If you smell ammonia in your horse or pet environment… you have


If you smell ammonia in your horse or pet environment… you have
Ammonia is a serious threat to a horse’s respiratory airways. It weakens
and limits airway defense mechanisms that are meant to protect the lungs,
and ultimately limits their ability to function properly. Ammonia directly
contributes to a variety of respiratory diseases, such as, Heaves, RAO, IAD,
and COPD.
If you smell ammonia in your
horse or pet environment…
you have more than an
odor problem…
you have a health problem.
Sweet PDZ ® is non-toxic and non-hazardous. From the time
Sweet PDZ® is applied until it is disposed of on a garden, field or
compost pile, it is safe to handle. Moreover, it will not crack hoofs nor burn
Relative Ammonia Removal
(on a scale of 1 to 10)
Relative pH
Waste Disposal
Recycle Sweet PDZ ® after use by applying the bedding that
contains Sweet PDZ® to gardens, pastures or compost. It serves as
a slow release nitrogen/potassium fertilizer. This process also enhances the
composting process.
Sweet PDZ ® removes ammonia from the air by
adsorption, a process in which the ammonia molecule sticks to the
granules. Additionally, the ammonium in the urine is trapped within the molecules
of Sweet PDZ® by an exchange of ions and thus, held harmless by an
ionic bond. The result is a fresh and healthy stall environment.
Sweet PDZ® is unscented. Some other products add masking
agents which try to cover up odors with a scent of their own. They don’t address
the problem, they hide it!
Sweet PDZ® dries as it deodorizes. See how the moisture
is absorbed as the Sweet PDZ® is applied and how the effectiveness remains even when the granules have reached their moisture retention capacity.
Sweet PDZ® is more effective than lime. Hydrated
Lime is caustic, dusty and irritating. It dries and cracks hoofs and burns tender
foot pads. Barn Lime has very little effect in even covering up the odor, much less
absorbing it. You will only need about one-third as much Sweet PDZ® as
hydrated lime and even less Sweet PDZ® relative to barn lime.
The Bottom Line – Sweet PDZ® is an economical treatment
for your odor problems that extends bedding life, reduces fly population and
eases clean up. The result is a healthier, cleaner environment for your horses
with less labor, at a lower cost.
Steelhead Specialty Minerals
1212 N. Washington, Suite 132
Spokane, Washington 99201-2401
(509) 328-5685 • (800) 367-1534
* Ref. - Thurman, J.G., Davis, L.E.
Scoggins, R.D., and Tranquilli,
W.J.: Experimental studies on the
epidemiology, etiology & treatment
of “foal pneumonia.” Annual Report
of Research to the Illinois Dept. of
Agriculture, pp. 1-4, 1985-86.
Sweet PDZ Odor Control serves to eliminate
urine and defecation odors as well as ”doggie
odors.” Great for treating covered or exposed
dog runs. Scatter the granules in a light but
visible coverage over the area of habitual urination or defecation. Treat area
frequently or as needed for complete odor control. For “doggie odors” place
under the dog’s bedding or in pillow.
Use Sweet PDZ Odor Control in combination
with kitty litter for complete odor protection. For
best results, scatter 1/4 to 1/2 cup over litter every
few days or as needed. You may also wish to cover
the bottom of your litter box with Sweet PDZ Odor Control when you
replace your litter.
Rabbits, Guinea Pigs,
Gerbils, Mice, & Rats
Horses of each breed and animals of every species show a surprising
range of ammonia production due to differences in activity and eliminative
behavior. The quantity of Sweet PDZ ® to be used, therefore, will
depend upon specific conditions.
A guideline for a standard 12'x12' horse stall is to simply sprinkle 5-6 cups
on the surface of the stall area, with heaviest treatment where urination is
concentrated. Then, as part of daily stall maintenance, remove saturated bedding material as usual. Sprinkle wet spots with a sufficient amount (generally
1-3 cups) of Sweet PDZ®, and move dry bedding from along walls to
center of stall.
Because of their urination habits, some horses, llamas and alpacas, as well
as some other animals, can be discouraged from using a given area and to
change locations with the use of Sweet PDZ ®. To do so, remove
dung and dig up saturated area to spade depth, mix Sweet PDZ®
in ratio of 1 part Sweet PDZ® to 3 parts dirt. Repack the area and
lightly sprinkle Sweet PDZ® over slightly greater area than spaded.
Lightly cover the bottom of cage with Sweet PDZ
Odor Control before placing bedding. For use with
catch pans, place a proportionately greater amount of the granules where pets are
known to urinate. Treat area frequently or as needed
for complete odor control.
Snakes, Lizards,
Iguanas & Turtles
Place a small pile of Sweet PDZ Odor
Control in the corners of the animal’s
cage. Do not scatter the granules about habitat as the drying
quality may be uncomfortable to reptiles and amphibians.
Treat area frequently or as needed for complete
odor control.
Caged & Housed Birds
For caged birds, such as canaries or parrots,
sprinkle Sweet PDZ Odor Control lightly
in cage bottom; placing the granules primarily under roosting area. Treat area frequently or
as needed for complete odor control.
Musty, Damp
& Mildew Odors
For persistent dampness in large untraveled
areas such as crawl spaces, place Sweet PDZ Odor
Control at the approximate rate of 5 lbs. per 100 square feet. The granules
will continue to absorb moisture and odors as long as dampness persists.
For comprehensive and ongoing odor control, apply additional Sweet PDZ
Pet Mistakes
Sweet PDZ Odor Control works very
well for drying out and eliminating odors
caused by pet “mistakes,” regardless of the area being wet,
dry, new or old. The granules will work safely on all types of carpet, flooring,
furnishings and fabrics. Just cover the area with a light but visible amount
and it will begin to work immediately. Vacuum up after odor is eliminated.
Depending on the extent of the wetness, an additional treatment may be
necessary and/or you may want to keep the area of treatment covered with
Sweet PDZ for a longer period of time.
Outhouse odors can be controlled in the same manner as
animal odors. Use Sweet PDZ Odor Control in place of
hydrated lime. Sweet PDZ is not a bactericide, but has three
times the odor control capacity than that of hydrated lime.
Treat area frequently or as needed.
Disposal As Fertilizer
Because Sweet PDZ Odor Control is 100% natural, bedding and litter material containing these granules can be used as
mulch in planting areas or composted. Nitrogen from the absorbed
ammonia will be gradually released into the soil as fertilizer.
This process also enhances the composting process.