2006 Catalog - Pardee Tree Nursery


2006 Catalog - Pardee Tree Nursery
Sales Office
30970 Via Puerta Del Sol
Oceanside, CA 92057
(760) 630-5400
Fax (760) 630-8276
2006 Catalog
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 240
Big View Rd.
Via Puerta del Sol
Bonsall, CA 92003
North River Rd.
ta W
Pardee Cover.indd 1
E. V i s
er C a n y o n R d .
Escondido Ave.
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Pardee Cover.indd 2
2/2/06 10:46:12 AM
Grower of Quality Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
Wholesale Catalog
Nursery Hours
Monday through Friday
7:00am to 3:30pm
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 240
Bonsall, CA 92003
Phone: 760-630-5400
Fax: 760-630-8276
Shipping Address
30970 Via Puerta del Sol
Oceanside, CA 92057
Web Site: www.pardeetree.com
Trees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Palms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
ardee Tree Nursery, California’s Premier Tree Nursery, was established in
1982 in the beautiful Rancho Santa Fe area of San Diego County. Due to
our rapid growth and customer demands, the nursery relocated in 1993 to
a 310 acre park-like setting in the City of Oceanside.
We are conveniently located between the I-5 and I-15 freeways where our unique
microclimate offers ideal year-round growing conditions. Pardee Tree Nursery
offers plant material in container sizes ranging from 1 gallon to 72" boxes, as well
as in-ground specimen trees.
Pardee Tree Nursery is dedicated to growing the highest quality plant material and
providing exceptional customer service to the landscape and nursery industries
throughout the United States and Canada.
Ferns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Grasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Shrubs and Vines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Staff Listings and Contact Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Driver’s Unloading Safety Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Terms and Conditions of Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
We welcome you to visit our nursery during normal business hours or by scheduling
an appointment with one of our experienced sales staff. You can also find additional
information about Pardee Tree Nursery at www.pardeetree.com.
Note: in the plant listings that follow, Zone refers to
climate zones as defined in the Sunset Western Garden Book
Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees
Bauhinia x blakeana
Callistemon viminallis
Acacia melanoxylon
Aloe bainesii
Evergreen. Fast dense upright growth. Dark
green 2–4" long leaves. Grows to 40' high, 20' wide.
Creamy to straw-colored flowers on short clusters
in spring.
Zones: 8, 9, 13–24
Evergreen. Slow growing to 20–30' or taller, with
heavy forking trunk and branches. Rosettes of 2–3'
leaves, spikes of rose pink flowers on 1½–2' stalks.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Semi-evergreen. Umbrella-like habit reaches 20'
high and wide. Blooms from late fall to spring are
shaped like some orchids with 5½–6" purple-pink
Zones: 13, 19, 21, 23, 24
Evergreen. Shrub or small tree with pendulous
branches. Fast growing to 20–30' tall, 15' spread.
Leaves narrow, light green, 6" long. Bright red
brushes from late spring into summer.
Zones: 6–9, 12–24
Black Acacia
Agonis flexuosa
Peppermint Willow
Evergreen. Spreading, medium-fast grower to
25–35' tall and 15–30' wide. Narrow, willow-like
leaves to 6" long. Leaves smell like peppermint.
Small white flowers bloom profusely in late spring.
Zones: 15–17, 20–24
Tree Aloe
Hong Kong Orchid Tree
Cassia leptophylla
Gold Medallion Tree
Arbutus ‘Marina’
Nearly evergreen. Fast growing to 20–25', open
headed, low spreading, tending to weep. Leaves
with up to 12 pairs of narrow leaflets. Deep yellow
flowers to 3" wide, in 6–8" long spikes through July–
August; scattered blooms later.
Zones: 15, 16, 20–24
Evergreen. To 40' tall and wide. Ornamental rich
red-brown shredding bark, clusters of rosy pink fall
flowers. 3–4" dark green leaves. Fluorescent orange
strawberry fruit.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Arbutus unedo
Cercis canadensis
Strawberry Tree
Eastern Redbud
Evergreen. Slow to moderate growth to 8–35'
tall with equal spread. Trunk and branches have
rich red-brown shredding bark. Dark green, redstemmed leaves are oblong, 2–3" long. Clusters of
small white urn-like flowers and 3 ⁄4" round red fruit
appear at same time in fall & winter.
Zones: 4–24
Deciduous. Largest and fastest grower of the
redbuds, 25–30' tall and wide. Rich green 3–6" long
leaves. Profuse display of rosy pink flowers. ‘Forest
Pansy’ has purple foliage.
Zones: 1–24
Chionanthus retusus
Chinese Fringe Tree
Bambusa multiplex ‘Alphonse Karr’
Evergreen. 8–10' tall, clumping, brilliant yellow
culms are brightly striped green on yellow. Dense
fountain-like growth.
Zones: Hardy to 15°
Bambusa oldhamii
Giant Timber Bamboo
Aloe bainesii
Evergreen. 15–25' tall, clumping with 4" wide
stems. Densely foliaged, most common bamboo in
Southern California.
Zones: Hardy to 15°
Alnus rhombifolia
White Alder
Deciduous. Very fast growing to 50–90' tall,
40' wide. Branches spread out, then droop at tips.
Coarsely toothed, 2½–4" leaves are dark green.
Zones: 1b–10, 14–21
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Weeping Bottle Brush
Arbutus ‘Marina’
Bauhinia variegata
Purple Orchid Tree
Semi-evergreen. Shrub or tree. 20–35' tall and
wide. Light pink to purple, broad petaled, 2–3" wide
flowers, usually blooms winter–spring. Light green,
broad-lobed leaves.
Zones: 13, 18–24
Betula pendula
European White Birch
Deciduous. Upright main branches, weeping
side branches. Grows to 30–40' tall and 15–20'
tall. As trees mature the bark becomes white with
black clefts. Glossy, rich green leaves 2½" long are
Zones: 1–12, 14–24
Deciduous. Grows to 20' tall, almost as wide.
Usually seen as a big multi-stemmed shrub but can
be trained as a small tree. Leaves 2–4" long. Pure
white blossom clusters to 4" long appear in late
spring or early summer.
Zones: 3–9, 14–24
x Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Pink Dawn’
Deciduous. This tree is the result of a cross
between a Catalpa and a Chilopsis (Desert Willow).
The blooms are spectacular and last much of the
spring. It is a great small tree, staying in the 20–30'
range. Erect clusters of frilly, trumpet-shaped pink
flowers appear from late spring to early fall.
Zones: 3–24
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Cinnamomum camphora
Camphor Tree
Evergreen. Grows slowly to 50' or taller, 60' wide.
Aromatic 2½–5" long leaves smell like camphor
when crushed. New foliage in early spring is pink,
red or bronze, matures to shiny yellow green.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Elaeocarpus decipiens
Japanese Blueberry Tree
Evergreen. 30–60' tall, 20–30' wide, with densely
branched upright habit. New leaves rusty & hairy,
turning smooth and bright green. Blooms in summer
with scented white flowers followed by blue-black
Zones: 8–9, 14–24
Eriobotrya deflexa
Bronze Loquat
Evergreen. Fast growing, shrubby plant grows to
18' tall to 15' wide. New leaves emerge bright copper
and hold that color for a long time before turning
green. Garlands of creamy white, fragrant flowers
in spring.
Zones: 8–24
Erythrina caffra
Kaffir Coral Tree
Briefly deciduous. Blooms in the early spring.
It will continue to bloom sporadically throughout
much of the rest of the year. Grows 24–40' tall and
40–60' wide.
Zones: 21–24
Erythrina coralloides
Naked Coral Tree
Cupressus sempervirens
Cupaniopsis anacardioides
Carrot Wood Tree
Evergreen. Slow to moderate growth to 40' tall,
30' wide. Glossy dark green leaves divided into six
to ten leathery 4" long leaflets.
Zones: 16–24
Cupressus sempervirens
Italian Cypress
Deciduous. Flowers in spring when the tree has
few if any leaves. This hardy tropical tree is probably
the most cold tolerant of the coral trees. Grows to
30' tall and wide, sometimes wider. Branches have
black thorns.
Zones: 12, 13, 19–24
Erythrina crista–galli
Cockspur Coral Tree
Deciduous. One of the hardiest of the coral trees.
It blooms strongly in the spring with brilliant red
flowers. Grows to 20' tall and wide.
Zones: 7–9, 12–17, 19–24
Evergreen. Horizontal branches with dark green
foliage. Dense narrow tree to 60' tall, 5–10' wide at
Zones: 8–15, 18–21
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Erythrina sykesii
Deciduous. Showy red flowers appear in winter
before leaves emerge. Grows to 24–30' tall and
Zones: 19–24
Eucalyptus citriodora
Lemon–scented Gum
Evergreen. Attractive, narrow tree. Lower half
to two-thirds of tree trunk is bare. Has small white
flowers and 3–7" long golden green leaves that are
lemon scented. Grows 45–90' tall and 15–45' wide.
Zones: 5, 6, 8–24
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Sugar Gum
Evergreen. Skyline tree with characteristic puffy
clouds of foliage with creamy white flowers. Shiny
reddish 3–5" leaves are oval-shaped. Tan bark peels
to show creamy patches. Grows 45–90' tall and 45–
75' wide.
Zones: 5, 6, 8–24
Eucalyptus ficifolia
Red –flowering Gum
Evergreen. Usually single-trunked, round
headed. Showy foot long clusters of red flowers all
year, peaking in summer. Dark green leathery 3–7"
long leaves. Grows 18–45' tall and 15–60' wide.
Zones: 5, 6, 8–24
Eucalyptus microtheca
Evergreen. Bushy, round headed, single- or
multi-stemmed tree. Insignificant creamy white
flowers. Blue green, ribbon-like leaves to 8" long.
Grows to 30–60' tall and 24–54' wide.
Zones: 5, 6, 8–24
Eucalyptus polyanthemos
Silver Dollar Gum
Evergreen. Graceful and medium in size with a
moderate growth rate. Slender, straight form with
foliage that is gray-green in color and oval to round
in shape. It needs full sun to grow well.
Zones: 5, 6, 8–24
Eucalyptus sideroxylon
Red Ironbark
Evergreen. In addition to the colorful pink to
orange red blooms this tree survives more cold than
most eucalyptus on the market. The near-black bark
contrasting with the light gray leaves makes this
tree a standout even when it is not in bloom.
Zones: 5, 6, 8–24
Feijoa sellowiana
Pineapple Guava
Evergreen. The Pineapple Guava is a large shrub,
hedge or small tree. The flowers and fruit are both
edible and fragrant. They have a sweet pineapple
flavor, less sharp than that of the true pineapple.
The fruit comes ripe in October and November. The
tree can grow to 20' or more.
Zones: 7–9, 12–24
Ficus benjamina
Weeping Fig
Evergreen. Grows quickly to 30–40' tall and
wide. Leathery 5" long, shiny green leaves densely
clothe drooping branches.
Zones: 13, 23, 24
Ficus microcarpa
Indian Laurel Fig, Ficus Nitida
Evergreen. Moderate grower to 25–30' tall and
35–40' wide. Beautiful weeping form with long
drooping branches clothed with blunt-tipped
2–4" long leaves. Plant sold as nitida may have the
same weeping form or may have upright-growing
branches. ‘Green Gem’ has softer, lighter green
Zones: 9, 13, 16–24
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Ficus rubiginosa
Geijera parviflora
Koelreuteria bipinnata
Liquidambar styraciflua
Evergreen. Single- or multi-trunked densely
foliaged tree to 20–50' tall and 30–50' wide. Leaves
about 5" long, deep green above, generally rust
colored and wooly underneath. ‘Florida’ has lighter
green leaves, no rust coloring underneath.
Zones: 18–24
Evergreen. Graceful fine-textured tree. Grows
to 25–30' tall and 20' wide. Narrow, drooping 3–6"
long leaves give a weeping willow effect.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Deciduous. Grows to 20–40' tall and wide.
Leaves 1–2' long, divided into 7–12" oval leaflets;
turn yellow for a short time. Late summer flowers
are yellow. Capsules are in shades or orange, red, or
salmon. Deep roots, not invasive.
Zones: 8–24
Deciduous. Liquidambar trees put on a most
reliable show of fall color in Southern California.
Growing to about 60' tall and 20' wide. ‘Burgundy’
deep purple-red fall color, ‘Festival’ combination of
yellow, peach, pink, orange & red and the ‘Palo Alto’
turns orange-red.
Zones: 3–9, 14–24
Rustyleaf Fig
Fraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywood’
Raywood Ash
Deciduous. Compact fast grower to 25–30' tall
and 25' wide. Small leaves that turn purple-red in
Zones: 2b–9, 12–24
Australian Willow
Grevillea robusta
Silk Oak
Evergreen. Very quick grower often reaching
30' or more in under 5 years. It requires little or no
additional water after it is established. Large clusters
of bright golden orange flowers in the spring.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Ilex x altaclerensis ‘Wilsonii’
Wilson Holly
Evergreen. As a shrub it grows to 6–8' tall and
wide, as a single-stemmed tree it grows to 15–20' tall
and 10–12' wide. Evenly spine-toothed, rich green
leaves are thick, leathery, 5" long, 3" wide. Heavy
producer of bright red berries.
Zones: 3b–24
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Semi-evergreen. Grows to 25–40' tall and 15–30'
wide, single-trunked or multi-trunked. Finely cut,
ferny leaves usually drop in late winter. Flowers are
lavender blue, tubular, 2" long carried in profuse 8"
long clusters, bloom in mid to late spring.
Zones: 12, 13, 15–24
Juniperus s. ‘Wichita Blue’
Evergreen. Brilliant blue, narrow pyramidal
trees often with several main stems. Slow-growing
to a height of 18'.
Zones: 1–24
Ilex x altaclerensis ‘Wilsonii’
Fraxinus velutina ‘Fan Tex’
Arizona Ash
Deciduous. Large dark green leaves, symmetrical
canopy, fast growing, seedless. Vigorous grower 50'
tall and 30' wide.
Zones: 8–24
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Chinese Flame Tree
American Sweet Gum
Lagerstroemia hybrid
Crape Myrtle
Deciduous. Brightly colored for much of the
summer, however they are vulnerable to mildew
near the coast. They are often quite late to start
budding out in the spring. ‘Muskogee’ is a lavender/
pink, ‘Natchez’ is a white and the ‘Tuscarora’ is a
watermelon red. Grows to 24" tall and 12' wide.
Zones: 7–10, 12–14, 18–21
Laurus nobilis
Sweet Bay
Evergreen. Grows slowly to 12–40' tall and wide.
Leathery, 2–4" long aromatic leaves are used for
Zones: 5–9, 12–24
Leptospermum laevigatum
Australian Tea Tree
Evergreen. A small bushy tree 10–30' tall and
wide with small gray-green elliptical leaves about
1" long and ¼" wide. Small white flowers in spring
are followed by woody ¼" seed capsules. The dark
gray bark is shaggy with distorted trunks.
Zones: 14–24
Ligustrum lucidum
Glossy Privet
Evergreen. Grows to 20–40' tall and wide.
Leaves are glossy, 4–6" long, tapered and pointed,
medium to dark green on both sides. Flowers
bloom in especially large, feathery clusters 8" long
in late spring and early summer. Creamy white and
fragrant followed by small blue berries.
Zones: 5–24
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Liriodendron tulipifera
Tulip Tree
Deciduous. Fast grower to 60–90' tall and 35–
50' wide. Leaves are 4–6" long, are 4-lobed with a
tulip-like outline, shiny, dark green above and paler
beneath. Tulip-shaped flowers are greenish yellow,
orange at base, blooming in late spring. Trees do not
usually bloom until they are 12–15 years old.
Zones: 2–12, 14–24
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Lophostemon confertus
Melaleuca quinquenervia
Photinia x fraseri
Pinus eldarica
Evergreen. Erect, moderate to fast growth to 30–
45' tall and 25' wide. Reddish brown bark flaking off
to reveal smooth, light–colored bark beneath. Oval,
leathery bright green leaves are 4–6" long.
Zones: 15–17, 19–24
Evergreen. Upright open growth to 20–40' tall,
15–25' wide. Thick spongy, light brown to whitish
bark peels off in sheets. Stiff, narrow 2–4" long oval
leaves are shiny pale green. Yellowish, white flowers
bloom in summer and fall.
Zones: 9, 12, 13, 15–17, 20–24
Evergreen shrub or small tree that has moderate
to fast upright growth habit. 10–15' tall and wide.
Oval leaves to 5" long with a bright showy bronzered in youth and mature to a dark leathery green.
Zones: 3b (protected), 4–24
Evergreen. Symmetrical pine tree, somewhat
more rounded with age, rapidly grows to 30–50' tall
and 15–25' wide. Needles in bundles of two, 4–6"
long. Cones have a true cone shape, 5–6" long.
Zones: 7–9, 11–24
Pinus canariensis
Pinus halepensis
Evergreen. Narrow columnar tree with weeping
12" needles in bundles of three. Rapid grower to
50–80' tall and 30' wide. Cone is conical shape 4–9"
long. Stems and trunks have a tiered effect: branches
emerge in whorled groups, like stacks of umbrellas
along trunk.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Evergreen. Form is pyramidal when young,
rounded crown with age, massive lateral branches.
Grows to 30–60' tall with a spread of 20–40'. Short
needles, 2–3" long, usually 2 per bundle, fine
appearance, 2–4" long. Cones, to 3" long, rounded,
oval or oblong in shape.
Zones: 8, 9, 11–24
Brisbane Box
Magnolia grandiflora
Southern Magnolia
Evergreen. Grows to 80' tall and 60' wide. Pure
white, large flowers are very fragrant. Glossy
leathery leaves are 4–8" long.
Zones: 4–12, 14–24
‘Little Gem’
Grows to 20–25' tall, 10–15' wide with small 5–
6" wide flowers, leaves half the size as species.
‘Majestic Beauty’
Grows 35–50' tall, 20' wide, flowers up to 1'
Paper Bark Tree
Metrosideros excelsus
New Zealand Christmas Tree
Evergreen. Grows to 30' tall and wide. Leaves
are dark green above, white and wooly beneath. Big
clusters of dark red flowers cover branch ends in
late spring and early summer.
Zones: 16, 17, 23, 24
Red Tip Photinia
Canary Island Pine
Myoporum laetum
Italian Stone Pine
Evergreen. Grows as stout bushy globe,
developing a thick trunk, when mature it is broad
and flat-topped. Moderate to fast growing to 40–80'
tall and 40–60' wide. Needles in bundles of two, 5–
8" long. Cones, broadly oval are 3–5" long.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Nerium oleander
‘St. Mary’
Evergreen. Moderate to fast growth; most
varieties reach a maximum height of 8–12' and as
wide. Narrow, 4–12" long leaves are dark green,
leathery, and glossy. Flowers 2–3" across, clustered
at twig or branch ends, blooms May or June to
October. All parts of the plant are poisonous.
Zones: 8–16, 18–24
Grows 20–30' tall and 20 wide with 8–10"
Olea europea
‘Samuel Sommer’
Fairly fast growing to 30–40' tall, 30' wide, dark
green leaves with rust coloring underneath.
Melaleuca nesophila
Pink Melaleuca
Evergreen. Fast growing to 15–20' tall and wide.
Grayish cream bark is thick and spongy, gray-green
leaves are thick, roundish to 1" long. Bottlebrush
flower clusters are pink, fading to white with yellow
Zones: 13, 16–24
Pinus thunbergii
Japanese Black Pine
Evergreen. Handsome tree that can be trained
as a bonsai. Needles in bundles of two, 3–4½" long.
Cones are 3" oval-shaped. Slow growing to 20'
tall and 10' wide. Spreading branches form broad,
conical tree, irregular and spreading in age, often
leaning trunk.
Zones: 3–12, 14–21
European Olive
Evergreen. Slow growing to 25–30' tall and 25–
30' wide. Leaves are 1–3" long, oblong or lanceolate,
leathery, gray-green above and silvery beneath.
Small, yellow fragrant flowers followed by inedible
fruit. Bark is a smooth gray that becomes fissured
as tree ages. ‘Bonita’ sold as fruitless but has fruit
similar in size to Ligustrum. ‘Seedless’ bear little or no
fruit or pollen. ‘Wilsonii’ bears little or no fruit.
Zones: 8, 9, 11–24
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Aleppo Pine
Pinus pinea
Evergreen. Shrub or tree, fast growing to 30' tall
and 20' wide. Dense 3–4" long leaves with clusters
of white summer flowers with purple markings,
followed by reddish/purple fruit. Makes a good
Zones: 8, 9, 14–17, 19–24
Fast-growing to 80' tall, 20' wide. Glossy
green leaves, rust colored underneath.
Afghan Pine
Pinus torreyana
Torrey Pine
Pinus torreyana
Evergreen. Broad, open, irregular, picturesque
habit when exposed to ocean winds, tall, upright,
symmetrical inland. Fast growing to 40–60' tall
and 30–50' wide. Needles in bundles of five, 8–13"
long, gray green to dark green. Cones are 4–6" long,
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Pistacia chinensis
Podocarpus henkelii
Prunus caroliniana
Pyrus kawakamii
Deciduous. Good fall color. Leaves turn luminous
orange to red with shades of yellow. Moderate
growth rate to 20–30' tall and 20–30' wide.
Zones: 4–16
Evergreen. Erect tree grows slowly to 30–50' tall
and 15–20' wide. Bears masses of drooping, shiny
green leaves 5–7" long when young, older plants
leaves are 1–2" long.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Evergreen. As a shrub or screen it grows to 20'
tall, as a tree it grows 20–30' tall and 15–25' wide.
Dense 2–4" long, smooth edged, glossy green leaves.
Small, fragrant creamy white flowers bloom in late
winter, early spring. ‘Compacta’ is more densely
branched and reaches only 8–10’ , 6–8' wide.
Zones: 5–24
Partially deciduous. Grows to 15–30' tall and
wide, with drooping branchlets and glossy green,
oval 2–4" leaves with pointed tips. Masses of white
flowers in winter and early spring.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Chinese Pistache
Pittosporum undulatum
Victorian Box
Long-Leafed Yellow Wood
Populus fremonti
Carolina Laurel Cherry
Evergreen. Slow to moderate growth to 30–40'
and wide. Leaves are medium to dark green, glossy
and wavy-edged, 6–8" long. Fragrant creamy-white
flowers bloom in the spring. Smooth, dark brown
Zones: 14–17, 21–24
Western Cottonwood
Platanus x acerifolia ‘Bloodgood’
Populus nigra ‘Italica’
Lombardy Poplar
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’
Deciduous. Rapidly grows to 40–80' and 30–40'
wide. Leaves are large maple-like with 3–5 lobes and
are 4–10" wide. When mature, round ball catkins
turn brown and contain oval brown seeds. Bark is
olive-green to creamy. Older bark sheds in patches
to reveal pale, smooth new bark beneath.
Zones: 2–24
Deciduous. Beautiful columnar tree 40–100' tall,
15–30' wide, with upward reaching branches. Bright
green, 4" leaves turn golden yellow in fall.
Zones: 1–11, 14–24
Deciduous. Grows to 50' tall, 30' wide, strong
vertical limbs. Leaves same as ‘Aristocrat.’ White
flowers bloom in early spring.
Zones: 2b–9, 14–24
London Plane Tree
Platanus racemosa
California Sycamore
Deciduous. Fast growing to 30–80' tall and 20–
50' wide, with multiple or leaning trunks. Smooth
branches are often gracefully twisted and contorted.
Bark is patchy, brown, gray or white. Deeply lobed
leaves turn brown in fall.
Zones: 4–24
Podocarpus gracilior
Fern Pine
Evergreen. Grows 20–60' tall and 10–20' wide.
Can be grown as a standard, column or multitrunked tree. Soft grayish green leaves 2–4" long, ½"
Zones: 9, 13–24
Deciduous. Fast growing to 40–60' tall and
30' wide. Glossy yellow-green, coarsely toothed,
virtually triangular leaves are thick-textured, 2–4"
wide. They turn bright lemon yellow in fall.
Zones: 1–12, 14–21
Pyrus calleryana ‘Aristocrat’
Deciduous. Grows to 35–40' tall, 20' wide. Leaves
are 1½–3" long, broadly oval, scalloped edged and
leathery. Glossy dark green, turning purplish-red in
fall. White flowers in early spring.
Zones: 2b–9, 14–24
Prosopis chilensis
Chilean Mesquite
Deciduous. Broad tree, foliage has an open
appearance. Grows to 30' tall and wide. Deep, dark
green, tiny leaflets form a canopy. Very drought
Zones: 10–13, 8–24, H1, H2
Evergreen Pear
Quercus agrifolia
Coast Live Oak
Evergreen. Densely foliaged and round-headed
up to 20–70' tall and wide. Oval, stiff, leathery dark
green leaves, tooth edged and holly-like, 1–3" long.
Conical ¾–1½" long acorns.
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
Quercus ilex
Holly Oak
Evergreen. Round headed, dense foliage up
to 30–60' tall and wide. Leaves vary in shape and
size but are usually oval to lance-shaped, 1–3" long
with smooth or prickly edges, rich dark green on
top, covered with gray hairs beneath. Egg-shaped to
nearly round, 1–1½" acorns are gray brown.
Zones: 4–24
Quercus virginiana
Southern Live Oak
Evergreen. Grows to 40–80' tall with a heavylimbed crown spreading twice as wide. Smoothedged, narrowly oval, 1½–5" long leaves are shiny
dark green above, whitish beneath. Oval acorns to
1" long with sharp spine at tip.
Zones: 4–24
Prunus c. ‘Krauter Vesuvius’
Purple Leaf Plum
Deciduous. Moderate grower to 18' tall and 12'
wide. Leaves are fairly small, blackish-purple and
smooth above, downy on the veins underneath;
simple, serrated 2–3 inches long. Fragrant, light pink
to white flowers borne singly or in clusters in early
spring before the leaves emerge.
Zones: 3–22
Rhaphiolepis ‘Majestic Beauty’
Evergreen. Leaves 4" long, fragrant pink flowers.
Can be trained as a tree to 20–25' tall, 8–10' wide. As
a shrub easily kept at 10–12' tall and 6–8' wide.
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty'
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Rhus lancea
Sapium sebiferum
Syzygium paniculatum
Ulmus parvifolia ‘True Green’
Evergreen. Slow grower to 20–30' tall, 20–
35' wide. Open spreading habit, weeping outer
branchlets. Dark green leaves are divided into three
willow-like, 4–5" long leaflets. Can be trained as a
single-trunked or multi-trunked tree.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Deciduous. Grows to 30–40' tall, 25–30' wide with
a dense, round or conical crown. Light green leaves
are roundish, tapering to a slender point. Autumn
leaves turn red, plum purple, yellow orange, or
mixed colors.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–16, 18–21
Evergreen. Single- or multi trunked tree 30–60'
tall, 10–20' wide. Oblong 1½–3" long leaves, glossy
green, tinged with bronze, reddish bronze new
growth. Small, creamy white summer flowers look
like brushes. Blossoms are followed by ¾" edible
fruit. Frequently used as a hedge.
Zones: 15, 16, 20–24
Semi-evergreen or deciduous. Fast growing to
40–60' tall, 50–70' wide. Form variable, but generally
spreading, with long, arching branchlets. Leathery
dark green leaves are ¾–2½" long.
Zones: 3–24
Robinia x ambigua ‘Purple Robe’
Schefflera pueckleri (Tupidanthus
Deciduous. Produces a chain of dark rose-pink
flowers in spring and grows to 35' and 25' wide. Fall
leaves turn yellow.
Zones: 2–24
Evergreen. Fast growing to 20–40' tall and wide.
Leaves nearly 2' wide are divided into seven- to
nine-stalked, glossy bright green leaflets, each 7"
long, 2½" wide.
Zones: 19–24
African Sumac
Purple Robe Tree
Chinese Tallow Tree
Schinus molle
California Pepper
Evergreen. Fast growing to 25–40' tall and wide.
Gnarled trunks and branches develop with age.
Bright green leaves with many narrow leaflets to
2" long. Drooping, 4–6" clusters of tiny yellowish
white summer flowers, rosy red berries in fall and
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Salix babylonica
Weeping Willow
Deciduous. Grows to 30–50' tall and wide.
Leaves are 3–6" long, greenish or brown branchlets.
Fast growing.
Zones: 3–24
Pink Trumpet Tree
Semi-evergreen. Slow to 25–50' tall and wide.
Showy, trumpet-shaped flowers in late winter or
spring, in white to light pink and purple. Leaves are
typically green, divided or undivided into as many
as seven leaflets arranged like fingers of hand.
Zones: 15, 26, 20–24
Thevetia peruviana
Yellow Oleander
Evergreen. Can be trained as a tree to 20–30' tall
and wide, or as a shrub to 8' tall and wide. Leaves
are 3–6" long. Fragrant 2–3" yellow to apricot flowers
bloom from early summer into fall.
Zones: 13, 21–24
Tipuana tipu
Brazilian Pepper
Tipu Tree
Evergreen. Moderate growth to 30' tall and wide.
Has dark green, glossy, coarse leaves with 5–13 oval
leaflets, showy bright red berries in winter.
Zones: 13–17, 19–24
Semi-evergreen. Fast growing tree 25–40' tall,
30–60' wide. Has broad flattened crown, light green
1½" long leaves. Blooms from late spring to early
summer, bearing clusters of apricot to yellow, sweet
pea-shaped flowers.
Zones: 12–16, 18–24
African Tulip Tree
Evergreen. Very showy, fast growing to 40–75'
tall, 20–50' wide. Glossy deep green leaves to 1½"
long, divided into 9–19 leaflets. Clusters of tulipshaped, 4" flowers in scarlet to blood red appear at
branch ends. Flowers most profuse in spring.
Zones: 21–24
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Chinese Elm
Tabebuia ipe
Schinus terebinthifolius
Spathodea campanulata
Schinus terebinthifolius
Australian Brush Cherry
Tipuana tipu
Tristania conferta (see Lophostemon confertus)
Tupidanthus calyptratus (see Schefflera
Trees Trees Trees Trees
Trees Trees Trees
Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms
Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana
Howea forsteriana
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Myers’
Kentia Palm
Myers Asparagus
Nephrolepis cordifolia
Grows 50' or taller with a 10–15' spread. Feathery
leaves on mature trees 8–10' long, green above, gray
green underneath.
Zones: 21–24
Grows up to 60' tall, 20' wide with leaves up to 9'
long; leaflets are long and drooping. Slow growing.
Zones: 17, 21–24
The formal looking fronds have an even, upright
spiral arrangement of leaflets. Up to 2' tall, 3–4' wide
Zones: 12–24
Tufts of bright green, narrow, upright fronds.
Spreads by thin, fuzzy runners. Can thrive in full
sun with adequate water. 2–3' tall, 5' wide.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’
Rumohra adiantiformis
Arching or drooping stems 3–6' long. An excellent
plant for use in hanging baskets, in borders or as a
Zones: 12–24
3' high and wide; spreads by rhizomes. Deep
glossy green finely cut fronds.
Zones: 14–17, 19–24
King Palm
Butia capitata
Pindo Palm
10–20' tall, with a crown of feathery gray green,
arching leaves spreading 10–15' wide. Heavy trunk.
Zones: 8, 9,12–24
Phoenix canariensis
Canary Island Date Palm
Big, heavy trunked plant to 60' tall, with many
bright green to deep green arching fronds that form
a crown to 50' wide.
Zones: 9, 12–24
Phoenix reclinata
Senegal Date Palm
20–30' high and wide, producing off shoots that
form clumps with several curving trunks.
Zones: 13, 23, 24
Phoenix roebellini
Pygmy Date Palm
Phoenix canariensis
Chamaerops humilis
Mediterranean Fan Palm
Slow growing, very hardy. Clump forming with
rich green foliage. Grows to 20'. Green to bluish
green leaves on spiny leaf stalks.
Zones: 4–24
Cocos plumosa (see Syagrus romanzoffianum)
Cycas revoluta
Sago Palm
Has an airy, fern-like appearance. Grows slowly
to 10'. Leaves are 2–3' long, divided into many
narrow, leathery segments.
Zones: 8–24
Small, slow growing, single-trunked palm to 6–
10' tall. Fine textured, curving leaves form a dense
crown 6–8' across.
Zones: 13, 23, 24
Seaforthia elegans (see Archontophoenix
Syagrus romanzoffianum
Queen Palm
Large palm can grow to 50' tall, 20–25' wide. The
leaves are graceful and arching, glossy and dark
green, 10–15' long.
Zones: 12, 13, 15–17, 19–24
Trachycarpus fortunei
Windmill Palm
Sprenger Asparagus
Asplenium bulbiferum
Mother Fern
An evergreen fern growing to 4' tall and wide.
Graceful, very finely cut light green fronds. Fronds
produce leaflets that can be removed and planted.
Zones: 14 (protected), 15–17, 20–24
Sword Fern
Leatherleaf Fern
Woodwardia fimbriata
Giant Chain Fern
Thick leathery, medium green fronds are erect
but spreading toward the top. Can take full sun
in wet areas. 4–5' tall, 3' wide, spreads by wood
Zones: 2B–9, 14–21
Cyathea cooperi
Australian Tree Fern
Fast growing, reaching 20' tall and 12' wide.
Broad, bright green, finely cut fronds. Brownish
hairs on leafstalks and leaf undersurfaces.
Zones: 15–24
Dicksonia antarctica
New Zealand Tree Fern
Thick, red-brown, fuzzy trunk grows slowly
to 15'. Many arching, 3–6' fronds grow from top of
Zones: 8, 9, 14–17, 19–24
Nephrolepis cordifolia
Very hardy, moderate to fast growth up to 30' tall
and 10' wide. Trunk is covered with a blackish fiber that
sheds with age. Toothed 1½' stalks carry 3' wide leaves.
Zones: 4–24
Palms Palms Palms Palms
Palms Palms Palms
Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns
Ferns Ferns Ferns
Carex tumulicola
Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’
Berkley sedge
Abelia x grandiflora ‘Ed Goucher’
Japanese Blood Grass
Clumping evergreen sedge, 18–24" tall and
wide. Lustrous, dark green leaves 1 ⁄8" wide arch
out gracefully. Inconspicuous, brownish, spring
blooming flowers are held on long, wiry stems.
Zones: 3–9, 14–17, 19–24
Cyperus papyrus
Tall graceful, dark green stems 6–10' tall, topped
with clusters of green threadlike parts to 1½' long.
Will grow in shallow pools of water.
Zones: 16, 17, 23, 24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Glossy Abelia
Upright clump 1–2' tall, 1' wide. Leaves emerge
green at base, red at tip.
Zones: 2B–24
Miscanthus sinensis
Grows 3–5' tall and 5 feet wide. Produces lilacpink flowers in the spring and a bronzy foliage in
the fall.
Zones: 5–24
Japanese Silver Grass
Acacia cultriformis
Clumping, warm season grass. Showy whisklike plumes begin to flower July–September.
Flowers range from silver to tan to reddish-purple.
Fall foliage varies from tan and brown to brilliant
red-orange and yellow.
Zones: 2–24
Usually multi-stemmed growing to 10' by 10'.
Produces yellow flower balls in March at the branch
tips. Leaves are knife-shaped and blue-gray.
Zones: 13–24
Knife acacia
Acacia longifolia
Sydney Golden Wattle
3–6" long leaves and golden yellow flowers
blooming in late winter, early spring. Fast growing,
up to 20' tall and wide.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Acacia redolens
Grows 1–6' tall with a spread of 15'. Instead of
true leaves, this ground cover has thick, leathery,
gray-green phyllodes. It blooms in the spring with
small yellow puffball flowers.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum'
Agapanthus orientalis
Deschampsia cespitosa
Muhlenbergia rigens
Clumps of narrow dark green leaves 1–2' tall
and 2' wide. Evergreen except in colder climates.
Airy inflorescence in late spring or early summer
increase plant height to 4'.
Zones: 2–24
Bright green leaves form a dense clump 4' high
and wide. Slender yellow to purple flowers in
Zones: 4–24
Northern Lights
Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’
Equisetum hyemale
Red Fountain Grass
Slender, hollow, 4' stems are bright green, with a
ring of black and ash gray at each joint.
Zones: 1–24
Lily of the Nile
Deer Grass
Seedless, very useful, smaller grass for desert
& drought situations, mature size of about 5' tall
& wide. Puts up pinkish-red flower plumes in the
Zones: 8–24
Strap leaves up to 15" tall. Sturdy flower stems
extend to as much as 48" with round umbels of blue
trumpet-shaped flowers in mid summer.
Zones: 6–9, 12–24
Agapanthus orientalis ‘Alba’
White Lily of the Nile
Same as species but with white flowers.
Zones: 6–9, 12–24
Agapanthus orientalis ‘Peter Pan’
Dwarf form to 12" with blue flowers.
Zones: 6–9, 12–24
Agapanthus orientalis ‘Queen Anne’
Foliage clump to 1½' high, blue blossoms on 2'
Zones: 6–9, 12–24
Agave attenuata
Slow growing. Light green foliage that will die
after flowering but pups around the mother will
survive. Distinctive with its large rosette of leaves
perched on a long curving trunk.
Zones: 13, 20–24
Alstroemeria aurea
3–4' tall with numerous leafy flowering stems.
Various colors sprinkled with dark stripes and
Zones: 5–9, 14–24
Alyogyne huegelii
Blue Hibiscus
Upright to 5–8' tall and wide, deeply cut, rough
textured dark green foliage. Glossy-petaled flowers
4–5" across, lilac blue to deep purple. Blooms onand-off all year.
Zones: 13–17, 20–24
Anisodontea x hypomandarum
Cape Mallow
Fast growing shrub or patio tree 4' tall and wide.
Small lobed bright green leaves. Notable for profuse
production of small, dark veined and dark-eyed
pink to purplish blooms. Flowers throughout the
Zones: 2–24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs19& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Anigozanthos hybrids
Kangaroo Paw
Thick rootstocks send up clumps of dark green,
smooth swordlike evergreen leaves. Spikes of fuzzy
tubular flowers in red, yellow, orange and pink,
curved at tip.
Zones: 15–24
‘Barbara Karst’
Arbutus unedo ‘Compacta’
Slow to moderate growth. Trunk and branches
have rich red-brown shredding bark. Dark green,
red-stemmed leaves with clusters of small white
urn-shaped flowers and round ¾" fruit. Seldom
exceeds 10' in height.
Zones: 4–24
Arbutus unedo ‘Octoberfest’
Same as ‘Compacta’ but reaches only 6–8' in
height and has deep pink flowers.
Zones: 4–24
Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’
Silvery lace mound to 3' tall, 6' wide. Splendid
background plant for bright flowers and tough
enough to use as a bank or berm cover.
Zones: 2–24
Azalea indica
Vigorous, showy vine with bright red blooms,
also a good ground cover for slopes. Fast grower,
20–30' long.
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
A hardy, vigorous, woody vine that is
constantly blooming. The visible hanging bracts
are purple.
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21–24. good for 16, 17
‘California Gold’
Vining habit with beautiful show of single
light golden flowers with shades of pink. Fast
grower, 20–30' long.
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
‘James Walker’
Big reddish purple bracts on big vine.
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
‘La Jolla Red’
Bright red bracts, compact shrubby habit.
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
Bright gold flower bracts that turn pink when
mature. Compact grower 1–2' high, 3–4' wide.
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
‘Royal Purple’
Very compact and shrubby with purple
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
‘San Diego Red’
Large deep green leaves, deep red bracts
over long season. Most vigorous, high climbing
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
‘Temple Fire’
Shrub-like growth to 4' high, 6' wide. Partially
deciduous, bronze red bracts.
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
White flowers tinged with pink.
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
Buddleja davidii
Butterfly Bush
Bronzy orange bracts, open growth, needs
long summer, no frost.
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
Grows quickly to form a large shrub to 6–8' tall
and wide, sprays of purple flowers in the summer.
Foliage is dark green on top, with silver on the
Zones: 2–24
Dwarf Coyote Bush
‘Rainbow Gold’
Buxus microphylla var. japonica
Light green leaves, grows up to 9' wide, can be
made into a 2–3' high hedge.
Zones: 5–11, 14–24
Vining habit with orange tones shading to
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
Begonia ‘Richmondensis’
‘Raspberry Ice’
Grows to 18" tall and wide. Deep green, shiny
leaves with red undersides. Vivid pink to crimson
or white flowers up to 1" across. Blooms nearly all
year long.
Zones: 14–24
Shrubby, mounding, spreading. Leaves are
variegated. Red tinged new leaves, pinkish red
Zones: 5, 6, 12–17, 19, 21
These Azaleas are spring blooming and the
foliage is evergreen. Upright growth habit and are
the best choice for a high light area.
Zones: 4–9, 14–24
Baccharis pilularis ‘Pigeon Point’
‘Orange King’
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs20& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Buxus microphylla ‘Green Beauty’
Green Beauty Boxwood
A densely branched shrub, great for small
topiaries and trimmed shrubs in the landscape.
Retains its green foliage through winter. Grows
slowly to 4–6' tall and wide.
Zones: 3–24
Callistemon citrinus
Lemon Bottle Brush
Most commonly grown bottle brush. Massive
shrub to 10–15' tall and wide. Narrow 3" long leaves
are coppery when new, then turn green. Bruised
leaves smell lemony. Red spikes or clusters of flowers
are attractive to hummingbirds.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Callistemon viminalis ‘Little John’
Dwarf Bottle Brush
Slow grower, 3' tall, 3' wide. Deep red bottle
brush flowers.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Camellia japonica
Naturally a large shrub or small tree, usually
6–12' tall and wide.
Zones: 4–9, 12, 14–24
Japanese Boxwood
A dense rounded shrub growing only 6' tall. The
small, lance-shaped leaves are dark green and turn
bronze in winter.
Zones: 3b–24
Camellia sasanqua
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs21& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Camellia sasanqua
Ceanothus griseus horizontalis ‘Yankee Point’
Convovulus cneorum
Broad leafed evergreen for espaliers, ground
covers, informal hedges and screening. Vary in
form from spreading and vine-like to upright and
densely bushy. Sizes range from 1½' high and 6'
wide to 12' tall and wide. Tolerate full sun.
Zones: 4–9, 12, 14–24
Glossy dark green 1½" leaves, medium blue 1"
clusters. Great as a ground cover, growing 2–3' tall,
8–10' wide.
Zones: 5–19, 14–24
Evergreen low growing shrub 2–3' high. Silver
foliage and white flowers, spring through fall. Fast
growing shrub.
Zones: 7–9, 12–24
Ceanothus ‘Sierra Blue’
Coprosma petriei ‘Verde Vista’
Canna Hybrids
Bush Morning Glory
Spreading, mounding plant to 2–2½' high,
spreading to 6–8'. Small roundish oval leaves are
shiny bright green.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Best adapted to warm-summer climates. Large,
rich green to bronzy red leaves resemble those of
a banana (Musa) or ti plants (Cordyline terminalis).
Flowers reminiscent of ginger lilies. Flowers are red,
salmon, yellow and pink. ‘Tropicana’ has colorful
foliage with orange flowers.
Zones: 7–9, 12–24
Glossy, medium green 1½" leaves with bright
medium blue 6–8" spike-like flowers. Grows 10–12'
tall and 8–10' wide.
Zones: 5–19, 14–24
Carissa macrocarpa ‘Boxwood Beauty’
Compact growth to 3–5' high and wide, fragrant
leaves. White 3" wide flowers with a dark crimson
spot on each petal base.
Zones: 6–9, 14–24
Rapid growth to 10' with 6' spread. Shiny, glossy
leaves, dark to light green, 3" long, oval or oblong.
Inconspicuous greenish or white flowers often
followed by small yellow or orange fruit.
Zones: 14–24
Cistus purpureus
Coprosma x kirkii
Natal Plum
A very compact, thornless form usually under 2'.
Scalloped tight leafing, blooms throughout the year.
Good as a small hedge.
Zones: 22–24
Carissa macrocarpa ‘Green Carpet’
Natal Plum
Low growing 1–1½' high, spreading to 4'. Leaves
smaller than many of the cultivars. Blooms yearround. Good as a ground cover.
Zones: 22–24
Carissa macrocarpa ‘Tuttle’
Natal Plum
Compact, dense growth to 2–3' high and 3–5'
wide. Dark green glossy foliage. Blooms yearround.
Zones: 22–24
Ceanothus ‘Frosty Blue”
Glossy bright green foliage on dense branches
6–9' tall, 8–10' wide. Large bright blue flower spikes
2½–3" long in late spring into summer.
Zones: 5–9, 14–24
Cistus ladanifer
Crimson Spot Rockrose
Orchid Rockrose
The rich pink 3" blooms are beautifully marked
with a purple-red eye at the base of each petal. The
shrub can get to 5' tall by 8' wide.
Zones: 6–9, 14–24
Coprosma repens ‘Argentea’
Variegated Mirror Plant
1–3' high spreading 4–6' wide. Small ½–2" narrow
yellow-green leaves are closely set on stems. White
fruits speckled red.
Zones: 14–24
Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Lowfast’
Clivia miniata hybrids
Brilliant clusters of orange, funnel-shaped
flowers rising from dense clumps of dark green,
strap-shaped, 1½' long leaves. Blooming period
is December to April; most bloom March–April.
Ornamental red berries follow flowers.
Zones: 12–17, 19–24
Coleonema pulchrum
Pink Breath of Heaven
Fast prostrate growth, 1' high, spreads 6–8'.
Leaves are a bright glossy green, fruit bright red.
Zones: 2–24
Cotoneaster lacteus
Graceful, arching habit to 8' tall and 10' wide.
Leaves are dark green above, whitish green
underneath. White flowers in 2–3" clusters followed
by red berries.
Zones: 4–24
Cuphea hyssopifolia
Mexican Heather, False Heather, Hawaiian Heather
A shrubby evergreen perennial that grows to
2' tall and 4' wide, bears small, closely set leaves
and tiny pink, purple, or white flowers. Its heaviest
bloom period occurs in summer, with some flowers
present almost all year.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Dianella tasmanica
Grows 3–4' high, spreads by rhizomes. Long
sturdy swordlike green leaves. ‘Variegata’ has white
stripes, ‘Yellow Stripe’ has yellow stripes. Has loose
clusters of blue flowers in summer.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Dietes bicolor
Fortnight Lily
2–3' flowers light yellow, about 2" wide, with
maroon blotches. Flowers resemble an iris.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Dietes iridioides
Fortnight Lily
Grows to 3', with 3" wide, waxy white flowers
with orange and brown blotch, purple stippling.
Flowers resemble an iris.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Dodonea viscosa ‘Purpurea’
Purple Hopseed
Fast-growing shrub has an upright, branching
habit that reaches a height of 12–15’, with willow-like
leaves that are 4" in length. Its foliage is bronzy-green
in color, which turns a reddish-purple shade in the
fall and winter. Can be used as a screen or a hedge.
Zones: 7–24
Slender branches and narrow, heath-like leaves,
fragrant when brushed or bruised. Flowers tiny,
freely carried over long season in winter and spring,
with scattered bloom to be expected at any time.
Grows 5' tall and wide with occasional growth to
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs22& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs23& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Duranta repens
Sky flower
Fast growing to 6–8'. Tends to form multistemmed clumps; branches often drooping and
vinelike. Oval to roundish leaves are 1–2" long,
rounded or pointed at tip. Tubular flowers flare to
less than ½" wide. ‘White Showers’ has white flowers,
‘Sapphire Showers’ has deep violet blue flowers.
Zones: 13, 16, 17–24
Echium candicans
Pride of Madeira
Shrubby perennial with many coarse, heavy
branches 3–6' high. Hairy, gray-green, narrow leaves
form roundish, irregular mounds at ends of stems.
Great spike-like clusters of bluish purple, ½" long
flowers stand out dramatically, well above foliage,
Zones: 14–24
Elaeagnus pungens ‘Fruitlandii’
Rigid, sprawling shrub with growth to 10–15'
high and wide. Large silvery leaves.
Zones: 5–24
Euonymus japonica ‘Green Spire’
Naturally narrow habit of growth. Moderate
growing to 6–8' tall, 1–2' wide. Grows a good
Zones: 4–20
Euonymus japonica ‘Aureo-variegatus’
10' tall and 6' wide. Green leaves with brilliant
yellow central blotch.
Zones: 4–20
Shrubby, twining vine grows at a moderate
rate to about 20'. Shiny light green leaves on long
branches. Fragrant, tubular yellow flowers to 1–1½"
long bloom in late winter, early spring.
Zones: 4–24
Felicia amelloides
Blue Marguerite
Carolina Jessamine
Genista spachiana
Yellow Broom
Ficus pumila
Geranium incanum
Same as “Microphylla” but with white-splashed
Zones: 4–20
Evergreen vine. Tiny juvenile foliage ultimately
develops into big 2–4" leathery leaves that bear large
oblong fruit. Used to cover walls.
Zones: 8–24
6–10" high, spreading fast to form a 2' wide
cushion of finely cut leaves. Inch wide light magenta
flowers appear from spring to fall. Self-seeding and
Zones: 14–24
Euonymus japonica ‘Silver Queen’
Gardenia augusta
Grevillea ‘Noellii’
Glossy bright green leaves and double white,
highly fragrant flowers. ‘Mystery’ grows 6–8' high
and wide, with pure 4–5" white formal blossoms.
‘Radicans’ is a miniature, 6–12" high, 2–3' wide, with
1" wide white flowers. ‘Veitchii’ is a compact 3–4½'
high to 6' wide with 1½–2" wide white flowers.
Zones: 7–9, 12–16, 18–24
4' tall, 4–5' wide, densely clad with narrow 1"
long, glossy medium green leaves. Clusters of pink
and white flowers bloom in spring.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Evergreen shrub. Upright, 1–2' and half as wide.
Flowers inconspicuous. Formal looking; usually
trimmed as hedge.
Zones: 4–20
Euonymus japonica ‘Microphylla
Escallonia x exoniensis ‘Fradesii’
Euryops pectinatus ‘Viridis’
Compact growth to 5–6' tall and wide glossy
leaves with clusters of pink to rose colored flowers
in summer and fall. Fast growing.
Zones: 4–9, 14–24
Leaves are deep green, deeply divided, 2" long.
Bright yellow, 1½–2" wide daisies on 6" stems bloom
most of the year. Grows to 6' tall.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Escallonia ‘Newport Dwarf’
Fatsia japonica
Eugenia myrtifolia (see Syzygium paniculatum)
Evergreen shrub or a small tree, can be pruned
to almost any size or shape. Its foliage is gray-green
and silvery underneath. White flowers with bright
red stamens followed by 1–4" long, oval, edible
Zones: 6, 7–9, 12–24
Pineapple Guava
Woody perennial about 1½' tall and spreading
to 4–5'. Rough textured, oval green leaves about 1"
long. Produces an abundance of 1¼" yellow centered
sky blue daisies.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Euonymus japonica ‘Microphylla’
3' high and wide with rose-red flowers with
small glossy leaves.
Zones: 4–9, 14–24
Grows 2½' tall, 4' wide with deep pink to red
Zones: 4–9, 14–24
Gelsemium sempervirens
Leaves often small and short-lived. Green
branches give deciduous plants an evergreen look.
Flowers yellow, sweet pea-shaped, bloom in spring.
Less aggressive than other brooms; will not run
wild. 6–8' tall, 5–6' wide.
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
Broadleaf evergreen shrub, upright, to 6' tall
with a 3' spread, moderate growth rate. Leaves
leathery, glossy, light green centers with creamwhite variegation on the margins.
Zones: 4–20
Escallonia ‘Compakta’
Feijoa sellowiana
Japanese Aralia
Fast growing, can reach 5–12' high and wide.
Produces large, dark green, deeply lobed leaves.
From fall through winter umbels of small whitish
flowers grow which are then followed by clusters of
small round black fruit.
Zones: 4–9, 14–24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs24& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Creeping Fig
Gaura lindheimeri
Airy and delicate in appearance. In the spring
it sends up arching sprays of small orchid-like rosy
pink blooms, and continues to flower throughout the
summer. Butterflies are attracted to the blossoms.
Zones: 2b–24
Grewia occidentalis
Lavender Star Flower
Fast growing shrub 6–10' tall. Can be trained as
hedge. Dark green, oblong, finely toothed leaves are
3" long. Star-shaped purple/mauve 1" wide flowers
along the stem bloom at the end of spring and then,
occasionally, the rest of the year.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Hebe ‘Patty’s Purple’
Dense to 3' high and wide. Wine red stems,
tiny dark green leaves. Purple flowers on slender
Zones: 14–24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs25& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Hemerocallis hybrids
Large clumps of arching, sword-shaped leaves.
Lily-like flowers in open or branched clusters at ends
of generally leafless stems that stand well above
foliage. Tuberous, somewhat fleshy roots. Comes
in peach, purple, red, orange and yellow hybrids.
‘Stella de Oro’ is a dwarf gold.
Zones: 1–24
Hesperaloe parviflora
Red Yucca
Produces long-lasting red flower spikes
throughout the summer. It forms a 3' clump of stiff,
leathery, gray-green leaves. The tubular flowers
attract hummingbirds.
Zones: 2b, 3, 7–16, 18–24
Heteromeles arbutifolia
Toyon, Christmas Berry
Grows as a dense shrub to 6–10' tall and wide, or a
multi-trunked tree 15–25' tall and spreading almost
as wide. Thick leathery glossy leaves are 2–4" long.
Small white flowers in clusters appear in summer,
followed by bright red berries in fall–winter.
Zones: 5–9, 14–24
Jasminum polyanthum
Pink Jasmine
Evergreen vine. Fast climbing, strong growing to
20'. Finely divided leaflets. Dense clusters of fragrant
flowers, white inside, rose colored outside.
Zones: 5–9, 12–24
Jasminum sambac
Arabian Jasmine, Pikake
Evergreen vining shrub to 6–10'. Undivided
glossy green leaves to 3" long. Blooms in summer
with clusters of fragrant ¾–1" white flowers. Used in
Hawaii for making leis and perfume.
Zones: 13–21, 24
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Blue Point Juniper
Dense branching columnar shrub with beautiful
blue-green foliage. A moderate grower getting up to
12' tall and 8' wide.
Zones: 1–24
3–4' tall and wide with closely set dark green
leaves. Fruits appear in late summer and fall,
generally red sometimes yellow or orange.
Zones: 4–9, 11–24
Juniperus procumbens ‘Nana’
Curved branches radiating in all directions.
Grows to 1' tall with a spread of 6' with feathery
blue-green foliage.
Zones: 1–24
Juniperus s. ‘Witchita Blue’
Broad silver blue cone grows to 10–15' tall, 4–6'
Zones: A2, A3, 1–24
Kniphofia uvaria
Red Hot Poker
Dense clumps of grass-like, finely toothed foliage
grows to 3' tall and produces bare stems topped by
tubular flowers. Flowering stems look like pokers in
shades of coral orange and yellow.
Zones: 2–9, 14–24
Lavender flowers accent the trailing growth
habit. Eventually will reach about 2' tall by 6' wide,
size controlled by pruning and severity of winter. A
rapid grower.
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
‘New Gold’
Hydrangea microphylla
Stokes Dwarf
Irregular and upright, with twisted appearance.
Rich green foliage to 15' high, 10' wide.
Zones: 1–24
Purple Trailing Lantana
Grows to 8–15' tall and 5–8' wide. Glossy leaves
vary somewhat in size and texture depending on
variety. Flowers are single or double, 4–8" wide.
Individual flowers last only a day, but the plant
blooms continuously.
Zones: 9, 12–16, 19–24
Ilex vomitoria ‘Stokes’
Hollywood Juniper
Lantana montevidensis
Hibiscus rosa–sinensis
Big, bold leaves and large clusters of longlasting flowers in white, pink, red, or (under some
conditions) blue. Summer, fall bloom.
Zones: 3b–9, 14–24
Juniperus chinensis ‘Torulosa’
Juniperus chinensis 'Sea Green'
Juniperus chinensis ‘Sea Green’
Chinese Juniper
Bright green, fine textured foliage, with arching
branches that form a plant with vase-shaped growth
habit. Grows to a height of 4–6' tall and 6–8' wide.
Zones: 1–24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs26& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Intense, prolonged color display of bright
gold flowers, compact growth habit. Will form
a mound of dark green foliage to 18" tall and 3'
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
‘Trailing Orange’
Same as species with orange flowers.
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
‘Trailing White’
Same as species with white flowers.
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
Lavandula angustifolia
English Lavender
Perennial shrub with tall spikes of violet-blue
flowers. Low growing, forming mounds of foliage
8–12" tall and wide. Smooth-edged, gray-green or
silvery gray leaves. Blooms early- to mid-summer.
Zones: 2–24
Lavandula dentata
French Lavender
An herb garden standard, produces continuous
lavender-purple flowers in midsummer. The foliage
is gray green with a serrated edge. 3–4' tall, 4–6'
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Lavandula stoechas
Spanish Lavender
1½'–3' tall and wide, with narrow gray-gray
green ½–1" long leaves. Small blackish maroon
flowers topped by 2–4 flag-like bracts in purplepink, blooms spring through summer.
Zones: 4–24
Lavatera maritima
Tree Mallow
Grows quickly to 6–8' tall and 4' wide, with graygreen 2½" maple-like leaves. 2–3" light pink flowers
with dark rose veins and a deep purple center bloom
all summer long.
Zones: 6–9, 12–24
3–5' high and wide, rich orange red flowers.
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs27& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Leptospermum laevigatum
Australian Tea Tree
Large shrub or small tree 10–30' high and wide,
with oval or tear drop-shaped dull green leaves to
1" long. Blooms in spring with ½" white flowers.
Zones: 14–24
Leptospermum scoparium
New Zealand Tea Tree
Ground cover to large shrub. Leaves are tiny,
pointed, densely set. ½" flowers bloom in spring–
Zones: 14–24
‘Gaiety Girl’
Double pink with lilac tint.
‘Helen Stribling’
Single deep pink.
Double deep pink.
‘Ruby Glow’
Double deep red.
‘Snow White’
Double white with green center.
Ligustrum japonicum ‘Texanum’
Texas Privet
Compact, dense growth habit. Has white flowers.
Grows 6–9' in height. Makes a good hedge.
Zones: 4–24
Limonium perezii
Sea Lavender
To 3' tall, with flower clusters spreading nearly
as wide. Calyx is rich purple, corolla white. Long
spring & summer bloom. Often naturalizes.
Zones: 13, 15–17, 20–24
Liriope gigantea
Myoporum pacificum
Nandina domestica ‘Compacta’
Lush, dark green foliage. 1½–3' tall. Evergreen
Zones: 2b–10, 14–24
Very fast growing to 2' tall and up to 30' wide.
Medium green, 1" long leaves have an elongated
oval shape. Bears small white flowers in summer.
Great on slopes.
Zones: 16–24
Lower growing than the species, 4–5' tall, 3' wide
and has more numerous leaflets giving it a lacy
appearance. Blooms in the spring and the new flush
of growth is coppery in color. Foliage turns green in
the summer. The fall produces a show of red berries
and the foliage turns a reddish-purple color.
Zones: 3 (protected), 4–24
Giant Lily Turf, Ophiopogon jaburan
Liriope muscari
Big Blue Lily Turf
Myoporum parvifolium
Similar in appearance to Ophiopogon. Form
clumps or tufts of grasslike leaves and bear white or
lavender flowers in spike-like or branched clusters.
Zones: 2b–10, 14–24
Ground cover to 3–6" high and 9' wide with
dense covering of light green leaves ¼–1½" long, ¼"
or less wide. Tiny white or pink summer flowers are
followed by purple fruits. ‘Putah Creek’ is taller than
species, 1' tall, 8' wide.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–14
Liriope muscari ‘Silvery Sunproof’
Same as species but with gold stripes on foliage
that turns white as plant matures.
Zones: 2b–10, 14–24
Loropetalum chinense ‘Razzleberry’
Chinese Fringe Tree
6–10' tall and wide, compact growth. Deep
burgundy new growth which darkens into a deep
purple color with maturity. This beautiful foliage is
topped from spring to fall with hot pink pom-pomlike flowers.
Zones: 6–9, 14–24
Moraea bicolor (see Dietes bicolor)
Moraea iridioides (see Dietes iridioides)
Murraya paniculata
Orange Jessamine
Open habit, fast grower to 6–15' tall and wide.
Graceful pendulous branches with dark green
leaves. Blooms in late summer and fall with white
bell-shaped, fragrant blossoms.
Zones: 21–24
Myoporum laetum
Shrub or tree, fast growing to 30' tall and 20'
wide. Dense 3–4" long leaves with clusters of white
summer flowers with purple markings, followed by
reddish purple fruit.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–17, 19–24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs28& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Myrsine africana
African Boxwood
Shrub grows 3–8' tall and 2½–6' wide. Erect
growing dark red stems are closely set with very
dark green, rounded aromatic leaves. Insignificant
flowers. Good as a hedge.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Myrtus communis
5–6' tall and 4–5' wide with glossy green leaves.
White scented flowers bloom in summer.
Zones: 8–24
Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’
A dwarf species known for its lime green leaves
and superior red color that shows in the fall. Very
compact growth, 2’x2'. Flushes lime green in the
spring, produces no flowers or fruit. In the summer
the foliage will become red-tinged, by fall the foliage
is bright red.
Zones: 3 (protected), 4–24
Nandina domestica ‘Gulfstream’
More upright compared to that of ‘Compacta'. A
dwarf variety that is very symmetrical and compact
in it’s growth habit. 3–4' tall with an equal spread.
Spring flush is a bronze color; summer color is a
deep blue green, while the fall color can range from
orange to red with more intense colors occurring in
colder weather.
Zones: 3 (protected), 4–24
Myrtus communis ‘Compacta’
Small leafed shrub grows to 2–3' high and wide.
White, sweet scented flowers. Low, formal hedge.
Zones: 8–24
Nandina domestica
Heavenly Bamboo
Graceful upright shrub that grows from 3–6'
height, 3–4' wide. Foliage emerges pinkish and
bronzy red then turns to light green. Leaves become
purple and bronze in fall, turning fiery crimson in
Zones: 3 (protected), 4–24
Nandina domestica 'Gulfstream'
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs29& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Nandina domestica ‘Harbour Dwarf’
2–3' tall, spreads by rhizomes for good ground
cover. Foliage has orange-red to bronzy-red winter
Zones: 3 (protected), 4–24
Nandina domestica ‘Moon Bay’
2½' tall and wide. Leaves are lighter green than
species, turning bright red in the winter.
Zones: 3 (protected), 4–24
Nerium oleander
Moderate to fast growth; most varieties reach
maximum height of 8–12' tall and wide. ‘Petite Pink’
and ‘Petite Salmon’ grow 3–6' tall and wide. ‘Little
Red’ grow 3–4' wide and tall. Narrow, 4–12' long
leaves are dark green, leathery, and glossy. Flowers
2–3" across, clustered at branch ends, May or June
to October.
Zones: 8–16, 18–24
Olea europaea ‘Little Ollie’
Parthenocissus tricuspidata
Boston Ivy
Big, vigorous vine. Leaves are glossy, to 8" wide,
variable in shape. Fall colors range from orange to
wine red. Deciduous.
Zones: 1–24
Philodendron bipinnatifidum
Split Leaf Philodendron
A large tree-like shrub. It usually has a single,
erect stem. The leaves reflect and can reach to as
much as 3' in length. The leaves are heavily lobed,
dark green, and glossy. This plant can reach as much
as 15' in height and width.
Zones: 8–16, 12–24
Phormium tenax ‘Tom Thumb’
2' tall. Small upright plant with undulating ½"
wide green leaves with red/bronze margins.
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
Phormium tenax ‘Wings of Gold’
3–4' tall. Stiff upright with green leaves and
yellow margins.
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
‘Creme de Mint’
2–3' high, 4–5' wide with a creamy white
striped margins on the leaves.
Phormium tenax ‘Amazing Red’
5–10' tall and wide with creamy white striped
margins to the leaves.
‘Wheelers Dwarf’
2–3' high, 4–5' wide with gray-green leaves.
Bower Vine
Fast growth to 20–30'. 1–2" long leaflets. Blooms
in late spring to early fall. ‘Alba’ has pure white
flowers, ‘Rosea’ has soft pink blooms with nearly red
Zones: 16–24
Dense rounded habit, will grow to 10–15'. This
shrub has dark green glossy leaves that are arranged
almost spirally around the stem. The flowers are
creamy white and smell like orange blossoms.
Blooms from late spring to early summer.
Zones: 8–24
‘Turner’s Dwarf’
Phormium tenax ‘Bronze’
Pandorea jasminoides
Mock Orange
Slow growing to 2–3' high and wide. Glossy,
deeply lobed foliage is small. Compact.
Zones: 8–16, 12–24
Ophiopogon jaburan (see Liriope gigantea)
Clumping green grass. Grows 6–8" high.
Zones: 5–9, 14–24
Pittosporum tobira
2–2½' tall and wide with mint green leaves,
creamy white border.
2–3', upright dwarf plant with dark reddishbrown leaves, fine dark, red-brown margins.
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
Mondo Grass
3' tall and wide with soft gray-green leaves,
maroon flowers in late spring.
Zones: 9, 14–17, 19–24
Philodendron ‘Xanadu’
Dense shrub up to 12' tall and wide. Very dark
green leaves, bears almost no fruit.
Zones: 8, 9. 11–24
Ophiopogon japonica
Pittosporum crassifolium ‘Compactum’
Large, up to 8' tall, upright plant with 3–4" wide
reddish/purple leaves.
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
Phormium tenax ‘Bronze’
Phormium tenax ‘Yellow Wave’
Plumbago auriculata
Blue Plumbago
3–4' tall, arching 2" wide green leaves with a
central yellow band that fades to green in fall.
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
Relatively fast growing to a height of 6' with a
width of 8–10'. 1–2" oblong leaves, light to medium
green. Light blue flowers are prolific during the
warmer months of the year.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Photinia x fraseri
Polygala x dalmaisiana
Phormium tenax ‘Pink Stripe’
Red Tip Photinia
5–6' tall. Upright with bronze-green leaves edged
with pink.
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
Evergreen shrub or small tree that has moderate
to fast upright growth habit. 10–15' tall and wide.
Oval leaves to 5" long are a bright showy bronze-red
in youth and mature to a dark leathery green.
Zones: 3b (protected), 4–24
Grows to 3–5' tall and wide, grayish green oval
lance-shaped leaves to 1" long. Blooms nonstop
midsummer to fall, producing flowers in a bright
purplish pink.
Zones: 8, 9–12, 12–24
Phormium tenax ‘Flamingo’
2' tall, arching 1½" wide leaves in shades of
orange, rose, light green and yellow.
Zones: 7–9, 14–24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs30& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Sweet-Pea Shrub
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs31& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Pyracantha c. ‘Graberii’
Pale orange to coral berries, grows 10–12' tall
and 8–10' wide
Zones: 4–24
Pyracantha k. ‘Santa Cruz’
Reaches 3–6' tall with a spread of 10'. Red berries.
Good ground cover.
Zones: 4–24
Rhaphiolepis indica
Indian Hawthorn
Bloom profusely from late fall to late spring.
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
3–5' tall and wide, white flowers, red new
18–24" tall 2–3' wide, light pink flowers.
‘Pink Lady’
Upright growth 4–6' tall and wide. Deep
pink flowers.
‘Ruby Compacta’
2' tall, 4' wide, deep pink flowers.
Rhaphiolepis ‘Majestic Beauty‘
Leaves 4" long, fragrant pink flowers. Can be
trained as a tree to 20–25' tall, 8–10' wide. As a shrub
easily kept at 10–12' tall and 6–8' wide.
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
Rhaphiolepis umbellata ‘Minor’
Leathery dark green leaves 1–3" long and
roundish with white flowers. Slow growing 3–4' tall
and wide. Good as a hedge plant.
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
Rhus integrifolia
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’
Salvia leucantha
3–10' high and wide. Leathery dark green leaves
with white or pinkish flowers in dense clusters from
mid winter into summer.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–17, 19–24
A low-spreading, evergreen shrub or
groundcover. Its leaves are green, leathery and
very aromatic. Pale-blue flowers from early- to midsummer. Up to 3' high with a 4–8' spread.
Zones: 4–24
The purple flower spikes are soft and velvety,
with narrow gray-green leaves, wooly white
undersides. Grows to at least 4' tall and wide.
Zones: 12–24
Lemonade Berry
Rosa banksiae
Lady Banks’ Rose
Vigorous grower up to 20'. Glossy leathery leaves
with large clusters of white flowers that bloom from
early fall to late spring. ‘Lutea’ has yellow flowers
and ‘Alba plena’ has white flowers.
Zones: 4–24
Prostrate Rosemary, Creeping Rosemary
Salvia clevelandii
Chaparral Sage
Grows to 5' tall by 6' wide. The soft gray-green
foliage is extremely aromatic. The flower spikes
have clusters of blue-violet flowers stacked like
shish-kebabs along the spike.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Mexican Bush Sage
Solanum jasminoides
Potato Vine
Twines rapidly to 30'. Purplish tinged, arrowshaped 1–3" long leaves. White 1" flowers grow in
clusters of up to 12, bloom is almost continuous all
year; heaviest in spring.
Zones: 8, 9, 12–24
Rosa ‘Iceberg’
Solanum rantonnetii
A repeat re-blooming floribunda with double
white flowers often with a flush of pink in spring
and fall, are lightly fragrant. Grows up to 6–7' tall.
Zones: 4–9.
As shrub grows up to 8–12' tall and 6–10' wide
or can be staked into a tree form, or as a vine to
12–15' or more. Also used as a ground cover. Bright
green, oval leaves to 4" long with violet blue ½ –1½"
flowers. Blooms nearly all year long.
Zones: 12, 13, 15–24
Rosmarinus officinalis
‘Collingwood Ingramii’
Sollya heterophylla
2–2½' high to 4' or wider. Flowers rich bright
deep blue. Tallish bank or groundcover. Not good
for seasoning.
Zones: 4–24
Australian Blue Bell Creeper
Loose, spreading shrub to 2–3' high, 4–5' wide.
With support can climb to 6–8'. Glossy green leaves
are narrow 1–2" long. Clusters of small, bell-shaped
brilliant blue flowers bloom almost all summer.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Rosmarinus officinalis
‘Lockwood de Forest’
A trailing ground cover, it has dark green foliage
and lavender blue flowers during the summer.
Mounds to 2½'.
Zones: 4–24
Strelitzia reginae
Bird of Paradise
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Tuscan Blue’
An upright shrub that grows 3–6 ft. tall. It has
dark green leaves and bright showy lavender-blue
flowers throughout the year.
Zones: 4–24
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs32& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Strelitzia reginae
Salvia greggii
Orange, blue, and white flowers on long, stiff stems
bloom intermittently throughout year, but best in cool
season. Trunkless plants grow 5' high with leathery,
long-stalked, blue-green, 1½' long leaves, 4–6" wide.
Zones: 9, 12–24
Autumn Sage
Tagetes lucida
1–4' tall and wide rounded shrub, with slender,
hairy stems closely set with glossy green ¾–1¼" long
leaves. Blooms throughout summer and fall in colors
ranging from deep purple to red, pink and white.
Zones: 8–24
Rapid grower to 3'. Erect unbranched stems with
narrow lance-shaped leaves. Flowers are small,
Zones: 8–10, 12–24
Mexican Marigold
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs33& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Tecoma capensis ‘Red’
Cape Honeysuckle
Grown as a vine or shrub or trimmed to form
a hedge, 6–8' tall and 4–5' wide. Dark green glossy
foliage and blooms with bright orange to red flowers
heavy in the fall and lightly year-round.
Zones: 12, 13, 20–24, with protection in 14, 15, 18, 19
Tecoma x ‘Orange Jubilee'
Same as species with orange flowers that appear
all throughout the warm season.
Zones:12, 13, 21–24
Tecoma stans
Yellow Bells
Can reach 25' tall, 10–20' wide. Lush tropical
foliage with large clusters of bright yellow flowers
blooming April through November.
Zones: 12, 13, 21–24
Teucrium x lucidrys
Low growing dense mounding perennial 1' tall
by 2–3' wide. Dark green foliage is well accented by
lavender flowers in spring and summer.
Zones: 2–24
Thevetia peruviana
Yellow Oleander
Veronica ‘Patty’s Purple’ (see Hebe ‘Patty’s
Viburnum japonicum
To 10–15' tall, 8–12' wide, can be trained as a
small tree. Leathery dark green leaves grow to 6"
long. Sparse, fragrant spring flowers in 4" clusters.
Zones: 5–10, 12, 14–24
Can be trained as a tree to 20–30' tall and wide.
Also can be maintained as shrub to 8' tall and wide.
Leaves are 3–6" long. Fragrant 2–3" yellow to apricot
flowers bloom from early summer into fall.
Zones: 13, 21–24
Westringia fruticosa
Coast Rosemary
Spreading, rather loose growth to 3–6' tall and
5–10' wide. Medium green to gray-green leaves have
white undersides. Small white flowers bloom from
midwinter through spring, all year in mild climates.
‘Wynyabbie Gem’ has light lavender flowers.
Zones: 8, 9, 14–24
Xylosma congestum
Loose, spreading growth 8–10' high and wide.
Shiny yellowish green leaves are oval with pointed
tips, 1½”–3" long. New growth is bronzy. Flowers
are insignificant. ‘Compacta’ grows to half the size
of species.
Zones: 8–24
Tibouchina urvilleana
Princess Flower
Fast, rather open growth to 5–18' tall, 3–10' wide.
Green 3–6" long felt-like leaves are often edged red.
Older leaves have spots of orange, red or yellow.
Brilliant 3" purple flowers appear intermittently
from late spring into winter
Zones: 16, 17, 21–24 with protection 14, 15
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Calla Lily
2–4' tall, with unspotted leaves to 1½' long, 10"
wide. In spring, pure creamy white spathes to 8"
long appear in stems.
Zones: 5, 6, 8, 9, 12–24
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Star Jasmine
Zephyranthes candida
With support can grow to 20–30' tall or as
ground cover 2' tall, 10' wide. Oval 3" long leaves
with profusion of white 1" wide flowers in small
clusters, very fragrant. T. asiaticum is similar, but has
smaller leaves and flowers.
Zones: 8–24
Clumps of foot long, bright green, grassy leaves
give rise to slender, hollow stems, each bearing a
single funnel-shaped white, 2" blossom, sometimes
stained pink in the throat.
Zones: 4–9, 12–24
Fairy Lily
Tulbaghia violacea
Society Garlic
Evergreen blue gray leaves looking much like
garlic rise to about a foot. Flowers appear above the
foliage in spring thru summer in clusters of lavender.
All parts have the odor of garlic and are edible.
Zones: 13–24
Tulbaghia violacea ‘Silver Lace’
Same as species but each leaf is edged in white.
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Viburnum tinus ‘Spring Bouquet’
An evergreen shrub with small, leathery, dark,
green leaves. The new stems flush wine-red then
fade to green. Dense fragrant white to light pink
flowers in the spring. Has a round compact upright
growth habit and can get 5–6' tall and wide.
Zones: 4–10, 12–24
Tibouchina urvilleana
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs34& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Shrubs & Vines & Shrubs35& Vines & Shrubs & Vines
Driver’s Unloading Safety Policy
In order to ensure safe working conditions for our drivers and customers, Pardee Tree Nursery has
established the following guidelines for off-loading plants and trees at the delivery site.
Hoyt S. Pardee — Chairman and CEO
48"–72" box tree: The customer must provide adequate equipment and personnel at the delivery site for
standing up and off-loading 48” box trees. Driver can un-tarp and untie trees.
36" box tree:
The customer must provide adequate equipment at the delivery site for off-loading
36” box trees. A minimum of three people are required for standing up a tree. Driver
may determine if additional people or equipment are required for standing up a tree.
Driver can un-tarp and untie trees.
24" box tree:
Driver can assist customer in off-loading trees. A minimum of two people are required
for standing up a 24” tree. Trees must be off-loaded with equipment or a lift-gate.
15 gallon:
Driver is allowed to slide plants to the end of the delivery truck. Two people are required
for lifting and off-loading from the delivery truck.
Cindy Damm — Senior Sales Representative. . . . . . . . . . Ext. 118 or 760-801-0519
1–5 gallon:
Driver can off-load plants alone. Large quantities require assistance from customer.
Ray Davis — Senior Sales Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 119 or 760-801-0401
Driver has the right to determine if additional personnel or equipment are required. Drivers are not
responsible for crane rigging. If the driver arrives at the delivery site and the required personnel and
equipment are not present, dispatcher has the option of requiring that the customer provide additional
Elizabeth Gallagher — President and COO. . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 105 or 760-801-2214
Lauren Davis — Vice President Operations. . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 106 or 760-801-1166
Bill Widas — Vice President Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 122 or 760-801-1165
Sales Representatives and Associates
Receptionist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 104
Mary Stewart — Assistant Sales Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 120 or 760-801-0047
Adrienne Crump — Sales Associate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 117 or 760-801-2209
Tracy Swenerton — Sales Associate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 123 or 760-801-0810
Jesse Villalvazo — Sales Associate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 124 or 760-801-1946
Ann Salazar — Credit Manager/AR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 101 or 760-801-0100
Tim Gross — Financial Analyst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 102 or 760-801-1288
Box Tree Dimensions and Weights
Marianne Lacey — Accounts Payable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 103 or 760-801-2231
Mary Jo Rose — Administrative Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 107 or 760-801-2754
Ron Powell — Construction Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 116 or 760-801-0180
Jose P. Sanchez — Production Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 108 or 760-801-2199
Tony Wheyland — Tech. Services Supervisor . . . . . . . . . Ext. 115 or 760-497-1221
Box Size
Jose Duarte — Dispatcher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 110 or 760-801-2933
Approx. Weight
400 lbs
800 lbs
1,300 lbs
2,000 lbs
2,800 lbs
4,000 lbs
5,000 lbs
7,000 lbs
Pardee Tree Nursery’s (“Seller”) prices are wholesale, F.O.B. Seller’s yard, and are subject to change
without notice. All orders acknowledged or accepted are subject to availability of stock on hand at time of
delivery. Applicable sales tax will be added to all purchases unless the resale certificate of the buyer is on
file at Seller’s office.
The terms of all sales shall be C.O.D. unless the buyer has established credit with Seller, in which event
all accounts are NET 30 and are due and payable within thirty (30) days following the date of delivery.
These terms are the full and final agreement between buyer and seller and supersede all other agreements,
including terms stated on purchase orders.
The buyer shall pay finance charges on any balances that are not paid within thirty (30) days from the
date of delivery. Finance charges on all past due accounts will be calculated from the date due until the date
paid at the rate of 1½% per month (18% per annum). In the event Seller institutes any action to enforce any
of the terms and conditions of any sale, buyer shall pay all costs of said collection, including court costs
and reasonable attorney’s fees. Buyer agrees that in the event suit is commenced to enforce collection, the
jurisdiction and venue of the action shall be exclusively in the Superior Court for the County of San Diego,
San Diego Branch, except if the amount is within the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court, the jurisdiction
and venue shall be exclusively in the North County Municipal Court for the County of San Diego, San
Diego Judicial District.
All orders that are shipped via Seller’s equipment are subject to delivery charges based on quantity and
size of containers shipped and overall trip mileage per Seller’s Schedule of Delivery Charges available at
Seller’s office.
In any event in which Seller delivers nursery stock to a buyer, Seller shall only be obligated to deliver
the nursery stock to the curb of the premises to which buyer requests delivery. Seller shall have no liability
for any damages caused or claims made, as a result of deliveries to any locations, other than the curb, as
requested by buyer, including but not limited to damages to sidewalks, curbs and other property. Buyer
hereby releases Seller from any such damages or claims, and indemnifies and holds Seller harmless
In any event in which the buyer arranges for its own transportation of nursery stock purchased from
Seller, buyer shall be responsible for any liabilities or claims of damage which occur after the nursery stock
leaves Seller’s premises, and Seller shall have no liability therefor.
Buyer shall be responsible for having adequate personnel and equipment at the delivery site for offloading nursery stock. Orders requiring more than one hour to off-load are subject to a $15.00 per quarter
hour Standby Charge. Buyer shall be responsible for loss or damage to Seller’s equipment resulting from
off-loading of nursery stock by personnel and/or equipment other than Seller’s.
Seller shall not hold any orders at its premises for more than ninety (90) days without receipt of a
deposit equal to 25% of the purchase price for said stock, unless other special arrangements have been
made between buyer and Seller in advance. Deposits received by Seller for orders are non-refundable. In the
event buyer does not take delivery of the nursery stock, said deposits shall be deemed to compensate Seller
for the cost of storing and caring for the nursery stock and other damages suffered as a result of buyers
not completing the sale, and are agreed to be a reasonable estimate of the damages to Seller for buyer not
completing the transaction and shall constitute liquidated damages.
With respect to orders held by Seller for more than one hundred twenty (120) days, buyer shall pay to
Seller, in addition to all other amounts payable by buyer, a monthly maintenance fee equal to 5% of the
purchase price for said stock, from the 91st day after the order date to the date of delivery.
Seller warrants that all nursery stock delivered hereunder shall be in good condition at the time of
delivery to buyer. This warranty does not apply to, and Seller shall have no obligation or responsibility
for, any losses or alleged defects which occur or appear after delivery of the nursery stock to buyer. In
the event buyer wishes to make any claim pursuant to this warranty, buyer must deliver to Seller written
notice of any such claim within forty-eight (48) hours of the delivery of the subject nursery stock to buyer;
otherwise this warranty shall automatically expire with respect to said nursery stock at the end of said
forty-eight hour period. In no event shall Seller have any liability to buyer pursuant to this warranty or
otherwise for any amount in excess of the purchase price actually paid by buyer for the nursery stock in
question. Seller further reserves the right to determine the reasonableness of any claim and make whatever
adjustments it deems proper and adequate. Except as expressly set forth above, Seller makes no warranties
or representations, expressed or implied, with respect to merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, or
otherwise with respect to any of the nursery stock which it sells.
In the event that buyer returns, cancels, or refuses to accept delivery of any nursery stock ordered or
purchased from Seller, or does not provide payment upon delivery for C.O.D. orders, buyer shall pay to
Seller a minimum of 25% of the purchase price of said nursery stock to reimburse Seller for the cost of
assembling, loading, delivering and restocking. Credit is contingent upon inspection of returned nursery
stock and approval by Seller. Plants returned via Seller’s truck are subject to a $60.00 per hour trucking fee
in addition to a minimum 25% restocking charge.
Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes