Pamphlet for Pennsylvania Dutch Country


Pamphlet for Pennsylvania Dutch Country
A l l e n t o w n
1, Sloop Inn - Loontfici @ 327 SUir RH., Allentown. Our hotel offers 62
b e n i i t i r i i l r o u n d s u t n i l o f Tu r d n b l c p r i c e , c o w p l e t o w i t h s C o m p l i m e n t a r y
coittinptitiil brrtikfAst. Eaay ncraaa to Rt. 1-78 & Rt. 100. Call; 610*295<6603.
2, DayK Inn & Conference CfinUir - Located @Rt. 22 St 309, 1151 Buililog
D r. , A l l e n t o w n . C o n v e n i r n t l o r a t i o n t o a l l a t t r a c t i o n s a n d s i t e s .
Complimentary continei^tal breakfast, fxill service restaurant, lounge, out'
door Olympic size pool & IO,COO Si|. feet of meetixxg space. Excellent group
rntfs nvnilablc. 610-395.3731.
B e m v i l l e
3, Koslnr's (Jhriatmnv Villaso - Greatest Christniaa <luiplay in USA. Only
open Tti|;htJi Nov. tiirxi Dec. Call for opening ni^litaniKl A<lmission rates.
( n 0 - 4 8 H 1 1 1 0
6 , Tr a l n < ^ r * 8 M i i l w a y F a m i l y R e s t a u r a n t • 0 | > e n 2 4 h r s F n m i l y r e s t a u '
rnnt est. 1D50 located 'midway' between Bethel St Strausstown. Steaks,
chojM, seafood, sandwicbes. <laily si>r€iaU. Seniors 4b childrens mentis.
Rnnq\iot faciJities for 250. Comfort Inn next door l-78« Exit 5. 717'933^402.
B e t h l e h e m
Hnmpton Inn & Suites • Located ® U.S. Route 22 & 612, BetiUehem.
M i m i t o s f r o m h i s t o r i c d o w n t o w n B e t l d e h e m , B a s t o n & A l l e n t o w n , PA .
0<iiM)>Uinontary continental breakfast. Tbil free reservations: 1'688'22AT512
PA .
Complhuentary continental breakfast. Ibll free reservations; 1'888^22AT612
26. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary . World renowned as an observation point
for the autumn migration of birds of prey. Trails offer spectacular vistas of the
Appalachians. N^sitor Center open 9 a.m. to G p.m. daily. No pets, radios, alco.
hoi permitted. Located 9 miles nortli ori-78 take exit 9B Rt. 61 norUt to Rt.
143 North from 1-76, 4 tniles, turn led onto Hawk Mt. Kd and follow signs.
O p e n M o n . 1 2 . 7 ; 7 \ i e s . . F r i . 9 . 5 ; S a t 0 - 1 ; C l o s e d S u n d a y. 6 1 0 - 7 5 6 . 6 1 2 4
K i r u m s v i l l e
28« Dietrich's Meats A Country Store - I*78» Exit 12, Krumsville. Ibp
8e Clover IlitI Vineyards & Winery - State of the art winery produHng
45.000 gullotu of prominin wini's, features daily complimentary tastings.
M o n - S a t 11 * 5 . I b u r s S a t & S u n , J u n e t h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r C a l l f o r h o u r s .
1 888'CLOVERJnLL. 9860 Newtown Rd., Breinigsvillo.
48. Leaher'a Appltancea, Inc. - 71 Pemi St. Quality appliances and prompt,
c o u r t e o u s s e r v i c e . O v e r G O y e a r s a t t h e s a m e l o c a t i o n . D a i l y M o n d a y.
Thursday, 8-6. Friday 8-8. Saturday 8*12. 610.562-8577.
4 9 . L e n h a r t s v i l l e G a r a g e - S u n o c o G a s , G e n e r a l A u t o R e p a i r s * Ti r e s ,
Batteries, etc. 610*562.2901.
50. The Country Cupboard - Groceries, homemade soups, sandwichcs,
b a k e d g o o d s . O l d . t i m e g e n e r a l s t o r e . 7 1 P e n n S t . , E x i t 11 o f f 1 - 7 8 .
6 I 0 . 6 6 2 - S 8 4 4 .
61. Deitach Eck Reataurant . Intersection of Routes 143 and Old 22; t.7B,
Exit 11. PA Dutch rooking, homemade bread nnd iiles. Family style dinners
w i t h r e s e r v a t i o n s . D i t i i n g r o o m w i t h o r i g i n a l PA D u t c h a r t w o r k . C r a f t a n d
gift shop. 610*562*8520.
62. Sky view Country Ilestnurant - Easy access from 1-78 at Exit 12. PA Dutch
and (jreek cooking. All deserts and speaals homemade on premises. Open daily 5
a.m. • 9 p.m. 7 days a week Stop on io for some home cooking! 610-7SC-S877.
Ding table wii\es aud champagne. Located on Old Route 22, 0.8 miWs east of
56. Appalachian Campaitea - 300 wooded or open sites, i>ool, stocked
fi s h i n g p o n d , c a b i n r e n t n l e , t r a i l e r S t t e p e e r e n t a l s , 2 0 - 5 0 a m p s e r v i c e ,
overnight or seasonal. Easy access - only 1/4 mile off Exit 6, 1.76.
Krumsville. Hours: Saturday 10^5. Sunday 12-5 or by appt. l^urs by request.
K u t z t o w n
31. Old Dutch Mill Campground - Open all year, easy access to Reading
O u t l e t s & D o m e y P a r k , A l l e n t o w n 11 2 9 S a u c o n y R o a d , K u t z t o w n , PA
32. Crystal Cavo . Near Kutztown. Pennsylvania's oldest operating cave.
Cave toxirft, tnini Holf, Dutch food, ice cream parlor, museum, souvenir shop.
Open March 1 through November 30.610.683*6765 www rrv«tali-nv»»n mm
33. Campus Motor Inn . AAA rated, complimentary continental breakfast,
re^rbisherl rooms, cable TV, pool, phones, king size beds, waterbed, whirlpool
and non'Biuoking rooms available. Luxury at budget rates. Tltree blocks
w e s t o f K u t z t o w n . Ta k e K u t z t o w n E x i t o f f R t . 2 2 2 . 6 1 0 . 6 8 3 * 8 7 2 1 .
F l e e t w o o d
6 1 0 - 6 8 3 . 3 9 5 9 .
47* Robin Hill Camping Resort - Modem facilities, pool, full hook-ups,
FREE CABLE, cabins, cottages, large shaded sites, and fishing. Just min.
tites from Domey Park axi<l the Reading Shopping Outlets? Exit 11 or 12 off
quality fresh & smoked xneats« old fashioned hickory smoked hams, bacons &
l»lognas. Free samples. Open 7 days. 610'75C-6344.
29« Pine Hill Campground - Large mamcured sites w/full hook-ups. 3CV50
amp service, cable TV. 90 Pull-Tliurs. Cabii^s. Large hall - perfect for rallies.
Easy access to 1«78. Minutes to Domey Park and Outlets. 610-285*6776.
30« Pinnacle Ridge Winery - Complimentary toAtings of our award win^
6 1 0 - 7 5 6 . 4 4 8 1 .
7» Holiday Inn Bethlehem • Located ^ U.S. Houte 22 St 612, Bethlehem.
26. Hawk Mountoln Bed & Breakfast . Lodging and dining witli A.C.,
pool, private batlis, lireplace, Jacuzzis. Minutes from 1-78. 221 Stony Run
Valley Road, Kempton. Phone for directions an<] information 610-756-4224.
Jim Gaffney, owner.
H n n d . w o v o n b a s k e t s n n d w o v e n s e n t fi i r n i t v i r e f o r s a l e . C l n s s e s a v a i l a b l e . R t .
4s lUiihr] Comfort Inn « Midway - Next to lVnincr*« Midwny Fcinuly
Rmtiiiirnnl, 72 rooma. UniKUcApped rooim, Jacukii suites, eorporAt« roomily indoor pool, oxt^rriMi* ronm» meeting room» nfnior imt#s. Brand
n e w. C e n t r a l t o m a n y s s n n l l t o w n s . U t i l i x i n g g e o t l ^ e n n A t h e a t & A / C .
6 1 0 - 7 5 6 . G 4 C 9 .
27. The Country Seat, Inc, . Bnsknt ntnking & chnir sealing supplies.
2 4 . Wa n a m a k e r, K e m p t o n & S o u t h e r n , I n c . - E n j o y a 6 m i l a / 4 0 m i n u t e
r o u n d . t r i p s c e n i c s t e a m t r a i n r i d e t h r o u g h fi e l d S c f o r e s t a l o n g t h e
O n t e l a u n e e C r e e k . W e e k e n d s : M a y - O c t o b e r, C a l l o r w r i t e f o r c o m p l e t e
schedule. Wanatnaker, Kempton St Southern, Inc., P.O. Box 24, Kempton, PA
Premier Hotel. Home of "Kansas City Staakltouse.** Luxtirious^ yet affordable
104 guestrooms suitas. FHCB Hot Breakfast Buffet.
54. Comfort Inn - 2200 Stacy Drive (5th St. Hwy) Readings PA 610-371-0600
S h a r t l e s v i l l e
5 6 . P e n n s y l v a n i a D u t c h C a m p s i t e S t RV S a l e s . M o d e m f a c i l i t i e s . P o o l .
Utiique playground. Planned activities. Seasonal sites. Centrally located to
major tourist attractions. Exit 8, Shartlesville, just off Rt. 22 St 1-78. Follow
signs. 610.488.6266. Reservations 800-228-02^.
67. Roadside America - Indoor tniniature village. 8,000 s<r ft. display -
Open daily 10:00 AM . 5:00 PM, weekends 10:00 AM • 6:00 PM Exit 8 Shartlesville oiT 1.78. Phone 610-488*6241.
68. Ilaag'a Hotel - Center of.Shnrtlesville. Serving breakfast, lunch and din.
ner daily, 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (close Christmas only). Famous PA Dutch
f a t n i l y s t y l e d i n n e r s . N o w o ff e r i n g a f u l l c a l e r i t i g s e r v i c e , b o t h o n S t o ff
p r e m i s e . B a n q u e t fa c i l i ty & o u t< l o o r p a v i l i o n a v a i l a b l e - S e a ti n g fo r 3 0 0 ^
t)s Anticfue Complex of Fleetwood ♦ Located d 14120 K\itstown Rd. on Rt.
222. 2 trenten<lous bams loaded with antiques, collectibles & ftimiture. Also
a inulti ^dealer co-op, 12 independent shops, weekly antique St flea ntarket.
3 4 . K u t z t o w n F e s t i v a l - PA D u t c h F o l k J i f e F e s t i v a l a n d c e l e b r a t i o n J i n i e
Complex II « Tliur. < Sun. 10 '0 Call 044-0601. Open year round - call for
calendar of events, brochuri* or extravasonsa reservations. RD 2« Box 2550,
Kleclwootl, PA 19522. wwwnnti«iii>comiih>ic com E-mail: rjarnk^
3 5 . K u t z t o w n A r t C S l a a a G a l l e r y - L o c a t e d i n a n u i g n i fi c e n t V i c t o r i a n
mansion 9 230 Noble St. Coll: 6I0-663-S714, Antique St Contem|>orary
stained glass & Art Glass, gifla from small to liigh.end works of art.
36. Kutstown Area Chamber of Commerce - P.O. Box 209, 610<683.8860.
Serving Biisiness nn<l the comxniH)ities of Northeastern Berks County.
non-sntoking rooms, Disc/MC/Vlaa/Amex. P.O. Box 26 Motel C^., Sluirtlesville
Y>WV|| iliitrhmntel mm
Over 30,000 ^ fl. Complex I ■ Sat 4^ Sxm. 10-6. Wkdays Call 610-044.0707,
10, Cilnal>eni Inn - Wliirlpool and Hreplace roonu nestled in a lOtli century
n^stored fanuly farm. Room's feature private batlui, TV's witli VCR's. Fine
dining un<ler our barn's timbered ceiling. 010-285*4723.
U, Holiday Inn Conference Center - **Celebrate America' at our award
winning Holiday Inn. Conveniendy located off Rt. 222 or 1-78, youll er\joy
America Restaurant, The Thp Room, Outdoor pool. Fitness Center, Game
Room, and best of all, KIDS aSTAY & EAT FREE1 Glo aOM 000/888 452-6064.
H a m b u r g
12. Burkey & Drlscoll Furniture Store and Kuncral Home
38-40 S. 4th St., Hamburg. A \inj<|ue faaiily buainesj started in 1852. Five
floors of (luality furnittire, carix-ting and bedding. Houra - Mon.-Wed. 8:30 am
till G.UO pin, Tliur. & Fri. 8:30 atn till 8:30 pm. Sat. 0:30 am till 4:3Q pu).
G 1 0 - 5 G 2 . 2 9 G 5 .
13. Hio Wnsty Bar
562-9303. Serving
American > Italian,
Micinicbt. Sat.-Sun.:
& Grill - 279 W. State St., Hamburg. 610 562.3777 or
h u i r h & c l i n x i e r Tu e s . - S u n . f r o m 11 : 0 0 a m f u l l m e n u .
Beer, Wine, & full liquor. Bar Open; Sun.-Thur.; Until
Until 2:00 mix. Mac, Visa, Discover or Nl/C accepted.
Mercliandiser and East Penn Valley Merciiandiser. See us for all your printnig needs. 610-502.2267.
IG. Albright Insurance Agency - Insurance for business, farm, home aitd
16. L/eibnnaperger Card* Olfts & Framtns Loft ■ 71 S. 4th St., Hallmark
C a r d s , c u s t o m p i c t i i r a f r n m i n e , f r e e p a r k i n g i n r e a r. G 1 0 ' G 6 2 . 7 S 2 3 .
17. F,l>. Worley, Inc. . 610.662-2236, 1-mile SouUt of Hamburg on Rt. 61,
Front end alignment St Stnt« inspection.
18. Uluo Mountain Ilorbnls . The Fragrant
Horlis, spices & vitamins, coffee St tea, bath
Ciiflware St (lottery, t>f>wtf r St jewelry,booka.
19. Hamburg MootMi Lodge i>623 - 12-14
Place' - in a liistoric setting.
St body core, oils St candles,
music and more. 610.662-4403.
S. 3rtl Street. 610-662.4007.
20. liuth'a Dress Shop ■ 42 S. 4tli St. Full line of women's apparel, dress,
es, sportswear, lingerie, etc. Friendly service. Open Mon.-Sat. 9.00 a.m.5:00 p.m. Fridays 9:00 a.m -9.00 p.m.610.GG2.7S74.
21. Claaatc Signs, Inc, • Signs of all types, wood, alumiitunt and plastic
letters. We do banners, tnngnetica atid all kinds of truck and van lettering.
Sjieciality iien\s incliide noon and flag poles. Installation and service. 7^
State Street, Hamburg, PA 10526.610.562.4080.
Yo d e r
holsters, knife sheathes, wallets, etc. Also, Montana Silversmitlis, belt buck*
les and jewelry. 610-562.8161 WWW.VQdertn«tnTnleather|.nTii
K e m p t o n
2 3 , K e m p t o n C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r . 4 6 t h A n n u a l K e m p t o n C o u n t r y F a i r,
Jiuie 14, IG, 16. Music, food, shows, exhibits. 107' <liscount on rental of halt
with original brochure, GlO.756-6444.
30 - July 6th. 1000 locally handmade (|iiilte, 200 juried folk artista, folklore.
5 stages of entertaimnent. Cliildren's fartnyard theatre and play area. PA
Diitrh food and farmer's market. 1.688-674-6136 WWW
unusual store. EveryOiing from traii\s, matlels, kites, rocketa, alot cars, etc.
guitars, banjos, autuhar]w, dulcimers etc to PA Dutch boolca, tapes & lots
6 9 . B l u e M o u n t a i n F a m i l y R e s t a u r a n t * S e r v i n g b r e a k f a s t , l u n c h , d i n n e r,
cocktails, Greek foml Open 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Buses welcome, private
rooms, gift shop. MC/^sa, handicap facilities. 610-488.0353.
60. Dutch Motel . Extremely clean, family owned motel centrally located to
Reading, Hershey and Allentown. Just off Exit 6, 1-78. AAA, A/C, Cable TV,
w w w m f m n t A m . n r i n g s r a m n g To n n d
38. Blatt'a Dinner Theatre - If you are looking for wholesome family enter
tainment, Blatt's is the place to be. Served in country casual atmosphere,
your visit begins with a family style meal. The menu varies
with each production and is themed to compliment tlie ahow. There is always
PA Dutch conditnenta if you care to satnple. After each dinner you are treat
ed to high quality, live musical theatre preaeptation. 1.677-866.1700
39. Foater'a Trading Poat -Ibys and Gifta . Friendly, owner operated shop
featuring Clny^Ktole hexsigns & hands-ost fini fur all age*. Ty, Thomas, Lego,
Madeline, (jun<l. Kites, Bendos, Crafbt, Models - too much to list. Mon . Thurs
St Sat: 9-6 Fri<lny: 9.8. ^Aiso, extended Holiday Houra. 610-663-8760
4 0 . PA G o r m a n C u l t u r a l H e r i t a g e C e n t e r a t K u t z t o w n U n i v e r a i t y .
Visit tlie PA German museum for culture and history; farmstead miueum,
stone house circa 1600, one room schoolhouae circa 1^2, genealogical and
61. Mountain Springs Camping Resort, Inc.. Oiu> mile north of Eidt 8 off
1 . 7 8 ; P o o l , fi s h i n g , a c t i v i t i e s , c a b i n r e n t a l s . A r e n a e v e n t s , P r o . R o d e o s ,
P. O .
62* CoHe'a Antiquea 4k Hisloric Shartlesville Restaurant * Antiques,
estate jewelry, and collectibles & gilt buying, come browsel Open Wed. - Fri.:
11 * 6 , S a t . 1 0 * 6 , S u n . 1 0 - 4 ' C l o s e d T ^ i e s . A c c e p t i n g M C A ' t s a 6 1 0 - 4 8 8 . 9 8 9 8 o r
e m a i l : c o r i e a a 2 z g i f t a 0 g a t e w a y. n e t . L o c a t e d o n M a i n S t . p l u « S h a r t l e s v i l l e
R e s t a u r a n t : A l s o s e r v i n g PA D u t c h F a m i l y S t y l e m e a l s & c o u n t r y b u f f e t
available. Open weekly 8 am - 6pm, closed 1\jesday.
83, Bashore A Stoudt Country Winery - ^ecialixing in fruit wines, we
also have a number of gra|>e wines available. Comulimentary tastings of our
award winning wines is a tnust. Houra: Thursday tlinj Sunday, 11 to 6., or by
appointment. 5784 Old Rt 22, Shartlesville. 610-488*7549
64. Stoudt'a Fniit Farm - Home grown tree ripened peaches, apples and
other fruits and vegetables. Exit 8 off of Rt 78, Old Rt 22 Shartlesville. Open
from July 35 to Dec. 24. Houra: Monday thru Stutday, 9 to 6.
cultural library. Call for houra or seasonal special events. 610.683.1330.
41, Die Bauerel Bed & Breakfast - Beautifully restored 1867 farmhouse
l o c a t e d i n p i c t u r e s q u e c o u n t r y s i d e , j u s t 1 / 2 m i l e K u t z t o w n U n i v e r s i t y. 6
c h a n u i i t g r o o m s , m o s t w i t h p r i v a t e b n t h a . L a r g e PA D u t c h b r e a k f a s t s .
turing farm fresh |>roduce, bakery items, meats & cheeses, plus many
i i e w / u s e d i t r t i u S t c o l l e c t i b l e s i n o u r o | > e n a i r fl e a m a r k e t . A l s o B e r k s
County's only weekly livestock auction. 610-926.1307.
L e h i g h Va l l e y
4 3 , L e h i g h Va l l e y C o n v e n t i o n A V ^ a l t o r s B u r e a u , I n c , . 2 2 0 0 Av e n u e A ,
P O . B o x 2 0 7 8 5 , L e h i g h Va l l e y, PA 1 8 0 0 2 0 7 8 5 , C 1 0 . 6 8 2 < 9 2 0 0 ,
FAX 610.682-0343, www li»highv«llpvi.n i.rg
L e n h a r t s v i l l e
44. Blue KocUn Family Campground & Glacial Deposit. "niurist attrac
tion & hiking trails to Pinnacle Point St Pulpit Rock. Fxill hook up R.V. sites
St primitive tent sites. Pool St fisliing pond. 1 mile north of !.7Mlt. 22 Exit
II, (off of 143) 341 Sousley Road, Lenhartsville, PA 19G34. 610.756.6366.
46. Clayp<rale Ilezaigns - 227 Schock Rd. 610*562*8911, Claypoole Hexsigns
specialize in hand painted hexsigns, milkcaits St tinware. We also paint
directly on your bom! Call for detail*. hex|>[email protected]
46, Peter's Brothers Meat Market, Inc.. llome.cured Berkj County prod*
ucta since 1940. 'Quality Assured Always." 610*562*2231.
66. Reading & Berka County Maitora Bureau . There's something for
everyone in Reading tt Berka County, the "Outlet Capital of the World V.
Call or write for a free Visitors guide. 352 Penn Street, Reading, PA 19602.
610.375.4065, 1-600.443.661U www r-nriinyherkann mm
60. VF Factory Outlet - 422 W. Exit West Readiug/Penn Ave. Save 1/2 off
the lowest ticketed price EVERYDAY on Lee, Wrangler, Vanity Fair, Jantzen,
Jansport, HealUitex and Otiters. Direct from the Manufacturer. 30-70% off
branti namea @ over 90 stores in oxir beautiful lnn<lscaped village and historic
complex. 801 Hill Ave. 800-772.6336. Handicap Accessible.
67. Econo Lodge . 63S Spring St. 610.376.G10G, Minutes from outlets.
Complimentary Continetital Breakfast, Free local calls, fitness room, secure
off street parking.
68. Penn Vtew Motel - Heart of Outlet County. Swimming pool, restau
rant, lounge, coin-op laundry, credit cards, color IV, in-room moviea, 5 blocka
f r o m Va n i t y F a i r. 2 6 0 P e n n A v e . W e s t R e a d i n g 6 0 0 - 7 3 3 . S TAY o r
3 7 6 . 8 0 11
69. The Peanut Bar - Family owned and operated for tlxree generatioihs.
Snacks to gourmet meals, full bar, accommodations for children. 5 minutes
from all outlets. Safe, secure off street parking. 332 Penn Street.
70. Hampton Inn - Close to Outleta St major attractions. Complimentary
Breakfast Bar, Free local calls, fitnesa room, 24 Hour Airport St Bus Terminal
Shuttle, Group rates. 100^' Satisfaction gxiaratiteed! 1800 Papermill Rd.,
Wyomissing, PA 19610 610-374.8100.
71. Sheraton Reading Hotel - 1741 Pai>er Mill Rd. Wyomissing (Reading)
PA, 610-376-3811. A premier 255 room fashion ti^eme hotel surroimded by
shopping, restaurants St attractions. Unique & entertaining packages avail,
w w w n h e r a t fl i i r e H d i n f r n a
« '« •« '« '« ■« "ife' '« « '« '« '« '« '« '« W W '« '« '« '^' '« '« '« '« '« '« '« '« >' '« '« ■« '« '« '« '« '« '« « « « « « '« ■« ■« '« '•? ■« '¥ ¥. '¥. '¥. '¥. '¥. '¥ '¥ '¥ ¥ '¥ '¥. ¥ ¥ '•»
Tour Map of Northern Berks County Along
Dutch Hex Highway
Hex Sij»ns & Barn Signs In Berks
Ouisiaiuiing iilong scenic Okl Rome 22 in Berks C'onniy arc Hex Sign covered barns. Wallace Nutting's book "Pennsylvania BeaLitiriil"
helped creatc (he icrni ami i(s association with many snpersiitioiis when lie relerred to barn signs as "hcxafoos or witches fool *
Hex signs, w ith their beautiful reds, hlues. yellows and whiles are a form of folk art of the Peinisylvania Dutch. Their old
baptismal certiUcates. coverlets and chests are similarly dccoraied. The si,\-pointed star, the turning sunwheel. the
heart and the tulip were in use long before, in textile designs, borders and initials ui "fraktur" manuscript writing;
also as painted items on chests, chairs and pottery. I.aie* this art form was transferred to their barns, for were
not the barns large chests to store the fruits of the soil .' .So why not beautify them? Hex barn signs today
have no bewitching power associated v\ ith them - the\ ire "chust for nice."
To sec the beautiful farms of the Gay Dutch and large Swiss-type barns with colorful Hex signs, follow this
map of highways and secondary roads in North Berks. Barns with Hex signs are marked ▲ on map.
TO A L L E N TO W N M M K fl
Va l l e y
Mileage Guide
Bethel to Hamburg (Rt. 22) 16 miles
Be th e l to Kru msvi l l e <R t. 2 2 ) 2 1 mi l e s
Hamburg to Reading (Rt. 61)17 miles
Hamburg to Pottsville (Rt. 61) 18 miles
Kut/town to Kempton (Rt. 737) 12 miles
r »
r >
r V
f V
r »
72. Old Atalaha Cfaurch
7S. Deglcr Home Indian Massacre Site
T o
74. State Game Lands In North Berks
75. New Kernsville Dam
31 Miles
r y
76. Schuylkill River Gap
77. Smoke Church 1756
To Reading
78. Red Covered Bridge at Drelbelbis Station
79. Old Kutz Mill & Covered Bridge
80. St. Michael's Union Church 1769
Guide Map of area prepared and distributed by Dutch Hex Tour Association, P.O. Box 306, Kutztown, PA 19530. To become a member, call 610-683-1537
Designed by Cheryl G. Sheeler
r »