ClearView 2014 Brochure
ClearView 2014 Brochure
STOP PRESS ClearView ™ MYANMAR available MARCH 2013 ClearView Imagery ™ GEOIMAGE Specialists in Satellite Imagery & Geospatial Solutions Unique Insight Welcome to our suite of low cloud image mosaics providing a clear view of the Earth we live on. For many of you, trying to obtain a view beneath the clouds has been a major problem especially in areas ripe with potential for exploration and mining. With this in mind, Geoimage has created a series of ClearView™ products designed to map the ground that lies below the clouds. With the successful launch of Landsat 8 on February 11, 2013, it is timely that Geoimage provide useable imagery in areas of major potential utilising Landsat 7 & 5 satellite data. The Landsat program is the longest running exercise in the collection of multispectral digital data of the earth’s surface from space and has built up an archive of scenes in the hundreds of thousands. We at Geoimage have handpicked scenes from the archive which provide the lowest cloud cover and highest quality data possible. From these we have created seamless, cloud-masked mosaics so that you can map below the clouds. Our ClearView™ products are low cloud coverage (less than 1%), map accurate, contain 6 band Landsat data with a 15 m resolution, high geometric accuracies and are useable down to 1:50,000 scale, which can easily be integrated into your GIS. These products are ideal: ✜ As a backdrop in a GIS ✜ For geological and structural interpretation ✜ Land cover assessment ✜ As an overview of the entire country or region Currently, we have 6 products in our ClearView™ range, but are constantly adding to it, so if your area is not listed below, please contact us for further details. ✜ Papua New Guinea ✜ Colombia ✜ Burkina Faso ✜ Mongolia ✜ Peru ✜ Myanmar (available March 2013) Geoimage is an independent specialised provider of satellite imagery and related spatial services. With more than 25 years of experience we’ve earned a reputation as a trusted and innovative industry leader. Geoimage has a core strength in mining, with both founding directors originating from a geology background. Whilst mining remains as the major focus for Geoimage’s services, our client base has also diversified to now comprise a significant proportion from the oil/gas, engineering and environmental sectors. Geoimage is recognised for technical excellence, and beyond the supply of satellite imagery and products, we also specialise in advanced geospatial service provision. As part of our ongoing drive and strategy to remain the premier supplier of satellite imagery and services we are constantly creating new products to meet the needs of our customers. Together with our software products and services, our access to the widest range of commercial satellite imagery, our partnerships with suppliers of allied topographical mapping products, and our experienced, professional technical and sales team, Geoimage is in the strongest possible position to provide you with customised and innovative solutions to your mapping needs. We move beyond just data supply, we provide you with essential spatial information and unique insight. Cheers Bob Walker Chairman, Geoimage Pty Ltd [email protected] GEOIMAGE Specialists in Satellite Imagery & Geospatial Solutions Unique Insight Wayne Middleton Mobile: +61 409 494 039 E:[email protected] Bob Walker Mobile: +61 418 334 391 E:[email protected] Satellites RESOLUTION WORLDVIEW 2 Trying to decide which is the best satellite imagery for your application? Geoimage can help. To help, we have broken the different types of satellites into 3 categories: ✜ VHR (Very High Resolution) — sub metre pixels ✜ High Resolution— 2.5m to 10m pixels ✜ Mid Resolution— greater than 10m pixels and have included a list of the major satellites at the bottom of this page. We have also provided a diagram showing the bandwidths in the visible to short wave infrared of the same satellites compared with the spectral reflectance curves of the important ground cover types. We will perform free data searches of your area of interest. All you need to do is provide us with enough information about your requirements such as: 0.5/2.0m WORLDVIEW 1 0.5m GEOEYE 1 0.41/1.65m QUICKBIRD 0.6/2.4m PLÉIADES 0.5/2.0m IKONOS 0.8/3.2m SPOT 6 1.5/8.0m SPOT 5 2.5/10m PRISM AVNIR2 ALOS 2.5/10m SPOT 4 10/20m ASTER 15/30m LANDSAT LCDM 15/30m LANDSAT 7 15/30m 60 ✜ Pixel resolution ✜ Whether you require multispectral or panchromatic (black IRON OXIDE KAOLINITE % REFLECTANCE and white) images ✜ Any time constraints, do you need the latest or can we choose scenes from the archive ✜ What you intend to use the data for ✜ What stage of the mining lifecycle you’re interested in DRY VEGETATION 40 B 20 A HEALTHY VEGETATION Then provide us with a shapefile, kmz/kml file or coordinates for your area of interest and we will do the rest. WATER 0 B G R NEAR IR 0.5 1.0 SHORT WAVE INFRARED 1.5 2.0 2.5 ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM – WAVELENGTH IN MICROMETRES Very High Resolution Satellites Satellite Panchromatic Multispectral resolution resolution 16.4km at nadir Min purchase Archive/New Capture km2 25/100 Yes Yes 1:1500 None 17.6km at nadir 25/100 Yes Yes 1:1500 0.5m 4 bands 15.2km at nadir 25/100 Yes Yes 1:1500 2.44m 0.6m resampled 4 bands 16.5km at nadir 25/100 Yes No 1:2000 0.5m 2.0m 0.5m resampled 4 bands 20km at nadir 25/100 Yes Yes 1:2000 IKONOS 0.82m 3.2m 0.8m resampled 4 bands 11km at nadir 25/100 Yes Yes 1:2500 SkySat 0.9m 2.0m 0.9m 4 bands 8km at nadir 50 Yes Yes (in future) 1:2500 Worldview-2 0.5m 2.0m WorldView-1 0.5m No multispectral band available GeoEye-1 0.5m 2.0m QuickBird 0.6m Pléiades Pansharpened resolution 0.5m Multispectral Bands RESOURCESAT1 available 4 or 8 bands Swath width LISS4 LISS3 AWIFS Programmable Stereo Largest available scale 5.8m 23.4m 56m High Resolution Satellites SPOT 6 1.5m 6.0m 1.5m 4 bands 60kms at nadir 250/1000 Yes Yes 1:5000 SPOT 5 2.5m or 5m 10m at nadir 2.5m 4 bands 60x60kms at nadir 20x20kms Yes Yes 1:7500 ALOS Archive only 2.5m 10m 2.5m 4 bands 70x70kms for AVNIR (multispectral) or 35x35kms for PRISM (panchromatic) Single scene No Yes 1:7500 5 bands 77kms at nadir 500/3500 Yes No 1:15 000 4 bands 60x60kms at nadir Single scene No No 1:30 000 OLI=30m 15m TIR=100m resampled to 30m 7 OLI bands 2 TIR bands 180 x 180 kms width Single scene No No 1:40 000 Pansharpened VNIR=15m SWIR=30m TIR=90m 3 VNIR bands 6 SWIR bands 5 TIR bands 60km width Single scene Yes (excluding Yes SWIR) 1:40 000 for VNIR & SWIR TM= 30m 15m TIR=60m resampled to 30m 6 TM bands 180 x 180kms 2 (gains) * TIR 180 x 180kms No No 1:40 000 Pansharpened TM=30m TIR=60m resampled to 30m 6 TM bands 1 * TIR 180 x 180kms No No 1:80 000 RapidEye SPOT 4 Archive only 5m 10m 20m 10m Mid Resolution Satellites Landsat 8 15m ASTER Landsat 7 Landsat 5 Archive only 15m 180 x 180kms 3 LANDSAT Satellites WORLDWIDE REFERENCE SYSTEM Images from the Landsat satellites are probably the best archive of optical imagery available for tropical regions because the program started in 1972 and there have been satellites collecting data ever since. Details of the Landsat program can be found on numerous sites including- Data from the Landsat satellites is Inclination = 98.2o collected in a continuous stream along a near vertical path as the satellite moves from north to south in a descending pass. Some thermal imagery has been Mean Solar Time = 9.45am collected in ascending night-time passes. (Approximate local) The data is arbitrarily divided into nominal scenes which are about 24 seconds of Direction of Travel spacecraft time apart, corresponding Orbit Period = 98.8 minutes to a spacing of approximately 160km. Near polar sun synchronous orbit The path/row designation is referred - Landsat 5 orbit pattern to as the Landsat Worldwide Reference System (WRS). The rows have been positioned in such a way that Row 60 coincides with the equator. This reference system is different for Landsats 1-3 and Landsats 4-7 because of the different altitudes and inclination angles of the satellites. This affects the spacing of the paths so Landsats 1-3 have 251 paths worldwide while Landsats 4-7 have 233 paths. and Only a very brief summary is presented here. LANDSAT PLATFORMS Landsat Program Summary System Launch (End) Sensors Resolution Landsat 1 23 Jul 72 (6 Jan 78) 22 Jan 75 (25 Feb 82) 5 Mar 78 (31 Mar 83) 16 Jul 82 (TM - Aug 93) 1 Mar 84 Landsat 2 Landsat 3 Landsat 4 Landsat 5 Landsat 6 Landsat 7 Landsat LDCM 5 Oct 93 (5 Oct 93) 15 Apr 99 Feb 13 RBV MSS RBV MSS RBV MSS MSS TM MSS TM ETM ETM+ OLI TIRS 80 80 80 80 30 80 80 30 80 30 15 PAN 30 MS 15 PAN 30 MS 15, 30 100 Communication Direct Downlink with Recorders Direct Downlink with Recorders Direct Downlink with Recorders Direct Downlink TDRSS Direct Downlink TDRSS (Failed) Direct Downlink with Recorders Direct Downlink Solid State Recorders Direct Downlink Solid State Recorders Altitude Revisit (km) Days 917 18 Equatorial Crossing 8.30 am 917 18 9.00 am 917 18 9.30 am 705 16 9.45 am 705 16 9.45 am 705 16 10.00 am 705 16 10.00 am 702 16 10.00 am Six Landsat satellites have now been successfully launched commencing with Landsat 1 in July 1972. All platforms have operated from a repetitive, circular, sun-synchronous, near-polar orbit and on each day-side pass, scan a ground swath 185km wide beneath the satellite. The first three satellites carried the Multispectral Scanner (MSS) as the main imaging instrument with an 80m ground resolution, and the satellites had an 18 day repeat cycle. Landsats 4 and 5 have the Thematic Mapper (TM) as the main sensor with a 30m ground resolution and had a repeat cycle of 16 days and an equatorial crossing between 9:30 and 9:45am local time. The Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) sensor on Landsat 7 has a 30m multispectral ground resolution supplemented by a 15m panchromatic band. The sensor developed a Scan Line Corrector (SLC) problem in May 2003 and this has severely limited the usefulness of the current ETM+ data. The Landsat 5 TM instrument finally failed in 2011 after a long period of restricted collection due to power constraints and the satellite is currently being decommissioned (January 2013). Nominal Scene Centre Actual image centre can vary as much as 20km 132 Path Orbit paths are numbered westward, with path number 001 passing through eastern Greenland and South America Geralton Western Pacific Nominal Scene Area Actual area of nominal scene varies according to latitude Example of Worldwide Reference System (WRS) Perth Altitude = 750km (Nominal) Ground Track Australia 48 Ocean Bundaberg Row Image rows are numbered southward, beginning from 80oN latitude with row 60 closest to the equator DATA RECEPTION Data from all the satellites has been either directly transmitted to ground stations, uplinked to Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRSS) (landsat 4 5) or recorded onto onboard magnetic tapes(landsats 1 2 3) or solid state memory (landsat 7) for later transmission to ground stations in the US. The magnetic tape storage and the uplink to the TDRSS did not last long, so as a general rule there is more archive data available for areas within the reception cone of ground stations. WRS Index of PNG superimposed on ClearView™ LANDSAT THEMATIC MAPPER (TM) World Wide Ground Receiving Stations 4 The Thematic Mapper (TM) scanner which first appeared on Landsat 4 in 1982 was designed to provide improved spectral and spatial resolution over the MSS instrument. The basic mode of operation is similar, however the use of more sensitive detectors, better optics and a lower orbit has enabled the collection of radiation in 7 spectral bands, with improved ground resolution, and with data quantised to 256 intensity levels. Data is collected using banks of 16 detectors in each band and 16 lines of data are collected during both the forward and backward sweeps of the oscillating mirror system. The geometry of TM scenes is similar to MSS. Each full scene covers an area of approximately 185km EW by 170km NS. Pixel size in bands 1 to 5 and band 7 is 30m and 120m in band 6 (60m in Landsat 7). Landsat 7 also has a 15m panchromatic band that can be used to sharpen the other bands. TM scenes are designated by the same Worldwide Reference System (WRS-2) as MSS data from the Landsats 4-5. Scene centres may be moved along the satellite path to better cover an area of interest, but cannot be moved across track edges. Allowing for the differences in orbit parameters and scanning optics, geometric processing of TM data is similar to MSS. The wavelengths of sensors on the MSS instrument were specifically selected for agricultural purposes, i.e. to highlight vegetation differences. For TM, these broad vegetation bands were subdivided to provide more discrimination, with an additional sensor at 2.2um added to provide geological information. Mirror scanning system Landsat TM MOSAICING SLC-OFF LANDSAT ETM+ IMAGERY. Since the scan line corrector failure on Landsat 7 ETM+ in May 2003, the data has been under-utilised because of the problem. Geoscience Australia offers SLC-OFF Composite Products however EROS no longer offer such a product for international data affected by the problem. Geoimage has developed software to mosaic multiple dates of overlapping imagery to produce as complete an image as possible. The main problem is to identify sufficient cloud free imagery at the same approximate time of the growing season. Thematic Mapper Wavelengths Band Number Wavelength (um) Applications 1 0.45 - 0.52 (visible blue) coastal water mapping, differentiation of soil from vegetation, has poor penetration through haze 2 0.52 - 0.60 (visible green) vegetation vigour assessment 3 0.63 - 0.69 (visible red) vegetation discrimination, also has high iron oxide reflectivity 4 0.76 - 0.90 (near infrared) determining biomass content and delineation of water bodies 5 1.55 - 1.75 (middle infrared) vegetation and soil moisture content, differentiation of cloud from snow 6 10.40 - 12.50 (thermal infrared) vegetation heat stress analysis, soil moisture discrimination, thermal mapping, has limited use as a large percentage of thermal radiation in daytime is reflected 7 2.08 - 2.35 (middle infrared) discrimination of rock types and hydrothermal clay mapping 8* 0.52 - 0.90 textural detail (visible green - near infrared) * Pan band only on Landsat 7 CURRENT STATUS OF LANDSAT 7 The Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) sensor on Landsat 7 developed an instrument malfunction on May 31, 2003 and this has severely limited the usefulness of the current data. The problem was caused by the failure of the Scan Line Corrector (SLC), which compensates for the forward motion of the satellite. Subsequent efforts to recover the SLC were not successful, and the problem appears to be permanent. Without an operating SLC, the ETM+ line of sight now traces a zig-zag pattern along the satellite ground track. Landsat 7 ETM+ is still capable of acquiring useful image data with the SLC turned off, particularly within the central portion of any given scene. Landsat 7 ETM+ therefore continues to acquire image data in the “SLC-off” mode. The SLC-off impacts are most pronounced along the edge of the scene and gradually diminish toward the center of the scene. The middle of the scene (approximately 22 kms) contains very little duplication or data loss. Landsat 7 ETM+ Path 99 Row 64 March 11, 2008. Bands 543 in RGB. Example of an SLC-Off scene which are available May 2003 to the present. SLC Composite imagery produced from several dates are available fro Geoscience Australia however such products are no longer available from EROS. Geoimage can produce SLC-Off composite imagery where data exists (See the following page for an example). Image A. Two dates of SLC-off Landsat ETM+ imagery B741 collected on 12 Oct 2004 and 05 September 2008. Image B. After matching and mosaicing. LANDSAT DATA CONTINUITY MISSION The Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM), a collaboration between NASA and the USGS, will provide moderate resolution worldwide imagery in a similar mode to the earlier Landsat sensors. The satellite launched on the 11th February, 2013 and the sensors onboard represent evolutionary advances in technology and performance compared to the earlier sensors and will result in increased geometrical and radiometric fidelity. This has been achieved with the use of push-broom sensor architecture which replaces the earlier optical-mechanical sensors. The LDCM satellite payload consists of two science instruments—the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS). These two sensors will provide seasonal coverage of the global landmass at a spatial resolution of 30 meters (visible, NIR, SWIR); 100 meters (thermal); and 15 meters (panchromatic). The spectral coverage and radiometric performance (accuracy, dynamic range, and precision) are designed to detect and characterize multi-decadal land cover change in concert with historic Landsat data. Coordinated calibration efforts of USGS and NASA will again be part of the LDCM calibration strategy. The LDCM scene size will be 185-km-cross-track-by-180-km-along-track. The nominal spacecraft altitude will be 705 km. The ground-processing of the data is expected to result in a cartographic accuracy of 12 m or better and includes correction for terrain effects. The 100m TIRS data will be registered to the OLI data to create the final radiometrically, geometrically and terrain-corrected 12-bit LDCM data products. The OLI has two new spectral bands. Band 1 is a coastal band in the visible blue at a shorter wavelength to the previous Band1 and aimed at providing better ocean colour discrimination while Band 9 is tailored especially for detecting cirrus clouds to allow recognition of cirrius contamination in other bands. The other spectral bands in the OLI have had spectral refinements made to avoid atmosphetic absorption features and this has been made possible by the higher signal-to-noise ratio inherent in the push-broom architecture. The TIRS will collect data from two narrow spectral bands in the thermal region formerly covered by one wide spectral band on Landsats 4–7. The LDCM is expected to contribute approximately 400 scenes per day to the USGS data archive (150 more than Landsat 7) and will increase the probability of capturing cloud-free scenes for the global landmass. 5 Sources of Landsat Data EROS - USGS On April 21, 2008, the USGS announced plans to provide all archived Landsat scenes held by the US Goverment, to the public at no charge. Newly acquired Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-off and Landsat 5 TM images with less than 40 percent cloud cover are automatically processed and made freely available for immediate download. The downloadable inventory reaches back one year. Older scenes and imagery with more than 40 percent cloud cover can still be ordered, however, delivery takes days, not minutes. Only the L1T product is available. Previously offered USGS Landsat products with customer-defined projection options on various media are no longer available. The L1T correction process utilizes both ground control points (GCP) and digital elevation models (DEM) to attain absolute geodetic accuracy. The WGS84 ellipsoid is employed as the Earth model for the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate transformation. Associated with the UTM projection is a unique set of projection parameters that flow from the USGS General Cartographic Transformation Package. The end result is a geometrically rectified product free from distortions related to the sensor (e.g. jitter, view angle effects), satellite (e.g. attitude deviations from nominal), and Earth (e.g. rotation, curvature, relief). Geodetic accuracy of the L1T product depends on the accuracy of the GCPs and the resolution of the DEM used. The 2005 Global Land Survey is used as the source for GCPs while the primary terrain data is the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission DEM. The USGS Global Visualization Viewer (Glovis) is a quick and easy online search tool for selected satellite data. GloVis provides greater data availability, allowing the user visual access to browse images from the Landsat 7 ETM+, Landsat 4/5 TM, Landsat 1-5 MSS, MRLC, and Landsat Orthorectified data sets, as well as Aster TIR and Aster VNIR browse images from the DAAC inventory. Approximately 8,500 Landsat TM images were selected from each of the 1990 and 2000 epochs. The acquisition dates of these images were relative to a 1990 and 2000 acquisition baseline, and the images were either cloud-free or contained minimal cloud cover. In addition, only TM images with a high quality ranking in regards to the possible presence of errors such as missing scans or saturated bands were selected. The Landsat data were orthorectified, using geodetic and elevation control data, to correct for positional accuracy and relief displacement. Large blocks of Landsat data were adjusted through a patented procedure that uses pixel correlation to acquire tie-points within the overlap area between adjacent Landsat images. Ground control points were fixed, and images projected to the Universal Transverse Mercator map projection, using the World Geodetic System 1984 datum (WGS84). The result is a final product with a Root Mean Square (RMS) Error of better than 50 metres in positional accuracy. GeoCover-Ortho Landsat mosaics are created by digitally suturing a group of juxtaposed Landsat scenes into a single seamless digital image. Mosaics are color (3 band) products with Bands 2, 4 and 7 in blue,green,red (BGR). The stock mosaics have been prepared from both the 1990 and 2000 epoch GeoCover stock scenes and are “off-the-shelf” products with the following Specifications - ✜ Worldwide coverage of the Earth’s landmass ✜ Data set size based on 5 degree (N-S) segments of standard UTM ✜ UTM projection, WGS84 datum ✜ 50 metre RMS positional accuracy ✜ 28.5 metre pixel size - 1990 epoch ✜ 14.25 metre pixel size (Pan sharpened) - 2000 epoch ✜ Contrast adjusted color composite of TM bands 2,4,7 in BGR ✜ Cubic Convolution interpolation ✜ Compressed using MrSID data compression or uncompressed GeoTIFF ✜ Geoimage has compressed with ERMapper ECW compression. ✜ Load&Go GIS compatible Examples of the 1990 and 2000 GeoCover Mosaics over PNG are shown below however they are not very useable because of the amount of cloud cover. USGS Global Visualisation Viewer (Glovis) displaying a landsat 4-5 search over Papua New Guinea. GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA The Earth Observation Group (previously known as ACRES) at Geoscience Australia have been collecting imagery over Australia and Papua New Guinea since The Australian Landsat Station was established in 1979. The EOG archive over Papua New Guinea consists of MSS imagery collected from Landsat 2-5 post 1979 and Landsat TM and ETM+ collected since 1988. The EOG previously offered a comprehensive range of image products from the archive and these include SLC-Off Composite Products which combine different dates of the post 2003 SLC-Off imagery. Since the open distribution policy was adopted by the USGS, EOG have limited their offerings and details can be found at http://www. 1990 GeoCover Mosaic GEOCOVER Image of Geoscience Australia satellite imagery reception areas. GeoCover are a global set of orthorectified Landsat scenes compiled by Earthsat Corp under the NASA Commercial Remote Sensing program. The scenes span three epochs; 1970s using Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS) data, 1990 using Landsat 4 and 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data, and 2000 with Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+). The dataset is unique as it provides geographically accurate record of the earth’s surface spanning 30 years at pixel resolutions from 14.25m to 80m and is ideally suited to scientific research and educational activities. Full details of date selection, orthorectification, accuracy, access and other aspects are are described in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing Vol. 70, No. 3, March 2004, pp. 313322. 6 2000 GeoCover Mosaic ClearView™ The concept of a better quality Landsat mosaic than the GeoCover mosaics was initially prompted by our clients and was originally in equatorial areas where the cloud cover was very high (The first mosaic produced was for Papua New Guinea - Pages 8-9). The need here was obviously a low cloud mosaic and this is achievable for most areas of the globe because of the large Landsat archive build up since the launch of Landsat 4 in 1992. The ClearView™ data were ideal for structural interpretation especially using pseudo-stereo pairs at a best scale of 1:100k (See pages 16-19). It was not long before our clients were requesting better Landsat mosaics for other areas where the existing mosaics had high vegetation, snow, fire-scaring, drop out lines, and other problems as well as the cloud and shadow. This led to the current definition of the ClearView™ Landsat mosaics as a composite of the best Landsat data available for an area which could be used for structural interpretation and in areas of low vegetation cover could also be used for spectral studies. METHOD OF PRODUCTION Many Landsat scenes in equatorial areas require composites of between 10 and 20 dates of imagery to obtain relatively cloud free imagery and of course there are areas that have never been collected cloud free. The selection of the scenes and checking that they are geometrically accurate is just the start of the process of mosaicing and anyone familiar with equatorial imagery will know that the shorter wavelength bands are affected by mist or haze so that an image which looks good as a B543 composite may not have any information content in bands 1 and 2. Most software packages which have automated mosaicing components do not cope well with cloud and so Geoimage wrote the programs to mosaic multiple dates of imagery. The steps in this mosaicing process are illustrated below for the Korobo 1:100k sheet in PNG. Image A shows the 6 dates of imagery which were used in the mosaic and in order of use were L7 08 Dec 2002, L7 06 April 2000, L5 15 April 2006, L5 29 Sept 1991, L5 31 August 2004, L5 16 July 1987. Image B shows the cloud free section of the same images that were used in the mosaic. Image C shows the final image after matching and mosaicing. These techniques have been used in a more general sense to get rid of bad lines, fire scars, and snow as well as the cloud and shadow. Although Geoimage does not generally advocate the use of mosaiced imagery for spectral analysis, the ClearView™ mosaicing methodology still produces useable spectral imagery - See Mongolian examples on pages 10-11. A AREAS COVERED As well as Papua New Guinea, the areas currently covered by ClearView™ imagery are Colombia, Peru, Mongolia and Burkina Faso. Other areas are being considered and if you are interested in an area please advise us. PRODUCTS AND PRICING The ClearView™ imagery is available in various size options from 250K sheets (1.5deg by 1deg), million scale sheets (6deg by 5deg) and whole of country. The purchase includes 6 band ERMapper BIL files as well as various 3 band ECW files. Because the production time varies for each area depending on the number of dates that have to be used, the pricing varies with each area so please contact us for pricing. LICENSING The purchaser must sign a ClearView™ License Agreement recognising Geoimage copyright on the data. The License Agreement can be downloaded from the Geoimage web site. C B 7 ClearView™ PNG ClearView™ PNG image is a mosaic of the best available Landsat 7 and 5 imagery covering the mainland and all the major islands and reefs that make up the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. Where Landsat 7 data is used the data is pan-sharpened with the panchromatic band to maximise the spatial detail. Landsat 5 data is resampled to 15m to retain a consistent pixel size. The dates of imagery used range from 1987 to 2011 and have been selected from all seasons. While every effort has been made to reduce the visual impact of the differences between the scenes, still remaining are seasonal changes due to shadowing caused by changes in sun azimuth and elevation, differences in vegetation during the growing season, fire scars, etc, and longer term changes due to clearing for agricultural usage, landslides, and migration of rivers. The dataset is within UTM zones S54 to S56 and is available in the relevant UTM zone or in GEODETIC. The mosaic is available in multiples of 250k sheets (1.5deg by 1deg) or as the full mosaic. The total 7 band 8-bit ERMapper BIL file is 60Gb in size and the size of an average 250k sheet is approximately 500Mb. The seventh band is a water mask band to help in the contrast enhancement of the data. ECW files of the normal three colour band combinations i.e. B543, B741 and B321 in RGB have been prepared and will also be supplied. These files are ideal backdrops and read directly into most GIS programs.The data will be supplied on DVD or USB external drive depending on the size of the area ordered. Other formats (eg GEOTIFF) are available on request. ClearView™ PNG Bands 543 in RGB. © Geoimage™ Pty Ltd. 2011. The yellow box outlines the Ok Tedi 250k sheet. ClearView™ PNG B543 (RGB) colour image. Copyright Geoimage Pty Ltd. Examples of the ClearView™ PNG B543 (RGB) imagery over the OK Tedi 1:250 000 sheet (141 to 142.5E and 5 to 6S) with 20% local area stretch. Scale bar 30km. 8 Enlargement over the Ok Tedi mine with scale bar of 5km. © Geoimage™ Pty Ltd. 2011. GEOCOVER 2000 0 4080Km GEOCOVER 1990 BOUGAINVILLE Island is the main island of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville of Papua New Guinea. The island covers an area of approximately 9000 square kilometres and is the largest and most northerly island of the Solomon Islands Archipelago. The island has several active, dormant or inactive volcanoes which rise to 2400m. The largest active volcano, Mount Bagana, is located in the central part of the island and can be seen smoking in both GeoCover images. South-east of Mt Bagana, the closed Panguna open-pit copper mine is visible at the north-eastern end of a trail of tailings in the drainage. The central image is the ClearView™ PNG mosaic of the island which has been prepared from approximately 20 dates of imagery. This is ringed by the GeoCover 1990 and 2000 mosaics of the island for comparison. 9 ClearView™ Mongolia Tile N45-45 ClearView™ Mongolia Bands 741 in RGB in geodetic projection. © Geoimage™ Pty Ltd. The red grid is a 6 degree (UTM zones) by 5 degrees of latitude and define a set of standard tiles a few of which have been labelled to show the nomenclature e.g. Tile N49-40 is in UTM zone 49 with limits of 84E to 90E and 40N to 45N. INTRODUCTION ClearView™ Mongolia has been prepared predominantly with Landsat 7 ETM+ with just a few scenes of Landsat 5 in the northern vegetated areas. One of the main aims during the preparation was to minimize the amount of snow and vegetation in the imagery so that the final mosaic could be used for spectral processing. The dates of the the imagery are generally from August to October. The final mosaic is a 15m resolution 6 band 8 bit ERMapper file that was prepared in WGS84 NUTM47 and Geodetic but can be reprojected into other projections. The complete mosaic as shown in the graphic above is approximately 140 Gb and the 6 deg by 5 deg tiles are 8-9 Gb in UTM projection (15m) and 9-12 Gb in geodetic (0.000135deg). The data can be purchased either as the full mosaic, as individual 6deg by 5deg tiles or by the 250k sheet (1.5deg by 1deg). SPECTRAL PROCESSING The original bands of the Landsat TM sensor were aimed at vegetation studies and for the detection of clay minerals using band 7 in the Short Wave Infrared. Images typically used for interpretation are1. three band composites in the primary colours red:green:blue. 2. ratios of the spectral bands. Ratios are used because they highlight the spectral differences between materials and at the same time decreasing the variations in surface brightness due to topography. For example, the ratio of bands 3/1 is often used to highlight iron oxide and 5/7 is used to highlight clays. Before ratios are calculated it is important to remove the effects caused by scattering of light in the atmosphere from each band. Colour composites of three band ratios are commonly used to highlight variation in an image. 3. LSFIT images. Most clay minerals have an absorption feature in the area covered by Landsat TM band 7. The LSFIT technique developed by the Australian CSIRO is a linear regression technique that compares the predicted band 7 with the actual band 7 to identify areas of anomalously high absorption and hence infer the presence of clays. Clays are often found in alterations zones around mineralisation however they may also be formed during surface weathering of rock forming minerals and alluvial concentrations of clays are common. An important step 10 in the interpretation of predicted clay “anomalies” is to examine the geological context of the anomalies to assess the origin of the clays. The following 5 images are typical of the images used for interpretationImage A. - Three colour composite of bands 321 - natural colour. Image B. - Three colour composite of bands 741 with the visible blue in blue, vegetation in green and iron oxides in red. This band combination usually has the least correlation between bands. Image C. - Abrams Ratio with 5/7 in red, 3/1 in green and 4/3 in blue. i.e predicted clays in red, ferric iron in green and healthy vegetation in blue. Image D. - Greyscale LSFIT. Highest predicted clays are in white. Image E. - Composite prediction image with the highest 1% of predicted clays based on b5/b7 ratio in red and highest 1% predicted ferric iron in green on a greyscale brightness image. Note: combined predicted clay/iron areas are in yellow. A Tile N49-50 Tile N49-45 Tile N49-40 B D C E 11 ClearView™ Burkina Faso ClearView™ Burkina Faso Bands 741 in RGB in geodetic projection. © Geoimage™ Pty Ltd. The red grid is a 6 degrees (UTM zones) by 5 degrees of latitude and define a set of standard tiles one of which has been labelled to show the nomenclature e.g. Tile N30-10 is in UTM zone 30 with limits of 06W to 00E and 10N to 15N. The small magenta box corresponds to the spectral imagery on this page and the larger magenta box is the Houndé SE 1:100k sheet shown on page 13. Tile N30-10 The ClearView™ Burkina Faso Landsat mosaic has been compiled from Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery and covers Burkina Faso and the surrounding area. The best dates for useable imagery in this area are after the end of the wet season in Sept-Oct and after the cropping has been completed and before the farmers start to burn off the stubble in the fields. This timing is variable and changes from north to south and so good consistent imagery is difficult to obtain. The mosaic is available in multiples of 250k sheets (1.5deg by 1deg), as coverage of the complete country or for the total area that has been completed as shown in the graphic above. These spectral images cover a 10km by 10km area in central Burkina Faso. Image A. - Three colour composite of bands 321 - natural colour. Image B. - Three colour composite of bands 741 with the visible blue in blue, vegetation in green and iron oxides in red. Image C. - Abrams Ratio with 5/7 in red, 3/1 in green and 4/3 in blue. i.e predicted clays in red, ferric iron in green and healthy vegetation in blue. Image D. - Greyscale LSFIT. Highest predicted clays are in white. 12 A B C D BURKINA FASO MULTICLIENT GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF PSEUDO STEREO LANDSAT 7 ETM+ IMAGERY AND 400M AIRBORNE GEOPHYSICAL DATA: EXRESSIONS OF INTEREST Expressions of interest are sought for participation in a multiclient geological image interpretation covering the granite-greenstone terrain of Burkina Faso, host to numerous deposits and occurrences of gold, copper, nickel, manganese, graphite and chrome. The geological interpretation, to be undertaken by Nick Lockett & Associates in co-operation with Geoimage, will utilise Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery generated from Geoimage’s ClearView™ mosaic of Burkina Faso, incorporating a stereo model from SRTM DEM. Photogeological interpretation of pseudo stereo satellite imagery will be integrated with interpretation of 400m airborne radiometric and magnetic data to generate solid and surface geological interpretations at 1:100,000. The stratigraphy will be constrained and guided by ground truth information taken from existing 1;200,000 published geological mapping. The results of an orientation interpretation covering the Houndé SE quadrant are shown below as scans of manually drawn and coloured provisional maps. A large amount of detail of surficial and bedrock geology can be seen on the stereo Landsat imagery. The distribution of major geological units and structures in the orientation study departs significantly from that shown on the enlarged published geology. The results of the study will be supplied as fully digital map sheets in MapInfo or ArcGIS format, covering approximately 30’x30’, with four 1:100,000 modules covering each published 1:200,000 geological sheet. For further inquires or to view the trial sheets in more detail contact Nick Lockett or your nearest Geoimage office. Preliminary hand drawn regolith map of Houndé SE 1:10,000 sheet interpreted from pseudo-stereo Landsat B742 and airborne radiometrics Vertical 1:100,000 scale pseudo-stereo plot of the Houndé SE sheet produced from ClearView™ Burkina Faso Bands 742 in RGB. Provisional hand drawn solid geology map of the Houndé SE 1:100,000 sheet interpreted from pseudo-stereo Landsat B742 and airborne radiometrics/magnetics SE quadrant of the published Houndé 1:200,000 scale Geological map. E-mail: [email protected] Phone +61 (0)8 9388 6222 13 ClearView™ Colombia Geoimage has prepared a low cloud Landsat mosaic of Colombia and is offering this image for purchase on a multiclient basis. This mosaic will be ideal: ✜ As a backdrop in a GIS ✜ For geological and structural interpretation ✜ For land cover assessment ✜ As an overview of the entire country or region Characteristics of the data are: ✜ Available immediately. ✜ Seamless coverage. ✜ Less than 1% residual cloud. ✜ Available by 250k sheet up to the full mosaic. ✜ Available in multiple datums. ✜ High geometric accuracies and useable down to 1:50 000 to 1:100 000 scales. ✜ Landsat 6-band multispectral unstretched data in ERMapper BIL format. ✜ Colour images in ECW format that integrate directly into your GIS. A. ClearView™ Colombia Bands 543 in RGB in geodetic projection. © Geoimage™ Pty Ltd. 2012. The red grid is a 6 degree (UTM zones) by 5 degrees of latitude and define a set of standard tiles one of which has been labelled to show the nomenclature e.g. Tile N18-00 is in UTM zone 18 with limits of 78W to 72W and 00N to 05N. B. Examples of the ClearView™ Colombia B543 (RGB) imagery over the Segovia District. C. Enlargement over Segovia. C Tile N18-00 B 14 A ClearView™ Peru ClearView™ Peru covers all of Peru and parts of Equador, Colombia and Brazil. The coastal zone and the Andes were prepared with predominantly Landsat 7 ETM+ pansharpened data while the vegetation covered Amazonian basin are about 50% Landsat 7 and 50% Landsat 5 as in this area it is very difficult to find scenes with low cloud and without haze. Minor amount of snow remain on the mosaic and these are predominantly areas of permanent snow cover. The mosaic includes the 6 multispectral bands at 15m resolution and is available as single or multiple tiles of 1:250k sheets (1.5deg by 1deg), million sheet tiles (6deg by 5deg) or the whole country mosaic. The data is available in WGS84 projection in the relevant UTM zone or in geodetic. It is possible to spectrally process the imagery over the Andes south of about 8deg S however the Andes to the north of this and the Amazonian rain forest have too high a vegetation cover for spectral work. Because of the topographic relief in the area, structural interpretation using pseudostereo pairs works extremely well. ClearView™ Peru Bands 741 in RGB in geodetic projection. © Geoimage™ Pty Ltd. The red grid is a 6 degree (UTM zones) by 5 degrees of latitude and define a set of standard tiles of which S18-10 has been labelled to show the nomenclature e.g. Tile S18-10 is in UTM zone 18 with limits of 78W to 72W and 10S to 15S. The inset images in the bottom left is the GeoCover tile for S18-10. Tile S18-10 15 Pseudo-Stereo Imagery INTRODUCTION Most geologists and geographers are familiar with air photos and the increased information that can be obtained from viewing them in three dimensions using a stereoscope. This information mainly relates to the ability to estimate dip angles and to interpret structural information however it is also important in understanding the development of the physical landscape e.g. for geochemical sampling. With the arrival of two dimensional satellite imagery i.e. Landsat in the 1970s, scientists learnt to rely more heavily on spectral information in their interpretations. The launch of the ASTER satellite in 1999 saw the ability to produce large area DEMs at relatively low cost and in 2004 the SRTM DEM became available. These DEMs were ideal for the preparation of pseudo-stereo imagery at scales to 1:50 000 and the recent availibity of higher resolution DEMs has led to the preparation of pseudostereo imagery at scales to 1:3 000. Geoimage has being producing stereo imagery and DEMs for clients, particularly in the mining and exploraton industry, for many years and has coined the name STEREO-SATMAP for the product. DEMS The ability to create pseudo stereo imagery at any scale has only been possible since the ready availability of good quality low cost DEMs. DEMS which offer large area coverage such as the SRTM data are useful down to scales of 1:100k while DEMs derived from ALOS PRISM, WV-1 and WV-2 stereo imagery are useful at larger scales. STEREO PAIRS STEREO-SATMAPs are prepared by Geoimage using inhouse developed software. Although modelled on the stereo viewing of air-photos, the stereo imagery produced is slightly different. Air photos have radially oriented stereo (or height induced) distortion by virtue of the instantaneous capture of a single airphoto using a lens system. In the pseudo stereo, the input is an orthorectified three band colour image (or a black/white single band image) and the height offset is introduced into the data in the east-west direction. It is normal to make a left and right stereo pair, where the height offsets are made in equal amounts but in opposite directions as is the case in airphotos. The amount of height offset is usually made in a linear relationship to the range of DEM values in the image and will be dependent on the scale of the images, the type of stereoscope used and the viewing needs of the interpreter (the amount of the stereo offset can be fine tuned for an individual). The normal maximum offset is 20 pixels i.e. a pixel at maximum height is offset 20 pixels while a point at minimum height is not offset. One of the problems of a stereo left-right combination is that each image is height distorted so that neither image will produce an undistorted interpretation. This can be overcome by preparing a left-vertical stereo pair with double the height offset on the left stereo image i.e. a maximum of a 40 pixel offset, and a vertical or undistorted image containing the coordinate information. A second problem relates to the size of the image prints and trying to position them under a stereoscope. This problem is best handled by cutting the left stereo print into vertical strips and interpreting a strip at a time. The vertical print can be left intact. The digital stereo images can also be examined on a computer screen. This is most easily performed in viewing programs such as ERMapper with the images displayed in adjacent geolinked windows. If the windows are set up with a spacing similar to the viewers eye separation distance, it is possible to view the stereo without a stereoscope. Any single band (black and white) or three-band colour composite imagery can be used to produce the pseudo-stereo imagery. The optimum scale for hardcopy output will depend on the pixel size of the input imagery. A good rule of thumb is to use a multiplier of 4000 to the GSD to estimate the best scale for printing. For example, ALOS AVNIR imagery at 10 m GSD can be printed at 1:40 000 scale. The optimum scales for various image/DEM combinations are shown in a table on the following page. Ok Tedi Pseudo-Stereo Imagery - Approximate scale 1:100k Pseudo-stereo pair - Left and Vertical of Landsat B543 Imagery (ClearView™) over the Ok Tedi Mine area. The SRTM was used for the height offset and there was a range of elevations in the image from 330 m to 2390 m. The images have been printed with the optimum separation for stereo viewing without the need for a stereoscope. The grid on the vertical image is at 1km spacing. 16 LEFT IMAGE VERTICAL IMAGE STEREO-SATMAP Examples, using ClearView™ Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia IMAGE TYPE Possible Scales for Stereo-Satmap Prints IMAGE RESOLUTION DEM BEST SCALE (GSD in metres) WorldView-2 GEOEYE-1 0.5 – 0.6 WV-1,WV-2, GEOEYE-1,ALOS PRISM 1:2 000 ALOS PRISM/AVNIR SPOTMAPS 2.5 ALOS PRISM 1:15 000 ALOS AVNIR 10 ALOS PRISM,SRTM 1:40 000 ASTER 15 SRTM 1:50 000 ClearView™ 15 SRTM 1:50 000 Landsat TM 30 SRTM 1:100 000 This table sets out some examples of image/DEM combinations that can be used in the preparation of pseudo stereo pairs but is by no means exhaustive and should be used as a guide only. 1:100 000 SCALE STEREO-SATMAP Prepared from ClearView™ bands 741 in RGB and using the SRTM 90m DEM for the height offset.The print covers 60km by 60km. 1:250 000 SCALE STEREO-SATMAP Prepared from ClearView™ bands 741 in RGB and using the SRTM DEM for the pseudo stereo. The print covers a 1.5deg by 1deg area. 1:1 000 000 SCALE STEREO-SATMAP Prepared from ClearView™ with bands 741 in RGB and using the SRTM DEM for the pseudo stereo. The print covers a standard 6deg by 5deg area. 17 Case History Geological Interpretation Poronggo 1:100 000 Sheet, Irian Jaya. Using Pseudo-Stereo Landsat Composites INTRODUCTION Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery and ALOS PALSAR Fine Beam Mode imagery are an ideal base for geological mapping at 1:100 000 scale in New Guinea. Both datasets can be integrated with the SRTM DEM and prepared as pseudo-stereo pairs while the ALOS PALSAR can be processed as red-blue anaglyph images. Dr Colin Nash has prepared an interpretation of the Poronggo 1:100 000 sheet in Irian Jaya using ClearView™ imagery prepared by Geoimage as an example of the information that can be obtained from the imagery. Plate tectonic setting of New Guinea and study area location Field photo of area 50 km east of Poronggo (looking north). The flat jungle in the foreground is alluvium, the nearest ridge is Pliocene molasse and dipslopes in the background are Miocene limestone IMAGERY The Poronggo Sheet falls wholly within Landsat Path 104 and a ClearView™ mosaic of Rows 62 and 63 was prepared from 8 separate date images of Landsat 5 and 7 (and included SLC-off imagery). Dates varied from August 2000 to March 2009. The mosaic included the 6 multispectral bands of the Landsat and was pansharpened with the 15m pan where available. The ALOS PALSAR Fine Beam Mode (FBM) image was collected on 07 August 2009 in descending mode. Pixel size of the data was 10m. The data was orthorectified to the Landsat base using the SRTM DEM. The Landsat B543 and the ALOS PALSAR images Mosaic of Landsat B543 path were prepared as 1:100k scale pseudo-stereo 104 rows 62 and 63 showing the pairs using the SRTM DEM for the height control. outline of the Poronggo Sheet. Poronggo 100K Sheet Landsat B543 vertical image 18 Dip directions and structures interpreted from cuesta landforms on ALOS PALSAR FBM image. Yellow - dip directions; white bedding structures; red interpreted faults; blue interpreted fold axes. Copyright JAXA/METI Poronggo 100K Sheet ALOS PALSAR FBM vertical image. Area outlined in red is the area enlarged in the figure above. INTERPRETATION Pseudo-stereoscopic 3-D image stereopairs made from Landsat/SRTM and ALOS PALSAR/SRTM image data provide a powerful tool for geological mapping in the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt, which marks the deformed northern margin of the Australian tectonic plate in Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya. Exposed rocks of the Papuan FTB are mostly Mesozoic and Cenozoic platform carbonates, sandstones and shales that weather into distinctive morphologies; these enable stratigraphy to be mapped and, more importantly, allow structural facing directions to be assessed from dip cuesta landforms. Methodical mapping of structural cuesta landforms and stratigraphic units over the 2,500 km2 Poronggo sheet area has been carried out as a test study, resulting in the photogeologic map of the area shown here. The main stratigraphic units identified are Paleozoic ‘basement’ rocks in the north (Aiduna Fm, unit Pa) which are intruded by Miocene Timeka pluton (Tmpk), and separated from the Papuan FTB by the continental-scale Aiduna Fault, which is related to current sinistral convergence between the northern margin of the Australia tectonic plate and micro-continental remnants forming the western part of Irian Jaya. The region south of the Aiduna FZ is composed of complexly-deformed sediments of the Papuan FTB, which include undifferentiated Mesozoic strata (unit JK), followed by Cretaceous shales of the Piniya Fm (unit Kp), along which thinskin style detachment is shown on published maps and cross-sections. Sandstones of the Late Cretaceous Ekmai Fm (unit Kue) are overlain by well-exposed, interbedded Paleogene to Neogene Photogeologic interpretation map of the Poronggo sheet area, based on interpretation of 1:100,000 scale stereoscopic LANDSAT/ platform carbonates of the Waripi Fm and Faumai SRTM and ALOS PALSAR/SRTM imagery. Symbols explained in text; Qf and Qs are Quaternary cover. Limestone; (units Ktew and Temy). These are excellent subjects for interpretation, as are the uppermost molasse sandstone deposits of the Buru Fm (map unit Tpb2). Regional 1:250,000 scale Government geologic mapping of the Waghete Sheet area was carried out jointly by the Australian BMR and Indonesian GRDC (Pigram and Panggbean, 1989). These writers strongly favoured a thin-skin tectonic model, with southward-verging ramp anticlines related to detachments in the Cretaceous Piniya mudstone unit, as can be seen in cross-section A-B. Our new structural interpretation is, however, incompatible with the model proposed by Pigram and Panggabean, as comparison between section A-B on the one hand and sections C-D and E-F shows. The critical structural observations are along section C-D, where interpreted dip directions suggest that the fault to the north of the Poronggo Anticline is a north-vergent thrust, which is strongly at variance with the earlier model. It seems likely that deformation in this complex tectonic environment involved not only N-S shortening, folding and thrusting of the Papuan FTB as envisaged by previous workers, but also involved later deformation associated with the crustal-scale sinistral Aiduna FZ and associated sub-parallel structures, along which the earlier shortening structures may have been rotated. CONCLUSIONS This example illustrates the role of pseudo-stereoscopic, cloud-free Landsat and ALOS PALSAR imagery in geological mapping of densely-forested regions such as Papua New Guinea, where conventional photogeologic mapping ‘prompts’ such as rock and soil spectral responses are generally obscured by vegetation. In regions such as New Guinea, the identification of rock type on images is largely dependent upon recognition of erosional characteristics, such as the superior resistance of clastic sedimentary units and the development of karstic weathering on carbonate beds. More importantly, the 3-D pseudo-stereoscopic images provide a way of interpreting critical structural information through recognition of dip cuesta landforms, bedding and foliation traces and the observation of fold closures and fault terminations of stratigraphy. Because field access is extremely difficult in rugged rainforest areas, existing geological maps and structural interpretations are often based upon widelyspaced field traverses that may miss many of these critical structural relationships. The foregoing comments apply particularly to the southern part of New Guinea, where geology is dominated by deformed Cenozoic plaformal sandstone/shale/ limestone sequences resting on the northern margin of the Australian Plate. The differential erosion of these units makes them excellent subjects for photogeological Cross-section A-B (Pigram and Panggbean, 1989), and schematic cross-sections C-D and E-F, compiled from results of present study. Section locations are shown on the interpretation map. interpretation, which is extremely useful as this highly prospective belt is host to a number of significant hydrocarbon accumulations (Gobe, Hides) and major porphyry Cu/Au deposits (Grasberg, Ok Tedi, Porgera). It should be noted, however, that significant regions exist in the northern part of New Guinea which are underlain by accreted belts of metamorphic and volcanic rocks as well as obducted oceanic crust. These regions are far more difficult to interpret owing to lithologic homogeneity. 19 Geoimage is Australia’s leading provider of Satellite Imagery and Geospatial Services Geoimage has been offering professional and independent advice on the supply, processing, analysis and integration of satellite imagery and spatial datasets since 1988. Geoimage’s unsurpassed reputation for timely delivery, dedicated follow-up and professional customer service is evident from our extensive client list spanning the mining and exploration, environmental, planning, engineering and government sectors. Data Content Supplier Established long-term partnerships with the widest range of international satellite suppliers allow Geoimage to provide clients with archive and new capture satellite imagery ranging from 50cm to 30m resolution, suitable to most applications requiring a spatial context, either as a reference or from which to extract derived information. Extended Remote Sensing and Geospatial Services The comprehensive services offered by Geoimage provide customers with a coordinated solution for their geospatial requirements. Geoimage is renowned for generating superior satellite imagery derived products and providing spatial services, including orthorectification and spatial correction, colour balancing and mosaicing, Digital Elevation Models, spectral processing, feature extraction and extracting information for better decision making. Why do clients select Geoimage? Geoimage’s clients repeatedly return because they appreciate our: • Professional and independent advice • Excellent customer service • Superior processing capabilities • Breadth of processing, analysis and value added services using remote sensing and geospatial technologies • Confidential opinions and support from a specialist firm. Please contact us at: Brisbane PO Box 789, Indooroopilly Qld 4068 | 13/180 Moggill Road, Taringa QLD 4068 | Tel +61 7 3871 0088 | Fax +61 7 3871 0042 | [email protected] Perth PO Box 264, Leederville WA 6902 Sydney | Building B, Level 1, 661 Newcastle Street, Leederville WA 6007 | Tel +61 8 9328 4772 | Fax +61 7 3871 0042 | [email protected] PO Box 208, Crows Nest NSW 1585 | Tel +61 2 9967 9265 | Fax +61 7 3871 0042 | [email protected]