Decision makers, residents, and business
Decision makers, residents, and business
agenda Tonight’s meeting format Overview of the Inner Harbor planning program Opportunities for public involvement Task Force roles and responsibilities ASU student presentation: Reclaiming the Waterfront Immediate next steps Closing comments project team City of Redwood City Decision makers, residents, and business community Inner Harbor Specific Plan Task Force Project Manager City of Redwood City Jill Ekas, Contract Planner Inner Harbor Specific Plan MIG Lisa Brownfield Rick Barrett, ASLA Specific Plan EIR BAE Urban Economics Fehr & Peers Fuscoe Engineering ESA Task Force Facilitation and Community Workshops MIG Laura Stetson, AICP Lisa Brownfield why plan? why now? Inner Harbor is an asset for the entire community Implement General Plan policy Create a special waterfront place Improve Bay Trail continuity Build on Downtown’s success Address potential impacts of sea level rise 101/84 interchange planning underway specific plan will address: Vision Allowed uses of land and water Open spaces Mobility: pedestrians, cyclists, boats, cars, trucks, trains Infrastructure Standards for development and design Implementation and financing tentative schedule July-Aug 2013 Sep-Dec 2013 Jan-Apr 2014 Fact Finding/Visioning Alternatives Consideration Prepare Draft Specific Plan Sep-Nov 2014 Public Hearings and Adoption July-Aug 2014 Public Review of Specific Plan and Draft EIR Jan-June 2014 Draft EIR Preparation RWC Police Station Bair Island Aquatic Center Peninsula Yacht Club Docktown Miscellaneous outdoor storage areas County Jail (under construction) Vacant City property Malibu Golf and Grand Prix T & H Building Supplies Granite Rock offices Ferrari property share your concerns and ideas inner harbor specific plan task force inner harbor task force Members Mission Roles and responsibilities Meeting ground rules and protocols Decision making Communications protocols: staff and media Homework assignment asu student presentation immediate next steps Background reports Task Force meetings - July 9 - July 23