l\'1a1,. TJ and daughterLexic Lackcy,Amber Whitc. Samnrr Whitc .1r..Tiffirnv Lackcy.RcannaDillon. Coclvand Kaleb Henderson Kayll and a specialgranddaughter. Rrou,ning. WrittcnBy: DaughterandSistcrin Christ,GcrtieWhitc B E T ] I , A HL A C K E Y C L A R K In loving nrernorvof BeulahLackcvC'larku'ho was born May -5. lc)5| andwentto bc r.r,ith 28. 2010at hcr homc the Lordon Scptcrnber i n D c l b a r t o nW . e s tV i r g i n i aa. f t c ra l o n gi l l n c s s . Beulzih wasthc dar-rghter of ClydcLacke-v andMary WhiteLackey Crcek.WestVirginia. Shcwasthc granddaughter o1'Laurcl of the late . l i r na n dM a r y W h i t co f L a u r e C l r c e ' kW . c s tV i r g i n i aa n dW i l l i a ma n d BcttyLackcyof LaurclCreck,WcstVirginia. Shc u,as a rnernbcrof the BrcedenUnitcd Baptist Church at Brccdcn.Wcst Virginia for many yearsand attendedas often as her hcalthpcrrittccl. In additionto her parcntsshcis survivedby her husband:Jirnmy Clark of Dclbarton.West Virginia: daughter.Ruby Joe Hundleyof ('rcek.WestVirginia;son.JirnmyColc(Shawna) l-aLrrcl WestVirginia;grandchildren: Tyler Clarkof Delbar-ton. and.lohnathon WestVirginia.MadisonStanleyof LaurelCreek.WestVirginiaandLindsey C'larkof Delbarton. andAnniu'Colc Stanleyof Delbarton. WestVirginia.who sheraisedas herdaughters. 5l ..'.ihr thrc'ebrothers: WestVirginia,Clyde.Jr. (Anita)Lackey Thurman(Lana)Lackeyof Dingess. :.: r []rcnda)Lackeyof LaurelCreek.West Virginia. She is survivedby nieces:WhitneylBobby) i .rLrrc'l C'reek.West Virginia and Vonnie (Evan)Vanceof Dingess.West Virginia and nephews: .: IlrandonLackeyof LaurelCreek,WestVirginiaandClydeArthur (Debra)Lackeyof Holden.West :lr.'uAs a qreatauntof HayleePreece, DonovanVanceandMcKenzieLackey. Sheis tnissedby manyfriendsandfarnily. ELKINS CLAUDE . .',rlh rnuchlove anda brokenheartthatwe writc this obituary . . -'tlhLrsband. fatherandgranddaddy. C'laudeElkins. Daddywas ' \ovcrnbcr 12, 1936 in Pikevillc. Kentucky and dicd . -:.'tllron Thursday. August25,201l. at his homcin Lexington. ..-' ,.:.lr u'asthe son of thc lateGeorgcDeweyand Truly (Lowe) . ilc is survivedby hiswifc. Margic(Lowe)Elkinsanddaughters. - - t)avid)Shackelford andLisa(Willy) Foglc bothof Lcxington. -\\ He was a belovedgranddaddyto three granddaughtcrs: .::nc Kendall Fogle.StephaniePaigc Fogleand BrittanyFaith . ; i tirrd. :-'i: survivcdby onesibling.Nell RuthRobinsonof BrushyCreek. ..kr. He leavcsbchind a host of cxtendcdfarnily and fiiends to rnourn his loss. . ).rtlcly cvcry day owned and operatcdB & E PcstControl. He establishedthc companvin 1970ancl "r'orkccl . .rlins his company. Daddy would often spcak of his tarnily hotnc on Brushy C'reckin Pikc ('oLrnty. Hc -.: trilctorsand wanted to raisc a gardcnon Bnrshy. Hc would alwayssay hc *as gr'ringto ruiscpurnpkins. -' hc spokc of buying a trailcr fbr the farnil,vto spcndthc u,cekcndstogcthcr. I u ill ncvL-rbc ablc to look at .,irrraild not think of Daddy. Daddy lovec'lhis family. Hc woLrldcall his dauslttcrsand granddaughtcrs daily ', , scchow we were or what we werc doing. Hc was so vcry proud of his grandclaughtcrs anclhc lovcd thern nuch. Hc cnjoyed having his farnily and extendcdfiunily in his honrc. Hc u'as a liicnd to cl'cryoncwho - ,. hitn. Daddywas truc to his word, honc-sland generous. Hc would -qooLltot'his \\'ilv t() hclp anylrttein ..r Wc love ancltniss hirn rnore than any words could oossibly cxprcss. I that knou, onc dav wc will bc ' rtcd with Daddy in Hcavcn. Writtcnwith lovc by his daughtcr. Lisaandhis lovingf-arnilr' WARREN G HALL \\'arrcnG Hall wasbom January12^1927anddiedJunc I 7, 2011. . rrith profbundsadncssI will try to plrt in so few words what a 'r.rrkablc rnanwe havelost. Warrendcpartedthis lit-eat thc age of -iitr fbur yearsaftcr a two yearbattlewith lung canccr. He wasthc sonof the latcOrbinand Mary Hall of Hall. Kcntucky. - lc'oveS to rnournhis losshis wif-eof sixtyfouryears.ChristineCraft r.,llof PortSt.Lucie,Florida;oncson.WarrenKeithHallof RoyalOak. '.lrchigan; threedaughters:MadonnaHall of Windsor.Ontario,Mary :.rllofPortSt.Lucie.Florida,andFannieCarlsonof Warren,Michigan; :rc grandchildren(one whom proceededhim in death); seven -:lirt-srandchildren and two nicces.with whom he was very close ,'orgeneNewsomeof Virgie, Kentuckyand Doris Papazran of Warren.Michigan. Wanen wasborn in Hall. Kentucky. He quit schoolat a very youngageto helphis parentsrvorkthc hor.r.rc andland.whenhe was old enoughhe went into the armyandspenttwo yearsthere. Whenhe wastwcnr\ r e.,' old hc staftedworkingin the coalmineswherehe hada tragicaccident.Warrenlost his legbelowthekncc. : : . couldno longerwork in the mines. Warrcnmovcdhis youngfamilyarounduntil he foundwork in Michigan.He livedandworkedthercrrp. lrcrctiredasa wcldcr. He thcntnovedto a warmclimatein thestateof Floridawherehe starteda new busin.,.. nrowinglawnslor fiicndsandneighbors.Hc lovedliving in Florida. Warrcnwasa faithftrlfollowerof theOld RegularBaptistChurch.He attended services in Okeechobcc rrl M e l b o u r n cF. l o r i d a . Warrenwasandis dcarlyrnissed by his farnily.fricndsandneighbors morethanwordscanexprcssan6q r livc on in the lrcartsof all who wercprivilcgcdto know him. A hcartonceclosehasstoppedbcating,but ir'. lllclnorylivesfbrevcr.andour blurryeyes.will tnakesomesenseof this,you will alwaysbe rcmembercd. rt,. will alwaysbc celebrate'd. you will ncverbc forgottcn.thesctearsstill haven'tfaded. Writtenbv his farnilv ORISONBYRD MADDISON LOWE Orison Byrd Maddison Lowe. ninety five. of Bmshy Road, Pikevillc.KcntuckydiedMonday.Fcbruary7.201I at hisrcsiciencc. He wasbornScpternbcr 28. l9l5 on BrushyForkof Johnscreekto thc late .larncsMontcvilleLowe and RuthLeonaTaylorLowe. Hc is alsoprcccded in deathby his wife.claudiaFrancisLowe:two sons.Donnic Lowc and .lohnnyJarncsLowc. one daughter.Sharon KavcLowcYoLrng: two brothcrs. MoscsFonsoLowc andLonzoTaylor Lou'eanclthrc-csistcrs:N{arybellcMaymard. Alicc vir.an Maynardand MyrtlcElizabcthMavnard:two grandchildren. GarvMichacryoungand R h o n d aS . L o w c . Hc is survivedhv thrccsons:MoscsFonso(Sue)Lowe of Brushy c'rce-k. Kcntucky.KenncthDarrclLowcof Brushvc'rcck.Kcntuckyand .lttnior(.lanicc)[-owc of Michigan and five claughters. Alrce (Charles)Lowe of BrushyCreck.KentuckyanclMar-r (l-arry) Thontpsonof Allen. Kentucky.Alficdia Sarnmonsof Brushy Crcek. Kcltucky, Ruby (paLrl) Maynarcl o1-Brtrshy C'rcck.Kentuckyand Ruth (Hernran) Hobbs.Ohio. Hc is also survivedby a son-in-law.Gary youne. u lto rvasthc hLrshand of SlraronYoung. r.r,hois dcceascdand a daughter-in-law,Phyllis Lowc. who wits thc wili of .lohtlny Jatncs Lorvc. rvho is dcceascd. numerous grandchildren. great-,grandchilclrcn and onr. srcat-grcat-r:rarrdchi Icl. Dad was a lhrrtter.trtrck driver. loggcr iincl f-actoryworker. He was an honcst and hardworking rnzil that lorccl his f-arnilyclcarly. I lc is sadlyrnisscdby all that kncw hirn. We know hc is restingin thc anns of Jesus.We are waiting on thar grcat fitrnily rcunion. wherc we will all bc to-ucthcragain. Writtenby his lovingfamily. 55 RHONDA SIMONE LOWE On November10. 1964.Rhondawasbornin Pikeville,Kentucky :o JohnnieJamesLowe (deceased) and PhyllisRobinetteLowe. Her :.rrnilylived on Brushyfor severalyearsandsheattendedhcr first years ,t-school thercuntil hcr familymovedto Michigan.Shespentmostof 'rcrlifc in Michigan.but Kentuckyand Brushyweredearto her heart .:ndshecamehomeasoftenas possible. Rhondawas blesscdwith three brothersand onc sister. Her "rothersareJohnda(Annette)of Michiganand TimothyandJohn.Jr. ,t'Gcorgia.Her sister.Kirnberly(Joseph) livesin Michigan Montague. .,ndhas two daughters, Emrnaand Anna. who were the dclight of R.honda's life. Rhonda'spatcrnalgrandparcnts wcreByd Lorvcand HazclLowc hothdeceascd). grandparcnts who is now Hcr maternal wcre'WillardRobincttc(dcccased) andMae Robinette rr ing at homeon Brushy.Her cxtended familyincludcsrnanyaunts.unclcs.andcousinsall of whomshelovcd .lcarly. Rhondacnjoycdmanyactivities whichincludedgardenrng andcooking.at whichsheexcellcd.Someof our '.'csttimcswercspentdoingwhatwe cnjoycdso much.haLrling dirt. rnakingflow'crbedsandsettingthc plants 'rrerow. By springcachycar.wc wouldhavethegardening plants dog-earr.d rnarkingpagescontaining catalogs .rc wantedto order. 1,2.01l.God sclccted On Fcbruary oneof our prcciousrosesfionr our gardcnandtook Rhondahorncto bc .rith Hinr. While-nrissingherincrcdibly,we cclebrate herlife andgivethanksfbr thcyearsshcwasrvithus. Our :.rrnilywascnrichcdLryher gcnerous and lovingheartandthc kindncssshcextendcdto all mankincl. Writtenwith lovc br,'herf-arnilv BILLY LEE MAYNARD Billy Lcc Maynardwas born on May 6. 1946,a son of Johnand \nna (Bevins)Maynardof Pikeville.Kcntucky. Hc passedfrom this ,\r)rldon March30,201| in Miamisburg. Ohiornakinghistime on earth : totalof sixty four years. ln additionto his parents,he wasprcccdedin deathby two brothcrs. r.rrnes Maynardand PaulMay,nard andonesistcr.AlcneMalone. He is survivcdby his wife of thirtycightycars.AnetaG. (Hensley) \llward of Miamisburg,Ohio whcrethcyrnadctheirhorne.He is also -:rrvivedby a daughter,EricaMaynard.of Miamisburg,Ohio and two .'rns.Eric Mai'nardof Lynn Havcn.Floridaand ShawnMayrard of \ I i arnisburg, Ohio. Survivingalsoareeightgrandchildren : Lcvi.Travis. . )trnavon.Alec. and ShyanneMar,mard and Dakota,Angelcenaand . ).iltonBeach. Bill is greatlymissedby one brother,GeneMayiard of Dayton.Ohio and threesurvivingsistcrs:Alicc {riard of Michigan,SylviaLynchof Gulnare.Kentuckyand Rebecca Hessof Pikeville.Kentucky. joke. Billy wasa manwho lovedto laughandto tell a good He lovedbeingwith his farnilyandmakinshir laugh.He so enjoyedcorningto his hornetown -nrndchildren of Pikeville,Kentuckyand spending tinrcrr ith lri. -rothersand sisters.He loved "goodfood and goodfamily." B i l l y w a s a d e c o r a t e d U n i t e d S t a t e s A r r n y V e t e r a n o f t h e V i e t nHa en sr W e na' rc.d p r o u d l l ' f b r h i . e ( ) u n : r ' . ,56 andtreasured his friendsof theAnny. especially thosewho losttheirlivesduringthewar. He struggledlirr l ycarsuponhis returnto theUnitedStateswith thememoriesof thewar andtheatrocitieshewitnessed. bLrrtln cameto peacewith it all. His familytrulybelieves he is now at truepeacewith Our LordandSavior,JesusChristandwill bc u .rrl at thosepearlygateswhenwe all go home. JEANETTE LORAINE JOHNSON MAYNARD It is with vcry muchsadncss thatwc will try to writc thc obituaryof our bclovedrnother.Jeanctte LoraincJohnsonMaynard.Shcwasborn Scptcrnberll. 1927to thc lateNoah and FloraRatliff Johnson.She p a s s c da w a ya t P i k e v i l l cM e c l i c aCl c n t e ro n M a y 6 . 2 0 l l a f t c ra l o n g illnessrnakinghcr stayhcrcon earthcightythree ycerrs. .lcanctte rrct andrnarricdAndy York Maynardwho precedcdher in dciithon March 12. 1999.Theywcrcrnarriedon Dccernbcr2 I , | 946 and to thrsunionwereborntwo daughters, Gcralcline Mcade.who rnarried B i l l y M e a d ca n d P r i s c i l l aB e v i n s w . h o n r a r r i c dT o r n r n yB c v i n s . O n c son..larncsRobcrtMaynard.who preccdecl her in dcath.was marriedto Kathy Ncwsor.neMaynard. Three grandchildrcn:Christina Lynn Maynard.Jarnes AndrewMaynardandJamesC'hristopher Maynardand llvc brothcrsRayJohnson. NoahJohnson. Jr..Edgar.lohnson. EarlJohnson andClyde.Iohnson andtlirccsistcr: MLrrielLcslie.Bernice.lohnson andBrooksev.f ohnsonalsonrcccdedher in death Shelcavesbchindthrcclovinggranddaughtcrs: GerriLynnCollins.Gabriel"Lorri" DeRossett andJcssicl Marie Bcvinsandfour wonderfulgrcat-grandchrldren who alwaysmadeher srnilc:KaylaDanicllcHall. Drcu Alysc:tHall. AlyssaKaceyCollinsanclDcvin Tyler DcRossettalongwith her four sistcrs:ThehnaPaulcr. Mildrcd Littlc, C'holcAnn RccdanclShclviaJeanLittle. Mom was sick for almosttwo years. Shc nevcr cornplairrcd evenwhcn it was so hardfbr herto brcathe.Wc misshergreatlybut know thatshcis not sickanr lttorc. If we bclicve.confcssandshowlaiththe Lord will rewardus somedayto join Mom, Dad andJamesin Hcavcrr. Writtenwith brokenhcartsby her daughters. GeraldineMeadeand PriscillaBcvins. WILLIE ROBINSON This is thc obitr-rary of rny father.Willic Robinson.Hc was born Mirrch6^ 1944at BrushyCrcek. Kcntuckyto Elcainand Minta Mae Robinson.IIe wasraisedon BrushyCreekr-rntil rnovingto Floridaasa r'nlrrlgnran. He passcdawayan Octobcr1.2010in Perry,Florida. Daddywasa hcavycquipmcntopr.rator mostof his life. He lovcd fishing.bcin-rr outdoorsandcookingoutsidcfor his farnily. Gardening \\'as one of his favoriteactivities. Hc rnisscdthe mountainsand Kcntuckywasalwaysin his heartandon his rnind. Hc attendcdchurch serviccsat Applc Orchard Church, Brushy ('rcck.Kcntuckyand Southern Home.Citra,Florida.He wasbaptized at ancJ bccarnca rncmberofthe ForestHills FreewillBaptistChurchin Adcl. Cicorgia. Hc lcal'csbchindhis widow.RobinRobinsonof Perry.Florida.andfour children:Millie Warncr(.tohnny) of Bcllo'iuv. Florida.RogcrElcainRobinson(Lisa)of Perry.Florida,Chris Robinson(Chasityyof Ocala. F l o r i d aS . a n d r aK a y eH a r d i n( V i c ) o f O c a l a F . lorida. 57 '...r, threcstep-children: TrishaFlemrng(Tria) of Germany,TammyHudson(Chris)of Weirsdale.Floridaand " ::,'nrAS who will misshim very much. He also Lawrenceof Ocala.Florida. As well as nine grandchildren -.i\ L-stwo brothers.Ray Robinsonof Liberty,SouthCarolinaandClell Robinsonof Summerfield.Floridaand ' .rrsisters:MaxineBlackburnof Anthony,Florida,PeggyComptonof Americus,Georgia,EulaHernandez of ,..ila.Floridaand SharonYongueof Ocala.Florida. Daddyalsoleavesmanyfamily and friendsbehindto mournhis passing.He is greatlymissed,but I know .,rhc is in a betterhome. Writtenwith the assistance of his sistersandrespectfullysubmittedby his daughter, '.1:IIic'RobinsonWarner. "For Whosoever shallcall uponthe nameofthe Lord shallbe saved"Romansl0: 13. MARTHA DAVIS SLATE VarthaDavisSlatewascalledhometo bc with ourLordandSavior 'r Friday.July22, 2011at 5:30a.m.at St. Mary's MedicalCentcrin r ..rrtington, WestVirginia. MarthawasbornMay 3 l,1927, at Hcnsley . -:Branch,WestVirginia. Manhaenjoycdeightyfour wonderfulyears ': rhis Earth. Marthawas a memberof the Little Dove UnitedBaptist :rurchof Bclo,WestVirginia.Marthalovedgoingto church.Shewas .' trutstanding Christianwho hadan undyingdevotionto the Lord. She -,.ir wasa light for her family. Her faith wasstrongand unwavering. .:rcis surclyrejoicingwith theangclsin Heavenandknowsno sorrow. ::.rtfactalonecangive our family comfortin our tirnesof sadness. Shchada lovc for quilting,crocheting andcooking.Marthaloved passalongall her creations and thercwasn'ta family memberthat , J n ' t h a v e s o m c t h i n g s h e h a d m a d e f o r t hSe hme. w a s v e r y l o v i n gM. a r t h a h a d t h c b c s t s e n s e o f h u m o r a n d i c.dto sharea laugh.You knew shewasrnosthappywhenshchadhcr hcadtippedbackin laughter.Sheloved -'r farnilyso much and nothingpleasedher morc thanto haveher housefull with family. Marthawas precedcdin deathby her husband,HowardLce Slatc:her parents.StewartandTrinnie Davist rc sister.BettyPhillips;andthreebrothers: Oliver.Jackand RolandDavis. Thoseleft to cherishher sweetmcmoriesincludethrcedaughtcrs:Brenda(Ronnie)C...ry of Columbus. 'irio.Phyllis(Carlos)Crankof Dclbarton, WestVirginiaandKathy(Chcstcr)Lackeyof Lenore,WestVirginia; 'rrccsons:Howard,Jr.(GaWanda) WestVirginia Slatcof Louisa.Kentucky.Larry(Judy)Slateof Sissonville, .::.iGcorgc(Heather)Slateof Lcnore,Wcst Virginia;thrcesisters:ChristineKriegerof Florida,BrookieCurry : ('olumbus,OhioandNormaMountsof Williarnson. WcstVirginia:two brothers, Bill Davisof Alabamaand ..-'nnvDavis of SouthCarolina;fifteengrandchildrcn:Terry Curry, Grcg, Jerry,Virginia, Nicholas.Trevor. ).ilton,and JercmySlate,Angie Hawn, McganLowe.Trinity Crank,MalenaDavis,Randy,Lola and Katie .rckcy.and elevengreat-grandchildren: Keith. Logan.Jacob,Dylan, Hayley.and Cole Slate,Johnathanand \:c.rcerHawn,KeltonCrank.TaylorandNick May,nard. andConnerandEmmaLackey.Shealsohada hostof -.:cndcd , familyandchurchfricndsthatsheloveddeeply. There'san achein our heartsthat cannotbe filled until we rncetagain. A personlike Marthais one in a rllion. Shewas truly a blessingfiom God. Marthawas a loving mother,a homemaker,the glue that held a :rnilytogether.Marthalovedher God andherchurch.Shecreateda senseof family thatis unequaled.Blessed ..rrha Iifetirneof giving andreceivinglol'e.her lessonswill continuethroughgenerations. Marthawasa gentle 'r\lllOtl. Written with undyinglove and much honor, Her granddaughter and sisterin Christ,Katie Lackey 5l( RICKY DALE THACKER Ricky Dale ThackerpassedawayFebruary5,2011. He was born October| . 1979^ the sonof Rick ThackerandKathyLevering. Hc is sur'ivedby his fatherRickrhackerandrnotherKathy(Mike) Levcring;dau-qhtcr, MakaylaThacker,sons:Brendanchaprnanand JaydenLevering:brother.Brandon(Brandi)Thacker:sisters:Ashlea Andcrsorr. Bobbirhackcr,Arny (Brian)Martin.SabrinaLoveitt,Crystal Thackcr and Sclena Pinson; step mothcr. Sharon pinson; and grandparcnts, Hazcland Bob rhacker.PeteandJcanVarncyandLoretta andBcnYounsandncphcws. Kanreron VaughnandBraydonandHunter Thackcr. Ricky was b.ried at rhe williarnson family cc'etery Sidney, Kcnlucky. Hc will bc greatlyrnissedby his farnilyand fiicnds. RICKY LEE THACKER RickcyLc-cThackcr.agc fifty two, of Raccoon.Kentucky,passed awayon Sunday. .lulyI 7, 201l. at thc PikcvillcMcdicalc'enterfollowing a bricf illrrcss.Hc was born in Pike county. Kentuckyon January5. 19-59. the son of BarbaraLou (Bevins)Thackcrand thc late Arnold Thackcr.Sr. Along with his mothcr.hc is survivcdby his wife, ArnbreDawne 'rhacker. of Raccoon.Kentucky;three brothcrs:Rogcr Thackerof .lackson, KcntLrcky, Amold rhackcr,.tr. ( Debbic-) of pikeviIle. Kentucky 'l-hackcr (Diana)of Lcxington.Kentuckyand two sisters, anclrinTothy c'arolyn(.farncs)Stotridgcof Pikeville.Kentuckyand Sandra(paul) l\litche-llof Pikcvillc.Kentucky. He is also survil,edby his rnotherin-larvandfathcr-in-law. SandraLynnandEddicR. price,of paintsville. Kcnttrckyandtwo sistcrs-in-law. Scarlctt(Stc'n'c) Collinsof Greeneville, Tennessee andDcbra(Derrnot)Ryan of Vc'rsailles. Kenttrcky.He is alsosurvivedby a hostof nieces,nephewsand 1ovingfriends. FIewasanactivernetnber of MetaBaptistChurch.whereheservedin manycapacities. He wasa purchasing .\gcnt fbr Arch CoalC'ornpany. Rick 'uvas gracious. kind andself-less. alwaysthinkingof othersandputtingtheirneedsbeforehis own. He tls'otcclInLtchof his tilnc andcncrgyto scrvin-{others.He will be greatlymissedby all who knewand loved Irirn. CO\STITL TIO\ OF THE SARDIS ASSOCIATION we,theOLD REGULARBAPTISTCHURCHOF JESUSCHRIST. Ijrr'rnr a longseriesof experiences : h.rptizedupon a professionof faith in Christ are convincedof the necessityof a combinationof -:.ircsin orderto perpetuate a union and communionamongus and to keepthe order and ntles of an ' . r.rtionaccordingto the following plan of government. of memberschosenby the differentChurchesin our rR I IC-LE 1. The Associationshallbe conrposed :. .rndscntto represent them in the Associationand,upon their producingLettersfrom their respectirr' theyshallbe entitledto a seat. .:.hcscertifyingtheirappointmcnt, receivedby their numberin fellowship.thosebaptized. rRl ICLE 2. In the Lettersshallbe expressed since our lastAssociation. .'--'r.disnrissed. excluded. anddeceased r R I I C L E 3. The mernbersthuschosenand convenedshall haveno powerto lord any'thingover God's -' :rgc nor shalltheyhaveanyclericalpoweroverthe Churchesnor shalltheyinfringeon anyof the internal - .r: t)f anyChurch in the Union. shallbe ruledby a regularand properdecorum. whenconvened TRTICLE 4. The Association Clerk andAssistantClerkeach r RTICLE 5. TheAssociationshallhavea Moderator.AssistantModerator. '',rsL'u present. vote of the delegates by a majority separately and. maybeadmittedto thisunionwho shallpetitionby Letteranddelegates \RTICLE 6. New Churches ' :.,unduponexaminationto be orthodoxandorderly.shallbe received;andeveryChurchin the unionshall -.' cntitledto a representative in the Association. in theirown being first de'bated by thc Churchto the Association, TRTICLE 7. E,veryquerypresented :rurches. shallbc takcnup by theAssociation. except of the Association, shallcomeunderconsideration \ RTICLE 8. Everymotionmadeandseconded .,irc.nwithdrawnby the one who madeit. with Minutesof the Association. to furnishthe Churches shallendeavor \RTICLE 9. The Association Fundfor defrayingtheexpenses thatwe shouldhavean Association \RTICLE 10. We think it necessary , i ' r h e s a m eW. e t h i n k i t t h e d u t y o f e a c h C h u r c h i n t h e u n i o n t o c o n t r i b u t e s u c h s u m s a s t h e y t h i n k p r o p .:ndto sendit by their delegates to thc Association;andsuchsumsbe depositedin thehandsof the Treasurcr andpaidout for themoneypaidhim by theAssociation. - lroscnby theAssociation who shallbe accountable : ec o r d i n gt o t h e A s s o c i a t i o n . shall of everyAssociation bookkcptwhereintheproccedings \RTICLE I l. Thereshallbc an Association rc'recordedby a Secretary fbr his scn iccs. appointedby thc Associationwho shallreceivea compensation if needbe.and signedbv thc' shallbe read,andcorrected \RTICLE 12. The minutesof the Association \loderator.AssistantModerator.Clerk and AssistantClerk beforethe Associationrises, unlessthc satrtct: .iispensed with. \RTICLE 13. Amendmentsto this plan or form of governmentmay be madeby a majorityof lhc ulli()lt. rf deemednecessary. rrl'lhe shallbe decidedby thewill of thc rtra.jorin \RTICLE 14. All rnatters comingbeforetheAssociation present. dclegates ARTICLE 15. The Associationshallhavethe powerto providefor the generalunion of the Churches;tcr preserveinviolablea chainof communionamongthe Churches;to give Churchesall necessaryadvicein themselves at any time in mattersof difficulty;to inquireinto thecauseof the Churchesfailingto represent the Association;to appropriatethe rnoneycontributedby the Churches for the Associationfund to anr purposetheymaythink proper;to appointany member,by theirconsent,to transactanybusinesswhich ther seenecessary:andthey shallhavethe powerto withdrawfrom any Churchin the unionwhich violatesthe rulcsof the Associationor deviatefrom theorthodoxprinciplesof religion;andto admitanyorderlyMinister to any futuretime o1'our ordcrto seatwith us. The Associationshallhavethe right to adjournthernselves or placcthcyrnaythink mostconvenient to the Churches. ARTICLES OF FAITH OF THE S A R D I SA S S O C I A T I O N ARTICLE L We belicvcin only onetrueandliving God:theFathcr,thc SonandHoly Ghost:andthcsc andglory. thrcr'areonc,cqualin powcr.csscncc ARTICLE 2. We believcthc scriptureof the Old andNew Testamentsof the AuthorizedKing Jarncs Vcrsionof the Biblc arcthewrittenwordsof Cod and arethc only rulesof faithandpractice. ARTICLE 3. We bclicvcin the doctrincof clcctionby grace,for by graceareye savedthroughfaith. ARTICLE 4. We bclicvcin thedoctrincof originalsin andof man'sinabilityto recovcrhimsclffrornthe is neededfor our redemption. fhllenstatchc is in by naturc.thcrefbrethe SavioLrr ARTICLE 5. We bclicvcthatsinnersarccallcdto repentancc and believein thc Gospelandregeneration o f t h c s o u la n d s c a l e c l w i t h t h c H oSl yp i r i to f p r o r n i s c . a n d n o n e s hf aalllla w a y a n d b e l o s t . ARTICLE 6. Wc bclicvethatsinncrsarcjustificdin thc sightof God only by the imputedrighteousness of .IcsusChrist. ARTICLE 7. Wc bclievethat baptisrnis thc ordinanceof God's Church on earth andthc mode IMMITRSION.backfilremost.so as to coverall ovcr. is thc commandof thc Saviour,andthatby uscof bread ARTICLE 8. Wc bclievethatthc Lord'sSuppc-r andtlrctiuit of thc vine.andfcct washingshouldbc kcpt up until his secondcorningbyhisbelicvers. ARTICLE 9. We bclicvcin theresr-rrrcction of thedead,bothof thejust and the unjust,and thatthejoys of thc rightcousandthc punishrnentof thc wickedshallbe eternal. of thc ARTICLE 10. We bc-licvc thatno Ministcrhastherightto administer theordinanccs andcommands Gospclcxceptsuchasarercgularlybaptizcdby irnrncrsron of a le-eal administrator of thcGospelandordained con.ring undcrthc handsof a rcgularlychoscnprcsbytery of the Church. ARTICLE 1l. Wc bclicvcit to bc thcdLrtyof all Churchmcmbersto contributefordefraying all reasonable cxpenscs of theChurch.neverforgcttingthe poor according to theirseveralabilities. ARTIC LE 12. We bclicvethatevery doctrinethatgoesto encollrage or indulgepeoplein theirsinsor cause thcrnto settledown on any'thingshortof saving faith in Christ for salvationis erroneous,and such doctrineshall be rejectedby us. in Christ ARTICLE 13. We believethattheChurchof JesusChristis a congTegation of faithful believers u,hohavcobtainedfellowshipwith the Lord and one another,and havegiventhemselves to the Lord and harc agrccdto keep up a Godlydisciplineaccording to the rulesofthe Gospel. ARTICLE 14. We believethatJesusChristis theheadof theChurchand the government thereofis upon HisShoulders. 61 \ I{ I | ( I- E I 5. \\'c bclievethat a sanctioned marriageof God is betw.een a man and a womanonly. Also, - - -".c In rc'cc'iving membersinto our fellowshipthat follow the naturaldatingrelationshipthat leadsto ':..:irllllorlvbctweena man and a womanonly: thereby,preservingthe family unit of father,motherand . - - : : F p h c s i a n5s: 2 2 . 2 3a n d2 8 , S t .M a r k l 0 : 6 , 7 , 8a n dR o m a n sl : 1 6 a n d2 7 . tR I l('l-E 16. Noneof the aboveArticlesshallbe considered as to hold ri'ith particularelection and --^.1:lt)rlsoastomakeGodpartial, d i r e c t l yo r i n d i r e c t l yn, o r t o i n j u r e a n v o f t h e c h i l d r e n o f m e n , n o r -,:'.\of those Articlesbe alteredwithout legalnoticeand freeconscnt. RULES OF DECORUM OF THE SARDIS ASSOCIATION r R rlcLE l. The Association shallbe openedandclosedby praycr. rRTI('LE 2. TheAssociationshallhaveaModerator,AssistantModeraror.Clcrk and.{ssistant Clcrk each .rln scpor&tely by a majorityvote of the delegatespresent. r RTICLE 3. Onlyonemembershallspeakat a timewho shallarisefrornhissc.arlnd obtainconsentfrom - \loderatorwhenhc is aboutto makehis speech. TRTICLE 4. The personthus speakingshall not be intemrptedin his spc-cch br an\onr.crceptthe 1 'Jt'ratoruntil hc is through. TRTICLE 5. He shallstrictlyadhereto thesubjectandin no wisereflecton thc pcrsonu ho hasspoken .r\ lnakeremarkson his slips or imperfections, but shall fairly statethecagscasncarl\ ashc canso as !()nveyhis ideas. TRTICLE 6. No person shall abruptly absenthimself from thc Associarionuithour lcaveofthe '...:trciation. r RTICLE 7. No pcrsonshallspeakmorethanthreetimeson anysubjectu'ithourlcarc of rhc .\ssociation. ' : J o n l yf i v e m i n u t e sa t a t i m e . \RTICLE 8. Nopersonshallhavcthe libertyoflaughingduringthe sittingof thc-saprcnorri'hisperin time : ' p u b l i cs p e e c h . \RTICLE 9' No memberof the Association shalladdress anotherin any orhcr tc-nnor appellation than ' .lt of "brothet." \RTICLE 10' The Moderatorshallnot intemrptor prohibitany memberfiorn spcakinguntil hegiveshis tht on any subjectunlesshe violatesthe Rules of Decorum. \RTICLE l1' The namesof the membersof the Association shallbe enrolledbv rhc Clerkandcalledas ,licn as the Associationrequires. \RTICLE 12. The Moderatorshallhavethe sameright of speechas anv other member,provided the - hair be filled; and he shallhaveno right to vote unlessthe Associationbe equallydivided,thenhe may _:rre the decidingvote. \RTICLE 13' Any memberwho shall willingly and knowinglyviolateany of the Decorumshallbe :,.provedby the Associationas theythink proper. 62 CHURCH DELEGATES TO THE SARDIS ASSOCIATION 2011 MT. PLEASANT: Lacy Waltcrs,DeweyBlackburn"FrankieScott APPLE ORCHARD: PaLrl Mayrard.BobbyFields,EldonMaynard BENT BRANCH: DcanLowc,RayBlackburn,MichaelLowe BIG BRANCH: MitchcllRobinson.RandallScott,DonaldPreece MARY ELIZABETH: J. D. Waltcrs.ThurmanStacy.GeorgeEdminston BETHANY: Afthur May. MontyMcsser,Monty Messer.Jr. DuaneSmith PII,GRIMS HOME: Clifton Robincttc.Mike Johnson, SALEM : ErncstScsco.AlonzoWhite.FerrellSesco RonnieLowe,ButlerFletcher SIDNEY: Virgil Fletcher, DIX FORK: David Crigger.CharlesEdwards.WayncBlackburn NARROWS BRANCH: Dwight Maynard,GrcgScott,RoscoeWilliamson LEANNAH: LarryRobinson.LonnicRobinson, ClarenceRobinson BUCK CREEK: VadisBlackburn.Todd Dials.MarionDuncan T A B I T H A : R c xN a p i c rA . v e r yH e n s l e yA. l c x H c n s l c y LITTLE ROSIE: l{arveyWhite.SteveJohnson. Vcrncl Scsco TURKEY CREEK: Ron Hamilton,LacyLockard,DannyReed SAMARIA: RandyLackey,BernardAldridgc.Alton May ROSA: IvanBlankenship, FranklinCline.DrexelCline LITTLE VIRGIE: Bob Justice,Alvin Thornbury.LeonRobinson SOUTHERN HOME: RichardLowe.William Adair.Sr.,CecilFarley PII,GRIMS REST: RefordBilliter.CecilSetser, ClydeJames OKEECHOBEE: No Delegates AccountIllness ELIZABETH: ClydePerry.RandallLowe,JamesLowe LITTLE TAVIE: LestcrCochran.JerryRunyon,GaryNapier ANTIOCH: ArthurMathis.ClarenceMathis,GeorgeSaunders BRIDE OF CHRIST: SarnFrye.SammieMoore.Darryl Maynard 63 ORDAINED MINISTERS Name and Telephone Adair,William Sr.(352)629-7888 Bevins,Paul(606)353-7567 Blackbum, Dewey (606)247-3487 Blackburn,Harold(606)237-0I 3 8 Ivan (304)664-53 l3 Blankenship, Cable,Albert(304)928-4585 Campbell,Stanley,Sr. (352)368-3998 Cochran,Chester(304)675-5 | 62 Cochran,Lester(304)675-3324 Cochran,W. H. (304)675-2563 Crigger,David 6Aq353-7 042 -6572 Dials,ThomasJ. (606)395 Dials,Todd J. (606)298-0960 Edwards,Charles(7 40)364 -0636 Fletcher,Butler(606)297-2976 Flctcher,Lacy (606)298-4965 Forsyth,Bruce (352)629-0505 Frye, Sam (304)429-2181 (lif rrran.Randy(863)357-3214 I I arnilton, Hobart(304)475-4225 I l c r r s l c yJ,a m e s( 3 0 4 ) 8 9 6 - 8 3 1 9 Ilcrrslcy.JohnHenryQ04)426-4774 Waync,Jr. (740)377-9461 I Icr:rlcl. I lrrrvrrrrl. llilly (606)522-4964 I l t ' r r r t t lW . i l l i c( 6 0 6 ) 3 5 3 - 1 2 5 3 . l r rtte ll . ( ' l r t t ' l c s( . 1 5 1 ) ( r 2 9 - 4I 2 6 I u t l t ' . | ) et t c \ ' ( { r { ) 6 1 3 t 7 - 5 - 5 4 9 4 l r r t l t ' .I l t ' n t\ ( ( r 0 ( r) . j ( ) 5 - ( X X ) l l r r t l t ' .I l ( ' r \ l l ( ' l( ( r ( ) ( r ) ( r 7|1( -X r l l lutlt' K('nn('tlll (rr(l(r)671-1(X).1 l r r t l t ' I r ) n n t ( {' ( r O ( r ) i ( ) :5 l - l X Church Membership SouthernHome PilgrimsHome Mt. Pleasant TurkeyCreek Rosa Bethany SouthernHome LittleTavie Little Tavie Little Tavie Dix Fork Buck Creek Buck Creek Dix Fork Sidncy Buck Crcek SouthernHomc Brideof Christ Okeechobee TurkeyCreek Tabitha Tabitha Buck Creek Antioch Sidney SouthernHome Elizabeth Sidney Elizabeth Sidney Sidncy Address 4 3 5 8N . E . l 9 t h A v e ,O c a l a F . L 34479 3582N. Big CreekRoad,Belfry,KY 41514 4450 W. TunnelHill Rd.,Sharpsburg,KY40374 B o x 6 1 5 ,B e l f r y ,K Y 4 I 5 1 4 P. O. Box 9, Baisden,WV 25608 HC 70. Box 498.Lenore.WV 25676 1 0 0 5 1N . E . 3 0 t hC t . ,A n t h o n y ,F L 3 2 6 1 7 l5l ChapelDrive.Pt. Pleasant, WV 25550 Rt. 1, Box 8669SandHill Rd.,Pt. Pleasant, WV 25550 WV 25550 Rt.l, 510 SunsetLane,Pt.Pleasant, f{C 60 Box 1422StrattonRd.,Canada,KY 41519 59 JacobsLane,Warfield,KY 41267 168CreekwoodEstates.lnez,KY 41224 144PiersonBlvd.,Newark,OH 43055 2976 NattsCreekRoad,Louisa,KY 41230 P. O. Box 313,Tomahawk.KY 41262 P. O. Box 396, Sparr,FL 32192 669 Lewis Subdivision.Huntington,WV 25704 60 N. W. 98th Street.Okeechobee.FL34972 WV 25670 Routel, Box 335,Delbarton, P . O . B o x 3 3 8 ,P e c k sM i l l , W V 2 5 5 4 7 P. O. Box 410, Varney,WV 25696 113FranklinStreet,SouthPoint,OH 45680 2155White Oak Branch,WestLiberty,KY 41472 KY 41519 P. O. Box 142,Canada, P.O.Box 325, Sparr,FL 32192 212 FrogPondRoad,Inez,KY 41224 P.O.Box 1343,Pilgrirn,KY 11250 105Rock CastleLane.Louisa,KY 41230 701 Nonis Fork Road,Louisa,KY 41230 P . O . B o x 3 9 6 .L o v e ' l vK. Y 4 1 2 3 1 Jude,Robcrt(606)395-5009 Lackey,RandallLee (30.1)5 42-2283 Lowc.GabeD.. Jr. (606)395-6355 L o w e .M i c h a e(l 6 0 6 ) 6 3 I-6355 Lowc, Milford (606)631-3658 Lowe,Richard(352)57 2-4364 (304)27 Mathis,Arthur 2-5972 Mathis.Clarence(304)27 2-6732 I M a y .A r t h u r( 3 0 4 ) 3 9 3 - 4I 8 M a y ,D a v i d( 3 0 4 ) 3 9 3 - 9 1 0 9 Maynard,Paul(606)63I -5835 Moorc, Sarnmie(304)272-5505 Muncy.HornerJr. (606)39-s-5686 Napier,Leonard(304)486-51 l9 Napicr,Rex (304)595-5438 Peaden, Arlice (352)685-90[.i0 Perry.Clyde(606)298-3 153 Robinette, Jack(606)353I 640 R o b i n s o nB, i l l y J . ( 6 0 6 ) 3 9 0 - 5 3 2 0 Robinson,Leon (606)63| -9825 Robinson,Timrny (304)235-3425 Runyon,Danny(606)631-7630 Runyon,Jerry ( 740)992-2687 Sartin,Wallace(606)395-0286 Scott.Ben Scott.Bobby,Sr. (606)353-7858 Scott,Frankie(859)624-0598 Sesco,Elbert(606)353-0597 Sesco.Harold(606)353-0 I 6I Srnith,Duane(606)63l-3423 Srnith.EdwardL. (606)834-99-58 -7978 Stanfey, Greg(606)437 Staton,Richard(606)237-1217 Thornsbury, IvanNeal (606)353-84-+3 Sidney Samaria Elizabeth Bent Branch Apple Orchard SouthernHome Antioch Antioch Bethany Bethany Apple Orchard Brideof Christ Leannah L i t t l cT a v i c Tabitha S o u t h c nIrl o r n c Elizabcth PilgrimsHolnc Leannah Little Virgie Little Rosic PilgrirnsHorne LittleTavie Buck Creck Leannah NarrowsBranch Mt. Pleasant PilgrirnsHorne PilgrirnsHome PilgrirnsHonre Dix Fork Bcnt Branch PilgrirnsHome Dix Fork P . O . B o x 1 4 6 .L o v e l y ,K Y 4 1 2 3 1 R R l , B o x l 3 l , W i l l i a m s o nW , V 25661 8773Meathouse Road,Pilgrim,KY 41250 1 6 9S c o nF o r k .P i k e v i l l eK. Y 4 1 5 0 1 3370BrushyRoad.Varney,KY 41571 13998SE 36thAve., Summerfield, FL 34491 l 9 l 5 C r a i gR o a d .W a 1 m eW , V 25570 l9l3 CraigRoad.Wayne,WV 25570 H C 7 0 .B o x 1 7 1 6 B , r e e d e nW , V 25666 R t l , B o x 4 1 ,K e n n i t , W V 2 5 6 7 4 1 2 9 4 1 B r u s hR y d . ,P i k e v i l l eK, Y 4 1 5 0 1 398-2Milc CreekRoad,WayneWV 25570 H C 6 7 ,B o x 6 2 0 ,P i l g r i m ,K Y 4 1 2 5 0 431 RocklickBranchRoad,Prichard,WV 25555 l1l7 lst Avenue,Box 462,EastBank,WV 25067 2 3 5 9 4N . E . 1 5 4 "P ' I R o a d ,S a l tS p r i n g sF, L 3 2 1 3 4 P .O . B o x 1 7 6 7 , l n e z , K Y4 1 2 2 4 I I 2 M i d d l cF o r kR o a d .H a t f i e l dK . Y 41514 -17,5 LackcyBranchRoad,Pilgrirn,KY 41250 356 StanleyFork,Varney,KY 41571 7 0 M a s t c rA v e n u eW . i l l i a r n s o nW . V 25661 BrushyRd.,Varney,KY 41571 38143StateRt. 143,Pomeroy,OH 45769 P . O .B o x 3 2 1 0 ,P i l g r i m ,K Y 4 1 2 5 0 H C 6 7 ,P i l g r i m K , Y 41250 I l 2 J o s hH o l l o wR o a d .H a r d y ,K Y 4 1 5 3 1 2l I CawoodCourt,Richrnond, KY 10475 20 FonsoStanlevRoad..Canada.KY 41519 b o x 1 3 0 ,S i d n e yK , Y 41564 BmshyRoad.Varney.KY .11-571 2 9 1 I C a n i e l l i aD r i v e ,F l a t w o o d sK, Y . 1 11 3 9 4 2 3 3M i l l c r sC r e e k P , i k e v i l l eK, Y 4 1 5 0 1 3 6 6 8L o n gB r a n c hR o a d .B e l f r y ,K Y 4 1 5 1 4 2430Dix ForkRoad.Sidnev.KY 4l-564 C H U R C H E Sa n dC L E R K S CHURCH ADDRf,SS MT. PLEASANT APPLEORCHARD Sidney.KY 10770BrushyRdad.Pikevillc. KY 41501 BENT BRANCH BIG BRANCH Meta.KY BrushyRoad.KY MARY ELIZABETH Hatfield, KY BETHANY Lenore.WV P I L G R I M SH O M f , V a m e yK. Y SALEM Goody.KY SIDNEY DIX FORK Pilgrim.KY Dix ForkRoad.Sidncy,KY 41564 24t34 NARROWSBRANCH Hardy.KY LEANNAH Pilgrim.KY BUCK CREEK B€auty. KY TABITHA Verdunville. WV LITTLE ROSIE TURKEY CREEK SAMARIA Chattaroy,WV TurkeyCreek.KY Dingess, WV ROSA LfTTLE VIRCIE Baisden.WV 50 Long Fork Road.Kimper.KY4l539 SOUTHERNHOME PILGRIMSRXST Span.FL OKf,ECHOBEE ELIZABETH LITTLE TAVIE ANTIOCH BRIDE OF CHRIST Varney.KY 201 S.W. l0'" Ave.,Okeechobee. FL 34974 Rt.l.Louisa.KY WV 25550 l8l ChapelDrive. Pt. Pleasant. 1869CraigRoad.Wayne.WV25570 5064R. Fk. CampCr.. Huntington.WV 2570| PHONE CLERK and ADDRESS (606).15-l-9507DanielStanley.78 BrownBranchRoad.Sidney.KY 41564 (6{}(\}6-ll93l{ J!\hnny L. Thacker. 356Billy LoweBranch. Pikeville. KY 4150| (606)6il-6155 MichaelLowe.169ScottFork.Pikeville.KY4l50l (606)631 16-19 Charles Lowe.11987BrushyRoad,Pikevillc. KY4l50l (606)-151-.1.119 Osc r Stepp.P.O.Box I37.Sidney, KY 41564 (30.1)4X6 59{10 .\rchic Prince.242 Sundance Lane.Prichard.WV 25555 (606)351-.llls.lohnll.Elki,ls.3lMiddleFork.Hatfield.KY4l514 1606)237-472a|.n!sl Scsco.Box 21i9SukeyForkRoad.TurkeyCreck.KY4l5l4 (606)197-21i1{) JohnIl. Flctcher. 2976NrttsCreekRoad.Louisa, KY 41230 (606)1134-9958 Ed\\ar(lL. SDith.291I Camellia Drive.Flatwoods. KY .11139 (606)353-9747tsobbyScot. .1r..I+8 JoshHollowRd,Hardy.KY 41531 (606)6314893llxycsltobinson. I 5li-15 BmshyRoad.Pikeville. KY 41501 (606)19ll-0960 ToddJ.I)i ls.l68( rcckwood Estate. Incz.KY 41224 (304)896-8319 JamcsP.Ilcnslcy.I'.O.Uox3:lil.PccksMill. WV 25547 (304)235-0041HarvcyWhitc, l:75 Dan'sBranchRoad,Williamson.WV 25661 (734)482-3148RonHamilor. 7-ll2 McKeanRd.,Ypsilanti. MI 48197 (304)752-3006 LarryMay.HC73.Box:515.Dingess. WV 25671 (304)664-9009CharlesTesterman. HC7l. Box 55.Gilbed.WV 25621 (2761628-8670Alvin Thornbury.26335PewterLane.Abingdon.VA 2421I (352)629-0505 BruceP. Forsyth.P. O. Box 196,Spa[. FL ]2192 (606)631-1432 FoslerBlackbum,li70 StaDley Fork.Vamey.KY 41571 (863)357-3214RandyGilman.60 NW 98'i Street.Okeechobee. FL.349'72 (606)631-3734 L. Lowe.| 3739BrushyRd..Pikeville. Randall KY 41501 Jim Cochran,I8l ChapelDrive.PointPleasant. WV 25550 13041675-2359 (304\212-59'72. Anhur Mathis.I 915CraigRoad.Wayne.WV 25570 (304)5014105 SamuelFrye.Rt. 2, Box 2402.Wayne.WV 25570 s l.\ | ls I l( .\1. |,\Iil,t,, _-l I I zl ^l I 'l =l a a l."u*.n s tAR'f lN(; 'il\lE | \lt. Plc;rrrrttt lApple Orchard }I0DERATOR F l a n k i eS c o t t ll:00lll:00 PaulMavnard l 0 : ( X )l 0 : 1 X ) [ ) a l e\ \ ' i l l i a n r s o n l ) u a n eS n r i t h leig Brrn.t., I :00 I 1:0011 rRichard L. Staton i lDaanY RunYon | \ ' 1 a r ' 1F-. l i z a b c t h ll:00ll:(X) I)ni id ( rt-ugc't' BethanV I l:00/l1:00 Arthur May I'ilgrirls llortre I 0 r 0 0I ( ) : ( ) 0 I l h c r tS c s e t r Salem 1l:00i11:t)0 [:]ber1Sesco r0Ol0to l l r r r n t ,Ir .l ) r t l ' ll:00lll:l)0 l)avid ( riggcr Il:00Il:oo llolrlrr \Lott i si,ln.', I iDix Fork INrn t x s l l r ; t n el t 10:301l0:30 I Lealnah l l r r c k( r c ' c k i I aolma ' t - i t t l cR o s r c Turkey Cteek t s i l l 1.' 1 .R o b i n s r r n 250l l r . _ 5..ll _ 100 150 I acv Walters t50 300 l{)r) l'rrrrl\'la1'nartl \ \ , L r r r r ' l l , r , r l , 1l r 2 : 3 0 /il: 0 0 Rex Napier A l h c r t( ' r t h l c I l : ( X I)l : ( X ) F l b c r tS c ' e i t l ) , l t r ll l ! \ l r l . i rl i i i ,1 1I I S | I --- i- .' r_- ij -5; l L \ llr ' I l:00/11:00 Hobart Hamilton RichardStatrrn I l : ( X )I l : 0 0 I l u n d r l lI r r e k c r i i0:30110:30 , Hobart Hamilton R i c h i r r ( [i - . S l r t ( ) 1 1 Southem Horle l0:30/I 0:30 William Adair, Sr I'll{rilr. li a\1 I 0 : 1 0I 0 : 1 0 ( iarr YoLrng 4:00/10:00 Stanley CamPbell {)(| I Gary\'oung : I cott l{()l)ll1\()ll 60 t5 ( i l t b cL- o s c . . l r . l.ittlr' I ur ie I 0:30/l0:30 W. H. Cochran i Chesfer Cochraa r 0010.10 ( l i t r c r t e c\ l r t h i s Leonaltl \ltpicr I ZJulY la .l .lullc i tr' rleugurt i oti ziruray fi Ir)r) .t) li 100 -l I5o ,t - t 200 : r1 150. l()0 | 0 : - 1I00 : l ( ) rli I 50 ]Randy Gilman Ilutlcr Flctcher t .t,rty -l,Jr']) . I00 I J0' I .16 I rl 11 24i l August ll. -1.lLrnc r'l 1 April ll I .lrrnc , 4 April I l ;l ,11 l ll : 3l rl li 150 l,{pril 1 I rl el I50 150 J .lunc 15 I [ ) u a n cS r t t i t h -l Atrgttst tn i I 300 3.luly .'-i ir t- ;l*; 1i _10() ;t -l 6l | t7l 2 July .lullc l6 -l .\ultLrsl l Sammie Moore 5ir5 .lLrlr l(l gi ll50 ALrgu\t i irurv l0 | I t50 t00 I ;i ;,i ;1";;;,; -r0r) I Richard Lorve I lrurrlretlt I I :00 6:101 l5() I June 16 1 ,tt l 5() )It 17 ) .ltrlr I 16 1 5 0_ l0o Iltonrt'.ll)r.tl. I l : ( X )I l : ( X ) l l r i t l t r r 1( h l i s t r(! l ' | L r t l lcl re t t l r e t l,r.r\\,rllet' " 1 5 0l t50 |0:i0 I0:.10 T \ r r lI rj r l l {l 75 l Iittle Virg.tc ()kct'chobee Rurtlitll .I)rultl I Danny Runyon -l a l \il ntr f[l Rosa \t \\ . Lrl_tl g]tcrs lW*yae Herald,Jr l7s ti | rl i 15;; lsiltY lo Robinson 9 I t00 Ltcr' \\ itltcrr I l : ( X )I l : ( X ) iu.'*r-"*i I 2 , { S S I ST , \ \ T \ I ( ) D E R A T O R ll t I I I July 2012 CALENDAR January February March Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 567 B 9 10 11 121314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 5 6 7 B 910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 5 6 7 B I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 222324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April May June Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 567 B 9 10 11 121314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 5 6 7 B 9101112 13 14'15 16 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July August September Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 567 B 9 10 11 121314 15 16 17 18 192021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 67 B 9 10 11 12 131415 '1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October November December Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 111213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 12 3 4 5 6 7 B I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 222324 25 26 27 28 29 30 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 67 B 9 101112 131415 16 17 18 '1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31