December - The Kings of Wessex Academy


December - The Kings of Wessex Academy
Issue no. 106
End of Autumn Term
December 2012
The Kings’ Messenger
Introducing Charities Week 2012!
The Kings and Queens of Wessex Academy Senior Student Team have emerged victorious in their
search to raise money during this year’s Charities Week. A medieval theme reigned with many
successful events being run at break and lunchtimes.
The total amount raised during the week is yet to be revealed, but the
students have certainly put in an enormous effort to raise funds for
this year’s three chosen charities - ‘Mend the Gap’, ‘Dorset and
Somerset Air Ambulance’ and ‘Anorexia Bulimia Care’.
Students and staff were thrown into the stocks and the gunge buckets were unleashed—in particular on LRC Manager Mrs Knutson
who raised an amazing £60 in a special auction to be gunged.
A curdling concoction was mixed ready to be eaten by a brave few
who dared to take part in the pie eating challenge with ingredients
ranging from garlic paste to pickled gherkins. Far from a tonguetingling temptation for participants.
Sixth Form students had chance to dress to impress with their fancy dress costumes on Mufti Day with colourful
characters—the laughing ‘stocks’ of the Academy.
The week was concluded with the famous Rock and Roll Years concert with performances from our talented students as a
last hurrah to celebrate the huge success of Charities Week 2012. An enormous thank you goes out to all students and staff
involved in this year’s events. By Lorna Mortimer, The Kings and Queens News Team
Head’s-Up from Mr Richardson
Headteacher, The Kings of Wessex Academy
Dear Parents,
I am pleased to bring you this end of
Autumn Term Kings’ Messenger as I
look back on a purposeful and positive
start to the academic year.
Building work commenced on Monday 3 December 2012
to replace the windows and cladding on the main academy
two storey block, which is nearly 50 years old. This is
thanks to a grant of £900,000 from the Department of
Education and is scheduled for completion by 31 March
2013. Disruption is being kept to a minimum so that
lessons can continue as normal. This is exciting for Kings,
and I know that work will greatly improve the appearance
and energy efficiency of the building.
Meanwhile back in the classroom - this has been
the term of assessments with students undertaking Controlled Assessments, Year 9 CAT’s, Year 11 Mocks and re
-sits. At the time of writing, all Year 11 students are meeting again with their Mentor to track closely their progress, with extra lunchtime and after school sessions running in all subjects to give them an extra boost. All Year
11 students have had a Futures Meeting with a
member of my Leadership Group to discuss any issues to
keep them focused for post-GCSE’s and Sixth Form.
To improve literacy and numeracy we are
supporting a group of Year 9 students using the
Accelerated Reader programme to raise achievement and
increase their confidence in these important subjects.
This half term, we welcomed Governors for their
As per Kings’ tradition - on the final day of
this term, we will be celebrating students’ for their
accomplishments this Autumn Term in the year group
achievement Assemblies - including our new Star of the
Term Award. This is an idea proposed by the School
Council in which every Subject Team nominates a student
from each year group. Students receive a gold star and
certificate and new plaques have been designed showing
the student’s name and subject.
It has been another exciting half term of trips
and visits and visiting speakers - and I hope this
Kings’ Messenger will provide you with a happy flavour.
To follow next time will be a report of our German
students who are due to return home from their week in
Munich. I thank staff for providing these valuable learning
opportunities and to parents for their support.
I would also thank our PTA who
generously give of their time in raising
funds from Kings’ events, as well as from
the generous donations of parents to the
Enrichment Fund so as to provide Subject Teams with their extra “Wish List”
items to enhance learning opportunities.
Finally, I would like to thank you all
for your support this term and to wish
you and your families a very Happy
Christmas and best wishes for 2013.
Yours sincerely,
Important Diary Note!
Autumn Term visit who spent time in lessons and
appreciated this contact with students and staff.
Our would-be Sixth Formers enjoyed the Sixth
Students return for the
start of the Spring Term on
Form Taster Day on Wednesday 28 November 2012,
and will be meeting with a member of my Academy Lead- Headteacher
ership Group for their interview early in the Spring Term.
As this term draws to a close and we look forward to Christmas, the Music Department held a
lovely Winter Concert, attended by parents and students
with lots of wonderful singing and music-making. We will
shortly be holding our Christmas Services on the theme of
“Growing Together” at St Andrew’s Church here in
Cheddar led by Rev. Sue Rose and Cheddar Valley
Churches Schools’ Worker Joanna Slade when we will all
be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.
As you can see from the front page—we are
reeling from a thrilling Charities Week, which
was another memorable and action-packed week of fun
fundraising. I will update you on the final total raised next
time. Our Senior Student Team have worked very diligently and creatively plotting and planning to bring us an
entertaining and enjoyable week. On behalf of the Team, I
thank all students, staff and parents, community friends at
Fairlands and Hugh Sexey Middle Schools — as well as
the wider community in donating raffle/autograph auction
goodies for all their support.
Monday 7 January 2013
It’s Charities Week 2012!
Head’s Up
Special Achievement Awards
Subject Awards
Star Awards
Academy Colours
Scientific Studies
More Mathematical Machinations
Cheddar Arts@Kings Theatre
Bands Join Forces
Free School Meals
More Charities Week Moments
The Kings’ Art
Historic Kip on a Ship Trip
Remembrance Services
The Kings and Queens News Team
Platform Magazine
Learning Resource Centre Update
Kings and Queens Sports’ Scores
IT News
End of Autumn Term Roll of Honour
Special Achievement Awards: Celebrating our students for good work and duties to the Academy.
Thank you and congratulations!
BRONZE (15 merits)
Henry Abbiss 9MG
Caitlin Agnew 9LD
Rebecca Angliss 9ZB
William Apted 9ZB
Daniel Arnison 9SP
Laurence Baldegger 9EM
Ellie Barnes 9LD
Joshua Bates 9RH
Ellen Beasant 9AC
Alissa Bedford 9NA
Rowan Biggadike 9NA
Hannah Bird 9VW
Jessica Blacklock 9RH
Roisin Blewitt 9EM
Joseph Booty 9VW
Jacob Bourke-Trotham 9VW
Lydia Bracey 9AC
Michael Bugler 9MG
Gabriella Burgess 9MG
Harry Burrows 9ZB
Katherine Caddell 9SP
Bethany Campbell 9SP
Alice Cashmore 9AS
Danielle Chew 9MG
Archie Clarke 9AC
Kirstie Clarke 9MG
Lily Clinton 9AS
Charlotte Collins 9AS
Charlotte Cossins-Price 9NA
Simeon Coton 9RH
Thomas Creswick 9AC
Daniel Cripps 9RH
Sebastian Curtis 9NA
Amelia Davison 9MG
George Dearsley 9MG
Harry Dodd 9SP
Freddie Dolcezza 9MG
Priddy-Rose Ebert-Rossiter 9NA
David Ferguson 9AS
Sarah Fiddes 9RH
Lauren Ford 9SP
Callum Frost 9AC
Samuel Fry 9ZB
Paige Gulliver 9SP
Robert Hall 9VW
Reuben Ham 9MG
Patric Harris Snell 9LD
Macaulay Harrison 9AC
Ryan Hole 9VW
Catherine Hounsell 9RH
Casey House 9NA
Faith Hunt 9SP
Ellen Izzard 9AC
Timothy Jacobs 9VW
Heidi Lange 9AC
Alfred Lavender 9MG
Daniel Legg 9AS
Flora Littlewood 9NA
Madeleine Lovett 9AC
Phoebe Lynch 9ZB
Andrew Martin 9EM
Oliver Masters 9SP
Alexander McLaren 9NA
Kieran Mead 9MG
Patrick Merryfield 9LD
Conrad Morris 9AS
Rhiannon Mounty 9AS
Morgan Orme 9LD
Charlie Osborne 9AC
Bethany Pascoe 9ZB
Georgia Peters 9ZB
Liliana Podpadec 9EM
Bethany Poole 9MG
Louisa Powell 9SP
Thomas Poyner 9AS
Charlie Randall 9ZB
Lucy Reason 9RH
Joanna Reeves 9AC
Kieran Richards 9AS
McAully Roberts 9EM
Alexander Ross 9LD
Georgie Seymour 9NA
Gabriella Siangolis 9VW
Hannah Skinner 9VW
Rhian Smith 9LD
Jack Stitch 9LD
Naomi Stone 9VW
Jessie Svensson 9MG
Aaron Sweeting 9ZB
Daisy Tanner 9ZB
Lewis Taylor 9SP
Isabel Thomas 9NA
Jessica Thomson
William Thorne 9AS
Hannah Tilling 9LD
Jasmine Tovey 9SP
Thalia Tucker 9LD
Ryan Underwood 9AC
Aaron Voit 9AC
Ben Walker 9MG
James Whitrow 9EM
Chloe Wilson 9VW
Eleanor Langford 10TS
Hannah Shepheard 10LJ
James Bugler 11SJS
Iona Croskell 11TT
Christopher Hill 11GD
Liam Hoddinott 11SJS
Shannon Johnson 11CBE
Maggie Morris 11SBA
Rachel Perry 11SJW
Jack Williams 11DE
SILVER (30 merits)
Izaak Bailey 9EM
Jack Bardle 9ZB
Sam Buffham 9AS
James Cleeves 9ZB
Ashley Cutter 9EM
Rebecca Davies 9AS
Rebecca Davenport 9NA
Zoe Frost 9NA
James Garrett 9VW
Tristan Greene 9RH
Billy Halford 9ZB
Macaulay Harrison 9AC
Heather Hemingway-Arnold 9EM
Bethany Hooper 9MG
Amy Hudd 9MG
Thomas Hughes 9AC
Joshua Hunt 9ZB
Grace Hunter 9AC
Jamie Huxtable 9MG
Finley Ingham 9SP
Emma Lewis 9EM
Guy Locke 9AS
Alice Low 9AS
Abigail Morgan 9RH
Ashleigh Nicholson 9LD
Louie Oxford 9SP
Imogen Percival 9LD
Bethany Perrins 9AS
Joshua Pascoe 9AS
Jessica Peever 9LD
Megan Pinn 9SP
George Prewett 9MG
Ewan Prouse 9AS
Brandon-Jake Shakespeare 9AS
Joshua Skyrme 9MG
Connor Smart 9LD
Paige Stanley 9SP
Anna Stickley 9AS
Ella Storer 9VW
Emma Treharne 9SP
Charlotte Tugwell 9VW
Lucy Turner 9LD
Bethany Wall 9SP
Amber-Leigh Wallington 9EM
Jessica Watson 9LD
Mollie Westbrook 9EM
Cara Williamson 9MG
Tobias Woodroffe 9VW
Kyle Foster-Smith 11DR
James Thompson 11CBE
GOLD (50 merits)
Ella Byrne 9MG
Stion Billington-Drew 9MG
Shane Brimble 11SJS
Amber Gregory 11DE
Christopher Hill 11GD
Bonnie Naish 11DE
Olanah-Jay Shakespeare 11TT
(75 merits)
Joshua McConville 10TS
Judith Wagstaff 10AH
Harry Baker 11SBA
Rachael Boobyer 11SBA
Scott Jenkins 11SBA
Madeleine Ralph 11SBA
Matthew Slater 11SBA
Samuel Walters 11SBA
Special Achievements
Bronze (15 merits) and Silver
(30 merits) = a certificate
Gold (50 merits) = a certificate
and a badge
Double Gold (75 merits) =
a certificate, badge and £10
Platinum (100 merits) =
a certificate, badge and £15
Double Platinum (150 merits)
= a certificate, badge and £20
On the last day of term,
Friday 21 December 2012 we
will be holding End of
Autumn Term Achievement
Assemblies in year groups
when students will be
presented with badges and
certificates for their many
accomplishments in subjects
and enrichment activities, and
other contributions to Kings.
Subject Awards: Celebrating our students for their achievements in the academic subjects.
Subject Awards
English Language
English Literature
Media Studies
Product Design
Food Technology
Business Studies
BTEC Business Studies
BTEC Performing Arts
Performing Arts
Learning Support
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Tilly Prior 9VW
Indie Drake-Brockman 10KS
Iona Croskell 11TT
Callum Scott 9AC
Matthew Tucker 10LJ
Michael Watford 9EM
Tom Brooks 10JLB
Cameron Gelder 9SP
William Wallis 10GW
Georgie Seymour 9NA
William Cardno 10TS
James Lomax 11DE
Year 12
Year 13
Jessica Shiner 12ES
Georgie Mason 13SR
Agnes Emeney 12GC
Helen Pearce 13AT
Katie Smith 12CA
Elizabeth Berwick 13LM
Tom Newton 12REW
Matthew Lomax 13JR
Ben Attwood 12IS
Joel Clements 13JWI
William Marshall 12GR
Jodie Ellis 13JWI
Ben Sutlieff 12ES
Nick Buhagiar 13JWI
Ellen Izzard 9AC
Frances Hodgson 10JLB
Ella Jameson 11CBE
Matthew Amesbury 12CPA
Isaac Taschimowitz 13AT
Tristan Greene 9RH
Lottie Walker 10TS
Jack Hughes 11SJW
Ellen Harris-Snell 12ES
Sam Bath 13SO
Alice Low 9AS
Joe Marks 10TS
Rosalind Strang 11GD
Tom Newton 12REW
Dan Mehlig 13SK
Mollie Harvey 12CPA
Hayley Thorne 13AT
Jack Densley Garrett 12IS
Charlotte Peto 13LM
Ella Tippetts 10KS
Adam Wood 11CBE
Maddie Searle 10AH
Zoe Dunham 11TT
Tilly Prior 9VW
Jodie Richards 10TS
Adam Wood 11CBE
Lucy Boobyer 12IS
Callum Rickard 13JWI
Billy Halford 9ZB
Tom Jones 10DPW
Andrew Rose 11CBE
Robert Cornish 12RW
Bryony Stevens-Young 13JR
Heather Hemingway Arnold 9EM
Joseph Marshall 10KD
Megan Kidner 11MH
Emma Deakins 12RW
Hamish Gilpin 13SR
Laura Botsford 12RW
Megan Haggerty 13SR
Sarah Rutter 12GR
Cara Williams 13SK
Emma Treharne 9SP
Kathryn Bowman 10LJ
Cora Marks 11DR
Verity Boyd 12REW
Laura Paterson 13JR
Billy Halford 9ZB
Joseph Marshall 10KD
Rachel L Perry 11TT
Mollie Harvey 12CPA
Nicole Morris 13LM
Ellie Cahill 9VW
Charlotte Caunt 10KS
Maddy Ralph 11SBA
Joel Williams 12CA
Bryony Stevens-Young 13JR
Georgia Moore 12CA
Lucy Ratcliffe 13JR
Lucy Fear 13SK
Phoebe Lynch 9ZB
Molly Brown 9ZB
Ella Sibley 10GW
Alice Davis 11SS
Ellie Peverall 12CPA
Harriet Lucas 10LDA
Chelsea Llewellyn 11DR
Jessica Shiner 12ES
Ella Milford 10KD
Lauren Male 11GD
Todd Stockley 10LDA
Ryan Bowkett 11CBE
Ellie Coton 12CA
Joel Clements 13WJI
Olivia Jones 13SK
Macaulay Harrison 9AC
Felix Grandfield 10DPW
James Ashman 11TT
Kieran Mead 9MG
Jessica Nothard 9SP
Josh McConville 10TS
Leanna Keane 10TS
Tom Hope-Stone Bell 11MH
Daisy Goldsmith 12GC
James Chinnock 13LM
Year 12
Year 13
English Language
Agnes Emeney 12GC
Lorna Mortimer 13SR
English Literature
Katie Davies 12GR
Helen Pearce 13AT
Ellie Rialas 12CA
Elizabeth Berwick 13LM
Briony Allen 12RW
Alex Rossiter 13SR
Chloe Starks 12IS
Dan Weare 13JWI
Hannah Marlow 12CA
Josh Howe 13LM
Star Awards
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Jack Bardle 9ZB
Aleah Aberdeen 10TS
Laura Whitehead 11SBA
Media Studies
Rebecca Davies 9AS
Liam Ellis 10TS
Lucy Abbott 9AC
Megan Thorowgood 10LDA
Food Technology
Harriet Newton 9SP
John Cornish 10SA
Daniella James 9ZB
Rachel Wallace 10TS
Louisa Powell 9SP
Chloe Nicholson 10SA
Cora Marks 11DR
Cameron Willies 9EM
William Cardno 10JLB
Jack Masters 11MH
Ellen Harris Snell 12ES
Rebecca Rowntree 13SR
Molly Brown 9ZB
Daisy May Ham 10GW
Josh Daly 11SS
Billy Cavanagh 12REW
Danielle Lloyd 13JR
Ewan Prouse 9AS
Lindsay Rogers 10LJ
Kathryn Willis 11MH
Sinead O’Brien 12IS
Sam Bates 13LM
Andrew Ireland 12GC
Tom Day 13SK
Product Design
Iona Croskell 11TT
Business Studies
Joe Evans 10GW
Adam Wood 11CBE
Jack Densley-Garrett 12IS
Anthony Georgiou 13SR
Tom Hughes 9AC
Abigail Smith 10GW
Annabelle Harraway 11SBA
Josh Gourlay 12CA
Joel Butcher 13SO
Paige Gulliver 9SP
Alice Dodd 10LDA
Harry Baker 11SBA
William Marshall 12GR
Phoebe Gupta 13SR
Josh Carr 12RW
Gemma Barwell 13SO
Eve Hayzer 12REW
Hayley Thorne 13AT
Jessica Mager 12IS
Kathryn Manners 13SK
Tilly Prior 9VW
Ella Milford 10KD
Chris Hawkes 11GD
Phoebe Lynch 9ZB
Stion Billington-Drew 9MG
Edouard Young 10LDA
Otis Bath 10KD
Lilli Helps 11SJW
Katie Prior 11CBE
Jenny Wilson 12IS
Mollie Harvey 12CPA
Sam Hill 13SO
Matthew Lomax 13JR
Madeline Bowman 9RH
Kathryn Bowman 10LJ
Abbey Floyd 11SS
Megan Settle 12REW
Jessica Borrough 13SO
Lauren Peverall 12CPA
Lily Brunsdon 13SK
Molly Humphrey 13JR
Molly Coath 10DPW
Megan Kidner 11MH
Rebecca Mawby 12IS
Conrad Morris 9AS
Connie Williams 10DPW
Rachel E Perry 11SJW
Jessica Shiner 12ES
Lily Clinton 9AS
Isabelle Paterson 10GW
Ryan Bowkett 11CBE
Hayley Nicholson 12REW
Joel Clements 13JWI
Ellie Cahill 9VW
Katy Chinnock 10JLB
Ellie Brown 11TT
Ben Attwood 12IS
Ryan Gourlay 13SR
Learning Support
Louie Oxford 9SP
Dan Henry 10KD
George Willis 11GD
George Prewett 9MG
Dan Reason 10KD
Kirsty Abbott 11MH
Jenny Cox 12GR
Lorna Mortimer 13SR
STAR PUPIL for Year Group
Academy Colours: Celebrating our students for their contribution to the academy colours.
Year 9 100% Attendance
Year 10 100% Attendance
Daniel Allen 9LD
Rebecca Angliss 9ZB
James Archer 9ZB
Rasmus Barlow 9ZB
Gracie Batty 9RH
Glenn Bautista 9VW
James Bayliss 9RH
Alissa Bedford 9NA
Rowan Biggadike 9NA
Joseph Booty 9VW
Molly Brown 9ZB
Ellie Cahill 9VW
Archie Clarke 9AC
Kirstie Clarke 9MG
James Cleeves 9ZB
Lily Clinton 9AS
Daniel Cripps 9RH
Ashley Cutter 9EM
Rebecca Davenport 9NA
Harry Dodd 9SP
Kade Durston 9VW
David Ferguson 9AS
Declan Fisher 9RH
Samuel Fountain 9EM
Zoe Frost 9NA
James Garrett 9VW
Olivia Gillions 9VW
Victoria Hayzer 9RH
Bethany Hooper 9MG
Catherine Hounsell 9RH
Joshua Hughes 9LD
Thomas Hughes 9AC
Joshua Hunt 9ZB
Ellen Izzard 9AC
Harry Maund 9RH
Joseph Melluish 9RH
Thomas Melluish 9SP
Patrick Merryfield 9LD
George Mullin 9EM
Amelia Nardiello 9AC
Louie Oxford 9SP
Jessica Peever 9LD
Megan Pinn 9SP
Liliana Podpadec 9EM
Matilda Prior 9VW
Ewan Prouse 9AS
Kieran Richards 9AS
Beth Roach 9LD
Morgan Rose 9AS
Liberte Rosser 9AC
Callum Scott 9AC
Joshua Skyrme 9MG
Nicholas Spinks 9EM
Jack Stitch 9LD
Daisy Tanner 9ZB
Lewis Taylor 9SP
Emma Treharne 9SP
Lucy Turner 9LD
Patrick Turner 9AS
Ben Walker 9MG
Amber-Leigh Wallington 9EM
Timothy Weigold 9MG
James Whitrow 9EM
Chloe Wilson 9VW
Bryony Alen 10DPW
Holly Baines 10KD
Otis Bath 10KD
Kayleigh Belcher 10SA
Fergal Bettridge-Boyd 10AH
Samuel Binning 10DPW
Eleanor Blackhurst 10TS
Charlotte Brazier 10SA
Adam Chillingworth 10AH
Kieran Cobell 10DPW
Bethany Collins 10KD
Michael Cornick 10DPW
Ellen Cornish 10GW
Finaly Cornish 10KS
John Cornish 10SA
Madeline Crocker 10DPW
Samuel Dalton 10AH
Stephen Disbrey 10LDA
Alice Dodd 10LDA
Anna Donnan 10GW
Indie Drake-Brockman 10KS
Imogen Dyte 10TS
Joseph Evans 10GW
Luke Fincham 10SA
Chelsea Fisher 10LDA
Bronagh Flood 10LJ
Emily Fowler 10SA
Emily Freemantle 10LJ
Craig George 10LDA
Oliver Godwin 10GW
Georgia Goodison 10AH
Rachel Haines 10LDA
Daisy-May Ham 10GW
Robyn House 10GW
Nicholas Jamieson 10GW
Nicole Karanicola 10KD
Dilkaren Kaur 10KS
Harriet Lucas 10LDA
William Lupton 10LJ
Joseph Macmanus 10DPW
Joe Marks 10TS
Elizabeth Marshall 10LJ
Jessica Marshall 10LJ
Joseph Marshall 10KD
Joe Matthews 10AH
Alexandra Maynard 10GW
Joshua McConville 10TS
Niquitta Millard 10JLB
Matthew Moore 10SA
Oliver Morris 10TS
William Newton 10LDA
Oliver Nicholls 10AH
Thomas Nyamunda 10GW
Maisie Payne 10KS
Thomas Postins 10GW
Riley Robinson-Rattle 10KD
Hannah Shepheard 10LJ
Anthony Simpson 10KS
Callum Simpson 10KS
Rhiannon Skeen 10TS
Ryan Starr 10LDA
Yuen Steckler 10KD
Alice Stephens 10LDA
George Stephens 10GW
Jessica Stevens 10TS
Troy Williams 11DR
Rebecca Thomas 10DPW
Kathryn Willis 11MH
Austin Trotman 10KD
Adam Wood 11CBE
Chelsie Webster 10GW
Samuel Woodroffe 11MH
Holly Wilkinson 10LJ
Constance Williams 10DPW Year 12 100% Attendance
Jessica Abbott 12REW
Year 11 100% Attendance
Briony Allen 12RW
Christopher Ames 11SJW
Matthew Amesbury 12CPA
James Ashman 11TT
Liberty Apted 12GR
Holly Baldwin 11GD
Alice Bennett 12REW
Simon Barlow 11SJS
Rose Best 12CA
Georgia Barrett 11SJS
Laura Botsford 12RW
Glenna Bautista 11MH
Billy Cavanagh 12REW
Sophie Bishop 11GD
Leon Cheung 12REW
Matthew Bolland 11SJW
Ben Clark 12RW
Ellis Bracey 11SS
Jennifer Cox 12GR
Sara Bradley 11SJS
Joshua Dalton 12CA
Vanessa Brill 11DR
Agnes Emeney 12GC
Owen Browne 11GD
Yizheng Fan 12ES
Chloe Burke 11DR
Thomas Fincham 12ES
Alastair Campbell 11SJW
Caitlin Flood 12GC
Sam Chedzoy 11CBE
Jenny Francis 12ES
Janne Clarke 11MH
Rosie Freemantle 12RW
Joshua Daly 11SS
Daisy Goldsmith 12GC
Kieran Davies 11DE
Ellen Harris Snell 12ES
Rebecca Douglas 11DR
Mollie Harvey 12CPA
James Felton 11SJS
Eve Hayzer 12REW
Hannah Forde 11DR
Eleanor Henry 12CA
Amber Gregory 11DE
William Hims 12ES
Ben Harris 11DE
Alexander Hodges 12ES
Daniel Harris 11SBA
Adam Kelly 12GR
Christopher Hawkes 11GD
Hannah Marlow 12CA
Lyndsey Hooper 11SJW
Joseph Newton 12IS
Imogen Howorth 11MH
Alexander O’Connor 12GR
Scott Jenkins 11SBA
Dennis Palmer 12GC
Shannon Johnson 11CBE
Tabitha Paul 12REW
Emma Kelly 11SJW
James Pavey 12IS
Megan Kidner 11MH
Lindsay Perry 12CPA
James Lomax 11DE
Lauren Peverall 12CPA
Ross McColgan 11SJW
Tabitha Rogers 12RW
Benjamin Michiels 11MH
Rachel Stean 12GR
Harriet Moody 11MH
Rosy Taylor 12IS
Ryan Moss 11SJW
Lewis Thompson 12REW
Jenna Patten 11SS
Amelia Trower 12IS
Sophia Pavle 11SJW
Gregory Tyrrell 12GR
Jack Percival 11SJW
Jennifer Wilson 12IS
Scott Phillips 11DR
Cory Zanelli 12GC
Joseph Podpadec 11SBA
Year 13 100% Attendance
James Porter Hunt 11MH
Jake Alen 13AT
Matthew Prestidge 11DE
Barrow 13LM
Abigail Quick 11CBE
Bates 13LM
Madeline Ralph 11SBA
Amy Rossiter 11MH
Joseph Scott-Hartley 11CBE
James Chinnock 13LM
Jade Skyrme 11DR
Alastair Colthurst 13JR
Matthew Slater 11SBA
Luke Cutter 13SR
Douglas Spinks 11MH
Adam Davies 13LM
Emma Spittal 11MH
Olivia Evans 13AT
Thomas Stevens 11GD
Hamish Gilpin 13SR
Rosalind Strang 11GD
Olivia Jones 13SK
Gary Sutlieff 11DR
Dale Phillips 13SO
Conner Vipond 11SJW
Alexander Rossiter 13SR
James Walker 11TT
Strawbridge 13AT
Benjamin Williams 11DE
Spencer Williams 11DR
Lucy Bowkett 9VW
Madeline Bowman 9RH
Molly Brown 9ZB
Ella Byrne 9MG
Ellie Cahill 9VW
Kirstie Clarke 9MG
Alice Favre 9VW
Zoe Frost 9NA
Olivia Gillions 9VW
Daisy Graham-Brown 9MG
Vicky Hayzer 9RH
Grace Hunter 9AC
Alice Low 9AS
Jessica Nothard 9SP
Liliana Podpadec 9EM
Tilly Prior 9VW
Hannah Tilling 9LD
Bryony Allen 10DPW
Vicki Bear 10JLB
Katy Chinnock 10JLB
Louisa Denham 10JLB
Ellie Orritt 10KD
Holly Baldwin 11GD
Sara Bradley 11SJS
Vanessa Brill 11DR
Chloe Burke 11DR
Janne Clarke 11MH
Lauren Cleave 11DE
Amy Clegg 11DR
Rebecca Douglas 11DR
Ashleigh Jones 11DR
Megan Kidner 11MH
Amy Rossiter 11MH
Jade Skyrme 11DR
Shannon Vickery 11TT
Lily Clinton 9AS
Emily Grant 9SP
Tristan Greene 9RH
Phoebe Lynch 9ZB
Alex McLaren 9NA
Georgia Peters 9ZB
Megan Pinn 9SP
Ben Smith 9NA
Robert Taylor 9AS
Jack Schollar 10AH
Ben Voice 10LJ
Isaac Coton 11TT
Chris Hill 11GD
Andrew Rose 11CBE
Joe Scott-Hartley 11CBE
Andrew Tidswell 12GR
Kirstie Hill 13JR
Jack Landers 13SO
Tristan Greene 9RH
Billy Halford 9ZB
Brandon Pettitt 9VW
The Kings and Queens
News Team
Katie Caddell 9SP
Beth Hooper 9MG
Phoebe Lynch 9ZB
Megan Pinn 9SP
Emma Treharne 9SP
Chloe Wilson 9VW
Alastair Campbell 11SJW
Megan Haggerty 13SR
Lorna Mortimer 13SR
James Peebles Brown 13JR
Rebecca Rowntree 13SR
Isaac Taschimowitz 13AT
Sarah Tsoi 13SR
School Council
Emily Cotton 9NA
Tom Creswick 9AC
Tristan Greene 9RH
Alice Low 9AS
John Stamatis 9NA
Lucy Turner 9LD
Joe Evans 10GW
Frances Hodgson 10JLB
Daniel Reason 10KD
Jessica Stevens 10TS
Matthew Tucker 10LJ
Our own stars on a sensitive subject
As part of their support for chosen Charities Week
charity ABC, some of our senior team participated in
filming a special news item for ITV news.
You can see the link at:
You can see the item aired live on Thursday 3 January 2013
at 6pm. Well done to our team!
Enrichments Subjects:
celebrating students for contribution to
the enrichment subjects.
Thomas Nyamunda 10GW
Alastair Campbell 11SJW
Owen Marlow 11MH
Gary Sutlieff 11DR
Connor Hudson 12GR
Sinead O’Brien 12IS
Ben Sutlieff 12ES
Ryan Gourlay 13SR
Hallam Greene 10LDA
Matthew Moore 10SA
Oliver Nicholls 10AH
Harry Tucker 10DPW
Kieran Davies 11DE
Tom Davies 11SBA
Scott Jenkins 11SBA
Ben Michiels 11MH
Joseph Podpadec 11SBA
Andrew Rose 11CBE
Joseph Scott Hartley 11CBE
Robbie Wallis 11SS
Robert Cornish 12RW
Sinead O’Brien 12IS
Alex Jones 13SO
James Peebles Brown 13JR
Alex Rossiter 13SR
Design Technology
Macaulay Harrison 9AC
Emily Hutton 9LD
Harry Maund 9RH
Imogen Percival 9LD
Megan Pinn 9SP
Callum Scott 9AC
Emma Treharne 9SP
Toby Woodroffe 9VW
Congratulations to all our students!
Scientific Studies
Earlier in November, 50 Year 10 students attended this year’s
GCSE Science Live! Event. They were treated to exciting presentations from a range of famous scientists - including Professor
Steve Jones, Professor Andrea Sella, Professor Dave Cliff and Dr
Kate Lancaster and were also given invaluable advice from a
Chief Examiner.
Student feedback about the trip
was extremely positive…
“Informative, engaging and
worthwhile”, “I loved hearing
from accomplished scientists”,
“A great time, great learning,
great experience!”
EDF Energy returned to Kings to
present a special nuclear-themed
session for all Year 9 students.
Our young Scientists were introduced to EDF Graduates who provided them with the latest news on the new
build nuclear power station proposed at Hinkley Point and also gave an insight
into their work there.
As part of this
exciting programme, 100 Year 9 students will be
selected to enjoy a Nuclear STEM Day in January where they will produce their own projects and have opportunity to gain a Bronze Crest Award from the British Science Association. It is hoped that from this, some of our
students will be chosen to attend a four day residential course at the University of Exeter where on completion,
they will receive a Silver Crest Award.
This year, it is wonderful to report that all three Science subjects are entering the challenging Olympiad
competitions. For any A-Level students who are keen to test their Science knowledge against other students
in the UK—talk to your Science Teachers to register your interest. By Mrs L Meldon, Science Enrichment Leader
Firstly, Ted Graham Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Plymouth University gave an amusing and
informative talk on A-Level Maths topics to 160 Year 11 students on a series of illustrations of work in different parts of the A-Level Maths syllabus. He also looked at the uses of a degree in Maths and the likely improvement to someone’s earning potential.
generously give up a morning of his time to give a challenging seminar to our Year 13
Further Maths students on the use of advanced statistical techniques in trading standards enforcement.
This year we have 17 teams, each consisting of four students, from Years 9 to 12 taking
part in the Student Investor Challenge. This is a virtual stock market in which the
teams compete with other teams around the country to see who can invest and earn the
most profit from their investments. The challenge runs from 5 November 2012 to 1
February 2013, and we continue to wait and see how they get on.
During the last two weeks of term, Year 9 students will complete a Community Cohesion project.
During the project they will use statistics on Country of Birth, Religion and Ethnicity to look at the differences between people living in Cheddar and Birmingham. There will also be the opportunity to study the
Mathematics in the electoral system, learn how to play the traditional African
game of Oware,
study Vedic Maths and experience creating
some Islamic art.
Year 11 students
will be retaking
Unit 1 on 28 February and Unit 2
on 4 March 2013.
Packs of past
papers are available from the
Main Office
priced £1.50.
contains a
list of the topics in each unit, past papers
with mark schemes and worked solutions
and links to teaching videos on the
maths520 YouTube channel.
By Miss V Ward,
Enrichment Leader for Maths
Cheddar Arts@Kings Theatre 2013 season
Next events:
“The Wedding Video” (15) - film night
On Tuesday 22 January 2013 at 7pm for 7.30pm start
Romantic comedy set in the cut-throat world of English society weddings.
Starring Robert Webb and Rufus Hound
Tickets £5.50/£4.50 concessions
Richard Herring - live event
On Tuesday 26 February 2013 at 7pm for 7.30pm start
Our local stand-up comedian with his latest gig.
Tickets £13.50
For more
VOX POP: “What would you prefer: the current exam modular system, or a return to the linear system of exams?"
The experience of your school exams stays with you for the rest of your life. Parents and even Grandparents will remember the stress of revision, the last-minute cramming,
and the excitement on results day. Many of us will have experienced the “exam nightmare”, waking up in terror at 2am only to realise that we didn’t really forget everything/arrive late/not arrive at all - it was just a dream! And it’s not just the memory of exams that is important; results and qualifications are of course essential to any
young job seeker.
In September, the Education Secretary Michael Gove put forward plans to replace the current GCSE exams with a new system similar to the old style O-Level. The first students will
sit the “English Baccalaureate” in English, Maths and Science in 2017. This will be in a single exam, taken at the end of the course, as opposed to the current system, where students
sit exams in several modules over the GCSE years. There will also be a cut in the amount of coursework that makes up the qualification. While Michael Gove aims to make exams
more rigorous and widen what is studied over the two years, the change has led to a much publicised political debate in Parliament, particularly given the importance of getting the
right qualifications for successful careers in the future. Now, The Kings of Wessex Academy adds its own voice to the discussion, as we ask staff and students our VOX POP question:
“What would you prefer: the current exam modular system, or a return to the linear system of exams?"
Phoebe Lynch
Jamie Strawbridge
Miss Rachel Lowrie
Mr Peter Lythgoe
Mr Christian Hughes
(Year 9 student)
(Year 13 student)
(Learning Support Assistant)
(Chair of Governors)
(Assistant Headteacher
Exams and Assessment)
I think it would be good to change
the way we do exams. Modular might
be better. But it would be quite
strange as I will have done a different
test to every member of my family;
and it would be unfair on the last year
to do a linear test because it would be
different to the next year’s exam.
There may be issues about modules,
enabling far too many people to
achieve the top grades; a change in
examination style would not remove
the problem. There are plenty of intelligent people who struggle in exams, and modules are the best way to
help them get the grades they deserve.
Although both systems have pros and
cons, I think overall I prefer linear
exams. This was how I took my
GCSE’s and I really benefited from
having designated time at the end of
the course to concentrate on the exams and I could focus on learning for
the rest of the time.
If we keep the current system, students can re-sit exams. But, exam
modules can sometimes dominate the
learning of students. Exams are also
expensive for schools given the various exams that occur over the academic year. A factor to consider may
be exams in the core subjects only.
Editorial by Rebecca Rowntree and Isaac Taschimowitz
Interviews by Katie Caddell, Beth Hooper, Megan Pinn, Isaac Taschimowitz, and Sarah Tsoi, The Kings and Queens News Team
There are advantages and disadvantages to both linear and modular
forms. On balance, I think the linear
system will provide teachers with
more opportunities to teach students
in even more interesting and creative
ways without the looming deadline
of the next modular exam.
However, we will ensure at Kings
that all students are fully conversant
with Exam Boards’ expectations and
are confident and proficient in techniques to tackle terminal exams,
through completing regular internal
examinations and assessments.
Bands Join Forces to Raise Charity Funds for Street Children
Two local bands recently got together to put on a
charity concert as Weston Rugby Club. The gig
was attended by over 100 people, and raised over
£650 which has been donated to Future Hope
(a charity for street children in Kolkata India).
The bands were 'The Ketones' (formed from NHS
staff who work at Weston Area Health Trust and with
the Ambulance Service) and 'Think It Was June' (a
student band formed from our students).
The promoter for the evening was a Consultant at
Weston General Hospital Dr Andrew Newton who
has been raising funds for Future Hope for the last
two years and regularly travels to India to help the
charity with 'health promotion' activities.
Commenting on the evening Dr Newton said "A
great evening was had by all (despite the monsoon-like conditions
I would like to thank
both bands for putting
on such a high quality
and enjoyable evening of
musical entertainment.
More details about the
charity are available on
their website
'Think It Was June'
band members seen
here left to right:
Tom Newton,
Tim Lucas,
Tabby Paul,
Harry Davies
and Fraser Craig
Free School Meals
How do I qualify...?
Parents/carers who receive any of the following are entitled to free school meals:
 Income Support (IS)
 Employment Support Allowance (Income Related)
 Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA)
 Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit.
 Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
 Child Tax Credit without Working Tax Credit with an annual taxable income (as assessed by HMR&C) of less than £16,190
If you have recently become unemployed, but are still receiving working Tax credits, you may be entitled
to free school meals. Please call 0845 345 9122 for advice.
If you think you may be entitled to free school meals, please print off and complete the Free School Meals Application
Form available online at
and hand in at the Main Office. By Mrs C Brimble, Catering Manager
It’s more moments from
The only difficulty is choosing which moments to re-live -
our 2012 Charities Week!
so, here’s a few that captured the spirit of this unique week!
Special thanks to our budding photographers for their super snaps: Dudley Patience 13JR and Luke Cutter 13SR
Seasons greetings from the Academy Art Department!
This have been another eventful term with many amazing pieces of work being produced. Year 9 are experimenting with acrylic paints to develop and improve their paint techniques, Year 10 are busy lino printing,
Year 11 are in the final stages of completing their Controlled Assessment and the Sixth Form are working
hard to create resolved pieces.
Year 9 Christmas Card Competition
The annual Christmas card competition took place with lots of fantastic entries, but as we know, only one can
win. And this year’s winning entry was by Jasmine Virgo 9ZB, with Charlie Osborne 9AC coming second
and Dennis Weir 9NA third. Well done to Jasmine for your highly imaginative interpretation of ‘The Three
Kings’. The card looks wonderful in print!
1st— Jasmine Virgo
2nd - Charlie Osborne
Sixth Form Taster Day — November2012
3rd - Dennis Weir
Our Year 11’s had a taste of AS Level Art courses on offer in the Sixth
Form when they took part in workshops, looking at exemplar portfolios. All students were keen to discuss their future career ambitions
in the Creative Industries, and were eager to develop individual
styles and specialisms next year in Art, Photography or Textiles.
The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as students competed
in teams against the clock to produce the most creative work. Art
students attended a wire workshop to create 3D sculptures using the
artist Helaina Sharpley as their inspiration.
Textiles used
Project Catwalk
hosted by Kelly Osborne as their inspiration to show
that you could
creative out of
anything, in this
case bin bags!
This is a great website to browse outlining careers in the
Creative Industries.
In the Photography taster session students were given the
opportunity to create studio portraiture in groups and
individually, focusing on using reflectors and lighting
techniques. Some students also opted to take macro images
of different props. Student feedback revealed that they
enjoyed using the Department’s new camera equipment to
create interesting and dynamic shots.
Year 9 Open Evening—October 2012
During the evening, Year 8 parents and students had opportunity to talk with Rowan Griffith and Ellie Cahill from Year 9
as they worked in their sketchbooks on their drawing and
illustration project. Whilst Harriet Lucas and Iona Croskell
worked on their artist analysis creating samples for their
A Final Reminder!
If you have GCSE/AS or A2, Textiles, Photography or
artwork to collect from last year, please could you do so as
soon as possible. Our Art Technician is in from Monday to
Wednesday 9.00 am – 1.00pm or Thursday 9.00am – 12.00pm.
Unfortunately, anything left in our storage after 31 January
2013 will have to be disposed of as the incoming GCSE/AS/
A2 Level will need this facility.
Sixth Form Open Evening - October 2012
The Art Department had the opportunity to showcase some of their talented students’ work at the Sixth Form Open Evening earlier this term.
Year 11 students looking to move up to the Sixth Form next year had the
opportunity to look at work that was of particular interest to them to get
a taste of what the Academy could offer. Current Sixth Form students
also attended the evening to work on and show the projects that they
were undergoing.
A lino printing workshop was run by
Lorna, one of our
current Sixth Form
art students, to allow
both Year 11
students and parents
to get stuck in to the
process of print-making.
By Lorna Mortimer, The Kings and Queens News Team
V&A Hollywood Exhibition
On Saturday 1 December 2012 a group of Years 10 and
11 Textiles students visited the Victoria and Albert
Museum in London to see the Hollywood Costume
exhibition that has been receiving rave reviews.
The students found the exhibition really inspiring seeing
the costumes, the designs, the fabrics and embellishments everyone agreed they wanted to come straight
home and make something!
Dates for your Diary:
Year 11 GCSE Portfolio Deadline:
Year 11 GCSE Papers Handed out:
Year 11 GCSE Exam Week(s):
AS and A2 Level Portfolio Deadline:
AS andA2 Level Exam Paper Available:
AS Level Exam Week:
A2 Level Exam Weeks:
Report by Ms R Weaving, Subject Leader for Art
7 January 2013
14 January 2013
19 – 28 March 2013
4 February 2013
1 February 2013
22 - 26 April 2013
29 April – 17 May 2013
Historic Kip on a Ship Trip
Earlier this term 40 History Year 11 students visited London on this year’s Kip on a Ship trip. There were many activities for the young historians starting with the Imperial War Museum, as one group had navigated round the numerous historical artefacts, the others went to a Holocaust exhibition.
After a brief stop at the famous battleship HMS Belfast where they would be sleeping for the night — they braved a Jack
the Ripper tour, as their guide outlined the ghastly events on the streets of London.
They then
walked back to
HMS Belfast
and settled
down in the
bunks for the
On the last
morning the
students had a
tour of the
Houses of
standing in the
same place as
Pitt the
Disraeli or
even Winston
The students
said was a
“thrilling trip
and very
bringing to
life their
Who knows, it might inspire the next Richard J. Evans...?
By Isaac Taschimowitz, The Kings and Queens News Team
Remembrance Assemblies: Remembering the Fallen
This term, along with the whole country, students took part in assemblies to remember the world’s fallen. Led by History teacher Mr Targett
(seen here), who has been leading the memorial services for 25 years,
the sombre occasions gave students time to hear stories of those
affected by war and reflect upon how wars have taken many lives.
Alongside the assemblies students played songs on the piano, sang the
hymn “Abide with Me” and a wreath was presented in remembrance by
two students, so we may never forget those who gave their lives for our
It didn’t end there. Year assemblies of remembrance were also held,
with some led by students, thinking about how war not only affected the soldiers, but
the families of soldiers and in some cases, entire towns that have been affected by war.
War soldiers published this poem to illustrate life as a soldier:
“It’s a long road that has no turning,
It’s never too late to mend,
The darkest hour is before the dawn
And even this war must end.”
The soldier was never traced, but killed in action. His poems lives on to remind us of the past.
It helps us look back on the horror and say the one word on the memorial in the destroyed village of
Oradour-sur-Glane: Remember.
By Emma Treharne, The Kings and Queens News Team
STOP PRESS! Stop Press! Stop Press!
The Kings and Queens News Team Reporting Live!
On a wet Friday November evening, a group of excited Guides braved the
elements and went to wet Wedmore on a winter wonderland residential,
to complete their Baden-Powell Challenge Award.
The Baden-Powell Challenge Award was named in honour of the creator of
Guides and Scouts, Lord Baden-Powell, although only Guides can participate in
the tricky, but rewarding challenges and complete a series of fun activities.
When they are nearing the end of their award, they go on an exciting and motivating
Guide Camp, with other competitive Guides who are also participating in this fun challenge. Other
Guides came from all over soggy Somerset to join our Guides in this Guide Camp. It was an excellent way
to make friends with other Guides.
Over the course of the wet weekend, the girls went outside in the dismal weather to complete a challenging orienteering activity, with the promise of squash and cookies for the winning group. They also participated in various
creative activities, like making adorable festive penguins and wonderful shoebox winter scenes.
The girls braved the insistent and constant downpours of British weather, knowing that it will all go towards their
much sought-after Baden-Powell Award. Lucky they weren’t camping!
Good luck, girls! By Katie Caddell and Megan Pinn
Year 9 Geography Students Brave the Dorset Coast
On Monday 19 November 2012, 50 Year 9 Geography students faced the rainy weather on a trip to Lulworth Cove to
study its famous coastline.
Lulworth Cove is a pretty village with amazing views of the sea,
nestled between the cliffs, and first stop was the Heritage Centre,
a large building dedicated to the Jurassic coastline and the formation of the cove. It was very easy to understand and everybody
learned a lot, and enjoyed the break from the wind and rain as
they filled in their worksheets with facts about the cove.
The cove itself was very peaceful. The cliffs were chalky white
and all you could hear was the sound of the waves. This was a
photographic moment and everybody took the opportunity to
take some great shots, including of a few of damp students!
The afternoon began with a quick walk over the cliffs to see
the famous Durdle Door. It was much steeper, and much
higher, than first thought. It did not help that the group were
walking into the clouds with wind and rain battering them
from all directions.
This walk ended with a viewing of Durdle Door, the wellknown arch-shaped rock formation leading from the beach
to the water. A few brave students wanted to have a closer
look at Durdle Door, but were disappointed when they were
led down to the opposite beach because of dangerous conditions on the paths.
The weather certainly had its way and everyone got soaked.
But overall, everybody enjoyed the trip and would gladly go
on it again – but preferably, if it was sunny!
Business Students have Big Pitch Big Ideas
This term has been especially enterprising and innovative in the Business Studies Department.
Our 10 Big Pitch teams have been busy preparing for Christmas sales at various locations, and we have
a variety of enterprising initiatives this year ranging from lip balms and personalised T-shirts to an
array of delicious consumables.
One of the highlights so far was The Festive Cheddar Night. On the evening of Friday 7 December 2012,
the people of Cheddar all made their way up to the Gorge, where the annual night is held. Bright lights
lit up the magnificent hills, and stalls of different varieties made a profit from the tourists
and locals who eagerly await Festive Night every year.
Six of our teams had
stalls selling their
wares in three
locations. Treats’n’
More were located in
the Rotary Gardens alongside Sweet Things
and A Little Treat, all selling delicious cakes,
biscuits and shortbreads. Outside Lanes were
Dragon Fly selling homemade bath salts and
Little Makers who sold a selection of gift
wrapped, hand-made chocolates, perfect for a
special treat or gift. All teams sold well and
enjoyed the experience. In the library Ultra
Violet had their hand-knitted scarves on
display, marketing their products for future
sales events.
Over at East
Huntspill our Don’t Get Lippy team were
busy selling their luxury lip balms and
scrubs at a pamper evening. Their gift
packs were flying off the stall as the ladies
bought stocking fillers and
special treats for friends and family.
By Katie Caddell, Chloe Wilson,
The Kings and Queens News Team and
Mrs J Wilson, Subject Leader for
Business Studies
Now from our Arts’
A Review of “The Lion King” at Bristol Hippodrome By Phoebe Lynch
“The Lion King” is set in Africa’s Serengeti and is based on Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet”, and tells the story of
Simba, prince of Pride Rock and his journey through life. The Lion King is a very well known story. First released
as a film in 1994 it became a musical in 1998 – and has had to live up to the standards of the film.
As it so happens, for me, “The Lion King” the musical
far exceeded the film. Julie Taymor created the beautiful costumes with special African influences, Lebo M
helped compose lyrics, along with Elton John, which
made the African feel come alive and the set design
was so imaginative and clever that you could really
feel you were in Africa.
When asked, most people would say that their favourite song was Hakuna Matata. The characters of
Timon and Pumbaa were brought fully to life, creating their unique and humorous personalities on
stage. The set was ingeniously thought out, with plants coming out
from the sides of the stage and the adult Simba swinging in on a rope. The music was full of joy and the energy
in the performance was outstanding.
Another highlight of “The Lion King” is the props and costumes. These costumes all have their own little stories,
for example, all the masks look like wood, like a traditional African mask, but are actually made from carbon
graphite so they weigh less. The costume creators worked hard. Each bead on Nala’s corset were hand sewn and
the fabrics were all African designs.
A character that captured the audience was Zazu, Mufasa’s majordomo. The actor’s facial expressions and voice
portrayed the annoying bird perfectly. The puppet that he held was cleverly designed so that the actor could hold
it as well as perch of the top of his hat.
If there had to be something to change on “The Lion King” , I would say it needed more recognition for the band
who played all the music with such emotion that it made people cry.
“The Lion King” is one of those shows that is a must see for all musical fans and those who are interested in costume and set design to inspire them for their own theatrical futures!
“The Woman in Black” – by Chloë Wilson
The city of Bath is overflowing for the festive season; lights brighten
the streets and shop windows are decked to perfection. However, the
reason for some people coming here is not to enjoy the spirit of
Christmas, but to witness a bloodcurdling adaptation of one of the
scariest ghost stories of the 20th Century. Having been made into a
film earlier in the year, “The Woman in Black” is a well-known bone
-chilling tale set in the 1800’s. One woman mutters to her daughter
that the scariest film she ever saw was Monsters Inc. which of
course is a petrifying motion picture.
The performance takes a while to kick in, but without paying attention to the beginning, one would be lost with the central plot. The
play consists of two characters throughout, Arthur Kipps and the actor.
Arthur Kipps goes to the actor for guidance on how to make a script he’s written more convincing. Although
the actor is keen to make the speech admirable to the audience, Arthur refuses to let his writing turn into a
pantomime and states he just wishes to make the truth plain to his family, as this script is a personal account of his. With an eerie tone, he says that when the truth is said, the nightmare will finally be over.
After many unsuccessful rehearsals, the actor decides he will play Arthur Kipps in the story and Arthur
Kipps himself is to play the other characters. The inside play begins. Arthur (played by the actor) a successful
solicitor, is sent to represent his law firm at the funeral of Alice Drablow, a recently diseased widow. He is
also told to clear out the papers and clarify the will of the late woman. Alice was said to of resided in Eel
Marsh House.
On his train journey to Eel Marsh, he comes into the presence of Sam, a citizen of the nearby town. As soon
as the sprightly Arthur Kipps mentions what he comes to Eel Marsh House for, Sam’s character turns cold
and he has a fearful look in his eye. Arthur, thinking nothing of Sam’s change in persona, stays the night at a
local inn. The present Arthur Kipps tells the audience that he had left behind a fiancé, Stella, who he hoped
to be back to by the weekend.
The next morning, Arthur attends the funeral with the neighbourly lawyer, although strange sightings come
into view. At the back of the stalls, a black, hooded figure travels down past the audience and makes its way
onto the stage, not revealing its face.
Arthur notes this cloaked stranger and can’t help but glance at it once or twice. Once the funeral is through,
Arthur questions who the being was, giving a detailed description of its appearance. The lawyer collapses and
shouts to him he saw no figure, no one else was at the funeral. Later that day, Arthur is sent to the house to
find the papers. It was at that part that the audience got a proper view of the woman. Arthur tells himself it
was all in his mind, a figment of the imagination, but it is clear that this is where the trouble starts.
Every day, Arthur visits, discovering more and more about Alice Drablow. He finds a collection of records
stating that Alice had a sister, Jennet. Out of wedlock, Jennet had a child that she was forced to give up for
adoption to her sister and her husband. Jennet wrote to Alice to take care of him and love him dearly. Later,
Arthur discovers the death certificate of the boy that was Jennet’s stating he drowned in the surrounding
marshes of the house. Jennet wrote that she was furious and would never forgive her sister. Jennet died later
that year. Arthur begins to hear ghosts out on the marshes and sights the woman once again. After being
shaken by his sightings, Arthur has a premonition late that night. In the background, the woman is seen
slowly ascending the staircase. At the top she lets out a spine- chilling scream, turning to face the audience...
Arthur then narrates the rest of the inside play, speaking of how he later married his fiancé and they had a
son together. One summer’s day Stella and his child take a horse and cart ride around the village. Arthur’s
tone is cheery, until he uses the line ‘Then suddenly, I saw her’. Out from behind the curtain, a pale, demonic
faced woman is unveiled, the audience gasp. Arthur continues in how the cart was pulled to a holt, his son
thrown violently against a tree, killing him in an instant. Stella died ten months later due to her injuries. At
this point, the inside play ends.
The present Arthur Kipps congratulates the actor, saying it was like watching himself. The actor laughs and
asks him who the actress was. The one that played a woman, cloaked in
black, shifting throughout the scenes. Arthur stares at him coldly and
says he saw no woman, there was no actress. The lights dim on the actor
and a single scream is heard. The play is finished. As the audience exit
the theatre, many are shocked at what they have just witnessed. I would
recommend this production to anyone with nerves of steel - unless
they want to be jumping out of their seat.
Calling all writers and photographers...!
‘Platform Magazine’
‘Platform Magazine’ is an arts magazine run by Kings’ Sixth Form
students and is to be published after Christmas with art, photography and
writing from our talented students from all year groups. English Enrichment Leader Mr Sinclair is leading the new team who hope to capture a
new lease of life into a magazine that was a great success at Kings in
latter years (see here a past cover).
Any submissions of poetry, prose, photographs, or artwork are welcome
and the theme for this re-launch issue is “Character and Voice” - so all
submissions must be related to this subject in some way. Copies will go on sale after
the first issue is released and for more information see Mr Sinclair in E6.
By Lorna Mortimer, The Kings and Queens News Team
Learning Resource Centre Update
I will be running the UK Chess Challenge in the Spring Term and all students
who play chess are invited to join in. The local heat will be run in the LRC, and
the winners will be invited to participate in the next heat (at a venue to be
confirmed). Look out for further details next term. Mr Richardson will be donating a prize for the winner of our Kings heat.
Board games continue to be popular at lunchtime, with Jenga, Guess Who and
Chess as the favourites, closely followed by Hungry Frog, Scrabble, and
We have a good selection of films to borrow on DVD. Come and browse our stand and see if there is something
you would like to watch. If you have some films at home that you no longer want, please think about donating
them to the LRC.
We now sell all your stationery needs: paper, folders, pens, memory sticks, plastic wallets, calculators, protractors;
everything you need to help you through your academy day.
Our new reading scheme Accelerated Reader launched in September encourages students to read, answer a quiz,
and gain points. Every student on the scheme has a goal and will be rewarded when they reach that goal. Several
students have already gained rewards for their reading. More of our books have been labelled, ready for reading.
If you have too many books at home, and need to make some space for new ones, please think of us before throwing them away. I am looking for books for our new reading scheme, but all donations will be gratefully received.
Box Tops for Books – we are still collecting the tokens from the tops of Nestle cereals. Please drop them into the
LRC. Thank you to those who do drop them off, we are collecting a nice amount again this year.
Our display window has some of the new books in it, if you’d like to read any, come and ask me.
By Mrs B Knutson, LRC Manager
Kings and Queens Sports’ Scores
A snapshot by Mr C Bennett, Subject Leader for P.E. and House Activities:
It has been a busy, but weather-affected Autumn Term for our boys and girls’ teams. But it is pleasing to report that
they have seen a number of successes on the sports fields representing Kings in Rugby, Football, Hockey and Netball.
The Years 9, 10 and 11 Rugby Teams have competed in the Mendip League and Year 9 have reached the semi final
stages of the County Cup competition. Years 10 and 11 missed out after narrow losses to local rivals The Blue School,
with a number of our students from this Team selected to represent the Mendip and Sedgemoor District in the County
Super 6 Competition. Well done boys. The rugby season draws to a close with our annual trip to Millfield School and
the Year 10’s came away with a rare victory.
Congratulations to the Years 9 and 10 girls’ hockey players who are still competing for the County Cup competition
and who will play their final rounds after Christmas. We wish them luck. Rain has delayed some house activities this
term, but the Girls’ Junior and Senior Hockey and the Junior Boys’ Rugby was successfully completed. After Christmas our teams prepare to start the football season and our cross country runners will compete at the area championships at Millfield for a place on the County Team. Some Country Football has been played this half term and Year 11’s
were involved in an epic rematch with Clevedon School. Having lost heavily last year in the first round the boys were
expecting a tough match (which they got) - but the final score was 2 – 2. No score after extra time meant penalties, so
unfortunately we lost 2 – 4. But this was a huge improvement from last season. The Years 9 and 10’s have first round
cup matches against Chew Valley and Priory Schools after Christmas and we wish them all the best in these fixtures.
Year 9 Rugby: What a tremendous start for the Year 9 Rugby Squad. They have recorded resounding victories against Frome College, Crispin, St Dunstan's and Millfield Schools so far this season. As a result of their
unbeaten form they now find themselves in the Semi Final of the County Cup having won their group.
The squad have gelled together really well and the atmosphere and intensity has been excellent at training.
Although, unfortunately, some fixtures were cancelled by opposing team.
The date for the Semi Final has now been set for the New Year on Tuesday 15 January 2013 and will be at
home to Buckler’s Mead from Yeovil. It would be great to see plenty of support at this important game and cheer
the team on to a possible place in the final. By Mr T Clark
U15 Hockey: It is wonderful to report that the Team continue their undefeated run since joining Kings in
Year 9 this year. We are currently in the county tournament and have again, won all games to date. Our next
game is against King Alfred School and then Haygrove School. The finals are set to take place in January—so if
we keep out current trend up we should get there. Well done to all who played. By Mrs T Tibbs
Our Sporting Heroes:
Do email Jude Owens the Kings’ Messenger Editor if you have any exciting
sports stories: [email protected]
Following the hockey trials on
4 November 2012,
Joe Morris 10SA and
Otis Bath 10KD (seen here)
have been selected to play for the
Somerset Hockey U15 Boys’
This is a
achievement and
we wish both
Otis and Joe
every continued
Running star, Tom Newton 12REW (pictured here at
a past event) came 51st out of all comers in the 10K Weston
Athletics Club Christmas cracker race of which there were 1600
finishers and 2000 entrants.
Congratulations to Tom for his impressive
time of 40.45 minutes (albeit not quite his
fastest 10 K of the year, but as it was on
wet sand with a crosswind of 20 knots it
was a phenomenal achievement).
To date for his young running years, Tom
has clocked up a staggering four 10 K
races and five half marathons. We hope
that Tom continues to enjoy and excel in his running success!
Trampoline Opportunity!
In response to the Government initiative to encourage and
maintain young people into sport the High Flyer's Trampoline
Club are offering Kings’ students trampoline lessons after school
on Wednesdays at a very reduced rate.
This could be of interest to maintain fitness, and also encourage
anyone seeking some experience in competitive sport by either
entering competitions or training as Assistant Coaches. As well
as the important focus of having fun whilst enjoying sport.
Sessions will run after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays at
4:00—5.00pm at a special reduced cost of £3 per student (normal club price is
£5.50) - for a minimum of five or more students in each session. Students can attend a maximum of two sessions per week, and will undertake skill learning, independent jumping and a short fitness training section at the end.
There will be a further opportunity for participants to join in small competitions or
assistant coaching (training and the opportunity to gain qualifications from the age
of 16).
To find out can contact Sue Bramble, International Performance Coach,
High Flyer's Trampoline Club—phone either - 01934 621431 or mobile 0770 103 5117
Or ask Mr Bennett, Subject Leader for P.E. and House Activities here at Kings
And Time for Some
IT News for Parents
New Parents’ Evening Booking System:
We have introduced a new Parents’ Evening Booking system which
will enable you to make appointments online. You will be sent details
of a link to the web page via a letter before each Parent’s Evening,
which is also available via the academy website.
From this page you will be able to create a login using your details and your email address...Once you have logged in, you will
see displayed the name of your child’s teachers and you can book an appointment for that evening with each teacher at a time
that suits you. Once you have booked an appointment, you will receive an email confirming the appointment. If you wish to
amend your appointment, click on the link contained in the confirmation email, using the same login details as before.
This new system will be a more efficient booking system and will allow you greater control over your appointment times.
We very much hope that you will find this new system helpful, so do look out for the letter explaining how to create your
login details, which you will receive in the weeks prior to the Parents’ Evening.
E-safety Awareness:
The Internet and other digital and information technologies are powerful tools, which
open up new opportunities for everyone. Electronic communication helps teachers and students learn from each other, and
these technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and increase awareness of context to promote effective learning. Students with Internet access are more confident and have been shown to produce better-researched, more effective and
well presented projects. Used effectively these exciting and innovative tools can raise educational standards and promote
student achievement.
However...the use of these new technologies can put our young people at risk both in and outside school-time.
As with all other risks, it is impossible to eliminate these risks completely. It is therefore essential, through good educational
provision to build students’ resilience to the risks to which they may be exposed, so that they have the confidence and skills
to face and deal with these risks. At Kings we provided the necessary safeguards to help ensure that everything that could
reasonably be expected of us to manage and reduce these risks is being done.
The following links are an invaluable source of advice and guidance for you as parents and carers and our students.
Although much of the information, advice and guidance is similar on each site the presentations are different.
We would encourage you to investigate each of the sites with your child and follow the links
for both parents and young people.
SWGfL has pioneered work in the field of Internet safety since 2003 with huge success. The organisation and its partners
work tirelessly to ensure that not only children across the South West are safer whilst online, but also their parents and those
working with them, wherever they are.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP):
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre is dedicated to eradicating the sexual abuse of children. That
means they are part of UK policing and very much about tracking and bringing offenders to account either directly or in partnership with local and international forces.
Enter to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s
not and what you can do about it. If you look after young people there’s an area for you too – with resources you can use in
the classroom, at home or just to get with it. Most importantly, there’s also a place which anyone can use to report if they feel
uncomfortable or worried about someone they are chatting to online. All information is brought to you by the team at the
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre.
Childnet International’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the Internet a great
and safe place for children.
The Insafe network provides a range of information, awareness-raising tools and educational resources on issues relating to
online safety for parents and teachers, and children and young people.
By Mr N Blunsum, Assistant Headteacher

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