general index. - NSW Government
general index. - NSW Government
CONTENTS. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE. v.-lii. INDICES - Iiii.-Iv ALMANAC - lvi MUNICIPAL CITY STREETS DI nECTORY - 1-172 SUBURBAN DIRECTORY 173-970. ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY - 971-1881 a • 1883-2208, TRADES DIRECTORY- 1 A-230A COUNTRY COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. • COUNTRY ALPHABETICAL - 141-181n • 10-19Co PASTORAL - • 2045-2058 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE MUSICAL AND SPORTING CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS - 2209.2212 EDUCATIONAL 2213-2218 • ECCLESIASTICAL 2224.2232' GOVERNMENTAL AND PARLIAMENTARY 2233-2245 • 2226.2230. • NAVAL AND MILITARY—COMMONWEALTH - 2246-2249 STAMP DUTIES WHARFAGE AND. TONNAGE RATES - •a FIRMS WITH FIXED PAY-DAYS . CENSUS INTEREST CALCULATOR - 2219-2222 2223 EUROPEAN TRADES LIST CIVIL DEPARTMENTS • - PAGE Aborigines' Protection Board.. 2236 Admiralty Jurisdiction .. 2242 Agent-General for the State in Eng.. 2233 land.... 2210 Agricultural Colleges Agricultural Department .. 2230 Alphabetical Directory ..971-1811 Architect, Government ..2241 .. 2239 Art Gallery 2096 Assignees—Official Associates and !Dierks of Arraigns.. 2242 .. 1897 Associations Asylums Department .... 2234 .. 2241 Attorney-General •.. 2233 Audit Department.. Australian Museum .. .. 2239 - 2250 ▪ 2253-2266. -2252 • • 22M 1 PAGE 'PAGE Distilleries and Sugar Refineries Department.. 22222136 District Court Judges .. '2243 District Court .. District Registrars.... 2138 Labour and Industry Department .. 2244 Lana Appeal Court .. 2245 Land—Claims to Grants of .. 2045 Lands—Secretary for 224 I Lands Titles Branch 2237 TAW Institute .. 22,13 Legal Directory—See Trades section for Barristers, Solicitors, Official Assignees, also Minister for Jus. tics Legislative Assembly.. .... 2232 Legislative Assembly—Officers of .. 2232 Legislative Council .. 2231 Legislative Council—Officers of .. 2232 Libraries .. .. 2004 Lunacy Department .. 2233 Lunatic Asylums—See Institutions 2034 2219 Ecclesiastical .. 2213 Educational Electoral Office (Commonwealth) 2230 Electoral °Bice (State) 2214 2226 Electric Telegraphs 2296 Engineers, Military English and Continental Manufac2223 turers .. 2242 Equity—Master European Manufacturers .....2223 Executive Council (State) 22.11 Executive Council (Federal).. 2224 Bankruptcy Depsrtment 2243 Experimental Farms 2239 1904 Explosives Department ..2297 Banks Master in Equity------2242 Barracks and Ordnance Department 2227 External Affairs (Department of) 2225 Master in Lunacy 2936 (Federal) .. 2073 .. 1905 Federal Government .. 2224 Medical Practitioners Barristers Metropolitan Board of Water Supply .. 2243 2125 Barrister& Admission Board.. Federal lligh Court and Sewerage .. 2244 Berthing Rates, etc. .. 2250 Finance and Trade—Treas. and Sea. 2238 2226 .. 2233 Fire Brigades .. 2234 Military Forces Board of Health.. Mines—Secretary for 2239 2953 Board for Opening Tenders—Public Firms' Pay-days 2211 2210 Fisheries Department .. 2234 Minister for Justice Works.. Minister for Public Instruction .. 2238 „ 2240 Botanic Gardens .... 2210 Forestry Branch Mitchell Library • _ 2239 Bureau of Statistics .. 2231 Free Publie Library- .. 2239 2234 Municipal—See commencement of Friendly Societies City Streets and of respective 2236 Garden Island 2245 Cadet Office.. Suburbs .. 1935 General Post Office (Federal) .. 2226 Cemeteries.. Museum .. .. 2239 2152 2239 Geological Branch ..., Census ; 2209 .. 2740 Gosford Home for Boys _„ 2239 Musical Societies Centennial Park Central Police Court .. 2243 Governmental and Parliamentary .. 2224 National Art Gallery .. 2133 Certificated Conveyancers 1954 Government Ambulance Corps .. 2239 .. 2233 Government Asylums .. 2231 Naval Departucent (Imperial)22-15 Chief Secretary .. Navigation Department 2237 City Streets Directory .. 1-172 Government Printing Office .. 2237 .. 2094 Civil Departments .. 2233 Government Savings Bank 2238 Notaries Public.. Claims to Grants of Land2245 Government Statistician .....2107 •Observatory 2239 Clerks of Petty Sessions 2214 Governor-General of the Common2296 .. 1941 .. 2224 Official Assignees wealth.. Clubs Officers of Legislative Council and 2239 2945 .. Coal Fields and Coal Mines Grants of Land—Claims to .. Assembly 2233 2234 .. 2332 Coast Hospital .. lug Stall ' Officers of the Senate .. 2224 Colleges ----------2214 'Officers of the House of Representa2250 1940 Harbour Rates, etc. .. Commissioners for Affidavits.. .. tives.. 2225 2238 Commonwealth Offices 2230 Harbour Trust .. Commonwealth A wilt Office.... 2230 ilawkesbury Agricultural College .. 2239 Officers witninistering tho Governments of the Australasian States 2245 Health Board .. .. 2233 Commonwealth Invalid and old Age Pensions, Maternity Bonus 2230-2238 Health and Medical Department .. 2233 Commonwealth Ministry .. 2921 High Commissioner for Australia in Parliamentary .. 2231 2225 Parliamentary Draftsmen .. 2242 Commonwealth Parliament .. .. 2224 • Great Britain 2225 '2224 .. High Court of Australia .. Commonwealth Senate Parliamentary Library .... 2232 2019 Parliamentary Reporting Staff— Commonwealth Weather Bureau .. 22 tO liospitals— .. 1952 House of Representatives (Members) 2225 Canards HANsAltD .. 2232 .. 1954 Conveyancers .. Pastoral Directory 1C-1060 2243 Immigration and Tourist Bureau2233 Patents and Trade-marks Office .. 2226 Coroner's Court.. Court of Industrial Arbitral ion .. 2213 Imperial Government EstablishPatent Attorneys.. 220.1 Crown Prosecutors .. 2213 .. 2253 .. 2232 Pay Days ments Crown Solicitor „2242 Imperial Pensions .. 2237 Petty Sessions (Suburban) Clerks of 2144 Curator's Depart (Supreme Court) 2242 Incorporated Pollee Courts .. 223.1 Law Institute .. 2213 2226 Industrial Court Customs (Federal) .. 22,3 Police Inspector-General .. 2243 2229 2214 Postmaster-General .. 2245 Industrial Registrar Darling Island School for Girls 2236 Prisons Department .. 2233 Deeds Branch—Registrar-General .. 2236 Industrial Probates (Registrar) .. .. 2221 21 0 _ Defence Department (Federal) .. 2226 Infantry 2210 Inspector-General of Police 2233 Protlionotary _ 2032 Public Instruction .... 2223 Institutes Departments (Government)—See resPublic Library '. '1223 Instruction, Public (Department) .. 2238 pective names Department of Agriculture .. .. 2239 Interest Calculator.. 2251 Public Works—Secretary for .. 2218 Department of Homo Affairs (Fed.) 2245 Invalid and Old Ago Pension ., 2230 Public Service Board .. .. 2444 2640 Public Trust Office Department of Prisons_ 2211 Justice—Minister for .. .. 2015 Public Works—Board for Opening Department of Trade and Customs ... 2244 24 t iTenders 2226 Justices of the Peace (Federal) vi GENERAL INDEX Pang Railway and Trsmway Construction 2237 Railways and Tramways 2237 Registrar-Ganeral ......22411 Registrar of Probates., 2248 Royal Australian Navy (N.S.W. Division 2130 Ro yal Mint 2282 Secretary of Finammand Trade .. 2236 Seoretary for Lands .... 224 Seoretary for Mines .. 2230 Secretary for Public, Works .. .. 221a Senate—Commonwealth_ 2234 Sewerage Brandt—Works ... 2240 Sheriff's Department .. _ 2113 Shipping Masters.. .. 2237 Sodetles—MIscellaneoui 2153 Solicitors .. 21511 Solicitors' Admission Board . • .. 2313 Spectacle Island.. 2215 Sporting AssoolatIons.. .. 2209 Stamp Dulles Offlee .. 2237 Stamp Duties .. 22411 Slots Building Works,. .... 2211 P AG State Timber Yard and BniklIng Works..„„ 2241 State Brick and LimelWorks„2241 State Monier Pipe Works ....2241 State Afetil (parries .. 2341 State Ch 's ildren DeparVment.... 2230 State Hospitals and Asylums for the Infirm... 2234 State Labour Branch ......22411 State Nursery 2240 State Penitentiary (Long Bay) .. 2244 StIpeudlary Magistrates .2214 Stook and Bmude Branch 2240 Stores Supply and Tender Board „ 22108 Streets (City) Directory 1-172 Suburban Clerks of Petty Sessions2240 Suburban Direotory 173-970 Sugar Refineries Department_ 2226 Supreme Con&. 2- 243 Sydney District Court .. Sydney Harbour Trust.•2238 Sydney Mint „ 2232 Sydney Teohnical College • • _ 2113 Taxation Department .„ 2237 Technical Education 2288 PAOR Technological Museum 2238 Telegraph Department 2226 Tender Board—PI/bile Works„, 2246 Theatres—See Places of Amusement 211$ Tonnage Rates, eta. t. 2250 Trade and Finance—Treasurer and Secretary .2236 Trade and Customs (Federal).. 2220 Trade Unions Registrar 2244 Trades Directory 1883 Tramways.. .. 2237 Treasurer and Secretary for Finance and Trade 2230 Treasury.. 2137 Trigonometrical Survey of the Colony 2245 Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission ... 2240 Water Police Court .. 2241 Weights and Measures 2233 Western Land Board — 2245 Wharfage, Harbour, Transhipment, Tonnage and Berthing Rates .. 2230 Works (Publlo) Department 2210 Works—Board for Opening Tenders 2240 STREETS INDEX. CITY AND SUBURBS, ?Agit Abattoirs, Glebe Island, Balmaln .• 243 Abattoirs rd, Pyrmont 243 Abattoirs rd, Roselle Abbey et, Raudwick „ 767 Abbotsford at, Kensington .. 767 Abbotsford par, Abbotsford 864 Abbotsford rd. Homebush 870 Abbott rd, Artarman, Willoughby .. 025 428 Abbott at, Granville Abbott et, North Sydney 649 Abbott at, Randwick .. • .787 A`Deekett a ye, Aslifleld.. 197 A'Beckett at, Granville ..428 289 Abercorn at, Bexley 1 Abercrombie lane .. Abercrombie street .•1 Abercrombie at, Redfern 790 Abornethy at, Middle Harbour, Manly 535 Abigail et, Bunten] Hill ....448 Abigail at (now Spencer at), Summer Hill 821 Aboukir at, flookiiale Abnklea rd, Eastwood.. ..382 901 Abnklen ell, Epping Acacia Avenue, Punchbowl ....180 455 Maple at. Catlett Aokland Way, Waterloo ..800 309 Aeton st, Burwood A0t031 at, Marston° Park„ 323 Ada are (cont. of Coommbarra rd), Wahromma Ala lane Ada lane, Erskineville— .. 301 Ada at (now Ada lane) ...• Ada at, Concord.. .... 351 Ada st,TIrskineville .. 395 289 Ada at, IlirrstvIlle Ada et, Ontley, Rogue], 408 Ada et, North Sydney . •.. 717 Ada et, 'inanimate .787 Ada St. RandwIck Ada Villas terrace, Erskinevine.. 395 92% Adam at, CAM pal0 Adam at, Granville .. • ..408 Adderley at. SIlvonvater, Auburn .. 230 518 Added& at. Lideombe 380 Adderton rd, Dundee Addison ave, Conearil 844 Addison are, Roseville Addison rd, Marriekville 519 Addison rd, Manly .. 1135 241 Addison sk Balmain Addison st, ICeneintrtan 768 Adel/4Mo par, Woollahre 949 Adelaide ulnae (now Athlone lane) ..2 Adelaide place 2 Adelaide place. Burry Hills 2 Adelaide rd, Afeadowbank Adelaide at.• 2 Adelaide at, Woollehra 010 Adolph at (Nentrel Bay), N. Syduey 1148 Adolphus lane. Balmaln.. 244 211 Adolphus et, Balmalii Adolphus st, Naremburn 925 Ady at, Hunter's 11111 „ 448 Aelus are, Brie 346 Mona at, Auburn .. 29 Agar at east........2 650 Agar at, MarriekvIlle .s Agincourt rd, Eastwood .. 382 280 Agnes et, Bankstown Agnes at, Strathtleld ,. 870 Agnes Cottages (see Bideford at) 2 Agnes terrace (see Bideford at)2 Al kern; al, Pennant Hills „710 Ainsworth et, Lek/Muth .491 717 Aird et, Parramatta Paoli Albany nl, I:Kenmore .. 732 Albany at, North Sydney 648 Albany et, St. Leonards, lane (b ye 485 Albany et, St. Leon rads. Willoughby 920 Albemarle avenue, Woollahra .. 919 Albemarle et, AI arriokvilie .. 550 Albemarle at, Newtown 617 Albergehlie at, Petersham „ 733 Albert avenue..Chatswood 026 Albert crescent, Croydon _ 308 Albert lane. Lelobliardt .. 491 Albert parade, Aslafield 197 Albert panide, Guildford „ 751 Albert place (now called Saunders lane), Pyrtnont Albert place (now Fitzroy place) .. 2 Albert rd (now Frederick et), Aehtleld 198 Albert rd, Auburn .... 230 Albert at (Croydon park), (nary .. 123 871 Albert rd, Hornebush 871 Albert rd,Stratidleid Albert square,PaddIngtun652 ..2 Albert street .. Albert at, Beaconsfield Estate (East . , 280 Albert st. (Regent Park). Bexley . 989 Albertst,Botany(Hancoek's Gunlen;) 301 Albert at (Delmore), Canterbury .. 323 Albert at (now Boundary at), Chats. Albert et, Derllughurst (now called ag es at) .. 364 Albert at, Dnuninoyne .. 390 Albert et, Ereklueville.. 810 Albert at, Glades villa .. Albert at, Forest Lodge .. 101 428 Albert et, Granville .. Albert at East, Guildford .. 707 .. 443 Albert at, Albert et, Lelchliardt .. 491 Albert et, Illeombe 518 500 Albert at. filarrickvIllo Albert at, Newtown 618 Albert et, Paddington.. Albert et, Parmmatta .. 717 Albert st (now Albergeldlest), Petersham .. 733 Albert at, Pyrmont (now called Law. „..2 son et) 768 Albert st, liandwick Albert et, Redfern.... /100 Albert at, Rookdale 821 Albert at, Roseville (now called Boundary at)„844 Albert at, Roza° . 211 Albert at (now called Potts at), Hyde 846 Albert at (off Regent et,) Ilyde 846 Albert at, St. Peters 819 Albert st, Strathfield 208 Albert at, Waverley.897 Albert et, Woollahra .. 050 Alberta at Alberto skteichliardt Albion lane, Annandale Albion lane, Sorry Mills Albion place Albion at„„ Albion at, Annandale Albion et, LeichbardtAlbion sti Marrlekville.. 050 Albion et, Paddington.. 602 Albion st,Parramatta • .. 717 Albion at, Pennant Hills .. 730 Albion at Itundwlek 758 Albion at, Rozelie .. 214 Albion at, 1Vaverley .. 891 AI buern rd, Epping .. 391 Albyn rd,Strathlield .. 871 PA 810 289-821 Albyn at. Bexley 800 Aldersoo at, Redfern Alderson at (now Banks ski, Waterloo 846 • _ 590 Alexander rive, Mosman _ Alexander lane„..3 ' 3 Alexander at Alexander et, Alexandria ....178 Alexander et, Arnellffe .. 821 Alexander et, Batumi/4— .. 214 Alexander st,Coogeo .. 788 Alexander et, Mindy • • • •• 536 Alexander et, North Sydney .. 619 Alexander st,Paddingten 193 Alex/ruder st,Penerdirst 4118 Alexander at, Willoughby ....920 Alexandra per (Waltant), Hornsby.. 443 Alexandra par, Rockdale 821 Alexemlra rd, Glebe _ 404 3M Alexandra at, Concord Alexandra at, Drummoyne301 Alexandra at, S unter'l 11111 „ 448 Alexandre at, Westmont _757 Alexandria at. Arncliffe 821 Alfred rd, Forest Lodge..404 Alfred at, Annandale .. „ 185 Alfred at, Durwood „ 308 Alfred et, Canterbury„323 Alfred at, Clroular Quay ..3 Alfred at, Clarke's Pt-, Woolwich 440 Alfred at. Gran villa 428 Alfred at (Xebbiewhite'a Estate), „ 402 Iffilchherdt /arid at, Marriclrville.. 550 589 Alfred at, Mascot Alfred et, North Sydney.. 050 Alfred at, 31errylande, Prospect.. 757 717 Alfred tit, Parrammta Alfred , Rozelle Alfred et, St. Petera 850 Alfred at, Sans Sorrel .. 821 807 Alfred at. Waverley . Alfred's at, Nog& _ 168 •• Algernon at, Caney .. Spa Alice aye, Newtown .. 230 . Alice at, Auburn .. Alice at, Carlton.. 118 305 AIM° at, Druminoyne Alice atTrelawny rd), gaist• 816 wood, ft)•de.. Alice at (Lnkeuitia), Canterbury 223 Al lee at, Newtown„„61B Alice at, Ontley 188 717 Allee at, Parrnmatta Alice at, Roselle.. 244. Alice st, Sens Son& 409•821 Alice al t. Tarr/unarm 878 Allan's avenne, Marrickville . 850 Allan at, Concord ,. 931 Allan at, North Str ill oY• •• • 651 Allen lano (see Allen at) 4... Allen's rd, Alexandria 17S rd, North Ryde 4,846 Allen avenue, Belmar°.. 323 Allen at (off 90 Stanley at) „ „ 822 Allen at, Arneliffe Allen et. Canterbury 323 404 Alien at, Gleba .. Allen et, Granville 429 Allen at, Lelahhardt 492 Allen at, Lidera/Me . 518 Allen at, Pyrnrout ......8 808 Allen at, Waverley Alleyne avenue, Senforth, Manly ., 535 Alloyne at, Willoughby„ 026 Allison rd, Guildford.. ..757 768 Allison rd, Randwiek Allister et, Neutral Bay Annul lane, Glebe.,„ 404 ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ECONOMY AND COMFORT . IN SHOPPING. 1232Eng English John S., Cord:tr y/a rd, /Cwirk English Joseph, Alt st, Waverley English Joseph, Wolseley st, W. EuMh 3"Jigliii IC. physician, Bridge st, Drunimayne English M. G., Ward Et, Willoughby .1 .3nglisli Mrs. Margaret, 4211 Harris English Patrick, 79 Boundary at English Paint*, 147 Devonshire st El igl i slt Patrick, Slants] 'it , !Owl) Dudish Ins. S. ('.. Micky Poini rd, Slats Song English T., 64 Malcolm » st. Ers'effle English Thomas, Fairfield rd. Cif ford English Thotoss. 25 Scale it, Unman English Thomas, Raglan st, Long Bay English Thomas, 56 Dickson Et, Newtown English Thos., 21 Spencer fit, Sum. II. English Thee J., Church Et, Continue,. English W. E., Westbournc st, Carlton Eng lish 11', G., Augustin sr. Iltanit English W. 11., 1 Remick st, 1Cyillo English Witt, 917 Liverpool st English Will., 20 Pnsbley at, Bbunin English Wilbam, 09 Livingstone iii, Atarriekville English Willlain, 28 Clinton Et, N. Syd, ErtglIsh WI/liaill, Defoe Ft, Punchbowl English Will,, MT 23% Pitt st, wg'Ion Engurt Ebenezer, 31 Maria S. Wvill Eurtairk John II.. Milner ens. North Sydney Enflame Itelimaphont. 1 0., $5 Elution. iii, Santoro 1311morc Leather and Grindery Store (The), 11 Entnore rd. Newtown Enmore Post Office-11. .1. Chapman, postmaster, Manor° rd, Enmore Enmore Public School—II. Bucliland, headmaster, Metropolitan rd, EHmore F, NNE TER AND APPLETON Importers and Manmifact tiring Confectioners, 86-88-90 Ray st Volleyer R. 0., "Meredith," 76 Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Ennever WIRiarn J., "Verlins," Cook rd, Centennial Path, EnnisMiss G.,05 :Mansfieldat, Rundle 73»nis Miss II., Beaconsfield rd, Wib loughbY Ennis J., 23 McDonald st, Ennis J. T., 40 Devine st, Ersleyille Ennis John R., 22 Edwin 'it, Roselle Ennis Jahn IV., Cu Mansfield at, Itozelle Ennis Joseph, 4 Eurolca st, N. Sydney Ennis Mother Mary M., redress St. •Joseph's llospital and Sanatorium, Norm anby rd. Alumni F.nraght Mrs. E., 14 Hordern par, Croydon Enrielmoa Mrs. G., 28 O'Connell Nend awn Enright Edward, 1Icliern at, C'ampsie Enright Edward, 24 Percy st, Rozeile J, E., 907 Olemnorc rd, Pad. Enright J. J., Holinorr rd, Cuogee Enright John J., Inwley rd, Itandwiek Enright Mrs. R., 'Brewer st. Concord Ensbey C. IL, baker, 72 Corner st, Paddington • Mislay Mrs. M., 13 Gunter st, Murton Ensue Miss .1.. lady s iperintendent, V.W.C.A. institute arid b oa rdin ghouse, Liverpool rd, AA field Ensum Frederick %'.,347 Ernest it, North Sydney Entenwist. Fliirons Mader WWI lacfurors, 02% Itsplkt st, I?' fern Eppeitheim Julius, Towers it. Rockdale Elmer Mrs. O., Ill Walken sl, North Sydney Ilpplug Girls' 0171Tinune Sffireed—Misses Best, principals, Oxford at, Epping Hi p ping Nursery 11.. (The)--TIttan3a and .1 olmson, oursoryinvei, 442 Pitt it Epping Post mid Telegraph Office— E. A. Graham, postmaster, High Et, Epping 131ping Public School—John B. Slier. lock, ILA., headmaster, Norfolk st, Epping Epping Railway Station-17. J. Colk, statiomunster, High at, EnPing Epping Recreation Grounds, Itoss at, Forest Lodge Epping School of Arts—A. R, Noble, secretary, Oxford at, Epping Eppin g Timber Co., sawmills and tinu. her yard, Ray's rd, Epping 13pple Andrew, Marion at, Auburn Emile Mrs. M., 2 McDonald al, L'Irardt Ept der Mrs., /leach M. conger Eppleston J., Nancarrow place, Rycie Epplestonc Arthur E., Second eve, Eastwood Epplestone 11., Yanco nl, Pymb/e Eppleatone J. IV., Second ave, Frwood Epps George, 16 William henry at Epps Hendon, Sydney rd, Granville Epps Robert E., Kemp et, Stli. Geville Epps Thomas, Good st, Granville Epps William, secretary . lioyal Prince Alfred Hospital, MIssendon rd, Campenlown Epstein A., manager for NR.W.Lantson Paragon Ltd, 03115 Ann it, S. Hills Epstein Inwid. 43 ( :micron at, Pad. (Huston Epstein James, haperfrd hotel, 252 Oxford et, Paddington WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., En Ed ALPHABETICAL. Enterprise Inumfarturing Co., 5. 2 Liverpmd at Enterprise Rowing Club, off Classop st, Rahman Entwistle C. .1., 08 Ibitheringliant 'it, Afarrickvilie Entwistle Fred., 17 retiree at, Buy Entwistle Fred.. Dona. rd, Waverly). 13ntavist/e G., J.P., 12 National at, heichhardt Entwistle Capt. George, Itocklands rd. Wollstoneera ft Entwistle John, 25 Enstare at, Manly Entwistle John, 3 Fleet at, Sum. Hill Entwistle Thos., 172 Rose st, Dorton 131invistle 1V., IVether111 HI, Croydon 'nitwit:Ile W., 1"matta Park, 1"matta Entz itithurd, 27 Wolseley et/ Wotan Envergoil Thoulas 11„ 89 Prinees at Enwright James J., Clarowe rd, Rockdale 1311wright a Edwards. Dolphin at, Conger 131ihgraveW.t-mmtbetiand rd. Auburn 13pligrave William. 2 Ifarilsmaigh st, Druntmoyne Eplintint & Meredith, art and sheet mend 'Yuri:ma, 76 . 78 11yrth. it Ephraim E. P., 80 Miller st Ephraim Joseph, Bashible at, Ashfield Eplini lii Sydney, /Imitable A, Ashfield 13porne 11es. A., 5:3 Temple 'it, Stau1111111-e Eppel Mrs. .1., 818 king at, Tommie Eppel John, 27 Gibbons at, Candelown Eppel. P. J.. 231; Nyilenhatit rd, Mar- ANTHONY HORDERNS 1— RELIABLE TRADERS FOR TOWN OR COUNTRY, Eptilorp Frank. Dudley at, Litieumbe rd.I Eptiowilelull. 1 ,,mr,..,.r.s Unworn, Printing and Publishing House, 218 Castlereagh at Equitable Life Assurance Society of United Statism—Sir C. h. Mac' helium, director; David Fell and Co.. public accountants, representatives and attorneys, Equitable nuildlog, George at,Id., City 8683 Equitable Permanent Benefit, Building Land and Savings Institution —William Chadwick, 'LP., manager, corner of Park and Pitt sta Equity Court—Chic! Judge in Equity, Ills Honor Mr. Justice A. II. Simpsim; II. P. Owen, ILA., )(aster in Equity ; W, A. Halrondie, deputy registrar and assts. taut ; L. D. Deane, hief (-lea told twetumbutt .1. V. Slacken, ossotlate, Macquarie Erseltsiot Mrs. E.„1/11101) it, l''mmimmtta Ern /Mlle Co., IA& IklIplols , soffi ts and pentium-a, 26-30 Clarence fit Erby Frank. 63 English at, Compldown Erhy C. T., J.P. draper and boot warehouse, el:1i nch st, Paemarla /WM' G. T., J.P., Wigratn et, (ryi/le Erb.1"ehomas, Ian N.S.11. rd, Dble, /1. Einv Valentine, 1 Herbert al, :Clown Erenarth Miss Minnie, :I Stafford st, litilligton Ereckson Charles, Helena at, L'hardt Erekson C. A., Beltnont at, Alexandria Erne Paul, Gungfia at, (Miley Erhard 11. and Co., genera/ merchants, 18 Bridge et ErhardFred.,"Manuttilmin"20 Wrighrs rd. Drummoyne. 'Et/. ISO Drummoyne Erhard Herman, Albert st, Stratldiehl Eric John, 34 Formosa at, Irmorne Erickson E., 5 at, Willie :1 3 Oxford at, Wandley Eriekson 3.. 38 Llewellyn it, Erickson Mrs. A., 51 Camden et, Newtown Erickson A. A., 32 Unwin's Bridge nil, St. Peters Erickson Allred, 168 Liverpool at Erickson Andrew, 38 Dorghan at, Glebe Erickson (s. W., 26 Dowling st, Redfern Erickson Cart 03 Rent at EricksonE., QuarantineStation, Manly Erickson Edward, 89 King at, St, Pet. Erickson John, 3 Thornley at, D'moyne Erickson John. 2115 Ed gewaro id, Ilan Erickson John, 211 Ring at. iff Erickson John E., Eglington st, Liiicombe Eriaw,,, ham (1., 11 Dickson at, 11 NOWItilcit Erickson Mrs. 31., 13 Lodge ffi, Con est Lodge Erickson Alartin, Judd at, llookdale Erickson Neil, Boyce ml, S. RaticlwIck Erickson IV., 2:3 Amy it, Erskineyille Erickson Mrs. W., 46 Pacific par, Manly Erickson W. C,, 47 Sutton at, Ablrie Erickson William, 21 Harmer at Ericson George, Cumberland rd, Al,b11 Ericsson Telephone Company (The)— James Paton & Co., sole representatives, la Macquarie place Eriloton E., 30 Kalgoorlie at, Idltardi A LPIIABETICA L. Eva1233 Erlamann A. E., 30 Jenkins at, NJEntail° Edward, Towem Et, Arneliffc lillierden G. II., 713 O'Connell at, :Eschille Henry, 7.3 Wilthun at • S ydney Newtown Effie Perilinand, liammaltim ni, Idkentim Esdnile 'teary, 81 Fowler at, C'down Ethenlen 11. J„ Banioda A, Botany Erler Fritz, :31 .5 liourke at 'EskbankIronworks, Colliery.and Etherden lionry, 521 lilawarni nil, Ermington Post Office—Iliss C. M. Estate office, 360 George at Mani elm vine Adamson, postmistress, Ennington Eskins Win., 57 Sprnson at, Neut. Bay 130teit ilgillgu yi George A.. rd, ErmIngton Eskriggo .1, E., Railway e yes, Banksitt Ennington Public School—Henry Reid, Eskrigge 11.Gilibes at, llockdalt. Et herhigeIla ml 0,65Slant son at, feather, Winbonnic it, Ernifogton Eslake William 11., Bungay at, Leith. Neutral Bay Erininglon Pont, 11a/1-1'. renther, Inuit Et heridge Robert, J.P., eurnlor Alifs• town clerk, Viet ores rd, /Intel-EAR]: 'Behan?, Gibbons at, Auburn Indian Museum, College it; p. n., mere Est iok T, II., civil unguicer, 356 "Estell," 09 Penkt y ll al, bomb Enist Mrs, Annie, 226 Millet. st, N. ,(h-sing,' A Enteridge It., 80 Idmicaulav st, Sydney Esliok Thomas 11„ Beach rd, Ititsh• Etheridge 11. .1., Illaxcelf at, Gentle Ernst Harry, I 1-53' 71. Wavy/ley miner's Bay Etherington A., 105% Walker at, Errey Theodosius, Old Canterbury rd, "Enna" Stmlios—R. 0. Stewart, pro. Summer 11111 iprielor, 32 Oxford at Etheirlict1111;i teon y Mrs. C., Pittwater rd, St. Erringten E. W., Itenelong rd, Neuf nab Espenhahn 1111., Wooltvich rd, WI Inch Ives Bay Esp/ inandWillard, engineering Ellwrintrom C. F., 41 Hutton sc. Wly Erskine Angus, Skarrett at. Auburn works, 592 . 544 Ring at, New- Elhedin lon D., 43 Palmer at, N. Syd, Erskine Arthur, Little Church at, Hyde, trani. Tel. I. 1387 EtherIngton Ernest, - Ritinford st Erskine ACORN', Mt kelt 113splIn Donald T„ architect, 107 Pitt at Etheriagnat G. J., 51 Morehead u. Erskine David, Middle el, Itandwiekl Caitlin Donald T., Shirley rd. WonItninen Erskine E. J., "Halloween," Iltiekhurst;stoneeraft heringtott George. I( in gslmill ial, a y e, Point Piper. Ti'!. Edgecliffe Explin N., /30 Station Newtown 547 Esplin Peter, 119 Station at, N'town Etheriagton /1. E., Kroombit at, Erskine Frank, Curtis rd, Maintain Espuir Mndam E., Bengalis at, Turm• Petersham Erskine C. T., 57 Breilhtt at, Med:del »mem Etherington Herbert, I Raper Erskine Jack, 215 Creek at, For. Lodge , Espuler Robert, 150 Jersey rd, Pad. EtherIngton Joint 124 George it, Erskillu .litligre., Weston rd, W yllie I:sinner Hubert, 68 Oximil al, 11"11111ra Etheringtou Mrs. 11 . A . 22 Dailey rd, Erskine Lemuel IL, 10 Cary at, Drum- Esqullant Charles A., 12 Cleveland aye }Ludy Illeylle Essenheigh A., !Ridge rd, Staunton; Miss P., 74 Drynatt at. Erskine Mrs, N., 160 Ileattle at, Dal . Essential' J., general dealer, 1511 lilherIngton Summer Hill Ilmmtltimrst at main 17 therington Samuel, 49 Mort at Erskine It. II.. So Intim at. N itown Ilssery He nry, 142 Crown at Etherington Mrs. T., 48 Queen at, Erskine Robert, 40 Thomas at, Ba Imumi n Essex C. C., Bay it, ilotaul• Woollahra Eiskine SIms It Mit, 611 Short it, Inu i t, Essex Dias., Inverness a ye, Penshurst Ellutington Thomas, Botany rd. Mind Etakine T11 11 t ,mm Alice at, ,V010 . ITIteeN 'buries 53.; 21 Magn i n' it Etherington 17 Clifford A, Minton Erskine Mrs. 1V., Sit Renwick at, Muir- Essex /1. II., 377 Oxford at, l'ad'but EtheriugtonIV., W. E., 297 Mi/Itary rd, rieltvi/11 . Essex Thomas, Calvert Et, Marriekville Rosman Erskine Wilson J., 28 at, 1107.. wnyin., 1 12 Howling at Ethel-ton William, Mitchell Rog. Erskineville Council Chambers—J. C. lssir'andadvertising designers, Etienne Dennis, 1» Paling at,at, Whartlf Young at Lough, town cleric, 114 ErskineEtienne Mrs. M., Percival at, L'harolt Eason James M., Angelo at, Burnmod ENO Foundry Co.—Mrs. A. Simpson, till.' rd, Era/mince/1/e Erskineville Post Offiee—Miss Sylvia 13ste/1 Robert, Dora st, Ilurstville (mire' at, Drutnilinetie Lassen, postmistress, Erskinctrille Retell.' Mark, ID Vincent st, Balmain Etron JOH, 'Weyolon s t, A nnandtde rd, ErsItiney tIle Eaten, John L., piano warehouse, 55 Ettinger Fronk, 14 Rose at, Ashfield Flinders it ErskInevilk Railway Station—Thomas Ettiimintusen P., Lincoln at, Beintorc Comedy, stationmaster, Swanson Esther L. IL, 347 N.S.11. ml, Mole, May Rttrebiit Ltd., 88 Pitt et Edon Steel Foundry (km., Ph ml St. E tly T.l li1fineit st, Ersidneville d 355 Parril in p i th rd, Leich. Roselle Erskineville Superior Public School— John Connolly, headmaster, Swen Etchells Joseph, Station at, Arneliffe Eumliuh aMrs. E. L., in Newman it, son at, Erskincyllie Etches Edwin, fl Wells at, Animndale Newtown Ersitine y itle Technical College, Hall- Etches James, 67 Nelson fit, Anbiale Eulltrom Fly Oil Co. Lid., way put, Erskineville ItrotEe, Martin place F.teson S., Chester at, Marrickffille Ertel Conrad C., 12 Phillip Et, Neutral Ellerin), Co.—E, II. Norton, 02 HunBay trundell Mrs. 14., 4:3 Stafford at, Ermatredre Frank, 3 Riley at, N. SYffitel ETESON T. B. AND CO Eugene more & at Erving IVillinm, 25 Stunt at Manufacturers' Agents. Retire Eugene Corset Co., 28 Itlinthetli at Erwin A. J., 13 Erith at, /rostrum senting—John /larding, Son & Co. Engene Supply C9., 28 Elizabeth st Erwin A/ (red .L, 21 cambritige et,Ltd., W. IL Webb & Co., James Eugene Mrs, E., Coopor at, Comma, Paddington • Shires & Sons Ltd.. Robert Ifycle Enka skunk 192 It lie," st. Erwin Andrew, Caretaker, 50 Royal& Co., Taylor, Livesey & Co., Ltd., Euling150 Young al, Annandale Arcade W, B. Till xtor Co., and II. 0. Einnav3riaelrfa atEstate, 67 Castlereagh A W illi: 110w. Catmint buildings. 418 Eureka Film Service Ltd., 234 Clan Erwin Andrew, 294 Edgeware rd, Newtown Gorge at, Sydney. l'elemphotte Ne. city 2795 Erwin Miss II, A., 206 Ohne Pt. rd, Eurolia Motor Co.—James E. Thomp. Glebe sou, manager, Mountain at Erwin F. W,, 10 St. Milner ace, N. Ethel/ Piercy and Co., auctioneers, fluty E., 50 PenkivIl et, Bondi S 9/ estate agents, sworn vahmtors Emily James, George at, Parramatta Erwin George, 75 Belford at, N s lownflor 11.P.A., llotimitur's chambers, Etter W. R., chief inspector State Erwin George, Cowper at, Parr:matte first floor, 163 Pitt at Children's Relief Board, 1.3-5 Erwin Hannah, 234 Weston rd, lionle Ethel? Pierce, J.I'. auctioneer, Hoff. Richmond ter, Domain ming s chambers, first nom ., 163 Eury IV. R., 50 Penklvil Et, Bondi Erwin Remnant G., 5 George at, Roz. Esain Percy IL, Lalmemba Pitt at ; mu. n,, BeInuire at, Wwood two A, T., Milt on at. N. Ashfield Niche Oscar IV., Bridge et, WITIOyne Rtherden A. J., llhavarra rd, Man Ens! Ellett= 11,, dentist, 147 Pitt at, Rlern /Iseult Joint, 4 Ilmliente ;We. Pliclion rieltelle Eustace Mrs. Mary, 195 Liverpool rd, Etherden C., Underwood at, Botany Aslifield ESDA1LE EDWARD W, Manuffie Elherden Clement, 3.1'., 121 Botany Enstnee IV, J. 29 Hanover st, WTIoo tuning Optician and Mathematird, rd, Hokin' Eva Ernest, \%',J., 20 nO, lionyood pal 111444(11 " Maker, 54 II"" 4" Et en4 F. 28 Gladstone ay., Ennyte Manufacturing Co., NT 0 Vic,st, Sydney ; p.r., "Cmyford," Marriekville toria at. Paddington ' Wharf rd, Longueville 472-84 Ham ST. 'nom 156 MK Comer at, 11 11111 i TilIWS031 AT UPWARDS OF ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAt • INTERMENTS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOOLS OF ALL TRADES. _ 1234Eva ALPII.A.BET1CAL. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Eva Eva ALPHABETICAL. Eve1235 Frederick, Duncan st, Evans Mrs. 'Relays\ 81 Northumberland Evans Mrs. M.. 13 Fred at, Lewisham Evans Thomas, 1 Smith at, Sum. Hill Evans I).It., Macintosh st, CilASW00(1, Evans Evans Mrs. M.,34 Union at, N. Syd. Evans Thomas, Prospeet rd, Sum. Hill eve, Stanmore Carrington ave.Wyllie I Eva ns Frederick, Broughton at, C'bury Evans Fred k. II.,Pomona at, Thleigh Evans Henry, Liverpool rd, Sum. Hill Evans Mrs. M., 10 Edgeeliffe rd, Wool- Evans Thomas M., Layeock's rd, PensEvans Daniel, Station rd, Auburn burst lahra Evans HenryA.,Mortonat.L'hardt Evans Daniel, Charles at, Greenwich I Evans Predk. .1., 2 Byrnes ave. N. Syd. Evans Thomas IL, Carr at, Coogee Evans Mrs. G., Ben Boyd rd, Neut. Bay Evans M. A., grocer, 15 East at Evans henry C.,Byer at.Enfield EvansDavid,17DaleSt Evans G., 387 West at, North Sydney Evans Henry G., 37 Spit rd, Mosnian Evans Mrs. Mary,6 Mills at,A'fleld Evans Thomas T., "Ashley," Clifford Evans David, 103 Devonshire at at, Coogan Evans Mrs. Mary, 59 Queen st, W'ahra Ening Henry L., Byer at, Enfield Evans David, 11Rose at, Annandalel Evans G. E., 180 Elswiek at, L'hardt Evans G. H., 103 Morgan at, Evans Ilenry IV., Edward rd, N'hurst Evans Mrs. Mary C., 30 l'itt at, North Evans Thomas IV., Tower at, East Hills Evans David, Station rd, Auburn Evans ThomasW..Bellevnepar, Evans Garnet, Beaumont at, Campaie Sydney Evans Herbert, Belmont at, Evans David Botany rd, Mascot Hurstville Evans George, 4 Iris st EvansHerbert,HillCrestat.M'vtlh• EvansMiss,labour office,107CastleEvans Mrs. David, Quarry rd, Hyde Evans Victor C.,20Commodore sr, reagll it Evans Herbert, J.P.,24Croydon at, Evans 'David,84Percivalrd, St ntore Evans George, 17 Wood's lane Newtown Evans George, 10 Nelson at, An'dale Evans Norman G., 10 Broughton at l'etersham Evans DavidH.,21llolt at EvansHerbert,508Parramattard, EvansNurse.Doncaster ave,Ken'ton EvansIV.,residentmedicalofficer, Evans David11.,Pemberton at, Bury Evans George, lla John at, Ashfield RoyalPri nee.A f redII osp t im 1, Evans Obed D.. Concord rd, Concord Petersham EvansDavidJ.S.,Parramatta rd, Evans George, 12 Liverpool rd, A'ffeld camperdown Evans George, River at, Canterbury Evans Herbert J., Fern at, Randiviek EvansOwen.Byrne st,Botall.Y Auburn Evans IV., town clerkliogarah ConnEvans HerbertR.,Chapelat,It'wick Evans P., 13 Surrey at, Staninore Evans Dudley S., 231 Walker at, N. Evans George, 70 Croydon rd, Cr'don ell Chambers, Belgrave st, Kogli Evans George, Forest rd, Hurstville Evans Herbert W., 11 Ann at. Irmain Evans P. J., tinsmith and ironworker, Sydney Evans George, Wetherill at, Leichhardt Evans IV., Station at, Harris l'ark Evans Howard C.. Derby at. Lideombe 374lient at Evans Miss E. C., 121 North Steyne, Evans W., 7 Kalgoorlie at,L'hardt Newtown Evans George, 5 l'ine at Evans P. J., 122 Louisa rd, Balmain Evans Irvine. Beamish at, Campsie Manly EvansPercyC.,J.P.,Florenceat, Evans W. N., Claremont A, Campsie Evans Isaac B., 37 Darlinghurst rd Evans E. C.,49Atchison st, Syd. Evans George,7High at, N. Sydney Evans W. It., Greenknowe ave, Potts Evans Mrs. .1., 102 Edgeware rd, Er.Neutral Bay Evans Mrs. E. E., Park rd, Durwood Evans George, 10 Lincoln at, N. Syd. Point more Evans Percy .1., 15 Hereford at, Glebe Evans E. IL, 20 Thomas at, N. Syd. Evans George, off Pennant at, Innatta Evans J.,Rosemeadat,Hornsby Evans Philip, Dougherty at, Mascot EvansIV.W.,Villiers st,Kensington Evans Mrs. E. M. E., 103 Carrington Evans George, King Edward at, RockEvans Mrs. J., 23 Pittwater rd, Manly Evans Phillip, 43 Thonma at, Ashfield 1.: •ansWalter,16George at,Rozelle dale rd, Waverley Evans Phillip, 6Wood's ave,IV'hilira Evans Walter, 88 Rowntree at, B'main Evans .1., Oatley eve, Ontley EValla E. W., manager 13ank of N.S.W. Evans George, Short at, Woollahra at, Shaftesbury E., George Evans Miss J., 11 Cavendish st, S'more EvansR.,postmaster,Charlesat, EvansWalter A.,Doraat,litirstville Parramattm Evans (branch), Church at, Greenwich Carlton Evans J. D., 114a Weston rd, Rozelle Evans William, 61 Fitzroy at Evans Mrs. Eady, Windsor rd, Telma Evans J. E., J.P., City rd, Darlington Evans It., Carlotta at, Greenwich Evans IVilliatn, 141IVomerah ave Evans Edgar, 9 Little Arthur at, N. Evans George F., Siisows at. Epping Middle at, 50 thsage P., Evans Evans J. II., Baldry at, Clintswood Evans William, 82 Annandale st, AnSydney Evans It., 247Pittwater rd, Manly Sydney EvamiJ..1.,hairdresser, 190Eliz. Evans R. C., 72 Edgeware rd, Enmore na lulale Evans Edmund, 39 Cascade st, PadEvans George IL, hluiratville rd, Oatley tibetlmat dington Evans It. 11, 107 Annandale at, An'dale Evans William, Waltere st, Arncliffe Evans Mrs. J. M.. 32 Alice at, N'town Evans Mrs. R. AL, 'Wanton Court rd, Evans William, Auburn rd, Auburn More Evans Edward, "Lohengrin," Harrow Evans George .1., A'Beekett Si, Evans Gmrge .1.,Parker at,Rockdale Evans James, 465 Bourke at Evans IVilliam,Provincialst,Aulairti Evans Albert, 48 Holborrow at, C'don rd, Auburn Carlton at. Bennett J.P., Evans James, 70 West at It., George Evans Evans Edward, 21 Amy at, Ers'ville Evans It. It., estate agent, 526 Marrick. Evans William, 4 Church st, BalmaIn Evans Albert K. Sydney at, Wilrby EvansJames,82Trafalgarst,AnEvans William, 18 Rose at, Balmain Neutral Bay villerd,Dulwich11111 EvansAlbertW.,130Baptistat, Evans Edward, Dora at, Hurstville nandale Evans Edward, 190 James st, L'hardt Evans Geo. T., Bent at Concord Evans R. II., Eastern ave. Kensington Evans William, Denham at, Bondi Redfern at, Five Dock Evans James, Church Evans William, Dover at, Ilotany at. Concord West Evans George Evans Edward, 75 O'Connell at, N'town Evans Ralph., Devonshire at, Chatswood T. Evans Alexander, 22 Hilt at Evans James, 476 Illawarra rd, EvansEdward,86St.JaIllea'rd, Evans Gordon, Lincoln at, Ballwin! EValla Raymond,0 Wood at, Irwiek Evans William, 23 Marsden at, ('down Evans Alfred, Burns at, Campsie Evans James, Market at, Itandwick Evans 11., builder, 17 Bridge st Randwiek EvansRichard,Winchcombeeve, EvansWilliam,10231issendenrd, EvansAlfred,Unwin'sBridgerd, Camperdown Evans James, 641 Darling at, Rozelle EvansII.,J.P.,"Invicta"Supply Evans Edward C. S., Edison at, Ilaberfleld Tempe rd, Parramatta Evans James, 4 Vernon at, Woollahra Stores, 484-486 more Evans Richard F., Burwood rd, Irmore Evans William, John at, Canterbury Evans Alfred, Pine eve, Waverley EvansJamesIV.,Bayviewhotel, Evans Richard M.,Sandringham rd, Evans 'William, 29 Renwick at, DrumPetersham Evans Mrs. Ann, Station st, Harms Pk. EvansEdward11.,131Carabella at, Great Northern rd, Gladesville itio.vne EvansIL,timberyard,Queenat, North Sydney Sans &mei Evans Miss Annie, Hill at, Coops EvansMIT.Jane,Taylorst,Pen. Evans Robert, Weynton at, Annandale Evans William, 86 Darling at, Glebe Petersham Evans Edwin, 15 French at, N. Sydney Evans Mrs. Annie, Robinson at, C'don mintHills 11.A.L.,:LP.,193Ernestat, Evans Robert, 8 Cannon at, S'more Evans William, Belmore rd, Hurstville Evans Mrs.Annie,10(lottenhamat, Evans Edwin, 197 Cleveland st, Mem EvansNorth EvansMissJaneE.,35Londonat, Evans Robert, 36 Grosvenor at, IV'atira EvansWilliam,Parkrd,Hurstville Sydney Evans Edwin C., 81 Campbell at, Glebe Glebe Emnore Evans 11. II., I'm)); rd, Centennial Park Evans Edwin E., 130 Windsor at, PadEvans Robert E., Cowper at, It'wick Evans William, Doncaster a ye, Ken'ton Evans Archie, Sydney rd, Granville Evans Job, 234 Henderson rd, A'dria Evans Russell. 'McIntyre at, Gordon Evans H. C. (J.P. N.S.W. and QueensEvans William, May at, Marrickville dington Evans Archibald, 18 Knox at NaEvans John, 101 Judge at Evans William, 31errenburn a ye, N'hurn land),manager for N.S.W. EvansMissElizaA.,St.Paul's st, Evans S., 29Rectal!'st,Mosman Evans Arthur, 49 Levey at Evans John, tional Mutual Life Association of Clyde at, EvansWilliam,Colinat,N.Sydney Auburn Randwick Evans S. .L, Ourimbah rd, Mosman Evans Arthur, First ave. Eastwood Evans John,5Bradford at,Baltnain Evans Samuel, 1511 Henderson rd, Alex- EvansWilliam,9QUCCIll'13ave,N. Australasia, Ltd., 85 Pitt st ; p.r., EvansErnest,Sheehyat,Clebe Evans Arthur, Alt at, Haberfleld -EMIR .101111,Blakt . 41tyat,Chatswood Sydney "Eldin," 9Monition rd, Mosman :nutria Evans Arthur, 9 Victoria at, St. Pet. EvansErnest,128Alexanderat,N. Evans John, Kooringard, Chatswood Evans Saxon, 34 Lucas at, Camp'down Evans William, Arthur at, Parramatta EvansMrs.ILM.,Redmyrerd. Sydney • Evans Arthur, 27 Robert at, St. Peters Evans John, Como par, Como EValla William, 84Ivy at,Redfern Homebush Evans Ernest, 0 Sutherland st, Pad'ton Evans Shaw, Wilde at, Maroubra Bay Evans Arthur P., "Tonalli," BeaconsEvans John, Robert at,Dundas Evans Ernest, 29 Andreas at, 1"sham Evans II. l'., McDougall at, Kensington Evans Simon, 16 BeachDul. Hill Ennui William, 29 Walker at, Redfern field rd, Mosman Evans Evans John, 144 Bridge rd, Glebe William,Elizabethat,IV't'loo Evans II. R., see. Gosford Racing Club Evans Ercest A., Park a ye, Ashfleld Evans Spencer, 86 Rowntree at, Wmain Evans Augustus, 38 Allan's ave, Evans John, 9 Wentworth at, Glebe Evans William, 71 13elgrave at, Way. Ltd.,:202Pittet ;p.r.,Angelo Evans Spencer II., Tyrell at Hyde Evans Mrs. B., 18 Ballast Point rd, Evans Ernist W., Quarry rd, Hyde Evans John, Campbell Hill rd, Evans William A., Allison rd, It'wick Evans Ernest G., Francis at, Carlton at Durwood Evans Stanley, Claremont at, Cal/Tele Balmain Evans John,Carroll at,liogarah Evans Stanley, Croydon ave, Croydon Evans William C., Vulcan at, Gr'ville Evans B. D., Highgate at, Strathfleld EvansMrs.Esther,31Isabellaat, EvansH.It.,MiddleHarbourrd, Evans John, School par, Marrielcville Evans William D., manager CommerWaverley Park Lindfleld Evans B. F., Marsden at, Hyde Evans John; 3 Eurolca at, N. Sydney Evans Stuart, 40 Queen st, Woollahra dal Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Evans Mrs. Eva, 46 Birrell at, WavIley Evans II. T., Lauderdale a ye, Manly Evans B. T., Parkes at, Hyde Evans John, 83 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton lti. ans Sydney C., 23 Fitzroy at (branch), 325 King at, Newtown Evans Benjamin, Iiixon at, Bankstown Evans Evan, architect, Bank chambers, Evans H. NV., Edwards rd, S. Hornsby Evans William F. McKern st, C'paie Evans John, 6 Margaret at, Petersham Evans Sydney, Barsby's ave, Carlton Ilay at Evans Benjamin, 27 Ye° at, Neut. Bay Pet, at, St. 79 Silver Harold, Evans Evans John, Chiltern rd, Willoughby Evans WilliamF.,39Unionat, Evans '14 ., laundry, 239 Kent at Evans Mrs. C., postmistress, Delmore Evans Evan, Amy st, Campsie Evans Harry, Crystal at, Petersham Newtown Evans John A., Yangoora rd, Belmore Evans T.,113Clarendon rd, St more Evans Evan, 13 lIanover at, Roza° rd, Dalmorton Evans Ilarry, 55 Thompson at, DrumEvans John E., 30Campbell at, St. Evans T.Kuring-gai-Chase rd, Turra. Evans William G., 41 Rose st, Harlon Evans Miss C., woodcarver, 35 Pitt at Evans Mrs. F. G., Queenseliffe, Manly moyne Peters Evans William M., 16 Cecil at, A'ffeld inurra Evans C., 211 St/1=0re rd, Petersham Evans Mrs. F. L., 9 Ormond st, Evans Harry II., 7 Bourke st, Wav'y Evans Jeorls m M., 76 Frederick at, St. Evans T. E., 144 Trafalgar at. An'dale Evans William T., Bay at, BrightonEvans F. S., River rd, East Hine Evans C. A., 511 Illawarra rd, Evans Harry P., 57 Denison rd, 1"shum le-Sands Peters Evans T. H., Centennial a ye, Randwick Evans C. A., Rocky Point rd, Irkdale Evans F.W.,Philip st,Waverley Evans Harry W., 24 Glemnore rd, Pad. EvansJoseph,Unwin'sBridgerd, Evans T. M.,23Willoughby rd, N. Evans William T., 3 &mita at, R'fern Evans C. H., 135 Alice at, Newtown Evans Mrs. Fanny, 36 Fitzroy at, N. Evans Henry, 138 Crown at Tempe Evans Willie, 104 l'almain rd. L'hardt Sydney Evans C..7., Bonlevarde, Strathfleld Sydney Evans Henry, 194 Trafalgar at, An'dale andCo.,teamerchants,1 Evans Joshua, Alt at,Ilaberfleld Evans Thomas, 74a Darling at, B'main Evarard Evans C. It., 24 Terminus at, P'sham Evana Francis Grey at, Carlton Harrow rd, Auburn blond at Evans Henry, Evans Mrs. E., 25 Parrantatta rd, AnEvans Thomas, Brown at, Chatswood Evans Charles, 34 Hercules at, Ashfield EvansFrank,secretaryNewSouth Evans Henry, 53 Rochester st, C'down• nandale Evatt George, Belgrave at, Waverley Evans Thomas, 136 Union at, Iteville Evans Charles, Botany rd, Botany WalesClub,31Blighat;p.r., EvansHenry,Starling at, Leiehhardt Evans Mrs. L., 249 Cleveland at, ItTrn Evans Thontas, Canterton at Iltirlstone EvattGeorge.1.,29liestona ve, Evans Charles, 103 'Ruffen at, N'town "Cheddington," Rosemont avenue, Evans Henry, 117 Newington rd, Mar31os/flan Evans L. IV., Newland at, Waverley Park Evans Charles IV., Punchbowl rd, En. Edgeclifferd,Woollabra rickville Evans Lawson, Wemyss at, Evans Thomas, 7Eltham • at,L'shatil EvattMrs.J.,8 ,Granthamat,N. field Evans Prank, North par, Auburn eve, Moorebank off Evans Henry, Sydney Evans Leon A., Byron at, Campsie Evans Thomas, Station at, Marrickville Evend McDonald, skirts and blouse EvansCharlesW.,63Hanoverat, Evans Frank, Bunnerong rd,Kenton Moorebank Evans Leonard, 89 Ferry rd, Glebe Cairo at, N. Sydney Evans Thomas. Waterloo Evans Frank, 115 Augustus st, Evans Henry, 2 Prospect at, Newtown. aimfactory, 71 King at, N'town Evans Lewis, 20 Edgecliffe rd, W'altra Evans D., Christie at. St. Leonards hardt Evans Lewis V. A., Abbot at, N. Syd. Evans Thomas, Castle at, Parramatta Eve.njamin, 30 Gordon cres. S'more Henry, 21Great Buckingham Evans D. F., J.P., manager Commen EvansFrankIV.,37Elawickat, Evans st, Redfern Evans M., tailor, 195 Glebe rd, Glebe Evans Thomas, 78 Railway at, St. Pet. Eve,arlea, (I Herbert at, Newtown •dal Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd., Leichhardt Evans Henry, 5 Parrett at, Rozelle Evans Mrs. AL, Emma at, Leiehhardt Evans Thomas, Alice at, Sans Solid Eve,arles .1.,Belmorerd,Coogee (branch),. Macquarie at, L'pool Evans Fredk., 94 Garden at, A'dria SUPPLY PRIVATE CARRIAGES. LANDAUS AND BROUGHAMS, WITH LIVERIED SERVANTS, AT CALL WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE:'810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 7268.1524 CENTRAL Evans Bros., laundry, 21 Glemnore rd, Paddington. Evans and Co., auctioneers, etc., 150154 Enmore rd, Enmore Evans George and Son, coachbuilders, 14 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld Evans & Jeffery, provision merchants, Gordon rd, Lindfield Evans John & Son, Printing Co., 200 Castlereagh at EvansSons,LesehandWebbLtd., wholesale chemists, 376 George at EvansA.,grocer,320Icingat,St. Peters Evans A., 227 Hendersonrd,A'dria EvansA.,27Elizabethst,l'ad'ton Evans Mrs. A., Lauderdale a ye, Manly Evans A., 27 Elizabeth at, Paddington EvansA.E.,22Marlboroughat, Leichlta nit-Eva its Mrs. A. E., 10 fl(!orge st, Manly Evans A. E., 00 William at, Pad'ton Evans A.J.,watchmaker, etc.,161 Enmore rd, Enmore Evans A. J., 115 Newington rd, Mar. rickville Evans A. L., tobaccon't, 20 Erskine st Evans Mrs. A. M., 119 Trafalgar st, Annandale Evans Mrs. A. M., Leyland par, Bel- EValls D. T., ANTHONY NORDERNS' — ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS. 1236Eve. ALPHABETICAL. Ewe Ere ueorge r., 31orm at, Gordon Everett Thomas, 9 Windmill atKornai's] At'llinr, Bay al, Brighton-Ie.' Eve Janni s, Canterbury rd. Canterbury Everett T. J., off Abattoirs rd, Rozelle Sands E r'. John . 1 83 Wardell GI , Dulwich It . leterett T. J., Abattoirs, Glebe Island Evers & Cohen, manufacturing tailors, Eve John, 76 Charles at, Erskineville . Everett William, St. James' Churell,5 itnd 7a Wynyard at, SldlleY EVers Gitarlel, 26 (Spin at, Pad 'ton • Eve Miss Mary, Kareela rd, Cremorne Ring at Eve Richard L.,37 Canotibury grim% Everett William, 28 Langley's lane Evers Edward, Stator at, Auburn isimlwi,'Ia lull Everett William, 21; Pelt •st, Batelle Evers Ezra, 49 Alexander sit Manly live W. IL, 76 Albion at, Annandale Everett William p., 530 York at north Evers 11010er, lintrat. l'il, Cheltenham Eveille Alfred , 1311 Le11110,5 at . N ' tout Everiugham A. C., Carrington rd, . its • arms, 24 ehui,'list. 5t1 (Evers John, 9 Stanley at, Redfern Vieille J'. L., 23 Church st, NewtownWaverley Ercille L., 42 Denison at, Newtown lived/wham A. IL, 26 Cromwell at, livers Lionel, Cordon at Mascot Event° I. II.. 15 Neville at, Mn, vale Evers !tribal A., en., 58 Ridge at Aahlield Eveleigh William, 6 Kellett at Evet.ingbant A. F., queen at, Auburn Evers ftohert A., jun., 58 Ridge at Evelyn . itrooks II. S., Itailtvay P ar, Everinghain A. 'P., Kilnberley rd, Evers Slimy, 4 Goodsell at. Newtown (.arlton Everson Charles, Mlii, at, Carlton Even it Phillhert, fancy leather inamb Everingliani B., 18 Stanley at, Wavley Everson John, Sam II at, ll'oollubra faeLorers, 24 James at, Emitore lIveringlatm Mrs. C., 15 Ann at, Everson W., Gloucester rd, thirst vii he Every Mrs. .Iiiielia, :39 Palmer st„ Even Alphonse, dyer and cleaner, 17 13alinain lie Dm is, 9. V. Markets, and 22 James at, 11n-ring/nun Colin C., dentist, 234 Parratnatta rd, Peter:41min 17very Amos G., 75 Curtis rd, Enntore Evendeu.Anebor Nail Proprietary, Ltd. Everinglitun Edgar IL, Powell at, Evet•5' Miss I., refreshment rooms, 130 •—lo Byron Atones. set . .. 11 Wyn.I lotnebush Iltmepool at yard hine EV10411000)Beaufort at, Ealleld Every John, Arden at north, Coogett Evenett. P. J., Jersey tal, .lanrinuti Everingham I'. C., Allison rd, .12'wlek Every SIGs Si.. 3 liefIrIt Emmen L., 31arthorough rd, leleneton Everingliam 0., 6 Gaud/ridge at, S'inore Eves Charles, Drool. at, Coogee Evasubs , NEws (Daily), printed and Everinghatir George 13., Newland at, ,t-es Mn,,. E. Auburn Perk rd, Bankst own published by Christopher Bennett, IVaverley Everingliont IL, solicitor, 92 Mize- Eves George II., SO Albion at, Ardelale 49 Market at 104E, at Eves Herod, ltdiany at, thirstville Evennett Alma, registrar /LIT. & D., GO Shadforth at, Nieman !Everinglmin Ifarold, 63 Raglan at. Eves Laurence, 21 Larhin at. Chimer! liventrett Frederick C., fiollend at, 1Ilormian Eves Stephen, Ti Pin st, Waterloo 117veringitrini Boraces Chester st, Eppin° lives W., 171 Pathnatta .Inti'dale. Chatswood Evennett W., Moore at, Lordon Everinglturn .1. C., dentist, 113.115- isms William, 83 ,Inittilei at, Forest Talk° 17vennett W. IV., 177 N.S.11. rd, Pad- 117 King at,es% own Everingliam .1. C. , 12 114)11. at, S'iltore Eves William II., Hopctoun a y e, Vain in Stan George, 3 Ebenezer lane, Clic Everiughata L., dentist, 290% Eing at, close Evenson ' Evenson William, 20 Little Palmer at Eveson /Mane's, 9 Little Palmer at Everett d: Co., Ltd., brass furnishings, Ever/aglow! L., 46 Ititherd at, N'town FIVeStiOn Ches., IleIcher at, Wain.° Ash At, off 338 George atEveringham Mrs. L. G., 2 Carey at, F.vesson Charles. Simpson st, Bondi Everest Harold, Middle at, 31seville Mattlekv11144 Evesson Miss, 112 Edgeeliffe rd. Woollalan Everett A., '4 Pritchard tit, Mar i ville Everingham Luther, dentist, 23 Carey FAerett A. E., Neringab a ye,. at, Maillehylfle Evesson Thomas, 54 {Yarns at, \rant Eyednaltam If:itthew 210 Barton] rive, Evestnn Mn,. C., 51 Victoria at, Bhtv, roonga Everett Alan, Crontitht at, Everinglutin N., Louis at, Granville Eveslon ?dm 51. T., Frenchman's ro, Itairdsviel; Everett Albert, Railway lair,Everinghain '1'. W., 152 !B yrd] at, Evian], Mrs. Sandi. 2611 . (51011.01r0 at Everett Alfred, 6 Ox lord at, Roselle Verley Everett Arthur, 36 Merriman at Everington Peter, Terminus st, Liver' Evitt. John II., 42 Cralgend at Evitt William; 9 11ninore rd, 3f'cille Everett Arthur J. 13 Henry at, Wavy pool p,veeettW„ fiobe or,enry st. Elre Evoy John, 264 Elizabeth at rtson plare, Vatt- EveriDstockMrs. EleanH Ewan Alfred, 20 Charles et, chute Everett Charles, 4 Hannan, at Eperist Geo., 37 'Wellington at, N'towtt EWLill Charles, Botany rd, Mascot Everett Edward, manufacturers' agent, Everitt A., tailor, 440 Pitt at Ewan lc., Greetthills at, Enfield Everitt Alex. D., Mattel at, Ifornshy 17wan Jitilies (exerattors of the estate 161 Pitt at Everett Edward, Lucinda !IVO, Wale Everitt Allred IL, 160 Grafton at, of the late), 55 Pitt at Woollithra 17synt James, an Sean l at, Petersham thongs Everitt Mrs. Ann. /th, ft Cook nil Ewan James W., Gordon at, Bunnell! • Everett Francis, 2 Little Smith at Everett Frank, 27 Burton at Everitt RI., Alice at, Turrumurra 17wart 0. IV., 55 Pitt at Eve'rett Frank, 9 Charles at Everitt Mrs. 17 .. 61 Ifurrow rd, Stun. Ewan IV., 4 Mllitarv?deism:lit Everett G., 27 Abattoirs rd, Roselle100 r 17wart J. E. and Son s, contractors, Everett George, 24 Bay:p outer at, Everitt (loony?, 10 Trades at, 1301 Main Oonlon et, Mostnan Everitt George, 101 Simmons at, Ewan .1114ert, 498 0.8.11. val, Way'y Drommoyne Ewart Alfred W., litiodland at, Balm. Everett George, 2 Lawson at, Roze/le Enntere gowlalt Everett George F., 27 EdgeWare rd, Everitt George J., 64 Lennox at, 'Newtown Enmore Ewart J. A., 89 Shadforth et, Ifostuan Everett II. T., manage,. Tooth and Everitt II. 'f'., 77 Thy Boulevard, Dub Ewart James, Aston at, Granville Co. Ltd. (successors to Maitland Melt Hill liwarL John, Gordon at, Mosinan Buoy ing (M., Ltd.), 52 !lay at Everitt IF. W., rumor rd, Gatley Ewort John, 24 Lawson at, Itozelle Everett Harold, 292 Now Canterbury Everitt Henry J., 7 Cook rd 17whank Charles, llobinson at, Croydon Everitt James, 19 Poplar at rd, Petersham Ewell 17. S., Cairo at, 75 ' at I, Sydney Everett J., 58 Charles st, Ersidneville Everitt Jam es, 74 'Jerry at, Itozelle Ewen J. IL, Dunslaffnace et, Hurl. Everitt John. 97 Situntons at, Emnore Everett J. It., 4 Denison at, Manly stone Park Everett James, 17 itenwiek et, Drum, Everitt John It., 2 Norton st, Manly Ewen John, Big Bondi Bench Everitt Joseph, 3 Windsor rd, Ewen John, 7011 Mamoru rd. M'ville mom° Everett James, Menyval° rd, Pymble Everitt Mrs. Martha, Targo st, ling i rali Ewen John, 1 George at, novelle Everett James, Ingram a t, Italarbvisk Everitt W., Carrington eve, Ifrastville Ewen John S., 50 Denison at, Rezone Everitt IV. IL , Nelson rd, Gordon Ewen W., Greenwich rd, Lane Cove Everett John, 7 Little Queen at Everett John R., 7 Raglan at, Manly Everitt IV. J., 94 Rowntree at, B'main Ewens Fred, J., dentist, 231 Mac• Everett Mrs. M. S., 119 Newington Everitt W. EL, 461 Illawarra rd, onarie at Everitt Walter IL, Ill Litwoln at, Ewens Frederick 3., dentist, 3 TIN. rd, MarrlekvIlle St ranitor , eulum at Everett Miss Minnie teacher of dancEwens .1, D., Jr., 3 Tuien/um ing, Ash at, off 838 George it Everitt SVIlliAin, tin itippas at Everett ., Mrs. N., View at, Woolwich Everitt Wolselcy, 90 Spring at, Waver. Eweits B. A., Lansnowne at, Eastwood Everett S. W., 130 Redfern id. ItifernIcy items Win. J., Cameron at, It 'I, W000,,COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. Lim y O p t, 472-84 HARRIS Sr. 'non 156 CLEM NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. BRICKFIELD HILL. SYDNEY. Ewe ALPHABETICAL, Fad1237 Ewer Alfred, Meakin at, Ilerrylands Exrelsi4r Joinery Works, Ill Miller st, Eyles itaynamd, William at, Dundee Ewer George, Carrington ave, Pormont Eyles Reuben, 1112 Riley at Ewer George IL, 119 Latira at, N'O p acil Exurb:tor 14nitling Cu. ("ell Parker st Lyles Sarah, Church at, Carrford Ewer Harry, Parkes at. Itj%le Excelsior Land, Investment and Build; Kyles Mrs. T, J., 8 Broughton at, Padflon Eseermlnodo srif t zli, 110 Annandale at, An- ing Co. and Bank, Ltd.—Stephen Eyles 'Thonins, Church et, Carlinglord 'yVorkllaaltdielt,mannger, 143 Pyles Walter, Church at, Ca rlIngf on] Ewers Alfred, Garden et, Marriekellle halt's Willis,,,, Bay at. Botany Ewers Allen .1., 211 Elizabeth st, Excelsior Mae:Iron' Co., Ltd., 117 Pitt Eyies iloWeir cItiarn, Kissing Point rd. Dblas Redfern sl, and neighborly-Sands Ewers Mrs. J., 86 Bourke Bourke Eximisior Nail NInnufachiring Co, 12 EYjes Within" 0., C°Itrinnd at, rive Ewers Jams. !resting st, Lit leontla. Kensington al Charles, 151 Falcon at, N. S3'd. Ewers Mrs. M., Jabez at, Marriekvine Excelsior Printing Works, 102 Castle- 1•1yre Eyre David, Maxeell at, Granvilie Ewers Mrs. 1162.', (13 Elizabeth st, Eyre Edward, Wilson at, Narentlarrn -Redfern l r,grb il-inforeed L at, Carlton Concrete and 17a- EY re • l'Avers 'William, 93 Elizabeth st, liTern Exeelaiiil i titus at Eyre Mrs. Ltd_ 2u l 'Ellen, 13 Ilenison at, Wiroty aillecring to n liwin Ernest, 117 Cowper at, Math ilk Excelsior Slipply Co. Ltd., ruliber stamp 1:3' no Ellis, .Adolphus at, Naremburn . 17win Sirs. II., 4 Deane et, Harwood makers and supplies, 280 Gee, I:yr° Gledstotte, 56 Middle at, N. Syd. Ewin SOliMel Virginia st, iten'om an, and 178 Elizabeth at; branches )7.vre Harry', Diane at, Iternhvick - I:win William, 11 Cromwell at, A'llehl Wellington (31.7...), and Capetown ECcre31thint at,. Coogre Willis,,, T., Virginia at, Ge'vflle (5.5.); also Melbourne, Victoria 173're Harry IV., 177 Cowper at, /fairly 1:wing Mrs. A., Biter nil, Lime Cove coffee Pahree, 79 SIIKKPX Eyre delm 3., 129 St. George's crest Ewing Alexander, 76 Baptist at, Bed. Exchange Drummoyne Exchange Post, Telegraph and Money fern Eyre Josoph, 3 Albert at, For. Lodge Order Oince—S, S. Smith, post. Ewing Alfred. 813 Ilay st, SI, Peters Eyre Joseph, LItligew at, St. L'intrds master, Exelitinge, Bridge at Ewing Mrs. Arehilzald, 88 Brisbane at PIVHS Agency, 17 Bridge at Eyre L. C. 12 St. Ifinver ave, N. Syd. 't wing Bootie N., Cowan at, Sum, 11111 Exchange Eyre Mrs., 226 Ben Boyd rcl, Neut. Bay Exehange Printing Co., 35 Bathurst at Ewing Ernest li., 39 Mary at, St. per. Trades 1101—George Brit- EyreD iutri jodiuriorircl,Iltundaffnace at, Ewing Henry, 84 Crystal at, 1"shatit Executive seetmlary, I/nullities at EwingBannerman at, Neut. Bay Exleyter, Ed gar, 209 Church at, nitrate Eyre ltielsirti, 75 Head at, Waverlev 17tring (lames. Bland at. .1slilleid Expert Window Cleaning and Carpet 113'n.It ieltard'rhoitiiulevaral c, Ewing James. Fowler's 'ave. Guildford • sir a t ioma Beating CIL, Viol; ell5inirerA, 3(1 Ewing Mrs. John, River rd, Cove Eyre Si 'ph wn, 11(01001,41051, at, A i dr la 3f:tart st 'Ewing Jolin, 27 Gibbons Id, It edfent Department—Y. W. Wil- Eyre Thomas, 8 Stirling at, liedkon Ewing .1 (dm .1., 143'handier sr. N. Explosive liams, supt., George at, Circular Pyres W. II.. Iferriwa blow Milling .Sydney Co. end Alorri4v14 Contrite( Shear• Quay , Ewing l'., 54 Great MichIngham at, ing Co., 11 Margit:tri p platy Film Service Md.. Centro/ at ,Had fern ENjneSs Linotyping 234 Clarence at Ewing Itolntl. 60 George st, Redfern Extols. Verret Delivery, 34 0, V. mitre. Ewing Mrs. Shah, 6 Morris at, Sum. Extence Jas., 3 Tara at 1Yoollaltra Ezzey Caleb, Brillion et, Lakentbn If1/1 1!;x101i Mrs. ,l,, 05 Trafalgar e t( Middle hazy Mrs. E., 18 Wyndham at, flit ; 17wing IVIIllatn, 22 Blond at Haymarket Cash tizzy Edgar I., J.P., 53 Dailey rd, Ewing William C., 8 Holt at, Sinn-ire Exton 3. IL, manager Co., Ultimo rd ,Edvings .lohtt, 224 Young at, Amfdale ExtonPneldwo James, Beatnish at, CliMpSie NY.Z.V Edwin, Lei chin writ at, L'ha nit 'Ewings Mrs. NI., Union Fit, West Itogilt Exton .1 :lines, Portland fit, 17101eld 1 czij; ODedenargyn; 716',Irrentrotirg aternatt,stAulvertt: '1:Wilir,N Phillip, Albert at, Ilornsby Exton aliiikeS, 14)5 13grulsor at, Pad ton Ewinglon C. /1. E., 23 Kensington at, 11xton 43 Pramptoti asp hazy Selwyn II., John IL, 103 George 1st, 17IvIlk Wet erloo F.74V S01111111, 00 King al. St. Petri.: Exton Joseph, 274 Harris at Essington Chas., 55 Iforchead at, Ext Olt isilan 168 King et, St. Peters Faber 0111/ S., South at, I) rain] Waterloo Veber Mrs. It. .1.. Burnett at, Irrupt Withrun, Grey at, Carlton '11winglon V,. It., coffee and spice mills, 17xt Es Irvin l'hos. J., Houston rd, K en' tort Faber Theodore, 212 Bourke at .66 Harbour an C., Gust gas rwominer's °Wee Pallor 'Wm, P. .1.. S truce at, Itozelle Ewington Edward, dentist, 98 Glebe 17yers awl 11epertinvat of Labour and l'aherm .10enries--1 . , W. Wag:doff, Point rd, Glebe malinger. 82 Pitt at ry, 1:12-1:14 George at 17wington1711wried, .1.P., 132 John- Eye' sbelied Vabert 311's, 17.. 43 (34 .1, 441. N. Sy, I. Thomas. I I id st ,ston at, Annandale Fabort Sirs, Si.. 29 CIllt at, ltIonlj. 1739as Thomas, 29 William at Ewington Ernest, 11/ Elizabeth et, Red- Eybs Fabian Robert, 72b King st .1. T., ntioaden rd, Ilmulas • turn 17;thian Rudolph, 45 Pitt at, Waterloo liyies Alexander, Marsden rd, Pondas Ewington Mrs. F., Sydney at, wirhby Ey II'S Al exander , jun., Cowell's lane, ITalontebe kestate agents, Ewiligthn l', E., 503 lion a( Ihirlstolle tiwington G., Chiltern rd, IV ll'gl,lay EyiesDundee FahrlyVictoria ri, .11490111111'ill Arnold, Byde at, Cerlingford 'Ervinglon Percy, Sydney at, 1 , 11brim Beare .1.17., Terminds at, .1rIbur, Bose at, Entleirt Exalt C. .1., 411Botany rd. Alexanda ri Eyles Liverpool EvIcs Clifford, Mills ' s! 17nstwood Exall Mrs. Charles, 161 Glebe Point rd. Gyles Claude, Tennyson rd, Il'inke Fahro Nicholas, 4 Little Delmore at Glebe Embry 17dwin J. C., .1.P., Tunbridge st, Eyles II, It., Ealliotiali . at, I1i11terfle141 EXallGoren at, Botany Eyles Ernes1. Itatt pay rd. Ilaberflold Fury Ilaltlicw 17., School par. Irvine 'Excovtitiom, 1,10.--C, IV. lianypriore. Eyles Frank, 31filenti rd, 11astwood Fabry .Nee.. 82 Pitt 0 ; William, Alfred at, Itasca 1.14. 1ra Hertel!. Terry oil, Eastaamil ti ritliryllutrj.„111ison rd, Itandwiel; Ii small Albert E., Ilawkesview rd. KrIrm Henry, MilkydriVe, Fabstid,t • Face Firth, Ts vist net; at, Hurst vi lie Guildford Drummoym. Ex p el! Mrs. Annie, 240 Botany rd, 11yles Ilvebort, 118 Smith at, Som. Bill rarer .5. IL, liartgers' rd, Mosmint c 9 Wareinict us',', Botany Kyles James, NYliarf rd, 11rmington n'arer ',ollard, .1(x414 11 E., 21 Sfaelsertzie at, Wavericy liyha Jelin. 43 thwthol at, Roselle Pacer IL, Ilomellualt errs, llomelmali ell II. IL, 11oriarlyCluitswood Eyles John F. 0., Villiers at, Kenton Peet.? IVeslinialt.? at, Bexley h'sylos John 0,57 Ittriwiels at, NEvIllt Tracey A. R., 199 Foster at, L'hardt -EXCELSIOR BRICKWORKS — Eyle.1,1,,, s.1,1,,,.1.,1 in st ojipq al , croydon. W. .1. Down.10sepli .I„ 37 Clifton at, N. Sell, Po cry John, 159 Arundel. et, F. Lodge Isuckerell Mrs. A., 29 Yelvertem at, Ion, Proprietor; Thomas .f. Johirr, Kyles Leslie W., 42 Moore at, St. Peters Malinger. Tel. 80 .1 'l d hales Mra, 51artira. Mills at, Carlton 'Exerlaior101 INTCo.(The) Eyles Mrs, 8Iary, Ifooubria al, Squint Factory 17mplo3'ece U1001-1 — A. f'arter, see., /thrice 110), Goillburn (Thomas 'Taylor), 12 ftensington Eyles :Matthew, Broughton et, Concord) at. Sydney.Tel. 4811 Redfern. Eyler Milton, Quinton rd. Ihrilly !racy l'eter IV., 68 Nelson 85, Anidale .York a, Isnorrove at, A lexamb la Eyles Preston, Terry's rd, Dundris 1, 41(1(101 George, Pnleoner at,. 115'de HALF-A • CENTURY OF EXPERIENCE HAS PERFECTED OUR METHODS AND EARNS OUR REPUTATION - ANTHONY HORDERNS' —SPOT CASH MERCHANTS. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR STATION SUPPLIES. 1238Fad ALPHABETICAL. Fai Fahey Mrs. T., 190 Weston rd, R'zelle Fairburn Fredk., Salisbury at, rcluse Fadden J. B., consulting engineer, 105 Fahey Thoints, Fraiwis at. Artannon Fairburn G., West par, Eastwood Pitt at Fairburn Gcsarge A., Rutledge sts. radian John 3 Glen at, North Sydney Fahey Thomas P., Elam:Ws ter Eastwood Faddy Mrs. Annie, 75 Boronia at, Red- Fahey William, Burwood rd, Enfield Fairburn Thomas, 51 Hordem Fahl C. W., dentist, Challis House, fern Newtown Martin place; p.r., Lorne ave, Faddy F. G., Northcote at, Nar'burn Fairclough C., 31 Duxford st, Pad'ton ICillaru Faddy Francis II., 31 Abergeldie st, Fairclough C. S., off 63 Booth at, 'NM F., Sutherland st, Neat Bay Petersham HaImain Fadyd Walter, 541 Memnon' rd, Pad. Fahl Mrs. M., 97 Union at, N. Aydin?). Fairclough Mrs. II., New Zealand it, FaIvan Andrew, 93 Cathedral at Fader S., 80 Liverpool at, Pad'ton Parrarnatta Fader Solomon, 32 Macdonald at, Pad- Fahrenkrog George, 15 Bellevue at .1., 6 Horton gt. Mar•ville• Fahrner Mrs. J., 41 Botany rd, Bot'y Fairelough dington Fairclough T., St. George's par, It villa Faerber Mrs. M., 160 Hereford at, Pally Arthur L., 21 Henrietta Lit Faire Bros. & Co. Ltd.—A. F. Smith, Fithy Edwin, Ashley at, Waverley Glebe agent for Australia, 85 Q.V. Fagan Mrs. A., 34 Boyle et, Mosman Fully Frank, 28 Bourke at, Redfern Markets Fagan Charles, Piper at, Annandale Fatly James, 96 Beattie at, Balmain Fairfax John and Sons, proprietors Fagan Charles, 2 Flood at, Whitish Fahy James, Grey it, Carlton and SYDNEY MORNING HERALD Fairy Luke, Belmont st, Alexandria Fagan Chris, 404 McEvoy st, NV't'loo SYDNEY MAIL, junction of HunFatly Michael, 2 Lugar at, Waverley Fagan Mrs. E., 9 Lower Campbell at ter, Pitt and O'Connell it, Fagan F. E., 17 Tavistock at, D'moyne Falls' Patrick, 50 Gordon arcs, Stun. Fairfax & Roberts Ltd., manufacturing more Fagan Francis, 166 Mullane at, B'main retail jewellers, watchmakers and Fatly Richard II., Tabrett at, Rockdale Fagan 0. L., 141 Queen at, W'alira opticians, 23-25 Hunter at Filmy Thomas, 54 Calder at, Redfern Fagan J., Hanover st, Gore Hilt Fairfax A. W., 17 Warung at, N. Syd. Fail Brian, Thompson at, Drilitimoyne Fagan John, 20 Batman lane Fairfax Arthur F s Andover at, Mon Fagan John, Cambridge rd, Art'mon Faint Arthur, Bay at, Botany Fairfax Arthur G., Mackenzie st„ Faint Arthur, Smith st Mascot Fagan John, 13 Sutton at, Balmain Fair A. E., Myatt st, Oatley Lindfield Fagan Mrs. Kate, 54 Kensington at Fair Austin, 33 Liverpool at, Pad'ton Fairfax C. E., Bowies rd, Kogarall Fagan Mrs. M., 31 Railway at, P'sham Fair .1. A., jeweller and optleials 244 Fairfax Charles IL, 73 Denison rd, Fagan Michael F., Gladstone st, Kog. Petersham Pitt at Fagan Patrick, 56 Darling at, Glebe Fairfax Miss E., 93 Bellevue at, N. Syd Fair .T. A., Beach At, Coogee Fagan l'eter, 4 Prospect at, L'hardt Fairfax IL, Bonner ave. Manly James, 227 Rose at, Darlington Fairfax E. Fagan Robert, 14 Francis at, Enmore Fair E. Wilfrid, physician, 185 Fair R. E., artesian boring contractor, Fagan Thomas W., 60 Springside at, Liver•pool at ;p.m-., N.S.11. rd, Custom House lane RozaIle Hose Fair Richard E., North British hotel, Fairfax Fapm William, 19 Ann at Geoffrey E., J.P., "Elaine," 4 Loftus it Fagan William, 20 May at, St. Peters New South Head rd, Double Bay Fair Wm., Railway st, Rockdale FageIman J., Chiswick rd, !Mown Fairfax Sir James R., "Ginahgulla," Fairall Miss A. 153% Devonshire it Fagerlund E., Canary rd, Canterbury Isairall Bellevue Hill, • Double Bay it, Burwood Arthur Wilga V,. Fagerhind IC, Kuroki at, Penshurst Fairfax J. 0., "Fairwater," Now South Fairall Percy C., 2 Barley at N'town Pagerlund V. It., Stoddart at, Head rd, Double Bay airbain Robert, so Plunkett at, Is Fagerstrom Alexander, 83% Fig at Fairfax Percy, Inverness a ye, Peale . Drummovne Fagerstrom Emil, 33 Mount st hurst E., Empress it, Hurstville Fahey Mrs. Alice, Delmore rd, It'wick Fairbairn airbairn F., 30 Addison ni, Nt'ville Fairfax W. B., commercial broker, 10 Fahey Ambrose, Ilarris st, Granville is Fairbairn l',84 Harbour st, Mosinan Hunter at; p.r., 5 Croydon it, Fahey Miss C., 142 rrinces st Petersham "Yoorooga," Find- Fairfield Fahey Edgar, 182 Windsor it, Pad'ton Fairbairn Mrs. G. wood Ironworks. engineers, 62-64 lay ave, Chals Fahey Edward, 24 Surrey at Gipps at Pairbatrn (1., 31 Cabramatta rd, 'Mos• Fairfield Arthur, 27 Fl. .out at, 1:hanit Fahey Francis, 8 Franklyn at, Glebe man Fahey Henry, East at, Granville Fairbairn George, Albert at Rockdale Fairfield Miss E. Fahey Mrs. llonora, 71 Liberty at, Fairbairn George, 17 Hardy ave, Sum- at, Waterloo J., 128 Wellington Staninore . Fairfield John, Botany rd, Alexandria moor 11111 Fahey Mrs. J., 8 Belvoir st Fairbairn J., 72 Wyndham it, A'dria Fairfield John, ArnclitTe at, Arncliffe Fahey James, Botany rd, Alexandria Fairbaint J. II., Belmont at, A'dria 1Fairtowl William, O'Neill at, BrighFahey James, 223 Young at, An Fairbairn James, 47 Denison at, ton-le-Sands Fairhall Ernest G., 14 Lion at, Alield nandale Rozelle Fahey James, Concord rd, Concord Fairbairn James, Percival at, L'hanit Fairhall E. II., Junction rd, Hornsby Fahey Jeremiah, 39 Schimel at, Fairbairn John, 4 Calder rd, Redfern I s airliall Percy V.. Beatrice at, A'tield , . W., .13 Terrace rd, MarWaterloo Fairbairn Joseph, Barney at, W11103110 Fa Wand) 1 nekville Fahey John, 228 Commonwealth at 37 Cook rd, Maeville W., Fairbairn L. Fahey John, 60 Upper Fort st Fairbairn Mrs. M., 40 Cook rd, Fairlamb Francis, sen., Rokeby rd, Abbotsford Fahey John, Stacey at, Bankstown Marrickvillc Fahey John, 24 CUM> at, RozeIle Fairbairn Robert, 109 Falcon at, N. Fairland A., Alviston rd, Strathtield Fithian(' C. A., .1.P., Customs and Fahey Joseph, 21 Lackey at, St. Peters Sydney forwarding agent, 59 Pitt at Fahey Mrs. K., 109 Elizabeth st, Red- Fairbairn Robert, 120 Falcon at, N.p.r.' North par, litintar's Hill fern Sydney Fahey Miss M., 94 Underwood at, Pass Fairbairn Robert, 5 Calder rd, Irfern Fairland Miss J., Alexandra at, H. Hill Fahey Mrs. M., 70 Terry at, HowIle Fairbairn W. J. L., 3 Short at, N'town Fairland Miss M. A., Willee at, B'wood Fahey Mrs. M. T., Toter at, Mar'ville Fairbank George J., :1011 Riley at Fabian(' Mrs., 26 Made:1y st Fahey Mrs. Mary, residential cham- Fairbank John. 6 Lambert at, E'ville Fithian(' S. II., estate agent and sport's bers, 128at VairbanIc L., 82 Wellington at, N'town see., 9 Illigh at; p.r.,26 Fahey Mrs. Mary, 26 Riley st Fairbrother Arthur, Bryson at, C'wood Wright's rd, Drummoshe Fahey Michael, Lincoln at, Campsie Fairbrother Mrs. E., 108 IVyndltain at, Fairland W. M s J.P., secretary Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 275a Alexandria Fahey Michael, 2 Victoria et, St. Pet. Fairbrother 0., so coninna mum, "start- Pitt st •, p.r., North par, IlunFahey Miss, 22 Sydney rd, Manly ter's 11111 more Fahey Mrs., Railway par, Kogarall Fairbrother Mrs. J., nil Bourke rd, Fairless 0.Stony Creek rd, 1"howl Fahey Patrick, 79 Rose at Fairless :Slatttliew, Concord rut, ("cord Alexandria Fahey Patrick, 117 Buckland at, AlexFairbrother .T. C., Park st, Campsie Fairless WininIll A., Bland at, WItc411. andria Fahey Patrick, Victoria at, Alex'dria Fairbrother Mrs. L., 170 Nelson at, Fairies- George T., 26 Grey at, Way'y Annandale Fairies" It., to Norton it, Leichltardt Fahey Patrick, 42 Mary at, Waterloo Fairbrother Thomas, 5 Avon at, Melte Fairlie Mrs. Es Canterbury rd, ("bury Fahey Richard, 150 Campbell at Fairburn F. W., Wentworth it, East- Fairlie Edward, 12 N'iew at, Annandale Fahey Mrs. Rose, 432 Victoria at wood • WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD.HEAo OFFICE: OULWARRARD.,PYRMONT.'PHONE726 L 1160 CENTRAL Fai ALPHABETICAL, Far1239 Fairlie James, 14 View at, An'dale . PHOSPHATINE Falkat John, 250 Bulwarra rd Fairlie P. D., Itenolds at, Neut. Bay FALIERES FOOD—Agents, Claude Healy and Fallon John, Forest rd, Peal:burst Fairlie It. IL, 65 Catherine at, L'Intral Co. : also for Loch tinFFencing, 10 allon John T., 33 Oxford at, N'town }'airman Edward G. 47 Edwin it, BarnIck at Fallon Joseph, 88 Arthur at Croydon Joseph, Exchange heir!, 4OS FaraPnav Newspaper Co., Ltd. (The) Falk & Co., importers, 285 Clarence it Fallon Crown at —Edwin Stook, manager C. F. Falk J. I. and Co., merchants and Fallon Laurence, 79 Cowper at, Glebe Chaplin, editor, 335a George at importers, 29 O'Connell at Fallon Mrs. M., Eli abeth place, DarFairs Arthur, Dora at, Hurstville Palk Stadelmann & Co. Ltd., Yentas ling Point Fairs Mrs. C. F., 531 Crown at Light Co., 412 Kent at Mrs. M., 41 Selwyn st, Pturton Fairs Edward, 17 Broughton at, Glebe "Falk" Photographic Studios, 164 Fallon Fallon M., Dover rd, Rose Bay Fairs NUM Ellilly, 17 Church se, NewPitt at Fallon Mrs. M. 12.. 114 Darlingliturst Ed town Falk A., Shadier at, Neutral Bay Fallon Martin, 8 Sherbroke at Fairs James, Bannockburn at, Pymble Falk C., manufacturers' agent and Fallon 197 Trafalgar at, P'allam Fairs Wm., 21 Church at, Newtown importer,16Carringtonat, FallonNurse, P. E., 54 Charles at, L'hardt Fairweather A., 22 Albion at Wynyard square. Tel. City 7432 Fallon P. W., .LP., solicitor, Empire Fairweather Albert, 98 Jersey rd, Pad. Falk Mrs. C., 162 Underwood it, chambers, 93 York at; tel. 1647 Fairweather Alexander, 29 Albion at Paddington Central; p.r., "1Cerry," Grosvenor Fairweather Alexander, 19 Reservoir Falk Carl, 196 George at, Erakineville eras. Summer Hill.Tel. 283 it Palk E. B. A., Ranger's rd, Mosimin Aslideld Fairweather D., 18 Crystal at, P'sham Palk F. W., 14 Castlereagh at P. NV., J.P., wine merchant, Fairweather F., 3 Havelock at, Drum- Palk Frank, Winchester tal, It uuimdwick Fallon "Kerry," Grosvenor eras., Sum'moyne Palk Joseph I., 2 Wolseley rd, Point mer Hill Fairweather James, 1 Day st, D'Ittoytte Piper Patrick, 489 Illawarra ri, MarFairweather Joseph, l'ye at, W'ined a Falk Ross tobacconist, 15 Margaret at Fallon rickville Fairweath er Mrs., Bridge it, 'umple r Falichu'r W., Kissing Point rd, Ity'Inere Fallon l'eter, 23 Farr at, Mar'ville Fairweather It. G.. 17 Pacific par, 3Fly Falkiner Electric Co., electrical enl'eter, 108 Abercrombie st, go wers and machinery merchants, Fallon Fairweather 12. J., 1 Bfacpherson at, Redfern Waverley 5 Moore at Fallon Raymond, 18 Cook at, Glebe Fairweather T., 73 Monctir at, Wool- Falkingham IV. & II., leather mar- Fallon Thos., 105 Abercrombie at l:111M chants, 431 Oxford at, Paddington Fallon Timothy, Oxford at, Bum-wood Fairweather W. Wetherill at, C'ydon Pali:tier Mrs. F. .1., 17 McDonald - at, Fallon IV. J., manager State Clothing Fa irwea t her William, l'ye at, Irmead Ersisineville Factory, 194 Gloucester at Fairs' Rev. F. (Cong.), Sherwood rd, Falkiw r Frank, Lucas rd, Bum-wood Fallon W. J., 516 0.5.11. rd, W'ahra 3ferrylands Falkner Frank. 72% Angel st, N'town Fallowes A. IS., Botany rd, Botany Fairyinead Sugar Co. Ltd.—A. II. & Falkner Mary A., Captain Cook Follows Mrs. A. II., l'ark at, E'ville E. Young, agents, 72b King at hotel, Botany rd, Botany Fallows Phillip, Beach st, Coogee Faith Mm's, Annie, 33 Harwood St Fall Mn. s 11, E., Gordon rd, Ch'wood Falls Mrs. Elite, 82 Burton at Faithful W. P., 168 Kurraba rd, Neut. Fall R. S., Hampden rd, Artannon Falls (1., 140 Wilson at, Newtown Fall Walter, .42 llopetoun it, Ptaton Faitl tI fl ialivl Mrs. M., 265 Birrell at,Falla A., 152 St..lohn.'s rd, For. Loge. Falls 31ra. .1., 76 Belgrave at, Manly 11., furniture manufacturer, Faithfull It. L., physician, 18 Wyldest Fallack S., smty. Carcase 13utchers' Fallshaw Kelly at Falcon Robert .1., 123 View at, A'aitst Association, 793 George at Faison Ernest, at, Leichhardt Falconer A., 382 Annandale at, An'dale Fallaver & Virtue Misses, milliners, 14 Faison F. II., 21Piper Lewellyn at, B'main Falconer A., Carlton par, CarltonMoore at Faison Francis, .29 Llewellyn at, Batalcoininegr toAn., 57 Darlington rd, Dar- Falk Ernest J., chemist, Avoca at, inain F Randwick Falvery Mrs. S. .1., 34 Ilohnwood at, Falconer Mrs. A., 6 Boyce at, Glebe Isalle Mrs, Grace, Plymouth at, Enfield Newtown Falconer A. G., Rocky I'oint rd, FutIle .Tolin, 16 Denison at, WaverItT Falvey Edward J., 13 Montan. it, Mar. Fallen George, Lithgow at, Crow's Nest riekville Fill(seo lal-ffre Adolphus, 48 Hopetoun Fallick Arthur W., 233 Liverpool st isa__, sves lMrs. Ellen, 585 Riley at l'amperdown Fallick Frank, Stewart at, Arncliffe !Falvey F. J., 'Monks' at, North Sydney Falconer Allan, Carr at, North Sydney Pallick Fred., 72 Denison at, N'town Falvey Frank, Rent at, Waverley Falccner Arthur, Charlotte at, li'morc Fallick Henry, Kogarah rd, 1Cogarah Falvey George 83 Camden at, N'town Falconer Arthur J., 14 Fulham at, Millie]: J. If., mgr. Govt. Savings 'salvo,16 jim„mn pine„ Ennaore na"k of N.S.W. thr"" e11), 199 , Falvey John, Barcom ave Falconer F. F., Amy at, Campsie Military rd, Nfosman Falvey Mrs. S., 80a Newland at, Way. Falconer F. 0., 63 Gladstone at, Fallick James, .1.1'., M.L.A., Sather- Falvey IV. L., hairdresser, 208 ElizaEnmore land ores. Darling Point Falconer George, King at, Anicliffe Fell irk Mrs. L., 69 II espialiade,• bath at Fancourt R. II., Nelson at, Chatswood Falconer Geo., J.P., Monoinceth at, Manly Fancourt T. M., Victoria are, WoolIlex 1 es Falliiel a; iii3lifi rins. Rebecca, 6 Punch at, lahra Falconer II, 13., 40 Penkivil at, Bontli Fandlan William, 121 Duke at Falconer J. A., 274 Youn g it,An'dale Falb& S. C., 36 Oxford Oxford at. Woollahra I Illume •,.. ,,a iiIi i 1 alcom'r .1. F. B . hy aline at, C'psie Follicle Samuel, 91 Stanmore rd. ranker Fredarich, solicitor, 44 CastleFalconer Mrs. J. L., ' 25 Corona ave, Petersham I rang]] at, and 42 Jersey rd, Pad. Waverley Falliere Flesh Food Co., Commerce Fanner Walter, Pern at, Itandwicit Falconer .1. N., 12 Marshall Wyll e i Buildings, Ash at !Farmington James, Brooklyn at, Tempe Falc o ner Janice, Cecil at. Ashfleldit, Falconer Jamea, St. Catherine Fallins Andrew, 5 Queen at, P'sham Bui,,od Fannihur ng Art, n Raglat,sliogarall Fallis Miss '; 1 Oxford st, Penshurst — Mrs.Chant, t. is at,. .. • Fallon 3Irs. 11. M., Villh Falconer Mrs. Janet, Francis , at, C'ton rs at, hen ton Fanning Edward, Frazer at, Leichhardt Falconer John, 7 Waterview at, B'main Fallon Bernard, Hermann at, liogarah . Fanning F., tailor, 468 George at, Falconer John D. Griffith's ave Ryde Fallon Edmond J., 3forden at, N. Syn. I ij'esotrge at west, and 25-27 Falconer Mrs. M., SO Durham Et, FlillOD EdWai nil, 1 Barden at, Tempe i ronning Zford Frank, wentworth aye South Annandale Falconer Mrs. M s Eastern . a ye, li'gton I Fanning George, 311 C'rown at Falconer Mrs. Marv. 110 Flinders at 'Fanning J., 34 Glenview at. Pacrton n Falconer Percy, 13 Mu in lle st, II'main 11 1, i J ,, AI t ,. Falconer Mrs. S. A.. newsagent, 112 Famous Albury Wines, Vigneron Fanning John, 148 Kent at Riley at (MurrayValleyVineyards), Fanning John, 49 George st, Waterloo Falconer IV. 12., 31 Anglesea it, Bondi Empire Chambers, 93 York at; Fanning ThOlnils, Genii= at, GOIliii Falconetti Edward. Brand at, C'vdon tel., Central 1647; p.r., "Kerry," Farming Thomas, Watkin at, Boat:dale Fahiman liyam, 123 Jersey rd, W'OliraSummer Hill.Tel. 283 Ashfield Miran) A. J., Edinburgh rd, Bineville FALLON JAMES T THE SIMPLEST OR THE STATELIEST FUNERAL CONDUCTED TO THE SATISFACTION OF ALL CLIENTS ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TEAS, TOYS, TOOLS AND TOGOERY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FURNITURE AND FAMILY DRAPERY. 1240Far ALPHABETICAL. Fa ram Edward, 45 0Iebe at, Glebe Faram Herbert C.,' 189 Botany rd, Botany Farinn Thomas, 85 Dowling at Faram Thomas, 14 Heeley at, Pad'ton Farave.1., Sydney at, II illoughby Farliridge John .1. Elliott st, Farbstein B., leaks' clothing manufacturer, 443 Kent at Fardell Fredk.. 214 Evans at, Itozelle Fan-brother Arthur, "Hadley," :49 'Barley rd, Manly Farebrother Mrs. A. F., "Hadley," 49 Darley rd, Manly Farebrother Mrs. Mary, 7 Palmer at Farebrother P., "Chigwell," Roseville a y e, Roseville Farebrother S., "Hadley," 49 Barley rd, Manly Farey Ernest IL, 166 Hereford et, Glebe Ferry F. W., 51 Lyons rd, D'moyne Farry Samuel, Westbourne rd, It'ville Fergie J. W., 76 Alexander at, N. Syd. Fargo Edward, Stanley at, Putney Faris Lindsay T., 44 Pay at, Drum. moyne Faris Thomas, 3 Vanilla at, Newtown Faris-Ings Edwin, "Warepa," Victoria st east, Burwood APPRENTICE FORMS Mr all Farley James, 18 Ferry rd, Glebe Farley Jonn, V ienrd, Ma nick yin!. Farley John, High at, Willoughby Farley John A., Campsie st, Campsie! Farley John W., Bateman's rd, Glades.! ville Farley Miss L., Victoria Iiv,', ( "%1'■ i(R1 l'n rlc'y Mrs. M.,. Meryla at, Iliirwood Farley :Michael, 18a Hume st, N. Syd. Farley Mrs. P. E., Hampden rd, Artarmon Farley Patriek IL, Henry at, W. Rog Farley Peter, 110 Chalmers et Parley Philip, 1 Burton at, Glebe Farley Phillip, 84 Hereford st, Glebe Farley R., 77 Mitchell rd, A'dria Farley Reg.. Croydon ave, Croydon Pk. Farley S., 106 Buckland at, A'dria Farley S., 203 Henderson rd, A'dria Farley S., 4 Burlington at, N. Sydney Farley Mrs. S. F., 6 Grosvenor at Farley Sidney, 7 Morehead at, R'fern Farley Theodore, 32 Constitution rd. Petersham Farley Thomas, 490 Elizabeth at Farley Thomas, Baldry at, Chatswood Farley William, 1 Simmons at, Winaln Farlow A. J. Victoria rd, Rydalmere Farlow Harold, 99 Day at, L'hardt Farlow .Harry II., 3 Marion at, Witch' Farlow 1', A., Pennant liii Is rd, Pennant Hills Trades and linsinesses, Is. 7d. pc, Farlow IL D., Boundary at, Pen 't l Its set of 3 with full Instructions. Farlow Walter S.. St. Ilillier's rd. Save legal expenses by using these Auburn which comply absolutely with the "Farm Journal" (The), 377 Sussex at requirements of both the Appren- Farmain Thomas, Tennyson rd, ryson tiers and the Industrial Arbitra- Farman Ernest, 82 Cameron at. Padtion Acts, Obtainable only from dington L. %ions, Industrial Act Expert, Farman F., basket manufacturer, 112 14 Castlereagh at, Sydney George at West Farleigh E. M., Ltd., tanners and leather merchants (basement and FARMERS' AND DAIRYMEN'S MILK CO.. LTD. (THE) — ground floor), 387 Kent at. TanS. H. Oates, Manager. Milk neries, Ulladulla and Botany Depot, Cold Storage and Re. frigerating Works, 666-668 Ilan FARLEIGH, NETTHEIM & CO., ris at, corner of Thomas at, Tanners, Leather and Grindery 171tinio, S y dney. Tel., City 9330 Merchants, and Agents for Jones' and M. 1303. Sewing Machines, 80 Clarence at and 337 Kent at. Tannery, Stanley at, Concord Farleigh E. A., Harden rd, Artannon FARMER & COMPANY LW Farleigh Mrs. E. M., Loftus at, A'cliffe Merchants and Importers, DraParleigh • Edward, J.P., Forest rd, pers, C'ostioniers, Men's Outfitters, A rind i Ire . frailors, Hatters, China and Glass Farleigh !Toward, Qil ieli at, 111111V010 Merchants,FurnishingIronFarleigh Hon. J. G., J.P., mongers, etc., "Victoria House," "Mimosa," Hirst and Dowling l'itt, Market and George sts, Sydsts, Arncliffe ney.'Phones, City 72 (sixteen Farleigh William, Coward at, Mascot lines) Fa neigh Mrs. A., 10 Little Cleveland FARMER AND CRAZIER Newspaper—J. at, Redfern Twomey and Co., 76 Pitt at Farley A., Martin at, St. Leonards Farmers' and Settlers' Association of Farley Miss II. .1., Hampden rd, ArtN.S.W.—T. I. Campbell, J.P., ;moon secretary, 7 O'Connell at Farley Bernard, 61 Addison rd, Manly Farley C., 79 Lane Cove rd, N. Syd. Partners' and Settlers' Publishing Co., Ltd., 437 Kent at Farley Charles, Pine id, Auburn Farley Charles, 7 Henry at, Lewisham FARMERS' FERTILIZERS Farley Mrs. D., Queenscliffe, Manly CORPORATION, LIMITED— Farley Daniel E., 11 Old Canterbury Reg. ()filo-,Bank Cham. rd, Petrrshem I ers, !hinter sr, Sydney. amanag. Farley Mrs. E., 23 Brereton ave. Marlog Director. Arthur II. Ilasell: rickville Secretary, T. Staley. Merchants Farley Miss E.. 17 Crescent at, W'Cloo and Matifacturers of all Fertilizrrs. Farley Edward, 464 0.S.H. rd, Irahra Works, Granville, Sydney. Silk Farley Edward F., 8 College at, B'main Diatributing Agent. Arthur II. Farley Ilarry, Deakin at, Auburn liasell, Cli ionBank t 'ha tubers, Farley J., Lamb's rd, Naremburn Hunter at, Sydney. Telephones, Farlry James, Cleland at. Artarmon 1193 Central, 7088 City, ;Inr1 Farley James, 10 York at, F. Lodge Parramatta WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPAKY LTD. Far Settlers' Insurance Co. of Australia Ltd., 5 'Moore at FmtNiEtt AND SETTLkii, NEWSPAPER. 1■111.., published Tuesday and Fri. day, 437 Kent at. Tel. 764 City "Farmers," ;Milliners, 99 Oxford at • Farmers' Storage and Export Co., Ltd. Darling 'Island Farmer and Sons, grocers, Botany rd; Botany Fanner. William and Co., Ltd., viceregal jewellers, 30b Hunter at Fanner Mrs. A., Cpper .1ventle MOM/13U Fanner Mrs. .1 KM'S, Beach rd, Rush-. ent ten's Bay Fanners' k Fanner Albert, Petersham rtl, Fanner Alex., Epsom ml, Waterloo Fanner Andrew, A VOCil at, Itandwiek- Fanner Ardoff, 19 Jacques at, Balmain Fanner Arthur, Lily at, Ilurstville ['ar g uer Arthur, Upper Avenue rd, Mosnian Fanner C, 11., ladies' tailor, 249 l'itt at, and 24 The Stnind Farmer Charles, Queen Si, Ouildfonl Fanner Chas. A., Farr at. Rockdale Farmer Mrs. (lara, 11 Musgrave osman Farmer I). W., 4 Broadstairs st, Bat/nein Fanner Mrs. E., 164 Eveleigh st„ Redfern Fernier F. .1., The Grand hotel,. Rooky Point rd, Rockdale Farmer G., baths, Rose Bay Farmer George, baths, Beach r(L . Rushcutters' Bay Farmer II. E., manager Bullivants• Australian Co., Limited, 331 and 1133 Kent st ; pr., "Brampton." Turramurra. Tel. 103 Wah'ga Farmer Harold W., 25 'rhurlow sr, Redfern Fanner Henry, Yerrick rd;Lakettiba Farmer !toward, sen., Ilarrow rd, Auburn Farmer Howard, sen., Marion at, Harris Park Farmer Mrs. J., 36 Blue at, N. Sydney Fanner James, 11 Lincoln at, SCniore. Farmer John, Allison rd, Randwick Farmer Miss K., 145 George at west Farmer Lloyd, 23 Pitt at, Redfern Farmer Mrs. Neridah at, Chatswood Farmer Philfip, Oswald at, Itandwick Farmer Phillip C.. Bream at, Congee Farmer It. .1., artist, 12 Loftus at Farmer Roland J. Belmore rd, It'wicle Fanner Rupert, cleamish at, Campsie Farmer Samuel, 32 Buckland at Fanner Thomas E., Davies at, P'sharn Farmer W. J., 32 Starling at, L'Ildt Farmer William,. Percy st, Auburn Farmer William, :1 Caledonia at, Pad. Farmer William J., 29 Grove st, St. l'eters Farmer .Mrs. Wittnie. 218 Cleveland at Farmilo Mrs. D., 298 Nelson st, Annandale Fannilo John, Gardener's rd, Waterloo Farmilow G. N., 70 Hewlett at, Waverley Farmilow Mrs. AL, St. Paul's et, Itandwick Farms Ltd:, farmsalesmen,12 Moore at Farms James, Pairlight at, L'hardt Farnconthe F., Nelson rd, Gordon Farnell Prank, .I.P., chairman Nation-• al Park Trust, 5 Bligh at ; p.r.„ Shell Cove rd, Neutral Bay BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS. Far _ SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION Farnell Frederick, 11 Short at Farnell Frederick A., 05 Livingstont. rd, Marrieliaille Farnham John, storekeeper and pro. (Ince merchant. (7oonanharra rd, Waltroottglt Farnham Mrs Si S., Tunks at, North Sydney Farnsworth and Co., produce merchants, 172 Sussex at Farnsworth A., commission agent, 125 Sussex at Farnsworth A., 0 Albemarle st, Sia rickville Farnsworth Miss E., S II ohert at, Leichhardt Farr William A., 9 Roberts at, New- Farrell A, 1V., 19 Wove/. at, Mosman Farrell Alfred, 22 Trinity ave town Farr William S., .1.1'., Hone at. Ara. Farrell Alfred, Russell at, L'Ilardt cIitIi Farrell Bernard, 224 Evans at, Rozelle Farralter Mrs. .1. C., La P p rouse, Boey Farrell ('., locksmith, 33 King at Farraher Francis, Stewart at, It'wick Farrell Cecil, 6 Union at, Farralier James, 07 Edward at, R'fern Farrell David, II I Ottrimbalt rd, MosFarramJohn,F.C.P.A..Public Accountant, Stanway I louse, 77 King at ; p r , " Murlo," Wunulla rd,oollahra Point Farran A., 314 Oxford at, Woollahra Ferran Mrs. A., 48 View at, Woollahra I..arran Andrew, Abbott at, Randwick Farren C. P. T., 301 Edgeeliffe rd, IVoollahra Farran I. L., 104 Macaulay rd, S'inorc Varian .1. C., 130 King at, Newtown Ferran John, 60 Wigram rd, Glebe Farran John, Chiltern rd, Willoughby Parran L. C., 10 Glover at, Mostnan Farran M. J., 84 Oxford at, l'ad'ton Ferran R. M., mercantile broker, 18 Bridge at; p.r., 60 Wigram rd, Glebe Point Farran Vincent, 20 Ward at, N. Syd. Farran W. C., 80 Belgrave at, Manly Farrance T., 39 Lombard at, Glebe Farrand Mrs. E., 253 Norton at, hardt Ferran(' Oscar, 150 Marion at. L'hardt Farrant II., Carlotta st, Gore 11111 Farrant [tarry, Broadford at, Bexley Fa rrant-Smith Edwin, 208 Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Farrar Bros., grocers, 117 Parramatta rd, Annandale Farrar A. E., tanner, Picken at, Auburn Pamir Albert, S Warringa ave, N. Syd. Farrar Arthur, Gillies a y e, Haberfleld Farrar Chas., Carrington rd, It'wick Farrar Mrs. E., 424 Glenniore rd, Pa(1(lington Farrar P. .1., Dover rd, Rose Bay Farrar Frank, .1.I'., Fairview at, Arn. Farnsworth Mrs. II., 20 South st, M l'• riekvi I le Farnsworth II. J., D.D.S., dental surgeon, 283 Elizabeth at Farnsworth R. S., Dickinson aye, Croydon Farnsworth Mrs. S. 56 Alt at, A'fleld Farqualiarson It., ilarrack lane, Parramatta FarquarsmiA., 01McKenzie at, Leichhardt Farquarson ,L, Warburton at, Irvine Farquhar A., 162 Sydenha III rd. M'ville Farquhar Mrs. C., Dryden at, Camps». Farquhar Mrs. C. .1., laundry, 30 Enniore rd, Newtown Farquhar D., Shorter a y e, Canterbury Farquhar G., Penshurst rd, Canterbury Farquhar II. Edenhohne rd, Aleford Farquhar lienry, 52 Macaulay rd, Stanmore Farquhar James, S Boyle at, 310smail Farquhar John 0., 96 Underwood d, Paddington Farquhar Mrs. M., 60 Bright at, Marrickville Farquhar Robert, North per, C'ampsie Farquhar Robert J., Platt's ave, ll'inore le :inviter W., 39 Ernest st, N. Sydney enure Farquhar W. S., 8 Pitt St. Redfern Farquharson Mrs. J. C., 93 0.13.11. rd, Farrar J., hatter, 90 Walker at, N. Sydney Waverley Farquharson It. .1., Ilayes at. 1.'conthe Farrar .1. \V., resident medical officer Royal Prinee Alfred Hospital, Shia. Farquhareon Robt., postmaster, Church senden road, (amperdown at, Lidcombe Farrar James, 109 0arden at, A'dria Farquharson T., Eastern rd, T'inurra Farrar Miss L., Plitnsoll et, Sans Farr A. T., engraver, 284 thswge at Solid Farr Albert, Market st, D'moyne Farrar Mrs. L. J., 28 Whistler nil, Farr Bertram, 39 Glenview at, Manly Farr Charles, Rocky Point rd, Farr Sirs. David, l'ounit at, Conconl Farrar P. F., Oncenseliffe, Manly Farrar It. IL, fuel merchant, Queen Farr E. J., Tryon at, Chatswood at, Auburn Farr Edward, 10 Horton at. Mar's-ill,' Farrar, Reginald, South par, Aublini Farr Mrs. Emma, Behnore at, Burw'd Farrar Robert, 28 Edward at, Redfern Farr F., 11 Ourimbalt rd. MOKI11■111 Susan, 46 Bruce at, Fa IT Frederick, 135 11eorge at, Cam- Farrar Mrs. Staninore perdowtt Farrar 'I'. E., Dartbroolc rd, Auburn Parr George, 23 Victoria st, St. Pet. Farrar Walter, 15 Kentville ave, An. Farr George II., Evaline at, Campsie nandale Farr II., James at, Woollahra 1Vilfrud, J.P., Mark at, Mint. Farr II. A., 36 Jenkins at, N. Sydney Farrar Hill Farr Ilerbert, Malvern Ave, Croydon Farraway Edward, Kembla at, Enfield Farr Hilary, 37 Henderson nl, A•arta Farraway Edward, 9 Home st, N. Syd. Farr Jas., J.P., 33 Great Buckingham Farraway If. W., Bowman at, Sherw'd at, Redfern Farr John Si., Rocky Point rd, Kogli Varraway Alm .1., 4 Dyason lane. Paddington Farr Joseph, 442 Wattle st FarraWay John E., Wang's . rd, Lak• Farr Lewis II., Montgomery Si, Farr Mrs. Mary A., 43 Darby at, l's mull Bros., carriers, 107 Castle. Newtown reagli at Farr N. S., 6 College at, Drummoyne Farr Mrs. Rebecca, Sydnry st. Concord Farrell 1). S. Ltd., carriers, 109 Sins. sex at Farr Stanley, Nicholson at, Tempe Farr Sydney, 86 Silver at, St. l'eters Farrell's Estate Office—Daniel Shill. lane, manager, 721/4 King at Farr T. E., Comnirrcial rd, L'hardt Farrell John and Co., clothiers, 4181/4 Farr Virginiu Austral at, Kogarali Elizabeth at Farr Wm., Veron ' at, Bexley As FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND Far1241 ALPHABETICAL. CONTRACTORS man Farrell Denis S., Booth at, Annandale Farrell Capt. E., Warringa rd. N. Syd. Farrell Mrs. E.. 137 Albany ml, Farrell Mrs. K., 141 Denison rd, Petersham Farrell Mrs. E. D., 15 Brae at, Wav'y Farrell Edward, North at, Afar'ville Farrell Edward, 41 Whaling rd, N. Sydney Farrell I". .1., 1118 Malakoff at, Farrell Francis, J.1'., 239 Forbes at Farrell Mrs, G. 51., Station st, Tempe Farrell Harry, 6 Itainford at Farrell Henry, 16 Taylor at Farrell Henry, Ilastings et, Botany Farrell Henry G., Banksia rtl, Banksia. Farrell Herbert 11., Irvine st, South Itandwick Farrell .1. II., 102 Cowie's rd, Mosman Farrell James, 30 Buckland at Farrell James, 10 Dibbs at, Alex'dria Farrell ;lames, 55 Alt at, Ashfleld Farrell Jas., Hopetoun at, Camp'down Farrell Jas., 40 Stuart at, Manly Farrell James, 25 1Vardell rd, Farrell James, 28 Bond st, Mosnian Farrell .Tatnes, Webber's rd, W. 1(og: Farrell John, 286 Jones at Farrell John, 41 Pine st Farrell John, 21 Renwick at, A'dria Farrell John, jun., J.P., Birrell at. Bondi Farrell John, Greenacre ml, Iluratville Farrell .Tolin, Pine at, Manly Farrell John, :17 Meeks rd. Mar'ville Farrell John, 6 Arthur at, Paddington Farrell .1oliii,. 2311 Albany rd, 1"shain Farrell John, 17 Morehead at, R'fern Farrell John, 24 l'errett at, Rozelle Farrell John, Alfred at, Waverley Farrell John M., 12 Prospect at Farrell Joseph, 154 Darley st, N'towa FarrellMrs.I,.I,., Arlington at, Rockdale Farrell M., Westbourne at, Gore Hill Farrell M., 26 Somerset at, 3I'man Farrell 111. J., Booth st, Annandale F arrell Mrs. mary, 131 Lull! 'it. Newtown Farrell Michael, 128 Dulce at Farrell Michael, 110 Foveaux at Farrell Michael, Meredith at, 13'towtt Farrell Michael, 12 Phillip at. Enmore Farrell Michael, Station at, Harris Pk. Farrell Mick, Evening Star hotel, 280. Crown at Farrell Mrs. N., 111 Alfred at, North. Sydney Farrell Miss Nellie, dressmaker, 44 Elizabeth at Farrell P. .1., 50 Marriott st, Redfern Farrrll Patrick, 64 Boronia at. Wfern Farrell l'eter, 13 Mary Ann at Farrell It., Victoria at, N'aucluse Farrell Reginald, 76 Telopea at, Redfern Farrell S. 0., 199 Abercrombie at, Redfern Farrell Samuel, chief inspector Bank of Australasia, George at and Martin pl; p.r., "Valhalla," 28 Harriett at, Neutral Bay Farrell Saintirl. 50 Bishop at. Farrell Sarah E.. Bridge hotel, Weston ml, lbetelle WE SERVE ALL WITH EQUITY AND ECONOMY ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY. L24 2Far Farrell T. .1., Balfour st, Greenwich Farrell Thos., Victoria st. l'aucluse 'Farrell Thomas, jun., Pacific at, Vaneluse 'Farrell Thomas F., tailor, 89 Sussex at Farrell Thomas Ir., Speed at, Liverpool Farrell W., 45 Thompson st, Demoyne Farrell W., 107 Paddington at, Pad. Farrell W. (1., 45 Watson at, Wav'y Farrell Mrs. W. T., Barley rd, R'wick Farrell Walter II., Seventh aye, Rookwood Farrell William, 42 High Holborn st Farrell William, Cheltenham rd, Durwood Farrell William, IIercules st, Dul. Hill Farrell William, Trongate at, Granville 'Farrell William F., 6 View at, Wav'y Farrell William S., Fifth aye, R'wood Farrell William IV., Hammitt at, Ant(di ffe Varrelly Bros., drapers, I36a Liverpool rd, Ashfield Farrelly Bros., produce merchants, 25 Ebley at, Waverley Farrelly A., timber inerpliant, 65 Market at Farrelly A., 189 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Farrelly Chris., St. Paul's at, R'wiek Farrelly Mrs. E., 86 Young st, An'tlale Family Ignatius P., Young at, Neut. Bay Farrelly J., 103 Augustus st, L'll'ilt Fat-telly J. P. 365 Military rd, M'rnan Farrelly:J. P., 113 Alfred st, N. Syd. Farrelly James, 170 Alfred at, North Sydney Varrelly James .1., Thomas id. Ashfield Farrelly John, Frenchman's rd, R'wicic Farrelly John C., Avoca at, Randwicic Farrell). Joseph, 68 Cooper st Farrelly Mrs. Ilargaret, 180 Bridge III. Glebe Farrelly I'. .1., Leichliardt at. Wav'y Farrelly Patrick, Elizabeth at Neetd, Farrelly Thomas, Avoca at, Itandwich Farrelly William, Orange at, Randwick Farren I. S., 2 Stuart at, Manly Farren James, 10 Egan at, N'town Farrer Frederick, La Perouse, Botany Farrer Miss M., Bondi rd, Bondi Farrel. John II., Ben Boyd iii, Neut. Bay Farridan IL, Anderson at, South Rand. wick Farrier James, 73 College at, Balmain F.:Irvin:0nd W., liennalong at, Gran. Farrington C., Greenwich rd, Lane Cove *Farrington Mrs. Clara, 411 Elizab'th at Farrington E., 35 Roseby at, L'hardt Farrington E., Allison rd, Itandwick Farrington G., 0 Charlotte at, Ashfield Farrington Mrs. 11. 284 Victoria at Farrington ;lames, iones at, Croydon Farrington Mist, 284 1letoria at Farrington Patk., 60 Croydon rd, Croydon Farrington T., 3 South a ye, • L'hardt Farrington T., Campbelltown rd, L'pool Farris A. W., Wollongong rd, A'cliffe Farris If iS14 Nellie, teacher of music, 196 Pitt at Varron John, Northeote at, Narembitni Farront Frank, 70 Taylor at, An'dale Farrow A. II., Acton at, I hailstone I 'a it Yarrow Altred, I onvord rd, tnu.ord Farrow Alfred, Gardener's rd, Mascot [Farrow Arthur, Balfour at, Carlton Farrow C. II., Bannockburn at, Pymble ALPHABETICAL. Farrow Mrs. C. J., Austral at, P'hurst Farrow Charles, 12:1 Ifeek's rd, Marriekville Farrow Frederick, Tenterden at, Bot'y Farrow linty, Franeis st, Bondi Farrow Mrs.17 Julliett at, Marrickville Farrow James, 846 King at, Tempe Farrow Jas. W., J.P., 820 Eing at, • Tempe Farrow John, George at, Canterbury Farrow John, Alfred at, Mascot Farrow Joseph, Premier at, M'ville Farr( PW .10Stpli, Melrose at, Mascot Farrow Miss It., 6 West bourne at, Petershatte Faulkner E. R. and Co., boot emporium, 464 Elizabeth at Faulkner Electric Co., 22 Washington at Faulkner Albert, Hunter at, Hornsby Faulkner Alfred, Joyner at, May's Hill Faulkner Amos, Ileydon at, Enfield Faulkner C. C., 12 Church at, N. Syd. Faulkner C. F.. 34 Ilenry at, Wav'y Faulkner D., 16 Edward at, Faulkner Edwin R. Joseph at, Bexley Faulkner Ernest, Bond's rd, Plinchb'.1 Faulkner G. .1., 1 Vine at, Redfern Faulkner George, Blenheim at, Enfield Faulkner IL, Besborough a ye,. Bexley Faulkner Mrs, II., 5 Bay st, D. Bay Faulkner If. IV., 1111 Hargrave st, Paddington Faulkner J., Albert at, lIornsby Faulkner John, Deakin at, Auburn Faulkner John, Greenknowe 11Ve P111111011 . 1 .101111, .11 ilMreal at, 1111Mer Mrs. L., 55 Macaulay rd, Staunton! Faulkner It., blowbray rd west, Chatawood' Faulkner Robert J., 51 Brown at, Newtown Faulkner S., Kingston rd, Camperdown Faulkner T. F., 198 Glentnore rd, Pad. Faulkner Thomas S., :19 Talford Glebe Faulkner W., 19 Traninere at, Drummoyne Faulkner W., 1:11 Elmore rd, En- Farrow Thomas, Carrington rd, Randwick Farrow W. J., 27 McDonald at, Farrow William T., Simpson at, Atib'n Farrow William, Bank Terrace at, Botany runway .1. A., Mitchell rd, Farroya John, 1 Plunkett at Parry Mrs. Catherine, 34 Daile y at Farry James F., 0 Ebley at, Waverley Parry M. J., 90 Dnxford at, Pad'ton Farthing Alex., IS Manning rd, WAN Farthing G. L., 99 Edith st, L'hardt Farthing Georg(', Elshani rd, Atib'n Farthing Jas., Abbotsford at, Ken'ton Farthing John J., 4 Wells st, An'tlale Farthing. S. C., 44 Lawson at, Pad'ton Farthing Samuel, Oxley at, St. L'ards Farthing Mrs. T., Mills at, Lidcombe 1110 re Farthing W.. Doncaster sive, lien'ton Farthing WI it iii mm, Eglington at, Lid- Faulkner W., 52 P.veleigh at, R'fera Faulkner IV. T., Mary at, Beecroit combo Faulkner W. T., Beaconsfield at, Bexley Fasoli Michael 11., 65 Wooleolt at Faulkner Walter .1., Prospect rd, Summer Hill FASSETT AND JOHNSON, Import Faulkner William, plumber, 61 Levey st and Export Merchants, 6 and 7 Paulks Ernest, High at, Canterbury Barrack at, Sydney. Tel. City 6084. Head Office, St. John's Gate Vaunts George II., Gordon rd, C'wood buildings, London. (See Chemists Faulks J. II., Homer at, Canterbury Paulks Joseph, Glenore at, Canterbury and Druggigsts, Wholesale) Faullts Marks, 28 Parade, Dul. Fast Fraulein IL, teacher of lan- Fault Edward, 2 Gatden ave. 01c1 ,e Fault Richard, Woronora par, Oatley guages, 14 Castlereagh at Fat Stock Buyers' Assn., 65 Market St Fault William 11., 103 Bourke at Patherley .1. IL, 31 Itowntree at, Faunce Arthur B., 12 Arcadia rd, 1 ebe Ila luta in Fathers of the Sacred Heart, Avoca at, Fain/cc II. D., manager Union Bank of Australia, Ltd. (branch), 250 Randwick King st, Newtown Fathers Alfred, Trelawney rd, E'wood nuance William S., 10 Norton at, Fathers Alfred, NeenItmlis, Lideombe Glebe Fathers John, Cross at, liitlemnbe Fathers Walter, Ellis at, Chatswood Fauna Samuel, 96 Silver at, M'ville Fathers William, 7 Elliott at, ITmain Faust Charles, 26 Junction at, W'altra Fatzeus Alfred, 6 Church at, Waverley Faust Mrs. Emily, 4 Boundary st, Paddington Fatzeus Mrs. Mary A., 36 Derwent at, Faust Fredk. T., 20 Junction st, WoolGlebe /alma Faucett J. 11., Brentwood a ye, TurraFaust Joseph A., 142 Cathedral at murra Fatteett IV., 246 Parramatta rd, P'sham Faust W., 21 Mill Hill rd, Waverley Fawcett Will Mooney at, Behnore Faure] F. J., 159 Beattie at, Balmain Faugmer Albert, Eastern rd, T'murra Faux Arthur K. Parkes at, Thornleigh ' Trafalgar at, AnPaul Mrs. E., 65 Fitzgerald at, Wav'y Faux Henry, 253 nandale rant M. F., 264 Oxford at, W'ahra Fatal Thomas, 102 Birrell at, Wav'ley Faux William, Hunter at, Hornsby hunl Thomas, 5 Spicer st, Woollahra Favell Arthur J., Barley rd, Arneliffe Faul Walter, Botany at, Itandwick Pavel] Edward A., Clarence at, RockFaulconer B., Baker at, Enfield dale Paulder A. C., 62 Junction at, N. Syd. raven Ernest, 4 Redmond at, L'liardt Favell George, 52 Edith st, St. Peters ',milder John, Clyde at, Granville raven .7. J., Hann= at, Arneliffe Fiudder Warden, 164 Cleveland at Faultier \Vainly!). Bay at, Rockdale Paivellw. B., Dunmore at, West Hog-arab Paulding P. 11. and Co., manufacturing chemists. 6 O'Connell id Favell Reginald J., Togo at, Arncliffe FA UM)/NO'S JOUUNA I, (monthly), 6 haven Walter W., Hammin at, AmO'Connell at en ire Faiiillius Arthur IL, 29 Grosvenor eyes, Favell William E., 76 Silver at, St. Summer 11111 Pet era WOOD, COFFILL COMPANY LTD. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL SPORTING REQUISITES. Fav CENTRAL OFFICE: 810 • 12 OEOROE ST. 'PliONE 726 - k 1524 CENfRAL Fay ALPHABETICAL. Fed124X rat-elle A. J., Beaconsfield st, Bexley Fay William, 48 Vine at, Redfern Featherstone Mrs. .1., Brooklyn at,. le Lambert, Cabarita rd, Mort- Fat. William, 37 Lawson at, Wav'y Burwood lake niye Charles E. Wharf st, Naremburn Featherstone IIrs. A., 30 Bridge nil,. Fa y ette It. IV., Windsor ave, Rose- Payers Albert eL, Park rd, Iltirwood Glebe •ale Fayers Charles, Burwood rd, Burwood 1,eatherstone Arthur S., 7 Oxford at,. Fa yette Madame B., (lenient at Fayle 0., 175 Miller at, N. Sydney Newtown Facer Raymond, 2 'farm at, N. Syd. Fayle R. II., 69 Belgrave at, Neut. Featherstone Mrs. E., 60 View at, .111Fit VI'S :Michael, Dailey rd, Itandwick Bay nandale bIrs. E. E., Bromley ave, Cre. Faynias James. Rose at, North Sydney Featherstone Mrs. E. L., 1169 Military tnorne Fazackerley Henry, Dover st, Botany rd, blosman Faviell M. C., Lane Cove rd, Pymble Fazaekerley Henry, Park rd, Masoot Featherstone II., 4 Fulham st, E'moreFawcett hiss E., 42 Eilgeware Pazackerley .1. E., 1 Bowden at, Featherstone .1. .1., 207 Itmibuuuuui,u rd,. Entnore 11'001101ra Leichhardt Fawcett Edwin, Dora st, Hurstville Fazackerley .1. II.. 9 Ocean at, W'ailira Featherstone John, High st, Fawcett F. P., manager, Australian Fazackerley R. Gunglia at, Oatley Featherstone Mrs. M., 39 Laura. st,. Batik of Commerce Ltd. (branch), Fazakerley ata Jordan, woolwashers, Newtown 412 Elizabeth st Bourke rd, Alexandria Featherstone 0. II., Queen rd, Five Fawcett P. P., J.P. Wonga at, 13'wood Faza k privy A Itot .ky Point rd, Dock Fawcett II. F., 36 Suffolk ' St. Pad'ton Fazakerley E., Sir Joseph Banks at, Featherstone P. .1., 247 Edgeelitte rd,. Fawcett .1. IL, 11.1.11.E., mining enBotany Woollahra gineer, 4 O'Connell at Fazakerley Edward, Dover at, Botany Featherstone R., postmaster, 99 Queen, Fawcett John, Fernhill at, Ilurlstone Pazakerley John, Daphne at, Botany at, Woollahra Park Fazakerley bliss M., typist and short. Featherstone lb. F., 10a beichliardt Fawcett Joseph, 23 Edwin at. Ifanlv halal writer, SI Elizabeth st st, Glebe Fawcett Joseph, Griffiths at, Ilanly Fazmikerley Mrs. M., Wilson at, Mascot Featherstone Ralph, 'Wilfred at, Lid- • Fawcett Mrs. M., 37 Victorla at, Fazakerley W., Wilson at, Mascot emnbe North Sydney Fazeldeen 11„ 43 Alitersasa st, It'ferti Featherstone S. V., dentist, 119 OxFawcett Percy, IS Ourinil yali rub, MOS- Fitoey Frolic, Waterloo rd, Bankstown ford at man Fazio Vincent. Reginald at, Mosman Featherstone IV. .1., Bennett's rd,. Fawcett Thos... Rawson at. Auburn Feat Mrs., French's Forest rd, Manly . Eastwood Fawcett W. IL, 21 Northwood at, Peagan IV. A., 46 Allan's a ye, M'vi/le Featherstone IV. P., 12 Leichhardt Newtown reakes William .1. J., 38 Ltitle I MT Glebe Fawkes William IL, Smith at, 1"matta rut. North Sydney Featherstone W. IL, Ethel at, Eastwood Fawkner T., 65 Newington rd, Pealy David, .T.P. solicitor, 80 Hunter Featherstone William, Lucas rd,11'wood. Fawl Connid, Plimsoll at. Sans Souci at. Tel. Cent"ral 2414. Branches: Featherstonhaugh G., William at,. Fawley F. IV., 14 Malakoff at, Irvine Balmain, Redfern and Paddington Chatswood l'atell A. E., 411 Marrickville rd, Fe:11y John, :16 Redmond at, !Aar& Peatherstonhatigh Henry, 10 HampDulwich Hill Fear and Haters°, fruit merchants, stead rd, l'etersharn Fawn Mrs., teacher of singing, 338 Ultimo rd Fenton Mrs. Sarah, Acacia at, Galley George at Fear Mrs. A., 119 Windsor rd, I"shato Feeller IUMIZ, 25 Hill at, beichhardt Fawns Miss A. 8 Vista st, 3Iosman Pear Mrs. C. A., O'Connor at, O'ford Malt Sheds, Como Fawrant John. IValthatii at. Gore Bill Fear Edward A., Ketiyon's rd, llolroyd Federal Federal Brick Co., Ltd. (The)-1 ,.. A. Fawsitt Professor Charles E., Tele- Fear George, 183 Sutherland at, PadTaylor, secretary. Mitchell 1%4 graph rd, Pymble dington .11exandria. Tel., I,1277 Faxby Leslie M., Boulevard/ . L'emnbe Fear IL R., Stephen at, Hornsby Federal Brick Co., Ltd. (Carlton, Faxin Liquid Metal Polish, '172 Clar- Fear Hugh, son., Peat's Ferry rd. branch)—W. bliteliell, manage', ence at Hornsby Forest rd, Iltirstville Fay Edward Ltd., boot manufacturers Fear John J., Pitt al, Sherwood Federal Broom ('o.—Daniel Freaelb and importers, 385 l'itt at, cor- Fear Miss, Stephen at, Hornsby and Sons, proprietors, Fred st,. ner Liverpool at, and 716 Fear I/. J., William st,' Hornsby Leichhardt George at; 320 King at, Newtow.a, Fear William II. Bibby at, Chiswiek Pisleral Minders' Labourers—J. Miland 13 Broadway, Glebe Velum 0., Wharf' rd, Gladesville lard, see., Trades Ilan, (-Mullen st. Fay Mrs. A. S., Carey at. brar'ville Fearnley Ernest, 87 Itutliven at, Rand- Federal Cleaners and Pressera, 170' Fay Allen, Hamburger at, 1"bowl wick William at Fay Edward, It Devonshire st, North Fearnley Isaac H., 4 Sorrie at, B'main Sydney Fearnley Isaac IV., Buller at, Par- FEDERAL ELECTRICAL AND Pay Harry, 22 Harrow rd, Stantnore ramatta ENGINEERING WORKS (A. Fay James, Enmore hotel, 199 Elmore Fearnley .101in G., Hannah al, Ileeeroit A. Oxlade).—Electrical and Merd, Emnore Fearnside Henry, 77 Silver st, St. Pet. chanical Engineering Work of Fay James, 10 Darlinglmrst st Veal:m..1 . Harry. Government rd, Mascot every description carried out, Fay James, Kennedy ave, Belmore Feast Jas.. 12 Ibiliert at, Marriekville 10 Dean's place, Sydney. Tel. CityFay James, High st, Carlton Feather Denis .1., Wright it, 6881 Pay John, Arden st north, Coogee Feather E. W., Pennant Hills rd, CarFay John, Moore at, Coogee lingford Co. (The), land, estate and Fay John, Maroubra Bay rd, R'wick Feather II. A., Greenwich rd, Lane Federal financial agents, 82 Pitt at Pa.% John ('., teacher of piano, 285 Cove Federal Coke Co. Ltd.—II. Bredero, George at Feather J. IV., Ashley st, Chatswood secretary, 109 ' Pitt at Fay Mrs. Kitty, Arthur at, Itandwiek Feather Mrs. M., 68 George at, W'Ploo Fay Matthew, 20 Regent at. Newtown Feather T., town clerk, Rydaltnere FEDERAL EGG PRESERVFay Patrick, Austral hotel, 477 Bourke at Town Hall, Victoria rd, RydalING CO.—A. Clothier, manatzer, Fm'. Patrick, 208 Glebe Point rd. Mere Egg, Buttir mid Lard Merchants, Glebe Feather VVilliam. superintendent 372 Sussex at. '1'd. City 7357. Fay Patrick, Ilaniburger at, Punch. Government Printing Office, PhilIt rw I"iubtuui lE aliayent lip st m Exch ange, 1 I. Fay Mrs. S. A., Punch at, blosinan Feather William, Ashley at, Ch'wood at Fay Stephen, 25 Wells st, Redfern Featherbe IV. C., 388 Miller at, North Federal Flint Glass Co., Ltd.-1t. F.14 . Rev, T., S.J.,Professor, St. Sydney Connelly, .1.1'., manager, Moore. Ignatius' College, Riverview, Lam. Featherston and Mountford, nt, Leichhardt cove facturing jewellers and gold chain Federal Flour Mills—F. Crago and: Fay Thomas, Seymour at, Enfield makers, ' Newton lane, off 130 Sons, Ltd., Gladstone at, N'town Fay Miss Vene, 116 Burton st Sussex at. Tel. City 998 Federal Fruit Co., 30 Steam Mill st Fay William, Northumberland rd, Featherstmt T., 6 Victoria sq, .1slifield Federal Furnishing Co., Rawson place Auburn Feat herstone lu., Ilea t rice •itA 111)11 Federal Hair Pad Co., 545 George at F./ vel POSSESS AN EQUIPMENT SECOND TO NONE IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE ANTHONY HOROERNS' FOR ALL ELECTRICM, SUPPLIES, ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR MOTORISTS' WANTS ANO MOTOR GOODS. • V244Fed ALPHABETICAL. Fel Fel 10-flerated Pakten,' Union—.1. O'Brien, FeItIt Henry, Crook's lane, linkup/ seen-tarA, Trades Rail, Gord• Pettit Simon, 28 Alexander st, Parflon reldwiek George. Byrnes st,Ihr barn siFraleraled lid lire Showmen's Asaocia. Foldwick W. II. S., teacher of singing, 482 George st ; p.r.,165 Ernest st, lion mit .1uslralia—b. IL IlseNorth Sydney C01111111. srerstary, 370 George St Frigate hIrs. S.. Bridge at, Irmeyne Federated Seamen's Union) of Australasia—Arthur Cooper,J.P., Prima° S. 5,, Bridge rd, Drinnawyne see., 45 Clarence st Federated Stewards' and Cooks' Union FELL DAVID St CO. I',! lie Amount:nits, Auditors, and of Australasia, 130 Sussex st Trade Assignees, Representatives Federation Pall, Barrington at ;mil Attorneys, Equitable Life Periirm Frederick, (filderthorpe eve, Awr y:nice Society o f the U.S., lie rid w irk Efslitnble Building, George nt, Peehely Edward, 112 Campbell at, Sydney. Tel: 3033 Central St. Peters Probely .1rinc I lInblesdale st, Pia-hely Alieliarl IL, High sr, 31ascot Pell JOIklk And Co., oil and grease merchants. 117 . 119 George Ft , Pointe Mrs. A., 27 Jersey ril, Winhra ned Greenwich Fechily IL B., 18 Leicester St, Padlon Fell l'apt. A.. The Crescent, Vate•luxe Prais C. W„ Tryon id. Lintlfield Pocky Thomas, 13 Bo/grave at, Neut. Fell David, I".C.P.A., J.P., 3I.L.A., "ARM/cable," Dural rd, Pennant Bay lulls moor 11111 Feely It ., 33 Sloane fit, Sinn Feeney A., 18 Mitchinson at, St. Pet, Fell Ceorge. 371 1 A no:indult- hi, Annandale Feeney Albert .1., O'Brien at, Bondi eriorge IL Connelly at, Poishuret Verney Edmund, 60 Wilson at, R'fern Franey Edward, Ill Poster at, L'Inirdt Pell Mrs. If., 320 Allfred at, N. Syd. Pell Harry. 15 Brighton sr. Wallaut Feen eY Mrs. Eva, Mowirmy PeellOY Frank, Railway par, Carlton Fell Herbert, Gloucester rd, Iliville Feeney James, 33 Wentworth at, Fell John, Botany rd, Al exand rig Pell John, Northwood rd, Lane Cove Glebe Fell John (r., 201 Addison nl. MarFeeney James, Avoca at, Randwiek rim-i, vi Ili Feeney Peter, 84 Holdswneth at, Wool• Fell John W., 0 Denison rd, ['sham lahra FEDERAL PASTORAL SHEAR- Feeney Wilfinm, motor car painter, Fell airs. Slalford st, Stanniore 1 MG CO. LTD..— Sheea-shearing Pell Mrs. M., George at, Cnnterbury 198-200 Pitt at ' Cfmoncturs, I Thinmher of CW1111E90" Fell Miss II.. 46 Mt. Vernon st, Feeney William, 518 Cleveland at 1111111ii/WS 245 Geor ge at. SIdneY Forest Lodge '(corner of Oroarenor sr).Telernmic Feeney William, Lincoln at, Campsie Fell IL S., 52 Tel lord ci, Cline Peency Jim' Hi. 1111116,10i CIty 8918 and 8917 W. N., 8 Fitzroy st, N. Sir!. Fell Fouling, Mrs. Iv ., [lid, st, Federal Public Service Council and Fell W. Seoll, "it item ggan," 42 Peening .101m, It aneombe st, liotauy ,Association room, 114a Pit( at Pariwa . rd. Mosmen rodent! Rubber Stamp Work s1. l'eerry Mrs. A., Battery at, L. Ctoogee Fellow F. C., 175 Arundel at, F. Lodge ;Pritchard, proprietor, 1 1 7 Ba t h- Peens' 51., 180 Windsor et, Padtlinglon Fellow 'I'. 11., 83 Enutore rd, Emma.° Freny W.. Evaline St, Camp:fie ,mart at. Tel. City 2514 T. /L. 130 Regent st, Redfern Federal Shearing Depot, Pan•nmatta Vegan Allred E., 15 Renwick at, Alex- Feline W. IL. 12 l i nion sl andrfa rd. HOmebrish Fel/inginim Mrs. E., 13 young st, , Frderal Shire Lines Connilirtee—W. !O rgan 1"runeis S., 3112 Potwar-re nl Annandale Vegan Jos. B.. Fitzroy ave., Balmain. Fellingharn henry G., 111gb at, Pymble ('. Welton°, see., Reilly lane ,Foleral Steel Tool Co., 521 Eliza- 1"egan Mrs. P., 288 Elizabeth at, Pellowes C. T.. Milsop In, IV. Waterloo st Fel 'owes I lucid, Ii atRank s •1"ederal Tie Co.—H. R. Stonchion l'egan TIMOillas, 2a Layton at, Cklown town Fr-gent IV. O., chemist, Eastern ace Pellowes W. II.. 82 Ashmore st, PAW manager, off 06 Goolborn at Kensington Polon] Timber Cfe, fiana Ifeorge fit, Fe? Ion's K., 137 liOn g irree st. lialmain •!:and C0131131 st. Rundle, Italmnin Fegon Richard, Prowl] at. Naremburn Filmes Frank, 10 taminard rt. Glebe Frolenil Val-de-TraVerS ASIOMIllte Co.-- l'elrey Sloven C., Denmark st, Merry. Fellow's Prank, Flood at, Leichbardt binds • F. W. Belbln, manager, Hudson Fellows freorge, 010 card:ninny rd, lo rlilherg C. F. IV., Junction at, L'pool at, Redfern Summer Hill l'eltiberg Charles, High or, Liverpool .Federal Wharf and Stores, Day at Fellnava Michael, 1 Water it, Balin g in Felton Mrs. Hate, 158 .5Ibion st Fellows Simeon, 108 Blrehgrove rd, Federated Engine Drivers itrul Fire- Priam Lillie, CI Si, Mary's st, Crum DalmnIn men's AssortsHon-1'. .1. Turner, perflown sec., Trades Hall, Glenn at Felmon .1.11., "Comarques,” Fellows Simeon, Webber's rd, Wept Kogarah Federated Engine Drivers' and Firelint• lington rd, Ilomebusb Fellows William. Fletcher Id, aVkihra men'a Federal Connell—IL A. J.P., see., Trades Hall, Fehrenbaeh C., 151 Liverpool rd, A'field re/ g rime Antonio, Swarmw st, Manly Felirenlmeh Miss C., Jones at, Croydon Feb Carl /I., 50 Liverpool RI, Padlon MI0111101111 at Federated Jewellers, Watchmakers and Pebrenhach If. C., 21 Robert at, Arnold Feb F„ managing director, Ilortgaer: -Allied Trades Union of Australia Veil Martin. 30 Albion at, Annandale Loan and PlInliirO CO. of Austral/a. 1,t(1., 21 Perk st. (N.S.W. Brane1)—R. W. Dickie, Feint Edward, Napoleon st, Fein's James. E.. 1211 Si. George's Feb Frederick, financier, 21 Park at • Rao 114o Pitt at Drommovire p.r., "Fells Rldge," Springwood vies, Federated Liquor 'Prude Employees' IT:lion-4'. Owen. Fee., Trades tociar lleniard, (11teen st, Elm flel,lFeb 8., 20 Stnnley ave, 3fosman nail. Houlburn at Felon James, 42 Mar•garet at, P'shani Fels Stanley, financier, 82 Pitt nt. Federated Marine Stewards' and Pm- Feldhelm Gotthelf Ltd., general hard- Tel. 1233 City • trytnen's Association of Austral- ware merchants find importers, Felsiend Theo. k Good, Indent airs corner Barrack and Clarence sta. [irons. 711 l'orli st :maim 130 Sussex st FederalLel Masters and Engineers' Tritnirtmes, City Soil" and 90113. Felstead B., an Farr st, Merriekville • Assncialiun of Anstrnlasta—Jolin • Hardwrire:IOW) 1 ity; per . Folsom' George E., Wimilirark rd, Allan, general secretary, Yorkfrom c r y tIn 1. 45riff City; crockery Si,, :0121 Pil .v ilepatdr dent, Felstead 1', P„ Kirkosavald a ye, 7,f 'man st, Church Dill Pelt David. on) Brownin g st . Aldria 'St (heated Iloulders' Union—W.8.r r o Burli gare. sr/tether, Trades Pub/beim loisevb. 188 Elizaberb ntPellbarir P., Salisbury at, Concord 00rillnurt at . • Vederal lIlt 11111 Cap Mills—C. *Anderson and Co.. Ltd., corner Albion and Nicholls eta Federal Institute of Accountants (incorporated) (N.S.W. Division) --Lionel C. Brierley, NCO., 10 Castlereagh st Federal Insurance Co.—l(ogg, Robinson and Co. Proprietary, Ltd., agents, C, Bond at • Federal Ironworkene Assn.—F. IV, Make. SOC., Troika Ball, Goutbum st Federnl Jewellery Co., 58 Royal • Arcade Federal Leather and Grindery Store— ' I), J. Mann, mgr., 185 Oxford at -"Federal" Line of Steamers—Hirt and • pt. Ltd., agents, 4 "{ridge st Federal Lodgings, 2213t Castlereagh st • Federal Margarine Co., 46 King at, St. Peters 'Federal Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., of Zurich-31. Rutty and Cuj , agents, • 58 Margaret at Federal 3fittital insurance Co. of Australia Ltd. (The)—W. IL Dimond, gen. mgr..; W, 11. Law) son, secretary, 14 Martin Platt Federal Nut-and Bolt Works Ltd. Ws 'win's Bridge rd,' MarrIckeille Federal Oil Co., 33 Rowe at WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 47244 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE • ALPHABETICAL. Felthiai srwt;ilianacq , 25 Norton at. Ashfirl d l'ennelly David, 2 Northeote st, liarFeltimin Joserk .1., 20 l'erry at. Fennelly Mrs. Elsie. 137 Murray at )VolIliain Thomas, Vittoria id, East S'ennelly Willi:on,13 Andley at, WOOC1 Mum ri-jek y ll In Fermium Predli..1V., Crump st, Mortdale FeltholIX MIS., Oswald NM, Pettis William st, Oranville Fenno] Henry, 54 Simmons st. I Felton Manufacturing Co. (The), 169 1 , 11011 . 11 118 Arthur st Fenner C. E, ii,, .1.1k, 174 Lia•erpool 'The Strand rd, AsItheld Verbal 3Irs. .1., 23 Carr st. N. Sol. Fenner Edwin, in Shadforth cm, Mos. Felton Arthur, View at, Woolwich loon Clanks, 1 191 n t , liesley Felton Charles, 2 Edwin at, N. SDI. rolimil . r Prank. sl, C'nmallmm Sins.B., Carrion:11ra rd, Connor 2 Ruske/Ida le a e, loirldratalt \Coon:dim EelltoartilIe oru rsri. ift1C. .1., Mton orit, Well- 1" q uir r C.. Nat Iona nr. Lidcombe Ermine Srmarel, Dixson sr, liankstown Fennrasey John, 37 West at, N. Sydney -Felton Mrs. Edith, 220 Ilarris at „ Felton 1"nink, Nortimete ave. (Soden Funnessy Mrs. Si., tin Park rd, Si. Felton }I ndic., Ashley at, Chatswood Peters Felton Mrs. G., 107 Alice at, N'town Fenniek Arthur, 31 Dowling ad. Penning A., fili Shepherd at, Ilariville Felten II„ 3 ("oiliness at, liusnurn , I•kit.;:rfkilop., 27 Annandale m, .5n- 1; m trIming .\Virlori,1 St, Epping VonimIngs II.It Mt rd, 'Felten 11e1m13), 7 Dement at, Glebe Darevville Felton Leonard. Darwin sl. Mearl'hank Pensum Mrs. A.. Cordon nl. that 'Felton Lewis, Whiting st. Core 11111 1"rnsfor Mrs, Mary, Holborrow- nt, CroyFelton M., Wattle st, 'Felton MIS!. 3f., 52 Comfitorre al, Pad- .don I linglon genson Colin. 13 Trafalgar at, Enmora •I'elton M. IL, C'oonanbarra rd, 1Vallign Evntoli Bros., brilhiers. Birdkr Gully, rs: sI tfirry, 12 Glen at, Padlon Feltorn;e0Nri g( Smith Randwick Feltonteacher of piano, 336“ 1"enten. Taylor and 'furniture deo I ars. Viet (win g em-. Cha Is wood •le elron 'Dollard II., Godwin at, Bexley l'enton Misses. I 0 parley it Felton '1'. 15 Middleton at, lineville Perdon Albert, Bening st, Ilnumanyne 'Felton IV. (-.. Norval st, Auburn Fearful .511,-ed. manager. Perition her Co., 1.1(1.. 1 tOry at. MinnFelton William. Duffy lane, Thintleigh elloY110 'Felton SVimi., 10 Raglan at, Waterloo Colts IL 0., Broad Arrow rd, Peak- rf lit OH Ifni. C.. refreshment rooms, lin rst Centennial Park • Fender Arnim-. 25 Franklyn el, Olebe Fenton C., 23 .111ais eve, Nfarriekville Fender Tivanas, 56 Victoria 0, Ailield Ft q lon C., 485 Oxford st, Wo011aimr,1 Fender William, If) Phillip st, Croton MI'S. I', E., Sutherland Id. Neutral Ray Fordick Andrew, 5a Fitzroy st, North 'Sydney Fenian C. I,. J., 4 nienil ei l l i at, l'endlor M. 129 George at, Caniklown rs . ni"ii Cecil. Notting H i ll rd. Lid vonrice Storey Alfred. High at, Ifirrockville Volley 1V.. Westminster ar. Bexley Charles, 19 John RI, Ashfield Polley W.. Little r• ' men at, New'- Fenton E., Oeorge's River rd, A'field l'entou Mrs. 11.3., 90 Liverpool at, 'atalml' ['s-no & Co., cleetro . platers, 35 King at Fenn Attach Botany rd, 11-Merlon Fet11.011 Edward J., Sill ton it. A'field Ikarn Arch., 19 Terrael . rd, Fenton hint. Emma, 68 Grose at, Perm 11. W., Lord a t, Newtown l'ampordown •Fenn Miss limille. teacher 01 singing. Fernier, 0., 251 Abercrnmbie sr, Wien, 398 Ceorge st Porten Mrs. IL, 02 llama st, St. Pet. •Form Frank, 40 Lower Campbell at Penton George, 20 'Ii 'oral at, Drum•• ■••enn Henry, 110 May at, Si. Peters moyne Perm John, 31 John at, Aslifield F1111011 1141M1- . 7,1i Sutherland fit, Si. • Senn John, Bordevarde, Stratlifleld • l'etOrs Fort, Thomas, 57 Innoribriry grove l'eutfon George ./.. 2 Watkins SI, Bondi Fenton II. C., 125 Carlierine at, 30 Liverpool rd, landt Penton Henry, 7 Bray at, Erskineville Fennell .5., off 42 Leichlianitat, Penton Henry, 6 St. dames nve, Glebe • 1IIIVerley Ilonr y , (k)ward st. Mascot Fennel Charles. 49 Cooper at, t Ina enlon Henry ./.. Herber; st, Roe Mile Fennel E, Rainbow st Bombards Potion hles. A.. 233 Pittwaler rd, 1 1 Fennel Frederick, Epsom rd, IV'elou !daub Fennel George, 4,1 Princes at Fenton J. L., physician and surgeon, FennelSin. /1„ Ifeldints sl. 1"sliain 15 York et; pc., 41 Johnston at, Ferimi Janus. Universal at, 3fornhile Annandale Fermel John. Roscoe st, Bondi Penton James, Tonialion ace, Arneliffe FennrilJoseph. Booraler at, Botany Penton knnes, Queen Viktoria st, /knur II., (hTilt NI . Fil) rd. Bexley I r ome l 'P .. 311 .micron-dile 0 it, lied- Penton .101m, rd, C'bury • fl-in Penton John T., 19 Avails ave, Glebe Fenton tempo/a T.. I Fennell Thomas, Gould at, C'hurY I IfIlintrY rd, t'canrii William, /15 Ryan fit, Icicle Mirth Sydney bard' Penton Lionel, 8 Coluir sr, Petersham reneell n'illinur C., 40 Bennett at. Penton Silas Uneenie, music teacher, Bondi 338 George st • Per 1245 Fenton Iii elm rd If., 69 Wells at, . Newtown Penton State, 4115 King M, Newtown Penton Sydney, 7 Onslow it, Granville I m'eni0I1 Thomas, Itcrelay l't. rd, Fenton Thomas, 299 l'Ittwater rfl, Manly Fenton II., Ro ck y li t. td , Arnehlfe gentenNotting 1 0 1/ nh'iddcombe Fenton IV, ICingsland rd; Lideombe Penton W. E., 82I Illawarra rd, Irvine lemon 1I. .1., Dritsui Vittoria st, Weti lIogarair Fenton Willincr, 100 Ferris at, Annandale Fenton 1'1111E8110n a y e, Aye ell ff e Fenton William, 43 Glossop at, B'main Penton William, 4 Anglesea at, Bondi Fenton Wirlifun, 17 linrria id, Rozefic Fenton Il'illiam, 502 Icing at,. Tempe Penton 1Villiam Provineial rst, Arthur 11 FrilAV I vIa -I. fir Co., stf•ana tug proprs., HI Bridge at Fenwiek A. E., 196 Underwood at, Paddington Pumviel. .1. IL. Ashur, at, (Danville, Fonwiek .111rert .1., harrow 131. Aub'n huffier; Andrew, 19 Bridge at l'enwick Andrew. 22 Perresun at.-11111ma in .arrlitre.Delmore 01, mortar l'emviek Rev, IL ( P res.), 'CowP f' r at, Sits.II.,I alinberlabilrd. Auburn Penwicli Mrs. I., 5 Little Theodore at, Bahnnin Fenwick ,lac., B.Sc., consulting engi• neer, 19 Bridge at Fenwielf domes, Carrion rd, Lindfield Peewit]. John, 4lane, 'D onn Fi m mOril m k .1ohn IL, 51 Elliott at, Bal- main•Penwicir Joseph, :19 Young at, An'thrlo Fenwiek Mrs, Si., 34 Percival rd, Stainnure Fenwielt Norman 8., Railway par, fiurwood Pcnwick Mrs. P., Canterbury rd, LaliernInt hawk!: Peter, I IVI4,11111 at, Balmain Fenwiel. R. C.. iortIon eve, 'hut swOOli eat, ri . )1Wiela N., Penwiek Mrs. S.. 11 liellick mt. Irtori Fenwielr W., 33 Catherine. at, Lthardt humid: William, Howard at, Riwick Perrin Charles, 18 Wrilker at, When Perim P., 49 Erskineville rd, Penal Miss (Trace, Madeline et, Hunter's IIII1 Furrier Dr. assistant medical officer Coast Hospital, La Perouse, Bot'y F., nil Agar st, Airreville Fergie John, 7 Fairliteld at, Lfirardt Fergus Alex., 0. Tclopea at, Redfern Fermis John Factory st, Granville Ferguson Alla n and Co., fruit and produce merchants, 103 George at Ferguson Bros., booksellers, .12 Corso, Manly Ferguson F'. and Son., Australian Nursery, Stony Creek rd, Nur* ville, and at Camden Ferguson ..1rdin If Son, plumbers and drainers, 75 Hunter st Ferguson, Roeder, and Middleton, linnlypors, 200 Cnstlerengh at r1 • 11111 ,1 11mm,, I SON. COiii) North 140Iney OUR VEHICLES ARE THE MOST ELEGANT AND BEST HORSED IN AUSTRALIA ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELO HILL. ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, 1246For ALPHABETICAL. Ferguson Miss M., teacher of music, 7 Ferguson Mrs. A., Villiers at, Bexley i Ferguson Frank, 16 Broughton at, Park rd, St. Peters Ferguson A., -46 Cardigan at, Cann! North Sydney Ferguson Mrs. M. A., 58 Elliott et, perdown , ; Ferguson Frederick, 140 Bowman at Baltnain• Ferguson A., 68 Thompson et Drum . ! Ferguson Fredk. C., Longview rd, Ferguson Madame, phrenologist, 46, Druttuno-ne Eliza beth at moyne Ferguson A., 30 Clara at. E'ville; Ferguson Mrs. G., Lavender at, N. lEm.t•mstison Malcolm, Trongate at, GranFerguson Mrs. A., 99 Margaret st,. Sydney vilie Ferguson 0. J., Bongolong at, Naretn- Ferguson Mary, Kyle at, Arncliffe Manly Ferguson A. 13., 34 Mayberry at, N. burn • Ferguson If iss, neadinistress Balmain :Ferguson George, Shelley at. C'psie Superior Public School for Girls, Sydney Ferguson A. C., SS Angel at, New-I Ferguson George, Moreton at, L'Icemba Eaton at, Balmain Pitt at, Mortdale town George, ;Ferguson Ferguson N. chemist, 269 Military Ferguson A. E., 171 Norton st. Leich.,Ferguson George, 17 My:dig:di rd, rd. Mosman Ferguson P. C.. Bayswater rd, Rosehank Mosman Ferguson Mrs. A. E., 4 Noble at,, Ferguson George, 76 Wilson at, Newville town Mosman Ferguson Patrick, 102 Fitzroy at re rd, Ferguson Percy C., Stuart at, L'ville Ferguson Mrs. A. F., North at, Mar- Ferguson George, 179 Glemno !Paddington rickville Ferguson R., 73 ICingsclear rd, A'drims Ferguson A. 31., IS A lexa min, st, Ferg uson George, 46 Macaulay rd, Ferguson R., 21 Malcolm at, E'ville Ferguson It., Woodstoek at, Guildfor4 Drummoyne iStan/Imre Ferguson Albert, Letitia at, Oatley Ferguson George, West at. Weal hog Ii Fm.rguson It 9u; Sydenhant rd, Ferguson George, Buller at. W'alu•a Ferguson Alex., 8 Rowntree at, II main Fergustin George E., Andover at, C'Iton Ferguson H. It. J., Brighton a ye, Croydon Ferguson Alex., Bridge st, Epping Ferguson , Alex., 23 Broughton at, N. Ferguson George H., Campsie at, Park Campsie Ferguson It. .1., Wollongon g. ni, ArnSydney Ferguson Alex., 6 Wooleott at, North Ferguson II., 54 Ashmore at, E'ville e] i tie Ferguson Mrs. II., 26 Good Hope at, Ferguson R. J. C., Stanley rd, R'wooct Sydney Ferguson It. M.. electrician. 14 Bond at Ferguson Alex., "E,dithville," 33 Star- Paddington ford at, Paddington Ferguson II. A., 12 Lincoln at, N. Syd. Ferguson, R. M., Hunter at, Par'matta Ferguson Alex., 93 Station st, Tempe Ferguson H. M., taMor, 105 Liverp'l at Ferguson Robert, 13 Beaufort at Ferguson Alfred, Beamish at, C'psie Ferguson H. M., Station at, Arneliffe Fersfusen Robert, Warnin gs rd, Sydney Ferguson Alfred J., 23 Gibbes at, Fer guson Henry. Park rd, Five Dock Ferguson Herbert J., Wolseley et, Ferguson Ronald, Arkland at, N. Syd. Newtown Ferguson Andrew, 581 Darling at,Haberfield Ferguso n itoy K.. AV:mit:ill at, Irtiohl Ferguson Herbert .1., manager Royal Ferguson Russell. S St. •Janns' rd, Rozelle Itandwick Ferguson Andrew D., 9 Crescent at, Nursery Co., Parramatta rd, Homebush Ferguson S.. .1.1'.. 23 Charles at. ErManly skineville Ferguson Angus, Copeland at, Liverpool Ferguson Hugh, 38 Taylor at Ferguson Arch. L., Paul at, Bondi Ferguson Hugh, 1 Moore lane, A'dria Ferguson S., Grosvenor at. Kensington Ferguson Arnold, Broad nl, South Ferguson Hugh, 7 Illigh at. N. Syd. Ferguson Satnuel, 6 Randle at, NewFerguson .1., plumber, 130 Philip st Randwick town Ferguson Campbell, J.P., "fuaherin," Ferguson Mrs. J., 23 Darling at, Hal. Ferguson Mrs. Sarah, 266 Bridge main Bose Bay Glebe Ferguson Carl T., Hincks at, R'wick Ferguson J. A., barrister, 167 Phillip Ferguson Sidney, 38 Kent at Ferguson Charles, Palmer at, Gr'ville at; p.r., "Waianiwa," Robert. Ferguson Sidney. King rd. Five Dock Ferglsz Stephen. Otranto at, Five Ferguson Chas., 6 Marshall at, son at, Greenwich Ferguson Charles, Old Canterbury rd, Ferguson J. C., West Botany rd. Am. Ferguson T.. 27 Barnum Park vd, St. Summer 11111 Ferguson Colin, 14 Church at, Balmain Ferguson J. D., 338 Abercrombie at, I eters Redfern Ferguson T., 33 Mackenzie st, Way. Ferguson D., 142 Wilson at, N'town Ferguson D., Clifton rd. Itandwiek Ferguson J. K., Sydney st, Will'ghby Ferguson Thos., 10 Franklyn at, Glebe Ferguson I). G.. executor of the late Ferguson J. M., Nelson rd, Gordon Ferguson Thomas, Gordon at, R. 'P. Hall, Somerset House, 6 Ferguson James, 32 Crescent at, Manly Ferguson Thomas, Webber's rut, West Ferguson James, 58 George at, 'Nem .Moore at It oga 1st b Ferguson D. It., 37 Oxford st, Way'y Ferguson James, 28 Terry at. Itozelie Ferguson W., _Arlington at. Five Dock FergusonDaniel,Cumberlandat, Ferguson Miss Jessie, 22 Bayswater rd Ferguson W., Langtry a ye, Granville Ferguson Rev. John (Pres.), 44b Ferguson W.. Trongate at, Granville Carlton Bayswater rd. • Ferguson David, 12 North at. Wmain Ferguson \V., 65 Militar y rd. 3I'man Ferguson David, Blaxland's rd, E'wood Ferguson John, manager Leichhardt Ferguson M.. 324 Abercrombie at, Ferguson David J., West Botminy n1,1 and Petersham Friendly Socie. Redfern Ities' Dispensary, 432 Parramatta Ferguson W. B., McDonald st, Lakemba Arncliffe Ferguson David P., Matthew st, Lid./rd, Petersha:n Ferguson W. J., carrier, 77 Military Ferguson John, 57 Elliott at, B'main combo rd, Neutral Bay Ferguson Donald, Alfred at, N. S,vd. Ferguson John, 23 Palmer at, Wmain Ferguson W. J., Kent at, Tlelmore Ferguson Duncan G., 10 Gibbes et Ferguson John, Lang at, Croydon Ferguson W. J., 43 Sloane at, Sum. Ferguson John, 15 Polding at, D'moyne Newtown Hill Ferguson His Honour Judge David Ferguson John, Smith at, Mascot Ferguson Ay. it.. Durwood rill, Winton:, Gilbert. 3 Oreenknowe ave. Ferguson John, Colin at, N. Sydney Ferguson NV. R., 76 Windsor at, Pad. Ferguson John, 4 Hampden st, N. Syd, Ferguson Walter, Leyland par, Witioro Ferguson Mrs. E.. 149 Liverpool at Ferguson E. A., Railway at, Rockdale Ferguson John, 4 Reddy at, Pad'ton Ferguson Walter, l'ampbelltown rd, Ferguson E. II., 20 Leicester st, Pad- Ferguson John, 7 Park rd, St. Peters Liverptml Ferguson John, 51 Grafton at, W'altra Ferguson William, 29 Arthur at, Batdington Ferguson Edward, 98 Cu oh ni Ferguson John A., Observer hotel, 69 ma in Ferguson Edward, 96 Newland at, George St Ferguson William, Nelson rd, Concord Ferguson John A.. Belgrave at. liotell' Ferguson William, Abbott at, Waverley Ferguson Ernest, 14 Hallway a ye, Mar- Ferguson John IL, 165 Australia at. Ferguson William, 11 Ponelt at, lies . Camperdowit riekville Ferguson Dr. Eustace, Gordon rd, Ferguson John J., 165 Birrell at, FergINiM William, real estate agent, 'Waverley Roseville 7 Park ni, St. Peters Ferguson P., al Sutherland at, Nent. Ferguson Joseph!, 97 !Wren at, War'y, Ferguson William If, West at, Irviile Ferguson L.. 143a hileon at. N. Syd, Ferguson William .1., 76 13elgrave Bay - Ferguson Mrs. F., 181 Trafalgar et, Ferguson Mrs. M., Carrington rd, st. Neutral Bay ! Ferguson William IL, Simpson at, Randwiek Stanmore ' Ferguson Francis, 45 Calder Ed, lEcerni Ferguson Miss 3f., 8 Phillip at. !Nem • Althorn WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE: 81042 OEOROE $T. 'PHONE 726 h.1524 CENTRAL ALPHABETICAL. Fer Fer Werguson 3liss Wini f red, 71 Macuuruhuuur st Fergusson and Sons. motoi and engineering u•orks, 29 Wilioughluy ril, North Sydney Fergusson C. S., Stanley at, Peakhurst Fergusson G., 122 Willoughby rd, N. Sydney Fergusson Miss G. A., Murdock at, Neutral Bay Fergusson Hugh, Myrtle al, Ilittrilt Fergusson J., Carrington st, Penshurst Tergusson .L L., Leichhardt at, L'hardt Tergusson J. S., 52 Rowntree at, 13al. main Tergusson T., 25 Marion at, L'hardt Fergusson W., Walton cres, Ablord Terlazzum Bros.. fruiterers, 313 l'itt at Ferlazzo G., Percival rd, Stanmore Fern Arthur W., Plant at, liogarah `Fern C. S., J.P., M.L.A., 171 Underwood at, Paddington Fern Francis. Stanley am, Burwood Fern II. S. .1., Reginald at, Alt'ford Fern James, Marlowe at, Campsie Fern Joseph, 5 MeElhone place Fern James, 3feelian at. Sherwood Fern William, 21 Baltic at, Newtown Fentance George P., Jaelcaman at, Waverley Fernanee John A., 2 'Margaret at, .Petersham Fern:wee L., Darvall at. St. L'ards Fernandez D., 64 Oxford at, Pad'ton Fernandez Mrs. E. R., Brierley et, Ntosman Fernandez F., Wright at, Hurstville Fernandez F., 66 Margaret at, Nesetu Wit Fernandez Isaac. lioronia at, lien'ton Fernandez Mrs. T., 2 Smith al, Manly Fernando George, 46 Havelock at. Driminioyne Ferndale Pleasure Grounds, Mortlake Verne Arthur J., 114 Shadforth at, lfosman Ferneyhough E., 26 Ternwe rd, Ii ville Ferideigh Email, 4 Pritehard at, Annandale Fernley Edward, 55 Houck': at, MarFernley G., 41 Cook rd, Ilarrickville Fernley George, 147 King at, St. l'et. 1•'ern by Henry, Napier at, Concord Fernley Percival, :17 Clarendon Stanniore Fernley It.. confectioner, 23 King at Fernley Samuel, Queen at, 3tar'villo Fernley Thomas. Regent at, liogarall Fernon he Co., custard powder manufacturers, 1 Charles at, Enmore Vernon Frank. 52 Phillip at, Enmore I'ernon John. 7 Brown at, Cam'down Ferns 31ra. Atte, 392 Jones at Ferns Edwin R., Newcastle at, Five 11ock Ferns George, Claremont at, Campsie Ferns R. S.. carrier, 253 Stiast .x at Ferns R. Sidney, Great North rd, Five Dock Ferns William E., Altona at, Ab'ford Fernside Charles, Edgar at. Auburn Ferran Albert, Frenchman's rd, Randwick Ferran Louis, newsagent, 332 Elizabeth at. Ferran M., Si. Gistrge's par, Hurstrille Ferrandt Paid, SI. Paul's at, Irwielm Ferrnnti and Harris !Ad. marble quarry proprietors, 81 ' Pitt at Ferranti Sfamurklu, 21 Smith at, Stmt. Hill Ferrari A., Pennant at, Parramatta Ferrari E., First Ave, Eastwood ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY Ferrari 0. B., Elizabeth at, Par'nuatta Ferrari J. T., Victoria at, P'matta • Ferrari Stephen, Abuklea rd, E'wood Ferreira Manuel, The Avenue, D'moyne Ferrett A. A., Bridge at, D'inoyne • Ferrett • A. W., 145 Cceily at, L'hardt Ferrett Frank, 35 Belgrave at, Manly Ferrett II. .1., Harcourt t .statv. ("psie Ferrett Leon, Indies' baths, West Esplanade, Manly Ferrett Leon. 41 Francis at, Manly Ferric Pntrick, Floss at, Iliirlstone Plc. Ferrier and Co., house agents, Robertson st, West liogarall Ferrier and Dickinstm, arehitects and manufacturers' agents, 22 Carrington at Ferrier E. and Co., cafe, 119 Church at, Parramatta Ferrier Alfred, 4 Collins at, An'dale Ferrier Arch., 20 Bishop at, 3Prille Ferrier Arthur L., 73 Reservoir at Ferrier E. .1., 32 Justin at, L'hardt Ferrier Emile, Marines at, Arne/iffe Ferrier Fredlc., 24 Oxford at, Newtown Ferrier Fredk., 65 Botany at, Redfern Ferrier II. 0., 9 Frederick st, Ashfield Ferrier Henry, Orange at, Randwick Fert• ier Henry, Russell at, Strathfield Ferrier Miss J., 60 Elizabeth at Pertif .r Mrs. .1._ llatshm st, Nlosman Ferrier J. B., 106 Darley rd, Manly Perrier Capt. J. IL, assistant harbour master, Sydney Harbour Trust, Pitt at, Circular Quay. Ferrier Rev. J. R'. (C. of E.), Gloucester rd, Hurstville Ferrier Capt. James, .T.P., Bennett at, Neutral Bay Fernier James, 6 Tivoli at, Paddington Ferrier John, 15 Samuel at Ferrier Leslie A., 32 Pollen al, Enmore Ferrier Percy, 76 Wilson at, Redfern Ferrier IL II., Robertson at, West liog. Ferrier 'Culbert R., c.E., 22 Carling. ton at ;I, u., 38 'franntere at, Dritinitmoyne Ferrier Sidney, 5 Barcom place Ferrier W. W., 23 Cleveland st, Darlington Ferrier Walter, Lumens rd, Durwood Perrier Wm., 37 Leichhardt at, Glebe Fet-rif Gustave. 201l't. rd, North Sydney Ferris A. II., auctioneer and Goyern• ment valuer, Argyle at, Paernatta Ferris A. II., Pennant llills rd, Parr:um-ilia Ferris Albert, Beatrice at, Ashfleld Ferris Mrs. B., Stator at, A'driut Ferris B. .1., 39 O'Connor at Ferris C. R., Bowden at, 3fendowbank Ferris Cliarh •s, Hilltop (-res. 31anly Ferm• is I'yril, Brig-litmore at, Neut. Bay Ferris E., au-c. thriSHatl Brotherhood, I ondor at, Ittirwood Ferris E., 21 The Avenue, Strathtleld Ferris F. E., 8 McLean at, l'auPton Ferris Felix IV., 3lontgomery st, Ferris (:. A.. .1.I'., dentist. Argyle su and Pennant Hills rd, Parramatte Ferris George I'., Lord at, Ferris II. E., Waster at, Arncliffe Ferris II. IL, Shepherd at, Hyde Ferris II. W., The Promenade, Sans Sour! Ferris lIontee F., Chiswick rd, Alden Ferris Hugh, 3 Chattier ace, Ferris Isaac, Ilehnore at, Parramatta Ferris Ivor, 90 Abercrotnbie at, Redfern ARE Fes1247 Ferris James, S Federation at, N'town Ferris Mrs. James, Ross- at, Parluatta Ferris John, Atlas Iron and Brass Foundry, 39-41 Systrum et, Ultimo Ferris John, "Drybendrew," Battery . at, Itandwick Ferris John, 1) Federation iii, Newtown Ferris John. 6 Missenden rd, N'town Ferris Mrs. Laura, Wellington at, Bondi Ferris Mrs. M., Ilarold at, P'matta Ferris Mrs. Mary J., Rawson tit, I laberfield Ferris Percy, 43 Hargrave at, Pad'ion Ferris Peter, 3 Alderson at, It'fern Ferris H. 1., llawkins at, Artarmon• Ferris Robert, Eltham at, Lewisham Ferris Sydney S., Park rd, B'wood Ferris T., insurance broker, 681 Pitt at Ferris Thomas, 157 l'itt at, Redfern Ferris Lieut.-Col. W. J., J.P„ V.D., general agent, sworn valuator R.P.A., "Arraglyn," Ross et, Pa mutual ta Feris Win. G., 40 'll'errace rd, 31'ville Ferris William, 78 Taylor at, An'tlitle Ferris William G., Francis at, Lidcomb,. Ferrish William, 4(1 Little Albion at Perron' F. II. J., Premier at, Kogarah Ferrow Henry, Star hotel, 21-23 Goulburn at Ferrow Mrs. M., Gap rd, Vaucluse Ferry and Co. Ltd., tailors, 175 King at, Newtown Ferry he Tugboat Employees Union— A. (\trier, secretary, Trades Hall, Goulburn at Ferry Mrs. A. King at, Rockdale Ferrst Bernard, 45 Windmill at Ferry D., 151 Victoria rd, Mar'yille Ferry E., 16 Scouller at, Marrickville Ferry Edward, The Avenue, Hurstville Ferry Fred. C„ 5 (Hikes at, N'town Ferry James, 11 Lord fit, N. Sydney Ferry John, 118 Kent at Ferry ,Toltn, 97 Mitchell rd, A'dria Ferry John, Iredale a ye, Neutral Bay Perry Miss Mary, 83 Rent at Ferry Maurice, 20a High at Ferry Neil, 26 Annandale at, An'dale Ferry Patrick, Andover at, Carlton Ferry Robert W., Bruce at, Brightonle-Sands Ferry S. J.. 121 Chilrell at, P'malla Ferry Thomas E., Farr at, Rockdale Fu !slier .Illuert. King at, Randwiek FESQ 41 CO. LTD., Wholesale Wine and Slim it Merchants and Importers, 44 and 46 (larem.,. st, Sydney. •el., ( ity 7697 Agents for— Mot he Chnndon, Champagne Burgeff he Cie, Sparkling \Vines Robertson Bros. he Co., l'orts and Sherries Runlet', Australian Wines Barton ut Guestier, Bordeaux, Clarets and Sauternes John Ilegg, Ltd., Whisky Glenfovle Whisky The Elnsbury Distilling Co., Dry Gin and Old Tent 1.nfargue ••• Brandy Courvolsier Brandy, Ilimin des Antilles, white or (lark Golden Banner Rum E. Martinazzi he Co., Vermouth Given's Schnapps "Great Auk" Stout Carlsberg Lager, light and dark All Liqueurs OUR WATCHWORDS, HONESTY OF SERVICE OUR DESIRE ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR WHITE SEWING MACHINES. • ANTHONY HORDERNV FOR LADIES' KID AND FABRIC ROVE!. Fie ALPHABETICAL.. 1248Fes Fesq George, "Brixton," Collins avs, Rose Bay Fesq W. J., "Brixton," Collins eve, Rae Bay Fessore Charles, 243 Kent at Fethers G. and Co., indentors, 4-1 George at Fethers W. IC, Illahesley st, ("wood Fetherston A., 132 Missenden rd, Camperdown Fetherston C., Missenden rd, C'down Fetherston C. II., 76 Awaba at, M'inlin Fetherston D., Canterbury rd, C'psic Fetherston II. H., 18 Prospect rtl, 'Sammie. 11111 Fetherston L., resident medical officer, Royal Hospital for Wolliell, Glenmore rd, Paddington Fetherston Miss Slary, teacher of piano, 752 George at Fetherston Michael, Cowles rd, Mosman Fetherston W., 9 Campbell at. Glebe Fettes W. C., tailor, 110b Bathurst at Fettes William, 6 Wisbeach at, Rozelle FentrillE., Ill Wilson at, Redfern Fevyer Edward, 63 Stuart at, Manly Few Frederick, 17 Campbell at, N. Sydney Fewer James; 9 Brown at, C'down Fewer Jellies IL, 184 Cecily at, Leichhardt Fewings A., box factory, 29 Shepherd at, Darlington Fewings A., Darlington Art Metal Works, 44 Rose st, Darlington Fewings A., Kensington rd, Summer Hill Fewings Mrs. C., 123 Cowrie at, Newtown Fewings F. .1., builder, 231-233 Cowper st, Waverley Pewings Mrs. Frederick, Susan at, Randwick Fewings Hector, 29 Kent at. Newtown Fewkes H. N., jun., 12 Sydney st, Erskineville Fewkes William N., Shakespeare st, Catnpsic Fewster C. II., Queen's eve, N. Syd. Fewster George IN'., William at. Manly Fewtrell Albert C., 84 Kurraba rd, Neutral Bay Fewtrell F., 19 Fitzgerald at, Wav'y • Ffrench Miss C., 4 Chesterfield par, Waverley Ffrench Mrs. E. W.,Carlotta st, Greenwich yfrench Nicholas, Welkin)) at, Beecroft Ffreneh Thomas; Parkes at, Hyde Fiaschi P., jun., medical practitioner, 178 Phillip at Flaschi T., winegrower, 70 Pitt at flinch' Thomas, M.D., Ch.M., D.S.O., V.D., surgeon, 149 Macquarie st Fibbins David, Dudley at, Penshurst Fibro Cement Co., Circular Quay Picket Mrs. K., Petersham rd, Aeville Fickle S. Shakespeare at, Can'hury tr ickling 1•‘.., Valentine at Fickling E., 139 Roelifort at, E'ville Fickling thai ry, Day at. Marrickville Fickert Jacob, 263 Bourke at Fidden Edgar II., 10 Masson at, Rahman Fidden Francis W., Melionald at, Leichhardt Fidden Harry, 56 Glassop at, Wmain Fidden Mrs. M., 161 Botany rd, Bot'y Fidden W. C., Gladstone at, L'hardt Fiddes Miss IL, 140 St. James' Randwick Fiddes James F., Hannah at, . Weroft WOOD, COFFILL AND Field Jeremiah, 3 Simmons at, E'motti Field John, Robe). at, Mascot Field John, 43 Liverpool at, Pad'ton Field John, Prince at, Ityde Field John R., 108 Union st, E'ville Field Joseph M., 49 Gould st Field Miss:19 Shadforth at, Mos- Fiddick Mrs. Ada, 15 Francis at Piddick W. C., Victoria rd, Maeville Fidler Miss I. M., tutor to the Women Students' University of Sydney, Henry st, Gordon Fidler Miss M., school for girls, "Ravenswood," Henry st, Gordon Field Engineers' Department, Moore Park Field of Mars Cemetery, Quarry rd, Hyde Field Joseph and Co., carriers, 18 Bridge at Field A., jeweller, 80 Hunter at Field Miss A., 40 Cerebella at, N. Syd. Field Mrs. A., 81 Camden at, N'town Field Albert E., 248 Trafalgar a, Mall Field Lance, 1 Hatimden at, Pad'ton Field Leonard G., Bellevue at, A'cliffe Field Leslie L., 211 Charlecot at, Mar-, Amiandah. Field A. M.,;1119 1.11111 . Cove • al, N. Sydney Field Albert E., Hardy st, Ashfield Field Albert E., Boyce rd, S. Randwick Field Alfred, 11 Chester at, An'dale Field Alfred, 17 Charles at, Emnore Field Alfred E., 73 Hargrave at, Pad. Field Alfred .1., 72 Myrtle at Field Alfred L., 32 Duxford at, Pad'ton Field Arthur, Alice at, Auburn Field Arthur, 33 Bourke at, Redfern Field Arthur W., J.P., 163 Wigram rd, Glebe Field Bridget, 46 Shepherd at Field C. A., 12 Hardy at, Ashtleld Field C. E., Gladstone at, Eogarah H ybl Mrs. Caries, undertaker, 58 Manny rd, Alexandria Field Charles, Myaligalt rd, Mosman Field Charles E., Itimpton St. Rockdale Field Clifford, Auburn rd, Auburn Field DilVid, Shakespeare at, C'hury Field Mrs. E. Jesmond eve, P'sham Field E. A., Forest rd, Hurstville Field Edward, 46 Kensington at Field Elijah, 47 Goold at Field Mrs. Ellen, Booth at, Arncliffe Field Emily, nurse, Walker at, N. Syd. Field Ernest, Maher at, Hurstville Field F. J., undertaker, 23 Hercules at, Ashtield Fie) I Ernest T., Ililleott st; Ashfield Field F. .1. S., Mowbray rd, Will'hy Field Frank A., Blond at, Ashfield Field Frederick, 11 Rosebery at, Belmain Field George, Wollont9 bug rd, A'cliffe Field George, Bridge at, Winoyne Field Geo., Belmont rd, Dahnorton Field George, areenhills at, Enfield Field George, Warrigal at, Vmurra Field George J., Cranbrook at, Botany Field H., 17 Shadforth st, Paddington Field Harry, Eastwood ave. Eloping Field henry, 27 John st, Ashfleld Field Henry, 51 Raglan at, Darlington Field Henry, 31 Brook at, N. Sydney Field Henry, 12 Calder rd, Redfern Field Herbert, 46 Johnston at, An'dale Field Herbert (1., 90 Neville at, Marrtekville Field Hilton, 70 Malcolm at, E'ville Field I., tailor, Auburn rd, Auburn Field Mrs. I,, 29 Robert at, Maeville Field Illingworth, Alice at, Auburn Field Illingworth, Albert at, Rockdale I Field .1. IL, The Avenue, Strathfleldi Field ,Tames, 234 West at, N. Sydney, Field James. 536 Nlarrichvil le nl, i Dulwich Mil Field James. Childs at, Lideontla• Field Jante.s. Wyon g at. ()Mkt' Field Mrs. Jane, 725 Harris st COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 Fie 1 Field Mark IL, 28 Egan at, Newtown Field Mrs. Mary, Gottenham st, Glebe Field Mrs. Mary, Manning st, Way'ley Field Percy It., Claremont at, Campsie FieldRandolph, Canterbury rd, Canterbury Field Itollert, :127 Riley at Field Robert, Marlborough rd, ington Field Robert J., Taylor at, LakemLa Field MN. S., Wollongimg rd, A'eliffe Field Mrs. Sarah, 2:1 Margaret st, Newtown Field Sydney, 45 Johnston at, An'dale Field Mrs. T. A., Ben., 13 Avenue rd, Glebe Field T. A. J.P., Abattoirs, Glebe T. Field I'. X., tanner, Campbell st, Alexandria Field Thomas, wholesale butcher, 676698 Harris at Field Thomas, Burns at, Croydon Field Thomas, Seaview at, Diil. MID Field Tluimas, 114 Neville at, M'yille Field Thomas, Lecder eve, Penshurn Field Thomas A., Francis at, Irwick Field IV. T., 220 Catherine at, IThattit Field William, Baronia rd, Bankstown. Field William, West at, Five Dock Field Wm., Minnesota are, Pi Al! DOCIC Field William D., Green at, liogarah Field William G., Dine at, Randwick Field William II., Blucher at, Mascot Field Wm. J., 23 Margaret at, N'town Fieldberg W., 91 1,f2 Phillip at, mmuu iii Vielden Samuel, Amy at, Campsie Fielder Mrs. A. II., 12 Surrey at, Ma rrickville Fielder Albert E., 59 Crown at Fielder Charles, King at, Mascot Fielder F., St. Mark's at, Randwick Fielder II., Carrington at, Hornsby Fielder Richard, Allison rd, Randwick Fielder Robert, Broad rd, S. IrwickFielder Samuel, Barker at, Randwick Fieldgate W. S., O'Brien at, Bondi Fi •ldhouse E. G. H., 141 Devonshire st Fieldhouse Edwin, 13 Moore Park rut Fieldhouse Edwin II., Kuring-gaiChase are, Turramtirra Fieldhouse Edward, Avoca it, Handwick Fieldhouse Etistace W., dentist, 320 Church it, Parratnatta Fieldhouse 'Rupert, Rawson at, Wav'y' Fieldhouse T., Moxon rd, CanterburyFieldhouse Wm. II., Ferr at, Rockdale. Fielding and Chidgey, manufacturers' agents, 56 Market at Fielding E., Victoria rd, MarrickvilleFielding .1. litaldruggists' sundries. 110b Bathurst st Fielding Frank, 84 Belmont rd, Mos. Fielding 11., Parliamentary ter, A 'cli ffe. Fielding Harold, 11 Woodbury at,. Ma rrielivi Ile Fielding James, J.P., "I'renthatn." 70. Murdock at, Neutral Bay. Tel. 71t North Sydney HARRIS Si. 'Non 156 GLUM. ALPHABETICAL. FIELDING J. & CO Fin1249• Filmer George, G'reen at, Cremorne Finchh II. •E., watchmaker, jeweller Filmer James, 3 Stephen st, Padlon and optician, 300 George at. Filsell and co.; agents and merchants, Tel., City 4554 ; p.r., "Hermes," 73 York at 100 Raglan at, !alumna!' LIMITED Pilsen N. IL, 36 Station at, 1"sham Finckh lierman, 39 Milton at, A'fleld General Printers and Cardbrrard Filsell W. G., 24 Pariwa r,l, Mosman Findlater Alfred, Gordon rd, C'wood Box and Carton Manufacturers, MIMI Walter, Fredbert at. Leichhardt Findlater A., Railway cres, Beeeroft Folding Millinery and Suit Boxes Filside G., headmaster Public School, Findlater C. IV., Gordon rd, C'tvoott a Speciality. Buckingham and Military it, Mosman Findlay and Co., veterinary surgeons, Devonshire Streets, Sydney (near FOAM Gilbert, 50 Harbor st, 3Ios• 290 Sussex at • Central Railway Station). 'Phones nom Findlay Mrs. Agnes, Browning at, 8)11 . 802 Redfern Campsie Filson Mrs. C.; Chesterfield par, Way'y Fimister Mrs. A., 147 Darley at, Findlay Alex., 13 Curtis rd; Balmain • Newtown Findlay All x.. 69 Cowles rd, Mammal' Fielding James, Hay ni, Nortlt Sydney Fintister W. .1. Summer 11111 Hotel, Findlay Charles, 70 Blue's Point rd, Lackey st, Summer ' 11111 North Sydney Fielding R., 23 Ileeley at, Paddington Fielding It. S., Gibbes at, Rockdale Fimister W. .1. 2 Dover at, Sum. Hill Findlay David, 25- Samuel at, St. Pet. Fielding Rev. S. G. (C. of E.), Finunel Wm., 15 ' Collins at, Medal() Findlay Gtsurge, 73 Windmill at Oxford et, Paddington Film» R., 32 Chapel at, Marrickville Findlay George, Maude at, Halmain Fielding Thomas A., Wilson at, Bot'y Finch Misses K. & L., Richard at, Findlay Gilbert. 1:1 1.110k-WS all% Bill. Fields Mrs. Mary, 89 Alfred at, An' Greenwich miii, iii nandale Finch A. George, Gt. North rd, Findlay Mrs. ,T., 84 Silver at, St. Pet. Fields Percy, 9 Muston at, MOSIIVAT1 botsford Findlay J. II., 600 New Canterbury Fienberg .1. & Co., manufacturing Finch Alfred J., Florence at. Neut. B. rd, Dulwich Hill • jewellers and diamond setters, Finch Charles, Alive at, Lakentba Findlay :lames, Charlotte at, Ashtleld 248a Pitt at Finch Mrs. E., Ferry at, Hunter's Hill Findlay 311111e8, 78 Rowntree at, Bair Fienberg Arthur, 28 Regent at, Red- Finch E. W., consulting engineer, 12ma in 14 Loftus at fern Findlay James, Beach rd, Dul. HIS Fienberg Bennet, chattier, 139b Bath- Finch Edward W., 7 Effingham at, Findlay James, Livingstone rd, 3fosman urst at Findlay James, 101 Cowper at, Way'ley Fienberg Ilarold, pawnbroker, 135 Finch Francis H., Kirby at, Rydalmere Findlay John, 41 Windmill at Pyrmont at Finch Frederick, 152 Palmer at Findlay John, 36 New at, Annandale }lambert; 51.. 403 Parrattiatta rd, Finch George, Bassett at, Dalmorton Findlay John, Rickard ave, Timid i Leichhardt Finch George, 13 G1ebe Point rd, Findlay John, 65 Cowles rd, Mosman Glebe Findlay John, Yelverton at, St. Pet, Fienberg Maurice, Queen rd, F. Dock Finch George E., Campbell East• • Findlay Joseph, Waterview at, Carlton Fiene Charles, Frank at, ltyde wood Findlay Robert, 1Abergeldie Fiez, Robert, Brunker at, Beni:gown Finch Henry, 31 Palmer at, Balmain Petersham Fife Albert, Reserve rd, Gore Hill Finch Henry, Abbotsford at, Ken'ton Findlay William, 52 Bulwarra rut Fife 0. L., 81 Walker st, Redfern Fife G. l'., optician, 254 King at, Finch Ilenry, 554 Xing at, Newtown Findlay William, 32 Rosebery at, Finch Jabez II., 70 Cowrie at, NewBalmain Newtown town Findleter It., Coventry rut, II bush Fife John, 58 Myrtle st Finch Mrs. Jessie, 51 Gottenham at, Finiloti F., 25 Kensington at, W'Cloo Fite Mrs., 52 Dalton rd, Nlostnan Glebe Findley Alexander, North at, Fifer Henry, 23 James st, N. Sydney Fifer William, Kimber lane, F. Lodge Finch John, 141 Wyndham at, APdria Findley Mrs. Harriet, 65 Roslyn at Fiford Mrs. S. R., McKern at, Cam'sie Finch John, 77 Arundel at, F. Lodge Findley Peter, 88 Trafalgar at, Annandale Ilford IV. E., The Esplanade, Gieford Finch John V., Patrick at, Hurstville Flo; Harry, 32 Cambridge st, Stau- Finch John, 204 Victoria rd, M'ville Findon John, 61 Campbell at, St. Pet. Fine Henry, 206 St. John's rd, Forest nton! Finch Leonard J. Amhurst at, N. Syd. Lodge D'Arcy, 97 1,./j Raglan at, 11"loo Finch R., Wharf rd, Concord Pine Phillip, dealer, 51 Goulburn it Figgins Thomas, 94 Botany at, Wloo Figgis James, Erie at, Willoughby Finch Richard, 3 Edward at, N. Syd. Finegan Lawrence A., Philip at, Way'y "Fighting Line" (The)- -A. John- Finch Thomas, 0 Flora at, Erskineville Finegan Mrs. R., 6 Booth it north, Caniperdown ston, editor, 109 Pitt t.t Kim+ Mrs. V. A., ti Harrison at, Finegan Robert, Redmyre rd, Str'field Figtree Charles, Gibbes at, Rockdale Neutral Bay Finely andhoot manufacturers,. Figures Geo., Gordon at, Mascot Finch W. A., 3 Norton st 129 Rockland at, Alexandria Figneroa .Toel, 13 Poplar at Finch Walter, 40 Windsor at, Pad'ton Finely John, 127 Buckland at, Filen Martin, Rivers at, Bellevue Hill Filander F. W., 7 Waringa rd, N. Fine!) William IL, /146 Common- Finertm 11"., 78 Mullet's at, Bulmain wealth st Fingleton112 Ruthven at, R'wicic Sydney rilby Fred. G., 9 -1 Cowles r11, Mos. Finch Wm. II., Tennyson rd, Ten'son Fingleton 3irs. K., Weston at, East Hills man Finch William J., Dora at, Ilurstville Fillty James, 234 Norton at. L'hardt Fincham Charles P. chemist, 130 Finigiut and Finigan, dentists, 395 Darling st, Italmain Fib . Frank G., 83 Little Walker at, Bathurst at, and 227 Elizabeth North Sydney at ; p.r., 9 Campbell st, PatPlon Finigan and Sons, Ltd., mercers anal Fileman M. C., Rocky Point rd, Arm Finchait) Ilotece N., Petersham rd, hatters, 175-177 Pitt at Finigan Mrs. A., 47 NVestbourne it, Ma rriek vi Ile • Filewood Alfred E., 29 Franklyn st, Fineham Mrs. Lily, flall Liverpool at Petersham Glebe Mitcham Robert IV., Dean at, Enfield Finigan D., dentist, 185 Church at, Parramatta Filewood James 1V., Beam's!) rd. Kindler I). Queen Victiola at, West Catnpsie Finigatt John, 182 Bridge rd, Glebe. IC oga rab Vibrate Mrs. W., 30 Falcon at, N. Sytl. Hitcher John C., Pembroke at, Ash- Finigan John, 16 Morris at, Sum. Hill Filkins Frank, 20 Arcadia rd, Glebe Finigan Rev. R. .7., Helena at, Auburn field Mans Mrs. Matilda, Done at, A'cliffe Fincher It. F.. 3fIllett at, Dalmorton Fling-an Walter, Park •rd, liurstville II ing George, Campbell at, Knell Fincher Ralph, 10 Sutherland are, Fittikin Arthur, 36 Clarendon rd, StanFillingliam 0. 'IL, Daisy at, ("wood more Paddington Fillingham Mrs. M., Cameron st, Finck Max, 51 Donnelly at, Rahman Fink Carl G., Virginia at, Granville) Itoel«lale Villein) Mrs. Mary K., 150 Lord at, Fink Max., 23 Fitzgerald at, Way'ley FiIto Photo Works, 177 Liverpool at Finkernagel B., jeweller, Forest' rd, Newtown Filmer Albert R., 60 Telford at, Clete Fineker Mrs. M., Waratah at, II field Hurstrille Muer Charles, 39 Caledonia at, Pad- Fincldt A. E., medical practitioner, Finlay Arthur G., 20 Samuel st, St. dington 127 Macquarie at Peters Finlay Miss C., 84 Parraween at, Filmer Frederick I.., 7 Burnett at, limicluhu Ernest Victor, 39 Bent st Iltslfern Neutral Bay OUR PROCESS OF EMBALMING PRESERVES THE DEAD FOR ANY TIME AT 'NOMINAL COST ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR SAFETY RAZORS AND STROPS. 1250Fin ALPHABETICAL. Finlay Mrs. E., Brighton ave, Croy- Finley Waher M., Mutual Life builddon Park • M g, 14 Martin place, Sydney Finn • Bros., printers and publishers, Finlay Mrs. E. Victoria at, Epping 248a l'itt at Finlay F. J., Orchard ' rd, Chatswood Finlay Forest, 10 Cannon at, S'inore Finn Alex. D., O'Connell at, Inmate Finlay G. F., 72 Norton at, L'hardt Finn Angus, 10 Little Queen at, Newtown Finlay G. Y., Brighton ave, Croydon Finn Mrs. C., Woniora rd, Hurstville Park Finlay Garnet, Find/ay ave, Chatswood Pima Edward, Bronte rd, Bronte Finlay Mrs. George, Claremont at, Finn Edwin, printer, etc., 342 ElizaCampsie beth at Finlay George, 11 Sydney at, E'ville Finn Mrs. G., 13 Beatrice at, Aehfield Finn George, 22 Datchett at, Winain Finlay II. A. II., Leichhardt at, Finn George, 82 Abattoirs rd, Rozelle Leichhardt Finlay J., 34 Adelaide et. Woollahra Finn General II., C.B. sec. The "Walter and Eliza nail" Trust, Finlay John, 28 Merriman at 118 Pitt at; p.r., "Ashmore," Finlay John, 2 Rawson a ye, L'hardt Finlay Miss L., music teacher, 338 Wentworth at, Point Piper George at Finn Horace .1., Frenchman's rd, Finlay I, C., Beauchamp par, C'wood Randwick Finlay M. IV., Ill Bondi rd, Bondi Finn Hubert, Allison rd, Randwick Finlay Mrs., Renwick at, Marrickvills Finn Hunter, 54 Edward at, Redfern Finlay Peter, 1 Mackenzie at, War'y Finn Jatnes, 113 Riley at Finlay Mrs. R., 11 Mitchell rd, A'dria Finn Mrs. Jane, 59 Chandos at, N. Syd. Finlay IL; 341 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Finn Jeremiah, 33 Alma at, DarPtm Finlay R. J., 100 Young at, An'dale Finn John, 24 Taylor cut, Annandale Finlay It. S., Canterbury rd, C'bury Finn John, 155 Beattie at, Batman Finlay Robert, 36 Boyce at, Glebe Finn John 11., King st. Sans Komi Finlay Robert E., manager Vacuum Finn Joseph, 32 Corben st Oil Co. Proprietary, Ltd., 251 Finn Joseph, 19 Dibbs 'at, Alexandria George at 111111 L. IL, 13elmore rd, Randwiek Finlay Sinclair, physician and am- Finn Mrs. M., St. Paul's at, geon, 197 Elizabeth st and Great Finn Mrs. M. A., 10 Amelia at, NV't'loo Northern rd, Gladesville; p.r., Finn Michael, Princess a ye, Waterloo Mount at, Hunter's Hill Finn Phillip, 103 Garden at, A'dria Finlay Thomas, Market at, Randwick Finn Sylvester, Queen at, Granville Finlay W., 1 Little Stewart at, Pad. Finn T. IL, labour agency, 163 CasFinlay William, Mimosa rd. B'kstown t lereagh St Finlayson Mrs. 11., 57 Wootrot at Finn William, 23 Donnelly at, Bab Finlay William, Amy at, Campsie main Finlayson D., Stony Creek rd, Ile Pim William .1., Montgomery at, Finlayson Douglas, 'Wyrallah," Avoca Koga rah at, Randwick Finn William P., 1 Flora at, E'ville Finlayeon Miss E., 19 George at, Finnamore J. H., 1 Kellick at, W't'loo North Sydney Finnan Cuthbert, 7 Holden at, AshFinlayson Mrs. F., 388 Moore Park rd field Finlayson G., Wanstead a ye, Under- Finnan John, 12 Hornsey at, Rozelle cliffe Finnan John J.. 5 Windmill at Finlayson Georg°, Grose at, P'matta Finnan Mrs. M., 146 Stanmore rd, Finlayson Mrs. I., Harcourt estate, Marrickville Cam psi e • Finnan Thomas J., Trades Hall hotel, Finlayson Miss I., Gladstone aye, 385 Sussex at Mosman Finnane T., Stanlisy st, Finlayson J., Villiers at, Kensington Finnegan II. J., grocer, 132 King st, Finlayson J. L., 6 Lansdowne at, Newtown Parramatta Finnegan J. P., Doncaster a ye, It'ton Finlayson James, 5 McCredie at Finnegan Mrs. M. A., 81 1,52 Victoria at .Finlayson James, 207 New Canter . Finneran Mrs. Ellen, 46 Davies at bury rd, Petersham Finneran John, Maude st, Belmain Finlaymon James, 35 Red Lion at, Finneran William .1.. Beaulieu at Rozelle. Finneran Wm. T. J., Beaulieu at, VauFinlayson John, officer in charge AtniOuse tralian Gaslight Co., George at, Finney Bros., Federal tannery, Byrne Parramatta st, Botany Finlayson John,Ilarcourtestate, Finney E. II., The Boulevarde, St 'field Campsie Finney Edward, 24 Don at, Newtown Finlayson John, Cook at, Mascot Finney Mrs. L, 105 Mansfield at, Roz. Finlayson John, 113 Campbell at, Finney .1. L., liedmyre rd, Strathfield Finney Joseph, 10 Chemins at, Ashfield Newtown Finlayson 0. W., 41 Comber at, Pad- Finney Joseph II., Oswald at, Cam'sis dington Finney M. Burton, J.P., manager head Finlayson W., 1 Gladstone at, B'main office Australian Bank of ComFinlayson W., 03 Church at, 1"matta merce, Ltd., 367-373 George at; p.r., "Selbourne House," RedFinlayson W., 249 Church at, P'matta myre rd, Strathfield Finlayson W., jun., Marion at, ParFinney R„ Hamilton at, Woollahra ramatta Finlayson W., 52 Ocean at, Woollahra Finney Thomas, 56 Mansfield at, Rozelle Finlayson William,Westernrd, Finney Thomas, Learn rd, \retire Wentworthville Finley P. G., 156 Raglan at, Mosman Finney W. E., J.P., Bellevue par, Finley John, Joseph at, Lideombe Hurstville Finley Mrs. Louisa, 75 Newington rd, Finney William T., 105 Angel at. Newtown Marirekville Fir Finnie Misses E. and M., confectioners, 4 Elizabeth at Finnic Alex., Harp at, Canterbury Finnic Alex. J., 43 Botany rd, 13ot'y Finnic Colin, Bay at, Botany Finnic 1'. C., 28 Thorne at, Padlen Finnie 1.. .1., 213 Sutherland at, Paildington limit' Mrs. N., 2 Chapman at Finnic Wm., 196 Bulwarra rd Finnigan Chas., Parramatta rd, Aub'n Finnigan Chas., Champion rd, Ten'son Finnigan F. W., Railway at, Granville Finnigan John, 42 Therry at, D'ruoyti-Finnigan Joseph, 59 Hanover at, Waterloo Finnigan Mrs. M. A., Walter at, GranFinnigl ate il i Mrs. Mary, 11 Ilardie at Finnigan Pat rick,Tennyson rd, Tennyson Finnigan It. A., Borman cut, Feet 'I' Finnis William .1. 17 Mort at Fititon Edward, liestie at, Roekdale Finucan C. J., 128 Denison rd, Petersham rimusine 0.. Vaughan at, Lidcomne Finucane Mrs. H., Eve at, Strathfield Fitnicane .1., Second ii re, Lidcombe Finucane James J., negat e rd, Five Dock l'inucane Mrs. Johanna, 10 Kellett at Finucane John. Railway par, Finticane Michael, Fourth are, Lid(senile Fit/tank Nathan .1., Villawra at. Fire Commissioners' Board of N.S.W., 211-219 Castlereagh at Fire Brig,' de Etniiloyees' lInion—.1. secretary, Trades Goulburn at Fire Underwriters' Association of N.S.W.—Frederick Cox, secretary; '1'. A. Ogden, inspector, Exchange, 56 Pitt at Fireman's 1'mM Insurance ("mummy (Marine)—M. de t hatesiubourg, attorney, 10 Bond at Firkin Allier( .1_ Botany rd, Mascot Firkin Alfred A., (lilderthorpe are, Randwiek Firkin Mrs. Alice, 71 Botany at, %Vat erloo Firkin J. F. 16 Denison rd, P'sham Firkin Josepli, 9 Frazer rd, Petersham Firkin Letilie F., Walker's are, Firkin 0., Botany rd, Waterloo Firkin Mrs. S. C., Pritchard at, A'dale Firkin T. F., Hercules at, Brightonle-Sands Firkins A. .1., manager Allen & Ilimburys (Australasia), Ltd., 1:1 Market at ; p.r., "Carinya," Woollen-are rd, Port Hacking FIRMS RRGISTHATIONS—Fred Walsh, Automat tonal Patents, Trade Marks, Designs and Copyrights corner George anti Wynyard sts Tel., ('it', 2137. (See Advt. oppasite Patent Attorneys) Finnan George, 28 Iluthven at, Randwick Finnan John, 126 Cowles rd, Mosman Furman R., Clevedon rd, Hurstville Firmin George, 9 Cavendish at, Stanmore Firmin IL C., chartered accountant, 77 Castlereagh at Firmin Ilarrie C., Stanley ave, M'man Firmin John II., Burlington at, Fog. Fitinstone Arthur, 93 Pitt at, W't'loo Firmstooe F. W., 10 Charles at, L'hardt WOOD, COFFILL &COMPANY LTO.HEAD OFFICE: BULWARRARD..PYRMONT. 'PHONE7281 1180 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' — STATIONERY, BOOKS AND TYPEWRITERS. Fir Firmstone 11. A., 196 Walker at, Redfern Fit-melon° II. A., 434 Unwin's Bridge rd, St. Peters Firinstone Mrs. M., 10 Charles at, Leichliardt Firnistone Percy E., Universal at, Mascot Firmstone W., Universal at, Mascot First Improved Adjustment Bureau —A Climo, manager, 82 Pitt st Firth P. J., Limited, paper box factory, Codrington at, Redfern Firth A., 39 Spencer rd, Mosunin Firth Alexander, Hough at, Waveriey Firth Arthur J., Reynolds at, Neutral Bay Firth Mrs. B., William at, Firth E. W., 92 Addison rd, Maeville Firth Miss F. A., Dutruc at, Itandwicit Firth F. W., 24 Bennett at, Bondi Firth Francis 11., Frederick at, Ashtield Firth Frank, Cook rd, Marrickville Firth Frank, 174 Queen st, Woollahra Firth Fred., 14 Keith at, Dulwich Hill Firth Frederick, 8 James at, Redfern Firth II., Cairns se Peaklitirst Firth IL, 28 Cornwallis st, Redfern "Moss-Caltlale," Firth James M., Wentworth rd, Vaucluse Firth Mrs., Jane, Birrell at, Waverley Firth JONI, Mt St. .10IIII'S rd, Glebe Firth John, 3o4 Edgeware re„ Newtown Firth John R., Itedinyre rd, S'field Firth Mrs.. Ii Shad forth at, Mosman Firth Peter J., Want at, Burwood Firth Mrs. S., 50 Waters rd, Neut. Bay Firth NV. A., J.P., manager Southern Coal Owners' Agency, $8 Pitt at; p.r., 18 Llniulaff st, Waverley Firth Capt. IV. T. C., Victoria are, Chatswood Firth Walter, Good st. Granville Firth William, 78 Station at, N'town Firth Wright, 78 Lander at, Redfern "Fischers," hatters, 414 George at Fischer A. M., Brooklyn at, Burwood Fischer Albert, Clifford at, Itandwielt Fischer C., 54 Parraween at, N. Syd. Fischer Chris., Orange st, itandwick Fischer Edouard, importer and indent agent, 182 Phillip at Fischer F., Broad Arrow rd, Cant'bury Fischer F., 57 Leichhardt st, NVav'ley Fischer Mrs. Hannah, 28 Argyle at Fischer Henry, Riverview rd, C'rbury Fischer J. A. Addison st, Kenaington Fischer Martin, 42 Rennie at, Paddington Fischer Robert L., Coranto st, Five Dock Fish and Packer, financiers, 103 Elizabeth at lisle A. .1.. 47 Tharnley at, L'hardt Fish Alfred F., drainer, 220 Liverpool at Fish C., 12 Alexander at, Paddington Fl-hi George, 28 Brighton at, P'sham hhsle James, 211 Anderson at, A'dria Fish Oscar, 35 Edward at, Redfern Fish S. H., 78 eurtinna rd, gtantnore Fish Victor, 63 Beltnore at, St. Peters Fish William, Laycock at, Neut. Bay Fish William, 265 Miller at, N. Syd. Fishburn A. E., 22 Lymeretnn st, St. Peters Fishburn Arthur. Dailey at, Sans Sotici Fishburn Mrs. E., 119 Bridge rd, GlebtFisliburn Richard. 5 Railway par. St. l'eters Fishburn W., 12 Crystal at, Rozelle Fishburn W. A., Grantham at, West Kogarah ALPHABETICAL. Fis1251 TIME ACT Fishhurn W. F., 215 Old Canterbury EONS' INDUSTRIAL SHEETS or COMBINED TIME. rd, Petersham PAY AND WAGES BOOKS ( Copy Fishburn W. H., 53 Alma st, Dai'ton -right)foalTrdesnCaligs. Fishburn William, Militar y rd south, These are the only ones which tbuildford comply vilth the Act. Obtainable Fisher and Co., homeopathic chemiets only from L. Zions, Industrial Act and druggists, 337 George at Expert, 14 Castlereagh street, Fisher F. tl; Son, butchers, Canterbury Sydney. When asking prices »tate rd, Delmore class of business. Fisher James (1., J.P., and C. Van I fend:10nm, proprietors, Augustus II curia and Co., tea merchants. Fisher E. M., resident surgical regie. etc., 8 Bridge at trar. Ro yal Prince .'dl fred HosFisher Library, Sydtley UniveNity, pital, Missenden rd, 1.%imperdown City rd, Comperdown Fisher Edward, 28 Belvoir at Fisher Garden at, Mai-Mlle FISHER & LINGHAM (W. E. Fisher Edward, Edward, Falconer at, Hyde Fishier), Sole Importers for AusEdward A., dentist, 203 Mactralasia L. C. Smith and Bros! Fisher quarie at Typewriter, Writing-in-Sight, 2 Fisher Edward A., Treatt's rd, L'field and 3 Victoria Arcade, Castle- Fisher Edwin, 29 Brereton a y e, Marreagh at rickville Miler and Macansh, solicitors, E. S. Fisher Edwin, Petersham rd, M'ville Fisher Mrs. El iZallet II,I bed ley at, and A. Bank building, 726 King Wil at Fisher Erie S., 10 Bayberry at, N. SA. Fisher A. E., Victoria a ye, Chatswood Fisher A. T., Victoria rd, Marrickville Fisher Erold, ['mouse mil, Itandwiek Fisher P. A., Good at, Granville Fisher A. NV., Mooney at, Belmore Fisher Albert, music teacher, 338 Fisher Capt.T., 469a Alfred at, North Sydney George at Fisher F. W., 24 George at west Fisher Albert, 336 Victoria at Fisher Fabrice, 243 Evans at, Roselle Fisher Albert, 3 Loftus at, Ashfleld Fisher Albert, '207 Elswick at, Leich- Fisher Frank, 4 'Manning a ye, Neut. Bay hardt Fisher Albert, 70 Regent at, Pad'ton Fisher Fredk. Eastern aye, Ken'ton Fisher Albert, 127 Bourke at, Irfern Fisher Frederick, Fischer st, Randwick Fisher Fredk., Railway at,- ockdale Fisher Albert J., Pine a ye, Waverley Fisher Frederick, William at. St. l'et. Fisher Alfred, Clifford a ye, Manly Fisher Fredk., Parnell at, Strathflell Fisher Alfred, lin Marlborough at, Fisher Frederick, 32 Denison at Wave Leichliardt 'Fisher Frederick, Sailors' llay rd, Fisher Alfred, 55 McKenzie at, L'hardti Willoughby Fisher Alfred IV., Gibbons at, Auburn Fisher Mrs. G., Parkes st, Ryde Fisher Mrs. Annie, 8 Craigend at Fisher G. El.,. manager Sanitarium Health Food Co., 46 Hunter at Fishier Amandus .7., Goodwin rd, Ryde Fisher 0. S., manager Sydney SaniFisher Arthur, 52 Palmer at tarium, Fox Valley rd, IN'roonga Fisher Arthur M., 44 Goultisbury at, Fisher G. IV., 13 Leicester at, Pad. Mosman Fisher Mrs. C., 56 Louisa rd, It iiiiiire Fisher George, Newton at, Auburn Fisher George, 4 Plunkett at, D'inoyne Fisher C., The are, Dnimmoyne Fisher C. A. M., 44-46 Blue's Point Fisher George, Cowell st, Gladesvfllo Fisher George, Ilardie at, Mascot rd, North Sydney Fishier C. D., 6 Septimus at, E'ville Fisher George, 6 Isabella a ye, N. Syd. Fisher C. L., 469a Alfred at, N. Syd. Fisher George, 19 Cooper at, R'tern Fishier Mrs. Catherine, :la Newman st, Fisher George Albert at, Strathfleld Fisher George H., 18 Mear's aye, N .wtown liandwick Fisher Cecil T., King st, North Sydney Fisher George M., accountant, ComFisher Charles, 97 Bowman at mercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Fisher Charles, Durham at, Hurstville Ltd. (branch). Miller at, N. Syd. Fisher Charles, builder, 202 Palmer at Fishier II., 193 Henderson rd, A'dria Fisher Charles, 24 Ultimo rd Fisher (luau-lea, Victoria at, Chatswood Fisher Mrs. H., 18 Alma at, N. Syd. Fisher Ches., 16 Marlborough at. Fisher Mrs. II., 11 Joseph cut, Aslitield Fisher Mrs. H. B., 35 Holden at, Drummoyne Fishier Chas., Chattier at, Marriekville Ashfield Fisher Charles, 66 O'Connell at, New- Fisher H. Money, Cambridge at, Epping town Fisher Charles, 28 Denison rd, P'sliam Fiar !tarry, Treatt's rd, Lindfield Fisher Charles, Woodford at, Wkdale FiNer Ilenry, exporter and commis Fisher Charles, 63 Belmore st, St. sion merchant, Grosvenor at, corPeters ner of George at Fishier Charles A., 64 Pittwater rd, Fisher Henry, Tivoli at, Mosman Fishier Henry II., .1.P., 4 Itoseby at, Manly Fisher Charles D., 273 Bourke cut Drintimoyne Fishier Cyril, 20 Orwell at Fisher Herbert, Stanley at, Burwood Fisher Donnelly, notary public, U.S. Fisher Miss I. M., 47 Menlin at, N. and A. Bonk building, 726 King Sydney st ; p.r. "Arthursleigh," Falcon Fisher .1. E. L., Sinclair at, Woll'craft ' Sydney st, Nortll Fisher James, Middle at, Randwick Fishier Mrs. E., 4 Ohs' at, Irvine Fishier James, Margate at, Sans Souci Fisher Mrs. E., Sailor's Bay rd, Wit- Fisher James D., 22 Buckingham at loughby Fisher James H., Rawson st, Granville OUR EQUIPMENT ENABLES US TO MEET THE DESIRES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS AND ALL CLASSES ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES REIGN SUPREME. Fit1233 ALPHABETICAL. t'ANTHONY HORDERNS' FURNITURE STANDS IN ITS OWN CLASS. •152 Pis Fisher Mrs. Jane t 59 Lower Fort it • Fisher John, Bridge et, Drummoyne Fisher John, .101 George at, Er'ville Fisher John, 'Henrietta et, Waverley tither John IL, 7 Formosa at, Drum1/103 TIC • Fisher Jelin IL Bay at, Rockdale • Fisher John b., "Idindwubba," 16 'Mona rd. Darling Point Fisher John E. la, Prospect at, !Mardi Fisher John .1. IL, Snot Standard .hotel, corner Bathurst and Castlereagh at Fisher John T., Waratah at, Arne.ifte Fisher John T., Stony Creek rd, 13exl'y Fisher John T., 49 Frazer IA, P'sham • Fisher John D., "Mindwubba," Mona rd, Darling Point • Fisher 3Oseph, JP. (Merchants and , • •Traders Assn. Ltd.), 7 Moore at Fisher Joseph,, 15 Justin at, L'hardt Fisher Mrs. L., 122 Wells at west, ,•Redfern Fisher Leonard, 38 Terry at • • Fisher Lewis, 77 Ultimo rd Fisher Mrs. M a 141 Young et, lefern • Fisher Mrs. Mary, 140 Short at, Winein Fisher Nigel, Mlle at, Arncliffe Fisher Osmond, 87 Miller at, N. Syd. Fisher Otto, Whiting Beach rd, Mosman • Fisher Peter, 47 Bulwarra lane Fisher Peter, 1 Brodie st, Paddington Fisher IL, licensed surveyor, 86 l'itt at Fisher It. S., 153 Hargrave et, Pad. •Fishet. Randolph, 101 St, John's .rd, Forest Lodge Halter Robert, 150 Reservoir at • Fisher Robert, 51 Murdock st, Neut. ' Bay 7 Fisfier Robert, Varrara rd, l'en't • Fisher Itoltert T., Grey at, nuaton Fisher • Mrs. S. II., 129 Walker st, ,North Sydney ' Fisher Samuel, 178 Rochfort at, tkineville Fisher Misr SoPhia, 1 Woolcott at Fisher T. E., 80 George st, C'down Fisher • Thomas, Herbert st, Rockdale . Fisher W.,' Manchester rd, Auburn , Fisher W., Eastern a ye, Ken'gton Fisher W., 112 Sydenham rd, Fisher W., 143 Victoria rd, Maeville :Fisher W. A. 8 Mill Bill rd, Way. 7Fisher • IV. K., "Maringla," Yarran• abbe rd, Inuaing Point 'Fisher IV. H., 65 Underwood it, Pad. dington • Fisher W. IL T., 88 Nelson et, A. '• .nandale ..Fisher. NV. R., Premier at, Kogarah Fisher IV. S., 55 Railway rd, St. Pet. . Fisher W. T., Rubina st, ITolroyd. 'Fisher Walter, Victoria at, Chatswood 'Fisher Walter, Garden at, Maeville Fisher Walter, Gorman et, Wirghby • Fisher Walter C., Clifford eve Manly Fisher William,• 154 Pyrmone at Fisher William, Ill Phillip at, Balmain 'Fisher William, Connemarra at, Bexley Fisher William, High at, Carlton Fisher William, Moore et, D'moyne Fisher 'William, Rocky l'oint rd. Keg. 'tither Wm., 106 Dowling at, Wien' ,Fisher William, 42 Merton at, Rozelle `Fisher William, 12 Foreman at, St. • • Peters• Fisher William T., Behnore rd, Rand- •wick •Fisher William T., 129 Wilson at, Redfern •Fisher•liayney W., 21Rolfe at,, • Leichhardt WOOD, COFFILL AND ALPHABETICAL. Fisheries Ltd •(The; 104 Hunter at Fishman J., 188 Livingstone rd, Fishmen John & Co., grocers, 149 Bathurst at Fishman Jno., 4 Rosedale at, P'sham Fishwick IL T., Boundary st, R'ville Fithwick John It., off 29 Wellington at, Rozelle Pishwick John Ha Smith . at, Bexley Fisk Arnold, 56 Cloyper st, WaverleY Fisk B. H., Carrington St, Granville Fisk Charles, Nirvana st, Vaucluse Fisk E. T., Lauderdale ave, Nfanly Fisk F., T., technical manager ,kmalganiated \Vivi-less(Australasia) Ltd., "Wireless Douse," 97 Clarence at, Sydney ; pt'., Athenaeum Club, Sydney Fisk Edward, la Brent at, Bezel Ii. Fisk Roderick, Byrnes at,. Rozelle Fisk Walter, Clubb at, Rozelle Fisk William, George at, Rockdale Fisk.1., .1.1%, Moore at, Cpsie foistel Jacob. 215 King sti . Newtown Fistel Mrs. S.. 215 King et, Newtown Fitch Albert. 13 Alexandra at, Dan'yne Fitch C., 54 Westmoreland at, Forest Lodge Fitch F. W., 99 Morehead at, Redfern Fitch Frederick, 68 Wilson at,- Wfern Fitch George, 10 Riley at Fitch Thomas, Carrington at, Gr'villt• Fitch William F. Union at, Tempe Fitness II. J., 116 Edgeware ' rd, N'town Fitness William J., 113 Fitzroy at Fitt Albert T., 76- Paddington at, Paddington Fitter- A. and Son, butchers, Joseph at, Lidcombe • Fitter Arthur, Victoria par, Pl'gton littler John, 18 telchhardt at Fittock Edwin, Forest rd, Hurstville Fittiele George Ha Chisholm rut, Aub'n Fittock Jasper, Helena at, Auburn Fit tock Reginald, 138 Wheram rd, • Glebe Fitton Alex., 71 Salisbury rd, Stinore Fitton ITenry, 19 Rowley at, ("down Fitton James, 4 Ryder at Fitton James, Arthur at, Granville Fitton Janit•s, Stanley rd, Lideombe Fitton James G'., Albcrt at, Rockdale Fitton Thomas, 50 Llewellyn at, Balmain Fitton W. A., Rocky Pt. IA, S. Sone! Fitz David, 7 Kegworth at, L'hardt Fitz Harry, dealer, 287 to 291 Crown at Fitz Norman, Ormond at. Bondi Fitz•Alan Edward, J.P., 97 Redfern at, Redfern Fitzallatt Edward, Ilairdresser, Raw. son place Fitzell C., 27 Railway rd, St. Pete Fitzell 'Tarry, 10a Elizabeth at, Pod. Fitzell Henry J., 351 Bourke at Fitzell Sydney, River rd, East Hills Fitzgerald James & Sons, storekeepers, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Fitzgerald, Stokes & Co. customs and forwarding agents, 34' O'Connell at Fitzgerald Mrs, A., Thomas at, Fitzgerald A., Woolwich rd, Hunter's Fitzgerald Mrs. A., Meadowbank aye, Meadowleink Fitzgerald A. Ti., Dario' rd, Randwiclt Fitzgerald A. B., 1 Brown st, ninon Fitzgerald Bert, 30 Corso, Manly Fitzgerald Mrs. C.,. 61 Fitzgerald at, Wavenley Fitzgerald C., 8 Dudley st, Paddington Fitzgerald C. L., 138 Young at, Rlern Fitzgerald Mrs. D., Croydon emit. Enfield COMPANY LTD.. LIVERY DEPT.. 472-84 Fitzgerald D., 6 Bonnie at, Fitzgerald D., Edinburgh rd, Mar'ville Fitzgerald E., hairdresser, 8 Argyle at Fitzgerald Mrs. E., Dolphin at, Coegre Fitzgerald E., 178 Hargrave st, Pad. Fitzgerald Edward, 69 Rose st Fitzgerald Edward, Lee at, Itandwielt Fitzgerald Edward, Boulevarde, S'field Fitzgerald Edwin, Susan at, Auburn Fitzgerald Mrs. Ellen, 23 Womerah aye Fitzgerald F., Locliville at, Wahroonga Fitzgerald F. J., 23 Broadway, Glelle Fitzgerald Francis, 162 Duke at Fit zgera blHampden st,. Penshuret Fitzgerald (l., Powell at, Montt-bush Fitzgerald George, Ilarris it, Pad'ton Fitzgerald J., sen., Lincoln at, C'psie Fitzgerald J., Victoria ave. Chatswood Fitzgerald J., 146 Union at, E'ville Fitzgerald J., 109 Alfred at, N. Syd. Fitzgerald J., 1 lainuuteii at, Penslitirst Fitzgerald Mrs, J., Ocean at, Pentilirst.. Fitzgerald .1., 86 George at, St. Pct, Fitzgerald J. C., 109 -James at, Leiehhardt Fitzgerald.1.D.,barrister.167 Phillip at Fitzgerald .1. E., jun., Arcadia at, Penshurst Fitzgerald J. IL, Western rd, P'pect Fitzgerald .1. P., Hawthorne par, Hata erfleld Fitzgerald J. IV., Selman at, Stilts Sonci Fitzgerald Jas., Rochester at, 'Finish Fitzgerald James, Milroy avv, Kenion Fitzgerald James 43 North st, L'hardt Fitzgerald Jas., 11 ' McGarvie at. Pad. Fitzgerald James, 90 St, Jainui.' rd, Randwick FITZ/40111d 3f1111( . 14, 210 Oxford ST, NO. Fitzgerald James, 5 henry at, St. Pet. Fitzgerald James, Fletcher at, W'altra Fitzgerald John, 40 Argyle place Fitzgerald John, 217 lifITC0111 CV(' Fitzgerald John, 159 Campbell at Fitzgerald John, .LP., 50 Macarthur Fitzgerald John, North par, Campsie Fitzgerald John. 19 Surrey st, Fitzgerald John, 20 . Darley at, Newtown Fitzgerald John, Meehan at. Sherwood Fitzgerald John, 7 Cross at, Way'leY Fitzgerald John D., Dora at. Fitzgerald .Tosepli, 15 clay at, Winain Fitzgerald Miss K., dermatologist, 64 Pitt at Fitzgerald Miss M., 251 Johnston at, Annandale Fitzgerald M.. 296 Bridge rd, Gh•be Fitzgerald Mrs. M., Sydney rd, Fitzgerald M., Railway par, liogaralt Fitzgerald H., 107 Avenue st., Fitzgerald M., 114 Australia at, N'town Fitzgerald Mrs. M.. Keith at, R'wick Fitzgerald M., 51, William at, Redfern Fitzgerald Mrs. M., 1 Wellesley at, Summer Hill Fitzgerald M., Unwin's Bridge rd, Tempe Fitzgerald Mrs. M. E., milliner, 10 The Strand Fitzgerald . M. J., 327 Catherine at. Leichhardt Fitzgerald M. .7., Fraser at, E'wiok Fitzgerald M. J., Hooper at, R'wick Fitzgerald M. T., (*emitters Drive, Bright on-le-Sands Fitzgerald Maurice, physician ;Mil surgeon, 10-12 Erskineville rd, Newtown Fitzgerald Maurice, 35 Lombard st, Gh•be HARRIS ST. Fit Fit 'PHONE 156 Oust Fitzgerald Morris J., 1 Clare st, ltoz. Fitzg,ibbon WilliamN.,Sueleigh Fitzpatricic Miss E., principal Supe• Fitzgerald Miss Nellie, 196 Vietoria at 'hotel, 'Abercrombie et, Redfern nor Public School (Girls), WesFitzgerald Mrs. Norali,.190 11111CCIII Fitzgibbons F., 203 Walker at, R'fern ton rd, Rozelle Fitzgerald Mrs. P., Campsie at, Clad'? Fitzgibbons G., Searle at, Gladetrville Pitzpittrielc E., 276 Young at, An'dale Fitzgerald P., 4 Edmund at, Wav'y litzgibbone Mrs. Noi•alt, Great Nor• Fitzpati•ick . E., Delmore nut, Randwick • thern rti, Itydt• Fitzpatrick E., 33 Rush at, IVoollahra Fitzgerald P. J., Innesdale rd, AnnFitzgibbons T., Pellisier rd, Putney Fitzpatrick Edward, Bland at, Alleld • clitte Fitzgerald P, J., 23 Hugo at, Redfern Fitzbarding E. 31. II., S.M., coroner, Fitzpatrick F., 37 Railway rd, St. Court House, tieorge at, 1"matta Fitzgerald Patrick .1., 25 Queen at Peters Fitzgerald Patrick J., John at, St. Pet, Fitzhardinge, Son and Houston (A. Fitzpatrick F., 116- Phillip st, W'Cloo J. II. Houston. and .1. F. Fitz. Fitzpatrick Frank, Military rd, V'elita, • Fitzgerald Patrick M.; John at, Lidhardinge, jun.), solicitors, Castle- Fitzpatrick Miss C., 1441 Victoria at • conibe reagh chambers, 10 Castlereagh at Fitzpatrick G„ J.P., 126 Mullens at, Fitzgerald It., 40 Renwick at, A'dria Fitzgerald It., Lincoln st, Camp& • Fitzhardinge Mrs. II. IL , off 437 Balmain Alfred at, North Sydney Fitzgerald R. 21 .Francis at, L'hanit Pitzpri iie tottzlecik• •G., .7 .Cheltenham at, Fitzgerald , H. II., 30 Wigratn rd, litzhardinge Mrs. IL B., White' . lane, Not•th Sydney Glebe Fitz,praaturtiacik:., 65 Brown at, St. • Pee. Fit zhardinge II. C., dental surgeon, Fitzpatrickeorge, Fitzgerald Richard, 194 •Alldon at G Il arrip st,%Par105 Macquarie et ; p.r., Cremorne ••; Fitzgerald Richard, Cook rd rd, Cremorne Fitzgerald Richard, 1 Flood's lane Fitzpatrick II., 309 Victimiie rut, Mar, Fitzgerald Robert, Moore at, Belmore litzlianlinge J. P., jun., solicitor, •- riekville ., Castlereagh chambers, 10 Castle. Fitzpatrick Henry, Queen Fitzgerald Miss S. 246 Iiarcom ave reaglt at ; p.r., Ashley at, Ch'wood Fitzpatrick Ilenry,Salisbury at, Fitzgerald Mrs. S., Rocky Point rd, Fitzhardinge J. F., son,, William at, liogarah Waverlev Chatswood • Fitzgerald Mies S.i 234 King at, NewI luigli, 107 Gloucester at • litzhardinge His llotior Judge, Bee- litzpatriele town Fitzpatrick Hugh, 40 Levey at croft a Sc. Beecroft Fitzgerald S., Iredale ave, Neut. Bay Fitzpatrick J., • IIIIIITCTI1Cy NT, 'C'WOOTT Fitzgerald T., 19 ltowntree at, Banal!) Fitzhardinge Miss L., 70 West at, N. l'iTZT)T 11,1a,T4elikilgilo. n..A., 27 Underwood st, Sydney Fitzgerald T., 16 Bridgewater at, Hoz. Fitzhardinge M. A. II., solicitor, comFitzgerald T., 15 Schimel at, Art'loo J. A., 27 Margaret ' at, missioner for affidavits N.S.IS'., Fitzpatrick Fitzgerald 'thotnits, 20 Kendall at Rozelle 14 Moore at; p.r., 10 Louisa rd, Fitzpatrick Ii t zgera Id Thos., 130 Wardell rd, DulC., 64 Mitchell at, . . Helmuth wich Hill Fitzgerald Thomas, 5th ave. Neut. 11. Fitzhardinge M. II., 2 Magic at, 'Armen Fitzpatrick alao t ier t zli:ceilic' .7, E., 28 Withm icobe at, Fitzgerald Thos. II., 120 Darley rd, Fitzhardinge R. B„ Alfred st,'Irwich litzhardinge Dirs. IV., Saywell at, Fitzpatrick J. G., Martin st, St. • Manly Chatswood Fitzgerald V., 11 Nelson St. Rozelle Leaner& Fitzgerald IV., 70 Swanson at, E'ville Pitzhenry A., Hawthorne par, II'lleld Fitzpatrick .1. .1., 265 •Church st, litzlienry A., 35 Morehead at, R'fern Fitzgerald NV., 9 Creek at, F. Lodge Parramatta litzlienry Andrew, Rawson at, W'av'y Fitzpatrick Fitzgerald IV., 76 Farr at, J. T.,.ltIVlllimiiiiat. Fitzgerald Miss NV., 118 Jereey ril, litzhenry Archibald, 7a Allen at Redfern litzhenry Mrs. C., 24 Bridge rd, Fitzpatrick • Paddington 50 Wellesley at, James, Glebe Fitzgerald IV., 56 Underwood et, Pad. Summer 11111 Fitzgerald W., ;11 Renwick at, It 'fern litzlienry Mrs. F,„ 3 Regent at, Pail. FitzPatricic John, 39 Garnet st, Fitzgerald IV. A., 10 Hamilton at, litzlienry Ernest, Evans at, Rozelle Melt 11111 Fitzlienry0., Bruce at, Kensington Fitzpatrick Rozelle. John, 100 Catherine at, Fitzhenry Fredlc., Smith at, Botany Fitzgerald IV. B. Arguimbau at, A'dale Leichliardt Fitzbenry John, • 77 Fig at Fitzgerald NV. E., Ewell at, Waverley Fitzlienry Jolm, 31 Morehead at, Red- Fitzpatrick 'John, Scott at, Wayerley Fitzgerald IV. E., 58 Wallis it, WoolFitzpatrick John, 254 G'rafton at. fern lahra East Woollahra Fitzgerald IV. J., solicitor, 50 Eliza- Pitzlienry Mrs. Mary, 102 Fig at Fitzlienry Peter, 26 Norton at, Olelw Fitzpatrick JohnC.L.,11.1,.A., beth st Garnet John Fitzgerald W. J., 24 Darlinglitirst at I • ttzlienry Stephen, 230 Bulwarra rd d nL., Sydney at, RaFitzgerald IV. .7., 3 Gipps st, Pad.Fitzhenry IV., Houston rd, Kensington wick Fitzgerald Walter, 46 Albion at Fitzhugh IlenrY, 61 Clarendon ril, Fitzpatrick L., 24 Silver at, SO MCorp Fitzgerald Walter, Princess ave, ConL., 52 Grafton at, NV'altra Fitzhugh Henry, 97 Percival at, Stan. Fitzpatrick cord itzpatrick Mrs. Louisa, 67 3farrielt. more Fitzgerald 'William, Lucas rd, B'wood ville rd, Marrickville Fitzgerald William, .1.1'., Darley rd, Fitzjantes: Alfred, 28 Emily at, L'hartre itzpatrick M., 80 Bridge rd, Glebe Fitzputies Frank R., Violet at, Wav. Itandwick itzpatrick M., Bigge st, Liverpool Fitzgerald William J., 17 Belmore at Fitzjohn F., 127 Mitchell rd, A'dria ritzpatrick M., Elizabeth at, L'pool Fitzjohn F., Macquarie place. 31'dale Fitzgerald William .t., 48 FOVV,IIIX Fitzpatrick M., Cecil at, Paddington Fitzgerald Win. 138 York at north Fitzmatirice E., 35 Young at, An'dale Fitzpatrick M a 117 Phillip at, Fitzgibbon Rev. D., S.J., professor Fitzmatirice Mrs. Ellen, 10 Iris at St. Ignatius' College, Riverview, litztuatirice Mrs. J., 11 Moore Park ro Fitzpatrick Mrs. Mary, 16 Bond St Lane Cove Fitzmaurice .7. Gordon rd, Killara Fitzpatrick Michael, 68 Nicholson at Fitzgibbon George, 103 Meek's rd, litzmaurice.1.T.,Boulevarde, FitzpatrickRev. Father Michael afarrickville -(13.0.), 'Strickland at, , N. Bondi StrathIleld Fitzgibbon J., 60 Pile st,Hill litzmaurice L.. Victoria a ye, Clewood Fitzpatrick 0., 32 Renwick at, Redfern Fitzgibbon .1., 40 Moonbie at, Sum. Fitzmatirice Mrs. H. E., Hayes rd, Fitzpatrick P., Bronte rd, Bronte ■itzpatrick P., 22 Percival rd, Sinore • !till Neutral Bay Fitzgibbon J., off Turrainurra aye, litzmatirice IV., aforwick at. St'fleld Fitzpatrick P., Tilford at, Waterloo Turramurra Pitzmaurice NV., 332 Oxford at, Wool- Fitzpatrick Patk., 117 Goodkt at itzpatrick 'Percy L., -1 Gibbons at, Fitzgibbon J., 2 Surrey at, Waterloo lahra Camperdown Fitzgibbon Mary, dispenser, Coast Fitzpatrick Miss A., Martin at. -St. itzpatrick Mrs. R., 130 Phillip at Leonttrds Hospital, La Perouse, Bohm' Fitzgibbon P. J., Galloway at, Par. Fitzpatrick Arthur, Alfred at, S. Sonci itzpatrick R.. Atkinson at, Liverpool Fitzpatrick Mrs. B., Princes at, Fitzpatrick It., Camplielltown rd. month Liverpool Brighton-le-SandsFitzgibbon Pitt., 113 Albany rd, Peter. Fitzpatrick Miss 0., 20 Toxteth rd, Fitzpatrick R.,. 4 atoncur at, sham Fitzpatrick Mrs. R. L., postmistress, Glebe Fitzgibbon IV., 177 Regent at, It'fern 402 Church at, Parratnatta Fitzgibbon NV. J., 171 Liverpool rd, Fitzpatrick C. W., O'Brien at, Bondi Fitzpatrick Charles, 196 Dowling at Fitzpatrick Mrs. Rachel, 80 (Donee, Ashfleld ter at •• • •I 1 •• THE LARGEST FIRM: OF-UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ANTHONY HORDERNS' 1254Fit FitzpatrickMissRose,142Darling burst road• Fitzpatrick • S.T.,headmaster public •School, Livingstone rd, Mar %due FitzpatrickS.T.,29Greenbankat, Marriekville FitzpatrickSaltine', Clovelly at, Vata close Fitzpatrick T..243NewCanterbury rd, Dulwich 111” Fitzpatrick T., 234a Alfred st, N. Syd. FitzpatrickT.,72Wastbounn•at. Petersham la itzi patrickMrs.Teresa,26 Annat FitzpatrickIV.,Lawrenceat,A'dria Fitzpatrick W. Horsley at, Bankstown Fitzpatrick William. livery stem . and garage, 7 Orwell at Fitzpatrick William, 122 Bourke it FitzroyStevedoring Co.—ArthurII. Taylor,accountant,Cowper Wharf Fitzroy John E.,Parkes; at, Tleigh Fitzroy Reg. Shepherd at, Ryde la itzaimmons Bros.,watchmakersand jewellers. 491George at Fitzsimmons Charles V., dentist, 106 Burton at Fitzsimmons Mrs.E.,6Denison it, Waverley. Fitzsimmonsa s. E. A., Boundary st, Pennant Fitzsimmons E. J. 22 Little Arthur Ft, North Sydney Fitzaimmona Frank, 29 Stuart at, Mi. Fitzsimmons George, 387 Liverpool at Fitzsimmons H., 17 Park eve, Irnmyne FitzsimmonsII.A.,McPhersonat, Mosman Fitzsimmons J.,345Annandaleit, Annandale la itasimmona J., Waters rd, Naremburn Fitzsiinmons .L, Gordon rd, St. L'ards Fitzsimmons J., 176 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Fitzsitnmons James, 36 Jenkins at Fitzsimmons Joan, 29 Norfolk at, Pao. FitzsimmonsM.,bootimporter,54 Erksnie at Fitzsimmons Mrs. M., The eras, Alain, Fitzsimmons M., 43 Lyons rd, D'moyne Fitzsimmons P., Oliver st, Chatswood Fitzsimmons Samuel, 1Darlinghurst rd Fitzsimmons T., IVolseley rd, Wfield Fitzsimmons Thomas, 12 Smithers at Fitzsimmons W., Bay at, Botany Fitzahnons Andrew, Fuller's rd, Chatswood Fitzaimons Hanry, 27 Egan at, Nlown la itzaitnonsJ.A.,J.P.,16Janeat, Balmain Fitzsimons James, lung's Langley rd, Greenwich Fitzsimons Mrs. Jane, 99 Bayswater rd Fitzsimons; John196 Edgecliffe rd. Woollahra Fitzsimons L., 16 Epping rd, Irlaltra Fitzsimons L. A., 178 Ocean at, Pad. Fitzsimons P. D., 15 William at, St. Peters Fitzsimons P.E.,.Carrington eve, Hurstville Fitzsimons S. G.,409Miller at,N. Sydney .Fitzsimons Thomas, 194 Victoria at FitzsimondW..1.,101Station at, Newtown Fitzsimons W. J., Cherry at. Tanurra Fitzsimons W. R., dentist, 143 Mac.quirie at Fitzsimons W. R., dentist, Gordon rd, Grodon — ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS. ALPHABETICAL. Five. DockBrick and Tile Company FlanaganF.V., J.P., boot importer, 317 King at, Newtown Ltd., Ocean house, 24 Moore at Five Dock Police Station—George Mc- Flanagan Hugh, 31 Mitchell at, Glebe Dougall, Great North rd, Five Dk. Flanagan Hugh, 6 Queen at, Glebe Five Dock Post, Telegraph and Money Flanagan J., 69 Gipps at, Paddington Order Office—Mrs. L. M. Guinn, Flanagan.1.II..1.,38Unionat,N. Sydney postmistress, Great North rd, Five Flanagan James, 28 Darling at, Glebe Dock Flanagan James, Itandwick at, It wiek Five Dock Public School—F. T. Berman, master, Henry at, F. Dock Flanagan John, 95 Foveaux at Five Dock School of Arts—Great North Flanagan John,Houstonrd, ICen'ton Flanagan John, 37 Walter at, Pad'ton rd, Five Dock HammF.A.,George'sRiverrd. Flanagan John L., 50 Reiby it, N'town Bankstown Flanagan Joseph P., Rolfe at, Mascot Fizelle Richard, 18 Marshall at, Manly Flanagan K., Rolfe at, Mascot New Canterbury rd, Flanagan M. J., 80 Ituthven at, BandHazardGeorge, Petersham wick FizzellMrs.M.A.,Parramattard, Flanagan Martin, 25 Repos at, It'fern Auburn Flanagan Mervin, 78 Vine at, ItNern 11=41 Samuel, 30 Bank at, N. Syd. Flanagan Michael, 12 Buckingham at FlackandFlack,public accountants, Flanagan Patrick, Murray it, Waterloo 14 Moore st Flanagan Mrs. R., 128 Underwood Ft, FlackAlfredJ.,57St.Thomasst, Paddington Wstverley Flanaganft.V.P., postmaster,East Flack Mrs. Alice, 24 Kippax at Balmain Post and Telegraph Office, FlackE..1.13.,Auburnrd,&afield 82Darlingat,Balmain FlackF.,113Augustusat,L'hardt Flanagan T. F., Factory at, Paranatta Flack F.33 Westbounm st, P'sham Flanagan Thomas, 20 Buckingham at Flack Harry, 4 Little Bourke st Flanagan Thotnas, 16 Crown st Flack Isaac, Crimea at, May 's 11111 Flanagan Thomas, 1Hargrave lane Flack.T.,CampbellHillrd,B'town Flanagan Thomas, 26 Leichhardt at Flack John, Lockwood at, Merrylands Flanagan T., Popel's paddock, Botany Flack John G., 47 Church at, Parra- Flanagan W. J., 15 Norfolk at, Pad. Flanagan William, 492 Bourke at matte Flack John W., sexton Balmain Ceme- FlanaganWilliam,Castlefleldat, tery, 8 Darbyshire rd, L'hardt Bondi Flack Mrs. Ma, 50 (Turner at, Pad'ton Flanagan William, 15 Pearce at, Dble. Flaeker James. 82 Ryan at, Mbar& Bay nailer John 26 Gibbes st, Newtown Flanagan Wm., 08 Darghan at, Glebe Flaherty C., 195 Abercrombie at, Red- Flanders C. k Co., embossers, 4Daifern ley at Flanders John C., 33 Wharf rd. Is man Flaherty Daniel.158 Bourke at Flaherty E. J., Plimsoll at, Sans Snuci Flanigan .7.,30 Bellevue at, Gleba Flaherty Edward, 3 Selwyn at Flanigan S.. 36 Renwick at, Redfern FlahertyFrank,Clifforda ye,Manly Flannagan D. N.4 Charles at, Moore Flaherty Mrs. J., 12 Rose at, Calown Flannery M. and Son, fuel merchants, la lala•rty.1.,50 Terracerd,Maeville 137-141Grafton at, IVoollahra Flaherty J. F.,83Railway par, Er- Flannery Mrs. B., Little at, Mosman skineville Flannery Mrs. D., Gardener's rd, Arcot Flaherty John .1., 62 John at FlanneryD.,26Artlettat,Platon Flannery D., 20 Edward at, Sum. Mil Flaherty Mrs. M.. 17 West aye Flaherty Mrs. H. T., 10 London at, FlanneryDaniel,112Bourke at F.mnore Flannery Daniel, 7 Burrahpore at Flaherty Malcolm, Belgrave at, ICoar'h FlanneryMrs.E.,11Watsonat, FlahertyP.,.Tarrettat,Canterbury Neutral Bay Flaherty Patrick, 23 Mill st Flannery Frank D., Reynolds at, Neut. Flaherty S., piano tuner, 10 London at, Bay Enmore FlanneryG.E., barrister, 182 PhilFlaherty S., 30 Renwick st, L'hardt lip at Flaherty T. J., 27 Union st, Pad'ton Flannery George E., LL.B., 11 Watson Flaherty Thomas, 68 ivy at. Redfern at, Neutral Bay• Flahey Mrs. Ann J., 102 Glebe Pt. rd, Flannery James, 241 Bridge rd, Glebe Glebe Flannery IL. Gardener's rd, Mascot Flahey Jas., 46 Ada lane FlanneryMissM.,11Grosvenor at, Woollabra FlakelarAlfred,Shakespeare hotel, Flannery Michael, 297 Birrell at, B'di 200 Devonshire at FlakelarThomas,18Steelat FlanneryP.J.,Stephenat,R'wick FlanaganAndrew, Burdekin hotel, 2 Plannary T.. 13 Ewart at, Dulwich 11111 Oxfordst Flannery W. B., 133 Raglan at, MoaFlanagan Mrs. Ann, 490 Bourke at man Flanagan Mrs.B.,3 Tivoliat,Pad. Flannigan .7. S. G., Marion at, Aldan-% FlanaganC.,43Albionat,Pad'ton la laalunan C. 0., 93 Raglan at, M'man Flanagan Daniel N., 4 Charles at, En- Flashman Mrs. H. E., 55 Temple Et, more Stanmore Flanagan Miss E., 31 Lodge at, FlashinanJ.,draper,92Walkerat, North Sydney Lodge Flanagan Mrs. E., Railway at, Clevina Flashrnan Dr.J.F.,Pathological Flanagan Miss E., Taunton at, Pymble Laboratory, 32Elizabeth, at Flanagan Mrs. E., 30 Sloane at, Sum. Flashman J. Froude, M.D., 183 Macquarie at Hill Flanagan Edward, 31Lodge at. For- Flatau Mrs. J., Eastern eve, lien'tan Flatau L .B., 37 Spofforth at, Manan est Lodge Flanagan F. l'., Tennyson rd, Tennyson Mather IV., Penshurst at, Willoughby Flatman C. IL, Stanley at. Letetiliardt WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE: 810 • 12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 720&1524 CENTRAL NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, IRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. Fla Fle1255 ALPHABETICAL. Fianna,'James,Tannermire,Carlton FlaggGeorge,Darvallat, St.L'arda Fleming'James,39Mackenzie at, Flint Arthur, 7 Countesa at, Moamar, Flagg Henry, 9 Francis at Waverley Flatt F. W., J.P., 38 Fitzroy at, N. Flagg John, Morgan at, Hurstville Fleming Mrs.Jesaie, 8Falcon at.N. Sydney FlaggMatthewJ.,.Northeote at, Sydney Hatt John, 4 Carlow at, North Sydney Narembunt Fleming John, Crown at, Parramatta FlattersJoseph,Porttnan at,IV'tloo FlaggW.,18laiwatatam,Paddington Fleming John, 8 William at, FlatteryDf.,66Caledoniaat,Pad- FlaggWalter, Northeote at,N'burn FlemingJohn,Homelmal,rd, Stalleld Flagg William. Danks st. Waterloo dington Fleming John, 7 Fleet st, Sittutma. Flattery H. J., 71 Good Hope at, Pad. Fleig August,Mahonrd,Epping FlemingJolm,Watsonat, • Waverley ha leisalt Anthony. , 11 Mullens at, Ilatiant Fleming John la, 130 View at, Analale Flails C., Anglesea at, Bondi Flaus W.. D., Robinson lane, W'altra la seiaciunann J01111,223Pyrmont at Fleming John T., 32 South are, lalialt Flans W. D., 209 Edgeeliffe rd, W'ahra Fleishman Chas.,78Derwentat, Fleming Joseph, 25 Hutchison at, St. FlavelleBros.Ltd.,silversmiths, Glebe •Peters jewellers,watchmakers, electro- Plano J.IV., 47a Grosvenor at, Neut. Fleming Mrs. Kate, 2a Commodltra at, platers,opticians anddental Buy Newtown Hallo Leonard, Parraween at, Nata. 13. Fleming Mrs. IL, 7 Itoseby at, L'hardt depot, 340 George at Flavelle A. la., 228 Military rd, Mos- HelloIV.J.,Bankat,Litleontbe FlemingMrs.Ifargart•t,94BankSr, man North Sydney Flentangton J., 16 .Lincoln st, N. Syd. Hardie Edmund, Gap rd,Veueluse Fleming J. G. and Sons, auctioneers, FlemingMartin,Inkermanat,ParHavana Miss F., Flavelle st, Concord ramatta 28a Campbell at la lavelle George, Quarry rd, la'wood Fleming and Ryan, farriers, 18 Bridge Fleming. Minnie, 09 afacarthur at Flavelle Henry, Monmouth at, It'svick Fleming Morris, 6a Little Essex at rd,Glebe Flavelle MissIC.,Wellbankrd,Con- FlemingThomasandSon,laundry, FlemingNurse,30Codringtonst, cord Darlington 83 Parramatta rd, Annandale Flavelle IV. H., J.P., 340 George st ; Fleming A., 210 Ilenderson rd, A'dria Fleming Pak., 84 Cleveland at p.r.,"Doondi,"30Cerebella at, Fleming Mrs. A., 233Parrantatta rd, Fleming Patrick, Leichhardt at, Wav. North Sydney Waverley Annandale Flavin Thos. J., 5 13oussole rd, Dacey- Fleming A., 118 Pyrmont Bridge rat, Fleming Percy, 16 Cross at vine Fleming It.H aWoodland at, South Camperdown Flawith Georges Harvard st, GI'ville Fleming A.,168King at,N'town Ashfield• lalaxman A., Richmond at, Croydon FlemingRichard,50Ihurlowat, Fleming A., Victoria at, Vaucluse la laxman Arthur E., Albert at, L'hardt la leaning A.,Millar at,Woollahrit Redfarn Flaxman 13.,Charlottt •at,L'hardt FlemingSidney,Farrat,Rockdale Fleming A. IV., Liguria at, R'wick Flamm,' Ernest, Lyon's rd, Five Dock Fleming Alex.; 1 Ilarkness at, W'altra FlemingT.E.,98Trafalgar at, la laxman F. AV., 162 King at, N'town Fleming Alfred, 83 Morgan at, Annandale Flaxinan W., 25 Pile st, Dulwich Hill Fleming Arthur, Dowling at, Antenna, Fleming Thomas, 93 Walker at, Itlern FlaxmanW.E.,Beauchamppar, Fleming Arthur, 18 Marriott at, lied- Fleming IV., 1 Little Darling at, nalChatswood main fern la laxman NV. E., Victoria ave. C'wood Fleming Aubrey 'IL, Rutland at, Gaon Fleming IV. C., 22% Morris at, Sinn. Malley Michael G. A., 359 Harris at Fleming Bruce, 44 Weston rd, Rozelle Hill FleckClaude0..chemist.Southat, Fleming Charles, :36 Ada lane Fleming • Mts.NV.If.,Ranger'srd,: Granville and Guildford rd, Guild- Fleming Claude E., Burwood rd, nab Neutral Bay ford Fleming IV. J., 71 Renwick at, Aalria more Fleck E. S., 59 Marrickville ral, Mar. Fleming David, 11 Creek at, Banain Fleming IV. R., 12 Alexander at, N. rickville Sydney la h •mingDavid,66Union St.Er vi lit Fleck Oswald, Albert at, Behnore Fleming Mrs. E., Rutland at, Carlton la lt.ming Walter J.,Tattersall'., hotel, Fleck Robert, Lane Cove rd,E'wood Fleming E. P., 30 Ilolt's eve, Mosman 218 Church at, Parramatta Flecknell Mrs. L ,S4Wellington at, Fleming E. S., Part•amatta rd, Auburn Fleming William, Francis st, Bondi Waterloo Fleming F. IV„ 111 Eden at, N. Syd. Fleming William, jun.,30 Morris at, Pleeknell William. 197 Blue's Pt. rd, Fleming G. H a 32 Orlando ave. Malian Summer 11111 North Sydney Fleming Mrs.G. T., Fifth are, Neut. Fleming IVilliam J., Earl at, It'wicic Neel:rase A. E., Tryon rd, Lindfield Nleming WilliamJ.,Rawsonat, Bay la leeknoe P. J., J.P., Tryon rd, Waverley FlemingGeorge,Cookat,Randwielc la leeknoe HobertII., 41Hayberry at, Fleming Geo. J., 62 Smith at, Rozelle FlemingtonCattleSaleyards—la redNorth Sydney crickMorgan,inspector,ParraFleming Gerald. 10 Spring at, Sad. Fleet G., England at, Brighton-le-Sands Fleming Mrs. Gidley, 67 !Omaha rd, matte rd, Ilomebush Fleet James, 6 Boundary at, Padlon Flemington Public School, Exeter rd. Neutral Bay Flirt W.J.,Dowel at,Chatswood Flemington Fleming(Alert.Victoriaat.Vatielusa Fleeting .1., 347 Annandale at, Analara Fleming Gordon, Eastern are, Hanlon Flemington Railway Station—James J. Fleeting W. G., Coomassie nil, North Flaming H., 6 Milner at, Mosman Seaga,stationmaster,Victoria 113-de par,Flemington FlemingIf.C.E.,10Stanleyare, Fleeton C.. 3 Waverley e yesWaverleY Flemming's hotel, 258 George at Momman Fleeton George, 56 Angel at, Newtown FlemingH.0.,Crown at, Paranatta Flemming W. II. & Sons, commission Fleetwood J. F.,John at,Randwick Fleming. 11. O., George at, Parrantatta merchants, 38Carringtonat Fleetwood T., Gordon rd, Gore Hill Fleming Harold, Gould at. Canterbury la latinningA.,25Renwickat.Irvin.. Fleetwood T., Rawson at, Gore Hill la h•mingIf.,voiceproduction,752 Flemming Echlin, 290 Jones st FlegeltaubL.I.,manufacturerof George at la lenuningMrs.C.,9Au gustaat, Masonic regaliaand jewels, The FlemingHector,29Sloane at, SumLaichhardt Banking House, 228 Pitt at FlemmingC.,71C'onstittition merIfill Flagellant) Lionel I., Cowper at, Rano. Fleming Henry, 70 Ifacarthur at Petersham wick Fleming Horace, 3 Junet t.on at,Syd. Flemming Claude, Castlefield at, Bondi Flagellant,Walter, oculistoptician, Fleming Hugh, 12 Lander at, Redfern la ltsmming Edward, 21 Hugo at, Challis House, Martin place Fleming Mrs. .7., tTanover at. Gore nan Flemming Ellen Ma Flemming's hotel. Flagg A. J., J.P., mgr. Gibbona Est- Fleming .7. A.,Carlingfordrd.Car258 George at ate Office, 120 Regent at, Redfern lingford Flemming Horace H., Wellingtonat, Flegg A. J., Oxley at, St. Leonards Fleming. James, 220 York at north Bondi Flagg Albert,333Dowling at Fleming James, Station at, Arncliffe FlemmingJ.,20Constitution rd. Flagg Albert, Denison at, Botany Fleming James, Excell at, Botany Petersham Flagg Alfred J.,J.P.,Leicester eve, FlemingJames.106Parraweenst, Flemming John, Argyle at, P'matta Concord Neutral Bay Flemming JohnB., Chandosat,St. FleggMts.Annie,119Cathedralat Fleming James, 433 and 511 King at. Leonards Flagg E. F., 218 Young at, An'dale Newtown FlemmingMichael,Gordonrd,St. Flagg Edward, 22 Alfred at, Analale Fleming Jas., 22%Morrisat,Sum. Leone rds. Hill THE LARGEST FIRM OF CARRIAGE AND DRAG PROPRIETORS SOUTH OF THE.EQUATOR • ANTHONY .HORDERNS' FOR THE MAN ON THE LAND. ALPHABETICAL. 1256Fle Flemming P., 16 Elliott at, Flemming S.. 652 Pa rramatta rd, Pet ersham Flemming T.. 249 Victoria at Fleniming IV.. 79 Lyinerston at, St. .Peters Flemming, W., Kensington rd. Ken'ton Flemming W. A.. Allen. at. Granville Flenaday John; 111 Evans at, Itozelle Flentulay Raymond, 133 Evans at. Boz. Flesher John W., Grove at, Miamian Floater T. F'. manager Beath. Selfless and Feldstein], Ltd., 75 York at p.r.. Lumsden at, North Sydney Fletcher & Co., manufacturers of ink, 1105 Bathurst at Fletcher, Fletcher and Co., Ltd.— Potter ana Birks, Ltd., sole • agents, 15 Grosvenor at FLETCHER GEORGE & SON 48. 50 Oxford at, Sydney. Works, Edgeeliffe ,rd, Woollabra. 'Phone -Cit y 7284 •. Makers of ft.e Celebrated "Yonngee Stoves." All • sizes. from 1 to 11. (See Advt. opposite Stove,makers) Fletcher Joseph and Sons, wireworkera and spring makers, 101 lie. • gent at, City. Tel. 707 Redfern Fletcher Metal Recovery On, Ltd., 77 King st Fletcher Misses, Ridge st, Gordon Fletcher and Son, engineers, 59 Charles st, Ereklneville Fletcher A. ps Neville at, Marevillc Fletcher Miss A., 07 Undercliffe at, Neutral Bay •••• Fletcher Mrs. A., Vernon st, St'field Fletcher A. A. M., Fariola et, Auburn Fletcher Mrs. A. C., Burwood rd, Enfield Fletcher A. E., South st,. Granville Fletcher A. G., 5 Flora st, E'ville Fletcher A. J. G., 7 Rochford at, Erskineville Fleacher Mrs. A. L., Clarence st, Burwood Fletcher A. P., Small et, Lindfleld Fletcher Albert, 11 Lawson at Fletcher Albert, 22 Joseph st, Ashfield Fletcher Albert, 38 Rofe at, L'hardt Fletcher Albert E., 575 Riley atFletcher Albert T., 1 Windmill st Fletcher Alfred, 133 Rowntree at, Balmain Fletcher Alfred. 17 Nooke rive. N. Syd. Fletcher Alfred, 8 Victoria at, N. Syd. Fletcher Mrs. Anne, Delmore rd. ("gee Fletcher Arthur, 45 . Buckingham as Fletcher Arthur, 2 Hunter at WOOD,. COFFILL A ND Fletcher Arthur. Thornley Pletcher Arthur B., Rolfe at, Mascot Fletcher Augustus .1. 23 Pelican at ' Pletcher Mrs, B., A'Beckett a ye, Ashfield Fletcher Miss C., typiste, 5 Moore at Fletcher Miss C., Wycombe rd, Neut. Bay Fletcher C. Brimsden, Fairlight cres, Manly Fletcher C. H., 33 Newington rd, Marrickville Fletcher C. H., 61 Nelson at. Rozelle Fletcher C. II., Frederick at, S. Souci Fletcher C. It., solicitor, 18 Bridge . at; p.r., Woodford at, Rockdale Pletcher Charles, Middle at, ITwick Fletcher Charles B., Alice at, Auburn Fletcher David J. G., dentist, Fletcher's ice, Bondi Fletcher Miss E., 457 Marrickyille rd, Dulwich Hill Fletcher Mrs. E., Starling at, L'Ilardt Fletcher Mrs. E., lloxton . Park rd, Liverpool Fletcher E., 62 Prince et, Mosman Fletcher Mrs. E., Morwiek at, St'lleld Fletcher E. A., 24 Lackey at, Summer Hill Pletcher Mrs. E. IL, 27 Laura at, Newtown Fletcher Edmund, 156 Denison rd, Petersham Fletcher Edward, 49 McKenzie at, Rozelle Fletcher Edward II., 17a Emma at, Leichhardt Fletcher Edwin, Farr at, Rockdale Pletcher Eli, Parramatta rd,- Auburn Fletcher Ernest P., Watson at, Neut. Bay Fletcher F., 74 North Steyne, Manly Fletcher Mrs. F., Botany rd, Mascot Fletcher F. J., 42 Underwood at, Paddington Fletcher Frank, Fletcher's ay e, 13ondi Fletcher Frederick, Yaranabbe rd, Darling Point Fletcher Frod'k, Henley rd, Flemington Fletcher Frederick, East at, Fletcher Frederick, 7 Wells at, N'town Fletcher Fredk. G., 85 Newman at, Newtown Fletcher Frederick W., Union at, Tempe Fletcher Miss G., 93 Corinna rd, Stanmore Pletcher G. E.,. grocer, 362 Riley at Fletcher G. L., 60 'Renwick at, M'ville Fletcher George, Harcourt eat, Cpsie Fletcher George, .Tohnson at, (:'wood Fletcher George, 76 Dement st, Glebe Fletcher George, 379 . Military rd, Mosinan Fletcher George, 9 Turner at, Redfern Fletcher Mrs. II., 45 Watkin at, .Newtown Fletcher II., 37 Schweble at, Maeville Fetcher Mrs. H., 7 Crystal at, P'sham Fletcher Iirs. II. A., 52 Stanley at Fletcher II. A., 76 Phillip at, A'dria Pletcher II. S.. 63 Ebley at, Wayerley Fletcher Harold B., 88 Bondi rd, Bondi Fletcher Ifenry, Darley rd, Runtimes Fletcher henry C., 13 Fairlight at, Manly Fletcher Henry D., Cook st, Fletcher Herbert, Bream at, Coogee Fletcher Herbert, Dolphin at, Coogee Fletcher Hugh, 48 Abercrombie at Fletcher Hugo S., Marsh st, Arneliffe Fletcher Mrs. Isabella, 39 Bent sr,• . •I•addingt COMPANY LTD. - BRANCHES:ALL Fle Fletcher Mrs. 3., Percival st, West • Kogarah Fletcher J. A. 70 Gordon at, Pad'ton Fletcher J. J.' secretary Linmean Society, 23 'Ithaca rd Fletcher J. J., Wybalena rd, Hun. Ii ill• Fletcher J. T., 05 Australia at, N'town Fletcher J. W., Hatt at, N. Sydney Fletcher J. W., 48 Callan at, Rozelle Fleteaer .1. W.. King at, St. Peters Fletcher James, J.P., 6 George at N. Fletcher Janice, 555 Harris at Fleteher .has., 424 New Canterbury rd, Dulwich Hill Fletcher Jas., 8 South at. Maeville Fletener James, 122 Mill 11111 rd, Waverley Fletcher James, 32 Denison at, Rozelle Fletcher John, 123 Young at, An'clale Fletcher John, Queen at, Ashfleld Fletcher John, George's River rd, Croydon Pnrk Fletcher John, 78 Prospect st, E'ville Fletcher John, Hardie at, Mascot Fletcher John, Victoria ay e, Ps'imrst Fletcher John, sen., Wetherill at, Lideombe Fletcher John, jun., Wetherill at, Lideombe Fletcher John, 2 West Promenade, Manly John, 4 Nelson at. N. Syd. Fletcher John, 48 Underwood at, Pad. Fletcher John, 4 Terry at, Petersham Fletcher John, J.P., 118 Botany at, Waterloo Fletcher John C., O'Connor st, II field Fletcher John .1., 177 Cleveland at, Redfern Fletcher John S., 81 Edgecliffe rd, Woollahra Fletcher John T., Houston rd, Kensington Fletcher John W., J.P., 9 Watson et, Neutral Bay Fletcher Joseph, Lymington at, Bexley Fletcher Joseph, Wharf rd, Concord Fletcher Joseph, Oatley a ye, Oatley Fletcher Joseph, 2 Mackenzie at, Way. Pletcher Judith, photographer, 313 George at Fletcher Miss IC., 5 Middleton at, Marrickville Fletcher Mrs. L., Railway par. Lidcombo Fletcher L., 1 . Scouller st, Fletcher Mrs. L., 94 Wilson at, Fletcher L. j., 13 Kernel; at, Waterloo Fletcher Leonard, 16 St. John at, Lewisham Fletcher Mrs. U., Botany rd, Mascot Fletcher Mrs. Mabel. 15 Roberts at, Marrickville • Fletcher Mr., music teacher, 325 George at Fletcner Norman, Elshnin rd, Auburn Fletcher 0. IV., 211 Church st, Par. ramatta Fletcher Miss P. IL, agent A.M.P. Society, Bridge at, DrummOyne Fletcher R., Henderson at, Bondi Fletcher R. B., Homer at, Canterbury Fletcher R. C., Wisdom at, Guildford Fletcher R. II., Russell at, Oatley Fletcher Reuben H., Wilson rd, Arncliffe Fletcher Richard, First a ye, Eastwood Fletcher Robert, 57 Formosa. at, Drum; moyne Fleteher Robert, 12 Belgrave at, Neut. ml Bay Fletcher Robert, Waratah at, 'Galley SUDURIS. . SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR POULTRY KEEPERS' REQUISITES. ALPHABETICAL. .Flo1257 Fle Fletcher S., 84 Foster at, Leichhardt Fletcher S., 29 Carrington at, Sum. H. Fletcher S. .1., Shepherd at, Ashfield Fletcher S. .1., 68 Foster at, L'harilt Fletcher Samuel II., Metiers] at Campsie Fletcher Samuel T., 17 McDowel at, •- North Sydney Fletcher Sidgwick, J.P., Boulevard, Leichhardt Fletcher Sydney, off Thornleigh rd, South lIornsby Fletcher Sydney A., OsbOrlIP td, Nor.manhurst Fletcher T. A., Inverness a ye, P'shurst Fletcher T. If., mining engineer, 5 Moore at . • Fletcher Thomas, 26 Cross at, D. Bay Fletcher Thomas, 10 Grove at, L'harat Fletcher Thomas, Atchison Si, St. Lumards Pletcher Thomas A., 18 Frampton ave. Marrickville Fletcher Valerie, 16 New at, An'dale Fletcher W., 18 Binning at, Er'ville Fletcher IV., 7 Despointes at, M'ville Fletcher IV., Humphrey at, Mascot Fletcher W. A. II., Bowen at. ("wood Fletcher IV. II., F.( '.1'. receiver and manager Great Cobar Ltd., Equitable buildings, 35o Geo. at p.r.." Ea rlesden, ' Da idly rd, Manly Fletcher Walter, 25 Smith at, Iluzelle Fletcher William, Burwood rd. 11'wood Fletcher William, Burbank at, Fletcher William, 108 llolt's eve, Mosman Fletcher William, 1 Tara at, W'ahra Flea Miss E., Nieholl at, Yaliemba Flea Miss E. C., Price at, Hyde nett E. P.. employment agency, 5S Elizabeth at nett Mrs. H., Elizabeth st, \Vaterloo Flea Mrs. L., Carey at, Randwick Fleury Henry R., Brighton at, Enfield 'Fleury John CI., Harcourt est. (''isle Fleury Robert, Altona at, Abbotsford Fleury W. S., Harcourt est, Campsie Flew C., 89 Awaba at, Mosman . Flew Mrs. Harriet, 132 Bourke at Flew J.. 14 Rosebery at. Mosman Flew :4 ;ItI o, , off French's Forest rd, Flew Richard, 4 liolt's aye, Mosman Flew Robert, Alleyne ave. Sea forth Flew S. ('., Austin at, Manly Flew T., 44 Avenue rd, Mosman Flew T. A., :30 Pariwa rd, Mostnan Flewitt A. E., Chetwynd grove, Merrylands Flide 1farley .1.. 156a Albion at Flextuan John D., Merrenburn ave. Naremburn Flexo Shoe Co.. off 971/2 Liverpool at Flicker William, 28 Nelson at, Airedale }lisle Harley j., 156a Albion at Flider Reuben, 18 St. David's rd, Haberfleld Flight Miss F. Francis at, Epping Flight John A., Edwin at, Manly Flinn Fredk.. 149 George at, W'Clon Flinders Builings. Ltd.—Fredk. .1. Smith. sec., 7 Moore at Min& William, 87 Constitution rd. Petersham Flinn James, 20 Newnian at. Newtons-. Flinn John T., 13 I3ellevue at Flinn Michael .1., 444 Riley at Flint A. IV. Ellice, J.P., Stanley at, Chatswood Flint E. A., dairy, Banksia at, Botany Flint Edward, 91 Mort at. Bahnain JOBMASTERS BY Flint Edward J., Tennyson rd, T'son Flint Fred., 24 Malnkoff sc. U 'ville Flint G. W., Harcourt Estate, Campsie Flint George, Mary at, Iferrylstnds Flint George, Birrell st, Waverley Flint Harry J., 36 Bligh at, Newtown Flint James, Wolseley at, West. Rog. Flint John, 11 Alma at, Darlington Flint Nicholas E., Ernest at, Lakernba Flint Ssinuel, 18 Griffiths at, Tempe Flint Mrs. Sarah, 145 Campbell at Flint William, 29 Alice at, Newtown !MIAMI' Miss Alice. 152a Mathis. at Flintoff Frank, Iiingswood a ye, Willoughby Flip° P., woolbroker, 255a George at Plippence C. 13., 2 l'rospect at, L'hardt Flippence Chas., Charles at, Ab'ford Flippence George A., Lyon's rd, Drum. moyne Plippence 11., Great North rd, Ablord Flippence .1., Great North rd. Aleford Flippence Thos., 72 Bowman at. Drutrannym• Flisher (lenient, 56 Edward at, It' turn Flislier Clement, 71 Yelverton at, St. Peters Fliteroft Frank, Burton hotel, 57 St. John's rd, Glebe VIM Henry IV., 42 Botany at. WrIon Flock Mrs. Mary A., 189 Mullens st, Balnutin Flocliart Joseph F., J.P., "Qualishing, • Burwood rd. Burwood Flockliart • Mrs. C., 43a Young st, Redfern Hod:hart Miss C., llomebush rd, SI ra thfieId FlocIthart Rev. D. (Pres.), Botany rd, Mascot Flopkliart James, 64 Fotheringliam at, Mstrrieliville Flocichart John, 74 Redfern at, R'fern Flockhart William, 26 Derwent at, 1 ebe Flockton Mrs. C., 25 Yule at, I"slinin Flotlin Carl A., Morwick at, St'fielt1 Flodin Mrs. IL, 45 Railway at, Petersham Floessel IV. F., civil engineer. 35o assirge at Flonth Bertram. docutionist, Equitable buildings, 350 George at Flohin Albert, Lane Cove rd, T'murra Flood and Co., laisiness sig.ents, 18 'Elizabeth at Flood and Co., Ltd., woolpressers and stevedores, West Circular Quay —Harry Lyons, manager Flood k Flood, estate agents, 441, Victoria at Flood's Wharf, Circular Quay Flood Vale Woolscouring Works, Exell at, Botany Flood Alfred, 98 Alfred at, N. Sydney Flood Alfred E., William at, !Cogent!) Flood Mrs. IL, 22 Palmer at, II'main Flood Mrs. C.. Eastern ave, Ken'tmi Flood Charles, 24 Red Lion at, Roselle Flood Charles E., Garnet at, Millstone Park Flood David. Bent at, Lindfirild Flood Mrs, E., 17 Abattoirs rd. Flood Francis, 33 Darvall at, B'main Flood Francis .1.. 1 Illstek at. Mar'yren. Flood Frank, carrier, Dintean at Flood Prank, 181 Annandale at, Annandale Flood G. IV. F., 15 Westmoreland at, Forest Lodge Flood George. Lambert at, Flood George, Lennox at, Parramattn Flood Geo. T., 240 Alfred st, N. Syd. APPOINTMENT To MANY GOVERNORS AND Flood Mrs. 11., 312 Church at, 1"inatta Flood Harry, 21 Denison st, Rozelle Flood Henry, 40 Stafford at, Stanmore Flood Ilenry I'., 28 Albany rd, 1"sliam Flood Mrs. .1., 95 Queen at. W'altra Flood James, 8 View at, Annandale Flood James. 18 Vincent at, Balm:tin Flood James, 30 Westmoreland at, For. Lodge Flood James, 6 Chapman at, Sum. Hill Flood James, Woniorst a ye, II"roonga Plod John, 8 Clarence lane Flood John, Ceeily at, Leichhardt Flood John, 402 Victoria rd, Marrickville Flood John, 41/2 l'errett at, Rozelle Flood John, 5 Rush 'at, Woollahra Flood Joseph, Stitilley at. Kuwaiti' Flood L. A., Alt at, NVayerley Flood L. E., 26 Fairmount at, P'shilm Flood Mrs. IL, 43 Clarence at Flood Michael, 3 Mackey at Flood Patrick, Vulcan at, Granville Flood Percy, 25 Slat ion at, foshatn Flood Raymond S., 6 Alice at, N'town Flood Mrs. S., Auburn rd, Bankstown Flood Mrs. S. A., Lillian rd, Wyllie Flood Mrs. S. J., Bent at, Lindfleld Flood Mrs. Sarah, 88 Ann at Flood Mrs. Susan, Cechy cut, bliardt Flood Thomas, 67 Morehead at, Itlern Flood Thomas IV., 65 Cooper at 1. loos! Mrs. IV. 11., l04 Addison ra, Manly Flood William, engineer, etc., 13 and 14 City rd. Darlington Flood IVilhicim 9 St. Peters at Flood William, Northwisal at, ("down Flood William, Wrongs st, Contord Flood William, 211 Coderwood at, Paddington Flood Will 14 West it, Padloti Flood William E.. Albion at, P'matta Flook Mrs. A., Wentworth at, P'matta Flook George, 3 Gt. Buckingham at, Redfern !look George, Rush at, Woollahrst Hook Richsrd .L, Great Northern rd, Hyde Florence Mrs. F. E., 46 Terminus at, Petersham Florence Fredk., 15 Carlton it, Manly Florentine 11., Cammaray ave, North Sydney FLORENZ MADAME H. Corset Maker, Surgical Belts, Bodices to euit every figure for improvement. Country Orders receive special attention. Culwulla Chambers, 67 Castlereagh at Flores Alfred, 10 Smith at Flores Joseph, 14 Best at Flour Ernest V., Fern at, Randwiek Flower Manufacturing Co., millinery warehousemen. 48 York at, and 12-16 Regent at Flower A. G. Anderson, 53 Amhurst at, North Sydney Flower Mrs. B., Sydney rd, Grnnyille Flower Chas. E., Victoria rd, Er'gton Flower E. J., Cardinal at, Mosman Flower E.. V., Bishop's ave, Randwick Flower Esca D., optician, 522 Geo. at Flower George, Leyland par, Il'inore Flovier Hemy H., Dangar st, Randwick Flower John, 91 Bourke st Flower John W. E., Welborn at, liveeroft ADMIRALS, THE HIGH COURT, At. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOP QUALITY AT BOTTOM PRICE. 1258Flo Flower K. A., manager Government Savings Bank of N.S.W. (branch), 130 George at, Camperdown Flower Miss M., 40 Glenview at, Pad. Flower Mrs. M., 66 Liverpool et, Pad. Flower Mrs. M., 38 Redfern at, Irfern Flower Mrs. May, 96 Brougham at Flower Miss Minnie, 71 Victoria at Flower Sidney P., 519 Kent at Flower Thomas, 'Comb's at, Arncliffe Flower William L., Woodville rd, Granville Flower Walter T., 3 Reserve at, An. na nda le Flower Mrs. Willoughby, Darling Point Flower Willoughby, MIt., res. med. officer Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney, Reserve rd, Gore TIM FLOWERDEW COLIN (NV.LaWS and Flowerdew. Prop. erty Agents), 305 Darling St., Balmain. Tel. W 1nou ; p.r., "Oyama," Alexandra at. Drummoyne. Tel. Drunimoyne.199 Flowerdew Fredk., 6 Harris at, Rozelle Flowerdew Mrs. M., 34 Curtis rd, Balmain Flowerdew W., Forrest at, Haberfleld Flowers Albert, Perouse rd, Randwick Flowers Alfred, Parratnatta rd, O'cord Flowers Charles 45 Young at, R'fern st, Tempe Flower Charles, Flowers E. IV., Melford st, Millstone Park Flowers Francis, Oberon at, R'wick Flowers lion. Frederick, J.P., 3f.L.C., Milroy rive, Kensington Flowers George, 805 King st, Tempe Flowers Harry W., Kogarah rd, Maks hurst Flowers Henry, Water st, Lidcombe Flowers Herbert, 7 Hanover at, W't'loo Flowers Jose ph, 64 Parraween st, Neutral Bay Flowers William, Barden at, Arncliffe Floyd Mrs. Annie, 7 Avon at, Glebe Floyd Clement, 98 Dement at, Glebe Floyd Darcy, 101 03.11. rd, Way'' Floyd Mrs. E., Clarendon at, Gore 11111 Floyd Francis, 144 George at, W't'loo Floyd Frank, tailor, 508 Elizabeth at Floyd J. J., New Canterbury rd, Petersham Floyd J. M., engraver, 30 Hunter at Floyd J. T., 826 George at Floyd John, dispenser, Callan Park Hospital . for the Insane, Balmain rd, Leichhardt Floyd John, Alviston cii, Strathfield Floyd John M., Bushy Hill at, ll'bush Floyd John T., 72 Thompson at, Prunmoyne Floyd Joseph D. Alt at, Ashfleld Floyd Miss M. rS., ' 73 Wellington str Waterloo Floyd Mrs. Rose, 65 Grafton at, WoolIslas Floyd Thomas, 56 Ridge st Floyd Thomas, 53 High at, N. Syd. Floyd Walter, George st, Parratnatta Floyd William F., Pennant Hills rd, Thornleigh Floyd William J., George at, P'nuitta RUMEN JAMES ii. & SONS Venetian Blind, Lath Planing Mills and Lattice Lathe and Chive Turners, Bridge rd, Petersham. Tel. L 1280 ALPHABETICAL. Fog Fludder Fredlc. J., 14 Corunna rd, Flynn W. J., 53 Macpherson at, Way, Flynn Will, Burwood rd, Burwood Stanmore Vlifile Hence, 68 Terry at, St. Peters Fl y nn William II., IVebber's rd, !Cog% Flynn 1111ham M., 28 Judge at Flu& John, Campbell Hill rd, Or ville Fluenzol Proprietary, Ltd.--II. C. F. Flynn William T., solicitor, Builders' Exchange, 12 Castlereagh at, Syd. Williams, agent, 19 Hunter at Tel. City 1538; p.r., "Willeralt," Fluke Percy J., Campbell at, Wav'ley 3filson rd, Cremorne. Tel. 5fosFluke S. II., 20 Queen at, Murton man 1003 Fluke W. II., 92 Henderson rd, A'dria Flukes harry, 54 Elizabeth at, Pad'ton Foot Ernest, Harrow rd, Itockdale Flukes S. G., 22 Smith at, Mar'ville Foat .1. T., Crawford at, Brighton-leSands Flux T. II., estate agent, Crinan at, Fobbs Leslie L., Louis st, Granville Millstone Park Foden Mrs. M. A., 5 Mary at, St. Pet. Fluxite Brazing and Engineering Works, 9 .1 l'itt at and 211 ilay at Foden Charles, 4 Experiment at Flynn Albert, Bridge st. D'inoyne Flynn C. A., Palmer at, North Spines FOELL CHARLES, Motor Car Upholsterer, 76 Commonwealth at Flynn Clinics II., Barclay at, Wav'y Flynn Chris., 187 West st, N. Sydney Foell Charles, King Edward at, RockFlynn Cuthbert, Dudle y at, dale Flynn Daniel, 15 Little Winton . at Foerster II., 60 Beattie at, Balmain Flynn Mrs. E., butcher, 416 and 440 Fog 'Adolph, Balmoral at, Waitara Elizabeth at Fogan D., Bent st, Greenwich Flynn Mrs. E., Belmont at, Alex'dia Fogarty Andrew J., 25 Burton st, Flynn Eugene, 14 Carrington at, Little Coogee Lewisham Fogarty C., 12 Rosalind st, N. Syd. Flynn Mrs. F., 233 Darling at, Irmain Fogarty Edw. M., 128 Cathedral St Flynn Frank P., Miller at. Waverley Fogarty Edward M., Jesinond aye, Flynn Henry .1., Harbord at, Gr'ville Petersham Flynn .1. A. Alice at, Auburn Fogarty F., 125 Ernest st, N. Sydney Flynn J. A., 35 Penkivil at, Bondi Fogarty George, 32 Botany at, Redfern Flynn Mrs. .7. J., 11 Reddall at, Fogarty Jas., Sydney Cricket Ground, Flynn James, 49 Mort at, Balmain Moore Park Flynn James, Coneannon at, Kogarasi Fogarty James, Bunnerong rd, KenFlynn James, Belmore at, Hyde sington Flynn James, Boundary at, Sherwood Fogarty John, North rd, Ityde Flynn James C., 17 McKenzie at, Fogarty Mrs. M., 29 Elizabeth at, Rozelle Waterloo Flynn Mrs. Jane, 147 Forbes at Fogarty Miss May, Si Pitt at, Redfern. Flynn James P., Punchbowl rd, Enfield Fogarty M. Patrick J., chemist, 6 Flynn John, grocer, 175 Palmer st Willoughby rd, N. Sydney Flynn John, physician, 42 Csilege at; Fogarty Path., 156 Station st, Newp.m., Hibbs at town Flynn John, Castlefield at, Bondi Fogarty Percy, Derby st, Auburn Botany rd, Botany off Flynn John, Fogarty It. .1., s is Bridge rd. Ministry. Flynn John, 15 Cambridge at, Enmore Fogarty R. W., 3 Vernon at, Wahra. Flynn John, 111 Railway par, Er'ville Fogarty Thomas, Beaufort at, Flynn John, Houston st, Kensington Fogarty Thomas .7., Houston rd, It'ton Flynn John, May at, Leichhardt Fogart y W. IV.. milliners. warehouseFlynn John, 178 Evans at, Rozelle man, 40 York at Flynn John F., Victoria st, A'dria Fogarty W. W., Help at, Chatswood Fogden Harry, 26 Bellevue at, Glebe Flynn John S., Botany rd, Botany Flynn John V.. Gordon ave, Wavcrley Fogden James G., 37 Dulwich st, DulFlynn Joseph. Ullathorne at. Wmoyne wich Ilill Flynn Joseph Alban, solicitor, 2b Pogden William, 5 Purves at, Glebe Castlereagh at; p.r., 17 Penkivil Fogel Abraham, J.P., Guilfoyle ave. at, Bondi Woollahra rd, Way, Fogerty E., 42 Wyndham at, A'dria Flynn Joseph It., 180 Flynn L. L., 13 Sutherland at, Pad'ton Fogerty Mrs. E., 9 Jersey rd, W'ahra, Flynn Mrs. M., 32 hay at. Leichharilt Fogerty John, 10 Paddington lane, Paddington Flynn Maurice, Punchbowl rd, E'field Flynn Michael, Sydney rd, Sherwood Fogerty It., 108 Wellington at, W'Cloo Flynn Michael, 44 Grove at, St. Pt. Fogerty William, Brand at, Croydon Flynn Norman J., 2S Somerset st, Foggin Joseph J., Norton at, Mosman Flynn P. H., Macpherson at, 3fosman FOGGITT, JONES AND CO.. LIMITED(F.O. /tickling, ManagingFlynn P. J., carrier, 89 Dowling st Flynn P. C., 32 Wilberforce ave. Hose . Director for N.S.W.), Ham and Bacon Corers, Butter and Cheese Merchants Bay and Packers of Cavilled l'ork DeliFlynn Patrick, 9 Skelton at, L'hardt cacies, 361n and 383 Sussex at. Sydney Flynn Paul, 38 Ridge at Flynn Robert, 87 Stanmore rd. P'sham Foggo George It., 5 Vincent at, Wmain Flynn Roger, Bristol rd, Somerset Fogg() William, 152 Young at, An'dale Flynn Stephen, 34 John st, Waterloo Foggon Mrs. A., 524 Darling at, Ronne; Flynn Thomas, 240 Elizabeth at Foggon Chas., sen.,21 Belgrave at, ManlFlynn Thomas, 49 Rose at Foggon Mrs. Emma, Liverpool rd, Flynn Thomas, 284 Glebe Pt. rd, Burwood Flynn Thomas, Bunnerong rd, Ken'ton Foglietta E.. off 437 Alfred at, Flynn Thomas, Hardie ht . Mascot roan C., High st, Willoughby Flynn Thomas, 41 Cooper at, NV't'loo Fogo Thomas H., 160 Evans at, Rozeller Flynn Thomas W., Francis at, Bondi Mrs. M., 98 Devonshire at Flynn Timothy, .T.P.; 1 5 Hein& at, Fogwell Fogwell William, 002 Illawarra rd. Waterloo Ma rriekville PYRMONT. 'PHONE 728 & 1180 CENTRAL : WOOD; COFFILL &COMPANY LTD.HEAD.OFFICEI BULWARRA RIL I EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT ANTHONY HORDERNS'. Fok Fob-es John T., 25 Bridge rd, Glebe Folder Horace E., 109 Day st, L'hardt Fold' A., 107 St. George's cres, Drummoyne Foldi Mrs. Amelia, Church st, L'hardt Foldi Andrew, s Carrington st, BalFoldr 3lifiris. C., 14 Botany rd, A'dria Foldi Hercules B., Kareela rd, Cremorne Foldi Mrs. M. H., Berwick at, Foley Bros., Ltd., commission agents, produce merchants & auctioneers, 353-357 Sussex at, and 29 bane Cove rd, North Sydney Foley C. W. and Co., grocers, 52 Erskine at Foley J. and Co., produce merchants, 320 Sussex at Foley Mrs. A., Portman at, Waterloo Foley Alex., George at, Parramatta Foley Alex., 30 Edward at, Redfern' Foley Alfred J., Howard at, Foley Angel, 111 St. George's cres, Drummoyne Foley Archie, 78 VIM at, Annandale Foley B., Carrington rd, Randwiek Poles C., JaquesBondi. Foley Mrs. C., 76 Bank at, N. Sydney Foley Mrs. C., 122 Palace at, P'sham Foley Cecil, 179 Albans . rd, 1"shatn Foley Charles, 26 Durham at, Foley Charles. 11; Alfred at. N. Syd. Foley D. I'., headmaster public school, Eyeter rd, Flemington Foley 1km hI, Cheltenham rd, Irwood Foley Daniel, 33 May at, Newtown Foley David, 141 Cardigan at, S'more Foley D. P., dentist, Boulevarde, S'ileld Foley E., 72 Anglesea at, Bondi Foley E. .1., 169 George at wes, Foley E. J., Collingwood at, Manly Foley Miss E. M., 53 Gordon at, Pad. Foley Edward. 92 Taylor at, An'dalc Foley Miss Ellen, 4 Parley at Foley F. B., 25 Moneur at, W'ahra Foley G., teacher • of singing, 325 George at Foley G., 83 Darlington rd, Darlon Foley Griffin, 65 Hargrave at, Padlon 'Foley IL, 11$ George tit. D'moyne Foley Mrs. H., 02 George at, Waterloo Foley Ilerbert, Tavistock rd, F'iston Foley Hugh M., 75 John at, Woollahra Foley J. T., 2 Golden Grove at, Darlington Foley James, Walker st, Rhodes Foley James, 156 Botany at. NV't'loo Foley James, 7 Schimel at, Waterloo Foley James C., Browning at, Campsie Foley John, 71 Cook rd Foley John, LnWrenee at. Alexandria 'Foley John, 265 Nelson at, An'dale Foley John, Rocky Point rd, Kogarah Foley John, Paling at, Leichlinrdt Foley John, 3 Moodie st, Roselle Foley John, 8 View at, Woollahra Foley John J., Botany rd, Mascot Foley John M., Gipps at, Concord Foley Joseph, Albion at. Randwiek Foley L., Victoria ave. Woollahra Foley L. G.. 1$1a Railway par, E'vilb Foley Mrs. M., Council at, Waverley Foley M. G., "Peckham." 53 Gordon at, Paddington. Tel. 731 Pad. Foley Mrs. Margaret, 13 Wilton at Foley Mrs. Marie, Ryde rd, Hun. Hill Foley Mathew, 13oundary Id. Inlet Foley Martin, Duncan t Arneliffe Foley Michael, Broughton at, Concord Foley Michael, Starling st. Leiehhardt Foley Mrs. Norah. 110 Riley at Foley Patrick J., St. James' rd, Rnndwick ALPHABETICAL. Foley Patrick IS., Close at, C'bury Foley Phillip, Lancelot at, Five Dock Foley It. 11., Matthew rd. Hunt. llill Foley 'I'. .1., .1.1'., house agent, 93 Itailway ter, Lewisham Foley Thomas, 6 North at, Balmain Foley Thomas, 97 Cooper at, Waterloo Foley Timothy M., Park rd, Lideombe Foley William. 64 llsreoin rive Foley William, 10 View at, An'dale Foley William F., Dangar at, Itandwiek Foley William II., 4 Clisdell at Foley William P., Stanley at, Concord Foley William S., Read at, Waverley Foliek Giorgi., Vera at, Kingsport. Folk Mrs. II., 3 Lytton st, N. Sydney Follcard Mrs. A. A., Wigram at, Par„, Follcard 11.5., Fred st, Leichimrdt Volkord Charles, rarrainatta rd, Hyde Folicard f'. II., Weston at, Par'matta Folkard G., High at south, Harris Park ollcard Mrs. II. A.. Prospect at. Granville Folkard Mrs. J., Sunnyside are, Leichhardt Polkard L. T., Blair at, Gladesville Folkard Thos., Blair at, G1adesville Folkard,Walter H., Bateman's rd,Gr'ville Folkard Wm., off Terry st, Rozelle Policard Wm. C., clerk in charge Aus. Gas Co.'s Depot, Bowden st, Ifeadowbank Folkard William 11., May at, L'hardt Isolkes Miss Emma, 9 Foto!, place Follies F., 64 Canonbury Grove. Dulwich Hill Polices Frank, Rocky Point rd. Sans v•Soictikei Isolkes Frederick, Fig Tree are, RandFolkes Jas. G., 78 Telopea at, Redfern Pollan Charles, Maria at, Enfield isollan Joseph. Molob's lane, Dittoing Pollan William, Dean at, Enfield Vollan Wright, 3 Deane at, Tiurwood Folland P., 90 Dowling at, Pad'ton Follent W. Its Mary at, Lideombe Pollens Frederick, Mills at, Carlton rollers Hermann, 48 Comte at, N'Cwn Is ollers William, Wharf rd. Ermington FolleghlM iers. Lydia, 18 Glebe Pt. Ed, Follett W., Mel ford at, Ilurlatone Polley janies, 76 Manning rd. W'alira Follington Witham, 293 Liverpoo?at Folly Ernest. 22 Brown at. Newtown roister G. and H. .1. Bourne, joinery i% ls o zrekisi,e Wrist on rd, Madly FolsterJ.P., 10 Bridgewater at, Folwell L.. 171 Petersham nl. Polwell William, 65 Watson at. War'y Pollan] Mrs. E., 52 Alexander at, Alexandria Po/111nm W., 58 Alexander at. Fong Lee Jong and Co., commission agents, 62-64 Campbell at Fontenalla F.,80 Levey at Fookes Francis A., 13 Itobert at, P'shoni Fooks & Phillips, electrical engineers, 105 Liverpool st leorge F., 131 Beattie at. BalFoolcisnn in For1259 Foot Allan N., Ardcn at south, Coogec Foot Arthur, 51 Durham at, S. A'dale Cecil, 93 Percival rd, Stionnore Foot Cecil It., Baltimore at, Belmore Foot J. S. Copeland rd, Ile-eeroft Foot John 'II., 27 Tudor at Foot J. W., 362 Stantnore rd, M'vllhe Foot T. T., Newcastle at, Rose Bay Foot W. II. 53 Harrow rd, Stanmore Foote Alfred' S. W., 346 13ulwarra rd Foote C., Chamberlain at, Bexley Foote C., sen., Chamberlain at, Bexley Poole Charles, Harris rd, Five Dock Foote P. W., S Conrobert at, Arinan Foote G. W., The Old Kent rd, Bankstown Foote George, Chamberlain st, Bexley Foote Henry, Anderson at, S. It 'wick Foote Hilbert, 4 Cascade at, ParPton' Poole J. E., Gibson am', Chatswood Foote James, 22 Fitzroy at, N'town Foote Joseph, 30 Yule at, Dulwich II. Foote Norman. Chamberlain at, Bexley Poole Sydney H., 75 Leinster Foote T., J.P., 28 Annandale at, Medal° POMP T110111118 J., 8 Searl at, 1"slisim Foote William, 34 Little Riley st Fontes Jas., 7 Ballast Point rd, Balmain Footitt F. J., Cheltenham rd, 11'wood Footitt James, Brand at, Croydon FooTI.Inturs Newspaper, 204 Castlereagh at Footman Benj., Tennyson rd, Wlake Foot Mrs. II. A., 148 Edgeeliffe nil, WoollaS ma Foott John T., Monmouth at, It'wiek MAU, Mrs. Treiza J., 98 Mfg,' at, Newtown Foott Walter, 248 Falcon at, N. Syd. Foran Mrs. B., 162 Alfred at, N. Syd. Fortin Mrs. L., Gordon rd, hatsworm Foran E., 57 Westbourne at, P'sham Foran John, 1 Cardigan at, (Ilene Foran John. Sea View at, Iffanly Foran L., Stanley at, Catnpsie Forint Laurenve, 55 Terry at, St. Pet. Fortin Mrs. Nora, 12 Busby hum Fortin P., Ada lane, Erskineville Foran P. J.. 136 Oxford at, Pacrton Forint Patrick, 5 Harold at, Newtfmn Foran Patrick 3., 11 Gild ,emus at, Can.perilown Fortin Thomas, semi,, 24 Denison at, Waverley Form/ Thomas W., 613 Harris at Forbes Robert & Co., manufacturers' agents, wine and spirit merchants, 241 I'itt at Forbcs k Wilshire, but Queenscliff,', Mindy Forbes Mrs. K. iisington rd, Summer Hill Forbes A. D., M.D.. C11.31., SytI., resi• dent patluslogist, Sydney Hospital, Macquarie sr Forbes A, E., Platt's are, Belmont' Forbes A. M., Yerton are, Hunt. Hill Forbes Adrian C., South at, Itydalmere Forbes Albert E., 46 Ocean at, Irahra Forbes Albert W., 3feKern at, Campsie Forbes Alex., Resthaven rd, Bankstown Forbes Alex., 27 Catherine at, F. Lodge Forbes Alexander, Wallace at, liog'rali Forbes Alexander, Allison rd, R'wielc Forbes .1,1exander, 49 Thurlow at, It'f'n Foot Fooks W. J., Hissing l'oint rd, Dundas Forint Charles .1., 1. P., High at, Canterbury FORBES E. J. & SON, LTD. Foord Freclk.. Canterbury rd, C'bury 'Manufacturers and Importers of Foots' Harry T., 206 Albion at. Ati'dair School. Ilall and Church FurniFoord R. .1. M., solicitor, 107 Pitt at ture, Austra Is sin ii Agents. City Foord Sidney .1., Coolc's ave. C'bury Mart Building, Hamilton at, Syd. Foord Stephen, Allen at, Canterbury Tel. City 9047. Cable Addresm, Foord Stephen, George at, Canterbury "Pori IPS.” Sydney. Factory. GerFoord Stephen A.. George at, Can'bury ber at, Alexandria. Tel., lied. 750 Forint Thomas, Liverpool rd. T1'wood PACK AND DESPATCH PORCELAIN WREATHS AND CROSSES TO ANY PART OF AUSTRALIA ANTHONY MORDERNW FOR READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. . 1260 !For Forbes Mrs. Alice, 11 Bellevue at Forbes Andrew R., IVatkin at, Wdale Forbes C. W., Church at, Carlingford Forbes Charles, 10 Smith st, Sum. Hill Forbes David, 144 York st north Forbes David, Milton at, Ashtleld Forbes Dav id c 56 Whistler st, Manly Forbes Miss E.. Forest rol, ,Arnelifie Forbes Fred., Montgomery st, Koterali Forbes G. H., Sharp at, Canterbury Forbes George, solicitor, Kissing Point rd, Dundas Forbes Ceorge, 232 Young at, A imandsle Forbes George, Margate at, Sans Sonci Forbes George E.. 114 Victoria at Forbes II. 11., Gloucester rd, Ilurstv1.4. Forbes Harry, Kingsgrove rd, Forbes 'Henry 1'. Botany at, It'wiek Forbes Mrs. I., 447 ' Alfred at, N. Syd. Forbes James, 217 ,Young st, An'dale Forbes James, Old Canterbury rd, Petersham Forbes James A., Reynolds a ye, Halmain Forbes Mrs. Jane, Victor ,st, Clewood Forbes Mrs. Jane, Terminus st, E'pool Forbes John, 288 Harris at Forbes John, 14 Myrtle at Forbes John, 8 Amy at, Erskineville Forbes John, Alice aye, Newtown Forbes John, 311/2 Union st, Newtown Forbes John, 3 Mel ghlan place. Paddington F'orbes John, 43 Westbourne at, 1"sham Forbes John, 317 King st, St. Peters Forbes. John, lierlssir View Park, Woollahra Forbes John IL, Botany st, Ilurstville Forbes Miss M., 69 Chandos • st, North Sydney Forbes P. IV. M., J.P.', 85 Fowler st, Camperdown Forbes, Percy If., Sharp st, Cant'Intry Forbes Peter J., Ernest at. Lakemba Forbes Robt., merchant, "The Cave," . Croydon eve, Enfield Forbes ltobert, Napier st, May's Hill Forbes W., Wollongong rd, Arncliffe Forbes Sinclair at, Wollstonecraft Forbes W. A., 59 Terrace rd, Maeville . Forbes W. H., 29 Wellesley st, Sum. Hill Forbes W. J., 238 Young at, An'dale Forbes W. J. Fairview st, Arncliffe Forbes W. M., 'Canterbury rd, Behnore Forbes W. S., 378 Unwin's Bridge rd, . St. Peters Forbes Walter L., Lauff at, Rockdale Forbes William, Queenseliffe, Forbes William, Saville at, Gore Hill .Forbes William, 17 Crown st, St. Pet. Forbes Wm. A., Urunga •par, 1"bowl Forbes William L., 4 Eton at, C'down Ford, Adams and 0). ,, Custom House agents, 8 Young at Ford Bros., pastrycooks, 122 l'ercival rd, Stanmore Ford and Parker, launch proprietors, foot of Erskine at FORD SHERINOTON LIMITED, Patentees end Manufacturers ol "Globe" Brand Steel Trunks, Boxes, Baths, etc. Leather Bags and Travelling 'Trunks, Fordtte Fibre Trunks and Cases, Sports and Fancy Leather Goods, etc. Factory and Office, Kippax and Lacey sts, City, near Central Railway Station. Tel. Pad. 720. Salesroom, 127 York at, opp. Q.V. marlwts. Tel. City 120 ALPHABETICAL. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE NEWEST MEN'S MERCERY. For For Ford Mts. .1., Bellevue a ye, Gore Hill Ford Henry, 11 Cooper et, Waterloo Ford A., Little st, Lane Cove Ford llenry J., 18 Edward at, It'fent Ford kIrs. A. M., 28 Dalton rd, man Ford Henry It., Parraniattn rd, 13'wood. Ford Herbert, 102a Phillip at, Irmain" Ford A. E., 2 Day at, Maeville Ford Mrs. A., 56 Elizabeth at, Padlon Ford Herbert L., 50 O'Neill at, L'Ierdt Ford Miss Agnes, 5 Thigh at, Padlon Ford .1., 89 Trafalgar at, Stanmure Ford Mrs. .1. F., 27 Itoss at, F. Lodge Ford Albert, 13 Pine at, Newtown Ford Albert IV., Hannam at, Arneliffe Ford J. T., Parramatta Park, ParFord Albert E., Austin st, Manly nuna tta Ford Alexander, 22 Gouldsbury at, Ford James, LIOIIS rd, Five Dock Most;;;; ii Ford James, lerrick rd, Lakembe Ford Alfred, 12 Stator st, Alex'dria Ford James, McKeon at, Maroubra Ford Alfred, J.P., "Clarlford," Cliff Ford James, 17 Ourimbah rd, Maul;'. Tel. 115 _Manly Ford James, 74 Windsor at, Pad'ton I", wit Arthur, 10 Crown lane Ford Jaines, 25 Walker at, Redfern Ford Arthur, Ranger's ave. MosmanFord James, 330 Walker at, Redfern.. Ford Arthur It., 8 - Mary at, Newtown Ford James, Atchis. nt st, St. L'inirds Ford Miss B. A., 12 Craigend at Ford James, 30 Douglas at; Stanmore Ford 11. IV., architect, 62 Pitt atFord James F., 76 Foveaux at Ford 11, W., 141 Stanmore rd, P'sham Ford John, constable in charge,. Ford Benj., 90 Underwood • at, Pad .Police Station, Cowper st, Wav'ly Font John, Wellington at, Bondi dington Ford Miss C., 1 Bennett st, Neut. Bay Ford John, Parramatta rd, Concord, Ford ( . II., Livingstone rd, L'comne Ford John II., 25 Stafford st, Pad. Ford C. W., Victoria ave . , Penshurst Ford John It., St. George's rd, Bexley' Ford Cecil, Trongate at, Granville Ford John J., Marion at, Auburn ... Fc,rd Charles, 12 The Avenue, C'down Ford John T., O'Connell at, P'inatta Ford Charles, 39 Union at, N. Sydney Ford John T., King Edward st, It dale Ford 1). S., printer, 727 George st Ford John IV. Punchbokvi rd, Enfield Ford Darcy, Doncaster a ye, Kensington Ford Joseph, ' 24 Young st, Neut. Bay Ford David, 16 Hill at, Lewisham Ford Mrs. K., 12 Lyndhurst at, Glebe Ford David, 75 Constitution rd, Ford Mrs. K., 83 Pitt at, Redfern Ford Mrs. Marian, 146 Alice at, N'town. Pet ersltatti Ford E., managing director Enfield Ford Miss Mary, 27 Woolcott st Park Mick Co., Ltd., Park rd, Ford Mrs. Mary, 57 Goodsell ea, Newtown Enfield Ford Mrs. Maud, Sydney rd, Granville Ford Mrs. E., Percival at, L'ilardt Ford Mrs. E., I Short st, Paddington Ford Michael, 31 Junior at, &hank Ford Ebenezer, J.P., Liverpool rd, Ford Morgan, 309 Catherine at, Leichbardt Enfield Ford Edward, 55 Norton at, Ashfield Ford Miss N. 11,38 Alfred at, N. Syri. Ford Edward, Wentworth rd, Burwood Ford Patrick F., Doncaster a ye, Kensington Ford Edward P., Carlow at, N. Syd. Ford Edwin E., Iceton at, I3urwood Ford Paul, 90 Cameron at, Paddington. Ford Mrs. Emily, Henrietta at, Wavy Ford Percy, grocer, 25 Bathurst at Ford Percy S., l'ark at, Campsie Ford Mrs. Emma, 36 Walker at, Ford It. F., 31 Bank st, N. Sydney fern Ford Reginald, Bancroft aye, Roseville. Ford Ernest J., 2 Trinity are Ford Mis, Ethel M., Robert's rd, En. Ford Richard, 30 William Henry atFord Richard, Polding at, D'Inoyne field Ford Mrs. F., 205 Edgeeliffe rd, Ford Richard, Lane Cove rd, Pvmble Ford Roger, 560 Miller. at, N. Syd. Woollahra Ford F. Percy, "Goomerabong," Ford Mrs. S., Cowell at, Gladesville Ford Samuel, 451 Church' st, P'matta, Florence at, Strathfleld Ford F. S., 94 Elizabeth at, Pad'ton Ford Samuel 11., Railway at, Geville Ford Miss Florence I., Cerebella at, Ford Sidney V., Nicholson at, I3'wood Ford Sydney, Cowell st, Gladesville North Sydney Ford T., 64 Rosalind st, North Sydney Ford Frank, South par, Campsie Ford Sydney, Great Northern rd, Ford Frederiek, Edward et; Enfield Gladesville F'ord Frederick, Kendall 'at, Granville Ford Frederick, 10 Denby at, It'ville Ford T. IV., dentist, Gray st, Kog.. Ford Frederick, Carrington rd, R'wick Ford Thomas, 54 Willem at, Balinain Ford Frederick, 13 Cooper st, IV't'loo Ford Thomas, 10 Glebe Point rd,. Glebe Ford G. S., Beaconsfield at, BoxleY Ford Thomas, Unwin rd, Norrnanhurst. Ford George, 19 Seale at Ford George, 4 Isooke's a ye, Balmain Ford Thomas, 737 Darling at, Itoele Ford George, 189 Wigram rd, Glebe Ford Thomas, 24 Oxford at, Rozelle Ford George, Hereward at, Maroubra Ford Thomas, 51 Brown at, St. Peters Ford George, 80 Boundary at, Wav'y Ford W., Gardinia at, Peakhurst Ford George; Henrietta at, Wavley Ford IV. Egerton, real estate agent,. 24 Moore at Ford George C., Robert's rd, Enfield Ford George E., 24 Cannon at, S'more Ford W. J., 14 Cowles rd, Mosman Ford George H., Factory at, P'matta Ford W. DI son., J.P„ 36 Thomas st, Nora, Sydney Ford Mrs. II., 40 Bishop at, Mar!ville Ford Mrs. II., Queen's are, N. Sydney Ford IV. M., jun., 36 Thomas st, North Sydney Fend II. M., Balmoral at, Waiters Ford II. W., 109 Station at, N'town Ford IV. M., jun., shipbuilder (yards), Berry's Ilay,' North Sydney Ford Harry, Station at, Marrickville Ford Han.y, Peat's Ferry rtl, Waiters Ford IV. S., 27 Francis el, Manly Ford Walter, 14 Wells at, Redfern Ford Harry V., 36 Bennett at, 'Bondi Ford William, nianager, The MemoFord Henry, G'odwin at, Bexley rial Card Engraving Co., 142' Ford. henry, Brand st, Croydon King at Ford Henry, 31 Vine st, Redfern . COMPANY LTD, I . COFFILL-AND WOOD ..• • LIVERY DEPT., 47284 HARRIS ST. PHONE 156 Guar ALPHABETICAL. • For1261. Forest Edward, Hill st, CampsieForrest William. Charles at h'eombe Ford William, Tulip st, Chatswood Ford William, 8 Short st, F. Lodge Forest Ilarry, 11 Terry st, St. Peters Forrest William 1,, Harrington at, Ford William, off Reserve rd, Gore Forest I,. C., Carter at, Randwick Marriekville Forest Thomas C.., :195 Marriekville Forrester C. A., Railway at, Liverpool. rd, Marrickvil he Ford William, 38:1 Marrickville rd, Forrester Chas., Hotham par, Gore 11111 Afarriekville Forestry Depart molt —It . D. I lay, Forrester Mrs. E., Abbotsford rd, Ford William, 3 Queen's ave. Syd. director of forests; W. Mason. I 1 oniebusli Ford William C., Vineenz at, Mosinan chiefclerk :IV.I'.Pope, Forrester E. S., Canterbury ti, Ford William E., Virginia st, Ken'ton II. Wiltshire and .1. Parry, 1 .'orrester 1'. .1., :14 • Merton st, Hoz'''. Ford William H., 16 Steel at spectors; P. .1. Drew, chief tim. Forrester Fraud;, 78 Church at, BalFord Win. Penkivil at, Willoughby h e r inspector, Lands buildings, main Ford William T., Melbourne at, ('earth Bridge at Forrester G., ( s orrier, Ultimo rd Fordo' Michael, 226 Commonwealth at .'oret Constant, 41 Norton st, Forder E. A., 58 l'itt at .'orfar Walter W.. Benham at. P'shain ' , order I. .1., 27a Parramata rd, .'orger Richard, Earl st, Itandwick •'orgie James, 13 Kepos at, Redfern Annandale Fordhain A.; 15 Spicer at, Woollahra .'orgie Robert, Oxford ate, flankstown Fordham C., 159 l'addintrton at. Pad. , orgie IV. A., 321 Nelson at, An'dale Fordliam Edward A., Boundary 'orman Alfred A., F.R.V.I.A.archiPaddington tea and acoustician, 64 Pitt at Fordham E..1., 39 Raglan at. Waterloo p.r., 19 Wunda rd, Mosinan Fon.lhain Frederick, Niaolson Forman George, 71 Rofe st, L'hanit Tempe Forman joseph, 61 Hereford st, Glebe Foram Fred. G.. 65 Cowper at, Mar. Forman Thos., Parramatta ril, C'coril Forman Thos., Denmark at, ltrylands Fordliant George, 10 Amy st, E'ville Forman Walter A., 51 Itutliven at, Fordliant Ilenry, Carrington rd, Wwick It andwick Fordham Ilenry, 36 Schimel st, W'Cloo Formby and Co., lubricating oil merchants, off Wentworth Park rd, Fordliam Ilerbert, Hunter at, Hornsby Forrester G. '1'., 31 Raglan at, Darlington Forrester Harry, 'Macquarie at, L'pool Forrester J. 13., off lkfoorflelds rd, Cant erbury Forrester .1.Moorflelds rd, Canterbury Forrester Mrs. M., 46 Dulwich at, Dulwich Hill l'orrester Mrs. M., 126 Constitution rd, Peterslinin Mrs. Alary, 19 Li vi ngstone rd, Marrieliville Forrester 'I'.Terminus at, L'pool Forrest ' s ' . Forrester W., 15 flow:sole rd, Forrester AV., 73a Ih s nison at, Itozello Forrester William, 5 Brighton at, Fordham James. Beaconsfield at, Glebe Petersham Fors .thgoat, Ilareourt estate, Campsic Fordliam James, Unwin's Bridge rd, FormIT Herbert, 268 Darling st, main St. Peters Fors Mrs. Maria, 49 1,4 Union at Forsald II., Spring Garden at, Gr'vilie. I lordliant John, 48 Smith at, Tempe Formby Miss R., Forest rd, Bexley Former Charles, South st, D'inoyne Forsayth T.Ranger's rd, NeutVordhani Sydney, Park at, Campsie Fords John, hi emiley rd, Flemington Forrest .5. D., lIniversal at, 'Mondale ral Bay Fordyce R., Sebastopol st, .11:11.'011e Forrest A. E.. :kbattoirs, Glib;;' Island Forsberg Arthur, 115 Gloucester at Forrest A. E., Todrnan a ye, Ken'ton Fordyce Robert, 22 Clutter at, N. Syd. Forsberg Carl A., 71 Day at, L'hardt Forrest Arthur, 33 Wells st, Redfern Forscutt ltev. C. 'P., B.A., principal Forrest 13. T., real estate agent, 179 I3exley Ladies' College, MonoAvenue rd, Tilosinan meeth at, Bexley Forest 13. T., 16 Military rd, Winati Forseutt Rev. chalks T., 13.5., prin- FOREIGN AGENCY La (THE Mrs. E., Botany rd, Botany Paul Schwartz, Managing Direc. Forrest Forrest E. E., Myatt st, Oatley tor, Eastern and Continental In. Forrest Edgar, Gunglia at, Ontler (Int Merchants, Carlton. House, Forrest Edwin. 11 Marion at, 38-40 York at, Sydney. Foreign Trading Association, 14 Moot, street Foreman It. & Son, engineers and brassfounders. Chapel at, Maeville Foreman A., 166 Australia st, Camperdown Foreman C., 48 Breillat st, Aninlale Foreman C. M., I.G., C.V.S., pal, London and CI a AWAY Veterinary Supply Co., 23 Rawson chainhers. Rawson place. Sydney Foreman Charles, Gray st, Auburn Foreman George, 41 Lower Fort at Foreman Rev, II. C., WA. (Nleth.), 13 Belgrave at, Manly ForemanBtaconsileld at, Aub'n Flawnian Ja TM'S, Yore st, Auburn Foreman John, Sutherland at, A'burn Foreman John, 36 Carlisle at, L'hardt Foreman Joseph, surgeon, "Wyoming," klacquarie at ; p.r., 62 Alacleay st, Potts' Point Foreman Mrs. II., 621 Smith at, Summer Hill Foreman Mrs. Mary, 7 Ivy at, Dar'ton Foreman Iticherd, Middleton at, NPville Foreman Wm., Dartbrook rd, Auburn ForestItillProgressAssociation, River at, ('anternury Forest Hill School of Forrest Edwin K., Union at, 11'bank Forsey Thomas AV., 10 .1bergeldie st, Forrest Geo. IV., 61 Shepherd at Petersham Forrest George IV., Parramatta rd, Porshall .1. G., Melford at, littrIstone Auburn Park Forrest IL C., Francis at, Itandwick Forshaw Ilarobl, 31Pit twat's :. rd, Forrest Hugh, Railway par, linger:1h Forrest .1. E., Hunter at, Hornsby ForsILI ■ II., 16 Hathern at, L'hardt Forrest James, Gardener's rd. 10'100 Forshaw John, Ghl Canterbury ro,„ Forrest .1. 11., see. Amal gamated Wit.e•Petersham less 1Australasia) Ltd.. Wireless Forshaw W., 336 Young at, Atedale I louse, 97 Clarence at ; p.r., Forssberg C. J. E., 17 Osborne rd, "Atibignv," 281 Miller at, Nortn Manly Sydney Forssberg Chats. J. E., furniture wareForrest James, 59 Lamb at, L'hardt house, 78 William st machine Forrest John, Hunter at, Hornsby depot, 66-68 William st Forrest John, 6 Clara st, Newtown Forster Bros., oil and . colour works. Forrest John, 251 West at, N. Syd, 618 Ilarris at Forrest John A., 73 Pyrniont Bridge Forster A., J.P., secretary and regisrd, Camperdown trar Pharmaceutical Society of Forrest John A., Fletcher at, IV'ahra N.S.W., 7 Richmond ter, Domain Forrest H. S., Burwood Binwood Forster S. k Sons, brass and frog Forrest N., 3 Hutchinson at, St. Pet. bedstead makers, i ron founders, Forrest P., 55 Charles st, Erskineville engineers and wire mattress manufacturers. Mary Ann at and UlForrest It., Cambridge st, Penshurat timo rd, Forrest Mrs., Railway at. Epping Forster .1. E.,Ayr,." Lang rd, Forrest Robert, Stanton rd, Haberfleld Centennial Park. l'el. 32 Pad. Forrest Mrs. S., New Canterbury rd, Forster Adam, 86 Epping rd, Walira Petersham Forrest. Mrs. Susan, 23 Linthorpe at, Newtown Arts—Bruce Forrest Thomas, 51 Cowles rd, Winer. Nicoll, secretary, River at, C'bury Forrest Tom, 2 Bartley at Forest Lodge Public School—William Forrest IV., Great North rd, Alrford Bardsley, headmaster, Ross at, F. Forrest 1V., 122 Denison rh, Petersham Forrest Walter II., Shell Cove rd, Lodge Neutral Bar Forest Lodge Public School (Girls' Dept. ), ltiss 11ePhillamy. head- Forrest Capt. Wilford, R.N., Nelson m ist mess, Bridge rd, For. Lodge 11 cipal Rockdale College, Gladstone at, Bexley Vorsentt IV. N. G., :10 .11fred at, Sydney Bay nil, Bronte Forster Alfred, Mary at, Auburn Forster Mrs. Amy, Wolseley rd, Point Piper Forster Mrs. Annie, 25 ..lames st. N. Sydney Forster 13. E. G., Frederick at, P'hurst Forster Chas. E., 11 Merlin at, N. Syd. Forster Mrs. Charlotte, 6:12 Harris et Forster Mrs. E., 'Marolibra 13ay rd, Itandwick WE ARRANOF FOR INTERMENTS IN ANY PART OF AUSTRALIA OR ABROAD el EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT ANTHONY HORDERNS'. 1262For ALPHABETICAL. Forsyth George, 12 Wilson st, R'fern Forsyth Geo. IL, 8 Frazer rd, P'shazn Forsyth Herbert, 87 New Canterbury rd. Petershato Forsyth J. Edward, D.D.S., surgeon dentist, 67 Castlereagh at; p.r., Railway at., Chatswood Forsyth J. L. L., 39 Hayberry at, N. Sydney Forsyth .1. M., Victoria st, Roseville Forsyth J. W., High st, Willoughby Forsyth James, Gale at, Mortlake Forsyth James A., 8 Foy at, B'main Forsyth James L. headmaster Public School. Becs. roft rd. Beeeroft Forsyth John, Whets) at. Campsic Forsyth John, J.P., "Peckham," Cowper St. Itandwiek.TO. Randwick 61 Forsyth John, .1.1'., Great Northern rd, Rvde Forsyth John, 83 floronia at. Redfern Forsyth Mrs., 211 Plitnir si, Ismoot Forsyth Perey, ambridge St. Wghby Vcrsyth R. .1., J.P., Sharp St. C'bury Forsyth R. T., house and land agent, Penslmrst at, Willoughby; and Gordon rd, Gore Hill Forsyth Robert, Si Eveleigh at, R'lern Forsyth Robert, .LP., Gordon rd, St. Lvonards Forsyth Robert C:, J.P., "Waveney," Roehlands rd. Wollstoneeraft Forsyth Robert II., 78 Canukri at. Newt own Forsyth Mrs. Rose II., Bin-wood rd, Burwood Forsyth 'P., 216 Liverpool rd, Ashlield Forsyth Theo., 27 William st, B'main Forsyth Thomas, Howard at. Itandwiek Forsyth Thomas T.. J.P., MeLelland at, Willoughby FORSYTH A. & CO., LTD., Bone Forsyth W., Longueville rd, Lane Cove and Twine Manufacturers. 339 Forsyth W. A., Orange st, Wwick Kent at.Tel., Tel. City 341. Works, Forsyth W. E., Locksley st, Killara Bourke at, Forsyth W. F., thigh at, Willoughby Forsyth W. II., Forsyth st, \Virg/thy Forsyth Bros., blacksmiths, Pennant Forsyth IV. S..public ;memo, st, Parramatta taut. 1,8 l'itt st Forsyth .1. B. Ltd., tannery, Smith Forsyth Walter, 111 Mitchell at, at, Willoughby Glebe Forsyth, Pizzey k Gates Ltd., leather Forsyth Walter D., 12 Stewart at, grindery, and boot machinery Balmain merchants, tanners, cutlers, etc. Forsyth Walter George, solicitor, comTannery, Willoughby. Warehc use, missioner for affidavits N.Z. and 514-510 Kent at, corner Albion Canada. 11 Moore p.r., "Col'dace. Tel., City 1725. Tannery, linroobies " Eastern rd and BenChatswood 347 galis st, Turramurra Forsyth A., 169 Parramatta rd, An- Forsyth Walter S., high at, Will'by nandale Forsyth Wm., Pennant at. Parramatta Forsyth Mrs. A., Martin at. St. L'ards Forsyth Willy E., Cope/and rd, 'remit Forsyth A. C., Brooke at, Burns Bay Forsythe A. is W., grocers, 388 Pitt at ForsythAdam.:LP.,manager Forsythe A., Parratnatta rd. Sum. Hill CO,,IIBridgeat. Forsythe 11. P., 11 Palmer at. A'armoo Wharf, Lime st Forsyth Adam, Fitzwilliam rd, Pars- Forsythe •T Eastern nil. Turramurra Forsythe James, Stanton rd, Ilabffield ley Bay 'Forsyth Alexander, 41 Regent st, Forsythe Joseph, grocer, 575 Crown st Forsythe Joseph. 501 Elizabeth at •Newtown 'Forsyth Alex. C.. Pennant at, rmatta Forsythe Norman, Yasman a ye, Wffeld Forsyth Mrs. Alice, Railway par, Bur- Forsythe Robert. Ivy at, Woll'eraft wood Forsythe W., A.C.P.A.. Australasia Forsyth Mrs. 081,:.. Wilson st. chambers, Martin place Redfern Forsythe W., 23 Falcon st, N. Sydney Forsyth C. II., Gould ave. Maeville Forsythe IV. K. commission agent, Forsyth Chas., Bedford st, Willoughby 65 Market St Forsyth David, 38 Jersey rd, Pad'ton Forsythe 47 Cook rd Forsyth E. 11., High at, Willoughby Forsythe Walter. William, 121 New -Canter'Forsyth F. A., High Et. Willoughby bury rd. Petersham Forsyth Francis, 28 Phillip at, Lnmore Forsyth George, Campsie st. Campsiel Forsyth 's William. Shirley rd. W'srats Forsyth George, 132 Wardell rd, Dul.1 Fort Street Kindergarten School— Miss Banks, teacher, Princes at r with Hill Forster Ernest. Martin st. Ilaberfield Forster Francis, Murriverie rd, Wav'y Forster Frederick It., surgeon dentist, 203 Macquarie at Forster George, 313 Nelson 'st, Annandale Forster George, 33 Palmer at, Bahnain Forster George, Forest rd. Hurst vent. Forster George F., 19 Leiehhardt 51, Glebe Forster Mrs. II. J. B.. "Ancona," Wolseley rd, WooIlahra Point. Tel. 820 Edgeeliffe Forster Henry Allison rd. lrwiek Forster Henry W., solicitor, Post Office chambers, 114a Pitt at; Parramatta rd, Concord 'ForsterNortheote St. Ilaberfield Forster James. Victoria arc, Chatsw'd Forster Miss Jane, "Kyalla." Darling Point Forster John W., 7 Watkin at, N'town Forster Mrs. L., Livingstone hotel, Livingstone rd, Marrickville . Forster Mrs. Mary, Tindall rd, Artar. mon Forster Mrs. IL, 45 Ballast Pt. rd, Balmain Forster R. C. Hall. physician, 203 Macquarie at; p.r., 85 Wilson st. Newtown Forster Mrs. S., 310 Stanmore rd, 3farrielivffle 'Forster S. 11., 47 Elizabeth Bay rd Forster T., 64 Swanson at. Erskineville Forster W., 1 Little Theodore at. 13almain Forster William. 218 York it north l'orster-Mackel Mrs._ "Ianneah. •• Wolseley cres, Point Piper. Tel. 450 Edgecliffe WOOD, COFFILL It COMPANY LTD. Fos Fort Street High School—A. J. Kilgour, B.A., LL.B. headmaster. Princes st Fort David, 9 Mort st Fort James, Webber's rd, Hogarab Forth*. Henry J., 33 Rowe St, Woollabra Forteseue Bros., builders, Kelsey Et, Arncliffe Forteseue Scat, grocers, 91 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Forteseue George E. & Sons, Ltd., rabbit poisoning machine factory, Hurst at, Arneliffe Fortesene A. J., Loftus st, Arneliffc Fortesene Mrs. E.. 91 Phillip at Forteseue Mrs. E., 29 Devine st, .Erskineville Fortessue Mrs. F. E.. 160 Harris at rorteseue Mrs. F. E., 109 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Fortesene F. L., Loftus at, Arncliffe at, ArnFortecslegeE., sen., Hurst , Forteseue George, King:land rd, Forteseue J. IV. A., Wollongong rd, A met i tie Fortescue IV. A., Phillip st, Par'matta Fortey Mrs. Emma, Ill nore rd. C'gue Forte' 11. C., 133 Blue's Point rd, North Sydney Vortey J. F., Belmore rd, Coogee Porky James F., Brook st, Coops, • Forth Mrs. S., 432 Miller at, N. Syd. Ftudh Mrs. Ts Dougan at. Ashfield Forth Victor, 23 Judge at Pottier Charles. 11 High at, Manly Fortier Frederick, 123 Pyrmont at Fortier William, 25 Goodeliap st Fortier William, jun.. Scott at, Five Dock Fortier Win.. Lancelot st, Five Dock st Forlituston Percy. 74 It Fortune. John C. Salisbury fit, Botany Fortune Mrs.. Alfred ' at, Waverley Forward Albert, 140 Goodlet at Forward .511 lit, 21 Mandan' st, Way's' Forwsrd C. Es 9 West at, S. Sydney Forward George, Station at. M'Iands Forward ,la Me g . 21 Holden at, Ashfield Forward IV. II., 10 Watkin et, N'town Forwood A., Si Frazer st, Maeville Forwood C. II., Railway Institute, Devonshire at Forwood C. F.. lust 1st, Auburn rd, A111 111E11 Forwood Herbert E., Westbourne Et, Ca tit out FOrWOOd Mrs, .1,41n T.. Park at. hog. Forwood Percy, 71 George st, E'ville Forwood Mrs. R.. Mills st, Carlton Forwood W. A., 96 Windsor rd, Petersham Fosbery E. E., solicitor, notary public and commissioner for affidavits, 107 Pitt at; pr., 44 Bayswater rd Fosbery Hon. Edmund IV., C.M.G., M.L.C., J.P., "Eaton," 44 Bayswater rd 1, 0st:ea Charles IV., 106 ltsglan st, Mostnan Foskett Edward, Dudley st. Roseville Poskett II. A., Abbott rd, Artarmon Foskett II. J., 128 Henderson rd, Alexandria Fosliett 11. J., 88 Swanson st, E'ville Foskett 11. P.. Midst rd, Willoughby Foskett IV. C., Houston!' ave. C'wood Foskett William, Forest rd, Hurstville Foss A. E., Merley rd, llomebush Foss Charles, 12 VIIrOlig at CENTRAL OFFICE: 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 728 A. 1524 CENTRAL NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. Fos ALPHABETICAL. Fos1263: Foss Fredk., 25 Albert st, Ers'ville Foss Mrs. Jessie, 14 Fotheringhato st, Marrickville Foss Thomas, 100 Wilson at, Itedfein Fosse Bertram, 41 More/wall st, Wien: Fosse Joseph, 7 Young at, Redfern Fossell G., High at north, Parratnatta Posse). Mrs. J., restaurant, 239 Oxford st losses' J. II., tailor, 129 king st, Newtown Foiter's Fancy Emporium, 31 The Strand Foster F. L., J.P. C'.P.S., and regis- Foster Josepli, Woonona ave. \Valitrain of bird's, marriages and roonga deaths, and electoral registrar, Foster Louis, 353 Catherine St. L'hardt Hyde Courthouse, Church at, Foster H. J., Hunter at, Hornsby Ryde; p.r., d'eat's Ferry rd, Foster Mrs. .Margaret, 118 Chalmers:4 llornsby Foster Mark, 63 Fanning at, Tempe Foster Francis J., 3 Little .11nt. st Foster Mrs., 59 Cambridge st Pail. Poster Frank, Rathvay par, Carlton Foster Mrs., ltoland are, Wahroongs Foster Frank, William St. Mascot Foster Mrs., 79 Queen at, oollahra Foster Frank, 5 Charles st, Redfern Foster Oscar E., South at, Marrickville Foster Frederick, 4 Clayton at, Hal- Foster 1'. G., Marshall a ye, Warrawee' main Foster Percy, 2S Broughton at, North Foster Frederick, 23 Mead st, W'Cloo Sydney Foster tonsil:. E., Vaucluse rd. I 'Ouse Foster Peter, 12 Abbotsford at, KenFoster Fredlt, J., 37 Wentworth at, Foster George & Sons Ltd. Glebe Foster 8 ingtit'l Pr l:lence. 15 George st, Roe's Fredk. L., Parr:ottani rd, Foster It. C., 35 Davies at Engineers and Iron and Brass - Foster Foster Predk, Is. 63 Qusen st, founders, Bricicmaking and Min- Fostsr G. A„ Hubert at, Leichhardt Foster It. II., manager Sydney Prosi,ealamt ratory, "Wyoming," ing Specialities, King st, St. Foster G. E., Borlaise it, Willotighbt Ihaveinu ic ar l 11';:t,t8Ts,Tel. Automatic No. I. Foster 11., Bengalis at, rtnurra Foster 11. II., dentist, 374 Victoria at Foster G. IV., Carrington rd, Guildf'd Foster R. 11., Ryan at, Willoughby Foster McClellan Co., proprietors of Foster George, 346 Jones at Foster It. IV.. Cambridge at, Doan's Backache Kidney Pills Foster George, 158 N.S.II. rd, Double Foster Hobert, plumber, 250a Pitt st and Doan's Ointment, 76 l'itt st Bay Robert Edgerton at. Auburn Foster and Sons, produce merchants Foster George, Yastnar ave. IIaberfleld Foster Foster Robert, Lane Cove rd, T'inurra and agricultural seedsmen, 194 Fostcr George, Tramway at, Mascot Foster Robert IV., 9 Hampden st. Pans Sussex at Foster George, 43 Mites at, Rockdale Foster Ito/and, teaeher of singing, :11:1 Foster W. F. & Co. builders, 114a Foster George, 28 Alexander at, N. George at Pitt at, and 132-134 Morehead at, Sydney Foster Mrs. Ruth. 70 Darlingluirst Redfern Foster George, Silver st, St. Peters Foster S., horse bazaar, 383a tf.:eorge Foster Miss A., 7 Stanley st Foster Geo. E.. Hyaline at, Campsie st.8732 Foster A., 118 Wyndham at, A'dria Fist em' George IL, jun., 7 Mount Ver- Foster Mrs. S. P.,City 14 Cromwell at, Fosteirmyrs. A., 19 Edward at, Stun. non at, Forest Lodge Leiehhardt Foster George IV., 185 Pitt at, It'ferm Fosb.t.r(mS1.1 0., 134 Wilson at, Newtown Foster A. E., 7 Fred st, Lewisham Foster Mrs, Grace, Fuller's rd, Clewood I Foster A. E., Beauchamp st, Mar'vilie Foster IL T., 53 Julliett St. SFyillc Foster Mrs. Somali, 13 flowric at, NOW. Foster Albert, Roberts at, Camperdown Poster !broil, Bay st, Botany Fostenrlig.11ifrs. st Sandi E.,. May st. St. t osier Albert, 82 Barley st, N'town Harold, 33 Emmett at, N. Syd. Peters Foster Albert, Spencer at, Rose Bay Foster Foster Ilarrv. .1.P., agricultural seeds- Foster Sidney II., 111 Darling st, Foster Albert, 35 McKenzie at, Rozelle Balmain man, 2 5 Sussex st.Ti, e City oster Alfred, 7 Duke st, Balmain Foster Sylvester, 12 Ifannam at 6911; pm', Deatiairi ate, Foster Alick, Albert at, Ilornsby Feat ii' 'F., SO Bayberry st, N. Sydney Harry, 4 Thomas at, Redfern Foster Allen, Abbotsford rd Irbush Foster Foster Harry 0, Douglas st Dul- Foster T, C. J., barrister, 174 Phillip at Foster Ambrose, Barr st, Balmain boster T. .7., 52 Underwood at, Pad'ton wich Hill Foster Mrs. Annie, Bruce at, Brighton. Foster atZelit . 29 Henry, 49 Alexandra st, Drum• VOStPr T110111.1,C, he-Sands moyne Foster Arthur, 53 Lomb», al, Enntore Foster Thomas, Oxford at, Burwood Foster Arthur, 145 Young at, Redfern Foster Henry, 137 Ifeek's rd, Foster Thomas, 28 Sydney st, Foster Arthur (I., Bell St. Maroubra Foster Herbert W., Windsor ave, Rose. Foster Thoutas, Northente st , N'lstrn dale Foster Arthur S., 91 Great BuckingFoster Hiram, 14 1Vhiteliorse at, New. FostelrvicTkhomas, 125 Ruthven at, Rand. ham st, Redfern town Foster Mrs. C., Alfred at, N. Sydney Foster Thomas, Bay View st, Ten'son Foster Mrs. Ida, 350a Bourke at Foster Mrs. 0. S., 105 Pitt at, R'fern Foster Foster Thomas .5., Moonbie Si, SumJ., 15 Elizabeth St an(hie FosterClmrles, 300 Trafalgar at, ADDmer Hill Foster .7., Sydney rd, Granville oster Thomas S., Coward st, Mascot Foster .1., 31 Oatley nil, Paddington roster Charles, Batty St pans Fcster Victor, 77 Alma at, Darlington Foster .7. A., Queen at, Auburn Foster Charles, Ridge at, Gordon Foster .1. A., Lueretis iv, Lontstievillt Foster Mrs. IV., Thorpe at, St. Ives Foster Charles H., 14 Edgley at Foster W. C.. Coward st. Mascot Foster Charles, 32 Edward at, 1"sham Foster .1. 11., chemist, Forest rd, Posts!. W. If., 212 Edgeware rd, Hurstville Foster Claude, 75 Cowles rd, Mosman Marriekville Foster Jaeob, 23 Gould live, M'yllle Foster 11), 11., Claremont at, Campsie Foster II'. .7., 32 Copeland st, A'dria Foster Douglas, Sydney st, Itandwiek Foster James, Done at, Arnclitre Foster W. It., . \Mansion' rd. Irlaish ,Fostsr Mrs. E., Forest rd, llurstvillr Foster James, Beatrice at, Auburn Foster W. T.. Devonshire st. C'womt Foster E., 39 Hutchinson st. St. 1'st. Foster James, 21 RelliS at, Balmain Foster Wilfred, 63 Wa t erloo at Fo,ter Mrs. E. ('., SO 11order/1 st, Foster James, Sproule at, Lakemba Foster James, 31 McKenzie at, Rozelle Foster Wiflisiui, Wainisa st, Newt owtt Foster JanieE; A., Ileatriee at, L'eombe oster William, Fa irfowl at, Dui. Fasts'. E. G. S. Cleve Cleves at,yde H James T., 125 Macpherson at, ' Foster H. J. Rocky Point rd, Kog. Foster Foste1r111 1Vaverley 1 ■'illiant, 66 Day at, Leichhardt Foster Edgar, 3 Hurrahs rd, N. Sydney Foster Jethro, Wellesley at, Stun. 11111 1'04 Or Ettlillgrt011 St tad. Foster Edward, 220 Darling st, Bat- Foster (.0111110 John, hairdresser, 159 7A Castlemain reagli at FOSIWilli:MI, 36 Ocean rd. Slanly Foster Edward, 2 The Terrace, Foster John, 132 Short at, Balmain Foster279 N.S.11. rd, Pad. Foster Edward, Railway par, it 'wool Foster John, 11 Sutton at, Balmain Foster Edward G. S., off Delange rd, Foster John, 150 Beattie st, Balmain Fostt:lir ngItVilliani, nTi 3St.Janirsrd, Kissing Point Foster John, 11 Ross at, F. Lodge Randwiel; ro.ael. Mrs. Eliz., 83 Morgan st, Mar. Foster .10m, 10 Dowling st, Pad'ton Fostcr William, 102 K ing st . St, Pet, rickville Foster John, 83 Lennox st, Newtown Foster Willism E., 2 Fish ' s. 4 , Foster Ernest, 182 Mullens st, Balmain Foster John E., Melody st, (*(iogee Fostsr William E. N s Streenss's hots!. Rowley at, Cittn. Foster John IV., Simpson st, Bondi st Foster Joseph, 75 Campbell st. Gltbr rosterEdinburgh Isl, Mar'vinc roster Joseph, 23 Green's rd, Patriot] Foster Willians11., 21 Ryan st. L'hardt Foster Willi:no 11,1 High at, Murton Foster F.. 110 Westbourne st, 1"shant Foster Joseph, 35 Grern's rd, Padlon Foster William .1., 118 Princes at -CONDUCT UPWARDS OF ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL INTERMENTS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL. ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. ALPHABETICAL. 1264Fos Foster *William S., 82 Palace st, Petersham Foster-Hall 17., Burlington rd, ll'bush Foster,StackelMrs.,\VOIR. ley cres, Point Piper Fotheringliam and Sterrett, millinery warehousemen, 36 York st , Ma diet st, N'burn Fig hergill JohnM ', tinkeringham A., 26 Prospect rd, Suinmer Hill Fotheringbam (I., 368 Wardell ro, Dulwich Hill ', Miteringham Mrs, IL, Cook rd, Centennial - Park Fotheringham .1., 34 Awaba st, Mosman Fotheringham J., 27 Robert st, A'ffeld Fotheringham J., 8 Maddock st, P'sham Fotheringham J. IL, 17 Carsha1ton st, Ash,leld Fotheringhant tames. 213 Old Canterbury rd, Petersham Fotheringiumi P., Connect Mut ave. Five Dock Fotheringimin It. F., 87 Renwick st. Drummoyne Fotheringham Robert, Dean st, Enfield Fotheringham %V. A., Riverside cres, Marrickville Fotheringhame Capt. Jas., 100 L misa rd, Balmain Fotheringhame Miss, editress Yourso Al/STRALIA, 76 Pitt st 'rough John, Keith st, Randwick Foulcher Arthur .1., .1. I'., chemist, Bridge st, Drummoyne Faulcher II., I I i II crest St. Punchbowl Fouleher \V. A., .1.P., North rd. Hyde Foulds John, Eulalia st, 17rmington Foulds Mrs. Mary, 30 Botany st, Way. 'Foul& William, 119 Union st, N. Syd. Faulger IL, 188 Hereford st, Glebe Foulis James, 41 Lennon st, Mosman 'Foulkes Horace S., Parramatta rd, Summer IIill Foulkes Samuel. 23 Pacific par, Srly Foulkes William 31., Auburn rd, Auburn Foulsham Isaac, 27 Burton st, Little Coogee Foulstone A. .1., St. Hillier's rd, A It'rn Foulston George, Station st, Tempe Foulkes Samuel, Wallace st, hogarah Foulst on Thos., Railway par, Pensh'rst Foulstone Gladstone, Arthur st, C'ton Foulstotte James, 77 Nelson st, Rozelle Fountain Mrs. E. M., Llewellyn st, Baltnain Fountain Fredlc., Bridge st, Ds'inoyne • Fountain Fredk., 5 St. John sts -Si'town Fountain G. II., Junction st. MMIle Fountain George II., Prince of Wales hotel, 109 King st, Newtown Fountain Harry, Station st. Carlton Fountain datum's, Fraser st, Itandwick Fountain John, Stephen it), Itandwick Fountain Mrs., Ann st. Amen ffe Fountain Peter W., Queen's Hotel, 169 Enmore rd, Emnore Fountain W. II., music shop, etc., 333 Darling st, Balmain Fountain W. II., 97 Thompson at IMummityne Fountain William, 22 Arthur at, Batmain Fouracres T., Bruce st, West 1Cogaralt Foureade A., 56 Taylor st, Annandale Fourro Frank , Comberland A'burn Fourro Harry, Gipps st, Concord Fourro Joseph, Kissing l't. rd, Hondas Fourro William M., Harrow rd, A'burn rowel 1 E. T., 17 Robert st, Padlon Fowls II. W., 87 Albemarle it, N'town Fowle G. A., J.I'., Boronia st, Ken'ton Fowle J. A., Macquarie rd, WenChville Fowle James, Mills st, Canterbury Fowler and Bayliss, tanners, Botany rd, Botany Fowler & Costello, estate agents, 21 Falcon st, North Sydney Fowler John and Co. (Aust nil is). Ltd., traction engines, etc., Mutual Life building, Martin place Fowler and Son, estate agents, 47 Smith st. Summer Hill Fowler and Torr. deck chair manufacturers, Elizabeth st, Newtown Fowler and Woods, I rudders, Raglan it, Mosman Fowler A. C., Burns Bay rd, L. Cove Fowler A. E., Illawarra rd, Moorebank Fowler A. •I.. st. Sans Soots Fowler A. P. Ocean at. NV. Kogarah Fowler Mrs. Agnes, Edmund st, Waverley Fowler Albert G., O'Donnell st, Coogee Fowler Alfred. Pine rd. Fairfield Fowler Arch. C., 40 lamas st, Camperdown Fowler Arthur E., 97 Cary st, L'hardt Fowler Charles, 68 Belmont rut, Wotan Fowler Charles, 88 Abattoirs rd, Roe. Fowler Charles E., Broughton at, Concord Fowler Cosmo, 36 Smith st, Summer Hill Fowler Cyril, Chandos st, St. L'ards Fowler 11.. Station at. Naremburn Fowler Mrs. E., 310 Cleveland st Fowler Emannel, Kissing l't. rd. Irdas Fowler Ernest, Dover st. Botany Fowler Mrs. Eveline E., hotel, 105 Sutherland st, Pad'ton Fowler F., 18 Mary at. St. Peters Fowler Miss Horde, 1111 Marion st. Leichhardt . Fowler Francis J., 2 Searl at, P'sham Fowler Fredk., 270 Elswick st. L'hardt Fowler Fredk., off 158Weston rd, Roselle Fowler Fredk. II., Chapel rd, Bankst'n Fowler Fredk. .1., Hooper st, Wwick Fowler Fredk, W., J.P., 44 Edgeware rd. I7nmore cussler Freilk. W., 17 East esplainaw. Manly Fowler George, 98 Garden st, Fowler George, 7 Croydon rd, Croydon Fowler George, Nicholson at, C'wood Fowler George, 12 Short it), L'hardt Fowler George, 22 Pitt it. N. Syducv FowlerGeorge II.,Godfreyst, Lakemha Fowler Gladstone .1., Glen st, Bondi Fowler Barrie, 19 Smith st, Sum. Hill Fowler Henry, 97 Station st, Pet'sham Fowler Herbert, 98 Cascade st, Fowler Horace, 28 Holdsworth Wool lahra Fowler Mrs. J., 23 Rose st, Annandale Fowler .1. A., Vernon at. Hunter's Hill Fowler J. A., Hope st, Pymble • Fowler .T. II., 160 Catherine st, Leichltardt Fowler .1. IL, Grove at. Eastwood Fowler .hones, 26 Young st, An'dale Fowler James, Andover st. Carlton Fowler James, 16 Fay nit, Ronne Fowler James, 8 Black at, Maeville Fowler James A., 40 Park st, E'ville Fowler Jams A., 22 Calder rd, IFfcro Fowler John, 19 Dick st Fowler John, Byer st. Enfield Fowler John, Croydon ave. Euro ld Fowler John II., The Boulevard, ('heltenham THE LEADING UNDERTAKERS-WOOD, COFFILL AND Fox Fox Fowler John It., Beanies at, Llama Fowler L. E. II., 22 Wellesley it, Summer Hill FowlerLouis,tobacconist,687 George St Fowler Louis, 193 Wigram rd, Glebe Fowler Mrs. M., 9 Broughton st, North Sydney Fowler • Mrs. M., 30 Burton • at, North Sydney Fowler Mrs. Margaret, 47 Lit. Riley 1st Fowler Norman, 12 Iblvid st, St's1 Ile Fowler Oswald. I/011MM St, Bondi Fowler l'ercy, 84 Burton st FOWLER R. Pottery and Brick Works ( Established 1837). Head Office, George st, Camperdown, Sydney. Tel., 1.281;1i and 2867. Branches dt Darby st, Newcastle tel. .%1 7 Newcastle. Fitzroy St. Sydenhatn. Tel. 1.196o, and Robert at, Bankso avn. Tel. 172 Lidcombe. (See Advt. opp. Potteries) Fowler Mrs. It., sen., "Cranbrooli," 253 Australia st, Camperdown Fowler It., Clanville rd, Roseville Fowler Robert, Mimosa st, Bexley Fowler Robert, Nieholson at, N. Syll. Fowler Roliert, Gordon rd, Roseville Fowler Samuel. 31a Fotteart st, Reete Fowler Stanley, 130 Catherine at, Leichliardt Fowler Sydney P. Gelding st, Petersham Fowler Thomas, Brennan st, L'hardt Fowler Thomas, 6 111 pwood nit, North Sydney Fowler Thomas G., 198 Goullairn at Fowler \V. A., 43 Morris st, Stmt. II ill Fowler W. J., 20 Gilbert st, Manly Fowler AV. T. It., manager bonds., and warehouses, SydneyHarbour Trust, Circular quay p.r., Victoria House, Armstrong st, Wentworth Falls 'owler Win., 60 Penkivil st, Bondi '6wler William, 'Marine par, Manly 'owler William. Everton rd, St'fichl 'owlet' William II., Mark at, Lisleonibe 'owlet. William T., Louis st, 'owles Arthur, 92 George st, 1\-"Cloo 'owles .1. S.. 30 Margaret st. N'town 'owles Stephen, Cecil st, Guildford Fowles Willitun T.. Queen at, Airmen ffe Fowlie James P., 101 Murray at Fowlies Thomas, High at, Granville FOX BROTHERS. LTD., Importers and Manufacturers of Plumb sr's Galvanised Ironworkers', and Gasfitters' 'Materials, 276-278 Pitt st l'ox Bros., grocers, 181 Parramatta rd, Annandale Fox nud , Brown, machinery merchants, 18 Bridge at Fox and Lawson, coppersmiths and I lumbers, Sussex lane, orposite Iluddart, Parker's wharf Fox Sirs. A., private hospital. Forbes at Fox A. IL. manager hotel Metropar, Bent, 111101 and Phillip sts Fox A. l'., .1.1'., "Nirvana," SlarP st Lorigneville, Lane Cove River Fox A. Stanley, surgeon denti st, 12 Harkness it, Woollahra. and Cowper at. Waverley Fox Albert 17., Shakespeare st, Campsie Fox Alexander R.. Avenue, Bondi Fox Alfred, Salisbury rd, Campertlown COMPANY LTD. 'PHONE 726 & 1160 CENTRAL ALPHA.BETICAL, Fra1265 Fox Mrs. Annie, Wemyss st, Marrickville Fox Arthur, Lomeli St. Hinnies Fox Arthur J., Wlutrf rut, Concord Fox Arthur J.. 34 Moore it, Rozsdle Fox C. Cockburn, - accountant, 273 George nit p.r., St. Mark's rd, k Fox C. E., 32 Fitzgerald st, Waverley Fox C. J., frame makers, Milford it Fox Carsten J., Fern st, Randwick Fox Charles, Dalhousie st, Haberlield Fox Chas. J., Forrest st, Halterlield FoS Castles, Caurch st, Ryd? Fox Charles B., North rd, Ryde Fox Charles 17., Barton ave, Haberfield Fox Chas, II., 16 Charlotte st, Ashlield Fox Charles J., 33 O'Conmll st, Newtown Fox Miss D., 21 Gower M., Sum. 11111 Fox Charles J., 36 Holdsworth it, W'Itra .Fox Mrs. E., 11 Stanley st, Waverley Fox David, Queen at, Ashfield Fox Dsnald, Turner are, Haberfleld Fox E., Boronla at, Kensington Fox Mrs. E., 50 Silver st, Marriekville Fox Edward, 7 Ferry rd, Glebe Fox Edward, Albion st, Waverley Fox Edwanl It, 522 Marriekville rd, Dull- Fox Joseph, 3 Water st, Camperdown Foy Edward, Tennyson rd, Mortlake Vox Joseph, 124 Ilubert St, Le lehhardt Foy Ernest, Punchbowl rd, Enfield Fox Miss Louie, 79 Oxford at, Waverley Ely Francis, "Antemit," Lorne ave, Fox Mrs. Lucy, 16 Arthur st 11.111ara Fox Mrs. M., 17 Bridge nit, Erskineville Foy George, 150 Commonwealth st Fox SI, 145 Railway par, 17rskinevIlie Foy II. 1., 5 Alexander tune, Sfosman Fox Mrs. Margaret, 26 Arthur it, N. Syd. Foy Tat110:1, 92 Princes st Fox Martin. Parrantatta rd, Ityde Foy James, 72 31111( .01m st. 17rskineville Fox Mrs. Mary, Cook st, ltandwIck Foy Stark, Bellevue Hill, Rose Bay . Fox Mrs. Matilda, 1 Botany st, Waterloo Foy Mrs. Mary A., 15 Amelia st, Waterloo Fox Michael, Alexander st, Coogee Foy Miss, 287 Military rd, Mosmall Fox Michael, 20 Junior tit, Leichliardt Foy Patrick, 20 Sixth st, Granville Fox Montague F., Clarence ni, Rockdale Foy Walter B., 4 Slug/vet st, Ashfleld Fox Mrs. Nellie, 10 Walter st, Paddington Foy William, 228 Albany rd, Pershain Fox Otho, ErmIngton rd, Ermington Foy William, 12 Cooper st, Waterloo Fox Patrick, 6 Telford st, Glebe Foye ,Toseph, Wolseley at, West Kogitrah Fox Patrick, 19 Percival rd, Stanmore Foyle A. W., Auburn rd, Bankstown Fox R. J., Burdett st, Hornsby Foyle 17dward, 22 Hanover -it, Waterloo • Fox Pnillip, Belmont st, Alexandria Foyle Fredk. (3., Victoria at., Alexandria Fox Mrs. Ray, 154 Francis at, L'Itardt Foyler F., 188 Darling st, Balmain Fox B. F., Clifford a ye, Slimly Foyler Herbert, Todmatt eve, Ken ilngton Fox Ralph A., 9 Hewlett st, Waverley Fozzard Mrs. T.. 70 Crystal st, Petersham Fox Robert, medical superintendent Frakes A., 347 Catherine st, Iselchhardt Rook wood Benevolent Asyltun, Frakes A. T., Wazler st, Arneliffe Joseph st, Rookwood ',rakes Leartes, Alt st, Ashfleld Fox Robert, 3 Barkers lane, For. Lodge Frakes W., 79 Westbourne at, Petersham Willi 11111 Fox Robert, Hampden st, Ilurlstone P'k. ['rakes Win., coachbuilder, 60 MarlFox Edward P., 1 J/111103 st, Redfern Fox Sidney, 23 Cardwell nit, Bahama borough at. Fox Edwin, Kangaroo it, Fox Stanley, Denison at, Waverley Frame Mrs, 17mil5', 21 Netson at, Rozelle Fox Mrs. Emma, 103 Nelson nit, An'd the Fox T., Julian sts Willoughby Frame James, 27 Duke at, Balmain Fox Eric, rep. Kaiapoi Woollen Co., 56 Fox Thomas, see. United Servise Club Frame James, 24 Charles st, Elmore Slum rket st 169 Poidip st Frame John, 8 Sixth at, Granville Fox Ernest, 8 Bartley st Fox Thos.. J. l'.. 10 SleQuarie ter, It'zelle Frame John D., Adderley st, Au hum nt Fox Ernest, 30 Kin g st, Balatain Fox Thomas, till Taylor st, Annandale Frame Richard, 17 Commodore it), NewFox Mrs. Eva J., Hayes rtt, Neut. Bay Fox Thomas, East st, Granville town Fox Mrs. F., Smith nit, Mascot Fox Thomas, 38 Burnett at, Redfern Frame W., 9 En glish at, Camps Mown Fox F. AV., Hayes rd, Neutral Bay Fox Thomas, 2 Golden Grove st, Redfern Frame NV., og William at, Canterbury Fox Francis W., 151 Wycombe rd, Neut. Fox W., 36 Percival ni, Staunton! France Mrs. E., 320 Oxford st, Padd'ton Bay Fox Mrs. W. A., Calypso an', Mosman France 11., 50 Prospect nut, 17NkinevIlle Fox Francis, 2 Chapel at, Marriekville Fox W. .1., Robert st, Artannoa France Herbert. Calmed° nut. Campsie Fox Frank, High it, Carlton Fox Walter, Carlton nut, Carlton France It. 17., 48 Cecily at, Leichhardt Fox Frank, Everton rd, Strathtleld Fox Walter, 2 Winnie st, Neutral Bay France Robert, Liverpsol rd, 17Ittield Fox Frank, Osborne rd, Lane Cove Fox William, 43 Llewellyn st, Balmain France Thos., Waratatt st, Bexley Fox Frederick, Victoria st east, Durwood Fox William, Gladesville rd, Gladesville France Thomas C., Maud at, Lideombe Fox Frederick, "Lynburn," Darling Pt. Fox Willi mill, Hanover it, Gore llill France Wilfrid 3., 33 George st north Fox Frederick C., Lumley st,Granville Fox William, Railway at, Granville France William IL, 22 Brame nit, Rozelle Fox Fredk. G., J.P., "Roxborough," Fox William, Newington rd, MarriekvIlle Ji mimes Bede, 46 High at Baulkham Hills Fox William, 24 Stephen st, Paddington Frances Sister Mary, mother superior, Fox Geo., 3 Rose st, Darlington Fox William, 74 17s mins st, It ozelle Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, Fox George, 7 Fairmount at, Petersham Fox Wm. II., 215 Albany nil, Persil:0n Pennant St., Parramatta Fox George, St. Shank's rd, Randwick Fox Wm. M., J.P., 43 Baptist at, Redfern FrancIllion C., 10 Beast, Stattmore Fox George II.,rd, Alexandria Fox Willie G., 169 Victoria st, Lewisham Francin W., Stuart at, Kogaralt Fox George 11., 60 Yeo at, Neutral Bay Foxall and Foxall, Incorporated accoun- Francis and Sng th, shop and office fitters, Fox George R.11., 11 Stanley st, Wav'ley tants, 164 Pitt st 309a Pitt at Fox Gelrget T., 58 B p winan at, Irmoyne Foxall C. K , accountant, 164 l'itt st Franck A., 52 Malakoff .nit, Wyllie Fox II., Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay p. n., Lyons-44d are, KLIara Francis A., 388 nawlit's Bridge rd, St . Fox Harold, manager Eastern Tea Co., 18 Foxall 17. W., IS.I.A.A., incorporated acPeters King nut, Newtown countant and English secretary Francis A. C., 589 1■111g81, NeW1OW/1 Fox Harold S., solicitor, Queen st, Burty'd Japanem Consulate, 164 l'itt at Francis A. J., 60 William st, Redfern Fox Henry, 231 Trafalgar nit, An'dale p.r., "Glenora," Northwood rd, Francis Mrs. A. L., 76 Cabratnatta rd, Fox Henry, Garnet st, Millstone Park Lane Cove Mosman Fox Henry, 75 Crystal st, Petersham Foxall Henry G., (Hailstone as e, Wool- Francis Mrs. Agnes, 156 Albhn at Fox Henry, 135 Station at, Petersham wich Francis Albert, Hampton at, Croydon Pk . Fox Henry, 14 Margaret st, Rozelle Foxley P , 53 Rocliford st, Erskineville Francis Alfred A., 73 Camden st,Newt'n Fox Henry A., 35 Chandos nit , Ashfield Foxley Henry G., New Canterbury rd, Francis Arthur, Rosa nut, Oatley Fox Henry D., 40 Walker st, Redfern Iluirlstone Park Francis Arthur, 27 Yelverton at, St. l'et'r Fox Henry L., Ran ger's are, Muslim Foxley Thomas, 26 Ness ant, Dub . Hill Francis Arthur S., Stanton rd, liallerlield Fox Mrs. J., 12 Harkness nil, Woollahra Foxley Wm, D., Ill Smith st, Sum. 11111 Francis Mrs, C., 260 Forbes at Fox J.11., hairdresser, 571 CrOWIlst Foxon Joseph, 3 Roberts st, Newtown Francis Chas., 104 Boulevarde, Huh. 11111 Fox James, 121 Kippax st Foxover Mrs. Eva, 39 Judge st Francis Chas., 158 Norton st, Lei chliardt Fox James, 38 Alexander nit, Alexandria Foy's Stark 1,td., drapers, etc., corner Francis Chas., Wallace st, Slarricks ille Fox James, 50 Jennings et, Alexandria Castlereagh, Liverpool and Elizabeth Francis Charles, Russell st, Stratliffeld Fox James, Lisgar st, Granville streets Francis Charles II., Marsden rd, Hyde If ix James, Martin at, Lidoombe Foy A. J., 283 Military rd, Mosinan Francis Claude, Knight nit, A rnelitre Fox James, 7 Pine st, Newtown Foy Albert, Weston rd, Hurst sills Francis Clive, Milner cres, N. Sydney Fox James, 74 Palace at, Petersham Foy Albert, 1 Pariwa rd, Alositian Francis Edward, Albert St., Leichhardt Fox James, Chandos st, St. Leonards Foy Alfred V., serretary Assurance and Francis 1761 aril, 195 Meeks rd. Fox James, 4 Hardy a ye, Summer Thrill Association lad , 255a George Francis Edward C., 8 Chelsea st, Redfern Fox John, homeopathist, 399 Dowling st street Francis Edwin, Bland st. Holterfleld Fox John, 549 Illawarra rd, Foy Charles, Military . rd north, Guildford Francis Ernest A., 9 Ness are, Dal. Hill Fox John, ClanwIlliam it, Willoughby Foy C. P., drapar, 157 Oxford st Francis F. AV., 31 Vernon at, Marrickville Fox John E., Petersham rd, Marrlekvillo Foy D., "Garches," Clanville rd, Rose. Franck Frank, Dougherty at, Slascot Fox John W., 35 Glenview at, Paddlon sills Francis George, 35 Goodsell at, Newtown Fos: John 11',, Joseph at, Lideombe Foy Edward, 18 Mitchell st, Glebe Francis George II., 64 Young at, Redfern OUR ASSISTANTS ARE CHOSEN WITH CARE AND TRAINED WITH EXACTITUDE ANTHONY HORDERNS' — ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS. ALPHABETICAL. 1266Fra Francis ii., 44 Amy at, laskineville Frame laII.R.,5.1',34Jciliastati at, IULILII dIRI O Frauds 11. J., isuantry awe, Auburn Francis Harold, St a Lion st, A niellife Francis liarold, rig Wentworth rd, Bar- r num:Is Harry, Roberts n ye, itanclwick Francis Harry L., Parramatta rd, Coned Francis Henry, Sher Port Irma, Forest rd Ilunstv Francis Henry, 39 Wells at, Redfern Francis Emmy F., locust manager Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., and Lancashire Insurance Co. (Fire), Royal Insurancebuildings,cornerl'Ittand Spring:p. r."Within." Shell Cove rd, Neutral Bay Francis J. 11., Jenkins st, Wilton glaby Rands Mrs .3. D., Fair light ens, Manly Francis John, off Wentworth rd, Durwood Francis John, High it, Caritoa Frauds Jahn, I Sheehy st, (Bela, Fran els John, 28 Bank at, North Sydney Fronds Joint W., 13 George st, Redfern Francis John W., 793 Pitt it., Waterloo Fralleii.Toseph, 211 Them yst, Dridnanytie Francis Joseph, 68 Barren at, Erstevilla Francis Joseph, 2 Turner at, Redfern Francis Joseph, Cliff at, Vatichme randsG.. Campbell st, (lore 11111 Franc Is Maurice, 125 Phillip al, Waterloo Francis Miss, teacher of dressmaking, 44 Castlereagh at Francis P., restaurant, 603 George st Francis P., Cammaray rd, Nth. Sydney Frauds Peter, 39 Gallium at Francis Phillip. 87 Shad forth at, Mosman Frauds Robert, Parra matte rd, Durwood Francis Samuel T.,138 St., Randwick Francis Sydney, Knight si, Amalfi.; Francis T. W., physician and surgeon, 226 Military ral, Mcantan Franck; T, W., 70 Thornley at, Uhanit Francis Thomas, 2 Ferris at, Annandale From eshomas, 161 Elizabeth at, Wien Francis W., Bay at, Brighton-le•Sands Francis W., Henley Olathe Drive, D'oyne Francis W., 113 Arundel at. , For. lodge Francis W. T., 86 Lawson it, Paddington Francis William, 101 Brougham at Francis William, Ramsay rd, Haberfield Francis Wiltimo, Rahway par., Kogarah Francis William, 21 1 Bailey at, Newtown Francis William, Inn., Bay at, Rockdale Francis Wm. C., Crown st, Sherwood Francisco Percy It.. Dartlirook rd, A'b'rri Franck Mrs. A. L , Falconer st, Ityde Franck.; Mra, M., 14 trallIttar at, Emma; Franck.) Sminiel, Donato)/ at Remington Franekel , Sile ncer it Co., public Ree01111t• anti and auditor t, Royal Insurance Buildings. Pitt and Spring it Franckel 31artin7Stmthityle,"19 Bligh at Fran ekl It. G., ItecrenthatLelehliardt Fnmemnbe L. II., florist, 04 Regent at Frandsen Frank, 40 Burt at, Rozaila Frandsen Mrs. Louisa, Kent at, Rockdale FRANK AND BRYCE. LTD. Linen Thread and Twine Mann fueturers—Me (calls anti Baranni, Representatives—Y. W.Broadhurst, Manager, 3730. George at, Sydney. Telephone City 7402 Frank and James, bakers' manilas, 100 Sussex at Frank Adolph .1., Hai it, Bondi Frank George, 41 Cechy at, Iolchimrdt Frank II., Normanb y al, Auburn Frank Mrs. II. 125 Marrirkollie rd, NI' villa Frank Herman, 101 Erracat at, N. Sydney Frank John, Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Frank Joseph Rocky Pant rd, Arnellffe Frank IL Lloyd, Holliarrow at, Lowden FrankWe hbera rd, Kagarah Prank Mrs. 0 , 04 Cab mina On H. Ms. man Frank Mrs. T., Allison rd, It and wick Frank Timm.' E., Moreton al. Laktmilm Frank W. J. H., Abbotsfordat, Kenglon Frank William, Kent at, Rockdale Franke Albert,, Banger's ave. Motmait Franke Edward lb, Cho roll at, Cadbury Frankfurt Sausage Co., ltd., mann faturn rs,Importer'sandexporters. Works, Office and shop, 27, 20 and 31 Pitt at Franklin))) Gen., 24 Smith it, Paddington F ran khan' Al he rt. Cardigan at, Guildford. Frankliant N., 04 Da° at Frank] James P., J.P., manager Mara Dock and Engineering Co., Limited, Cameron it Batmanp.r.,11 Timm . sttalmain Franki R. I. N., "Montrose," 7 Thames at, Batman,Tel. Raimain, 251 Franki S.. 61 Alf red it, North Sydney Rankle 111 want P., Ida it, Canterbury Frankish Charles, Taylor at, Pennant 11. Frankish ,T. R., saddler, 337 Sussex it lemokinh J. IL, 243 Trafalgar at, An'ditle Frankish Mrs. 31., 86 Crystal at, Fetish:1m Frankish N., Rhodes a ye, Nam Man Frankish W. B. Forest rd, Bexley Frankland A., 74e Dowling et, Padlon Frani:land Alfred, Oka rd, A raclide Frankland George, 82 ItosAer st, Rosetta Frankland Mrs. 3,, 218 Evans at, :Ronne Frankland It. J., D17 Graf ton st, Irlahra Frankland W.,10 Walter st, Leichhardt Frankinnit William, 8 Fern at Waveriey FranklinandEnemark, designers, 11 O'Connell st Franklin A., 40 Wyndham st, Alexandria Franklin A. A., 22 Newington r(I, Marriekville Franklin Mrs. A. E., Dixon at, Parthattn Franklin B. ,T., Piper st, Annandale Franklin Mrs. C., Queensclilfa, Manly lerankith Charlea, Rawson at, Lidcombe Frank/in Mrs. lb, 44 Margaret at Franklin 31 rm. E., 41 Hugo st, Redfern Franklin E. B., 29 Glerstein at, Woolley Franklin Edward, Raglan at, Long Bay Franklin Edward S., IfeklUt at, Auburn Franklin Edwin J., Avoca st, Waverley lernaddla Mrs.9 York at Franklin 1"rederiek,183 York at north FranklinFredk.,MaroubraBayrd, Rand wick Franklin G.A.,Kensington rd,Kensington Franklin George, Market at, Randwick Franklin II., 41 Raglac at, Waterloo Franklin it. O., 237 Cowper it, Waverley Franklin Henry, Brussel st. 3l,taeimt Franklin henry, 17 Green at, Waterloo Franklin J. 11. W., 7 Little Napier at, Paddington lieaces, A bbasford Franklin James, Franklin Ins., Gliabcs at, Halo lath Franklin Sohn, 174 Duke it Franklin John, Camphelitown rub, Llverp. Franklin JohnII.,St.TI/0111a5at, Waveriey Franklin Joseph, 25 Ithahley St, Batman Franklin Joseph, Haidon at, Tokembo Franklin JoseplQ,55 John at, Waterloo Franklin Sirs. M., 8 (filbert at, Manly Franklin Mrs. 31, A., PLIMC flew it., Li y r rib Franklin Mary L, GrandView hotel, 251 Oxford at, Paddington Franklin 0., 20 Newington rd, Mai-13111e Franklin 1'. C., TOIIIIIRIL Mt, K00110011 Franklin Paul. Eastern ave, Kr ha ing ton Franklin Mrs. R., Rimer° eve, Bethune WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. Fra Franklin Mahan!. 1'1111111 st, Waverley Fratiklio S. B.,William it, Mascot Franklin S. J., 80 Vietoria at, Wtiverley IN auk lira Sidney IL, Rid gewell al, La kolaha Franklin T., 21 Cleveland st, Darlington Franklin T. E., West Botany rd, Franklin timmas, jun., We st IlatmlY AniellIfe Franklin Thomas, 50 Flancis at, Glebe Franklin l'hos., Commonwealth par, Ilanl)' Franklin W., Argyle rd, Rush]) rst Franklin W., 13 Co nil multi a at, Redfern Franklin W., 42 Grose At, Camperdown Franklin W. 11., 20 Victoria At, Murton Franklin V, J., 21 Vincent at, Balmain Franklin W, J., Ciummant at, mask) Fro aril It Walter, 14 Reserve it, Anted ido Franklin William, Fern ii., Itandwick Franks Mrs. A., 50 Annandale at, An'ibile Franks A. 11., 50 Renwick it,Dramalloy ne Franks A. Ii., 214 Crown st Franks Alfred 11., 22 Little Painter it Franks Andrew W.. floral rd, Mamma FrankisilsAl rtinir, Victoria' rd, Ermington Franks Blaney, 3 Norton it, latiehhardt Franks C., Munuy rd, Beeeroft Franks Charles, Ray's ni, Pennant Hilts Praia Charles W., Ross it, Parnimatto Franks le., Tinton/ a ye, thalingtord Franks Frame's, 225 Young at, Annandale Franks Frederick, K Imne st, 31aavot Franks Frederick, Park ni, Slaseat Franks Frederick, Ifegarty at, Itnethlftle FranksFrederl etA.,in a nufaaturcre agent, 127 King it Franks (Merge, 13 Bekaa/eat, Rezak, Franks Harris, 171 Regent at, Red tom FRANKS HARRY (A. G. Nlitchell, Proprietor), Printers' Furnisher and Manufacturers'Agent,Merchants' Court, 82 Pitt et, Sydney Franks Barry, ofi Willoughby st, Carlinglord 'emits' s II enrY, 16 Grosvenor at, W Ulan Franks Ile rite ii .,North It ("ford Franks Hyman, tah,i r, 130 George it west Franks Mrs. 1., 17 South at, Double Bay Franks J., Grand par, Brighton-lc-Sands Franks John, III mier st, Cadmium). Franks Leslie, Data nl, Petunia 111115 Frank.. 31m. 31., Oxford at, Durwood. Franks Mrs. 31tagaret. :18 Naha al Ranks Morris, pawnbroker, 31) Botany rd, Alexandria Franks Percy, Dural rd. Pennant IL his Franks Peter, Alice at, Auburn Franks Robert, Western rd, May's Hill Franks Mrs. Sarah, 511 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Franks Thomas, orchardist. Pennant II, Franks 3110111111i, Dural at, Pa atua Hills Franks Willis,,,, "Umaimi g ,"1191111010n ave, Nein nil Bay Franks William, Parma it. Panamint' Frankton George, 7 Queen's tv,, Fraud:um William. 75 Church st, Newta Ronan NIrs. 11., 11 Mary at, Newtown Franslon Edwin, 1 la Evans at, Roselle Franz and Partridge, pastryrooks, Railway par south, Granville Franz Charles, 7 Collins sit, lto zone Franz Sirs. J., id Dudley bt. Mantelsrine Frappell A., 411 Terrace ni 31arriekville Frappell Charles. 52 It 'se by 4, Witaoyno FrappelL W. J., Cowper st, Calmasle Fray Fredk., 52 Atel118011st, N. Sydney Rasa Henry, Rocky Point rd, Kogarali FnlserBros.,printers, 95 Enatorc rd,. Eamon) Fraser Misses C. and NI., 4 Londan at, Enninre CENTRAL OFFICE : 810-12 GEORGE ST. "HOKUM 1524 CENTRAL Fra ALPHABETICAL Fra1267 Fraser C. W. & Co., importers, 351 Pitt at Fraser George H., Fitzroy at, Abbotsford Fraser Robert, 68 Styles at, Leichhardt Fraser Flint Release and Photographic Fraser George T., 17 Henry at, Matra Fraser Robert, Osborne it, Ponsburst Co., Ltd., 351 Pitt at Fraser Gordon, 07 Alexander at, North Fraser Robert, 02 Boronia et, Redfern Eraser andIntakes,drapers, 383-387 Sydney Eraser Robert A., 126 Baidevard, DulBourke at, Anil 171 Oxford st Fraser Gordon, Oxley at, St. Leonia& wich11111 Fraser Mrs, Ii., 382 Ste annum rd, Wyllie Frio: 4)r llollert A., 22 ()cantina ht, Mosman FRASER, RAMSAY PROPRIET- b'thser IL A., :12 Sallarland at, St. Peters ARY, LTD., General Merchants, Fraser IL. T., 377 Church at, Parrtunatta Importers 111111 Indent Agents, 365 Praiser Mrs. Harriet, shirt manufacturer. FRASER ROBERT W. Kent at, Sydney 1 and at Melbourne, 170a George at A dela kle, Brisbane,Weillnabob Fraser Solicitor, 64 Post Office Chambers, Henry, 32 Palace at, Aalaileill Christchurch, Dunedin,Auckland. Fraser henry, Rowley at, Campordewu 114a Pitt at; p.r., 543 Bourke at, Colombo, Camilla, Foorhaw, and Fraser Jimmy J., Mitchell at, Kogarah Loudon Agents, Maples,Teesdale London andCo.,6Fredericksplace,Old Fraser Henry J., 16 Arthur ett, 31' vnie Jewry, London, E.G. ;Worcester, Eraser, tither and Co., Ltd., mercantile Fraser Hugh, Duke it, Batman Lord and Parker, 3 Foregate it. mid brOlow4, City Mart Fraser I high, 232a Glebe Pt. rd • Glebe all Tel 1(124 City. Framer Hugh, Neville at Willoughby Building, 11 mullion st Fraser and Willorsdorf, agents for "Sun- Fraser Isabella, 5 Erskinoville rd, Ers- Fraser MIAs S., 115 Walker ad, North Syd. beam" and "Adler" Motor Cam, kine vIlle le raser Mrs, S. A • 3 Fitzroy at., N'towia Canada Buildings, 822 George at Fraser J., Asst. Commissioner for Run- recta r Samuel, Crown at., 11cm hey ;Fraser A., 6 Centennial st, MarrIckville ways, 52 Ph ill Cr at Fraser TI1001101, Duke at, &drank' Fraser A. H. C., lhavta's rd, Romani) Fraser 3., (15 lialgrave at, IlianlY Fraser l'Immax, Vicar at, Coupe Fraser A. J., William Edward at, Lon- Fraser J. A , Nathan rut, Roseville Fraser l'homas, 49 Gum at, Nth. Sydney quanta Fraser 31r,. J. 11., 63 Renwick at, L'hanit Fraser Timms, Cowper at, Rand wick Fraser Rev. A. J. (C. of 11.), Macquarie FraserJ, It., 105 Cleveland at, 'Redfern Fraser 111011111li, Park rd, St. iatonards !erase, J S., A ['clovers% Carlton rd, Auburn Fraser Thos. 11., J, I'., Grifiltha st, A'lleht Eraser Mrs. A. L., 0 Dar/ey it Fraser James, 15 London at, Eamon) FraserMrs.W.,217Parramattard, Fraser Albert C., 'SS Emma at, Leichhardt Fraser Samoa, 00 Francis at, Leiehlowdt i A arle idia:{o e Fraser Alexander. Firth at., Lelchli a tilt Fraser 'amen, 280 Nlarrickville rd, 3thr- Fraser rg est, Erskinevillo Fraser Aiexamter, Iimutoru at, N. Sydney rickvi Ito Fraser 311th 3%),, Item High at, North Syd. Frither J111111eS, 52 Itanger's rd, Neutral B. enver 33'. A.22 E glington rd, Glebe Fraser Alex., 14 Fanning at, Tempe Fraser Alex., Penshurst at, Willoughily Fraser James, 98 Carabellast, N. Sydney Fraser W, K., Tyrell st, Ityalo Fraser James, 103 Paddington at, Patton Fraser Rev. W. Newby (C. of E.), 58 Fraser Alex. A., Cameron a, Rockdale Fraser Alex. D., Allison rd, Randwick Fraser 311111C3, Yana° rd, Pymblo Carabella at, North Sydney Fraser Alex. G., 3 Olive at, Neutral Day Fraser James, York rd, Randwick Fraser W. 0., Ivanhoe at, NinrrIckville Framer Mrs. Alive, Chambers ave, Bondi Fraser James, 11 Boundary at, Redfern Fraser W. T., 4 Eilloglinin at., Mamma Eraser Andrew, Joubert st, Hunter's Mil FraserJames,son.,12Crescentat, Fraser Wither, 110 Shadfortit at, 3losumat Rozolle FraserAnglia,buttermerchant,190 Fraser William, 17 St. Andrew sit, Winnin Fraser James H. It, di Elizabeth at Prager WIll lam, Comsat at, Dill. Hill Sussex it Eraser Arch., 830 King st, Tempe west, Asitheld Fraser William, Junction nl, Bono by Fraser Arthur, 47 Nelson at, Itozelle FraRr Jam lea IL T., 6 Adolphus at, lint' mu Fraser William, 21 Frederick it, St. Peters Fraser Jall/Ca W., Cook it, !Land wick -Fraser Arthur, Elizabeth at, Waterloo Fraser William A., Nlatinhig it, '.VA verley :Fraser Mrs, Bella, 55 Burt at, Roselle Fraser Mrs, Jane A., 81 Parramatt a rd, Fraser William 0., 14 Auld!) it, Neut. 11'5' Fraser C., 11 Bowe at, Fit. Patera Ashlleld Fraser William J., 40 Emma st, Lliardt Fraser Silas Jean, Fitzroy at., Durwood Fraser Charles, 241 Italian° at Framer William IL, 3H Bland at, AshAcid Fraser Cihas., 213 Parramatta oh, Fraser Mrs. Jessie, 65 Surrey at Fraser William R., Yount, at, Neutral B. Fraser John, produce merchant, markets, Rater Edward W., 166 Commonwealth at 'Fraser Charles, 11111a, Balgrowlail Ultimo rd Fraser CNN, 2 C111111111 ,111 at, SU inmer 11111 1' rater May, Elaine rest, Kensington Fraser Charles, Ilightleld rd, Lindlleld FraserJohn, 42 Yuman it Rater Sirs, J., 50 Woolcott at Fraser Charles IL, Itedmac ral, Strath. Fraser John, 12 Chelmaiont at, ("down lender John, SIMS Scud Fraser John, Railway era., Recruit geld Prater John, 33 Wellington at, Waterloo Fraser Colin, 23 Laskin at, Camporclown Fraser John, Cowper at, Granville Fritter Oscar, Rocky Point rd, Kogarali Fraser 31 rs. D., 35 LittleArthur at,,N. Fraser Sohn, 22 Edna at, LcIallbanl leral its Sal ''a, Edgar at, An barn Fraser John, 28a Well a st, Ye10111M ta rtan.; .thsepli Alhart ores, Croydon, Sydney Fraser John, 23 Alfred at, St. Peters Fraser Da vkl, 25 JOILI1 at, Lciddmnil Frawley Daniel, 140 Darlingiturst rd Fraser Donald, M.A., M.11„ Ch.M., 40 Fraser John, 2 Botany st, Waverley Frawley Frank, 16 Foley it College at Fraser John A., 43 Arundel at, For. Lodge Frawley J. B., solicitor, 54 Elizabeth at Fraser jibui E., 81. IN ion at. N'orth Syd. lents' lay John, 9 Orwell at. Fraser Donald, 13 Pearl at 'Fraser Donald, Park rd, Marrickvillo Fraser John E., 3 Brightaa al, Pa/slime Frawley Sirs. 31., 3 Pelham at, Doliblellay :Fraser Donald, 75 Can it rota al, PadMin Fraser Joint S., U111111181, Granville Frawley Patrick, 118 Mitchell et, Glebe Fraser Slias F.. .Margaret at. St rathileld Fraser Joseph, Rangers id, Wonsan FraileY Hilton, 13 Albert. at, Newtown Fraser Si is. E. A., Wallace at, Willoughby Fraser la A., Sclmol tzar, M arid( vii Ic FrayneRIcketty St. , %moot Fraser 310). E. J., 23 Brialmne st, Wavt3) lerathr 1..20 Charles st, Drakiaeville 'Maser 10.1dic, 2 Layton at, Camperdown Fraser Sirs. Si., 278 Elswick st , I eiciali'dt FRA Z ER & BEST, LIMITED, 24 Band it, Sydney, ImIcntors of all Fraser Mrs, NI, A., Dora at, Harstvilie Fraser Edward, 73 Smith at, novelle classesof31oreliand lac. Atu tralFrager SIN. Mary. 12 Hargrave at Fraser Silas Elton, Dittmar at, It wick aslantAgentsforItmu glici,Mal Fraser F., IS MustOn at., Mosman FraserSirs.311lny.PISMoran'rd. AmericanMainline' liras.Cable Hamrick villa Fraser Mrs. It.. 11 lipping rd, 'Palma Address, "lerazbest".Codes:We sEntSe r F. J., 129 Arundel al, For, Lodge Fraser Mrs. Mary,35Wycombe ml, I ernUnion(ilitiversalEtlition1 Fraser F. W., manufacturers' agent, 50Neutral Bay A.B.C.(MILEdition), nodprivate. 54 York at; p.r., 6 Mastro) fit, Mos. Fraser 31iss May, Harold at, Panama( a Telephone : City 8774 Fraser Frank, 51 Rosebera at, Badman) Fraserhim.31nry,78St.Jay nes'ni, Rainiwick Fraser Frank, Ityde rd, Hunter's 1111L Frazer A. 11., 'Portman 111 .11, Keithingt on Fraser Mrs., Upper Avesta ni, Mosumn Frazer Alex., 24 Hill at, North Sydney Fraser G., Albemarle awe, Woollahm Fraser Norman, DI FltZrOY /we, 13abnain Frazer Alfred 11., teacher Public. School, Fraser G. II, Mooney at, Behnore Fraser Oliver Si., Alton al, Woollahra Fraser 0. W., Tulip at, Chatswood Broad rd, South ltandwiek Fraser Peter, 139 Flinders St Fraser George, 50 %%trim at Frazer Mrs. C., 30 Excelsior it, L'hardt Fraser It. II. 33'., Backhurst 'we, Point Frazer C. J., 306 New. Canterbury rd Fraser (4aorge, 0 Eve rlon at, Bad main Piper Fraser George, 333 Miller at, N. Sydney Petersham Fraser George, Jersey a ye, Peashurst le rmor Regina], Si mire at, Outlast° Frazer Charles, Bent at, Concord Fraser Reginald A.. SN'. Cardinals Si" tor Frazer D., 123 Railway par, ErskIneville Fraser Gen roe, lot) Abarerombie it, Labs, Ltd.. 7 Moon. at Fraser George, 120a Eveleigh at, Rad( na Frazer Daniel L., 33 %%Takla at, Newtown Fraser George G.,wine merchant, 7 FraserReginaldA.,2Gicrstein it, Frazer Duncan, 26 O'Conuell at 1htrk st Waverley Frazer 31th. IL, 64 Banana rut WE OWN THE EQUIPAGES AND HORSES OF MOST DEPARTED GOVERNORS ENTRANCES IN GEORGE, PITT AND GOULBURN STREETS. ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. 1268Fra ALPHABETICAL Fre Fre Freeman David, Henry st , Five Dock Frazer Miss Emily, 54 Sloane st, Summer Freeberg August, 42 Brougham st Freeberg August, Meek st, Lower It'wek Freeman E. B., Princess at, Canterbury lull Frazer F., 9 Marlborough st, Drummoyne Freebody Mrs. Jane, Nagle at, Liverpool Freeman E. E., Turner a ye, Butterfield Frazer Frazer Miss F., Trelawney st, Woolialira Free body Mrs. M., nurse, 70 Marconi aye Freeman Mrs. Edith, 5 Johnston at, Freebody William, Nicholson st, Tempe Batumi!' Frazer Geo., Yaranabbe rd, Darling Pt. Freeborn Miss M., Great North ni, Five Froein an Edward, Sloe Ile at, North Frazer George, Danger at, Randwick Dock Jlnlmeulleld Frazer George, Alviston at, Stratinield Frazer Hamilton, 11 Grafton st, \ratan Freeborn N. S., Pennant hills, rd, Car-. Freeman Edward, 3 Bruce at., Itozelle Freeman Edwin, Abouker st, Rockdale Frazer Herbert S , 54 Sloane at, Sum. ilugford Freeborn W., 05 Carlton ores, Sum. Hill Freeman Ernest IV., 20 Burton st, N. Syd. Hill Freeman Sirs, F. 243 Commonwealth tit Frazer J. It., floe mening st, lin be die Id Freebent Charles, Stanley st, Enfield Freeman F., 29 *m01110°11 at, N. Syd. Frazer James, 237 Young at, Annandale Freech Herman 11., 306 Harris St Freeman F., 101 Sutherland at, Padlon Frazer Mrs. Jane A., 18 Watkin at, New- Freed William, Ethel at, Randwick Freedman D. It., 617 King st, Newtown Freeman F. C., 64 Brighton at, P'shant town Freeman Francis, Clissold par, Calapsitt Frazer Hon. John (trustees of the estate Freedman Isaac, dealer, 294 Crown at Freeman Frank, Brook st, Coogee of the late), 80 l'itt at, Freedman Israel, King at, Anteliffe Freeman Frank, Shirley rd, WellatoneFrazer John IL, 23 'Wellington et, Itoz'lle, Freeguard F. E,, Weston rd, Hurst ville era f t Frazer Joseph J., Wetherill st, Croydon FREE/JILL, DONOVAN AND Freeman Pruitt:. Alereton st, Lakemba Frazer Mrs. L., 29 Bueknell st, Newtown HO LLINGDALE (Frank W. J. G., 32 Malcolm at, Erskine villa ' Frazer Mrs. B., Yarattabbe rd. Darling Pt Donovan, Bernard A Hollingdale), Freeman Freeman G., 254 Catherine at, Leichliara Frazer Mrs. Mary, Palmer st, North Syd'y Solicitors, Ocean House, 24 Moore at. Freeman G. H., 214 Norton at, Leichhardt Frazer Mrs. Mary, 03 Meeks rd, Telephone 387. Box 1054, G.P.O. Freeman George, Greeartere rtl, Bankst'n Frazer N., 45 George st, St. Peters Freehill Con, 30a High at Freeman George, 30 Day at, Drummoyne Frazer T., 76 Macaulay rd, Stanmore Frazer Thomas, 30 Breillatta st, An'dale Free land A., Riverside cres, Marrickville Freeman Harold, dentist, 197 Elizabeth at Freeman Harold, Albion at, Pennant H. Frazsr Val. G., 131 View st, Annandale Freeland A., Cowper st, Parrartatta Frazer W. E. manager Bank of New Freeland David, Merlin st, North Sydney Freeman Harold, Falconer at, Ityde Freeman Harold S., 74 Cowles rd, M'matt South Wales (head °nice), 341 Freeland F., Claremont at, Campsie Freeman Harry L, see. Woolelasaers' George at. ; p.r., '"eofts Monks," Freeland F. F., Church at, Ashfield Freeland Harry, Hay at, Randwick Association, 14 Moore St Elizabeth Bay rd., Elizabeth Bay Freeman Miss Helen, Cre inorne rd, Fraser W G., 168 Edgeeliffe rd, Wiabra Freeland John IL, 09 Derwent st, Glebe Cremorne Frazer William, Anglo square, Carlton Freeland Joseph, Melody at., Coogee Frazer William, Ramsay rd, Haberfield Freeland P. A., Ashburn place, Glades- Freeman Henry, 147 Crown at ville Freeman Henry, McEvoy st, Alexandria Freak Reuben, 58 (7arshalton st, Ashfleld Freeman Henry, Child st, Lidcom be Freame W. G., Hawkesbury rd, West. Freeland Percy, Oswald at, Campsie Freeland William O., Loftus tit, Campsie Freeman Henry, Pennant eve, Itydo mend Freely John, Houston al, Kensington Freeman Henry N., Harold at, Par'matta Frean Arthur J., 35 Day at, MarrIckville Freaney Miss C., 138 Wells at west, Red- Freeman and Co estate agents, 14 Freeman Ilerbort, 3 MeEllione 11111C0 Moore at• 1'1'001111111 Herbert, Ida at, Sans Moire) fern Freeman and Co , Ltd , photographers, Freeman I rvine, Troagate at, Granville. Frearson A., 10 Church at, Marrickville 318 George at Freeman J. A., Harwood rd, Burwood Freckeiton A., Lentall at, Kensington Freckeiton Mrs. E., 219 St. John's rd, FREEMAN'S JOURNAL Newspaper Co., Freeman J. II., 86 Mansfield st, Rozelle Limited—James If. Be Coffey, mgr. Freeman J. T., 30 Ocean rd, Manly Forest Lodge 15 Lang at, Church Hill Freeman J. V., Ill Morehead at, Redferu Freckelton F. A., Botany rd, Waterloo Freeman S. W., St. Allenti at, Ab'tsford Freckelton S. F., Princess eve, Waterloo Freeman James, 182 Nelson at, Atedale Frecker Charles N., Comer at, Burwood Freeman James, 54 Osborne rd, Manly Frecker Edgar, 25 Duxford at, Pad'ton 33 Campbell at, St. Pet. Frecker G., 117 Citandos at, North Syd'y 31anufneturers of BATHOS BAK- Free11111.11.1a1113:4, Freeman James, Princes eve, Waterloo Freeker Mrs. K., 2 Harrow rd, Stamnore ING POWDER, Freeman's Prize Freeman James V., Dudley st, Bondi Freeker 0. 0., Hoyden at, Enfield Pickles, Sauces, Vinegars, Peppers, Freeman John, 571 Fitzroy at Frederick Ernest E., 21 Keith st, Dul. Hill etc. Offices and Factory, 350 to 362 Freeman 34 Union at, Erskinevillo Frederick J., 10 Transvaal eve, Dble Bay Harris st, Ultimo. Telephone 652 Freeman John, John, 18 Taylor at, Glebe Frederick Mrs. N. C, 19 Wellesley at, City. (See Advt. opposite) Freeman John, Hanover at, Gore 11111 Summer 111il Frederick William P., French at, Kog'rall Fr.anitan N1rs, A., Great North rd, Alrford Freeman John, Bridge st, Lane Cove Frederick T., 108 Camden st, Newtown Freeman Mrs. A., 150 Nelson st, Mediae Freeman John, Botany rd, Waterloo Frederickhess Eu gene, Ida at, Ashfield Freeman Mrs. A., 95 Victoria st, L'shant Freeman John J., 11 Boylston at, Pad'tott Fredericks A. V., 6 North eve, Leichluirdt Freeman A. 3., 21 Belmont at, Alex'dria Freeman Joint P., 51 Croydon rd, Croyd'a Fredericks H., Lucinda ave, Wahroonga Freeman A. W., BE., mining engineer, Freeman Joseph, 37 Berton at Challis House, Martin place ; p.r., Freeman Joseph, Warotah at, Catiterb'y 'Fredericks NV., Cook rd, Lindfleld "Clodagh," Beresford rd, Rose Bay Freeman Joseph, Thin" a ye, Lidcombo Fredericksen Mrs. E,. Forest rd, Freeman Albert, 303 Riley st• Freeman K., Bongolong at, Narembern Frederickson F., 27 Victoria at, Roza° Freeman Mrs. M., Victoria at, Alexandria Frederickson Fred. 102 Upper Fort at Freeman Albert, 54 Park rd, St. Peters Freeman Albert 11., Cox ave, Bondi Freeman Mrs. M., West Botany rd, Frederickson B. Niatthews at, Irvine Freeman Alfred, 17 Prospect st Arneliffe Fredericksonat, Concord Freeman Alfred, 114 Silver st, St. Peters Freeman Mrs. 11., 132 The Boulevard, Frederickson George, Dean at, Enfield Dulwich II ill Freeman Alfred, Station at., firdale Frederickson IL, Concord rd, Concord Frederickson It., Northcote st, Hurstville Freeman Alfred .1%, New Zealand hotel, Freeman Mrs. M., 10 Sehlinel st, WaVloo 45-47 William st Freenum Mrs. B. E., 186 Bridge rd, Glebe Frederies George A., 45 Marian at, Enfit're Freeman B leimnel, grocer, 20 Fitzroy at Fredos John, 124 Constitution rd, Indent Freeman Arthur, 11 Elf red st, Pad'ton Free Public Library—W. H. Ifottld, Freeman Augustus, 54 Taylor st, Aredale Freeman N. .1., 52 Wells at, Redfern reeman Mrs. C., 2 Westmoreland at, Freeman Patrick, Iturwood rd, 'Suwon& principal librarian, Befit at Forest 1,odge Freeman Patrick, Cobden at, Enfield Free Mrs. 0,49 Kingsclear rd, Alex'dria Freeman C. G., 2 Bridge at Freeman Percy, Burwood rd, Enfield Free Martin, Spring at, Botany Freeman C. H., Chandos st, St. Innards Freeman It. 16 Arundel 'it. For. Lodge Free Thomas, 71 John at, Waterloo Freeman C. W., 35 Corunna rd, Stanmore Freeman Mrs. It. E., 84 Glassop st, Free NVilllam,18 John at, Waterloo Balmaitt Freear George, Bannockburn at, Pymble Freeman Charles, Arthur at, Enfield Freeman Charles, Greenhill" at, Enfield Freeman It. IL, 66 University at, CUM.. Freobairn and Co., tailors, 263 Pitt at perdown Freebairn A., tailor, 52-54 Royal arcade ; Freeman Charles E., manager Federal Timber Co., Gordon at, Bonito Freeman Rieharti, 03 Abercrombie at p.r., 6 Toxteth rd, Globe Freeman Charles G., 49 Wood's par, Freeman Richard, 329 3Iarrickville rd„ Freettairn john, 6 Reiby at, Newtown Manly Marriekville Freebalrn Robert, 52 Rainford at Freeman Robert, 70 Womeralt ave Freebaint William, King's hotel, corner Freeman Miss Charlotte, 23 Regent at Freeman D. L., Bunnerong rd, Kens'gton Freeman S. C., Blakesley at, Chatswood. Pitt and Ring sts • BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS. SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION *-1.0 :±a.• .1=g=23117--;..:11- :117.======. EZZISIMXZEIMI=E1 Fre1269 Established 1872. S. Freeman & Sons Limited, 350-62 HARRIS Sr., SYDNEY. ' Manufacturers— Pickles, Sauces, Vinegars, Peppers, Curry Powders, Spices, Coffees, • SELF-RAISING FLOUR, Torpedo Brand and Challenge Brand. Ail kinds of Ensiern Goods Stocked. BATHOS' BAKING POWDER cannot be excelled. Monthly Price Lists on Application. POLISH YOUR STOVE WITH "VULCANOL." Freeman S. & Sons, Ltd. WOOD,' COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. ALPHABETICAL. Telephone City 652. Freeman Samuel It., Whichcombe aye, Baherlleld Freeman Sanmel T., 20 'Myalurall ni, 110-nian Freeman Spencer, Nlort's rd, Mortriale Freeman S .vdney • G., Paelfic st, Wit v' icy Freeman Sydney 11., William st. 11Yrie Freeman Thos., 17 Sloutit at, Ashlield Freeman Thomas, 271 Stiller st, N. Sydney FreV/11311 ASt011 st, Granville Freeman 'Fitorints, 118 Camden at, Freeman Thomas E., 630 lilawarra rd, 11arrickville Freeman Victor, produce broker, 95 Sussex at, Freeman Mrs. W., laundry, 125 Riley st Freeman W., Great North rd, Abbotsford Freeman W., 38 University at, Cuitedown Freeman IV., -17 Formosa at, Droin'yfie Freeman W., 23 Little Cleveland at, Redfern Freeman IV., Beresford rti, Rose Bay Freeman Mrs. W., 3 Brae at, IVaverley Freeman IV. A., solicitor; Challis House, Martin place ; p.r., "Burrowaree," N.S.H. rd, Rose Bay Freeman W. A., 51 Hubert st, Leiellharrit Freeman IV. C., The Avenue, Itandwlek Freeman IV. II., Clyde st, Granville Fmeniati NV. H., Vincent at, 11arricir Freeman IV. II., 7 Elfred at, Paddington Freeman W. II., 128 Oxford st, Pad'ton Freeman Walter, 21 Garnet st, Dul. 11111 Freeman William, Weynton st, Antedate Freeman William It., MAT par, Waver- Freeth R. F. NV., Dailey st, NV. liogarali Icy Freetrade and Land Values League—A. Freemanth . Ernest IT, !railway . 1, h'el'm G. hiumie, secretary, 65 Matket et Freemant le W., 130 tiowrie at Newtown Freeze James, Leichliardt at, Waverley Fregel licger, Robertson st, West Keg. Free me Walter F., Stephen at, IC wick Freer Harry 11., Good at, Granville Freidman A., financier—If. L. Freidman, Freer J.W., watchmaker, 100 Liverpool at proprietor, 18 Castlereagh at Freer Percy, 91 Renwick st , Drummoyne Freidman Charles, 35 Samuel at Freer Robert, lienry at, St. Peters Freidman If. L., "then Ayr," Glenmore Freer Rowland, 6 It enwiek st, D'inoyne rd, Paddington Freer 'flumes, 15 Rowe at, Woolialim Freidman 11. 11., GM 17nderwood st, Freeston James, 631 Lading st, ltozelle Paddington Freestone A., 53 Belmont at, St. Peters Freidman Samuel, 29 Smmmmtum,l at. Freestone D. NV., 2 Weston st, Freidman Sirs. 8 troll, Carrington hotel, Freestone Edmund. \Void's n ye, IF vine Railway st, Petersham Freestone Fred, NV., 71 London at, Freitas E., Woodville rd, Bankstown EIIIIIC re Freitas Francis .1., Vaughan at., Lidcombe Freestone II. F., Bellevue par, Hurstville Freinlin Alfred, Boyle st . Enfield Freestone John, Cromilla at, Hurstville Fremlin C. M., manager Perfect Tea Co., Freestone Orilin P.. Hi g h st. Carlton 119 King at, Newtown Freestone Mrs. M. W., Johnston at, Fremlin Mrs. M. L., 14 Angel at, Newtown French Autogenous Welding co.—E. Annandale Freestone Mrs. Mary, 11 Piper st, An'dale Cazatinve, 296o l'itt, at. Freestone Iliac, 411 Glebe Point rd, Glebe French Benevolent Society, 2 Bond at Freestone Reg., 409 Glebe l't. rd, Glebe French Chamber of Commerce, 2 Bond at Freestone Walter, High at, Carlton French 1/atilei rind Sons, proprs. Federal Broom Co., Fred at, Leiehhardt FREETH F. W. (McMillan and French Leatheries (('ity Oflice)—Artiiiir Froeth), Real Estate Agent and C. J. Wood, J. P., manager, 77 Auctioneer, Rockdale (opp station). Castlereagh st Tel. Keg. 189. City Office, Banking French and Uttermarck, florists, 258 House Chambers, 228 Fit t st, Sydney Victoria at (Tel. City 1924). Sworn Valuer French Warehouse Ltd. (The), 22 Carunder L. G. Act. All branches rington at Agency Business personally superFrench Mr, A Waratair at, Enfield vised. OUR ESTABLISHMENT Is SELF-CONTAINED, WE MANUFACTURE AND REPAIR on VEHICLES VISIT ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM 1270Fre ALPHABETICAL. Fro THE HOME Fro • Froggatt 'W. W., entomological expert, Frost V. G., physician and surgeon, Fry Mrs., 62 Glover at, Mosman Fry Peter, Station at, Aneffiffe 28 George at north ; p.r., Queen's Wardell rd, Dulwich 11111 Fry Richard, 5 Junction st, \\'oohiam hint cres, Croydon Fruss.t..1:4t444r A., Iluddart st, Ear Fry Robert, 42 College st, Drummoyne From berg Mrs, Fann y, 106 Goldner» at Frost W., 85 ltochford at, Erskineville Frosdick Isaac, 8 Walker at, Redfern Frost Mrs W., Parramatte rd, It' field Fry Samuel, 92 Darling at, Behind,' , Frossard Levic and Co., cigar merchants, Frost W. C., confectionery agent, 8 Fry 3Irs. Sarah A., 21 Phelps st 100 Clarence at Young at Fry Mrs. T.11., Beigrave St, Marrickville Frost and Co., property wilts, 285 Frost W.11., Victoria at, Armin" Fry 31rs. W., 2 Centennial at, Mar vilie Parramatta rd, Leichhardt Frost Walt ss L., Stanley at, Chatswood Fry Walter A., The Avenue, Strathlield Frost and Co., undertakers, 285 Parra- Frost William, 78a Botany rd, Alex'dria Fry W. R., Kissing Point rd, Turramurra; matte rd, Leichhardt Fry W., 2 John at, Erskineville Frost William, Edge 1111I rd, Botany Frost and Wallace, Auctioneers, etc., Frost William, East par, Eastwood Fry William, 316 Miller st, N. Sydney Marsden at, Parramatta Fry William C., Simpson at., Al11111/11 Frost William, Victoria at, Long Bay Frost Mrs. A., 32 Glemnore rd. Padlon Fruit Within. 7 Walter at-, Paddington Fry William II., 51 Pile at., Dul. 11111 Fry 195 31arrickviile rd. Frost A. C., Franklin eve, Hyde Frost William, Smith at, Parratnatta Marrlekville Frost. Albert, 23 Jenkins at, Nth. Sydney Frost WilliaIll, JaltICH at, ROCkdalti Fryer Edward E. 0., Tennyson rd, TenFrost, Alfred, 25 Rosebery at, Balmain Frost Widisin C., 39 Kurralet rd, N. Syd. Frost Mrs. Alice, Cooper it, St ratlffield nyson Frond Airs, A gnes, 36 Smith at Frost Mrs. Amelia, 65 Denison_sit, From' Airs. Frank, 485 King at, St. Peters Fryer Herbert IV., William al, Granville Fryer Robert, 57 Arthur at Waveriey From' Frederick G., Alice at, Auburn Frost Anthony E., Victoria ave, Chatsw'd Proud Henry, Pine rd, Auburn Fryer Thomas, Globe at, Ityde Frost Mrs. C., George's River rd, Croydon Fronde II. II., dentist, 423 1)arling at, Flyer A. 3., 15 Lincoln at, Sternums! Fryer Alfred It, manager Bank of N.S.W. l'ark Bennett, (Branch),rd, Rose Bay Frost C., Roschill at, Parramatta Fm w Mrs., City rd, Darlington Fryer B. A., 348 Oxford at, Woollahra Frost Charles, Hardy at, Asidield Froy George, 46 Stator at, Alexandria Fryer Benjamht, 135 Gratton at, W'ahra Frost Charles, Wentworth rd, Burwood Froy William, 28 Sutter at, Alexandria Fryer Airs. C., Alurray rd, Beecroft Frost Charles, Q.bersai-st, Randwick Froyland J., 2;1 Sentinel at, Waterloo Foot Chas. II., 71 Upward at, L'hardt Frozzard R. \V., 2 Sadlier's cres, 1"sluun Fryer Airs. E., Northumberland rd, Au b'n Frost Mrs: Clara. 20 Waterloo at. Fruit Carriers' Association—W. J. Gow, Fryer Edwin, 181 Johnston at, An'ilale Fryer Frank, Bay visw at., Bexley Frost P. 0., 147 Victoria at, Lewisham secretary, Barker at :Frost Edwin, Convent rd, Concord Fruit Direct from Orchard, Ltd., 436 ryer George, Brock's lane, Newtown Fryer H., J.1'. mgr. The Dairy Farmers' Frost Mrs. Eleanor, 1 Augustus at, l'itt at ' Co-operative Milk Co., Ltd., 700 Minton' Fruit Exchange, Barker st Harris st, Ultimo ; ps., "Heyliski," Frost Mrs. Emmeline, Berestord hotel, 354 Fruit and Vegetable Markets, Hay st Asses, at, Itandwick Bourke at Frummer Waiter, Pine at, liandwick Fryer Harold, Clifford at, Parramatta Frost Frederick, 7 Judge at Fri's William, 11) Walter at, Ashlicid Frost Frederick, 481 Darling at, Rozell° FRY J. S. AND SONS. Limited, Fryer Harry, 21 Lyne how, Alexandria 2 William at, Ashfield Frost George, Hibbs st, Alexandria (Bristol, London), Cocoa and Choco- Fryer lierbeit, lierare, Rhodes at., Aleadowbank Frost George, Auburn rd, Auburn late Manufacturers—William Crosby Fryer Fryer John C., Dural rd, Pennsnt Hills Frost George, 30 Raper at, Newtown and C.1., agents, " Geelong liouse," Fryer John F., designer, 68} Pitt at Frost George S., thieve at, Campsie 26-:30 Clarence at., S ydney. (See Fryer John F., 2 Barnsby grove, DUI. Hill Frost George W., 182 Flood at, L'hardt advertisement opposite Connie- Fryer Maurice 11,251) Birrell at, Bondi Frost II. 337 Parramatta rd, Leichhardt Goners, Manufaeturing & Imparting) Fryer Richard, Bayview at, Bexley Frost II. Segenhoe at, Arm:1111e Fryer Thomas, Prospect at, Leichbardt Frost Herbert, Jaques eve, Bondi Fry A. E., Darvall at., St. Leonards Fryer TI10111114./ . ., 3 Bellevue aye, Pad'ton Frost J., Kembia, at, Enfield Fry A. W., grocer, 346 Liverpool at Fryer Thomas W. W., Hampton at, Pew. Frost J., Charles st, Petersham Fry Albert, Young st, Croydon burst Frost James, 24 Hugh at, Asiffield • Fry Albert E., Gale st, Mortlake Fryer Walter, 33 Avenue rd, Glebe Fry Miss A miii, 101 Conmantwealth at, Frost James, WillIam at, Canterbury Frost James, Rsymond at., Lidcombe Fry Arthur, 20 Malcolm at, Erskineville Fryer William, Lillis 4, North Sydney Fryer William G. 150 York at north Frost Jnumucs. 15 Bishop at, Marrickville Fry Arthur, Northeoto rd, Lindfleld Fryett J. W., 56 lloroula st, Redfern Frost Jas., Hi g h at., Stratiffield Fry August, Rawson at, Lidcombe Fry's.° Tom, 70 Wellington at, Newtown Frost Ja WS C., 10 Cook at, Glebe Fry C. 11., McKenzie st, Rozelle Fubbs Joseph G., 25 Gowrie stoNewtown Fry Charles, Wellington st, Alascot Frost Mrs. Jane, Marshall at, Kogarah Fuerth and Nall, Ltd., printers and Frost John, Wellington at, Mascot Fry Charles, Wilson's ave, Belmore paper box makers, corner .Mary and Frost dolui C., Railway at., Rockdale Fry Charles M., Railway par, Kogarah Reservoir sts Frost John F.. Carroll at, Kogarah Fry Charles W., 211 Cowper st, Waverley Pugs Mrs. Emily, Avoca at, Randwick Frost ,Tohn .1., West at, Botany rd, A'clitfe Fry Mrs. E., 252 Ocean Ms Paddington Fug° William D.,111axeellst, Granville Frost john W., Bowmer at, Banksia Fry E. M., Penshurst at, Willoughby Fuggles J. R., Broughton at., Sans sonei Frost Miss Lilian, teacher of music, Fry Edward, Victoria ave, Concord Ash at., og 338 George at Fry Edward, 1 Hopewell at, Paddington Fugill Walter, 173 Young st, Redfern Fuldendorf G. F., 28 New at, Annandale Frost Mrs. M., 195 Alfred at, N. Sydney Fry Edward, 5 West at, Waterloo Trust Mrs. 31. C., Station at, Carlton Fry Frank, 47 Holdsworth at, Woollabra Fuhrmann, Troost and Co., Proprietary, Ltd., woolbuyers—Cherles Learoyd, Frost Mrs. Maria, 11 Fairmount at, Fry Frank E., Lord st, Roseville manager, Relby lane Fry Frederick, 36 John fit, Waterloo Petersham Fry GeorgeA ble0sford rd, li'bush Fukushima & Co., merchants (Tokyo, Frost Mrs. Mary, 121 Albion at, Affidale Osaka, Japan), 12 Bridge at Frost. Airs. Mary, St. Paul's st, Welds Fry George L., Moore at, Hurstville Milford Aubrey, 19 C11111)1111111 at Float Silas, Macgregor at, Croydon Fry H. E., Warwick st, Killam Frost Miss It., 1 Adelaide at, Woollahra Fry Harry L., head teacher Public Fulford C. E. (Australasia), Ltd.— Bile Beau Manufacturing Co. and &un:Frost Mrs. Ruth, 30 Newman at, N'town School, Gordon rd, Gordon buk Manufacturing Co., 30 ritt, st Frost it. 0., .1. P., town clerk and trsas., Fry Henry, 39 William at, Redfern Fulford W. II., Seaforth at-, Bexley Alexandria Town Ball, 73 Garden at, Fry Henry L., Gertrude ave, Gordon Fulham C., 12 Binning at, Erskineville Fry Herbert A., Brighton at, Enfield AlexaDdria Fulham Edward, 60 Lander at, Redfern Frost Samuel, Gordon at, Mascot Fry .1., Mellitus!, st, Gordon Frost Stanley C., Benison at., Mey's 11111 Fry James, Fisher at, Auburn Fulham William, 34-38 Lander st, It'fern Fry James, 156 St. John's rd, For. Lodge Fulham William, 60 Lander at, Redfern Frost Stiffien C., Alargar•t at, Felker Frank It., Clark at, Randwick Frost Sydney, 116 Rochford at, Fry John, Edward at, Bexley Fulker Thomas W., 1811 Underwood at, Fry John, Kenwyn at, Ilurstville Frost T. W., Lavender at, Five Dock Paddington Frost T. 3., 21 Barley at, Newtown Fry John, Argyle rd, Penshurst Full Henry, 64 Burren at, Erskineville Frost Thomas, 35 Marlborough at, Mich- Fry Sohn W., George st, Hurstville Full John J., 35 Cowper at, Glebe hardt Fry john W., Nelson it, Penshurst Fullagar A. W., Church at, Hyde Frost Thomas, French's Forest rd, Manly Fry Joseph, Hunter at., Hornsby Fullagar C. C., Northumberland at, Fry L. W., Fleming at, North Sydney Frost Thomas A., 6 Albert par, Asiffield Liverpool Frost Thomas W., Villiers at, Kensington Fry Leslie, Albany at, St. Leonards Frew'', A., 145 Abercrombie st, Redfern Freney Andrew, 2 Stewart st, Baimain Friend Miss C., Oxford rd, Homebusl, French Albert S., 102 Belmont rd, 31's'inn Freshlield Fred., 20 Mavaulay rd, Stan- Friend Charles, 43 Moruben rd, Rosman French Alfred, Elizabeth st, Parramatta inure Friend Mrs. E., Albert ave, Chatswood French Alfred E., Francis st, W yllieFreshwater B., 121 Cerebella at, North Friend Edgar C., Cross t, Guildford French Alfred GI., Balaclava rd, Eastw'dSydney Friend George, indentor and importer, French Archibald, George st, Canterbury Freshwater Chas., 0 William st, Ashfield 327 George st French DallICI, Clanalpffie st, Eastwood Freshwater J. T., 18 William st, Astilleld Friend George, Salisbury rd, Guildford French Edward, 31 Botany st, Willem FreshwaterJoseph, 9 William st, Asheeld Friend George, 91 Daw1ing st, Padlon French • Mrs. Elizabeth, Robinson at. Freshwater R. W., 22 Prospect rd, Sum- Friend George, Bell st, Vaueluse -Willoughby Friend 11. H. L., lialaciave rd, Eastwood mer Hill French Airs. Emily, 17 William st, St. Freshwater W., Cross at, Stratiffield Friend II. P., 19 Victoria square, A'fleld Peters Freshwater W. IL, Morris st, Sum. 11111 Friend Henry, Gerber st, Alexandria French Frank, Sir Thomas Alitchell st, Freshwood;$. 130 Albany rd, 1"shem Friend Henry, 120 Victoria rd, Wyllie Bondi Fretful M. 58 Elizabeth st Friend James A., High st, Willoughby French Airs. Florenee, Barker st, It' wiek Frahm 0.11s, Moseley st, Stratidleld Friend Lesile II., Bourke and William sts. French Frank E., tailor, 104 Liverpool st Froths Emanuel, Rawson a ye, West Kog. Friend Miss Margaret, Duffy lane, rlelgit French Fred., 35 Belmar° st, St. Peters Froths John, Forest rd, HurstvIllo Friend Richard, Euston rd, Alexandria French Frederick, 84 Surrey 4 Fretus Joseph, Forest rd, Ifurstville Friend Richard, 458 Miller st, N. Sydney French Frederick, 70 Frederick at, St. Fretwell Mrs. A., Rivers at, Bellevue Rill Friend AIrs. Richard C., Cohen at, Manly Peters Frew A. J. R., building inspector, Town Friend Robert, 42 Pile st, Dulwich Hill French George, II Allen st Hall, Canterbury Friend Samuel J., 57 Garnet et, Dul. Ifill French Mrs. IL, 30 Lavender mt, N. Syd'y Frew Archibald, lionises' st, Hornsby Friend Mrs. W., "Cintra," Wallace st, Frew"), Ilarry, Hassan st, Westmead Frew David, J.P., fruitgrower, Alien's rd, Burwood French Henry, J.P., stock and shareNorth Hyde Friend W. Herbert, merchant, ."rhe broker, 93 Pitt st Frew David, Junr., Alien's rd, N. RytieLaurels," Burradoo French Henry, 16 Gerard st, Neutral Bay Frew Ernest, 44 Lower Bathurst st, Friend Waiter, 811 Illawarra rd, Wyllie French Henry, 08 Great Buckingham at, Woollahra Friend William N., "Kyula," Regent 4, Redfern Frew George A. 194 Bourke st French Horace, 51 Buckland at, Alex'dria Frew Jas., 2 Railway a ye, Marrickville Friendly i e Societies and Trade Unions French J. Russell, general manager Bank Frew James, Windom rd, Eastwood—J. B. Trivett, registrar and of Now South Wales ; head office, Frew John, 60} Good Hope at, Padd'ton actuary, 36-38 Young at 341 George at; p.r., "Vange," Frew Robert, Roslyn at, Woollahra Friendship Mrs. B., 37 Harris at, Roselle Fairfax rd, Bellevue Hill Prime], Mrs. S. Al., Broughton rd, If'bush Friendship Mrs. M. J., 17 Cowper at, French James, Queen rd, Five Dock Frewer C., 38 Awaba at, Afosman Waverley French James, M'Court 4, Lakentint Froth, Thomas, Walter at, Waverley Fripp A., Park rd, Hurstville French James, (123 Illawarra rd, W yllie Frey John, Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Fripp Mrs. A., Turner a ye, Haberflold French James, Coonanbarra rd, Wall- Frezene Ice Dainties Co., Butt at Fripp Edward, off Chapel rd, Bankstown, roonga Friberg Thomas, Bunnerong rd, Botany Frill) Edward F. Chapel rd, Bankstown French James, 4 Portland at, Waterloo Fricke H. U., 37 Memnon) rd, Paddlon Fripp Frank, Bellevue par, Hurstville French James H., Coonabarra rd, With- Fricke Mrs. Mary X., 4 Glen at, Padlon Fripp Harry, Lincoln at, Campsle roonga Tricker A. B., Shepherd at, ltydeFripp W., Dora at, Hurstville French .Tolm, 30 Langley's lane Tricker F., The Crescent, AnnandaleFrisch Albert, 450 Marrickville rd, Duls French John, 18 John at, Leichhardt Tricker Mrs. M., 20 Albert at, Forest Lod.11111 French MISS K., Junction at, IVahroonga Frickey George Pleasant ave, Ersk'ville Frio John, Robertson at, Guildford French Oscar, 387 Aliller A. North Syd. Frickholfer C., 123 ' Commie rd, Stanmore Fristron H., Verona at, Paddington French Percy, teacher of singing, 287 Frieberg Mrs. IL C., 69 Edith at, L'hardt Frith and Chapman Misses, florists, 196. George at Friedenilck Louis, Pennant Hills rd,Pitt at French Percy, linvilah at, Chatswood Thornleigh Frith Misses, florists, 44 Castlereagh at French R. 0., 24 Marrickville rd, Sydow, Friederichs Emil, export merchant, 56 Frith Alfred C., 197 Brougham at ham Pittst Frith Charles, 211 Palmer at French Richard J. L , Railway at, It'dslo Friedowald A., Queen Victoria st, West Frith Frederick J., 16 Carlisle at, A'lleld French Robert, 44a High at Kogaralt Frith Frederick N., Ernest at, Hunter's French Robert, 24 Glebe at, Paddington Friedewald E. C., 114 Regent st, N'town French Robert, Rawson at, Waverle y Friedowaid F. C., 10 Francis at, Elmore Frith George W. A., 92 Womerah ave French Robert, 40 Edward Kt, Woollaiira Friedman Mrs. A., 185 Gionmore rd, Pad- Frith James, 100 Brougham at French Sidney, Elizabeth at, Waterloodhigton Frith Joseph, 3 Broughton at, Glebe French Sydney, Common at, Hurbitone Friedman Airs. Sophia, 32 Bellevue at Frith Mrs. K., Newcastle at, Rose Bay Park Friedmann Julius, financier, 173 Pitt st Frith Sydney, 51 Paddington at, Pad'ton, French Thomas, Hunter at, Hornsby Friedweld G., 11 Morehead at, Redfern Frith T. B., Thornleigh rd, South - 'French Thomas, 7 Easton at, Roselle Friel James, 300 Palmer at Hornsby French W., music dealer, 5 Barlow at FR1END W. S. & CO., Hardware Frith Thomas B., Pennant Hills rd, NorFrench W., 156 Underwood at, Padlon Iron and General Merclia nts and manlitirst French W. G., 175 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton . Frith William, Hermann at, Kogeran Wlesale ho Ir onmmpte ongers , I ,orrs French W. R ., manager Bank of N.S.W. S. P., dental surgeon,. 157 Coers', nchbuild o t Tinsmiths ', and Fritsch (Castlereagh at,. branch), 280-282 Elizabeth st Plumbers' Requirements ; Agents Fritsch S. P., Silver Castlereagh at at, Randwick for " BEAVER " 1 i B o t rd French W. J., Vine at, Hurstville 1- --' Fritz John 21 Wells at, Annadnale - ---9961 City TO.-'1-n n-e 9960 113Yrk -n5 • French Walter, 24 Farr at, Marriekville Fritz John:Starling st,Leichhartit o 9 85 Annandale at, An'dalo 2 - 90 anist(l a t 100-20 4 Claren ce French William, tele graph operator, 906 Frith William, st Sydney)' South Head . Frizell Mrs. A., Boulevard°, Strathfleld French William, Garden st,Marrickville Friend Mrs. A., 137 Trafalgar at, S'inore Frizell Dr., assistant medical officer, The French William, 43 King at, St. PetersFriend Mrs. A. G. M., 8 Manning rd, Coast Halite, LII. Perouse, Botany French William A., 80 Louisa rd,B'inainWoollahra Frizelle Mrs. A., 51 Margaret at, Pet'shanl French William G., May at, Marrickville Friend A. H., manager The Abbotsford Mune Garnet, Railway cres, Banksia French William 0., 24 Carey at, ;W yllieManufacturing Co., Blackwell Point Frizelle James, 161 Church at, Parramatta Frenchard Mrs. H., Ciairvaux rd, You- ril, Chiswick ; p.r., Trafalgar tor, Frizelle James, Boulevard°, Stratiffield cluse Stanmore Friuli° James Torrington rd, Stratidleld Frendin Carl, Crabbe's ave. Chatswood Friend Alfred, Lawrence at, Alexandria Frizelle Miss 11L, Railwa y cres, Banksia. }Wadi', Tolman, 50 Helterman st, N. Syd. Friend Alice 31., lion secretary, The Alice Frizzle Andrew, Mark at, Naremburn Rawson School for Mothers, 22 Froehlich IL, Rocky Point rd, Kogan& FRESH FOOD AND ICE CO. Australis st Newtown Froget Samos, Danger st, ItandwIck (See Alphabetical Heading, New Friend Arthur 0., "Morton," Harris rd, 9 rogett 11„ 81 31enborough at. I. hardt South Wales Fresh Food and Ice Five Dock Froggatt B., 62 Terry at, Rozelle Co., Ltd.) Friend Arthur W., Wareenthe at, Abbots- Froggatt 'limos,, 2 Watsrloo at, Roz'lle ford WOOD I COFFILL &COMPANY LTD. OF ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW . PRICES. ALPHABETICAL. Ful1271 HEAD OFFICE: BULWARRA RD.,PYRMONT:PHONE 726 £1160 CENTRAL , OUR DEPOTS ARE REPLETE WITH THE MOST ELEGANT AND COSTLY VEHICLES IN AUSTRALIA THE PICK OF THE WORLD'S CHOICEST COMMODITIES, 1272Ful ALPHABETICAL. THE HOME OF ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES Fur Far Fullagar C. S., 18 Pleasant st, Ersle vino Fullagar Charles W., mgr. Govt. Savings Bank of N. S. W. (branch), Belmore rd, Coogee Fullagar F., Northumberland at, L'pool Fullagar Frank, Grand par, Brighton-le- FULTON AND LOWE (Herbert E. Fuller J., 30 Frederick at, Ashfleld Fulton and Walter C. Lowe), SoliciFuller J., 39 Lackey at, Summer Hill tors, 103 and 104 Vickery'a ChamFuller .r. H., 19 01 rrsteln at, Wit verley bers, 82 l'itt at. Tel, City 7706. Fuller James, 13 Miller at, Marriekville Fuller James, 9 Rosedale at., Petersham Fulton A., 0 Stewart place, Paddington Fuller James W., 138 Bourke at Fulton A. H., 36 Porter at, Waverley Sall& Fuller Mrs. JC830, Cousett st, Dui. 11111 Fulton Alfred, Forest rd, Huratville Fullagar H. L., Inspector Tramway Fuller John, 120 Itoso at, Darlington Fulton Mrs. Annie, Norman at, Manly Dept., 15 Jamieson at Fuller John , sen., Central rd, Peaklturst Fulton Charles W., Evaline st, Catepsie Fullagar II. R., 26 Whistler at, Manly Fullw John D., 19 Stanley at, Redfern Fulton David, 69 Kellick at, Waterloo Ful/agar H. W. C., May's 11111, Parlitatta Fuller Mrs. Kate, 207 Hereon% aye Fulton Francis S., Haldon at, Lakemba Fullagar Harry, Harris at, Parramatta Fuller Llewellyn, Central rd, Peakimrst Fullagar John, 41 Cooper st Fuller Mrs. M ,81 Shepherd at HERBERT ERNEST' FULTON Fullegar It., Castlereagh at, Liverpool Fuller Nurse Marguerite E., matron, (Fulton and Lowe), Solicitor, 103: Fullager Edward, 8 North st, Balmain Sraeombe Private Hospital, 14 and 104 Vickery's Chambers, 82' Fullager John, 6 Rosebyst, Drummoyne %Volseley at., Drummoyne Pitt st ; p.r., 38 Carlisle at, 1,eichFu linger Bra. NI., Nagle at, Liverpool Fuller Mrs, Mary, Bay at, Botany hardt Fullager Melia rd. Lang at, Canterbury Fuller Mrs. Myra, 198 Evans at, Rozelle Fullager W., May's Hill, Parrantatta Barton rut, After/tem Fulton If Fuller Percy C„ Myrtle at. Letehhardt Fafnir Edward, Flinders rd, Can' bury Fulton J. 11., pres. Sydney Sanitarium, Fuller It., Bowen at, Chatswood Fullerton G. W., Govett st, Randwiek Fox Valley rd, Wahroonga Fuller R. P., .110Well at, Chatswood Fullerton .Tohn. inspector of police, Lane Fuller It. J., Victor at, Chatawood Fulton Miss Jean, 11 %Vandal) at Cave rd, North Sydney Fuller lt. B., Kensington rd, Kensington Fulton John, 134 Baptist at, Redfern Fullerton It. A., Calypso ave, Mosman Fuller S., Walters at. Arncliffe Fulton John, Murray at, Waterloo Fullbrook A., 80 Telopea at, Redfern Fulton Leath! S., l'ark par.. Waverley Fuller Mrs. S., Want at, Mosman Fuller Carrying Co., Ltd., Customhouse Fuller S. H., 10 Lang at, Mosman Fulton 'Juicy, Premier at, Kogarah agents—F. A. Fuller, manager, 38 Fuller Samuel '1`.. 11 Forbes at, Redfern Fulton Robert, 4 Schimeist, Waterloo Carrington st , 17 Loftus at, and 321 Fuller Stanton, High at, Willoughby Fulton Mrs. S., 40 Carlisle at, Leielthardt Pitt at Fuller T., ironmonger, 76 George at west Fulton Thomas, Atchison at, N. Sydney Fuller and Co., law stationers, 9 Castle- Fuller T. IL, 29 Bower at, Manly Fulton William, 21 Brook at, N. Sydney reagh st Fuller Thomas, '27 Lamb at, Leichhardt nutlet:, Stark and C.)., Ltd., wool buyers, Fuller Howard and Co., manufacturers Fuller Thomas, 147 Windsor at, Pedlar' 18 Bridge at. of photographic papers, 28 Market Fuller Mounts, Wierant at, Parramatta Funda Bertha, Kensin g ton rd, Ken s' ton at Tel. 7112 City Funded Stock—C. E. F. Robberds, J.P., Fivlor Victor, Myall at, Merrylands Fuller Mrs. A., 30 Lang at Registrar of Stock, 117 Macquarie at Fuller W., 31 Edgeellffe rd, Woollabra Fuller A. D., mercantile broker, 16 Fuller W. D., "Penrhyn," Chapel rd, Funfeek Fritz,Queenseliffe, Manly Spring at Funnel Thomas, 117 Myrtle at, L'hardt Bankstown Fuller A. E., 7 Canisle at, Ashlield Funnell Alfred, King st, Mascot Fuller William, Belmont at, Alexandria Fuller A. E., Railway rd, %Vattern ninon Mrs. Eliza, 17 City rd, Murton Fuller William, Evans at, Itozelle Fuller A. N g Grantham at, W. Kogarah Fuller William, 25 Pitt at, Waterloo Funnell Ernest, 18 noddle at, Praton Fuller A. S., Neilson ave, Kogaralt Fennell Ernest H., 22 O'Hara at, Fuller Widiatu H., 21 Moonbie 1st, Sum. Fuller A. W. 4 Bellevue at, Globe N'unnell Mrs. F., 208 Stanmore rd, 11111 Fuller Alfred, 50 Day st, Drummoyne Funnel( Fredk., Bridge rd, Hornsby Fuller Willlant J., Emu at, Canterbury Fuller Andrew, 22 Staffonl at, Stanmore Fuller William J., 132 Camden at, N'town Funnel( George, Hereules at., Dul. Fuller Arthur, Whaling rd, N. Sydney Funnel! IL, 41 Julliett st, Marrickville Fuller William It., Mimosa at, Bexley Fuller Arthur J., 2 Church at, Stumm Funnell Harry, I 1 1 Yule at, Petersham Fullerton Albert, 209 Riley at Fuller Ben., 4 Btliyard aye Funnel! Mrs. J., 203 Trafalgar at, Fatima Fuller Ben. J., governing director The Fullerton George, Ashton at, Randwick Funnell James. Elizabeth at, Croydon National Amphitheatre, 73 Castle- Fuderton J., 49 Cameron at, Paddington Funnel! Robert, 208 Denison at, (Nowa reagh at Fullerton J., 239 Liverpool rd, Sum. Mil Funnel( Photons, 6 Yaralla at, Newtown Fuller Benjamin J., 56 Hordern at, Fullerton John, Albert at, Marrickville Funnell W .11., 269 Darling at, Balmain Newtown W. H., 49 Edith at, L'hardt Cameron Joseph, 22 Hoprtoun at., N'town Funnel) Fuller Mrs. C., 49 Stafford at, Stamnore Funnell Walter It. J., 112 Burnet at Fullerton R., 109 Lawson at, Paddington Fuller Clement, Arden at, Waverley Newtown Fuller David / 6 'dolmen, at, Rezone Fullford Gordon, Constitution rd, Mea- Fennell Wm . 31 Arthur at, Batumi!) dow bank Fuller Mrs. h., Martin place, Mortdale Funnell William, 447 Darling at, Fullford James,111a Lelehhardt st, Funston William, Botany at, Hurstville Fuller Ernest, Daniel at, Botany Waverloy Fuller Ernest, 10 Collins at, Annandale Puritanic William C., Juno at, 13ankstowit Fuller Ernest A., Woronora par, Oatley Fullieks Arthur C., Pine at, Randwick Furbank William C., Arthur at. Orville Fuller T., mgr. Fuller Carrying Co., LW., Fullin Thomas, 71 Grose at, Campordown Flutter Mrs. E., Herbert st, Rockdale 321 Pitt at Furber Mrs. It., 9 Musgrave st, Mosinee Faille:nes E., 17 Ilidoarra lane Fuller F. C., 430 Oxford at, Paddington Furber It I , surgeon, 16 Staimiore id, Fulljanies Mrs. M., 51 Bulwarra lane Fuller F. J., Belmont at,, Hyde Marriekville Fuller Francis, Parkes at, Hyde FiLlin men Richard. It oaryn a ve, Brighton- Funineaux S., 10 Longdown at, N't own! Fuller Frank, Louisa rd, Balittain le-Sands Furey Chits., 16 Clara at, ErskIneville Fuller Frederick, May at, Botany Fulljames Richard, May at, hfarrickville Furey Edward, 18 Clara at, ErskinevIlle Futileness Richard. Bay at, Rockdale Fuller Frederick, Blenheim at, Enfield Furley E., J.P., 60 Watkin at, Newtown Fullthorpo T., 16 Funds at, Camperdown. Purley Miss E., 350 Oxford st, Padlott Fuller Frederick. 23 Horton at, Wallet Fuller Fredk., of/ Smith at, Parra/mate Fuliwood Fred.,F.S.A.A.(Eng.), Furley J. F., 88 Arthur at, N. Sydney Fuller Fredk., Central rd, Peaklmrst F.C.P.A. (Aust.), incorporated ac- Furley Joseph, 28 Junction at, N. Sydney Fuller Frodk. If., architect, Belmar° at, countant, arbitrator, auditor, trade Furley Stewart, Weldon at., Burwood Hyde assignee, financial and property Furlong Arthur. Bourke at, Waterloo Fuller Bra. G., George at, Parr:matte agent, 11-12 Foy's chambers, 1 Bond Furlong Charles. 3Iyall at, Merrylands Fuller G., Penshurst at, Penshurst at ; p.n. "Orizaba," 17 Paul at, Furlong Mrs. D., 280 Annandale at, verley Fuller George, Clyde at, Granville Annandale Fuller H.. Beta at, Lane Cove Fullwood Miss, 24 Musgrave at, Mosman Furlong Edward /3„ 10 William at., Wrens Fuller H.. New Canterbury rd. leshain Fullwood Sydney. 9 View at, Woollahra lurlong ErnestBoundary at, SherFlillwood W. S., Millett st, Dalmorton Fuller IL R., 1(1 Clanalpine st, Mosman wood Fuller 11. T., Frampton ave, Marrickville Fulmer John L., 277 Botany rd, Botany Furlong F. C., George at, Liverpool Feller Harry, 255 Balmain rd, L'Itardt, Fulstone J., 51 Renwick at, Drummoyne Furlong Fred., Anderson at, Belmont Fuller Harry B., Swarrow at, Manly Fulthorpo It. A., 40 Arundel at, Forest Furlong George, Park rd. Mascot Fuller Henry, Clifford at, Parrantatta Lodge Furlong John F„ Grosvenor hotel, 155 Fuller Herbert, 20 Anderson at, Alex'dria Fulthorpe T. S., 68 Pyrtnont Bridge rd, Phillip at, Waterloo Fuller Herbert, 22 Gowrie at., Newtown Camperdown Furlong 3. W., Llewellyn at, 3Iarrickville _ WOOD, COFFILL , AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84. HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE ALPHABETICAL. Gag1273 Furlong Rev. James (R.C.), Edgeware Furze W. It., 40 Nowranie at, Sum. 11111 Gabriel W. F., 6 Trafalgar at, Annandale oh, Newtown Furzer Chimes, 42 DI win at, Croyden Gabriel Walter C., dental surgeon, 283: Furlong Mrs. 3lary. 5 3letropollt an of, Furzer Miss E., 12 Nicholson at, Tempe Elizabeth at ; p.r., 184 Raglan at, Eamon! Furzer G. H., Wigratn at, Parramatta Mosman Furlong Mrs. Mary, 225 Forbes at Fusedale Alfred, 5 The Anew, Bel:nein Gadd Charles IL, Ltd., 146 Alice st, Furlong Michael l'., Ancient /triton Fusedale Alfred S., Tiley at, N. Sydney Newtown hotel, 225 Glebe Point rd, Glebe 1. institute Mrs. Mary, 583 Dowlin g at, Gadd Albert . 11 Looke't a ye, 8:Omni/I Furlong Patrick, 175 Harris at FUSS Edmund, proprietor Cosmos Gadd Alfred S.. Albert, (fres, Croydon Furlong William, 53 Wells at, Redfern Ariotheearies Co. 665-667 Geo. at Gadd Alfred W., Albert cres, Croydon Furlong William (1., jun.. King at, If 'out Fuss Edmund, .rudge at, Randwick Gadd Mrs. Ann, 10 Raleigh at, N. Syd. Furlong William G.. semi.. King at, M 'rot Fussel Mrs. 111., Edinburgh rd, Maeville Gadd Archie, 135 King st, St Peters Furionger Horace, Sydney rd, 31anly Fussell G., 229 Abercrombie at, Redfern Gadd C. It., estate agent, 94 Pitt at Furlonger John, We st at, Balgowlall Fussell James, 200 Falcon at, N. Sydney Gadd Charles It., 168 Frazer at, Did. Hill Furred! Mrs. C., 110 Ernest at, N. Sydney Fussell W., 50 Henry at, Leh:littera Gadd El jalt, 61 Day at, Leichhardt Purnell E., 102 Chandos at, N. Sydney Fussell W. E., Berwick at. Guildford Freilk., 22 Tobbutt at, Leichliardt, Furrier and Brownhill, stock and share- Fusion G., 147 Sutherland at, Paddington Gadd Gadd George, Hampton at, Penshurat brokers, 117 Pitt at Futter It R., J.P., pastorallst agent, 11 Gadd George W., 30 Beeston at, Leleldeilt Furrier F. 0., Church at, Pyinble Dixson's buildings, 29 O'Connell at Gadd Horace J., 7 ThirlIttst, Leichitanit • Furrier Frank R., T0111311 at, Dundas Futton M. J., Commercial ni, Leichltardt Gadd .Tantes W., 18 Massey st, North t Syd. Punter Rev. G. W. (31etit.), Bri ghton a ve, Fliz George, 17 Red win at,. Newtown Gadd Mettliets , Elizabeth at, Artannon yilen Park Fuzz John, 40 Brown at, Newtown (laud Percy, Alice ave, Newtown Firmer James, Union at, Tempe Fyn(' Mrs. F. AL, Marsden at, Parramatta Gadeline A. A., Gardener's rd, W'rloo Planer John, 21 Campbell st, St. Peters Fyfe and Sheaves, $hop and office fitters, (laden 311sses L. and E., ladles' hair_ Firmer Thomas, 13 Petersham at, P'sbain 8-10 Washington at. dressed , 105 Pitt st itniNels,nts A" 156 Macpherson st, Fyfe C., 50 Wentworth Park rd, Glebe Gaden Mrs. B., Fox Valley rd„Wallettga ve3 r1 Irei• s Fyfe 1). M. &limn at. Belmont Gadett Charles W., J.P., manager ComFurness A. E., 30 Stephen at, Paddington Fyfe Davld P., Cllssold st, Ashfield mercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Furness Arthur G.. 3 Bartlett at, Sum. H. Fyn! Horace G., 26 Joaeph st„tsittleld Ltd. (branch), 744 George at. Furness Chas., 7 Waterloo at, Rozelle Fyfe J., 172 Birrell at, Waverley (laden Edward A., solicitor and notary Furness Mrs. B., 23 Glenntore rd, Padlott yfe J. C., 20 Cortinna rd, Stattmore public, 2 O'Connell at ; p.r., "Sand Furness 11. 5., Turner aVO, Fyfe .Tames, 13 Eden at, North Sydney Tort," Ocean at, Woollahra FilrlIOSS MN.ILISIMIre at, Kensington Fyfe James 11., Rawson st, Rockdale (laden F. 11. 11., physician, 66 Penki YU. Furness Mrs. J., 8 Bourke at, Redfern Fyfe John, 85 Starwart st, Paddington at, Bondi Fum ntess John, Bridge at, Drummoyne Fyn! Sohn, Portview rd, St. Leaner& Gaden Mrs. Freda A., 73 An glesea at,. Furness John, 576 Parramatta rd, Pyle Bra. nemilbriato at, Stantivire Bondi Furness John S.. 40 Kenilworth st. Wav'y Fy fe Richard J., 216 Norton st, Leleledt Gaden T. B., Nelson at, Woollahra Furness Mrs. 31., 31a Wonteralt eve Fyfe Robert A., Reginald at, Mosman Gadon T. Burton, jun., solicitor, comFurness Mrs. M., 1 La y ton at, C'dowit Fyfe W. It., 7 Castlereagh at, Redfern missioner for affidavits, 09a Pitt at Furnesa R., Frazer st, Leichlianit Fyfe William, Arthur at, Enfleld p.r., Shirle y rd, Wollstonecraft Furness Richard, Bridge at, Drummoyne Pyfe WI haiti C.. Arthur at, Berl rld (laden W. H., Gordon rd, Lane Cove Furness S., 4 Lennox st, Newtown FyffeAlexander, (15 Trafalgar at. Gadsby Henry, Commodore a t, Furness Septinnta, 82 Elizabeth at. west, Stan more Newtown Ashflehl Fyffe John R., Percival at, Leichhanit .ladaby Thomas, 43 Commodore at, Furness Vincent, 4 Sutton at, Balmain Fyffe Wilson, Station steMerrylands Newtown Furness W. E., 99 Station at, Newtown Fylield N., 38 Clarendon rd, stanmore Gadsden Jabez, 26 Litt le Albion at. Furness Walter, 71 Carlton cres, Summer Fyires .T., Slade at, Narembunt lee& Martin, 119 Glebe Pt. rd, Globe 11111 Fyoli If., 240 Alba ity rd. Petersham Gaertner A. C., New Caledonian Agencies,. Furness William, plumber, ironmonger, Fyson J. G., 41 Belmont rd, 3losinen ISS 1111/1inst painter, and contractor, 246-248 Fy yle and Stewart, consulting engineers Gaff Mrs. 18 Ormond at, Paddington Victoria at Australasia chambers, Martie place Gaff James, Gorman at, Willoughby Furness William, china and glass ware- leyvie William A., 5 Charles at, Enntore Galfett Emile, 59 Holt at house, 156 William at (I.E. K. Sanitary Co. Ltd. (The) 494 Gaffey Edward, Orchard rd, Chatswood Furness William, Bridge st Drummoyne Pitt at Gaffey If. 1,., Parrantatta rd, Homebush Franey Ernest, 27 Commie. rd, Stanmore Gael James, 80 Rose st, Darlington Gaffey Sidney, I St. John's rut, Glebe Furriery Mrs. Sarah, 51 Campbell st, N. Gael John, Holden at, Ashfield Gatlin J., 166 lentneis at, Leichliardt Sydney Gabb Charles, Northcote st, Canterbury Gaffney & Allen, nurses, private hospital, Furney Thomas. Woodville rd, Granville (3abb Charles, A., Lakemba at, Can'Intry 637 Bawling at Fu miss Edgar S., Harrow rd, A mu tiu in Gabb Edward F., Northcote at, Can'Intry Gaffney and Sons, butcher, 212 Military Furniss Fredk. W., Harrow rd, Auburn Gabb George W., Bourke at, Mascot rd, Feutral Bey Furniss Herbert, Harrow rd, Auburn Gabb Henry, Dennis st, laikemba Gaffney A., 144 Wyndham at, Alexandria. Furniss J. F., hfeek's rd, 3farrickville Gabb J., 16 Margaret at, Petersham Gaffney A. A., 58 Ituthven at, Randwiek Furniss Joseph F., Parramatta rd, Ityde Gabb William J., Anderson at, Belmore Gaffney Bernard, 96 Market at Fund/is Mrs. Mary A., Susan at, Auburn Gabb William W., Campbell at, Alex'dria Gaffney Bernard, 57 Stanley st ntruiture Patents Ltd., Dick at Gabbe Richard, Frederick at, Rockdale Gaffney D., hairdresser, 52 Harria at Furnival Mrs a. , Bay at, Brighton-le- Gabel Louis, 70 Redfern st, Redfern Gaffney Mrs. E. L., 57 Liberty st, :rumor Sands Gabriel A. II., dentist, 67 Castlereagh at Gaffney Eugene, 7 Ice at Furnival Francis IL, J. 1'., surgeon, Gabriel A. II., 42 Elizabeth at, Redfern Gaffney Frederick A., 22 Surre y at Park rd, Auburn Gabriel A. 31., chentiat, Frenchman's rd., Gaffney Herbert, 32 High st, BaImain Furnsby Alfred G., 25 Ewell at, Rozelle Rand wick Gaffney John, 15 Darling at, Glebe FIIN George, 29 Falcon at, North Sydney Gabriel Arnold 31., Kieran at, Waverley Gaffney John, Northeote at, Naremburn Dirse Albert, Belmont at, Alexandria Gabriel Arthur, 36 Kensington st Gaffney John, Marion at, Itandwiek Furse Henry, Wyatt a ye, Bureaus( (.3a brie! 13. Edinburgh rd Merrick vil le Gaffney John .1., t Anieconist , In Park at uric I homes W., J.I'., see. Australian Gabriel Mrs. Ella, 0 Darlinglturst rd Gaffney Lawrence, 66 Dowling at, It' fe rtt Meat Industry Employees' Unioe, Gabriel Miss Ella B., manicurist, 158 Gaffney Peter, 79 Afecarthur at. Trades Hall, Gouliburn at Pitt at Gaffney Peter, 01/ 1 Union at Furse T. W., 314 Moore Park rd Gabriel 31r.s. 13inina, :1 Coulton at, Bondi Gaffney Thomas, Bay rd, N. Sydney Fttrse T. W., 20 Leamington a ye, N'town Gabriel F. W. E., 52 Livingstone rd, Mar- Gaffney William, 22 Bowman at, DrumFury Bernard J., 61 31orriss at, Sum. 11111 riekville moyne Fury Joseph, 29 Wentworth at, Padlort Gabriel Mrs. G., boardinghouse, 25 GaganS., P/111111) at, Parramatta. Fury Robert, 32 St. Mary's at,, C'down York at Gegen Thomas, 3 Eatonville, par Cedon. Fury Robert, 3 Ifolmwood at, Newtown Gabriel L. II., 22 C'ortinna rd. Stanmore Gegen Thoneta S., Norval at,. Auburn Furze 13, 82 Renwick st. Redfern Gabriel Leonard, J.P. dental surgeon, Oag an William, 135 Sydenhain rd, Furze It:Award, The Avenue, Bri glitonAustralasia chambers, Martin place Gage Robert, 0., 15 Cardigan at, Glebe le-Sands Gabriel Mrs. 31., St. Mark's rd, lewlek Gager John, Oxford at, Mondale THE LEADING FIRM OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS IN THE COMMONWEALTH ANTHONY HORDERNS'—THE PEOPLE'S MARKET. ALPHABETICAL. 1274Gag ANTHONY HORDERNS' —THE POPULAR STORE. Gal •aggia Leslie A.. 87 Itereford st, Glebe Gale Bros., boat proprietors, Bowden st, Gallagher Mrs. B., 26 )111111111 rd, Waverley Guide Robert, High at, Liverpool Meadowbank 'Gat& Arthur, Violet st, EnfieldGale and Gale, solicitors and commis- Gallagher Bernard, 103 Cowper at, Glebe Gagin P., Rosehill st, Parramatta sloners for affidavits, Challis House, Gallagher Mrs. C., Walker at, Five Dock Gallagher C., Mary at, Longueville Gagliardi F. and Co., importers and Martin place Indent merchants, and marble Gale A., J.P., Sebastopol st, Marrickville Gallagher C., 25 'Mebane at, Waverley Gallagher C. J. Aston at, Granville merchants, 10 Loftus st. Tele- Gale A. S., 125 Brighton st, Petersham , 22 Berwick lane phones, City 3345, 3346 and 3347 Gale 311s4 Annie, 7 Kenilworth st, Way. Gallagher Charles •Galet A. Gordon rd, St. Leonards Gale Alfred, postmaster, Paddington Gallagher Charles, 17 Queen at Gahan Albe rt, 24 noddle st, Paddington Post and Telegraph Office, 246 Ox- Gallagher D., Atchison at., St. Leonard's Gallagher Daniel, Beam's!' at, Campsle Galion F., agent, 107 Castlereagh at ford at, Paddington Gahan William, 35 Wateryiew at., 'Villain Gale Alfred G., 19 South eve, Lelchhardt Gallagher Daniel, 101 Marian at, Etunore Gallagher David, 34 Bellevue st, Glebe Galley Albert, Alt st, Wa yerleyGale Arthur, 9 Allen at, Lelehhardt Gallagher E., 24 Theodore at., Balmain .Galley F., 46 Caller' ne at, Lelehhardt Gale Bernard, 12 Rose at Galley George R., 55a Gerard at, N. Bay Gale Blair, distiller, Colonial Sugar It. Gallagher E., 32 Dulwich at, Dulwich Hill Gallagher 311ss E., 79 Oxford at, Wavley Galley George W., 0 Carlisle at, Ashfleld Co.'s Distillery, Jones at Gallagher Edward, 10 Ewell at. Rozelle 'Galley Mrs. S., 102 Darlington rd, Inon Gale Mrs. C., 43 Greenbank at, 31'ville 'Galley W. G., sanitary engineer, licensed Gale Chas., 134 Henderson rd, Alex'dria Gallagher Major F. J., Woniora rd, Huratville plumber and drainer, 105 George at, Gale Charles, 30 Railway at., Marrickyille Gallagher F. J., Forest rd, Hurstville Circular Quay. Tel. 1651 ; p.r., Gale Charles A. 75 Bowman at "Gowan Brae, Knox at, AaliffildGale Charles IL, J.I'., 51 Penkivil at, Gallagher F. J., jun., M.A., Woniora rd, Huratville •Galley W. G., Frampton eve, Marrickville Bondi Gallagher F. S., Wilson's a ye, Belmore Gain Mrs. Ellen, 20 Pannell at, Eninore Gale Charles H., 22 Kangaroo at., Manly Gallagher Fanny, Athletic Club hotel, Gala Jams West Botan y rd, Amen& Gale Claude, Collingwood at., Woolwich 46-48 Arthur at, Gain John it., Boyle at, N'orth Sydney Gale Ernest W., 20 Crystal at, Rozelle Gallagher Francis J., teacher, Peakhurst Gainer Chas., 65 Yel yerton at, SC Peters Gale Frank, 56 Forsyth at, Glebe Public School, Forest rd, Peakhurst Gainey Humphrey, York at, Balmer() Gale Fredk., 31 Gladstone at, Enmore Gainford John and Co., company Gale Fredk. 80 Barren at, ErskinevIlle Gallagher Frank, 12:1a York at north managers, 18 Bridge st Gale G. F., UnwIn's ' Midge rd, thee' life Gallagher Mrs. G., Carabella at, N. Syd. Gainford John, J.P., mining and financial Gale G. IL, Unwin's Bridge rd, Un'eliffe Gallagher II., 45 Leicester at, Paddington Gallagher Henry C., 23 South at, Pad'ton agent, 18 Bridge at ;" The Gale 0. W,, Edinburgh rd, Marrickville Camp," 123 Military rd, Neutral Bay Gale George, 20 Railway ave, Marrickville Gallagher Hugh, Anneslev at, Leichhardt Gallagher Hugh, 79 Jenkins at, N. Sydney •ainford T. S. D., see. Charity Organiaa.- Gale George, Kemiss at, Randwick Hon Society, 18 Eliza bath st Gale George F., 23 Lower Tupper at, Gallagher J., Powell at, Bankstown Gallagher J., Kimberley rd, Hurstville .Gainford Thomas, 07 Spruson at, Neutral MarriekvIlle Gallagher J., 57 North at, Leichhardt Bay Gale Henry, 1 Hohnwood at, Newtown Gallagher J., 23 George at, Newtown ..Gainsford Mrs. D., 12 Botany st, Redfern Gale Herbert 0., Wattle at, liaberfleld Gallagher J., 272 Woomera rd, Paffill on (Waster(' John, Young at, Randwiek Gale Hunter, Ramsay rd, Haberlield Gallagher J. F , 22 Itaglan at, Darlington Gainsford Sydney, 21 Edward at, Vrlahra Gale Miss I., 90 Birrell at, Waverley 'Gain Sloane and Co., 20 Bligh at, stock Gale .Tames, 25 Septhnus at, ErskIneville Gallagher J. 11., 1 Pleasant a ye, E'yille Gallagher J I' , 2 Goodsell st, Newtown and station agents—James Gair, Gale James, 509 King at, Newtown valuer of pastoral and agricultural Gale .Tames R., 40 Charles at, Petersham Gallagher J. T., 110 Morehead at, Redfern Gallagher James, 31 Clarence lane lands Gale John, 41 Prince at, Mosman Gallagher James, 18 Womerall ave (lair Capt. Henry, 7 Vincent at, Balmain Gale Joseph, 510 Darling at, Rozelle Gallagher James, Blackwood a ye, DalGait' James, " Dornoch," 8 Llandaft st, Gale L. G. S., Bank st, Meadowbank wich Waverley Gale laiwk, 8 Windier at, Paddington Gail. Mrs. M. A., Chapman at, Concord Gale Miss M., 199 Church at, Parramatta Gallagher James, 14 'adore at, Dul. Gair Peter, Consett at, Dulwich 11111 Gale Mrs. Mary E., MI Read at, Waverley Gallagher James, Birrell at, Randwick Galr William, Censett st, Dulwich Hill Gale it. A., secretary The Universal Gallagher James, Frederick at, Rockdale Gain's A., 775 George at Brickmaking Supply Co. Ltd, 77 Gallagher James, 47 King at, St. Peters Gallagher James, Birrell at., Wayerley •airns A., 66 Dowling st , Paddington Castlereagh at Gallagher James T. 122 Campbell at Gairns J., 168 Sutherland at, Paddington Gale Robert E., Meadow eres, Ryde Gallagher John, 77' Bowman at 'Grams Robert, Ewell st, Waverky Gale Mrs. S., St. Mark's rd, Randwlek Gallagher John, 52 Gloucester at Galst Jacob V., 40at, ElmoreGale Samuel, Campbell st, Bexley Gallagher John, 3 Ryder at 'Gaffe James S., Banks at, Kogarall Gale Mrs. Sarah, Daniel st, Botany Gallagher John, Dryden st, Campsie Galanis Peter D., restaurant, 24-20 Gale Sydney, Lennox st, Woollahra Gallagher John, Bayview rd, Five Dock Campbell at Gale Thomas, jantioon st, Granville Gallagher John, 22 Mitchell at, Glebe 'Galant Victor, 11 Junction at Gale Thomas, Board at, Lideembe Gallagher John, Alfred at., Mascot Galbraith J. and S., cab proprietors and Gale Thomas, 4 Paul's rd, Waterloo Gallagher John 62 Coranto at, F. Dock motor garage, 37 Bay at, Double Bay Gale W., Penshurst at, Willoughby 'Galbraith W. S. and Co., wine and spirit Gale W. G., 52 Wetherill at, Leichhardt Gallagher John, 62 Quinton rd, Manly Gallagher John II., 5 Little at, Balmain merchants, 24 Bond st Gale W. J., .1.1'., Rayner st, Leichhardt Gallagher Juan T., Fourth a ye, L'eombe Galbraith A., 97 Probert at, Camperdown Gale W. S., Letitia at, ()alley Galbraith A., Wolseley at, HaberfieldGale Wolter F., J.P., Ferry st, Huntet's Gallagher Joseph, Oberon at., Randwick Gallagher Joseph, 41 Coopar at, It'fern Galbraith A. W., 13 Burton at, Little 'till Coogee Gillett' Guido, 114 Baptist. at, Redfern Gallagher Joseph C., Ann at., Lidcombe Gallagher 3113s K., 131 Victoria at Galbraith Andrew, 39 Bay st, Double Bay Gall .T. and Sons, tinsmfths, Mew at Gallagher Mrs. K., 71 Metropolitan rd, 'Galbraith Arthur, 275 Ernest st, N. Syd. Gall Claude, Agar at, Marrickville Galbraith Mrs. Emma. 40 Foveaux at Gall F. J., Forest rd, Anteliffe Enritore Gallagher Miss 31., Beeeroft rd, IVcreit -Galbraith F. 11., S.31. Children's Court, Gall Fredk., 35 Johnston st, An'dale Gallagher 31., 81 James st, Leichhardt Albion at ; p.r., Fitzroy st, Burwood Gall George T., 26 Herbert at. , Dmul. LIM Galbraith G. A., 8 John at, Woollahra Gall H. H., 80 Raglan at, Mosman Gallaghet Mrs. 3I., 123 N. Steyne, Manly Gallagher 31., 17 Roylston st, Paddington Galbraith John, J.P.; 154 N.S.H. rd, Gall James, Cocthorpe at Auburn Double Bay Gallagher B. T., 37 F orbes st, Reciter!) Gall James, Rivers at, Bellevue 11111 Galbraith John, Falcone.- at, Ryde Gall James, Pacific at, Vaueluse Gallagher Miss Marie, teacher of music, .Galbraith It. C., .T.P., "Wincheombe," Gall Mrs. Nen, 10 Marshall at 272 Gleninore rd, Paddington .Ocean st, Paddington Gallagher Martin, Derby at, Epping Gall R. II., 7 Anderton at, Marrickville Galbraith It. F., .T.P., State Returning Gall S. F., house, land, and estate agent, Gallagher Mrs. Mat y, 9 Phillip at, Offieer for King Division, 126144 Percival rd, Stamnore Elmore Palmer at Gall S. F., 22 Douglas at, Stanmore Gallagher 3liss Mary, Unwin's Bridge rd, klaibralth T., 71 Bank at, North Sydney Gall Thomas, 152 Weston id, Rozelle Marrickville Galbraith W., 32 Arthur at, Paddington Gall W IL, 23 Charles at, Forest Lodge Gallagher Michael, 107 Cowper at, Glebe Galbraith W. S., 25 Prospect at, L'hardt Gall 1% illiam, 9.5 iew at, Annandale Gallagher Michael, 83 Glebe at, Glebe -Galbraith William T., 273 Ernest at, Gallagher Alfred, Kent rd, Eastwood Gallagher P., Mona at, Auburn North Sydney WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE : 810 . 12 OFOROE ST. 'PHONE 728 a 1524 CENTRAL Gal ALPHABETICAL. Gallagher P., Victoria rd, ErmIngton Gallimore Mrs. G., Orange at, Randwiek Gallagher P., 45 Leamington aye, thallium Sautes, 75 Reynolds at, Winain Newtown , Gallimore Mrs. L., 44 Allen at, Leichhardt Gallagher P., 23 Salisbury rd, Stamnore Gallon John, Orara at, Waitara Gallagher 1'. E., 87 Sintutona at, Enntere Gallop Edward, manager Bank of N.S.W. Gallagher P.1., Inkeiman st, rinatta (branch) 92 Military rd, Mosman Gallagher Patrick, 85 Buckingham at / Gallop George, Clairvatix rd, Vancluse Gallagher R. II., Todman ave, Kensingt'u Gallop J., Ashburn place, Gallagher T., 25 Wilson lane, Redfern Gallott W. J., 00 Barley rd, Manly Gallagher T. J., 7 Morehead at, Waterloo Gallowa y Mrs. A. 41 Alban y at, N. Svd. Gallagher Thomas, Vatteluse rd, l'aucluse Galloway A. W., 27 Station ai, Pet'sham Gallagher Thomas, 23 Spicer at, Nrahra Galloway Mrs. B. Cro ydon at, Lakemba Gallagher Miss U., 420 Victoria rd, Galloway Miss C.;10 Wardell rd, 31.'ville Gallagher W., 17 Henderson rd, Alex'dria Galloway Charles, 87 Great Buckingham Gallagher W., 89 Renwick at, Alexandria at, Redfern Gallagher W., 82 College at, Balmain Galloway Chariee 3., 7 Argyle at Gallagher Mrs. W., 7 Thompson at, Galloway David, 2 Nickson at Drummoyne Galloway David, 152 Rose at, Darlington Gallagher W., 90 Chandos at, N. Sydney Galloway Mrs. E., Harris st, Mascot Gallagher W., 65 Jenkins at, N. Sydney Galloway F. II., Belmore rd, Randwick Gallagher W., Allison rd, Ranch% irk Galloway Francis G., 6 Bourke at Gallagher \V. C., 51 Abercrombie at Galloway Miss G. (C. of E.), Grammar Gallagher W. IL ,5t Temple at, Stailmore School for Girls, Veret at, Hunter'a Gallagher William, 101 ROSS at, Forest Lodge GallotnyVietoria it, Alexandria Gallagher Miss Wintlie, boardinghouse, Galloway Iteorge, see. Cold Storage Me64 Paddington sr, Paddington Ployees, Trades Hall, Goulburn at Gallahar Percy T., Phillip rd, Putney Galloway George, 440 Riley at Gallahar S. 11., Bassett at, Dalmorton Galloway Henry, 184 Riley at Gallaher B. G., Common at, litirlatone Galloway Mrs. 3., 20 Bayswater rd Park Galloway James, 171 Union at, N'town Gallaher Joseph, 3 Raper at Galloway John, 356 Castlereagh at Gallaher Mrs. M., 124 Itutliven at, lt'wick Galloway John, 143 Goodlet at Gallaher S., 20 Holterman at, N. Sydney Galloway John E., Botany rd, 3litarot Gallan Alfred, 6 Great Iltickingintin at, Galloway John M., Clyde st, Granville Redfern Gallowa y MN. M. A., Mount at, Auburn thalami Bernard, O'Brien at, Bondi Galloway Mrs. H. A., 57 Morehead at, Galland C., 9 'Leyden at, Mosinatt )Redfern Galland 1. L., .T.P., commission and finan- ; Galloway Thomas, 19 Belmorest cial agent, 14 Castlereagh at. ; Galloway W., 380 Unwin's Bridge rd, Galland I. L., J.P., 33 Penkivil at, Bondi St. Peters tialWid John, Barker at, Itandwick Galloway W. J., Gibbons at, Auburn Gallant Robect, Terry at, ArnclIffe Galloway William J., 161 Bareom aye Gallant William, Terry at, Arnelifte Gallway David, 12 Ennis et, Bahnain Gallantry Mrs. E., Robert at, Artarmon Galocostaa D. G., 52 Bent at, N. Sydney Gallard A. S., Platt's avenue, Belmore Galpane John, Broughton at, Concord Gallant Alfred, Balaclava rut, Eastwood Galpern George, Dowling st, Kens'gton Gallard Arthur, Parrantatta rd, Hyde Galpin Albert H., 32 Park /IVO, D'Inoyne Gallard Byron E., Hunt's a ye, Eastwood Galpin E. R., dentist, 157 Elizabeth st Gallant Ebenezer, Continua rd, EastwoOd Galpin Edwin It., dentist, 90 Miller at, Gallard Edward, North rd, Eastwood North Sydney Gabbard George, Corunna rd, Eastwood Galpin James, Marlborough rd, WilGallard Henry, Abuklea rd, Eastwood loughby Gallard Hyrain, Corunna rd, Eastwood Galpine John, bag, sack and twine merGallant Luke, Pembroke at, Epping chant, 417 and 419 Sussex at Gallard M.., Haberfield rd, Haberfield Galt William F.. Carrington rp, It'wlek Gallard Mark, Fruit Exchange, Barker at Gallon Mrs. Maria, Railway st, Slewood Gallant Matthew, George ,t, East B'wood Galvin Benj., Canary rd, Canterbury Gallard Mrs. Millie, Nor) hi rd, Eastwood Galvin Bernard, Pine st, Randwick Gallant Oliver, Hunt's Ave, Eastwood Galvin Brother, Superior, Christian Gallard Percy, Abuklea rd, Eastwcod Brothers' High School, 68 The Gallard Seymour, Ray 's rd, Epping Boule vii rd. Lewisham Gallant Silas J., Abuklea rd, Eastwood Galvin D., 81 Northutnberland are, Gallard Walter, North rd, Eastwood Stanntore Gallaway A., 67 Ann at Galvin E., 73 Windmill at Gallaway Miss E., 60 Church at, 1"inatta Galvin 31iss F., 321 Glemnore rd, Pad't'n Gallecher Mrs. T. W., 387 Catnerina at, Galvin Mrs. IL, 18 Challis ave, Maeville Leichhardt Galvin Henry, 68 Raglan at, \Vaterloo Gallen A., carrier, 10 Dailey st Galvin James, 70 Glebe st, Glebe Gallen George, 11 Brent at, Rozelle Galvin James, Cad.le at, Randwiek Gallen Hugh, carrier, 197 Kent at Galvin James, Muofield at, Rozelle Gallen Hugh, 05 Weston rd, Rozelle Galvin James, Edward at, Willoughby Gallen Jaunes, Cowan rd, St. Ives Galvin John, 25 Pearce st, Double Bay Gallen John, Stanley at, St. Ives Galvin John, 178 Ceelly at, Lelehhardt Gallen Mrs. 31., 3a Moodie at, Rozelle Calvin John, 3 Prosper at, Rozelie Gallen Patrick, Pembroke rd, Eastwood Galvin Mrs. Maria, 85 Kippax at Gallen Thomas, 141 Weston rd, Rozelle Galvin Martin, 56 Clayton at, Balmain Gabler Mrs. J., Romsey at, Hornsby Galvin Mrs. Mary, 212 Weston rd, Rozelle Gallery John, Eldon at, Peakhurst Galvin Michael, 41 Bellevue at Gallery T., 123 Albion at, Annandale Galvin Mrs. Nora, 171) Princes at Gallia George, 105 Cowper at, Glebe Galvin S. B., Beauchamp at, 31arrickville Galligan James, 465 Elizabeth at Galvin Thoma s , 11 Clarenee lane Galligan John, 80 Marlborough at Galvin Thomas, 43 Wellesley at, Sum. Gallimore A., Lawrence at, Alexandria Hill Gan1275, Galvin Walter, 9 Rose at, Darlington Galvin Win., 61 31111tary nit, Nettt. Bay Galway Alfred, 32 Bishop at, St. Peters Galway Mrs. C., Dan gar st, Itandwick Galway George, 12 Killarney at, :Rosman Galway J. D., 7 Kent at, Newtown Galway Leonard, Wyalong st, il' by Galwey and Co., printers and stationers, 215 Kent at Galwey Garnet, Gerald ave, Roseville Gambill A. E., 114 St..Tolut's rd, Glebe Gambell :Miss li. E., 90 Glasse') at, Gambell Wm., et/ Lord's rd, 31aseat Gambetta Joseph, Railway par, Mortdale thimble Mrs. A., Lane Cove rd, N. Syd'y Gamble Mrs. Amy, London at, Campsle Gamble )1 rs. E. J., 51 D2nison at, Roz.. Gamble E. R., 42 Frampton ave, 31' kvillo Gamble Frank, 78 Wells at, Annandale Gamble Herbert, 6 Cardwell at, Balmaitt Gamble .F., 62 Kingselear rd, Alexandria Gamble James, Lowe at, Little Coogee Gamble James II., Dell yiew at, Bondi. Gamble john, Pahner at, Artarmon Gamble John, 44 Cluindos at, Ashfleld Gamble joint, :12 Belinore at, Emnore Gamble John, Elizabeth at, Waterloo Gamble Joaeply Gardeners' ht, Wat'lao Gamble Michael, 48 Mount at Gamble .T. It., 199 Annandale at, An'dale Gamble Thomas, 3a Reynolds at, B'inalit Gamble W. , 245 Annandale at, A'dale Gamble William, May at, Petersham Gambling Caleb, Bellevue at, Thorttleiglt Gambling William, Henrietta at, Way'y Gambly William, Twin rd, Nortlt Hyde thunbold John, 2 Ivy st, Dffilington Gambrill and McKay, bakers, Wigram at, Parramatta Gambrill J., 171 Henderson rd, A'dria Gambill' Geo. WIgrain at, Parranuttta Gambrill Cmi lit, P., 0.S.11. rd, Vatteluse GambrIll lt., 4 Etunore rd, 31arrickville Gambrill Wm., Meehan at, Sherwood Gambrill William E., 22 Bogan at, Summer Hill Game Herbert J., Cook st, Mascot Game lanai-,aye, Croydon Park GaintIeld F., Rocky Point rd, Kogitralt Gammage Thomas, Botany nil, Alex'dria Gammen Tame, Bydown at, Neut. Bay Gammon John, 105 Campbell at, Glebe Gammidge lt., 25 Davies at, Ganunie. James, jun., Madeline at, Hunter's 11111 Ganintle James semi., Ferdinand at, Hunter's Hill Gaminie John, Paul at., Hunter' Hill Gaminte John W. B., Mary at, Auburn Gammie Peter, 12 Caerleon eras, It'wlek Gammie Robert, Saville at., Gore Hill Gammie Timothy, Wiggins at, Botany Gaithille William, Wiggin g at, Botany Gammon Sainuel4 Onslow at, N. Bondi Ganison E., 130 Elswick at, Lelchhardt Gander Andrew, Boyle at., Enfield Gander Arthur, 12 Phillip at, Glebe Gander Mrs. Emnia, South par Auburn Gander George, 47 Dickaon at, Newtown Gander George II., 61 Dickaott at, N'town Gander J. A., Pittwater rd, St. Ives Gander W. R., 91 Gleninore rd, Painful Gander Walter, 3Iurray at, Waverley Gauderson Charles, 20 Bridge rd, Glebe Grunion Alex., 128 Campbell at, St. Peters. Gandon Andrew J., 18 Reynolds at. Balmain Gandry Rowland, 69 Newington rd, 31arrickville Gandy George, 12 Griffin st Gandy hurry, Davies at, Petersham Gandy I lenry, 10 Black at, 31arriekyille Gandy Robert, condor st, Harwood THE MOST COMPETENT AND LEAST COSTLY FUNERAL DIRECTORS IN, AUSTRALASIA ANTHONY HORDERNS' — BIGOEST STOREINAUSTRALIA, 1276Gan AliPlIABETICAL. Gate Milking Machines — Dalgety and .Co. Ltd., agents, Miller's Point Gam: Alfred 11.; Randolph at, Mascot .Gane Charles, Brighton st , Enfield Gime Chas., 575 Baimain rd, Leichhardt (laneEdwardB.,Militaryrdsouth, Guildford •(Jane G. W., Albert par, Guildford Ganey S., 10 Australia at, Woolintim Gangat Estate, Ltd., Mutual Life of N.Y. buildings, Martin place •Gauge Samuel B., Bondi rd, Bondi 'Gannon A. C., 01 Wetherill st, latichhardt GannonAlbertA., solicitor, " Zeona," Station at, Tempe Gannon Albert W., 307 Dowling st Gannon Albert, NV., Albert st, Hornsby •flannon Archibald M., Station at, Tempe Gannon Miss II., Selborne at, Bu rwood Gannon Miss II., Cuba rita rd, Mortlake Gannon Mrs. C., Hampden rd, Artannon 'Gannon Claude, Harriet at, 31arrickvIlle •Gannon E., Sebastopol at, MarrickvIlle Gannon Frederick, "Iturlingluon," UnMn at, Tempe - 011,1111 (1 11 F.Sydney, solicitor, 05 Market st ; p.r., ('remit rite rd, Cremorne 'Gannon I Mena, Tantalion ave, Antenna Gannon I terbert, Denmark at, Merryla ti's Gannon Mr.'. .1., 218 Oxford st , Woollahra 'Gannon Hon. J. C., K.C., M.L.C., bar.Hater, 171 Phillip at Cannon J. F.,Princesst, Brighton-leSands, 'Gannon James, Raven st, Ryde Gannon Ilon. James C., M. L.C., barristerat-law, Russell a ye, Sandringham Gannon John, Vincent, at, Balmain Gannon John, 47 Belgrave at, Waverley Gannon John T.,Forest. rd, Antenna ,GannonJosephN.,131Stationat, Newtown Gannon Leslie E., solicitor, 65 Market st; p.r.,' Burlingham, "Unionat, Tempe .Gannon Mrs. Mary, 80 Princes at Gannon Michael, 42 Lincoln at, S•more ("mom Patrick, Ponsonby at, Mascot Gannon Peter, 76 Liverpool st, Norton Gannon 31rs, S., 47 Grosvenor eras, SUM' mer Hill Gannon Thomas,103 Bayswater rd Gannon Thomas, Park rd, Auburn Gannon Thomas, Ferry at, Hunter's 11111 Gloom" Thomas, 87 Bahnain rd, L'hardt • Gannon Walter, Teutonic's at, Botany Gammas J. C., 1Murke st , Waterloo (humor S. E., 3 Steward at, Leichhanit •Oansmann Mrs. F. 11., 24 Court rd, Irahra .•ansmann H., It Oxford st, Paddington Gansmann Heindrich,168 Forbes at Gant Claud J., tea broker, 10 Barrack at Gant Cleve, Arnelitie st, Arneli fie Gant Mrs. F., 30 Windsor at, Paddington Gant Thomas, 178 Johnston at, Airedale Onnter Leapald, 224 Dowling St Gapes George, South at, Granville Gapes Harold A., Cohen at, Granville Gapes John, "Stamen st , Granville Gapes Reginald, Nobbs st, Gra ovine •G apes Richard 11, 178 Albany rd, Faith in Gapes Stanley B., Alfred st. Granville Gapes William A., William at, Granville Gapper F., Smith at, Weuttworthville (la pps C., Holborrow at, Croydon Garard George, Terminus at, Liverpool Guard James, Wanda at, Holroyd Gianni Mrs. 11., 68 Spring at, Waverley Matadi Ransom, Kingston rd, C'down Garbutt Albert .f., Mount at, Coogee Garbutt Mrs. C.. 6 Ashmore at, Ersk'ville Garbutt Mrs. E. A.,106Wigrant rd, .Glebe 'Garbutt John NV., Alberte at, Leiehhardt WOOD, COFFILL AND Garbutt Leslie A., Junction st, 3Frille Garbutt Mrs. Mary, 86 Railway aye,' Stanmore Garbutt Thomas, Bank at, Meadowbank Garcia School of Music—Madame B. E.Christian, directress,15-19 Challis IWO Gard F., 447 Oxford at, Paddington Gard James, 109 Wilson at, Redfern Gard John, 19 Harris at, Rozelle Gard Joseph, I Edward at, 1Voollaina Gard 1. F., 85 Belmont rd, 3fosman Gard Thomas, (12 Lander st, Redfern Gard Thomas, 17.6 Wens st, Redfern Gard Win., 73 Ferris at, Annandale (lard William, Lakemba at, Canterbury Garde Henry T., 30 Gerard at, Neut. Bay Garde John, Woodville rd, Granville Garde Thomas, Wellington st, Granville Garde William 31., 14 Miller ave, Ashfield Garden A. S., headmaster Public School, Mort's rd, Mortdale Garden Alex., St. Helena par, Mascot Garden Alex , 31 Comma Id, Stanmore Garden Allen, Wellesley at, Summer Hill Garden Andrew, 54 Louis at, Redfern Garden David, 115 Young at, Annandale Garden David it., sergeant, pollee station, Annandale st, Annandale Garden Henry Jr., Con eord rd, Concord GardenHubertM.,J.P.,Neichpar, Burwood Garden Janie u, England ave. Maeckville Garden Mrs. Jessie, 81 Parley rd, Manly Garden john, 25 Christie at, Glebe Garden John S., 10 Cambridge at, Paddington Garden 31. W., 17 Harrow rd, Stamnore Gardener's Road Public School—Samuel Long,headmaster,Botanyroad, Waterloo Gardener George, Ocean at, Kogarah Gardener W., Martin at, St. Lamar& Gardener William II., 98 Ivy at, Redfern Gardes Mrs. Marie, It Edward at, Summer 11111 Gardiner Joe, Ltd., boot warehouse, 4147 Oxford st; 698, 700, 706 and 839841George st ; 31-33 Broadway Glebe ; 278 Klng-st, Newtown ; and 87-93 Regent at. Radfern Gardiner L. and A., butchers, 115 Bondi rd, Bondi Gardiner W.and Co., Ltd. — W. H. Gardiner,Londongoverningdirector ;ThomasJ.Bachman, managing director ;T. F. Edgar, secretary ; warehousemen and importers, TiYork st, Sydney (Tel. 245 and 2(t33 and4209) ; and at 12 Redeross at, London, B.C. Gardiner Mrs. A., 49Cambridgest, St amnore Gardiner Mrs. A. S., Mills at., Rookwood Gardiner Albert, 108 Newland at, Wav'y Gardiner Albert A., Albert at, Belmore Gardiner Capt. Alex., Maude at, B:111110/1 Gardiner Alfred E., Orr at, Waverley Gardiner Alex. George at, Mascot Gardiner Mrs. C., 77 John at, W'altra Gardiner Mrs. C. E., 132 Sydenham rd, Marrickville Gardiner C. H., 32 Smith at, Sum. Hill Gardiner Captain, oThondeigh rd, South Hornsby Gardiner Charles, Bridge st , D'inoyne Gardiner Charles, Thompson at, D'moyne Gardiner Chas., Hawthorne par, Haberfield Gardiner Chas., 27 Frampton ave, Gardiner Charles, Barker at, Randwick GardinerClarence,Ed enhohnerd, Abbotsford COMPANY LTD. THE , HOMEOFANTHONYHORDERNS'FAMOUSLOWPRICES. Gar Gardinerconfect latter, 93 George st west and 120 Oxford st Gardiner Daniel, Ermington st, But any Gardiner David, 28 Cowper st, Meta, Gardiner David, 53 Telibutt st, 1,'Ilanit • Gardiner David, Bourke at, Waterloo Gardiner Miss E., 33 Stafford at, Padlon Gardiner E. F., Dalhousie st., GardinerE.11.,24St .George's en's, Druitintoy Gardiner Edward, Kin g ston st, 11 ab'lleld Ganliner Mrs. Ellen, 71 Bayswater rd Ganliner Ernest E., 611 Bank st, North Sydney Gardiner F. '1'., 38 Huntington at, N. Syd. Gardiner F. W., 210 '17 rafalgar at, Gardiner Frank, Pennant at., Par' natta Gardiner Frederick, 180 Elizabeth st Ga nun, r Frederick. Park ni, Kottaralt Gardiner 0., 25 Hargrave lane, Padlon Gardiner Mrs* G. A., 13 Raglan at, M'Intin Gardiner G. '1'., 140 Percival rd, Staninore Gardiner George, 71 Bayswater rd Gardiner George, 68 Cowles rd, 3lostnan Gardiner George, 25 Waverley st, It wick Gardiner George S., 5 Cowper at, Glebe Gardiner 31rs. 11., Bridge at., limoyne Gardiner 11., 232 Bridge rd, Glebe Gardiner If . C., 313 Abererombie st, Red. Gardiner 311ss II. E., Bridge al. lYinoyne Gardiner Henry, 21 Wentworth place Gardiner Henry, 27 The Avenue, Wintsin Gardiner :Henry, Stanton ni, Haberneld Gardiner Henry, 91 Walker at, Redfern Gardiner Henry .T.. Bunnerong rd, Ken. Gardiner 'feria. rt , Robert at, S'lleld Gardiner Hobart, 33 Grove st , Gardiner .f. G., 165 Edgeeliffe rd, W'alint Gardiner J. II., agent, 2b Castlereagh at Gardiner .Tames, High at, Carlton Wadi Int r Jas., 13 Tavistock at, D'Inoyne Gardiner James, Underwood ST, 11'hush Gardiner James, 3 Harley rd, Itandwirk Gardiner James, Neville it, Willongby Gardiner John, 10 Lainbart, at, C'down Gardiner ,Tohn, Rawson at, Ilaberlield Gardiner John, 28 Florence at, St. Peters Gardiner John, Jersey ni, To rraintant Gardiner Joseph, Lang rd, Centennial Pk. Gardiner Joseph, 4 Mitchell at, Glebe Gardiner 31 iss 31., 159 Elswick at. L'iedt Gardiner Mrs.31.,166BellBoydrd, Neutral Bay Gardiner Mrs. 31., Nrilitary rd, N. Sydney Gardiner Mrs. M., Cairns at, Peal:hurat Gardiner Mrs. 31. A., Galloway at, Parramatta Gardiner Mrs. M. 1:„ 3 Tintern rd, A'fleld Gardiner Madame, ladies' out fitter, 164164t William-A Gardiner Martin B., Allred at, Salts Sour' Gardiner NI iss, registry office, 57 Elizabeth at Gan': liter Mrs., Bancroft live, Roseville Gardiner Norman L., 418 Crown st Gardiner l' G.., 23 Bradford at, Womb' Gardiner Percy, 132 Ituthven at, Randwick Ganliner R„ 101 Henderson rd, A•x•dria Gardiner It., O'Connor at, Haberlield Gardiner Robt., Westboiuruie at, ( arlton Gardiner 31iss S., 15 Bedford st, N'town Gardiner 3Irs S. L., Want at, litirwood Gardiner '1'., Sherwood rd., 3Ierrylands Gardiner T. E., Northcote at, Sans Saud Gardiner Thomas, 38 Herbert at Gardiner Thos., Patrick at, Ilurstville Gardiner W., Victoria College of Music, 752 George st Gardiner W. D., Victoria rub, 31'ville Gardiner W. E., 43 Anerton at, N. Sydney Gardiner W. G., lhalley st, Dandas Gardiner W. IL, 12 Broughton at, N. Syd. Gardiner Mrs. W. II., 55 Ridge at, N. Syd. BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS. SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION Gar . :11.1 3 11ABE'l'ICA1. Gar1277 Can/mar William, Fuller's rd, Clewood Gardner Capt. W. S., Pennant II ill rd, Garlick Herbet. t, S Gerard at, Neut. 13113' Gardiner \\*inborn,117Botanyat.; Normanlitirst Garlick Isarte, ett • Iton par, Carlton Waterloo °tinnier Walter, coachbuilder and wheel- Garlick .f., officer in charge Local GovGardiner William N., Sophia at, Wa y lay wright, 68 Union at, Pyrinont ernment Depart meat. Phillip st Gardner, Wrern and Co., power niachin- Gardner \Walter, sen. Daniel st, Botany cry merchants and electrical engi- Gardner Walter, Chinon' rd, Willottglthy Garlick John, Russell tune, Sandringham Garlick John NV., stationmaster, Chapel •naers, 334 Kent at Gardner William, 21 Bulwarra lane Id, Bankstown Catchier A., Meadowbank it ire,311'Im tik Gardner William, Croydon ate, Enfield Garlick Joseph, 12 George at, Leleithantt rordner Archd. \V., solicitor, 100 King St Gardner William, Gregory at, Granville Garlick Mrs. f,., Station at, Barris Park Gardnar Win., 24 Wentworth st, 31 olly Garlick 31rs. Louisa, Regent, at, Gardn ar Arthur, Webber's rd, li.'ga rail Cordner Arthur G. 11, solicitor, Bull's Gardoll Jo seph, Oxford a y e, Ban kstown Garlick R. S., :15 Burton at, Lit. Conga° chambars, 14 Moore at : or.. Arnold Gardyne Chas. fi Llandalf at, Waverley Garlick Ric:lard, 212 Bridge rd, Cliche at, 1: Want Gardyne Geo., '89 Atchison at, N. Sydney Garliek Sidney, Roserea at, Itandwick (la Myna 3Irs. 31. Minicar st, NVoollahra Garlick W. C., Gardner Arthur J., North ni, Ityde Thor/1y ave, L'hardt Garet Mrs. Catherine, 1:1 Playfair at Gardner Mrs. C., 25Barry at, Neut. Bay Garlick W. J., 38 Bishop st, 31arriekville Gardner 31rs. C. E., 25 Holden at, AsIdield Gam! Louis, 14 Esaex st Goslin g 311 ,m A , hair mil skin S1)2011114 Gardner C. II., St. George's par, If 'stville Garet Stephen 29 Campbell st, hart on 136 Pitt st Garey Frederick, 'Velegraph rd, Pymble Gardner C. S., Gloucester rd, Hurstville Bailing Anhui. L., Douglas at, Dul. 11111 (+anent Ile T. F., Canary rd, CanOrbury Garling C \V., 107 Spencer rd, 31osinati Gardner C. T. watchmaker, 82 Pitt at Gardeaer Charles, 47a Venlig st, Redfern Garfield John S., 53 Morris st , Sum. Hill Gilding I). C., Burns Bay rd, Lane Cove G afield Timinas, Willis at, Artteliffe Gmlner Charles A., 67 Leinster at Oarling G. F., Bottrlevarde, Stratlffield Garfield Thomas, 75 Silver st , St. Peters Gardner Charles G., N.S.H. rd, Mull on (tailing II. C., 10 Manning st, Withra Gardner Charles T., Almora at, Mosman Garfortit George A., 72 liepos at, Meru (baling Mrs. K., 14 Hopetoun at, Platon Gardner Charles W., Cardigan at, A'burn Garforth Mrs..1. IL, 105 \Vest at, N. Syd. (ladin g Ilia, L. N'., Slr 311tehell Gm forth L., 25 Ro s lyndale ilVV, Nrahra Gardner David, 54 Trafalgar st, An'dale it, Bondi Gardner David, Wharf rd, Gladesville WrIVIllo P., Hampton st. Croydon Park (lading P. S , Winchcombe ave. GardnerE.A.,74Metropolitanrut Gar lull•faines11.,(134Illawarnsni, Garling Thomas, 14 AI txande r st, Manly ' ,Atmore Ma rriekvi lie Galling \V , Burns Bay rd, Lane Garland K. and G., fan Mrs, Pennant, st, Gardner Edward, Oakura at, Rockdale Cove Parramatta Gardner ErnestIf., solicitor, 01 Eliza(tarmac): II ra.E.,31Tnompsonst, beth at Garland, Sanborn and Abbott, solicitors, Marrickville 14 Moore st Gardner Ernest, R., 31anition rd, AbbotsGannanJohn,PrinceEdwardlane ford Garland A. F., Schweble st, 21 Ma r' ville Long Bay Gardner Evan S., Won g a st, Burwood Garland Mrs. A. AL, 131 Parraimitta, rtl, Garn John, 20 Trade at, Newtown Annandale Gardner Francis E., 93 Oxford at, IVavley (tarn Robert,10 Endeavour rd, DiteeyGardner Frank 31., Station nt, Auburn Garland Alfred \V., 27 London st , Env illy GardnerFreda risk,St.George'spar, more Garman Joseph, l'ark at, Antenna Hurst villa Garland 3Irs. C., Hampstead rd, Auburn G 81'1111111 William, 41 Foss at, F. Lodge Gardner Fredlc., 12 'Robert st, Rozelle Garland Mrs. C., Durhant at, Dulwich 11111 Garner C., 73 Constitution rd, Petersham Gardner George, Arden st North, Coogee Garland C. F., Kingtson st, Haberlield Garner ('. E., Carrington ate, II' vine Gardner George, 35 Lackey at, St. Peters Garland C. 1,„ 166 1:ing at Garner Mrs. C. NV., Hanover par, Concord Gardner George, 568 0.S.H. rd, 11"ahra (1 triand Mrs E., 1 S. John at, Balmain Garner E. A., High at,ViIIuuughiIjv Gardner George E., 12 Corbett at Garland E. A., Braeside at, IVahroonga Garner if ugh, :in Edward at, Gardner George W., 54 Dowling at, Itlern Garland Edward, 41 Itutliven at, It'wleic Garner Slimes :14, Robert st, 3Iarrickvilla GarlandEdwardA.,Clevelandst, Garner .1ain ts 11., Wellbanic rd. Concord Gardner Harold, 10 William at, Balmain Gardner Henry C., 62 Egan at, Newtown IValiroonga Garner John, 69 Elizabeth at, AV. Alield Gardner Herbert, Stilt ion at, Antenna Garland Mrs. F., Duke at, I:ensington (taint . r.rosepli, COX'S ni, North It yda Gardner J. L., 1 Baptist at, Redfern Garland George, 11 McLean at, Paddlon Garner ,Ios. W., Tennyson rd, Mortlake Gardner .Tames, 25 Fitzroy st Garland George, 143 Baptist at , Redfern Garner Mansell, 15 Surrey at, Mar'kville Gardner John, manager Strathfleld and Gaeland H. W., accountant, 3 Spring St Garner T. Nr., ()calm at, Woolialins EnfieldBrickandTerraCotta Garland 11. IV., 147 Pitt at, Redfern Garner AV., 52 Terminus at, l'etershant Works, Ltd., AVater iii., Enfield Garland Harry, 50 John at Garner William, Maloney at, 31ascot Garland Henry N., Potts at, (nathaville Garnett and Whiteoak, quarry, Long Gardner John, Gloucester rd, Hurstville iGat d tier John, It Folti It at, 1Voollalint Garland Henry NV., Kirkham at , IVeroft Bay ni, Coogee Gardner John C., 48a Holden at, Ashfleld Garland J. It., solicitor and commissioner Garnett1110Nrititeoak,stonemasons, Gardner John IL, 15 Fitzroy al, N. Syd'y for affidavits, 14 Moore at ; p.r., Dowling st, Waterloo Gardner John L.. 78 Epping rd, Nraltra "Kintore," Albert rd, Stratlifield Garnett B., 524 King at, Newtown Gardner John R., 37 Riley st Garland 3Irs. J., O'Connell at, P • 111110 is Garnett Edward, Early st, Parrainatta Gardner Joint W. 4 Duke at, lialmain Garland James I ,.Lucerne st, Behnore Garnett Henry J., 3(1 Holt at ' Gardner Joseph, 16:1 Allen at, L'hardt GarlandHon.John, ' K.C.,ALL.C., Garnett311s.Isabella,524Iiingat, Gaidnar Joseph, 1 Oxford at, Paddington barrister,107Phillipat ;p.r., New Gardner Mrs. L., 8 William at, Baltnain Victoria rd, Bellevue 11111 Garnett James. (19 Chrt/1(103 at, N. Syd. Gardner Mrs. L. 3 , Bank at, Meadoa b'nk Garland John, 294 Bridge rd, Glebe Garnett John, NVestern rd, Parramatta Gardner Mrs. 31,32 Annandale at, An- Garland John, 61, Renwick at, Redfern Garnett, John J., 419 Darling st, Balmain nanda'a Garland John, Balfour rd, Rose Bay Garnett L. I'., chief clerK Government Gardner Mrs. B..,, Lord .at, ,. Rockdale Garland T. 73 Trafalgar at, Annandale Printing Office, Phi l lip at Gardner Mrs. M. J., Robert, Si, 1"sham Garland Titontas, (12 Yu rung at Garnett Lewis F., LouiPA rd, 13almain Gardner Miss, local agent, Wood, Coffin Garland 'Thomas, 10 Palmer at Garnett Mrs. 31. A., 10 Wiley at, NVav'y and Co. .1,td, Bridge at, Minty ne Garland Thomas, Cameron at, Rockdale Garnett 0 4 car, Hornsey rd, FleinIngttm -Gardner Mrs., l'ictoria rd, Bellevue 11111, Garland W. C., 0.8.11. rd, Woallaltra Garnett Oscar, Parramatta rd, H' htcIi ne se Bay Garland W. G., 05 Crown at, St. Peters Garnett Thos., 224 ROSO at, Darlington iGardner It., 110a Liverpool rd, Ashfleld Garland W. II., Ilaberfield rd, Haberfield Garnett Walter, 7 Raper st Gardner It., 106 St. John's rd, Forest Garland W. J., Hardie at, 3Iascot, GarnettWarrington,Broughton id, Lodge Garlick Bros., motor garage, 16(1 Bondi Homelnish ?ardner It. W., manufacturing chemist, rd, Bondi Barney Mrs. P., Forest rd, Arncliffe 82 Pitt at Garlick Sirs. A., Marion at, Parramatta Garnham Mrs. A. II., 14 Albert at, Forest Gardner Reuben, 11 Edward at, Irnlira Garliek Andrew, 195 Albany rut, P'sliam Lodge Gardner Robert, 10 Bray at, Erskineville Garlick F., 202 Devonshire st Garnitam George Dolphin at, Coogoe Gardner Bribed, sen., George at, WvIlle Garlick Frank, Moore at, Hurst ville Gams George, 215 ' Johnston at, Aleda le Gardner Samuel, 23 Union at Garlick Gilbert, 100 King St Garnsey Edward J., Dunmore st, Bexley Gardner W., secretary :Miller Wade Milk- Garlick H. II., 573 Bourke at Gantsey Mrs. M. L., "Rhodes," Walker ing Apparatus Ltd., 40 Elizabeth at Garlick Mrs. Helena, lenthall st,Keleton at, Rhodes Gardner W., Carrington rd, Randwick Garlick Henry, TOO Esplanade, Brigh- Garnsey Thomas A., Forest rd, Irvine Gaellner W. 11., 49 l'elibutt at, L'hardt ton-le-Sands Garrad Alfred, 4 Francis at, Marrlekville 1 AS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND CONTRACTORS WE SERVE ALL WITH EQUITY AND ECONOMY ANTHONY HORDERNS 1— AUSTRALIA' S MAMMOTH STORE. Gas ALPHABETICAL. 1278Gar 1 Ernest, Dougherty at, Mascot Garton Lewis, 15 Sydney st, Erskineville Gamut D., butter exporter, corner Garrett Garrett 0., 179 Johnston st, Annandale Garton Matthias, 158 Chapel st, • George and Hay sts Sydney It., Prospect rd, SUM. IL George, 11 Nook a y e, N. Sydney Garton Garrad Percy, jun., 13 Schwable st, Garrett Garton Walter, Grey st, Carlton Garrett Henry, Rawson at, Mascot Marrickville Gartrell A., Dudley at, Babel flold Garran Miss Helen S., typist, 12 Castle- Garrett J. C., 31 Union st, Paddington Garrett .1. II. B. Lauderdale a ye, Manly Gartrell E., baker, 351 and 461 Pantreagh st matte rd, Leichhardt st, Erskinevillo Garran Miss M. E., registrar Teachers' Garrett James, 23 Bovine Gartrell Edwin, 65 Augustus st, L'Itardt John, oil Mount at, Hun. 11111 Central Registry, secretary Aus- Garrett John N., Harvard st, Gladesvillo Gartrell F., refreshment rooms, 82 Elmtralasian Trained Nurses' Asso- Garrett Joseph J., Arthur st, Carlton both at ciation, Equitable buildings, George Garrett Garrett Mrs., 100 Edgeware rd, Eamon/ Gartrell Francis, baker 33-35 Bent st Garrett It 47 Shopherd at, Marrickville 75 Hunter at-. 204 William at, 217 Garran Mrs. M. T., 10 Roslyn ave Lane (Awe rd, North Sydney, ant Garrett R. A., 30 Waterview at, Balmain Garrard A., Moorflelds nl, Canterbury Maddison at, Redfern R. W., Wattle at Haberfield Garranl A. W., 38 Phillip at, Stainnore Garrett Gartrell Francis, " Hasgar," Rockland+ Garrett S. IL, Punchbowl rd, Belmont Garrard Alfred B., Crown st, Sherwood road, Wolistonecraft Garrett Samuel, 51 Old Canterbury rd, Garrard Arthur, 49 Harris St Gartroll Frank, Morton st, WollsCerafi Petersham Garranl Mrs. C.. C., 40 Baltic at, N'town Garrett Gartroll S. J., 168 Macaulay rd, Stainnore T., 3 Pickering lane, Woollahra Garrard C. M., manager Bank of AusT. W. The Public Trustee of Gartrell W. 11., baker, Gordon rd,C'wood tralasia (branch), 446 Parramatta Garrett N.S.W., 67 ' Castlereagh at. ; p.r. Garty Heber, 6 Bent at, Paddington rd, Petersham Garvan Hodges, tailors, 176 William st Powell at, Killara Garrard Charles, Webbers' rd, Kogaralt Garvan, Hodges and Brown, cleaners Garrett W., 22 Waterview at, Balmain Garrard Chas., Lackey at, Merrylands and pressers, 205-207 William st 'M., 24 Whistler rd, Manly Garrard Chas. L., 44 Wigrant rd, Glebe Garrett W. P., Garvin' Mrs. B., 102 Cameron at, Pad'toit 41 Cleveland at, Detail W. Garrett Garrard Chris., Albert at, Leichhardt Garvan C. F., licensed surveyor, 25. James, Albert rd, Stratlifield Garrard Ernest 0., 2 Albert par, Ashfleld Garrety Blue st, North Sydney st, Randwick Garranl F., Clietwynd Grove, Merrylands Garrety John, 4 Wood Gamin Edmund, 41 Regent st, N' town wine and spirit miterGarrard F. A., Clanalpine at. Eastwood Garrick and Co. Ormolu Mrs. F , 332 31arrickville rd, ' chants, 30 O'Connell st Garrard Mrs. F. H., 11 South Steyne, Garrick Marriekville Mrs. A., 6 Castlereagh st, ltlern Manly Garvan J. D., 26 Ormond at, Paddington Garrick Edward, grocer, 62 Flinders at Garrard G. I., 60 Hayberry st, N. Sydney Garrick F., fla Windsor at, Paddington Garvan John J., managing director Garrard George S., 19 Mmini at, N'town The Mutual Life and Citizens' AsGarrick Fredetick, Hanover par, Concord Garrard Henry, 17 Way's terrace surance Company, Ltd., corner Garrard Henry IV. G., 72 Park rd, Mar- Garrick Miss G., 22 Carrington st, Moore and Castlereagh sts Lewisham rickville Garrick Mrs. H. II., 102 Wilacm at, N'town Garven J. II. C., Ethan' a ye, Darling Pt. Garrard Mrs. T., Henson at, Goughtown (haven Thos. A., 215 Sydenham rd, Hart at, Paddington Garrard Hon, Jacob, J.P., High st, Garrick Norman', Marrickville Garrick W. S., Harcourt Estate, Campile Garven Hornsby William, 65 Albemarle st, NewGarrick William, King at, St. Peters Garrard James, 68 Mansfield at, Rozolle - town Oarrilty Mrs. Bridget, 166 Cathedral st Garrard Mrs. M. A., Provincial at, Garrilly John, 15 Bolgrave at, Neut. Bay Garvey Miss B., 81 Elizabeth st, Wat'loo Garrard Mrs., 47 Military rd, alosinan Garvey C., 62 Alexander at, Alex andria. Garrard S., 449 Victoria rd, Marrickville Gerrington H. A., jun., Walter's rd, Garvey Mrs. E., Robertson st, W. Keg% Lidcombe Garrard \V. O., Spolforth at, Neut. Bay Oarrington A., Sixth ave, L'eembe Garvey James, 44 Repos at, Re ern Garrard Walter H., 40 Baltic at, N'towit UarringtonHarry Mrs. M., Kingsland rd, Garvey James, 35 Morehead st, Wat'loo Garvey John, Peat's Ferry rd, Waitara Lidcombe Garr:neon W., Brixton at., Lid:iembe Garvey John, 41 31orehead st, WaterlooGARRATT'S LTD. Garrino LOUIS, 15 Wentworth plataGarvey Miss H., 1 Bennett place ALICK MeNEIL. Manager. Garriock T., Duke place, BalmainGarvey Mrs. N., Allred at, North Syd. Motor Car Importer ., Motor Re- Garrity Michael, Wallace st, Burwood Garvey Michael, Platt's a ye, Belmore pairers, and Body 3uilders, and finned Mrs. Mary, Unara at, Campiie Garvey P. J., Cockthorpe rd, LideolithoGarage. 173-175 Fitzabetli at., and Garniw Alexander, Greenacro rd, H'ville ' Garvey Mrs. T., Moyes at, Marrickvil e 148-150 Castlereagh at. Tel., City Garry T. J., 99 Carrington at, Waverley iGarvey Thomas, St. Paul's at, Randwick. 583 and 584 Garai& Mrs. A., 7 Oxford at, Rozelle Garvin Charles, 11 Wellington at , Garvin Charles, 103 Pitt at, Waterloo Garratt Charles, 16 L mishain st, Gantide Alfred, Cowper at, Granville Garvin David, Doncaster ave, Ken'ton Garside Eli, Gladstone st, Kogarah Dulwich Hill E. A. manager Commercial Garratt Frank, 49 The Crescent. Manly Garai& John, Balfour at, Carlton Garvin Banking ' Co. ot Sydney, I,td. Garratt George T., 62 Wigrain rd, (lobe Garaide John, Pine at, Marrickville (Branch) 77-70 Elizabeth at Garratt H., private otlIce, 10 Castle- Garai& M., 134 Eninere rd, Marville Ganda° It. G., 208 Oxford st, Wahra Garvin Ernest A., Penkivil st, Bondi reagh st Garvin Henry, McDonald at, E'ville Garratt H., governing director Strathfield CalNide Sam C., Charles at, Granville Garvin Hilary, The Avenue, Randwick and Enfield Brick anti Terra Ganon B. Jersey rd, Turramurra Garvin 311as J., 35 Cavendish st, Stamens Cotta Works, Ltd., Water st, Enfield Garstaine W., °reliant at, CroydonGarvin John, 12 Steel at rdt Oarratt Herbert, "Loch Maroc," Broad Garstang Percy, 3 North ave, C'lla Garth George F., 22 Park a ye, A'Ilelti Garvin Joseph G., 25 Cowper at, Glebe rd, South Randwick Garth Harold, Cumberland rd, Auburn Garvin Mrs. L., head mistress, High Garratt J., 129 Edgware rd, Marrickville School (girls dept.), 100 Elizabeth t st Garth John, 191 Riley at Garrett L. J., Powell rd, Rose Bay Garth Peter, 255 Trafalgar at, Annandale Garvin Mrs. L. 461 Alfred st, N. Sydney Garratt Percy, 1 Cobar st, Petersham Garvin Mrs. H. 0., Victoria rd, Bellevue llama Mrs. S. T., 2 Dyason lane, Pad- Garth Robert M., 3 Hordern at, N'town Garthon John, Gloucester rd, Huratville Hill, Roso Bay dington Garvin Thomas, I.S.O., J.P., Lang rd, Garratty Miss B., 144 Jersey rd, Padlon Garthside II. S., Dalhousie at, Garthwitite John, Francis at, Lideombe Centennial Park Garratty John, Bronte st, Broute Rev. Thomas, rector, St. Garvin William, 52 Rosser st, Rozelle Garratty John F., Manning at, Waverley Gallium Ignatius' College, III verview, L. Cove Garvin William J., 33 Adelaide at Garratty Joseph, Brenta at, Brenta Gartner J. II., Duntroon at, Hurlstont Oarvock R., Macpherson at, Waverley Garraway Mrs. II., 284 Great Barcom Garwood Henry, 23 Brown at, Pairton Park avenue, Paddingion Gas Employees' Council—Sant, Rawlin, larraway IL E., hellographist, 18 O trton E. S., architect, 113 Pitt at Garton E. S., Shirley at Wellatonecrit ft secretary, Tiade t Hall, Goulburn st Bridge at Fredk., Hardie at, MascotGash Albert, 13 Ocean at, Woollahra Garraway Harold, Stanley at, Chatswood Garton Garton 0., architect, 113 Pitt at Gascolgno Mrs. Ada, 73 Read at, Waylay Garret C., George at, St. Peter's Garton George, Melrose at, Croydon Park Onacolgue Alfred, 8 Roylston it. Padlon Garrett A., 60 Redmond at, Leichlianit Gascoigne Charles B., 8 Pine st, N'town Garrett A. E., 11 Ituthren at, Randwich Garton George, Shell Cove rd, Neut. Bay Cho-coigne Miss F., Church st, Hun. 11111 Garrett C. W. Broughton rd, Artannon Garton George, 12 Clatter at, N. Syil. James, Promenade, Sans Send Gascoigne George, Parkes at, By de • Garrett Mrs. B., 66 Emnore rd, 3I'kville Garton Garton leo-Le II., Prospect iii, Sum. 11111 Gascoigne II., lieberton ave, Hun. 11111 • Garrett Edward, 37 Atmesley at, I. hardt WOOD, COFFILLCOMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE: 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 726 & 1524 CENTRAL THE HOME OF ANTHONY HDF.RNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES. Gas _ ALPHABETICAL. Gay1.79 Gaicoigne Henry, 54 College at-, D'Inoyne Gates George J., 106 Bridge rd, Glebe Gaukrotlger Mrs. II., Pittwater rd, St g ascolgue J., 83 Cowper at, GlebeGates IL, Smith at, Willoughby Ives g rscolgne J. E., Herberton a y e, Hun. Hill Gates Mrs. I., 18 Carshalton at, Ailifleld Gaul George D. 151 Cttliedral at g (scoigne James, Ethel at, Parrainatta Gates .T. C., 4 Burlington at, N. Sydney Gaul William, Merton st, Horatio Go-coigne John, Denison st,W averleyGates J. J., J.1'., manager W. and A. Gaul(' Mrs. C., 81 Windsor at, Pad'ton Go-cook George, Slade at, No re burn McArthur, Ltd ., 79 York at ; p.r., (Mhl Mrs. Emily, u ltilleman's hotel, Cash Mrs. C., 74 Wellington it, Waterloo "Wymaton," Black wall Point nil, 75 Fitzroy st Cash George, Parliamentary ter, Arncli Ile Chiswick Cash John, 11 Smith at, Waterloo Gates James, 3 Ross at, Forest Lodge Gault' .Tohn A., Pretoria ave, 3fosittrin (Muhl Robert., Birrell at, Randwick tin5111'., Newington rd, Gates John '1'., 84 Telopea at, Redfern (Muhl Robert '1'., Ili cull at, Waved° y Gash Prosper, T. 157 3Eville rd, W yllieGates Mrs. 31, 13 Renwick st, Adria Gauld Samuel, 9 Spring at, Waverley 'bash IL F., 36 Caledonia at, l'addington Wes Percy .T., ac.ionittant, 228 Pltt at Gauld Sidney H., 20 Iligh Holborn at Gaskell A. E., meter tyres, 28 CastleGates Percy 3., 0 Harkness at, Woollithra Ottulois l'yre Co.—E. F. Andrea', Sydney reagh st Oates Reginald, dentist, 22 jolinstone manager, 204 Clarence at ; head Caskell Joseph, 164 Morehead at-,Mem it, Annandale offi ce,40 1 Post Office pl, Melbourne flaskill Alfred, 67 Resehill at, Redfern Gates Reuben, Lord's nl, Mascot Gaime Arthur S., Edwin at, Croydon . E .T., Bell st, Vancluati Gates Richard, 23 MacArthur par, Did. 11. Onunische Mrs. C., Arden it south, Frederick, 10 Bridge rd, Globe Gates S. 0., Harcourt Estate, Campsle Coogee Freclk., Church at, LeichhardtGates Mrs. Susan, 4 Rt, obert, s flaunt A., Glebe at, Glebe gaskill William, Archer at, Burwood Gates Sydney IV'., Grose st, Parramatta (taunt soh o'', '', Alfred at, 31ascot GaskIn Paul F., Kara bah at, Auburn Gates T. W., taunter, High at, Willoughby flaunt Thomas, asFoste rd, Iluratville Gasking J. J. C., 345 Alfred st, N. Sydney Gates Thomas, carrier, 111 Sussex at Gauntlet Edward, 2 Cleveland at {Insider Phillip, High st, CarltonGa tes T hell1114, 32 Oeritr.1 al, AlexandriaGausden G. E., 18 Pleasant live, Ersk' vile Gasson Geo., bookseller, 174 Elizabeth St Gates Thomas, Park rd, St. Leonards Gaut and Ward, manufacturers, 218a Oro-atm George, 105 Reservoir atGates W. E., agent, Indemnity Mutual Sussex st, Casson L. ,r,, slitheriand a ye, PluPton Marine Assurance Co., Ltd., of Lon- Gaut Mrs. Margaret A., l'acific hotel, 4 Gaston Alfred .T., Pile at, Dulwich 11111don, fire and accident. superintendent Stephen at, Balmain .Gaston Charles, Harrow rd, Bexley Northern Assurance Co., Ltd., 80 Gaut Richard, The Grand hotel, 815 to G Raton Mrs, E., aluriloch at-, Nent. Bay riti, ;"Martina," 68 :Murdoch 821 George at Gaston 1'. 11. S., "Ita veto-wort li," Vie- at, Neutral Bay Gant Riehard, 15 East Esplanade, Manly brim ave. Chatswood Gates Walter, 202 Church at, Parramatta Gaut Thomas, 26 Moodie at, Rozello g listen Mrs. 17 Short st. Gates \Walter A., 1 Best at Oavagan Mrs. Mary, 103 William at, Gaston Roy E., 64 Merlin at, North S yd• (fa tie:head 011 Co. (The), indent and Graven Lawrence, White a ye, liankstown Gaston William, Rangers 0,1, Neut. Bay agency, 11 avid Exchange Chainbars, Gavel' Lawrence, White a ye, Bankstown (late I. T., 11 Noble at, Mosman 56 Pitt, 5t , Sydney GaVall T. J., 8 13ndereliffe at, Neut. Bay g ategood and Pollock, newsagents, Ar- Gath Miss II., 31alakoff st, Marrickville Gavcy George, 21 Jenkins at-, N. Sydney den at north, Coogeti (hall John, Hamburger at, Punchbowl 0aves 011iol, 89 Walker at, Redfern g ategood Mrs. E., 17 Leamington a y e, oathe reale E.. Iiiincood oh, Burwood Gavin Andrew, 36 Newman at, Newtown Newtown Oat boreole Edwanl, High st, Concord Gavin Miss C., 55 Stewart at , Paddington Gategood Mrs.11 Binning at, (halo-reale Sydney, Frogman! st, Mascot Gavin Mrs. C., 198 Walker st Redfern tely Albert E., ylaKe tit at, campaieGat herer JailleS, 26 Frampton ay e, Gavin C. L., 1 Carlton at, WilVetiey 'Gately Nelson, 103 Arthur at Marrick vi Ile GavIn B. .1., Beatrice st, Auburn 'Gately William, Wolli st, Alston flatland tland and SOU, builders, Quo-ogethic, Gavin Georg e, 57 Briggs at, Canedown Gatenby rank, 61. Gottenham st, t, Glebe Mainly Gavin Jan a, 59 Fowler at, Camperdown Mrs. II., Elawick at, Leichhardt Outland G. A., Isis at, Wiihroieiga avin John, White at Leichliardt g ates A. II., 176 New Canterbury rd, Outland Garratt, Went worth ni, II' wood Gavin Joseph J., William at, 0 ranvillo Petersham Outland It, E., 20 Queen at, Murton Gavin Martin, marble mason, 591 (MillOates Mrs. A. J., Wentworth rd. Inwood Outland S. E., Bal go wlaii rd, Manly burn st Gates A. S., 27 Wetherillst, Leichhardt Outlay Albert, 30 James st, Leichlurdt, Gavin Norman, Ross at, GI:mho-villa g ates Alex. V., Denmark st, Merrylands Galley Albert, 103 Simmons atM , 'inoru Oavin Patrick, Grey at, Carlton Gates Alfred, Croydon rd, Hurstville Outla yFred.W,28BigGleb Gavin Philip, High at, Concord gates Mrs. Annie, 3 Polding at, Innoyne Gat ley John T., Bay View at, Arnclilfa Gavin Mrs. IL, Argyle at, Parramatta g ates Arthur, 174 Francis at, Leichhardt Gatley Sydney, 21 James at, Bunn io, Gavin Thomas, 215 Lay tan st, C'down Gates Arthur, Park par, Waverley (lathy W. 11., George at, Canterbury' Gavin Thomas, 2.10 Lane Cove rd, N. Syd* Gates Bernard,J.P., 13 Collins st, Menlo Galley IVilliam, 23 ,fitnies st, Emnore (law Samuel, Gilderthorpe a y e, RandwIck Gates Charles, Homebush rd, Homebush Oaten John, Albert hold, 41 Stanley at Gawen.Tantei 31., 70 Den lion at, N'town g ates Charles, 17 Cooper at, Redfern Gatrell Herbert, 66 Atchison at, N. Syd. Gawler A., 2255 Bridge rd, Glebe .Gates Charles, Chiltern rd, Willoughby Gattenhof Arthur, Chalmers at, Belmont Gawler Itenry A., Cowper at, Itandwink Oates Chas., 159 Edgecliffe rd, Woollahra Gattenhof Mra, I., Clarence at-,Burwood Gawne Walter and Sons, builders, 31 g ates Mrs. E., 50 Mitchell st, A'dria Gattenholf C., 16 Hardy st, Ashfleld Station at, Newtown Gates E., 4 Lucas at, Camperdoan Getter E. R., 214 Military rd, Neut. Bay Oawne W., Juan, 96 St. George's cres,, g ates Edward, 121 .Tones at-,A'dria Gattonhof Frank, 1 Dariing at, Glob° Drummoyne Gates Edward, 53 Ituthven at, R'wick Gatty John, Powell st, Homebush Walter, son., 31 Station st, N'town Oates Edmund C., D.D.S., surgeon den- Gatward Bros., prodece merchants, 103 Gawne Gawthorne C. A., 97 Crystal at, P'sham t ist,67 Castlereagh St ;p.r., and 186 Liverpool rd, Ashtleld Gaw t o k o riir J., George's River rd, Banksw Cremate rd, Cronulla Outward Arthur, Longview at, D'inoyne Gates Edward IL, Gladstone it, Kogarah Gatward A., Parrainatta rd, Five Dock Gawthorne W., 5001 King at, Newtown g ates Mrs. Eliza, Belmont atGatward C., 186 Liverpool rut, Aslifield Gawthorp Rev. B., 17 'The Boulevard, Gates Mrs. Ella, 25 Globe Point rd, Glebe Gatward .Tolin, 69 Norton at, Ashfield Lewisham Gates Ernest, Fowler's ave, Guildford Gatward L., 186 Liverpool rd, Gawthorpo Bruit. E., Bay st, Rockdale Oates Ernest J., 1 John at, Ashileld Outward Thomas, Goddard st, Arncliffo Gawthorpe L., Brighton at., Enfield Gates Ernest J., 20 Smith at, Sum. Hill Gaudran Chas., Universal at, Morkiale Gaxieu Frank, Albert rd, liontebush Gates Francis, 245 Church at, Par'inatta Gaudry George, Alsred at-,:Unseat Gay Bros, hairdressers, Bolinare rd, g ates Fredk., Ross st, Parramatta (laundry Ilamld T., Rose st, Enfield Coogee g ates Frederick W., 25 Glebe Point, rd, Gaudry Mrs. AL, 83 Australia st, N'town Gay Albert St. .finnes rd, Rand y lek Glebe Gauget Emile, 162 Grafton at, W'ithra Gay Alfred E., 42 O'Connell at, N wtown Gates IL 19 Goo-Mope at, Paddington Gaughan B., 2So Norton at, Lelchhardt flay Arthur, 19 Loftus at, LeichPordt g atesVictoria aye, Chatswood Gaughan.., 15 Rochford at, EnskinevIlle Gay Augustus, 26 Orpington at, Ashfleld Gates 0. A., 92 Miller st, N. Sydney Gaughan Michael, 20 Allen at, Leichliardt Gay Miss Catherine T., 176 Forbes at Gates G. A., Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Gaukrodger's Slaughter Yards, Wood- Gay Charles, Mowbray rd west, Chatsw'd Gates G. A., 12 Willoughby rd, N. Sydney bury rd, St. Ives Gay George, Willoughby rd, Willoughby Oates George, 328 Moore Park rd Gaukrodger Frank, Hurlstone ave, Sum- Gay Harry, Trongato st, Granville Gates George, Bown's rd, Kowa h mer 11111 g ates Geo., 352 Catherine it, Leichhardt Gaukrodger Geo., Pitt water rd, St. Ives Gay LellicelngAltsen” 363 Catherine at, _ THE LARGEST FIRM OF UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, Gee ALPHABETICAL. 1280Gay ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL. Gee ALPHABETICAL. Cameron at, Rockdale Gearing William, 21 Thomas at, Aslitleld Geddes (lay Henry, 24 Grove80,610111mnd, Geddes 31n. 31., 103 Clarendon at. Gearon Mrs. Ifarganit, :Ala Ai eir at Gay litany \V., 811111) st/1i st, liontlt h mum (lay Herbert. Hampstead rtl, Fleagton Gwen William, 7 Jane at, Baimain Geddes Melt: film, 43 Charles at, F. Lolgo Gearke W. 1/., Rosemead at, Hornsby Gedite4 Gay James, Jord's /eau, Eastwood 0. 11., 42 Cahn/matte rd, Rosman Genraide Mrs, A., 37 Watkla at, N 'town Gay James W,, Dirk at, Henley Geddes It., 107 Liverpool rd, Ashtleid Gay Robert, 710 Parratundll rd. l'' sit lain Gearside Albert, 42 Corbett at Geddes R. O., 23 Prospect rd, Siam H/I1 (lay Mrs. Roderick, Barker at, Itiwiek Geareide A. It., Chapel st, Itockdaie Geddes R. J., 25 Evans at, W'averley Gen Nide Arthur, 47 Cowper at, Glebe Gay John D, Carrington rd, Randwick Geddes Ray, butcher, 162 E111110111 Id, Gearside 31 ris /., Berodnrd at, Enfield Gay Phillip, Archbold ni, It Ilimirre and Darling at, Rozelle (Mumble Pc rey, Betlatut 1,1 at, Campshi Gay R. 5., 42 Harbor St. Moment Geddes Raymond, Rayner at, Leichhardt Gay Wallace, 10 Florenceat, St. Peters Geddes T. E., 5 Morley st, Marriekvilie ilaydnit C. C., 135 Slinmens at, Faimore W. B., Railway at, Citatswood Onyllon E. F., 87 Falcon at, N. Sydney GEM VALENTINE LIMITED Geddes Geddes W. P., 01 Albemarle at, N'town Gaydon Sallies, litirwood rd, Barmaid Merchants and Colliery Proprietors, Geddes W. G., butcher, 59 Erakinevilla GaydonJamsQ, Coiner at, Burwood r,l, Erskineville Geary's Wharf, Darling Salami. Gayfer Stanley IV., J,P., chemist, 63 Agent a for Ship Owners ; Deep- Geddes %V. O., 87 Johnstone st, Smith st, Summer Hill water Berthing and centrally slum- Geddes W. G., 55 Booth at, A1111101 dale Grayford George, 621 Bourke at toil Wharf Aectmonodation are pro- Geddes IV. G., Bu rwood rd, Burwood Grayferd Robert, 599 Bourke at Ailed for the economic handling of Geddes W. G., 354 3111itary rut, Neut. Bay Onylaird William, Robinson at, Croydon lamming anti outgoing cargoes. Geddes William, 107 Glebe Pt. rd, Globe• Gavleard George, statimunaster, Ponnant Water and best Steam Coals always Gedge George, St. George's rd, Bexley /111Is rd, Pennant Mills avail/Ude, Telephone, 311254Gee, leis and Co., general merchants, 1011 (hy po' Henry, 10 Irednle atoNewtowit Hay at Gaymer Edward, Parker at, Roiffidale flee S. and Co. (It. C. liyalop), hotim and. Gaymer Wm. IL, 9 Keith at, Dulwich 1111 Geary 3Irs. A., 84 Prospect rd, Sum. Hill agents, 369 Pitt at estate Gayner Misi. E., 30 John at, Woollahra Geary Arthur IL, 18 Phillip at, Balmain Geary AIRS E., 72 Glaver st, Mosinan Gee Mrs. A., Enlleld at, 3farrickvffie GaynorJotin T., William at, liandwiek .4.,111USLe tertellOr,336a George at as E., Melton' at, H'stone P k. Gee ali Gaynor Michael, Carrington at, Concord Geary .1'. 1',, mar lager, Sydney Moat Gaywood Harry, Hinnies at, Woollahra Geary Mrs. B., Robertson at, W. Kogarah Gee Alban, Co., lid o corner Bond Gaze" 3liclinel, 213 Fs/Izabal/ at, Redfern Geary Edward, Kentvilio 5cc, Annandale Preserving Pitt sts ; works, Parramatta rd, Gazal Michael, 109 Pirilitp at, Waterloo Scary Ildwanl, 33 Roberts at, Newtown and Queen at, Auburn. Lidetinthe ; T00110 at, Rozello Geary Frauds B., 6 Gaze Henry, 79 Military rd, 3losiarm Fred., 183 Station at, Petersham Gee Alban, Jun, The Boulevard°, Sikh! Gozeley Ile itry, Carrington rfl, Sinn. 1011 Geary Geary Geo. N., Perillffil at, Ii oilstone Pk. Gee Albert, 16 Moore at, Roselle Gnzeley Iletim,611 Multi/ at, SOM. dill Cleary J. K., grocer, 273 MINI/ on rd Gee Andrew T , Neilson ace, Kngarali Gazelle S., 23 Elizabeth at, Waterloo Geary J. J., 211 St. John's rd, Eon's/age Gee Arthur, 4 Lodge at, Forest Lodge Gamy George W., Queen at, Arneffif ° Geary James, 52 Belmont at, Alexandria Um Charles, Houston rd, Kensington (limy W. S., 00 Young st, Itediern Gee Charles, 31 (ha ries st, Leicithartit (Mar)' John 8 Eiger at, Oldie GLIZZIlill'a Nursery, era owe)) at, Gee Clement G., 77 Bellevue st, N. Syrl. Gazzard A., Petershan rd, Marti ekvilte Geary John, 22 Little Riley at Gee D. A., Ashle y st, Chatemits' Gazzard Albert, 17 Alma at, Dadington Geary John, 34 Young at, Annandale Gee illun A., solicitor, 98 Pitt at ; for., Geary John, Colmr at, Willoughby (hazard Albert, Hayes at, Lidemithe Mary at., Aulairti Geary John IL, of 13 "Crouton at, 11' main Mandl Albert E., Sydncyst, Concord I, Klilarir Gizzard Ambrose, Fletcher at, Woollehra Geary Jolla J., Arucliffe Pharmac y , Fiat Gee IC. C/, Pe we/I 'I'NCR at, Itandwirk Gee Mrs. Emma, .A Gamin" Charles, Albert at, Horneby nl, Litlemithe Ernest, Parrot/lade Gee Geary 'Joseph A., Victoria at, L'im Mt (lamn, Cyril H., Seymour st, Enfield Gazzanl 1). W., dentIst, Motion at, it dale Geary Mrs. 31., 40 Ourinthali rd, Mosmen Gee Frederick, 40 Marriott . at, Redfern (Maze ril Mrs. E., 140 Renwick at, 'Hem Geary Sirs. 31ary, 77 F orte., at G ee 0. A., Canust, Gazzard Edw., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Mary Nliss, 11 Sydney rd, Manly Gee George, Sverge at, 31osman L'Itartit Gee John, 73 Darling at, Balamin (Mazur(' Fredk., David at, Croydon . Geary OWen,1.P., 322 Norton at, dera Gee 31ra. Mary A., Riley at, Kopf rali Oenry Owen, 77 Frederick at, St li Gizzard G., Cm/Rant, MardckvIlle Gizzard II., proprietor Levondale Geary Patrick, 75 Point at Gee Norse, $83 New Canterbury rd, Delwith fill at 'vary Robert, lithographer, Jilt Nursery, 44 Carshalten at, Ashfield Gazzard II., junr.,23 Holborrow at, C'don Geary Robert 0. Harbert at, RochdaleGee Richard, 122 Wellington at, Waterloo Geary 'I homes J., / Cheltenham at, Rot (lee Ilidiert, 75 Ca feline at, Itellf ern Grizzard H., 39 Cleveland at, Darlington Geary Valerit;or, " Valentin," Ave rti, Gee Samuel 31111tary nl, Grizzard Henry, Leopold at, Aslilleld 31osman. Tel. Moamar] 819 Gee Mrs. Sarah, Parrarnatta rd, Auburn ilazzard Henry G., Leopold at, Ashtleld rd, Strathileld Gazzard John, Western rd, Parrainatte Geary IV. P., Barton ave. Ifaberileid Gee Stephen, LiverpoolRand wick Thomas, Geary William, 473 P'Imitto nl, Gazzard Percy, Ann at, 1,1dcombe Genson Thomas, 149 Queen al, W i lalan Gee Wesley L., :187 (helm Pt. ni,Gbelie Gamin' Mrs. S-, Bode at, Lldemithe William, 381 Glebe: Pniut RI, Globes Grizzard Wilt. 138 The Boulevard, D. Hill Gentili Arthur, 129 luta rg at, Rent:To Gm, (Match Benjamin, 131 Young at, Redfern Gee William, Dalhousie at, Ilaberlield (Jetta NIffillam, Ann at, LItleollitie Gooch Edwin Rinr., Mlima rd, Cremona/ Gelinlir Francis, Lake at, 310/RakeGee William, Ainsworth at, Leichltanit fledaleki Henry, 107 Crown at ,Imegail Michael, 80 John at,' etersham (leach Ernest, Letitia at, ()alley Godden .MI 111, Western ni, Parramatte 1Mog hen Martin, pid tire show, 303 quack Mbs, Mikan rd, Cremona/ Ocaeli Wm. b., 52 Madamton at, S. Sy d. (Mattes Mrs. A., Sir Ja gepil Banks at,Pitt at Geelan Frank, Lynn at, Botany (Make, 1100011 8111i Co., Ltd., wholesale Geddes A., lffil Liverpool at, Paddington Cochin John IV., Fennell at, Parramatta druggists, 82 Pitt Geddes David, representing Engineering Geen ['Olin, 93 Banton: el, Elmore Geake Gregory, Importer, 82 Pitt st Supply Co. oi Australia. Ltd., 711 (icier Mrs. IL, 12 Gordon at, Paddington (leuRe John V., 28 Park nve, Drutmonyee Geer thbviii O., Tehipen al, l'on el di owl Pitt St Seale Mrs. M., 24 William at, Paddington Geddes F. G., butcher, 1/6 William at.Geer J. A., /Darla at, Willoughby Genie William, 37 Bridge rd, Glebe Geddes F. ii., 318 Ox 1,ad at, Paddington Geer Jews, 42 Westmoreland at, Forest Geary M., Co mice') rd, Auburn Geddes F. G., 15 Macpherson st, Wa ylayLodge Gear Mr/I.E., 23 Ronny at, Paddington Gear George, 57 Renwick at, Lelchltarlt Geddes 3110 Florence, Robert at, al r William, 82 Roadie at 1li u,r William C., O'Brieh rd, Small Arlartnen Gear George P., Lyons rd, Drummoyne Gear Sydney F., Lyons rd, Drunfinnyne Geddes Francis G., 127 Oxford st, (Merck° 3Ira. 31., 21 lintels it (leering A., 197 Johnston al, Annandale Geddes Frank, Lang at, Croydon Gear ThOILLEN, Bonney at, Snits Flood Cicada Bros., labour agony, 107 Castle' Geddes Harold, butcher, 96 WIlliam at (leering H. G., Allied i'hur hotel, 39, Redfern nt, Redfern Geddes Marry, 115 Arthur at reugh at GeddeFI J., 22 Boundary at, POWGIII Nearing Lionel, elmreli at, Lc leldinnIt (barb n Gregory, 49 ReLby $t, Newtown Gearia Michael, fat arid hone works, Oh! Ofaillex Salmis, 31 If ittelliuson at(leering Sirs, 31,, 1., 72 Entnorc Geddes Mrs. James, Botany rd, Botany31a rrickvi Ile .Botany rd, 31nscot Geddes John, Tenterden at, Botany (leering 8. IV., J. r., Smith at, Wliligliby ((eine ST, f.P., Gardener's rd, 31asent Gearing So tanner, High at, Willoughby Geddes 3 0 1111, 55 Fornalan at, D'in/yris (leering Sydney J., Ft eye 1 4, Clint ;wood J01111, WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 168 Oust Geo1281 (leering W., 188 Annandale st, Annandale Garlick A., 122 Unsling at, Paddington Goering W., IVollongongrd, Arncliffe f :clack Mrs. L., 34 Tortoth rut, Glebe Geertsen T. F., Centenary rd, Merry lands fieffin H., restaurant, 39 Park at Geovcs Albert, Caledonian at, Bexley Gelling and Lindsay, estate agents, New °eaves F., Mono/needs at, Bexley Canterbury nil, Hurlatme Pork Geeves F., Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Gelling and Sons, Ltd., 10 Castlereagh at Austridlan General Electric Co., Sole Geeves James, Gladstoneat, Bexley Culling B. R., 1.1'., Manager of Agent+, Corner of Wentwcwth s eve (Moves J eines, Ebsworth rd, Rose Bay lavestments The 3lutuitl Life mid and Geuther/ street, Sydney, and Geovcs Thomas, Boyle st, Enfield Assurance Co., Ltd., corner corner of Queen and Little Collins Gees NVIIllans, Alliyn at, Bexley Citizens' Castlereagh and Moore sts .ata. Melbourne. Telephones : 6403 Golfe Robert, 4 11 igh at Alb tf I rull 2381 ('its', and 3195 and Gaffers IS intern, 21 I oint at Gelling Bros., grocers, Pennon/no rd, 4 397 Centrel Gegen Michael, Kent at, Lid anithe Concord ()egg John, South tar, BankatJWIlfichlug John, Railway par, DurwoodGeneral Electric Co., Ltd. (England), 257 Geggie m George at , Eastwood Clarence at Goggle i. w .W., A., Rose 73 n euro n , 3 ,, Ric n, Gelling NI , stationer, 369 l'ilt at General Metiers' Export Co. Lluatraholan Gertde A., ten, plano tune r, 273 C rown at Gelling St inks', Vi it,Irls 4, :kiwi ,iii division, —5 1-:, Clifford, mgr., 7 Golide A. M., professor of 11111.310, 275 Gelling St Inley E., New Canterbury rd Bridgo at Crowts at Huristone Park General Parcels Delivery Co , Ltd., corner Gentle August, Harley rd, Randwick Oroave nor and George at,, ()elide Augustus M., teacher of piano Gelling Theo., Parr/matte nit, Coneord General Post Office, George st Gelling Tlag., Lyons rd, Five Duck and singing, Ash at, off 338 George at General Products Co. (N.S. W.), Ltd. 0011d0 E. F., professor of music, 273 Gellweller Si. J., Universal at, Mascot (Theis-Stanley Spain, m g r. 273 Crow,, at Gelato,/ Mrs. Allee, U Goollet at George st Gedhe Henry T., Dover rd, Rose Bay General Registry Office fOt Deellil, GOIlt, Gs:Mel/1. J., Orange At, Rarld wick pilllieM, Firin g , etc.—J. W. Croker. Gehrels Franz, nrolosie surgeon. 207 GEMEINHAROT, Dep. Reg. Goal. and Assistant R og. 31amitiarie at Joint stock Com panics ; It. IV. Gehrtg and Co., wino merchants, 73 HUNDSOORFER & COY. of Codringten, S. I'., Dep. Reg. of Bridge rd, Camperdown. Tel. 1,1024 Deeds, Pri riceCoAlbert ril t Gehrig C. F, 30 Carey al. 31an1}; (Late P. Mattel, Manufacturers and General Rubber motor me 111:1 1111 • 0011rIg Charles, wine shop, 29-30 Q.1'. Importers of all kiiffis of Sausage fa et tuners, 179 1.(verpool at Skim( 15 and 17 l ite r at, Darling General Trading Ca. of Atiatmlasia, 82 Clelirrglitrt., Bridge rd, Stan:num Harbour . Telephone, City WM4 King 4 Gehrig Conrad, Australia at, Carnpidown Genervese John, Balgowlab rd, 31anly Gelidg Henry, St. al v'd's rd, liablleid Gemmel: Alex., 17 Nicholson at, Irmain Genge Alfred, Burlington rd, Homelnedi Gelidg Georg e, wine sa loon, 18 R 'gent rienim ell 31rs. Amy, Parr/matte rd, GOnge Stanley G., Alt M t Asffileld at, Rodlern Glebe W., Sen., Dalhousie at, Ilaberfleld Gehrig Hy. J., wine depot , 97 03 ford at Gemmel' Andrew, (3111M1I'S erei, Croydon I gConga enge R., Victoria al, Roseville Getirig 1Awrence P., wino saloon, 431 Gem:mill Mrs. M., 0 Telford at, Glebe (lengeIV.William, jun., Dalhousie at, Pitt at /• (Ml in Leopold, whit! de I'' I, 385 Parra- Gemmel' Sydney, 22o Nelson at, An'tirde Gentileeta B. MarIntoil, at, chatawood Geminell W., Tupper st, 31arrickviite matte ril, loilehltarflt thin at William, Sonnet/hi at, Surinam GenInazzi IL, Victoria a ye, Chatswood licking David, 10 Park at, ErskIneville muds Sirs. b., I) I% estbourne at, Valiant Gehringer R. J., 31 Robert at, St. Peters Gendeleitil Win.. Iltmaton ni, Kereteri (Mauls JosBishop's eph, 9 Westbourne st, retrain (Id, ringer George, 32 Denham at (Madera 31. A. and It, grocers, Brighton Gent 0, B., IWO, IGUILIWIelt Ge hrmenn NIeliain s, 57 Albion at at, Petershein Gent Cherfes, 44 Gipps at, Paddington Gehry Joseph, Nelson at, Penalmrst Genders Arthur, (lower at, IGuristone Pk. (lent F. IL, I ilawarra rd, Merrick/ Ille Gender( ED, 24 Elizabeth at, Paditoit Geiger Frank A., signwrItor, 25 Ormond„ Gamlen Harty, BelleVUe at, Parrantatta Gent Fred. IV., 433 Globe Point H, Globe at, Paddington Gent Mrs. Minnie, 63 Botany at, Redfern Genders Joseph, Short at, Parramatta Gelkie IV, Cl.,oslyridale 12 It a ye, {ratan Gentile Frank, 1 /6 Quarry at Gelder” S., 123 Slur Mead at, Redfern Genders IV., 49 Palace at, Petersham Geltz Mrs.Arin, Alfred at, Woolwich Gentile 11., 11 1 5.1'., Windsor rd, rshain lierillittilele0Gbatcr)/Zst,rlilietiellit(yr ra,rbeltrilianrIngil taZ Gelding Alfred, 1011111 at, Lewisham 0 endle 1. H., 305 Glenniore rd, Paditort Gentle Charles, 53 Mayid at, St. Peters General A geiwy 173", iiillinkl" , 13:31" i Gelding C., Kimberley rd, /I orstvilie Gent he Charlotte, 90 Station at, Newtown ya ric settling S. L. 0 Maddox at, I °tandem' yard then tie Mrs. lb Mali 11., 15 Dr eksarl at, Gelding Mrs. 'It. G., 246 old Canterbury rd, Petersham it 7 i iceii‘ivitnuttintl, 6 if oliftwood at NoWl 'is Gelding Samuel, J .P. dile ' clerk Man . Gederal flcoldedt, Fire add Wu (lentN Gentle Harry, Vtrti p eln pat, Flemington cheater Unity Order of Oddfollows, JJoshua S., Alfred at, Gouger: 185 Elizabeth at ; pd., 3 Bond at oHISSPUeIratoCeseGoolimorgatlo Lit, 3lostitan GENTLE JOSIAH, lirlek• (g elding Sydney, Brighton at, Enfield :works, 1( hug at, St.Bedford Peters ; Tel, L. (Milling Mrs. J., (bale at, 31ortJake 11)41 . Gell Sins. Catherine J., 24 Kellett at it. IV. Jai:Raman, 3latin ger for l limi l le It., Albert at, St Ponta (tell yEdielsvard ilt.C.i, Great Northern .N.s. Wales, 70 pil at, sy i lney. Gentle Stairtey, 35 41ml/ridge at, Stain Ilinployors' 1,1nbllily Act ; Il'ork .more Orli 31/s. Mande, 27 Bay at. Glebe men's I noirancos ; Perional Ac' ; Gentle Walter, Viet Orli/ par, Flemington Goil Mrs. Sarah 5., 30 Bradford at, cldeat ; Accident and Sink 'was corm:Gentle Walla% Liverpool rd, Stradillehl aliutall ii Weed ;Public Risk and Fire.rilentiernan Mrs. 3I., Cann at, Guildford Gellatley G., Kn ig ht et , A moth') Telephone tits' 1)41 'Ger tl •• '' (tallet ley Gortion, Harley how, Newtown "'hi 5, 1:secretary, 182 Plilnln et .1 Gollatley Sirs. J., 5 Wood at, Randwiek General Ce metery, Nnerepolis —If. Rid-, I) mill es 311A1 J., 216 Church at, Pniatta (Mindy 31 rs, c., fie n Bop/ rd, Nen Gel ' Crane, W. 41., analytical eholulat mil Bay .sell Spring at secretary ; utile°, GI' Gentles a 'sayer, is Carriligifill at,p.r., Ilelintiy Palmlal, Sell art at, Tempe ; I Foreat ri, l inkhitrat . Gallaily Frank M., " Callender," Belt GE NE It Ali CHEMICAL C O Di - , Geoffrey Jolla, 31 Crown at, St. Peters ileyd nil, Neutral Bay PA N V. L 1, 1) — ('. A. Mutton ticotTroy (lee., 1411 King at, Newtown Gelled}, Alm lanbolla, 240 Mil/ yarns rdLimey, roaring' rig LIM-dor. 31,Ino Geoghegan IL I HO Sutherland et, Pion (Milady 5, printing hroker. 11 Barnilton I into rers of sulpha de, >Willi nod. Geoghegan 1 nutria, 0 Little Docking . at ;told A; Heavy 11 te rilivid s111, ill at (Milady 5,, "Killmarimek, "Ben lily,! rd, Marla/lc Duffle hie Building, 350 George at, if is/kiwi/on James, 32 Maneur et, William Neutral Bay 7 Works, Parr,tinatto el, (4ougli..gun Dilly 4Mo I. IL, 41 Gould ave, 31-W yllieSydney CIO s to ',thous No. (11 } 73110WavorleyJame s J., 11 A ibton at, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, U.S.A. IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES, PORCELAIN WREATHS, DROSSES, LC. . ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FASHION'S FAIREST FAVOURS. 1282Geo ALPHABETICAL. • Gey George J. W. E., J. P., denti4t, 391u Pit ti Gerdes F. A., Stony Creek, rd, Bexley Geohegan J. J., Cable lane, Waverley st ; p.r., Murdoch st, Neutral Bay !Gerdes Fredk., 44 Gloucester st Geoghegan Joseph, 3.1'., 7 Gordon st, George James, Cameron st, Rockdale Gerdes H. G., Pit twater rd, North Ryde Paddington Gerdes II. G. A., 27 Bridgewater st, Geoghegan' Joseph, 12 Le taste r st, Teton George :fames, 11 King st, St. Peters Geoghegan P. J., Rookwood rd, Bankst'n George James, Woonona eve, \\ ahroonga Rozelle Geoghegan R. H., 08 Windsor rd, P sham George John, 108 Garden st, Alexandria Gerdes Henry C., 18 Plunkett at, DrumGeoghegan Robert, 20 Silver st, 3Pekville George Mrs John, 28 Rose et, Annandale moyne Geoghegan T., Liverpool rd, Bankstown George John, 42 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton . Gerdes W. J., 23 Alma st, North Sydney Geollegan T., 87 James st, Leichhardt Gem ge Mrs. L. J., Railway st, It'dale Gerdess Henry C., Gipps et, D moyne E. F. Pittman, George Mrs. Lilian, 15 Simmons et, Gererd William, Waterview st, Five Dock Geological Branch — itlerget A. A.. 367 Military rd, Mosman -Government Geologist and Under- Enmore ; J. E. Carne, assistant George Miss M., 29 O'Connor st Gerhardt Charles, 86 Fig st 'Secretary Government Geologist; J. B. Jaquet, George Miss B. A., 130 Pitt st, ItedfernIGerlach Emil, 455 Miller et, N Sydney A.R.S.M., B.G.S., chief inspector ; George Mrs. Margaret, Lane Cove ni, I Gerling Christian T,. 12 Gordon st , Roz. E. C. Andrews, B.A., and L. F. liar- Turramurra G ERM NUS "RA LI AN STEAMper, geological surveyors ; W. S. George Mark, 07Eukley n , . an y SHIP CO MPAN Y.—General Dun, palveontologist ; G. W. Card, George 31rs. 3Iary, 44 Campbell st, Glebe Agency for Australasia, 5 O'Connell curator and mineralogist ; J. C. IL George Matthew, 18 King's lane st—Wharf, Woolloomooloo Quay Mingaye F.I C., F.G.S., assayer George Maurice, outfitter, 1(17 and 109 East Sussex st, Sydney, near Pyrmont and analyst. Mines Dept., Bridge st Ea (t Africa Line of Steamers-Georg C. W., Botiner ay e; Manly Bridge Branch store, 10 Market German Burns Philp and Co., agents, 11 George and Co., restaurant, 198 Georgest St west George Oswald, 19 Gladstone st, Innore and Export Co., t George and George, dentists, 391a Pitt et George Percy, 113 Trafalgar st, An'd ale GornillartildgeImport 0' Riordan at, Alexandria, and AbatGeorge and George, signwriters, 161 George Peter, 3 O'Brien's lane toirs, Glebe Island George Robert, Collins st, Annandale Elizabeth st , George Henry and Co., real estate agents, George Robert, 3 Whitehorse et, NewCwn German .krthur, 25 liordeni at, Newtown 115a Booth st, AnnandaleGeorge Roy W , manufacturing jeweller, German C., 45 Little Cleveland at, Itlern German Mrs. E., 16 Selwyn st George McLean Pastoral and Investmen 791 George st, German J., engineer, 24 Moore at Co., Ltd., Gibbs chambers, Moore St George Sidney, Shaw st, 31arriekville George Street Police Station, No. 4—Sub- George Sidney, 76 Sutherland st, St. Pet. Gentian Joseph, 84a Addison Manly German Mrs., 53 Iaindsdown St inspector Daniel Stephen, in charge, George Sydney, Venus tit, Gladesville German Richard, 45 Oxford at, N'town George T., 126 Liverpool rd, Ashfield 127 George st German Br; \V. (1., Liverpool rd, Enfield George Street North Post and Telegraph George T. J., Macquarie rd, Auburn Office —J. H. Spence, postmaster, George Thomas, 162 Nelson st, An'dale Germanischer Lloyd (Berl(n)—Itabone, Feez and Co., agents, 20 Bond at George Mrs. W., Lithgow st, St. Le'ards 173 George st. Germ/settle Eugene, Earl st, Rand wick George Street West Post and Telegraph George W. E., Carina Bay, Como Gerraglity Patrlek, 30 Churth at, Office, Money Order end Coin. George Wesley, Oxford st, Epping Savaigs Bank—K. Mitchell, post- George William, Northam eve, Blown Gernit'a 'Arl'fred, 15 Abercrombie at master, 174 George st west George William, 1 Pine lane ((errant ('., 134 Missenden rd, Camp'down William, 21 Playfair st Georg e Town Estate, Ltd. (The), 12-14 George Gerrard George, 16 College at, Balmain George William, Denison at, Arncliffe O'Connell st Gerrard George, 40 ((Id Canterbury rd George Mrs. A. F., Rickard rd, Bankst'wn George William, 3 Pine at, Newtown Petersham George A. IL, 117 Catherine at, L'hardtGeorge William, 41 Arthur st, N. Sydney Gerrard 5. W., 0 Lackey st, Sum. 11111 George A. L., 487 (Delmore rd, Padlon George William F., 80 Victoria at, Gerrard James, 28 Bellevue at Lewisham George Alex., Guildford rd, Guildford Gerrard Janice, J.1'., 158 George at, George William II , Wilson st, Mascot, George Alfred, 25 Point st Redfern George Alfred, 13 Sixth st, Granville Georgeson 0., Parramatta rd, Concord Gerrard Miss M. A., Gould at, Cant'bury Georgeson Gel., company manager, 79 George Alfred, 80 Mary st, St. Peters Gerrard Richard, 38 College st, Mania hi George Arthur, Slade st, Naremburn Elizabet h at George Althur, 10 Belgrave st, Neut. Buy Georgeson J. G., 15 Rowntree st,II'main Gerrason MN, Felice, 281 Kent et ((erred Oliver, 25 Clare IRT st George Charles, Loftus st, Arnelitfe Georgeson John, Bridge st, D'moyne George Chas., Shakespeare at, Campsie Oeorgeson John, 8 Hardie at, N. Sydney ((erred Waiter, Virginia st, Kensington Georgeson 3liss, 173 Avenue rd, Moamar' Gerryt s 1Vni., 63 Lamb st, Leichhardt George Charles, 8 Goddard at, E'ville Gerrett Mrs. E., 6 Ifeydon st, Mosinan George Chas. 37 Francis st, GlebeGeorgeson T., 18 Emmett at, N. Sydney George Chas. 15 Wardell rd, Marrickville Oeorget t I Augustine, Belmore rd, Coogee (lerrett John 0. IL, 58 Dickson at, Newgiatos Thomas and Co., solacetown r King at, Rockdale • Geo George Charles, st Gersbach Mrs. E., Kendall at, Granville George Charle a , 14 Sutherland at, St. Pet. Goners, 802 George w as, 12 KliqSt Gersba y li Louis, hi oriarty rd, Chatswood ' George Charles E., 165 Pyrmont at Georgiatos Thom Gershon Emanuel, 195 Bon ke at George Mrs. E., 47 Gordon at, Paddington Geraghty C. A., 49 Sydney st, Manly Gerson SI. F., 28 lleeley at, Paddington Geraghty C., 1 Elizabeth at, Redfern George E. A., 06 Enmore rd, Minion! George Eden, photographer, 725-729 Geraghty Mrs. G., 130 Young at, Ann'dale (forth Charles, 27 Reservoir at Gerth Frank, 7 Bray at, Ersklneville George st ; hr., 75 \Vest Esplanade, Geraghty J., 23 Reserve at, Annandale Geraghty J., 55 Perry at, Marrickville (berth Henry F., 193 Pyrniont et Manly Gervasoni Guido. 204 Palmer st verley Geraght y l'at rick V., Fall, st, Leielshardt We George Edwin, 30 31ill 11111 rd, George Mrs. Elizabeth, 163 Victoria atGerard Augustus J., stet Ion officer, Ilesehwend Gabriel, 14 Margaret st Geselleschaft (lir Dralutlose Telegraphic Fire Brigade Station, 743 Darling George Mrs. Entine, 74 Kippair st ),(Berlin),(Telefunken), at, Rundle George F., Dudley st, Roseville " Wireless House," 97 Clarence at, George Mrs Fanny, 9 Paddington at, Gerard Marl y s F., Matthews st, Wstville Sydney. Tole phones--City 260 and Gerard Emil, 340 Abercrombie t, Wfern Paddington F., Hodgson eve, Cremonne 4255. ('tilde Address—"Exp/m.e," George Fergus W., dent ht , 391a lilt at Gerard M rs. Sydney George Fergus W. Cremorn e rd, Umorne Gerard G., 411 Binning st, Erskine vino Gently Arthur, 75 Art bur at George Francia, 0 Ile Insley st, Dr'moyne Gerard Sister Mary, 123 William at Gerard Roy, 73 Windmill at (Jett Charles, 70 Brisbane at George Frank, 2 Stirling at, Redfern (let tees E., I doucest . r rd, if urstville George Frank, Gordon rd, Roseville Gerard W. M., Princess eve, Waterloo , RION ay cry s, Ilituksin George Frederick, 75 Brougham at thirst by Mrs. L. F., Alexandra at Gett e n. ((effigyCarrington eve, 11 urst vi lie (lotions J. T , George Frederick, 22 Arthur at, Viler& ilmitir's 11111 George (I., 10 Pleasant eve, ErskIneville Windily Mks K., 133 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Get bus s Jos iah W., IIdinore oh, Gerber Charles, 33 Cook rd, Cent elude Getting Paul E., supt . Quarantine George George, 103 Cathedral at Station, Manly George Harold V., 39 The Grove, Padlon Perk ville Gerber Charles I. F., Gipps at, Wav'yi (lettin E. , 34 Farilight at, Malay g Pee l s George Harry 0., Venus at, Glade at, L'hardt George Henry, Balfour at, CarltonGerber Ede tint \V. E., 51 Flood st. lieuranich T., 14 Carrington . N. 331 Parramet ha nil I miters N., new lin George MN. .1. C., 115 Cerebella st,Bondi Bay Neutral Gerber (1. IL, 4 Harrison at, 1.•Isisha rill NortbSydnev therdwn J., 28 Noble st, Mosman (iew Berry' 510 rd,_ lesham ' Pa rramatta es st . ,. _...... George J. II., 150 Forb ... .... .._... _. .....____.... _........._,...__ WOOD, COFFILL &COMPANY LTD, HEAD OFFICE: RULWARRA RD„PYRMONT 'PHONE 726k, 1160 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL THINGS NEEDFUL AND NICE. Gey ALPHABETICAL, Gib1283 Gay Muller Adolph, Canary nit, ("buryGibbes 31bis E. T., Cobar st, Petersham ;Gibbs Addressing Co., accurate, cond. Geyer Studios, 117 Oxford st Geyer Frederick, 100 Silver st , St. Peter,GIBBES F. W., BE., Intercolonii I: rdonna' addressing, 431a Kent st House, -1 Cal.(lereagli st. Sydney I t:Hubs Arthur and Co., pablic acyountants G. II. and Co., motor tyres. 36, 375 George st Tel. :3047y C insultin g, Elee Queen Victoria 31arkets trieal and Mechanical Enuineer ; 'GIBBS, BRIGHT & CO., ImportGhost Capt. IL C., shIpbroker, colliery , s Roseville and lighter contractor, and general! p.r.. Boundary t, era, Merchants, Shipping, and, Inagent Juliens' Ships Composition, lib Gibbes Rev. G. E. (C. of E.), Small st :surance Agents ; Managing Agents Bridge at ;p.r., "Grassmere,"Ityde for E. and A. Steamship Co. LimiILeziettat, Chiswick ted ; agents for Commonwealth and Gibbes Mrs. Mary, 5 3facdonald st Ghost It. H. Bondi rd, Bondi Gibbeson 31rs, C. F., 16 Wilton at Damintin Lille Limited (Port Ghiggino Misses A. and N., typist:, 350 ("Dibbles ltev. li, J., M..k., 3 Brave st Steamers) : Union likuraned SoGeorge at Asnfiehl d ty of Canton. Limited (Marine) Ghiloni Mrs. 31., Victoria ave. W'alira V. E., 46 Wolseley China Traders Insurance Cu., Ltd. Ghiggino D., 193 Livingstone rd, 3I'ville (Marine) ; The State Assurance Co., Ghigimil Mr.4., Bowmen St. Sherwood ((Bibles Arellibehl, 131 l'it t st Ltd. (Fire, Accident, etc.) ; Law Ghinjis Henry, 38 Regent st, Paddingran (alibis C. J., -10 Annesley st, L'hardt Union and Rock Insurance Co. Ghloni Ambrose, Crown st, Sherwood Gibbins F. J., J.P., Wollongong rd (Fire, Accident, ete.) ; Parkinson Ghys Chanie, Greenwich ni, haute Cove ; Armen& and W. B. Cowan, Limited, Gas Glsys Oscar, Mowbray rd west, Ch'wood ;Gibbin g F. J., 51 Alfred st, Nth. Sydney Meter 3fanufacturers ; Agents for Matteotti Joseph, 48 Princes at I Gibbins Frederisk, jun., Victoria st. Sulphide Corporation, Ltd., SuperCatiquintos Bros., fruiterers, Alli:on ni,I Arneliffe phosphates 111111 other 3Ianures ; 37, 41 and 43 Pitt st Gibbins Frederick J.. 3 l'it t At, N. Syd. Clibbnaa na d wB irekentan, Ltd., opticians, 6 (Mild's, G. S., Tenter a ye, Habertield Gibbs C. and Son, fruit merchants, Fria Hunter at 391s Pitt st, and 389 , ((Hibbs,rs. II. J., 154 Macpherson st . Exchange, Barker at George at WaverleV Mb A., Highfleld ril, Linda . 111Gibbins H. W., 118 Johnston at, An'ilale Gibbs, Cryer and Co., printers and stationers, 4-13 Kontst Gibb A. Dprstinaster, Church st, -Car- Gibbins J. C., Kingston at, Ilaberfleld Gibbs and Worthington, grocers, Ad lingfonl Gibbins John. Flinders rd. Canterbury Oxford at, Paddington Gibb Alexander, manager Govt . Savings Gibbins 31is: M., 41 Lavender at. N. Syd. (Abb . A.. New Canterbury rd, Pe t'shain Bank of N.S.W. (Branch), 263 1%Int , Gibbins Walter, Bobbin rd, Pymble Gibbs A. W., Abercorn st, Bexley rickville rd, 3farrick vine (DWAIN Ma'am, Doivling st, A nicliffe Gibbs Alfred, Second at, Wentworthville Gibb Chance, 05 Renwick st, Drunun'yne Gibbon E. IL, 3 Clifton st east, Balmain Gibb, Aubrey l'.. Cuthbert st, Wavley Gibb David, Billyard avenue Gibbon George, 21 Edwin st, Manly I Gibbs C. II., Christian Scientist, Mutual Gibb Mrs. E., 59 St. Thomas st, Waverley Gibbon 1Vidiatu, 41 Eiliott st. Balmain Life buildings, Martin place Gibb Edwin J., Herbert at, Mortlake Gibbons' Estate Office, 120 Regent at, Gibbs Charles, Smidmore at, Marrickville Gibb Mrs. Emma, 198 Frazer at, Dulwich Redfern !Gibbs Charles, J.1'., Windsor rd, P'sham 11111 Gibbons A. J., 23 Bruce at, Stanmore Gibb Ernest J., 83 Gerard el, Alex'driaGibbons A. L., Anderson st, Chatswooti I Gibbs Charles II. \Villains rd, ROM: Bay 0,Ibb le reder'ek, 20 Beattie st. Heinlein Gibbons Mrs, A gne , , Harris rd, Five Dk. Gibbs Charles I., 'Ocean at, West Kogarali i Gibbs Claude. 207 Sydenhani rd. Gibn Frederick, Chapel at, Kogarall Gibbon. Arthur. Stanley it, Arneliffe Gibb George, grocer, 99 Regent at Gibbons Arthur F., 58 Gladistone at, I Gibbs Edward, 19 Neville st. Gibbs Edward, 32 Neville st, Manickville Gibb Geo., Wentworth rd Burwood I Gibbs Ernest, Rickard rd, Hurstville Gibb George, Bridge et, Drummoyne Gibbons C., Roseville a ye, !Gibbs F. J., Bildue nl. Hornsby Gibb George A. (J.I'., N.S.W. and Gibbons C. J. J., 5 CoultonRoseville st, Bondi Queensland), estate agent, 0-8 Gibbons 31N. 'I' , Moimey st, Behoove I Gibbs Fredk., 92 Itittliven at, Raudwick 1Gibbs George, 22 Saber st, Woollabra Stanmore rd, Enmore Gibbons Charles, King rd, Five Dock , Gibbs II., Adderley at, Auburn Gibb Harry M., May et, Eastwood Gibbons Claud IL, Bondi rd, Bondi 'Gibbs Miss II. V., 19 Roslyn at Gild, Henry 0., Rose st, Auburn Gibbons Edward J., 176 Crown at ; Gibbs Harry, 47 Gordon at, Rozelle Gibb Hugh M., Bay at, Botany Gibbons Franck C., Queen's rd, II'ville I Gibbs Henry. President n ye, Koga rah Gibb Tames, Drummoyne eve, D'inoyne Gibbon. Frederiek. Cross ci, Waverley I Gibbs Herbert, B his at, Carlton Gibbon. G. ('.. 3facquarie st. Parramatta Gibbs J. Burton, Botany at, Itandwiek Gild) James, 4 Llturd 1W11 . 1, Newtown Gibbons George, Fleet t, Carlton John (J.P., N.S.W. and QueensGibb Mrs. Julia, 5 Chapman st Gibbon's George, Tavistock rd, Fleneton Gibbs land), managing director Slerchante Clibb M., Tanner eve, Carlton Gibbons George, 640 Illawarra rd, and Trailers' Association, Ltd., !Gibbons ((lounge, (Si) Morehead st, Wrenn Gibb Mrs. Mary, Mitchell st, Kogarah Gibbs' chambeN, 7 Moore at I Gibbons George. 5(15 Darting st. Rozelle Gab Robert, 23 Levey at Gibbs John, 1 Brighton at, Petersham Gibbons George C., Bohner() rd, Dalmor- Gibbs John, Paul's rd, Waterloo Gibb S. C., 85 Renwick st, Alexandria Gibbs Sims. Kate, matron, Cicada Home Gild) W., 29 Spencer rd, Ilosman GibbtoonIsi H. W., Macaulay at, Lelchhardt for Mother. and Queen at Gibb W. A., manager National Insur- GIbbons ar ow n , Ilexley Iturwood anee Co. of Now Zealand, Ltd., 14 Gibbons Henry, 7 Smith at,. Manly Spring st ; p. r., "Royst ill," Church Gibbons James, 1 .Macquarie st, MOIR le Gild). Mr.. B. 33 Speneer st, Sutii. flit! Gibbs Mrs. Mary, 175 N.S.II. rd, et, Iturwood Gibbons John, 35 Reserve /it, Annandale Gibbs Mrs. Margaret, 2 Richards ave Gibb Walter J., 'townie r at, Ban ksia Gibbons John, 115 Raglan at, Waterloo Gibbs Mks May, artist, 2 Bridge at Gibb William, Webb at, CroydonGibbons John IL, 9 Junction rd, Stint- Gibbs It. IL, off 28 Bradford at, Balmaitt (libb William, 53 Holt's eve, Ilosinan Robert W., Caliente rd, Mortlake lb hub 1V1Illain, 476 0.14.11. rd, Woollah ra Gibb,itisJ01 II1 11111 It. H., ,J. 1', Parramatta rd, Gibbs GIbb: Robert, 82 lidgeware rd, Elution) Gibb William B Denham at, Bondi Auburn ((bib, tient S. U., Vietoria Barracks, Gild) William 'I., Brun-iwick par., Gild) 1,,, Cobar 4, Petersham Oxford ut, l'ttmlmhlutgtuht ( Ashihhelu (Gibbons Lionel (1., Orpington st. Samuel 14., Silver at, 31arrickville Gibb WhIlain T., 97 Edgeware nil, 31' ville Gibbons NI N. 31., 3 Bathurst at, Woolla'ra Gibbs GPM: Stanley, Parramat ta rd, Auburn Gibb William T., J.P., 03 John at, le sham Gibbons B. J., 125 Australia at, C'down Gibbs Stouley, Prince Edward par, (I'vb) Gibbet's A. J., stationmaster, Staunton, Gibbon. Mrs. II ore, IS l'itt st, Waterloo Gibbs S y dney 241 Howl!ig 'it, Railway Station, Trafalgar at, Gibbons 31rs. Nora, 33 Burlinson it illths Thomas, 16 Charles si, Forest Lod. Memnon) Gibbons 31N., teaelicr ut insisic, 752 Gibbs Thomas, Moree at, Gordon Gibbons Abel J., 101 Day at, I,eichluirdt George GlIbbens Joseph, St. George's 151, Bexley Gibbons MN. S. C., 241 Canterbury I (Hub. Thoma s . 74 Orneind at, Gibbs IV., 13 Queen at, Mosinan tlIbbens Jos., 00 Metropolitan nil, Elmore ril. !labile!' 11111 Gibbons Si. J 125 Australia at, N'town Gibbons Samuel. st , , ( (Bibs Walter, 223 Crown at Walter, Fig l'ree rd, Hunter's 11111 Gibbons M tt then , 71 31arillorotigh st, (111111 ins Tho.„ ill Ilargaret -4. Newton it' I (Bibs WON Win . 105 Norton -t, belch's:snit. Leleithardt Gibbons 'rhos. F., J .P., Harrow ril,11 ;Pali, M ilieu' .1., 13 Went worth st, ( ( nub ' A and Monk, con-tiltin g , ' , kettles' Bexley (ibby George, Alt -t, Waverley and inechanleal.1lot 11 .• (71h110114 2 Vino lane, Redfern I ;11)11y ... Millor at, We vetley magli at Gibbons ‘Villialii . F.„..park a ye, N._sydney PORCELAIN WREATHS AND CROSSES, WE IMPORT AND HOLD THE FIN EST ASSORTMENT IN AUSTRALIA ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE WORLD'S COMMODITIES. 1284 Gib ALPHABETICAL. Gid Gibson Frank, billiard salmm. 118 George, Gibson Lincoln, J. 1'., 34 Renwick at, Giblet t A. II., Manchester rd, Auburn Leichliardt .treet (mho:Mrs. Edith, 457 Liverpool st Gibson Mrs. 31., 2 Durham st, South Gibson Frank, Ley's are, Leichlta nit Giblet t George, I Werdon a ve, Pinnon Annandale at. 3I'v•ille Giblett Ii., Gt• orge's River rd, Croydon Gibson Frank. ', embank Gibson Silas M., Iris at, Wahroonga Gibson Frederick, Rawson at, Haberlield Gil iSill 3Iks M.. 14 Botany at. Wriverley . Park Gibson Fredk., 5 3loneur at, Marrickville Giblett, r. W.. 117 Ed gewn re rd, Irvine Gibson Mrs. :Margaret, Broughton at, Giblett Thonuk, :108 Lam Cove rd, N. Gibson Frederick J., assistant signal. nmster, South Head Sydney • GilosiCo(1" 31cliji r 'siden. Bright more at. Nun I. B. Gibson G. F., 287 Annandalt • st , Annan- Gibson Giblett Walter, 14 Terrace rd, II' vine Mrs. Mary, 20 Miteleay at dale (fiblett William. Station at. Thornleigh Gibson G. II., J.P., inspector Crown! Gibson Sills Mary. 49 Victoria St Giblin Mrs. E., 86 Wallis at, Woollahra Lands, Lands Department, Bridge at Gibson )1attliew, 72 Thompson at Giblin Percy. Ken's rd, Lideom be Gibton G. IL, J. 1'., Gladstone par, Gibson Alks. 34 London at, Enniore And nor, 69 Thompson at (limey Gibson Nieliola s , Duke at, C'autpise Lindfield Gilishani George, Bream st. Coogee (U ti)uli Peter, Queen at, Gibson, Battle Mid Co., Ltd., machinery Gibson G. W., 0 Sixth at. Granville Gibson Philip, 10 McDonald st, L'hardt agents and metal merchants, 533- Gibson Mrs. G. Y., 82 Liverpool st, Gibson310 Norton st, L'hardt Paddington 535 Kent at at Gibson It., tailor, 84a King at 1e4 ! . rtleorge, saddler, 78 George Gibson G. and Co., Ltd., boot manufac- 6115,4,11 Gibson It. B.. 47 Marla at, Alarrickville turers, Harley et, Alexandria • GthS(111 It, 'W., house steward Golf Club, Gibson bdands, Ltd., 15 Macquarie place Gibson George, 28 Renwick It, Alex'dria Gordon rd, Killian Gibson J. A. D. and Co., tea and coffee Gibsim George, Hampden rd, Artarmon Gibson Ilicliaid, Connell' , Bay at, if itr.tmerchants and Importers, 432-434 Gibson George, 16 Middle at, Marrickville JI Gibson George, Short at, Marriekville Kent,at.. To. City 6405 Gibson Richard, 11 Bourke st, Waverley Gibsoe .4. and Son, engineers, ea 44 Gibson George, t Noble st. 31/Ismail Gibson Robert, Beaconsfield rd, Auburn Gibson George, 174 parley st, Newtown Louisa rd, Balmain Gibson Robert, Makinson at, Gladesville on son Geo., 490 (fienmore r 1 Pad'ton Gibson Misses. 110 Neville at. MOW Gibson Robert. 11 rench at,. N. 1,3/ 3„ Gibson A., signalmaster South Head, Gibson George W., Lily st, Liutleld (4r dile Gibson Robert. Avoca at. Rand wick Gibson George W., Gordon ave. O.S.H. rd, Vancluse Gibson Robert A., 647 Bourke at Gibson Gilmore J., 12 Union st, Tempe Gibson t C skin bu yer, Sprin g at Gibson S. C., 193 Pam/matte rd. Ad 'dale Gibson Albert, 05 Birchgrove rd, Batman/ Gibson 11. J., Clissold st, Ashtleld Gibson 3frs. S. E., 7 Parramatta rd, AnGibson H. W.. if errin g rd. Eastwood Gibson Alex., 6 O gden at nandale Gibson Hamilton. 2a Ferry NI. Glebe Gibson A/ex., 4 Map ,s st. Annandale Gibson S. 11., 45 Fraticlust, Lelehbarilt, (lib$011 I harry, Comer at, Burwond Gibson Alexandt • r, 292 Palmer at 2 McManus at, N. Sydney Gibson Rev. S. J. (3leth.), Beatiford at, Gibson Ab• xander, 785 Illatrarra rd. Gibson Henn. , S., Allison rd, Randuiek Enfield Gibson Herbert , Marrickville Gibson Mrs. I., 1 Plunkett st, Drunintoyne I Gibson Samuel, 40 Darling at, Glebe Gibson Alex., Cleland at, Mascot, I Gibson 3liss Sarah, Henry st, Five Dock Gibson Ivie,11arton a ye, Halierfleld Gibson Alex., Arthur st , Merrylands Gibson Stanley, 11,4 Mullens at, Babluiln Gibson Alfred. physician and sm•geon. Gibson J., caretaker, Equitable buildings, I Gibson Sydney, Tamarama st, Bondi 350 George st 141 Elizabeth at Gibsoil T., 25 Cellingwood at, Drion'oyne Gibson J., 44 Louisa rd, liniment Gibson Alfred, Graham st, Auburn i Gibson '1'., 47 Anomie rd, 3Iosman Gibson Alfred. Parramatt a rd, Auburn Gibson J. Minm• sota ave, Five Dock Gibson 3. 11., J.P., Rocky Point rd, Gibson T. A., Alma at. Lower Itandwick Gibson Alfred, Coneannon at. Kogaraii Gibson Thomas. Sheldon ave. ilanhstost Rockdale Gibsoe Mrs. Alice. 11 Lyons rd. (down Gibson Tiumnis, 329 Ma rrickville rd, Gibson All n, 529 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton Gibson J. P., 58 Premier at. 3Ia rrick vine Marriekville Gibson Andrew, 83 Formosa at, Drum- Gibson J. T., Greenwich rd, Lane Cove Gibson Thomas, Barrow rd, Rockdale Gibson J. T., Mary at., Longueville may us Gibson 'Thomas. 181 Albany rd. P'shatil Gibson Mrs. Ann, Elizaheth Bay Reserve Gibson James, 145 Fovea ox st Gibson Thomas, 27 Green at. Waterloo Gibson James, Peel st, Behnore Gibson Mrs. Annie. 45 Cook rd Gibson Thomas, Alt st, Waverley Gibson James, 81 Bay at, Glebe Gibson Arthur, Russell st, Vaucluse Gibson Thomas. Guinea at. W. X./war/di Gibson James, 117 Edgeware rd, Gibsen Arthur B.. Cumberland rd, A Gibson Thomas D., 16 Mitchell at, Glebe Gibson B., medical practitioner, Fitz- Gibson Jame s , Alma 4, Lower It'w irk Gibson IV., Blackwall Pt. rd, Chiswick Gibson James, 177 George at, Redfern sviiiiaiui rd. Parsley Bay Gibson W.. 226 Geor g e st. Erskineville Gibson James, 47 Redfern st, Redfern Gibson B., 69 North at, LeIchhardt Gibson At'. It., 07 lialniain rd. L'Ilardt Gibson Mrs. B., 86 Alexander at, North Gibson James, 48 Douglas at, Stanmore Gibson W. G., Elizabeth at, Waterloo Gibson James, 38 Nowraniest, Sum. 11111 Sydney Gibson Mrs. Jean, 45 Ifiullens at, Gibson W. II., l'almerston st, Vaucluse Gibson Benjamin, 47 Flinders St Gibson W. .1., Sir Joseph Banks rd, Batman' Gibson Bertie (1. L., Victoria st, Ashfleld Gibson Bankst own Mrs, Janet, 135 Devonshire at Gibson W. J., Edmund at, Chatswood Gibson Miss C., 60 Darlingimrst rd Gibson John, 454 Bourke at Gibson John, 455 Darling at, Balmain ' Gibson C. A., 317 Ernest at, N. Sydney (U icon W . P.. Archer at. Chatstrood Gibson C.. II., governing director, Na- Gibson 3Irs. John, Fore at, Canterbury Gibson W. W., 18 John at, Erskineville ll rd, Del. Hill Gibson John, 105 Warde ti:mai Oil Company, ltd., 279 Gibson Walter, 10 Unto/1st Gilpoit John Georg e's River nil, Enfield George st, Sydney Gibson William, 603 Bourke st Gibson John, 49 Wlgram rd, Glebe Gibson C. W., Balmoral a ye, Mosman Gibson William, Ka reball at, Auburn Gibson Charles, 46 Newman st, Newtown Gibson John, 8 Barley rd. Manly Gibson John, 23 Railway at, Petersham Gibson William, Park rd, Auburn Gibson 31rs. (lira, 45 Pitt at, N. S3alney Gibson John, 78 Commie rd, staninore Gibson Claude, Sutherland at, Mascot Gibson John, 62 Stafford at, Stan/none Gibson Wm., 5 Renwick at, Drummoyne Gibson Daniel, Caledonian at, Bexley Gibson John A. D., "Linden," St. Gibson W4Illam, Premier st,Marrickville W., 20 Rose by at, 31'01h; Gibson David Gibson William, Voliti g at. Nth. Bondl Mark's rd, Randwiek Gibson Ile Berg, Anglo rd, Greenwich Gibson Salm C., St. Thoina,, at. Wit ley Gibson William, 15 Iloddle at, PaddIngen (Olson Mrs. E., 138 Evans st, Rozelle Gibson Wallin), 41 Alderson at, Redfern Gibson Mrs. E. C., 170 Ben Boyd rd, Gibson John C., 22 Schiinel at, Waterloo Gibson John J., 27 Gerber st, Alexandria Gibson William. 51 3Iacanlay rd. S'Illore ,Neutral Bay• Gibson William A.. 'Tracy at, Hurst ville Gibson John 8., 29 Simmons at, Emnore (Olson Rammia, um (restwolle Gidden Cyrus, Carlingford mu, ("ford Gibson Edward J., 13 Lyons rd, Camper- Gibson Julian, 21 Trafalgar at, Shun/tore Gliblens James B.. Parrainatta rd, Ww'd Gibson Mrs. h.., In Thames st, Balmain down Giddens Ralph, Henderson at, Itondi Gibson 31 rs. Kate, 28 Albemarle at, Gibson Miss Eliza, GM& at, hyde Giddey Wm. & Son, produce merchants, Newtown Gibson Mks Elvinn, 19 Cralgend st 188-190 New Canterbury rd, leshein Gibson Mi s s Emily, 76 Wellington at Gibson Sirs. Kate, 407 Dowling at Gibson Mrs. I,., 174a Parramatt a rd, Giddey Aubrey, 249 31arrickville rd, Wnterloo Marrickville Petersham Gibson Airs. Emily P., 42 Harris et, Gibson Leonard, solicitor, Equitable 6 iddey Charle s , A s ton at, Granville Rozelle Glibley Frank. 3 Toothill at, Lewisham buildings, 350 George st Gibson P., 70 English at, Caniperdown Gldiley J. C., 3 Gordon at, Mosman Gibson Leonard, 01 Garin/ball rd, Gibson Franck, 26 31arlan st, Eninore COFFILL AND COMPANY (SEE WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY). 'PHONE 726 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURES. Gid GIDDINGS LANCE ALPHABETICAL. Gil1285 Gilbert Arthur. 31 Premier at, IGilbert Thomas, 9 3ferriman st Gilbert Arthur P. Gordon eres, S'Inore Gilbert Thos., Browning at, Cale House and Real Estate Agent (Ment Gilbert B. J., 44 3earia at, Marriekville Gilbert Thomas, jun., Iron st, Parrain'tta her of Real Estate, Auctioneers' and Gilbert Bertram, Beatrice .st , 1,1dcombe Gilbert V., 2119 Henderson al, A dria Agents' Association of N.S.W.), Gilbert C. E., Beecroft rd. BeecroftGilbert W., 12 Angel at, Newtown 1(1(1 ftferilbert GW Agent for Government Savings Gilbert C. J. I flomnia square, R ., 31 McDougall at, N. Sydney Bank of N.S. W. and Royal Insur- Gilbert Charles, H 182 Rocliford at, E • ville Gilbert W. ., 39 Gould anti, AlarrickvIllo ance Co., Ltd. Offices, nem; Post Gilbert Charles, Henley rd. Flemington Gilbert Walter, War/deli at. Oat ley • Office (leave tram Post Office Gilbert Charles, Eastern ave. Kensington Gilbert William, Illatrarra rd, 3I'ville avenue), Cronulla. 'Phone 189 Gilbert Charles, 58 George at, St. Peters Gilbert Win, 152 George at, Waterloo Rug. lelegrams, Lance Giddings., Gilbert Charles, 50 Northumberland a y e, Gilbert William T., 22 Orwell at Cronulla.(See ad at. Cron/nit Gilhertliory Cluis.. 1 Suffolk a t, Piol•folt. Gilbert Charles, 43 Raglan at, Waterloo Section) Gilberthorpe, Buckle. ltd., 725 King st rt Charles E., 140 3farnek vino rd, Gilberthorpe Charles, 35 Mort at' Giddins A., 365 Lower Fort at Alarrickville Gilberthorpe G. L.. Blakeafey St, trwnffil Giddins A. R., Francis at, Ilarriek ville Gilbert Charles T., Ormond at, Aslifield Gillso• thorpe George, 4 Chaplin at Giddins Ernest W., Kent at, 11'n rerley Gilbert D. .4., editor, Labor Pit pers 1.111 Gilbertson G. E., Lyall at, Leiehlin nit Giddins II,LiVerp001 4, N. Bondi 321 l'itt at, Gilbertson Henry, 345 Bourke st (Jidding Thomas, 36 /,ower Fort at • Gilbert Daniel. Botaay at. Rand wiek Gilbertson Henry. 209 Sy/let/ham Giddley Cyril J., Old Canterbury rut. Gilbert 1)avid .1., Nlehokon at ,SY4i• MarriekVille Summer 11111 Gilbert bins, E. M., 57 Ifolt's ave, Mosman Gilbertson W. IL, 437 King at-, Newtown Giddy H. T., Victoria at east, Burwood Gilbert. Edward, 6 Fulham st, Etimore (1111w George, Walker st, Arneliffe Giddy H. T., West par, Eastwood Gilbert Mrs, Eliza, 54 O'Connor at Giddy James, 134 Church at, St. Peters Gilbert Mrs. Eliza, 9 Forbest at, Redfern Gilchrist, Watt end Co., ttierchants, 3 Bent at Gidley Albert, 77 Station at., Petersham 101 haunt Ernest, id View at, Waverley Giichrist, Watt and Sanderson, Ltd., Gidley C. A., 93 Belmore at, St. l'eters Gilbert F. B., 43 Mitearthur par, Dul. 11111 shipping agents, agents for P. and 0. Gidiey H. J., 250 Grafton at east, Iraltra Gilbert Frederick E., "Rendova," Frazer Branch Service, Illtio Funnel Line, Glilley IV. T., Cleland nil, Art•arnion st, 31:m1cl/wine Watts, Watts and Co., 7 Bent id Glilley William, Edward at, A rnelifie Gilbert F. J., 146 31ilitar3 rd, Neut. Bay Gilchrist 31ajor A. J. S., Florence st, Gidley Win., 18 Commodore st, N'town Gilbert .T., Prince at, Parramatta Neutral Bay Gidney George, 6 Ferris at, Annandale Gilbert 1'. W., chemist , Wiloughby oh, Gilchrist, Alexander, ISO John St Gidney Redly, 87 Edith at, 1,eichliardt WIloughby Gilebrist Alexander, 18 High at, Balm tin Giese Albert, Abattoirs id Gilbert G., Cronuila at, Hurstville Gilchrist Alex., Lanirock a ye, Wav.irley Giese NVillia in, 39 Miller at Gilbert G., 42 Albemarle at, Newtown Gilehrist, Arthur A., Elf ride at, Nlosman Glesswell Samuel S., Spencer at, Bose B. Gilbert 0., 16 Withicontbe at, Rozelle Gilchrist Arthur G., Gerard at, Neut. Bay (Betz Alex., 'Wollongong rd, Arneliffe Gilbert G., 88 Albany rd, Petersham Gilchrist Mrs. C., 52 Dow/ingst, l'ad'ton (Betz August EL, 185 Palmer st Gilbert G. 11., 32 George at, 31'ville Gilchrist C., 202 Albany rd, Stanmore (Betz George A., Point rd, Woolwich Gilbert G. W., Croydon ave, Crifon P'k Gilchrist Ernest, 20 Belgrave at, Way'ley Giffard Arthur, Ali Ili at, (Raley Gilbert George, 25 liensinuton rd, Sum- Gilchrist George, 304 Moore Park rd Giffen A. J., Smiditiore at, 31arrickville mer Hill Gilchrist Mrs. J., Macquarie at, L'Itardt °hien Alex„ 61 Renwiek at, Dr1/11/1)/1/3110 Gilbert H., (tree:twirl! 1,1. Lane Co ni Gilchrist John, 6 Thomas at, Balinain (411k ii :fames, 31finer at. A rta mein Gilbert H. W., 102 Windsor at, Paddlon Gilchrist .Tolin, Park at, Sans Sonci Giffen .Tames, 7 Lackey at, St. Peters Gilbert H., 110 George at, St. Peters Gilchrist John IL, Bishop's a ye, It'tvick Giffett Wm., 62 Sir John Young's eres Gilbert Harris, 241 Commonwealth st Giffin Mrs. M. G., 47 Cavendish st, Gilbert Ile it ms. Rivers at, Bellevue h9tel Gilchrist Mrs. Louisa J., 120 Victoria at Gilchrist 3Irs. M., Cremorne rd, Crentorne Stanmore Gilbert Herbert. Parra inatta rit, Wwood ditc h-1st Norman, l'hillip at, Mouth Giffin W. D., 36 Alma at, Darlington Gilbert 1 iorace. 41 Collin g wooll at, Drum- Gilehri at B., grocer, 391 and 417 King at Gifford Albert 31„ 16 IV/akin at-, NewCwil inoyne Newtown Gifford Charles, 89 Rose st Gilbert J., 38 Elizabeth at west, Ashfleid Gifford Charles IL, What more at. N. Syd. Gilbert J., 112 31111/• r at, North Sydney Gilchrist 10., 121 Park ave, Ashfield Gilchrist Robert, 140 Church st, St. Gifford Frederick, 32 Arthur at, Manly Gilbert JUIlle8, public school, Gordon rd, Peters Gifford G. 11., first assistant librarian, Lindfleld Gilchrist Sydney, 309 rd, houblo Public Library of N.S.W., Bent at Gilbert James, Belmont at, Alexandria Bay Gifford Geo. H., 23 havelock at, 1Yrnoyne Gilbert James, 37 Lower Tupper at, Gilchrist Sydney, 3fity st, 3farrickville Gifford Mrs. IL, 29 Elizabeth at, Redfern 31arrickville Gilchrist Will (tin, Lyons rd, Brunt' yno Gifford If. W., Young at. Croydon Gilbert James, 86 Union at, North Sydney Gilchrist William, 52 Therry at, D'inopte Gifford Henry, Broad rd, S. Rand wick Gilbert John, 01) 3letropolitan rd, Mourn. Gilchrist Win., 25 Phillip at., Glebe Gifford Mrs, J., Patrick at, If urstville Gilbert John, Wellington at, Mascot Gilday Austin, .Tersey are, Penshurst Clifford Mrs. 5. 31., Orpington at, Ash field Gilbert John, 14 Winslow st, N. Sydney (Mee 31rs. A., 29 Australia st, Newtown Gifford James, Chalder at, 31arrickville Gilbert Joho, Taylor st, Parramatta GlIdea Mrs. B. 31., 92 Glassop at, B'main Gifford ,Tohn, Hermann at, Kogaralt Gilbert John, Matthews st, Punchbowl Giblea George, 11 Junction at, For. bodge Gifford John, 154 Baptist at, Redfern Gilbert John II., 48 Clieliva at, Redfern Gildea Mrs. If., Itobertson at, W. Kogaralt Gifford Joseph, Premier at, Kogarall ilbeet L. It.. Francis at, 3farriek vine Gildea John, 13 1.awson at, Rozelle Gifford R., Slade at, Naremburn Gilbert Lancelot, Burwood at, Wwood Gildea Miss 31., 76 Redfern it, Redfern Gifford Thomas, 40 Bondi rd, Wave/ley Gilbert Nliss LW/to. 246 York at. north Gildea M. S., Cardigan at, Camperdown Gifford NV. IL, Murray st, Croydon Gilbert Mrs. 31, dining rooms, 10 Bond at Gildea Patrick, 491 Dowling st (iigg George, 4/ Cambridge at. Minion. Gilbert Mrs. 31., 30 Liverpool st. Pairtori Gildea R. (1., 18 Addison nil, Mar'kville Gigg Thos., 171 Johnston at, Annandale Gilbert Mrs. M„ 34 Railway at, I''sharn Glidea Thomas, 47 lv y at. Redfern Gigg Thomas, 70 View at, Annandale Gilbert, 3f rs. NI. A., Kissing Point rd, Gildeay 31., dining moms, 9 Oxford at Gigney George, Cowper at, Rand wick Dundas Gilder Miss Amy, 31 Beach rd, Dul. 11111 Gilberd, F. T., 1(14 Silver at-, St. Peters Gilbert Noah, Church at, Concord Gilder Arthur S., 15 Arcadia rd, Glebe anent If., 25 Rosest, Darlington Gilbert Percival, Cheltenham rd, Burw'd Gilder Mrs. E. S., 10 Pelham at, Dble. Bay Gilbert A. N.. Waratah st. Chatswood Gi/bert bins. It., Di/utmost at, 11 oristone Gilder F. A . real estate agent, 117 l'itt Gilbert Albert, Slade at, Narem burn Park st ; p.r., Momben rd. Mosman Gilbert Albert. Botany at, Randwiek Gilbert It, I,., 552 Nfarrickville rd, Dui. Gilder George A., Miller ave, Ashtleld Gilbert Albert, 94 Elizabeth at, Watloo 11111 Gilder 1', G., Victor/est, Roseville Gilbert Albert E., Liverpool i;(1. litirm Gilbert Raymond IL, Gibson at, Wav'y Gilbert Albert J., 185 March:Wile rd, Glibert Richard, 16 Lawson st, Wayloy Gilder S. A., manager G.1'.0. stables, 153 Castlereagh at Ifarrickville Gilbert Sirs. Rose, 14 George st • St. PeCra Gilder S. A., IVoniora rd, Gilbert Alfred, Belmont at, Alexandria Gilbert Mrs. S., Iturtrood st, Burwood Glider95 Minim at, Newtown Gilbert Alfred, Zillah st, Granville Gilbert SainueL High at, Randwiek Gilder W. A, solicitor and notary public, Gilbert Alfred C., Rutledge at, Eastwood Gilbert Sidney, 400 Moore Park 117 Pitt at; p.r., Station at, Pytnble Gilbert Andrew, 112 Art,Iur at Gilbert Stephen S., 27 Thomas at, A' fleld 011(1078 Claude, 7 Flood at, Bondi Gilbert Anthony, Starling at. L'haolt Gilbert T.. Iron st, Parnunatta Oilderthorp It. and Sons, painters, Gilbert Arthur, QUI10118 rd, Hurstville Gilbert T. S., 82 Mansfield at, Rozelle Avoca at, Randwick AS FUNERAL DIRECTORS WE RANK AMONGST THE LARGEST IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE ANTHONY HORDERNS' —THE SHOP FOR THE MASSES. 1286Gil ALPHABETICAL. Gil Gill William, 22 Short at, Balmain Iderthorp II. J., Park ave. RandwickGiMilan IL, 8 Longview at, Rozelle Gill William, 10 Albert tit, Forest Lodge Gilderthorp T. R. J.P., Market at, R wick GiMilan J. K., Liverpool rd, Bankstown Gill Mrs. William, 123 Hereford at, Glebe Gilfoll John, Coventry rd, Homebush Gildey Mrs. E: M , Hampden rd south, Gill William, Maud st, Marrickville Gilfoll Joshua. 102 Victoria at Artannon Gill William. 14 Bent, at, Paddington Gilding George, 40 Llewellyn -4, Irmain Gilliam J., Terry at, Arncliffe William, Bruce at, West Kogarali Gilding H., 61 Kingsclear rd, Alexandria Gilhooley G. V., Ernest at, Hunter's Hill Gill Gilkerson John C., 19 Bent st, Paddington Main Miss A. E., 41 Boulevard, LewiGilding J. F.. 50 York at shain Gilkes and Bray Misses, costumieres, 214 Gilding W. II., Silver at.. Nlarriekville Gillam Henry W., J.P., 49 John at, Oxford at, Paddington Gildrad William, 131 Bedford at, N'town Petersham Gilkes and Co., wall paper makers, 30 Giles and Moffatt, public accountants, Gillam Mrs. John, Pritchard at, . Pitt at 4 O'Connell at Gillam Walter, Burwood rd, Burwood Gilkes, Son and Whitnall, upholsterers, Giles A. E., 10 Alfred at, North Sydney Milan Mrs. Eliza, 23 York at, Ocean at, Woollahra Giles A. F. J., Chandos at, St. Leonards .Taines. 9 Susan at, Annandale Giles Albert, 08 Metropolitan rd, Emma° Gilkes Mrs. Agars, ell Bkrell at, Wesley Gillen GLIatt John P., Greenacre nil, Hurstville Gilkes Arthur, Kingston at, Haberfield (Wes Alfred. Forest rd. Hurst:vide Gillen Bowfin, 100 Kent at Gilkes Benjamin, 5 Foveaux at Giles Alfred G., Beecro ft rd, Cite Itsn ham Gilkes Charles W., High at, Hunter's Hill Gillen Timothy J., Manning at, Witv'ley Giles B. A.. Dunmore at, Bexley Gilland Ernest. 16 Campbell at, Newtown Gilkes Walter, 40 Arthur st, Paddington Giles Miss B. T., Macquarie at, Fmatta Gilland Mrs. Maria, 9 Abercrombie at Giles Benj.. Wybalenn rd, Hunter's Hill (Atkinson S., 3 Claremont at. Rozelle Gillanders Andrew, 10 Knox at., W'altra GilkInson W., 13 Claremont at, Rozelle Giles C. F., Wentworth at, Parramatta William, B.A., general mere(dies C. 0., manufacturing tailor, 222 Gitkison Widiam, Renwick at, 1:Emoyne °Blenders (any Young Men's Christian AssociGilkison William, 83 Evans at, Rozelle Clarence at ation, 323-325 Pitt at; p.r. 27 Milton Giles Charles, 14 Wit hicombe at., Rozelle Gill and Oxlade, solicitors, 56 Hunter at at, Ashlield Gill Mrs. A., 08 Victoria at, Lewisham Giles Miss E., Whey at, Lindfleld (Allard Mrs. A., 245 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Gill A., 238 Grafton at east, Woollahra Giles Miss E. B., 35 East Crescent at, Gill A. C. solicitor, 50-58 Hunter at; Gillard Albert, 80 Dowling at, Paddington North Sydney Gillen' Albert E., George at, Mortdale p.r., 482 Marrickville rd, Dulwich H. Giles Miss Edith, Ranger's rd, Neut. Bay Gillen' Alfred, Wharf rd, Gladesville Gill Alfred, Ethel at, Itandwick Giles Edward, 5 Cheltenham at, Rozelle Ghlard I). W., Washington at, Bexley Gill Mrs. Catherine, 12 Selwyn at Giles Edwin, Sydney at, Marrickville Gillard David, MI MI at, Outlay Giles Edwin B., "Lyndon," Marathon Gill Charles, Beamish at, Sth. Canterbury Gillen' Mrs. E., 44 Alfred at, N. Sydney Gill Charles, 94 Carlisle st, Leichhardt ay e, Darling Point Gillard Edward J., 3faida at, Leichhardt Gill Mrs. E., 40 Newland st, Waverley Giles Francis, Consett ave. Bondi Gillard Cecilia at, 31arrickville Giles Frank, 172 Edgecliffe rd, W'alirst Gill Edward, 19 Anderson st, Alexandria Gillard G., G., Cambridge at, Vaucluse Gill Miss Emma, 38 Morris at, Summer H. Giles Fredk., 17 Crystal at., Rozelle Gill Ernest. 33 William at, Paddington Gillard Georg e, manufacturers' agent:, 38 Giles George, 26 Waiter at . , Paddington Carrington at Giles George Hawkesbury rd, Westmead Gill Eugene W., 7 Camden st, Newtown Canard George, Bray's rd, Mortlake Gill Francis, Eastern ave, Kensington Giles George' L., Ashton at, Itandwick Gillen' George E., George at, Mortdalo Gill Francis E., Bayview st, Bexley Giles H. G., 39 Spring at. , Wavarley Gillen' Henry, 6 Little Palmer st Gill Francis .1%, East at, Granville Giles Henry, Cronulla st, Hurstville Gillard Henry, 126 Park gave, Ashtleld Gill Frank, North rd, Ryde Giles Henry, 46 Ceelly st,Leichhardt Gillard Henry, 13 Catherine at, Balmain Giles Henry, 197 Flood at., Leichhardt Gill Frederick, Short at. , Auburn Gillard Mrs. M., 21 Justin at, Leichhardt Gill Frederick Arthur ter, Bexley Wes Henry G., Bunnerong rd, Botany Mrs. Richard, Herbert at, ledide Giles Henry J., Forsyth at, Rendwick Gill Fredk., 301 Addison rd, Marrickville Gillard Gillard Sydney, 84 Forbes st Gill G. A., 1 Wilton lane, Redfern Giles Howa , d, Bland at, Haberfield Gill Geo. E.. mana g er, Northern Suburbs Gillen' Thomas, O'Itiordan at, Alex'dria Giles Mrs. J.. Norton at. Asliti eld Building and Investment Co., Ltd., Gillard Thomas, 141 Mansfield st, RozeIle Giles Mrs. J.. 27 'rectal° at, Newtown Walker and Mount at a, N. Sydney Gillard W. G., Palmer at north, Bondi Giles J. IL, Ethel st, Parrainatta Gill George A., 34 Cameron at, Pad'ton Gillate Percy, Tyrell at, Hyde Giles James, 36 Bourke at., Redfern Gill George E., a'Beckett at, Granville Gillbody J., 56 Layton at:, Catu'down Giles James, 160 Weston rd, Rozelle (HIV Stanley, Hutchison at, St. l'eters Giles Mrs. Janet, 22 Church at, Par'matta Gill George E., 64 Willoughby at:, N. Syd. GM Godfrey, 36 Cooper at, Waterloo Giles John, 12 Amy at, Erskineville Gill H. E., Livingstone ay e, Pymble Giles John, Fennell at, Parramatta Gill H. L., 136 Newland at, Waverley Giles John, 20 Ebley at, Waverley Gill Miss Hilda, Piggott at. Dui. Hill Giles John A., 20 Anglesca at, Bondi Gill J. Macdonald, physician, " WyoAustralian General Catholic Depot, Giles Mrs. Leah, 3 Pitt at, Waterloo ming,,," Macquarie at; p.r., " AltoParis, Lyons, Rome, Sydney and Giles Oscar E., Sloper at, Kensington wah, Cecil st, Gordon Melbourne. Giles Reuben, 86 Holdsworth at, W'Ialtra Gill Dr. J. Macdonald, hon. sec. N.S.W. Giles Roy, 4 Neville at., 3farrickville Medical Union, 32-34 Elizabeth at Giles Miss S., 89 Campbell at, N. Sydney ' Giles S. It., Woodland st, South Ashfield Gill James, Bayview at, Bexley Gill James, 20 Wetherillst, Leichhanit Giles Samuel, 67 Caroline at, Redfern Gill ,Tames, Empress at. Hurstville Giles Sidney, Tenure at, Five Dock Giles \V., 30 Little Arthur at, N. Sydney Gill James, 20 Wetherill st, Leichhardt Gill Jaws G.. Margaret at, Granville Giles Walter, 18 Church at, Parramatta Giles Walter, 188 Morehead at, Redfern Gill James If., 114 St. James rd, Gill James L.. 31annion at. Cam'down Giles William, 44 Clisdell at Giles William, 28 Cechy st, lelehhanit Gill John, 87 John at Gill John, 34 N'evIlle at, Marrickville Giles William B., 2 Julia at, Ashfleld Giles William J., 110 Julliett at, M'ville Gill John, 6 Red Lion st, Rozelle Gilfeather Mrs. E., Caroline at., Cantley Gill John M., sour., Bowden at, Granville Gill Joseph, 28 Fitzgerald at, Waverley (Weather Michael, 400 Jones at Suppliers to His Holiness Pius X., Gilfeather W. B., Wetherill at, L'Itardt Gill Joseph 11., Broad rd south, Ran'wick by Special Appointtnent. Gilfillan and Bode, public accountants Gill Mrs. Joshua. Reed at. Neutral Bay 73-75 Liverpool at, Sydne y ; and Gill Miss Mabel. Piggott st, Dui. 11111 and auditors, 86 Pitt at 300-302 Lonsdale at, Melbourne. Norman, estate agent, Walker and Gilflilan Miss C. P. 409 Alfred at, N.Syd. Gill Mount Church Requisites and Religious sts, North Sydney ' at, Petersham Gilfillan E., 98 Crystal Articles, Manufacturers and ImGilfIllan Mrs. Emily S., 25 Queen at, Gill P. L.. Alfred at, Marrickville porters, Catholic and Educational Gill Rupert II., 6 Charles at, Enmore 3losman Booksellers, Church Vestments, GiltIllan N., sub manager, New Zealand Gill Samuel, Pembroke at, Epping Pictures, Sacred Music, Organs, Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., (MI Stephen. Crabbes a ye, Cluitswood Wax Candles, Chandeliers, Sacred (4111 T. C., manufacturers' agent, 127 Ltd., Brid ge and Loftus sts Vessels, Branches, etc. Largest York at: Gilfillan N. L., River rd, Lane Cove Collection of Religious Statuary Gilfillan 11. A., secretary Public Service Gill Thomas, Bayview at, Bexley In Australia. Tel. 2079. Box Board, 4 O'Connell at; p.r., Wyvern Gill Walter G., 22 Albert at., F. Lodge 101, G.P.O., Sydney. GM William, 64 Rose at at e, Chatswood GILLE (Lows) AND CO WOOD, COFFILL COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE: 81042 NORSE ST. 'PHONE 720:L1524 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' — THE SHOP FOR THE CLASSES. Gil ALPHABETICAL. Gil1287 Gilleland Arthur C., 28 Dover at, Summer 0111ham Mrs. Margaret, "Queen's Cafe," : I ZIONS' INDUSTRIAL ACT TIME Hill 305 l'itt at Gilleland John, 11 Eden at, North Syd. (Wiliam Mrs. Mar garet, 2 Selwyn at: SHEETS or COMBINED TIME. AND WAGES BOOKS (CopyGillen James, 19 Hart at, Redfern Gillimm W., 45 Alexander st„I'dria PAY right) for all Trades and C a ll i ngs . Gillen Mrs. Kate, 14 little Albion at Gillian A., 49 Oxford at, Paddington These are the only ones which (4iles 11. W. and Co., importers, 222 (iLlian Albert, 18 Gurnee at, Pad'ton comply with the Act. Obtainable Clarence at Gililbrand J., 85 Australia at, Woollahra only from L. %Ions, Industrial Act Gilles IL, Lucretia ave, Longueville Gillick Michael, 44 Vino at, RedfernExpert, 14 Castlereagh street. Gilles Herbert W., 20 Phillip at, Neutral (dila) N., Phoenix at. Lane Cove Sydney. When asking prices state Bay (111114es Mrs. A., 130 Regent st, Redfern class of business, GILLESPIE BROS. AND CO. G lilies A. 0., Boulevarde, Stranifield Roller Flour 31111s Barker st, foot1 Ges Alex., 8 The Terrace, Balmain of Bathurst st. Telephone 751Will " Alex ' , 84 13 ° 11(11 Ill ' 13°1"11Gillis A. R., 166 View at, Annandale Gillies Alex, 5 Queen's avul, N. Sydney Gillis J.. dentist, 414 Oxford st, I ViedGillespie A. G., linanel ,r, 57 31arket atGillies Alex., Oatley par, Oatley lahrit Gillespie Alex., 8 Joseph st, Aslifield (lint r, Hamburger at, Punch- Gillis James, Western ni, Pa rrama tt a Gillespie Allan, :3 Darvall at, Balmain bowl (111115 John, Fig Tree a Gillis Randwick Gillespie Andrew, 192 Church at, 1"matta Oinks Alex. Galloway at, Parrainatta Gillis John, Laurel at, ye, Willoughby Gillespie Mrs. C., Great Nod 11 rtl, GI'vl le Gillies Miss :Unto, 40 Wooleott at Gillis Richard W, Miller at, Waverley Gillespie Charles, Amherst at, N. S yd. Gillies Daniel, Homer at, Canterbury Gillis It S.. Miller st, Was.erley Gillespie C. W., 96 Buren at, E'ville Gillies Mrs. E., Shadier at, Neutral Bay Gillespie Mrs. E., 191 King fit, N'town Gillies Mrs. Eva, 18 Grosvenor stGillispie Alexander, Nortlicide at, N'bunt Gillispie John, Romsey st, Hornsby Gillespie II has F. 31., Wood st , 31a IllyGillies Evelyn, 31Itehell at, A rucliffe Gilliver and Gallagher, concrete works, Gillespie 0., Collins at, Alexandria Gillies Francis, Rawson at, Haberfield Meredith at, Bankstown Gillespie G. Victoria at, Alexandria Gillies H. I., 168 Bondi rd, Bondi Gilliver, Gilmore & Connell, contractors, Gillespie (f., .T.P., 192 St. John's rd, (Mlles 0, It., chemist. 43 Reservoir at 135 King at Forest Lodge Milks Harry, Poole at, Lon guevilleGlillver and McLeod, drapers, Rook wood Gillespie George, " Itoseburn," Hastings Oinks James, Deakin a ye, Ilaberfieldrd, Bankstown rd, Turramurra Alevrernoune'rsa d trS ttehfi ineniodreGilliver Wm. and Sons, railway and Gillespie II., 48 Stoonble st, Stmt. 11111(91111111ilee: Jjan ninleesg'121.0. I general contractors, 135 King at Gillespie J., 42 Alexander at, Alexandria (11111ea .7/ din, %Vitali rd, Leichhardt Gilliver Mrs. E., :31 Croydon st, 1"shaill Gillespie Mrs. J'., Carrington rd, Wavlev Gillies John, off Ficklen's Wharf rd, Gilliver Edward V., Itookwood rd, Gillespie J. A., 17 Maria at, Marrickville Lindfield Bankstown Gillespie J.I. 3, 37 Prospect rd, Stint. Hill Gillies John, 29 Liandaff st,IYaverley Gilliver Harry C., Swete st, 1.141combe Gillespie J. W., " Upton Grey," 'last- Gillies John, Prospect st, W. Kogaralt Gilliver Henry J., Church at, Rook wood ings rd, Turramurre (Wiles 31 rs. L., 25 ,Tersey at, IrvineGilliver Mrs. 31. 1t., josepli st, Lideontlo Gillespie James 27 Queen at, Glebe (allies Mrs. 31., Ca p ligan at, Cannlown S. J., Mary at, Liticombe Gillespie John, 13 Parnantatta ni, Glebe 0illies Mrs. 31. J., 17 Wood's a y e, Wool-Gilliver Gilliver Win., J.P., contractor, RookGillespie John, 94 Station at, N'town 'ultra wood rd, Baukstown Gillespie Joseph, 21 Carey at, Man ly Gilli es Matthew 11, 10 Allen at Gillman Bert, Farr at, Itoekdale Gillespie Joseph, Redi p yre rd, H'Imsli(Mlles Mrs,. Bromley nve, Cremorne Gillman 3trs. C. M., 23 Cowles rd, 31'inan Gillespie Joseph J., 87 Wood st, Manly Gillies 31urdoch. 67 Phillip at. lialmain Gillman Henry, 13 Rush at, Woollithrit Gillespie 3Irs, M., 137 Botany rd, Wants) oldies Neil, 10 I tempt on at, Balinaln jantes, 19(1 Alfred at N. Sydney Gillespie Mrs. N., I3eresford rd, Hose Bay Milks IL, 25 31acArt inn par, Intl. 11111Gillman Gillman William, William at, Elescot Gillespie It. \V., " Itedhall," Stuart st, Oillfes Robert, manufacturers' agent, Glilinann 'tins. 13, Woodville rd, Sherwood Wahroonga 114e Pitt at liillinore F. (1„ boot store, 190 31111tary Gillespie Robert, J.P., Malvern ave, Croy- Piffles Robert, J.P. , see. Burwood Starr- rd and 10 Spit rd, 31o:intim Bowkett Building Society, Deane Gillmore Robert, Way . at ,31arrickville Gillesdpolloi Robt. H., Ashley at, Hornsby at, Burwo od, and Aslifield Starr- (1111m W ore . II., 76 Military rd, Mosman Gillespie Mrs. S. 31., 40 Railway at, Bo wkett Building Society, 4 Brown Gillogley James, 354 Moore Park rd Petersiutin Gillen Alex., 43 Raglan at, Darlington Gillespie T., of/ Norton st. ',Addis rdt GilliCst 'ItAosbilefireti,(142 Campbell at, Balm n F n C., Bridge at, D'Inoyne Balms in Gilloracis Gillespie Thomas, 450 Bourke at. Oillies Robert, J.I'., Lucas rd, Bttrwood Gillen Frank, York at North Gillespie William, draper, 11 Union st aillies Robert L., 112 Louisa rd, Ilitlin'n Gillen Joseph, 161 Terry at, St. Peters Gillespie William, Sheehy st, Glebe Oillies Sinclair, 11. D. (Lond.), I).P.H., Gillen Ormsby,121 Cuba r st, Widou ghby Gillett Bros., butchers, Oxford at, Epping physician, 153 Macquarie at ; p.r. Gillond Mrs A., clothier, 62 Erskine at Gillett Alfred W., 33 Callan at, Rozelle Wolseiey rd, Point Piper °Wooly 1'., 124 Windsor at., Paddington Gillett A., 40 Palace st, Aslitield (Allies W., 259 Trafalgar at, Annandale Gillett Arthur, Hay at, Leichitardt Gillett Mrs. Emily, 26 Penkivil at. Bondi (Mlles William, Atchison at, St. Leo p ards (Mow Edward, 80 3leek's rd, Arsine Gillett Mrs. Emma, 29 John at, Aslifteld Gilligan A. C., 107 Victoria rd, 31ar'kville Oillzean A., 21 Terrace rd, Men ickville Gillett F. E., 3Ielford at, Hurlstone l'ark Gilligan Charles, 512 Jones at Gilman IL. Robertson Ill Vatieltise Gillett J. J., 13 West Crescent at, North Gilligan .L, Kenwyn at, Hurst:vine Gilman R. j., 30 Magic at, Mosman Gilligan J., 81 Stewart at., Paddington Gilmartin Owen, 10 James st, N. Sydney GilletSty.dISItl ieite' s W., Andreas at, Pershani Gilligan James, Roslin st. Masvot Gilmore Arthur J.. 11 Denison at. Revile Gillett Mrs. M. L., 82 Belgrave at, Gilligtt ,ii,,James E., 42 Ilortiern at, New- Gilmore David, 14 Stewart at, Balmain ton Neutral Bay ,Mrs. E., 8 Wycombe rd, Neutral Gillett Mrs. P., Hall at, Bondi Gilligan James W. 473 Riley at Gilmore Bay Gillett Samuel, Leslie at, MarrickvilleGilligan John, 5 Milton st, Aslifield Gilmore Frank, 3 Lambert at Ersk'ville Gillett T. ,T., sec. Quarrymen's Calan, Gilligan joint, 48 Stewart at, Paddington Gilmore G. W. A., 18 Caledonia at, Trades Hall, (Thallium at Gilligan Mrs. M., 179 Wigrain rd, Glebe Paddington Gillett Thomas, Foreman at, St. Peters Gilligan Miss M. 51 Regent at, Padlon Gilmore Harry, 29 Challis ave, 31' vine Gillett Thomas lt., la Cross at, F. Lodge Gilligan Peter, 58 Holdsworth st, Wool- Gilmore Rev. .1. J., B.A. (Pres.), Lane Gillett W. G., 51 'Indicter st, Mosmanlahra Cove rd, Pymble Gillett William, Ethel at, Burtvood Gilligan 1t. E., 76 Henderson rd, Xdria Gilmore J. S., Barraclu ft a ye, Bondi Gillett. William, Bridge at, Epping Gilligan Richard, Susan at, Auburn Gilmore .Taines, 156 Short at, Balinain Gillett William, 20 Henson at, Sum. Hill Gilligan Thomas, Botany rd, Botany Gilmore James 13. :30 O'Hara at, Irvine Gillett W., 19 Lower Bathurst at, W'alira Gilligan Thomas, 9 Edgeware rd, Enmore Gihnore John, Bellev ue Park rd, Arcane Gillhain Edward, 265 Ernest at, North Gilligan Thomas, 59 Eveleigh at, Redfern Gilmore Mrs. K. E., 165 Bondi rd, Bondi Gilligan W. W., Edinburgh rd, 31aeville Gihnore M., grocer, 74 Pitt st, Redfern GilhaSNI ,III.e YBassett at, Dalmorton Gilligh an Edward, 133 George at,R'fern Gilmore Mrs. 3I., Hewlett at, Waverley William Mrs, le [orris, 157 cathedral atGillighan S. E., 22 Denison at, Newtown Gilmore Mrs. M. A., Wiley at, Waverley Glilliant George, York rd,Randwick Gillighan H. J., 48 Bourke at, Redfern Gilmore Robert, King at. Bondi Gillham J. J. (City Carrying Co.), general (Ailing Walter, Great North rd, Five Dk. Gilmore T. Orange at, Randwick carrier and contractor, 17 Bridge st, . Gintwz .1%. pti, Timutitt? at. GrslivilleGilmore T. 'C., Flora at, 1 1 Lakemba 109 Sussex at, and 24 Holt at 1 OUR FUNERAL EQUIPMENT is UNEXCELLED BY THAT OF ANY FIRM IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE QUINTESSENCE OF QUALITY. ANTHONY HORDERNS 1 FOR SHOPPING BY POST. 1288Gil ALPHABETICAL Gla 1 Gi anni Percival, l' nwite sl . . Canterbury Glacken Dennis .T,, 32 West at, N. Sydney st Gilmore Thomas, 372 Cleveland thaelcieer 11., George's River rd, Ilankst'n st, Glebe Gilmore Waitsg , W'ardell rel, WvIlleG big MN. V., 6 Campbellye, Hunter' s Hill Glad limerick C., Laketuln al, Canterbury Gilmore William J., Alfred at, Waverley Ginger Geo. F., 1,1113x1 a Oladdle Frank, 10 Spencer rd, ',Iceman Ginger Henry, Ityde rd, Hunter's ffill Gilmore William J., Alt at, Waverley oladdon T,, Marlon at, Auburn Gilmour A. 0., Queensbury rd, Penshurst Ginger John, Foss at • lInnt e r's 11111 (Baden G. C., 73 Cambridge at, Padlon Nglake Minium tl. J., Itme st, Chats wood Ginger John J., Kingston° a ye, Asylum, hospital for the Insane Gilmour Gordon, Stewart at, Leichlearelt Montan Richard .1., 211 Walker et, lefern Oladesville —H. C. McDowell, medical superGilmour Henry, 49 Margaret st, rennin Gliunnee Thomas, 72 Dowling at, it fern intendent ; G. Morton, senior need'. Gilmour Henry J., 1 Befit . y st, Weide Ginn Alf red L, Frederick eel, Comply cal officer ; IV. A. E. Lewis, assistant (ffiniour Binh, Darragh:me at. Bexley Ginn Charles E., MIdson rd, Epping superintendent ; Great Northern rd, Gilmour J., organising secretary Central Ginn Edward C. it Robert at Astilield Gladesville Methodist Alleg an, 139 Castlereagh at Ginn Edward 11., 44 King at, St. Peters Olndesville l'ollee Station—Cornellus Gilmour J., 48 Brandling sl, Alexandria Ginn F. C., 23 Darling st, Glebe Kenny, constable, Great Northern Gilmour Mrs. J., 1 Tivoli at, Paddington Ginn MN. lawy, S llitihn rd rd, Gladesville Ganour James, l'ark rd, II erstville Ginn William, 25 Samuel at Oladesville Post and Telegraph Office— Gilmour James, 17 Andley st, 3tvide Ginn WI nun,at, Clentswouil Blanche V. Squire, postmistress, Gilmour Jahn, Walker at, A nwffifeMimeveil Albert, Fairfax at, Dulwich IL Omar Northern rd, Gladesville Gilincuer John, 29 Albert at, Erskinevile Ginns Edward, Queen al, Althorn Masa& E. IL. 19 Ca Mullion at . , Ashlleld Offinour Joint, 7 TM ford at, Glebe Gipps Itobsrt, Wigram st, Granville D., he AlICIP1,011 at, AlOVIII dela Gilmour John, 37 Boulevard, Lewisham Gipsy Fiat Dredging Co., No Liability— Glinting Matting C., Mason at, West Kogan& Gilmour Mrs. NI., 21 Adelaide at, W able It. V. Saddington, manager, 109 Glatilng E. George. 41 Lown Bathurst at, Gilneour Sydney, 10 Pyrmont Bridge rd Pitt at Woollabra A. P., Itenebri Age at, Carlton Calniour, SIN. Sydney, ng Pratt ii st, Girand Glading Henry, al • limiter' s 11111 Giraucl F., Gloucester rd, IturstvIlle Glebe Gending Jellies, 142 Brougham st Glimmer Thonnes, 65 High Bethune at Girdler W. High at, Mascot Mailing James, 31 Birrel at, Waver/ey Gilmour Plinenme 0., Lel:diluent t at, Was. Girdler Win., Park at, A nieliffe Gilinour Win, J., Roberts at, Camp'down Oluileslone (4. Botany rd, Alexandria Glading.Tolin, 37 College it, Balmain John J., 3 Norfolk at, Pathrton Gilmour William Ito Flood st, Girdwood Janus 338 Darlhig at, Roan Glading Glinting Mrs. S , iln,,ite St, Bronte Gilobrand T Railway at, HurstvIlleGirdwood Robert, Remy at, Guildford (Brie Samuel R., 20 Alf rod at., Annandale Glaeling W. G., 155 Rowntree at, B'niain , 011ogly Daniel, Stanley at, Concord College. 3lisses Thomson and Madman Mrs, T., Baladava rd, Eastied Gilpin David, J.P.,Rallway par, Beirw'd oils'Carey, Gladstone Park Bowling Club (J. F. Barry st, Neutral Bay Gilpin David. The Be televarde, Ste field ! Jr8a011, see.), Eaton at, Bethnal° Friendly Society Lodge and RegisGilpin Ly le IL, Lyons at, Stridlelleid Girls'try—Miss Els a in, matron, Roslyn Gladstone mid lino property agents, 11 Gilpin Walter, I Margaret at, Bozolle Moore at Canines tar , v Mrs Ante 33 Newman st, N' to wee L. Garvin Gladstone John, 0 Dick at lffirough J. G., 107 Macaulay rd, St more Girls' nigh School-31N. Gladstone Robert L., Philip sl, Waverley head. mistres s, 109 Elizabeth at Gilroy M. and Cu., fuel and produce mer01mIst011e W11E111111, Wright's rd, limnyne Guild, 711 Pitt at (II ILLS' It chants, Eastene rd, Turranuirra (lance Inni s A Vitell at, WILVerley Gilroy Capt. A., 15 Cairo at, N. Sydney Ohm Ileginald, Lyons rd, Flee Dock Mang old mid Sons, cooling chamber Canard Louis, 10 Waine at Gilroy Alex., Fifth at, Greenville makers, 34 Clisdell at (4 hr van Jama, Stan/ey at, Enfield Gilroy Arthur H., 36 Day at, Leiehhardt Mrs. A. 100 George et, Cam'down Manfield C. F,, 15 Dock rd, Gilroy MN. IL, 27 Wentworth st, Pion Masan° lanlield Charles F., itag but at, Monition Oltroy Edward L., Dickson at, Habeffield Gissane Michael, 53 Day at, Glebe GNAW Frederick W'., Ltd., glass mer- Ma/Meld J. G., Broad rd, S. Randiiiek GI roy Ernest, Fanning at, Tempe Glanlield It. II., Kensington rd, Kenton chants, 107 Wilson st, Newtown Gilroy Frank, 2 Lawson at, Paddington Ghtieville F„ 19 Viet:Iris at, Waverley Gilroy J. A., shire clerk Ku-ring-gal (listing Frederick W., 99 Elizabeth at Manville G., 81 Margaret st, Petersham west, Ashlield Shire, Gordan rd, Gordon Glanville James, Salisbury at, Botany Gluing Spencer, Railway at, Rockdale Gilroy Janes, Campbell at, Alexandria Gassing T. S o Commonwealth Registrar, Glanville James, 24 Russell st, L'Imardt thinly John J. Railway cres, Guild Man vide Monne I. North Rocks nt, Car157 Stannwre rd, Petersham Gilroy Leslie, Tilley st, II urstville Megrim' Callings !Joseph, 114 Lawson sr. hullo° Gilroy Miss M., 30 Carrin gton at Manville NV., Saywell at, Chztswood Gilroy Martin F., Hastings rd, Tuna- Oath's Mrs. E., Horton at, MarrlekvIlle Glanville W., 126 Weston re', Ronne Gitlin' Henry, 4 Lander st, Redfern DMus Glans J. 0., newsagent, 34 George at Glanville Win., Robert st, Strathlield (Bine>, Michael, Move at, Forest 11111 Ginnvitie William, 711 Ex priment st west Gilroy P., Eastern rd, Turramurra times Wm., Nortlecide at., Babel-field Glanville WI Boni, Brysm at, C'wood Gilroy P., Euring-gai Chase rd, Tuna- Gil 13 lour, and Parlitt, cos chboilders, 30 °Mom Eden, Irene at, Abbotsford 'mime Goodchap at Canoes Frank IV., Bronte rd, Bronte Gilroy Patrick, Lennox at, Wutillara Glans Augustus, Wangee rd, Lakemba Gilroy Mrs. W., 17 Edwin at, Croydon Gittoes Russell, Rickel' at, Auburn Wain hire. Catherine, Anderson at, Gilroy William, High at, Calton °Noes MN. S., Marsden at, Parramatta Belmore Olson Thonens, lilt all at, andwiek E , mgr. Abbotsford Motor W k's, Olanz Louis, Milli) at, Edmore Gilt Man 3lis A Alli son rd, Ramlwick tattoos Gias Adull mt. Bromley a ye, Cremorne rd, Abbotsford (althorn Arthur E., 41 South n ye, Lein' ,lieletelminie Glasby J. W. and Co., Ltd., woollen mernry, Dinison at. Wee verley Ghia He hardt chnots, 56 York at Mitinan H., 06 Catherine st, L'hardt Gitzdag G., Silver at. 311=BI:eine Gin g)), Edward J., Bydown at, Manila y (althea° J. Edwards at, Gordon Candice A., 35 Hopewell at, Paddington Mashy 3. W., 17 Musgrave at, 3lostemil , N. Syd. (ii Mire T., Ilarist, 10t) Mihail it. GlItinan Miss K., 106 Carabella at. Giese Wm. J., Calve. t at, Man icknile Giltinan Richard, 6 Dock rd, Balmain Giuliani A. J., Caledonian at, Bexley (4 miser I,. P., Moore at, Cam paid Giltrow Time, II., Bruce at, W. Kogarah Giuliani 3frs. J., Bridge rd, Eastwood Glasgow Key rind Pereperty Registry, Mina° W., 242 Nelson :41, AIIIIIIIICIRIC OW1110111 A., Culloden rd, Eastwood ,. Gilman W., 215 Glebe Point oh, Glebe (Mune& D., Bridge rd, Eastwood Glasgow Alfred, Sophia st, Waver/ey Mather Chris., 28 Rosedale at, Petersham Giumnelli Emelli, Culloden rd, Eastwood Glasgow Cori F. S., solicitor, 24 Moore st (Mullein James, Balaclava rd, Eastwood (amber George, Dryden at, Campsie p.r., "Coomllie," Evans St. Wav'ley Gimbert Alfred G., 11 Ann at Given John. Arden at. South Coogee Glasgow Ernest, 11 Batman lane Randwlek Glinbert E. B. J., 57 Leamington a y e, Given William, Earl at,I• • ,•. Glasgow Ernest, 12ei Reservoir at ' Newtown Glasgow MN. S.. Albert ,'res. Cro”lon Ginitiert itamiti, Enunish at, Canipsir Ginn Mrs. It. IL. 198 0.5.1/. rd, Way's' Glasgow William G., 126 Lord at, N'ttswii Glen bert James, 210 Denison rd, P sham Okla John, Oman st, Pensheirst Glasheete Mrs. C., 41 Turner at, Redfern rd L , 21 Vi Molts at, Alexandria Canned John J., 8 Hanson at, N'toine Gina Stan:Imre rd, Alarriekville insheen Mrs., corsetiere, Equitable Glinhert T., p o Sinelforth at. 31usena el (Tallied y J.,rs.14E., buildimuga, urn Geor g e at 222 Falcon at, N. Syd, Gimbert Waiter, 75 Military rd, Neut. B. Gjedated ! q Giasheen Miss M., 241 Leichleardt at, Driemenuyne Olmbert Waiter C., Young at. Neut. Bay 0 lac han J., DO Gil' h' Waveriey Gimbert, Welter 11, 36 Pearl st. N'town Glad:Muni (The), 849 George at, Glasheen Rupert, 24 31ellvoy at, Minot) Ohnbert Wen., 66 Wilson at, Newtown Tel. 311492 and 3115411. WOOD COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD, LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 OLEOS Gla ALPHABETICAL. Gle1289 Glasheen Wm. A., 16 &may at (Hazier Fredk., 118 Silver at, St. Peters Mrs, Jane, Violet at, Enfield <Mug A. IL, 39 Cambridge at, Diener° Glazier George, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Gleason Glencin John, Hall at, Bondi Glass Alexander, 3 5 II op s t min st, N'town ((leaded] W. /I., g riddle sit, West•mend (Beeson John, 26 Barley rd, Dimity Glass C., J.P., 617 dllawnrra rd, 'W yllieGleans; Mrs. J., 184 G Id toa st, Wialera Oleeson John, 8 Eifred at, Paddington Mass Charles, 14 St.. George's revs, Dyne' Cleaves .kilin, Renwick at, Married:vine Careson .Folen, 62 Gipps at, Paddington Glass Charles, Cowper at, Granville Oleavos, Mrs, W., 350 Blame rra rd. Mar- Gleason John J., 45 Holdswort list, Wools Glass Es secretary Sydney Professional riekville Zahn' Band, 11 Rowe at Glebe Courthouse—St. Join gs rd, Glebe Gliceson 31., 37 Augnstas at, LeichinuxIt Class Edward. 232 Forts, . at Glebe Dist Net School of Domestic Science Ulocson 31., 10 Slindforth at, Paddington Glass Edward, 17 Ken tville eve, Ahlale (Dept. of 1 1 1111. Illal r1101.1.111—Mke °lemon M. J., Pensliterst rd, Canterbury Glass Ernest, 82 Ki pp° x at Grant, prInelpal, 67 Westmoreland s, Gleesome Si. NV., 45 Mulleins at, &amain lanes Mrs. F. 133f Wyndham st, A'stri» Forest Lodge Margaret, Lord Iroledey hold, Glass George: Petersham' rd, MarrIckville Glebe , tingin g. ring Works, Bridge rel. Gleason 265 Biel we rra rel Glass Gregory E., 70 Ross at, F. LodgeGlebe Gleeson Mrs. Margaret, 438 Wattle at Glass Isaac, 16 Botany rd, AlexandriaGlebe Pollee Slation—Sergeind Alex- OiCe9011 Martin, O'Neill at, Getlidford Glass J. C., Parnell at, Strathlleld ander Taylor. St. John's ril, Gle lie Gleesen Martin, 41 Read st, Waverley Masi:John, 107 Rutkeen at, RandwickGlebe Post and Telegraph Office,Glebe Gleeson Mrs, Al lay. (I Murdock Wzgle Glass Nicol, West at, Hurstyllie Pont ni, Glebe (Beeson P., 40 Johnston eat, Annandale Glass Nornenn, 2 6 Henderson rd. A*dri" Glebe Puhlie School—Thos, Iterated', Glemon Patrick, Oxford at, Burwond Inass SO1E1111011, 25 $ilver mt. 31' dile headmaster boys' dept. ; Mrs. A. Patrick, Wonga at, Can terimry Glass Sydney C., 2711 Bridge rd, Glebe De Lambert, head mistress girls' Gleesome Gleeson Phillip, 218 Wilson at, Newtown G lass Thomas, 1 Dunne sat, Harwood dept., Derma st, Glebe Thomas, Gipps at, Concord O lassborow Thomas, Bunn tit, Campsie Glebe Ragged School—Miss I. Brown, Oleesen Glees:Jul:re icTlereinee s,1(gli egt 111 rd, Mello Glum:by E., 105 Raglan at, Waterloo mistress, 2 Weittworth sty Glebe Gleesun Thomas, Mulford :et, Ithrlitime Glasscock G., 3 Walter at, PaddingtonGlebe Rowing Chili (boathouse), Ferry Glasscock George. Great. Northern rd. mil, Glebe O leesiyandiTlenains, Croydon an, Croydon Hyde Glebe Town Hall—Thoneas D. Glasscock, Glessiwock II. .T., Parrinnutta rd, 11 Geld,T, P., town clerk, St. John's rd, Gleeson Thomas, Windsor hine, Paddlon Glass:mei: Milne, 3s1 Prosiicet at Forest Lodge (Beeson Thonues, 4 William st, Redfern Glasseeek Isom° rd, it Eliza at, ChlownGlebe Working Men's Institute — J. Gleeson Thonien, 3 Moncur at, %flatus Glasse:lc k It., Floss st. Hunstrthe l ik.Eldridge, secretary, 81 St. John's (Beeson Thomas Lentliall at, I: ocelots Masscoelt Riellard, 43 •Prospeet at rd, Forest Lodge Classcoek 3liss S. J., 57 North Steste, Cliental A. 31., M.D., surgeon, 22 Glees, inens 1',,63 Edgeware rd, Manly College st (Beeson W., An gra& sat, Granville Glasscock TI1011111S D., 3.1'., town clerk, Gledden Leslie, 111erris at, Granville Gleason W., 74 Bellevue at, N. Sydney Glebe Town Han, St. Inn's rd, Menton IL E., Bellevuo at, Parra:naafi (Beeson William, 30 Iris at, Paddington Forest Lodge ; p.r.; Forrest St, °whin Cash Registering Till Co., 18 Glen Packing Cie., meat packers, Booth lIaberfleld Bridge at, at, North, nissseoek waiter IL, 3Iimer st. A rhenium Gledhill Charles, 11.18 I( veleigh gr. Iffiern Glen A..1.. 337CIIIIII)Onlown Glebe Point nl, Glebe Gleessuon Challes. 39 Cowper at. Glebe Gledhill Fred IL, 45 Gibbes at, Rockdale lia GlenAtun W., 7 Promenade, West. Glasse» S., 165 Morehead at, Redfern Gledhill George F., Ileydon at, Enfield (Hassey William J., Linden at, 3Inseni Gledhill lfarold J„ Ado wle at, West mend Glen 31N. 11., Wellington at, Bondi Glassford D. 31., A. I. A. V., imminteurt Gledhill Isaac, May's 11111, Parramatta Meet David, 5 Itedfone at, 11 eol fern '14 Marlin Ware Oka kid Leonaril, 11 iiiiiiiden rel, Arl Finish' Glen Ernest, 111 Denison at, Waveriey Glassford D. 31,57 Murdoch at, Neut. B ag Gledhill Perry W,, Griffiths at, Manly Olen James, 45 Pyrinont at Messina J., Percival at, West Kogarali Gledhill Robert, Starkey a t, P'k Glen John, Victoria st, Alexandria •Cilaashigton Henry, Bourke at, Waterloo Gledhill W., auctioneer, 2 Int011e 'Minor° rd, Olen .101111, 116 Nelson at, Aniline:late thassingt on W.. 28 Victoria at. Valhi»!Newtown John. 4:1 Darling at., Batman •Olosson Charles, 3.1'., Daniel at, Granville (letaill Waiter, IP., :12 Newman at, Glen Glen Lemlle, 33 Whistler rd, Manly s dasson Charles It., 1111) Walker at, It NeWtONVII Men Robert, 163 Eiswlek at, Leichleardt Masson St ma. El lit, 13 31n melon at, Cam- Gleeslin Alfred A., 102 Arthur at Glen Waller, ('In isle's at, AshIleld innlow nGleeslia C., Renwick st, Marrlekville Glen Walter, Rost rov at, l'enshunt Masao]] 3Irs. Emily , Palmer st , N. Sydn'y (Beeson 31ISS Blanelie, 472 (1.5. 11. rd , Glen Walter G., Beamisit at, Campsie Gleason Mrs. 0.11., 54 EIrkley rd, Manly Wool lahrn Men William, 41 Rose at Glass ine Henry P., Albert at, tandesville Glees:err 3Irs, Bridget, 447 Liverpool at Glen William, Bannockburn Kt, Tymble Glasson James P., Palmerston a ye, Glebe Glee son C., 40 Charles at . Erskinevia, Glen William J., 7 Redfern at, Redfern tl lesson John, Terry at, Anna& Glees:III C.. 23) Despot's at, .51 'vile C, and Sons, carriage builders, (Eamon John, 15 Wnterlou at, Montle ((lemon Charles A., Busligrove, Botany Glencross 138 Wilson at, Newtown Glassun Joseph, II) Waterloo at, Roselle Gieesog g :mega, a ba ley „ye. m•euli, 01011CrOSS Charles, J.P., conehbuilder, Masson Joshile, 68 Phillip 51. Beehmehe Gleeson D. J., 86 Caledonia ' y at, Paellon 76 Albert st, ErskinevIlle Masson Mrs. SR r3. 11., Chnialos st, A • liela Glees, in Ilnellel, A Jersey at, Si' sill Gleacross Sidney, Myers at, Sll118 SOHO] Masson W., 67 Mill Hill rd, Waverloy Gleesome Denis, Burleigh at, Burwood Ole:moss W., Promenade, Sans Kneel Masson William, Terry at, Amelia° Gleeson Mrs. E., 174 Commonwealth at Glenday Staffing al , I:11mM 4MISSIIII Ke y . Wii1111111 (Met le.). Meluto s ie Gleesome Mrs. E., Unwlies Bridge rd, St. Glendenning J. and Sem, plasterers, 13 al. North en Peten Margaret at, Newtown Glassop 31rs. E., 141 Alban y rd, testes 0e Gleeson Edward, Dowling at, Ken' ton Glenl it neirnit d ing A. D., 142 Martens at, Leielm•Glossop Henry, 192 Evans at, Roza° Gieeson Mrs. Ellen, 124 Glebe at, Glebe Glossop John, town clerk, Council Chain- Gleeson Mrs, Emily A., 32 khan nu at, Glendenning Charles,wooiscourer, bers, Liverpool rd, Banks town Newtown O'ItIordan at, Alexandria ((lasso p i.e qh. T„ 3litepherson at, 31'neein Gleeson Frank, Cecilia at, 31earlek villa Glendenning Chende, 39 Wh yultated at, Masson Themens, sce. Shires As s eriction (Beeson George, 32 Glourester at. Alarnekvilie of N.S.Wh, 7 O'Connell at fficeson George, 37 Wel is al. Annaraln le Glendenning J., Larkin lane, CaneVelum' GInssop Tininins, 11 Leiend Rehm a y e, Gleesome George, 109 Sydrii ham rd. M . vi i le Glendenning J., 13 Margaret at, Newtown Newtown Gleeson George, 5 Niethe role at, Plarill/1 Glentlemilag Jahn, South gem Antoine GillSZIUII Victor, ell El, icy at, Wnverley Memo° Mrs. Gertrude, 144 Princes at• John S. S., Auburn ni, Glaces L., 11 Darlington rd, Darlington Cliceson IL, 200 Australia at, Caiii'd own Glendenning Auburn (4 In yea Leads, 18 .41tein at . Inalient on Gleeson Hampton, 85 RuthYen at, Band- Glendenning 311is 15 Womende aye Glum Co, (The), Viet ar Bylines. agent, wick Glendenning It, G., Pitiyersal at. Mascot 18 Bridge sl (Beeson Mrs. J., 8 lymerston at, St, Glendenning W., Purwood st. Rowell 61nmbrook 31 iss Anni e. E., 201 Bourke atPeters Glendenning 225 Wilson at, flown . Olazebrook Henry, II Cross el, 1double Glees:in .1. E., 1211 Whid ga al, l'ad'ton Glendenning NV., W., Steward at, loichhanit Bey Glreson .I. W., a3 Frampton a ye, 31'vffie lendention Sirs. A., Trongate at, Ginzebrook Jamesa South st,Double Bay ()lemon James, 51 Albion at Greenville Ginzebrook W., 50 Cross at, Double Bay Glees:en James, 284 1'1min', Bal er., rd. Glendon A. T., Albert al, East Bills ciii,..s,,, OUR MORTUARY CHAPELS ARE AT OUR CLIENTS' SERVICE FREE OF CHARGE ANTHONY HORDERNS' me 1290 FOR EATABLES AND WEARABLES. ALPHABETICAL. God David A., 27 Simmons at, Emnore Glynn Mrs. M., Westbourne rd, Roseville. Glenfleld F. w., 19 Ormond at, Ashileld Glover Glover Mrs. E., 90 Falcon at, N. Sydney Glynn Patrick, Avoca at, Randwick Glentield W. II., 3 Dalton rd, Mosman Gunder I termini, 18 .listrl a ye, Mon. Mermaid, Public School—W. SWanton Glover E. T. J., Elizabeth at Arts noon loan Glover K. Georg e st, Concord headmaster, Glonmore rd, Padlon Gelidity Bede, T 'ley at, Notth Sydney G., 221 Henderson rd, Alex'dria Glo'inMissesA.andE.,Ilerriwaat. Mover Goad ridge S. 64 Pitt at, North Sydney Glover George, 82 Devonshire at Gordon Goard A. S., Coheir at., Willoughby ' Glover George, Lavender at, Five Dock Goan! Glenn Alfred, 162 Young st, Redfern Samuel, 20 Milson at, N. Sydney Glover Georg e, 37 Atchison at, N. Sydney (Mass George, Glenn Alfred J., Tenterden at, Botany View rd, Five Dock y Ba Glover George, 112 George at, Waterloo Glenn Frank, 21 Morehead at, Redfern Gooney 1'. .T., Mc Burney at, Narentbura Glover Mrs. IL, Lilian rd, Hurstville Glenn James, Bourke at, Waterloo Glover Harry, 03 Morris at, Summer 11111 Gobbe Arthur, Trevelyan at, Botany. Glenn .Tames, Danks at, Waterloo Gobbets I lenry, Railway at, Rockdale Glover Herbert, John at, Lelehhardt Glenn James .T., '28 Palace at, Ashlield at, L'hardt Gebel William, 154 Princes at Glenn Joseph, 14 Bishopsgato at, N' town mover Mrs. bla. 10 McDonald Sydney 11., 72 Alum at, Da Mon Glover Nom, Water y few ave, Abbotsford Gobell Glenn Roderick, 17 Dale at Gobert G. F., Notting 11111 rd, Lideonthe Glover J., 2d0 (Word at,, Windham' Glenn William, Henry at, Ashfleld Louis, 29 Whaling rd, N. Sydney (lobed i Glover MN. J. E., 39 Victoria at, N. Syd. Goble George Glenn Witliam, 23 Walker at , Redfern St., Wilson at, N. Sydney Glover Jatne's Cooper at, Concord. Glenn Wilson. 37 Chelsea at , Redfern Goble Miss L. Ramsay rd, Haberileld Glennan Mrs. M., '20 Vernon st,Woollahra Glover James, 'Queen rd, Five Dock Goble W., Tulip at, Chatswood Glenna!'mwhao .r., Rawson at Sans Glover James, 57 Northumberland aye, 110 Bros., furniture manufacturers, Stammer° Smug (wholesale and retail), 52-58 ReserGlennan SI rs. S., Wiloughby ni, W'ghby Glover James J.,J.P., 397 Military rd, voir at, and 363 Pitt at M03111all (Bennett Mrs. M., 10 Barker at, L'shant Gobracht A., 17 Buren at, Erskineville (Bennie Mrs. E. E., Warringa st, Tiara- Glover Mrs. Jane, Wyong rd, Mosnom Gobracht Herman, 20 Thomas at, Rettrit Glover John, Rawson at, Waverley murra (lecher W. H., artist, 24 King at and 129. GM% er John, 'rho Crescent, Annandale Glennie George, 11 Theodore at., Balmain Glover Bedford at. , Newtown John, Bray's rd, Mortlake Glennon Edward, Garland rd, W'ghby Glover John W., Darwin at, Meadowbank Godart F., Cross at, Double Bay Mention John, Merryland a rd, 3Fiands Godbee S., fruit merchant, Barker at Mormon Thomas, 28 Raper st, Newtown Glover Leonard, 24 Young at, Annandale Godbee Sydney P., 44 Nowranie at, SumGlover Mra. ., 18 liolhorrow at, Croydon (newly Thos., Scott at., \Vaverley mer Hill Gleamy Private School—Miss Amy Din- Glover Mrs. Mary , 277 Old Canterbury rd, Godbee Thomas, Emmerick at, L'hardt Petersham ning, 105 Sloneurst, Woollahra W.F.,67Cavendishst, Godbehere Glensviile George, 170 Grafton at, \ratan Glover Montague, 4 Barker at, Lewisham Statonore Percy, 30 Burnett at, Redfern MentonT.,3Northumberlandaye, Glover Godlier Mrs. Lucy A., Portman at, Nirt'loo Glover R. S., 39 Challis awe, Si'ville Stanmore Georg e, Oberon at, Itandwick Glover Riehard, 13 Challis ave. :Wyllie Godbold Gliddon Julian, mercer, 251 Pitt st Godbold William II., Avoca st, Randw'k Glier Joseph It., 36 Bore at, Leichhardt Glover Robert, 344 Darling at, Balmaln Godbolt Mrs. A., Liverpool rd, Enfield Glover S. 19 1)e thy at, Vaucluse (Hoag David, Cardigan st, Auburn Godbolt George, Ethel st, Randwlek e, Abbotsford Glover S. 'C., Watervicw a y Gloag James, 85 Princes at Godbolt Miss M., 61 Kensington rd, SumGlobe Advertising Agency, 285 George at Glover Sidney. 48 Youn g st. Annandale mer Hill Globe Carrying Co.—F. Burton, manager, GloverSidneyJ.,397Militaryrd, GodbyMrs.A.,Kuring-gai-Chase rd, Mosman 21 Margaret at Turramurra GL0119 (The) Newspaper, 136-138 Castle- Glover 'I'. H., 134 Alexander at, N. Syd. Godby Albert,Kuring-gal-Chaserd, Glover T. IL, Carrington a ye, Hurstville reagh at Turramurra Glover T. J., 23 Hale rd, Mosman Godby Thos., Junr., Allen at, Leiehhardt GLOBE BRAND MEATS AND Glover T. R., 164 Redfern at, Redfern TONGUES (N.S.W. Canning Vac- Glover Thomas, 13 Hohnwood at, N'town Goddard W. C. and Co., agents Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Ltd., Proprietor, tory)—JamesBarnes, Glover Thomas, Widmer at, Sans Sonel Challis House, Martin place 2 Botany at, Waterloo. (See Advt. Glover Miss V., costundere, 52 Carrington Goddard A. E., 39 Palace at, Petersham opp. Preface.) street Goddard A. L. Livingstone rd, Lidcombe Gleite Residential and Tourist Co., 67 Glover W. S., Hampton st, Croydon Park Goddard Miss :1.. M., matron Royal North Glover Walter, 28 Ann at, Heinlein Castlereagh at Shore Hospital of Sydney, Reserve Glover Walter, Central at, Naremburn Glom Walter, 18 Merton at, Rozelle rd, Gore In Glossop Edwin, 53 The Grove, Padd'ton Glover Walter, Chapel at, Rockdale Goddard A. It., 284 New Canterbury rd, (lever William, 82 Gloucester at Glossop Henry, 102 Weston rd, Rozolle Petersham Gloucester Estate Limited (and Reduced) GIn ver William, Pomo:11'1)y at, Mascot Goddard Mrs. Ada, ltose Bay —J. B. Thompson, secretary, Royal Glover Widiatn, Tramway at, Mascot Glover William, 43 Caroline st, Redfern Goddard Alex., 28 Rose st, Darlington ebbs, Hunter and Castlereagh sts Goddard Alex., Weston rd, Hurstville Glover and Laverty, grocers, 98 Hunter at Glover William, 31 Nowranie at, Sum- Goddard Alex., Arthur at, Randwick mer H111 Glover Thomas Elk Co., Ltd., gas meters, Glover William. 10 Bathurst at, W'altra Goddard Alfred. II arrow rd, Kogarali 12 Cunningham at Glovers Mrs. Jane, 6 Carabella at, N. Syd. Goddard Mrs. Alice, 31 Regent at Glover A., Ramsay rd, Haberfield Goddard Arthur, J.P., house agent, etc., Glover A., 108 Holterman at, Nth. Sydney Glozier William, 34 Spicer at, Woollnbra Lytle at (opp. railway station), ArnGlover A. C., solicitor, Yaralla chambers, Glue Mrs. Lydia, Broad rd, south R'wick cliffe ;p.r., "Wharndiffe," WollonGluyas Mrs. Fanny, Arthur ter, Bexley 109 Pitt at gong rd, Arncliffe Glover Albert, 26 Chapel at, Starrickville Gloyas William, 0.S. H. rd, Vaucluse Goddard Arthur, Rhodes at, Botany Glyde II. A., Cremorne rd, Cromorne Glover Albert, 7 Redman at, Newtown Goddard Arthur, 19 Vine at, Redfern (Hyde John It., Russell awe, Sandringban Glover Albert, Porous() rd, Randwick Glynn Alexander, 54 Hordern at, N'town Goddard Arthur W., Arthur st, Carlton Glover Alex., 33 wens at, Annandale Goddard B. E., I View at, Woollahra Glynn Allyn, Calvert at., Merrickville Glover Alfred, 13 Gowrie at, Newtown Goddard Mrs. C., 25 Ocean at, Woollahra Glover Allan M., Hermann at, Kogarall Glynn Arthur, 64 Abercrombie at Goddard Charles, 2 Jesmond st Glover Arthur, 124 Arthur at, N. Sydney Glynn B. M., manufacturer of ladles' Goddard Charles, 0 Neville at, clothing, 117 Bathurst st Glover C. E., 12 Garden at, Alexandria Goddard Cyril, 10 Franklyn at, Glebe Glover C. F., 389 Catherine at, L'hardt Glynn Ferdinand, 169 Pyrmont at David, 39 Chelsea at, Redfern Glynn Fred:lick C., Ada at. ("cord Goddard Glover C. 3., 40 Falcon at, North Sydney Goddard David, 1 Moore's lane, Rozelle Glynn Jack, boot importer, 170 Pitt at Glover Charles, 31 Bellevue Bt Goddard Mrs. B., 20 Junction at, N. Syd. Glynn James, stationmaster, Hornsby Glover Charles, 21 Carlisle st, Ashfield RailwayStation,Coronationat Goddard Edwin, Church awe, Mascot Glover Charles, 12 Mitchell st, N. Sydney Goddard Mrs. F., Botany rd, Mascot Hornsby Glover Chas. IL, Kingston rd, C'down Goddard F. 0., l'ark awe, Mascot Glynn James, Station at, Hornsby Glover Clarence, 8 Marlborough at Goddard Frederick, Botany rd, Mascot Glover Daniel, 2a Nowrame at, Sum. Hill Glynn John, Hay at, Leichhardt Goddard G., sell., Church ave, Mascot Glynn John, Carrington rd, Randwick Glover David, Walne at, Concord Goddard George, Coward at, Mash, It Glover David, Chelmsford awe, Croydon Glynn Joseph J., Delhi rd, North Ryde Goddard 11. A., broker, 82 Pitt at. Glynn M.., 67 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Glover David, Melrose at, Mascot Glynn Mrs. M., Wentworth rd, Randwiek Goddard II. C., Coct home at Auburn Glove' David, 206 West st, N. Sydney WOOD. COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE: 810•12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 725 & 1524 CENTRA1 ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A HOUSEWIFE'S HARVEST. God ALPHABETICAL. Gol1261 Goddard IL G., 32 William at, N. Syd. Godfrey Charles R., 72 Smith at, Tempo Godwin Thomas, Lane Cove rd, North Goddard II. IL, 9 Frederick st, Ashfield Godfrey Miss E., off leeton at, Burwood 'Goddard Harry, Mandolong rd, Mosman Godfrey Claud, Victoria at, 1,111(4)110m GothSvoyrdtillieJy. W., Liverpool rd, Itankst'n Goddard Harry, The Avenue, Sans Soud Godfrey David, 76 Yurong at. Godworth W., hairdres'r, 184 Elizabeth at Goddard Hy., stationer, 123 Harris at Godfrey E., Northumberland ni, Alum) Goeby II. J. and Co., clothing manufacGoddard Henry, 43 Milson at, N. Sydney Godfrey E. J.. Joseph at, Lidcombe tuners CU 480 Elizabeth at. Goddard Henry A., J.P., Ada at, Concord qodfrey Edwin, Hansard at, Waterloo Goer Miss Si., 174 Pat minutia rd, 1"shant Goddard Henry E., I'ark aye, Mascot Godfrey Eli, Rocky l't. rd, Kogarah Goergs Mrs E.. Robert at., St rat !Okla Goddard Mrs. .T., 90 Newland at, Way'ley Godfrey Elias, Grey at, Carlton Goetz Frank. Herbert, at, MAWS' Goddard J. M. D., 3_P.," Wilga," corner Godfrey F. E., Planthurst rd, Carlton Goetze Norman C., Herbert at, Manly Carabella and Peel sts, Kirribilli Pt. GodfreyMrs.Francis,Princessave, Goff Mrs. Agnes, 110a Albion at. 'Goddard J. T., Platform at, Lideombe Witte doe Goff Al be rt,, 11 Smith at, Ma trickville Goddard James T., Robey st, Mascot Godfrey Frank, 57a Marion st, Leichledt Golf Charles, 58 North at, Leichhardt 'Goddard Mrs. John 22 Harold at., N'town Godfrey G. T. F. Walker a so, Balk. Meld Goff F. C., Albert a ye, Chatswood Goddard John W., 'Park rd. Mascot Godfrey George, 'Glen rd, Antal HI Golf George, 88 Crown at. Goddard Joseph, Lockwood at, M'Iands Godfrey George A., 602 King at, N'town Golf George, Leigh st, Merrylands Goddard Joseph, 6 Windsor at, Pad't Godfrey Mrs. II., 76 North Steyne, Manly Golf George E., 10 O'Sullivan at Goddard Mrs.St.,70Missenden rd, Godfrey H. G., 28 Memnon' rd, Padlon Golf henry, Government rd, Merrylands Camperdown Godfrey Ilarry, 67 Elizabeth at, Wat'loo Golf James 10 Smithers at Goddard Mrs. M. A., 16 Ferry rd, Glebe GodfreyHenry11.,14Nowranioat, Golf James, 41 Nelson at, Annandale Goddard Miss, Dural rd, Hornsby Summer Hill Golf James, Falls at, Leichhardt Goddard R., Rieketty at, Mascot Godfrey Henry, 97 George at, Waterloo Golf Richard, Brandon a ye, Bankstown Goddard ltev. Canon It. E., M.A. (C. of Godfrey James, Gibbons st, Cam'down Goff Richard II., 29 Derwent at, Glebe E.), 209 Staunton' rd, Petersham Godfrey James, Bay at, Rockdale Goff Sydney, Fowler's awe, Hoiroyd 'Goddard Robert, 29 Harwood at. Godfrey James, Milsop st, West ICogarah Golf W. E., Milson rd, Cremorne Goddard Mrs. S., 24 Lincoln at, N. Sydney Godfrey James H. K., master public Goff Win, F., Arthur at, Manville Goddard S. D., "Karuall," Harrison at, school, Belmore rd, Coogee Golf WInam .r., 5 Smit hers at. Neutral Bay Godfrey John, Burwood rd, Belmore Golfey Arthur, 16 Thomps in at., Mosman 'Goddard S. 0., Gonion rd, Lane Cove Godfrey John, 5 Gibbet's at, Ca nedown Gogan Arthur, 176 George at, Waterloo Goddard S. G., Railway at,, Chatswood Godfrey Johu, Hermann at, Kogarah (hog Thomas, Lord at., Roseville Goddard Samuel, 51 Cameron at, Pad'ton Godfrey John, henry at, Leichbartit Gogerly Mks C., Squire at, Ryde Goddard Stephen, 15 Phillip at, Batman Godfrey John A., 9 Bank at, N. Sydney Gaggia Alfred, 46 Prospect ni, Sum. Hill Goddard Stewart, Rangers rd, Neut. Bay Godfrey John A., Maley at., N'rth Sydney Goggin Mrs. F. J., 20 Norton at, L'hardt 'Goddard Stewart W., Harrison at, Neut. Godfrey John W., J.P., "Beacon Grange,' Goggin J. E., 16 Joseph at, Ashileld Bay Kingston at, Dobroyd Point, Butter- Goggins David, constable, police station, -Goddard Sydney, Alfred at, Mascot field Gladstone al, Vatteluse Goddard Sirs. T., 103 The Boulevard, Godirey Jos., Provincial at, Auburn Goggins F. J. 11., 204 Trafalgar st, AnDulwich Hill Godfrey Miss Kate, 17 Kellett st nandale Goddard Thos. A., Westminster at, Bex'y Godfrey Mrs. M.,95 Trafalgar at, An'dale Goggins II., Slade at, Naremburn GoddardW.C.,J.P.,ChallisHouse, GodfreyMrs.M.,Prospect at.,West Gohns Mrs. Fredk.,13Orlandoave, Martinplace;•p.r.," Kaloola," Kogarah Mosman Shell Cove rd, Neutral Bay Godfrey Michael, 13 Ebley at, Waverley Go Kee Bros., eabinetnittkers, 7-9 Randle Goddard W. R., 8 West Crescent at, GodfreyP.Newtown Motor Works, at North Sydney 38-42 King at, Newtown Gokel and Dennis, farriers, Parramatta Goddard WalterH.,J.P.,"Talgai," Godfrey Percy, Elgin at, Woolwich ni, Petersham Nicholson at, Burwood Godfrey Reginald J., 22 Searl at, Peters'm Goker Leon V., 10 Cottoned ial rd, Goddard Win., Tindall rd, Artarmon Godfrey Simeon, 33 Si iddle st, Mar'ville Golan Inniald, 10 Cannon at., Stanimme Goddard William, 14 Campbell at, Glebe Godfrey Thos., Martin lane, Can ingfont GolbeyFredk.,18Lewingtonplace, Goddard William, 29 Grose at, Glebe Godfrey'I'homas 0 Allen at, Glebe North Sydney Goddard William, Rose Bay Godfrey Walter, 'Hansard at, Waterloo Golby Mrs. Agnes, 42 Newland at, Wav'y Goddard William, Denison st, Waverley Godfrey Walter B., headmaster public Golby George, Station at Manchus!' Goddart George, 54 Ocean at, W'alaa school, Selwyn at, Paddington (hay Mrs. M M. A. Fennell at.,, Parramatta Godden and Lewis, laundry, Queen st, Godfrey Walter B., Bowral at, Ken'ton Golby Richard, 37, Denison at, Waverley Newtown Godfrey William J., Powell at, Randwick GoldM. E. (Proprietary), packersof Godden A., 69 Spencer rd, Mosman Gotthard Mrs. E., 38 Penkivil at., Bondi medicinalandtoiletpreparations, Godden Mrs. Annie, Botany at, Gotthard Leslie N., 2 Central rd, Ashfield 128 George at north Godden Arthur L., 143 Catherine at, (haling hi. A.Granville parade south, Gold and Pearson, blacksmiths, Gordon Leichhardt Merrylands rd, St. Leonards Godden C. II., Broughton rd, Hontebush Gadkin Mrs. Ida, 4 Pz . plar at Gold 51.1is C., 283 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Godden Charles, 127 York at Godkin S. J., 47 Watson at, Waverley Gold Miss C., 26 Lytton at, North Sydney Codden Chas., Bottom par, Gore Hill Godley .Tames II., Paul at, Eastwood Gold Charles E. 15 Avona a ye, Glebe Godden Ernest, 10 John st;ErskInevIlle Godley William, :Certitude at, Gold John. 77 .11.1u rlitt at., Lelehha nit Codden Frederick N. Market at, Drunene Godley William .r., raw at, Eastwood Gold Morris, 93 Bourke st ' Watkin st, Newt'n Godlonton A. Wattle at, Godden George E., 72 Godden James. 224 Sydenha in rd, M'ville Godolphin John , 24 Forest at, For. Lodge GOLDB EATERS' COMPANY (Gold Loaf and Bronzes)—M. II. Lauchlan Godden John F., 4 Duncan at, Drum'oyne GodsallIt.Spencer, auralsurgeon, and Co., Colonial Representatives, Godden Miss L., 30 Yule at, Petersham "Wyoming,"Macquarie at.;p.r., 32 Market at (corner of Clarence at), • odden P., Gower st, Huristone Park Bellevue Hifi, Rose Bay Tel. City 4532 Codden Tom, 64 Catherine st, L'hardt Gods:di Mrs. F. M., 33 Sydney rd, Manly Gladden Tom, 17 South ay e, Lelchhardt Godsell Mrs. Sarah, 70 Campbell at, Glebe Goldberg and Berger, ea binetirmkers, 206 Godden William, 42 Garner's a ye, Wyllie Godson George, Si Vista at, Slosinan Clarence at (knitting Charles J., 16' Camden at, New- Godson Miss II., Penkivil at, Willoughby Goldberg Joel, 1(11) Bridge rd, Glebe town Godson Mrs. Nellie, 170 Falcon at, North Goldberg Leon, 23 Edgeware ni, Ettmore Codding T. S., Boundary at, Parramatta Sydney Goldberg SI., 6 Jubilee at, Lewisham Godding W. J., Martin at, Butterfield Godson T. A., Mary at, Slosimm GoldbergStandee,pawnbroker,210 -Godfrey Henry and Son, bakers, Avoca Godwin Arthur J., l'nwin at,, West Kog. King at, Newtown at, Randwick Godwin C. E., Austenham rd, Leichhardt Goldberg Maurice, Albert at, Marrickville Godfrey A., solicitor, 262 Johnston at, Godwin Miss Eliza SI.114 Palmer at Golden FleeceFreeKindergarten, 60 Annandale Godwin G. NV., financier, 60 Castlereagh .Pine at Godfrey Mrs. A., 14 Wallis at, Woollahra at • p.r., 329 Military rd, Mosman GoldenMile11111End,Ltd.,Gibbs* Godfrey A. E , stock and share broker, thalwin Jame 4. plumber, 54 Junction at, elmmbets, 7 Moore at 93 Pitt at North Sydney Golden Specille Co.. 94 l'itt at Godfrey A. G., Tahlee et, Croydon Godwin Joseph, house agent, Forest rd. Golden Albert, 83 Macarthur Godfrey C., It lib way p Lideombe Bexley Golden Edward J., Cross st, Rookwood TO PERMIT OF THE ATTENDANCE OF ABSENT FRIENDS WE EMBALM AT NOMINAL COST -ANTHONY HORDERNS' — ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS. L:92 Gol Golden Frank, 335 Harris st Golden John, Flood St Lelehha nit Golden 3Irs. M., 12 Dickson st, N'to wit Golden Thomas, 71 John st, Leichhardt Golden William, 5 Systrum st Golder Thomas, 292 Nelson it, Annandale Golden William J., Widmer st, Sans Sinai Goiderick IL asst. soot.. CI test Hospital, Litt le Lta' y Goldfinch A. W., Livingstone rd, L'combe Goldfinch George W., 450 King at, Newtown Goldfinch R., 91 George at, Waterloo Goldfinch T. IL, 20 McKenzie at, L'hardt hold Midi Yenta, 105 George st , Waterloo Goldfinch W., 21 Bridge st, Erskineville Goldie Albert-, secretary, The 31Itilons Club of N.S.W., l'itt st Goldi° Sits. F. R. Adolph st , Neut. Bay (oldie G. II., William at, Marrickville Goldie George, Pot ts i, Gladesville (Utile George, Cove at, Leiehhardt Goldie George S., 3lontgontery at, Kogarah (oldie John, Collingwood hotel, Campbelltown rd, Liverpool (oldie Neil, 109 Smith at, Summer 11111 (oldie Thomas, 151 Bedford at, Newtown 'Golding and Co., electric slut rome,N, 8 Rowe st Golding A., boot manufacturer, Angel place, og 127 Pitt at Golding A. L., newt home par. I 'field Golding A. S., Starkey at, Hurlatone Park Golding Albert, Belmont at, Alexandria Golding Albert, 33 Corona ave, Waverley Golding Alfred, Gipps at, Concord Golding Arthur, accountant, " Ivanhoe," Lennon at, Mosman Golding Arthur, 23 Pearl st Golding 31 ra. E., 85 Johnston st, AlCd111 Golding Edwin A., 27 Cary at, Lelehhanit Golding Francis, 25 Edward at, Redfern Golding Frank, St. Paul's at, Randwick Golding Fredk., Higlifield rd, Lindfield Golding George, 671 King at, Newtown Golding George E., Palmer at. N. Syd. Golding H., 24 Bishopgate at, Canedown Golding II. E., Chandos st, St. Leonards Golding Harry, 68 Brown at, Paddington Golding J. F., watchmaker, Hamilton at Golding John, 318 Riley at Golding 31ni. M. A., 4 The Avenue, Petersham Golding Mrs. S., 38 Belmont at, Alex'dria Golding 3liss S., 170 Rose st, Darlington Golding W., 36 Silver st, Marrickville Golding W. IL, Broderick at, Routh/ • Golding William, Bunnerong rd, Ken'ton Golding Wm., Botany rd, Mascot Golding William T., 67 Kepos at, Redfern Goldman and Sons, ltd., boot and shoe manufacturers, 149 George at, Erskineville Goldman A. B. A., 353 N.S.II, rd, Double . Bay Goldman Abram, 31 (loodsit at, Rozelle Goldman Horace, Kimpton at, Rockdale Goldman Hyam, Cameron at, Rockdale Goldman Isadore, 27 Boyce at, Glebe Goldman James F., 15 Ituthren at, ltandwick Goldman S. L., 21 Evans at, Waveney Gainey Frederick, Adolph st, Neut. Bay Goldrick and Son, coachbuilders, Lane Cove rd, North Sydney Goldrlek A., Nicholson at, N. Sydney Goldrick II. C., 3 Parraween st, Neut. B. Goldrick Mrs. S., Bettington lane, Dundas GoldrIck T. 31.J., chemist and optician, 49 Hunter at ; p.r., Lang rd, Centennial Park GoldrIng Mrs. B., 47 Glenview at, Padlon lloldring E. A., agent, 68i Pitt St ALPHABETICAL. Goldring Mrs. J., 188 Edgecillfe rd, Woolialira Goldring M., wholesale jeweller 279 George at Goldsack Mn;. E., 85 Mullens at, Balmain Goldsack Edward P., 154 Bridge rd, Glebe Goldshorough John, Clanalpine it Eastwood Goldsboro II., Queensbury Penahurst Goldsbrough, Mort and Company, Limited, wool and produce brokers and station agents, gen. agents for Western Assurance Co.—K. de I. Cudmore, manager—Sydney , Melbourne and. • London. Sydney offices, Circular Quay ; warehouses, Circular Quay, Pyrniont and Darling Ilarb'r Goldshrough, Victor, 4 Edwin st, Manly Goldsbrough W„ / Homer at, Can'bury Goldsbrough W. F., 28 Crescent at, Manly Cioldsehmidt Julius and Co., merchants, 38 Carrington at ; indent department, 255a George at Goldschnlidt Th., Ltd., Best it Goldsehmidt J., 319 N.S.11. rd, Double B. Goldamid Albert A., Queen at, Burwood Goldsmid Mb. A., 27 Edwin at, Croydon Goldsmld George, furniture warehouse, 231 Oxford at USED throughout the Commonweatth I JOHN 'SANDS' CARD LEDGER Is Perpetual and Saves 50 0/„ time in Posting. 25 other Advantages. Investigate at 374 GEORGE STREET. Goldsmitl George Beach at, Manly Goldsmicl Geo., 28 Porter at, Waverley Goldsmide J., mercer, 106 George at Goldsmith J. and G., boatsheds,, La Perouse, Botany Goldsmith A., veal and pork butcher, Ultimo rd Goldsmith A. J., 3 Cambridge at, Eummoore Goldsmith A. W., 204 Albany rd. rshain Goldsmith Alfred, La Porous°, Botany Goldsmith Alfred, .137 Alfred st, N. Syd. Goldsmith Charles; Gordon at', Mascot Goldsmith Chas., Allison rd, Randwick Goldsmith E., Oxford a ye, Bankstown Goldsmith Mrs. E., La Perouse, Botany Goldsmith E., 113 Lane Cove rd, N. Syd'y Goldsmith E., Waiters par., Penshurst Goldsmith F., 332 Catherine at, L'hanIt Goldsmith Mrs. F., 237 Norton at, Leichltardt Goldsmith F. A., 91 Elizabeth at, Pad'ton Goldsmith Francis, 21 Kirk lane Goldsmith G., 153 Beattie at, Balinain Goldsmith Mrs. G. A., La Porous°, Bot'lly rd. BurGoldsmith Gordon, We wood Goldsmith 11., Boulevarde, Lideontbe Goldsmith henry, 40 Smith at, Manly Goldsmith Henry J., 67 Laura at, Newtown WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD, NEWPALACE 'EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY, Gol Goldsmith J. V., 10 Egan at, Newtown Goldsmith James, La Perouse, Botany Goldsmith John, 227 Cowper at, Wa y hey Goldsmith I,., 42 Cowper st, Wa verley Goldsmit 11 Sirs. Si., Cambridge at, ni're Goldsmith NI lehael, 1(13 Adelaide par., Woollahra Goldsmith Miss, Victor at, Chatswood. Goldsmith N., 97 Curtis rd, Balmain J Goldsmith 0., 01 Short st, Balinain Goldsmith Percy, 127 Evans at, Rozelle Goldsmith Miss R., Catdinal at, Moslem/. Goldsmith S., dyer, 183 Castlereagh St Goldsmith s.,llopetoun at, Padlon Goldsmith T. J., Parraween at, Neut. II. Goldsmith Thos., Stanley at, Burwood Goldsmith Thornley, Moore st, Drum'yne Goldsmith W., Abbatoirs, Glebe island Goldsmith W., Sinclair it, Wollstonecraft Goldsmith W. S., 53 I lereford at, Glebe Goldstein and Co., coppersmiths and brass tinishors, 332 Kent at Goldstein and Co., furniture warehouse, 16 Oxford at Goldstein S. and Co., tailors, 313 King at, Newtown Goldstein A., 55 31aeaulay rd, Staunton/ Goldstein Alfred, 36 Parkham at Goldstein D., pawnbroker, 355 Pitt at Goldstein D., Auburn rd, Auburn Goldstein E., Auburn rd, Auburn Goldstein George, 23 Little Arthur at, North Sydney Goldstein Isaac, Doncaster ave, Kens'ton Goldstein Isaac A., Creer at, Itandwick Goldstein (1, financier and olothier, 137139 Bathurst at. Goldstein .1., DoncastA)r ave, Kensington Goldstein J., 35 Australia at, 1Voollithra Goldstein Louis, 131 Wigram rd, Glebe Goldstein Louis, 13 Raper at, Newtown Goldstein Louts, Denison at, Waverley Goldstein M., manufacturing jeweller, 273 Pitt st Goldstein 31., 42 Beattie at, Balmain Goldstein 31., Marlborough rd, Wirgliby Goldstein Morris, "Beulah," Da _ling Pt. Goldstein 0. T. R., 46 Mary at, WaterlooGoldstein S., shirt factory, Cleveland ave Goldstein S.,28 Edgewarti rd, Entnore Goldston It. C., 18 Clanalpine it, 3losman Goldstone Art hur, 31eryla at, Burwood Goldstone Mrs. 31. J., 3 Wellington at, Rozelle Goldstone W. H., 21 Edwin at, N. Sydney Goldswain A. R., West st, Must y ille Goldsworthy Mrs A., 143 Rochford at, Erskineville Goldsworthy 3Irs. A., fit 311s. sentlen rd, Newtown Goldsworthy D., Claremont at, Campale Goldsworthy Devil, Charlotte at, Goldsworthy IL, Chamberlain at, Bexley Goldsworthy Mrs. J. A., Clissold par, Canipsie Goldsworthy John, 67 Bay st, Glebe Goldsworthy Sirs. 31., 31 Missenden rd, Newtown Goldsworthy it., 20 Union at, Balm:tin Goldthorp Sins. E. 3., 101 unroll st, Wa y -erley Goldthorp IL, 154 Newland at, Way'ley Goldthorp Mrs. S. A., 38 Myrtle at, Stanmore Goldthorp T. IL, 10 Hume at, N. Sytl. Goldthorpe John A., Stubbs at, Auburn Goldthorpe W. G., 100 Newman at, Newtown Goldwater 31N. L., 74 Leichltanit at, Waverley Goldwort by Alex., Bellevue st, Arnclilfe (bole Sirs. E., Roseville a ye, Roseville Gale Sydney, 26 Vista at, 3losmatt Gomm A., 7:1 Deletintes at, BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS. SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION Gol ALPHABETICAL. • Goo Gollan Andrew, Virginia st, Granville Arthur, 2)) little ltiley at Gotten J. E., Secretary Inglis Limited, 130-62 York at; p. r., "Gawen Brie,'' Reynolds st, Noutral Bay Gollan W, 31, 208a Enniore nl. Eitmore Gotten W. M., Beach rd, Ituslicutter's li'y Gollan Wylie, Station at, Arncliffe Gollan Wylie, jun., Station at, Arnclitfe Gollell ge A. G., acting secretary, sythwy I lospithl, Macquarie at Golledgo Alfred G., Manning at, Wavley tionedge 31rs. II., Botany rd. Botany Golledge IIalford W., Park par, Wa y ' hey Golledge . K. A., 31anning at, Wavley Golledge W. 1,., Campbell at, Five Dock thews, 1,, 31., Ocean at, Penaluirst 1293'. Gommesen E. anti Co., importers and seed Goodall Thos., 50 Eveleigh at, Redfern exporters, Do Mestre place, ag 308 Goodall W. J., J.P., Dural rtl, Hornsby George it Goodall William, Asquith st , Auburn Gommesen J. and Co., engineers, etc., Goodall NVilliam, 5(1 Bellevue at, Gleb e 22-28 Wilson st, Newtown o Godall William, 14 Redan st, Mosman Gommesen Joseph, engineer, 1 Lintliorpe Goodall William A.. Lovell nil, East wood. at, Newtown Goodbody W., grocer, 90 John it. Golemesen W., 52, Yelverton at, S. Peters Goodbun Frank. Kt/email rd, ICoga rah Go l oni,on G . , 52 A,litkon iii, Sh'vllhi Goodchap C. W., architect, Liverpool rd, Gondol!' August. York rd, Randwick St nithfleld Gondol( Charles P., Hooper at, Itandwiek tloodeltild 31rs. A., Ilevin gton at, A'bn ur Gondolf George, 170 Oxford at, Woollahra Goodeltild P. A., 25 City rd, Darlin n gto (holdall* Leslie, 87 Bondi nit, Bondi Goodehild Mrs. S., 151 Phillip at Gondolf Peter, 16 Moncur at, Woolialint Goodchild Sirs. Win., 4 high st GOOSIIIVO John, .T.P., Wharf rd, Vaucluse Goodehild William. Chapel at. Rockdale Gonsalves Henry, Hamilton at, Woollahra Goode A. tt; G., bakers, Bay st, Rockdale Gonsalves Mrs. Mary, lull at, Vs 'whist( Go ode and Neilson, Misses, fruiterers, Gonzaga Rev. Bro., principal Marist Itorky Point rd., Rockdale GOLLIN AND COMPANY PROBros. ( R.C.), College, Wolseley at, Goode Agnes, Bay at, Itockdale PRIETARY, LTD, General 3Ier. West Kogaralt Goode Alfred, monumental mason, 2-4chants, importers, and lielentors Gonzalez, Ityass and Co., "Geelong Shepherd at Eznorters of all Australian Produets 'House," 26-30 Clarence at Goode Alfred, St. George's cres, Irmoy no 50 Uttrenee Street, Sydney. Agencies Gooch Albert S., 00 Parraween at, N. Syd. Goode Amos, Bay at, Rockdale --Alaska Packers' Association. San Gooch Alfred, 69 Cooper at, Waterloo Joode C., 18 Wellington at, Waterloo Francisco ; A hlfehil and E g l ff. Nu rn Gooch Frederick, Ivy at, Randwiek Goode Daniel, 81 .Adelaide at, woolla lira -berg:AmouandCpy,hicwo Gooch Frederick, 112 Oxford st, Wain°. Goode E., Regent, at, Burnuth Oil co.. Ltd.. Glasgow and (bawl! Gordon, t-,(aelier of sing in g , 338 Goode E. B., 16 Redmond at, Leichhardt Rangoon ; California Fruit Growers' George at Goode Edmund Kingsland rd Bexley Association, Fait Franeiseo; (turbid.. Gooelt Gordon, Mount Pleasant ave, Bur Goode I. rands, 37 Cavendish at, Statunoro Trading 00., l,tul. (Alby Brand), 1.(a) wood Goode George, 48 Ivy at, Redfern don ; Champion, Druce and Co., Lon. Gooch Gordon, 37 Whaling st, N. Sydney Goode George, Bay at, Rockdale don ; Daniel Crawibrd an I Son, Ltd Goode J..f., River :(1, East Bills Glasgow ; D.Idablioy tuna Co., Ad . n Goode James, Ida at, Ashlleld Finlay, Fleming and Co„ Itangoou Goode John, Cairo at, Rockdale Gourepore Co . Ltd., Calcutta Goode Joseph E., 162 Walker at, N. Syd. 31eAlister and Co,. Ltd., Singapore Wigmaker and Hatirworker,Importer Goode Joseph It., 32 Mitchel/ at, Glebe A. and F. Pears, Limited, 1,ondon Goode Mrs. 31., 13 Castlereagh at, lefern. of Human hair, 205 George at (opMaypole Co. (18010, Ltd„ London Goode Sirs. Maude, 229 Liverpool at Posite Hunter at), Sydney Sill! mini; Co-operative Fruit Co, Ltd., Goode William, 45 Shepherd st Mild era ; Mellin's Food, Ltd., Lon. Gooell John C., Trongate at, Granville don ; Morgan and Co., Mangalore; Gooch I. F., 18 3IcGarvie at, Paddington Gooch Miss, teacher piano, 325 George at B. Nathan mei Co., Alexandria Orient Co.. Ltd., Col (mho ; quaker Gooch Thos., 2 Hardy a ye, Summer Hill oats Co, Chica g o ; Serubb nod Co., Gooelt W. J., Oberon st, Itandwick 000EIELS LIMITED Willi(1Congo t, I toekdale Ltd., London ; Stanes and Co., Cohn- (1 oue1Iam, William A., Norton it, Ashfleld Manufacturers and Importers of hatoire; St. Pauli Brewpries Co., Ltd.. Gooch 'Bremen and London ; Sumnierlie Iron Gomi j o wl ,of N . s. w.—D. it.Tents, Tarpaulins, Horse Rugs, Cooper, see., 135 Pitt at Water Bags, Bedding and Wire Co.. Ltd., Glasgow W. Caudrey and Co., En gland ; Garton, 11111 and Co.. Good Samaritan Convent —Mother Bap- Mattresses, 406 and 408 Kent it, I ist, aniterioreas. SO Albion at Sydney. Tel. 2882. London ; 0. A. Pfeiffer, L01111011 Good Samaritan Refuge (The) 59 Buck- Goodearl G. Il., "Conte Abbas,' ClanA. Welting and Co.. London. ingham at Sort' Goons Al; liNCI ville rd, Roseville J. Woodrow and Sons, Ltd., Stork- Good Andrew G., 28 Cooper st, Waterloo Goodearl Mrs. R., "Wastella," it, p, (rt. ; A. Gothic Wain and Cie, Lyoll; Good Arthur, 115 Forties at, Newtown Lindtleld E. and P. Gavazzi, 31ilan ; Abraham Good Charles, 6 Little Norton at Goodenough E. W.,. Frederick a t. Upale Bratielibar and Co., Zurich ; 01(1 Good 3lls s Emily, 15 Emmett at-, N. Syd. Goode re Herbert, 87 Read it, Wave rley Bleach 1,inen Co., Ltd.. Randals, Good George, 20 Augustus at, Minton/ Goodere 3Iiss L., 121 Alexander at, N. town ; Walle ye, Scott and Co., Ltd.. Good Joseph, 14 Randle at Sydney Glasgow ; Cohen and Wilks, 31an- Goods John, McDonald at, Lakeinba Gooderidge F. W., 34 Stanley a ye, Moschesterl'outig and Rochester, Goodacre Mrs. Amy, 18 Fitzgerald at, le m/ Camperdown Ltd., I,ondon ; Gros 31illion and Goodfellow George, Beat mice at. Auburn. (le, Lyon ; George 'kettle and Co., Goodacre G. J., Percival rd, Smithfield Goodfellow Miss E., 44 High at, N. Syd'y Ltd., London ; john Gilliland and Goodacre Thos. C. IL, 184 Nelson at, An- Goodfellow G., Ferrier at, Rockdale nandale Co., Belfast ; Schaeffer and Co., Gootifell6w Joseph, Parker at, Rockdalo St. Gall : Itoche and Co., Lyon Goodair Edward, jun., 25a Grove st, Goodfellow 31rs. 31., Ferrier st, Rockdale Balt/lain Seeler and Cohn, Berlin : W. IfolGoodfellow 3Irs. Mary, 57 Waterloo st Goodall T. M. Co., Ltd., engineers and Goodfellow S. IV.. Borrodale at, JCwick lin s and Co., Ltd.. Glasgow. machinery merchants, 303-305 Kant Goodfellow T. J., 550 Merrick ville rd, at. IVorks, Victoria rd, 3Iarrickvillo Gollin Walter J., 50 Clarence at Dulwich Hill Golomb jullus, Eastern a ye, Kensington Goodall Miss A., Victoria at, Vancluse Goodfellow Thomas J., 17 l'iggot at, Dul. Golomb Si., waterproof manufacturer, Goodall Albert G., Henderson rd, Bexley Hill Goodall Frederick C., 53 John st 18 Lackey at Goodfellow W., 12 St. Andrew st, B'maln Goodall G. G., 41 31arsliall st, 3farrickville Goodgo Sirs. 3firiam, 39 Pitt at, N. Syd. Golomb Marks, Darley rd, Randwick Golsby Mrs, R., 5 Willoughby at, N. Sytl. Goodall IL II., Bowen at, Chatswood Goodger William, 151 Pitt, st, Redfern Goodall II. P., Gordon rd, Roseville Golton Fredk., 3 Campbell at, Balmaln Goodhall George, Oxford a ye, 13atiltst'wn Goodall James, 1811 Cecily at, 1,eichhardt Goodhall John, 38 Botany at, Redfern Goman C. H., 67 Annandale at, An'dale Goodall John T., 8 Napier at, N. Sydney (Mottled] John T. Oxford ave, Bankst'wn Gontas Mrs. Mary, Bigot( at, Liverpool Gonuts William, Darling at, Kensington Goodall Mrs. Si., Beaconsfield at, Bexley Goodliall Orlantio, 71 Hollow:0nd it, Goodall Mrs. Mary, 285 Liverpool at Gout be rt F., Rawson at. Habe Meld Newtown Goodall Mrs. Mary, 97 AVOMIC rd, Moe- Goodhead F., 27 James at, Leichhardt Gornes Arthur, 22 Centre at, Redfern man Gomm 3[s. E. F., 50 Burlington at, Goodliend Mrs. N., 106 Day at, L'hardt Goodall, S. J., Albert at, Hornsby Sydney Goodludin Joseph. 115 Wallis st, Waltra Outline Walter, Harcourt est. Campsle Goodall T. 31., 50 Merlin at, N. Sydney Goodheint S., J.P., manager David, Gomtnersen Mrs. B., Calypso ave, Arman Goodall Thomas, 55 Underwood at, Pad-Braham and Co., 76 Market at 42 'Minton Gollan COON JAMES B THE LARGEST FIRM OF CARRIAGE AND DRAG PROPRIETORS SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A SURETY OF SATISFACTION. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR BENEFICIAL BUSINESS. ALPHABETICAL. Goodman Mrs. F., 55 Kent at, Newtown Goodsell Henry \V., 10 Ilawken at, Newtown Goodman F. A., Terry at. Petersham Goodman Frank, Jersey rd, StratiMeld Goodsell J . A., Fletcher at, Canterbury Goodman Frank J,. Kensington rd, Goodsell James, Tennyson rd, Tennyson Goodsell John A., building material Kensington manufacturer, 640 King at, Goodman Frederick. Board at, Lidcombe Goodman Frederick, 58 Brown at, 1' ton Goodsell K., 50 Smith at,, Sion. II ill Goodell I,. (1., Beaumont at, Campsle Goodman 0,, 42 Avenue rd, 3losman Goodsell Leslie, St. George's rd, Bexley Goodman G. A., Short at, Carlton Goodsell 3IN, 31. D., Cheltenham rd, Goodman G. A., Carlton par, Carlton Burwood Goodman George, High at, 'Mara Goodman George L., J.P., -Locksley," Goodsell Robert, 1 Walker st, Redfern Goodsell T., Torrens at., Blakehurst Cross at., Double Bar Goodman Henry, 69 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Goodsell W., Palmerston at, Vaucluse Goodman Henry, 17 Norton at, Leicledt Goodsir A. D., hon. see., School of Arts, Ilaberlield Goodman Hyman, 30 Corbett at. Goodsir Alex., 10 South Steyne, 31anly Goodman .F. IC, Rol p y at, Mascot Goodsir Mrs. Annie. Grey at-, Rand wick Goodman James G., Cowper at, lematta Goodman Jas. S., 313 Church at, Fmatta Goodsir Archibald D., Bland at, IlabTid G301111M11 John, Dailey at, West Kogarah Goodsir Edward, 6 Eininore rut. 31 . vide Goodman John A., First a ye, Eastwood Goodsir Mrs. E., 11 Reynolds st, Wmain Goodman John H., Botany rd, Botany Goodsir John, J.P., town clerk, treasurer and engineer, lialmain Council Goodman L., 7 Euroka at, North Sydney Chambers, Darling at, Balinain Goodman Louis, 88 Fo yeaux at Goodsir John, 1 PrOSII/r ST, Ross'''. Goodman 31., 53'2 King at, Newtown Goodman 31. C., dyer, 205 Castlereagh at Goodsir Robert, Allen's rd, North Hyde Goodman Mrs. P., Rein's rd, Lidcombe Goodsir Thomas 11., Sharp st,ICan . bury, Goodsir W. J., Abattoirs, Globe Island Goodman Percy. Quarry rd, Ryde GOODIN P. F. Goodman Rev. R. (I3apt.), Nicholson at, Goodsir \V. J., off Abattoirs rd, Rozelle Goodson C., 100 King at Burwood Auctioneer, 1"aluator and Estate Agent, Enmore rd and SImmon 4 St, Goodman A. J., surgeon dentist ., 147 Goodwill Mrs. Annie, Balgowlali Manly Elizabeth at Enmore. Telephone 1,1225. &tint,Goodman Mrs. S., 98 Wyndham at, Goodwillie D., 66 Smith at, Rozelle lished 1889. Competent & Alexandria (loodin W. E., 92 Flinders St Goodman S.X65 Parramatta rd, L'hardt Goodin William, Dudley at, Coogee GOODWIN J. C. & CO. Goodman Sam, Beatrice at, AH1/field Goodin Win., 36 Camden at, Newtown plate-glass importers, Myrtle at (og Gooding Arthur, Imperial a ye, Wesley Goodman Sidney, 11 Arthur at, L'hardt Goodman Stsmhen 11., Unwin's Bridge Abercrombie at) ; store, 53 Levey Gooding Mrs. B., Louisa st, Auburn rd, at. Sole agents for Itendlo's InvinGooding Mrs. George, 36 O'Neill at, Goodman 'I'. l'., Hampden are, Neutral cible Glazing Bars. Telephone 97 Lsichhardt Bay Redfern Gooding Harry, 33 Little Mount at Goodman Thomas, Iliffe at, Hurstville Gooding John, 118 Wells at, Newtown Goodwin A. A. and Son, blacksmiths, Goodman W., local postmaster, BBB a ry Gooding John J., 39 Ferndale st„N'town Rocky Point rd, Rockdale rd, Alumina). Gooding R., 24 Castlereagh at, Redfern Goodwin and Sons, farriers, 133 Salisbury Goodman W., Beaumont st, Campste Gooding Thomas, 31oore at, C011111310 id, Staunton Goodman W., Carly le at, Enfield •Goodland George, Young at, Croydon Goodwin Miss A., 6 31oore Park rd Goodman W., 14 Edward st, ltedfera Goodman W. II., j.P., Goulburn at, Goodwin Mrs. A., 611 'eranntore at, D'oyne Goodwin Mrs. A., Hawthorne par, Hecht Liverpool i0OOLET SMITH, LTD, Goodman W. IL., Sorrell at, Pa7ramatta Goodwin 31N. A., Dalley's rd, WilIghLy Goodwin Mrs. A., Rocklands rd, Wo Timber 31erchants, Portland Goodman Walter, 4 Johnstone at, stoneeraft Cement, Terra Cotta and Brick Goodman Waiter, 89 Campbell at, Glebe 3fanufacturers. Head Office, Saw- Goodman Walter A., 361 Parranntta rd, Goodwin A. E., Sydney at, Marrielsville Goodwin A. J., Itscreat L' ha mills and Wharf, foot Harris at, Leichltardt Pyriliont ; "'nate nd Cement Works, Goodman Waller B., dentist, 156 Goadwiti A. J., Matthews at, Pititelmowl Goodwin Adolphus IL, 127 Palmer at King at; p.r., 29 Brighton at, Granville ; Terra Cotta and Brick Elizabsth at ; hi. r, 29 Brighton at, Goodwill Albert, dentist, Albion at, Works, Granville. Waverley Petersham 1Goodlet Mrs. Elizab3th NI., off Goodiet Goodman Walt3r E., Francis at, Carltm Goodwin Altana C., U Wigram n,l, Glebe at, Canterbury Goodwin Albert E., Csntral eve, Thigh Goodlet 31N., -Canterbury Rouse," Goodman William, 9 Farleigh at, Ashf'd Goodwin Alfred, Harden rd, Arta room Goodman William, 112 Mitchell at, Milton at, Goodwin Alfred J., View at., Marriekville Glebe Goodlett John, Queen at., Bur wood Goodwin Andrew, Hamilton cres, Hyde .Goodman Bros., bakers, Ramsay rd Goodman William, 45 Trad at, Nowtawn Goodwin Arthur, Arden st, Nth. Orogen! Goodrich A. W., Petersham rd, 3larev Haberfleid Goodwin Arthur, Bowden at, Granville Goodman and Co., financiers, 14 Moore Goodrich George, 110 Mitchell at, Glebe Goodwin Arthur, 69 Upward at, L'hardt Goodman. Glover and Co., Mothins Goodridge Mrs. A., Cardigan st, C'down Goodwill B., Milton at, Ashfleld Goodridge Alfred, 32 Giblets st, N'town manufacturers, 214 Sussex at Goodwill C. IL, Martin at, St. Leonards -Goodman and Silver, jewellers, 45 Goodridge F. D., 20 Ennis st, Bahnain Goodwin Chas., 123 Rowntree at, Goodudge George, 48 Darling st, Glebe Clarence st Goodwin Charles E., 28 Cairo at, N. Syd. Uoodridge Herbert, Victoria at., Kogarah .Goodman and White, fuel merchants, 69 Goodwin Charles II., 4 If awthorne st Cloodridge Robert, 368 Riley at Glebe Point rd, Glebe telehliardt , dentist, 2b Castlereag h Goodridge W. J., 3 James at, Balmain , Goodman A. H. Goodridge W. J., 189 Meek's rd, AU vine Goodwin Airs. E., 39 Wortley at, Blush' st ;Behnore rd, Randwick Mrs. E., 12 Forbes at, Darlon Goodman Alfred, Innesdale rd, Arncliffe Goodridge W. P., 125 Weston rd, Rozelle Goodwill E., 665111awarra rd, Mar'ville .Goodmen Arthur G., Browning at, Goodsell Mrs. B., 508 Parramatta rd, Goodwill Goodwin Mrs. E., Mark at, Naremburn Petersham Campsie Goodwin Mrs, E., 86 West at, N. Sydney Goodsell Austin, Brooklyn at, Tempo Goodman Charles. Hal at, Goodsell Chas., Union st, West liogaralt Goodwill E., Kissing Point rd, Rydahnere (Modulen Cita ries. Mai Ude sis Bondi Goodwin E. J., 40 tionstu at, Ersk vine Goodsell E. C., 30 lredale at, Newtown .Goodman Chas., 78 3litchell st, Glebe Goodwin Miss Edith, 538 0.5.11. m,l, Goodsell F. J., Fletcher at, Canterbury Goodman Charles, Qusenselilk, Manly Woollahre Goodman Edward, 31aek e nzis at, C'cord Goodsell Frederick J., 15 Lord at, Goodwin Edmund T., 272 Marrickville, Newtown •Goodma n Edward, 3 William at, Piaton Goodsell rd, Marrickville 0,28 Shepherd at, Marrickville Good nem Ernest E.. Bruce st. W. Kog. 'Goodwin Mrs. Elie., Rocky Point Id, Goodsell IL, Sebastopol rd, Eastwood 'Goodman Ewing, Bancroft eve, • lloodhew Joseph, Forest rd, ArneBile .Goodhew It., 4'3 London at, E11111011: Goodhew S., Forest rd, HurstviIle Goodhew Sydney, Beaudoin at, Camps le Goodhew W. IL B., 1 Baltic at, Newtown 1Toodhugh Mrs. F. \V., local post mistress, Blakehurst •400dle Andrew M., 32 Myra rd, Dol. 11111 1Modie Charles, Queen at. Concord Goodier A., 1 Thompson at, Marrickville (loodier Mrs. A., 11 Palace at, Petersham .Goodier F. L., 85 Hubert at, Leichhardt 4Modier Freak., 5 Ness ave, Dol. 11111 Coodier Frederick A., Smith at, Sum. 11111 Goodin' Frank, Ii Eatonville par., Cydon Coodiff James, 21 Wells at, Redfern Goodin and Brady, Misses, milliners, 170 Pitt st Goodin A. E., 121 Spencer rd, Mosman Goodin Mrs. C., 117 Australia at, N'town Goodin Henry, Myall st, (Tetley .Goodin J. R.; engineer, Watsrworks, inkerman at, Parramatta Goodin James It., Seville at, Parramatta .Goodin Miss 31. A., Thomas at, Fmatta .Goodin Mrs. Mary, 112 Hereford at, Glebe WOOD, DOFFILL It COMPANY Goo Goo ALPHABETICAL. G or121)5 Goodwin Erie N., Andturst at, N. Sydney Googe C., 8 Goddard at, ErokinevIlle Gordon W. and Co., Ironfounders, 270 Goodwin Ernest L., elk ientionist . 51Goold 3Irs. B., 2 West, at, Lewisham Abercrombie at, Redfern G',2ortze at 1Go, ld Harry, 3 Vine at, Aslilleld Gordon and 3Vilson. Kwitn y, inereliants, Goodn Frank, George at, Granville (Mold soini, 25 Therry at, Drunimoyne 1 113attin st, Balm:tin Goodwin Fredk., j., Mitchell rd, 'Gould Mrs. 31. J., Victoria are, Clettnsw'd Gord3o11, 1; ,0 1rVe samt drolfe and Co., exporters, 14 Goodwin G., 6 Hawthorne at, L'ilardt Gooley Denis, 40 Dowling at., Redfern Goodwin George, 41 Wellington at , Goole' ,Taintes, Duke at, Kensington Gordon Mrs. A., 45 .Arundel at, For. 1.'dge Waterloo (moles. 31 rs. W. .1., :325 31iiitary Gordon 3Ers. A., 93 Windsor st, l'acTton Goodwin G. F., Auburn and Itookwood Mosinan A. 11., 40 Elizabeth at, Wati.r1.)0 U.F.S. Dispensary, Queen at, Aub'n Goolineez Frederick, 'ringlet at. Clewood Gordon Gordon A. It., Byron at, Canipsie Goodwin II., Junction at., Roger/Ili Gooney Mrs. A11111e, 41 Cameron at, rton Gonlon Adam, 7 Reuss at,, Goodwin H., Calvert at, 3farrickville (looney Percy, 490 Glen/more rd. Pennon Gordon Adam, Truman at, Ilurstville Goodwin Mrs. Hannah, 81 (Minitel at Goose Albert, 116 Bridge rd, Glebe Gordon Albert, Darvall at, St. 'Leonardo Goodwin Henry, 228 Crown at (Mosey G. E., 46 Grosvenor ores, Sum. II (Jordon His Honor Justice Alexander, 11 Goodwin Mrs. Henry, 2 WOW at Gooud C. .T., house agent, 203 Annandale Onslow are, Elizabeth Bay Goodwin Henry, Mark at, Naremburn at, Annandale Gordon Alexander, :16 Cliadell at Goodwin Henry J., 98 Foventux at Goond Harry, 16 The Avenue, Balmain Gordloc leidArtil,ti..nx and er, Wellin gton at, Bondi. Goodwin Henry J., 17 Erskineville rd, Gooncl Miss 1,32(3 Darling st, Hallman Gordon Alexander, 164 Wells at, West Erskineville Gooud .Tames, 27 Louisa rd, Balm:tin . Goodwin Henry V., Went worth at, (Monti R., teacher ol singing, Ash at, op Gordon Alexander C., 4 Trade at, Newt'n liandwick 338 George at Gordon Alfred, 84 John at I e ulwin Herbert, IS Albert at, Redfern (Mood W. It., Treat t 's nil, Linnillehl Gordon Alfred, 4 Church at, Paddington Goodwin Herbert j., 34 Gowrie at, Camilitito Angelo, 1Verat ale are, Wwiek Gordsoi l:ii.:1„lfrpe,d101:., Thornton at, Rozelie .Newtown (foreharenko Philip, 23 13iirlinson at Gordon Allen, New l'aitterbory rd, II i irlGoodwin Hugh, 19 Boulevanl, L'ilardt Gorda rt Cyril, 62 Mathison at Goodwin 3liss 1. M., registr y °Ince 44 Goram A. G., 3Iorgan at., Marrickvillo Gordon Allen, :35 Irving at Castlereagh at Goransson John, 11 Arthur at, Balmain Gordon Pitt at, Pennine t t a Goodwill Isaiah, 87 Young at, Annandale Gordon's, piano importers, repairers and Gordon Andrew, Mrs. Annie, 18 Brown at, N'town Goodwin Niro. .T., Wariaida st, W. Rog tuners, 40 Flinders at Gordon Arthur, Vicar at, Coogee Goodwill J. A., 35 Brandling at, A'dria Gordon and 13-e N, mum 'NUN, Macquari.! Gordon Arthur, Isis at, 1Vahroonga Goodwin J. P., Fitzroy at, Abbotsford at., Manumit ta Gordon Arthur A., Belmore at, ltyde Goodwin James, Kensington rd, Eleit'ton Gordon Post 0111ce-31iss F. 31. Dunne, Gordon 31rs. B., N.S. II. rd, Bose Bay Goodwin James, 111 Rowntree at, postmistress, Gordon rd, Gordon Gordon Barnard, 12 Carrington at, Witi•n Baimain Gordon Public School—Harry L. Fry, Gordon .\l r.. C., Iti p bertson rd, CentenGoodwill James, 11 Redwin at, Newtown head teacher, Gordon rd, Gordon nial Park Goodwin James, 13 Hume st, N. Sydney Gordon Pura 3111k Co., William at, Gunton C., 82 Railway rd, St. Pet"rs Goodwin Join', Rose at., Annandale Gordon Gordon C., 113 II olterman at., N. Sydney Goodwin John, 176 Weston rd, Rozelle Gordon Railway Station—It. Small, Gordon Charles II., Clifton a ye, littrwood (toodwin Mrs. John C., Winton? stationmaster, Gordon rd, Gordon Gordon 1) , Gordon rd, Auburn Randwick GORDON CARTRIDGE CO., Car- Gordon David, Balmoral eve, Rosedale Goodwin John D., 8 Queen at, Ashfleld Gordon David .1.. Hanover st LbleoinInt tridge Manufacturers—C. Bowes Goodwin Joseph, 13 Leichhardt at Thistlethwayte, Agent, Arms and Gordon Donald, 63 Windmill at (1, indwin ,Tosepli, 24 Brougham at, Glebe Ammunition Merchant, 35 Clarence Intirdiottl inRenwick u(.,:Wyllie Goodwin Joseph, 107 Church at-, N "town at, Church Hill, Sydney. Tel., City Gordon Mrs. E., 1 North at, Leieldiardt Goodwin Joseph, llegarty at, Rockdale ((onion .11rs. E., 15 Bart at. Tempe 4921 Goodwin Mrs. L., SO Sutherland at, I'adGordon and Coldliam, stock and station Gordon Mrs. E, E., 26 \Voter, nil, Neut. diogton agents, 10 Castlerseagli at Goodwin Lewis C., Howard at, Randwick Goldoni Edward, 63 Marlborough at, Goodwin Mrs. Mary, 5 Barley rd, 318111Y Gordon F. If. and Co., motor car intporters, 140 castletvegli at Goodwin 3Irs. 31ary, 6 Fitzroy at, N. Svd. Gordon Edward, 112 31a rion at, L'hardt (modulo Miss, nurse, NS yeonibe rd, Neu- Gordon, Garbing and 131ackmore, solici- Gordon Emanuel N., 38 Palace st, A'lleld tors, 158 Phillip at tral Bay Gonlon Miss F., Hayes rd, Neutral Bay Goodwin Robert-, Dalley's rd, Chatswood Gordon Frank. 113 1)erwent at, Glebe Goodwin S., 29 Septimus at, Erskineville Gordon Frederick, 31a Dalgety ter Goodwin is:I:, 77 Salisbury rd, Stanniore Gordon Predk., Wilson's are, Belnioro Goodwn Thomas, Beantish st, t'anipsie oh, turldi, 1813, 13iVaayn,h;1, 11v r tli vie)rtilil:y11111 Goodwin Thomas, l'arramatta rd, 11 onieGordon 0,88 Garner's ave, 3Iarriekville Goodwin T110111fti J., 73 Bowntree at, Gordon CT H., 112 Ilalmain rd, L' hardt Balmaln Gordon G., Iloilingworth, Goodwin Victor L., Mark at, Naremliurn GORDON & GOTCH' Darling Point Goodwin W. C., 15:31 Elswiek at. Vilma Gordon (3. Ralph, Chaps1 st, Belinore (SYDNEY) LTD. Goodwin W. R., 104 Bligh at, Newtown Cordon Rev. George, It A. (Pres.), 26 Go■)dwiti William R., 87 Wardell rd, West st, Lewidiant (THE WORLD'S PRESS Dultvich Hill AGENCY)—Publisliers,Advertising Gordon Geo., 6 Wyndham at, Alexandria Goodwin William .r., 328 jones at Agents,WrIters and Designers,Whole- Gordon George, 119 Glebe at, Glebe Goodwin William T., 20 Kepis at, _Wien! sale News Agents, PfR3S Agents, Gordon (Ieorge, It) Martini at, Paddington Goodworth George, Avoca at. It wick Importers, Paper Merchants, Prin- Gordon George, 44 Waiter at, l'ad'ton Goodworth J. \V. B., 41 Liverpool rd, U., n1 4, Tciuupe ters' Brokers, Printers' Fit nilsheN 2 onlon Aslulleld i George Geol" ' (a . Iloumrke at, and 3laterial Importers. SubscripGoodwyn John, A.I. A., manager for Waverley tion., booked for all publications. N.S. W. Sydney Fire (Mice. Ltd., Gordon tittorw, /1., Slade st, Nareinburn 123 l'itt st (13 Pitt at ; p. r., Womerali aye, Gordon, Hall and Co., manufacturers, 82 Gordon Harold, King '1, Olinda. Turranturra Gordon Harold, Henley rd, Flemington Liverpool st Goody J. II., 36 Elizabeth at, Paddington Gordon Harold E., A'int at, Coogee Goodyear Mrs. A., 4 Nithsdale at GORDON R, H. & CO., LTD., Gordon Herbert, 34 Belmont rd, 3losinan Mot.year Albert, 'Wallace st, Granville House Furnishers and Proprietors Bunton isaais TIM l'it t at, Redfern Goodyear Frank, O'Neill st, Granville "Gordon 's Cash Order System, 504, Gordon .T. A., 182 Grafton at, Goodyear John, 26 Hardie at 5013 and 508 George st, Sydney, Gordon .1. C., (Jerez Spain), sherries, 26Goodyear Leslie, 10 Goodchap st and 304 and 300 King St, New30 Clarence at Goodyear \V. II., 36 Thomas at, Aslifield town. Tels. City 6440 (3 lines) and Gordon .T. C., 3farion at, Harris Park Goodyer John, Petersham ni, 1,1307 Gordon J. K., Gordon rd, Lindfleld Goodyer Thomas, Byron at. Coogee Gordon and Ito 's, tailor. . 375 George at Gordon James, :37 Lodge at, Forest Lodge U,, it ye w henry, 3Iort'a rd. 31ortslale : Gordon S. and Son, shirt manufacturers, Gordon Jumumu,s, W111111111 at, Hurst ville 85 Clarence at (I LTD.NEAD OFFICE: BULWARRA RIL,PYRM ONT. 'PHONE 728 & 1160 CENTRAL INTERMENTS ARRANGED FOR im ANY PART OF AUSTRALIA OR ABROAD ON SHORT NOTICE ANTHONY HORDERNS' — THE ECONOMIST'S DELIGHT. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A LOT FOR A LITTLE. Gos ALPHABETICAL. Gou1297 1296Gor ALPHABETICAL. Gos .0,ndoll jaws, pooping st, Narentburn Gordon William C., Oxford a ye, Bankst'n Gorman ,Tolin, Bar at, Bat any Gorman John, 12 Kegworth at, L'hardt Gordon James, Bought.% at Randwiek 1 Gordon William H., Godwin at, Bexley Cordon James A., 40 Windsor rd, leshain GordonWilliam31.,"Minabali,"26 Gorman .Tolin, 31 Carey at, 31arrIckkille Gorman John J., 'rile Crescent, Vaueluse West , North Sydney Gordon James K., Taylor st, Lakemba Gorman Jos., I Littthe Cleveland at-. It Gordon William P., 7 Prince st, Rozelle Gordon John, Jarrett st, Canterbury Gordon-Smith Harry, Avenue. Wavley Gorman 31., Oxford st, Mortdale Gordon .Tohn, Bridge st , Drummoyne Gore Hill Cemetery — F. Crowe, sexton, Gorman 31rs. :Margaret, 38 Lower CamGordon John, Tangaria st, Enfield pbell at Gordon rd, Gore 11111 Gordon John, High s•, Granville Gorman Mrs. Marla, 13elmore rd, RawlGore and Maitland, tailors, 289 I'll t at Gordon John, Union St., Granville wick Gore Arthur, Botany at, Huratville Cordon John, 70 Hill at, Leichhardt Gorman Mrs. Mary, Hunter st, Waterloo Gore Mrs. C., Stanley at, Burwood Gordon John, 452 31111er at, N. Sydney Gorman Michael, Frederick at, Campsie Gore Charles, Staple st, Bexley Gordon John, 49a McKenzie at, Ronne Gorman Patrick, Cameron at, Rockdale Gordon John B., 24 Crystal st, Petersham Gore Outdo, harrow rd, Bexley Gorman l'ercy, Passelield at, Liverpool 20 Beach rd. Bea. Hill Gore Ed9 he 1, Gordon John C., 6 Trade at, Newtown Gorman Peter, N.S.11. rd. Rose Bay Core F., 286 Glentnore at, Paddington Gordon John B., Sort h par, Auburn Gottnan Peter, 14 Fanny . place Gordon John G., 67 Styles at, Leichhardt Gore Frederick, Farr at, :Rockdale Gorman Thomas. Terry at.. Arnelitle Gordon John R. E., 8 Punch at, Balmain Gore Henry E. 82 Worge at, St. Peters Gorman Thontits, Sobrame rd, Eastwood Gore.)., Gipps at, Concord Gordon John S., Alt at, Haberlield Gorman Thomas. Laurel at. Willoughby Gore Mrs. J., 16 Gordon at., Paddington •:onion .Tohn W., 165 Gloucester st Gorman W. H., 76 Prospect st, Ersk'ville Gore J. W., 20 'Immure rd, Newtown Gordon Joseph, Kibilla at, Auburn Gorman William, Burn's Bay rd, L. Cove Gordon Mrs. Julia, 5 Wells at Balm:tin Gore James, 61 Pile at, Dulwiele II ill Cordon Kelsa, Victoria st, east, 11 wmal Gore ,Taint's C., 10 Cahill at, Caloperdown Gormley S. and Co., business and hotel lerokers, 82 l'it t at Gordon MN. L., 19 City rd. Darlington Gore John W., Dailey at, Wot Kogarale Gormley Mrs. A.. 35 Kangaroo at, 3Ianly Gore Miss It., dressmaker, 114 Hunter at . Gordon I,. F., 28 \Vest st, Paddington (tortion Lady, 52 CaratQlla st, N. Sydney Gore Ross, secretary Royal Sydney Golf Gormley Bernard. 22 Norton at, 1..,17Frederick at Gormley Edward Club, Itose Bay tho•don Leslie, Hamp s tead rd. Fletn'ton Asletield Gore Ross, Kent rd, Rose Bay Gordon Leslie G., Lucerne st , Belmore .thadon Leslie T., Northcote st, Auburn Gore S. 11, 64 Constitution rd, I'et'shain Gormley .Tolin, 90 Chandos st . N. Sydney Gormley Patrick, 52a Gloucester at •Cordon Lewis C., local agentWood, Gore Thomas, High at. Willoughby Gormley Sidney A., Reynolds at. Sent Coffin and Co., Ltd., undertakers, Gore Thonres II., (atonin g at, Gortnly Capt. P. ('., wharf mgr.. King at Gore W., 126 George at, Erskineville Bellmore at, Ityde Gornall G. 11. 115 Military rd. 3loaniale .therdon31ra.Lillian,1270.5.11.rd. Goren Horace, 76 lloit's are, Mosinee' Gornall John C., 5 Clayton at, Batman Goalie W. E., 7 Norton at, Manly Waverley Gordon Linton. Allister at, Neutral Bay Gorham A. A., Cambrid g e at. Willoughby GornallPeter,J.I'. REDFERN AND SineuitilAN TIfiEsOflice, ' 151 Redfern Gordon Lovell, Elizabeth st west , A' field Gorham A. J.. (hilt ern rd, Willoughby at, Redfern Goring Charles, 12 Parade, Dul. Hill .Gordon M., 23 Robert ,.t. Aaldield Peter, J.P., 20 Ivy at, Redfern , Gordon Mrs. 31ary. 14 Pine stNCWtfINVII Gorier Max, one and metal merchant, 28 Gornall Gonivell lb eb?rt, 113 Bidet. , at. N. Sydney Cast lereaule at Gordon Mrs. Margt., Cowper at, Campsie Gorrell A. F., 17 Endeavour nil, DaceyGordonMrs.Mary,pianodepot,40 Gorrick William S., Rawson at, Granville ville Gorman 31 lases M. anti V.. miltiners, Flinders st Gorrell Francis, 33 Mort at George st Gordon II N. Mary, 111 Princes st Correll ,Tolin W., Pennant Mils. Gorman A. J., Bennalong at, Granville Gordon Mrs. Mary S., 97 Macleay St Gorrick A. J., 114 Alban y rd. rshane Chabler at. 31'ville Gordon Maurice, Carr at, Coogee Gorman Alle u rt Miss C., Adolph at, Neutral Bay Gordon Mrs., seek., 170 Nelson at, A te'dale GormanAlwyn.mana gerHardie ant Gorrick Gorman l't y. Ltd...11fred st, Milson (tonic!: C. II., sole agent Standard Motor Gordon Norman, Hampton Court rd, Construction Co., 5 Macquarie place Point Carlton GorrickCituul Ri WI 11.,1Miltonare, Gorman Alwyn, Albert rd, Strathfield Gordon Patrick, 43 Stanley at Alosinan Gorman Mrs. Alla. 12 Loui s at., Redfern Gordon Mrs. Pearl. 20 Nhurod st Gorrick Fredk.31ilton at, Leichinuilt Gormaie Bernard, 32 l'almer at Gordon Percy, 26 Edwards st, M'ville Gorman C. IL. The Boulevard, ('lit Moon Gorrick Josetin A.,solicitor, Slade rd, Gordon Peter, 147 Princes at Arneliffe Gorman Chas., Sunnyside a ye, L'hardt Gordon Peter L., Vista at, Sans Soon! Regent at, Kog'all Gordon R., 112 Trafalgar st, Annandale GormanCharles,103Livingstonerd, Gorrick J. A., solicitor, GorrieAlfred,CommonwealthJersey Marrickville Gordon Mrs. It., 16 Marshall at, Maeville Herd Book, 681 l'it t at Gordon R. II., "Middleton," Sydney at.. Gorman Charles J.. 328 Riley at Connie Alfred, Grosvenor rd, Li nd field Gorman Chris., Second at,, Granville Cleat awmid st, Liverpool Gordon Richard, 62 ,'fanning rd, Irlahra Gorman Cornelius, Berwick at, Guildford (borne Mrs. F., Terminus Gorrill Mrs. Win10:1 Union at. N't own Gorman Daniel, 17 East at Gordon Robert, Taunton rd, Hurstville Gorrin Ed ward, 42 Crown at, St. Peters Gordon Robert, 0 Tramline st, Brunelle Gorman Mrs. E. Cremorwe rd. (1'wone Gomel' Mrs. Lydia, Oxford at, Epping Gordon Rold., 3 Fitzroy st, Nth. Sydney Gorman Mrs, E., 17 Forbes at, Redfern Gordon Robert D., North par, hunter's GormanEdward,52Wyndhamst, (hurryJamesl'.,415l'a ultimata rd Leichlianit Alexandria 11111 Corry Solute, 86 Albion at, Annandale Gordon Robert L., Macpherson at, N. Bay Gorman Edward, 81 Bridge rd, Glebe hiss M. L., 86 Allmon st, Annatulle Gordon Mrs. S., 283 N.S.II. rd, Padlon Gorman Ernest, of/ \Wollongong rd, Ann- Gorry (lorry Michael, 89 Morehead st, Redfern cliffe Gordon S., 57 Buckland st , Alexandria Corry Patrick, 26 Princes at Gorman Ernest, 2 Thomas at, Ashfleld Gordon Sam, 114 leay st , LeiChllardt (tors W. IL, 40 Wolseley ni, Point Piper Gordon S. W., Gloucester rd, Bursts/Hie Gorman 31rs. Frances, 74 Bourke at Gorsuch Albert, Dalgety terrace Gordon Samuel, saddler, 105 Liverpool at Gorman Frederick, Primo at, Mortdale Gortley George, 15 16 Hanover at, Waterloo Gordon Mrs. Sarah, 4 Queen et, Mosman Gorman Fredk., Louisa • t. Oat ley Gorman Fredk. G., 114 La wmg ete at. 1' ton Gorton and Mill, The KINGSTON PRESS, Gordon Sidney, 40 Harrington at 3'6 Oxford at Gorman Mrs. G. E., Northumberland at, Gordon Stewart, Cowan rd, St. Ives Gorton C. II., Cuthbert at, Waverley Liverpool Gordon Stewart, jun., Cowan rd. St. Ives Gorman George F. B., Botany rd, Botany Gorton Charles, Manson rd, Concord Gordon T. II.. Carlosat. A rtarmon Gorman George Ii.. Chalyer at, Wavley GortonCornelius,J.P.,Moseleyat, Gordon '1'. T., Sutherland at, Neut. Bay St ratlifield Gorman George W., Kentiela at, Enfield Gordon W. A., 18 Roslyn at David, Cowperat, Granville Gordon W. B., 54 Coronets rd, Stamnore Gorman If. 1'. W., 399 Military iii, MOS. Gorton Goths J. T., J.P., Wentworth at-, Final to Mall Gordon W. H., 173 Nel qen at, Annandale Gosbee Henry It., 17 Boulevard, L'hardt Gordon W. J., Woodville rd, Granvillo Gorman Henry, J.P., "3Ierley," Albert (Mabee W. (4,571 II:amain rd. L'hanit, rd, Homebusli Gordon William. Meredith at. Bankstown Gorman Hugh, Coolong rd, Vancluse Bay (Mabel' A. II. V., postmaster, King at, -Gordon William, Queen at, Bummed St. Peters Gordon William, 263 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Gorman Miss I., 19 Iltighes at Gosbell Mrs. C. Oberon at, Itandwich Gordon Will tin, 11 Pet u rshant at. P'ham Gorman .T. .T.. plumber. Or:miler Quay Gosbell G. B., 41 ' Asithurner at, Manly Gordon Wallin. Leigh at. Merrylands Gorman James, 70 Goodlet at Gosbell G. B., 1 Corso, Manly Cordon Wi 11011, 401 cievdend st • 'Churn thennum John. 22 Behoove at ll Henry \V., 125 Palnicr (Male:e Gordon William, Voting at, Turramurra GOnnall John, 27 Waine at WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE •Gosbell 3Irs. J., 107 Parramatta rd, Annandale Gosbell .T. IV., J.1'., 10 Glen at, Paddlon •Gosby John, Pitt st, Mortdale Cosby John, Mi Mi st, Oat-Icy Gosch Henry, Botany rd, Botany Gosche, Hale and Co., wine and spirit merchants, 241 Pitt at. Gosche and Inner, Ltd., electrical engineers, 241 Pitt st diosche Vesey It., Consul for Nicaragua, 1 241l'itt at •Goaden Henry, Knox at, Itandwick Gosden John, Smith at, Mascot (tostlen Richard, Smith st, Mascot Goshen' Motor Service Ltd.. 351 Pitt at -Goshen' Racing Club Ltd.-11. It. Evans, ave., 202 Pitt at Gosford and Woy Woy steamers—Chas. Stephenson and J. A. Chew, proprietors, Erskine at Iii eel& r Francis, Be resford rd, Bose Bay Gosling Chas., 21 31iteArthur par, Dul. Gostelow 17. , J.1'., Carrara Vaucluse Gough 31, A., Totiman eve, Kensington Gostelow Walter, 88 Bayswater at Gough Airs., Booth at, Arncliffe Goswell George, Bank st, May's Hill Gough Neil, Queenseillfe, Goswell 11. G., Virg inia st , Granville Gough Nicholita, 19 Susan it,, Ati'dain Goswell Herbert Ii. E., St. Georges hotel, Gough 1'., Itocky Point rd, A rucliffe Canterbury rd, Behnore Gough l'atrick, 43 Cook rd, Marrickville Croswell 31. 11., 84 Elliott st, Hannah' Gough Prosper, Botany at, Itandwick (towel'Walter F., WestBotanyrd, Gough R. J., 15 Elizabeth at, Paddington A nicliffe Gough Ralph, St. llillier's rd, Auburn Goswell Win. A., .f. P., Watkin at, iniale Gough Samuel, 7 3Iallett st, Camperdown (bitch Frank, Pacific at, Waverley Gough Thomas, 53 Goold at Got ch 31n x, 541 Goorge at (8 doors from Gough Thomas, off Edinburgh rd, MarLiverpoolat),Sydney, Herbalist, rickville Blo eel,Nerve andSkinSpociallat. Gough IV., 33 Bitekland at, Alexandria Telephone 4065 City.After hours, Gough Walter, Victoria el., Lideombe p.n., "Mount Eden," 3Iaepherson at., Gough William, ling at, Canterbury Bronte.'Tel. Waverley 251 Gough William, Rhodes ave, Granville • Got hard D., 31 Bowman at, D'inoyne (tough William, Cowper at , Rand wick Gotham Henry J., Dorking rd, Concord Gough William, 144 Church at, St. Peters GotschCarl,teacherof'cello,336a Gough William J., Bland at, George at (Muhl A. G., 154 Walker at-, Redfern Gotsch Miss Leonore, teacher of singing, Goethe Ernest, 3foorefields rd, Canterbury 336a George at Gotaburn John, Tavistock rd, Flemlon Gotsch Carl, Lauff at, l'eakhurst Bros., ironmongers 470 New CienGoslingill17., 8 Northeote st, 3farrickville Cott Fred. M., 206 James at, Leichleardt (Mold te:log nil, _Dulwich Hill .Gosling F. J.181 Livingstone rd, 31'v ille Gotthelf Moritz, J.P., " Elizabeth Bay Gould andyDick, electricians, 3Iount at, Gosling Mrs. '11., 102 Redfern st, Redfern House, Onslow are, Elizabeth Bay Sortie Sydney -Gosling J., Beamish at, Campsie Gutting Ernest, Balfour at, Dulwich Hil Gould J. and Sons, produce merchant s, Gosling J. E., solicitor, Somerset liouse, Gotting .Mrs. L., 0 Butt st 110 Now Canterbury rd, and Living5 Moore at Getting Elizabeth, 1 Elizabeth st , Waterstone rd, Marriekville Gosling James, Willee at, Burwood loo Gould and Shaw, solicitors, Holt's chamGosling John E., Guthrie a ye, Neut. Bay Gotto Thos. W., hairdresser, 73 Sussex at bers, 121 Pitt st Gosling Joseph' 127 Eblev at.. Waverley Gottsch Miss 11., 0 Noble at, Montan Senator Hon. Sir A. J., K.11., V.D., Gosling M., 2:1 Wanhell ret, Marriekville Gottsch bunch, Thomas at, l'arrainatta Gould J.1'., Holt's chambers, 121 Pitt at ; Gosling Miss 31., Agar st, Marrickville . (tot t well Mrs. Eva, 40 E gan at, Newtown p.r.," Eynesbury,"Edgeoliffe nil, Gosling Thomas, 7 Central rd, Asidield Gotwald Charles H., 320 Bill warm ni Edgeeliffe Gosling W. 54 Prince st, 3losnian Gotwald Mrs. Eva, 2 Lucy at, Ashlield Gould 31ra. A., 24 Ada Lane Gosling W. J., Connemarra st, Rockdale Gotwell Ernest, 55 Caroline at, Redfern Gould A. (t., Orchard rd, Chat swood Gosling W. W., 6 Clifford at, Manion Goudemey W., 75 Church at, St. Peters Gould Albert E., Roseleill at, Parramat ta Gosling Win., 3fadeline at, Enfield Goodie Alex., 58 Read at, Waverley Gould Alexander, Spurway at, Bunches Gosling William, Itobey at, Mascot Goudie Mrs. Anna, 30 Gilpin at, C'down Gould Alfred, 78 Victoria at., Lowisimin • Gosliug William 'I'., Be resford rd, Roac IL (tion1Le James, Moore at, Drutionoyne Gould Alfred, 05 Boronitt at-, Itedfern Gosling Willie. Me at, Lakentba Goudie John, 253 Palmer at Gould Alfred W., 162 Camden it,, N'town Arch„ Pie rramatta rd, Luichli'dt (fondle IV., 30 Pleasant at, Erskineville Gould Arthur H., Bryant at, Rockdale Gosne1117., 143 Elswick at, Leichleardt Gouet Madame, 7 Oatley rd, Paddington Gould Clement, 12(1 Crown at .Gosnell Herbert, Chapel at, Rockdale Gouge Robert II, 104 Ocean at, Bondi Gould Botany rd, Mascot Gosnell Richard, 54 Raglan st , Waterloo GoughandPowell,poultryfanners, Gould Edward, Frank, Terrace rd, Marrickville Goanell Robert, Brid ge at, Ma rrickville Campbell at, Alexandria Gould Frank, 31elrose at, Mascot (Mallet] Roy. 42 North rtl, Leichhardt Gough A., The King's School, Villiers at, Gould G. 11., 61 Shepherd at-, Marrickville Gospel 3Irs, A. II., Gordon rd, Lindfield Parramatt a (Muhl George, Rocky Point rd, Kogaralt Gospel G. 1V., Gordon rd, Lindlield Gough A., Miller rd, Bankstown Gould H. J., mining engineer, 10 CastleGospel J. L., Lorne a ye, Killara Gough A. C., 81 Denison st, Newtown reagh at ; p.r., "Eynesbury," EdgeGospel John, off 138 Harris at Gough A. J., Garnet st,Ilialstone Park cliff° rd, Edgecliffe cosper Antos, Northwood rd, Lane Cove Gough Arthur, l'antallon ave, Anecliffe Gould Henry, 37 George at, Redfern Gosper Clarence T., "Wandilly," Pen- (lough C., 3 Rowley at, Camperdown Gould Henry C., verger, St.Andrew's leant ave, Ityde Gough Benjamin, Segenhoe at, Anicliffe Cathedral, George at Gosper - Ephraim, Atchison at, St. Leon- Gough Mrs. C., 50 Sloane at, Summer Hill Gould Henry J., Shirley ni, WollstoneGough Charles, 72 Glossop st, lialmain oaf t Gospr F'. W., 19 Alma at, North Sydney Gough Charles S., 37 (Mlles at, Rockdale Gould HubertV.,Woodlands at, Bal(be 'ape r S.E.,sec.,TheLandNews- Gough Mrs. Charlotte, 139 Botany rd, gowlah paper Co., Ltd., 7 O'Connell at Botany Gould !tented. J., Albert at, Woolla lira •Gosper B. E., Roseville ave, Roseville Gough Mrs. E. S., Victoria rd, 3farr'kville Gould .T. G., timber expert, 222 Palmer at Gosper lhos. H., 100 Pit twitter rd, 3fanly Gough Edward, 104 Borden! at, N'town Gould Jannis, Spurevity at, Dundas (toss F., 41 George at, St. Peters Gough Mrs. Emily, Viet oria at, 1.1dcombe Gould James, 159 Denison rd. Wanton Goss F. G„ architeet, 95 Elizabeth at Gough Fredk., Woodville rd, Granville Gould James, 37 Wi g ram rd, Glebe Goss George, O'Dowd st , verhey Gough Frederick, 14 Hartley at, Rozelle Gould James, Great Northern rd, Hyde Goss Henry H., Drake at, Art:union Gough G. W., 37 Liandalf at, Waverley (Muld John, 15 Denison rd, Petersham Goss Sohn .1., 84 Merlin st, Nth. Sydney Gough 11., butcher, 137 William at Gould John A., Melrose at, 3fascot Moss Mrs. 31. A., 14 Corso, Manly (tough31rs.11.,Railwaypar.south, Gould John L., 26 Adelaide at, Woollahra (toss Walter, 80 l'ittwater rd, 31anly Granville Gould Mrs. 31. E., teacher of dancing, Gossage F., 394 Victoria at, Marrickvillo Gough Henry, South at, Granville 142 Q. V. Markets Cossage J01111, Newland at, Waverley Gough Ilenry .R., Good at, Granville (timid Mrs. 31. E., 8 Booth at, Gosschalk 31., 20 Hopewell at, Padd'ton Gough Henry It., 60 Lineoln at, Stantu're (Muhl 31N. M. E., 17 3fosman at, 3fosman Gossedge .T., 175 Victoria at, Lewisham Gough J., 68 Rochford at-, Erskineville Gould Mrs., 155 Bridge at, Glebe Gosselin Walter A., 3 Plunkett at Gough J., 45 Newman at, Newtown Gould N., Illytheswood are, Tient mono itosset Eugene it Co., woolbrokers, 256a Gough James, 26 Greek at, Globe Gould Reg., Canary rtl, Canterbury George at Gough James, 25 Abattoirs rd, Rozello Gould Richard, 62 Itidge at Gossip George, 240 Crown at Gough John, 50 College at, Balmain Gould Itobt., Middle Harbour rd, Gossip J. II., 52 Edgecliffe rd, Woollaiera Gough John, Harris at, Granville Gould S W., 69 Blue's Point rd, North Gosslin 1'.,14 Macaulay st, Leichhardt Gough John, Botany st, Itandwick Sydney Gosson Arthur G., 48 Smith at, 3Ianly Gough Joseph, Victoria at, Kogarali Gould Sydney, 69 Weston rd, Rozelle Gostelow E., .1', P., tobacconist, 202 Wil- Gough 31 Is. L. A., Now Bolton at, Guild- Gould T. A., Windsor Id, Merrylands Gostelillooliri ford Gould Thomas, 388 Harris at. Est, 87 Cavendish at, Stantnore Gough Leo, Queenscliffe, Manly Gould Thomas, 17 Harwood lane WE SPECIALISE IN WEDDING CARRIAGES AND WE HORSE THEM SUPERBLY. INSPECTION INVITIO ANTHONY HORDERNS' — IT ISN'T A SHOP, IT'S AN INSTITUTION. 1298 Gou GnuId Thomas, 59 Neutral st, S. Sydney Gould Walter, 11 Fisher at, Petersham • Gould William, 13 West aye Gould William, stationmaster, Terminus at, Petersham Gould William, 203 Young st, Arnedale Gould William E., 50 Pile at, D111. Hill Gouldeti Alonzo, 75 Crown at, St. Peters Goulden Joseph S., Eantroek ave. Wav'y Goulder Mrs. le, Cronulla at, Hurstville Goulder F., 54 Wolseley rd, Mosman Goulder G. E., 80 Stanntorerd, Goulder. George E. 3.1'., superintendent ' Phillip at of police, 103407 Greedier George, East Crescent at, N. Syd. Goulding A. G., 151 Avenue rd, Mosman Goulding C., 81 Bellevue at, N. Sydney Goulding C., 6 Edwin at. Nth. Sydney Goulding:Charles II., Lismore hotel, 345 Pitt at Goulding E. C., real estate agent, 273 Military rd, Mosman Goulding EX., 51 Cabramatta rd, Mosnmn Goulding Edward 3 ,22 Prospect at Goulding Miss El tie, 10 Cameron st, Paddington Goulding Eugene, 05 Falcon at, N. Syd. Goulding Frederick, 106 Bank st„ N. Syd. Gouldin g Frederick W., Vista st, Greenwich Goulding 0., 93 Shadforth st,Mosman Goulding IL, Lithgow at, St. Leonard,: Goulding Henry, 38 Edward at, Sum. Hill Goulding John, 22 Parkview rd, Manly GouldingJohn, Chester st,Marrickville Goulding John, 225 West at. Nth. Syd. GouldingJohn, off Cyril at, Roseville Goulding Oswald, 127 Booth at, An'dale Goulding Mrs. P., 20 Willoughby at, N. Sydney Goulding P. A., 19 Spit rd, Bosnian Goulding Miss S , Albany at, St. L'itards Goulding W. C., Burton at, Mosman Goulding W. Robert., J. I'., Futuna at, Hunter's;11ill Goulding William, Cliff rd, Lane Cove Goulding Wm. Badajoz rd, North Ryde Goulding William, 542. Old South Head rd, Woolialmt Gouldthorp F. O., Cowper at, Granville Gouldthorp G., son.; Cowper at, Granville Gouldthorp G. E., Stuart at, Granville Goulstein 31, 240 Abercrombie st, Gouhna Copper Options N.L., reg. office, Australasian chain., Martin pl. Goulston John, J.P., 58 Boyce at, Glebe Goulston Mrs. B. E29 Spit rd, Moan an Goulston Michael, 3113 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Goulston Moss, 35 Northumberland aye, Stamen) Goulston Solomon, 25 Toxteth rd, Globe Goundrie H. N., Rosa st, Enfield Goundrie N., 22 Comber at, Paddington Goundrle N. C., jun., Hunter at, Zetland Gounery II. J., 15 Bridge at, E'rskineville Gaudio A., 17 Thomas at, Nth. Sydney COURLAY BROS. LIMITED, Furniture Warehousemen and Removal Contractors, 116-118-122 Miller at, North Sydney. Tel. 1, N. Syd Gourley D. B.,41 William at, N.S. Gourley G. G.. managing director, Les Teinturiers Ltd., 220 Liverpool rd, AsIdleld Gourley jetties, dyer, 107 King at Gourley Jams, dyer, 424 Pitt at Gourley James, dyer, 254 Victoria at ALPHABETICAL. Gow Gourley James, 53 Point at Gottrlay Jas., dyer, Burwood n1,11'wood Gourley James, 23 Orpington at, Gourley James, dyer, 46 Lackey at, Summer Hill Gourley Mrs. Jane, 35 Point at Gourley Thomas, 67 Oxford at, Waverley Gourley Frederick A., 100 Green's rd Gourley Mrs. K., costuntiere, 114 Dowst, Paddington Gourley W., off 39 Union at, North Syd. Gourley William, 8 North a y e, L'hardt Gentile John, 169 Darling st, Balmain Goma& Ropework Export Co.,- Ltd. (The), 39 Pitt at Govan Wielem, 17 Railway at, 3EVille (love John B., 42 Temple at, Stamuore Cover E. and Co., corstt manufacturers, Castlereagh and Market sts Ge y er Henry II., Bellevue par, Wyllie Ge y er John, Bellevue par, Hurstville Gover Thomas, Hudson at, Hurstville Government Architect's Branch — G. McRae, Government Architect, Phillip at Government Analyst's Office — William Mogford Hamlet, F.L.C., F.C.S. Government analyst ; T. Cooksey, Ph.D., B.Sc., F.I.C., second Government analyst ; W. M. Doherty, F.I.C., F.C:S., assistant, Macquarie street Government Asylum for the Infirm— Mrs. M. Peake, matron superintendent, George at, Parramatta Government Asylum for the Infirm— Miss M. Crimes, matron and superintendent, Macquarie st, Parramatta Government Cottage Homes for Invalid Children (No. 1, 2 3)—A. W. Green, • chief boardingma officer, Pennant Hills rd, Parramatta Government Dry Docks (Fitzroy and Sutherland), Cockatoo Island Government Gas Examiner's Office and Department of Labour and Industry—C. Evers, 132-134 George at. Government Labour Farm, Ihumerong rd, Kensington Government Locomotive Engineers' Department,—Wilson at, Redfern Government Ordnance Stores—Capt. W. J. Brown, senior ordnance officer Circular Quay Government Printing Office—William A. J.I'., Government Printer de Inspector of Stamps ; L. P. Garnett, chief clerk •, A. J. Kent, accountant Wm. Feather, superintendent; • D. Campbell, elti , f overseer, Phillip at. Branches : No. 1 40 Liverpoel at No. 2, 72a Liverpool st Government , Railway 1 tinting Office— II. G. Mittman, printer,. 8 Eddy ave Government Railway Stores and Workshops—John Scouter, general works manager, Wilson at, Redfern Government Savings Bank (head office) —Robert A. Warden, 3.1'., pres. . William 11. O'Nfalley- Wood, J.P., II. D. Hall, commissioners .1% IL Davies, secr.rary, 11 Moore at Government Savings Bank—R. I'. Breden, J.IS, manager : R. .1. it accountant, 9 Moore at Government Savings Bank of N.S.W.— Alf red E. Allen, J. P., manager ; W. Marshall, acme:Mind, 11 Barraek street Government Shipping Office — W. 11. shipping master ; It. SelwynSmith, deputy shipping master and accountant ; N. 30110S, CaStget, 5-7 Young at WOOD, COFFILL dc COMPANY LTD. (lovers Fred. C., assistant; :mperintendent Immigration and Tourist Bureau, House. 31artin. plow (lovers John, Kalgoorlie at, Willoughby (lovers Mrs. 3L, 25 Flood st, Bondi Govett Nathaniel, 20 Penkivil at, Bondi Clovett Robe rt„ Fox Valley rd, Wahertga (bow William and Sen, wood turners and chair manufacturers, 17-55 John st Leiehhardt Gow Alexander, Buffalo rd, Ityde (low Charles F., 157 Booth at. Annandale Gow Charles R. S., Lucas rd, Burwood Gow Duncan, 29 Rofe at, Leiehhardt flow Duncan, 12 Barley rd, Manly Goss Franria J.. 19 Cook rd, Centennia Palk Fredk., 22 Brodie at, Paddington Go w Frederick. 169 Edgeeliffe rd, W'altra Gow Geores, Sharp at, Canterbury (boss George. 86 Terrace rd. Merrick vine Gow George, 52 Douglas st„ Staunton! Gow H. J.. Parramatta Coneord GOW James, Mores rd, Mortdale Gow john 11., Pacific at, Waverley (;ow II ra.Sydney •dt, (low It. W., Salisbury rd, Willoughby Gott RolLart T., Harden rd, Artemide' flow Thomas, Sydney at, Concord Clow W. J. sec. Fruit Carriers' Association, Barker St Gow William, 100 Taylor at, Annandale (low Wm., 15 Marlborough at, Demoyne flow William. 55 \Vent wort 11 Park rd • Glebe flow William, 72 Holdsworth st, Wlahre flow William G., Nelson at, Woollahra Gowan Mrs. A g nes, 38 Ada at Gowan Georg a , Welt at, Carlton Gowan .T. C., 8 :2 Constitution rd, P'sham 9owan James, 67 Flinders at Gowan Jos., 69 Annandale at, Annandale Gowan William, 193 Rose st, Darlington Gowanloek 'A., Rosehill at, Parramat ta Gowans John, :13 Chesterfield par, Wa y erley Gott a ns William, J.P., 80 Ited fern at, Red( dint Goward George, 33 Chandoe at, Ashflold (Inward Mrs. II , Sydney rd, mlety Gowdy Lanee, 14 Selwyn at Gowen Eva 3L, Gloucester rd, Burstein° Gowen George, 110 l'itt at, Redfern Gowen James, 488 Harris at Gowen W. S., Dunmore st, IVest Kogarah Gowenlock T., 108 Paddington at, Paddington Gower Albert. 26 stat, Padlen Gower Charles. 3100re at, Durwood Gower Frank, 01 Church at, Newtown Gower Ilarry II.. Fara at, Thickdele flower Herbert, 74a Gerartsd. Alex'dria Gower Herbert. 185 King at, Gower Mrs, Lavinia, 581 Riley at Gower 'trammel, 119 Rose At. Dariinsztob Gower Stephen, 10 Calder rd, Redfern Gower Thos., 81 Church st, Parramatta Gower Walter J., Mount at, Coogee Gower William, Edgbaston at, Penshurst Gowin Arthur, Drummond at, Behnore Goss COWINC BROS. (AUSTRAL CLOTHIERS), 484 to 400 GEORGE ST. and 3 to 17 ROYAL ARCADE. EVERYTHING FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Tel. City 7408 (4 lines) flowing Alfred, Murriverie rd, Waverley flowing Frederic, Middle Harbour rd. Lindlleld ANTHONY HORDERNS' — A PARADISE OF ECONOMY. Gow ALPHABETICAL. Ora1299 Cowing Mrs. J. E., Middle Harbour rd, Grace Norman J., Gallica at, Rockdale Graham Alexander, Villiera at, Bexley Lindneld Grace P. J., Campbell Hill rd, Bankstown Graham Alex., Bowles rd, Kogarali (bowing I'. L. " Audley," 10 Henson at,. Grace I'. R., Condamine at, Manly Graham Alexander, flay par, I,ong Bay ' Summer Hill !Grace Percy, Carrington rd, Randwick Graham Alfred, 17 Sherbrooke at (bowing Mrs. Preston It., Waverley eres, Grace Peter, Rawson at, Granville; Graham Andrew, Premier at, Kogarali Waverley Grace Mrs. S., 85a St anmore rd, P'sham Graham Andrew, 30 Rofe at, Leichhardt (bowing Miss R. Harrington at, Mar' ville Grace Samuel K. Tinettn be at, Can'hury GrahamArchibald, Forest rd, Bexley G ewing Reginald 31., "Heaton Lodge." ; Grace Stanle y 16 Mosman at, Mosman Graham Anil., Roberts st, Camperdown itedmyre rd, Stratlitleld • Grace Thos.i.',J.P., Empire at, Graham Archibald N., F'araday ave, bowing lioh?rt"San Marro," Shirley Grace Walter, Riddle at, Woollahra Woollithra rd, Wollston ,..crart , Grace Walter G., Melody at, Coogee Graham Arch. 125 Raglan st, llosman ((owing William. 5 Forest rd, D'ble Bay. Grace William C., Belmore rd, Randwick Graham Arthur, 32 Kippax at Gowing William W., 73 High at, N Syd. , Grace William II., 14 Olive at, Paddl.on Graham Arthur, Re g inald at, Abbotsford Gowliand F., 53 Harbour st, Mosman Graeey and eluntridge Misses, dress- Graham Arthur, Fl sr. Canterbury Gowlland Miss P., 83 Berry at, N. Sydney, makers, Beamish at, Campsie Graham Arthur, 15 Seth h sat., It dzOn, Gowrie Private Hospital, 6 Milton at,: Gracie Ale y ander, Major Bay rd, Concord Graham Arthur 11., 186 KV/IlliS St, Rozelle Aslifield ; Gracie II rs. E , Balfour rd, Itose Bay Graham Art hur E., :17 Gibbons at, ItedEn .Goyder IL R., J.P., Kulgoa rd, Bellevue , Gracie Frank, Couriand at, Five Dock Graham Mre. C., Beet inga at, 3Eville Hifi ; Grady lienr:i , O'Brien rd, Bondi Graham Mrs. C. 14 Nelson at, 13 oollahra ;GoyderF., 79 Muston st, Mosman Grady Jo s eph, 56 Marian at, Ennio' eGraham Charles,86 Bondi rd, Bondi Goyen Bros., fuel merchants, 47 Phelps at Grad y Mrs 31 45 Wo'dcott st Graham Chas. 31ardne pa r Vauchuse Goyen A. AV., B r ighton at, Enfield Grady Miss Mary, 94 Stanley at Graham Chits. E., patent attorney, manGoyen Arthur B., Gould at, Canterbury Grad y Michael, 149 Oid Canterbury rd, ager Edward( Waters and Sons, .Goyen Kenneth, 494 Darling at, Rozelle Peterallion patent awl trade mark attorneys, Goyen Nicholas, 84 Arthur at Grady 0., 'fl,, King's School. Villiers at, Gibbs' chambers, 7 3loore at : p.r., Goyen Nicholas, jun., 22 Kendall at Parrainatta "Netherby,"Buckingliam at, Killara .Goyen William, 93 Phelps at Grady T., 22 Macaulay rd, Stattmore Graham Cline. E., Peacock at, Baltpwlali Goymour Arch., 31i Mist, Oatley Grady Wilkie., Nebel st, Mascot Graham E . Cha tx st. Rendiwick Goymour Mrs. Jan e . C.iok at, Mortditle Grad Frederick, 12 Hunt at Graham Cherie-.. 73 florally at, Grabbert Wm., Kenyon's rd, 1101royd Gnarl Frederiek. Lane f'lve rd, Pynible 1Vaterlod, Gmbh:on Charles. Norfolk at, Epping 1 Graham Charles AI., NVoniora HurstGrabliam Chas. W., Turnerave, 1111eld 1 GRAETZIN INVERTED GAS ville LAMPS, 5-11 Parker "I, Sythwy— Tlw Au s tralian 31andifacturing and Graham Cheri( en. 30 Forsyth at. Gld•be Graham Colin C., Railway par, Carlton Inipert(':t., 1.11., s e tt' ateett Graham D., 1Vollonng go rd, A nieliffe '1 Graf George. 31e3lillati at, Italikatetvti sat,, Graham David J., Stephen st, Bondi Importers of :Drapery, Boots, ('nick.; Graf Henry, Belmore st, Ityde , Gra f John G.. Meredith at, Ban k atown Graham David W., Bent at, Chat swum' cry ' Culutirs ' Furniture um Graf 800.111(111VV. Lidcombe Graham DOnald, Ilarris at, Granville ironmongery. The Model Store, 1-3-1' :Graff A. and Co., house and estate agents Graham Donald, 118 Willoughby rd, 5 ' 7 ' 9 awl I I Br(a " la. " S,; I, 3,Bridge st, Drummoyne North Sydney 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 Bay t 7, G rail A. J., 514 Parramatta rd, l'ersham Grolian i D. eiglaa, Catol.ridge at, Valicluse (Ilehe ;3, 5, 7, 9, 11,13 ' 15, , amid 19 Grose st, Glebe ; 49 ah Graff Alex., 1111131acaulay rd, Stamnore Graham31ra. E.. Foreat rd. Bexley and 13 ' Graff Arthur S., 53 Lincoln at, Sternum° Graham E., Roche st, 31arrickville 2, 4, e,12, 1, 16, Is,, 11 1 . and 21 andAdvt., Graff s..1., jeweller, Mrs. E., 48 3Ic Dougall at, North 2'rancis 2 F st , Glelde—ISee Graff Sydney J., tli 65 'Regent at, RedFli 1.1 rah= Sydney altners at, lielmore opposite Drapere ) 4 1001101a Ltd.. Ituwadet place Graham E. A., postmaster, Epping Nat , Grace Bros., pawn brokera, 535 Crown at Grafton Bond Government NVeighbridge, and Telegraph Gee-. Oxiord at. Grace and Grace, storekeepers, George at,Susaex at Epping Canterbury Grafton Bonded and Free Stores -Syd- Graham E. It., Iltilliattel New Zealand Grace A. II., solieitor,S I 31ount st , North' ney Harbour Truat, proprietore— Ln oa and Mereantile Agent's' I'., Syd 11.r.. Corn 'rid rd, WhemeldbyW. T. It. Fowler, mana ge r, 207 Ltd., 38 . 10 Bridge at (.1 race Albert E., '' Albotsford," Great' Kent St, 1 nil Sna s ex at Grellain 31rs. Elizabeth, nurse, 437 King North rd, Al,botsford Grafton copper Mining Co., Ltd1.-5,'dat, Newtown Grace Albert 'I'., stationer, 369 Elizabeth, 1mica'office, 56 Hunter at I;t111111111 31ra. Ellen. 211 Roach/ink st street Graft 011 J/1/1IP a . ommereml rd, MtGraham Miss Emily, Groevendir st, Cro vGrace Arthur. 47(1 Wattle at Grafton J■Ilitt. 2 It iiide gate at,7. don It ...11e Grace Cohn If., sdanton nil, Ilaberfleld Graham Bre-- meter ('cc builde re. Graham Erie • st, Kent rdl, RB oe , ay Grace Mrs. E., But rue at, Randwiek;Bishoplane Gralidon Ernest, 28 Ak'illiatit at, St. Peters Grace Mrs. E., 18:1Edirocliffe rd, W'aldra Graham Brea , Ltd.. 1);. ts, Graham Ernest tY , George at, Liverpool Grace E. cb., 51 ('hunt' s at. Lelehila nitOceanMoen. at Graham Mrs. 1 , , Roberts at, l'aniperd'n Grace E. IN ,, 128\ ietona nil, 31 vi neGraham and Davis. 11 , /itist. and evil. Graham I'., Brunswick eve, St rathlield Grace lidwaid G., 181 N.S.II. rd, Padlok clans. it7 C ist neigh st Grabein l e . A., 0'1011110r st , Ilaberfleidi Grace Edwin, Iratrue at, Itandwiek I Graham F. and A., merchant t :Wor e , 470 (trillium F. E., Granville par, Suitt 11 Grace Fred. A., Devonshire st, Clintsw'd George at Gram ille (brace George, 20 Ilarglian at, Glebe Gr a h am IL ( b • and SOD . Wig makers, 36 GrellainH., Railway ave. Guildford Grace George,Terniiiin• at, Pet Ocean at, 3S'oollahra Grail:1111". • N1 3' waiel 11 1, II es ' s (bra ce 31rs. II., 2 Chalila eve Graham 3. awl son, painters, el,., 106 (iridium I". J., 167 Htieutl,u'i I, at Grace II. A., SaVilli• at, Gore 11111 Oxford t, 1Voolla)dra GrahamT , 52 \Vellingtoti at, 'e n ut Grace Harty, 191 0.8.11. rd, Wet-miry Graham NV. and Son, guninakera, et e., 47 G ra h am F. 'W. , bo a( P re l rnetor , The (Intee Henry G., 1119 Albemarle at, NewQ. 3'. Markets, George at Spit, Mesmen town Graham .1.. Nla t..1 e. Chat awl Gralutid Francis, 31ari twit at, A nicliffe Grace Hubert, Cris : midi-1i at, (Bellmore Graham 31ta. .k., Allmliy Graham Frank, Moran's M g ; lets /odd, 72 (;teri ,Filth . 1. J. 1 It CRandle Graham Mr s . A., 7 Albeit at, Nk'averle• Ultimo ril (Ira n %e W Graham A.1.P., manager Coninier. Graham Frank I.., l'rentorne ml, Creuerie (brace Mrs. J., Carrington rd, Itandwick cial Banking Co. of Sy(iii p y, Ltd. Graham Frellk oxford 11 Grace J. N., J.P., l'arramattaIrnold (brand)), Victoria n y e Clint g womiWitham t red., Buried ewe, Cleat% irk G race John, Or.ent at, Koadtrall Grahm a Mrs. 1.31., Chu rc11 a t, ItydeGraham le redk., Longueville rd, I,. Cot 0 Grace Johnwnb L. paroker, 272 Oxford Graham A. 0. It., 15 Reisent at, MullenGraham IL, 40 Itetlati et, at, Paddington 1 4,11i/1111 Albeit G.. :1 (dent 1m leten (i tit ii iIIII II. A., 190 kk'eet al, Nth sytinvy Grace 1liA eat talla -t. Camp .rneti ' Graham Albert N., Peint rd, 1‘'oolwielt (Dalian' II P., I 31'averley et, %Vavelley Grace Miss Margaret, 1211 I , lindiets at Gm raha Alexandier, 5 Holden at, Arttileld Witham r. II , 115 MI Hart Manly Grace Martin .1 . 75 Ruth% on • I, It'e Graham A lexeteler, 30 Clayton at, Ital. Graham 1V., Beilielduslitd, S11'0101,1.1 4 ;rave Michael, Rawsen at, Grativille Graham list.', 3s it i eldond .1 GRACE BROS. CENTRAL OFFICE :810 . 12 OEOROE sT 'PHONE 728 & 1524 CENTRAL OUR DRAGS ARE THE DELIGHT OF PLEASURE PARTIES AND WILL CARRY THREE HUNDRED ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL, ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, ALPHABETICAL. 1300Gra Graham Gee rge, Ann st, Arnetitle Graham George, 6 Ebenezer place, Glebe Graham George, Brid g e rd. May's Hill Graham George, 437 King st, Newtown Graham George, 106 Gowrie st, Newtown Graham George, Osborne et, Penshurst Graham George, Oberon st, Randwick Graham George, 31 Derby et, VaneInge Graham George J., Albert rd, Strathfield Graham Geo. M., Canary rd, Canterbury Graham George W., 4 Richard s aye Graham Gerald, Holliarrow st, Croydon Graham Gordon, 66 Lennox st, Newtown Graham Gordon, 165 Denison rd,1"sham Graham Mrs. II.. 7 Wentworth st, 1"ton GrahamM., boot and shoe manufacturer. 319 George st ; Abbott rut, Strathileld Graham Han y, Scott st, Astifield Graham Harry Chapel rd, Bankstown Graham Harry W., 4 Commodore st, Xewto wn Graham Harvey C.. 35 high t. N. Syd. Graham Medley V., Shirley rd, Roseville Graham Henry, Francis st. Marrickvilie Graham Henry, 39 Terraeo rd Ila,file Graham Herbert, 7 Slade it, Itnrelle Hercules. Nelson rd. Fairfield Graham Hugh, 195 Johnston it An'dale Graham Miss I. A., 138 Falcon it, North Sydney Graham J., Hanks st, A shfield Graham .1., King st, Tomo Graham J. A., artist, 81 Elizabeth st Graham J. D., Ocean et, Little Coogee Graham Mrs. I. l'., Arden et, N. Coogee Graham James, Belmont st, Alexandria Graham Jame, 18 Muttons it, Habitat!' Graham Jas., Mount st, (Amgen Graham J11111PS, 2 Creek st, F. Lodge Graham James, Chapel st, Kogarah Graham James, 79 John st, Petersham Graham .1.1111W s , Avoca st, andwick Graham Jams, 23 Macaula;; rd, S'Inore Graham James, High st, Willoughby Graham James IL, J. 1'., High it south, Harris Park Graham Jas. L., 106 Goodsell it, 'town Graham Mts. Jane, 3 Lfitle Mackay st Graham Mrs. Janet 102 View st, An'ditle Graham John, 495 Crown st Graham John, Macquarie st, Chat swood Graham John, 3.1‘., Dalhousie st, Haber. tield Graham John Clint home st, Drummoyne Graham John, Park rut, Hurstville Graham John, 98 Banks it, N. Sy ditty Graham John, 14 Margaret st, Redfern tirahant John, 16 Perrett it, Rozelle Graham John, Parkes st, Thornleigh Graham John, Marino par., Vaucluse Itraliam John, Mlles it, IVolistoneeraft Graham John A., Mona st, Auburn liraliam John A., Victoria st, Long Bay trait:tut John 11. surgeon, 201 Macquarie ;Railway it, Wahroonga Graham John Ii., 40 Ra g lan s t. Waterloo Graham John C., 80 orsyth it, Glebe Graham John l , lime/Aide rd, A militia Graham John F., Factory $1,11ranvilla sraliam JI , 11/1 F., Seaview st, WitVerley Graham Lieutenant John 11., It. N., Garden Island Graham Jelin It , 146 Edgeware Minima Graham John It., Herber( $1, Rockdale Graham John It , Judd st, Rockdale, inthant Joseph, 22 Cowper st, Waverlay (indult!' Joseph IL, 5 Crown lane Graham Josiah, 23 Rush st, Wu,ollaitruu 14111111.111 Mrs . E. 31., 110 Albany rd, Petersham Graham Mrs, NI., 7 Binning st, Graham Si, Myrtle st , 'TNE Gra Glahant William, Dudley st, Ilabertleld Graham Mrs. 31., Ivy st, Randwiek Graham M. A., New Canterbury rd, Dul. Graham Win.,J.P.,ltichard at, Greenwich Graham. William, 01 Edwards rd, South Hill Hornsby Graham Mrs. M. A., Rocky Point road, Graham William, off Edward rel, N'hurst Kogarali Graham Mrs. M. J., 52 Darlington rd, Graham William, 4 South a y e, Petershata Graham \William, 147 Eveleigh it, It'fern Darlington Graham Mrs. 31. T., 8 Gladstone st, En- Graham William, 80 Walker st, Redfern' Graham William, 11 George st, Itozelle more Graham Malcolm, Moore it, Leiclihardt Graham Wm., '22 Lawson it, Rozelle Graham Mrs. Mary, Belmont rd, Coogee Graham William, Railway ave, S'more Graham Mrs. Mary A., Francis it, Epping Graham William, Liverpool rd, Graham Michael, Ivanhoe it, Mar'kville Graham William, Robinson st, Will'ghby Graham Miss, florist, off 143 Castler'gh it Graham William A., Woids ave, Wyllie Graham William IL, 25 Avona are, Glebe Graham Mrs. Hatt st, North Sydney Graham William R., 52 City rd, Harlon Graham Mrs., Albert rd, Strathtleld Graham Neil, Percival it, West Kogarah Grahame Miss A., Edgeeliffe rd, Graham Nichol!, 65 West st, N. Sydney Grahame Alex., Whiting it, Leichhardt Graham Captain Olive, in charge Salva- Grahame Samuel 31., 4 Harley rd, tion Arm y Working Women's Grain E. A., real estate agent, Brookvale Grainger Silvering and Bevelling ProprieShelter, Harbour st tary,, glass engravers, 372 l'itt Graham P. S., 4 Llewellyn at, Marriekville it Graham Patriek, 32 Stanley st, L'hardt Graham Mr. Pearl, toy shop, 3021 Eliza- Grainger Capt. T. L. and Capt. C. W. Hay, marine surveyors, 52 Pitt it beth it Grainger A., Nlacquarie it, Parramatta Graham It. L., Church st, Carlingford Graham R. L., 151 Walker it, N. Syd. Grainger A. J., 21 Boundary it, Redfern Grainger Allan, 7 Abercrombie it, Itedrit Graham Willard, Bay st, Botany Graham Robert, Belmont at, Alexandria Grainger David, 64 Cardigan st, C'down Graham Robert, 113 View at, Annandale Grainger Nliss E., pithil y school, Itimmora ol, Paddington Graham Robert, Lyons rd, Drummoyne Grainger E., 25 Castlereagh at Graham Robert, Loftus at, Dui. Grainger Edward, Bridge Si, Hurstville Graham ltobert, 15 Ross it, F. Lodge Grainger G. A., Beamisli st, Campsie Graham Robert, 49 Ferry rd, Glebe Grainger George 11., 23 Hume it, N. Syd. Graham Robert, Young st, Waterloo Graham Robert 35 Rush it, Woolialtra Grainger .f., 43 Lang it, 3losinan Graham Mrs. S. 36 Stewart st, Pad ton Grainger John, 5 Staninore rd, Peter,hant Graham S. NI., resident medical offleer, Grainger Joseph', 48 Baltic. st, Newtown Royal l'rince Alf red Hospital, 3111s-I Grainger 'I'. H., Meredith st, BankstoWIL marine surveyor, senden rut, Canipeolown 'Grainger iii ii Graham Samuel, Houston Kensington, Graham Sand. D., 14 Moonbie it, Sum-11Intinger Thomas, Cornwell rd, Auburn I (trainee! Tom, Chestnut rel, Auburn liter Hill Graham Mrs. Sarah, 211a Francis it 'Grainger W., 182 Enmore rd, Ilarrickvillo Graham Sidney 6,68 Marriott st, Itedni !Grainger W. E., Church st, Ashfielel Graham Stanley 146 Boulevarde Dub Grainger William, 6 Hampden st, North. ,Sydney wich Hill Graham Stanley, 27 1.0mbarel it, Glebe !Grainger IVilliant J., Parramatta rd, Ityde Graham Stanley, 112 Campbell st, North thalton F., 311111 h g st, Hunter's Hill Sydney Gallon William, Ro s e st, Auteuil Graham Sirs. S11 .IIII, 11 1%1(1(111104M St, Gramophone Co., Ltd., 163 l'itt st paddington Graham Sydney, 300 Lane Cove rd, blrantshaw A., 6 Manchester it, I'd alit Oran Roar. A., 52a Mansfield st, Itozelle North Sydney Graham29 Mariann' st, C'elown I trithant Tluouuas, Browning st, l'ampsie G raham Thom Mel Mcoald st, Lakentba 'l limit:1m Thomas, Il'est ern nil, May's Hill Leslie .1yres, General Manager ; 151 Graham Thomas, Lane Cove re!, Pymble ! Clarence at, Sydney (facing General Graham Thos., 47 Comber at, Paddington Post, Oillet 4 ). Telephone, Cent ral 31., Dennis st, Lakembit. Thomag Graham WM, (See Advt. itt 110101Si.e1i011)• Graham IV., Hampton Court rd, Carlton Graham Si'., Whiting it, Gore 11111 Grand Lodge Lom.T. (The),--it. StewGraham W., 82 Denison at, 1Vaverley art, grand secretary, 261 Pitt st Graham IV. 0., 5 Little Selwyn st, onle Hall Co. Graham %V. II., 22 Hang Nava at, Puerto,' Grand Lodge of N.S.IV. Ala stitaliager, 243 Arthur II. Bray, .1.1'., Graham Si'. 1., Gordon rd, Cliatiewood I 'iii ligs Graham Si'. J., Park st, Campsie Picture Palma) —F. Waddington, 1431111 WV. Si' . 1'. (('ong.), Longiieville managing director, '232 Pitt it rut, Lane Cove Graham Rev. IV, P. ((ong.), Si. Paul's st, GRAND UNITED ORDER Rand wick OF 11 Graham IV, It., F.G.C,S., surgeon, Or,,all FRI EN 1/LY 14:101ETIICS - 4 II. House, 24 Iloore it; p.r., II II linter J. Kidney, J. I'., Grand Seem, airy, st rut 156 Queen Victoria NIkts., George it Graham Walter, 30 Burton at, Glebe Graham Walter C., l'amiton rd, Irrst the GrandinQueensullIfe, Manly 1; rio limi IVesleyII.,use lip int Grandentarige C., Rainbow it, IVatei too Grandland E. E., 21 It'ardell rut, Punchbowl Grandshaw .1., Lan noire sit, Alexandria Graham William, 13:1 Banana Graham William, 27 Mew st lirane11., 92 Bondi rd, Bondi Grange C., .1,yons rel, Driiminovne Graham lVllliumuu,,queen st, Anhui n Graham 'William. II Ficilerick st, ("down Mange imago, IVRI erview at, Five Dock Grange .rotot, Browning al, Campde Graham liutu,, 17 Got tenlinni .1,1114,1e. LEADiND UNDERTAKERS — WOOD, ,Grand Central Hotel Ltd. COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. 'host 728 & 1180 CENTRAL Gra ALPHABETICAL. Gra1301 Grange John, 28 l'olding at, D'ineyne Grant Edwd., 90I Wellington at Wat'loo Grant 1tobert, 57 Gipps at, Paddington Grange Stewart, 82 Union at., N. Sydney Grant Mrs. Elinor, 148 it G nt R b rt, 44 Memnon) rd, Paddlon ra Liverpool oe Orange Sydney, Clio at, Lakemba Grant 31rs. Ellen, 268 Addison rd, NI'ville Grant Robert, 24 Edward at, Woollahra Grange T., coffee palace, 29 Erskine itGrant Mrs. Emma 2 Albion at, Waverley Grant Itohert M., Botany rd, Botany Grange II alter, Brent at, Rozelle Grant. Ernest, 16 William at, Paddington Grant 31rs. Rosetta, Waltham st, Gore G rangel Alfred J , Broughn to st, Concord Grant nnan F. T., 173 Adale n st, A'dale pso st, Bondi Granger A: Co., framentakers, 3 Randle at. Grant Frederick, Bland at, Ashfield Grantli f iltl osina, Sim n Granger Albert IV., O'Connell it, matta Grant Frederick, Mills st, Carlton Grant Rowland, 26 Taylor st, Medal!: Granger Edmond, 207 Darling st, Hal- Grant Frederic W., J.I'., Hastings it, Grant Samuel E., Flavelle st, Concord 3Iarrickville. Tel. 153 l'etersham Grant Sidne. • It. H., Hampton et, main Granger H. J., l'ennant it, l'arrantattaGrant G. L., architect and civil engineer, Croydon ?ark Granger James, baker, 239 Church it, 14 Castlereagh it p.r., Brooklyn at, Grant Stanley . , 29 Belmore it Parramatta Harwood Grant Stephen, Rodd it, Bankstown Granger James, The Avenue, Stratilfleld Grant G. It., 22 Ili religrove rd, Batman' Grant Theo. C., 3lontague rd, N. Sydney Granger James D., 57 Ilohnwood st, Grant George, 2 Ityder st Grant Them ots, Botimy rd, Botay n Newtown Grant Ikorge, 56 Alma st, Darlington Grantl iioi u'llunias, 44 Taylor st, Annandale Granger John S., Beach it, 31anly Grant George, Eastern are, Kensington Grant Thm oas, 25 Gibbet's it, CamperGranger Mrs., 2 Broughton it, N. Syd. Grant George, 45 Carey st, heichhardt Granger W., acting accountant Savings Grant George, Burnie it, Little Ceoogee Grant. Thomas, Oswald st, Campsie Bank of N.S.IV. (branch), George at, Grant Geor g e, 49 Ernest it, N. Sydney Grant Thomas, Cowper it, l'arramatta Parramatta Grant George, 'Hangar st, Itandwick Grant Thomas, 1 Mereliant at, Stanntore Granter William, 52 31fichell st, GlebeGrant George C. Bowiner it, Banksia Grant Thomas 11.,23 Gottenham at, Glebe Grainer 1.ouis, 54 Dowlingg st ruta Gordon ,1)3 , 3' James at , Leichliardt Grant Thomas l'., 59 3facplierson 4, Granitic l'aving and Concrete/ Co , 14 Grant Henry, 72 Nelson st, Annandale Waverley Martin place and 31arriekville Grant Iliumt u v, Chatham it, Randwick l, 219 Forbes. it Grant 3Irs. Vioet Grannell John, 31itchell st, St. 1,eonarels Grant Henry, Alf red it, IVaverley Grant IV., 31/ Jennings st, Alexandria Granowski 0., consulting engineer, 387 Grant Henry C. Albyn rut, Stratlifield Grant W. A., 7 Palmer st, Artarmon Kent at ; p.r., Kuring-gai-Chase are, Grant Hugh, I I Euroka st, N. Sydney Grant IV. A., Telegraph rd, Pymble Turramurra Grant Isaac, 144 Blue's l'oint rd, North Grant, Dr. W. Brodie, physician and surGranquist 5'., 19 liriellat st, Annandale Sydney geon, 11 National st, Rozelle Grant, Barnett and Co., Ltd., umbrella Grant .1., Tennyson a y e, Turranturra Grant W. G., Lang it, Croydon manufacturers, 477 Kent at .Grant .1. Berestord, manager tor N.S.W. Grant W. H. It., dentist, 183 Liverpoolst Grant A. Cocks, Ltd., modellers A. fibrousAt las As s urance Co., Ltd., and Man- Grant W. II. It., 3 Croydon are, Croydon plaster experts, Rourke at, IVaterloo chester Assurance Co., 8 Spring at, Grant IV. 0., local postmaster, Forest rd, Grant .o. T. and co., merchant tailors, Grant Stat ion rd, Auburn 528 George it Grant J. F., 25 Stewart st, Paddington Graniti IIIII; :ttitvelirl°,17 Kippax it Grant and De Coque, timber and general Grant •T. I,., 9 Milner it, Mosinan Grant Walter, 33 Croydon rd, Croydon merchants, 64 Pitt it ., 23 oyle st, 3losman j Grant Walter, Lang st, Croydn Grant J. PB o Grant and Jardine, wholesale manufac- Grant James, 140 Albion st, Annandale !Grant IValter, 33 II ornsey st, Rozelle turing jewelleis, 128 Sussex it ;rant James, Hunter st, Hornsby (I raid Walter F., 227 West st, N. Syd. Grant John and Sons, contractors, St. Grant James, 14 Hugo it, Redfern Grant Walter J., Shaw st, Petersham Paul's rd, Camperdown GrantUtli011 Si, WeS1K0garill, Grant, Walter S., Lang st, Croydon Grant IV. A., Ltd., boot AS11,8' importers, Grant James J., 16 Stewart it, Batman' Grant William, overseer, Domain 127 York at (Irani James N. 23'l' rafalgar st, more Grant IVillian , 190 Harris st Good A. 3Iacquarie st, Canterbury Jilltle s S., 1)3111011 s Ie st, Wfield Grant William, 79 Park are, Asinfield Grant A. solicitor, 68} l'itt it Grant Senator John, J. I'., sec. Political ; Grant William, 3 Hymn st, Batman' 1,:ratit Mrs. A. J., Querry rel, It yde Labor u Executive, 321 Pitt it!Grant William, Elizabeth at, West Grant A. J., IVaratall at, Cho atswod John, ohnB , 39 ulwrra a lane j Croydon Grant A. 0., Li vinsgtone are, Pyinble at, 'illoyne (Intuit John y , 219 Rile st {G rant William, 3Bowman st, Grant Mrs. A. R . 100 Foveaux it rt JcP Gan 222 l'o ttalgar st, AJ. n Grant Rev. William(Pres.), Lincoln it, Grant Albert, 96 'Francis it, Leichliarelt nandale ,hilwich 11111 Grant Albert B., 55 Renwick ret, 31'ttill,' Grant John, 4 Palace st, Asidield I Grant William, Blucher ii, Maseot Grant Alex., Lucas rd, Elmwood Grant John, Kihilla st, Auburn 'Grant 'William, High at, Mascot Grant Alex., Queen's rat, Hurst villa Grant John, Silver st, Blakeloirst Grant William, Llewellyn st, Grant .11ex. A., Tudor st, Winton. Grant John, .3 Ginn Tree kne,Hay Grant William, 8 l'itt it, North Sydney Grant Alex. C. It., IVigrant it, 1"mat tit Grant John, Ro s e st , Enfield Grant William, 23m S'inore rut, P'shatn Granle t Atte!, Seymour st, End fiel Grant John, Nortlicote st, Haberfleld Grant William A., 51 George st wso at, IVaverley (Irani Alfred, Ran Grant John, 24 Illigh it, Newtown Grant WilliamJ. 'Illawarrit 'ii, Carlton Grant Alfred IV., Chisholm st, Greenwich Grant John A , 182 Jatit y a at, 1, 0 1ellhardt Grant William S.,Anglo rd, Campsie Grant Aliek, Hampden rut, Art/union Grant John I) , Rochester st, BotanyGrant William 5., 3 North Cliff at, North Grant Art imr, Riverview rd, Cant erbury Grant John .1., 1 Mary Ann it Sydney Grant Charles, Great North ol, Ali' ford Grant John L , Metbu orne st, Nlanly Grant-Black Mrs. J., 118 Edgecliffe rel, Giant Charles, Eing-ton rd, Camp:Mown (Inuit Joseph, 26 Hootern st, Newtown W(1.1111111111. Grant Charles, Stanton of, Habertield Grant Joseph, 58 ill anon at, Woollahra Grant en James, 25 Bland st, Ashile141 Grant Charles, rd, Kens'ton Grant Joseph V., Clissold par, Campsie Granter William IV., Marshall at, Itrittit Charles, bit Fitzroy' at, Ne wn wto Grant NI rs.344/ Fitzroy it, N. syd Grantham IL, Perouse ni, Itandwick Grant Charles II., J.1'., 24 Jamieson ; Grant Lionel, Grose st, Parramatt a Grantham Mrs. Jane, 322 Jones at 13 MeDougall at, S. Sydney I' Grata Miss M., 78S1, l'11(111itigton Grantham Mrs., L., 5 Warwick at, S'imire GrantT , tailor, sit Bathurst st Grant Sirs. NI. A , (notion ril, Gore 11111 Grantham S., Illoueester rel, Hurst ville Grant Daniel, 14 Old loin s1Grant Mrs., 74 Pit it, North SydneyGrantham 1Vin.,1114ineester rel, Hurst ville Grant Donald, 10 Hobbs it, Len 'sham Grant N., elet bier, 118 Elm( at, Nett townjltranton Suite N1111 4 and Timber S4'asonGrant Donald, 14 al, Temp,Grant Norman, 511 Taylor at, lug, 1,141., 214 Cast le reitgli st Grant Mrs, E., accordeon Id e a ti n g . 363 Grant Nurse, private, hospital, Guildford Granville r eil Dist rict Co-operative Pitt st Soviet y,Railway par north, rd, Guildford Grant E., flesdlin at, Enfield Grant R., 54 Nee Milton iii,%trick ville Granville Grant Niro. E., 17 Ramsay rd, Hit berlield 'Grant Mrs . It., 5 1,11114, Votist, ng Wren! Granville Electorate t age Ho s pital — Grant Mrs, E., King's rd, Vatteltm111ratit Reginald N., 75 .11. 1 s,'V ril, IV'sdira Norval at, Auburn Grant Ito,. E., AI atm it, II ahriannot Grant Richard, 4:1 Ilerrliiiiiii Grantham FI,endly Sot. let lea' spcnGrant E. Glencros s ,"Alatiamit," Forest . Grant Richard, Unn io st, Nerth Syd soy1,, D. II Ines, sec., south at, rut, 11'0 41%111e Granville Grant Robot, 6 hn 1 Jost Grant Airs. L. IL, rd, II mi. 11111 Grant Hobert, 65 Bloom' ate Granville Furnishing ( *II .J f, 1111 Rayner, Grant Edward, J,P„ Beaufort it, Enfield it rant Robert, 132 Albion st, Annandale manager, Mary st, Auburn Grant LieS7 Francis st , Grant1Viggluis a l, Botany Granville North Suktior Public School Grant Lila/ail, 0.1 It,url,ut NI, Leichliardt 1 11mm Rota it, 6 Ilelgra%est, Nod rid Hav Pot rick ,f, I ennid t, headina , Prospeet st, Grant 1110 OUR RANGE or COMMERCIAL PUNKS Is THE LARGEST AND BEST HORSED IN AUSTRALIA ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ECONOMY AND COMFORT IN SHOPPING. 1309 Gra ALPHABETICAL. Gra Granville Pollee Station — Sergeant Gravea S. R. T., South st, Granville Gray Clement, Bland st, Haberfleld D. McDonald in charge, Hutchinson Graves Thomas, 48 Thomas st, Lewisham Gray D . H., Sydney st, Manly Graves Mrs. Wardell H., 302 Jersey rd, Gray Daniel, Park rd, Burwood st; Granville Gray Daniel, 9 Callan st, Rozelle Granville Post and Telegraph Office— Paddington A. Bellamy, postmaster, Railway Graves MN. W., 2 PaShley st, Bahuain Gray David, 02 Thompaon st, D'inoyne David, 28 Thomas st, Marrickville parade south, GrauvAle Graven,' George E., 48 jelliett st, Enntore Gray Gray David, Water st, Lideombe Granville Pound, Carrin g ton st, Granville Gravolin MN Mary, 28 Elizabeth st Cle• Gray Arthur and Co., tea and coffee merGray David, 1 Munni st, Newtown Granville Railway Station—F. J. Gray Mrs. E., 424 Riley st menta, stationmaster, Railway par chants, 370 SIISSeX St Gray Brother, Ltd., carriers and conGray Mrs. E., )8 Cowper st, Waverley north, Granville Gray Mrs. E., 62 Adelaide st, Wahra Granville School of Arts—C. Townsend, tractora, Arbitration st A., 24 Wentworth Park rd, Glebehon. see., Good St, Granville Gray Bros., Ltd., coach works, Mechanic Gray E.Edmund, 100 New Canterbury rd„ Gray Granville South Public School—T., Newtown Petersham , 05 Church st, • Dwyer, headmaster, Woodville rd, Gray Bros'. motor garag. Gray Edward, 241 Pitt st Parrantatta Granville Granville Superior Public School—W. Gray and Co., real estate agents, 175 Gray Edward, 17 Phillip st, Alexandri. Military rd and Avenue rd, Mosman Gray Edward, 66 Bridge rd, Glebe 31. • Clarke, master, William st, Gran- Gray Edward, Chapel st, Rockdale villa Grain and Farm Gray Edward D., J.P. (Paul and Gray Granville Technical College— j. B. GRAY J. W. & CO., Brown, resident headmastet, South Produce 31erehauts, Auct(oneers, Ltd.) ; p.r., " Eainge," New South and Commission Agents, 139 Sussex Head rd, Vaueluse .st, Granville Gray Edward. I., St. George's rd, Bexley Granville TOW11 Hall and Council Clam- st, Sydney. Tel, 4047 City Gray Ernest, 38 Gordon st, Mosman bers—L, IV. Adams, town clerk, Gray and McDonald, estate agents, 391 Gray Ernest, Richmond ave, Neut. Bay Carlton St. Granville Gray F. C., Upper Spit rd, :Huainan Granville 0. P., 12 Carlton eres, Stun. H. Bourke st iesLad School, 204 Gray F. C., 11 Slade tst, Rozello Gray Misses, Victoria Granville G., 39 Park st, Erskinpville Marriekville Gray F. P. J., president Pharmaceutical Granville Michael, 13 Abercrombie stMunch villa rd, 57 Bondi rd, Bondi Society of N.S.W., 7 Richmond ter, Grapengiesser William, 387 Marriekville Gray •'s Pharmacy, I Gray Mrs. A., 156 Sydenham rd, W y llieDomain rd, Marrickville Gras Bros., market gardener, Belmore Gray MN. A., 27 Harrow ni, Stanmore Gray F. P. J., chemist, 158 Bondi rd, Gray Mrs. A., Old Canterbury rd, Sum. H rd, Dalmorton Mrs.BFlorence, 003 Bourke st Grasby G. W., 68 University st, C'down Gray Mrs. A. F., milliner, 18 Royal Gray. Gray Francis, 99 Burlington st, N. Syd. Grasemann IV. F„ 20 Stewart st, Pedlon Arcade Grasham John, 158 Sydney rd, Manly Gray Mrs. A. F., 272 Oxford at, Wiabra Gray Frank, son., Bay st, Abbotsford A. H., 166 Windsor st, Paddington Gray Frank, jun., Bay st, Abbotsford Grassiek Alex., Melaleueast, Mosman - Gray Grassick Rev. (Pres.), Gordon rd, Lind- Gray Mrs. A. 3%, boardinghouse, 11-13 Gray Frank, Kogarah rd, Kagarah Gray Frank A., 53 Rosebery st, B'main JalaieS011st field Grater W. I ., 12 Cavendish st, Stan more Gray Albert K, Walters st , Amalie Gray Frederick, importer of mulical instruments, 56 Market st treasurer, Highland Grattan C.,177 Hargreave st, Paddlon Gray Alex., ho p Frederick, rankled st, Bondi Grattan Henry E., 310 West st, N. Syd. Society of N.S.W., 26 Hunter stGray Gray Frederick, Boomerang at, II'lleld Grattan John, Bancroft ave, RosevilleGray Alexander, 11 Mount st, Ashfield Gray Frederick, 4 Victoria place, Padloa Grattan Richd., 13 George st west, Gray Alex., Provincial at, Auburu Gray Alex., Herculeast, Chat swood Gray Frederiek, 36 Albany rd, 1"shant Bit rwood Frederick W., 30 Nithsdale at Grattan T. C., sec. Bahnain New Ferry Gray Alexander, 22 Talford st, Glebe Gray Gray Alexander, Isla st, Wahroon gaGray Frederick W., 46 Pitt 4t, Waterloo Co., Ltd., Erskine st G. W., 31 Gipps st, Paddington Grattan Herbert, 3 Queen st, Mosman Gray Alexander, 10 Saber st, Woollahra Gray G. W. 6 Victoria place, Paddington Grattan Matron, Sydney Day Nursery Gray Alex. C., 14 Lewisham at, Dal. Hill Gray Gray George, 188 Botany rd, Alexandria AS S U., Arundel! st, Forest Lodge Gray Alex. .1., Gale st, Woolwich Geo., Blaekwall Pt. rd, Chiswick Grafton Thomas C., Oaf onl st, Wbush Gra y Alex. M.,Old Canterbury rd, P'sh'in Gray George, Ethel st, Eastwood Grau A. J., Newman at Penshurst Gray Alfred, River st, Bellevue 11111Gray George, 84 Burren st, Erakineville Grave A., 254 Abercrombie st, Redfern Gray Alfred, 155 James st, Leichhardt Gray Gray George, Richmond ru, Flemington Gray Alfred, 78 Silver st, St. Peters Grave A., 129 Abereromble st, Redfern Gray George, 55 Wells st, Redfern Grave Mrs. E., 24 Selwyn et, Padlon Gray Alfred, 90 Victoria st, Wa wittyGray George A., Alfred at, Mascot Grave F. G., manager J. F. and H. Gray Alfred J., Aird at, Parramatta Roberts, Ltd., 107-109 York at, Syd. Oray Alfred W., 22 Queen st, Newtown Gray George C., Alfred at, Mascot Market st Grave Frederick G., Futuna at, Hunter's Gray Mrs. Alice, 38 Jeffrey at, Nth. Syd . Gray Geo. E., tobacconist, So II ill Gray Andrew, Bithilla at, Erman/ton Gray George H., Ashley at, Cliabiwood Grave Mrs. Jane, 77 Grafton at, W'alura Gray Andrew, 54 Dolmesdale at, 3I'ville Gray George W., out fitter, 12:i Sussex at 4/rave William A., Busby parade, Wav'y Gray Andy, 9 Hu thin at, North Sydney Gray Mrs. II., 204 Marrick villa rd, 3tvillo Grave William 0,74 St. John's rd, Glebe Gray Angus, 30 Aim at, Balmain Gray II., 84 Queen at, Wollahra at, Hurl s tone Park Gravelle A., Kendall at, Granville Gray Mrs. Ann, 23 Carlton cres, Sum. 11111 Gray H. S., Canterton Gravely Frederick W., 18 Woodbury at, Gray Mrs. Annie, 35 Simmons st, Emma° Gray Hamilton W., 20 Mary at, L'hardt Gray Harry, ISO Jersey rd, nate,/ Gray Mrs. Annle E., Hall at, Auburn Marri ekville Retell, 17 Llewell y n at, li'main Graveley Miss S., Albyn al, St rathileld Gray Archibald, 1 Stuart at, Forest Lodge Gray Gra‘enor Georg e, 72 Rosser at, Ravine Gray Arthur, 30 Arthur at, Balmain Gray Henry, 33 Phillip at, Alexandria Sydney Gravenor W. J., Alpha rd, Willoughby Gray Arthur, Minnesota at, Five Duel: Gray Henry, 20 Llueoht at, N. e st Graves Warden Harry, Ltd., stack and Gray Arthur, J.P., Kelly at, Ilenlay (tray Henry A., 26 Calsholi 31? Frederick st, St. 11., Gray Arthur, Sherwood rd, Merrylands Gray Henry at agents, 10 Castlereagh at Graves Arthur, Wotelland at, h. Astaleld Gray Mrs. Arthur, Broughton at, Mortdle Peters Bexley Gray Arthur, 73 Underwood at, Malan Gray Henry J. E., Gordon rd, Auburn Grave s Edward, St. George's rd, Graves Edward, St. John's al, Gordan Gray Arthur, 149 Cleveland at , RedfernGray Henn S., Duni nem at, Watone l'k. Graves Elizabeth, 103 Goodie, at Gray Arthur, 2 Little Young at, Redfern Gray Herbert , Craydon ave, Cr'don Pk. Graves Ii., liulgoa rd, ry t abb.Gray Arthur C., Marrickville rd, Syd'hant Gray Herbert, 9 Baldwin at, E rskinevilley iltiSha Ile At, N. Spin' t ira Yea Herbert A., Hardie at, Ma +rotGray Beni ft min, Robinson at, Mascot Gray Herbert, 37e (MY 11110,27 II amid at, Newtown (I rave.' James, Way at, Marrlekvffle Grey Bert J., 40 Newman at, New Gray /lug)), 12 Pitt at, Watt , Hall Graves James, Bourke at, Waterloo Gray Bruce, MOM* " St, Camp de Gray Mrs. C., 3$ Gordon at, Mosman Gray MN, I., 298 Military al, Mosman Graves James I., 7 Goodlet Al Graves Joaepb, Elswlek at, Lelehhardf Gray l'. E., 10 Tivoli at, Paddington Gray Mrs, Isabella, Parramatt a nil, It ydo Graves Mrs. h., out lIt ter, 61 Syd, Arcade Gray Charles, The Avenue, Brighton-le- Gray J., 35 Pleasant a ve, Erkineville Gray J., builder, 34 Pariwa al, Muslim' waves Mart ha, Gibber. at, Rockdale Solids , J.,114 Carabella at, N. Sydney 41 We A Riebard, Station al, Bel mon ,Gray Charles, President a ye, Kagarall Gray Mr s Robert IL, Wadden a t, Mortlake Gra y Charles, Victoria at, Long Bay ((ray Mrs, J., 227 Ernest at , N. hydiety (1 rim Gray J. A., 4 Bond st , Mosmati at, Newtown Graves Mi ss /Dilsoot, baby linen out Otter, Gray Charles, 117 p arley Gray Charles A., 60 Wigram ril, Glebe Gray J. E., 7 Vietorla at, Erskinevdt. UstydneyA wade WOOD, COFFILL & ANTHONY HORDERNS'— RELIABLE TRADERS FOR TOWN OR COUNTRY. Gra ALPHABETICAL, Gre 1303 __ _ Gray' J. II., 221 Sutherland at, Pad'ton Gray Robert, 52 Orpington at, Ashfield Greed John A., .T.P. plumber and Gray J. IL, 205 Abercrombie at, Redfern Gray Robert, Marion at, Auburn sanitary engineer, 383 ' Elizabeth at, Gray J. S., meteor, 108 King at Gray Itobert, 7a Thomas at, Balmain and 235 Cowper st, Waverley Gray James, printer, 473 Elizabeth st Gray Robert, Chapel at, Belmare Grealey Alfred, 15 Margaret at, 1"shain Gray jamas, 13 Joseph at Gray Robert, 10 Norfolk at, I'addington Grealey N. and A., grocers, Allison rd, Gray James, 208 Young at, Annandale Gray Robert, 10 Wellington at., Waterloo Itandwick Gray James, 8 Thomas at, Balmain Gray Robert E., 00 Princess at Grear IL and W., merchants, 267 Gray James, Mannish BI, Campsie Gray Robert I., Lincohi st, Dulwich Hill Clarence at Gray James, McDougall at, Kensington Gray Hoy, 38 Gordon rd, Moamar, Grearson Miss L. J., l'ine at. 31anly Gray James, Piper at, Leichhardt Gray Samuel, 39 crown st Great Cohar Ltd. — W. if. Fletcher, Gray James, 28 Charles at, Marriekville Gray jalllea, 34 Lavender at, N. Sydney Gray Samuel, Winchester rd, receiver and manager, Equitable Gray Samuel Cl., 08 Douglas st, Dal. buildings, 350 George at Gray James, Orange at, Itandwick Great Eas tern 'fivoll Motor Co., Ltd. Gray James, 49 Caroline at, Redfern Gray-1111111mnd 4'., 123 Cominonwealth at N.S.II. rd, Ruslieut ter's ilay Gray. James, 20 Morris at., Summer Bill Gray Sidney, Ida at, Ashfleld Great Northern Brick Co., Ltd. Midson Gray James IV., Christie at, St. Leoztards Gray Sydney, 24 Jol»t Waollahra al, Eastwood 'Gray James, 7 Cavendish at, Stan/aura way 1., 25 Jubilee, at,at., Lewisham Great Northern Fibrous Piaster Ce i lin g • Gray Mrs. Jane, 300 Cl2urcil st,1"matt it I ay Thomas, Victoria at, Alexandria Co., May at, Eastwead Gray John, 274 Charles at Gray TholllaS, 14 'fintern rd, Ashileld Great. Northern Poultry Farin—J. Gray John, 19 Moore Park rd Gray Thomas, I arramatta rd, Auburn Coyle, J.P., hull al, Pennant, 1111Is Cray John, 13 Earl at Gray Thomas, Hannay st, Burwood Great Northern 5.8, Co.—Burns, Philp Cray John, 52 Union st Gray Thomas, Cohen at, Manly and Co., Ltd. ? agents, 9 Bridge st Cray John, Victoria at, Alexandria Gray Tilomas, 5 Brodie at, Paddington Gray John, Meriton st, Gladesville Gray .1. 110111aS Frampton avenue, Great Northern Timber Co.,, timber merchants, 32 Jamieson at Gray John, Moree at, Gordon Marriekville Great Peak Silver M. Co. ( N .L.) —L. Y. Gray John, Doncaster ave, Kensington Gray Victor, 36 .1.11WS011 at, Paddington Puckle,manager, 146 st Gray John, 55 Foster Si, Leichhardt Gray Vivian B., gen. mgr, The British Great Western Coal Mining Co., Ltd., Gray John, Steward st, Leichhardt Australian Oil Co., Ltd., 8 Spring at 0 Loftus at Great Western Coffee Palace (PUIG 8c HEGEWALD, Proprietors), HAY AND SUSSEX STREETS. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR COUNTRY VISITORS. Newly Built by the Sydney Municipal Council. 184 BEDROOMS. CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. Telephone No. — City 9065. iraN • 11• Ills , I intern rd, Ashlteld " Gray William 'T., FralleiS St, Carlton Gray Mrs., 213 Trafalgarat, Petersham Gra•yNVillittlit T., Australia at, Granville Gray Oli ver J., Brisbane at, Waverley• J4mymn,ifames oiMiri gtmtst,N.SytL Gray 011ie, 101 Itt . reford at, Glebe Gray don A mold, Crane, at, Concord. Gray P. T., Fitz g erald at, IVaverley ;Graydon Frederii.k, Prince st, Itandwiek Gray Percy I, , Ill Oxford at, IVaverley• 1G Topton Mrs. L., Alt . xaudra par, It'dalo Gray Peter, 7 Mount at (.1rityliiirat Mrs. E., St. Catherine's at, Gray Peter, 2 Day at, Leieldiartit jl'enalairst Gray Peter, Bray's rut, Mortlake tiritylitlierE., gen.sec.Australian Gray Phillip J., Nursery at, floritsliv I IV,,t1:0rs l'nlion, St. A talrew's place Gray 8. 0., 132 Henderson rd, A lea 'dria Graymiler Edward Slade at, Naremburn my r . hi, II., 7 Denby at, 3,arr keine Gray• son /truest, 13 Grove at, l'eterstiant (4 rity R. 5., 211 Trafal gar at, Annandale Grayson John 11., Broad ford at, Bexley (4 nut' It cube ti . Pasta ya rd, Bexley Grayson 8,, Henson at, Mum. 11111 Gray Richard, 1 Palatal; at, 14rurtinioyne (1 raystatieWalter ,4 l'ublic Sehool —A rthur Lake, 44 ray Richard, 53 Reilly at, No prineipal, Merrylands rd, Way H lehanl, 82 Holds worth at, warth villa Gray Rietinal B, 14 Phillip at, Enntore Gra3• ston /1. It., 6 /lathy' a vii, /Antal t Gray ii dart, 22 IIvenor 41 rayston John IL, O'Connor at, Gray Robert, 'fink it, A bbotsfard weavoi John W., I; Seweb liel at-, 31'411ht Greatax Mrs. E., Argyle st, Parramatta Weaves Bert, 77 Blue's Pt. rd, N. Syd. (I naives C, E., Fowler C01110 Greaves (led!, 87 Lord at, Newtown Greaves Charles E., l'orbes hotel, York and King sts Greav.s Charles F. W., Harcourt eatate, Campsie (4 reit ves Durno, Bowden at, Meadot y ban k G ag aves Edgar (4 , 27 Mmith at, Manly Weaves Edward, Ashley at, llornshe arta 1, es 1, red k., Hampden rd south, A rtarmon Weaves Frederick, Mary at', Longtieville Groaves Frederick if., solicitor, 84i 1 .itt at, tireaves•Freflt . riek 11,, Telopea at, \Voltstonerraft Greavus G. D., 225 Nation, at, Annandale Weaves 3Irs. G. E., 88 Behnimt al, COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE 1810 . 12 OECIROE OT. 'PHONE 7281 1624 Onlif Al ALL OUR ASSISTANTS ARE QUALIFIED, AND MANY HAVE SERVED US OVER 20 YEARS ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ECONOMY AND COMFORT IN SHOPPING. Gra ALPHABETICAL. 1302Gra Granville Pollee Station — Sergeant Graves S. It. T., South st, Granville D. McDonald in charge, Hutchinson Graves Thomas, 48 Thomas st, Lewisham Graves Mrs. Warden II., 302 Jersey rd, at, Granville Paddington Granville Post and Telegraph Office— A. Bellamy, postmaster, Railwoy Graves Mrs. W., 2 Pashley at, Brannan Graveur George E., 48 Jelliett at, Enmore parade south, Granville Granville Pound, Carrin gton at, Granville Gravolin Mrs Mary, 28 Elizabeth at Granville Railway Station—F. J. Cle- Gray Arthur and Co., ten and coffee merchants, 370 Sussex at 111011tA, fitati011IMOter, Railway par Gray Brothers, Ltd., carriers and connorth, Granville tractors, Arbitration at Granville School of Arts—C. Townsend, Gray Bros., Ltd., conch works, Mechanic hon. sec., Good at, Granville at, Newtown Granville South Public School—T. S. Dwyer, headmaster, Woodville rd, Gray Bros'. motor garage, 65 Church at, Parramatt a Granville Granville Superior Public School—W. Gray and Co., real estate agents, 175 Military rd and Avenue rd, Mosman M..Clarke, master, William at, Gran• ville GRAY J. W. & CO., Grain and Farm Granville Technical College-3% B. Produce Merchants, Auctioneers, Brown, resident handl/111sta,, South and Commission Agents, 139 Sussex at, Granville at, Sydney. Tel, 4647 City Granville TOWII Hall and Council Chambers—L. W. Adams, town clerk, Gray and McDonald, estate agents, 301 Carlton at, Granville at Granville G. P., 12 Carlton eras, Sum. H. GrayBourke Misses, Victoria Ladies' School, 204 Granville G., 30 Park st, Erskinoville Marrickville rd, Marrickville Granville Michael, 13 Abercrombie at Gray's Pharmacy, 137 Bondi rd, Bondi Grapengiesser William, 387 Marrickville Gray Mrs. A., 15(1 Sydenham rd, rd, Marriekville Gray Mrs. A., 27 Harrow rd, Staunton! Gras Bros., market gardeners, &Imre Gray Clement, Bland at, Haberfleld Gray D .11., Sydney at, Manly Gray Daniel, Park rd, Burwood Gray Daniel, 9 Callan st, Rozelle Gray David, 62 Thompson st, D'inoyne Gray David, 28 Thomas at, 31arrickville Gray David, Water at, Lidcombe Gray David, 1 Mount at, Newtown Gray Mrs. E., 424 Riley at Gray Mrs. E., 18 Cowper at, Wit verley Gray 31 rs. E., 62 Adelaide at, Wahra • Gray E. A., 24 Wentworth Park rd, GlebeGray Edmund, 100 New Canterbury rd, Petersham Gray Edward, 241 Pitt at Gray Edward, 17 Phillip at, Alexandria Gray Edward, 66 Bridge rd, Glebe Gray Edward, Chapel at, Rockdale Gray Edward D., J. P. (Paul and Gray Ltd.) ; p.r., " Kainga," Now Soutlt Head rd, Vaucluse Gray Edward J., St. George's rd, Bexley Gray Ernest, 38 Gordon at, Mosman Gray Ernest, Richmond a ye, Neut. Bay Gray F. C., Upper Spit rd, Mosman Gray F. C., 9 Slade at, Rozelle Gray F. P. J., president Pharmaceutical Society of N.S. W., 7 Richmond ter, Domain xo: Clow SC P T Great Western Coffee Palace (PUG, & HEGEWALD, Proprietors), HAY AND SUSSEX STREETS. FIRST.CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR COUNTRY VISITORS. al Council. Newl y Built by the Sydne y Munici p CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. 184 BEDROOMS. Telephone No.—City 9065. ,..... mot v caul . J., Annul ra, winougnny Graves Warden Harry, Ltd., stock and station agents, 10 Castlereagh at Graves Arthur, Woodland at, S. Asialeld Graves Edward, St. Geor ge's rd, Bexley Graves Edward, St. John's rd, Gordon Graves Elizabeth, 103 Goodlet at Graves /1., Kulgoa rd, Pymble Graves Herbert A., Hanna at, Mascot Graves James, Way at, Marriekville Graves James, Bourke at, Waterloo Graves James T., 7 Goodlet st Graves Joseph, Elswick at, Lelehhardt Graves Mrs. L., outfitter, 61 Syd. Arcade Graves Martha, (Abbas st, Rockdale Graves Richard, Station rd, Delmore Graves Robert IL, Wadden at, Mortlake Graves Miss Relbenn, baby linen outfitter 9 SydneyAreade WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY Gray Arthur, Minnesota at, Five Dock Gray Arthur, J.P., Kelly at., Henley Gray Arthur. Sherwood rd, Merrylands Gray Mrs. Arthur, Broughton at, Modelle Gray Arthur, 73 Underwood at, Pad'ton Gray Arthur, 149 Cleveland at, Redfern (fray Arthur, 2 Little Youn g at, Redfern Gray Arthur C., Marrickville ni, Syd'hatn Gray Benjamin, Robinson at, Mascot, Grey Bert J., 40 Newman at, Newtown Gray Bruce, Moore at, Compute Gray Mrs. C., 38 (1ordon at, Moantan Gray C. E., 10 Tivoli at, Paddington Gray Charles, The Avenue, Brighton-leSands Gra y Charles, President a NV, Kogarall Gray Charles, Victoria at, Long Bay Gray Charles, 117 Harley at, Newtown Gray Charles A., 60 Wigram rd, Glebe LTD. Gray Henry, 20 Lincoln st, N. Sydney Gray Henry A., 26 Chishole . st Gray Henry IL, 39 Frederick st, St, Peters Gray Hilary J. E., Gordon rd, Auburn Gray Henry S., Duntroon at, Watone Pk. Gray Herbert, Croydon ave, Cr'don Pk. Gray Herbert, U Baldwin at, Erakinovilla Gray Herbert, 37a Brisbane at, N. Sydn'y Gray Hugh, 27 Harold st, Newtown Gray Hugh, 12 Pitt at, Waterloo Gray Mrs. 1., 296 Military rd, Mosntan Gray Mrs. Isabella, Parramatt a rd, Ityde (tray J., 35 Pleasant. ave, Erkineville Gray J., builder, 34 Pariwa rd, Mosman Gray Mrs. J., 64 Carabella at, N. Sydney Gray Mrs. J., 227 Ernest at, N. Sydney Gray J. A., 4 Bond at, Mosnum Gray .1. E., 7 Victoria st, ErskInevill,! CENTRAL OFFICE : 810-12 CEOROE ST. 'PHONE 726 k,1524 CENTIRAI: ANTHONY HORDERNS'— RELIABLE TRADERS FOR TOWN OR COUNTRY. Gra ALPHABETICAL. Gre1303 Gray J. IL, 221 Sutherland st, Padlon Gray Robert, 52 Orpington st, Ashfield Grand John A. .1%1'., plumber and Gray 3% H., 265 Abercrombie st, Rearm I Gray Robert, Marion at, Auburn sanitary engineer, 'neer 383 Elizabeth at, Gray J. S., mercer, 108 King at Gray Robert, 7a "'limas st, Balm= and 235 Cowper st, Waverley Gray James, printer, 473 Elizabeth at Gray Robert, Chapel at, Belmore Grealey Alfred, 15 Margaret at, losham Gray James, 13 Joseph at Gray Robert, 16 Norfolk st, Paddington Grealey N. and A., grocers, Allison rd, Gray James, 208 Young st, Annandale Gray Robert, 10 Wellington at, Waterloo Itandwick Gray James, 8 Thomas at., Bahnain Gray Robert, E., 60 Princess at ((rear II. and W., merchants, 287 Gray James, Beamish st, Campsie Gray Robert, J., Lincoln at, Dulwich Hill Clarence at Gray James, McDougall at, Kensington Gray Roy, 38 Gordon rd, Mosman Groarson Miss .L. J'., Pine at, Manly Gray James, Piper at, Leichhardt Gray Samuel, 39 Crown at Great Cobar Ltd. — W. IL Fletcher, Gray James, 28 Charles st, Marrickville Gray Samuel, Winchester rd, . receiver and manager, Equitable Gray James, 34 Lavender at, N. Sydney Gray Samuel 0., 08 Douglas at., Dul. buildings, 350 George at Gray James, Orange at, Randwick Hill Great Eas tern Tivoli Motor Co., Ltd. Gray James, 40 Caroline at, Redfern Gray Samuel J., 123 Commonwealth at N.S.II. rd, Rushetater's 13ay Gray James, 20 Morris at, Summer Hill Gray Sidney, Ida st, Ashfleld Great Northern Brick Co., Ltd. .Ilidson Gray James W., Christie st, St. Lamar& Gray Sydney, 24 John at, Woollahra rd, Eastwood . Gray James, 7 Cavendish at, Stanumre Gray T., 25 Jubilee st, Lewisham Great, Northern Fibrous Plaster Ceiling Gray Mrs. Jane, 300 Church at, rmatta Gray Thomas, Victoria at, Alexandria Co., May st, Eastwcod Gray John, 271 Charles at Gray Thomas, 14 Tinter!' rd, Ashfield Great Northern Poultry Farni—j. H. Gray John, 19 Moore Park rd Gray Thomas, Parramatta rd, Auburn Coyle, J.P., Hull rti, Pennant, Hills Gray John, 13 Earl st Gray Thomas, Ramsey at, Burwood Great Northern S.S. Co.—Burns, Philp Gray John, 52 Union at Gray Thomas, Cohen at., Manly and Co., Ltd., agent,s, 9 Bridge at Gray John, Victoria at, Alexandria Gray Thomas, 5 Brodie at, Paddington Great Northern Timber Co.,, timber Gniy joint, Meriton at., Gladesville Gray Thomas1 Frampton avenue, merchants, 32 Jamieson at Cray John, Marco at, Gordon Marrickville Great Peak Silver M. Co. ( N.L.) —L. Y. Gray John, Doncaster ave, Kensington Gray Victor, 36 La W601/ at, Paddington Puckle, J.P., manager, 146 Pitt st Gray John, 55 Foster at, Leichharde Gray Vivian B., gen. mgr, The British Great Western Coal Mining Co., Ltd., Gray Jolm, Steward st, Leiehhardt Australian 0. 11 Cd., Ltd., 8 Spring at 6 Loftus at Gray Sohn, 297 Addison rd, Marrickville Gray IV., produce merchant, Ulthuo rd Gray John, Byrnes at, Marrickville Gray Mrs. W., tearooms, 82 Bathurst st GREAT WESTERN COFFEE PALACE—(Puig and liegewald, Gray John, William at, Marrick vale Gray W., 23 Kalgoorlie at., Leichhardt proprietors), Hay and Sussex sta. Gray john, 43 Lennox at, Mosman Gray W. J. D., 58 Victoria st, Lewisham (See Advt. oppasite). Gray John, 87 Australia at, Newtown Gray IV. S., 411 (turner at, Paddington Gray John, 11 Colin at, North Sydney Gray W. T., Stony Creek rd, Pymble Great Western Milling Co., Ltd.—L Gray John, 10 Doris at, North Sydney Gray Walter 16 Osborne rd Manly Rossell, managing director, 107 Cray .Tohn, 194 Ernest at, North Sydney Gray Walter, 61 Wells St., Newtown Pitt St Gray John, Marsden at, Parramatta Gray Walter, 49 Amherst at, N. Sydney (treater J. I). Williams' Amusement Co., Gray John, 89 Baptist at, Redfern Gray Walter C., 17 Epping rd Double B. Ltd. (The), 586-592 Georg° at. •fray John E., Nobbs at, Granville •Gray Walter .T. 27 Wigram rd, Glebe Greathend Bros., poultry farmers, Tower Gray John F., 5 Clement at Gray Walter W., architect, 67 Castleat, East 11111s Gray John G., Commereial ni, L'Imnit reagh st Greathead A., Atchison st, St. Leonards Gray John IL, 10 Rankin at, Itozelle Gray Will, public school, SCIIVieW at, Greathead Harry, 11 igheillf rd, U'cliffe Gray joint M., 13 Carlton at, Manly Dulwich Hill Greathead Henry, 6 Chaplin st Gray John 0., thalami at, Hurstville ((may Will, 375 Marrickville rd, Great head .T., 29 Collins at, Annandale Gray Joseph, :328 Young at, Annandale Gray \Villi on, :3.71 Buriinson at Greathead J., Formosa st, D'inoyno Gray Joseph, Ocean at, West Kogarah Gray William, Robert at, Artarmon lireathead J. H. Young St, Neut. Bay Gray Joseph C., Stanton rd, Ilaberfleld Gray William, Park rd, Auburn Greathead John H, , Betunish st, Campsio Gray Soseph, Forest rd, Huratv.Ile Gray William, 149 Beattie at, Bahnain Greathead John H., surveyor, 24 Moore Gray Jos. WMiniver' at, Randwick Gray William Lindsay at Campsie at • Gray Mrs. L., 112 Upper Fort at, Gray William, limes St., Five Dock Greathead Mrs hi., 249 Young at, Mediae Gray L. A., M.P.S., pharmacist and Gray William, 15 Dargnau at, Glebe Greathead It., College at, Drummoyne surgeon dentist, 473 Bourke at Gray William, Bridge id, Hornsby Greathead S. II., Little at, Lane Cove Gray Leo, billiard repair expert, 478a Gray William, Dowling at, Kensington Greathead S. T. Little at, Lana Cove George at Gray 'William, Church st, Leichhardt Groathead W., 47 Carlisle st, Leichhardt Gray Leslie, Annette st, Ont ley Gray William, Anti at, Lidcombe Greathead William, Saville st, Gore Hill Gray Leslie J., Railway cres, Banksia Gray William, 17 Pine at, Manly• Greatorex F., Austral at, Kogarall Gray Mrs. M., 3 Little Young st, Merit Gray William, 91 Shephard at, Arckville Grentrex C. A , " Yanko," Maguey at, Gray Mrs. Al., Gibson at, Waverley Gray William, Gardeners rd, Mascot Woollahra Gray Mrs. M. A. A., 8 Charles st, Gray William G., 31 Alt at, Ashfleld Greatrex Henry, l'rancis at, Lideombe Gray Mrs. Mary, 77 Albion at Gray \Valiant M., Elizabeth at, Granville Greatrex Mrs. Mary, John St., Lidcombe Gray Mrs. Mary, 96 Beach' rd, Dul. Hill Gray Wm. Symons, solicitor and com- Grentrex L. IL, 7 51agney st, Woolialint Gray Mrs. Mary B., 458 Cleveland at missioner for affidavits fcr Fiji, 375 Greatrex Jos., 62 Mill 11111 rd, Waverley Clay Rev. Maurice (C. of E.) 62 Point st George at ; p.r., "Weeroona," 166 Greatrex \Valiant, south par, Auburn Gray Miehael, Sydney at, Marrick vale Arthur at, North Sydney Greatrex William, jun., Queen at, Aub'rn Gray Mrs., Tintern rd, Aslifield Gray William T., Francis at, Carlton Greatrix Mrs. E., Argyle at, Parramatta Gray Mrs., 213 Prafalgar at, Petersham Gray NI infant T., Australia at, Granville Weaves Bert, 77 Blue's Pt. rd, N. Syd. Gray Oliver J., Brisbane at, Waverley Graveon James, 37 Burlington at, N. Syd. Greaves C. E., Fowler rd, Como Gra y 011ie, 1(11 Hereford at, Glebe Gray don Arnold, Crane at, Concord ((relives Cecil, 87 Lord at, Newtown Gray 1'. T., Fitzgerald at, Waverley Graydon Frederick, Prince at, Randwick Greaves Charles E., Forbes hotel, York Gray Percy L, Ill Oxford at, Waverley Graydon Mrs. L., Alexandra par, It'dale and King sts Gray Peter, 7 Mount at Orayhurst Mrs. E., St. Catherine's at, Greav,s Charles F. W., Harcourt estate, Gray Peter, 2 Day at, Leichhardt Penshurst Campsie Gray Peter, Bray's rd, Mortlake Grayndler E., gen. see. Australian G relives Duran, Bowden at, Meadowbank Gray Phillip J., Nursery at, Hornsby We,rkers Union, St. Andrew's place Greaves Edgar ,.27 Smith at, Manly Gray It. 1)., 132 Henders on rd, Alex'dria Urayndler Edward, Slade at, Narembum Greaves Edward, Ashley at, Hornsby Gray Mrs. R. H., 7 Denby at, arekville Grayson Erneat, 13 Grove at, Petersham Greaves Freak., Hampden rd south, Gray It. S., 211 Trafalgar at, Annandale Grayson John II., Broadford at, Bexley .Artannon Gray Reuben h., Preddys rd, Bexley Grayson IS'alter S., Henson at, Sum. Hill Greaves Frederick, Mary it, Longueville Gray Richard, 1 Polding at, Drummoyne Graystanes Public School—Arthur Lake, Greases Frederick H., solicitor, 84i Gray Richard, 53 HMI at, Newtown principal, Merrylands rd, WentPitt at lra y Richard, 82 Wadsworth at, W'altra worthville Weaves .Frederick ii., l'elopeit at, WonGray Richard 51.., 14 Phillip st, Emma Grayston B. R., 6 Thorby a ye, L'hardtstonecraft Gray Robert, 22 Grosvenor at Grayston John B., O'Connor at, Greases G. D., 225 Nelson it, Annandale Gray Robert, York at, Abbotsford Greacen John W. F. Schwe bet st Arville Greaves Mrs (4 E 88 Belmont rd Mosman ALL OUR ASSISTANTS ARE QUALIFIED, AND MANY HAVE SERVED US OVER 20 YEARS ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOOLS OF ALL TRADES. ALPHABETICAL. 1304Gre Greaves Horace, dentist, 183 Liverpool at Green B. U. 33, Epping rd, Double Bay Greaves Harry, 697 Parramatta rd, Green Barnett, pawnbroker, 32 King at Gr,en Bernard A., Hardy at, Waverley • Leiehhardt Greaves Horace H. M., 163 Bondi rd, Green C. A., Cleveland Inn, Cleveland st, Redfern Bondi Greaves James. Rochester at, Homebush Green C. G., 99 Brighton at, Petersham Green C. H., 105 Albemarle at, Newtown Greaves John, Albert at, Hyde Greaves Mrs. M., Macquarie rd, Auburn Green Mrs. Caroline, 66 Water's rd, Neutral Bay Greaves P. C., North par, Campsie Grimm; P. C. • Cheltenham rd, Chel'Inun Green Cecil, Guildford rd, Guildford Green Cecil, Metks rd, 3farriekville Greaves Palmerston, Mary at, LonizueGreen Cecil A., Monahan a ye, Rockdale ville Green Charles, 30 Queen st, AsIdield Greaves It. C., 72 Read at, Waverley Green Charles, 13 Ann st Greaves It. W., Caledonia st, Bexley Greaves Mrs. S. M. F., 3 Fisher st.P'sham Green Charles, 34 Birchgrove rd, Babnain Green Charles, Wisdom rd, Lane Cove Greaves William, 71 O'Connor at Greases Capt. William A. B., J.P., 163 Green Chas., 270 Balmain rd, Leichhardt Green Charles, Merry at, Merrylands Bondi rd, Bondi Greek Club—Nicholas Kalopedis, see., Green Charlea, Cecil ter, Merrylands Green Capt. Charles, Reed at, Neut. Bay 200 Castlereagh at Green Bros., carriers, 30 Prince at, Green Charles H., Alice at, Newtown Green Charles, Gungha at, Oat ley 3fosman Green Bros., 483 Marrickville rd, Dul- Green Chas., 438 Parramatta rd,1"sham Green Charles, Gerald eve, Roseville wich Hill Green Bros., grocers, 319 King at, Nowt' Green Charles, 42 Commie rd Stanmore Green Bros., grocers, 206 Norton at, Green Charles, Gibbes at, Willoughby Green Charles A., 18 Redden at, Manly Lelehhardt Green Bros., grocers, 394-396 Oxford at, Green Charles E., York at, belmore Green Charles E., 34 Morehead at, Roden Paddington Green Bros., provision merchants, 49 Green Charles G., Vulcan at, Granville Green Charles G., Botany rd, Mascot Botany rd, Waterloo Green Bros., quarry, Susan at, Itandtvick Green Charles L., Aerielit aye, Punchbowl Green Christopher, 27 Phillip at Globe GREEN J. E. and CO.. Auctioneers, Green Clarence, \Vulture eve, \Vattern House, Land and Estate Agents, 28 Green David, 646 Illawarra rd, 3Crille Green E., financier, 178 Castlereagh at Moore at. Telephone City 4450 Green E. IL, William at, Hornsby Green and McDonald, Modern Stores Green kl„ Brangwin, dentist, Peat's Service Co., corner Grosvenor and Ferry rd, Hornsby George sts Green Miss E. E. M., 164 Nelson at., Green T. and Co., brass founders and Annandale finishers, Mary Ann at Green Mrs. E. S., Mowbray rd, Chatsw'd Green T. W. tit Co., exporters, Small at, Green Miss E. M., Victoria rd, Glebe " Green Noma Home"—Allas J. J. 3htir, Green E. It., Arnold at, matron, 209 Victoria at. Green Mrs. -E. T., Canterbury rd, P'bowl Green Thomas W. and Co., wool and skin Green Edgar, 94 Birkley rd, Manly merchants, 38 Pitt at Green Edward, 114 Buckingham at Green A., 8 Noble at, 3fosman O reen Edward, 3 Inshopsgate at, C'down Green Mrs. A., 654 Parramatta rd, Peter- Green Edward, Homer at, Canterbury sham Greeen Edward, Victoria at, Granville Green A. E., 32 Francis at Green Edward C., 123 Walker at, Redfern Green A. H., Cheltenham rd, Burman' Green Edwin S. Melody at, Coop° Green A. II., 30 Margaret at, Newtown Green Elias, 11 'Cook rd, Green Mrs. A. M., Victoria steast, Irwood Green Elijah, Third a ye, Lidcombe Green A. Ti!., 85 Watkin st, Newtown Green Elijah, 9 Raglan at, Waterloo Green A. W,„LP., Boarding-out itt Chief Green Mrs. Ellen, Hewlett at, Granville Officer under Children's Protection Green Emil, Maxim at., Hyde Act, Government Charitable Insti- Green Mrs. Emily, Avoca at, Waverley tutions°, N.S. W., 3-5 Richmond ter, Green Era. Emma, 144 Camden st, Newtown Dome in Green A. W. Chief Boarding House Green Ernest, 3 Beach rd, Dulwich Hill Officer. dovt. Cottage Homes for Green Ernest R., 130 Wigram rd, Glebe Invalid Children Pennant Hills rd, Green Miss Ethel, Westbourne at, Green F. IL, Australasia chambers, Parramatt a 31artin place Green Albert, 7 Hereford at, Glebe Green F. I., O'Connor at, Ilaberfleld Green Alex., 80 Norton at, Leichhardt Green F. W., Gordon rd, Chatswood Green Alfred, 30 Park a ye, Ashfleld Green F. W., 29 Llewellyn st, Irvine Green Alfred, Graham at, Auburn Green F. W., 131 OurIntbah rd, Mosman Green Alfred, Chamberlain st, Bexley Green Frank, /quince st, Amalfi° Green Alfred, Paling at, Leichhardt Green Frank, 12 Glen at, North Sydney Green Alfred, 63 Victoria at, Waverley Green Alfred E., .T.P., Green st, Kogarah Green Frank, 346 Abercrombie at, It'fern Green Frank, 4 Samuel at, St. Peters Green Alfred J., Spolforth at, Neut. Bay Green Alfred W., Chandos at, Aahtleld Green Frederick, Waltham at, Coop° 61r .en Mrs. Alice, 3 Wentworth at, Manly Green Frederick, 26 Fotheringham at, 3farrickville Green Andrew, 9 Darlington rd, Harlon Green Fred., 18 Ridge at, North Sydney GramAnnie, 22 Charlotte at, Green Annie, 654 Parramatta rd, rattan' Green Frederick, 23 Louis at, Redfern Green Archie W. Villiers at, Kensington Green Frederick, 7 Mount at, Redfern Green Frederick J., Bridge at, D'moyne Green Arthur, druee at, Stanmore Green Arthur E., 135 Sutherland st, Green Frederick W., Curlewis at, Bondi Green Mrs. G., Duntroon at, Hurlstone Paddington Park Green Arthur II., 56 Eureka at, N. Syd. Green Athol, It) Pa rraween at, Neu t. 11. Green (1. K, 56 Edgeelitfe rd, Woollahra . WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 41284 ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Ore ALPHABETICAL. Gre Green G. H., Buckingham st, Manly Green G. R., 233 Abercrombie st, Redfern. Green George, 80 Nicholson at Green George, Lily at, Auburn Green George, 25 Phillip at, Balmain Green George, Carrington at, Bexley Green George, Hall at, Bondi Green George, Park rd, Burwood Green George, 101 Dennison st, N'town Green Geo., 213 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Green Geo., 168 West st, North Sydney Green George, 5 Shepherd at, Redfern Green George A., Tudor at, Delmore Green George II., 52 Pittwater rd, Manly Green Geo. W., 80 Silver at, St. Peters Green Mrs. H., 97 Denison at, Waverley Green IL E. F., 73 London at, Emnore Green, II. M., 1 redale a ye, Neut. Bay Green Hamilton, Staten at, Antelifie Green Harold, Lennox at, Mosman Green Harold, Avoca st, Randwick Green Harold, Second eve, Lidcombe Green Harry, Queen rd, Five Dock Green Harry, Lumsden at, North Sydney Green Harry B., dentist, 14 Sloane st, Summer Hill Green Harry K., Victoria place, Pad'hut Green Harry R., 23 Kintore at, Dul. Hill Green Havelock, Edward et, Glebe Green Henry, Australasian manager Ingall, Parsons, Clive and Co., Ltd., 79 Buckland at (off George st west), Sydney ; pa., "Brixton," Whiting Beach rd, 3fosman Green henry, 101 Kippax st Green Henry, 202 Denison at, Canedowa Green Henry, J.P., 09 Alice at, Newtown Green Henry, Cammaray rd, North Sydney Green Lieut. Henry, 55 31111 Hill rd, Wavtirle y Green Henry It., 86 Smith at, Sum. Hill Green Herbert, Lockwood at, Merrylands Green Herbert A., 2 McRae at, Green Horace E. F., Ill Wilson at., Newtown Green Isaac E., Duntroon at., Hurlatone Park Green, 3., 26 King at, Newtown Green Mrs. J., 121 Stunmore rd, Fshant Green Miss J. A., Ila Magic at, Mosman Green A., Ada at, Ontley Green J. E., J.P., " Norwood," Ocean st, Woollahra Green J. G., 31 Llewellyn at, Marrickville Green J. L., Whiting at, Gore 11111 Green J. L., 39 Prince Albert at, Mosman. Green J M., Edgeeliffe Esplanade, Middle Harbour Green J. Maher, 69 Salisbury rd, S'inore Green Mrs. J. 0. S., Milson rd, Cremorne Green J. P., Rawson at, Gore Hill Green!. It., Tyron at, Chatswood Green J. T., Paragon Butchering Coq 111 Regent st, Redfern Green J. T., 407 King at, Newtown Green J. T., 58 Palace at, Petersham Green J. W. A., Charlotte at, Leichhardt Green dames, Segenkoe at, Anteliffe Green James, Hercules at, Ashfield Green James, Norton at, AshIlehl Green James, Milton at, South Ashfleld Green James, Phillip at, Belmore Green Rev. James (Meth.), 23 May at, Newtown reen James, South Head Green James E, Robertson rd, Centennial Park Green James II., 14 Neville at, Green James II., Hansard at, Waterloo Green James j., 12 Ewart st, Dulwich MI 1 Green James W., 2 Waverley eres, Wavy Green Jesse, 141 Wells at west, Redfern Green John, real estate agent, 125 Oxford. at, Bondi Junction HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 OUSE Gre1305. Green John, 132 Bowman at Green Percy, 3 Baldwin at, Erskineville Green W. 3., Cambridge at. Penshurst Green John, Wolli at, Alston Park Green 1 eter, aterview at, Five Dock Green Want r, confectioner, 5117 George st Green John, 46 Elliott at, Balmain Green R. W., jun., Greenwich rd, L. Cove Green Walter, 28 Hardie St Green John, 98 Beattie st, 1311111min Green R. IV., New Canterbury rd, Green Walter, Bay at, Botony Green John, William at, Canterbury Petersham Green Walter, :37 Charles at, F. Lodge Green John, 146 Rose at, Darlington Green Ralph A., 3.1'., Parramatta rd, Green Walter, 37a Gunter at, Paddington Green John, 77 Prospect at, ErskineVille liabertleld Green' Walter, 31 Great Buckingham at, Green John, Mary st, Mascot Green Ralph P., 9rd Lo at, Nth .Sydney • Redfern Green John, 20 Raymond rd, Neut. Bay Green Reg., 198 Ciao!' at, ENkineville Green Walter, 23 John at, St. Peters Green John, Sutherland at, Neutral Bay Green Reginald H., surgeon dentist, Green Waiter IL, Arthur st, Ashlield Green John, Wigram st,Parramatta 36 Stanmore rd, Marrickville Given Walter, 44 Smith at, 3Ianly Green John, Ocean at, Penshurst Green Reuben, Stanhope st, Auburn Green Wesley C., 2:3 Barron' ave , Treen John, 119 Wilson at, Redfern Green Richard, 4 Lacey at Green William, 5 Milford at Green John, 42 Weston at, Rozelle Green Richard, 11 Prospect at Green William, 62 Forbes st. Green john, 92 Unwin's Bridge rd, St. Green Richard, George at, Parramatta Green William, 30 Wilton at Peters Green Richard, 1085 Young at, Redfern Gwen William, Victoria at, Alexandria Green Mrs. John, 5 Busby par, We verley Green Richard IV., 71 Berry at, N. Syd. Green William, Fairview at,, Anielfife • Green John E., 488 Riley at Green Robert, 7 Campbell at, Glebe G men Williain, Adderley at, Aubunl Green John H., The lionlevarde, S'ileld Green ltobert I., Rocky Pt. rd, Anicliffe Green 46 Gipps at, Balmain Green John J., 35 James 4, Leichhanit Green Roland, Belgrave at, Marrickville Green William, William, off 33 Louisa at, Irmain Green John P., Ilailway hotel, Joseph st, Green Mrs. Rose, 1 Little Maeleay at Green William, Ch mberlain at, Bexley Lidcombe Green 3IN. S. A., Oswald at, Campsie Green William. William at, Canterbury Green John l'., Kingston at, liaberlield Green S. E., dentist, 120 Liverpool rd, Green William, 3litchell at, 31'ville Green John T., Botany rd, Alexandria Ashfield Green Win. 58 Australia at, Newtown Green John T., 45 Day t, Leichhardt Green Capt. S. G., auperintendent Green Wilitam, 33 HoIntwood, Newtown. Green John T., 2 Arthur 4,Paddin gton Eastern and Auatralian S. S. Co. Green William, 14 Hordent at, Newtown Green John W., 12 Rose at, Balmitin wharf, Circular Quay William, nil, North, (4 Teen John W., 4 Isabella eve, N. Syd. Green S. Ti!., 17 Gunter at, Paddington Green 31errylands Green John W., 15 Robert, at, Petersham Green Samuel, 12 Rennie at, Redfern Green William, 11 Glebe at-, Parramatta Green Joseph, 2 Little Collins at. Green Samuel T., 8 Linthorpe at, N 'town Green William, Avoiet at, Randwick Green Joseph, 1711111) st, Chatswood 1 reen Sidney, Adderley s t, LIdcombe (1 Nen William, 35 Botany at, Redfern Green Joseph, 83 Grassmere rd, Neutral Green Sol, 141, King at Green William, :3 Ewell at, Rozelle Bay Green Solomon, 27 Church at, Bidwell/ Green Win., ii Lymerston at, St. Peters (been Joseph, 55 Everleigh at, Redfern Green .Sydney, Dunmore at, Bexley Green William, 26 William st, St. Peters. Green 3I N. Joseph, James at, Roskdale Green Sydney, 2aat, Newtown Green Wm. B., Creinotne rd, Cre,. one: Green Joseph, Warialda st, W. Kogan,' Green Sydney, 114 Young it, Redfern Green William C., Kimpton at, Rockdale. Green Jos., 89 Adelaide par, Woollahra Green Syd. C., 11 Llandolf at, Waverley reen Will in m E., 12 Temple at, S'ntoro Green Joseph .31., 26 The Avenue, B'Initin Green Sydney 11., 18 Trinity aVe Green William 0., 120. Wilson at, lrfent Green K., tailor, 435 Kent at Green Sydney J., Rocky Pt. ni, A'e litre O rzen William G., Cuthh ert at, Wav'y Green Kauffman, 57 Foveaux at Green Sydney T., Knox at, Randwick Green William Penshurst at, Wirgley Green L., manager Magnet Publishing Gn:en T. A., D.S.0., M. B., Ch.M., pity- Green II ill( int J.0., Clyde at, Coogee Co ,82 Oxford at, Paddington sician and a urg eon, 86 Lane Cove Green William 3.,Cavey ' at, Marrickville Green Mrs. L., Queen at, Marrickville North Sydney Green William J., 27 Union at, Newtown Green Mrs. L., 511 Walker at, N. Sydney Green 31ra. 1'. H., 71 Rosa t, F. Lodge Green William J.,27 Hart at-, Tempe Green Leslie, 103 31111 Hill rd, Waverley Green Ted., 153 Regent at, Redfern Green William I.., Susan at, ltandwiek Green Louis, .Milton at, Granville G reen Theo., 298 Riley at Green Wm. '1., 47 Oxford St., Newtown Green Miss H., Park rd, Burwood Green Thomas, 5 Hart at °recliner° John, 80 Wardell rd, Dui. Hill Green M., private hospital, 454 Merrick- Green Thomas, 27 Little Albionat. s Greennere Kenneth, Pine et, Marriekviller rule rd, 31arrickville Green Thomaa, 1 Little Collins at Greenaere Mrs. Mary, semi., 91 Wardell Green Mrs 31., 7 Merchant at, Stanniore Green Thomas, Copeland rd, Decor 'ft st, Dumiwluchi 11111 Green Mrs. H. A., 48 Thompson at Green Thomas, Henley rd, Flemington Greenacre Ross, 44 Geolge st,31ar'kvillo Green Sirs. M. A., 41 pit, water rd, slanly Green Thomas, 62 11111 at Leichhardt Greenall Walter, 12 Groat' st, Glebe Green Malcolm J., Northumberland rd, G reen Thomas, Sydney rd, Granvillo Greenan Charles, Riverside ores, 31' villa Auburn Green Thomas, Florence at, Homebush G remelt' J., 539 111awarra rd, Marekvillet Green 3Ianuel, Bellevue At. ThorilleighGreen Thomas, IVesterti rd, May's 11111 Greenaway C., 88 3faeaulay rd, Stanntoro Green Mrs. Margaret, Frauds lane, Ma nly Green Thomas, 82 Station at, Newtown Greenaway Mrs. E., 65 Iiingselear rd, Green Mrs. Mary, 513 Elizabeth at Green Thomas. Ross at, Parrantatta Alexandria Green Mrs. Mary, 12 Clara at, Newtown Green Thomas, Milton at, S. Aahtleld Greenaway E. T., Onslow at, Granville Green Mrs. Mary, Ernest at, N. Sydney Green Thomas, Albert at, Strat111101d Greenaway G. IL Walter at, Willoughby Green Mrs. Mary, Frenchman's rd, Rand- Gree Nn iltn li 'llonlas, Black lane, Wentworth- Greenaway Geo., '15 .Tollit it, Leichhardt wick Greenaway James, Kingaland nil, hook. Green 31elbourne, Hallway eres, Beecroft Green Iliouta A., S'usan at, Itandwick wood Green Michael, 114 Gloucester at Green Thos. 11., 10 Margaret at, P'shani Greenaway Mrs. R. Fern at, Itandwiek Green Michael, 22 Grove 4, St. Peters Green Thomas E., at, Randwick Greenaway S. J., Ea ward at, Gordon Green Miss, teacher All Saints' day Green Thomas II., SHARI' Bridge at, Drunt'oyne Greenaway Thos., 31/4 Hume at, Syd. school, Crystal at, Petersham Green Thomas 11., 5 Sinit 11 at, 3fanly Greenaway W. (I., Philip st, Waverley Green Miss, milliner, 148 Pitt st Green Capt. 91 Thomas II., NS. If. rd, Greenaway W. 1'., 27 Shepherd at Green Miss, Kiora nl, Woollahra Paddington reenbank C., 471 Liverpool al Green Morice, 81 Fig st Green Thomas J., Erie at. Ao rtannn Greenbank Dougla s, Waratalt at, Oatley Green Morris, 225 Commonwealth at Green Timothy, 3 Good I lope at, Pad 'VII 0 rein bank Harold, A., Itoscoe at, Bondi. Green Mrs. 103 Moneta at, Wooliahra G Teen Victor, Bay at, Itoekdale Greenbaum W. Si., manufaeturers' agent, Green Mrs. Nellie, Dale eve neon Vieter, 9 Kingston rd, C'doWil 38 Carrington at Green O., MacKinson at, Gladeaville Green Victor If., 40 Fairlight at, Manly lInsmberg and Bathurst, tailors, 1(11; Green Oaear, 1 Stanley at, Anicliffe Green W., dentist, 72 Crystal at, 1"shant King at Green Oswald, Newland at, Waverley Green W., :15 Cleveland at, Darlinizt on Greenherg If. Sons, g rocers, 451) ElizaGreen W., Connelly's Bay rd, II urstvi lle beth at, and 203 Layton at, C'down Green W..4., 1 Annealey at, Leichhardt Greenberg David, 514 Bourke it Green IV. A., 1112 Avenue rd, Afosman Greenberg Harris, 461 tinders at General Printer, Publisher, and Sta• retell W. A, 16 Station st, Petersham Greenberg II arria, 64 Itoae st, Darlington.. Goner, TIIF: ADVERTISER 011ie°, Greed W. E., 35 Franels at Greenberg .1., 9:3 Weston rd, Rozelle Greenberg 31oss, Lau f,' at, Roe kdale Liverpool rd, Ashfield. Tel. 18 Ash- Green W. G., 5 Tivoli at, Paddingt on Green I% . H., Northwood ni, Lithee tOreenb field eG S erg Mrs, ., 70 Adelaide at, WoolGreen W. IL, 21 Queenat, Mosmanlahra 0 re e !It .T.P., 144 Liverpool rd, Gre 3 en W. J., , Scou .4, ller , Ilarriek vinerout,Flavin It., Trn i y y at, Illirst Ville sluileiul GREEN P. L. CONDUCT UPWARDS OF ONE-THIRD _ OF THE TOTAL INTERMENTS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA, 1 306 NEWPALACEEMPORIUM,SRICKFIELD HILL,SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' — ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, Ore ALPIIABETICAL. Gre Greenwood George H., solicitor, 80 Dow-Greene Harold, 100 Whistler at, Manly Greenstein S., Canterbury rd, C'bury ling at, Redfern -Greene Henri S., Millstone eve, Summer Greenstreet Irvine, secretary 1.0. Ruh'sbites, Mary and Campbell sts, Sorry Greenwood Henry S., Barney st, Drum11111 moyne s Hil l Greene Herbert E., 4 Barneleuth squire Greenwood Herbert, Wongss st, B'woed Greene John, musk teacher, 38 George at Greenstreet Irvine, Telegraph rd, Pymble Greenwood llorbert, Kent at, Epping -Greene Joseph J., Chamber's a ye, Bondi Greentree C., Hampden rd, Adamson Greenwood Mrs. J., 140 Evans at, Rozelle Greenfield 11. and Co., confectioners, 1 Greentree, D. D., 17 Berry at, N. Syd. Greent ref, Frederick, Tomah st, Dundas Greenwood J. A., Meadowbank aye, Botany at, R•edfern Meadowbank Greenfield A. E., Barden a y e, Artarmon G recline° G. F., Petersham rd, Greenwood J. IL, Bromley ave, C'inorne Greenfield 3irs. E., 30 Wentworth Park Greentree George, Clarke rd, W oolwich Greenwood Sea., 186 Albion at, An'slate Greearee George F., 79 Francis st, Manly rd, Glebe Greenfield E. IL, Beaufort at, Enfield Greentree Henry C., 26 Francis at, Manly Greenwood Ja g ., Connemara at, Bexley d James, Carrington st, o Greenwo Greenfield E. W., 10 Hutcheson at, Roz. G reentree Malcolm, Rainbow at, It'wlek Summer 11111 Greenfield George 11., Botany rd, Botany Greentree Reuben, 31 Berwick lane Greentree T., Cardigan at, Camperdown Greenwood John, 47 Sophia at sGreentield Henry, 09 Pitt at, Redfern Greenwood Joseph II., Anglo rd, Campsie Greentree Thoma s , Rawson at, field Greenfield J., 20 Elizabeth st, Waterloo Greenwood. 31rs. L., 120 311tehell rd, Greenup Albert, 66 Darghan at, Glebe Greenfield12 Hutcheson at-, Rozelle Alexandria Greenup Henry, 134 Foueart st, Roza° Greenfield James, Botany rd, Botany Greenfield John E., 91 Belmont rd, Mos. Greenup S. T., 6 Wellington at, Waterloo Greenwood Lewis, Gordon rd, Gordon Greenwood Mrs. Louise, Prospect rd, Greenwald Frank, Curlewis at, Bondi Greenlield Miss M., 115 Crystal at, PeterSummer 11111 Greenwald Mrs. Rose, 272 Military rd, sham Greenwood Mrs. 31., Randle st, Mar' ville Mosman Greenfield M. 0., Harden a ye, Artannon Greenwood Nimrod, headmaster Superior Greenway A., 21 Macquarie at, L'hardt Greenfield It., Macintosh at, Mascot Publi c School, Blue at, N. Sydney o reenwell .1. N. and Co., ironmongers, Greenwood -Greenfield S , 63 John at, Waterloo Oswald, 98 Dowling at, Red196 Emnore rd, Emnore Greenfield T., 5 George at, Leichliardt fern Greenfield Victor, Harden a ye, Artannon Greenwell A. B., 24 Edwin at, Croydon Greenwood R. E., 5 Derbyshire rd, Greenwell C. T., ti Johnston at, Belmont Greenfield Walter, Leopold at, Ash Held Leichhartit Greenwell Carlyle, architect, 58 Pitt at Greenfield W. It , Beaufort at, Enfield Greenwood Rohert,Dulf st, Turrannirra Greenhalgh A., Wigram at, Granville mr., omen at, Greenhaigh Arthur W., ICuring-gai- ,Greenwell Charles G., solicitor, 36 Moore Greenwood S., sawmills, 2 Gladstone at, Elsinore • at; p.r., Devonshire and Johnson these rd, '1 urramurra Greenwood Sidney, 282 New Canterbury, Greenhalgh Mrs. C., 62 Charlotte at, 1ats, Chatswood rd, 1'0h:rate's's A., Kelburn rd, Greenwell . Ashiteld Greenhalgli H. J., 14 Prospect st, N'town Greenwell Mrs. 1 G., 62 Clayton st, Greenwood Rev. W. (C. of E.), Brook st Coogee Batman Greenhalgh .T. C., Caerleon cres, Wwick Greenhalgh.Tames, Myers at, Sans Souci Greenwell G. S. S., dental surgeon, Greenwood W., .T.P., 15 Liberty at, Stanmore " Wyoming," Macquarie at ; -6 reenhalgh John, 71i West at, N. Syd. Greenyer Levi, Webb at, Croydon Lorne ave, Kittens Greenhalgh K., 25 Thornley st, L'hardt Greer Mm*. A ,27 Junction rd, Sum. 11111 Greenwell George, 10 Ward at, N. Sydney Greenhalgh Mrs. M., Cumin's Bridge rd, Greenwell II. R., dental surgeon, Greer David, 215 Abereromble at, Redf'n 'St. Peters Mrs. E., boardinghouse, Pen. H'Is Green Wyomin g ," Maequar:e at ; p.r. Greenhalgh Thos., 30 Smith at, Ronne Greer Mrs. Emily, 31 31uston st, 3losinan Powell at, Kithira Greenhelgh Victor, 24 Norton at, Glebe reenhalgh William, 76 Vine at, Redfern reenwell Ilitrold S., Gould ave, M' ville Greer Frederick, Brook at, Coogee off 24 Waterview at, B'main Greer Ven. Archdeacon G. T., 9 Magic at, Greenwell Greenham John, 711 Curti g rd, Balmain 3losinan Greenwell .1. N., Atkinson at, Arnelitfe 'Greenhill Albert, Liberty at, &Amore Greer James, Brennan st, Leichhanit Greenhill C. J., 167 Parramatta rd, An- Oreenwell Mrs. It., 119 Carabella st, Greer James, 'Ilse Crescent-, Pen. Hills Sydney• /misdate Greenwell Miss S. J , 12 Piscine at, Manly Greer James, Great Northern rd, Ityde -Greenhill E. W., 92 Raglan at, Moan= Greer .Toliii, 30 Starling at, Leiehhardt Greenhill A.. Dumb' at, 1.1kJinb.), Greenwell S. T., Powell at, Killara 'Greenhill S. T., New Canterbury rd, reenwell Viet-3r, 80 Falcon at, N. Syd. Greer John, 411 Regent at, Newtown Greer John, 37 Nelson at, Rozelle Greenwich Post Office—R. Evans, postPetersham Greer Leo J., SI Gerard at, Alexandria master, Charles at, Greenwich -Greenhill Joseph, 95 West at, N. Syd. . A. 58 Trafalgar at, An'dale Greenwich Public School—J. T. Leemon, Greer 3tra. NA., Greenhough L., Wentworth at, Wwick headmaster, Greenwich rd, Gewich Greer Robert, 226 Rose at, Darlington -Greening 14milard E, 21 Cowper at, Greenwood and Son, seed and produce Greer Robert l'., Raymond at, Blown -Wave rley merchants, 241 King at, Newtown Greer W. II., 11 Wood at, Manly 'Greening Miss Nellie, 8 Oxford at reenwood and Sons, produce store, 70. Greer William, Inkerman at, Parramatta Greening Victor, 24 Aubin at, Neut. Bay Greer William C., 21 Stant-3' at, L'hanit 72 Wilson st, Newtown Greenland Edgar, 27 Paternoster row Greenwood A., Lodge at, Forest Lodge Greer William II., Ilityview rd, Hurst %lite -Greenland G., 31 Caroline st, Redfern Greenwood A. E , flit Botany rd, Alexan- Greeshaw Christopher, 29 Judge at Greenland Harry, Lyons at, Strathlield Greeson I,. B., Mile les Wharl rd, L'tield dria Greenland j., Webber's rd, W. Kowa' -Greenland James, Ityde rd, liunter's Hill Greenwood A. G., Lane Cove rd, N. Ryde Greet Harold, Railway par, Ilurstville Greenwood A. H., 4 Mount at, Nth. Syd, Greens:sin Charles A., King st, 31asesit Greenland Joseph, 34 Forsyth at, Glebe Greet ham Harold, 1 Little Toot hill st, Greenwood Alfred, 303Birrell st, Bondi Greenland IV., 20 Iredale at, Newtown Lewishion Greenlaw Mrs. M., 6 Mona rd, Darling Pt. Greenwood Arthur, Lyons st, Strathfield Greethead C. E., Helen at, Chatswood Greenlees Charles E., Moreton at, Conc'rd Greenwood C., Baltimore at, Belmore Greeve Gustav, 42 Riley at Greenwood C., 6 Federation rd, Newtown Greentees D. A., manufacturers' agent, Greenwood C. D., physician, Bruce at, Greevls Mrs. Mary A., Railway at, It'dale 82 Pitt at (+reeves V., 115 Railway par, E'vi Is Ashfield Greenlees D. A., Clanville rd, Roseville Greenwood Mrs. C. J., Prospect rd, Sum- G reeves William, 478 Wattle at Greentees George, High at, Kogarah Greevy Thomas B., 28 Flood at, Bondi mer Hill Oreenlees John, 4 Gipps at, Batman Greenlees Mrs. J. E., 17 Terry at, Rozelie Greenwood E., 47 Reynolds at, Batman Gregan Mrs. AL, 46 Denison st, Rozelle Grego!' Saud. Patrick, "Erin-go.Bragii," Broughton at, Canterbury E., Greentess John, 142a Alfred at, N. Sydney Greenwood 03 Buckland at, Alexandria Greenless John, 16 Winslow at, N. Sy& Greenwood Edwin, 59 Glebe Point rd, Gregg's Registry Office — Mrs. E. A. Globe Greenless R. II., Frenchman's rd, R'wick Dicketts, propriettess, 72 Elsinore Oreenless Robert-, 41 Palmer at, Balm:sin Greenwood Mrs. Emily, 17 Norman at rd, Greenwood F., baker, off 755 George at •reenlials Daniel, 66 Station at, Tempo Greenwood F., 53 Trafalgar at, Amidale Gregg A. 11., J.P., maufsger Commercial Greenman E. 54 Cromwell st, L'hardt Banking Conspany of Sydney, Ltd. Greenmay Edmund, 31orwick at, St' field Greenwood F., Carshalton at, Aaldield (branch), 482 Parmesans rd, railer's Greenw.nal F., Gordon rd, Gottlon •reenrose Frank, 156 John at •reensh.elds, A., Claremont at-, Campsie Greenwood Frederick G., manager Ash. Gregg Alexander, Brooklyn at, Tennis; Gregg Alexander W. S., J.P., "Dunista," field Brick C.). Ltd., Milton et, Greenslade Mrs. Edith, Botany rd,31'scot Homobusli ems, Hoinebnals South Ashfield Greensmith George E., Baltimore st, BelGreenwood G. It., Bannockburn at, Gregg Alfred, Blexcell st, Granville more Pynthle WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE: 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 728&1524 CENTRAL Gre ALPHABETICAL. Gre 1307 Ifregg Bertram, 28 Adelaide at, Walvis Gregg Done Id, 53 Spruson at, Neutral ITy Gregg Harry, Lovell rd, Eastwood Gregg James,Brooklyn at, Durwood Grestg Mrs. 31., 156 N.S.II. rd, D. Bay Gregg Norman E., solicitor, 6 Castlereagh at 14 mug Percy C., Copeland at, Ileum-Mt Gragg It. A., 200 Commonwealth at Gregor F. C., 35 3facarthur par, Dulwich 11111 tregor F. C., 31uriel at, Hornsby Gregor .T. It., Thornleigh rd, S. Ilornsby Gregor john, 17 Bonnie at, Marrickville Gregoriussen Ivan, 76 Sophia at Gregory Robert, Waltem eras, Milord Greig William T , 4:1 Point st Gregory Rolph, Lennox at, Woo lialira Greig-Sinith Dr. It., D.Sc , professor SydGregory S., Denning at, ltandwick ney University, " Otterbuni," 278. Gregory S. E., 181 Grafton at east, WoolEdgeeliffe nt, Woollahra !alma Gieigg William, 33 Albion at Gregory Thomas, 360 Jones st Greiner 31rs. E., 2 Mear's eve, Itandwiek. Gregory Thomas, Burke at, Concord tiniir Alfred, 74 Fitzroy at Gregory 'Phos., Woodville rd, Granville Greive Al sx. Shaftesbury rd, Rummel Gregory W., Glebe at, Ityde Growl+ CI111 4 .. 21 Brisbane at, N. Sydney Gregory IV., Guinea at, \Vest Kogitralt Grout J. , :17 Oxford at, Paddington Gregory W. C., 63 Arthur at, N. Sydney Greif 3Irs. L., 371 Oxford at, Paddington Gregory W. G., 147 Norton at, LeichlOrdt Grenenger J., Liverpool rd, Stratlifield Gregory IV. J., 401 Parrainatta rd, arenenger W. S., Bridge rd, Shratluhhelul Leichhardt Grenfell Gas Co., Ltd.-1,. V. Puckle, Gregory W. J., Peniusa st,Parramatta J.P., secretary, 164 Pitt st Gregory IV. M., 43 Memnon) rd, P'shani Grenfell Edward, 14 Redmond at, L'hardt Gregory Walter,Bellevue rd, Double Bay (+ read' It 8 Beaconsfield rd, 3losinists regoryWentworth rd, B' wood Oren fell J II., Wollongong rd, ArnelitIM . Gren fell W., 146 George st, Erskinesille Engineers, Machinery Merchants, Gregory IVillians, Duke at, Campsie Gregory William, Doris at, Hurstville rennan David, Hastings at, Botany General Importers, and Importers of Engineers' Supplies, 74 Clarence at. Gregory William, Cies/1(1os at, S. L'anls (Iranian!! Edward S., H yaline st, Campsio Gregory William F., Murray rd, ChelGrenna it Ernest, Bond's rd, Pintehbovel Telephones : City 4086 and 2716. tenham Grennell Edward, Berry at, Mascot (See Advt. on Front Pages of Gregory William 31., 201, Elsinore rd, Gresham Fire and Accident Insurance DIREcTonY) Elsinore Society, Ltd.—A. 1', Sinclair, manregory and Rudd Misses, milliners, 230 Gregson lienry, Harold at, Parramatta ager, 12 Spring at 31arrickville rd, Marriekville Gregson Ton, 5 Elliott at-, Balmain Gresham L. II. 105 Ebley at-,, Waverley Gregory A., 31 Alexandra st, Drummoyna Gregson john, 16 Ward at, N. Sydney ' Stafford st, l'issIdington Gresley F. J., 43 Gregory A., Small at, Lindfield Gregson John, Womerals a ye, Turns- Gresley John, 29 Selwyn at, Paddington Gregeiy Mrs. A., 28 Windsor rd, 1"shain murra Greeley P., Bedford at, Willoughby Gregory A., 37 Abattoirs rd, ltozelle Gregson John P., manager The Central Grealiew George F., Grantham atGregory A. R., stock and share broker, 19 Agency, Limited, 213 Clarenee at Grosser F., Newland at, Waverley Hunter at Gregson Miss L., Burdett at, Hornsby (treaty George, Chestnut rd, Auburn Gregoly A. W., Connemarra at, Rockdale G nigson It. S., manager, National Bank (treaty ,r. T., Sister's cres, East- D'inoyneGregory Albert, saddlers' Ironmonger and of Australasia Jul., , 60at (treaty .Tolin W., 71 Curtis rd, Balm:sin leather merchant, 40 31arket st u. r., " Warr/swing," Springstale rd, Great Wm. II., 7 Sloane st,Sum.11ill Greory Albert, Chipstone at, Itandwick Kilian' Grevatt Arthur, Powell at, lionselmals Gregory Alfred, George's River rd, Gregsen Rich/int, Pearson at, Ryde Grevett Ernest, Newland at, Waverley Enfield Gregson W. II., Westbourne rd, Roseville Grevey Jannis, tO Edna at, Leichhardt Gregory Mrs. Amy, 19 Margaret at Gregson William, Hansard at, Waterloo Groville's Telegram Co.—A. j H. Gray, Gregory Sirs. Annie, 20 Jane at, Batman Greiff John, 14 Norman at 92 Pitt at Gregory Arthur, 48 Sydney ni, Manly Greig Bros. Propty., Ltd., furnishing Greville Mrs. E. T , 17 Jersey rd, Wlahro. Gregory Charles CI., Ethel at, Parramatta warehousemen, 206 Clarence at Greville Rev. Frederick W. (C. of E.), Gregory Cyril, 5 Burnett at, Redfern Greig j. K. A; Co., auct i oneers, and estate Copeland at, Beeeroft Gregory D. W., Kissing Pt. rd, 1"murra agents, 81 Elizabeth at Greville George, West at, Five Dock Gregory Mrs. E., 10 Bligh st Greig Alec., 69 Railway rd, St. Peters (Ire ville Hector, 33 Alt St., Aslifield Gregory Mrs. E., 491 Parrainatta rd, (Relit Alex., 126 Ernest at, N. Sydney Greville Mrs. M. A., 33 Falcon at, N. Syd. LeielthanIt GreigAlfredII., Constitution rd. Grew Henry C., 24 James at, N. Sydney Gregory Mrs. E., Glebe at, Ityde 31eadowbank Grew Patrick, 45 Renwick at, D'inoyno Gregory E A., ICaraball at, Auburn Greig Mrs. E., 373 Alfred at, N. Sydney Grew l'at'k W. Bridge at, Drummoyne I tregoiy Edwaid, 5.1'., assistant see., 0reig Mrs. E., 169 Canterbury New rd, Grew Samuel, 139 31orehead st, Redfern. Petersham 31ereantile Mutual Insurance Co., I row Thomas, 22 Bayberry at, N. Syd. Ltd., 120 Pitt at ; p. r, Woolwich rd, Greig Mrs. Minna, 9 Tranmere at, Drum- Grew WIIII:sin J., Salisbury rd, Guildford. Hunter's Hill moy ne Irewartilts W., M'attle at, l'imehbowl Gregory Ernest, Park rd, Burwoml Greig Sirs. F., 121 Mullens st, Balmain "Grey Saloon" Tea Rooms, 28 3Ioore at Gregory Mrs. F., 25 Spotforth st, 3losinan Greig Fred., 14 Brute at, Waverley Grey A. W,, Itrooklyn hotel, 233 Georgo Gregory F., Alorwick at, St ratlitield Greig (+Nage, 81 Union at, Newtown at Gregory F. E., 16 Mayes st, Annandale Greig George, 32 Lord at, North Sydney Grey Albert J., 132 Park ave, Astitteld Gregory F. T., 101 Albemarle at, N'town Greig George, Memnon) at, Willoughby trey Andrew F., South par, Auburn Gregory F. W., N'ictoria rd, Bellevue Greig Henry, 151 Reservoir st Grey Arthur J., Princess it so, Concord 11111, Rose Bay Greig .111111eS :36 T11011111S011 at Grey Chas.. 37 Elizala Us at W., Ashlield Gregory Frederick, 10 River at, Balintsin Greig James, 54 Carlisle at, Ashfield Grey Edward C., The Boulevard, L'hardt Gregory Frederick, 49 Edwin at, Croydon Greig James, Virginia at, Granville Grey Mrs. Ellen, 35 Minion! rd, Gregory Fredk. 8 Ferry rd, Drummoyne Greig James A., 92 Railway ave, S'inore Grey Sirs. Ellen, 10 Alum st, Paddington. Gregory Fred. B., Wetherill st, Croydon Greig J/111/0S S., 45 Forbes at, Newtown Grey Ernest G , Richard at-, Ryde Ifregoly G. A., Sturt at, South Itandwick Greig John, IVentworth rd, Holm/bush Grey Sins. F., Alfred at, North Sydney Gregory Geo. E., 127 Weston rd, Rozelle Greig John, 23 Trade at, Newtown Grey Frances C., \Vandals we, Itandwielc Grego] y Geoi ge, 54 Mackenzie at, W'av'y Oreig John K., J. I'., Selborne at, Buny'd Grey George, 14 David at, Forest Lodge Gregory 11,131 Cleveland at, Redfern Greig Manuel, Guinea at-, West Kogarals Grey Jul., 76 Arundel at, Forest Lodge Gregory 11. B., Baldry at, Chatswood Greig 3Irs. Ilary E., 4 Trinity ave Grey James, 46 Cohn at, North Sydney Gregory Harold, Small's lane, Eastwood G reit; Peter C., 43 Rowntree st, Balinain I Grey John, 80 Addison rd, Merrick V11117 Gregory J. W., Forest rd, A nicliffe reig ii. .1'., 21 Bayswater et, D'inoyne Grey John, Rose at, 31arrielcvlile Gregory James, 31 Selwyn at Greig It. 31., Kogarali rd, Kogssrals Grey John, 35 Grosvenor ores, Sum. Hill Gregory John, 1:10 Reservoir st Greig Robert, Punchbowl rd, Enfield Grey John W., 43 Morgan at, Marekville Gregory John, Samidera lane Grew Robert 1., Burns rd, ishroonga Grey Joseph, 88 UnderellIfe at, N. Bay Gregory John, 3 Trouton at, Belmont Greig Ronald, Pine id, Fairfield Grey Mrs. 31., Bayview ave, Waverley Gregory John, Belmore at, Parrainatta Greig Roy T., Carringion rd, Randwick Grey Mrs. 31aud, 8 Glen at, Paddington Gregory John It., Pennant Itilk rd, Greif; Sydney .1., Railway par, Burwood Grey Miss P., 9 Ferry rd, Glebe Normanhurst Greig '1.211., tailor, 1 and 3 l'ark st Grey Percy Ii, Parranfatta rut, Auburn Gregory Joseph T., 31arion it, Auburn Greig T. 31., U Almora at, 3losinin Grey Stuart, 46 Alma at, Darlington Gregory Martin, 27 Ethos at, Leichliardt Greig Thomas, Cremona' rd, Creinorne Grey Vivian, Queen at, Granville Gregory Mrs. 0., Powell st, Homebush Greig 31arriekyille rd, Sydonhant (trey W. C., surgeon, 135 3tacquarie at Gregory Oscar, Pine st, Itandwiek Greif; VIlliuumuu, Luella rd, iliirwood p.r , Dudley it, Lideoinhe Gregory Reginald, Lord at, 11m-evilly Ilreig Wm. A., Northwood rd, L. Cove Grey Wm. 3I., 22 Thomas it, S. Sydney GREGORY H. P. & CO SUPPLY PRIVATE CARRIAGES, LANDAUS AND BROUGHAMS, WITH LIVERIED SERVANTS, AT CALL ANTHONY HORDERNV — SPOT CASH MERCHANTS. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR STATION SUPPLIES. ALPHABETICAL. 1308Gre Gri Gri Gri1309 ALPHABETICAL. , Greycliffe Children's Hospital—Miss II. Griffon F. and A. V., small goods, : Griffin Mrs. 31., Dinuaresq rd, Rose Bay Turner, matron, N'aucluse rd, V' clse Griffin Miss 31., 18 Grosvenor cres, Summer Hill Griffin Michael, 83 Rose at Griffin Michael, 103 Rose at, Darlington Griffon Harry, 13 Cooper at, l'ad'ton Griffin Michael, Alpha rd, Willoughby Griffen Thomas, Melville at, Ryde I Griffin Patrick. 06 Brougham at Griffen William, Bay at, Botany Griffin C. and 3f., dyers, 147 Bridge rd,: 'Griffin IL, St. George's par, Hurstville Griffin R. J., 412 31arrickville rd, M'ville Glebe Griffin & Co., business brokers, ite.,1 Griffin Reginald, 131 Flood at, Leichhardt Griffin Richard, Regent at, Kogarah 228 Pitt at GriffinRobert, Broad rd, South It'wick GRIFFIN J. G. and HARRISON,1 Griffin Robert, Irvine at, South Itandw'k Civil Engineers and Licensed Sur- . I Griffin Robert II., Froginore st, 3lascot veyors, Certificated Engineers under :Griffin Mrs. S. A., off Adderton rd, DunLocal Government Act, 1906, No. 15 das t bird floor, Equitable Building, ' Orilliu Samuel, Baltimore st, Belmore George st. Tel. City 1028. Tel. 20, Griffin T. A., 22 Astride& rd, Daceyville Kogarah, and Mosman 1075 Griffin T. 11., George at, Parramatt a Griffin and Leggo, organ builders, 127' , Griffin Thomas, 160 rd, Double B. Griffin Thomas, Alfred at, Granville Point at Griffin Misses, musie teachers, Amy at, Griffin Thomas, 72 110111161HO at . N•town Griffin Thomas .1., Waterworks hotel, Campsie Botany rd, Botany Griffin Mrs. A., Dailey st, West Kogarah' Griffin Timothy, sen., Fore at, CanCrbury Griffin Allan, 181 Bridge rdo Glebe Griffin Arthur, 106 Simmons at,, Enmore Griffin Timothy, 14 Glover st, Mosman , Griffin W., 14 Victoria at, Erskineville Griffin Mrs. B. G. 50 Crown at Griffin W. H., Hawthorne par, Ha berfield i Mrs. Candle!, 164 Palmer at Griffn Griffin W. It., Bellevue par, Hurst villa Griffin Cecil J., Cowper at, Granville Griffin Waiter B., architect. 23-25 Griffin Charles, 147 Bridge rd, Glebe at Griffin Mrs. E., 137 High at, N. Sydney !Griffin Wilfrid C., 91 St John's rut, Griffin Mrs. E., Howard at, Randwick Forest Lodge Griffin E. F., managing director Australian Mattress Mills, Ltd., 259 Clar- Griffin William, Beatable at, Ashlield ence st and 49 Parramatta rd, Forest I GriffinH., Unwin's Bridge RI, Marriekviile Lodge Griffin Edward J., Albert at, Parramatta Griffin Edward, Denman at, Hurstville Griffin Mrs. F. A., 47 Brown at, Murton Griffin F. It., St wart lane, Baholle Eiectroplaters, Gliders, etc. (estabGriffin F. L., 105 Womerah eve lished 1870), 77 and 79 Liverpool at, Griffin F. W., 175 Paddington at, Pad'ton City. Tel. No. City 6905. (See Griffin Francis II., Holliorrow at, Croyd'n Advt. opposite) Griffin Frank, 18 linshbory at, Mosman Griffin Frank A., Queenseliffe, Manly Griffith and Hassel, patent and trade Griffin Frank W., Queenseliffe, Manly mark attorneys, Record chambers, Griffin Fred., Curtis rd, Bankatown 77 Castlereagh at. Griffin Frederick, 53 Fitzroy at Griffin CL, 40 Parramatta rd, lie borfleld ' Griffith A., Albermarle eve, Woollahra Griffith Rev. A. J., 3I.A. (('ong.), Godfrey Griffin G., 3 Albion at, NN averley at, Lakemba Griffin Geo., St. George's par, liurstville Griffin Gerald, 211 Young at, Annandale Griffith A. J., The Promenade, Sans Sonci Griffith A. W., Arabella st, Longueville Griffin Guy. Carlisle at. Rose Bay Griffin H., advert. contractor, 2110 Pitt at Griffith Albert, Gladstone at, Kogarah Griffith Mrs. Annie, 3 Craigend st Griffin II. G., Harris at, Granville Griffith Hon. Arthur, 31.L.A , Mini-ter Griffin J,. 33 Cleveland st, Darlington for Pubiic Works, Department of Griffin J. B., Cross at, Double Bay Public Works, Phiiiip at Griffin J. 0., .T. P., C.E., licensed surveyor, Griffith Arthur IL, J.P., patent attorney certificated engineer under Local and consulting engineer, Record Government Act, 1906, Equitable chambers, 77 Castlereagh at ; p.r., buildings, George at. Tel. City 1028; "Sturthohne," Sydney rd, Manly p.r., "Tlialingn," Mills at, Carlton,' Griffith B., Crick at, Uhatswood Ilexley.Tel. 29, Kogarah Griffith Bert, ivercer and tailor, 117 Grit& James, 452 Riley at Liverpool at Griiiill JallIeS. 194 Hereford at, Glebe I Griffith Miss C., 1 Bums at., Petersham Griffin James, Church at, Lidemobe Griffin James. 8 Willoughby at. N. Syd. Griffith E., Beaconsfield at, Auburn Griffith Mrs. E., Gloucester rd. IF vine Griffin James L., 76 Alice st, Newtown Griffith Mrs. E. A., Botany rd, Mascot (I filth John, 17 Brumby at Griffith E. C., managing director of GrifGriffin John, 16 Chisholm at fith, Ltd , 77 and 79 Liverpool at; Griffin John, 67 Rose at pa', " Ville Lauri," Falser at, WoolGriffin John, 15 Prospect at wich. Telephone 176 Hunter's 11111 Griffin John, Rancombe at, Botany Griffin John, 73 Arundel at, Forest Lodge! Griffith E.66 Canonbury grove, Dulwich Hill Griffin John, 162 Unwin's Bridge rd, St. I Griffith E. T., 24 Bishop at, Marrickville Peters Griffith II., 170 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Griffin John. Nieholson at.. Tempe Griffith Harold, secretary Prescott Ltd., Griffin Joseph, 62 Wells at, _Redfern 365-375 Sussex st ; p.r., "Clitheroe," GI Min Mi s s K., 170 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Reserve at, Ityde Griffin Mrs. Kate 28 Lawson at, Walley Griffith Herbert W., Stanley rd, Epping Griffin Miss L., 511 Newington rd, Griffith Mrs. I. C., 101 Hargrave at, PadGriffin L. (1„ Matthew at, Hurst vine dington Griffin Mrs. M., Gardener's rd, Mascot Griffin Miss M., 564a Darling at, Rozelle Griffith John, 65 Windsor at, Paddington Eastern eve, Kensington G Offen A , 50 Yule at, Petersham • Greyhurst Mrs. A., Henry st, W. Rog. • Greyson William, Woodstock st, Botany Griffen Mrs. Elizabeth, 113 Victoria at Gribben A. V., farrier' and veterinary surgeon, off 178 Phillip at, and 07 Castlereagh at •ribben Andrew, l'., Fraser at, Wwick -Gribben Edwin J., Kerr's rd, Lideombe Gribben Frank, Tryon rd, Lindfleld .0ribben Hugh, 16 Ada lane -Gribben John, 108 Lord at, Newtown Gribben Mrs. S., 17 Prospect rd, Summer Hill Gribble Mrs. Annie, 21 Raglan at, Irt'loo -Gribble B. M., 6 Baker lane, For. Lodge -Gribble Charles S., Good st, Granville Gribble Clyde, Fairview at, Concord .Oribble .7., 68 Henderson rd, Alexandria Gribble Jos, 102 View at, Annandale .Gribble John, 66 Phillip at, Alexandria I Gribble Mrs. M., Rhodes eve, Granville Oribble Miss M. A., Cross at, Guildford .Gribble Miss IL, Guildford rd, Guildford Gribble 3Ir5. S., 29 Bartlett at, Sum 11111 -Gribbin William, baker, 33 Renwick st, Marrickville -Gable William, Barley rd, Randwick Once B. .1. and Co., decorators, 56 Hunter street -G rice and Onions, mercers and hatters, Pitt and Market streets G rice Arthur j., Station at, Carlton 'Once B. J., "Heatherbrae,' 147 Parramat ta rd, Summer llill -Grim Bert, Fleet at, Carlton .0 rice Charle s C., Robertson place, Vatic Mae Once Edwin T., Seymeur st, Enfield .0fice :Joseph, 64 Carlisle at, Leichhardt Orice Marcus W., 42 Prospect rd, Sum.mer Unice Raymond F., Stephen at, Bondi Gore Robert, 8 Anglesea at, Bondi :Once Thomas, Inverness eve, Penshurst Grim Walter, Dare at, Hurstv,ile • Grico Walter, 7 Campbell at, N. Sydney Once William, Punchbowl rd, Enfield •Grief Mrs. Alive, 40 Campbell at, Glebe Griele3 Stephen, Elm rd, Auburn -Grier William A., Council at, Waverley •Grier .Tolin, Percival st, West Kogarali .Grieres Robert, 482 Malvern( rd, GrIerson A. F., 13 Albert at, Grierson Arch. J., Moreton at, Lakemba -Grierson Arthui, Croydon eve, Enfield Grierson C., 3 Holmsdale at, Marrickville Grierson Mrs., Ashton at, Itandwick Orierson Robert W., J. P., town clerk, Redfern Town I tall, 73 Pitt at, Redfern ; p.r., 4 Pitt at, Redfern -Griesbach Mrs. E., Connemnrra at, Bexley .fir i essbaner Mrs. E. E., 15 Craigend at. Grieve Alex, Gardener's rd, Waterloo Grieve Alex IL, Onslow at, North Bondi 'Grieve AIIm, Letitia at, Outlay Grieve Mrs. Ocean at, Woollahra Grieve John, Victoria a y e, Chatswood 'Grieve Joerph, 120 View at, Annandale Grieve Joseph, Burwood rd. Enflild Grieve 3liss, Grosvenor ems, Sum. Ma :Grieve It. H., 6 Llandaff at, Waverley .Grieve R. J., Auburn rd, Auburn -Grieve Thomas, Maxon rd, Canterbury •Grieve W. H., 16 Cromwell at, Ashfield Grieves 3Irs. A., 4 Hugh at, Ashfield Grieves Benjamin, Parramatta rd, Ityde Grieves Mrs. IL, 177 Military rd, 3fosinan Grieves !Obeli, Herbert at, Manly -Grieves Thomas 11.,at,, linkentha , Orieves W. J., teacher of violin, Ash at, off 338 George at Grieve.; W. 3., 102 Glebe Point rd, Glebe WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD, 'GRIFFITH LIMITED LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS Si, 'PHONE 156 OLEBL What Where we are ! we are! GRIFFITH LIMITED ARE WE BRASS FOUNDERS & BRASS FINISHERS, Electroplaters, Nickelplaters & Gilders, Bronzers and Lacquerers, GOLD & SILVERSMITHS We will make you any article in Silver, or E.P. Ware, no matter how large or mall, we will make it to your satisfaction. TROPHIES A SPECIALITY. 77-79 Established We are situated at LIVERPOOL STREET, SYDNEY (2 1870. Griffith Miss 31,84 Wilson at, Newtown Griffith Sir Samuel Walker, P.C., G.C.M.G., Chief .Tustice, High Court of Australia, 201 Macquarie at Griffith Siegfried, Carr at, Coogee Griffith Thos., 42 Perry at, 3farrickville Griffith W., Macquarie at, Parramatta Griffith William, 37 Richard at, Newtown Griffiths A. .T. and Co., Colifevtifon(y rs. 68 Corso, Griffiths Bros. Proprietary, Ltd., tea, coffee and cocoa merchants ; sale rooms, 534 George at ; offices and warehouse, corner Wentworth ave and tioulburn at. Tel. City 8342 Griffiths and Co., contractors (Australia Ltd.), 77 Castlereagh at Griffiths and Co., land and estate agents, rd, Alosman. Tel. 146 31•111 Griffiths Mesdames E. and J., 20 Brisbane at, Waverley Griffiths' Fruit Supply (The) — A. A. Griffiths, manager, Fruit Exchange, Barker at Griffiths Fruit Supply Case Factory (The). Russell at. Griffiths Ltd., printers, 6 Central at Griffiths and Itathgeber, farriers, 13 Parramatta rd, Griffiths A., 182 Young st, Annandale Griffiths A., Harcourt estate, Canipsie Griffiths A., Christian rd, Punchbowl Griffiths A. A., manager The Griffiths' Fruit Supply, Fruit Exchange, Barker at Griffiths A. A. W., 7 Clifton at east, Batmain Griffiths A. 11111, publisher, 1 4a Pitt at; p.t., Stanton rd, Summer 11111 Griffiths Mks A. L., mut rum St. Lawrenee Private Hospital, Rose at, Chat sw'd doors from George Street). Telephone—City 6905. Griffiths A. It., Victoria st, Arucliffe !Griffiths H. Ii.. 172 'Darling at. Halmain Griffiths Alfred, 106 Preinii . r at, !Griffiths E. II., 13 Wellington at., Rozelle Griffiths Alfred C., Susan at, Auburn I Griffiths E. 1... 22 Ba,, at, Double Bay Griffiths Alfred .T., 13 Garden ave. Glebe Griffiths E. J., 100 N'ictoria at, Lewisham Griffiths Alfred L., 26 Devonshire st, N.S. !Griffiths E. W , off French's Forest rd, Griffiths Miss Am y , 324 Liverpool at 31ani Griffiths 3Irs. Annie, 4 N5 hone at, Nent. B. GriffithsEdith. 48 Dorwent st, Glebe 1:rifliths Mrs. Auld .. , 8 3IcGarvie at, 1"ton Griffiths Edward, Frederick at, Rockdale Griffiths Arthur, 84 (Heim Point rd, Glebe Griffiths Edward, 14 Clare at, Rozelie Griffiths Arthur, 65 Juliett at. NI' ville Griffiths Edward, 65 Frederick at, St. Griffiths Arthur, 58 Warren rd, Peters Griffiths Arthur, Sydney at, Rand wick . Griffiths Edward A., .Tanes at, !review) Griffiths Arthur, N.S.H. nil, Rose Bay Griffiths Edwin, 53 Albany rut, rhino!' Griffiths Arthur, 31 Harris at, Rozelle Griffiths Mrs Ellen, 133 Arthur st Griffiths Arthur, 34 Mary at, Waterloo Griffiths Ernest, 402 Wattle at (iriffiths It., 98 Curtis at, Balmain Griffiths F., Ilnyview at, Bexley Griffiths Bert , 83 August us at, L'ha Griffiths F. C., 79 31orelleail at, Redfern Griffiths C., Ilnyview at, Bexley Griffith, F. Guy, M.D., physielan, 135 Griffiths 3Irs. C., 21 NYindsor rd, Peterat ;p.r., " Woolgan•' sham Gordon rd, Kithira Griffiths (.. A.. 92 Ferris at, Annandale Griffiths F. Ii, .ros,..1111 at, 1,1(1conilh, Griffith ., Mr,. C. C411,11 Cross at, Double Griffiths Frank, 82 Hill at, Leichhardt Bay Griffiths Frederick, 161 l'itt at, Redfern Griffiths C. J., Challis at, Rand wick Griffiths 0., 41 Charles at, 31arrickville Griffiths C. W., 31 Stewart, at, l'add'ton Griffiths G. A , 1,1 Cromwell at, Ashfleld Griffiths Charles, off 75 Bat hurst St Griffiths (1. E., 01(1 Prospect rd, WentGriffiths Chas., Stacey at, Bankstown wortliville Griffiths Charles, White at, Leichhanit Griffiths (1. F., Belmont rd, Griffiths Charles, off Stu:. rt at, Manly Griffiths (1, IL, Villiers at, Parramatta Griffiths Charles E., 311 B rougham at Griffiths (1. S., 301 Annandale at, An'dale Griffiths Chris., 83 Campbell at, Glebe Griffiths George, Stanley at, Burwood Griffiths 1)., 92 Underwood at, Paddlon Gfi fifths Geo., 811 (tanipbell st, Newtown Griffiths 1). 11., 514 New Canterbury rd, Griffiths Griffith, 76 Cairo at, Nth. Syd. Dulwich 11111 Griffiths II., Edinburgh rd, Marrickville Griffiths David, 11 Prospect rd, fium. Griffiths Harold, 89 Merton st, Rozelle Griffiths Mrs. E., 247 Victoria st Griflitlis Mrs Harriet, 28 Kippax at Griffiths E., Harcourt estate, Campsie Gritiltalils:Ienry, 48 Derwent at, Glebe Griffiths Mrs. E., Queen at, Concord Griffiths Henry, Railway at, flit ne GriffithsIi., Ituninore at, Croydon l'ark Griffielis E.. 104 Allereninilihy at, Redfern Griffiths Henry, 48 Pacific par, 3Ianly Griffiths E. (1., 23 Silver at., St. Peters Griffiths Henry, Mowbray rd, Willo'by HALF• A • CENTURY OF EXPERIENCE HAS PERFECTED OUR METHODS AND EARNED OUR REPUTATION ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FURNITURE AND FAMILY DRAPERY. 1310Gri ALPHABETICAL. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TEAS, TOYS, TOOLS AND TOGO ERY. Gri ALPHABETICAL. Gri Griffiths Henry J., 102 \Wells st. Newtown Adta By spechal appointment Griffiths Henry J.. 99 Paddin g ton st, to His Excellency the Paddington GouernomGeneral. Griffiths Herbert, Waters st, Enfield Sales Itoom Griffiths Herbert, Cameron st, Rockdale 531 Geonte St., spin eY• Griffiths Herbert 3., 22 Womerali ave (Miens and Wareilatise Griffiths Hugh, in unmans rd. Five Ilk. Cu ner Wentworth Awe. rI Griffiths Miss I., 5 The Boulevard, Lewisand Gottlburn Street Proprietary, Limited, ham iTelonlIonr, City 4:112) 20 to 30 Flinders St.. and Griffith's I., 75 Holterman at, N. Sydney Gil Elizabeth Street. Mel. Griffiths 31rs. J., 37 Ormond st, l'ad'ton bourne: 40 Rundle St., Griffiths Mrs. 3,60 Railway at, 1"shant Adelaide , and at 530 Griffiths Mrs. J. A., Gordon st. Bunnell Tea, Coffee and Cocoa Merchants 1411..eitStreet. Petrie Griffiths J. .r., denti st, 472 Georgo st Bi ght. Brisbane. Griffiths J. T., earrilr. 5 13arlow st Griffiths J. P., Rocky Pt. rd, ICogarall Griffiths Sydney. 540 Cleveland st Grigson C. W., librarian Sydney and Griffiths J. W., 23 Boyle at, 3losinan Griffiths T., 116 Swanson et, Erskineville Suburban Provident Medical AssociGriffiths James, 207 Pynnont at Griffiths T., Penshurst at, Penshurst ation, 32-34 Elizabeth st Griffiths James, 10 Ferris st, Annandale Griffiths T.. King at, Rockdale Grigson Dr. It. E, 201 Macquarie st Griffiths James, 86 Marriott st, Redfern Griffith, T., Nelson st, Hyde Grilk James \V ,22 Glassop st, Balms:it Griffiths James, 63 Grove st, 11 'IC )11e Griffiths T. II., George st, Canterbury Grill Frank, hotel, 296 Victoria at Griffiths James A., 70 Darling et, Glebe Griffiths Thomas, Sutherland rd, Beecroft Grill James, Bligh 25 Pitt, st Redfern Griffiths John, 87 Buckingham et Griffiths Thomas, 26 Great Bilekinglinin Grills T. IL, 117 George at, Iterlfern Griffiths John, 208 Harris at st. 11 nIfern Grills T. 11.. :34 Regent at, Redfern Griffiths John, 60a Curtis rd, Balm:tin Griffiths Thomas, 32 Rosehill at, Redfern Grills Thos. A., 51 Ormond st, Paddlon Griffiths John, Big Bondi Beach Thomas, Sydney st, Willoughby Grills William F., 13 !aura at, Newtown Griffiths John, 32 1.01e1011 st. Eamon. Griffiths W., 62 Taylor st, Annandale orillinson 311ss II., 365 Young st, A'ilale Griffiths John, J. l'., Roelty l't. rd. Griffiths Griffiths W.. Swanson st, Erskineville Grimble, Shotinan and Co., Mutsu! firGriffiths John, Edinburgh nl, Mar'ville Griffiths W., 52 Barton a ye, Haberfield nilr!re, 270 at. Balmain Griffiths John, 42 Pearl st, Newtown Griffiths W., Bridge rd, Hornsby Grind& Arthur II., Wattle at. Griffiths .John, Cecil st. Paddington Griffiths W., Si Renw irk 4 Leiehliardt Grimble A. J., Renwick at, Marrickville ri HMIs John, Bond's rd, Punchbowl W., 5 Falcon St., North Sydney Grimble Capt. John. 10 Harnett . aye, Griffiths John C., J. l'., 14 Farr st. ledale Griffiths Griffiths W., 727 Darling at, Rundle Sla rrh. k vide Griffiths John. 39 Crescent st. Rozelle Griffiths W. H., 30 Grove at, 31arrickville Grime Herbert S., "Narbetliong," RailGriffiths joint F., Ann st, Arncli tie Griffiths W. H., 56 Susan st, Newtown wrt . st, Chatswood Griffiths John J., 3 Schilitel st. Wat:rloo Griffiths W. J., 44 Role et, Leirlihardt Grime J., 98 Mort at, Ballitain Griffiths Joseph, 138 Upper Spit rd, Griffiths W. 31.. Robinson 4. 31ascot Grime J., Tennyson rd, Mortlake 3losman at. 31a rriek vine Griffiths NV. IL, 13 Ca vey Grime Jeffrey, Grime's lane, Carlingford Griffiths Joseph, l'enshurst at, Willo'by Griffiths Sr. P., Forest rd, Bexley Leonard, '"rhornleigh," Burns rd, (triffiths Mrs. Kate. O'BrInt st. Bondi I Griffiths W. R., 38 Campbell st, Balmain Grime Wahroonga Griffiths MN. L.. 1/ larding house. 132 Griffiths W. S., Highland a ye, Gordon Grimes A. J. Henke rd Flemington Jersey rd, Paddington Griffiths W. S.. 111Liwa at, Neutral Bay Grimes Charles, Wharf ml, Concord Griffiths L., 63 Frederick st, St. Peters 44rilue4 31rs. F., Princess ave, Waterloo Griffiths W. Scott, draftsmen, Royal Griffiths L. P., Robert st, Man ickville Grimes G. C.. Albemarle ave, W'altrit chambers, 3 Castlereagh St Griffiths L. W., Bay St, Rockdale Grimes Henry, la llotany rd, Merlon Griffiths Lewis IL, '.en., Canipsie st, Gliffiths Wilfred, Park are, Botany Grimes Henry J., 44 Role st, Leichhard t Griffiths William, 33 Buhvarrit hue Campsie Griffiths William, 27 West ave Grimes Henry NV., 70 Lennox st, NewGriffiths Lewis H., junr., Campsie st, Griffiths William, Clelland rd,IJArta mien town Campsie Griffiths Miss 3I, 28 Nowranie at, Sum- rilliths William, The Avenue, D'inoyne Grimes 11 re. I. 147 Queen st. Waling Griffiths William, 15 Sydney at, Ersk'ville Grimes Samuel J., Kitehener at, NV. Kog. mer 11111 Griffiths 5Irs. B. A., 9 Darley et. N. Syd. Griffiths William, 22 Derwent at, Glebe Grimes Stanley, McDonald st Mortlake Grimes T. A. Rhodes 11VO, Naremburn Griffiths Miss, 108 North Steyne, Manly Griffiths William Robinson at, Mascot Griffiths Mrs., 41 Vernon st, Woollahra Griffiths William, CIampi pll sr. Kogarali Grimes William, Middle st, Randwick Grimes William, Sandringham Griffiths Neville, physirian and surgoon. Griffiths William, Garden at, Mascot Griffiths William. Bowden st, Ileadowlik Grimish Mrs. Rose, Wycombe rd, Neutral 421 Darling at, Balmain Griffiths Denkon A. New ti, Bay Griffiths Norman, Ilayview st, Bexley Griffiths 0., Fernhill at, llonstone lark Griffiths Wm., 82 West st, North Sydney GRIMLEY LIMITED Manufacturers William. 99 Merton A. Itozelle Griffiths Owen It., Coward et. Mascot of Harness and Saddlery, Importers Griffiths l' , 16 Charlecot st, Ilarrickville Griffiths Ohl Prospect of Carriage Ware. Office, 203, 265, Griffiths l'., George at, Rockdale Went wiirtliville and 267 Clarence at Griffiths P. NV., Carrington are, 11'ville Griffiths William, 2:12 Edgeclitfe road,! rimley Edward, 08 Albert St, Leieli hard t Griffiths Patrick, 5:3 31111 st Woollahra Griffiths Percy, 184 Trafal gar st, Grillits John T.. Idy eroft oh, Beeeroft Grimley Frank, " Walidella," Gale st, Woolwich Griffiths l'ercy, 19 ANT1111e rd, Mosman Grillits Sydney, Cheltenham rd. Griffiths Pot)r S., Castletield st . , Bondi Grigg Charles II., 78 Stanley st Whitley George S., 5.1'., 7' .Adelaide st, I Vieille lira Griffiths R., Wolseley at, West Kogarall Grigg Ili-, E. 31., l'eel st. Nth. Syltney triluley Lawrenve, II Nees a ye, Did. II ill Griffiths R. C., Doncaster ave, 1Censlon Grigg F. If., 54 Palace 4, 1' tershain Griffiths It. G., Wazier st, Antelilfe Grigg James, 152 Darley at, Newtown ! Grimley '1' , 15 Petersham at, l'etersham Griffiths It. J., 180 linwitt's Bridge rd, Grigg John, Campbell st, Five Dock Whitley Thomas, 31innesotit ave. Five D. St. Peters Grimley 'rhos. C., 126 Flood st, L'hardt Grigg John A., Station at, Harris Park Griffiths Raymond, 20 Thompson at Grigg Sydney, 189 Military rd, Neut. Bay 44t1111111 31i-,es 31. and .1.. injury good., Griffiths Richard, Lucas rd, East 11111s Grigg T. S. W., 5 llopetoun at, Staninore Auburn rd, Auburn Griffiths Richard • 50 View at. 1Voollalint Widiain, Hampden rI s odd. .111•11! Grimm A., Gilded hone! live, Itandwick Griffiths Itobert, 42 College st, Ila'main Griggs Alfred, St. George's rd, Bexley . Grimm George, teacher of singing, Ash st, Griffiths ltobert, 3 Centre st, Redfern ! Griggs Henry, George at west, Durwood JfI 338 George st Griffiths Sire. Rose, 4 Brougham st. Glebe Griggs James, 1111111111111SL A ruclitfe Grimm Gooro . A., IS ril (3'rifIlt he 31rs. S. Garfield st, Five Dock Griggs John,at, Ilurstville Gniiimp r Miss F., 39 Broadway, Glebe Griffiths S. C., 51' Whaling rd, N. Sydney Griggs Allan, Phillip st, Pa rritinatta Grinimett T. W., Hawthorne par, HaberGriffiths S. J., 31e Pherson et , l'ariton InIgui W. Ernest, 31.13., Cll. AI_ physician field Griffiths Samuel, Botany rd, Mascot 235 Ilaciptan • et Grimmond Andrew, Duncan st, A militia Griffiths Samuel, 04wald .SIo-iiiiii G rigor W. G., chemist, 150 George at ii Grimmond MN. NV., Albert ave, ChatsGriffiths Seward, 22 Wilton st Grigsby II. L., lotting. director, Lonsdale wood Griffiths Stephen, C1111101'011 st, Itoekdale and Bartholomew (Australia) Ltd., Grimmond William, 11 Dork rtl. 280 George at WOOD, COFFILL &COMPANY LTD.HEAD OFFICE: BULWARRA RO.,PYRMONT. 'PHONE 726 it. 1160 CENTRAL Gro1311 Gress 55 Minim 75 Reservoir st Grist W., 9 Emit at, Waverley Grosse E. Si., Karecht rd, Crentorne Garr Newspaper Office, 33 Park st Grit ton II. 13., assayer Royal Mint, Mac- Grosse Edward II., dental surgeon, 240 Military rd, Mosman quarie st Grosse (3. C.. Hereford st, Glebe Gritton II B., Wyuna rd, Rose Bay Gritton Mrs, W. 1E, Liverpool rd, Enfield! Grosse NV., 3.1' , 47 Johnston st, An'ilale Grivo Alexander. 38 Deni-on t, Rozelle (3ross,d Mrs. G.. 300 Addison rd. 31'ville Newt OW11 Grosset G., Coolgardie at, Willoughby tUtillIslItINV Henry: Sell., 43 Excelsior par, Grives Eugene, 85 Francis at, Glebe Grives Frank, Old Botany rd, Mascot! Grossler .1'. A . It itelener it. W. Itogarall 3Iarrickville at. Glebe Grossmann C. S. S„ 3farion st, l'ar'matta Crimshaw Henry, Premier st, Grives Mahon J., 75 Ciwp Grimshaw J.11 , Liverpool rd, Groat A. 74 Parra %%Ten st. Neutral Bay Grossman Cecil S. S., chemist, 174 Church at, Parramatta Grinishaw Mrs.7-1 Albert at. L'hardt Groat John IV., Runnel(' rd. linrwood Grossman Miss It. P., 24 Selwyn st, Pad. Crinishaw 'tidal., grocer, 63 'trishaw at Groat Malcolm, Wharf rd, Concord Grmuenor hWel — Carlo W. 711. Chateau, (4 role' Henn , Agincourt. rd, East wood Grimshaw Richard, sen., 13 Lipton at proprietor, corm‘r Clarence and •Gritosliaw IV.. t'aintill‘11 at. Groniek MN. M., Pitt water rd, N. By& Grosvenor sts Grimshaw W. L., West. at, IV. Kogarali Grosvenor 3fotor ("mutually, 351 Lane Crinisley F., importer, 196 l'itt Cove rd, North Sydney Crimsley Francis., Bridge et, Drummoyne GROCOCK S. G. C., 362 Illawarra rd, Griinsley T. N.. tit, David's rd. Specialist in Artificial Limbs, Orths. Grosvenor Grosvenor George. Stanl e y rd, 1.1(1(.01111w Grinison Alex.. Terinhills st, LiVetp:)01 pantie. Appliances, Trusses, etc., so: Grosvenor Junction rd, Sum Hill hi Grimson .Leopold, 68 Hordern st, N'town • Hunter at (opt). Elizabeth at). Tel.! Grosvenor It.,24 W , 3 Belmore ni S. Pet. Crimson Stanley, Dawson st, Cloytion (its' 6354. (See Advertisement Art1-1 Grosvenor Samuel. 90 Renwick at, A'arin Grimson S., George st, Granville ficial Limb Shakers) Grosvenor Stanley, 84 Fitzroy at LGrintsted NV. T., 1 la Falcon st, N. Set. Grosvenor Thomas, 126 New Canterbury Grimster James 31., Argyle rd, Ponshurst Groconie A. 85 Stathit -I. Tempe rd, Petersham Grimston Mrs. 31„ Alice ave. Newtown Grocott A Itinza. 453 Meta . Point rd.! (11eir• Grimston Ralph, Wyndham at, Alex'dria ! tdrimstone Charles, Wilson st, Mascot Grocott C. 31. (Prescott, L)d.), " Loma,',! DiulleN. al , Coop. e l iri llt w al d Chas.. 11..v.oi s hire st. C wo,a1 Grimwood Arthur, Arthur at, Granville Grocott. 31rs. M., 32 High A, N. Sydney Paint, Oil and Glass Merchants, GritilWood Chark,, , John st, Itandwick Groc. It Ilarcits. Andover st. Carlton . Paperhanging Warehouse and ArGroviiiirt Bre.. 10 11,bert . at. ,Grimwood llorace. 81 Darling at, tists' 3faterials Depot, 525 George Grintwood L., If dlway parade north, Groenlund Mrs. C., Penehurst at, Wilstreet, Bricklield Hill. Bulk Stores, Granville loughby 504 Kent at. Telephones, City 3173 Grintwood Lucien, Inynan st, Sum. Hill Groennov F. II 14 11"uss st hardt and 6140 Orintwood Miss It. C., 48 Carlisle et, Grogan B.. 8. 1 Slmittortli A. Ili, limn. Groth Albert C., All red st,.31ascot Grogan 3Irs E, 3 'William st, Redfern Aelifleld Groth Charles, 30 Norton st, Aslifield Grintwood It hi., Marines at, Arncliffe Grogan Mrs. Emily, 410 Riley at (trimmed \V. E.. Ann at, O rog an Harry R.: Rhodes aN"0. Nar'hurn Grot Im Charles. 84 Fitzroy at. SI' yule God 11 Fred. 4$ Kensin gton ni, Simi. 11E1 Crindell William, 47 Mackey at Grogan James , 39 Myrtle at, !Grindley E. IV.,st north, Gran- Grogan r-. Louisa. 92 IVaiker at, 'Cern . Groth George, Lancelot . at, Five Dock (troth 31N. II. II., Mason rd, Crentorne Grogan 31iss Margaret, 128 Bourke st ville Grindrod A., 202 Military rut, Neut. Bay Grogan Michael, 0 Wentworth et, Manly G rot J., 1)) Myaligah rd, 3losnyll Grindrod Arthur, 64 Itirrell at, Waverley Grogan Patrick, Walker at, Five Doek ("rot lb J. A., dentist, Alandolong rd, Mosinq 11 Grindrod .1 :din, Nortliumbt . rhindet, I;p'01 Grogan It., 19 Suffolk at, Paddington rindrod Richard, 308 Jones st Grogan Thomas, Walker at, Five Dock Grottl S. F., 17 Abercrombie at Crindrod lticlid., 43 Frazer rd, Lewisham Grogan " dilam T., 1 he Avenue, Hurst- GROTJAN DUDFIELD., PROGrindrel \Wallace. Victor st. Chatswood ville PRIETARY, LIMITED. SUlt5 Grinham Alb...rt. 153 Harris st William, Carden et, SI ascot Ilidelltlas and 31erellatits, RepreGrinhant Arthur, 6 Lawson at Gull Arthur. 81 Blue's Point rd. N. Std. senting !Mos de 11. A. Bender Callihan) Arthur, 78 Pyrileffit at Groll Mn.s E. J., lturwood nil, Belmorc Cork Merchants, Spain and Kelsall, Crinhain David, Macquarie rd, Auburn Groll George II., Leylandd par, elmore I and Kemp, Ltd. (Rochdale, EngGrinliani Henry T. D., Normal by rd. Grote Chas.TM.. Avenue. Sans land), Manufacturers of "Doetor Auburn Grono Frederiek, 192 Bourke at Flannels," 204 Clarence at, Sydney. Grinham T., 75 Itochford st, Erskineville Orono Frank, ltoss st, Parramatt a Telephone City 2618. Cable, "GrotGrinhant Win .276 Livingstone rd. ll'viEe Groin) George, 53 Little Mount .1 jail." Codes, A.B.('., 5th Edition Grinkau Henn' 37 High Holborn St Como George, .3Ieryla st, !Dimond and Private Grono John, 17 Spicer at, Woollahra GRINNELL AUTOMATIC Grow. T., 144 Ibmwick et. It 'diem Grotts Joseph, 7 Renick at, Waterloo SPRINKLER AND FIRE Grout Winton, 33 LivorpA:il at Grouts .Eastern a ve, 1:ensington .ALARM Wormald Bros. Ltd., Gum. William. Adderlc■• • st. Ltdemnbe Griolk. T., bush'agency, 109 l'itt at Gronow Francis, 5 Falcon et, N. Sydney Gronlwr .11b..rt. Gore et, Arliclitfe Re Kest. lit at ives for Aust ralasia. City office, ltoyal Insurance Build- Gionow fl. E Ilosinan• I h111111(1 4 .1,1in d E. Wilson at. Mascot ings, 16 Spring Si, Sydney, and at (3room Albert W., Forest rd, l'erilthurst Grounds 511,:•rt. 38 \Verret' rd, :11 Owen st, Tel. City Groom Benjamin, IVigram at, Granville Grounds Arthur, draper, 270 Cleveland at Groom Chas., 40 Co 1111 sun at, Paddington Grounds George, 113 II antis at 91 " Path Wo rk s , 5Vatyrloo, Ground- Jailic•. 37 Amy at, Erskineville Groom Charles II., Clyde st, Granville 713 Redfern Grounds John, 21 Belmore at., Itozolle Groom Percival 5V., 479 II ern-, et Grinsell Albert, jun., 116 Arthur st John, 37 11ontsey at, ltozelle Groom C , Victoria ave, Chat swood Grinstead NV. '1'., 242 Miller at, N. Sydney Groongal l'ast oral Co., Limited—F.1. NV Grounds Grounds Mrs. 1.11y. Creinorne nil, C'illorne Crinstead Miss E., 60 Johnston et, AnGrounds Sidney, 26 Bennet t St Harrison, secretary, 15 Bent St nandale Wounds Thomas, 22 Munni st, Newtown Grost. Henry . Mort st. Winton .1., 39 Excelsior par.,vine Grounds W. T., 425 Iiing at, Newtown Gr,e .1. II., lienibla at. A nirliffe !Winton Otto, Harriet st, Ilarrick vine Richard, 180 Queen et, Woollahra 1:1, 1111n1Watet 11.. 33 SlcAnlhmuur pat, DulGrint on NV illiani, 150 Burrell at. N' town Grose wich 11111 Grose W. IL, Bedford cres, Dulwich Hill Crinyer Hobert, Henry et, Ash tie hl Greer Sirs, II. NV., Bri s tol rd, Somerset Grouse J. N., 11‘1111r, :01 George at \Vest (3rdolale C., 1/ 9 ILI1Wick st. It(111.1-11 Grouse John. 10 Aluletsull St, roshens Adatn, 41 (1reek at, Glebe 0- 117 It•oiwielt st , It' fern tIn. Iii' l'etershant rd, Ilarrickville Gross August, 14 l'urkis at, Camperdown -(3ri .dale II .1, Ainy -I. Canb.rbilry Grout and Co., indent agents and general Gross August, Cniversal st, 3Itiscot Colson F. NV., 28 l'honia- ,t. Cu-o Carl A . '41at. 1:litiolt merchant s , 17a l'itt et Gri4 Freft . rick. 8111111n1111 ilVe, , ;rose Charles, (1551. John's nd, Glebe Grout and Co.. manufacturin g Jewellers, Grist John, 4 Ilighst, Waverley George st Gross Charles, 112 Pitt st, Redfern : 482 Grist L., teacher of singing, Ash at, off Gros, Hornet. 1,.. Minded' st St. L'nerds Grout Albert E., Croydon are, 338 (lounge at ' secreGrout Mrs. E., 10 hr-ev id, Paddington Gros. Ledie, Public 4Drist Nfoses, 121 Denison st, Campe rd . e t:II y, 67 t'astlereligh at Crininiond Win.. Victoria ave. Cliatsw'd Ward at. Wolighby Grinishaw Alfred. st. It"ogarall Grinishaw F., 94 ,r Darlinglitirst rd Grine:haw F.. 45 Excelsior par.. .......Ii' Grill-0141w MN. 11, (17 \Nt ellillgt011 at, GROTH H• H. & GO. THE SIMPLEST OR THE STATELIEST FUNERAL CONDUCTED TO 1141 SATISFACTION OF ALL CLIENTS ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY. 1312Gro ALPHABETICAL. Gul Grout Frederick, PrinceGeorgepar, (Infer John J. 31., 53 Railway rd, St. Guldice 311ss Marie, 244 Forbes at Guilin° Thomas, William at, Mascot Peters Guilmen I)., sec. Hospital and Asylum Grout II. J., Ocean st, West Kogarah Cirue William, 31 McDonald at., E'ville Employees'Union,TradesHall, Grout Walter, King at, Rockdale Grugeon Mrs. J., Church at, Ashfleld Goulburn at Grove Charles G., Restwell st, Bankst'n Grummet Stanley, 581 Harris at Grove E. E., grocer, Auburn rd, Auburn Grummitt James, 48 Bourke at, Waterloo Guillen Denis, 41 Myrtle at Grove Edwin, Hawthorne par, Hablield Grumpin K. E. R., Harcourt estate, Guilien Michael, 96 Wells st, Newtown Guildford Fire and Glazed Brick Co.— Grove George, Alt. at. Waveney Campsie Military rd, North, Guildford Grove H. B., 206 Liverpool rd, Sum. Hill Grumson Robert, William at. Granville Guildford Police Station, Guildford nt, Grove Harold, NVestbourne at, D'inoyne Grundentan Albert, Baxter rd, Mascot Guildford Grove Peter S.. Station at, 31ortdale • Grundy A. S., 34 Church at. 3I'ville 3Irs. Rhoda, Rawson at. 31ast•ot Grundy A.W., R.A.N.Naval Store GuildfordPostOffice,Guildfordrd, Guildford Grove Stanhope, Quarry rd. Dundas Officer, Garden Island Grove Thomas, Annandale at, A u'dale (trendy Alfred, Meek at, Lower R' wiek Guildford Railway Station, Minter!, rd, south, Guildford Grove Trevor R.Mary at. Auburn Grundy Mrs. Annie, Short at,, Roekdale Guildford Scheel of Arts, The Esplanade, Grove Walter, Ashto n at, Randwick Grundy Mrs. E., Bondi at, Bondi Guildford Grove William, 55 Warren rd, 3Pkville Grundy Mrs. E., George at, Pennant Hills Grovenor Cecil, 28 Lewisham at, Dulwich Grundy MN. Emily. 56 Smith st, Sum- Guildford Evlyn, Queenscliffe, Manly Guile B. IL, Ilardie at, Mascot Hill mer Hill Guile 3fts. F., 177 Wells st west, Redfern • Grovenor Fredk., 12 Vine st, Redfern Gunny Frederick, 310unt at, Congee Guile Henry G., Botany rd, Mascot Grover Arthur E., 39 Pearl at, Newtown Grundy Fredk., 17 Glebe Pt., rd, Glebe Grover Arthur K, 6 Silver at. St. Peters GrundyGeorge,GreatNorthernrd, G.:Moyle Mrs. A., 39 George at, Redfern Guilfoyle D. V., 99 Albennarle at, N'towa Grover David W. Young at, Concord Gladesville Grover Edgar. Allen at. Glebe Grundy George, 13 Harnett a ve. 31 ville Guilfoyle Mrs. E., High st, 31arrickville Grover Frank, 91 Hutchinson at, St. GrundyJosephbootmanufacturer, Guilfoyle Mrs. G., 30 Stanley at, L'Ilardt Guilfoyle J., 306 Abercrombie at, Redfern Peters Bridge at, Nlarrickville Guilfoyle James, 3 Barcom eve, Grover Harold, Clissold par, Campsie Grundy Joseph, Leslie st,3farrickville Grover Henry, 40 Spit rd, Mosintui Grundy Joseph, 61 Burnett at, Redfern Gullfoyle John, al Crown at, St. Peters. Grover M., nurse, Young at, Concord Grund3• Thomas, Croydon at, Hurst ville Guilfoyle 31., 30 Garner's eve, 31'ckville Grover Montague, editor Sus: newspaper Grundy Thos., Atchison at., St. Leonards Guilfoyle Mrs. 31. J., 02 Alfred at, Adele 32 Castlereagh at Grundy W. II., 68 Brighton st, Peterstent Guilfoyle 1'., 36 O'Hara at, Marrickville Grover Montague, 312 Bondi rd, Bondi Grundy NVIlliam, William at. St. Peters Gulltoyle 'T.,89 Edgeware rd, Marrickville Guilfoyle W. 1'. J , Badhmam st, Granville Grover 'I'. A., 24 Junetian at. N. Sydney Gruner Bilotti, King at, Bondi Grover William, 172 Wells at west, Itlern Grnnow Adolph, 91 Arthur st, N. Sydney Guilhou Armand, wool and skin buyer, 8 Young at. Groves and Co., importers, indentors and Grilse Alfred, Chapel rd, Bankstown Guiliani 31rs. A., Western cres, 01' warehousemen, 91a York st Gunn Sidney A., 6 Pemell at, Enmore Guinan( C., Mowbray rd west, Chabiwood Groves Mrs., William at. Hurstville Guiliani Mrs. C., North rd, Eastwood Groves Albert, 204 Elswiek at, L'hardt Gttillan \V., 97 Bondi rd, Bondi Groves Alex., 71 English at, Camperdown Guilt° and Co., furniture warehouse, 264Groves Alfred, 58 Pitt st, Waterloo 206 King at, Newtown Groves Alfred II., 18 Park ave. Winoyne LIMITED Mrs. Ada, 23 Victoria par, Manly Groves ('harks , 1119 Young at. An'tline (Fire, Accident, Employe N Liability, Guille Guille Claude R., 8 Webb's ace, Asitfield Groves Charles K. J. l'., Ca nonbury gnive Workmen's Compensation, Fidelity Ernest, Brooklyn at, Durwood Dulwich Hill Guarantee,PlateGlass,Public ()Mlle Guille It. W., 83 Renwick st, 31arrickvilla Groves Frank, 12 Rowe at, Woollahra Risks,MotorCars).W.J.II. Guina 31ichael, 28 Abercrombie at Groves Frederick, Terry at, Arneliffe Marryatt, 3Ianager, 78 l'itt st. Gui11111/11 Oscar, 05 Campbell at, Newtown Groves Frederick, Dunslaffnace at, Hurl. 2656 City Guinan° John, Leichhardt at, .Leichhardt atone Park (Inhume John, Roberts eve, Itandwiek Groves Frederick, McDonald at., Lak'inba Guardot Illiquid P., 17 nher at Guilt:me Mrs_ restaurant, 58 Oxford at Groves George, 10 Little Edward at Guarella Anthony, 4 Kellett at Guinan° Mrs. I'., Robert at, Gubbay N., Sutherland at, Auburn Groves George, 52 Baltic at, Newtown Gitinery Alfred A., 26 Hanks st, Asidield Groves II. H., 262 Elswick at, Leichhardt Gubbay Shoal, King at, Randwick Groves Henry D., Floss at, Hurlstone 1"k Gubbins James, 11 Fitzroy at, N. Sydney Guinery Frank, Gamut lane, Glebe Groves Henry W., 48 Dowling at, Itedrrn Gubbins W., 29 Leicester st, Paddington Guinery Frank, Great Nortiwnt rd, Ityde Groves James, Brickfield at, Parramatta Gubbins William, 177 Young at, Redfern Guinery Stephen, Granville hotel,Railway par north, Granville Groves John, 4a Layton at, Camperdown Gudberg A ,61 Hargrave fit, Paddington Guinery W., 56 Macpherson st, Waylay Groves John. Boulevarde, Lidcombe Gudsell James, 138 Glebe at, Glebe Groves Joseph, 462 Riley at Gueren W ,47 Alexander at, Alexandria (Winery Witliain, 18 Saber at, W'ithra Guiney Daniel J., grocer, 465 Riley at Oloves Mrs. I,., 30 Young at, Annandale Guerin Mrs. C., Void's a ye, Burstein° Groves Ralph. John at, Lidt•ontbe Guerin Mrs. E., 2 Railway at, Marrickville ulney Denis, First a ye, Lidemithe Groves Samuel, 262 Elswick at, L'hardt Guerin Fredk. J., Lamont par, Par'inatta GuinnMrs.L.3I.,postmistress,Gt. North rd, Five Dock Groves Mrs. 1 . A., Shirlow st, 3rekville Guerin Joseph, 79 Blue's Pt. rd, N Syd. Guerin B.. Delmore at, rammed ta Guinney H T , 15 Blenheim at, Wavley Groves Thomas, 24 New at, Annandale (lids Rev. J.Dutrttc at, Itandg"cit Groves W., Bo tile verde, Lideombe Guerin George F., Church eve, Mascot Groves W. It., George's River rd, Banks. GueniseyCattleSocietyofAustralia Guise A. F., dentist, 51 Ridge at, N. Syd Guise Frank, Moree at, Gordon town crho, 242 vitt at Groves Walter. 145 Falcon at, N. Sydney (4ne,,,y Getirge, The Avenue, Drum'ilyne Guise Frank, 4 Rush at, Woollahra Groves William, 32 Dibbs st, Alexandria Guest, Alfred E., Carlow at, North Sydney Guise Mrs. J., Fox at, Gordon Groves WI] lam, 23 Wells at. Newtown Guest Benjamin A., Virg il at, Waverley Guise Mrs. J., Gordon rd, Gordon Guise James,'69 Undereliffe at, Neut. Bay Groves William E., Leyland par, Belmore Guest C. E., Sydney road, 311110y Grubb W. A. and Co., butchers, 149-151 Guest Cecil E., 1 McDougall at. N. Sydn'y Guise John, 68 Bayberry at, N. Sydney George st Guest Mrs. E., 1181 Windsor at, Pail ton Guise John A., 50 laigselear rd. Alex'ria. Grubb W. A. and Co., carcase butchers, Guest George, Rickard live, Bondi Guise Walter, Gorman at, 31arrickville Gutt y nicui David, Reynolds at., Neut•. B. Cookat,Mascot •boilingdown Guest If. K., Forsyth at, Willoughby works, O'Itionlan at, Alexandria Guest Mrs Louise, 136 Bondi rd, Bondi Guitzert August, Ocean at, Penshurst Grubb W. S. & Co., printers, 1 Dean's pl. Guest Mrs. 3Iyra, Arden at, Waverley Guldbrandson Olaf, 53 York at, north Guiver Henry, and Co., picture-framers, Grubb John, 13 Bray at, Erskineville Guest T., Rocky Point rd, Kogarah 452 New Canterbury rd, Dulwich Hill Grubb John, Brussell st, Mascot Guest W. J'., Botan3 rd, Botany Grubb Robert, Herbert at, Mortlake Guest W.R., postmasn. r. Post Office, Gulf Line, Ltd. 0110—McArthur Grubb W., 70 Douglas at., Dulwich Hill Firth st. Arnefilfe Ping and Agency Co., Ltd., agents, Gruber Andrew, 43 Birkley rd, Manly 15 Macquarie place Gitendrex Charles. 30 Sliver sf, 31.3•111,i Grubmeler 3Irs. R., 72 Foucart at., Rozelle Guider Albert, 84 Boronla at, Redfern if inure ve JohnII., 45 Gipps at. Patilon I illimeter Walter, 13II iitchinson place Guider William, 182 Morehead at titillek and ('.I.. •lectrival en g ineers. Sour Gruen Henry, 377 Glebe Pt. rtl, Glebe l'it tat uldl call A , Sobraon rd, East wood ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL SPORTING REQUISITES. cal 211131A110126.1i. GUMMI 033111811C0 CO. WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD, BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS, SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION 1 A Gillian James. Faversham .t.. 3I'ville Gullen William, Wattle st, 3fortdale Gullett Lucy E , MB., C11.31., 255 Miller at, North Sydney and Lucinda ave. Wahroonga Gullick Mrs L. A., Gordon rum, Lane Cove Gullick Wm. A., .T.P., Govenunent Printer and Inspector of Stamps, GovernmentPrintingOffice,Phillip at; p.r., "Altoncourt," Arnold st, Kiltare Gullicksen Edward, 13 Mill st (Citified C.. 30 Union st, Ershineville Gulliford C. E., Kingston at, liaberfield Gulliford IL J., Greville at, Chatswood Gulliford Harry, 24 Tupper at, M'ckville Guilin° T., 103 Percival rd, Staunton.) Gulliver Alfred, 69 Bridge rd, Glebe Gulliver Mrs. Ellen, 90 Bourke at Gulliver Ellis, Shell Cove ni, Neutral Bay Gulliver George, Chapman at, Concord Gulliver Mrs. Mary, 01 Flinders st Gulliver William 1.. Regent at, Lithombe Gultofsen Mrs. E., :34 Shepherd at, Itlern Gull= William, Oberon at, Itandwick Gully It., Rocky Point rd, ltockdale Gulson T., Riverview rd, Canterbury Gumbleton William, Tweedinouth avt•, Rose Ice my Gumbley James, Dudley at. Chive umbley John. 201 Wilaou at, Newtown Gumbley William, 7 If egarty st Glebe GumbleyMeek st, lower R'w'k Chutney Arthur E., Sushi II st, Canterbury GitinleyCharlesS..suleinspN•tor pence. 22 King st, Balmain Gumley J., 19 Falcon at, North Sydney Guniley John F., 248 Military rd, Mosnen Gimun George A., 177 Arundel at, Forest Lodge Gamin Waiter, 87 Ben Boyd rd, Neut. B. Gtuum William, 30 Young at, Neut. Bay Gruntmer Robert, Beaconsfield at, IlexTy Guinint• rson G.. N.S.11. rd. Double Bay Gununerson G., 72 Leichliardt at, Wa y-. erley Gummerson G., 13 0.8.11. rd, Waverley Ginumerson George, 153 Bondi rd, Bondi Gummuson William, Hooper st, It' wit•k Gimped.:G., veterinary surgeon, 385 Victoria rut, 3Iarrickville Gumperts G., 45 Smith at, 3farrickville Gumperts George, Rocky Point rd, Kogli Gumports Mrs. J., :391 Victoria rut, Gumpertz Mrs. 31.. teacher oi mush and singing, 338 George at Gundersen N. C., 1 (Muter st, N. Sydney Gumpertz Mrs., 114 North Steyne, Manly Gunderson Alex., 74 Contmonwealtit at Gunderson John A., 31 Merriman st• Gundlach II., Ashley at, II onisby Gundlach Mrs. H. S., New at, I3urwood Gundry William E., 51 George at, St. Peters Gunn A. S., 14 Station st, Petersham Gunn David, 65 Lombard at, Globe Gunn David, Walker ave, Hats/Meld Gunn Donald, Chertsey a ye, 31errylands Gwm Mrs. E., 309 Annandale at, An'dale Gunn Mrs. E. S., 63 Belmont rd, Mosinan Gunn Mrs. Emily, Elizabeth at, Liv'pool Gunn George, 40 Formosa at. D'inoyne Gunn George, Chatham at, Itandwick Glum Miss II. 31., Fuller's rd, Chatawood Gunn Henry, 48 Commomwealth at Gunn J., 53 Middle fit, 31arrickville Gunn J. E., 48 Birchgrove rd, Balmain Gunn J. It., Redmyre rd, Homebush Gunn J. It. & Sons, carriers, 09 Sussex at Gunn John, Allison rd, Randwick Gunn Mrs. M., 25 Selwyn at, Paddington Gunn Mrs. 31. 31, Bancroft ave, R's'ville Gunn Peter, 9 Suffolk st, Paddington GUM' 'T., tailor, 3:3 Sydney arcade AS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND Phillip at, A'ttritt !Gurney C. A.. luting.. Viet or 31oc, or co., Ltd.. Statford st, Double Bay Gunn William, Ridge at, Gordon Gunn William, O'Connell at, Greenwieli Gurney C. A.. Beach ni, Ruslieutters Bay Gunn William, .Touliert at. Hunter's Hill Gurney Charles, 11 I3eattie at., Balmain Gunnell A. C., 2 Harrison st, Marrickville Gurney Mrs. E., 55 Campbell st. N'town Gimlet' G., Lower Ocean at, Double Bay Gurney E., 01 Alexander lit, N. Sydney Gunntill George, Cetitennial uuvcu. Ita'wlek Gurney Fred., Bay View at, Amalie Gurney 11., 10 Union cut, 3losinan • Gunnell Richard, Brook st, Coogee Gurney James, William at, Hornsby Gunner Albert S., 79 Lower Fort at Guiltier Arthur, 45 Staunton) mu!, 1"shain Gurney Joseph, 31 IVaterview at. Icnutin Gurney Mrs. 31, Woodville rd, Ilankst'n Gunner Mrs. Bridget. 29 Pine at Gurney Mrs. M. A., 6 Nelson at, IA338E41111% Gunner Jame s, 70 Bridire rd. Glebe Gentler .Tames, 25 Wellesley at, Summer Gurney Robert. 860 King st. Temp Gurney Samuel, Queen rd, Five Dock huh Gurney T., 13.E., A.31.1.31.E., 350 George Gunner Joseph, Bridge rd, Staumore street Gunner Owen. 65 Bayberry st. N. Sett . Gunner William, 84 Nelson at, Annandale Gurney W. IL, 25 Avenue rd, Mosmau • Gunning W. J. and Co., manufacturers' Gurney Wm., 42 Itenwit• k at, Alexandria Giu•neyBerms-el rn, litirwood. agents, 93 York at Gurnaey William. W1nkurre at. Wielek Gunning Mrs. Alice, 831 Fi g at, GunningCatherine,Johnstone'shotel, Guff .T. T., 118 Sutherland at, Paddingru Gurrin Bros., carriers, 7 Mumti at, N'town City rd, Darlington Gurrin Frederick 3I., 7 31unni st,N'town Gunning Denis, 26 Oxford at, Itozelle Gunning Mrs. E., 10 Edmund st, Wavley Gursback John, 117 Morehead at, Itlern GunningJohn, Garryowenhotel,734 (futon 31 rs. K. 76 Roslyn Gardens Gurton Joseph, 258 Des onshire at Darling at., Ronnie Gunning 3Irs. 31.. :11little Cleveland at, Girton W. H., 101 George at, Campord'it Gustafason C., 82 Sydenhain rd, 3I'ville Redfern Gunning R. P., Si) 31:iv:inlay at.. Uhantt Gustafson C. F., 1:34 Pitt sf, Redfern Gunning I hontas, 329 Nelson at, Medal° Gustafson Connellys, Bay at, II 'vine Gunning Thos . Garland rd. W'oughby thi sthrson Edward. Proddy's rd, Bexley GunningW.J.,J.P.,Hontebush rd, Gustafsan Edward. Eden avene, Enfield Gustafson P. W., 11 Campbell at. , N. Sp!. llontebush Gunning William, 49 O'Connell st, New- Gustard Georg,., 12 Sortie it, Balmain Guthrey's Wharf, The Crescent, Antedate town Gunningliam IL, 3:3 Colli us at, Annandale Guthrey A. W., Drinninoyne ave. 1)'o3alt. GurmsWalter,104Erskinevillerd, Gutliniy Albert, manager Union Box and Packin g Case Co., Ltd., Johnston at, Erskinoville Annandale Gunaon D. J., manufacturers' a gent, 82 Guithrey Albert. sen., J.1'.,38 Pitt at Drummoyne eve, Drummoyne ifutison Mrs. Mary .r.. 114 Chalmers at Guthrey F., Boulevarde, Stratlitield GuestMrs.FraneisA.,Cremorne Cremorne GUTHRIDGE N. LIMITED, Afenu. Gunter Mrs. C., 40 Wanhill rd, 3Tville facturers and Merchants, 10-12 George Gunter Cecil W., Holden st, AsIdleld Citinperilmim . City 011ice, EquitGunter Mrs. E., Gower at., Ilurlstone Park Building. George at able Guntsr Edgar, McDonald at, S011ei Gunter George, Ed g ard st, Bondi Guthrie T. & Co., Ltd., boot importers Gunter W., 7 Lymerston at, St. Peters 152 Elizabeth cut Gunter Witliam, 2 Greenbank at, Mettle Guthrie Thomas and Sons, Pastoral Go, Gunther Mrs. Ethel, 1711 Forbes at Ltd., 15 Bent st Gunther F. W., Yaugoora rd, Belmore uthrie Alexander, Edward at, Carlton Guthrie Claude G. II., 0 Keith st, But. 11111 283 Gunther George,homoeopathist, Guthrie D.. Chill Wii1111111 at, Wihoughby Elizabeth at Gunther Henry, 22 Crowent st. Rozelle GlithriElias. 70 \Vest bourne at, 1"shant Gunther Norman, Lane Cove rd, Eastw'd Guthrie F.B„, F.I.C., eliendra 1 laboratory,Dept,ofA g riculture,1:16 Gunther R., Saville st, Gore Hill George st north Gunther Mrs. S., Yaugoora rd, Belmere Guthrie F. F.. 100 Fraser at. 31' elite Gunther Samuel, 2l1 Entity at, Locitiliardt Guthrie FrankB.,122Kurraball rd, Gunther Ven. Archdeacon William. J., Neutral Bay M.A., V.G. (C. of E.),259 Walker at, Gut !ale,237 Edgeware nl, North Sydney Guthrie George, Herbert at, Rockdale Gunton A. C. G., 14 Glebe l'oint rd, Guthrie James E., 532 Bourke at Glebe Guthrie John, Sea View at, Manly Gunton C. A. B. .3115 K big at. Newtown Guthrhy John. 01 Excelsior at, L'hanIt Gunton Arthur, High at., Sherwood Guthrie John .1.. Queer at, Randwirk Gunton Charles, 514 Elizabeth at Guthrie Mrs. 31., 21 Way's ter Gunton John, Station rd, Auburn Guthrie Miss 31., Villiers at, Ilexh.y Gunton Mrs. Marion, Dutruc at, It'wiek Guthrie Miss, school, 62 Point at Guru! 11. 3. & Co., printers, Hamilton at Guthrie Mrs. Mary, 21 Brown at, N'town Gurd Miss E., tea rooms, 24 Royal arcade Gut line It. J., 33 Harbor st, /Woman Gerd Harry, 15-17 Ilizaboth at, Outline It. J., 1 Lang at, Mosman (union A. E. P., 42 Fairlight at. Manly Guthrie Robert, 10 13wart at, 1)111. 11111 Gurley J.. 18:1 Catherine at, Leichliardt Guthrie Robert, Burlington rd, 1-1' bush Gunter S. II., Croydon rd, Hurstville Guthrie Robert, Dover rd, Rose Bay Gurnet 31 rs. A., 54 Fitzroy at Guthrie T., Connemarra at, Rockdale Go met Golden, Itlicky Point ni, Guthrie Thomas, Albert14, Marrickville Gurnett C. U. B., sec. Sydney Climb() Guthrie Dr. Toni, 11.130., PILD , .A.I.C.4 Wihca st, 13urwood of Commerce, corner George and ohne W. 31.. 49 Frampton five, B' sills Groavenorat"p.m.."Iteinuera.' Guthrie William, 43 Datchett at, 13'main Kuria ba rd. Neutral Bay Guthrie William, 109 Rose at, Darlington Gurnett V. IL, 11:3 Bourke at, Redfern Gutteride John, Robert at, Artannon Gurney Arthur, 16 Booth at, lIalmain Glum Walter A.. 27 CONTRACTORS WE SERVE ALL AND WITH MI ECONOMY ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR MOTORISTS' WANTS AND MOTOR GOODS. 1314Gut ALPHABETICAL. Had II. and IL ['datin g Ca., Hudson 1111d Hackney A., 63 Bellevue at, N. Sydney 111, 11011 , proprietors, 1110 Sussex at Hackney A., 90 Elizabeth at, Waterloo ii nick C. E. anilltaxlsky AI , restaurant, f tacknoy C lk, Ertherst, Durwood • Hackney Alra, IL, 154 Queen at, Wiithra 1119 King st II a A pr y ,bdin, 21 Al Inns five, 314.'Ille Hanger Hubert, 144 Burton at Hackney Mrs. AI., 1(1 Prospect ml, S. Hill Hanker F., William at, naturals Haase Frank IV., Garnet at, Huristone Ithelis Alick, 24 51m ,roilay at, I,' ha Hackshall' a Ltd., biscuit manufacturers, Park 0/(1 Botany ni, Mascot Haase Mrs. 3/try, at, Brightens Liackshall Alien, 3 Barging ,' st, Glebe le-Santi0 Haase Mrs. Mary, Anion at, N. Coogee Ha ekslmil P., 18 Metropolitan rd, Enrage 115 bens 31n. E., Lockwood at, tills Iliwkwerliry 31 has N,, 6,1 Rose at, Dlighni liabereclit Mrs. $1., Byrnes EL ArvIlle Had Wirham H., Neirsim ave, Hog:oak Haborileld Club, Hawthorne par, Haber- Hadaway Mrs. S. .4, 30 Slim/forth at Afeanurti field Haberiteld College—Miss A. Schofield, liadmiek 1%'. II, , IS Railway a ve, 31 vine. Pr) ncipal, Dalhousie, st, Ha burileld /ladder' Eilwd ,24 Renwick at, 1) manic Bak/Mehl Alodel Pictures, Ltd., Ramsay Haddon G., 3 Campbell at, North Sydney Haddon Sallies, Ross it, Petersham rd, Haber/101d Hebert/0d Infants' School—Miss NVH- Haddon R.., 01 Charles it, Erskine vino liams, teacher, Bland st,11aborneld laddlea a 31I 4S Mirtgaret, 03 Fitzroy' Haberlield Post and Telegraph Office Ileddlin Francis, Rairway par, Areellge mid (incl. Savings Bank, Ramsay Haddock Alfred, Harwood rd, Enfield Haddock Alf It , 11 Willis in at, S Peters 111 , ji aI s ,rtioi,I IlaburIleld Proprietary, L1.41.—It, Stan- eirrleek Alra. C. A., Esalke at, C.1/4' tun, EP., managing director, 129 Haddock Si rs. 14., Mount. Wihiluiss 'I (Imager Pitt at Ilaberneld School of Arts, Dalhousie it, If 'eidetic Ernest, llereides at, Dul Hill I faberlield Haddock Ernest, 51 Terry sr, St. Peters Ilaberley George, Wilga at, Harwood Haddock F. C., 49 Cabratmatta rd, MoirHaberstrohl.'„ Ilemurst, Canterbury Man Ilnig nariii Arthur, 7 James at. Eamon, Haddock I. P., 10 Unwin's Bridge rd, Ilablethwaite 1%, 51 I lktlt st, N. SYrineY St. Peters Mrs. M., 24 Willoughby at., Haddock Thos., 230 Terrace rel, 3PrIlle Manufasture rs and Importers of Sur- llablethwaite North Sydney Haddock Tiros ,27 NeW11/fill at, Newtoa gical Instruments, Trusses for Pup- Hack Abraham, Coward at, Mascot Iholdock W. 14. 82 Rena-ay irton Sitar ture, Artificial Limbs, Crutches, Hack C., 259 Abercrombie at, Redfern Haddock William F., Staple at, !frisky Lail ler' and Gent's Supporting Belts, (Maros, 13 Smith st, 314ville Iholdi g ka Joseph. Geraga at, Newtown Elastic Stockings, Kneecaps and Hack lack Charles W., 1 Church at, AfivIlle Iholden Alfred, 59 Reynolds at., Unimak Auk.ets for Varicose Veins, etc., fuck Mrs. E. M., England ave, Mae ville Haddam Arthur IL, Bourke at, Waterloo Chest tlepanders, Suspensory Band- Hack F. George, Station at, Harris Park Haddon Clutiles, 2.1 Rourke at, Redfern ages, Enemas, Syringes, Het Water Hack3Ia ry at, Bsecrof t Haddon E. IL, 34 Catherine at, L'hardt Bottles, Air Pillows, ell Medical With Henry, Smite par, 11 addon George, 36 Reuss at, L'imnit Gobbor Goods, appliances designed 'ladder, Willoughby rd, Wi lho' by Hack Mrs. Jesse, Wentworth st,lcnottta for all kinds of Deformities. Estab- Ilig ket W., 441 Gardeners rd, Deity erne HaddonGeorge, Harry, 14 York at, Vor. Lodge lished 18534 Tel 1752. 301 George Hackett Bros., loather manufacturers, Haddon Witte, stationmaster, Lane Cove at, Sydney .isnetl u rd, Pyre LAO He eke tt and IVIthams, cigar Importers, MOIll(PlitIolm W., 151 rut g er, pave:lux at (Myatt Mrs. Emma, 22 Grose et, Wok/ 107 Castlereagh at Haddon Jos., sell., 38 Brown st, N'town (Myatt George, 21) Campbell st, Glebe Hackett A., Ridgewell at, Lakemba Haddon Jos, C., 94 (Daps at., Drurnieyrie 0 riyatt Jenks, 15 New at Hackett Allan IL, Railway par, Kogereli Haddon Alms Mande,1111Cooperst (iii ytle r Fre a na. MIMI at, Cuogee Guyett X(1111) W., Beaumont at, Campsio Hackett Charles, 338 Bulwarra rd /1111bIlleCifirniek rd, Auburn It Alias E., Ross al, Parnoilett Ratlike Perry X., Peliki eh at, IV'imiglary (Wynne I'. J., Far tory Ht. Or:111011e °nyder John, Barley at, Ninth Sidney Hackett 14(Inanid, 23 Grafton at, Wilahra Redden S111111., Davies at, Merrylands, II addowCharles, %Indigo rd, Eastwood Guyot Clias,, Northumberland , Aram Ibitten N as. E is,,, S ttnwrie at, N't On yot E., 193 Church at, Parramatt a Hackett Ic rencla, 136 Redfern st, R' tent lIaddrell Jones, Clarke rd, Wafture 0 nyot James B., P., maliegor Govern- If, ekett G., 04 McDonald st, ErskinevIlle Iladdriek Mrs. Si., 40 Pitt at, Redfern , . fl. Ilnekett nrld, In 1 Uni n st, Newt war Haddrililt, IL, 262 Churell at, Pa ?mat la Reddy Airs. It. G., 20 N.S.11. rd, Whine .(branch), 248 Church at, larrematta Hackett Isaac, Nleoll st,Lakemba Hark Thomas, 13 Lincoln sit, Strum/are Gwnwley 11..y Oyster Co., Ltd., 14 HackettJ.1 ., Lachlan at, Waterloo Ma rt lii pima' Hackett 3, G., Union rd, Auburn Made Widiam, I 11 Hargrave at, Piton Gwilfiam George, 22 Goodeliapst Hackett S. H. W., Croydon st,Lakemba Male Redkrn at, Redfern Gwilllain If., 128 Church at, Parrametto Hackett lames, Enstora at a KuusIngton Haden A. E., Esplanade, Guildford Gwilliem So 86 Church at, Parranudta Hackett Sohn, 72 Experiment at lialle11301111, f1117911111,thl Gwyer Charles, 61 11111 fit Hackett John, 711 Reeldord at, IiivIlle ti/140111 ,0a lie Si,, Cardigan at, Guildford ' Gwynn° Mrs. C., Tennyson rd, Tennyson Ilacket 1 John, 50 Ga me m eve, APvitro II nO lieu! 7iIrs. A., 70 Chelmsford st, G wynne Geo. C., Farrntoialn. ni , Hackett John, 105 Union at, Noistomin Ca IIIPOIliOWn Gwynnes' Ltd, 'it Land ni—. 11.nes and Hackett John, 227 Great Bartok' et, Ilad11,711 Arthur IL. Witham at, Iletealar Eggers • Mil., agents, 16:1 Chimney. at Paddington Hadfield David, Oxford nil, Ilemebush Gwynn(' 3. P. F., rd, South Hackett Joseph, 21 Duke at, Bellied° II ad lie hi G. W., Maanger Savings Bank Ifornsby Htekett Joseph, 111411upainde at, Cidown el N .S. II'. (Southern runnel°, 081 Gwynn° P., 335 Alancrombie at, Redfern Hackett Mrs. 31., 201 Bridge rd, Okbe George at (Myrna: Patk. S., 29 Pine at, Newtown Hackett 3lichael, 227 Barcena ace lindlleld U. W., LP., 18 Sloane at, Suln• Gwynno Win. 3. 1 71 Hamlin/rat, Glebe Hackett Michael, Fern st„ Ii toil ai'ick non 11111 wymie-/Inglies D., F.R.0 S., physician, Hackett 1,70 Cerebella at, N. Sydney Hadfield. John, 5 Queen at, Petersham 201 El suborn at Hackett W., 31 Charles at, AlarrickvIlle I lad Held Sohn 74, Belemre ril, Palmerton Girt titer Mrs. E., 3 Tavlstoek at, Drum- Hackett W., 68 Sutherland st,Padd'ton II ad fi e ld l'orry, Rebury rd, Botany Moyne lineketi W., Kirby at, Bydnimere Hadfield RI el Mut, 35 Tolima at, Bondi Iiwyther F. 107 Alblen at, Annandale Hackett Welter E., 31ePhorisen st, Cu den Hadfield Mrs. Rose, Elm{ at, Rockdale Gwyther Sohn 11., III Burnt st, L'Irardt linking E. If., 53 Bowman at, 1)' lineal Hadfield William, manager 24.5. II', City Owyther 1'. R., 17 Noterauk st, Summer Hacking James, East fit, MarrickvIlle and Suburban Gas Conatimers' ProHill Hackland J. J. ., 41 Westmoreland at, tective Association, HO Elisabeth St Forest Lodge filyde Joseph, 9 South rwe, Lelehhardt theilleld Whit:ow Tim Crearrint , Pennant (Lyle David, Peranto at, Five Dm); IlaeldryJarines, 95 Syden ham rd, 31' %ilk II Ills llatterldgePerourn rd, lewlek Outtrldge Mrs. I', E., Shakespeare at, Ca ii tarletry Gat [ridge F. 14,407 Daribm st. Batmaln Gatti-1dg° II., Market sty Drmamoyne Guttridge 15 P., Victoriapar, Fienegton (hitt ridge Sydney, 08 BondI ni, Bondi Guy A. J., 42 High at, North Sydney Gay Mrs. Edward P., Kingston at, Hab• erfield Gay Miss Florence, St. Mark's rd, le wick Huy Francis IL, Lauderdale aye, Manly Goy (korge, 38 Briggs at, Camperdown Goy Sohn, Hampton Court rd., Carlton, Guy John IL, Wallace at, Harwood Guy John it, Sydney rd, Willoughby Guy Joseph W., 79 View at, Annandale Guy Leslie, 1115 0.5.1!. rd, Wa ve 00Y Guy Louis A., 72 North Stone, Manly Guy Miss M., Fowler's aye, Holroyd Guy Martin, 23 Boundary at, Redfern Guy Mrs. N., 15 Harem place Guy Prosper, 40 Union st,Erskintiville Guy Robert, 7(1 Redmond at, Leichbardt Guy Robert P., Colin at, Lek:mho Guy Thonnat, Sorted at, P..rramatra Guy W., Dan gle/mum at, /tarlatan° Park Guy If., Stanley rd, Epping Guy William J., West Botany rd, Rockdale CUYATT & CO. WOOD, COFFILL It COMPANY LTD, CENTRAL OFFICE; 810 . 12 OEOROE ST, 'PHONE 726 b. 1524 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, Had ALPHABETICAL. Hai 1315 Hadley Albert, 32 Park nl, Marrickville ilagsrhanni Ernest J., 31111111)a a l, Cre Halm Percy, King at , Maimed Hadley Byrne,A., N.S. W., architect, -mern r HahnSloane at north, Ha Witold Mutual Life buildings, Martin place If agerbanin Robert It., manufacturer of Hahn It., indent 111111 island merchant, Hadley C. 0., While Heed inn, 349 blouses, costumes, robes, etc., 56 Record et minhera, 77 Castlereagh at CIII1M/1. at, Perelman Market 4: p. r., Munlork st, 14re- 1Tel. City 6730: Gr., "141eamere,' Hadley Charles C., an Mikentialt :128 hag! nit at, Mosotho InOrne Camperdo we Ha german John, 117 Walker at, N. Svd. !Hahn Raymond, hauteur ken, 233 Stiller Harney Ernest. 511 Him st. Politer fla.,erty Ilenry A, It., Gunton rd, Aubirn I at, North Sydney Hadley Francis W., / Waterloo at Haggerty Arthur,11ridge at, Inurrfineyne Halm Haynie:el, 45 Ridge at, N. SYdneY Iladley Fredk., Fruit Exchange, Barker Haggerty Henry L., Great Northern rd, Italia Rirliii rd. 48 Whimighby 4, N. Syd. street i Min 'W.11. ,Olaziville ra, Rose vine Hadley Geo., 18 Bright it, 1 hurl ckvil le 'Inge:arty Mrs. Al A., 4 Neutral at, Hahn 15 alter, Idenson rd, Concerti Hadley J. A. G. (1.1'., Giteenaland), North Sydney Kuhlmann' 116, 11., 131 Commonwealth at manager Colonial Bank of Aust rale- Haggerty 31111min. Wvalia at, keigarel, Held John, 97 Ste we rt at, als, Ltd., 105 Pitt at ; p, r., " lionnk Hag gerty O. Ii, North at, NlarrickvIlle Haig 14,373 Oxford at, Paddington limn" Powell at, Kblara IIegofly S., Great Northern rd, Glades- Ithig David, Nattier it, Centiord Hadley JOhtl, Ferry a t, Hunter's Hill VI Ile Haig Jahn, 42 Otinier at, Paddington Hadley P., Margaret at, Abbotsford Haggert y Samuel 56 In/MUM Nri'a %ley laig Jolla s , I 0 • rate, in a l. Wnv,'nI,'v. Hadley Preston, 43 Kent at, Newtown Hugger G. and E., itio ralirs, 861 Georgest Haig 31ra, Kate, 52 Blik's 1rnint rd, N. Hadley Sand. H., 32 Itost'hy st. !Yin° yin. Hugger Charles C., Marion st,Parramatta Sy, iney Hadley T.. Wallace at, Beg gar Ernest .1., "ItArth." Yult at. Haigh IL am/ Sc,,,, Ltd., Cellingweod Hadley Walter, 34 Campbell at, St. Peers SVoi lanai ring Works, 8 Young at, Had fin Harry, Botany rd, Ale Andra' lInggerston 0., Carlotta st, Orcenuich Mullin James, Botany ni, Ale X111111113 Haggett. Bros., coopers, 372 Parramatta Haigh and Holger, butchers, flu:nil ifedlington James, poultry expert, Bondi Department of Agriculture, 54-50 Haggett Alf. J., 74 Rose at, Darlington Haigh J. and Uri., tanoni moo merehants, Bridge at; p.r., Seven Ilifis Haggett C., Simpson st, Ati born ;311 Lair Cies nil. :mil 32 W1/IladlowAlra. 313 du, 338 Cleveland at Ilouglihy rd. Nunn SYdrart nugget t cooper, 178482 Sussex it Iladlow"fihos., Penshurst st, Willoughby Haggett 1'. 14, Prince Edward at, Long B. Haigh A., mush, teacher, 338 George at If mirell If. E., lilaximurs, Elatwoml Haggett ,!an, It., 7 Norwood at, Peeshain Haigh A. C., 8 Cecil at, Ashfield Hadwelllanies, Yangoorit ni, Delmore Haggett Jahn F., 133 Jones at Haigh Albert, 10 BedEyat, Paddington Hairnet' Mrs, Augusta, 87 Green's rd Henget t Joseph, Pa r11(10, haul wic Ii 11111 Haigh Arthur, 113 Catherine at. Uhrirdt /Burnam Mrs. AI., Rawson at ., Waverley Ifirtriott Mrs. 31 ./.. 59 Perim+ at, N' (''em, Haigh Arthur IL, MOSit teacher, Ash at, Hoeg° H. and Co. (Heinrich 'Riege) Haggett Thos, C., Johnston rd, Bankers S Menem] Die:retrains, 681 Pitt at Haggitt Edward, Ocean at, Koga rah Haigh Arthur II., Jareirsol1 st, Grant Me Hoge IF Innen, rillt Pit t at Rayon Mrs. Ann. ben rgu at, Parramatta Haigh Da din, J.P., secretary United linege Hermann, paper merchant it eX- Hagin Patrick, Ethel at, Punnin g ta Fire, Nlarine, and Accident Insurporter of produce, Bend and Pitt sts Hagin Percy A., 100 Wels at, ?flown ance Co., Ltd., George and Hunter Haer F., 360 Oxford St, Paddington Hartley Mrs B., draper, 307 King et, star ; p.r., "Nyaree," Fitzwilliain nil, Hoer F., 148 Queen at, 1Voollahra Newtown Parsley Bay llaertelhualness and hotel broker, Henley Burdett L., 307 King at, N'town Haigh C. 11., 10 Little Cleveland it, 28 Moore at Ilagley F CC , OD The Boulevard, Dui. Haigh Cluarlea, IL, Wi gram at, Granville Hawker Fred 016 Ilongins at, DUI Hill Ilidgli Ernest. Isabella s a. Wa mirky r Frederick, Plant at, Regent!' Haigh AIrsa F., ID Wallace at, Ashfiebt HAES & BOERS Ln. 'lager lInguay Alra. L. 41 Paildingt at, 1"trm Haigh Prank, Yong et, Madesslik 163 Clarence at, Sydney. (Sec Eke Hague, Blackburn and Co., moldier' "ter- Haigh Fro& 1. 01111.11 a t, Porrotitatta trical and Mechanical Engineers, chants, 12 Barrack rit Haigh Mrs. (I., Matignigor st, Croydon Trades section, Hagen Bros., merchant tailors, 107-109 Haigh Henry, Cinienry rd, Canterbury Oxfoul at (ninth 501111 W., 470 Cheryl, at, 1"illetta Hafer 11., watchmaker, 455 King at, Hamm Bros .gelient tailors, 218 l'Itt Haigh L. II., butcher, 65 Dow ling st Newtown Haigh L. IL, 104 31arrickville rd, MarBats' r Oswald, 61 Bellaire! NI, 3fosnota nick .If &Tendril Sir',. Barbel, Itivsts at, 11,06- Hagen Erltsal,, "Cardigen," 1(1 Bill yard Haigh/g m. 31., 370 Cli inch st,Panimtta vim rigor' P., 27 Septimus 4, Eraki IIC VII le Haigh R. S., Orpington st Ashfield Ruffner Leonard, Diorite rd, Iiaffing NValter, 111 Ite gent at, Som . Bill Hag allIS onu s . I RIM ird at, NO Wt•iWII Haigh 11101111LS, (MMEI, s, lingo° L. /1., Cal111111thly nv,, N. firl. Haigh Thee., 3,14,1antlisson 4, Granville Ilagan Mrs. B., 10 Cartla rd,Baliaain Ilagen Bork Ill 'Premiere at, Minima hagerr.,arkGan, Haigh Vlionms, 294 West at, N. Sydney If agar' Mrs. E., 65 Bellevue at, N. Sydney Hegira R the rd C , J.P., merchant h TOM, 40 ,lerilork r t. Neut. Ila■ 129 King at; p.r., "Leswell," Edge- ilaig Hagen George, llotarly r.1, Mascot Haigh 3'., barrister, 1/42 Phillip at elide rd, }laical] Jr :10103, It034011 at, 110/1111 Haigh Vie t o r, "1V !zone," Darling Point Hagan Si, It., thnstitut Ion nil, AlemPlink flagon it, l'., arrhiintalit. Sy, (Wiry Oink, I taint' W., Hawthorne par, f alierlield Bottle Works. /y.wrinir at. Waterloo Haigh 1VIllient, 186 Yieteria 01, Mai' villa Hagan l'atrick, 6 rid p at, tern Hugon It. 14, /75 Graft(th at east, Word• 1111115 5 Henry, Hardie at, Masis it Hagan Rob "rt D., Forsythe at, Hyde lah nit II riga l'11.1001 , , 75 113, 1i kg/ li n 't t, Watt'rl. If allwood R., 41 lipping rd, Double Bay Hagerty and Co., estate rtW go, 3:38 111101 1, JR111 1.a , 511 Role 4, \Villinin IL, Ail Bat llorst it llagoeh,,, Clark id, lila1/11901 Stan/sore rut, Merrick vine Hahne Prodk. W., 1 31 Bourke at II epee Robert E., fill ---, Bourke al Hagerty IL, 70 Cascade at, Paddington Ilaime Herbert W., Alma at, East HOG Ha maker!' Mrs N., :11 Pa hirer at, Beln"n Hague W., t I Catherine -7, Lb' him ell !Wares George telienzier et Ilitherrh4,1 Ilagellourn William, Station rd, Auburn Hegukhrintli Burdett, Lord at, Roseville 1 1 11 1a Mi d $rnnlgi,a, Ltdawl ploliarremann Joh», thipert awl export S., 5. P., Bare- rd, Ire p41y12 toil its at merchent —James Connell, reprosell• room», Rain ill Mem, 13 Manning at, 'Buell° t (MVP, /8 Bridge at Mahar Bs, 117 Alfred at, North Sydney Hain John,"Montana," East liege," Fred, Ltd., wholesale and retail Hahn Ernest,17 Tamerat, Iterifera Crescent at,Pollit jeralage stamp &Mem, 64 lartg II illIn F. 74,71 Alfred al, North Sydney Hain Samuel It., 5.P., l'arramatta rd, flagon C. II,, 411 Leicilleadt at,a VorloY Frank J. Belmere ril, Itandwlek Arirdield Hagen C. J o el; Elizabeth at, Waterloo Ilidin FflalOTIC T., 2 Vitt at, N. ripin 4 1)" I Hula Win.. Ittaltil I, Hagen EIIRMe, 1 1 Crystal 4. I le ha :Harry, Murrell at, Aslifivid Halm, An red, Ileoloy Mitrile! drive, Ramon 117filion, 22 Day al, Leichilarill Halm Henry 11'„ 7 1.1.1-“, Irk al, l'' ,11/110I Drum memo, • /lags r 'bark s, A neat ren st N. Sydney Helm 31nt Marge ret,NI ire), at Helm Reg inald, Tyna I 4. livd, Hager Horace, 53 AleX111141er at, North Haim Alti‘, 711 Rirrlyn Ilartlen0 /131or- nod •411,111111-, boarchlieho s Mid Sydney Hahn911 (Oxioill I Pitiwr Mira , . 52 Liverpool Ilagerterina E. J., optician and Hahn N ,Cove rti, North Sydney' i It nos Miss A , 2311 Co e'por at, tVaverley instrument rafting, 142 Klatt at Hahn Niirman 2 •4 Willoughby rd, N. Syd Haler . 3trs. A. 14 • refre•liment mem., '117 l'ilt POSSESS AN EQUIPMENT SECOND TO NONE IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. 1316Hai ON THEHISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL. ALPHABETICAL. Hal Hal. ALPHABETICAL. Hal1317 Hales Fredk (1, Queen rd, Five Duck flames MAnnie, Haiks Pm 7 spect at., Witv'y Halcrow Arthur, Milton at, Ashfield Haines Benbow, 223 Forbes at HaIcombe Henry 0., Copeland at. Beer'ft Hales G. B • 26 Orlando ave, Mom/in Hales George, Luland at, Botany Haines Chas. E., Moore at, Campsie Ha!crow Hugh. Alexander st, Coogee Haines Christopher, 105 Regent at, New- HalcrowMrs.Sarah,Parramattard, Hales George, 137 Derwent at, Glebe Hales henry, 413 Bourke at town Auburn Haines Mrs. D„ Macpherson at, Wasley Haldane's, florists, 671 Darling at, Roselle Hales John, Tramway at, Mascot hales John, 45 Commodore at, N'town Haines Mrs. L, Gould at, Canterbury Haldane H. E., Federal a y e, Ashileld Hales Miss K., 21 Orlando ave, Mosman Haines Edward, Park rd, St. Leonard's Haldane II. E., 173 Denison rd, Hainea Edwin, 12 Shailforth at, Padlnit Haldane It. J., 377 Lane Cove rd, North links Lawrence, proprietor Office Toilet eupply Co 4 Yurong st HainewFrederick, 110 Victoria at Sydney Haines G. A., butcher, 336 King at, New- Haldeman P., Lindsay at, Neutral Bay hales Louis, 30 Bland at Hales Samuel, Spring at. Botany Haldley F. J., 25 Whaling rd, N. Sydney town Haines George, Stanley at, Burwood Hale S. J. and Co., Ltd., drapery, tailor- Hales Thomas, Brooklyn st, Enfield Haines George, 10 Cross at, Forest Lodge tug and furnishing warehouse, 41- Hales W. lOyiston at, Paddington Hales W. S., It ichester at, Homebush Haines George, 36 Mitchell at, Glebe 49 George at west Haines Geo. A.. 138 Edgeware rd. N'town Hale and Son, galvanists, 44 Castlereagh Hales Walter It., 24 Raleigh at, .Wwick hales William, 74 Devonshire at Haines George F., 22 Owner at, Paillon street Hales William A., 436 Glemnore rd, Plon Hale Mrs. A., Gordon rd, Artartnon Haines Henry, Bond's rd, Peakinirst Hale Albert S.. 209 Botany rd, Botany Hales William .1., Meehan at, S'wood BMWs John, 93 Church at, Newtown Hale Alfred IL, architect, 2 Hunter at: Halewood 0., 199 Glebe Point rd., Glebe Haines H. J., Gordon rd, St. Leonards Halewood It., 159 Glebe Pt rit, (Bebe p.r., Melaleuca at, Mosman Haines R., 72 Globe Pointrd, Glebe Haines II. W. C., 29 Union at, Padlon Hale Anthony, Edenhohno rd, Abbotaf'd Haley James. George at, Banda irk Haines Thomas IL, George at, Concord Hale Benjamin, 244 Falcon at, N. Sydney Haley John, Basset at, Dalmorton Haines W. B., manager Aaron's Ercho nge Hale Burnet R., 58 Moneur at, Woollahra Haley John W., 16 Barker at, L'shant Haley Mrs. It , Penshurst at, Willoughby hotel Co.,Ltd., Gresham st Hale David, 42 Charles at Haley Thomas, Hamilton at. W'alirri Hale Edward, 3 Poplar st Haines Wm., Palmerston at, Kogaralt Haley Wm., 278 West at, N. Sydney Haines W. T., Crinan at, Hunstone l'ark HALEMISSELSA,PrincipM Halfacre G. T., Fleet at. Carlton RAINING & SON, Coach and Motor; Model Business College, 3 Castle- Half-a-ere° George, Vincent at, .5I'ville Body Builders, 9 Blaektriar s st. C it Y . reagh at, Sydney. &Northam!, Type' Half-a-creeGeorge,jun.,Vincentst, Tel. 373 Redfern. writing and Bookkeepmg. 'Phone, Marrickville City 4484. Half-night George, Station at, Pymble Min i n g Arthur, in charge N.S.W. No. 2 Fire Brigade Statism 57 Ge o r ge at Hale Enoch, Louisa at, Aubm Milford E.. 160 M i ssenden rd, C'down west Hale Ernest S., King at, Tempe lialioni Janie .. A.. Carina Bay, Como Raining David, 45 Wellington at, Water- Hale Francis, Francis at, Artannon Halford Walter D., Harrow rd, Rockdale loo Ilalford Wm. T., 8 Darling at, Glebe Hale Francis, Park at, Campsie Halfpenny J., 369 Glebe l i t. rd, Glebe Raining Eric C., 1 Reserve at, Annandale Hale George, 65 Alma at, Darlington Halfred --, Isis at, Wahroonga laming Frank, Liberty at, Behnore Hale George, Hassell at, Parratuatta 'raining James L., 415 Riley at Hale Henry, 88 Dospointes at, Halgren Oscar. 95 Trafalgar at, Stanmore Haining T., 143 Johnston at, Annandale Hale HerbTrt, 43 Good Hope et, Padlon lialgreen W., 56 R s ynolds at, Balmain Rains Henry, Bond at, Hurstville Hail hurt 'n W.. 125 Ville at, Petersham Hale John, Alice at, Laketuba Rains Leon, Arthur at, Randwick Hale Mrs. Julia, George st, Enfield Halkett Wm., Chalmers rd, Hoinebush Balkier Mrs. A., 42 Phillip at, Neut. Bay liainsworth Allred, 16 Dowan g at, I r ton Hale Miss 10 Rosebank at. Hainsworth G., Mowbray rd, Willoughby Hale Miss, Model Business College, 3 , Milkier David, Nicholson at, Balmain Castlereagh at Hainsworth IL, 7 Waratah st, Leichhardt I Ilalkier Miss.Earl'sMillineryCollege Ot . efIll House e4 Moore at Hainsworth J. W., Parratnatta park, Hale Nathaniel, 57 Ferndale st, .\ 'town Hair 0. H., New Canterbury rd, P'shatn Hale Owen, Edinburgh rd, Marrickville !Hall Bros. Ltd, sole agents for "Form" Nair J. C., Terry at-, Hale Mrs. l'., Laveock at, Neutral Bay marine and st itionery engines, 211 Georgeatnorth.Works,Duke Hair Mrs. Jessie, 50 Prospect rd, Summer Hale Richard, Salisbury at, Botany 11111 Hale Robsrt, 175 Botany rd, Botany plats . . of/ Daning at, Balmain Blair John, Farr at, Rockdale Hale Robert, Hastings at, Botany Hall Bros., fruit merchants and commisHair Mist. M., Druminond at, Balmer° Hale Robert, 100 Wallis at, Woollahra don agents. Quay at flair William J., 2 Cornwallis st, Itedfeni Hale Roland, 58 Margaret at, Petersh'm Hall Bros , greengrocers, 174 Blue's Point Hairdressers' and Wigmakers' Employ- Hale Rupert, 31 Undereliffe at, Neutral rdNorth Sydney ees' Union, Trades Hall, Goulburn at. Bay Hall,Buhl and Co., fruit merchants, Haire James, 113 Phillip at Hale Samuel J , Brid g e at, Drummoyne Fruit exciting°, Barker at Hairs George, 67 Sydney rd, Manly Hale Thomas, sew, Botaay rd, Botany Hall and Co., house I urnisliers, 561a-507 Hakanson Carl J., 51 Gould at George at Halo Thomas, Cranbrook at, Botany Hakanson Walter H., 72 Hugo at, Been Hale 1 lemma, 35 Whistler at, Manly Hall & Co., photographers, 44 Hunter st Hake Alex, P23 Abereromble at. Hale Thomas B., Lilydale at, Marrickville Hall and (laid, hosiery fachry, S Eve. Hale Thomas 0,, Botany rd, Botany Hake Alfred G., Milton at, Ailineld WWII at, Redfern Hake George, Queen at, Ashileld Hale Thomas J., Mar y at, Merrylanda Hall /1. and Co., boot march/00a, 187 Bake Mrs. H , 96 Northumberland ave, Hale W. E., 19 Stanley lit, Waverley ;Clarence at Stanmore Hale Wm., tanner, Botany rd, Botany i Hall Harry 811/1 rt., Pstfitft agents, pen. hake William 29 Kelliek at, Waterloo Hale Win., 1 0 6 Annandale at, Annandale ' nnut Hills rd, Thonileigh Haken Frederick, Quigg at, Lakemba Halo Wm., J.P., 161 Botany rd, Botany Hall Harry and Co., real eatate agents, /taken Georgo,25 Garnet at, Dulwich Hill Hale William, Botany rd, Botany 80o l'itt at Haken John, Bassett at, Dalinorton Hale William, 0 Bayswater at, Irmoyne Hall and Mickel ( N. V. and London), Hakes Charles L., 40 North at, L'hardt Sozodontde ntliriee,liquidand Hale Williain (1, 11 Poplar at Ilakin Abdul, VIctorla et, Alexandria powder1 Faasett andJohnston Hale William 11.,12 Myrt i e at, Stanntore Makin Robert, Cumberland rd, Auburn Hales, Ltd., hardware, grocery and gen. Agent s ), 5-7 Barrack at Milberg Mrs. X, 6 Reuss at, Balinain merchants—M. A. Leefson, mating- Hall W and Co., signwriters, 166.Camp• lialberg N., 20 Marlborough at, DrumIng Mimi sr, 20 O'Connell at, Anilbell at moyne nation at, mid Reilly lane Hall W. J. and Son', carriers, Claremont Sydney Ifalberg Capt. N, Straffic Auld., at, Canipsie Hales Mrs. Alfred, Pitt st, Mondale Ferries, Ltd., Cir cularr Quay links, Arthur, Prince at, Parr/matt* Hall Walter and Eliza Trust --(leneral Halbert( WMiner cres., North Sydney Hales Charles, 30 Kensington at II. Finn, C.11,, secretary, 118 Pitt at Halbert Montag J., Edison at, &Moore Hales Charles W., 01 PHA at, Redfern I Hall A., poattnaster and electoral regisIlalcomb Alex., l'orter at, Waverley trar, Avoca at Rand wick Hales Edward, 22 Arundel at, Forest Hideout's° and Co., real estate agents, Lodge Hall Mrs. A., 77 Botany rd, Waterloo etc., 0 Moore st Hales Ernext J. Mona at, Auburn Hall A. A., 80 MIssenden rd, O'down HalcoMbe Charles D., M.D., Gordon rd, MOM F. 0., sack matelot tit, 251 Sussex It Hall A. E., 82 Mitchell rd, Alexandria Lindfleld Hales Fredk. 315 Kinst, St. Peters Hall A. P., Woodville ni, Granville Halcombe H. J., "Adel," 135 Raglan at, Hales I- nidar ek 11,2 Willson at, N'iint ii Hall A. R., 85 CowperUlebe Mostnan WOOD,.COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472•84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 158 Owls Hall A. S., Meadowbank a ye, 51'hank Hall Edward, 246 Forbes at. Hall IID. J.P., Continissioner Govern* Hall A. 1%, 28 Whistler at. Manly Hail Edward, 140 Victoria at ment Sas lugs Bank (head office), 11 Hall A. W., 44 Henry at, Waverley Ilail Edward, Botany at, Hurstville Moore at ; p.r.. Orchard rd, Ch' wood Hall Albert, Underwood at-. Botany Hall Edward, 42 roman at, Roselle Hall II. J., 6 Seale at, Leichhardt Hall Albert, Alberto at, Lelehhardt Hail Edward B., Griffiths at, Manly Hall II. J. X, 65 Cabramatta rd, rilostitan Hall Albert, 3 Creek at, Forest Lodge Hall Edward C., 3 Corfu at HallQueen Victoria at, W. Kori, Hall Albert, Park a y e, Mascot Hall Edward J., 111 Reservoir st Hall II. W , Grasmere rd, Lindfleld Hall Albert, Newland at, Waverley Hall Edwin, Botany at, Ifurstville Hall II. W., 0 Chureli at, Parramatta Hall Alfred, Hall at, Auburn Hall Mrs. Eliza It., 10 Wylde at Hall Harold, 114 Denisen at, Waverley Hall Alfred, Fleet at, Carlton Hall Mrs. Elizabeth, 431 Moore Park rd Hall Harry, Harden rd. Arianism Hall Alfred E., 149 Weston rd, Rozelle Hall Miss Emil), 35 Arthur st, Hall Harry, 1 Ferdinand at, Balmain Hall Alfred G., 3 Leamington a y e, New- Hall Ernest, 36 Riley at Hall Harry, Barraelnif a y e, Bondi town Hal Ernest, 14 Magic at, 11i0S1111111 Hall Harry, 11 John at, Leichhardt Hall Alfred J., Waratall at, Arncliffe hail Ernest, 37 Palace at, Petersham Hall Harry, 31 Westonst, Petersham Han Mrs., 11)2 Ernest at, N. Sydney Hall Ernest K., BE., consulting mining Hall Harry K Colin at, Lakernba Hall Mrs. Amy C., 21 Dale at engineer, Tielawney rd, Eastwood Hall Henry, 77 Gerard at, Alexandria Hall Mrs. Annie, 554 Crown at Hail Ernest L., Trongate at, Granville Hall Henry, Louisa at, Auburn Hall Arthur, Church at, Itandwick hall F., stationmaster, Darling Harbour Hall Henry, 8I Rochtord at, 1Srakine vine Hall Arthur. Eleanor at. Granville Hall F., Wigram at, Pa rraniattit Hall Henry, Great North rd, Five Dock Hall Arthur D., Rocklands rd, Wollstone- !tallRev.F. t'. (c. of E.). King at., St. Hall Henry, 116 Baptist at , Redfern craft Peters Hall henry, Ferric * at, Rockdale Hall Arthur E., Robey st, Mascot Hall F. S., Ranger's rd. Neutral Bay Hall Henry, 54 Carlton cres, Sum. 11111 Hall Arthur E., Chester st, Woollahra Hall F. N'ineent, Peenant Hills rd, Pen- Hall Henry F., Parrantatta rd, Ityde Hall Arthur J., Duffy lane, Thornleigh nantIi ill. Hall Heno G., 23 Bowes ave, l'add'ton Hall Mrs. Arthur J., Pennant11111, ni, Hall F. Lamont, general mana ger, Ein- Hall Henry 0., Stanley at, Randwiek Thornleigh iskteelLtd..14Shoreat;p.r., Hall Henry II., 41 William at, Redfern Hail Aubrey, Victoria at. Lewisham Ross," Hi g h at, Ramiwiek Hall Henry J., oyster Bay, Como Hall Benjamin, Robey st, Mascot ifitIl Ferguson, surgeon chiropodist, 48 Hall floury J., Daffy lane, Thondeigh Hall Bernard, Parrainatta at, Granville Hunter st Hall Henry J., 68 Birrell st, Waverley Hall Blatchley, 13 Orwell at hall Francis, 6 Wilberforce ave. Rose 11. Hall Henry T., 3 :Mackenzie at, N. Sydney Hall Bruce, 727 Illasvarra rd, Mar' elite Hall Franck. sta ti 3/ma s ter, Darlin g hi be Hall Henry W., Elizabeth at, Waterloo Hall Mrs. C., Minna at, Durwood Hall Frank, Mary at, Auburn Hall Herbert, Kay's are, Dia wiell Hill Hall Charles, J.P , dentist, 35 Blue st, Hall Frank, 11111 at, Bexley Hall Herbert, 17 Queen at, Paddington North Sydney Hall Herbert A., Oyster Bay, Como Hall Frank, 31 Pile at Dulwich Hill Hall Chas., 210 Buckland at, Alexandria Hall Frank, 57 Marrickville rd, Mar'ville Hall Herbert C., 36 Ryan st, Leichhardt Hall Charles, Delmore rd, Coogee Hall Herbert D., Orchanl ni, Chatswood Hall Frank, 104 Arthur at, N Sydney Hall Charles, 48 Havelock st, Drum'yne Hall Frank, 15 Fisher's Reserve, P'slutin Hall Herbert K, Eglington at, Lideombe hail Charles, 8 Ashmore at, Erskineville Hail Frank is,at, Delmore Hall Herbert J., Wardell rd, Dia. Hall Charles, 68 Evele I g lu at, Redfern Hall Howe, Frazer at, Leichhardt Hall Frank It. T., Maud at, Granville Hall Charles, 117 Ernest st, N. Sydney Hall Frank W., 114 Gletimore rd. rton Hall Hugh, Boundary at, Croydon Hall Charles, Si) Aberemmbie at, Redfern Hall Hall Humphrey, 122 Victoria at Fred , Rawson at, Ilabertleld Hall Charles, 10 Telopea at, Redfern Hall Frederick. 14 Dilifis at, Alexandria Hail Isaac, 50 George fit, Waterloo Hall Charles, 68 Young at, Redfern Hall 5,77 °lose, at, blosman Hall Charles, 26 Grosvenor ems, Summer Hall Frederick, 0 ilderthorpe are, It' whit Hall Mrs. J., Bayswater rd, Roseville hall Frederick, Martin at, St. Leonards hull Hall J., 142 Church at, St. Peters Ilall Charles, 36 Lackey at, Suinmer 11111 hullFrederick B.. "Beverley," 'What• Hail S. A., Milson ret, Cremorne Hall Chas., Cooluardie IViiimighliy more st. North Sydney Hall J. le., 13 Carlton (Tee, Summer 11111 Hall Freder: e k J., Rhodes a ye, Naremb'n Hall J. L., 18 Swanson at, Erskineville (fall Fredk.XD., XS , I.ondon, Hall J. l'., 69 Cleveland at, Redfern hall .1. It., Greenknowo are physician, 30 College at PrivateFinancier,MutualFire Hall Fritz j.,reneliman's rd Itandwick Hall Capt. J. Vine, marine surveyor, 3 Chambers,127King at, Sydney. Hall Miss 0., costumier°, 1005 Kin g at Bond at: p,r , 93 Union at, North TelephoneNo.,City1410 :p.r., Sydney Hall (I. F., 533 Balinain rd, Leichhardt Hall JIIII1CP, pattermnaker, Shelley at "Turon," Delmore rd, Coogeo Hall G.R. P., J.I'., surgeon, 39 East Hall James, p tot minister, Hampden rd, Hall Charles E., Wyatt ave, Burwood Eajila wide, Manly south, A rtannon Hall Charles T., Cammaray ave, N. Syd. Hall G. tVatson, gee Paris House, I td Hall James, V bifida at. Alexandria Hall Christopher, Delmore rd, Ran d wick restaurant, 173 Phillip at hall James, Hampden rd, Artannon Hall ('Iarence E., 7 Stanley at, Waverley Hall George, 355 Bourke at Ii all 311111, 12 Punch at, 81111111t111 Hall Colin, 43 Charles st, Forest Lodge Hall George, 121 Jones atHall James, 10 Waterrie y at, Balutain Hall Cuthbert, physician and surgeon, II all George, liolden at, A a ll field Hall James, Baldry at, Chatswood George at, Parramatta Hall George, 160 Rose at, Darlington Hall Jamea, herrin g rd, Eastwood Hall Dr., Omen Oak's a VP, Darling Point Hall George, Livingstone ni. !Adel mils) Hall James, 27 Park at. Erskineville II all Hon. D. R., At and Hall (Merge, 2 Milimn at, North Sydney hi all James, Woodville rd, Granville MinisterforJuatioe,"Colinville," Hall George, 256 Chiltell at, Parralltatta Hall James, Ittliilligton fa, Itomobililt Newmistle at, Rose Bay Hall George, 38 Shepherd st, Radiant 11811 Jame s , 124 Stanmore rd. Wylie Ilal D. 8., dental surgeon, 011 Darling Hall George, Mitchell at, St. Lei/Dards Hall Samoa, William at, .'ascot at, Roselle Hall George, 64 Hanover st, Waterloo Hall James, 10 Raglan at, *sonata Hal David 3., 18aterview at, Balmain Ilan George, Hunter at, W.aterlon Hall James, 11i Raglan at, :kinsman Hal E.. 132 Reservoir at Hall George A., titnetilillt at, Croydon I Ilall James, Bancroft are, Roseville 1141 Miss E., milliner, 255 Oxford at Hall George E., 68 Douglas at, Dui. 11111 Hall James, 28 Victoria at, Roselle Hal Mrs. E., Oxley at, Mt. Leonanla Hall George E., ILE., Aram at, Irwlek Hall James, Smith at, Tempe hial Mrs. E., D'Arey at. Parrainatlit Hall George H., 18 Spring st, N. Sydney I Hall J1111100 C., 131 Frauds fit, Lelehliardt Hal Mrs. H. E., Brne at, Waverley Hail George J., Tweeilmontli are, RIM,. II nli Jam e %ii.," II Mt-mat ."Brid g eat, Hal E. Hunter, 67 (hover at, Mosinan bory Longueville Hal Mrs. ERanger's are, 5loanian If all (leorge W., Yen st, Neutral Bay Hall Jannis II., .19° St. John's rd, Gleba lint E. P., N'irtor at, ChlatSW0011 hall andoii,mirgeoll, Darling al.' HMI Janie* P., 1111 Elution . net , Hal Mrs. KS., matron, "Simon" private Roselle Hall James 11'„ George at, 3fortrinle hospital, 108 Jersey ril, Paddington Hall Grantley, King at, Randwick Hall Mrs Jeivi i e, 01 Trimmer° at, Drum. Hal I .:hemmer.1'., Albert rut, Home bush Hall Gregory, 3 Hatnpdon at, Paddington moyne Hal Ed g ar, laundry, 88-90 Pitt at, Itedrit Hall 11., librarian School of Arts, Mac' Hall Mr& 3• 11m111111, 142 Pyrniont at Hal Edgar P., Bayswater ril, Roseville quark, at, Pninttnatta Hall Sohn, bind'. hotel, 83 Alfred at, Hal Miss Edith E , 370 Crowe at 1141111 , dentist, 044 Darling at, ItozelleI North Sydney hal Edrie J., 01 Slunlock a l, Neut. Bay hi all 11, A., 29 Dudley at, Paddin g tim! Hall John, 47 hfhghu HOlborit at HALL CHARLES E. OUR VEHICLES ARE THE MOST ELEDANT AND BEST HORSED IN AUSTRALIA ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR LADIES' KID AND FABRIC GLOVES. 1318Hal • ALPHABETICAL.. Hal Hallen Mrs. Mary, 19a Pine at, Newtown Hall John, Walter at, Ash&Id Hall T. H. Ainsworth st, Leichhardt Hallett Arthur, 4 Morehead st, Waterloo Hall John, 93 Beattie st, Ba!main Hall Mrs. :rhomas, 73 Hunter St Hallett Arthur E., 787 King st, Tempe Hall John, Connemarra st, Bexley Hall Thomas, Dunmoro st, Bexley Hallett C. 11.. High at, Strathfield Hall john, New Cant.hrbury rd, Dui. 11111 Hall Thomas, Shelley at, Canterbury Hallett Charles, Waverley at, Waverley Ilaii John, Kendall at, Granvlile Hall Thomas, High st, Carlton Hallett Claude, Forest rd, Arneliffe Hall John, Robert; at, North Bondi Hall Thomas,Gt.Nortti rd,Fivo Dock Hallett Miss E., 207 Edgecliffe rd, WoolHall John, 224 Albany rd, Petersham Hall Thomas, 42 Bellevue at, Glebe lahra Hall Thomas, Adam at, Granville Hall John, 17 Calder rd, Redfern Hall John 41 Edward st, Recital%Hall Mrs. Thos., Gloucester rd, Irvine Hallett Frederick, police station, King st, Tempe Hall Thomas, 39 Fowler at, Leichhardt Hall John, 30 Botany st, Waterloo Hall Thomas, 39 Marlborough St L'hardt Hallett George, 17 Kepos at, Redfern Hall John, Slider at, Waverley Hall Thomas, Percival at, Lele thardt Hallett John C., 38 Lincoln st, Staunton+ Moore Park rd Hall John A Hallett John It., dentist, 12 George st Hall John II., Botany rd, Botany Hall Thomas, off Mort's rd, Mondale west ; p.r., Esk at, Marrickville Thomas, 89 Ernest at, N. Sydney Hall Hall John H., George st, Granville Halley A. C., 42 Linthorpe at, Newtown Hall John L., High at, Canton Hall Thomas, 49 Gordon at, Rozelle halley Arthur, 44 Cary at, Drummoyile Hall John S., 52 Rose at, DaningtonHall Thomas, Belmar° at, Hyde Halley George, 31 Carlisle at, Leiehhardt Hall John S , 14 liarnsby grove, Dui. Hill Hall Thonum, DtlifY la ne, ThorIlleigil Halley Miss J., Wentworth rd, Burwood Mall John W., 91 Botany st, RedfernHall Thomas A., 142 Phillip st Halley John, 38 Dick at Hall Joseph, Cahors rd, East Hills Hall Thomas A., Mary at, Lideombe Halley John, Knox at, Rand wick Hall Joseph, 4 Tranntere at, Drummoyne Hall Thomas W., Big Bondi Beach Halliburton James, St. James' rd, It'wiek Hall Joseph, French at, Marriekville Hall Thomas W., Despaintes at, Hall Joseph, Cowper at, ParramattaHall Miss Trixie, Telegraph rd, Pymble Halliburton John, Hall at, Auburn Halliday Bros., engineers, 30 Erskine at Hall W., photographer, 29 Bligh St Hall Joseph, Macquarie st, Parramatta Hall Joseph, Russell a ye, Sandritighant Hall W., stationmaster, Newtown Rail- Halliday Alex., Francis st, Carlton Halliday Alexander 0., Claude a ye, Neut. way Station, King at, Newtown Hall Joseph, 14 Kenilworth st, Waverley Bay Hall W., Crimea at, Parramatta Hall Joseph, 188 Hargrave at, Peullon Halliday Arthur J., 90 Evans st, Roselle Hall Joseph J., 39 Bowman at, D'moyne Hall W. A., Hampstead rd, Flemington Hall NV. A., 45 Military rd, Neutral Bay Halliday Mrs. B. A., 79 Elswick at, Hall Leslie, Eastern aye, Kensington Leichhardt Hall Leslie, 14 Eureka st, North Sydney Hall NV. F., Centennial a ye, Randwick Halliday C., 100 Dowling at, Paddington Hail W. II., Atchison at, St. Leonard" Hall Leslie, 45 Ivy st, Itedtent Hall W. J., 112 Wyndliatn st, Alexandria Halliday Charles, 20 Dick at Hall Mrs. Lily, Allison rd, Randuick Hall Mrs. W. J., Claremont at, Campsie Halliday D. It., 280 Military rd, Neutral Hall Luke, Henry st, West Kogarah Bay Hall Mrs. M, 228 Johnston at, Atadale Hall W. J., 05 Mackenzie st, Waverley Halliday Mrs. E., 64 Arthur at, N. Syd. Hall W. NV., Gloucester rd, Hurstville Hall AL S., Meadowbank ave, M' bank Ilalliday Emest, 27 Gladstone at, Etun' re Hall Malcolm, Lansdowne at, Par'matta Hall Walker, Botany rd, Alexandria Halliday Francis, J.P., Firth st, Amend() Hall Walter, 8 Nelson at, Lewisham Hall Mark, 109 Point at Halliday 0., 323 Annandale at, Antedale Hall William 20 Leopold st, Ashfleld Hall Martin, 6 Cooper at, Waterloo Hall Mrs. Slattie, 42 Raglan at, Manly Hall Capt.W illiam, 30 Cross st, D hie Bay Ilalliday George, Brook at, Coogee Hall Mrs. Miriam, Westernrd, Maya 11111 Hall William, Great North rd, Five Dock Halliday Harry, 42 Bondi rd, Waverley Halliday Herbert, l'almerston at, Kog'11 Hall Mrs Nora 18 N.S.H. rd Woollahra Hall William Forest rd Hurstville IlallIday J., Conn et, Lakemba llall Mrs., Grosvenor st, Croydon 11411 William, 9 Excelsior at, L'hardt Halliday J. C., ophthalmic surgeon, 215 William. Woodburn ni, Lideombe Hall Hall P., 56 Cabramatta rd, Mosman Macquarie at; p.r., "Carratnore," Hall P. E., Forest rd, Hurstville Hall William, Newinaton rd, Manville Harrow rd, Bexley Hall P. R. K., Melford at Haddon' Park Hall William, Shirlow at, Marrickville Halliday John, 21 Darling st, Bahl-min William, 7 Dickson at, Newtown Hall Hall Percy, 39 Arcadia rd, Glebe Hall Percy F., Bellevue st, Arncliffe Hall What'll', Bancroft a ye, Roseville Halliday John, Glentnore at, Willoughby Ilalliday Mrs. M., Grafton at, Balmain Hall Percy J , 12 The retrace, Balmain Hall William, le Oxford et, Rozelle Hall Phillip A ,34 Donnell) st, Balmain Hall Whilain, Pennant rd, Tleigh Halliday Mrs. Si., 62 Mound(' at, Stun. 11. Hall R., Turkish Baths, 169 Elizabeth at Hall NI dilam A., afeDonald at, lakemba Halliday I'. (I., secretary Operative Bakers' Association, Trades Hall, Hall R., St. Hillier's rd, Auburn Hall William A., Moore at, Liverpool Goulburn at Hall R. T. (executors of the late), Somer . Hall William E., 30 Purkisst, Cam erd'n Halliday P. G., 20 Regent at, Paddington set House, 5 Aoore st Hall William H., 14 Joseph at, Ash eld Hall Randal, Alva at, Concord Ball William 11., Catherine at, Balutaln Halliday Robert N., 59 West at, North Sydney Hall Raymond (1., Pmvincial at, Hall Wiillain II., 9 MacArthur par., DuiIlalliday Mrs. S., 2a The Avenue, Baltn'in Hall Reginald, 10 Hercules st, Ashfleld wich 11111 Hall Reginald, Amy at, Ciliated°, Hall William II., 78 Wells at, Newtown Halliday Mrs. 8,51 Gordon at, Rozelle Halliday Sidney, 123 Glebe at, Glebe Hall Reginald, Malton rd, Epping Hall William J., 16 Ice at Hailiday Mrs. Susan, 40 Day at, UMW Hall Richard, Stanton rd, liaberfield Hall William M., Punch at, Balmain Hall Richard, 39 Reiby at, Nowtown !Hall-Brown A., 11 Ildborrow at, throydli Halliday Montag, engineer, off 4 Reeking at, lialmain Hall-Johnaton Mrs. 0. M., Albemarle Hall Richard, 84 Wilson at, Redfern Halliday Thos., Nicholson at, Balmain a ve, Woollahra Hall Itobett, 31 Ridge at Halliday Thos., 78 Grosvenor at, Neut. 11, Hall Robert, 7 Marlborough at, D'uumymue Halladay James, William at, Homsby Halladay Mrs. M J., Victoria st, 'Lozano Halliday W. 3,02 Campbell st, lialmain Hall Robert, 85 Derwent at, Globe Halliday W. J., 10 Eamon, rd, Mar' villa Hallahan Mrs. H. C., Rookwood rd, Hall Robert, 10 Glebe it, Glebe I Halliday W1,11ain, 18 O'Connor at Hall Hobart, Bay rd, North Sydney ;Bankstown Hall Robert, 50 Ormond at, Paddington illnllain Arthur, 34 Hugo at, Ittolfent 1 HALLIGAN and WILTON, ArchiHall Robert, 100 Albany rd, Petarshant Hallam C. V., 99 Hubert at, belehhanit tects and Consniting Engineers, Hall Robert C., Orchard st, Croydon !Hallam ChM. H., Caledonian et, Bexley Equitable Building, George at. Hall Robert P., 53 Union st, Paddington Hallam Mrs. E., 18 Grose at Campord'n Tel. City 1259 Hall Roger V., 1 Forest rd, Double Bay Hallam A., stationer, 18 Q.V. Markets Halligan A. C. Waratall at, Granville Hall 8., engraver, Hamilton at Hallam Frederick, Major at, Coogee hall 8. (1., 381 Wardell rd, Dulwich 11111 Hallam J. U., J.P., chemist, corner Col. ' Halligan Mrs. E. O., Princes at, Brighton . le.Sands Hall 14. II., 121 George at, Waterloo ,logo and Liverpool ate 11 all Samuel, Oyster Bay, ('unit' Hallam J. C., ellemlat, 290 George at, ' Halligan Gerald, Ferry at, Hunter's 11111 'Halligan B. 11., architect and consulting Hall Stanley, 63 Elliott at, lialmain ;corner Hunter at engineer, Equitable building, George Hall Stanley, 138 Jersey rd, Paddin gton Hallam Joseph, 17 Spencer st, Bunt. 11111 id. Tel. No. 1259 City • mr., "WinHall Miss Stanley, 111 Queen at, NrIaltra 111111M11 Atlas Al. V., 78 Iiirkle y rd, Manly burn," Fairfax rd, Bel evue 11111 Hall Stephen J., Judd at, Rockdale Hallam Robert, 102 George at, CamperHalligan M. J.Siwpet at, Parrantatta ; Ball Mrs. Susan S., 53 Belltvue at, N,Syti. down rs. Mary, New at Parrattiatta alligan H MM W. T., Gordon rd Lane Cove Hallams ', Seymour st, Enfield Hall Sydney Hann's!' Mrs. Mary J., 5 Wood at, Bondi Ilallaran E., 41 Edwin at, óruydon Hall T,231 Palmer at HallInait Mrs. E., 0 Moodlo at, Roselle Hall T. 11,82 MaephertIon .st,itlyvigley I Hallo Mrs. II. 8., Victoria a ye, Chatswood Hall Mrs. T, E., Avoca at, RA 1Hallett Miss A., 0 Ballast Point rd, HAI- HallInan Atlas Elsie, 250 Harris st, Ha Ilillan J84. 1 3 Solander rd, Daveyvilla M!! T. (I., dentist, 448 Miller at, North main Sydney •WOOD COFFILL COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE t 810 . 12 OfOR 111 IT, 'PHONE 726/1,1524 CENTRAL a ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Hal Hal1319 ALPHABETICAL. HENRY F. HALLORAN & CO. 82 PITT STREET, SYDNEY REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS and AGENTS Ohl ttttrUZIttrrni-d-iGUItt . Licensed Sit I Zr1 .01-.0 and Sworn Valuators under EXPERT TOWN PLANNERS AND Real PropeO , Ad ESTATE MANAOERS Conduct absolutely all business in connection with the Subdivision and Management of Estates in their own Office AGENCIES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ESTATES :-Pacific City. Jervis Bay Boorawine Estate, Jervis Bay Stanwell Park Estate Beach View Estate, Stanwell Park Dress Circle Estate, Stanwell l'ark Bald Hill Estate, Stained! l'ark Cromilla Highlands Estate, Crontilla Avoca Estate, at Avoca Seaside Resort North Avoca, at Avoca Seaside Resort Aviation Hill, at Avoca Seaside Resort Seafortlt Estate, Middle Harbour Yow Vow Estate, Way Woy Hawkesbury River Camp Lots Morisset Park Estate, Morisset Brightwaters Estate, Lake Macquarie Milray Estate, Swansea Isler Pat is Estate, Oladesville HENRY F. HALLO RAN & CO. Hallinan John, Ridge at, Gordon Ilallinan John, 118 Pitt st, Redfern Hallinan P. J., chemist, Dalhousie at, Ilaberfleld Hallinan Thomas, Beaumont at, Canip-ie Balling A., Blenheim at, Enfield Hailing Arthur, Pen• Ival rel, St Atmore Hailing George IL, Penland at, Enfield Hailing W., Portland st, Enfield Halliwell A., Victoria st, Erskineville Halliwell E. C., Government rd. Srville Haiti well L., Campbelltown rd, Liverpool lIalliwell Mrs. H. E., Whitton at., Way'y Hallhvell W. C., 07 Ballast Point rd, Balinnin If alliwell William, 93 Horde ni -t, N' town Hallman E., 29 Maintain rd, Leichhardt Hallman Lars, 74 Samuel at, St. l'eters HALLORAN HENRY F. & CO.. Auctioneers and Property Salesmen, Conveyancers at Law, sworn Valuat ora and Deemed Surveyors under Real Property Act, Estate. Find'. dal and Insurance Agents, Vickery's Buildings, 82 Pitt street. Tel No. City 8139. AVOCA SC/P,Ide City Enquiry Oltiee. (See AtIvertIv• Mellt above.) Hallman Alfred, 112 Smith st, Summer 11111 Halloran Aubroy,J.P., solicitor and no. tary, 14 Moore at ; p.r.. "Coombe'," cratibrook rd, Hose Bay Halloran C., 69 Lelehlinnit at. Waverley Halloran Charles E., Burwood al, Bun wood Halloran Charles E., Burton at, Concord Halloran Mrs. KM., 18 Grove at, NEvi Ile -ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY Hurstville Park Estate, Hurstville Poole's Estate, Hurstville Homeville Heights Estate, West Maitland Wyee Township, Wyee Oaklands Park Estate, Ha zelbrook Pines Estate, Faulconbridge Bl rightlands 'ark Estate, Blackheath Imperial Estate, Mount Victoria Lithgow Extension Estate Cooerwull Estate, Li' ligow Warriewood Estate, Narrabeen Ferodaie Farms, Raymond Terrace High Park Wheat Farms, Eugovera Kincunther Earmlets, Kincumber Tennessee Estate Farms, Kempsey Ballow Et nit Farms, liatlow And many others 82 Pitt Street, Sydney. • Halloran E. Roland, J.P., E.T.A., architect, surveyor and valuator (MP Act), Esplanade, Seaforth, Middle Harbour Halloran Frank, William at, Marriekvilla Halloran G., 112 Liverpool rd, Ashfield Halloran II. C., Station at, Arneliffe Halloran II. J., Browning st, Campsle Halloran Harry It., 349 N.S.II. rd, Woolintim Halloran Henry F., "Heremai," Murdoch at, Cremonte Halloran Miss J., 1 Court rd, Woollaltra Halloran James, 1 Parrott at, Rozelle Halloran AL C., 40 Australia at, Newtown Ilalloran Thomas J., J.P., 30 harrow rd, Staunton" Halloran W. J., Cardigan et, Camp•down Hallway and Dowding, boottuakera, Rowe at lialloway Arthur, 97 nolerwo;oh at, Paddington Halloway J. T., 112 William at, Plorton Halloway W. 40 Walter at, Paddington Hallowes A., Wilson et, Mascot Hallows Mrs. Eleanor, Byrne at, Botany Hallowes Neil, Duk e at, CamPrie Hallow's Richard, King at, Mascot HALLS H. H. AND CO., Wholesale, Jewellers and Importers, "Elgin,' "Panama," English Lever, del Various ntakes of Watches and Sliver Toilet Ware, "H.P." and "T.11." Rolled Gold Chaim, Clocks, and Platowate, etc. York House, 50.54 York M, Sydney. Tel., City 1051 and 7009 Halls Charles, 05 Durrett at, Not Malt ARE Halls Mrs. E., 01 Catherine at, L'hardt Halls II. IL , "Ha9 ksbury," 10 West at, Petersham Halls James, Belmont at, Alexandria Halls Mrs. Jane, 31 M yrtle at Halls Joseph, 143 Duke at Hallstrom C. 0 , Harcourt estate, C'ps/e Hallstrom E. J. L., Park st, Campsie liallatrom NV., 235 I.iverpool rd, Summer Hill Halinarick A. C., Queen at, Concord Halmarick E. M., Parramatta rd, Concord Halinarick John ,Tottenham at, S'wood Halinarick William, °rilin g aye, Hyde Halpin Mrs. A., 84 Booth at, Annandale Halpin C. C., 43 Georgina st, Newtown Halpin David ,123 St. John's rd, Forest Lodge Halpin Mrs. E., Regatta rd, Five Dock Halpin Gerald, A. 811 Pine at Halpin Henry, Second are LiolcontlA Halpin mu. J., 125 Victorla rd, Halpin James, 00 Myrtle st Halpin James, 03 Quarry at Halpin John, 47 Egan at, Newtown Halpin Miss M ,51 Ben Boyd rd, N. Bay Halpin Michael, Clarendon .hotel, 156 Devonshire at Halpin Mrs. Rebecca, 103 Common. wealth at Halpin Mrs. Sarah, 80 Pine at Ilalpin Sidney, 124 Campbell at, St. Peters Halpin Thomas, 011207 Kent at Halpin Timothy, 43 Levey st Halpin William, 09 Iredate at, Newtown Halm George, 15(5 York at, north Hairs. James, 18 Palmer at, Artarmoo OUR WATCHWORDS, HONESTY OF SERVICE OUR DESIRE ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR SAFETY RAZORS AND STROPS. ALPHABETICAL. 1.920Hal ANTHONY HORDERNS' —STATIONERY BOOKS AND TYPEWRITERS. Ham Liaise James, J.P., 297 Afflict st, N. Syd. Hamburger M. and Co., importers, 95 HamiltonMrs.Ada,17Norfolkst, Paddington Halsey and Co., shoe warehousemen, 46 York st York st Hamburger Mrs. F., 42 Frederick st, Hamilton Alexander, Fletcher st, Bondi Hamilton Alex., 109 Wigram at, Glebe Halstead Misses, Speed st, Liverpoql Ashfleid Halstead A. 155 Chandos st,North Syd. Hamburger James II., Targo st , Kog'h Ifamilton Alex., 17 Alexander at, Manly Halstead Charles H., J.P., nurseryman, Hamburger Harry, Rivers at, Bellevue HamiltonAlex.,309Glenmorerd, Paddington Belmore rd, Hurstville Hill tead Charles IL, architect, Forest Hamburger :Matthias, importer, 95 York Hamilton Alfred, \Void's a y e, Hurst ville Hamilton Alfred, 420 Glemnore rd, Pad; p.r., "Altamura," 11 Upper Bay ' Hurstville dington View at, Lavender Bay Haisiciel Charles J., Oberon st, Hamburger Rudolph, " Minerva," Hamilton Alick, 12 King at, Baimain Halstead Isaac L., Edwin et, Tempe Hamilton Allan, Lent hall st, Ken'ton Church st, Randwick Halstead Mrs. M., 17 Philip et, Enmore Hamburger Mrs. S., 83 Birrell st, Wav'ley Hamilton Allan, 39 Roslyn Gardens Halstead Mrs., Penkivil st, Willoughby Halstead Mrs. Sarah A., 12 Hampden Hamburger W., Shorter a y e, Canterbury Hamilton Andrew, Tilton' at, Waterloo st, North Sydney Hamburgh Edward, 61 Adelaide st, Hamilton Mrs. Annie, 27 Toxteth st, Glebe Woollahra Halstead Thomas, 8 Barcom rive Halstead Thomas, Carlotta st, Gore Hill Hamer and Morris, motor engineers, 12 Hamilton Arch., 12 Christie st, Glebe Hamilton Arthur, 110 Kippax at Halstean George, Stint st, Smithfield Bridge rd, (Rabe Halstead J. supt. of agriculture, Dept. of Hamer Andrew, 17 Windsor at, Paddlon Hamilton Arthur W., Chit at, N. Syd. Public Instruction, 32 Elizabeth st Hamer Mrs. C. (I., 43 Grafton at, Wlahra Hamilton Mrs. C., 57 ('ooper st Han ilton Mrs. C., 112 The Boulevard, Halstead John, Mowbray rd, Chatswood Hamer Mrs. E., Hansard st, Waterloo Dulwich Hill Halton Ltd., butchers, 198 William st Hamer Mrs. E. J., 193 Blue's Point rd, Hamilton Cecil, 394 Bourke at Halton Francis, 46 Perry st, Marrickville North Sydney Halvert H. j.., Dowling et, Kensington Hamer Edward G., 15 Macaulay at, Hamilton Charles, 43 Flinders at Hamitton Chas., Allred st, Granville Ham and Owen, hardware brokers, 17 Leichhanit Hamilton Charles, 70 Goodsell at, N'town Bridge St Hamer George, 14 Clayton at, Baimain HamiltonCharlesF.,3Goodsellat, Ham Mrs. A., 55 Raglan st, A1osman Hamer George A., 150 Beattie at, Newtown Ham Cecil, 44 Thomas st,North Sydney Hamer Harry C., 15 Bennett st, N'town Hamilton D., 21 Darlington rd, Darl'ton Ham Henry, 1 Trafalgar st, Annandale Hamer Henry, Mansfield et, Rozelle Hamilton D., 106 File Boulevard, DulHam Henry, Murdoch st, Neutral Bay Hamer John, 154 Weston rd, Rozelle wich Hill Ham John T., 2 Alfred st, Annandale HamerJohn ., 20 South a y e, L hardt Hamilton D., 12 Kurraba rd, N. Sydney Ham Robert A., Duntroon at, Huristone Hamer Joseph, Darley rd, Randwiek Hamilton D. L., 13eaueliamp rd, Botany Park Hamer Louisa, Kogarah rd, Kogarah Hamand Mrs. E., Guthrie a y e, Neutral B. Hamer Mrs. Marion, 45 Nelson at, Rozelle Hamilton David, 8 Avenue rd, Glebe Hambier P., 14 Harrington St Ilamer Samuel E., 43 Grafton at, %Mahn Hamilton David, 56 Marriott at, Redfern Hambieton Geo., 0 Newland st, Wav'ley Hamer William, 83 Wellington st, Hamilton David J., Slow bray rd west, thatsaood Hambley Henry, Fitzroy st, Harwood aterloo Hamilton Mrs. Dorothy, King at, Mascot Hamblin H., earpmter, 275 Suasex St Hames A., 172 Liverpool rd, Ashfield Hambloin Alex., Flinders rd, Canterbury flames Chas., 45 Barwon Park rd, St. Hamilton Mrs. E., 28 Alt at, Aslifield HamiltonMrs.E.1Grosvenor cres, Hamblin T., 67 Burnett st, Redfern Peters Summer Hill Hamblin Walter, 14 The Avenue, Camp- flames Charles, Fox Valley rd, Waliga Hamilton E•, 25 Francis st, Eilmore erdown flames W., 47 George st, St. Peters HamblingH., 266 Edgeeliffe rd, Hamester Vm., 267 Young et, An'dale HamiltonMrs.E.,215Liverpool rd, Summer Hill Woollahra Hanley Miss A. A., King's Langley rd, Hamilton E. J., Prospect it, Granville Hambley and Co., real e s tate agents, Greenwich 20u Pitt at Hanley Amos C., Morden st, N. Sydney Hamilton Mrs. E. St., Good at, Granville Hambly Misses M. and J., Cook st, Mas- Hanley Eaton J., J.P., surgical boot- Hamilton Mrs. E. S., "Kelso," Darling l'oint cot maker, 27 Alfred at, Allison's Point 'Humbly A., J.P., 186 Elswiek st, L'hardt Hanley Eaton J., 59 Bent st, N. Sydney HamiltonMrs.Edith,11Selwynst, Paddington Hambly A. V., 195 Miller st, N. Sydney Harney George E., Ross st, St. Leopards Hambly Amos, Banksia st, Botany Hamey Tim, Spence's lane, Alexandria Hamilton Edward, 20 Hargrave st 112'11111ton Edward, 117 l'itt at, Redfern Hambly Amos, Botany rd, Waterloo Ilamil G., 117 Trafalgar st, Annandale HamiltonErnestA.,174Evansat, Hamblv Arthur E., Burw(eld rd, wood Handl William Cowper st St. Peters Itozelle Hambly Arthur H., Victoria tiVe, Chats.i Hamill Mrs. C., Boundary st, Sherwood Hamilton F., Central st, Narenthunt wood Hamill Henry C., 2 McLean at Hamilton F. J., Livingstone a y e, Pyinble Hambly C. C., 102 Oxford st, Padlon Hamill Mrs. J., 168 Albion at, Annandale Hamilton Frederick, 28 Ann at Hambly Charles, Bay st, Botany Hamill John, 25 Premier at, 3Pville Humbly Francis, 3.1'., Banksia st, Bot'ny Hamill Reginald G., 84 Church at, N'town Hamilton G., Arden at, North Coogee Hamilton Mrs. Cl., 152 Ocean at, Padlon Humbly Harold, King it, Mascot Hamill Walter C.,1,oftus at, Campsie Ham* Harry A., 132 Eveleigh sti Hamill William, Golden Fleece hotel, 536 Hamilton G. D., Sydney rd, Manly Hamilton 11. D., 266 Liverpool rd, SunsRedfern Crown at Hambly James, Banksia st, Botany uit r liambly Mrs. Jane, Fleet st, Carlton HAMILTON AND CO. ( LONDON) Hamilton 0. D., Condamine st, Slimly "Iambi!, John, Clo y ed( on rd, Hurst v ille LTD., Painters' Brush Alanufac- Hamilton G. F., 16 Gi this st, Newtown Ratabl y John P., Wright st, Hurstville turers—M. 11. Lauchlan and Co., Ilamiltun Gavin, 51 Henreid at, Glebe Humbly Leslie, king st, Mascot (*olonial Representatives, 32 Market Hamilton George, 74 Renwick at, Inane. liambly Walter, Chapman st, Concord iii'mm' at, corner Clarence st. Tel. City Handily Walter T., 13 Wilson st, Redfern Hamilton George, Walker a y e, Murton 4532 liambly William, sem, Banksia at, Rory Hamilton Miss Grace, 210 Palmer at HamblyJun., 25 Botany rd, Hamilton G. C., Ltd., motor car import-. Hamilton Mrs. Grace, 152 Riley at era, Lir Elizabeth st Hamilton 11.;55 Brial eine at Botany Hamilton and l'oung, tinkers, 6 More Hamilton IL, Howarth rut, Lane Cove Handily William, Chatham st, Botany st Humbly William, William st, Botany Hamilton 11. Alontgoinerie, Dist Het Court Hamilton A., 102 Garden at, Alexandria !fallibly William, Kent rd, Mascot, Judge, 166 King st hr., Wentworth Hambridge Alfred, 11 Edmund at, Wavy Hamilton A., l'atherine st, F. 1.(alge rut, St ratlifield Hambridge Prank, Vancluse rd, V'cluse Hamilton A., 1 Mitchell at, N Sydney Hamilton II. W., 150 Chapel st, AI' villa If ambrIdge N. A., A' Beckett at, GI-Mlle Hamilton A. A., solicitor and Hamilton Harold, Park rd, Hurstville ' helm for affidavits, 75 14tt at Hamilton Henry, 42 Forbes at Hambridge S. A., 210 Abercrombie of, hr. : " Belle vive," Laurence at; Hamilton Henry, Garden at, Kogarith Redfern 31anly Ihunbno Harold, 2 Clara at, Nem town Hamilton Henry J., Robey at, Mascot, Homburg and Anglo • American Nile Hamilton A. A., 3 'ells at, Newtown Ilamilten Hugh P., SO Addkon rd, Al' ville Hamilton A. A., 45 Terry at, St. Peters Co.—Burns, 1'111111 and Co., agents, HamiltonAirs.1.,70Alexandra at, ha mitten A. C„ Frederick st, Itockdale 9 Bridge at Driiiiimoyne Ilamilten A. 1:., Hercules s t, Chatswood Hamilton Isaac, 2 M'ood st, Forest Lodge Hamburg N., 8 Foley st WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 158 GLEBE Ham1321 Ham ALPHABETICAL. Hamilton J. A., Sir Joseph Banks st, Botany Hamilton J. C., 145 West st, N. Sydney HamiltonJ.Dickson,dentist,337 Canterbury rd. Petersham Hamilton J. E., Culwalla at, Hurst villa Hamilton J., 0. Park nil, Hurstville Hamilton J. S., James at, Lidcombe !la/ninonJames,BankTerraceat, Botany Hamilton James, Wiggins at, Botany Hamilton James, 25 Darghan SC, Glebe Hamilton James, 15 Grove at Alarrickville Hamilton James, 17 Challis a y e, Wyllie Hamilton Jas., Station at Marrickville Ilamilton James, 16 Shadier at, Neut. B. llantilton AMOS, 2 Victoria at, Redfern Hamilton John. chemist, 137 Regent at Hamilton John, 43 Annandale at, An'ilale Ilamilton John, 43 Palmer at, Balmain Hamilton John, Thompson at, D'inoyne HamiltonJohn,63Fotheringliant at, Mal rickville Hamilton John High at Mascot Hamilton John, 31 Smith st, Rozelle Hamilton John,•78 Grove at, St. Peters Hamilton John, 25 Isabella et, Waverley Hamilton joins, Hassan at, West mead Ilamilton John W., 4 Henry at, Wavy Hamilton Joseph, Cooper at, Double Bay ilan iltonMrs.Julia,Grandpar, Brighton-le-Sands Hamilton Mrs. L. Lumley at, Granville Hamilton Miss 31., dentist ; 7 Hunter st Hamilton Mrs..4 , Shepherd at, Aslifield Hamilton Mrs. 31., 162 Redfern at, Mena Hamilton Airs. 31. A., 22 Wylde at Hamilton Sirs. 31. E., Lane Cove rd, Wahroonga HamI: ( l itooti)ie Mrs. 31. 3., 172 liereford st, liamilton Thomas C., Norton at, Aslifield Hamilton W., 6 13roadstairs at, Balmain Hamilton IV., 268 Darling at, Balmain Hamilton IV., Lower Ocean st, Double B. Hamilton W., A'Beckett at., Granville Hamilton IV., 5 Carrington st, Lewisham Hamilton W., Carruthers at, l'enshurst Hamilton W., 18 Brighton st, Petersham Hamilton I • ., Rahway ems, Sherwood Hamilton. Ilawkesbury rd, fawn(' Hamilton \V,E.,QueenVictoriaat, West Kogarali Hamilton IV. 0 , Sydney rd, Sherwood Hamilton NV. J., SO Annandale at, Aridale Hamilton W. J., Nelson rd, Lindfield Hamilton W. J., 22 Thorby ave, L'hardt Hamilton Walter, Lainrock ave, 11'av'y Hamilton IValter W., 60 Shadforth at, Mosinan Hamilton William, hlorning Star hotel, corner Market and Clarence sts Hamilton W illiam, solicitor, 28 Castlereagh atp.r., 2115 Macquarie st Hamilton William183 Darling st, Bal. Hamilton William, 5 Phoebe at, Balmain Hamilton William, 14 Myra rd, Dul. Hill Hamilton William, Lily st, Enfield Hamilton William 89 11111 at, Leiehliardt Hamilton William, High st, 31ascot Hamilton William 15 Vine at, 'led fern Hamilton William, 47 Terry st, St. Peters Hamilton William J., Henry at, St. Peters Hamilton William 31., Harrow rut, Millie Hantilton-Gray Mrs., French's Forest rd, Hamilton Mrs. 31. J., 42 Itutliven at, Randwick Hamilton Mrs. Mary, at, Stratlifteld Hamilton Percy, Jackaman at, Waverley Hamilton l'eter, Quigg at, Lakemba Hamilton Peter 13., Kensington ni, Summer 11111 HamiltonIt.,laundry,162-164Blue's l'oint rd, North Sydney Hamilton IL, jou, Sir Joseph Banks at, Botany Hamilton IL, Athol at, Alosman andlton IL L., Marsden at, l'a einatta HamiltonRobert,semi,SirJoseph Banks at, Botany Hamilton 'told., 59a Hereford at, Glebe Hamilton ltobt, 17 Premier st, Hamilton Robert, King at, Mascot Hamilton Robert, 43 Mitchell at, North Sydney ems .; at, Waverley .11(111111ton It Hamilton Russell, W • okelcy at, W. Kog. Hamilton Roy, O'Neill at, 1.eichhardt Hamilton S. 11 , 14 Napoleon at liamilton S. JCarrington rd, Randwick Hamilton Mrs. S 31., 61 Bowman at Hamilton S. T., 4(1 Lucas at, Ca inp'down lainilton Mrs. Sarah, 107 Flinderest Hamilton Mrs. Sarah, 372 Moore Park rd Hamilton Mrs. Sophia, Toyer at, NI' ville Hamilton Stuart,120 Constitution rd, Petersham Hamilton '1'. ('., 14 Hercules at, Aslifield iliunilton T. 0., 63 Liverpool ni, Aslifield Hatt Moil '1'. C., Victoria rd, Itydalmere Hamilton T. L., 155 lbs, st, naiiington .1411101ton l'inanas, carrier, Mountain at Ilamilton Ttionias, 582 Crown at Hainlifon Thoom 4 , 73 0.‘oruf . at nort 11 Hamilton Thoma s , Cewper at, Canipsie Hamilton Thomas, Bland at, Ilaberfield Ilamilten Thos., Aid,,d4ord rd, Ilandltoo '1110 ,-., pia Staniar (re nil, 1"shani OUR PROCESS OF liantiltaolir il-YSmithC.IL,It(th8011st, Willoughby la miltonXillon George, Yeo at, N. Bay Hamister George, East ter, 13ankstown Hamistor W., 20 Lombard at, Glebe Hamlet William Mogford, F.I.C., F.C.S., Government analyst, Macquarie at p.r., 107 Shadforth st, 3losinan Ilitinlett George, l'ortland at, Enfield Ilainley Frederick, 121 l'oint at Hamlin C. Ainslev & Co., manufacturers' agent, 91a l'Ork at Hamlin C. W., Edgar st, Bankstown Hamlin 0. W. A. D., Trafalgar at, Belmore G., 125 Bedford at, N' town Ifhiatfullilmu Hamlin George, 125 Bedford at, N'town Hamlin S., Sinclairat, Wollstonecraft Hamlin Thomas, 41 Grose at, Glebe Handing John, Oxford st, Guildford Handy!' E. K., 15 Raglan at, Homan Ilitmlyn C. B., 78 Gordon st, Paddington Hanun Joseph, 3 Stanley at Jlaiuimuuamu W. Ii., 10 Belmont at, Aleximulnius Hammel John, (1 Warren rd, Marriek villa Hammett Denis, 214 George st, Ersk'ville Hammer Alfred L., 23 Gordon at, L'aliani HammerWilliam,9Edgeelifferd, II tad intim liammersley and Jones, joinery Ivorks, 29 Macquarie at, Leichhardt Ilium mersley11.W., 27Macquarie at, Leichhardt Hanimerton A. E., 15 Alma st, Darlon Hammett Sins. Ann, Condor at, Human' Hammett D., 60 Shepherd st, Markedly Hammett Sirs. F. 31. V., 22 Bellevue st, Glebe Hammett W. hi., Birmingham at, Merryl i•lts William, Macintosh at, Mascot I I ainl iai e Hammitt A. J., Meal hodiager The coamt alFarmers' Co-operativeSoeiety, Ltd., 504 Darling at, Rozelle Hammitt A. J., Norfolk st, Epping 11 (Hamill Anthony,31Julliettst ,Star. nick vino IIIIMI11111 I h enluurt , Lord at, Kogarall Bay EMBALMING PRESERVES THE DEAD FOR llammill James, 20 Good hope st, l'addington Hammitt Philip, Aloneur at , NI' villa Ilammill W. A., 0 Parlwa rd, Alosinan Hamming W. II., 14 Sixth at, Granville lin1118101I, /Ward & Co., shipping agents, 19 Bridge at Hammon A. L., 29a Holborrow st, Cr'don Hammon Fredk., 388 King at Newtown Hammon G. Hamilton, Allay st, Longuevilla Hammon George, 40 Huston st, Mosman Hammen John, 37 Harrington at Hammond A. T. & Co., painters, all 177 Albion at Hammond Bros., butchers, Gordon rd, Roseville liamin(md, Inlislepublishers(W. Paling A.• Co., Ltd., agents), Ash at off 338 George at Hammond's Slaughter Yards, West at, I ymble Hammond Typewriter Co., 321 Pitt, at Hammond A., 208 Henderson rd, A'dria HammondA.T.,15Orpingtonat, Asidield Hammond Abner, Gordon rd, Chatswood Hammond Alfred, 94 Pyrmont at Hammond Alfred, Carlton cres, Sum. Hill Hammond Arthur, Iron° at, Abbotsford Hammond Arthur, Bonarst, Arneliffe Hammond Arthur, 31i 311 at , Grainy Hammond Arthur, Elizabeth st, 'Plot) Hammond Airs. Bessie, 20 Wome nth live Hammond C. A.,3 Buena I ista aye, Moamar( Ilantmond C. W., 18 Belmore at, Rozelle Hammond Charles, 4 Norton lane Hammond Chas., 6 Forbes st, Darlington Hammond Dr. De Lisle, Hale rut, Moamar' Hammond Douglas, Short at, Carlton Hammond 311s. E., 58 31ary at, St. re I. Hammond E. D., 17 Doris at, N. Sydney HammondEdward,20Fitzroyat, Newtown Hammond Edward C., Cecilia at, Belmore Hammond Ernest, 1 Stanley st, Anicliffe Hammond Ernest, :33 Park at, Ersk' Hammond Ernest W., Francis st, Lidcombe Hammond31issEva,2IlanoVerat, Waterloo Hammond F. W., 22 Edward at, WIlahra Hammond Frank, 251 31arrickville rd, Marrickville Hammond Airs. G., map mounter and colourer,findphotocolourer, 25 Jamieson st, Hammond G., 20 Darlington rd, DarWigton Hammond 0. E., 822 Parramatta rd, Petersham Hammond George, Moriarty rd, tim iii Hammond George, Slay at, Eeichliardt, st, Liverpool Hammond Geo., At Hammond Ceorge, Statile). at., Randwick Hammond George E., 35 King (it, N'town HammondMiss11.G.,Kumla(rd, Neuf nil Bay Hammond Mrs. Hannah, l'eo at, Neut. B Hammond Henry, :3 Sutton at, Hammond Henry, Wilaon at, Botany Hammond J., butcher, 132 Forbes at Hammond Mrs. J., 122 Constitution rd, Petersham Hammond J. IL, barrister, 167 Phillip at;p.r., 8 Chandos at, A shill' Id lfammood .1. S., 13n son id, Chntswood Hammond 31rs. James, 3411 Harris at illmmmuuiuuumut Jaines, 171Pyritiont Hammond John,butcher,423-427 Liverpool st Hammond John, 79 Dowling at Hammond John, :1 Pine at, Rozelle ANY TIME AT NOMINAL COST -ANTHONY HORDERNS' FURNITURE STANDS IN ITS OWN CLASS. Ham • AIXIIABETICAL. Han Charles W., Gray it, Kogarali Hammond ,Tolin, The Avenue, St rathfl'hl■ Hampson If., 12 Fitzgerald et, Wavley Hancock Dr., Florence it, Hornsby Hammond John J., Edward et, Carlton Hampson 11. F., 26 Grosvenor et, Wool- Hancock Hausock Mrs. E., Christie st, St. Leon'rda lali ra John W., 823 King st, Tempe ! Hammond . Hancock Edward, 16 Great Buckingham liammond Joseph, jun., Minion rd, Hampson I Larry, Walker:it, N. Sydney it, Ited fern . Ilampson Henry, Denison st, A dielitte Chatswood Hancock Edward, Russell it, Stratlitleld Hammond Joseph, semi., Gordon rd,I Hampson James, 489 Harris it Hancock Ernest, 8 Elizabeth it, N. Syd. Hampson Sallies, 99 Quarry it Chatswood Frederick, 8 Adelaide place Hammond Leonard, Bryson et , C'wood Hatupson Sohn, 15 Jubilee it, Lewisham Hancock Hancock G., 9 Manchester it, Petersham Hammond M. II., 189 Albany rd, P' sham Hemp:ion Mrs. b., Gipps it, Concord Harcourt . Est., Campsie A., Hancock Hammond Mrs. Mary, 73 Hutton st,, liii nipson Peter, 21 Bannister lime Hancock It. A., 42 Ashmore it, E'ville Itanipson Peter, 183 Jones it. Manly Louisa rd, %amain Hammond Morley, 16 Church st, Wmain Ilanipson Robert, Balmoral it, Wait ara Hancock Georve, George, Itim p erong ni, Ken' ton Hammond Mrs. 128 Wycombe rd, Nen-! fampson Mrs. S'a rah, 48 Queen it, Hancock Hancock George, Woronora par, Galley Newtown toil Bay 11. Randle, 3.1'., Cambridge Hammond Otto de V., Laycovis st,1 Hampson Thomas, 29 Francis it, Glebe Hancock Shorthand Society, 84 Elizabeth st liampson W..1.,12 Elizabeth St, Rozelle. Neutral Bay II. W., 6 Thornley it, b'hardt Hammond P. T., Church st, Carlingford II ampson Walter 0., 123 Alive st, N'town Ilancoik Harry, 3 Gordon it, Rozelle Hammond R., tailor, Ocean House, 24; II :muslin William, Hudson it, Iturstville Hancock Hampson William, Elizabeth it, Warloo Hancock Harry IL, 53 Burt it, Rozelle Moore it Hancock Harry E., 21 Constitution rd, Hammond Rev. It. B. S. (C. of El, Hi Hampton Court—E. Lacey, manager, Petersham Helium) rut it, Ityde Arthur st Hancock Henry, Stewart it, Pairton Hammond Rev. R. B. S., editor Gnu, Hampstead Mrs. S., 70 Mansfield it, Hancock Henry, 779Spicer it, IVoollahro itezelle newspaper. 33 Park St Herbert, 101 Gt. Buckingham Hammond It. T., see. Closer Settlement Hampton A., sec. Boilermakers' Union, Hancock it, Redfern Trades Hall, Goulbum et Advisoi y Baanl, 32 Elizs)ieth st Hancock Herbert, 32 Pitt it, Redfern Hammond Richard T., 34 Union it,; Hampton Arch., _Harwood rd, Enfield Itaneoe% Herbert j., Bray's nil, Mortlake Hampton Arthur, Gerber it., Alexandria Balmain John, 57 Mallet it, Campsrdown Hammond Robert, Sutherland MI Ifampton Charles W., 101 Smith it, Hancock Hancock .f■ dm, Victoria rd, Marriekville Summer 11111 Epping Hancock John, 85 Arthur st, N. Sydney Hammond Robert, Short st, Marrickvi Ile Hampton Mrs. E. lf., 274 Livingstone rd, Hancock John II., 120 l'ark a ye, A' field Marrickville Hammond Robert J., 7 Junction st, Hampton Edward W., 24 Belgrave it, Hancock Lionel, 105 Ocean it, Bondi North Sydney Hanccek Mrs. M., 132 Mount it, N. Syd. Vaverltuy Hanunond Mrs. S., Sydenhani rd, SydenHampton Fredk., 11 Louisa it, Sum. Hill Hancock Mrs. M. J., May it., Marrickville ham Mrs. Mat ha, 23 Eaton st, N. Sytt, Hammond Samuel, I fammonti st, Weroft Hampton F. E., Claremont it, Campsie Hancock Hancock P., 6 Chattier a y e, Marriekville Hammond Mrs. Sarah, 30 Beach rd, Hampton Miss G., dea her, 433 Elizabeth Hancock Mrs. It., 62 Pitt it, Retifedi t st Dulwich Hill Randle, sen., 5 Julliett it, Hammond Sidnes , 18 Cambridge it,! Hampton IL J., George's River rd, Hancock Marrickville Croydon Park Rozelle If aneock S., 181 11ille r st, North Sydney Hampton Herbert R., 72 Nicholson it, Hammond Thomas, 40 Judge et Hancock S., 42 Yelverton it, St. Peters Ilaumnond Thomas, 100 Camden it I fampton Joseph, 38 Meek's rd, M'yille Hancock Samuel, Fennell st, Par matte Hampton Stanley G., George's River rd, Newtown IItincock Thomas, \Void's ttVe, MUM Ville Croydon Park Hammond Thomas IL, Moore st, DrumHampton Thomas, Hanover par, Concord 11111COCk Thomas, Harris st, Parramat tit .moyne Thomas, Phillip it, Parramatta Hammond Tromayne, 131 Wigram nl, Hampton Thomas, 49 Roberts it, 11'ville Hancock Hampton Thomas, 147 King st, N'town Hancock W., Floss st, Hurlstone l'ark Glebe Hancock W., 107 Hargrave it, Hammond W., 108 Oxford it, Woollahra , Hampton W. 11., Milton st, Ashfield Hancock W. G., Spring it, Abbotsford litmus Archibald, Ann it Arucliffe ' Hammond W. C., Wentworth et, Orville Hancock W. C., Ma g dala rd, North. Ityde Ilains Edward, Belmont st, Alexandria Hammond W. O., 1311111 st. Leichhardt Hancock W. J., 43 Hornsey st, Rozelle Hammond W. H., 11 Hubert it, L' hardt Hams George, 6 Goddard st, Ersk'ville \V. 1,., Illaxcell it, Granville Hammond IV. J., Robert it, Strathfield Halos William, 5 Goddard st, Ersk'ville Hancock Hancock W. IL, Hill Crest, Marrickville Hammond W. L., Huristone a ye, Sum. II Hamshar Edward, 24 Cleveland it If amson ;mil Leonard, manufacturing Hancock William, Bent it., Concord Hammond William, 27 Mose it, Glebe Hancock William, Benclong rd, N. Bay chemists, 1 Young st, Redfern Hammond William, 163 Wilson it, Munson and 'runnel), disinfect ant mann- Hancock:: Henry, 11 Myrtle it, N. Syd. NeWtoWil Hancocks W. A., Allen it, Leiehhardt feeding s, 105a Clarence st Hammond William If., Duck st, Hancott C. A., 22 Alexandra st, D'inoyne Ilamon Elias 3.3., Macquarie it, Liverp'l Munson L. P., Lauderdale eve, Manly Hancott C. A., 477 Darling it, Rozelle Hainson Lawrence P., Raymond rut, Hamon George, 42 Church st, St. Peters Ilancox Frederick, 33 Wilton st. Neutral Bay Hamon John T., Quigg it, Lakemba Hativott IL, 20 Bridge it, Erskineville Hampden Baths, Church st, Ltdcombe IlanatIn Nliclutel, 31 Union it Itaneox E. A., 32 Trafalgar it, An'tiale Hanidlit Patrick J., 160 Dowling it. Hampe Louis, Fore it, Canterbury Edwin, 3 Lyne it. Alexandria Hempel Mrs. N., 27 Wilson lane It'tem Hana g an Joseph, P.W., 15 Carter et, liancox Hancox George, Glenfarne it, 110Xley North Sydney Hamper McCook Misses, costinnieres, Itmumicox George, Cross it, Stratlitield 'Linehan David, Clissold par, Campsie 79 Oxford it, Witverley Henry, 1 Hanover st, Rozelle Hamper Douglas, 0 Mackenzie st, Hauliers' A., 125 Albion it, Annandale Hancox Millbury J., 69 Iiingsclear rd, Alex'dria Hancox Mrs. L., 32 Croydon rd, Croydon Waverley Mrs. R., 149 Mansfield it, Hoek trample Henry, 52 View st, Annandale Millbury John, 128 Catherine it, L'hardt Hancox William, Arg y le st, Carlton Hampshire Mrs. E., 15 Olive st, Paton Han bury Joseph, 268 Starrickville rd, Hancox Hand Arthur, 2 Leichhardt it Merrickville Hampshire George, 23 Pashley st,Irmain Hand Arthur, 7 Stafford it, Stanmore Hancock W. and S., cab proprietors, Hampshire If., Advil tfe st, Amalie Hand Arthur, junr, 5 Stafford it, S'pore Adelaide place Hampshire James, 80i Botany it, Hancock A. T., sec. Newtown and Ens Hand Mrs. C., 293 Abercrombie st, Waterloo Redfern more Starr- llowkett Societies (Nos. Hampshire John, 57 Suttor it, Alex'dria Hand David, 20 Phillip it, lialmaln 1 to 6), 19 Enmore rtl, Newtown Hampshire T. B., dentist, 56 Market it. Hancock A. L., Wellington rd, Iturstville Hand Hugh , 20 Woodstock it, Bondi p.r., Russell eve, Lindfleld James, 321 Dowling 1 Hampson's Actuarial Classes, Ltd., Hancock Albert, Wigram it, Granville Hand Hancock Albert, 4 Napoleon st, Itozelle Hand JailleS, 21 11eaglier it 24 Moore it John H., 63 Darling st, Behind's !Jennison A. W., 8 Frederick st, C'down Hancock Alfred, J. P., 91 Thompson it, Hand Hand Mrs. St., 132 Simmons it, Minton: Drummoyint Ilampson Alfred, 128 St. James rd, Hand Mrs. Peter, Wilson lane, Redfern ; Hancock Arthur, liderley it Mosinan Randwick Richard, Johnston it, Chatswood Hampson E. N., Hampden it, Penshurst Hancock Arthur, 92 Newland it, Wav'I'y Hand Hand N1401. 111, 327 Crown it Ilampson Mrs. Ellen, 155 Reservoir it Hancock Mrs. B., 76 Forbes -st Handcock Charles It., l'itt it., Rockdale Hampson Ernest, Ta y lor it, Lakemba Hancock Mrs. 11., 31 Ewell it, Roselle II ampson Frederick, 21 Gipps it, Witten Ilancoek Belljalliill, 36 IMP) it, Redfern liandeock Fs, 41 Atchison it, N. Sydney WOOD, COFFILL&COMPANY LT% HEAD OFFICE: OULWARRA RD.,PYRMONT•THONE 728 & 1100 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES REION SUPREME. Han ALPHABETICAL. . HanI flandeock F. W., Parramatta ni, C'cord Han y Matthew, 23 Junior it, Leichhanit e John, McKern it, Campsie Ilamicock Geo., Bunnerong rd, Botany Hanford A., real estate agent, Oliver it, Hanley Hanley John, Illaxcell it, Granville ilamicock II., 63 IVentworth Park nil, Bexley Hanley John, Nicholson it, St. Leonards Glebe Hanford Mrs. St., 228 Cowper st, Wav'y Hanley John J., A'Beekett it, Granville Ilandeock Harry R., 3.1'., Albert it., Hang Hi Hop Kee and Co., merchants, Hanley Rev. Martin S. .L. professor St. 11arriekville 209 Thomas it Ignatius' College, Itiverview, Lane Handeock Herbert, Bunneron g ni, Bory Ha nhani A. S., Young it, Neutral Boy Cove Handcock J., 63 Catherine it, L'hanit Minipill Mrs. Emma, 9 G reat Bucking- Holley Michael, 11 Holdswort hi it, Handeock James, Arcadia a y e, D'intlyne ham st, Redfern Newtown Mindcock James, Yarra Beach, La Hanigan 0. W. l'., Matthews it, Hurst- Ianley l'eter, Ermington it, Botany l'erouse ville Hanley l'eter J., Long Bay rd, Coogee llandcock K. G., 32 Atchison it, N. Syd Ilaniman Albert, 91 Gloucester st Robert, 28 The Boulevard, Ilanticock L. T C., O'Connell it, 1"matta [anion' Harry 11., 495 King 4, St. l'et. „Hanley Lewisham Mindeock Robert W., r1itt it, Rockdale Lemke and Co., contractors, Liverpool Hanley Hobert I'., 28 Holden it, Ilandeock Thomas, Smith it, 1"matta rd, Bankstown Hanley Mrs. S. A., Long Bay ni, Congest llatulcock W. J., 516 Church it, 1"mattit Henke Chris., Walker it, North Sydney Hanley T., 52 Barden st, 'tempo Handel —, So mini a y e, Sandrington Henke Gem gut,Isayeock it, Neut. Boy Hanley Thomas, jun., Francis it., Carlton Handel Alfred E., 157 Albany rut, 1"sliam Hanks , Paul, 7 Burns it, Petersham Hanley Thomas H., Frallels it, Carlton Daudet Fredk, Ibirrington eve, II rills! I hilthey Mrs. A., Terrace nil,Writhe Hanley Thomas, Botany rd, Waterloo Handel Henry, 13 Park a ye, Aslilleld Hankie and Co., sanitary farm, Cyril it, Hanley W., 128 Australia st, Camperd'n Handel Henry J., 101 Gott rut st, N'town Roseville Hanlin John W., Hunter it, Ban kstown Handenhant It. It., Margaret it, (4 r ville nankin Edward IV., 103 Blue's l'oiut Hanlin Sirs. K., 154 Young it, Redfern _Handheld Charles A., Curlew's it, Bondi rd, Nod 11 sydney Ilanlin Samuel, Regatta rd, Five Dock Handheld F., 118 Ebley it, Waverley HankinIforace, Pembroke st, AushulkIul Hanlin Sydney, David it, Croydon Handford Albert, 31 l'Ine it, Ilanly Hankin Henry, 3 utid it, Rockdale "Hanlon E. 3: A., drapers, New CanterHandford Harry, 24 Waterloo it Hankin Isaac, local sta'nniaster, L'slialic bury rd Dulwich 11111 }Lindley and Lewis, electrical engineers, Hankln T., Hill it, Roses ille Hanlon 1111(1 talls11 manufacog 11)3 Fitt it Ilan Id n William, Greenwich rd, 1.. Cove turers (N.Y.)—George C. Moore, Handley Mrs. A., 12 West p r Inienade, Hankins Isaac', 86 Bottlevarde, L'sliani representative, 350 George it Hankins• Waterloo rd, Bankstown Hanlon Edmund, 39 Whaling rd, North Handley Denis, liMaily rd, Botany aterloo rd, Bankstown Sydney Handley E.,55 Excelsior it, Leichhanit Ilankliv, Hankins William, Water it, EnfieldHanlon Edward, Cowper it, Itandwick Handley Mrs. E., 62 Premier st, NE'ckville Hankinson Charles, Parramat ta rd, Hanlon Frank, 43 Alma it. Darlington Handley Mrs. E., 5 Tarra it, N. Sydney Auburn II. ., \I right it-,llurstville Handley Edwanl, 411 Slate Moo rd, Hoz. Hankinson Fritz, Thomas it, Chatswood Hanlon Hanlon Herbert. 456 King st, Newtown }Lindley Ernest, 30 St. John's rd, Glebe Hankinson John, Burwood rd, Enfield Hanlon J. H., 252 Trafalgar st, Antedate Handley F., 27 Bray it, Erskine', ille Hankinson Joseph, 17 Church it, Wu/ant Hanlon .101111, tiloticester nil,Hurstville Handley 1 ., Carrington st, Parramatta ankinson It., 41 Harnett a y e, :Wyllie Hanlon John, Irrigation rd, Alerrylands Handley 0. C., GIPItore it, Canterbury I fankinson T., 307 Darling it, Batman' Ifanlon Sohn Si., GillieS a y e, II aberfleld Handley George, Pananiatta rd. Concord and Co., dyers and cleaners, 68 Hanlon M ' argaret, 6 Huge re it, Glebe Handley Harry, 70 Ferris it, Annandale Hanks Military rd, Stosman H anlon 11aii rice, 4 Eiger st Handley sirs. Helen, 67 Barmen avo Hanks J. G. and Co., grocers, Dalhousie Hanlon Robert, 411 Herbert, st, Dul. II ill Handley Henry, Newland it, Naverley 1 and Ramsay ni, Haberfleld Thos., 31cLelland it, WIlrglibv Handley henry J. F., 21) Birrell it, Hants.Horsfall and ( o., auctioneers Hanlon Hanlon Walter IL, 252 Edgeware rd, WaVerley and estide agents, Hampden nit, Newtown Handley Isaac 11., Kingston it, 11a berA Manion ; branch office, LI Hanlon William, 4 Charles :4, 1' Lodge field !tanks Arthur, 43 Polding it, Dru'Inoyne Ilanlon W illiam, 1 Taylor it., l'addlon Handley John, Avoca it, Weverley II anks Arthur E., Fifth eve, Neut. Bay William J., 57 AVentworth it, Handley J01111, 40 Waterloo it, Rozelle Hanks Frederick O., 37 Sloane st, Sum- Hanlon Tempe }Lindley John, 51 Queen it, Woollithra muter Hill llanly 1'. and Co., estate agents, 390 Handley , Martin, Archer it, Iltirwood Hanks 0corg., F., 31 Crystal it. 1"shn ai l'arrainatta rd, l'etershain Handley Standee, Bedford it, Forest Hill Hanks Mrs. 11,53 Sydelibilin rd, SI'villo Ms. Catherine, 75 ltoss at Handley Sydney, 3 Darghan lane, Glebe Honks II. A., teacher of sMging, 336a thinly Hanly Frank, .10 Margaret it, l'etershain Handley \V., 25 Llandatf it, Waverley George st thinly Mrs T 1., Harris it, Parramatta Handley IV. J., DiX011 at, l'arramatta Hanks John, 1 Railway live, Starrickville trimly James J., 55 Itegent at, l'add'ton Handley William, 53 Enmore it, SI 'yule Hanks 8.3., 167 Phillip St Hanly Mrs. M., 20 Charles st, l'etersham Hands and Scott, engineers, Alexander Hanks Sidney J., Harley rd, ltandwick Ituimuly Michael, 7 Avenue, Ashlield it, Arliclitte Hanks Stewart, 91 Terry it, St. Peters Hallman Rudolph, 23 Chariest/me Hands Miss A. II., Boulevarde, Strath. Hank- 'r. Horstall, e s tate a g ent, Max- 111111111Ier Thos. W., assist. supt. field 1 Ilid ni, Eastwood ; pis, " \Wood- volent Asylum, Joseph st, Liticombe Hands Miss A. If., Lyons it, Stratlifield vale Ed ands rd, Wahroon g aHann Cecil It., La inr■ ek a y e, Waverley Ilands Mrs. A. M., 50 Dulwich it, Dul- Hank s Tlios J., 1( I t'ambridg., st, E'Inore !faun Hu strict . , 92 Catherine it, L'luuurmt t. wich 11111 Hanlan Mrs. Ellen, 252 Devonshire itIlium Frank 0.8.11. rd, \I'oollahrit Hands Mrs. A. 11., 37 Lewisham st, Haitian George, 202 Xing it, Newtown II ann Joe, butcher, 149 Oxford it Dulwich 11111 Mrs. Hannah, 262 Xing it, Hann Walter S., 136 Wycombe rd, I tends Frank, 43 t'oniniodore st, N'town Haitian Newtown Neutral Bay Hands Henry, 526 Cleveland at Hanlen IVilliain II., Botany rd, Botany !Hanna J. and Sons, farriers, CampbellHands Henry, St. Paul's it, Randwick II Miley AlldreW, 13II Lucy st, nil, Liverpool Bands Mrs. J., 139 Catherine it, L'Ilardt Hanley Andrew, 90 Hutt/veil it, Ilan& Hanna town M. and 31., importers, '235 Eli zaHands James, Alexander it, Arneliffe wick beth it, Redfern Hands John, sen., Auburn ni, Auburn Hanley Arthur, 27 ltownt r y e st, It'inain Hanna Albert J., 63 Yelverton it, St. Hands John, jun., Dart brook rd, Auburn Hanley c. G. IV il s onny it, Bota l'eters Hands John E., Eiswick st, Lein hardt Hanley Cornelius , 52 Denison it, NViivley Hanna Alex., 50 Gipps it, Paddington Hands Joseph, 91 Catherine it, L Matti Hanley Daniel. 11acq nark. nil, Auhurn11■1111111 Artlim J., Francis it, lidcombe Hands Joseph, 43 Union it, N. Sydney Hanley H.242 Absrer enbie at, Hanna CliarieS, 28 St. J11111.e8 rd, It' wicls Hands Mrs. Sabina, 36 Flinders St Redfern Hanna Charles T., IVenlyss st, ll'villc Hands Walter, 14 Young it, Annandale I anley Edward, Desmond it, If oiroyd Hanna Edward, farrier, Hay it Hands Wm., lo rede rick it, AsIdleld Hanley Edward, NVillitini it, Marrickville Hanna Edward, 7 O'Hara it, Ma rrickville Hands William, Ill Foster it, Leichlianit HanleySIN. F., 5 IIeaitm rtl, Dill. Hill 111111■111 Sirs.H., 34 Oxford it, WIalira Handy Frederick, N.S 11 rd, Vaucluse If anley G. L., 62 Belgrave it, Neutral It Hanna G., ati Shepherd it, Ma rrickville Moldy John, 98 St. John's nil, Glebe Hanley Jas., .1,1 . ., 70 Ca nip be II st, Ileum' George, Seymour it, Enfield Itandyside A. F., 231 Old Canterbury rd Batman' Hanna Gem Ise, 754 I Ila warra 1st, SI' vine Petersham Haul sy ,h1 , ., S SI v rt 1, N. sfyilliey Hanna George II ., Dinimoro it, Croydon Haney John, Bay 1, Botany Hanley John, 37 Harwood it Park -— OUR EQUIPMENT ENABLES UR TO HT THE DESIRES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS AND ALL CLASSES NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY, ANTHONY HORDERNS' — ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, 1324Han ALPHABETICAL. Han Han Ilanratty Harold, 1 6 View st, A ii'dale 9 Hannan join', The Causeway, 'Enfield IlanrattyPeterC.,207OldCanterHannan John, Forest rd, Hurstville bury rd,Petersham Hannan John, 33 Wetherill st, L'hardt Hanratty ThomasP.,209Rose et, Hannan John 11., lioward st, Randwick Darlington Hannan Miss M., 2 Good Hope st, Pad't'n Hannan Mrs. M., Fowlers a ye, Holroyd Hans Edward. Mount at, Coogee Hansby Mrs.E.A.,218 Cowper at, Hannan Mrs. 31., 78 Silver st, St. Peters Waverley Hannan It., 20 'I rafalgar st, Annandale Him:by .1., 9 8 optima.; at, Ifirsk Mar ills Hannan Richard, 149 Bridge rd, Glebe Hensel Son, engineers, 262 Edgeolitre Hannan Thomas, proprietor Australian rtl, Woollabra Margarine Factory, 415 Parrantatta Hansel A., 21%! talgeeliffs nil, Woollehrn rd, Leichhardt Hannan Thomas, 9 Church st, Leichhard Hansel Francis S ,t, Waverley Hansel John, 262 Edged life rd, Whara Hannan Thomas, 2 Elswick st, Leicledt, Hotel Metropole Hannabus John, Cowper st, Randwick Hannan Miss NV., Mary st, hunter's Hill Hansel Alfred, .1 Allen et, Leiehltardt B., 18 Premier in,AfarlieliVille Hannaford A. J.. 11 13QJ more st, St. Pet. Hannan William, 11 Wise st, Rozelle Hansel George, 27 Durham .at, 1)111. Hilt Hanna ford Alfred S., 18 Raglan st, Manly Hanna way William, 49 Waterloo at Ilannaford Henry R., Gibbons st, A' burn Hanuay James A., 38 Broughton st, Hansel Gt or..e, 37 Day t, Marriekv.Ile Hansel Joseph, Dowling st, Articlitie Hannnford James J., Baker st, Konslon Glebe Hansel Joseph, Westminster st, Bexley Hananford sohn, Perouse rd, Itandwick Hammy Keith, 78 Awaba at, Mosinan Hansel Mrs. 3I., 5 Victoria pl., Pad'tott Ilannaford John, Oakville rd, Willo'by 1111111111Y S. S., 682 Darling at, Rozelle Hansel W. G.,valine st, Campsio Hannuford It., Edinburgh rd, Will'ghby Haunt:am F. W., 15 Allen st ilansel W. J., 00 Wells at, Annandale Hannaford lt. B., Gibbons st, Auburn H annell Austin C., Fletcher st, AN Mira Hannaford ictor, 03 Botany st, Red .crii liannell Mrs. S., 40 Suffolk at, Paddlon ., 3Crown at Hannaford Mrs. NV0a Ilannematin, MN.114 Harrington rd, Kogara Hannaford W., Kogarah h st Hannafont W. S., Brown's rd, Kogarali Hannon Henry, 66 Judge st Hannah Mrs. Annie, Brand st, Croydon Hamlett 'P., 173 Henderson rd, Alex'dria Engineers andMerchat11 a, Fit zevan Chambers, 58Castlereagh it.)Soo Hannah Edward, 181 Ben Boyd rd, Hannay Charles, :31 Barley st, Newtown Advt., Engineers Section). Neutral Bay Hannay James, 9 Rainford st HannahEdward,12Georgest,St. Hannay Joseph C., 24 :Metropolitan rd, Hanten Albert, 9 Jenkins at Peters Emma° Hannah Edward T., Ye° at, Neut. Bay DenneyNortheote st, N'burn Ilansen Andrew, Bridge st, I'' table Hansen August, 18 Chaplin at Hannah Mrs. Ethel, 304 Crown St Hannay \\Milani , L., Vernon at, Bexley Hansen 11. A., Point DI, Woolwich Hannah J., 43 Henderson rd, A dria Hanniford T. G., Melville st, Ityde Hannah Mrs. 5., 39 Chandos st, Asidield Hannigan F. C., 152 Nelson at, Ann'dale Hansen flea nard F., 19 Windmill st Ilans:en C., 32 Andreas at, Petersham Hannah Sohn, Pine rd, Auburn Hannigan John T.,ave, Alma Mar' villa Ilimsett C. E., 14 P.I'llt'at atNorth Sydney Hannah John, 81 Formosa at, Demoyne liannington W., Burwood rd, Burwood Bunsen C. F., 50 Railway rd, St. l'eters Hannah John T., Herbert st, Ityde Hannon Albert, Ferry at, Hunter's Hill mU. G., 8 Pearson st, Balmain Hannah Joseph, Battery st,Coogee Hannon Alexander, 38 Beach rd• Du 1.11, lit as I Nilsen C..1., Diniaresque at, Conlon Hannah Mrs. Mary, 14 Crescent st, Manly Hannon C., 135 Nelson st, Annandale Hannah Robert, Tilford st, Waterloo Hannon Douglas, Australia st, C'd Own 111114,42.4 C. 0., 49 Augustus st, Leichhardt Hannah Thomas, 49 Mary St Hannon Mrs. II., 71Abercrombie st, HansenC.P.ill.Grahiii,trading us), tai or, 114 Hunter at Hannah Thomas, 01 Mitchell st, Glebe Redfern Hannah Thomas, 27 Trafalgar at, 5' inure Hannon Jos, Dreadnought st, Lakemba Hansen Chris., 18 Glebe at, Paddington Hannah Thomas, 02 Cowper st, Wav'y Hannon James, Beauchamp rd, It'wick Hansen Christopher, 20 Clubh st, Beaune Hannah NVilliam, 36 Pine st Hannon James M., George's River rd, littieien Mrs. E., Wollongong ol, Arneliffe ha ntacit Mrs. E., 184 )tunford at, Eel he HannamsLtd.,gasandhydraulic Enfield engineers, agents for "Sunlight" gas Hannon John, Wilga at, Burwood Hansen Edward E., Flood at, LeivithanIt machines, 134 Castlereagh St 1 lansen Frank, 28 Clubb at, Bezel e HannonJohn,45Metmpolitan Militant D., Chestnut rd, Auburn Hansen Fail k., 131 Corni ma rd, S'inore Entnore Mumma F., Railway par, Erskineville Hannon John, Christie at, St. Leonards Hansen George, Taunton nil, 1111rat ville Hammitt G., Kalgoorliest, Leichhardt Hannon John F., 28 Iligh at, N. Sydney Hansen George, Cripstone at, Itandwiek HammittIL E., carpenter 1116 Castle- Hannon Leslie, A'Beckett ave, Ashtleld Hansen Gus., Morse at, Gordon reagh st Hannon MN. B., Homebush eras, Widish Howson Custave, Gale at, Mortlake Hannam Harry, Shirley nl, Wolistone- Hannon Martin, 308 Jones st IMSCII 11., Liverpool rd, Bankstown craft Hansen Hans, 232 Uoulburn at Hannon Patrick, 05 Bourke st, Redfern Hammitt James, Arnelitfe st, Arnclilfe Hannon William Terry st, Botany 1111118, Ilattipton Court nh, Carlton mHannon William, l'erry st, Ita ad wick Hamitt Jas., 138 Donison st, Cap'd'n m Hamen thy., signal station, Upper Fort 51 Hannam It. B., Clarke at, Lidcombe Ilanrallan Edmund, 268 Bulwarra rd I llatisett Henry N„ender rt. Kogaralt Hannan F. and Co., butchers, Behnore Ilanralian Frank lt., 25 Shepherd at Hansen Sbus. J , 60 Samuel st, St. Peters rd, Itandwick lIenrallan Mrs. Helena, 26 Argyle place Hansen James. 46 Trafalgar at, AtCdalc Hannan A. B., 102 Flood at, Leichhardt Ilanrallan J. T., 66 Cathedral St Hansen Mrs. Jane, Washington at, Bexley Hannan A. S., 5 Hawken st, Newtown lianrahanJamesV.,11Toothill st, Hansen Johan A ,27 Beigrave et, IVity'y Hannan Albert, Byron st, Campsie Lewisham Bunsen John, Waratith at, LeichhanIt Hannan C., 44 Brandling at, Alexandria llatiralian John, 2 Fulham st, Eumore I Hansen h., 16 !kite rine ii at, North Sid. Hanrahan Hannan C., St, George par, Hurst ville John, 11 Read st, Waverley Hansen Mastin, 63 Murray st Hannan Daniel, Victoria hotel, Young SI, Hawaiian Mrs. M., Mc Kern st, Campsie HansenMrs.Mary,29Missenden rd, Annandale Hanrahan P., Staco st, Bankstown Newtown Hannan Denis, 110 Kent st Hanrahan 1'. F., Hamburger st, 1"bowl Hansen Copt. Neil 83 Cowrie at, Newtown Hannan Mrs. E., Sheehy st, Glebe Hanrahan Peter,William st, Waverley Hansen Mrs. O., 46 View at, Annandale Hannan Mrs. E., Wonlora rd, Hurstville Hanrahan T. J., 40 Charles lane Hansen Otto, Bellevue par, II urstville Hannan Mrs. Eliza, 103 Barcom a ye Hanralian W., 373 Military rd, Mosmau HansenP.,machineryimporter,352: Hannan Ernest, 85 Wells st, Newtown Hannibal' William, 113 Abercrombie st Kent st HannanE.,carpenter and Joiner,". Hanrahan Wm., 8 Wudgong st, Bosnian Molten Paul, Taunton rd, Hurstville Barlow st, Hansen Peter, Quigg at Lakemba Hannan George 3 Han,k.eit at, Newton., Hannin Arthur Villiers 5., st, Ken ton 111110.11 Peter, 166 Evans at, Bozelle Hannan Henry;13 Lambert st, E'villeHauran Frank, Arlington st, Five Dock Hansen Silva, 10 Glonceater at Hannan Henry,Bond's rd ,1"bowlHaman James, 153 Jones st }111, 1 1 aellTheodore,57Westmorelendat, _Hannan Henry J. Warialda st, Holroyd HanrattyMrs.C.,46Broughton at, Forest Lodge Phillip st, Alexandria Hannan Mrs. S., 46 ' P Glebe Hansen Thomas, J. Daniel st, Granville Hannan J., Queen st, Auburn !Iowa tty Francis, Weynton at, A n'thile Hansen Valdemar (Hansen k Heyde. Ltd.), HannanJ,C.,148Campbellat,St. Hanratty Francis,30Gordonat, '28 Castlereagh atp.n., "Cmtha," 22, Peters Rozelle Stool forth at, Mosnian Hanna H. M., G arilliila st, Peakhurst Hanna James, High st,.Pymble • Hanna James, 195 Walker st, Redfern Hanna John, Campbelltown rd, Liv'pool Hanna John, 8 Forth et, Woollahra Hanna Patrick, Tonny son et, Hui. 11111 Hanna Robert, F., 4 O'Connor st, Haberfield Hanna Robert G., Botany rd, Botany Hanna 'Samuel T., Muriel st, Hornsby Hanna Miss Sarah, 60 Elliott st, Balmain HannaW.J., J.V.,member Public Service Board, 4 O'Connell st ; p. r., WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS $T. 'PHONE 156 ULM Hanson W., Despointes at, 31nrriekville Hansen1N illiani.1.,.1Davidsonat, Balmain Hansen St. David's rd, Iptield Ilansford A. J., Consett at, Dithvich JIM Itansford Al Sloth, Bold at, litinvood Ilansford Mrs. E., Fitzuy st,Burwood Bamford George, 64 Gowrie at, Newtown Ilansford Mrs. II., Kihilla at, Althorn 'Lansford W., 1:arabali at, Auburn Hatisford W., 70 IVarren nit, SIitrrickville llansford IV. A. Bottle Boulevarde, Seaforth, 31hIlde Harbour Ilansford William, Fitzroy st, Bitrwood }latish:or F., 174 Frazer st, 14tilwielt Hanshaw Mrs. 31,1 Bishopagate at ,N town Ilansilwv It., 20 Rochester at, Campentown Ilattalow F. G. C., 73 A venue sl, 3fosman st, Amen& Ilanalo w John it, IL Ilan.ilow Joseph:64 Albion at, Annandale Hanslow Joseph J., 13 Centre at, Redfern Hattslow Mrs, 31, A., 8 Charlotte lane 1/11118nn t ii,Ltd.,bootmanufactitivrs, Marian at, Redfern }Janson) Peter, 1 Charles at, Alanly 'Hansom Sydney .1., Keiran at, Waverley HansonCo., costume specialists, 222 Clarence ,t Hanson and Co , !douse and shirt manufacturers, 241 l'itt at HamanFuller, printing ink and varnish manufacturers, 425 sent st llanson'aLinoSolution—J. II. Deeent, sole agent., 17 Bridge at Ilanson Miss A., Coronation at. Hornsby Hanson SIns. A., Bannockburn at, PyinItle Hanson Mrs. A. E., 9 Concord st, Cleveland at, Rolfe' it Hanson A. H, HansonA. S., .1.1'., 42 Drunimoyne ova', Druntmoylm Hanson Albert II., Judge at, Randwlek I lanson Albert .1„ Stanton rd, II ttt)enluel.I Hanson Alfred. Mgt, st, Carlton HansonArtlitir O., dentalsurgeon, 203 ttitariest ;p.r.,Springdalerd, 3E1iac l i :tri I Ianson C. C., St. Hilliers rd, Auburn Hutson Call II., 79 Ihts at, Leichharilt Hanson E., 475 Alfred at, !North Sydney Hanson Eauard, 72 G lone, st, r at. Hanson Edward, O'Brien st, Bondi Hanson Eli, 104 Henderson r , A'ilria Hanson Ernest, chief inspector of public A....counts,Department of Audit, 28 Castlereagh at Ilanson Ernest, 18 1.ittle Palmer at Hanson Et nest M.. 218 Palmer at Ilanson F. C., 106 Baptist st, Redfern liaison Frederick, 16 Little l'altner }Janson Frederick, :McIntosh at, Gordon II. H., surgeon, 167 at t11rl iaargreaves Ilati vi,1. Ilan:son Henry, PetershoM nil, Mar'ville 1 Lotion Herbert, Bay at. Itoek■ittle Ihinson, J., 446 Harris a Banal/ II .1. V., 63 ‘Iiiitury rd, Mosinitit Hanson James, '29 Marlborough at Hanson james, 15 Nelson at, Annandale Hanson James, 306 Trafalgar at, A WINS. Hanson Johan IL, 50 Railway at, Hanson Jolin E., Brighton st, luttleht II:HIRAI Joseph, Shelley at, Canterbury Hiutson Joseph \V.,Oaborne rd, Manly IlsnsonLeslieIV,,lotintutufactura' agent, 1 lob Bathurst at Hanson 31., 118 Leh:Moira st, Waverley Hanson Mrs. H. A.. Barry at, Neutral Bay IlatisouMrs.:Margaret,Geraldave, itoseviile Hanson Martin II., Cardinal at. Sh osmuauuu Hanson Orlando, May at, Leichhardt HansonH., Edward at, Willoughby* 1111114011 N11:,1 It. E., 120 Spitril, Iltin•ott It. .1., 39 Day a), Le Ichhardt 43 THE LARGEST FIRM OF ALPHABETICAL. Hanson Richard, 81 Francis it, Glebe Hanson Richard J., 20 Munn at Hanson Thoirms, 19 Cecil st, Leichharilt Hanson Vivian. 5 1, 1 tad st , Lew isham Hanson W. G., Mt. l'Ioasant a y e, But•wood Hanson W. G., Fairlight crest., Hobson William, William st, Hornsby Hatithorn .1.,J.P.,tobacconist, 8-12 Erskine st tlatithoniA.,tobacconist, 31arketand Sussex s's I [unwell 1.4. 11., Meredith st, Ilontebusli Dam) A., 76 Newington rti, Marriekville Ilapp Prank, 8 Gdpin at. Cant; enlown Hopp Jaa. W., Beatrice at, Auburn Hupp Louia, Wentworth rd, 'Arwood Happ Nora an, Pairstock at, Flemington II apps Arthur, 155 N.S H rd, PaiPton lispsburg J1,seph, May at, Leichliartit Harald:sonJittnea,137Owl/ninthId, Mosinan Haruldaon John, estate agent, 684 l'itt st Handal-on John, see., Parramatta River Brick, Tile & PotteryCo., Ltd, 684 l'it t st ilaralilson .1olni, 5 Harbour at, MOS1111111 Ilaran Char es II Jtem at, Waterloo Harlin90 Terry st, Itozelle Haunt l'honias, 35 ElizabL• th st, Redfern Harber Alfred, Park ave, Alitagot II arber Chat lea, Richmond ace, 1Villougliby Harter E., 1,:dinborgli rd, Alarrickville limber E. A., 5 Brown at, Camponlown limber H. .1., 1 Carlton cres, Summer Hill II murhu'n Mrs.1., 38 Heck). at, Paildington !halter I„ J., 17 Macmimi rie st, Annandale I barber Richard, 21 Goodsell at, Newtown limber S. S. 84 Alexander st, North Syd. Harber William T., Park rd, Kogaralt Harbridge C. IL, 12 Reserve at, Neut. Bay Hat• hidge John, 14 Margaret at, Newtown Ilm • board Fred, 21 Brisbane at Harbos Herman, 77 Annandale at, A'dale Iliarbor Herbert, 28 Thmlow at., Redfern Harborne E., 46 SIelienzie st, Rozelle Harltottle, A Ism> told co. (Francis III iglt, residentpartner), wineandspirit merchants, Be Alestre place, qtr . 303 Gorge at 111Lrl ■ ottle U. W., 209 Cleveland at, R'fertt Harbour Carrying Co., carrying contrac• tor •, 11 Macquarie nl Iliti hours mid Drainage 1)cpartment '1'. E. Burrows, engineer, Phillip at Harbour Trust Inspector's Office —Hugh White inspector, Cowper WIttrf Harbours & Water Supply Branch, Public \Vorka, Phili p at Ilarlotur F. II., 19 Waverle,y at, Rand wick Harbour George, 2) O'Connell st, N'town liarbourne George, George at, Parramatta Harbridge J.Bay at, Brighton-le•Sionla HarliridgeMrs..11.A.,79Stationat, l'etersham Harbrow A.. Riverside orea, 3Ia rick v ille Harbrow Allen, 101 Meek's ril, Hell Ic Harbrow Sydney, 166 Chapel at, M' elI Is Harbutt, H., Billyard at, Wahroonga Umlaut I.., 62 Amherst st, North Sydney Ilarlaitt Lawrence, 225 Nlilitary• rd, Neut. Bit Harlaitt Percy II., NIunloch et, Neutral Bay ilarbutt It. E.,minagerItiterloe'd114 Steel Lathing Co. Ltd, l'yrtitont Bridge rd Ilai lent Eichard, 6 Eglington itt, Glebe Itareonibc (1, E., Houston st, Kensington Harcourt Arthur, Lauderdale ave, Nlititly Hai court Aubrey, 13 McArthur par Har1325 Harcourt George, Bryant st, Rotel:dale Harcourt Grey, 15 Bond sit, 31osnian Ilarcom• t Whliant, Dilbong nil, Wtown Harem, I iii, id, Crors at, liankstown Hard William P 1.,entiox st, Rockdale Hardaere .1., Sutherland at, SI ascot Ilartlact•tt '1'. C., Railwa y it, Granville llarditet•e q 'holints, Railway st, Il umiiiviile IIanlacre \Volker, Alf rid it, Mascor Ilartlaere Walter, Botany rd, Mascot Ilashierc William, Wilson at, 31asettt Hardaker A., 85 Honlerti st, Newtown Ilardrker A. \V., Notting Hill rd, L'eonibe• Hardaker Herbert N., 3Iaxim at. Hyde Hardaker L., 106 Constitution rd, P'slium ii•M dtrn lianll i iteker Irs...1.,329Cleveland st, at, Hordaker .11rs. 11.,Josepli st, L ideombe • Illirdalter Robert, Ohl Botany ni, Mascot HardcastleJ., manager Eas r SYDNEY TIAIES, 76 NV Whim at Itieliard, telegraph office, 113 l'itt at ; 11.r , Rocky l't. rti, Kogarali lIardaker IV., Ohl Botany rd. Slim scot Ilarth•ast le \V.97 Adelaide par, WooPhro. Hardeastle \\'m. it, grocer, 35 Liverpool at Ifarden A. E., 18 Ashmore st, E'ville Harden Mrs. Arthur, Birrell st, 1Vaverley Harden Sirs, 1), C., Shadier ml, Neut. Bay Harden Edward .1., Botany rd, Botany Harden F., 12 Anderson at, Alexandria HardenFrancis, physician and surgeon titt Etimore rd, Elution' Hanle!' George, 97 Renwick at, Alexandria, Ha :ilea Geor g e, 135 George at. Waterloo Ilitrden II., 52 Rockford at, ErsItineville Harden‘irs. 11..1..153 Leielthardt at, Way. Harden John, Susan st, Auburn Harden Robert, 54 Smith-at Ilarden Ibibert, 72 Bellevue at, Glebe !linden Walter, 42 John st, Petersham Harden \‘'illiatti, 23 Wood's lane IlardenFrede, ick st, Rockdale Harder C. l'., ,Iiiicaulny rd, Stanmore Harder Fred.. 135 Glebe l't. rd. Glebe Harder .1. 11., Tullolt st, Willoughby Harder Jo s t• tilt, 33 Rochester at. C'down Harder Sims. P., 'I'ullult at, Willoughby Ilarders Gem • ge, 238 Oxford at, Walls). II:molests .1. W.,17 l'areattiat*- nl, Aslifield Hanley Albert, -14 A ugh; I'llt. 13011,11 'budge Anthony, IOU AdlliE(1111A. Manly 1111111ge Anthony, '22 Linthorpe at, Nlowit Hardge Henry. Earle st, Arneliffe Hardge ' John, Willee at, Harwood Ilardge John, sem, Edtvaril st, Enfield lIardge John. Edward at, Enfield 1Iardge John, Boulevard, Stratlitield Herd, e John E.. 49 Kenos at, Redfern Hardge Joseph, thiwin's Bridge rd, Hardee Mr. Sarah. 78 Wilson st, N'town Ilarilgrove W., Itikernian it!, Parrnmatta Hardy & Bunny, land agents, 83 Pitt at Hardie D. & Co., tent makers, 71 George at HardieandGorman, ProprietaryLtd., auctioneers, land andestate agents, prop rtystlesittenandinsurance hrokers, 133 Pitt st ; Alfred at, Mil1, 011's l'01111, ;111111 Cowper at, Waverley Hardie .111111'S import-rs of tanning materials, Circular Quay end !Wilton: HARDIE WALTER & CO., l'roperty Agents and Valuators.Ground floor, front Vieker)'s Citambers, 80a l'Itt Tel. ::01 City Hardie Aare I IL. Ilmmumjltouu at Hardie Mrs. E., -131 Memnon) rd. l'aXtoit Mr .117 George at, 11'itterloo Hardie N y lon, Clativille nl, Roseville II Ill Harcourt Mrs. 11., 55 Elizabeth at, Patrtott Ilaidie Fred.. 117 Phillip St, \\.titerloo n i mbi! George, Luck/tow par. North Hyde Harcourt Flank, 213 Bareoni cv e Harcourt Frank, l iA (1111pa at, Paddington Hardie thi age, 11 Paul's rd, %1'itterloo HardieOrtonit rd, Roseville Harcourt Frialk., laight at, ArnelilTe UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE MAN ON THE LAW 13'26Har ALPHABETICAL. . Har Hardie Harry, Thornton at, Manly HARDT G. & CO. —D. Schroeder & Harding John, Terry at, Petersham Hardie Howard G., dental sur g eon, 193 Harding John, Liverpool rill, Stratlifield Kabutz Managers. Importers and Macquarie at ; p.r., Harwood at, Har- Harding John It., grocer. 30 Dawson at Woollen Warehousemen, 18-22 Carwood rington at. Sydney. Tel. 44S2 City Harding Joseph, Balmoral a ye, Rosedale Hardie Jame, Alby» at, Bexley Harding Joseph, Albert at, Parramatta Ifardt (Land Co., woolhrokers 22 CarringHardie James J.P., 2 I Cowles rd, 3losman Harding Joseph. Tyrell at, Hyde ton at. Tel 3142 Central Hardie John, '15 Kirk lane Harding Mrs. Mary, Loch at, Campsie Hardtimin 11.7oliii, 45 Glob, Point rd, Gletie Ilardie John, George at, Rockdale Harding 11 a. Mary A., 69 Australia at, lIardttnuth L. and C. Ltd. (London), 350 Hardie John IL, J.P., Hardie's chambers, Newtown George at Hamilton at Harding O. Kelburn nil Ih',aerhlle !Urdu') Mrs., 107 Barley ril, Manly }Hardie Robert, 8 Bland st, Aslifield flar ling Oscar, 149 A venue rd, Mosman Trading & Export Co , Ltd., Hardie Robert WJ.1'., Park rd, 11,1rwood Harding Phillip, 62 North at, Leichliardt Hardware 107 Pitt st Hardie Thos., 16 jersey st, Marrickville Harding R. I,. 26 Noble at, Moamar] Hardwick A. and Co., } . 011Se furnishers,152 !Hardie NV.. 31 Pleasant et, Erskineville Hardin g Richard, 26 Telford at, Glebe Liverpool rut, Aslitield Hardie Walter, J.1'., Combe•Martin,' Harding 1tobert. Ohl Car t terbury rd P'slffin Hardwick Dental Co. (0. II. Hardwick, Park rd, Harwood Railing Robert A., Gale at, M. rtlako g r.), 349 Crown at m Hardie Mrs. Walter, 1 Oswald at, Harding Robert J., Ju Id at, Rockdale Hardwick V. and A., outfitters, corner of Hardigan J., 60 Phillip at, Alexandria Harding Silas, McEvoy at, Alexandria Kent and Erskine sts Harilima» Alfred, 364 King at, Sr. Peters Harding Mrs. Sophia, 4 Harbor 5 1 , Mosman Hardwick A. It, Acting C.P.S., ,,CoartHartliman Edward, 14 Cameron at, ll'malti Hurtling Mrs. Snafu , 40 Bennett at house, Bigge at, Liverpool • iHariliman Edward, 95 College at, Harding '1'., J. P., 90 'Swanson at, Ersk'ville Hardwick A. C • dispenser Newtown Ifarilimair J. W., High at, Willoughby Harding '1 homes, Cooper sr, 51arrickville United Friendly Societies' DispensHardiman Jas. W., 171 Crown at Herding Thomas, 1$1 Eveleigh at. Redfern ary. 82-84 Entnore rd, Newtown Hardline» M., JP., Moore at, Leiehhardt Hardin g W., 75 Darlington rd, Darlington A. C., 441 Bourke at Hardball» M., 145 Marriott at, Redfern Harding W., 54 Helmond at, Leicliliardt Hardwick Hardwick Miss A. E., 61 Annandale Hanliman Mrs. Mary, 95 Green's rd Harding IV. G., Henry at, Five Doek Armandirle lidardiman l'honms, 45 Harris at, ltozelle Harding W. G.. 141 Meeks ni Marrickville Hardwick A. G., 14 William at, L'harilt Harding and Billing, Ltd., line art pub- Harding W .7., Killara ave. Killara Hardwick A. V., Nicholson at, St. L'ilards lishers, 31a Pitt at !trading Whiter, East at, Five !nick Harding • Co., manufacturer's agents, 114 Harding Walter J. A., Balmoral ave, Hardwick Albert 85 Phelps at Hardwick 11., 296 Young at, Annandale Barrack at Rosedale Hard jug's alercery (Harding mid Read), larding Wilfred, Morton at Leichhard6 Hardwick Charles, Earl at, Mennen hatters and mercers, la Hunter at Hann g William, taxation expert, 9 Hardwick E., 61 Gerard at, Alexandria Hardwick E., Mitchell at, SL Leonatils. Harding and Read, hatters and mercers, Bridge at Iii Hunter at Harding Wi l liam, Darling at. Clattswood Hardwick E. F., 5 Percival nil, Stamnore Hardwick H. IL, 9 Belgrave at, Neut. Day Harding & Whinray, dairy, Bertram at, Harding William, Mary at, Auburn Hardwick Mrs. Eliza, 11 Little Norton at Mortlake Harding William, 24 Sydney rti, Manly Harding A., Melforil at, Hurlatone Park Harding William, 121 Corimira rd, S'Inore I fardwick F., Ramsay rd. Drunintoyne Harding A. E., Alex antra at, Hunt. Hill Harding Win. C., 12 Kentville rive, A'ditle Ifirdwick 0. J., Ilttrwood rtl, Harwood Harding A. E., Warwick at, Kithira Harding Willi 4111 .1.. 7 cou pon Ft. Bondi ilarilwick Herbert, 6 Susan at, A ii'dit'e Harding Rev. A. 8..1. (Meth.), 323 Church Hardin , e John, 22 Raymond rd, Neut. Bay Hardwick James, 16 Bowman at. D'Inoyne Hardwick Mrs. M. A., 9 Shepherd st, at, Parramatta Hardingliam C. D., Forear rh, B ixlev Darlington Harding Albert, 34 Levey at Hardingham W., 4 Bayswater at. D'inoyne Harding Albert, 62 Cameron at, Parnell Hartlingliain W. IL, jeweller, 39 Ge urge Hardwick 0 H., mgr. Hardwick Dental Co , 347-349 Crown at Mardiag Alfred, 8 Allum lane, Glebe at west Harding Mrs. Annie, 42 Wilson at, Wren) HardinghamW.H.,4 Bayswater ril,Druni- Hardwick P. NV., Illakesley at. Chatswood Hardwick Miss Patience, music teacher, Marling Barker 0., Park are, litany moylle 338 George at Harding 0 A., quatttity stovesor, 56 Hardtity Win., Beamiali at, Campsie II nitter at ; p.r., Gordon rd, Gordon Hardman Bros., Ltd., biscuit and vinegar Hardwick Robert, Goodwood it. Kens'gton Hardwick Robert, 31 Challis live, 5Cville Hurtling C. R., .1.1'., 59 Belgrave at, Neut. manufacturers and confectioners, 4 Hardwick Thomas, Mi l lar at, D'inoyne Bay Sarah st, N'town Harding Charles, Richmond are, Neut. Hardman Albert .1 , Acacia a y e, Punch- Hardwick IV, 11.. Cross at, Ha . stville Ilardwiek SF hhhiuiuun, Willism at, lible Bay Bay bowl II ,rdwicke Clifton A., O'Connor at, hi 'Sell Harding Claude, 10 Oxford at, Rozelle Hardman n., Westminster at, Bexley Harding E. F., 24 Charle.s at, Erskineville Hardman C W.. East at, 51arrickville • Harding Mrs. F., 98 View at. Annandale Ifardinan Mrs, E., 54 Burrell at, E'ville Harding Mrs. F., 80 Mitchell at, Glebe Hardman Ernest, A hereon' at. B■xley Banding G. H., dentist, 255 Miller at, Hardman Frank, Arcadia at. Penshurat North Sydney Hardman George, Witzler at, Arne' i Harding G., 159 Falcon at, North Sydney Hardman If J., 276 Elswick at, Leichli'dt LIMITED, Hailing George, 19 Kirk lane Hardman Henry, 2 7 Wharf nil, Italmain Jewellers, Watchmakers, /larding George, 49 Marrickville rut, Mar- Hardman Henry, Surrey at, Epping * Gold and Silver Smiths, rickville . Hardman M's. /I eater, Mann's a ve, Neut. B. Harding IL, Harden are, Artarnion Hardman Mrs. J., SE Emmett at, N. Svil. Harding If., 5 ()oft ligton at, Darlington Hardman .1. IL, 62 Burlington at, N. Syd. 13 Hunter Street. Harding II., 42 Bridge rd, Glebe Hardman John, 7 Ellen at, Rozelle SYDNEY AND BRISBANE. Harding Harold E., Military rd, Seat. tiny Ifardinan John, 46 Westati nil, Rozelle Harding henry, bird de der, 126 George at I-lantana' Joseph, 66 Kensirigtoti rd, Sum. Harding Henry, 9 James at, Leichliarilt 11111 Hardy & Bushy, surveyors, 375 George st Harding Henry, 12 Robert at, Petersham Hardman 1:etliel Parkes at, Ityde Hardy it Co., milliners. 85 Pit twitter ril, Harding Herbert, Chiltern road, Wffigliby Hardman L. IL, 51 Weston rd. itozelle Manly Harding .1 , Northumberland rid Auburn Iiardinan Mrs., Beaumont at. 3faroubra Hardy, Daniel & Sons, Ltd., coachlerilders Harding J., 122 May at, St. Peters Hardman Mrs., 411 Myrtle at Stoinvire and wheelwrights' suppliers. corner Harding .1. F., Shakespeare at, Campsie Hardman N., I knover at, Hook wood Jones and Stiller sts, Pyrmont Ilardieg .9. .1., 47 Lelehltardt at, Wav'y Hardman Mrs. IL, Archer at. Chatswood Mantling James, Witzler at, A rrielitTe Ilarilinan R., Pitt at N1(011,110 Harding James Mort's ui, Mortdale Hardman Richard, 23 Excelsior at, erne Harding James, 13 iiNi:erti at, Redfern Hardman Dr. Itobt., 141 Livingstone rd, HARDY THOS.& SONS Harding James 43 Rosser at, Road e Marrickville LIMITED. Harding John, ;1rtliiir ter, Ilex ey Hardman Holger, 36 Seotiller at, alar'ville Eturtling John, Percival at, LeichlianIt South Australian Wine Merchants Huntress arid Forks, cabiletinakers, 15-17 Harding John, Line Cove rd N. Sydney aintara Brand I, Cir Mar Quay, Eilat Botany at, NVitterloo Harding John, off 460 Miller at, N. Spumy Huntress Mrs. E., 23 Botany at, Water . Side. TINTARA. WINES AND Bar ling John, 17 3111son at, Norta Sydney If Fortress Ilenry, 811 Marriott at, Redfern BRANDY. HARDY BROTHF,RS WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE 810-12 OEOROE ST. 'PHONE 720 & 1524 CEHTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR POULTRY KEEPERS' REQUISITES. liar1327 ALPHABETICAL. Har Hardy A. D., 42 Addison rd. Marrickville !lardy Mrs. Marion IV., 468 Wattle at ;Hardy 31artior W., Penrose at, Lane Cove Hardy Abram, 6 Crescent at, Rozelle 'Hard y Mrs Mar y Mina ave Marriekville Hardy Albert, 88 Bourke at Hardy Albert, 2 Elizabeth at. Paddington Hardy Max, Fig at, Lane Cove Hanly Morton C., 70 Entnore rd, Eamon! Minty Albert V., Stanley at, Harwood Hardy Albert IV., Railway par, Mortdale Hardy Moses, hock)' Point rd, Rockdale Wanly Camen011 st, Rockdale Ilanly Alfred, 21 .7ulliett at, Marriekville Thinly P. S., Washington at, Bexley Manly Alfred, Morwick at, Stratlifield Hardy Peter C., 526 Miller at, Nth. Sydney Hardy Alfred K, High at, Kogarali Hardy Raymond, Canterbury rd. Lakeinba Hardy Alfred T.. George at, Ilurstrille I hint v Richard, Oxford at, Nlortdale Hard y Alick tailor. 387 Geor g e at !lardy Robert, Brine at, Bnighuttunt.le.Sniuils Hardy Alick, 136a Crown at Hardy Robert, Melody st, Hoogee Hardy Arthur, 7 Marsden at. C'ilown Manly Arthur, Abbotsford rd, Homebush Hardy Hobe. t, 31 West at, Lewisham Hardy Robert, Arcadia at, Penshurst Hanly Arthur, Victoria at, Waverley Hardy Robert, 67 Redfern at. Redfern Hardy Arthur, Ferrier at, Rockdale Ilanly Robert E., billiard hall, 115 Q. V. at Carlton Hard y II. Alice Hardy Bertram .1., Griffiths are, Hyde Rrki E., Helmer° 'd, Coogee Hardy Mrs . C., The A verdict, Camperilown, Ifilnl:NytaRobert Hardy Sydney, 3 g 'itylor at, Paddington Hardy Mrs. 0 .1.,Junction at. Hardy T., Lakeinlat at, Canterbury Hardy (Jharles, Belmont at, Alexandria Hardy Thomas, 1 Either st Manly Charles 11,2 Iris at Hardy I). E, 20 Allathy at, North Sydney II. rdy Thomas, 51 ilroy ave, Kensington Hardy Daniel, 76 Cavendish at, Stanmore I lardy Thomas, 59 Gowrie at, Newtown Hardy Daniel IL. Beimonsfield Pt, Bexley Hardy Thomas If., l'rovidence rd, Itytie Hardy 3Ira. H. 13 Witalsor st, Paddington. !lardy Viet or, Bert Boyd nil, Neut. Bay Manly 3Iiss E., Eastern awe, Kensington lfardy W. II., 17 Kent at, Newtown Hardy IV. .1,, Auburn rd, Auburn Hardy Miss E, 32 Temple at, Stairmere Hardy W.J., 25 Gould ave, Marrick villa Hardy H. W., Roliky Point rd. Kogarall Hardy Wesley, 149 Rochford at, Ersk'ville Hardy Ebenezer, Victor at, Chatswood Manly William. 95, a venue ril. Mosman Hardy Edward, Moreton at I.akeitilat Hardy Edward, 15 NorthelitT at, North Hare and Abrahams. dealers, Short at Hare Miss, a, Norma/11.y id, Auburn Syilney Hare .5. J., J. I'., Under-Secretary Lands Hardy Mrs. May, Avoca at, lta nil wick Department. Bridge at ; p r., WarHardy Ernest, Bay at, Rockdale r:retiree at, Woolaich Manly Ernest, Northumberland it ve, Hare Mrs. A. 'I'., 192 Jersey Pt, Paililington Stantnorel Hardy F. It., Milray are, North Sydney Hunt Andrew, 191 1:tart. st Hare Andrew, 32 5ferrinian at Hardy G., 29 '1 herby ave. Lelehharrit Hare Mrs. 0.. 91 Mitchell lii, Alexandria Hardy George, 5 Justin at, Leichhanit lfanly fleorge, 328 Illawarra rd, lil y ihIn. Hare Mrs. Elizateth, 8 Thompson at Hardy George, Botany rid 51ascot I lure Henry, 322 Yonng at, Annandale Hare II ertmrt, Constance at, Granville Hardy George, 1 St. John st, Newtown Hardy George, 51 Liverpool st,.Parl'ilgton Hare Janus, Andrew at, Little Coogee Hardy George IL, Arden at, north Coogee 11 a re John E., 41 Stewart at Paddington Hardy M. S.. manager Sydney Motor Hare Mrs. Margaret, 3 Oatloy rd ; !fare It. E. Short st. Auburn School, 137-155 Palmer at Hardy Mrs. Hannah, Glad,tone hotel, Alex- Hare Thomas 50, 3 Mayfair at Hare William. 16 Jennings at, Alexandria aridra at, Hunter's Hill ; Hare William, 13 Boussole ml. Daceyville Hanly Henry 0., 393 Dowling at Runty Ilezeklali, Chattier at, 51arrickvil:e Hare William .1., Kintore st, Wahroonga Hareth .1., 101 Mitchinson at, St. Peters Hardy Hickson, Frederiek at, Rockdale Hardy I., nurse, 9 Military nil, N. Sydney Hartield IL C., Volunteer hotel, 65 George at, West , Hardy J., Kenneth at, Lougutiville I Ifarforil C butcher, 69 Baysaater Ilanly J., 23 Kent at, Newtown Hardy Mrs. J., 181 Hargrave at, Paffiton .1farford Mrs. E., 27 Hargrave at, Hardy Mrs..). Hornebush ml, Strati field Harford Geor g e, ph y aician, 305 51 Unary nl, Mesman Hardy .7. A., physiciair and surgeon, 32 i llarfont George, 31 Missenden nil, N'town Station at, Newtown Hardy .1. l'erey, Hastings rd, Turramurra ;Herron' Hugh, Ileationsfield at, Bexley 1116mi J. B., Dolphin at, Coogee Hanle .1 IL 46 Annandale ist A it'ffitle Harlon! J. C., 37 Tebbutt st, Leichliardt Hardy —, Paul at. Bondi Hardy James, 143 Annandale at. An'itale illarford Stark E., Cardigan at, Camp'down 'Harford IV. 0., 19 FornioAit at, Bra/Wylie Hardy Jit'llea, Stanley rd,Lideombe Harget 11. II, Webber's rd, West Kogaralt Handy John, Mimosa nil, Bankstown Hargrave Charles, 40 Cannon at, Sluore Hardy John, 11 Annandale at, A n'dale 'Hargrave 1,, Wuntrlia nil, Bose Bay Hardy John, South par. Auburn Mr.:raves Mrs. A., Riverview nil, Can'Imry Hardy John, 107 Denison at, Newtown Hargraves Mex., 324 Bulwarra Hardy John, Wallace at. Kogarall Hardy John, 17 Hargrave at, Paddington Hargrave s II. C , 167 King at, Newtown Hard y John, J. I'.. bookseller, 140 New Hargra es I 7ucll, Hercules st,Dril. Hill Hargraves E., 8 Bayley at, Marrickville elllIterbIlry rd, Petersham ;Hargraves F. NV., 20 Foveaux at Hardy .7olin, 73 Marriott at. Redfern !Hargraves Herbert. Frederick at, 'Pilate Hardy John, 14 Queen st, Woollitlint 'Hardy John It., 13 Henry at. Newtown , Hater Ive s John, 10 Detilson at, Manly Hardy John W., 1041.1eorge at, St. l'etera Ifargraves John, Walter st. Waverley Hargraves John W. If., 29 Roberts at, I flinty ,L lin W., Union at, l'empe Hardy Johnston T., Bellmore rd, Rand wick ,Newt own Hargraves Mrs. M., 2 Thompson at Hardy Joseph, Farr at, Rockdale !lardy Joseph, 27 Morehead st, Waterloo Hargrave 5frs. H. A., Harem"' at, lfolroyd Manly Joseph, 10 Portland at Waterloo Magni y es Thomas, A ustrallit at, Newtown Hardy Joseph 11., 34 Lamb st, Leichliardt , Hargraves NV'.. Joseph at, I illcombe Hardy Mrs. 31., Fair fowl at, Dulwielt Hill , !furl:raves IV , 69 Beaumont at, Waterloo liarirravra W. IL, J.P., 125 Stautuore 01, Hardy Mrs. H., 122 Mavatilay rd. Petersham THE LARGEST FIRM OF CARRIAGE AND Hargraves William, 'Martin st. Lideorribe Hargreaves .1. and Son, ma tufacturing confectioners, 43 Carlisle at and Cromwell st, Leichlairdt Ifarereave • and Sim, engineers, 29 John' st, 1.eietiliarilt Hargreaves A., bag mereliant, ii IS Sussex it Hargreaves A., 189 Elswick at, Leiehlutrilt Hargreaves .5. W., Livingstone .rd, Ildeombe Hargreaves Allen, Cremorne rd, Creation° Hargraves Bert, 56 Wiiiilsor at, 1"shant Hargreaves It-rtie I., 210, Livingstone Marriekville Hargreaves C, .1., Clyde at, Croydon Park Hargreaves Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 Knox st Hargreaves I,. II. G., J. l'., A J.:1.A., town clerk, Ashtleld Town Ilan, Liverpool. ma, Ashtielid;Palace at, Ashtielil Har g reaves 511 .s. G. IL, 33 IVatson at, Waverley Hargreaves (leorge, 353 Harris it Hargreaves IL. 40 Pleasant rive, Wyllie Hargreaves Henry P., 41 t i'llant st,. Marriek all he Hargreaves It., 85 UnderclitTe at, Neu t. Bay Hargreaves It., Ill Ebley at, Waverley Hargreaves II., Sell., 29 John at, L'harilt Hargreaves Samar-1,202 Bulwarra rti I largreaves W., 84 Young at, Annandale Hargreaves II'. A., 181 Flood at, Leichhardt Hargreaves W., Sporal at, Liverpool Hargrove A. C., manager Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., 26 King at Hargroves John, Houston nil., Kensington Harigold Robert, 91 Quarry at Harivel R. L., 19 t View at, Annandale Harivel S. E., Grosvenor rtl, Wahrotwa Harker Miss A. L., teacher of singing, 106 Kitig at, Harker J. II., 38 Kiarilworth at., Waverley !tanker John, 1'25 Sutherland at., Pairton !talker Joseph, 633 Glentriore rd, l'ail ton Harker Mrs. Mary, 57 IV.) combe nil, Neu t. rid Bay Harker Airs. N., 44 Campbell at, N. Sydney limiter It. W., K issing Point rd, Dundas Harker S. IL, 36 Junction at, For. Lodge Harker Thomas, Int Garner's ave. Wyllie Ilarkin aurive, Rickard st., Anielffie Harkins Andrew, 104 Denison at, Way'ley I lark ins Mrs. C., 3 Hutcheson it., Rozelle Harkins Erie, 311,0wer Bathurst st,Wahrit Harkins John. 54 Farr at, 51alrIckville Hark Is 'F., 36 Livingstone rd, Marrickville Harkness & Hillier, motor engineers, Bridge at, Druirintoyne Harkness It. C , NS'oodeoutt at, Mar'ville Harkness C., Park ra, Willoughby. Harkness Miss E., 45 Corona a y e, Wav'y Harkness E. Id, .1.1'., chief clerk, Premier's Department, 11(1 Maequarie at; pd.., 7 Hilt's a y e, Montan Harkireas IE. K., imilder, 375 N.S.11. rd, Woollalint Ifarktiess E. K., Manning nil, NVoollahra Harkrie-s Edward, 1 Russell at, Woollahra Ilarkire,s, E. W.. !biota rd, Woollahra lark teas Eil ward, Bellevue rd, Double Bay HarIrne-s F., IVaverley Irow,vorks, 203 Cowper a l , \Vat-014,y Harkness P , l'arramatta il, Lideombe Hark II SA (iellrge, 6 Froveet at, Newtown Harkness George, Fletelier at, Auburn Harkne s s Harold, Chitty er at, Bondi Ilarkneas John c. F., Doneaster are, Klori Harkness Mrs, M.,Sferrykrial a ml, Mffinals Harkness Mrs. 51,14 Art Mir st, N. Byil. HarknessCalder rd, Ityrialniere Harkness Hula rt. The Strand, tiliole4vilie I farkeess W. S. house nod estate agents.. Elmhurst at, Woollahra itarkness NI'. S., Dlward at, 1Voollalira Manes : \William J..3 Reg ent at DRAG PROPRIETORS SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR • ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOP QUALITY AT BOTTOM PRICE. 1328 •Har ALPHABETICAL. Har EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT ANTHONY HORDERNS'. liarinan 31rs. E., 2 Seale at, ketch/14ra Ifarper I,. and Co., Ltd., timber niers Ilarnitm George, 122 Elswick Ft, L'hardtchants, D'Arey at, Parratuato Hannan (1eorge, 122 Marlon st.L'hardt !human II. J., 37 Cliaricent st,61arrickeille HARPER ROBERT AND CO. Harman Henry G., 42 Boyce at, (tithe PROPRIETARY, LTD., Tva 11arman J., 93 Staltintire rib,Petersham Iniptalers. Coffee. Iliee,Starall &Spice Harman Mrs. Minnie, 49 Watkin at, Ntil6ferchalits. Millers & Milauftietorenr, Hannan Mrs. It., Cambridge nl, A r'Inou Empire. Chambers, 93 York at, (Thomas Lakeman Manager) Malmo Mallard, Habana at, A'tiria Oriental Mills alid Stores, DunHannan Simple], Kensingtrut nil, Som. 1(11 van at *SS ENGLISH VAR4745.fredi Harman Samuel, Witriablit at. W. Kogaral Harman 11'. II., Chiltern rd, Willoughby Harper S. & Co., boot factory, 19 Abut. Harman William, 278 Livingstone rut, C1'11111ilit. It Eta.......!' Matti k viEe llarper W. and N., grocers, Hestia at, k Harman \William, Herbert at, Mortlake Rock &de r's Harman 1V ithant If., 51 Mitchell at. Globe Ilm•per A. II., 30 A ugitstua i'd, Manly Harmer D., Di Clinton st, North Sydney Ilarpec A. 31., barrister, 107 Phi/lip st Harmer I rrederiek, III Jones at ;hr.. 103 Belmont rd, 110 Mall Harmer 11 O., architect and civil engineer Ilarper Aural, Pe/Mural rat Er, Kogarith larper Alfred, 152 Blue's Pt. td, N. Syd. II la l'Itt at yst. GranvilleImpel. A Ure I A., NI illett at. llalmorton Harmer Harry, Clde 82 PITT Mosairin I I Lemma at, Harper 11re, Alive. 161'miser 1V at, Pall'toit Hamner HI nrY, Harmer John is,, Pacific at, Iraneluseranter l'rof. Andrew, lab.,Principal St. Harmer John 1V., 31 1Vilettli /rum, RedfernAndrew's Po •s hyttaltin Calluita, MisMANI) ncrult V: Harmer Mrs. 31ary, 5 Si s th stOran villa tendon rd, Cliiiipta k lm■Li ; Ds., St. MERTON, LONDON, ENGLAND. II otnner I'. .1., 17 Stuffier's tree., I rshatitPaill's rd, Camperdaten IlEi niter Thulium P., 1 llegarty at, Globe Ilarper Arthur, 11 Lyndhurst at, Globe Harmer NV ..7., 2' ClutterKt, North Sydney Harper Arthur. 37 Beaumont at, Waterk,0 Ilanaer Winlatn, 49 Watrrloo A tinnier C. A., A riteekett et, Gran 'die 31arlin ii NrS. A.1 Wertbourne at., 1"sham llarntey 31 rs. IC lin, 33a A thot t at, ltedf ern Harper C. A , 32 Waratali at, boieldianit Earland A., Marlborougli rd, 1Villaughby liartirey the reto., Riddle at, 1Voollahra Harper 0.A,, Middle Harbour ni, Linda eh/ Ilar/and Albert, ri Ii riltenuan at, N. Sy d. Ilminey John, 11it Yo dig at, heifer° harper C. 11, Pi.' Edgeware nil, 1Ck viPe Ilarhi lid Alex., 21 Waikr rr et, Redfern Ilarnity 61., 113 Iton wick et. Redfern Harper C. J.. 37 Railway at, Petersham :Harland Chn lea II., Shaun' at. Granville Ha rani 1'., 117 Cleveland al. Rolfe-itHarrow Cecil N., :41:1Cillter.,011 et, War-airy 21arlIntil/1., Gordon nl, St. boon anle Ila ratan M r,. Minnie, 32 1Vililitin Henry at I latter Charles, 27 ,Indge t Harland .1. 1.1 ., 42 Park at, Itozelic Ilarawn 11'alter, Itaarrts at, Campeblowt Harper Charles. Causiry ea, Canterbury lIuunliiIuulIVillhart, 390 Cleveland at Ifianion William, Chestnut rd, AH1311111limper Cho., 37 3ly'ra tal, Ind whit Hill inland Wilfinin, 8 141cla.:4, ParnonattA ihriatiti 1Villimil, Its Alice Ft, Nes tn yellHarper Chas.. Government rd, Mar'ekeEle llarlaw Albert, Kingston ni,Chlown Harmon 1Villiam 11., Alfred sl, Oranvine I hirer Charles IL. 0 Piney at, Rote/ in ibaleMiatliewN.,H Carlow at. N. Sydney Ilitotanal 0., Brighton. It yc, Croydon Para Illarpor Clatide, 60 Diuk,.on A, Newt DWI] / la rriti A., Little at, MOSIIIILII Hark, Robert, Botany rd. Botany Earner David, Langtry It11, A aim trii ii uric Mrs. Sarah, St. Paul's at, 117110W1ck Harinston F., 555 Old South Head nl, Iliwner David Cluhterfield par, Wacerley Wno/lahra 'latter Jan/fl, 16 Brown •t, ParlilIngton Iharper E.. 154 llie•orden rd, Ca t. down HarlitAnn Maurice, Elizabeth 'must, al.inn Ilarler .1 amile, Spring at, WaverleY est, Harper Mrs. R., 19 Se. wyo Padd gto I tarter John, 32 Henry Ft, LeIchisnalt Asittield I larpen r E. A., Ora st, Ertgarth !Imlay Arthur, 101 Hallway Ter., UsItatit Harnett It., jun., , brok era Harper E. J., 38 Mar golin] e1, trumpardown Matey Chain!, aeormitant, la Iluniler at estate, nd la and nropeity agents, ts, 1arper H Edward, 215 ltridge rd, Glehe linn kw at /1141111 D'Arey,Itanketetwo limper Rd ward. 40 Alit:ma et, N. Sydney Harley George, 22 Monett r at, AI twriok Ville Hamm Mrs. C., 109 Ileorge Ft, C•downHarper Irdward, Dillon at. Sans Sono' Harper Harley 611es II. L., B. A., Almatuarie rd, Harnett C (I.,? Pariwa ni, Miamian Ed w in, 21 College at, Millman Harnett Clutrfes, 30 1Veattamow at, I rshitin Harper Ernest, 53 Ilayherry at, N. Sydney Auburn 'Harley Henry, south 178 Primes at Harnett Elizabeth I.., prioress, Renville- Harper V., Inanition,' rd, lit, v Bay tine Cuittetit, Hy-daimon! Harper l ernotris, 3 Union at, ll'Atprliva ar/ey Ii ante J., Herbert at. Rockilate Harnett John, 40 'oodlesat, Nerr townHarper Froth. 5 Holden el, Redfern 1/arley 1 high, 2 Hoskin g at, lluul,iuucuuu Harley ,fitlia, 33 Wells at, Newtown Harnett Joint, Brun it Ft. 1VtteerleyHu per Fretittl y k. Norwich rth Rine Bay' Harley John It., Bowman st, Dr:Immo) tie Harnett MI, M. A., 31 Wolger tal,Mor mai limper O., Nartheote et, Sitar hmei Harriett N arse, pirate limp:tat, 53 /1131,1 Harper O. IV., i l l Sutherland et, Paillms Harley Joseph, Ryan rd, East Jo.011, Botha/ at, luy's /lead bl, Merematt liarper Gestree.53 Trafalgar st, A itila le kirlry Mrs. Mary. III I loAltInw at throb Harnett It. IL, Orchard isl, Clialswood Harper 11., hallwa y par ICovarali Harney George V., Wentworth at, irwiek Rarper Marry, I lay . st, Lidental& Harley' NuInac, 211 Ililintry Isle Mammal 'Ilat.ley Oliver, architect and Indicting virtu. Iforney Mrs. L. A., 38 NVolls s', Redfern Harper harr y, 3 11'ise st, lb satin atm, HG PIO, at homey Martin, Parrnmatta rd Co curd Harper Henry, We pt. Botany' id, Antelitte Ilarley Hobert W. J., Incorporated ate- Harney 41'Illitim.Forcst al Ariadiffe Harper Henry D., 392 Oxford at. WIllira e p lintaitt I KA ' I. A).. estate, thialme, IlarnIstrIt Enlist, :35 Cook at, Initelle Harper Henry J., earthsalt at, Comphlown ve, Ill w arra rd, M r ell le Harper Ileitry S.. 310 Elswick at, L'hardt Insurance and general a gent , 25 liarnlelgh Post Offia Castlereagh at, mai at Annum and Harold James, set.geard of pollee, 130xiord Harter Ile bent E , 32 hyan at, L'Imelt at, Roselle 1,1dea1o120 ; par., ;Vora] ward avenue, Harper Ilertarr t, 311 NI Pitary nt, N. Sydiwy Harold Mrs. Jaw ve, Petulant Hiltslariat Herculta, Moore st. Campsie Strathileld /Paley Thamas (1., I, Wnst at, Paddingtrm thrall It, 15n Arth in al, I. fehlattalt larper.1...1.P.,ameistant commieelmier for Harley Whilack, estate agent, 3 Ilion, lit llarold 8, 24a Wells at, Newtown v00 1116'6 1 lan . 13 Bradley's 1 lead rd, liarlilig William 13 Lowing ton placc, Harald 11'. M. 10 Campbell at, N. Sydney Miamian North Sydney Haien 11. .1,, {V111014014 rd, Willoughb g yInot .1,, watchmaker. 82 I(llig at llarlock Jitt • k, (1001014 at, Illgual Frank, 111 )1111er at, N. Sydneylarper J., Christie at, 1Volistonvoittlt Ctny per at. ltandWlek 1 a ton (I carve, Cairo at, N SydneyWires J •107t t Mil dory 11, Harlon William, A 1 frol at, 61irstait Itarm: Jahn T., Wilson at. North Syalney linter J. II., SO Spencer rd,Ilusittall Harlot' Alfred, 1 Fa& et , at, Rahman .Inseph It.. Colin Ft, N, Sy heyhapta Jawed, 13 Frawricre Intiwytio liarinviell John Pert •ir al .1, ledvIsitardt [Imam Saint. 7 Cohn st. Nardi Sydneylariat to ines, Long Bay Barlme Edvar, 1loore st. 1, riehletnItIlizrott Itliliam. s yn., 4 ealr,,,.t, NI irtli S y& harper Doi Om! at, Morrlek yule liarlaw 11, II., I In Stith viand st, Hanoi \ VIlliflui, jun., ('iii,, al, N. Syr! Harmer Jaitir.,110111. • at, klitSeat tlo erardm at, Se nil Itay HarperJam es, Hurst rall y vd,sliant Pen Harlsy Henry, .1 1.1 . 111A at. 11 ateritm Harp lostG Harman A hurl, 7 Napier at. Paddington Hurler E. A. and Soils.itendthe, Wells at Duper .1miler, Micky Vt. rd. Sans Istattri Harman A lire", 211 1 ? minim at. Si. I'vter6whet, Redfern Harper James W,.2117 Wank:11rd, Huh 111/1 /Jarman Mre. Alive, 20 One et, Llorde Harper tiro"., tyre. mid tithe rt palms, 83 Harper .1 Ini, IS 111)1 at Farman Clarence, Bel Whitt a t. A l naildrki60111blInt Harper .InInt, 37 Melia° at Harkowith Is Victoria nl, Del. Hill HARLAND WM.& SON \ ,Fi ,.: Atte. STREET, I, WOODI . COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS. SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION ALPHABETICAL. Ear Marper John, Bernard at, ladcombe Harper John, Edinburgh ril, .Morriekville 1Thriwr Jolt n, 26 Xeston eve, Moinian Harper John, 163 Military rd, Neat. Bay Harper John, 16 Cis:attest, Pa,1.11AguAt Harper Jolla, I ordou rd, St. Leoilards Harper John F., Artliar at, Carlton /I arpertcrInt F., liamsgato rd, Kogitralt llarper J elm It , see Harwood District Inch fly Socuctie s' 11 ialur,uauln,n,Harmnod rd, Ramrod Harper John it, Ilornsvy at, Bar &me/ Harper John L., elm 's° rd, Woolwich Harper Joseph, 86 Camden at, Newtown Harper Joseph, 12 Randle al, Newtown Harper Hiss Nate, 36 Pitt Ft, Holbert Harper L. F., Altar Loa at, SI ratlideld II an prrLouisa, Kelsey Ft, A ntelitie Hatter 31r5. M., sr vie en, I Levey at Harper 3lias II,, 57 Prospect rd. Stun. 11111 Harper Mrs. 61ag g ie, 49 61stcletty at Harper 31agii us, Mary Ft, A Glenne Harper Dr. NI u rgaret. 233at Harper Mrs Mary, 1 Gnaw a ye. Patina. 1Itti per Stint nti, Nelson st, Annandale Halter Norman N. IL. Selwyn et, Patrtoli Harper It., Lea at, Ct Upton Harper I'. F., its Cathedrul at larper 6Ire. It.. 22 Church at. l'uditon Harper II. Reser ye at, Ityrie Harper Reg, 3 ilowral .4, Kensington Harper Illchant E., Pyramidal, AsIdield I /arper S., 86 NI whit at, Leichliantt Harper S. J., Urn; at, Kogarait Harper Saltine), Hilly at, Mortlake Ilarpta"P., 80 Ito . 11a g t au at, N. Sydney Ilarper Thomas, 11 Ltd tna at, Leiclittardt Harper 1 Imams, II Meeks rd, 31arnek GI le Mill et Thenlits , Mistral st, Handwick 11nor Thomas. 65 (Denature nil, Pod Harper 31ra. V. M., 114 Simmons at, limper 14', II., 47 Altitily at, North Syr/m•y Harper Walter, Beigra ye at, M'avetley Harper IV 014,111, 7 7 Bourke at Harper58 O'Connor at Ilarpt• r Willinm, Spencer at. Pt ye Dock Harper Wilhon, Warring!' rd. N. Sydney Harper NVillinin, King st, hand wick Harper Wm., Rocky Pt. nil, Sans :smut liarper William, Bourke I. Water/tat Harper 111111am 1. .., L'lien i at, Ilan') Harper %titian) S. 28 Diblts at Alefdr/t, Barplatin and II udvson, builders, El7 Lane Cave rd, North Sydney 11:withanI A., 111, Upper Spit id, 61tleinam Harahan Frank. 20 Nholtlisno at. Redfern Ilarphant W., 12 Olivet, Neutral Hay limpimin 3%'. (1., 21 Whaling at. N. Sydney II tanner Mrs, Ii, J., IIS Wilson at, Redfern /1iLl'pley 11rs. F. D., Argyle at. Ca rltua Ilarpley .11,11,1 .1 .11accal st, Ashfield Harpur Clinitee 3310 . 1ililltary id, Neutral Ray Ilttrour Miss IC. C., girls' high school awl kindergarten, 305 ti ii''. Pt. rd. Clyne liar /Jar Ills,. E. C. W., 204 Walker et, N. Sydttey Hatpin. Mn', Ellen, II El r it. at, Durwood Harlan- Nlies r. IL, 204 Walker :A. N. Syd. Ilarpar V. M., Ranger's rd,INentral Hay Harlot Ills,' H. R., 201 Walker st, N. $yd. Harlan. Tlionuts, 35 Inalinelnirst liarpar Thonate. 128 Wourerall nee liornolittee F. 41' •mar, Wyllie llorraitence3V., It Iloati,lary A, Paddington Harnoline E., grocer, 7) 1Villotighby rd, Khali Sydney Iliwrielltie A. IL, / neraiglinin sr, aloha Ilatni . late E. 11'.. Castletittl at, Minch liar rad lie. George, MI telieli at Put lir y Ifni militia J„ hairdresser, 13q King at Hamelin° James, lla wson at, sane Soncl JOIMASTERS BY APPOINTMENT Har1329 lIarriott Bros., broom innatifirotin .ere, 04 AI:fleshy at, Lebtalitirdt Ilarrhitt Aliases K.& II., II hi at, (I' wood Ilarriott A., GO Anntraley Ft, larluitharilt Harriett C. W., barrister, 64 Elizabeth et p.r., Analrutina Chita Harriett E. A., 10 Hal main rd, LeichlinnIt Harriett Edward, 13 Cooper at, Redfern Ilartiott li t' cleric k. 61 Forbes at . Harriett IT. P., solicitor, commissioner for affidavits. Royal chambers, CnalleBalla ilit t.eagh and 11an ter Mt p.n,"Nortmg,'" 'Jaffa]. I t. J., Ileattli511 at, Cazupshr ' Berry at, North Sydney Iltirrat I WilIlitlil, Itl LIVillgetUllf rI, Mars Harriett Henry II., Raven at, Ryde rick viii lIarriott 1Ira. J., 92 Berry at, N. Sydney lianas Chwdati. O'Brien at, Bondi Ifarriott J., 60 Renwick at, Rol lat.:: Harr° Charles 1V., William at, Gmaeille Ilarriott Jas., Bertram at, 61arthke {Turret 0,, 1VillinIn at, 61arric keine Harrlott John, Nevi Iv al, Willoughby • lInunrx thorge T.. Corr let, Coogee thirds & Bar ret t, welsh linters, 21 Groh° Hams J. 11'. II.. ft Eanteille nee, Aithiale at, GItbI e lat'rioles J., /or. Holt's ace, Nostrum Ilatcleks .1 1). F., RI Amherst at, N. Syd. Harris Draw., boat importers, 27 Oxford at, 1/arrieks 'Thomas A., J.P., 33 Darlington liarriVsa (v re. riVeY. and (to., upholsterers, 230 rd, Darlington 1hurries Lk, machinery merchant, 207 BidHarrni .:11)tat' o., saddle:a, 483 Wattle at %taunt ril 27 Harris E. II. 1111-1 CO, tril Harries D., IVIlotIward acc,Strattilield The Strand Ilarries W., Broughton rot lIoniebtish tad Sous, simply stores Harriet NI is A. M., 57 11Itehell at, Glebe 'Hari is Elltvlii Durwood nil, ilitrwood Harriet leinitint, 'Pennyants nl, Ma/Hake C . as., 3 McLean at, Paddington Harris & Firming, 61odel Cleaning Co., Harrigan Jounce, hyde rd, Ilun Hill Iliwris Limited, farriers, Ainl at, 1"mat t larrtga Jolla, Emmen at, 1 art Into t En Harrigan ,\t ma. L., 22 IVithIcembe at, Harris and Marks, surgeon dentiste, 136 lionil/e l lturis g :att. riauh Co., itimenIting cue lacers, Harrigan 51. 113 I roacart at, Itozeile K bl I. 24 Castlereagh et II arrtgan 1V., ti Bridge at, Ersk ssit•ellIc Harris It, A. & Cu,,, Oil and machinery Harrigan Wailer, 0,8.11. ol, 1Vaverley merchants, liotany nt, Alexandria Harrigan 16111hun, tl Diniford at, retEters Harrighan Janine, Afar ket at, himater's 1111I Harris and Son, !winters and Inthliekera, HarrIgold J. 1V., 203 But want rd In rr4i9s1 I(Viitulr racuasted Co , importers of soda / hirrininns Jas.. ..0.5.1i, . nil, Vatichtse tamtaims, h I ll,Itluilteulr at I.n fact ittaaof Idalt., materials, 356 Ilarria Park Railway Station — Colin Davidson, stationmaster, Station at, Moans Pant !Barilotion's I'ltotoginpli lc Jonnittl, Harris Park Pollee Station, Wentworth at, ringtone Ltd., prop's, 3148 George at ninths Park Harrington She, A., Th.r Vi,htvv, Horn:lay Ilarrnigtott A , 49 Edward at, N.Sydney Hodal:tirlk i 'ark Post 0/11re, Marian at, Harris Ilarringlon A, arc 1,9111. Cove rd, N. Sytt. Harrington Albert, Cameron at. Rockdale arri Mrs. A,,r0i,tal l ra lit, 27 Royal Arcade Harris 61114-1 A., V littntiii nee, Clia•moral Ilarrington Alf., 8 doim st, \ Vateritto Harringlan 6/rs. C., he Now raid° at, I arris 11re. A.. 27 !Jae A rth Lir par, II. Hill Harris 31rn. A, II., Wa ninth Ft., Chatawood Summer Hill Harris A. E., 3 Oladrtittie ut, Ittlinalit !Carrington C., :second nee, %Vol itellle Harrington It,. Trafalgar sr, Annandale Ilitrris A. V.. 61 1 Itirkicy rd. 11a nly Harrington It, Itan k Terrace et, Botany thank A. 11, 31 Fast Esplanade, Manly Harris A. IL, Willis et, South ltandwlek Harrington D.. Nelson at, tordon Harris A. 11„ tiro/tighten rd, Arturtoon liarrhig on 'lode. Itt i 3e Ft. Anatuirlale Harrington E.. Itoilwny a ye. Camperdown Harris A. J., 'II West . Kt, Lewisham Harrington E., Dreadnotrghtist. Laken:hi I hurls A. J. (1., 63 Herbert, at, 11111 Ilarringl, at Mrs. It, DI at, Watly nutria A. /I., 19 Prhare Albeit at, Mosinail Harris 1. W 1 eat A }errs ril, /thrash) Harrington IraNeill st,I,eurliliaritt lurris Albert, earlier. Circular Quay Harrington 11..1., 23 View at Woolf:111ra Harrington Henry. Smiler rd. Greetiwlelt Iluarnia Ailwrt, E Marsha/I at Harrington J., 13 Jilin to, Ereklueville Harris! Albert, 4 'fratalitar at, Annandale liartlughat dal di, II Sarni a', Leivillsmit Harris Allwrt, Baker at, Eittleld Hartitiatton John, min g at, Neat. Bay Hartle Albert, 34 .11L111. •6 at, Lcialthardt Harris A hurt, 12 I Ivoll at, I addlaglon larrington John, 21 Calder ell, Ilt.ilfern larringtrm John, VS llorn eey Ft, lb stale Harris Albert, Alhinti al, Parramatta Albert, Ale/stria tat Stratlateld Harrington John Bengal la at, To rrainto ra itarrlogion Josoph. 11 Unica . ad, Forest la arrie A Iltr. rt, jun., Young at., Waterton Ihrriapet a i Mrs, E., Ss (1tayrie Ft, N'town Harris Alexander, 329 Dowling at larrla Alex. In hose ter. Paddington Harrington 31,312 Aberrranible sl, Harris Ithacan ler S., Alice Ft, Salts Sone/ Harrington NI h. 31. A., 411 Surrey at Harris Alfred, art' Inn-roam( tit td, Whisk Frarringtem It,, I IS Oeuleon st, Harrington II, Eastbourne rd, Flemington Harris Alfred, 18 Chat le • at. Rahltioville Rafe at, telehlt rat Harris Alfred, Harrington T., 101 Phillip at, Italumin liarriS Alfred. Knox Ft, It ad wit& Harrington W., tI rchard at, 3lititly Harris Alfred Ir.. Ilfildiatta N •111 ?alb 1, Harrington 14., 341 11 lustier at, 61anty 3I Parnonatta rol, ledvIthardt Har rington IV., Northvale s r , 1turrivkrille Fla' ring ton W. A., 'bait wnrks, II at Harris Alfred it, ta Nor thilitherlioni aye, Stal/ltim'e tfarringtrm NI Argyle pliteo Harrinsolt Si rs. 611try,lit . wstigeti t, 16) York Itameta Alfred .1 , 49 Marshall at Harris Alfred, .1., Varna st, Itanthylok at north Harrinline M , hairdresser, 260 George at 1/ Roxanne 61.. Ramagate rd, Kogarith {Baradhie Walt ar, 27 Alexandra at, Drum. unwire !In rrailinc William .1., Station rtl, /Tarragon G., It I Alexander at, Alexandrut Harragen Robert, Ream's!, at, C 'mash Harnind Frank, 71 Arthur at, N. Sydney Harting 11re.11.. Itussell ave,SitndrIngliatn Ilarrap Charles- F., 'LP., 16 Gilato at. I Ilarri. 10,1 To MANY GOVERNORS AND ADMIRALS, THE HIGH COURT, St ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR READY • TO-WEAR CLOTHINI. 1336Har ALPHABETICAL. Hal' Barris Alfred L., Hunter at. Parramutta Harris Edward, Spring at, Arnciiffe Harris Henry, 442 Bourke at Harris Alfred S., 41 St, David's rol, Harris Edwin'', Cecil at, Gordon. Harris Henry, Boy at, Botany Ifarris Alfred T., Denison et, WaYsrley Harris Edward, Crimin at, HurlstoneI'ark Harris nom*, Sister's ores, West DramHarris Mrs Alice, 111 Fitzroy st 'lands Edward, 91 WhLstler at, Manly movne Harris Edward A., at, Bondi Harris Allan AL, 83 John st, Petersham Harris .11 envy, Greenacre rd, Hurst tile Harris Mrs. Alma, 21 Vcrnon st, Wool aura !lards Edward W., 1 Elsie st, Burwood Harris Henry, 119 Middle sit. Aiarrickville Harris Ambrose, 28 Farr et Marrickvills Harris Ella, 09 Unwires Midge rd, Tempe Harris Hem y, Grose at, Parramattot Harris Ambrose .1., Forest rol, Hurstville Harris Ernest, 12 Albert st, Erskineville Harris Henry, 42 Melienzie at, Rozelle Harris Arnold .1,40 Good Hope st, PoPton Harris Ernest, 4 Stanley at, Sommers Harris Henry, Dickson st, Waverley Harris ..rthar, 77 King street Harris Ernest A., Coolougni, Vans:lase Bay Harris lieury A.. 100 St John's ni, labsHarris Arthur, Dailey rol, Arneliffe 1farr,s Ernt!st F., 101 Cannibal' rut, Al'intor Hai ris Henry C., Ti rgo at, Koginali Harris Arthur, Fore-t 14, Arncliffe Harris Ernest S., 11 Charles st, Petersham liarris !Teary F., 37 The Grove, Manion Harris A rthur, Wilson rd, A rneliffe Harris Eeriest W. Railway cm es plIrWOOd 'Burris llenry .1., 9 (leorge at, Waterloo Harris Evan, rut, Auburn Harris Arthur, Bass rd, Canterbury Harris lIerbsrt, Tlitdalla rd, A rtarnion Harris Arthur. Vulcan at, Granville Murk F., 158 IS els on at, Annandale Harris Herbert, 38 Phillip at, Elmore Harris Arthur, 7 Davies st, Leichharolt Harris F., 123 Trafalgar at, Annandale Harris lierbert,258 Miller at, N. Sydney Barris Arthur, Park ave. Mascot Harris Mr-. F., 82 Marriott at, Rol tern Harris Herbert, 28 Farr at, Rockdale Harris Arthur G., 82 libley st, Waverley hi, rris F.l'etersham rd, Marrickville Ifsta is Ilei bert C., Bream at, Coogee 'birds Attilal. 11., Argyle at, Parramatta Harris F. II., New' Canterbury rut, P.:11111111 Harris Herb's t IL, 183 Walker at, Si' (emit Harris F. J., 10 Warringali rub, Aro:avian I birds Aaiun*AVilga at, Burwood Ilarrisolferbert R., Wallowa at, liogarah Harris A, that J., 11 Ferry rd, Glebe H arris F. J., 115 Cardigan st, Stalinism e IIII1T1A Hors tin, Cruas ti,ps ho East it Harris B., tailor, 112a King at Harris Frank, 257 l'aliner at i ISOM!, Ylll'k 141, R1111111ViCk Harris B. J., James st, Hornsby Harris Frank, Harcourt estate, Carnpsie Ifurris Isaac, Park a ve, Ratiolw is]: Harris B. J., 17 Henson et, Summer Hill Harris Frank, Salissiory rd, Startinore binds .1., carrier, Skarrett at, Auburn BarrisBaron,leatherbagstore,406!, Harris Fred, 18 Mallet at, Camperdown Harris .1., 7 Old Canterbary rd, Petersham George at and 32 Strand H urns Fred, Ross st, Petersham lairris J., 752 Parratnatta rd, Petershron Harris Baron, Dairies rd. Rand wick Harris Fred, 61 Carlton ores, Suns Hill Harris .1. A.. .1.P., assistant clerk, Water Harris Mrs. Beatrice, 239 Nelson :Lt. tiarris Frederick, 292 Jones at Police Court, Phillip St Harris Benj., Hawthorne par, Habertield flarris Fresk., Victoria at, Alexandria Ifarris J. E., jeweller. 232 King at, N'towir Harris C., 130 Princes et Ibtrris Fredk.. Edward at, 13exley Maris .1. E., Victoria at west, Durwood Harris C. F., Randle st, Marriekville Harris ["no .erick, Matthew at, Lidemnbe Harris .1. Cl., J.P., branch manager Panic Harris C. F., Edison at. Belmore Harris Frolk., William at, Mascot of N.S.W., 0 eston rub, Rozelle• Harris Frederic s, Leinsx Harris 0.G., Albert rd, Hotnebush iat; Newtown Harris .1. II., hon. see., Automobile Club of Harris C. J., 228 Annandale st, Annandale Harris Frederick, Datigar at, Randwiek Australia, 132 l'hillip at Harris C. S.,19 Charlecot at, Marriekville Harris Frederick A., SI Avenue, Balmuin Harris .1. IL, J.P., 160 King st Harris C. T., J.P., 71 Spencer rd, MOSIII311 I larris Fredk. G., 49 Schimel at, Waterloo Harris J. J., Chandos at, St. Leonard!' Harris Charles, "DIM" Food Co.,1241 Harris Fredk. J., Hurst at, Artieliffe Harris .1. II., 11 Brighton st. l'etersham Loftus et Harr is Cl., G. 9 Bloofield st Harris Jabez W., 22 Als!rtort at, Rozelle Harris Charles, IS Collins at, Annandale Harris G. A., Archer at, Chatsword lin ills James, 31 Ransom ave Harris Charles. Queen st, Arucli Ire Harris G.0., 21 Shaliforth at, Mostsan Ifarria James, 16 Phelps at Harris Charles, Wazier et, Arnclifte HarrisGeorge,barrister, " Prudhoe," lfarris .latires, tailor, 25 Park at Harris Charles, Ashley st, Chatswood Darling Point I hirris James, liceeroft at, Beset oft Harris Charles, Doll's Point, Sans Saudi Harris George, grocer, 11)2 Princes st Harris .Tione Iiingsland ni, IMicombe Harris Charles, 2 Baker's lane, For. Loolg,e Harris George, restaursiit, 106 Bathurst at Ifarris James,o,Lilyffitle at, Alarriekville Harris Chitties, 29 Arundel at. F. Lodge Harris George, Wiltnott at Harris James, 247 Victoria at, Marrickville Harris Charles, 39 Grove at Glebe Harris 31rs. George, Ultimo house,'' 76 lfarris James, 1 MeGarvie at, Paddington Harris Charles, Grey at, Granville Johnston at, Annandale Harris James C., 11 arrow rol, Auburn Harris Charles, Rossiter at, Glanville Harris George, Fitzroy St. Iturwood Harris .Tattres C., Crook's lane, Hoiroyil Harris Chios., Forest rd, Hurstyille Harris G.orge, Browning st, Campsie liarris James 0., Sielrose st, Hoittebush • Harris Charles, 40 North a ye, Leichhardt Barris George, 9 ‘Vestinorelosol st, Lou. Harris James, Oh o otos at, St. Leonardo; Harris Charles, Cullen st, Longneville II urns George, Whiting at, Leichltardt Harris .Iames E., 13 Hogan at, Suns Hill Harris Charles, 26 Cliff at, Manly Harris Georse, 42 Excelsior at, Leichhardt Harris Jaunes J., Mimosa st, Itexles !Dorris Charles, 24 George at, Manly Harris George, 51 Alarrickville rd, SI'ville Harris Joel, 161 EVSIIA Ft, Rozelle Harris Charles, 103 Albemarle at, N'town Harris George, Calvert sr, Marrickville Harris John, ALB., physician and surgeon, Harris Charles, Clarke at, itandwick Harris George, 84 tiowrie at, Newtown 30 Colle ge at ;un.,EdgeclitTe rd,, Harris Charles. harrow rd, Rockdale Darr a George, 221 Wilson at, Newtown Woollahra Harris Charles, Rus sell are, Sandringham II urns lseorge, 22 Dillon at, l'addIngton (burls John, dyer, 31Rowe at, arid 31.1 Harris Charles F., 23 College at, Balmain Harris Geoege, 23 Aloreland st, Redfern Crown st Harris Charles F.. Cameron at, Rockdale Harris George, 41a Ws ston rd, Rozelle , Harris John, dver, 277a st Harris Chas. J , flunky l't. rd, Kogarah litrris George, Rocky Point nil, Sans Sono, Harris John, 5 i5 Harris Elizabeth st Harris Charles It,, 19 Lamb st, Leiehhardt Harris George, 7 High at, Waverley Harris John, 29 Young st, Annandale Harris Chitties W., 22 Croschm rd, Croydon Harris George C., Liverpool st, H arwood Earns John, 11 Wil lain st.Aslifield Harris Mrs. Clara V., Jsques are, Bondi Harris George II., 16 King st, Ashtleld Harris John, Waterloo ni. Ban kstown Harris Clive 41 Church at, Ashfield Harris Goorge 0., Belleme at, Arneliffo Harris John, 218 Humors nil, Enninie Harris Clive AL, merc'tile broker, 76 Pitt at hornsGuthrieS.,117Wycombe rd, Harris John, 61 John st,Erskineville. Harris Cyril, 'Simons tta rd, Homebush Neutral Boy • Harris John, Gardener's nl, Alliscot Harris I). K, Botany rd, Alexandria Harris Mrs. IL, Daisy at, Chatswood I larris John, Hopetowoo at, II urlstorie Parlc Harris Miss K, artist, 18 Bridge at Harris If., 214 N.. 1,. rd, Double Bay John, Kent rd. Massot Harris Mrs. E., 15 Hoiden at, Ashfleill II urns M. s. IL, Flemington at, Flemington Harris Harris Jolla, 91 Itveleigh st, Redfern Harris K. Greenwich rd, Lane Cove Hank Mrs.267 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Ilarris John, George at, Parrainatta Harris It., Macqtairie at, Chatswood Harris 11., 3 Yelverton st, Si, Peters Harris John, Clifton rd Rand wick b Mrs. EL, 24 Corso, Manly 'asis Harris 11., Albert rd, Strathflehl Harris John, 49 Elisabeth at, Itedfertr 11nrris Airs, F., 50 Belgra ye st, Manly Harris H. 0„, 16 Falcon at, North Sydney Barris John, 40 Wentworth at, Tempe Harris IL, 201 Blue's Point rut, N., Sydney Harris II. B., 119 Raglan aL,Mosmati Harris John, Garland at. Willoughby Harris Mrs. E., 38 I'itt at, North Sydney Harris If. F., fa BotauyAlexandria Harris John C., 3S North at, Leichlittrilt Harris Mrs. E., Kirby at. Ityda l mereI hurlsJ., 294 Victoria nl, Slur' ville Harris John F.,tobacconist, 456 ElizaHarris IL, Novelly at, Vsue:use Harris II. V., 215a Glebe Point iii,ti:ebto bed! at. Harris K A.. F.C.P.A., public accountant Harris Ilab, 94 Painter at, Balumin Harris John if- 45 Edwin at, Croydon and auditor, 79 l'Itt at Harr isHarry,ALES.,physician,235 Harris John H., Taylor at, !Acorn be Harris E. A., Coolong rd, Vaueluse Mucquarie at Harris John J., 40 Wil Ilanu at, St. Peters Harris Mrs. E. H., Victoria are, C'wood Harris Harry, 21 Prospect st Harris John It., 36 Million at, N. Sydney Harris E. II., Burlington rd,Homebush Harris Hurry, 48 (11111 Celinve, Harris John W. 54 Gloucester St Harris 11..1., Pretoria par, Hornsby Harris Harry, Musics' ave, Narem t urn Harris Joseph, 19 Collins at Harris Esigar,.1.1%, Eurella at, Harwood Harris Harry T., Croydon rd, Hurstsille Harris Joseph, 49 Forbes at WOOD, COFFILL &COMPANY LTD. HEAD OFFICE: OULWARRA RIL,PYRMONT. 'MOIR 726 & 11.00ENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE NEWESTMEN'S MERCERY. Har ALPHABETICAL. lIsrris Sol, 104 Baptist st, Redfern Barris Joseph, Tupper at, Niarriekville Harris Steidle'', Rocky Point ril, Kogarall Harris Joseph, Broad at, Rosedale "lards Jos eph B., Queen's rd, Hurstville Harris Sydney, 127 Ernest at, N. S)(Iney Harris T., 31 Franklyn st, Gloobe Harris Miss K.,ladies'hairdresser,166 Harris T., 461 New Canterbury rd, Plasm King st Harris '1'. AV. representing Papuan IndusBarris 'Mrs. Kate, 7 Darlingliurst rd tries 1.a., 76 Pitt at Harris. Keith, 17 Chandos at Aslifield Harris T. W , 4.3 Grosvenor at, Woollahra Harris Keith W., 17 Francis at, Mattly Minis 'rho m as, I Franci sSt Harris Mrs. L., Roseville a ye. Roseville Harris Thomas, Alice at, Auburn Harris L. E., Carrinston rol Randwick Harris Thomas, Drummond st, Delmore L. Iferschel, M.B., Ch.M., Syd.. sunBarri s Harris Tngs, 3 Fulham at, Enmore goon, 215 Macquarie at Harris Thomas, Fletcher st, Abirrickville Harris Miss L. K.,Victor us rive, Cli itswood Harris l'hotrias, Botany rd, Alisseot Barris L. S., Neilson ave, Kogarali Harris Lawrence, 1 Costley rd, Paddington Ifarris Thomas, Wilson at, Mascot Harris Thomas, 11 Backnell St, NOWWW11 Barris Leslie, 13 Church at, Newtown ilarris Thom a r1111C11 1 10 tVI rd, Punchbowl Harris Leslie IL, 6 Winona 11VC, N. Syd. Harris Lewis, 121 Terrace rd, liarriekville Harris Thoma s, V ieto la st, Rand wick Harris Lilian, nurse, Frederick at, It'olale Harris Thomas , et/ Woodbury nih, St. Ives Thirds Miss NI., milliner. 14 Castlereagh at Harris Thos., 8 Warwick at, Starimore Harris Thoma s , 1 Douglas at, Waterloo Barris Mrs. Ai., York rol, Randwick Harris TI1011110 II., Vangoora rd, Belmore Harris Ali-s M., 17 Albion at. Wilverley Harris AL .1- solieitor, 69 Hunter at ; pr., farris Thorium H., Kostandi rd, W. Kog'il Harris Thomas W., J.P , 48 Alt at, Alield " Enroll." Darling Point Ilarris Miss IL J., Lampbell at. Par'inatta Harris Victor, 14 Hereford at, Glebe Harris W., sem, poultry requisites, Parker Harris Mrs. Maria. Suriffinors at, lane Harris Murk, Burrell ft, Boind Harris Mrs. 7i1 ry,1 80 Missoules rd C'down Harris W., Ensteril are, Kensington liarris W., Jersey rive Penshurst Harris Airs. Mary, Usilerwood at, 11'busli Harris W., Ann at, LiAcombe Harris Airs. Mar . , Fe abroik st, M'ville Harris Mrs. Mary, 41 Ridge at, N. Sydney Harris W., 37 Lackey st. Summer Hill Harris Sir Matthew, Kt., .1.P., " Etham Harris W. G., 34 Orlando are, Herrman Manske'," Ethan' ave. Darling Point Harris W. G , II ornebusli rd, Strathfle'd Lang rd, Cen. Park Harris Alidthew W.. Mark at, Liolcombe Harris Mrs, W. Harris W. IL, 380 'Norton at, Leichliardt Harris Malaise, 38 Telop a at, Redfern Harris W..1., 53 Wigram rd, Glebe Harris Alorris, Dolphin at, Coogee Harris W. .1., 170 Sutherland st, Pad'ton Barris Mrs., 21 Bsyce at, Glebe Harris Walter, .1.1'., stationmaster, BarHarris Mrs.. Gilroy ave, Trirrauturra wood rd, Harwood Harris, N. T.. ', embank at, Aborickrille Barris Al a. Owen, 1 ' , Rum- at, Newtown lisrris Walter, 233 Nelson at. Annandale Harris Wsiter, Cook at, AnicliiTo Harris Mrs. Owen, Mowbray nil, Mons P. S., dentist, South st, Granville Harris Walter, 8 Davidson at, Balmain Harris Walter, 18 Donnelly it, Italmain Barris Pere val. IL. Gannon at, Tempe Harris Waiter, Shaftedmry rd, Harwood 'Harris Percy, Wilts's st, tirwood HarrisWalter,.1. 1'.,Marmadukeat Harris Perc y, John at, Lideottibe Harwood Barris It., Besitchamp at, Alarrickville Harris Waiter, 95 Cowrie st, Newtown Harris It.274 Marrisk y ille rol thirds It., 17 Northcliff at, North Sydney Harris Walter, Russell are, Sandringham Harris Walter, Elizabstb at, Waterloo Harris R. C . Campbell at, Alexandria HarrisWaiterV.,70Nortaumbarland Horns It. .1., Russell ave, Sandringham ace, Stamina's! HarrisII.A.,consultingengineer, Harris Walter H., 126 Riley st Mist' at Harris \Winder. Broughton at, Mortiltile Harris Raymond, Iturella at, Durwood HarrisReginald, solicitor and commis- Mork Wilfred It., 12 Warwick at. S'Itiore sionergor affidavits. 6U Castlereagh at; Harris Willard, 3 George at, Alarrickville Harris William, poultryreqnisites, 754p.n., 111 Military* nil, Niosnian 7.96 George at Harris Reginald, Long rd, Centennial Park Harris William, 22 Bunn at Barris Itvg.. III Liverpool rd. Ashile'd Harris Reginald, Liverpool st, Nth. Bondi Harris William, 100 Dowling at Harris Reginald, 13 Oak at North Sydney Harris Will'am, 52 Albion at, Annandale Harris Richard, 123 Sutherland stsl'a eson Harris William, Paid at, A alarm Harris Richard, Edwards rd, Sill. Horns is' Hari is William, Una ra at. Campsie Harris Richard IL, Edward rub, Norman Harris William, Balfour at. Carlton lIarris William, Bee *rat rd, Clue ten ham burst Harris Richard W., 290 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe !lards William, 219 Rose st, Darlington Harris Robert, J.P.. Frederick at, A slitield Hank William, Turner iLVC, Habertield Ibirris William, Stanley st, Lelehliardt Harris Robert, Botasy rd, Mascot Harris Robert, 29 Barwonl'arkrut, St Harris William, Kern's rd, Lideoinhe Harris William. 41 Lord at, Newtown Peters Harris Robert. 87 Frederick at, St. Peters Harris William, Edward rd, Normanhurst Harris WilMon, 171 Stitherhind at, Plon Harris Robert, Cuthbert at, Waverley Harris Robert E., Ores iml rd, Chatswood Harris William, Ain' st, Parramatta 'Harris Roland W. F., 569 Killg at, N't0W11 II anis William, Wentworth at. Parrarifta Harris William, 28 Walker at, Redfern Harris S., mgr. boot store, 9 The Strand Ilrrris Willits's, Balfour Id, 'lose Bay 'Harris S., pawnbroker, 105 Liverpool at ilarr's William. Edwards rd. S. Hornsby Harris Mrs. S. -72 Liverpool at, Porton Harris William, Arden at, Waveriey Harris S. G.. gliirley rd, Wolls•onecraft Burns S. Harry, physician, 21 Edgeware Harris William, Merrylands rot, W'ville Harris William, High at. Willoughby rol, Eamon) Harris William A., 53 Wilson at, Newtown Harris S. J., Aboukir at, Rockdale Harsom S1'., 17 Sutherland it, St. l'eters Harris William A., 4 Barden at, Tempe Harris William C., W011 'it at, C'burs Harris Samuel, 15 Clarence st Hari is Wd ha,ti G., Edinburgh rol, AI villa Harris Samuel Bream at. Coogee Harris William G., 79 Meng or at, Arville Barris Sidney, 140 Aberc rombie 4. II fern ' Har1331 Harris William hi., Park rd, Anburn Hard: William II., Sheffield at, Auburn Wini11/11 Ii., FralICIS at, 03rit011 Maris William II., 78 Erskineale rd, Erskineville Harris William H., 57 Roseby at, Harris William II., 106 Barren at, Newthi Harris 9'.'iiii11111 IL, Litithorpe at, N'town Harris William II., 8 High at, Paddington Harris William .1 , 173 Brougham at lisrris William J., Campsie et, Campsie Harris Willi on J., 41 Toxetit ril. Glebe Harris William J., 29 Park rd, Slar'ville Harris William, Alaida rd, Epping Harris William T., massenr, 44 C'reagir at Harris William T.,80Frampton aye, Marriekvilie Harris William T., 5 Lawson at, Arley . liarris-Browa Mrs. .1., 129 Victoria at Harrison andAttwool,Illiportersand Whit, uttuti al t i, it merchants. De Mestre Place , 01 3 off George at Harrison and Co., grocers, 289 Parramatta rd, LeichlianIt Hao risonand(7o,houseagents.313 Illawarra rd. Marriekville Harrison J.111111 SOI1S, est. agents 8 City rol Harrison .1sAin and Co , grocers, 0 'Hey are, Oatl y Harrison John C. and Son, builders. Union Bank chambers. limiter and l'itt eta, nut! fi9 Parramatta rd, Aslitleld Ilurrison James l'ty. Ltd., manufacturers' agents, and agents The Bifurcated and l'ilbular Rivet Co. Ltd., Ash at, off 338 George at Harrison, Jones and Devlin, Limited, stock and station agents, woolbrokers and woolmerchants.AIacquarie place, Arbitration, YowlandLoftus sts, Circular Quay, and Mount-du at, Harrison's motor garage, 40 Startmorc rd, Emnore Harrison, Treaey rout Co. Ltd., merellants, 36 Moore at Harrison W. H. and (7o., property salesmen, Somerset House, 5 Aioore at Harrison A., 6 Andersson at, A lexa.dritt Harrison Mrs. A., 8 Darlington rd, I) tens» I larrison Sirs. A ,-16 Toxteth at, (liC1)1! Harrison A., Nagel at. Liverpool Harrison A.. Fitzroy at, Alarrickville Harrison Mrs. 'A., 3 Brady at, Atomism Harrison Miss A. E., 73 Alma at Dar'ton Harrison A. It.. 78 King at, St. Peters Harri•onA.J., J.P.,415 Illawarra rd, Alarrickville Harrison A. J., Queen Victoria at, West Kogarall lisrrison A. It., 21 Kenilworth at, Way'y Harrison A.S.t ColonialRubberCo., Ltd.), 7 Barrack at ; p.n..' Darbalanr," TheAvenue,Stratlifield.Tel.168 Homehush Harrhsai AW., New Bolton at, Gri'ford Harrison Al fred,32at, Neutral Bay Harrison Alfred. Princes at, 11. de Harrison Alf red, Carter at, Wayerley Harrison Alfred IS.. Wolseley at. 111101 Harrison Alfred II., 16 Fleet at, Sum. Hill Harrison Mrs. Alice, 536 Crown at Harrison Arch., Melon at. Randwick Harrison Arthur, 78 Flinders at Harrison Arthur, 112 Forbes at Harrison Aithur, 86 It synolds st Balmain liaarison Arthur, Ocean at, W ICogarali Harrison Aubrey, 14 Lackey at. St. Peters Harrison B., Hee. Sylioes Rowing Club Great North ril, Abbotsford Harrisou IL, Gordon at. Marrickville Harrison Benjamin, McLelland at, W'gliby Harrison Bert, Forest rol, Hurstville Harrison Mrs. C., 29 Carlisle at, L'hardt Harrison C., 56 Prince at, Siosman PACK AND DESPATCH PORCELAIN WREATHS AND CROSSES TO ANY PART OF AUSTRALIA EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT ANTHONY HOROERNE 1332 Har ALPHABETICAL. Har Harrison C., 31 Lobster st, Paddington Harrison C., 12 Unwiu's Bridge rd, St. Pet. ison C. A.. Makinson st, Harrison Airs. C. IL, Ross st, Panamint') Harrison Charles, 26 Bourke St Harrison Charles, 10 Selwyn et Harrison Charles, 55 Beigravest, Manly Hardison Claules,17 O'Connell st, N'town Harrison Charles II., Joseph st, Ashtlehl Harrison Charles .1., Ocean st, Bondi • Harrison D., 113 Windsor st, Paddington Harrison D. F., 19 Windsor rd, Harrison 1). G., Washington st, Bosh.). Harrison 1). George, 5 Grafton st, W'alira nutrias' D. J., mgr., The Great Eastern Tivoli Motor Co. Ltd., 2 N.S.11. Itusheutters Bay Harrison D. W., 136 Pittwater rd, Manly Harrison David, Barton st, Mortlake Harrison David B., J.P., 16 Seouller st, Marrickville Harrison David P., J.P.. 8 City rd • Itarrison David P., 13 Piper st, Hal risen E., Northumber.and rd, Auburn Harrison Mrs. E., William st, Canterbury Harrison Miss E., 73 alizabeth st, WaCloo Harrison E., 64 Queen st, Woopahra Harrison E. E., 2,-) Carter sr, Noith Sydney Harrison E. Selwyn, surgeon, 28 College St Harrison Edward, Princes st, N. Spies). Harrison Edward C., Denison st, Wav'y Harrison Edward E., Milan st, 11.'wick Harrison Ernest, 12 Bulwarra ril Harrison Ernest, 17 Brae st, Waverley Harrison Ernest A., 641 King st, St. Peters Harrison Ernest U., 305 Victoria rd, Harrison Hugh, Renwick st, liarrison Seth. Ethel st, North Bondi Harrison Hugh, Utiwitt's Bridge ril, Tempe I Harrison Sid, 25 Terrace ril, Harrison Isaac, 231 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Harrisim Shinsy, Claude a y e, Neutral Bay Hurri on Ivan W., Wright st, litirstville Harrison Sidney C., 131111V001 nil, 1301110M Hari iS011 J., Pretoria par, Hornsby Harrison SylInsy, 11 Stewart st, Balm:tin . Harrison Mrs. J. A., Cavendish st, Concord Harrison T., Parkes st, Ityde Ilarrison .1. A., Thompson st, Mostuan Harrison T., Linda a ye, South Hornsby Harrison J. C., 59 Parramatta nil, Ashfleld Harrison 'F., Ma Elizabeth st, WaterIrm Harrison J. E. IV., 18 Eentville aye, Morison T. E., 11111 st, Roseville Annandale Harrison T. IT., Palmer st, North Bondi Harrison Rev. J. W. (Me II.), 38 Railway Harrison Thomas, Tiara st. Amelia's rd, Sc. Peters Harrison Thomas, River rd, East Hills Harrison James, clothing manufacturer, Harrison Thos., Brighton a, Enfield Newton lane Ifin. rison Thomas, 2 Ada Villa ter, E'ville Harrison James, 1 College at, Hannah' Harrison 'llionets, Balgowlah Manly Harrison James, Duke st, Harrison l'hos , Tiverton rd. Stratlifield Harrison James, Willoughby st, Carlin:s- Harrison A., O'Brien st, Bondi tint! Harrison Thoi»as St., Harris st, Mascot Harrison James, 99 Foster st, Leichhardt Harrison Thomas IV., Dean st, Enfield Harrison James, 587 Ills warm ril At'ville Harrisen viaor, Atioson rd, Eastwood Harrison Mrs. Jane, 240 Bridge rd, Glebe Harrison Vino lit, Hurd verb' id, Wa it 'y Harrison John, postmaster, Oatley are, Harrison VV., Brighton ave, Croydon Park Ditties' Harrison W., Notting 11111 rd. Iiiiicosibe Ifs risen John, 99 Pig Et Harrison W. 10 Greenbank st, Harrison John, Chandos st, Aslifield liarrison W., 414 Victoria rd, Marriekville Ilurrison John, 5 Paul at, Balm:tin Harrison W., 39 Commodore st, Newtown. Harrison John, Fitzroy. st, Burwoo.1 Harrison W., 582a Darling st, Rozelle Harrison John, 16 Tranmere vi, Ihnoyne Harrison W., ti Corabert st, Mosnian Harrison John, White st, Leichlisrdt Harris011 W., 133 Eve`eigh st. Redfern Harrison John E., Great North rd, Five liserison W. II., Victoria st, Parramatta Dock Ha* rison W. P., Alexandra par, Root:iliac Harrison John 11., 50 Bellevue st, N. Syd. Harrison W. 11., 175 Alfred st. N. Svilnev art sun min.8 0 ts r 'Ifarrison W. H., Newman st, Penshiirst Harrison Joseph, Oxford ru, llontehush Harrison W. At., 70 Osborne nil, Allude Harrison Joseph, Norwood tire, Lind field Harr i son W, IL, 17 Ivy st, Darlingtoli Harrison Joseph II., Neich par, Burwood Harrison \V. W., 55 Whistler st, Manly Harrison Joseph W., 225 0.5M. nil, Bondi Harrison Walter, Melody it), Coogee Harrison F., off Kurin-giii-Chase rd, Tur- Harris:on Mrs. Kate, Wigrant rd, Glebe Ilarrisun Walter, 121 H I tel elI st, Glebe ratnurra son11411'1gal st. Lindfield Ilsrrison \Vatter, Lane Cove ni.N.Sy.lney Harrison E C., 352 Unwires Bridge re, St. Harrison L., Bayswater rd, Roseville Harrison Walter D., F.I.P.S. (Eng. , bu s iPeters animal L. V., 7 Croydon st, I ens slum ness collese, 28 Elizabeth st Harrison F. I. W. (J.P., N.S.W. mid Harrison Leonard, 310 Harris st ison Wittier D., 181 West st, N. Sydney Queensland), accountant and auditor, Harrison Mrs, M., Mitchell rd, Alexandria Harr Harrison IVesley, 147 Ourimbah rd, Stun. 15 Bent st : p.r., Armstrong st, Ilarrison AI., 3 Shepherd st, Darlins ton Hurrison William, 2 Robinson lane Harrison F. J., King st, Rockdale Harrison M., Carrington a ye, Hurstville Harrison \Vilna's, Baltimore st, Bel more Harrison P. 449 Norton st,Leichhardt Harrison Mrs. , T0,1111.111013, Ken'ton Harrison P. W. ladies' t dior, 374 George st Harrison Airs. M., 41 Wardell nil, Alar'ville Harrison William, Duke st, Campsie Harris,,:: Francis T., Ga mson st, Tempe Harrison Mrs. M., 13ydown st, Neut. Bay Harrison William, Queen st, Five Dock Harrison William, Blaxcell At, Granville. Harrison Frank, 259 Addition rd,M'ville Harrison Miss M., 67 Palace st, Petersham Harrison Williain 486 Illawarra Harrison Fredk., Rose st, Darlington Harrison Airs. AL, 134 Wellington st, Harrison William, Mason st, Merrylands Harrison Fredk., 43 Ben Loyd iii, Neut. Bay Waterloo Harrison William. 61 Ferndale vi, N'town. Harrison Fred S., 648 Illawiirra rd, Harrison Airs. Margaret, 30 Lansdowne st Munson William, Susan st, Randwiek Haynie Iiiirrison Mrs. Alartlia, Hind st, N. Sydney Harrison William, 176 Wells st, Redfern Harrison G. , 7 Tavistock st, Drummoyne Harrison Mrs. Mary, 42 Regent st, Redfern lfarrison Willintn, 31 Manning nil, Arnim'. I lard:son G. S., 81 Itaghtn st, Has tutu:: Harrison Mrs. Alatilda, O'Brien st, Bondi Harrison George, 1Voliongong rd, A'cliffe Harrison Mrs., Si) Bellevue st, N. Sy dney Harrison William A., Childs st, Lideombe HarrisonT., May st, Petersham Harrison G. urge, Macquarie rd, Auburn Harrison N. W., '12 Francis st, Manly Harrison William \V., I' Angel st, Newtown Harrison George, Botany rd, Botany Harrison Neale, manufacturers' agent, 62 Harrison George, Hawthorne par, IFfield HARRISONS, RAMSAY PROYork st Harrison George. 22 Cameron st, Pall'ton Harrison P., off 149 George st, Waterloo PRIETARY, LTD., Tea Importers Harrison George, Coogee st, Itandwick 365 and 352 Kent st, Sydney, ;nal at Harrison P. 0, Wilimn: st, Chatswood Inwrison George Trevitt's lane, Hyde Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Welliurrison Percy, Ascot st , Kensington Harrison.George, 53 Mill Hill rd, Wav'y lington, Auckland, Dunedin, and Harrison Percy, Ita AteEvoy st, Waterloo Harrison George 11., Hansard st, Waterloo farrison T., Garrong rd,Lakemba Christchurch, New Zealand. Eastern Harrison George W., 4 Mills st, Ashflehl Agents—ilarrisons ati.1 Eastern Exnarrison It., baker, 311118 st, Carlton Harrison 11. 13., dentist, 536 Kin st, Harrison It., grocer DJ Hargrave st port Ltd., Colombo and Calcutta Newtown farrison R., 30 Darlington ' ni, Darlington liarriss Mrs. Bridget, 19 Mary st Harrison 11. (I. L., manager Western As- Harrison IL, 136 Union Ft, Erskineville surance Co., II Bond st '• pr., "Strath- Harrison IL, Fernhank st, Marrickville Harriss Ifenry, 52 Albany nil, Petersham • more," corner Burrs ain't Harden as, Harrison It. C., 203 Abercrombie st, Wien' larrisson.E. .1., Did Dunbar horst, Penny st, Paddington Ananias' Harrison It. J., Itobertson st Greenwich liarrisson Thiututiits, High st, Marriekville Harrison II. .1., postmaster, Pen. Hills Hurrison Itegindld, A t st, Waverley liarrivel C., Edinburgh rd, Alarrickville Harrison I1.11., Despointet at, 51' ville Harrison Robert, Albert ni, Croydon Park Harrison II. R., 513 Illawarrard, Arkville Harrison Robert, J. P., 209 Parramatta rd, Harrod J., 51 Railway st, Petersham narroll William, 25 Belmore st, Rozelle Harrison Henry, Mitchell rd, Alexamiria Leichltardt lIarrold J. V. IV.. stationninster, Scar. Harrison Henry, 147 Misname st, Batumi!' Harrison Robert J., Short st, Liverpool borough st, Harrison Henry. 90 Darlington rd, Ditetun Harrison S., Addison ni, Mitrrickville Harrold M. E., 8 Entnore nil, Marrickville Harrison Henry, 12 Derwent st, Glebe Harrison S., 448 Illawurra ni,Aturrickville Harrold T.,35 Turner st, Redfern Harrison Henry, 61 Panning st, Tempe Ilarrison S., Denning st,Itandwick Harrel) Charles, Nicholson st. Tempe Harrison Henry IL, Harthon lane, Pennant Harrison S., Phillip st, Wn verley Harrop li..bellowsmaker, 72 Bathurst st hills Han Ison S. IT., 60 Queen st, Woollithrit Ilart'op Mrs. E, 72 Bathurst st Harrison Herbert, 4 Clare st, Roadie Harrison 9.2., J.P., Wright st, Harrop F. A., 252 Elswick st, Leichhardt Harrison liersce, 1 \Vay's terrace Harrison S. J., 7 Carlton ewes, Sum. Hill Ilarrop George, 13navning st, Campsie Harrison Howard, Chen/third a y e, Cr'don. Harrison Scott, Guildford rd, Guildford Harrowity 3liss J., Lamont par, P'Inatta WOOD, .COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 OLEN NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. Har ALPHABETICAL. Har 1333 Hart W. A., l'rospeet st, West Kogarali Hart II. C., 38 31issenden rd, Newtown I birroway '1'. Issitiont par. Parramatta Hart W. E., dentist, 183a Pitt it and 175 Ilarrowell H. H., mgr. William Cooper Hart 11. H., mgr.. Dalgety it Co. Ltd., Church st, Parraniatts motor eais nntl garage, 136 Phillip st and Nephews, 4 O'Connell st Hart W. H., jun., Chamberlain st, Bexley Hart Ilsrolil, Eltham st, Lewisham Han owell It. IL. 7 Mosinim st, Mosman Hart W. J., draper 214 King st, Newtown Hart Harold, Coward st, Mascot Harrows .: Mrs. Christina, 8 Duncan st Hart Harold 11., 157 Dennison rd, P'sliam Hart W. S., 44 Itoeliford st, Erskineville Harrower F. S., lialdon st, bakemba Hart Mrs \V. 'F., Doncaster a y e, Kens'ton Hart Harry. 68 Albert st, Erskineville Harrower Robert, II igligate st, Bexley Hart Westread, Alfred's et, Coogee Hart Harry, 34 Victoria par, Alanly Harrowsinith If., 35 Aloncur st, Min William, 105 Bourke st Hart Harry 11., Vivian st, Bexley Mars Conrad, Condor st,13nrwood Hart William, 34 Darling st, Batman' Hart Harry L., Leyland par, Belmore -Harry Mrs. E., 89 Macpherson st, Wav'ley Mtn Henry, 177 Young st, Annandale Hart William, Albert st, Delmore „Harry Mrs. E. J. A., 213 Albany rd. P'sliana Hart William, 148 George st, Erskineville HartHurst st, At naffs Harry Edward, 92 Falcon st, N. Sydney Hart William, Kiegston st, Habertield Barry George, Chesterfield tor. Waverley hluurt Henry, Station st, Alonditie Hart William, 79 Renwick st. Hart Henry, 12 Henry st, Newtown Harry Harry, 28 Victoria st. Aslifield Hart Henry IL, 17 Carlton rues, Sum.11111 Hart William, 3.1' , 225 Glemnore nil, Pnduu Marry .1., monumental mason, 145 Slut Hart Herbert S., 44 Dickson st, Newtown Hart William, Wentworth st, 1"matta plierson st, Waverley Ilart William IT., Chamberlain st, Bexley Harry Airs. J., Chesterfield par. Waverley Hart Horace, 2o3 Darling st, Hart William J., 2 Gladstone st Hart Ivan, Boomerang st, Ilaberfield Burry J. II., Garland nil. Willoughby Hart Wi•Iiitin .1., 7 Brown st. Newtown Hart .f. AL, Cooper st Double Bay Harry .1. J., 100 Morehead st, Redfern 477 Crown st Hartas A. E., 154 Jersey rd, Paddington TO01111S, Hart Mrs. J. It., ref. Harry Richard, 81 Ilargreave st, Pail 'ion Minns George, 46 Egan st, Newtown Harry Mrs. Robins boardinghouse, 81 Hart James, hairdresser, 75 Alarset st lianas George F., King st, St. Peters Ilan James, 61 Reynolds st, lialmain ifargrave tut. Pithington lianas John, 66 Grafton st, Woollithrit Harry Tnomits, Frenchman's Itredwick Hart Jamss, Priam st, Bankstown Hartas. Joseph, Kensington st, Kogarah Murry Williain, Broughton ru, Artarmon Hart James, MeaSin st, Aletrylands Mutcher Bede, 48 Ormond st, Parton narsant G. S. B. M.A., 436 Moore Park rd Hart James, .1.P., N.4.11. id, Rose Bay Hartshorn., 57 Morgan st, Alnrrickville Hart Jatnes, Hopetoun ave, Vaucluse liarston Alfred S., Muster' ave. Mosman Miasmic Thomas G., J.P.,'Wunulla Hart Joel, Bridge st, Drummoyne Hart F. it Son. ironmongers, 210 Military Hart John, electoral registrar,Marrickville Hose Bay rd, Alosman Harts (Chesney) and Co.,, vinegar Post Odin!, Alarrickville rd, Bart it Ilendley, conelibuilders, 72 King brewers, M0011! St, Leichliarilt Hart John, Wigraill it, Grit/terns st, Newtown liarte C., Eastern ave, Kensington Hart. Ifitchcock and Co., timber men Hai t John, Marion st, Killara Harts 11. Chesney, .1.P., Orpington SI, Ilart Capt. John, 21 Belgrave st, Manly chants. D'Arcy. stand River rd, Ashfield Hart John, Silver st, Alan ickville liart A., Wy-sr-glue rd,Mosinan Harte 11.11.. 71 Cambrid ge st, Piartim Hart A.11., compaey secretary, 3 Castle- Ilan John, William st, Godley Harts Mrs. Isabel, N.S.II. rd, Parton Hart John, 39 Hugo st, Redfern t.eagh st Harts James, Issidon ave, Hart John M.. Mot. rison rd , Gladesville Hart A. L. D., Anderson st, Cliatswood Hartel Joe, 65 Douglas st, Dulwich ii ill Hart John T., Ward st, Willoughby Hart Albert. 7 Smith st Hartenstein Mrs. A.,55 Al /don st, A tedale Hurt Alexander, 31 Grove st, Lei:dile/Mt Hart J. seph, Cowper st, Parramatta Harter Frederick, Yaratiable st, Darliug Ilan L. itdvertising agent, 107 CastleHart Alfred. 20 Atoore Park rd Point reagh st Hart Airs. Annie. \Void's ave, thirst y ilk Hart h., manager, the United Licensed flange F. J., Railway st, Liverpool Hat t Mrs. Annie Dougherty st, Shiscot Hart g e Miss .1., 68 Lennox, st, Newtown Victuallers' Labour Bureau, 107 Bart Archie T., 1:ingston rd,Cattilierilown I lartge John, BO Lennox st, Newtown Castlereagh st Ilan Arthur J., civil engineer, 375 George Hartge W. G , Station rd, Carlton Ilart Lavington S. II., 37 Chorch st, st litirtigan it t!o.. Ltd., 107 Pitt tit AMMO(' flout Asher, .1.1' , chemist, 352 Clitireli st, Hartigan Mrs. C., Dover rd, Rose Bay Hart Le-Ile, Allison ril, Rand wick I'm ra mutts Hartigan Mrs. E., Mowbray Ch'wood Hart Lewis, Walter st, Croydon Hart Mrs. Asher, Silver st, Rand wick Ilan Mrs, Lillie, 157 Oxford st, Waverley Hartigan Henry Al., Mitigate 11(11 ,1, CastleMin Augustus F., (Min's st, Rockdale reagh and Livert ool sts Hart Louis, Behno, e nil, Coogee Bart Bernard, Frederick st,Oatley Harti g an M rs..1. 79 Phelps st that Louis II., 35 C.,ok Hart C., Henley nil, Flemington Hartigan :lames E., Railiwy hotel, Victoria Ilan Airs. AL, 243 Liverpool nil, Sum. 11111 Hart Airs. C. AL, Railway par, linrwood ave, Chatswood !tart M re. M., Gordon nil, Ananias' Hart C. T. Edgar st,n Hartigan John, 3 Denison st Hart Mark 11., 113 Seek st, N. Sydney Hart Charfes, grocer, nla Wilton st Hartigan Si., Ad lismi nil, Marriekville Hart, Mrs. Startle), 31 Darling st, Glebe That Cannes, 9 Greenknowe ave Ifurtigan Airs. AI., 5 McLean st, Pairton Hart Mrs. Mary, Tennyson rd Mortlake Hart Charles, Cowan nil, St. INTS Hatt Airs. Allay, Wentworth s t, I'iteniatta Hartigan AL, 'I'm rs . st, Mainly Hart Charles S., Wickham st, Al ncliffe Minivan M , Fennell st. Parramatta Ilart p., Grosvenor rd, Wahromigit Ilan Chris , 11111 West st, North Sydney Hartigan Mielinel, Perry et, Rand w ick Flan Chris, C. Boyce nI, South Itandwick Hart H: s. 1'. SI., 7 Council st, 11 :teensy Ilan isn't l'., 108 Neville st, Marrickville Hart Patrick, 225 Riley st Ilan David, 3 Ryan st, Leiehlianit Hartigan Patrick 79 Phelps st Mat Percy, 21 Stunt St Hart David P., lane Cove :1, Pymble I isnigan T. J., Neridall st, Clattswool Hart Percy B., Cowper St. Itandwick t Deolentist, 235 Macqunrie st Hart III - Law Mrs. NI., Maud st, Marriekville Hart Peter, Toyer st, Alarrickville Bart K. 71 Cu nonbury grove. intl. Hill Hartland and Hyde, photo engravers, 45I hart Peter, 112 l'a (Huston st, Mat Mrs. E. 158 Wells st 53 Clarence st Hart 1 eter F., jun., 647 Dowling st Hart Eulwuuril, 101 Sleeks ril, Hartland Mrs. IL. Mary st, Ihniter's 11111 Hart Sirs, Phillip. 5 McLachlan aye Hart Edwin .1., Anderson st, Hartland Jo.coli, 78 Spit id, Nlostmin " i.S.S It., H u e WitS0/1 St, NeWtOWII ii nil Mrs. Emily, Hatelbstik ni, Wollstone- Ilart M Hartland 31rs. V., 1 Collins st, Mat WO It., Qlleell st. Burwood • • ft Hartlantls T., Qiieett's rd, Lindfleld Hart 11. G., 14 Campbell st, Alexandria Ilan Ernest, chemist, 522 Parramatta rd, Hartle Franchs.1., Station st, Arnelifle MLA, It. J., Cnstiefield st, Bond" Pe4er:31unit ve' Ken' ton Hartley 'mil Co., dyers, 97 Walker st,North a Ilan Ernest "'oilman ave, Kensington that Raphael C.e Disteaster st, Sydney rt us. Ethel, 44 Upward st. Leielihardt Hart Richard, 130 Devonshir liaAi Hartley mai Doyle, engineers, 27 WashHart F., painter, 44 Awalst st, Mosnain Hart Robert, 37 Grove st, leichbanit in . ton st Hart Sittnuel, 13 Reuss st, Leichlianit Hart Airs. P. (.4.. Walter tit, Articliffe Hartley A.. 26 Newington rd. Marriekvilk Hart F. W., Letithall st, Kensington Hart T., 13 Riley st, North Sydney Hanley Alfred, :39 Mort st, lialmain Hart T. F.,18 Bellevue st,Olebe Hart Mrs. Florenee, 4u8 Bourke St ilartky Alfred, Greenwich rd, Lane Cove Bart Frauds, 52 Ala sy st, Iselehliardt liti ut64 Iiiirlinson Hartley Barnard, 29 NeW111111t1 st, N' tow:: Mutt Francis, 26 Commodore st, Newtown Ilan Thomas, 200 Paltrier st Hartley Cte• stable, 99 Ernest st, N. Sydney st, Newtown Hart Frank P., Henrietta st, Waverley Hart Thomas, 106 Di Hart Allis V., manicurist, 107 Castlereagh Hartley D., Herbalist. 760 George st Hart ', red's. IV. .1.1'., Ascot st, ICen'ton Hartley D., Rawson place Hart George, 72 George st, Leichliardt street Hartley Miss Eastwood Co,lege, Bart George, 05 Brown st, PaddingtonHart V. H., 27 Stewart st, Paddinstott Tre'awney rd, Eastwood Bart George, Wentwort st, Parramatta Hart Victor K., 50 Onset] st, Newtown Hartley Miss E. 6 Pelham st, Double Bay Hart :4011f res. Prises st, Itandwick Ilan IV., boottnaker. 101 Willistm st Hartley Mrs. E. Ih., Tre awney rd,E'wood Ilan ii, 2(16 Military nh, Mo:uiuuu: Hart Mrs. W., 29 Palace st, Petersham WE ARRANGE FOR INTERMENTS IN ANY PART OF AUSTRALIA OR ABROAD 1331Har ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, ALPHABETICAL. ON THE Har Hartley Mrs. Entity, Riddle at, WooHabra Hartwell R. D., minim; secretary, 2b Harvey Harry, Alfrisi st, Granville Hartley F. R., 14 Albert it. Erskineville CastI s reagh at Harvey Henry, 85 floss at, Forest Lodge Hartley F. W., undertaker, 486 Harris et, Hartwell RobertWelhatu at, Beecroft Harvey Henry .1., 5 Ouslow at, 7 Beattie et, North Balmain ; 208 Hartwell William, Ryan at, Willoughby Harvey henry J., Queen at, Granville King it, Newtown Harverson • Broad r41, South Ithviek Harvey Henry 1'., 4 Amelia at, Waterloo Hartley F. W., Chapel at, Kostarall Herren William, off Church at. Harwood Harvey Iferbert, 152 5I'ville ri, H vale Hartley Frederick, 37 Terrace rd, Harvey Alfred and Phillips, brokers, 49 Harvey Horace, Meryla at, Durwood Hartley Frederick, Universal at Mortdalc King at Harvey Hugh S , 15 51ustott at, 51osinan Hartley G., 138 Redfern at, Redfern Harvey Woe., optlei•m s, He y wood rd, Bin. Harvey .1., 97 George at, Camperdown Hartley George I., 33 At.xamder at, A'drIa wool Harvey .1., Fanning at. Tempe Hartley H., Beaconsfield rd, Mosman Harvey and ro„ carriers. The Pier, Manly Harvey His Honor Judge J. 51., "frillingHartley Harold, 12 Alexander at, N. Syd. ton,'trling Point Harvey and Mann, mechanical matinee s, Hartley Hand l, Melville at, Hyde Harvey Jacob A., Napoleeti at, Mascot 232 Clarence at Hartley Harold, Highgate at, Strathfield Harvey 51 itthew & Co., merchants, 76 Harvey James, C dedoniatt at, Bexlei Harttey Henry, Caledonian it. Bexley Harvey .larnes, 36 Grow at, Camperdown Pitt at Hartley Herbeit, Broad at, Rosedale Harvey T. 11. & Sons, gastitters, 173 Church Harvey James, :Moriarty ril, Chatswood Hartley Herbert, 532 O.S.U. rd, Whilirst Harvey JallICS, 41 City rd, Darlington at, Parramatta Hartley James, New st, Bondi Harvey James, 2 Edward late, Mifflin/ton Hartley John 33 On aulay at, Leiehhardt Harvey Mrs. A., 72 Johnston St. le Harvey James, 5 Challis ave, Marriekville Harvey Mrs. A , St. George's par, Wyllie Harvey James, 335 Miller at, Nth S)dney Hartley John, 7 Rose ter, Paddington Hart ey John 11.005 Howntree it, Bhutan Harvey Miss A., 23 Cliff at, Manly Harvey .Taines, 09 Caroline at, Redfern Harvey Mrs. A., 78 Kensington rd, Sum- Harvey James, 31 Junction rd. Sum. Hill Hartley Joseph Hill at, Marrickville mer Hill Hartley Joseph, Kendall at, Woollahra Harvey James, 58 Watson st, Waverley Hartley Mrs. M., 67 West Esplanade, Harvey A..1., 50 Glover at, Mosman Harvey Mrs. Jane, 93 Albermarie it, Manly Harvey A. J., Parramatta rd, Hyde Nen•towit Hartley Mrs. Olive, 61 West it Bar cy A. J., 00 John at, Woollahra Harvey John, 48 Smali at Hari leY I'. F., 53 Wetherill it, Leichhardt Harvey A. 0., Honmlary at, Parramatta Harvey John, 83 Renwick at, Leichhasilt Hartley Richard, 86 Park rd, Marrlekville Harvey A. S., 21 Wright's rd, Druneoyne Harvey John, Coward at, Mascot Hartley Robert, 213 Crown at Harvey Albert E., 8 Wells at, Annandale Harvey John, Mi Mist, Gaul y Hartley S., 428 Glemnore rd, Paddington Harvey Alfred, Liverpool rd, Enfield 1arvey John, Cilantro: st, itt Leonards Hartley S. Poyee nI, South HandwickHarvey Alfred, 26 Herbert at, Pad'tou Harvey Jolle, 38 Macaulay rd, Stanmore Hartley Sidney, Fredbert st,Leiellhardt Harvey Adred J., 5 Morro lit, Woollabra Harvey John, 1 Stanley at. Staunton. Hart'ey Stephen, 6 Redfern it, Redfern Harvey Allan, 100 Nelson at, Annandale Harvey John II, 22 Chipper' at. Hartley Thomas 14 William Henry atHarvey Allen. Warriuga at, Tuirrainurra Harvey John P. I Botany ril, Botany Hartley W., 67 Crown at, St. Peters Harvey Arthur, 107 Pyrmont St Harvey Joseph, Witt ' kin st, Bexley Hartley W.H.,herbtilist, 83 Queen Victoria Harvey Arthur, 0 Ennis it, Baltnain Harvey .Tosepli, Albion at : Parrantatta Markets Hervey Arthur, 81 Reynolds it. Balmain Harvey Keith, Kensington rd, Sum. Hill Hartley W. J., 575 Illawarra rd, 5rvilleHarvey Arthur, 109 Simmons st, Winton/ Hervey Mrs. L.. Stanton Id, Butterfield Hartley Walter, H yaline at, Campsie Harvey Arthur, 34 Lincoln st, Stanntore Harvey L. Watson, surgeon, 44 East Hartley Walter, 70 W. Ils it., Newtown Harvey It., Eastern Ave, Kensington Esplanade, Manly Hartley William, The A venue, Huts, ville Harvey Benj., 8 Botany at, Waterloo Harvey Luther 28 Lbley at, Waverley Hartley William, 177 Alfred it, N. S y dney Harve y 0., 1tt3 Phillip at., Waterloo Harvey Sties NI., Charlotte at. Aslitield Hartley William, 20 Park par, Waverley I larvey C. H., Carrin g ton it, Auburn Harvey Mies H. L., 14 Mona Hi, Darling lit. Hartley William J., 99 Marian it, Emnore Harvey 0. H., 404 Miller at, Nth. Sydney Ha vey Major, Queen st, Auburn Hartman K, 112 Unwin's Bridge r41, St. Harvey Charle,, 54 Man s field at, Ronne Harvey Maiming, 22 Met3Ilione place Peters Harvey Christopher, 38 Meagher at Harvey Mrs. Mary, 2 Kellett at. Hartman P. F , Taylm. at, West limsarall Harvey Colin, 19 Bligh at Harvey Mrs. 51innie, 11 Rennie at, It'fern Hartman Fredk., 60 Premier at, M i ckville Harvey David, 53 Phillip it, Balmain Ilativey Mrs.. Chaleyer at, Willoughby Hartman John, 20 Louis it, Redfern Harvey David 19 Thorby a y e, Miura Harve y Mrs. P. It., 92 Church at, Par'snatta Hartman 111., 207 Illawarra rd,MarrIckville harvey Mrs. E., 21 Bond at Harvey R.. 33 Septimus at, Erskinevil e Hartman Ownr, 20 Allen at Harvey David, 164 Windsor at. IheTton Harvey Capt. It. 11.0., Milner cres, N. Syd. Hartmann Edward, 86 Portman at, Wane° Harvey Miss E. II., Yule at, Dulwich 11111 Harvey Reginald. Mani at, Lidcombe Hartmunn James, 19 Gowrie at, Newtown Harvey Ernest, Pacific St. Coogee Harvey Robert, 10 Edward at, Batman! Hartmann Joseph, Wharf rd, Concord Harvey Enstace, Bennett et. Mortlake Harvey Robert, 44 Plunkett at, D'moyne Hartmann Miss M.. 114 Mar on it, L'hardt Harvey Ezra, 1 Commonwealth par, Manly Harvey Robert, 17 London at, Enflame Ha . tnap Alfred, Liberty at, Belmore Harvey Ezra, 102 Derley rd, Manlv Harvey Robert. 5 Wallece s • , Waverley Hartnett St Co., unftnella manufacturers Harvey Ezra, 6 Brompton at, MarriekvIlle Harvey Alre, Rosetta, Dryden at, Campsie 285 Clarence at Harvey F„ physician, 55 Cowles rd, Mos- Harvey S., St. Geormi's par, II urstville Hartnett Nurse A., 1 Castlereagh at, R'fern man Harvey 8. F , manufacturers' agent, 435. Ilart e ell Mrs. G.W., 74 Beigrave at, Manly Harvey Mrs. F., 420 Darling at, Baltnitin Kent at. Hartnett George Watkin at, Rockdale Harvey F., 115 Wind sor st., Paddingto n Harvey Samuel, 42 'Udell et, Ashfle141 ' Hartnett J. E., Northumberiand rd,Auburn Harvey Miss F. A.,14 Mona rd, Darling P't Harvey Sheraird 0., °swell at, Bexley Hartnett A., 279 Cleveland at, Redfern Harvey,Froncis, Smith at, Willoughby Harvey Stuart, 1 Clement at Hartnet t .1..1., 34 Cowper at. M'averley Harvey Frederick, Tamen at, Bondi Harvey Sydney, 23 Good Hope at, l'ad'too Hartnett Mrs. Julia. 08 West at Harvey Frederick, 75 Grafton st, Whdira Harvey Sydney K., Norval at, Auburn Hartnett M., 42 North at-, Leiehhardt nativity Fredk. 11., Bay's rd., Epping Harvey '1'. If., .1.P., Wentworth at, Hartim t Mrs. Mary, 11 Howe at, Irlatira Harvey Frederick J., 511dson rd, Epping Harvey T. 1%. 33 Lombard at, I, hole Hattie t T., Cherry it, TurramurraHarvey G., 177 Henderson rd. Alexandria Harvey Thomas, 1164 Bowman at Hartnett W., 192 Terrace rd, Marrickville Jtarvey G., East it, Marrickville Harvey Thoma s, 265 Bulwarra Malley Joseph. Elizabeth at, Waterloo Harvey G., Macpherson at, Waveriey Harvey Thomas, 307 Crown at Hartog Alfred, J.P., optMian,464 Bourke st Harvey Gunge, King it, A rncliffe Harvey Thomaa, 16 Jones at Harton, 83 North Steyne, Manly Harvey George, Garrett rd, Beecroft Harvey 'Thomas, J.P., Painteraton at, Kog. /Luton Sheffield E., Brook st Coogee Harvey George, Bellevue it, North eydney Harvey Thomas, 45 Merton at, Itotelle Harton William, 38 Little Arthur at, Harvey George, AN rson at, Redfern Harvey W., Peakhurst Park ril, Oittley North Sydney Harvey George, 52 Louis at, Bedroll Harvey W. G., Bancroft Ave, Roseville Hartree George, Marion at, AuburnHarvey George, 28 Thomas at, Re ifern Harvey W. G., Biaxial' i's rd, Hyde Hartridge E., Ill Bartlett it, Summer Hill Harvey George, 11 Silver at, St. Peters Harvey W. Ii, High at south, Harris Park Hartridge E H., tailor and costrunlere, Harvey George W., Botany rd, Alexandria Harvey W. J., 32 Hopetoun at, Ohlown Rawson place liat.vey Mrs. Gran., Racecourse hotel, Harvey W. It., Sprintle Et, Lakenaba Hartshorn B. 0., Hampden rd, AtarmonAlfred at, Granville Harve y , Wilfred G., "The Mall,'' Ii' villa Hartshorn W. L., Upper Avenue rd, NIOA. Harvey IL, Bruce at, Brightou-la-Sands Harvey Willietn, 39 MaviCey at Hartshorne Miss L. J., Belmont at, Wwood Harvey IL E.. Pennant II lila rd, Pennant Harvey, William, 1 Northumberland Ave, Hartshorne T. IL George at, Penshurst !fills Stanmere Hartwell Albert, 47 Colle ge at, BalmainIlarva is liarold, Boundary at, Pennant Harvey William, 0141 Canterbu ry rd. S. !till Har HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL. Haskins Mrs. Alice, Jersey ml, WentworthHarvey William G., Dudley at, Coogee ville Harvey William J., Plunket it, St. Leon. Haskins Mrs. E, Andrew at, Meadowbank ards Haskins IL, Parramatta Auburn Harvey William G., Bishop's ave, Irwick Haskins Ernest, Andrew at, Meadowbank Ilarvie Drug Co., 54 Oxford at kins George F., Pop, at, Hyde Ha s Barvie Hugh, 30 Cowles rd, MOO111111 Harvie Miss M., costumiere, 1101, Bath- HaskinsP . Gorman at, Marriekville Hesitant Bros.. drapers, New Canterbury urst at rd. Dulwich Hill Wavle Thomas, 40 Myra rd, Dulwich 11111 flasiam Miss C , 88 Carabellast, N. Sydney Ber y ls. William B.. 79Willittin Henry at Mahan Charles, Bronte at, Weide lIarvison Arthur J., 17 Norton at. Manly 11arvison G., chemist and dentist, Beantish Hasten) Harry, Cross at, Strat Wield Hashan J. It., New Canterbury mu), Duist,Can»sie I tar y our Fredk„ 47 Laura at, Newtownwich Hill :Harwood School, Parraniatta rtl, B' wood Hasittin J. It., 13 Botany rd, Waterloo Harwood A.. Evans at, Sans Sorel !Instant James, 4 11 1111C1i011 at, F. Lodge Harwood Mrs. A., 86 Victoria at Ilitslain John J., 359 (Mown at Harwood A P 150 Eblev at, WaverlevHasten' S. C., chemist, 610 George at and hhzabeth at .11arwooti A. I), Bellevue illS, Rose Bay Harwood B. IL, Nracquarie rd. Auburn Teban William, 01141OW at, North Bondi Harwood Mrs. C., Yarra Beach. ha Perouse !helm John. Arcadia at., Penshurst Harwood C. A., 75 Blues Pt. ltd., N. Syd. Ilaslein .Tolin. 102 Ebley at. Waverley Harwood Carolin e , markets, Quay at ilaslem Sant 30 Hereford at, Glebe Harwood Charles, Queenschtle. Manly!beton W., 22 Charles at, Forest lodge liar wet el D. R., Russell a ve, Sandringham Hasler C„ 561 Darling at, Itozelle invotal Mrs. E., 47 Cary at, Dritininoyne Hasler David, 42a High at hlarivtuoui Hi • K., 621 Kinig st St PetersHasler Thomas, Edward at, Carlton Harwood Mrs. Elizabeth, 3 Crown stBaser IV., 180 Etimore rti, Marnekville Harwood F. W., 183 Hargrave at, l'ad'ton filmier William J., Abeicorn at, Bexley Harwood Frelik, 82 Nicholson at Hasiewood Mrs. Hannah, 137 Riley at Harwood Frellt, Waterloo rd, Bankstown Haslim James, 18 Botany rd, Alexandria Harwood Fred., 28 Halley at, Newtown Haslini .I. W. S., French Mated rd, It'wick Harwood (1„ Canterbury rd, Canterbury 'lasting Charles, Carlotta at, Gore Hill Harwood G., Waratall at, Canterbury Haslington 5lieses, private school, BannerHarwood II. F., Macquarie rd, Autumn 1111111 it, Neutral Bay Haslington 11. A., Bannerman it, Neut. B. Harwood James, Bnincourt ave, B'town Hamner A., Morrison rd, Gladesville Harwood James, Queen it, Concord Flastner Alfred, Erie at, Leichhardt llarwood James, Frederick at, Rockdale Hasmott 51re. E., Stanley at, Burwood liar wool John, III Womerall 11VC Hassall and Stockinitu, architects, 3 Harwood Mrs. Alary, 115 Bareoni eve Castlereagh st Harwood Mrs., 39 Wood St. 51anly Harwood Hobert II., Pennant Hills rd. I rassall Charles J., Victor at, Chatswood liassall E. E., 41 Fairlight at, Manly Thontleigh :11srtvosal rs. S. A., teacher of languages, Has s ell E. V., Hawthorne par, Ilaberfield Hassall Mrs. 1'. IL, Cremorne rd, C'inorne 1 Bond at Hassall 51rs..1. 477 Dowling St Iiiirwool Mrs S. A.. Harrow rd, Shnore Harwood Mrs. '1'.. 236 'Trafalgar at, A'dale Hassan Mrs., Greenhill at, Croydon liasitin Thomas, 248 13Iswick rd, L'Ininit Muir a I oil 1'. II., Robinson at, W'ghby Has se C. II. O., Small ril, Hyde Harwood T. S., Guildford rd, Guildford Ear wood Walter 11 , Woolialt it Hassell Miss E. Si., Charlotte at. Ash field Harwoo I William C., Regent at, Kogarah Ilassell John .1,, if St. Paul ast, rs'wick Harwood William It.. 6 Queeu at, Ashfield Hassell Patr i ck, Si, ith at, Granville Haseelmann Ft aulein .k.. teacher of GerHarytila C. W., 12 Pro s pect ,t, Patriot' man, 14 Castle' mug Ii Basel Henry B., 0.5.11. rd. Vancluee ilassett 51rs. Alice 732 Dale OVC Haselden A , 51 Pad 'hasten at, PaiTton Ilwelden Miss L., Mary at. Hunter's Hill liassett Mrs. C., 15 Ultimo r.1 !russet t Georg , 79 A Memarle at, Newtown Ilazeldine s., Carlton par, Carlton Ilassett Rev .1., S J., professor St. Igna• Ilaseldine W. II., McDonald at, Lakeinha tins College,Itiverview, Lane Cove HASELL ARTHUR H., Union Bank Hassett John, 66 Wilson at, Redfern Hassett Joseph. Bowman at, Bauksia . Chambers, Hunter at, Sydney. Tel. Central 11113, and City 7088. General Ilitssett Mrs. 51., flopetoun at., Catinlown Import and Export Merclunt. Timber, Hassett Thomaa, Carrington ril, It'wick Salithur, Dolomite, Tripolite, Hemp. Hassey Thoina., 15 Henry at, Waverley Sole Distributing Agent for The Far- Hassler' William, 128 Charles st. 1".sltain mers Fertilisers Corpora' ion Ltd. Pro- Hasson Harry, 0 Junction at, For. Lielite prietor Gypsum, Phosdhate, Whiting Hustle Alextmiler, Herbert at, Gore Hill mid Tripolite Mines and Works, thistle Charlet. W., Gibbs at, Croydon • s(t,r, ils'bityd't on tr . 111 1. i(t,tiii.eaCiooi ti nale ,)r N.S. Wales, Viet., unit South Amt. ()aloes at :Melbourne rind l'ort Thistles James, Henson et, Summer 11111 Adelaide Hustle John, 37 Chlreli at, Balmain ell Madame 1, , millinery college, 522 Hustle John, 71 Phillip at, Heinlein Hastie Mrs. K. 51., Yaranabbe rd, Darling George St Ilaseiton Mrs. 51., 2 Cartes's lane, II'main Point Hasenter A,, 77 Elswick it, LeichlitirdtHestia. Hsonar1 W., 52 Pitt at, N. Sydney Husenier A. W., 22 Itoseby it, Alarrickville Hustle P. It , 7 Durham at, South Ati'dale Hasenier C..1., Retinas. at GranvilleHastie Peter, 441 WI . y at Ilusfortli L., Rocky Point rd, ItoAcilale Has' is Hobert, Second live, Eastwood Haskell Edward, Oxford at, Lideom be thistle William, land and estate agent, Haskall Edward, HO Raglan at, Waterkm 114,r Pitt at Basking A. W., Cantbriaga at. Epping Hustle William, 11 BrIellatt f,t, A uhlale linskinge F., 12 S i witherd at, Paddington liastie William, 6 Watley at Haskins Mies A. L , Andrew it, 51hlowbank Hustle IVihlluitni, J.1'., 41 Marlborough at, CENTRAL OFFICE 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 720 k1524 CENTRAL Hat1335 ilastings A. H., Gladstone at, Kogarali Hastings G., 58 Ilolterman at, N. Sydney Hastings George, High at, Kogaralt Hastings Harry, Moore at, Drunimoyne Hastings J. II.. 45 Silver at,, St. l'eters Hastings J. P., 111.1). (51.11.0.S., Eng.), surgeon, 186 Falcon st, North t Sydney Hastings Jas., 25 Reuss at, Leicithartit Hastings John. 311 Falcon at, N. Sydney Hastings 1111i. 11,2 Station at, Petersham Hastings Osborn, Coventry rd, II omeletsil Flastinge S. N., Gibson ave, East hills Hustings T., 286 Norton at, Leichliardt Hastings 1.G., 23 flower at, Slattly HOS1We l l George, off 47 Booth at, Heinlein Haswell Arthur, 16 Griffin at Haswell Mrs. E., 153 Church at, 1"matta Haswell John F'., 123 MnIzer it, Dui. 11111 Haswell Mrs. M. A., 3 Kepos at, Redfern Haswell Nathan IL, IVillintuun at, Granville Haswell Thomas, 38 Wilson st, Newtown Haswell W. A., professor Sydne y University, 33 Wolseley rd, l'oint Piper Hatch B. J., Hatt taiorne, hi uubcrtheld Hatch Mi•s 11. 51- Station rd, Guildford Hatch Frederick, Stat i on st, Guildford Hatch Nurse L. 51., Pleuritic at, Campsie Hatch Sirs. Margaret, Sinclair at, Wollstoneeral t Hatch It. It., 79 Mat garet at, Petersham Hatch Reuben, George at, Must vine Hatch Robert, 4 Rennie at, Redfern Hatch W. H., Francis sr, A rtarmon Hatch William .1. Adderley at, Auburn Hatcher B..1., 88 Warren 1,1, Marnekville Hatcher 11, 16 Sir John Young's cues I ratcher Harry, 80 Calro at, N. Sydney Hatcher H., Jereey rd, Merrylande Hatehman A ilwrt, Ethel at-, Carlton !Lachman G., Ethel at. Carlton Hitt fleld Albert, 50 Morel wall at, Re lien liar field Arthui , 2 The A venue, Waldwick Hatfield Arthur, Parkes at, Homebush Ilatfl 141 Bert, Xing Sc, itandwick Hatfield Elw ' ill, 10 Conlon at, Itozelle Ilatlield Fretik., !hit four rd, itose Bay Hatfield Froth., II., 11 Duke at, Balmain Hatfield George, Wharf 141, C011e0t,1 Hatfield Henry. Lincoln at, Dul. Hill Hatfield Henry, Down's rd, Kogarall 1110 field lierbert J , i ix ford sr, 'summit Hatfield Jas., Brunt's ril, Kogarall Ilialleld Miss Al.. 26 at, Pliti1on Ira Vivid Mrs. Margaret, 169 Wreoltill rd, Dulwich loll Hatfield It.. Isis at, Wahroongts Hatfield IV., 27 Wait ville a ye, Annandale Ilatfleld Witt, 20 Alma at, Darlington Hatfield William V. 1, Essex at, Eppinv Hathaway A., 78 Premier 4,M:ink:kettle Hathaway E., 55 Mount Vernon at, F. Lodge Hathaway F., l'ark a y e, Itanksia Hathaway F. 1, 33 lintton at, Manly Ihithaway Frederick, 102 SI ■at Hathaway J., 7 Little Queen at, Newtown Hathaway John. di Bolide at. Newtown Hatherell It. It., physician and surgeon, 8 ito se at, Balunitin Ilatherley A. R., Graham at, Lhicombe 1Tatherley Mrs. E., 118 Wellington at, Waterloo Hatherley It., 5 Albert st. Redfern !fatherly 51ontague, Ashton at-, Rand wick ilutherly W., Simpson it, Auburn Hadley Alex., 34 Alice at, Newtown liatiey Alexander, Whites at, Newt avw Hatte A. K. & Co., electrical engineers, 2994 KI d.t sr, Newtown Hattes Arcade, 211 04 1Cing at, Newtown thitte 51rs. C. G., till I finery department„ 295 King it, Newtown Mate 0. 0., clothier and mercer, 301-303 King it, Newtown flatten William, 214 Miller at, N. Sydney Drummoyne Hartwell John,ch Pun f t, Narembiniti WOOD, COFFILLCOMPANY LTD. ALPHABETICAL. CONDUCT UPWARDS OF ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL INTERMENTS II! THE METROPOLITAN AREA ANTHONY HOROERNS I— ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, 1336Hat ALPHABETICAL. Haw Hattensee Andrew, 10 Napier at, N. Syd. Hatighton Walter IL, Royal Standard Hawken William, 39 Regent at, Newtown, ' Hatter Mrs. Annie, 10 Cro , s at, Double Bay;/wet, 355 Cleveland at, Redfern Hawker A. F., 'Tottenham at, sherwood Hattersley A. H., mere'sant, 52 Pitt St Haugliton William, Church st. W. Croydon Hawker, A. AI, 62 Hunter at Hattertiley A. IL, Tose at, Chet:mood Haunstein J., Gloucester rd, Huratville linker Miss E., Cohen at, Manly liatteraley D., dentist. 2.d Macquarie at ; Haupt Frederick, lititchinscol at, Auburn Hawker E , 98 Albany rd, Peters ant p.r., Anders, on at, ChatswoodHeinemann Henry, Clissold s', Aslitield Hawker K. .1., 40 John at, Erskineville Hattersley K, Anderson st, Chatswood Hemet C. Albion at, Waverley has her Edward A., 154 Chins 11 et., St. Ilattersiey Mrs. K. Frederick at. Rockdale Hauser John, Alexander at, Petishurst Peters Hattersley E. 0., J.P., chief clerk Water Hau-sen Heart' S • 19 Riley at Hawker Henry G., Clissolti par, Campsite Police Court, Phillip at Hearty° and Levy, agents, 472 George at Hawker Hobert, 13 Woodstock et. Bondi Hatteraley George, sec., School of Arts. Hautrive H,Holland at, Chatawood Hawkes Copper Signs, 43 Hunter at Railway at, Hanel le Charles, alidson rd, Epping Hawke's A. K, Frederick at, Camp-i6 Hattersley George, Herbert at, Rockdale flauxwell Mrs. C., 7 Annesley at, L'hanit Ilawkes Albert, 78 Norton at. Asintield Hattersley George, Philip at, Waverley Hauxwell Mrs. F. W., Grasmere rd, Hawkes Albert, French at, Kogaralt Hatteraley W., Ander.4011 Ft, Chatswood Lindfield Hawkea Albert S., 68 Cowrie st, Newtown, Hatton Alla Chapman, house and estate Hauxwell W. S., Grassinere rd. Lintifield Hawkes Alfred, Fowlers' a y e, Holroyd agents, 50 Corso, Manly Havanna and British Borneo Cigar Co. — !lattices 0. A., 28 Darlington rti, Darrton. Hatton A., 5 Carlton at, Manly Michael Cohen. 114a l'itt at Hawkes Clunk, Moortields rut, Canterbury Hatton Alfred, 85 Stanmore rd, Faltain Havant George, II Benny at, l'ad'ton Ilawkes °Mirka. Trevdt's rd. Eastwood Hatton Arthur, 38 It eilmond st, Leichhardt /levee Charles, 262 New Canterbury rd, Ilawkee Cuthbert, J.P., inspector of Hatton Arthur, Gannon at, Tempe Pete.shant branches, Qatenaland Inaummie Hutton Bert, Jersey rd, Turniniurra Haven Wil'red. See/low at, Dill. Hill Ltd., Pitt and Bridge eta.; p.r.," ToftHatton Mrs. C., 8 Hampstead rd, P'sliain Havenhand 0. F., Station at, Harris Park monks," Elizabeth Bay Hatton Mrs. C., 4 Castlereagh at, Redfern Havenhand H.. 416 Oxford at Paddington Ilitwkes E„ Moorfields rd, Canterbury Hatton Charles, J.P„ consulting engineer, Havens Charles H.. 71 Queen st, Manifold Hnwkes Edward G., 2e8 51 (Mary rd, 77 Castlereagh at; p r., " Romaine" Havens Chas. L., Abattoirs, Glebe Island Neutral Bay Bradley's Head rd, Nieman Havens John, 18 Reserve at, Annandale Hawkea Edwin B., Park st, Campsie Hatton 11.H., 52 Johnston at, Annandale Havens Philip Park at, Kogarali Ilawkes Airs. Fanny, 50a Young at, Redf Hatton Edward, 122 Catherine at, l'hardt Havens T. J. D., 110 Ferris at, A11111110111! Hawkes Frank B., 31 Gowrie at, Newtown Hatton Edward, Railway par, Mondale Haveustein Mrs. A., Ocean at Bondi liawkea Fredk, Fowlers ave, liolroyd Hatton Frank, 26 Crown at, St. Peters Haveral A.. 1'52 New Canterbury rd, Hawkes G., 49 Weetworth l'ark ni Glebe Hatton Frank K. Sheridan at, Granville Dulwich 11111 Hawkes G. If., 67 George at, Erskineville Hatton Frederick, 24 High at, Baltuntin lInverd James, 106 Hordern at, Newtown liawkes Henry, II Ley's a y e, Leichhardt Hatton Frederick, frrara at, Croydon ilaviland Sits, A. G., 73 Glover at, Rosman iawkes Henry, 25 'Thompson st, M'ville Hatton Frederick, 33 Rent at, Newtown Haviland O. E., Ourimbah rd, Mostnan Httwkes J. S., quantity atirrveyor, Ocean, Hatton George, 3 Forest iii, Double Bay Haviland 0. IL, assistant victualling store House, 24 Mottle at Hatton George, Botany iii, Mascot officer Darling Island Intwkes James,12 St. Mary's at, Batman' Hatton George, Malcolm at. Mascot Re y na/id Cecil IL, Kogarall rd, Kogaralt tintwkel James S., Penshurst at, Penahurst Hatton George, N.S.H. rd, Paddington Havill Charles. Pritchard at, Annandale Hawkes Mrs. SI, Haw kesview rd, Guildford Hatton George, Behnore at, Rytle Hawarth Harry, 53 Albion st, Annandale ilawkes Miss M., 36 Princes at, N. Sydney Hatton George S., 286 Young at, An'tiale liawcroft Mrs. A. It., Railway at, Hawkes NI. U., 47 Isirkley rd, /thinly Hatton H. A., 88 Carey at, MarrIckville 11-awe John, Gillies a y e, linbertield liawkes Mrs. Mary, 17 Smart at, W'ahra. Hatton Henry, horde at Balnutin Hawes & Co., effete agents, Beamish at, 1awke:3 Thomas, 3 Little. Oxford at Hatton Mrs. hula, 188 Bourke at Campsie Fiawkes Walter, Griffiths a y e, Ityde Hatton Mrs. J. K, Macquarie at, Liv'pool Hawes Ii. J. & 00., gasfitters, Gordon rd, llawkel William, I26 Harris at Hatton J. W., 166 Trafalgar at, An'tiale I Lindfield Hawkes William H., Itrpe Park, Orville. Hatton James, 77 Regent st Hawes Mrs. C. 13 Piggott at, Dulwich Hill Ilawkes Widiatti J., Gould at, Centerlatry 'lethal) James, 376 Livingstone nkal'Ville Ilawkes II.. plumber, 67 Parratnatta ni, Hawkes William .1., Wattle at. Punchbowl Hatton :fames, 60 Percival rut, Statimore Annandale Hawkesbury Petroleum Oil Wells Ltd.— Hatton James, 27 John at, NVaterloo Hawes James, 34 Cary at, Leichhardt W. 11. Shenatone, sec. 113 Pitt at Hatton Mrs Jane, Behnore at, Hyde Hawes Robert, Hassell at, Westmead Hawkesbury Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.— Hat , ton Mrs. Bf.. 27 Donnelly at, ailment Hawes Stephen, 545 Batman ni, L'intnit T. 11. Dickson, manager, Day st Hatton P., off Eastern rd, Turranturnt Hawes Theophilus 0., Perko; at, Ryde Hawkesley George, 2.1 Lower Bathurst et, Hatton Mrs. Sarah, 51 Palmer at, N. Syd. Hawes Thomas R., Belmore at, Hyde Woollannt Hatton Thomas, Second a y e, Lideombe Hawes St Son, grocers, 2 Sydney rd, Manly ilawkelley J., 0 ick at, Chatswood Hatton William, Warivaln it, Leichhanit Hawk G. J., Gloucester rd Huratville Hawkey U. L., 43 Miller at. North Sydney Hatton William, Agar st, Marrickville Hawk George, Millett at, Dalmorton Hawkey George, Mitchell at, St. Leonanla Hattriok J. H. F.H.A.S., a:M.A., manager hawk It. J.. 35 Llewellyn st, Baltnitin Hawkey John, Melton' at, II urbanite Park fot Australasia the Agricultural Hawke Albert, 95 Park rd, St. Peters Hawkings H., Brighton ave, Brighton-leOffices of the Potash Syndicate, 7-1t Hawke Alfred, Tenterden at, Botany Sunda . • Bridge at; p.r. Hotel Mel ropole II nwke Miss K ,37 Perry at, Starriekville Hawkings S., Brighton a y e, Brightot p leIlauber Mrs. Elizabeth, 117 Womerali eve Hawke Edward, 23 Spring at, Batman Salida Hattber Julies, 19 Ridge at Hawke F. G., 34 Trafalgar at, Stantnore Hawkins and Abberton, yeast manure°. Hamm:stein D., 25 James at, Leichliardt lintwke Frank, 197 Iltilwarra rd. turers, 69 Exec:slur at, Leh:Idler& Hattenstelit II.. 28 James at, LefelthnnItI fawke Frank, Ambling st, North Sydney Hawkine and Abbertou, bakers, 447 ParraHatninard W., Wentworth rd, Durwood Hawke George, ham and beef shop, 26 innate rd, Lelchhardt Haugh Denis It., J.P ., tea merchant, 6 Oxford at Hawkins J. St Son, electrical enginders, 1 Belmore at Hawke James, Waaltington at, Rockdale Chisholm st Haugh 14., 10 Good Hope at. Paddington Hawke Lemutrd, 2I4 Nelson at, Rozelle Hawkins and Noawortily, cabinetmakers, Haugh Herbert 10 Sparkes at, C down Hawke R., Painter st, Artarmon 21 Faucett lane Haughey J., 791 Illawarnt rd; Marrickville Hawke It. W.. 31 Durham it, S. Atedrect flawkina Mrs. A., 104 Albany ni, Fallen) Mimic John, 13 Darwin at, Balm tin Hawke Russell, 31 Parkview oh, Manly Hawkins A. A., Queen Victoria at, W. Kog. .1Iaughton Win. and Co wool brokers anti liewke T.M., jun., 1 Eveleigh at, Redfern Hawkins A. 1S., J. I',, manager Bank of butter export agents, Pritnro•e build. Hawke 'I'. 111., 79 Marriott at, Redfern New South Wales (branch), Live' pool Inge, 215m George at Hawke W. N., Croydon ave, Croydon Park rd, Ashfleld Haughtan A.,11opetorm at, Iltirlstone Pk. Hawke Walter E., Itoslin st, Mascot, liawkms A. E., 83 Palace at, Petersham Ho II uht an A. J., Osgood are, MorrIckville Hawken- and Vance, produce agents, 95 Hawkins A. S. B., 334 ,Abercromble st, Haughton Arthur, 11 Park a y e, N. Syd. ISussex st Redfern Naughton C., Theyromenatle, Sans Moue! Ilawken Alfred, 91 Flindera st Hawkins Albert, 56 Andreas at, Hatighton Charles, Cnnipbell at, King% Linwken H, 0., " Kingslere," Adolph at, Hawkins Alfred, George at, Granville Hattgliton G. W., Todmanave, Kensington,Ore none Hawkins Alfred U., Station st, Mondale Ifaughton George E., Ben Boyd rd, Neut. Ilawken John, 101 Cardigan at, Hawkins Artimr, 'Sinnott at, Parrannitta Bay Camperdown Hawkins Arthur, Hassell ave. Satergliain Haughton T J., Robert st, Attention Hawken Samuel J., Spring at, Abbotsford Hawkins 13., 6 Itowntree at, Batman THE LEADIN0 UNDERTAKERS-WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. 'PHONE 726 & 1160 CENTRAL NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. Haw ALPHABETICAL. • Hay1337 Ilawtrt • e MN. NI.. 16 Gunter at, PatTtott Hawkins C., Addisen rd, Slarrickville Hawkins Mrs. Sarah, Oatley at. Ilehnore 11 a art rev 11.'. J., C . are:emit at (Jauntily ilawkins Mrs. C., 47 Station] at. laurton Hawkins T., et?' 66 Darling st, IlaIinain Ilawl rey 141 ward, 98 Smith at, Stun. Hill Hawkin g Cecil J , 66 Egan at Newtown Hawkins T., Northeote at, Canterbury Hawkins Daniel, 28 Arcadia rd, Glebe Hawkins '1'.. tu2 Euskimue y ullorul, Newtown Ilawtrey le , A., see. Master Carriers' Association of New South M'ales, 11' Hawkins Mrs. F., 12 Milson at, N. Sydney Hawkins T., 14 Wentworth at, Pan'ton Loftna at Hawkins E. V.. dentist, Citallia liotim, Hawkin s '1'., 19 Hutchinson st,St. l'eters Hawtrey Francis, Greville et, Randwick Hawkins T. , 90 Church at, Parratuatta Martin place II nwtrey Francis A., U ralattn at, Auburn Hawkins Ed ward,34 Napier st,Paddiegton Hawkins Thomas, grocer. 87 Rose st Ifaxell Ii neat A , Rooky l't. rd, Aran:411Tc Hawkins Edwanl, 0.5.H. nl, 1Vaverley Hawkins Thomas, Emu at, Ilurwotal Ii a o l! Itnit • at G., Duncan at, Arncliffti Hawkins Ernest, Pennant par, Carling ford Hawkins Thomas, Mills st, Carlton Heaton David 81, Flood at, Bondi Hawkins Ernest, ROM at, North Sydney Hawkins W., Lawrence at, Alexandria Hay amb Cu,e,.gineers, 156 Jones Hawkins Mrs. F. B., Cockthorpe rd, I'd . Hawkins W., 7 itosebery at, Mosulan at and Gipps at Hawk its W. C., 91 Union at, Erskineville combo Hawkins Frank, 62 W ‘ ndlotiti at. A'andria Ilawkina W. 11., solicitor, an I noting Flay and Martin, engineere, 136 Mitchell sts Glebe Hawkins F. J • 67 Elizabeth at. Patrtott Consul for Denmark, 88 l'itt at ; pas, Hay Mrs. A. II., Sinepher s on at, Hyde Haws:tyi:ii ,sitly'retik., 1% Harrow rd, Statimore "Cranford." Bold at, Burwood Hay Alexander, 197 Macquarie at .' Hawkins \V. K. pros. Shakespeare Society Hawkins Frederick T., 19 Maa-ey at, Nth Ha Hay Alex., -01 Unwin's Brid g e ual, St. Pet. . of N. S. W. and Library, tot Pitt at Hay II. L., 19 Gerber at, Alexandria Hawkins G. T., Woodville at, Grnielville I la wkins W. E , 43 Union at, Paddington Hawkins George, Holland at, Alexandria Hawkins W. H., 220 George st, Ersk'ville Hay B. L., Balmy rtl, Mascot Ilawkina (1,sorge, draper and mercer, Hawkins W. S., 63 Margaret at, Petersham Hay O. D., 0.S.11. rd, Vaucluse Hay Capt. C. W., marine surveyor, 51 Hawk Ms William, Alfred at, 3fascot Relmore rd, Coogee l'Itt Hawkins Georee. 12 Holborrow st,C'eytrit Hawkins William, 3 Bank at, North Syd. Hay Cecil, 89 Be ford et, Newtown Havvkins George, ql Cowper at, rinatta Hawkinson John, 1 Kirk lane Hey Clete.. aleadowliank ave. aleatiowlik Hawkins George, 26 May at, St. Peters Hawk less Archibald, Jane at, Heinlein Hay Olittnit • , N.S.H. ot, Rose Bay Hawkins George, Underclifie ni, Un'cliffe ti awkless Chas., Hyde rd, Hunter's Hill (hay Clifford, 16 Kensington nl, Sum. Hilt Hawkins George H., Clanwilliam at, East. Ilawkless Harold N., Ferry at, Ilun. Hill Hay David, John et, Liticombe Ha wkiess N., Parretti:Ma ril, Ilyde weal Hay Edward, 1Veataainst e r at, Bexley Hawkleas It., 18 Neutral at, North Sytim•y Hawkins If., 161 Annandale at, A10110! Hawkins Mrs. 11., 16 Croydolt rd, Croydon ilawkiess Robert, 5 Neinat, North Syd. Hay Edward A., Joseph et, Bexley Ha y P. \V., 39 Tasman st, Bondi Hawkless Sirs. T., Lin o-t, (Slade:with! Ilawkina II., Atchison at, St. Loonanig Hay Frellk., Wollongong rd, Articliffe Hawkins II. G., 29 Caledonia st, Patilon llawkritige Mrs. H., salcourt at, Hay George, 83 Mort at, Balms in liawkridge T., Gera at, Marrickville Hawkins 11.11., Willoughby rd. N. Sydney Hay George, 101 Mansfield at, Rozelle Hawks C. A., 169 Windsor at, Patrton Hawkins 11..1., Tryon rd, Lind field linty George Mtn 18 Frederick st. Si, ['el. Hawkins IL M.,. Fit zwilliam rtl, Parsley ilawksford Arthur .1., 3 George at Manly 1lay IL, fruit escheats°. Barker at Hawksford F., 23 WI /ayes at, Wattle Ba y Ilawkina II. S., P.M.. City Coroner, Ilawksford F., 35 llohlaworth st, Vraltra Ilay Harry, S2 The Avenue, Balmain flawksford John, plumber and drainer, Hay Herbert W., 128 New Canterbury rd,. Coroner's Court, George at North Pet s reliant Hawkins H. S., J.P., 101 St. George's twee, corner William and Bourke sts Ilawkshaw ill111 ()wets, asphalters, &e„ Hay .1. J., entitle er, 136 Miteliell at, Glebe. fl,,• • Hay James, eti Nlisientien ni,Campordowns Illawarra rd, Shirrickville Hawkins H. S., Brabyn at, Eastwood Hawkins Henry, asaistant C.I'.S. Court Ilawkshave A. 11 , 28 'Trefalgar at, more Hay Janice, Short at, Carltent Hay James, 48 Prince at, Mosman Ilawkshaw '1'., 32 Premier sL Marrickvilla House, George at, Parratnatta flawkslinw W., 4 O'Hara at, Marrickville Hay James, 15 Bent at. North Sydney Hawkins Henry, St. George's' rd, Bexley Hawkshaw W., 233 Sydenham rd, 31'vilie Hay Jamt •s, Seat at, Waverley Hawkins Henry, Trafalgar per, Convent Hawkshaw W , 342 Abercrombie at, It'fert Hay James G., Welder at, Anicitirt• Hawkins Henry C., Maude at, Ilawksley Daniel It., Lisgar st, Granville Hay Janos S., I . Mort st, Balmain Hawkins Henry J., Otttley st, Belmore Hay Jamea W., Stephen at, Balmatit Ilawksley MN. M., High at, Willoughby Hawkins; Miss I.. Sydney flay John, Hurst at, Arneliffe Hawksley W., Tottenham st, Sherwo d Hawkins J., Napoleon at, Sandringham Hay John, 15 Railway Lave, MarrickvIlle Hawkswell Henry, 1 . 3 Lament st Hawkins .1. 11,, 258 Church at, 1"Inatta Hawley F. and .1., The Central Mortgage Hay John, El g in t, Wo 4wich Hawkins .1. II., Ross at, Parnitat'a flay John J., 20 liottenham at, Glebe and Discount Co., 472 George St Hawkins James, 116 Ernest at, N. Sydney Hay John \V., 278 Nortott at, Leichhardt Hawley A. 0., Ashley at, Clintswtext Hawkins John, 22 Stephen St tiny Lillly, "Crow's Nest II ouse," I AtteHawkins John, 259 Parramatt ril, Ateditle If awley It., Alpha rd, Willoughby (Jove rtl, North S,uliucy Hawley Harold, Lincoln at. Dul. Hill Hawkins John, Station at, Arneliffe Hawley Henry J., Sea View ace, Stun hill Hey airs. Dense, 5 Mort at, Balmain Hawkins John, 55 Slerian at, Rummy Hawley J. W., finance and insurance agent Hay Mrs, Iatke,Ptirrainatta rd, Hyde Ifawk ins John, Coranto at, Five Dock Hay Mrs. M., 23 Lyons rd, ummoyne 472 George at Hawkins John, 31 Denison st, Newtown Hawley Jolm, 85 Surrey at Hay :Mils Mary, boardinghouse, 50 MerHawkins John, Slarion at Parranintta ger. t at If awklus John J., II. at, I elchltanit Hawley Thonnts , Itoseby at, Winos ne Hay Miss dressmaker, 19 limiter st Hawkins Jonathan, 85 Foment at, Roselle Hawley William, Sloper at, Kensington Hay N. M., 115 Military ni, Hawling A. C., Bellevue at, Thornieigh Hawkins Mts. K., Stamens" rd,1",l1111111 Hawkins Mrs. L.. 20 Sinuiforth at Mangum Heading Go.,rge, 26 Alt • antuder at, N. Syd. }lay R., 9 0.5.11. rd, Waverley Hay It., 69 Adelaide at, Wooltalint Hawkins Mrs. L., Si Denison et, Newtown Ilawney W., Wells at, Granville Hay it A., 51 Bellevue at, Glebe Ilawkibs Leonard, 60 Lavender at, N.Syd. Hewitt Kimmel M., Stoxon r I, Clutry Hay It. D., Director of For, ats, Foregtry Hawkins, Leslie It., 15 Phillip at, Eintiore Haworth F., \Varela!' at, Canterbury Department, Lends 'Pilo., Bridge at ; Ifeworth It. A., Piatt's ave, Ii, Mune Hawkins Mrs. Marie, 47 Butlittrat at p r. (bestehen at, Chatswood Haworth Tuomas, 112 Cathedral at Hawkins Mrs. Sian . , 11 Bent st, Murton Hey Robert, export butte,. agent, 196. Hawkins SI lehael J., Chanties at, AMMO] lintworth Waiter, 623 Darling at, Roselle Sussex at ; tel. City (1972; p.r.,. !telethon' A. it., 23 Ebley at, Waverley Hawkins Mrs., 13elmore ni, Coogee Manly Cremorne nl, Cremona! Hawthorn George, Brisbane at, lintwkins Sire. Nora, Bay rd, N. Sytitiey Hawkins Patrick, 12 Taylor at, A n'dale Hawthorn Mrs. J., 74 Denison at, M a y ley linty Robert, II Bright at, Marrickville Hawkins Patrick, off LI Reynolds' st, Hawthorn John, 219 Liverpool id Sum. if. linty Robert, Livingstone rti, Mitrnekville Hawthorn Percy W., Oberlin at, Rand wick Hay Hobert, Maloney at. Mascot Balmain Hawkins It , Clunwilliam at, Eastwood Hawthorn Sunnuituel, NO1111 at, Marriekville ility Robert. 12 Westbourne et, Petersham Hay T., 56 Willoughby at, North Sydney Hawkins Itielinni, A hereon' st, Bexley Ilawtharn Stewart, Cnnligan et. C'down Hay '1'.11.,29 Short at. Balinain Hawkins Richert!, 14 Erpin g rd, Double Hawthorne E., 2 Re y nolds at, Bainiain Hay Thomas, 47 Lower Tuilper at, M'vh lie Hawtiawne E•, 477 Parramatta r,l, L'hunit Bay Hawkins Richard, 34 Day st, LeichlitualtIi un Goalie II., 3u Mower at, 'MarriottV ille Hay Thomas 11., Curtis rd, Bainutin Hawkins Richard, Russell a y e, Stunning- Hawthorne J., 110 Elawiek at, reit:idler& I lay W., Victoria eve, Chittswood Hawthorne .1. F., 63 New Canterbury rd, Hay W. .1., 4 Lugar at, Waverley ham Ilay Wit' tett 0., MI Short at, Btimain Hawkins S. A. 38 Cascade at, Paddington Petersham Hawkina al re. S. A., 59 Epping ni, Wa'llra Hawthorna John, Nettles at. Drittninos lie liav Wilfred G. 11 Stiminore rd. 1' sham iley WilliamGrove at, Ba'netin Darlinglturst ri 25 Ilawkina Saineel G., 362 Livingstone rd, Hawthorne '1'. IL, Merrick v It. OUR ASSISTANTS ARE CHOSEN WITH CARE AND TRAINED WITH EXACTITUDE ENTRANCES IN GEORGE, PITT AND GOULBURN STREETS. ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. - 1338 Hay ALPHABETICAL. Hay Hay Hay William, Ocean st, Kogarah Ilaye; Arthur, 78 Wyndham at. Alexandria Hayes J. F., 87 Alaeleay st :Hay IV illiain, 48 Fitzroy at, Newtown Hayes Arthur, Connecticut awe, Five Dock Hayes J. H. W., 7 Nook a ye, N. Sydney Hayes .1. I, 43 Hargrave at, Paddington Nay William, Parraniatta iii, Itysie Hayes Arthur, 50 St. John's rd, Glebe flay William;Scott at. Waverley Haynis Arthur. loti North Steyne, Nfanly Hayes Mrs, J. M., 96 Kepos at, Redfern Hayes J.W.,J.P.,50Castlereagh at, Hayashi („Chancellor Japanese Consulate- Hayes Arthur E, Queen at, A slineld Redfern General, 164 Pitt at; p.r. " Ivanhoe," Hayes Arthur E , Hudson at, II nrstville tinyes J. Wm., J.P. (Bryant and.11 !ye.), Croydon eve, Croydon 11ayes Mrs II., Elizahe'll at, Granville nominal'," St. Mark's id, Ituirlo'k Hayburti Joseph. 35 Bolding at, Irmoyne Hayes Bertram It., 19 Phillip a', Glebe Hayes James, I Palmer at Hayek Mrs. Emily, 40 Wiltsni at Hayes Bramble, Church at, Ityde Hayes James, 20 New at, A iimaida'e Hayeox S., 28 Middle st, Marriekville Ifayes Mrs C. H., 18 Campbell at, N. Syd. Hayes James, Goddard at Arnelifie Eayenift B. 11,89 Wyndham st.ANIrla Hayes C. IL, 45 Ilirkley rd, hIattly Ifity es Jas., 25 Codrington at, Darlington llayeraft G. H., 87 Wellington it, Ilayes 0..1., Vaughan at, Lideombs Hines Jellies, Water at, Enfield Ilaycroft Mrs. J.. Bellevue 11111, Rose Day Hayes Miss Catherine, 186 Riley at Hayes James, Clyde at, Granville Maple!) Alfred E., 11111 at, Compile Hayes Mrs Catherine, 36 Shepherd at Hayes James, But our rd, Kensingtoa Hayden Mrs. E. E. 19 Garnet st. Dal. Hill Ilayes Charles, 65 Mullens at, Bal Hayes James , Universal at, Slortdale liayden Edward, Slade at, Naremburn Hayes Charles, Milroy a e, Kensington Ifayes James, 52 Ox turd at, Newtowit 'Hayden Elias (Wino]. at, Tempe Hayes Char'es,Diy st, Leichhardt Hayes Jas., 43 Victoria at, North Sydney Hayden216 Elswiek at, L'harilt Hayes Charles, Henry at, Lewisham Hayes James, 6 I. Calder r.1, Re tient Hayden Ge)rge IL, Floss at, Hurlstone Hayes Charles, I toward st, Itandwick Hayes James, 12 Margaret at, Rotten' l'a rk Hayes Charles E., Brook at, Coogee Ilayilen James IV., Daphne at, Botany Hayes Mrs. Chant, 148 C let more rd, Fton Hayes James, 2 Mary st, Waterloo Hayes James, A., Victoria at, Waverley 'Hayden Josiah, 34 Church at, St. l'eters Hayes Daniel ofy Botany rd, Waterloo Ilayes James P.' Kerr's road, Lideotabe Hayden L., 193 Blues Point rtl, N. Sydney Hayes David, 31 Cooper at, Redfern Hayes John, 35 .1o1 1 at !Hayden AIrs . Alfred at. North Sydney Hayes David, 22 Quarry at, Tempe Hayes John, 1o4 Kent at Hayden Very Rev. T., D.D. St. Patrick's Hayes D tvi I J., Parker at, II lekdale Hayes John, 38a Lower Fort at College (R C. Dark vri, Manly Hayes Dennis, kJ Herbert mu, Paddington ifayileti T. \V., Clyde at, Granville Hayes Miss E., 6 Utulercliffe at, Neut. Bay Haps John, Benno:it at. Alexandria Hayes Joint, 281 Young at, Annandale Hayder Arthur, Market at, Drammoyne I (ayes Miss H., 95 Campbell at N. Sydney Hayes John, 41 College at, Drunimoyme Hayder F.. Clareville a y e, Sindrinviman HayesG., Milray at, Lindflehl Hayes John, nellev no par Hurst ville Ilaydock Mrs. :1., Llewellyn at. Rhodes Ha es E. J., 80 Elizabeth at Ilay.lock E. R. F., J.P., chief clerk. I hid Reyes Mrs. E. J., 119 ,Spencer rd, Mosimit. Hayes John, Ilmndoa ril, Kensington Industrial Magistnits a Court, Phillip Hayes Mrs. N. J.,4 Harrison at, Neut. Bay Hayes John, 70 Ryan at, L ichliardt fIll) e4 Jolie, Way at, Marrickville St Hayes Edgar, Botany rd, Mascot IlayesJohn, 1 Widener° ave, Newtown Ilayilock O., 18 Abbotsford at, Kensington !Imes Ed watsl, 87 Kiugsclear nil, 11.1ayiliat A. E., 1116 Louisa rd, Balmain Hayes Edward, 13 Gibbet's at, Camp'llown Hayes John, 6 Kurntha rd, North Sy diley Ilayilon Arthur. 60 Gordon at, PitiPtim Hayes Edwanl, 1 Conklin at, Erskineville 'ayes John, 138 Ab atoirs ni, itozelle Hayes Joon 97 Pitt, at, Wsterloo Hayilon Belmont, 2e Foveaux st Ifayes Edward .1., 36 Burlinson at Hayes John, 102 Portman at, Waterloo Naples). Bridget A., Royal hotel, Abercrom Hayes Eawant T. 70 Barry at, N. Day Hayes Jelin, Memnon: at, Willoughby lie at, Redfern Hayes Eric L , Duke at, Campsie Hayes JohnE.,J.P.,Carrington live, llaydon G., Short st, linganth Hayes Ernest, 12 Harvey at StrAidield Holton lienry, IVolseley at, Haloertield Hayes Ernest, Smith st, Meseta Hayes John J., .1.P.,8 Allies at Haytion Henry, Drew at. May's Hill Hayes F.. Hill at, ltozelle Hayes John J., Mills st,Carlton Hayden Henry It., Lllliou at, Csunpaie Hayes Mrs. Franees Bland at, II•flehl Haydon Herbert. Fleet at Carlton Frauds,111111111ton Courtrd Hayes John J., 4h Wellington at, Newtown [byes John 0. S., 24 Nlitrearet at, N'towu RoystonPublic School, Parratnatta Cat Itott Ilayes John I'., \Vulture p r, ['em shurst rd. Aubitrit Hayes Francis, The Avenue, l'ensburst Hays s John W., Kelsey it, A Giclilfe Hayden James, sett, Hamislen at, A b'sford limes Frank, 15 Artlett at, Paddington Hayes John \V., 76 Grant Buckingham st, 3layslon James, Jun., Hampden at, A &ford Haves Frederick, 14 Mar y at Redfern ilayoton Jaws. J.1'., Aulierley at, Auburn Hayes Frederick, 135 Bourke at Ila■ don Jaiiim, 96 Charles 4. Erskineville Hayes Fredk., 52 Military rd, Nth. Sydney Hayes Jule:, Phillip st, Waverley Ilaydon John, Park a ye, Mascot Hayes Fred k, Pennant 11111s iii, Pen. Hills Hines Miss Kate, 2: Boyce st, Glebe Hayes Ken. 5 :Marsden st, Cant hut Dar don John, 102 Hargrave at, Pail'ion Hayes Fredk., 50 Waterloo at, Rezelle Hayes L., baker, 14 St. Alary*a St, Clitr4.11 Hayden' John .1 , Dudley at, Cisigee (ayes Frtslk J., Yount at, Neutral Bay Hayes Leslie, 11 It alien at, Tempe 11nydon Oliver, Wilson at, liogaralt Hayes G. L , Hayes at, Lideombe Hayes Leslie A., Canterton st,Hailstone llayilott Miss S. A.. Fleet at. Carlton Hayes G. It., 42 St. John's rd, Glebe Park Haydon S. J., IS Sixth at, Granville lives G. '1'„ 44 Cascade at. Paddington Hayes Mr g . 31., f uel dealer, 79 Pyriiiont it Ilayllon Sydney, New 11011011 at. Guildford Hayes George, 51 Taylor at Annandale Hayes Mrs. H., 55 CI ystai st, Petersham 'lepton l'hotinis G., Qoigg at, takenil ii Hayes George, Australia at, Campertiown Reyes 3Irs. 31., :0 SN'i.ev at, Wave ley Haysism W. II W111111a rd, Mostuan layes George, 308 Walden rtl DM. Hill Hayes Mrs. 31., 168 Redfern at, It edictal Ilayilon Walter, Botany at, It urstville !ayes George, Inverness eve, l'enshurst Hayes it us. H. II., Grosvenor at, Ken'ton Ilaydon Itev. Father W11111111 at.0.), New Iiit CS George F., Roscoe at. Bondi Hayes Miss 31. T., 27 Sutherland it, :scut. Canterbury td, Dulwich 11111 Hayes Airs Gertrude, 14 l'itt at, Redfern Bay Hayes I htbri-1, 36 Elizabeth at, Redfern Hayes IL, Premier tit, Kogarith Hayek Leo, 3 Macquarie at, Annandale Hayes H. S., limit hisser Bailment Manufac Hayes Miss Alary, 32 Alfred at, N. Sydney Hayes Mattlww, 14 Hargrave lane, l's 'toll Hayes Bros, electricians, 117 Bathurst at taring Co., 1 Bond at Hayes Affiance, 8 Reuss at, Hallman Hayes tirobutche.s, Botany rd, Botany Hayes Harold, 43 Gipps at, Balmain Jlayes and Horne, saddlers, Donlon rd, Hayes Harry, 133 Arundel at, For. Lodge Hayes Michael, le Itose at [ayes Michael, Parrunatta ni, A tibial' St. Leopards Hayes Harry 33 Albert at, Redfern Hayes MISSCS, confectioncra, 43 Edwin at, Hayes Henry 109 Albion at Hayes Al feline!, J.P.,I68 Hereford at, Forest Lodge. Croydon Hayes Henry, Queen Victoria st, Bexley llayes andMnitiah I, refreshment rooms, Hayes Henry, 5 Fernbanl, et, Marrickville Hayes Michael 13 Fairy Bower ril, Manly 311chael, 92 Wilson at, Rolfes!! :Starlet! par, Rand wick Hayes Henry, 59 Gerard at, Neutral Bay Hayes 3liss Nellie, 36 Bayswater Ed Hayes & O'Hara, motor engineers, Liver- Hayes Henry F. Ramsay ml, Haberlield Hayes Owen C., Bridgu at, Drummoyne pool rd, Enfield Hayes If rnert, Hurst at Anieliffe Hayes A. 1,, Wentworth at, Parrainatta Hayes Herbert A., 41 Gowrie at, Newtown Hayes Patrick, 130 Bourke at abyss; A. M., Sydenhain rd, Sydenham ir es Mrs. llonora, 42 Phillip at, Etimore Hayes Patrick, Fleet at, Carlton Hayes Patrick, 37 Morehead at, Waterloo Hayes A. P., dental surgeon, 228 Miller at, Hayes Hubert, 183 Campin 11 at Hayes Patrick, a Rush at, Woollahre North Sydney Hayes Hubert, Dudley at, Coogee Hayes Miss Agne s , 32 U tierwood at, 1"ton Hayes Mrs. 1, 29 The Avenue, Strathfleld Hayes Paul, 87 Douglas at, Shinano' e Hayes Percy, dentlato375 George at Hayes Albert, Frogmore at, Alietrot Hayes .1., 5 Weston st, Balmain Hayes Albin, 82 D.trling fit, Glebe Hayes It, J., High view a y e, Bankstown Hayes .1., 2 Hampstead rd, Pet n'sham Huycs Reginald, 6 Canipbell at, N. Syd. Hayes Alfred, Parrainatta ni, Concord Hayes J., 69 Wilson at, Redfern Hayes Richard, 27 Waratalt at, Lekthharilt Hayes Alton .1., 23 Lombard at, Glebe Hayes .1. IL, 99 31iirriott at, Redfern Reyes Ambrose, Forest rd, A rncliffe Hayes J. IL, butelter,195 King at, N'town Hayes Robert, Macquarie rd, Auburn ^ WOOD. COFFILL it. COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE : 810-12 OEOROE ST. 'PHONE 726k 1524 CENTRAL ALPHABETICAL. Hay 1339. Haynes John S., Fletcher at, Bondi Hay es Robert, "New Bliss," Dudle y at, Hayman Airs. E., 18 Griffin at Hayman Inalk., 97 Cam beut at,wtown liayiws Air,. Kat , at, Enfield Dodroyile Point estate, IlabertleNI Haynes Leslie, 311 Oxford st, Padding' on. Hayman G., 51 Myrtle at, Stimulant Hayes Robert, Carrington ni, Rand wick Ilnynes 3Irs, M., Batik Terrace at, Botany Hayman H., 7 Schweble at. Alarrickville Hayes Roger, 32 Belmore at, Rozelle Harman Henry G., 35 Denison q , N'town Haynes Mrs. M., 90 Alilitary rd, N. Sydney Hayes Mrs. S., 20 Plutiket at HayesMrs. S.II .,182 N.S.II. rd, 1). Bay Hayman .111/1104 V., manager Government Haynes Patrick, 44 Bathurst at Savings Bank of N.S.W. (Branch), Ilrynes R. T., 17 Waterloo at, Rozelle Ifayes Sampson, 71 Kippax at Haynes Richard, 22 Smith at 138 Liverpool at Eayes Mrs. Sarah, Botany rd, Bota • y Hayman James V., CI •rrong rd, iaikemba Ilayties Robert, 04 Bright at, Merrick vineEayes Mrs. Sopiii, 0.S.11. rut, Wsollahra Haynes Sydney, 176 Bondi rol, Boitili Ilay 'non L., 235 C eveland at Hayes Stanley, 6111) utl at, Leichliardt Hayman 31.8, M. A , 147 Bondi ril, Bondi Haynes Thomas, 436 Riley at Ifiyes Stephen, Statism at, Carlt. it Ilus e Stephen, 154 Unwin's Bridge nl, St Hayman Mrs. Minnie, Stanley at. Iturwood Haynes Thomas .1., Canips'e at, Campsie •Ilitynes Thomas .1., 58 Toxteth at, Glebe Hayman Samuel, Oakum et, lIwkdale Peters Hayes Sydney, Pelv rave at, Neutral Bev Hayman spencer, 117 Gowrie at, Newtown Haynes Walter. 1 Union at, Petersham Hayes Sirs. T., 57 Carlton eres, Stmt. Hill Hayman W„ 159 !Weldon! at, Erskineville Haynes William, 7 Uther at Hayman Mrs. W:, 181 Rochford at, E' vine Haynes William, Kemble at, .A rneli Re Haye. Nliss T., Imperial awe, Waverley Haynes Widiain, Itoseby at, Marrickville Haynie.' W. 1', 13 Rowe at, Woollishra Hayes Thomas, Belmont st, Alexandria [live- Thomas, 18 St. Alatry's at, Balmain Hayinan Wiliam, 2 Renwick st,14'inoyste Haynes William J., 26 Wilford at, N'town, Hays (4., 136 Australis st.Camperslown Hayman William, 26 Pitt at, N. Sydney Hayes Thomas, Bream at, Coogee Heymann Philip, physician, 15; Elizabeth Hays Toornas, Johnson at, Chatswood Haps, Thomas Courland at, Five Dock Ilays William IL, Oxford at, Burwood at Hive- Thos., 28 Regent at Newtown Hayes Thomas, 128 Hargrave at, Pelham! Haymarket Cash Produce Co , Ultimo rd Hayson Mrs. A., 30 Bay at, Double Bay Hayes Thomas, Cas le 11111 rd, Pen. Hills Haymarket Jeweller (The), 625 George st Hayston TI1011111S, 6 Smith at. Sum. Hilt Ifityter Allieri,118 Addison rd, Mar'ville Hayes Thos., Frenchman's ni, Rand wick HAYMARKET PERMANENT Hayter Arthur. Milton at, 'Layer Thome . , 3 Phillip at, Waterloo LAND, BUILDING AND IN- Ilayter C., 4 Rocliford at, ICrskIneville Hayes TI101111114 P., 259 Victoria at VESTMENT CO., LTD.—Itobert. Ilayter Mrs. If., 10 Semi at, Petersham Hayes Thos. W., 59 Cooper at, 'Clem 11. Barton, .1.1'., Manager, 750 George Hayter Ed sin, 7 Wyndham at, Alexandria, Hayes Timothy, 13 Sloane at, Newtown Hay ter 14, nest, 132 Wyndham at, Alex'tlria st—(See Advt.) Hayes W. F., Grassmere ni, LimItiet 1 IlayterAshley at, Chatswood Hayes W. It., Carina Bay, Como Hayes; Wallace. 50 Wellington it, N•town Haymarket Post and Telegraph Offic,•— Ilayter George 11. A., Wolli Crk. rd, It'clale.1. G. Ellha t postmaster, Camphe'l at Ilayter H., Sheffield at, Auburn Hayes Walter It., Edith at, Litleoinbe Haymet Miss Dons, A. 31., 181 Avenue rut, Hay ter Mrs. Jessie, 22 Pantile, Dul. Hill hi ayes William, 39 Abercrombie at llayter James, 4 Belvoir at Alit-man Hayes William, North per, Auburn Havter Mrs. S., IR Botany at, Waterloo Haymet 11. E., 25 Wolseley ni, Mosman Hayes William, Maloney at, Mascot Ilayter Stanley, 30 Palace at, Ashfleld Haymm Hans, 16 Hugh at, Ashfleld 'Gaye; William, Randolph at. Meseta Bayne Mrs. A. L., 30 Raglan st, 31anly Hayter Young. 8 Charles st, Forest Lodge Ilayet William, Western nl. May's Hill yMiss F., Si Henderson ril. Alex'dria I laythorn John, tailor, 104 Elizabeth at Idaye , William, 14 Thomas at, N. Spumy Ilane Ilaytim A. J.. 19 Leichhanit at, Waverley Hayes William, 36 Walter at, Paddington Hilyne G., 104 Cowles rti, Moment Haytou Mrs. Mary E., Belmont' rol, Irtvielc. Ilayne L., 27 Clutrlecot at. MarrIck vire 11 ayes William, 22 Eve'eigh at, Rol leo ii Haynes A. .1. Ltd., hainlressers,1(19 Pitt at Ilayton P..43 Wyndham at, Alexandria Hayes William, 63 Renwick at, Itetifet n Haynes Drug stores,Ltd., 05 Elizabeth liayton Richard, Railway par, Mortdale Hayes William IL, Fortesene at, at, and 146 King at Ilayes William H., Ferry nil, °let e Hayes William .1 ,eityVisa.hotel,31 Haynes A.J., 45 Stuuatouu at, 3losinan Haynes Mrs. A. L . 2) Julliett at, Eumore HAYWARDS LTD. Abercrombie at. Holten' Merchant Tailors, 323 George at tulips Hayes William J., 2 Sylleilliam rd, Sprit= Haynes A. It., 36 Lang at, Mosman Paling's/ Telephone City 6265 Haynes A bratinin, Vulcan mt. Granville Hayes William P., 83 Bonn 'ary Hayes•Williams W.G.,.T.P., registrar-gene. Haynes All ert. 29 Selwyn at, Paddington Hayward A.. architect, 7 Union st,Alosinatt Ii ty ward AI rs. A., 29 Ed veware rd, Einalorenil and re g istrar of joint -dock com- Haynes Benjamin, 110a Pitt at panies,RegistranCetientl's Office, Haynes C.J.,propriet . rTHEN Rtes. Hayward Mrs. A , Bit roll at, Weverley Hayward A. F., Hyde at, Iltrilngford ILWITER, 232 231 Castlereagh at Qneett's Square Hayward Arthur, 10 Paul at, Balinitin Hayes-Williams Miss.principal Leona- Haynes Cecil, 176 Bototi nl, Bondi Hayward Augustus, King at, AnielifTe Haynes Ches., 41 It. serve at, A imanda`e Brighton College for Girls, Fairtight Haynes Chas., Cardigan at, Camperth,wn Hayward Cherie ., J.P., Ocean at, Kogarala at, Manly Hayward Charles W., Warner's n y e, Polon Hayes . 1Villiams Mrs. Mary, 51 Wooleott at Haynes, Grosvenor at, Croydon Haynes Challis W., Dutruc at, Rand wick Hayward Daniel F., 30 Burton at, Glebe Baylor John, Clintelos at, St. Leopards Hayward Mrs. E., lieeeroft rd, ihsteroft Haynes E., Gregory it, Enfield Ilityltos Stephen, 86 Palmer at Heyward 14 I win, 21 St. A t.d news at 13'11111111 Hayllow Alfred, mgr. Frankfurt Sausage Ilayliet E., 110 Wellington at, Waterloo IlayWat 1 1 Mrs. Butane, Barley rd Itandwiek Haynes K. J..17 Smith at, Marriekville Cit, Ltd. 27-31 Pitt at ; p.r Dudleyit,DobroydePointestate Ifitylms Edward, 20 Lennox at, Newtown Hayward Miss Ella, 143 Victoria at II .yward Ernest, Riley st,, Kogandi lisynes Ernest, High at, Pyinble If sherfleld Hayward F., Henrietta it, Waverley Haynes Ernest A.. Edward Fe, Bondi Hayllow S..I., Washington at, Bexley Hut. ward Frank, 12 Arthur at, Paddington. Ha) how Thomas, 37 Raglan it, Waterloo Hay ties Mrs. Ethel, 000 Iwin rd. Ityllo Haynes Fredk., 4.5 Kurrabit nl, Neut. Bay Hayward G. M., 17 Smith at, Slimmer 11111 Daytime W., Military rd. Alostnan Bayhow W. .1., Gordon st, Brighton-les Haynes George, 291 Yonng at, Annandale Hayward (1. G., Carling( rd rti, 01101100rd. Haynes Hiss IL. 53 Padding' on at, Pa.rtint Hayward George, Chelmsford tee, B'town Sands Kt) hunt Step' en, Cooper at, Its nil wick Haynes Henry, Li %Triomf rd, Bankstown Hayward George, Elawlek at, ',Mahlon-tit II lward George $2 Verna at, Waverley Haynes Henry, Sheehy at, Glebe I laylint David, 31a rtin at, St. Leonards Ilaytt aril Harry, Wonlora rd, Illakehurst Ilnylait Harry 66 Oxford at, Paddington Hay nes Herbert .1 , Wellington at, Bondi Hayward Harry, Pennant at, Parraniatta Ilitylen Mark, Portvlew rd, St. Leonards Haynes J. w.. 125 Arthur at, N. Sydney Hay% aril Henry, 18 Cooper 1, Alarrickvillelayleit Thos., 120 Alexander at, N. Sydney Hay nes James, Botany at, It milwick Haynes James Editibuirgh rd, Willoughby Ilaywanl Henry, 31 Roberts at, Newtown Ilayler William, 3 Emily at, Rozelle Haynes Mrs, Jane M., 37 Watson st, Witv•ly Hayward Henry, 45 Cooper at, Waterloo Hey les A Mort, 21 Farr at, 31arriokville Hayward Henry F., 57 Kent at, Newtown Hayles Mrs. Amy 55 Broadway Glebe Ho( mIca Jesse. Chalmers rd, iloniebush Ilayles Miss 14. 6Elizabeth at,N. Syll. Haynes John, journalist, 232 Castle eagh Hayward Horatio 56 Morehea I at, It-lent Hayward .1. S., .15' Harbor at, Alosmati at Hayley Mrs. 14. W. S., Angelo at, Harwood Hayward James W., 78 Miller at, North. Ifitynes John, It verpthd nil, Bankstown Hay ley Nigel, 11 Bland at, Ash Itotul Sydney Haynes John, It Hubert at, Leichli Hay ley Percy, Angelo at. Durwood Haynes John, °Aloha,"519Alfredat, Ilaywaid Jetties W Bancroft are, 11 OsoHayllar Henry, 43 Union st, Newtown vale North Sydney Hay Ilar Thomas J., Broadway Punchbowl Hayward Joseph, Wommona par, teal( y Haylock Busick C., SpolTorth at. Neat Bay 11aynes John A , 7 Ilayview ter Hay ward Mrs. It. 31 1,11W,1111 at, Pairton Ility p ei Jolla A., William at, Leichhardt Hay loek Charles, Warms)] at, Bexley ' James at, Fannon! Ilaylock (leo., 212 Alfred at, N. Sydney II ity initc•sk,11411; en A., 189 Li vin gstoll e oh , Ma n- Hayward It: hart, 17 Hay ward Mrs. S., 33 Booth st, AnnandaleII.ty man Airs. C., Christie at, St. Lemon+ -WE OWN THE EQUIPAGES AND HORSES OF MOST DEPARTED GOVERNORS VISIT ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM 1340Hay ALPHABETICAL. Hea Hazelwood Nurse, Rangers' rd, Neut. Bay Healey Mrs. 11,49 Station at, Newtown Healey Harold, J.P., 22 Roslyn St Hazelwood Stephen, Statiou rd, Auburn Ilealey Harold, 136 Elswiek at, L'hardt Hazelwood 1W., ,L, William ct, Mascot Hazleton 51rs. IL, 111 Canrolan st,Islosinan Healey Hein.y, 11 Cooper at, Double Buy Healey Ilrs. J., 390 Illawarra rd. Irvine Ilazlett Charles, ['ark rd, Five Dock: Healey .1. '1'., 89 McDonald at, E'ville Hazlett I lenry, 33 Ormond st,Aslitield Hazlett Mrs. Thomas, Allison rd. Itatalwick Henley James, 90 May at, St. Peters Hazlawooll Bros., nursery, Carlingford rd, Healey James, Spring at, Willoughby Nutley John, Maintalen st, A bbotsfonl Epping Healey John, 7 Fleet at, S nu,,, r Hill IlazIewood Charles, Mary at, Auburn HazIewocal D. (Chapman 111141 IlazIewood) Healey .Toseph, C. Ilitis to. , Alexandria real estate and financial agent, Cul- Healey Joseph, 119 Albion at, Annandale walla Chambers. 67 Castlereagh at Healey Joseph II., John st, Ne■vtown ' Devon Lodge," lailingford rd, Healey .1. orpli IL, 7 King st, St. Peters Healey L., Brighton 11VO, Brighton-leEpping HazIewood 11 , Fro source at, Mascot Sa . ■Is. Ifealey Mrs. Si., 59 Henderson rd, Hazelwood Hart•y, Ray's rd, Epping Ifealey Mrs. 11.,46 llolm wood at, Newtown Haziewood .Tatites, Linden at, 3litscot Ilazlewood S., 17 IIohnwood at, Newtown Healey Mrs. IL, Ohl Prospect rd, Wei 'vile Ilitzlewood William, Dart brt auk rd. Alamo' Healey 11. W. II., Canterbury i •tl, C'hary liazlitt G., ILA„ The King's School, Vil- Healey Mat•tio, Ruhey at, Mascot liers at, Pion:aloha ; p.r. Albert at, Healey Mary G., rectress St. Viticent's Hospital, Victoria st Stratlitield Hazzard C..Nortliumber'and rd, Aullin.n Ilealey Mato he, Union at, Campsic Healey Mrs. Ilay, 206 Brird, Gide Hazzard George, Darthrook rd, Auburn Healey Michael, 1 Ivy lane, Redfern Hazzard George, Queen at, Auburn H. aley Patrick, 1 hearty at, Glebe Hazzard L., Tramway at, Massot Healey Richard 17 Isis St, Paildingt. n Head Albert, Beatiford st, Enfield Healey Robert, lu Bunten place Head Al(rout, Cheltenham rd. Barwool Head Alfred .1., box factory, Cowper at, Healey 1It s. Rose, 2 Maddison . st, Reeler»: Healey Samuel, 1.1 .1mont at, Alexa11417ill Ma rriekville Healey '1'. F., Crentot .ne rd, Cremornr Head Arthur, Lambeth at, East Hills Head Etta:mid F., 6 Hough at,, Wilverley Healey Thomas, Illa Dalgety terrace Haywood Richard, Color st, Petersham Head Edward A. 6 Ormond at, Paddington liettley 'I'llomas, Terry at., Botany Heoley Thomas, 83 IleDonahl at, E'v:lle laywood Mrs. Saint!, 7 Ivy s . Redfern Ilead Miss Elizabeth, 168 liotn•ke at Healey Thomas, '25 Union at, Newtown Ilay wood G.. Ili) Lawson at, Pa i't0/1 Head Mrs. Ellen, 1 Stanley at, Redfern Haywood Thomas, 661 Boni ke at Head F. P., d ntal sure., 145 Elizabeth at Healey W., 43 Marlborough st, Druni'ytte Ilitywood Tho 171S, Wetherill at, Croydon Bead Frank P., Woronora River, C01110 Healey W. 0., 16 Spring at Ilaya.00d Walter, 59 31 dakoil at, Mor•yine Head Mrs. G., 216 Wardell rd, Dd. Hill HealeyWOrItt1111 St, C4 rauvire Healey 11'illiam, 169 Petersham rd, :Vain° Haywood Walter, 7 Rowe cut, Woollithra Head George, 35 Briggs at, Camperdown Hazard Hugh, 23 Wanda at, 1110S1111111 Head George, Lakendet at, Canterb try Healey William J., et Py rano» Whig( rd Hazel Mrs. 11., Pitt at, Itoakditle Head (4. urge T., 38 Holden at, Aslitie'd Healey William IL, b Kingston rd, Cdowit Hazel Harry IL, Jim., Clevedon at, Botany Head If. W., Alt at, WaVerley Healing A. G. & Co. l'i•opty., Ltd., elec. troplaters' supplies, Parker at Hazel Hector, lie Eveleigh at, Itolfern Head Harry, 92 Ku pis st , Re Hera Healing C., 29 Emmett at, North Syrady Hazel John, 16 Palace at, Ashfleld Head Herbert, Brand at, Croydon Ilealth Chamber Co., 117 13atlitirst Hazel Mrs. Lucy, Gale at, Mortlake Head .1. 11.. manager National IlitiattfacHazel Mrs. S., Elizabeth at, Granville taring (lo., Blitirgowrie et, Petersham Health Society of N.S.W., 32 Elizabeth st . littzelbusti Robert. Bridge rd, Staunton) Wad E.,1 Frannount at, Petersham Healtheries Manufacturing Co., 153 Kent st Hitzeldean Ilra. C., 72 Paddington at, Head John, 911 Duke at Plubilugton Head John, 90 Walker at, Redfern HEALY CLAUDE AND CO., Agents for Palieres Phosphatilit. Fool 2.1 tol Hitzeldine Ifem•y, licresford at Mascot Iktti John W., Sc) Beach at, Dulwich 11111 Lochrin, Ladies' Costumes, Ilazelich Mrs., Seaview at, Rand wick ilistd Mrs. N. A., Victoria at, Granville etc., 10 Barrack at Ilazell Brit..., blacksmiths, 6 Eveleigh at. Head Nichol is, 2 Catherine at, L'Intrdt Itedfon ; and 128 Wyndham at, Alex- Head S J., Edward at, Pymble andria Head Thoinua D..61 liclgra vs at. Neut. Bay Healey A lexander, Queens rd, It urat HealySIrs. C., Cambridge rd, A t•tarloon Mazell's Photo Plays, Rawson place Head W. IL, 2 Marriott at, Redfern Healy ClItIleri/le, 1111r8S, pnivutt 11Orpit111, Hazel/ A. T., 131 1Wytalliam at, Alexandria lead William J., Wellington at. Bondi ii enriettit at, Waverley. Hazen Alfred, 65 Palmer at, B Ilford!' Head William N., Forest rd, Bexley Healy 5Irs. O., Lenra rd, Woollahra Hazen 13enj., 66 Falcon at, North Sydney Headding H. H„ 115-117 Riley at Hazen Mrs. I'. A., SI illett. at, Dalmorron leaden 11 C., 210 Norton st, Lelehhardt Healy C. IL, 7:1 Glover st, 111041111111 Healy (A - node, "Ostei • ley," Darling Poi»t Hazen Goalie hi., 53 Edward at, Redfern head forti 1'. J., Ametia at, 3laseot Healy E..1., 134 Norton it, L ichliardt Hazen 3Irs. 31„ 4 Edward at, Redfern lead torch Hem.y, Amelia at, Mascot Healy Mrs. Elizabeth, King at, Ilaseot Ilazehnore Miss II., 38 Weston rtl, Rozelle !Notion' W. S , :15 A bbott at, N. Sydney Healy b'noleis, 242 :Military. rd, Iloamati 3.1azdt hie C., 171 /forehead et, Redfern ifeadlitin Arthur. Harley rd, nand wick Hazeltine Henry, 12 Hats:hen at, Balinitin Headley Arthur 11„ 4 Egan et, Newtown Healy he y. J., S.J., professor St.. Ignatius t'ollege, liivervluuv, Lane Co vu Hazelton and Donovan, auctioneers, etr., Tendon Richard, 35a Gloucester at Quay at featly Iliss S., 86 Gordon at-, Paddington Healy J. II., Queen Victoria at, \West Kogarali Hitzelton John, 12 William at, Leichbardt leady 'rhos. E., 112 Carrington rd, Wavy Ilinzeltoil John, Meehan at. Sherwood licitly James, 8 Raper at Heagney Edward. 14 'Pam at, Irvine. Ilazelton L., Tilden' (tee, Carlingford •alas MN. 'M. A , Victoria rut, Itydalmere llealy John„:19 Cornwallis at, Rolfon lealy Mrs. If., 97 Bathurst at Hazelton Mrs. Lily, (low at,, 11 tat 11111s Heald Mrs. E.. Knight at, Arneliffe Healy II., l'rittces at, Brighton- le Sands Jliuzeltani Sirs. If., 12 William at, L' huarult leald F. J., 1.11efereliffe rd, Underclf ire llazelton S., Cameron eve, Art lotion fettle Engem., 19 Ratliven at, Rand wick Ifeady Mrs. Mary, Bunnerong rd, Botany Irlitzelton W., Roseville a ye., Itos, vin,, fealey Ittra. A., 4 Ilona rd, Darling Point Ilealy ill re. Ility, 55 Good Ilopr St, l'1141%011 linzel wood A. E... Bencolallehl at A 'dila Healey Alfred C., William si, Granville Healy Patri .k. 43 Curtis at, Balm tin 31azelwooll Chas., Carnarvon at, Abburn it .aley Mrs. IL, 2117 Nelson at, Annandale Healy Pierce P., 65 Taylor et, A mutialide Hazelwood Mrs. hi., Sandridge at, Bondi Healy ltutli, 177 I:ago:110'e rd, Woollahra Healey Miss 0., Mills at, Cat•Itoti :Hardwood Mrs. E„ :quirk at, If miter's 11111 Healey Charles, 32 Elizabeth place, Pairton Healy S. 1V., William at, Manly Ilitzelwoo 1 F., Petersham ril, Mneville Shealy T., 129 Livingstone Id, alarrick vine Healey Edward F., Ethel to, Carlton Healy Thomas, stationer, 502 Wattle at Haulm) d Fred U., II Nortou at, Ashril Healey F. A., 27 Stuart at, Manly Hazelwood II. 1 , Carrington st Bexley Healey Mrs. Florence, 28 Lord at, N'town Healy William, 208 Annandale at, A n'dale Ilazelwool Joh», public school, 0.S.11. Healey George, 6 Hart at 141111'8 Essence Proprieta. y—George W. Waticluse Healey George, Murray rd, Beecroft Heim, proprietor ; A t•thur J. Bean, Hazelwood Leslie, Gardener's iii, Mascot Healey Mrs. II., 4 Wentworth rd, Durwood manager, 178 Castlereagh at Hayward Mr). S. 16 Taylor at, Annandale Hayward S. .1., 1.P., 'Trowbridge," Flood st, Bondi.'I'd. 413 ll'a valley :Hayward T., shop and office fitter, 443 Ox foil st, Paddington Hayward T ,bo Stets art at, Paddington Hayward Thomas, Darling it, Kensington Hay• ward Mrs., Thomas, George st. L' pool Hayward Thomas, 14 Gordon at, MOS1111111 }fay word ,Thounts, 443 Oxford at, Parrton Hayward w., Delmore d, Rand wick Hay . ward W.. Birrell at, Waverley liitY1111rd W., 59 John at, Waterloo Ifity.torn1 W. A., 31 Good llopo at, Moron Hayward W. '1'.i02 Francis at, Letehhardt Hayward William, 5 Jones at Hayward William, 130 Botany at, Wat'100 Haywart Frank, 12 Arthur st, l'addington Maywood and Mon tan (Misses), refreshtuiuit rooms, Severn at. Ilitroubra Bay 'Haywood Archibald, 442 Jones at Haywood A thur, Parramatta rd. 1Pbush Haywood Mrs. E., 106 lligh at, N. Sydney Hay wool Edgar W., 48 II ilitary rd, Mos. man Haywood Ernest, 45 Mount at Haywood Frederick, tun View at, Aterhile Haywood Frederick, River rd, East Hills llitywoodb3 Aliercrombie at, Redfern Ilitywood.loin i, 35 Grosvenor at, :Haywood Miss, Frederick at, ltandwick Ilay-wool Noonan IL, Newington rd, WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS, SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION THE. HOME OF ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES, Hea ALPHABETICAL. Hea1341 Henn Arthur E.. tibrr, Ilean's Essence Hearse D., 76 Queen at, Woollahra leatlicote Miss A., 'I'ryott rd, Lindfield l'ropty. 178 Castlereagh at ; it.r., 108 Ileaslop Albert36 Womerati ave bratlicote at, Granville Ottrabella at, North Sydaey 11C1191111111 Theo., Green at, liogarith I ailicote G. N., Ot•ara at, Wititara lieriti Frederick .1., 32 Elizabeth at Heasumn '1'hontas J., Edgar at, A abort' leathcote George, 3 Raglan St, Waterloo Bean George W.. manufacturing chemist, Heasinaii 1V. N., Nort litunberland rd, leatheote J., Conatittii nl, Petershant 178 Castlereagh at Auburn lentlicote Iliss IL, milliner, 16 Sydney Ilea]) George 11'., propr. Ilean's Essence Heat Henry, 132 Jame, at, Leichliardt arcade Proprietary, 178 Castlerea g h at ; p.r. Heat Herbert C., Duke -t, It'ensington leatlicot Richard, 13 Randle lit, NOWtOWIl 101 Carabelln at, North Sydney heat IV hlhIuuu,m II., 24 \Whiting at. L'Ininit leather Alfred, IS Don at, Newtown . Heane and Itattray, C 0 11fectioners, 255 Heath A. E. A Parshill, accountanta, 375 leather Gearge, \Wellington at, Bondi IfarrIckville rd, II ,urniulc vii Ie teorge leather George, Dom st, Enfield Heaney Falward, 39 Yule at, Petersham Heath a. Sc,,,, metal workers, Common. leather George, Water at, Enfield Walley George, 112 Ferris at, Annandale wealth at leather .1., 50 Great Buckingham at, Heaney Patrick, 24 Henr y at, Lewisham Heath '1'. 11'. re Co., Ltd., manufacturers Redfern Heaney Mrs. S. A., 443 'Wattle at ii.tent-, 204 (Jaren re at leather 1'. S., Cowan rd, St. Ives Heap Charles It., :3out4ern Cross hotel, 'Heath Alsert, Coiretice rd, Rockdale leather Sythieyrd, !tog/trait Devonshire at !Heath Albert E., Herbert at- , Rockdale leather William J., Frauds st, Carlton Heap E. A., l'arkes st, Ilyde 'Heath Alexander, Sydney Spurts Ground, leatherley .1., envrover, 173 Pitt at• }leap Emma E., /10 ilioll Point hotel, 199 Moore Park leatlitield Private Hospital—Ills:4 Maud N.S.II, rd, l'addington Heath Alfred, 31 Voung at, Annandale Moab:tin, 8 \Wood's a ye, Woollahrit Heap Frad y lel:. Ilowbray rd, W. C'wood Alice, 11'aLens cut, A rne.iffe leathley Mrs. L.. Lawrence at, Alexandria Heap Fredk. W. C., Spofford! at„ Neut. II. Heath A nareve. 65 Sutherland at, Morton le:Allman G., 65 Reynolds at, Balmain }leap John, Sharp at, Canterbury Ileath IIrs. Bella, 345 Crown at feathwood Joseph, Qat en rut, Five Dock Heap Mrs, John. 72 Church at, St. Peters Heath Benjamin, Lacey st, liogarith leathwood Thoma-, 3 IGIen at, Rozelle Heap Robert, Clevetton rd, Hurst vine Ileath Sirs. C., IS Shot tat, Fores:, Lodge lenthwood ll'illiarn, 99 Albion st Heap Samuel, it Sturt at Heath C. ■N. t er at ' Wirou 'thy butler Arthur, West at, Iturstville Heap Thomas, 160 Church st, St. l'eters I teath (1, J., 13)) l'ark at, A•litield leatley (br. gory, G trden sr, Belmore Heap William, 103 Church at, St. Peters I leath C. S., Jarrert at. ladelthardt lentley James, 123 Ilarriott at, Redfern Ilea/thy T., 46 Thorne at, .Prablington Heath Charles, 471 arlton (Writ:cat, Sum. featley John, 'rressider are. liaberlield Ileaphy Martin, 149 Lord at NewtrIwii Hill loam' Brothers, grain and produce merMrs. A. 'W., Dine at, Rand wick Heath O., 85 Marion at, Emotive chants, 118-120 Stis,)ex at Heaps Chris. K., Dine at, Rand wick Heath Daniel, 75 Cabrani ALL rd, Mosman loam' A., 175 Henderson nil Alexandria Heaps Mrs. Jane, Broadford at, Bexley Heath Airs. 11., 90 Reynolds at, Batumi!' ISIlt011 A. A., Verona 1:1111141 4 , 004110 Heaps John. 29 Grose at, Campertiown /feat!' Mrs. 11 , 30 Hargrave at, Parrton lenton Albert. 59 Marshall at lleaps Mu s. Lydia, 140 Alice at, Newtown Heath 11..1., 3 Milner at, 11101111111 Icat on A lbert 11„ 7 Fairy Bower rd 71cops Iiichani, 79 Shepherd at !feat h 1'., 20 William at, St. Peters Ilanly Heaps Mrs G., Macaulay at, Leichliardt Heath Iliss I'. C., 43 Phillip at loam' Sirs. Al cu, 12 Elliott it, Baltnain Heapv Frolk..I.. 3a Glebe at, Pati'trat Ileath (I., 3 Srring at lea ton Charles. 197 Viii hit,, at :Heaps George, 3 Glebe at, Paddington Heath George, Hargrave at, Auburn leapt!' E. E.Weolland at, Balgowlalt Ilea oy John. 36 Cromwell at, he elilordt Heath George, The Parade, Eptield featon III' ward, Woodland at-, Iiilgowlith Ileapy Joseph A., Oren at, A alifield Heath George, 'Wootistoek at, Guildford Seaton Ed ward, 45 Lawson strWaverley Warty Samuel, 264 Catherine at, L'hardt Heath Geo. 1V., 176 Graf ton at, Woollahra eaton Ernest, 118 Lord at, Newtown Ileapy Sydney, 23 Malakoff at, Ill'ville Heath Harold l'., 28 (Mates at, Newtown eaton P.,,41 Shepherd at, Darlington Ileapy William. 27 Herbert at, Murton Heath Henry A., Statirm at, Carlton (cabin Franck W., postmaster, Italgowlah Bean! Mrs. A. E., Twin rd, North ItAde !loath Henry ('., 0.S.H. rd, 15 moll:dint Post Unice, Sydney rtl, Manly Gear,/ ("parks. 2. (yiterni at, Woollahrit Heath James, Francis at, Lide.att be learnt George, 40 1,111111/St, Lele111111rdt Heard F. W., Church at, Ityde Heath James, Armstrong st, N. Sydney lellr011 GeOrp!, COltillgW004171t, Manly Heard Frank, builder, Devlin at, Hyde Heath James, Gap at. Vanchise leaton George S., Daintrey at, Manly Ileard Henry .1„ Fletcher at. Bondi Heath -lames, Nermgau are, 1Wahrounga leaton Henry, 322 Iltilwarra rd I lea, d J111114'44, 11011441611 Beath John, Albert eras , Croy ,10111 leattoi Henry A., 5 Chitties at, Ilititly Ward John, 9 line place Beath John, 113 110( .1110rd at, Erskineville leaton Iforace. 42 St. James rd, Rniewick liotrd Phillip F„.1.1' ,3i S3ctuev rd, Manly Heath John, 23 Hampden at, North Sydney leaton J. It., A km111,1111. par, Rockdale Heard William, Francis at, 1.1demithe Heath Joseph, Sorry 1/ilis botrl, 320 Robin .I. W., Ainsworth at, 1.eichhardt Meares Thount, Loftus st,11111 Crow» at, Icahn! James, OS Ryan st, LeIchharilt Hea le F. A , The Crescent Annandale Heath Joseph, Lacey at, Kogarith Heaton James, Matilda . y at, Sherwood Beattie Francis, bootniakei, 145 William at Heath Joshua, isonplete house I untialter, Heaton James IL, Woodland at, Balgowlall Hearn A. E.,Great North rd, Ahi) ford 549-551 George at Heaton John, Carroll at. Kogarali Hearn Albert, 33 . 1 Miller at, N. Sydney Heath Joshua, MS. If. rd, l'aucluse Ifeaton Patrick .1., 1 QIIPC11 St, Petersham hI eatn Lloyd, Church at west, CI oydon Hearn Mrs. 11., Gitoliner's rd, Ilascot Heaton Richard J., l'riddle at, Westmont Me, nil Iieorge, Alfred at, Ilits•ot Heath N., secrebtry University Club, 15 Heaton Robert, 6 Park a ye, N. Sydney limn) Henry, Inverness a ye, l'enshorat Castlereagh at Heaton Bobert, l'enshurst at, lrillonghby Hearn Jolla, Frogniore at, Mascot tenth Not man, 45 Elizabeth Bay rd Ilea bun II a1 ert G., 5 linglma at Hearn John. 67 Young at, Redfern Heath P., nesistant manager her Austra- Heaton S. 11:„ Grove at, litstwootl Hearn john F., 67 Balinalii rd, Leichhardt lasia, Liverpool and Lon . 0111111d tii01/6 Ileatcat Samuel, Sydney rd, Sherwood Hearn Maurice, Norval at, Anita. n 111S1111111CC CO. Ltd., 62 Pitt at Heaton Ifrs„ Sarah, Judge at, Raw/wick Heart, Richard, Margate at, Botany heath P., Harrison st, Neut. Bay He tton Thomas, Kingston rd, 0 down Hearn Samuel, Morrison rd. Ityde Heat l'eter, 4 Newland at, Wavelley Heaton Thomas, Brighton at; Neutral Bay 11earn Walter l'., Hooper at, itandwick Heath 1'111111p II., Bass rd, Cauterbory Heaton Thomas It., 18 Don at, Newtown Ifearliden Fredk., ;Incitation at WilverleY Heath R. J., 2 Bodge at, Erakinewille Heaton Valentine, .1.1'., Allison rd, It' wick Ilearialen Mrs. L., 15 L11'1911111 at, Wity'ley Heath Richard, 2 Short st, Lewisham Heaton W., junr. \Woodland at, lialgowlah Wane W. G. and Co, Ltd., Hearne's Bron- Heath Itichard, 21 Newman al, Newtown Heaton William, 7 Harmer at chitis Cure, 522 George at Heath Robert, Fat/el.'s rd, Crattswood Heaton William, Sea View, Manly }learnt! M1.s A., 83 l'ictorla cut !heath Sidney W., 71 James at, Leichhardt Hotvens Henry, Heade si, Rockdale _Hestia! Arthur 1%, Durham at, Carlton Heath Sydney, 32 llopetonn at, Newtown Heaven James, 225 St. John's rd, F. Lodge Hearne David, Berry at, Mascot Heath Thomas, Wellbank rd, Concord Heaver Arthur, Western rd, Ilay'a 11111 HearneE., Jeffrey at. Canterbury Heath Thomas, 87 Garin:shah st, Mostnan lfeavey Andrew, 5 Wells at, Annandale Ilearile F. .1., Eastern ave, Kensington Heath Thomas W., Boyle at, Ilosman. Ileavey Mrs. E., 66 Lamb at, Leichhardt Hearne George, Kenyon's nl, Holroyd Heath W., 212 1/enison st, 0111111,erdown Ileavey Gregory, 163 Ilorellead at, )(Tern Hearne /I., On•rington ii cc, Hurstaille Heathmanagi r Ilajor, Stevens and Heave' Mrs. H., Pen»ant at, l'amtniatta :Hearne James L., (March at, Lidcombe Coates, Ltd.. electric lifts, hoists, etc., Ileavey Mrs. Ilary, 350 Cleveland at Hearne Ilorris, Perry Ft, Cannatie ( 7 ha)lis House, SI utrtimi place Ilenzle A. II., 31 Waverley rd, RatalwIck Hearne IL, 19 West bourne at, Petersham ilea!)FairlIght at, Five Dock & Summers, refresh. rooms, 120 Hearne Mrs. S. J., 35 Rialto/1st, 51arrfekville Heath Walter, Eriningtun rd, linnington Ileazlett Walker at, North Sydney War/11101J. F., Morwick at, Strathfleld Iteathcot A. Arthur at, Granville IleazIewood Walter, 319 Ernest st,N, $yd, Ileatlicote Mts. A., J01'111111 St. Granville . OUR SELF-CONTAINED, WE MANUFACTURE AND REPAIR OUR VEHICLES ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE WORLD'S COMMODITIES. 1342Bob ALPHABETICAL. Hei Hegarty Michael, 28 Hopewell at, PreCtots C. 55 Ferndale st, Newtown Hebblewhite Mrs. C. J., Baltimore at, Hegarty Mrs. AL. 10 ; Hereford at, Glebe Holley C., :IX., 67 Muston at, Alosman Belmore Holley Charles, assistant cutittor Mts., Ilegarty Morgan, 9 Queen at, Ashtleld Hebblewhlte D., Stacey jst, Bankstown lIegarty Alias N., 33 Despointes st, 5rvilletralian Alusentn College at Hebblewhite K., Bellevue par, Ilurstrille Holley Charles, Glad s one a , , Leichhardt Hegarty Patrick, 26 Raper St. Newtoe n Hebblewhite F.. Cantor st, Canterbury Ilegarty Patrick, butcher, 218 Elizabeth at Hebblewhite John, Prince Edward at, Hedley John W., Mum ray at, Croydon Ilegaaty Miss IL. tescher singing, 752 Hollow Mrs. B., 49 Carlis7e at, L'hardt Long Bay George at. Hebblewhite W., Bellevw par, Hurstville Ifolwell Charles, 29 Lou-ss rd, Belmain Hegarty Tlismias J., 6 Cuthbert st,Wayley Hebden Mrs. A. J., Bay re, North Sydney Iledwig Paul, .1.1'.. bamboo furniture! Ilegarty William, Gardyne at, Waverley manufse., 247 Abercrombie at, Bolter/11 Hebden . Sidney P., 98 Meek a rd, Wm. 11., 76 I hirimbali rd, Mosmare Heber Mrs. Helm 181 Paddington st, Pad. I Iledworth Stanley, Balfour at, Chatswood I Hegarty Co., atictioneers, real F. S.: .T. Hebert° Cecil, 83 Nelson at, Autumn sale I lee 1. & Co.. grocers, 155 King st, N 'town Hegerty estate agents and valuators. adjoining lieberle Cecil. 55 Birchgrove rol, Bahnsin lice Lam 1 Lesithall st, Kensington Railway Statism, Rockdale. 'I'd. 40 Hebrew School—M. A. Cohen, B.A., head; Ileeley &mind, Campsie at, Canipsie i Heeley Mrs. J. 1., no Holt s ave, Slostnan Ilegerty J. F., J.1., attetioneer, house and master, 166 Castlereagh at Mtn REw STANDARD Office, 491 George at Iheels Henry, 26 National at, Rozelle land agent. asljoining railway statism, Heels T1101/111S, :3 National at, Rozelle Ilebn . n William, Scotts ay e, Mortda e Rockdale ; "Olive Bank,- FredHeels Thomas, 3 Huvidson at, Hal mum Hecht F. W., 54 Elizabeth st, Waterloo erick at, Rockslale Heeps H., laundry, 131 Kent at Hecht Herman, 39 Leichhardt st, Glebe 'lei/city M., Beaconsfield par., 1.111,111dd Heerch E., Richmond ave. Neut. Bay rd, moyne Heckenberg Casper, L yons He ring Peter F. (Copenhagen), Cherry Hegerty Michael, Walz at, Rockdale Heckenberg John. Duke at, Stnithrield E. P., 136 Marion at, Islisirdt arty brandy 111111 Cherry whisky, -Geelong . Hogg Heckenberg L., 74 Elliott at, Batman' Ileggarty H.. 102 Neville at, MarrickvilleHouse " 29 to 30 Clarence at Heckenberg It., 27 Bradfonl st, Heinlein 'leery l'eter, Elizabeth at west, Aslifiell lieggarty Mr. AL, 31 Hopetoun at, S'inore. Hectenberg IL, Bayswater at. Drnsoyne treggarty Patrick, Gordon rd, Chatswood Ileery Peter, 162 Bridge rsl, Glebe Ileekenher g T., 219 Albany rd, P sham Heesch SIN. E., 15 Trenton at, Balmain I Ileggen William, 14 Harris at, Itorelle Heckfor s It. G., Mary at, Lungueyille lieggerty U., 164 Darting at, Balunain , Ileesh F. U., Mary at. Longueville HeckleyIt, Mary at Ishicombe Ileggie C. J. W., Cecil ter., Alerrs lands lieesh Herman, 70 Wardell rsl, Mrville Heckley John It, Mary at, Lidcombe Reggie Charles S., 72 Church at, St. Peters I liefernan James, 25 Phillip at, Entnora Heckman W. A.,49 Cutout st,Newtown Heggie D. D. F., Matthew st, Punchbowl hector A. B., Greenwich iii, Lane Cove I Heifer S., 173 Liverpool rd, AsIstiels1 ; !tog gle Gregor, Ito cmiii at, Willoughby Ilefferington —, 90 Meek's rd Hector Edward, Willoughby id. Willsy haggle H srryGardener's rd, Ken'ton Ilefferman D. F , 7 James at, Manly Hector Robert .1., Green at, Kogarah Beggie It. 11., 127 Bahia& nl. Leiellhardt Hedberg Alex., 42 Victoria at, Lewisham .11effernian Geor ge, 2 Fitzroy at I }leg& Ward, Waltham at, Gore Hill Hedberg Alex. 51 Victoria st, Lewisham Ileffernum Joseph, 14 Pearl at ' Hegman Otto, 33 Barnsby Grove. Dtil, Hill Herldle Ho: ert, 77 Whistler at, Manly Ilsffermatt MrS 153 Victoria at Hog wail 11., 314 Minnow nil, .1' \ ille Helen B. W. G., 20 Mitchell at, N. Sydney Hefts num Mrs. A.. 43 Ainenulay ni,Slitore Helier 1V. D., Catstletteld st, Bonsli Ileffentan Muds., 5 Albert at, LlinnIt Bilden Mil. Eliza, 81 West at, N. Sydney .11ehir Denis C. 9 Albion at. Annatislale ',Ledo' George, 27 Mitchell at, N. Sydney 'Heffernan Daniel, 111ford at, Waterloo Ifehir James. Valconer at, Hyde Sydney South ! Heffernan Denis, 434 Jones at Heden James, 278 Miller at, Hellir John, 118 1.11W9.011 at, Paddington Hedge Ed we rd J.,15 Entsska at, N. Sydney Heffernan Ed., 20 Edward at, ilehir Stephen, Long at, Strattsliels1 ' Heffernan Mrs. Ethel, 159 Bourke st Hedge George. 1 Euroka at. N Sydney Heiden von N. & Co., piano !nannies!' urers, . Heffernan Miss F., Orion st, Cremorne Hedge G• orge, Statmn at, Tem, e I Little I Deford at Hedge Harold, Nicholson at, S e. Leonards j Heffernan G., a Cheltenham at, Rozelle .11eislenreich C., 2 Tivoli at, Paddington Hedge Horn e, 4 Anerum at, N. Sydney ;Heffernan Mis. II., Itobey at, Mascot Heidenreich 0. F., 73 Elizabeth at, PasPton Heffernan James, 347 Botany rd, Botany Hedge Joseph, Nicholson at, N. S.t Ilacy ; Heidenreich 17 Elsie)* at, Waverley Hedge W., sea. Sydney Dinghy Chits, 305 ' Heffernan Mss. Jat• e, 31 Prospect at Heffernan John, 9 Chapel at, Leielitiardt Heidenreich L hi., Botany rd. Mascot Pitt st Cluirles (Reims, France), chainHedgecock J. H., 244 Trafalgar at, An'slale Heffernan John J., 1 Short sr, Waverley .11eldseick !louse," 21; to .3) Hedger A. IL, 011.1erthorpe a ye, It' wick Heffernan L., jun., 61 Elizabeth at, Wagon .pagne, "Geeiong at Hedger Airs. Edith, Queenseliffe, Manly 111effernan Luke. semi., Til ford at, Waterloo 1Clarence Millet st, B ihnorton W., HeIghluigton Hedger Ernest T., Farr at, Marrlekv tile s 11e.ffernatt Airs. H , 304 Riley at Hedger F. 0., nemager Australian Budd- j Helfer an Alurray, manager The Sutton :Heighton W , Rawson 'l ye, \Vest Koglt ing Co., 10 Ca•tlereagh at ausl Parra- 1Electroplate CO Ltd. 49-51 Shepherd , at. Sydne y ; p.r., "Durham Court," =Ma rd, Haberfleld Glebe Point rd, Webs Point. Tele- NEIGH WAY & HIGGS Hedger F. U., Halt ;itch' rd, Haberlield ExpertPropertySa'estnen. ph Ise 311189 Hedger Fredk., 18 Thorby a ye, Leichliarslt Hercules am, AsIttielst.P11011C 317 A. Hedger Henry, Spofforth at, Neut. Bay •Heffernan M., Ocean at, Woollithra Valuators and Estate Agents. Heffernan Alichael, 3 Mead st, Waterloo Hedger Randal, 9 Morehead at, Redfern Special Agents The Liverpool & Hedger Thomas, 36 John Young's cres, , Heffernan P., Elizabeth at, Waterloo London & Globe Fire Insur..nce Hedger Thomas II., 53 Cgtunsodeue at, I Heffernan It. C., Lord at, Roseville Co., Ltd. ; and at Bums oil id, ' Heerlen' It. F., Brueswick par, Ashfleld Newtown Mime's'. Tel. 149 Ilttrwood (Sot Hedger Wallace, Margate at, SIMS S011et Heffernan Rev. Richard IC. of K.), Hardly Aslvt. Real Estate Agents' sections. at, Aslifield , Hedger William, 45 Frrineis at Holgs rs Mrs. Annie, 13 Sydney at, Manly Heffernan W., Dowling at, Au whine Hedges Bros., prop's. Castle Skating Rink, j Heffernan Wm.. 212 Isiverpool at, Ashfield . Heigh way Charles. Clarence rd, IL-AA/lake Hellion Itolert, 292 Ed geware Ts], New own Hole way F. S., .1. P., 21 Hercules at, A 'field Liverpool rd, Ashfield Hedges Alfrud, plumber, 129 Liverpool rd, I Ilefren A. .1. and Co., manufac.urIng IleiglIWay 1'1'11116S D., Oswell at, Bexley Ileighway Fr, slerick, .1.1'., 6 Ritug at, tailors, 82 Liverpool at Ashfield Ashflehl Hedges Lt., 51 Cambridge st,Stantnore I 'Wren Arch. J., 15 St George's cue, Heighway J. C. II , Wentworth at, P'shatu Hedges Charles, Lavender at, Five Dock !Drummoyno Ileighway William A., Wallace at, Burs it 1 Riley at Ilefren Mks Norali, 556 Hedges Charles 1711 wood Hedges Charles J., 2 Smith at, Sum. Hill filegarkY David, 52 Queen at, Aslifield 50 Christie at, Glebe I Ilegarty David, 16 llegarty at, Glebe Hedges Edwaud J., 110 Arthur at Ilegierty Denis, 42 s hues Point rd, N. Sys'. "fell George, 111 H tekenzie at, Wstverley Hedges F. V., Peat's Ferry nt, Hornsby Hedge4 Henry, 150 Hargraves st, Pasreon Illegarty :11183 G , 152 Beattie at, Balmain liens M.V. IL, Harcourt Estate, Canipsie •Ilegarty Henry, 194 Wardell id. Dulwich j Heine John & Son Istd., cligineera, menuHedges John, Melody at, Coogee • lecturers of meat and fruit preservingHedges John, 73 St. John's iii, Glebe Hill , Ilegstrty .7. F , iii mu., Railway at, Rockdale .appliances, presses, lles, &c.,George at, Holges John T., Station nl, Auburn ' ilegarty .1. J., 215 Underwood st,PaslIon 1Redfern, Tel. 125 Redfern Hedges John W., Point rd, Woolwielt illevarty dames, 7 Challis a ye, liarrickville ! Ileine Alfred, O'Connor at, Haberflels1 Hedges N., ltobi; son at, Willoughby Hedges Percy, patent and trade mark Helps ty James AI., 7 CT ibbes at, Newtown Heine John, Alt at, AsIttlels1 111eiue John, 13 Palace at, Petersham I ilegarty John, 78 } [actor,' at, Weise attorney, 2 Hunter at ; Heinisch C., Universal at, Allocot Hodges Robert, 7 01 lion at, Camperdown egarty John, Vaughan at, Ltdconibe ,Heinisch Carl, 19 Botany at, Waterlog Hedges Thomas, 39 I tverpool rd, Ashlield egarty Leslie, 59 Hereford at, Glebe Holland rh WOOD, COFFILL &COMPANY CM HEAD OFFICE; BULWARRA RIL IPYRMONT. 'PHONE 728 lc 1160 CENTRAL THE HOME OF ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS IOW PRICES. Hei ALPHABETICAL. • Hen1343 Ileinke 1V. T., St Dn io at. Naremburn I Hellyer Nornuali, Elswiek at, Leichhantt It., 211 Norton at, L'hardt Heinrich A.., baker, 184 Henderson rsl, Alex- I Hell-er Rotel, watchcase maker, SO Bath- Ilemmingway tiemptil Mrs. Alartha, Brand at, Croydon andria most St. Hemphill D. G., Rosemead at, lionemy Whirled! A., baker, t;2 Glebe l't. nl, Glebe Ilellyer Rolansl, l'erey st, Gladesvide Hemphill.). A., mercantile broker,2 Bond at. Heinrich A., Forest rd, Pealehurst liellyer Thomas, 30 Cleveland sive A., Tratelgar st, Limilield Heinr eh C'. Cl., We verley at, 1Varerley Hellyer Vincent, 24 Frampton e veoll'ville Hemphill .1. Jailies,6t Good liope a', l'ad'ton Heinrich Gustav II., Park rd, Engel-all Heller 11'., ‘Vestern cres., 0lasle4ville Ilemphili Airs. 51. A., Golden Grove at, :Heinrich Airs Mary, 9 D . nison at, hoed he Ifellyer \Villiani II., Lennox st, Rockdale Darlington Ilehi rich Otto 11 , High at, Carlton}lett]] Chas., 287 Ilenslet S011 l' 1, .1.1exandria Hemphill It. .1. A.C.P.A., accountant and Beinriels William, Victoria par, Fleming- Helm Francis, Starkey st, Ilmistone Park auditor, 82 Pitt at lout ' Helm II. 1%, manager Bank of 5.5.1%'. Ile epic Charles IL, 63 Liberty at, S'snore /klutz John II., Silver at, Itsuldwiek .(branch), 299 5.5.11. rd, Edgeelille I (em won's ounnerein 1 Protection AasociaHeintz Sirs Si., 86 Boutislar: st, PsuPton , Helm Hugh, 252 Henderson rd, :1'stria Om, 84 Elizabeth at :Heins Sirs. Mabel, 110 Hunter at ' Helm T11 0 11111S, 331 Annandale at, An lithe Hempsted C.rd, Kegs-irate Hellize et. Co., talons," inannfacturers,133 Heiman E. 1V. A., St. A int . s Ilill ni, Merry. Hempstead 'tlliarles, 6 Hubert at, L'hart Liverpool at Lulu's Hempstead Mrs. 51., 19 Charles at, 121i-snit lleinze Frederick, 28 Smith at, Itozelle . Wham] Jitinss 11., Mimosa tel, Bankstown !Newton John, Poishurst al. WillongIsby • !Heinle Mrs. Annie, 51 Mullett at, C down !realign's L., mgr. Government Savings HEIRON AND SMITH, LTD. /lapels -1 H.. 1 - 11111111v at,IlAjlic Bank [Brandi s, at Billiard Table, Mill, Cue a lid Appliance' • Het Inka 111 re. Catherin , 27 Alla at Hems John, 117 Marian st, Newtown Manufacturers, 214-216 Castlereagh st, Ilehnricli Airs. F., 4 Waimea n y e, W'altra lamsley A. AL, solicitor, Australasia chains —Telephone, City 4697. Het...oriels el. A., 76 Carlisle at, L'hard t bers, Martin place ; pt., 52 Mackay St lielsb rieli Mrs. J., Erie at, A rtanion lIemsley Claus., outfitter, ;13 Itrskine St Ileiron Walter, L i verpool I'd, Strathfleld Hell irich John, 16 Wells st, Rolfern HeinC sley harles, 18 Short at-, 11111111111111 Ileirout William .1., "Subilten," jAverpool Ilettlis AI iss E., 393 Alfred et, North Sydney IICI»SleV Ernest, Dora at, II itrstville rd, St ratlifiels1 Helms Mrs. S., 15 °spin et n at,slifield A Heinsley'1'., Cartki 111, Hose Iliss C., 29 Baysurater rd. Helps Charles, 13 Avenue ml, Glebe Heinsle, John, 3 le lambrislge at, Pad'ton HAl Nekinson .Tolin, Melrose at, Mascot elps rs. E., 210 'Weevil fie nil, IV nitrefienisley Walter. II iglu at, Willoughby 1Ielback George, Nes. s , ., Mascot • Helaby Thos. C., Wollongong ni, Arneliffe ilemsley William, Falconer at, Hyde Heiberg Airs. I.., 148 APville rd, vill Are Ilelsham Charles IL, 11,A.,J.P., secretary Ileussworth m Artir,Ma Drew at,y's Hill Ileitis' Charles, Belgrave se:. Afarrickville Sydney Hospital, Alacquarie at ; Ilentsworth Edward 88 Womenth sive 11.r., 16 Hain Udell S . . 'North SydneyIleinsworth Crank, V, C.slindosst, A slifield Heisler II. F., neconsitant. 109 l'itt at Helder II '1'.. Msry st, Lougneville Helson C., R awson st, Haberfield Ilemsworth Capt. G. E., Louisa rd, B'untin Bele Andrew, Itailivey par, Burwood Helmut George. 36 llarbor St. Hommel Ileinsworth John, Alms ttsford sr, 1C'en'ton Mete Andrew, The Parade, Enfield Hutson Jelliea. wine saloon, 10 Rowe at Ilemaworth N nr4e, La usslowne at, Lane Herbert, erbert, 11 Georg e at, Burwood !loa'mJamesn . Lilial, n mat vi lie Bele .1}11110S A., Daniel at, Granville lielstead Hidder, 141 Fill s er St, MIL 11111iletlitis7:ollin Co C., Mas• Arthur par, ITuluvieli Heley Miss F., 167 St a more rd, 1"sham Hely :Ind Hely, picturs . frame maker, 465Hill Hellawell .1. E., 15 Wolger rst, Slosmini Darling at, Balm sin fenby Albert, 2 Gilpin at, Uninperolown If ellback Anton, Alfred st, Alaseot lily Albers. E., Belmont at, Merrylands Hence George, 50 Lower Flipper st, W y llie • Ilely Alfred F., 21 Hol ten at, AshtleldHence Mrs. J. I., 117 Augustus au, LeichHell berg F. 1V., Osborne at, Penshurst liellberg John 0., dentist, Auburn rd Ilely I.:la-mil, 70 Glemnore rst, Pasislington hardt A libitum Hely &levant 74 Ulerimore rol, PasIslin g ton Hensler Mrs. Nary, Alinn. Rosa at, Enfield Heileman W. P. C.. Bury rsl, Guildford 1/1e13' 1 rallek C , 134 411101 1 11es al , 1111111111•111 I lesseersue W. G., Climate rd, Roseville }feller rank, Ney at, Mascot HelyF Frank C.. 109 [hurlin g at, Bal hails Henderson, Boulcon and Kirkham, motor lichen nun B., 29 Domslas at, StatnnoreIlely George IV., Buffo's' rsl, Hyde body builslers, 12-11-15 Queen st .ge W.. Itockland rd, Will. tidy Mrs. G., I le Milititry rd Moslem s lieliiet'o'rneGeret:;[t Ilemberrs Gustaf, 41 Eon at HENDERSON'S SWEETS (HenderHeiner James, 36 Inky at, WaverleyIlembleti Taoists's, Penshurst at, Will'glib son a S WCUI a, Iasi., Proprientry)— Hellier Mrs. Slitria. Desmond at, HolroydIlenittrough Fr, deriek AL, 2 Alilitary ni Alatinfacturing Confectioners, and Ileling.s Airs. Agnes, Macquarie St North Sydney Casnmlatiers, Barlow at, City. Tel. }lettings Mrs. Caroline, 3'2 AInekey at Hosiery C. J., inslentor, 2 . 5 Claretice at Csty 4J19 and 830 /lettings John II , nob/ n Ilool lute!, I Hewing Arthur, Gt. North rd, Abbotsford Leiehlistrolt at, Waverley Fleming Edwin, Gt. North! rd, Abbots"( ird Hen lerson & Iliekson, solicitors, Mutual liellings Samuel, Tolman HNC, lienaington lieming Edwin, Forest rd, Hurst ville Life intioling, Alartin place Itellings Sid, in charge Altinicipal Free Heeling F. T., 2 Ferdinand at, Ila Int tin Henderson ansl Jeffrey, milliners, 132 ilatli., Domain liming Francis, Brook at, Coogee Li veriest)! at }lettings Sydney, Be•minont s r, CampsieIleming John, Charles at. Abbotsford Ilenslerson John mid Co., tailors, 50-02 !lettings IV. 11,, in charge Municipal Honing W., 3 Itroadstairs at, Ihilinalit Welker at, North Sydney New Baths, Domain Heming IVilliam,St.,101111 at, Batman' I lenderson It. C., Ltd., muiiliiuuery 111111111 Helli well F., Ternuinns at, Liverpool Hemingway GM. S., W(0111 St, GIMICS1111C facture's, u 1-15 Randle at llelli well John,Kitting-gni-Chase rsl, ..eininanti 1.1., wine saloon, 103 George Ilendersin and Sous, I net merchants, 11 Turranitirra eat at West Forest ni, Hurstvide Mrs. Laura .1., !farrow rd, Bexley Hanalei's Charles II., 51 Pyrmont Bridge Henderson l'. W. Ltd, ironmongers, cycle .11ellnirich G. D., 107 I slith at, Leichhardt rd, Camperdown and inotor agents, 40-42 Park at Hellittrich G. 51., .Toubert at, Hun. 11111 Ilemniens F. D. IL, 10 National at, Isliardt, Henderson, and William., indent agents, Ilelltnrich Airs. John, 191sang at, Altssinan Hemmens .1., 244 Hoislerson rd, Alexandria 24 Clarence at Ilellturich Mrs. M., .Joubert at, Hutt. II ill Hemming 'I'. and Co., brokars, 82 Pitt at Henderson Mrs. r1., 172 Barcom are Hellyer A. C., 99 The Boulevard, Dul. Hill Hemming Alfred, SyrIney at, Ai'ville Henderson A., Trafalg er at, Annandale Hellyer A. E., proiserty, Alaster Hemming Fred k, 20 Swanson at, E' ville Henderson A., Alaciatiloy at, Leichhardt in Lunacy Office, Alacquarie at Hemming J., jinn, Great Nord' rd, A bbots• Henderson A., Ellinore at, Merrylands Hellyer A. E., Frogniore -at, Mascot font Henderson A., 182 Eds metre rd, N'town llellyer Airs. B., 21 Boyce oh, Glebe Hemming John M'., Bridge st, Drummoyne Henderson A., 23 McManus at, N, Sydney Ilellyer A lfrol, Croy slum a ve Croydon Park Hemming W. F., 38 Stallossl at, Stainnore Henderson Miss A., IS Ittley at, N. S dney liellyer Mrs. E. A., finicy cost•mulere, 554 Hemmings Mrs. A., Duncan st, Anieliffe Hendersm A., 207 Stninnore rsl, Petersham George at ; p.r., "Alignun,' Seaford), Hemmings Charles 0,25 Chippen at Henderson Miss A., 22 Tile Avenue, Still Aliddle Harbour /lemmings George, 35 Devonshire at, Henderson Mrs. A. B., Johnson at, LT'wood Hellyer Itt• nest. 8 Elswick at, PetershamNorth Solney Henderson A. J., 11 Napier at, Alstrrickville Hellyer 11..1., 51 A tinesley at, Leichliardt Hemmings Mrs..1., Station at, Naressiburn Hotierson A..L.,J.P.,poatinitster,360 Lune Bellyer H. S., 14valine at, Campsie Hemmings James, 52 Short at, Balmaln Cove rd. North Sydney llellyer Jane.s s, nig!! at, Sherwood erwood!leminM gsrs. .11., 15 Rochester at, Henderson A. 11., 231 Church at, l'iternatts. Itellyer Mrs. Lucy, Wharf rd, Gladesville Camperdown Henderson A. '1'., Spearman at, Cisatswood Ilellyer L. O., off Chisholm nl, Auburn Hm emings IV. hi., 156.1oh n nsto at, A isAlale Adam, Kissing Pt. rd, lielys. r Nortimin Bond at, Hurstville Hemmings Minium 94 Terry at, Rozelle Henderson Henderson Alex., \Void's live, Ilurstville OUR DEPOTS ARE REPLETE WITH THE MOST ELEOANT AND COSTLY VEHICLES IN AUSTRALIA ANTHONY HORDERNS' —THE POPULAR STORE. ANTHONY HORDERNV—THE PEOPLE'S MARKET. 13.44Hen Hen Hen ALPHABETICAL. Henderson J. P., Webber's rd, W. Kogarali Henderson It., 47 13elmore at, Rozelle Ilenderseei Alex„ Queens('liffe, Manly lennersoil R., Northeote st, Sans Soled Henderson A. J., 1 Dover st, Stun. 11111 Henderson .1. IL. proprietor Tire: MI tenon. Ilendersim It. D., Barton a ye, linnerrield Print. Works, Victoria iv, Chatswood Henderson Alex. B., Chandos at. Aslitield It. E., 14 Gleninore nil, Padlon Henderson Andrew, 65 Spit Id, Mostnan Henderson 3.S., Lane Cove rel, N. Sydney Henderson Henderson It. P. G., 44 Missetelett rd, Henderson Arch., 176 Catherine at, L'Ilardt Henderson .1. Wilson, dentist, 81 ElizaCamperdowil beth at ; p.r., 3 Canrobert st, hiosman Henderson Arthur, Kelsey at, Arne title II., master public school, Henderson James, J.P..G en. Manager, City Henderson It.rd, Henderson Arthur, Good at. Ii rut Strathfleld Liverpool Bank of Sydney ; head office, 166 Pitt Henderson B., 82 Catherine at, L'hardt Henderson It. N., solicitor. Mutual Life at; p.r., St. George's errs., Drummoyne Henderson Miss 0„ Mewl°long rd. Mostred Building, Martin place; p.r., Hill at, Henderson Capt. C. F. (R.N.), 59 Ellzabeti Henderson Jas., bookbinder, and paper Halsey ille ruler, 36-33 Clarence at; p.r. 53 Edward Bay rd Henderson IL W., Barney at, Drummoytes at, N. Sydney Henderson C. W., Wigram at. Innate Henderson Richard, insrector uf schools, Henderson James, 5 Cromwell at, AMeld Henderson Charles, 159 Reser voir at Louisa nl, Balinain Henderson James, 60 Elizabeth at west, Henderson Charles, High at. Kogarali Henderson Richard, 18 Merriman at fibril-1dd Henderson Charles A., Gordon at. Burwood Robert, Queen st,Coneord Henderson Charles A„ Rowley at, ITwood Henderson James, lb Brantford at, B'Inain Henderson Henderson Robert, Farr at, Rockdale Hennes:41in inures, Victoria at, Ashlield Hew erson Chris., Quarry at, Tempe Henderson Mrs. Rose M., 77 lffeeleary at Henderson Claude, 4 .s Brisbane at, Witv'y Henderson James, Louisa rd, Hobnail' Henderson S., Alexandra at, Hunter s 11111 Hen .rrson Davio, 19 Eilward at. Re dein Henderson .Tames, 60 Phillip at, Balinsin Samuel, Commissioner's rd, Ilenelerson David, Woodpark nl, Stulield Henderson James, 40 Crh3 don rd, Ciyilon Henderson Ryde Henderson David, 45 Carlton cues, Stun. Henderson James, Loftus cues, II'busli Henderson Stephen, A.M.I.C. E., civil enKen'ton ye, Ilendersoit James, l'oalmart a Hill gineer, Equitable buildings, George at Henderson David,85 Holdsworth st,Withrit Henderson James, School par, Wyllie Henderson Stuart, Medusa at, Mosinee' Henderson Jos es, 91 Sluniforth st, SI man Henderson David D., .1.P., " Sydney, Lyons rd, uninioyne Henderson Jetties, 35 Emmett at, North Henderson Weston at, Parramatta Henderson '1%, stochwhip maker, 88 Hunter Sydney Henderson Ditgald, 9.1 Ca heritie at, at Henderson Jam( s, Oberon at, Itatelwick Leichhardt nil, Coogeo Henderson James J., Kimpton at, It'dale Henderson Thomas, Belmore Ifenalerson Mrs. E., Louisa nl, Henderson Thomas, 36 Norton at, L'Inirdt liesilerson Mrs Joan, Dora at, Hurstrille Henderson Mrs. E.. 3 II astings at, Miville Henderson 'Tliormis, 137 Holt's are, :Minims Henderson Miss E., Ito(lborough rd N. Sy (1 Henderson John, 9 Marian st Henderson Thomas, 16 Don at, Newtown Henderson Mrs. E., 57 Station at, P'slitun Henderson John, 79 Princes h, Henderson Thos., Ada st, Itimilwick Henderson John, Boyle at, Enfield Henderson Mrs. B., 6 Rosser at, ltozelle Henderson Thos. W., Arden Ft south, Henderson B. C., 80 Derwent at, F. Lodge LIenderson John, Reserve rd, Gore Hill Coosa! Henderson E. 0 , Hawthorne par, Haber. Henderson John, Underwood at, H'bush Henderson VT.. 52 Traninere at, D'uloyne Henderson John, 95 Edgeware rd. M'ville field Henderson W., 19 Laurence st, Manly Henderson Fs' 'ward VI.. Rocky Point ti, Henderson John, 50 Spit rd, Mosman Henderson Capt. W., .1.1%, "Gurney." Henderson John, 44 Arthur at, N. Sydney Ann:tittle Kieribilli Point Henderson Elijah, 4 Herbert St. Dal Hill Henderson John, 12 Wilona are, North Henderson W., 41) Dalton rd, SIosinan Sydney lien el son Mrs. F'., 19 Ne Aland at, W., Cammaray a ye, N. Sydney Henderson John, 214 Albany nI,Petershern Henderson Waverley Henderson Mrs. W., ' Hasting's llouse,'' Henderson F. D., grocer, 231 Church at, Henders on John, 31 Dover rel, Sum. 11111 67 Regeid at, Paddington Henderson John, Eddy ni, Thornleigh Parrsinatta Henderson W., Weston rd, Rozelle Henderson Frank, Pommes' ta rd, Ii bush Henderson John A., general manager Henderson W.117 A., manufacturers' agent, Australian Metropolitan Life AssurHenderson Frank, Wiley at, We verley 277 Clarence at once Co., Lbl., 30 Cast'. rural! at; p.r., Henderson Frederick, 3 Systrum at ".Yeronga," Prince Albert at. Mosman Henderson W. IS., I S Hampstead rd, Henderson Mrs. G. A., 11 Victoria at, Petersham Henderson John L., chemist, 9 George at Erskineville W. (.4„ 61 Holilsworthst,Vrethra Henderson G. B , J.P., Inspector Govern- Henderson John M., 94 Smith at, Stationer Henderson Henderson W. II., 23 Osborne rd, Manly 11111 ment Savings Batik (Head Office), 11 Henderson J., 87 Cowles rel, Mosman Henderson John 11., 286 Falcon at, North Henderson W. Moore at W. J., Pennant at, Parramattat Spiney Henderson G. J., Shakespeare at, Campsie Walter, Newton at, Auburn I lenderson John S., Merrenburn at, Henderson Henderson G. W. Amnion iii, Ablaut Herelerson Walter, II Iris at, Padding. out Nat remburn Henderson George, mining agent, 32 Henderson Walter, 57 Regent at. Ped'ton Ifenflerson John S., Willoughby nl, N. Syd. Henderson Wm., 177 Elizabeth at York at, north Henderson John W., Stuart at, Granville Henderson (hang°, 243 Elizabeth at Henderson William, rd, Como Henderson George, 0.5.11. rd, Weverlev Henderson L., stock awl station agent, lust erson William,Cremona Ewart at, Dui. 11111 .iresliarn st Henderson Miss II., dressmaker, 156 Killg Henderson William, Bottlevarde,Lideombe Henderson Leslie, Byer at, Enfield street William, '21 Birkley rI, Manly Henderson Mrs. H. D. New Canterbury Henderson Lewis, 1 Knox at, Woolialtra Henderson Henderson William, 56 Shadforth at, Henderson Louis C., financial agent, 6 •Hurlstone Park' Slosman Castlereagh at ; p.r.. 271 Elgeeliffe rtl. Henderson H. D., 57 Stuart at, Mindy [lender sun , 231 ',Agora re rd, Woollititra Henderson IL M., Yurong lane Newtown Henderson B. P., Sliver at, Marriekville Henn. rson Miss Sf., Boronia st, Wi lium, 21; Hordent it, Henderson M as 74 , Nelson Bay rd, lironte Henderson Henderson Harry, 2(1 High at, Heinlein New Henderson Henry, 27 Glen st, N. Sydney Henderson Mrs. M., 31 Westbourne at. Henderson Cowper at, W'ley William. Petersimm "lender:um Henry, Union at, %Vest Kogli William. 4 John at, Woollahra Henderson Henry W., Napoleon rd, P'bowl Henderson Mrs. SI, BhaxlauuuVs rtl, Ityde Henderson plumber, 484 Bourke at Henderson Mrs M. L., Garfield st, F. Dock ilendley George, Wellington Henderson Hugh, Rose at, Annandale at, liendley Leona 's' Henderson Mrs. I., 25 Carr at, N. Sydney Hereto:son Magnus, 8 Redfern at, Redfern Hendon Mrs. E., 31 Cameron at, Pan'toti Henderson J., 28 St. George's cres, Henderson Mrs. Mary, Ou Glotwester at Hendon Robert, 11 Stephen at, Paddington Henderson Matthew, 121 Bourke at Drummoyne Sirs. ii. M., 154 Nelson at, Henderson Miss J., 229 Ben Boyd rd. Henderson Mrs., 24 Dillon at, l'addington Hendrick (Sunsuit:de Ilendersoa Mrs., Cowper at, It didwick Neutral Bay Henderson N., 100 Neville at, Mau ickville iletelrick 1'. A., 13 Griffiths at Henderson Mrs. J., Hell at, Granville Mrs. Mary, 2 Jesson st Henderson Mrs. J., Forest rd, litirstville Henderson Mrs. N., Weston at, Parramatta Hendricks Henderson Mrs. N. W., 37 Col ridge at Hendricks Nathan, 310a Annandale at, Henderson J„ 14 Magic at, Mosionn , Annandale Leichlianit Henderson ,Miss J., Albert at, Stratlitield Henderson Peter, 29 Mt Vernon at, "%Lodge. lientlricksoit A , 8 Rush at, Woollithra Henderson .1.11., Third a ye, Eastwood Hendrickson Kensington rd, Ben' ton Henderson J. C., Barton eve, liabertleld Henderson Il., 133 St. John's nl, Forest Hendrickson .1., Leslie, Denning at, Iewick Lodge llenderson .T. F. .1., 29 Jacques at, II'main Hendrickson H., 156 Trafalgar st, An'dale Henderson J. 11., 214 Nelson at, Auriatiehtle Henderson Mrs. It_ 38 Harriett at, N. Bay George, II Norton at, Henderson 3. .1., stall molester, Darling Henderson Mrs. R.,141 Alfred at N. Sydney Hentirie Hendrie Joutpli, Livingst ne nil, 51' 'title Henderson Mrs. It., ‘Varatali ave, Island Hendren' Joules, 71 linekland at Henderson J.Franc.s at, Marriekville Henderson It., Itoseville are, Roseville WOOD, COFFILL AND.COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE ALPHABETICAL. Hen1345 Hendry James and Co, electrical engineers Henley John, Oxford at, GladesvilleHennessy Mrs. Julia SI., Council at, Way'y b3 Washington at Henley Joseph, jun., 19 College at, leritain Hennessy Miss M., 88a Brougham at Hendry Anthony T., 46 Wolseley rd, M i nion Henley Joseph, 7 Rowntree at. Bailment Mrs. M., 70 Jet Illett at, SPville Hendry Donald, Kemp St. Itfortnitle Henley Josept., Charles st, Granville Hennessy Hennessy Mrs. Sf.. 12 St. James rd, Itiwick Hendry Mrs, E. 34 Chart, a ,.t,, IseichlianIt Henley l'eter, Ii Paul's rd, Waterloo Hennessy F., (esretitry Country ProHendry James,' 21 Little Mount at Henley IL, 69 Brisbane at, Waverle3(linters St. Selling Co. "tn., 1 Bent at ; /hr., Hendry J. A., Renwick at, Sfarriekville Henley Robert, 146 Barren at, Newtown " Baloure," Cook Pt, Itandwick Hendry .1. 0. assistant superintendent, Henley Mrs. Susan E., 24 Whaling nt Hennessy Shturice. 7 Pearl at . Holster/1r 11xtension, A ustralasi t and North Sydney Itenries-y P., Belmont at, Alexandria China Telegraph CO., 1,111., 7 Moore at ; Henley Thomas, 3 College at, Balmain Hennessy Patrick, Banksia at, Botany p.r., "Folkestone," St. Leonards Point, Henley Thomas, J.P., Si.h.A., estate office, Hennessy SIM'S. T., 55 Abercrombie st Lane Cove River 9 College at, Drummoyne ; p.r., 23 Col- Het nesse T. .1., Schwebel at. Merrick ville Hendry James, 25 Northumberland eve, lege at, 1.) iiiiiinoync Hennessy Thomas P., 57 Sin rey -it Stanniore Thomas, 1 Stirling at, Redfern Henne.ssy Mrs. Thomas, 318 Elizabeth at Hendry Jo . . A., 46 Wens ley nl, Mosdian Henley W., Floss at, II t.rIstone Park Ilennesss. 'Timothy, 137 Reservoir at Hendry Quintin, Burnett at, llolroydHenley W. J., 258 Johnston at. A Wehrle Hennessy W. A. E., 46 Durlinni at, South Hendry W. J., 48 Iinthorpe at, Newtown Fientes. William, 1111 Denison at, Waverley Annandale Hendry W. T., auctioneer, 125 SUSSe!C at Herds. Mrs. Emma, 33 Buckingham at Hennessy W. It, 65 Pile at, Dill. Hill Hendry Williatn, ii...hool par, Sfsevil l ethinly J. C., 19 Burton at, North Sydney Hennessy W. IL, 42 Alexander at, Manly Hendry William, 114 Terrace rd, Mville Hemmen Arthur S., Provincial rd, L'tield Ilemies-3 . Walter, 52 Liverpool at Hendry William, 2 i Yeo at, Neutral Buy Henn J111111ei. 196 George at, WaterlooHerinesy Mich'. It., 46 Co . unna rd,S'inore Hendry William, 3 Suffolk at, Paddington Hematite George, Portman at, Waterloo Ile nett L.. 162 Paddineton at, Paerton Hendry William It., Moore at, CampsieIlenneberger F., 0.8.11. rd, Hose Bay Alfred II., Til 'Swart at, Dui. Hill Hendry Wm. Thorns, .' Fulmar," Cross at, Hornell H., GU 1)91 Canterbury rd, S. 11111Henning Ilenning C. L. Duntroon at, Hurlstone Pk Double Bay liennemann Hy, Star /Joie', 228 George at Henning Conran, 61; Denison st. Newtowtt Hemly C. F., 173 Slorel l ead at, RedfernHeerlen Mrs. James, George at, Uniebury Henning E. IS., .T.P., Pass' ave, Hun. Hill Hendy Mrs. Ellen, 161a Palmer st Hennes 22 Holtertnan st, North Sydney Henning G. A., Evaline at, Campsie Hendy Mrs. Emily, 18 Young at, Rifern HennessII.,Cyril, Lawrenee at, Alexandria Henning II. A., 47 V ictoria st, Lewisham Bendy Mrs. F., Brisb-ne at, Slimly Holiness Henry, Mitchell rd, Alexandria Henning Henry, Park tar, Waverley Hendy George J., 37 Bourke at, W'leyfieriness John, 125 Jersey rel, WosIlithra Henning John 2 Arcadia ril, Glebe Hendy H. S., 15 Elizabeth at, Redfern Hennessey Arthur, 58 Lower Tripper at, Henning Jolin 'P., J.P., 6 Arsadia ral, Glebe Henily Harold J., barley rd, Randwick AI arrickville IL, 82 Stantnore iii, Star'kville 'imp ly J., Union at, Auburn Hennessey E., Raleigh at, North Sydney Henninges Ilennieges Henry, baker, 105 Wilson at, Newly James A., Barley rd, ltandwick Hennessey E., 84 Lawson at, Pad'ton liendy John, J,awrence at, Alexandria Hennessey F'., 41 lirospeet at, E'vilie NewtownA , Forest rd, Hurstville Hently W. II, 96 Albany ni,l'etersharn Hennessey Mrs. II., D'Arey at, Parremattalienningleim 'Immingham A.. 113 Wardell rd, Dul. Hill 'lenity W. II., 19 Northumberland ttve, Hennessey James, 82 Arthur atHenningliam G., B istern ave, Kensington Statimore Liclinessey James, 93 Role st, Leichliardt Ilennings Henry A., Ness a ye, Dui. Hill Mindy W..1., Abattoirs, Glebe IsIstel Hennessey John; Kuring-gni-chase rd, Ilomilngs James, 68 Kensington at 'lonely William, I3t1 Mullet's at, Belmain Turramtirra liedniegs John B., 96 James at, L liar t 'fenny %Virden', Fanlight at. Five Dock Ilet.nessey Joseph, 68 Well's at. Wadira 'leanings Walter, 19 Charles at, Id'ville Hendy-Pooley G., 0.5.11. rd, Vreueluse Hennessey Mrs. N., 98 liergrave at, 1"tou flenningsen Ir., Avoca at, Itandwick Hendy-Pooley Herbert, Park a y e, N. Sytl. Hennessey W.,371 Victoria at 'Tellers. (Mertes, 7 Atherden at Hennessey W. F., Lawrence at, Alexandria Iiil ec inirtiiii,Nuir.s,ectiot,1rp+.r,2a3t,I;t1littiliddercr.sieskt Ilenery F. J , 4t Slalitkoff at, Marriekville Hennessy and Hennessy, nrchitects, Nor- Ili nr1 :Madame, 6 Sydney Arcade lioness Albert C., ISeltnont at, Slerrylandswich chambers, 58 Hunter at r' teacher of piano, etc. Ilenes.s A f red, 93 Hol isworth at, W 'Mira Hennessy Mrs, A., 94 Tratelgar at, Annan! lien7r ei itt Heness Allred (4., 24 Brown at, St. Peters Hennessy Mrs. Annie B., 7 Bartley at Ifenrich21(.4releris Gus C., 166 York at north Heiress Christopher, Tramway at, Mascot Hennessy B. J., Victoria rd, Itydaline re Henrich Hugo A„Clitude Chatswood Heness Mrs. It, 128 Mitchell rd,- A'ilria Hennessy Mrs. CT., Gardener's rd, Ma s cot Henricksen Mrs. A., 136at,MIssenden nl, Hellos George, 52 Redmond at-, L'hardtHennessy Nurse U., 116 Alfred it, N. Syd. Camperdown H ness Herbert, Be lamy at, Pennant Hills Hennessy MIL le.„ E., Cook at, Itandwick Henricksen J1111104, 49 Albion at, Anidale Ileness Herbert, 112 station at, Tempe Hennessy Miss Edith, 3116 Harris at r i eet iir ile kt:: ili't ti eryr,. Si t1 i5erillye.sasr ,ti,elliterxd1.euy to. Heiress H. IS., smttorst, Alexandrie Hennessy Edward J., Bast at, Lide orn beIf Ti. lieness Isom: G., Gladstone at, Kogaradi Hennessy. Miss Elizabeth, 317 Riley at ilenrickson P. C., Cook's ave. Canterbury Heiress Robert, 125 Queen st, Woollahra Hennessy Mrs. F., 134 Eveleigh at, Wien' Heinle .1., Gordon rd, Chatswood Heiress Sirs. S., 16 Clarendon st, St'lleld Hennessy.. F. J., Cecilia Council al, Belmore at, Wav'y Ileuriette and Cie, Lingeree House, III Heiress Thomas, Alt at, WaverleyHennessy Mr. !army, H oley Misses, 43 Tupper at, Marrickville Hennessy Frank, Inkerinan at, Sherwood llenrik Kinsegnathlaf, Rocky Point rd, Kogli Honey T. W., Lorne ave. Ed .:int Ilerines .y Sli.s. 1., Frederick at, Aslitield 11enrique James, St. Hillier's ni, Auburn lIenfrey and Co., y enned, aerated water and Hennessy Mts. J., Villiers at, Kensington llemuriulmuea and Co„sharebrokers,105 Pitt at gingerbeer manufacturers, 50-52 Red- Hennessy .1., 517 Parramatta rd, L i/arraHenriques F. A., Ltd., importers, cork niers fern at, Redfern Hennessy SI rs..1., 21 Ben Boyd ril, Neutralchants and brewers' engineers, 56 !lenges Albert S , Henry at, Itandwick Bay Chirence at Heningsen A„ 324 Nortott at, Leichharat Ifennesey James, 2..3 Palmer atHenriques A., 126 .1 ulliett at, M'eille Henkel C., 175a Blue's point rd, N. Syd. 11iunessy .1;anies, 161 C0111111011wealth at['critiques Miss F. L., 011P111P1011 rd, Tonn3son Henkel F. C., 66 Elswick at, LeichlianItHennessy .1 out a, 76 Rosser at, RoselleHenriques George 68 Penkivil at, Bondi Henkel Mrs. F. E., Mary ht, Lidcomhe Hennessy. James .1., 19 Parsons at, Rozelle Henry (Treptitin A„II., Share Farming Agency, Henke; J. H. (lleftshaven Holland), Hennessy John, 203 Goelburn St Si Elizabeth at Schnapps 111111 Geneva distiller, ' "Gee- Hennessy. .1011ii, 11 Milk at A., 3 Spring at long !louse," 26 to 30 Clarence at Hennessy John, 63 Garden at, Alexandria Henry Henry A. E., 101 Burlington at, N. Syn. Heiden Fred., 89 Stanmore 1 .11, P'slitunHennessy. John, 121 Yonms st, Antimiliale Henry A. V., 19 National at, Leichliardt Henley's (W. T.) Telegraph Works Co., Hennessy John, 120 Simmons at, limilore Heavy Albert, 22 John at, Woolliihra . Ltd., wire cable manut i rs., 61 York at, Hennessy John, It; John at, Erskineville Henry Mrs. Alf, teacher of music, Ash st Henley Druid, 17 Rawson st, Newtown Henn ssy John, 6 Arthur st, Granville Henry Mrs. Amelia, 28 Marian at, Enmore Henley Gideon, 36 Missenden rd, Newtown Hennessy John, Epsom rd, Waterloo Henry Miss Annie, 9 Huelles St Henley Harry, Gordon rd, Chatswood Hennessy John, Prospect at west, Kou'll Henry Arch.. HowrIe at, Newtown Henley Jacob, J.1'.,65Alexandra at, Brunt. Hennessy John F., J. I'., architect, 58 Henry Arthur,60366 Wardell rd, Hid. Hill moyne limiter at; ihr , Belinore at, Burwocd Henry Arthur, Oxford at, Epping Henley Jecob, Bridge st, Drummoyne llemiessy John F., jun., Orpington at Henry Arthur, 73 Yule at, Petersham Henley James, Brand at, Cr03•doir Aslilleld Henry Arthur E., Croft's aye, Hurstville Henley James, Prince Edward lane, Long Hennessy John J., 38 Buckingham at Henry A rtlitir IL, Princes at, Brighton-leBay Hennessy Joseph. Austria at. Long Bay :sands Henley John, "hinge at, Drunimoyne 11 eidiessy. Jo eini, 3t1 Ivy at, Redfern Item y Benj., Victoria s t, A lexendria --•_ THE LEADING FIRM OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS IN THE COMMONWEALTH ANTHONY HORDERNS' — BIOOEST STORE IN AUSTRALIA. 1 316Hen ALPHABETICAL. THE HOME OF ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES. Her Hepburn W., 188 Alb my nil, Petersham Ifenshitll George, Salisbury rel, Wav'y Henr y Mrs. C. Mehdenca at, Mosman Welsh:tit Mrs. 1., 17 Elizabeth at, Redfern Hepburn W. L., teacher public school, Henry Mrs. C., 67 King at. Newtown Spierway at, Ditiolas Henshaw Frank, like at, Leichbardt Henry Charles S. Cecil st, Paddington Hepburn Wil lam, Bream st, Cooge.e Ifenshaw II enry, 571 Dowling st Henry Clifford, Oxford it, Epping Replier II. W., Victoria at, Waverley Henry Clifton, Primes at, Brightonele- Hensleigh Henry, Montague rd, N. Sydney liepher John, 13 Young at, Redfern Hensler Albert, 91 John at Sands Ileplier John C., Lancalot at, Five Dock Hensley Albert, Clanwilliam it, Wil'by Henry Daniel, 8 Taylor at, Annandale Ileppell Mrs. F., 'junior are, Haberfield Hensley Char es, Botany rd, Botany Henry Dudley, 13 Court rd, Woollithra Ilensrey Mrs. ILO Lower Tupper at, hi'ville Ilepper lIenry W., 10 Simmons at., Enneore Henry E., 610 Darling et, Rozellc Ilepper James, 39 renistitution rd, P'shaur Ilensley George, Stephens rd, Botany Henry E. C., 53 Paling a, Drummoyne Ilepper William, George at, Parramatta Henry E. G., Fire Station, Hanna y rd Hensley T., 62 Lower Tupper at, !tel./Acton It, A., Patrick at, Iturstville II e nson Misses M. and. E., Oak at, Ashfielel Auburn Ii pplewhite 0., Dunlop at, Parrnmett a Henson A. Harbor at, N106'111[111 Henry E. W., 17 Reach rd, Dulwich Hill Henson A. .f.P., 17 The Avenue. 1"sliani Hepplewhite George, Hospital for Henry Edward G.. Park rd, Auburn the in s ane, Fleet at, l'arramatta Henry Edward I. headmaster Camden Henson Mrs. II., 72 Abercrombie at lieptonstall F., 69 Lower Topper at, ht'ville ville Public 80%001, Laura at, N'toun Henson E. H., High at, EiMing Ileptunstall Isaac, 2 Ilawken st, Newtown Wharf rub, Irmain qtr Henry Edward I., 123 Wells st, Newtown Henson Mrs. Emma, st, l'ad. Henson Frolk. end Cunterearry id, ['clew°. Cu P., .1.1'., 68 Paddington Menry Ernest, Ray's rd, Epping Hepworth (It urge, Jcseph s r , Lideombe Petersham Henry Ernest A., property salesman. &c., lier Majesty's Theatre—Under the direction 16 Wisbeach at, Rozelle 72 Cambridge at and 3 Ifolt a, S'inore Hanson George, of .1. C. Williamson Ltd. ; George Henson George R., J.P , Black at, Viten:hese Henry Ernest A., 47 Frazer at, Drente Jlathe son, business manager. Head Henson Henry, Bruce at, Briglitonele-S'els henry Eve rton, Resthaven rd,,Bankst'n e, Si Castlereagh at oilh Henry F. W., Boston rd Hurlstone Park Henson James, 5 Hill at, North Sydney Henson John, Kalgoorlie at, Willoughby HE ILA h p AN ii WEastev Ti Si Henry Ferdinand, Kareela rd, Cremorne Melbourne)—.1 .1. Young. representaHenson Miss Lina, Tyrrell rd, Lineltielet Henry Frank, Riverview rd, Canterbury tive. 107 Castlereagh at Henson II. E., hon. sec. Sydney Bicycle Henry G. n.„ 79 Cerebella at, N. Sydney and Motor Cudie Club, 77 Castler'gli at !he rald Arthur, 28 Silver st, St.-Peters Henry U.S., Carlotta at, Greenwich Henson Samuel, .I.P., 101 Neville st, Mar- Herald Edmund, Watkin at Rockdale Henry George, 4 Harrington st Herald 'Ingle :11., 17 13rereton ave, hEville rickville Henry George, Benham at, Petersham Herald Joseple, 3 Myrtle at, Stailmore !kestrel Thomas. 6a High at Henry George. Christie! at, St. leonanls Heron William, Kingston at, Haberfield Henson W. '1'., J.P., 162 Livin g stone rel, Henry George W • 36 Fulham at, Elmore Herbert II. I. & Co., manufacturers unit hiarrickville Henry Miss It. 30 Noble at. Moonan vents. 9 Hamilton at Henson William, William et. Granville Henry 11. S., Ainsworth at Leichhardt, Herbert Mis . es J. and Jul., refreshment Henton William, Albion at, Waverley Henry Harold. 36 0 enderidge at, Itozelle rooms, 81 North Steyne, Manly Ifenstoek F. W., 27 hlacatilay et, L'harelt Henry Harold, Willoughby par, Wil'by lfenstock Henry, Anderson at, Chatswood Herbert A., 77 Good Hope at, Paddington Henry Hugh, 117. Marion at, Leichl unit Herbert A. E., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Henry lvan, auctioneer, hotel broker, licustock Miss M., 52 High Holborn at I lerhert Mrs. A. M., 18 Australia at, N'town business and partnership agen t , 35 Henstridge W., Ill Union at., Newtown Herbert Albert, Gordon at, Mascot thi g h at, Sydney ; p.r., "Sterling," Mentsch A. C., Clennibers at, Belmore Herbert Alb rt, s Fish( I's reserve, P'shani Wallis and Nelson sts, Woolialtra. Ilenty hones & Co., (Melbourne), mer- Herbert Arthur S., Barker at, Itandwiek chants, importers and shipping agents, Tel., 62 Waverles I lerbert Bentley, Starllng at, Leieldiarelt 56 38 York at Henry , Victoria five, Chatswood Herbert Mrs. Catherine, 1326 Foveaux Hentzschel Paul, Bostic at Rockdale Henry .1., 31 Wells st, Redfern Herbert C. E . Itocky Point rut. Rockdale Mundt e Aaron, 31 Pitt at, Waterloo Henry James, 46 Rose at Herbert Charles, Meehan at, Henry Jam a IL, Margaret at, Abbotsford Ilenville 0., Doncaster five, Kensington Herbert E., 167 Henderson rel, Alexandria lienville Henry, 727 Bourke st Henry John, 58 Stanley tic . Herbert E. S„ 22 Warringall rd, Moslem!' hi cut ville Regil ahl B., Chester at, Et)/ dug Henry John, Stanley rd, Epping Millwood & (Jo, tailors, 399 Elizabeth sr Herbert E. IV., Liv. rpool rd, Enfield Henry John, 23 Flora at, Erskineville Henwood Silas A., 96 Australia at, N'town Herbert E. \V., 28 Missenden rd, N ewt own Henry John, 34 Wood's par, Manly Herbert Mrs. F., 15 Grosvenor at Neu. Bay Hem , John, 253 Addison rd, hfarrickville Helmond Alfred D., 35 Arelen at, Way)Herbert Preelk., Henrietta st, Wei verley Henry John, 36 Norwood at west, P'sham 11enwood Arthur A., 91 Lennox st,N'town Herbert Frt elk, Garland rd, Willoughby Hen wood Arthur R.. Mitchell rd, Putney Henry John 34 Mary at, St. Peters Helmond Mrs. Ellen, 54 Newman .at. Iferbert G., 19 Glemnore rel, Paddington Henry 'Iowa), 116 Neville at, Wyllie Herbert George, I'iolet at Chatswood No Henry Miss K., Gordon rd, Clmtswood Herbert George H., Great oat, rd, Five Ifenwood F., Chandos at, St. Leonards Henry Mrs. M., 1 Forbes st, Paddington Dock * Henry Mark, headmaster public school, Bellwood George R., Renwick at, L'learelt Herbert G. II., Henry at, Five Dock Ifenwood Herbert C., Kensington rub, Church at, Canterbury Herbert (keine() A., 2 View at, Witverley Kensie.gton Henry Murk, 17 Albemarle at, Marrickville Halewood J. W. chemist, 344 Unwin's Iferi.ort .1., Wilson st, Naremburn Henry Max, Essex at, Epping Herbert J. W., 43 Juliett at, Marrickville Bridge rd, Se. Peters Henry Mrs. May, 85 Denison at, Waverley Herbert James, Alfred at, Rozelle Henry Miss, organising sec. University Bellwood Joseph 49 Bonney at, Waverley Herbert John, 32 Cleveland at Women's Society, 74 Bligh at, N'town Henwood Joseph W., 101 Oxford at, \They Herbert John, 32 Lando at, Leichharelt Henry Norman R., Fetherston at, Mown Henwood Mrs. L., 4 Phillip at, Emnore Herbert John, 12 SilS7111st, Newtown Henry l'., °Meer in charge N.S.W. Fire Ffenwood Montague, J.P., 54 Newman at, Herbert John O., Inkerman st, Sherwood Newtown Brigade Station, King st, St. Peters Henwoo I William J., 118 George at, I ferbert Lewis, 175 Terrace rd, Henry Patrick. Ethel at, dandwick • Herbert Louis, Short at, A Enclitic C'down Henry Robert, 18 Lombard st, Glebe Herbert hire. Louisa, 16 High Holborn at Henry Mrs. Rose, 69 limonite at, Re Bern Henze Jut ins, -13 Wortley at, Balmain Herbert Miss M., 18 Australis at. N'town Henze William, 6 Foy at. Bal pain Henry Miss S. J., Copeland rd, Beecroft Herbert Mrs:. M. A., Clarendon at, Henzel Thomas, 40 Ashmore at, E'ville Henry S. S., 11 Edge ware rd, Enmore Herbert Mrs. H. E.,170 Einnore rd, hrville Henry Thomas J., Ingram at, Randwiek Hepburn J. I. & It1re.staurant, 463 Mar- Herbert Mrs. hlary, to Glonces er at rickv ille rd, Dulwich 11111 Henry Mrs. IV., 28 Birrell s-; Waverley Herbert Norman. 604 New Canterbury rel, Hepburn A. Coolgerislie at, Willoughby Henry W. R., 7 Isabella at, Ralmain Dulwich 11111 Hepburn CAL Civil Engineer, Patent and Henry W. W., 76 Erskineville Herbert Peter, Kurraba et, North Sydney Trade Mark Attorney. 00 Pitt at Henry William, 30 Little Riley at Hepburn C. G., C.E., J.P.. "Clutha, ' Eta- Herbert It., 161 Windsor at. Paddington Eensbergh G. A., 68 Bligh at, Newtown Herbert Richard, 39 View at, A emendate mang aVC, North Sydney Hensbey Henry A., 120 Ernest at, N. Syd. Hepburn Charles, Caintunray ave, N. Syd. Herbert Richard, Eismere st, Kensington Hensby James, 50 Sophia at Hepburn George .1., 32 Burton st, N. Syd. Herbert Richard, 23 Dover st,Suminer 11111 Hensley Mrs. L., Bryson at. Chatswood Herbert S., 87 North Steyne, Manly ilensby William, Cambridge rd, ArVinon Hepburn Miss J. Ben Boyd rd, Neut. Bay Herbert Samuel, 118 Spit nil, Alosinan Hepburn Joule s:8 GlaeLtone at Balmain Henscliffe Jul., 46 Dillon at, Paddington Hepburn John, 50 Bank at, North Sydney Ilerbert Sluluuey, Rocky Point rel, Rockdale Hense Pro tk., Neich par, Burwood Herbert T., George's ltiver 1.1, Bunkstown Ilensell William, 98 htill Hill nl, Waverlo Hepburn Mrs. L , Christian selentist, 5 Herbert Mrs. T., 2 Roby st, Newtown Moore st Hensel' Oliver, 665 Bourke at WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE : 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 726 & 1524 CENTRAL Her ALPHABETICAL. Hes1847 Herbert Thomas, 17 Grose at. Cumperdown Herlihy Thos. A., 8 Dover at, Summer Hill Hen ei William, 72 Angel at, Newtown Herbert ThAnits, 336 Catherine st L'hardt 146 Windsor at, Paddington Ileronel Henr y rtl, Ifoniebusle Herbert 'Ilioneas, 66 Abotteirs rd, Rozelle Herman Albert V., 30 Pemell at-, Etimore Iferp Alfred J.,, Abbotsford Railway st, Rockdale Herbert W., 69 Margaret st. Peteeshani Mo urne] Arthur, 285a Elizabeth st ' Hems Mrs. C., Rawson st, Herbert Walter, Beaconsfield st,13exley Herman Arthur, Itedniyre, St ratlitleld I lerrett Stephen J., Sblluuenat, Atheneum Here ert William, 239 Palmer at Herman A rthur A., motor garage Bris- Iferrick Fra 17 Darling at, Glebe Herbert William, 68 Edgeware ni,Emnore bane at. Herrick .1. 85 Gerard at, Neut. Bay Herbert William, Richards at, Merrylands Hennan Charles, 144 Evans st, Rozelie Herrick William, Midge st, Lemoyne Herbert William, 12 Otviimbali nil, :Moslem!' Herman Ernest, 23 Cowper at, Glebe He minkParmesan nil, Herbert Willlinni, 184 Windsor at. Paerton Herman Predk., Violet sr, Enfield Herring Miss 0. le., Nichol•on at, Durwood Herbert William, Alfred at, Rozelle liernian lingo, 214 Walker at, N. 87dr ey Herring Freelk..1., Moreton at, Lakemba Herbert William 0 , Excelsior hotel, Bar- Herman J., manager Britannia Loan Herring G. E., J.P., Ashburn place,Glaelescone aye I ntices, II 1 Elizabeth at Herbert William II., house agent, 428 Herman J., Outdoor Supt..N.S.W. Govt. lierrsiii ligleHenry C., Deakin a y e, Ilaberfielel Crown at Tramways, 36-38 Elizabeth let Herring Ilenry C., Kingston at, Haberfield Herbert William 11., Baltic st, Manly "ermine Jacob, .T.P., Tne Crescent, Wav'y Herring Capt. Sydney, 0.E., Bridge at, Herbert William J., 44 View st, Woolloline Herman I., 107 Young at, Annandale Drinninoyne Herbertson J. U., 36 Darling at, Balmain lerintin Lewis, 82 Smith at, Summer 11111 1ferring W. A., French's Forest rel, Manly Iferbertson W., 321 Young at. Annandale termini Phillip 101 Loud at, Newtown Hen ington E., Bri go iii, Alley's 11111 Iferbo Solomon, Edinburgh nil, M's file I lerman Sydney. 250 Bondi nil, Bondi Herrington F., 29 hlargevet at, Rozelle Berborn B. A., accountant, 89 Pitt at Herman W., Glebe at, Hyde Herrington hi. IL, Sorrell at, Parrannetta Herbert' II. A., 3 Victoria Square, A'field Hermann B., 83 Metropolitan rd, Elmore Herrington Sits. S. A., Till/1111M St, 1"thatta Herbs Charles, 56c Gloucester at Hermann Frederick, 305 Riley st Herrington IV. II., Sorrell st, Parramatta Hercules Furniture Factory, -104406 Hermann 11. P., blocky Pt. rel, Sans Select Iferrington W. It., Wentwori It at, Inmate' Sussex at Hermann Harold Il., Nowra at, O'hury Herrior Arthur, Abbotsford nil, H 'bush Herd Alfred 1., 106 Victoria at, Ilermann Jacob 178 Wardell rd, Dill. Hill Iferriot Robert, Mona at, Auburn Herd Mrs. Andrew, Queen at, Anicliffe Henna/in Joseph, 247 Elizabeth at Iferriott W., 14 Marriott at, Redfern Herd Edward, 5 Hobbs st, Lewisham Hermann L. A., manager Australian and Herrmann Augusta, Beaudsla rel, C mulish! Herd John, Park flue, Bexley A frican Trading Co.. 4-6 Castlereagh at Ilen mania Mrs. IL, 39 EIIII1Ore rd, N'town Herd John, 24 Lambert at, Erskineville Hermann I ours A., North at, Merrick vine fermium Mrs. K, 2 Collins at, Rozelle Herd Norman D., 7 Broughton at, Glebe Hermann Paul. 177 Fe azer at, Dui. Hill Herrmann Mrs. Fanny, Avoca at, It'wick Herd Robert, 40 St. John's rd. Glebe !enamel' Phillip, 27 Lord at, Newtown Herrmann If. G., Lakemba at, C bury Herd William, 15 Lucy at, A81111°111 Hermann V., 8 Layton at, Camperdown lierrniann Peter, J. I'., Gray at, Kogantle Herd William, 17 Milton at, Aslitield Herrod Clarence, 240 Nelson at, Annandale Herd William, 135 Glebe at, Glebe lierrod Ed wan I, Eastern five, Ken'ton Herd William A., 114 Birrell at, Waverley Herrod Mrs. M., 00 Gordon at, Paddington Herdsman George H., Milton hotel, 157 • Herron and Bell, tire loss assessors, Ill Klieg at, Newtown Pitt at Proprietors Standard Steam Latmelry, Hereford It J., We °deltic rel, Granville Herron A„ gen. manager for Australl.sia, 180-190 Dowling at. Tel. 2045 Hereford Robeit, 51 Newm it st, Newtown Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co. lierford J. and Sons, Federal Tannery, Ifermanson Alfred, 372 Bourke at Ltd., 18 Bridge at. Tel. City 2225 Underwood at, Botany Heremenson Elias, 162 Fitzroy at, 31'01e Herron Adjutant, 1 Robert st, St. Peters Horton' Miss C. IL, Thodeas at, Ashfleld liernmuson Louis, " Altona," Melody at, Herron .5 Ii ert,40 Tratimere at, Druen'oyne lierford Mrs. 11., 4 Kangaroo at, Maul vItandwick Herron Jsme s, seem., 1 Tramere st, Herron' Mrs. E. M., Denhatil at, Bondi 'felines Mons. A. 3 Percival rel,Staninore Drufffilloyne Herforil Mrs. E. M., Grose at, Parrainatta Hermes E., broker, 482 George at Herron John E.; butcher, 105 Quarry at Herford K It., tailor, 170 Pitt at /Jennies S3dIney, 33 Henry at, Waverley Herron Miss Sandi. 54 Bellevue at. Glebe Herforel Enoch, 2 Piggott at. Dell. 11111 Ilene Riche rd, 673 King at, Newtown Herron IV., stables, Wentworth Park nil, Hereford Ernast, Mary at, Hunter's Hill He nisei Mu s. Dora, Elizabeth at Herford Sirs. G., 11 Emmett at, N. Sydney Ilene° E„ managlog director United I l err(onn1V eb " illiitin, Vip er st, Oongee If erforel George, H3 Utunihigtuuu St. S'inore Distribliting Companies N.S.W., Ltd., Herron William, Arcadia at, Penslitmat Herron! Harold 11., Virginia it, Gnuiville York House. 50 York st Herron Mrs. S.. 31 Smith at, Marrickville Helloed lemur, Byilown st, Neittnil Bay}fernery C. J., Hercules st. Chatswood Henry Henry, la Rae at, folehlearelt Herford el. J., Botany rd, Botanyflerntleld IL, Hutchinson s r , Granville Iferry Leopold, 11 Wood's n y e, Whiten' Herford James, Botany rd, Botany liernfleld Mrs. 51., Culweilla at, Ilerschberg Miss A47 Kangaroo st, Manly Herren el John, Dover at, Botany Ire.rnick Mrs. D., 12 Thurlow at, Redfern Herschel 11. P., Bellevue nil, Doubt Bay Iferford John, senr., Stephens rd, Botany Herod Ernest E., South p er, A111)11111 Hersey Frederick, A lien's rd, North Ryder Hereford Oliver, 137 Cardigan at, S'inore Heron William and Cu., woollen iner- Herson Mrs. 131 Itelgeelifie nil, W'alera Heaters! Percy, teitther of singing, -182 chants, 3 Barrack at Hertzberg Louis, tailor, 0 Moore at George at Heron A., 3065 Al ererombie at, Redfern • Herforel l'erey, Charlotte at, A81111061Heron A. C., shipping surveyor, 251 Hertzberg T.oids, Campbell st, IVav'y Hertzhauser Videntiec II Itidgest Horton! Percy, Miller five, Aslitield George st He ford Roland, uuke place, Balmain 'Terme A. M., manager and secretary The Itertzhauser W., 70 Wallis at, Woullabra Hertzog William, Menge ton at, hiortdale fiction! Stephen, solicitor, 58 Elizabeth Sydney and Suburban Hydraulic Howell) N., indentor and woolbuyer, 2554 at; p.r., Ifamplien sr. Hurlstone Palk Power Co., Ltd . Mutual Life bulletGeorge st Herron! William, Bay at, 'totally hiss, hfarthe place ; p.r., 42 The Hervey It. A , 66 Cowles rd, Afosinan Herbert G., 19 Lane Cove rd, North Sydney Boulevarde, Lewisbani Hera ig George, Arthur ter, Bexley "learnt!' Gustav, Chapel at, Kogarali lieron Archibald .1., Curlewls at, Etonell Iferwig Mrs. Si., Lang rd, Centennial l'ttrk Herhily Silas 31., 2 Scouller at, Mvii e Heron Crawford, Murdock at, Neut. Bay Herz Max, °alio/emetic surgeon, " WyomHerington J. It., 18 Thomas at, LeWISIM/11 ifer011 Mrs. 1).. Johnson at, Chatswood ing," Macquarie st ; p.r., Green Oaks Benet Illfred, Bay at, Rozelle Henn' IL G., Bolingbroke par, Manly ave,• Point Herlot 1 hennas, Dorsett sr, Epping Herm, George, Henry at, Mascot Herzog hlr , A. II., Koganill rd, liogarali Herkes It. IL, Wharf Ill, Colleens! Heron Herbert, Warriega rd, N. Sydney Het zog John. Frederick at, Itockdale lierkes R. It., 101 Ocean st, Bondi I learn James, Grove st, Pe rest Hill Ileseh hie Auguste's, 102 Holt's a ye, hl'enan Ilerkes Mrs. W., Neich parade, Harwood Heron James, Water at, Lideombe Haselthie Percy, 27 Kensington at, W't loo Herlihy F. J., 26 Victoria at, Lewisham lisron .lauttes F., Adder tem rd, poliebis lIeselton William B., s Wallace at, Rennin Herlihy Rev, G. E. (B.C.), Shill st,Lielcombe Heron Join,, 26 Falcon at, North Sydney I fesford David, Wallace at, Kogarali Herlihy J. .L. headmaster Superior Heron It. 10., 58 Phillip at. Alexandria liesketh Harry. 31 Dement st, Glebe l'ublic School, Klieg st, Newtown Ileron Ca pt. It. T., ltangor's rd, Neu t. Bay Ilesketh Jas., 16 Meddle at, Herlihy James, 16 Harlow rel, Stainnore Herein Thomas, Durlmot CI it!) bole& 3 Ile•iteth Thomas, Wellbank rel, Concord Herlihy John J., 22 Cambridge at, St'imiore Elizalle.tie at 11 esket t Al f re ul .1., ofr Bity rd, N. Sydney Herlihy hits 51., 33 Wilson at, NewtownHeron Thomas, Susan st, Randwick If eskett J01111 M., 23 \Vatter at, Aslifield Bentley Thomas, headmaster Glebe public Heron Mrs. Wm., Church at, Itanellw Ileslehurst Wilfred J., Albert at, ilexIch' school (boys), Hemmed st, Glebe I leron Win„ Carey st, Merrick ill I,. ,lieslewood Frederick, King st, St. Peters HERMON I. ONO CO TNE MOST COMPETENT AND LEAST COSTLY FUNERAL DIRECTORS IN AUSTRALASIA