Summer 2007 - Theatre Alberta
Summer 2007 - Theatre Alberta
M us ica e l for all stages om po si t eH igh Sc h ool SUMMER 2007 C d an tr ce hea n a T rr !D er Ha ny Riv pa t ls s ol o m o ho Ko Gho Sch Sc n e c o t r i i l t an iat hea ho est soc T Cat rot s As rgreen on P r t e n n y vo dmo izon Plaety Eve nA e E Ch Gle uvill ety Hoarnce Soci l o o Y ure ' o t i h D c u c m o e r S t F e tre S erfo ld a ueri Marg sicalDTohweanstage P o r th Dona udry ndairetonaM ons f Club i o t a c e a n m S u a d r e l L n co tioE Doirnty Fou sm elsey D nd choorlPE rod.uPc.E heatre HCigohhldeSW r Society K tre echo37 Theatre Fellowship Firm piteotsyiJtaeK eE astcraoetpeeE.TLh.O oShm xitt C nsanity T n tre of Drumhelle T a I o e T e a o Thea u n n a r e e o e d i e a l r B a e oc e d r i o a r d d e n p o c e T i e It e S H F O r e Z e o s p l v n n t Row Centre Players Gas & Light Productio nd algary ithAerattsreTroLuea tre Eco Grou l Thea College) C Lr'tU land e usica a r y e t t a M i e s H iver age Tahtre and m e s Un nce ing’ ures Itic Th Da K ! ( y t s s n n r e e a e j y dv mp Ma Pla eA Ko g's heatr t he n i f T K ge o ds rin ien s F THEATRE PRODUCTION STUDENT WELDING IN THE SHOP. r r e F lay GRANT MACEWAN COLLEGE, 2006. STORY ON PAGE 8. ll P ers i y W la P PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF PAUL SATURLEY. f af What’s New at Theatre Alberta 3. lay in yA Fl ag st inside news Meet the Board 4. Mark Bellamy on Mystery & Madness 5. Can Puppets Change the World? 7. Spotlight on Technicians 8. Drama with Incarcerated Youth 10. Artstrek Fever 11. Dramaworks for Amateurs & Pros 11. Drama Camps & Classes in AB 12. Dry Martini 14. News from Alberta’s Drama Festivals 15. Theatre Alberta is the Provincial Arts Service Organization (PASO) for theatre in Alberta, dedicated to the growth and development of the Alberta theatre community and all its constituencies. Theatre Alberta News is a publication of Theatre Alberta issued four times a year. Contribution of notices, news, and articles about theatre are welcome, as well as high quality (350 dpi or higher) photographs. Theatre Alberta News also accepts signed letters to the editor but reserves the right to refuse any material it considers inappropriate. The opinions and views expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Theatre Alberta. check-in Office and library hours Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm They’re he-ere! At long last Safe Stages has arrived at Theatre Alberta’s offices. Having the actual binders in hand brings to fruition a major undertaking for Theatre Alberta. I would like to be able to say that the publication has been a labour of love, but we have actually found it to be a labour of challenges, hard lessons, and even some amount of pain! This is why we are particularly proud of our work on Safe Stages and of the final product. Talk of the need for such a resource began in 2003. Health and safety awareness in our industry needed to be raised, both from an occupational/legal perspective and from an ethical perspective. When Theatre Ontario told us about the financial resources and time their similar To Act In Safety initiative required, we realized that we could not undertake Safe Stages alone. So we turned to the technical theatre community for their support and expertise—and support us they did. They advised, traveled across the province to attend meetings, and helped to write and review the document. Tirelessly. We thank them. Some names spring instantly to mind: Theatre Alberta’s Board of Directors; Jason Foster from Alberta Federation of Labour; Dan Clarke, Cailín Mills and Ray Cislo from Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry; Janet Sellery, Health and Safety Manager at the Stratford Festival of Canada; Scott Peters, Edmonton-based production manager and designer; Adam Mitchell, Edmonton-based technician; Dave Leriger from McRobbie Group (one heck of graphic design firm); Becky Halliday, Program Coordinator with Writers Guild of Alberta; and last but by no means least Keri Ekberg, Theatre Alberta’s Program Coordinator. The wheels would have come off the Safe Stages bus without Keri’s commitment to seeing this project through. Her determination, thoroughness, and attention to detail played a central role in the successful completion of this resource. In the following months, Safe Stages will be mailed to Alberta theatre companies, postsecondary theatre programs, and high schools with large drama programs. If your company or school would like to receive a copy, please let us know. Individuals will be able to access the document online. The printing of Safe Stages doesn’t signify the end of this initiative. We plan to throw a celebratory launch later this year, and to provide ongoing workshops on occupational health and safety topics, including how to apply Safe Stages in your community. Holidays Office and Library closed June 30–July 2 (Canada Day), August 4–6 (Civic Holiday), and September 1–3 (Labour Day). Submission deadlines and publication dates July 20 for August 24, 2007 October 19 for November 23, 2007 January 25 for February 29, 2008 April 25 for May 30, 2008 Advertising rates Full Page (9.5” high x 7” wide) $200.00 Half Page (4.625” high x 7” wide) $120.00 Quarter Page (2.25” high x 7” wide) $80.00 Please supply high-resolution files (at least 350 dpi at actual size) in greyscale or black and white. Prices include GST. Ads are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis and space is limited. Book ad space at least one month prior to the submission deadline. Theatre Alberta Board of Directors If you have questions or concerns regarding Theatre Alberta, you are welcome to contact Theatre Alberta Board members. Officers PRESIDENT Tanya Ryga ~ Red Deer [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Karen Towsley ~ Calgary [email protected] TREASURER Wendy Punter ~ Cochrane [email protected] S E C R E TA R Y David Owen ~ Edmonton [email protected] Directors Jane Heather ~ Edmonton [email protected] Andrea Martinuk ~ Edmonton [email protected] Harold Truckle ~ Red Deer [email protected] Steve McHugh ~ Wetaskiwin [email protected] Gail Hanrahan ~ Lethbridge [email protected] Mary-Ellen Perley ~ Edmonton [email protected] Russell Thomas ~ Fort McMurray [email protected] Johanne Deleeuw ~ Calgary [email protected] Staff Marie EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Gynane-Willis [email protected] O F F I C E A D M I N I S T R AT O R Kate Mahoney (Janice Hoover on leave) [email protected] P R O G R A M C O O R D I N AT O R Keri Ekberg [email protected] PROGRAMMER Jill Connell [email protected] Stay safe! A D M I N I S T R AT O R Julie Sinclair [email protected] MARIE GYNANE-WILLIS. ARTSTREK REGISTRAR Erin McDougall [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DRAMAWORKS REGISTRAR Maggie McCaw [email protected] LIBRARIANS Solveig Anderson, Brenda Sutherland, and Chris Profiri [email protected] THEATRE ALBERTA’S F I N A N C I A L A D M I N I S T R AT O R 2007 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday, July 14, 2007 at 1:00 pm – Citadel Theatre, Shoctor Lobby All members are invited and encouraged to attend Theatre Alberta’s Annual General Meeting. The purpose of the AGM is to receive the annual report, elect new board members, and to conduct other business. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet with other members, 2. summer 2007 the board of directors, Executive Director, and other Theatre Alberta staff. A catered lunch will be provided. Please RSVP your attendance by emailing [email protected] or by calling 1-888-422-8160 by July 10. Zenovia Adams Change of address information and undeliverable copies to: Theatre Alberta Society 3rd Floor Percy Page Centre 11759 Groat Road, Edmonton AB T5M 3K6 Phone: (780) 422-8162 Fax: (780) 422-2663 Toll Free: 1-888-422-8160 [email protected] WHAT ’S NEW AT THEATRE ALBERTA RECORD BREAKER FOR WORKSHOPS BY REQUEST Workshops by Request has wrapped up for another season, and we’re delighted to report that a record number of Albertans in community theatre (216) participated in 24 technical and artistic workshops led by theatre professionals. Here are just a few of the workshops coordinated by Theatre Alberta this past season: • • • • Special Effects in Stettler with Adam Mitchell An Actor Prepares in Hanna with Brenda Finley Directing in Lethbridge with Gail Hanrahan Makeup in Morinville with Prudence Olenik Our thanks to the dedicated community theatre artists who planned and participated in this season’s workshops, and to the theatre professionals who travelled near and far to lead workshops in all areas of the province. THEATRE ALBERTA’S NEW IT-GIRL Theatre Alberta’s electronic newsletter may be new, but her elegant appearance (that HTML fashion seen on runways in Milan) and user-friendly personality make the ladies and gentlemen of theatre swoon. It’s suspected that TA eNews travels the province every few weeks at lightning speed, heroically delivering timely information on theatre news, auditions, job postings, and shows opening to over 2,000 subscribers. All in a day’s work: EMERGE 2007 Fostering Relationships Between Alberta’s Emerging and Professional Artists Theatre Alberta’s 4th annual general audition event for graduates of Alberta’s post-secondary acting programs was arguably our most successful Emerge yet! The event took place on April 16 in Calgary at One Yellow Rabbit’s Big Secret Theatre and on April 23 in Edmonton at the Citadel Theatre. STUDENTS FROM THE U OF L, GRANT MACEWAN COLLEGE, AND THE U OF C WITH DAVE OWEN (TA BOARD MEMBER AND ARTISTIC DIRECTOR OF MANUAL TRANSMISSION THEATRE) AT THE EMERGE CALGARY WINE & CHEESE! Sixty-two graduates of nine Alberta acting programs auditioned at the event, performing everything from contemporary monologues by Albertan playwrights to Shakespeare, and from musical theatre numbers to two-person scenes. Sixty of the province’s artistic directors, independent directors, and film and television industry professionals saw their work, representing fortytwo companies from across Alberta. Twenty-five additional binders containing the graduates’ headshots and resumés were distributed to companies/directors who could not attend. TA CASINO IN JULY! We’ve received the new dates and location for our Casino. Mark your calendars for July 8 & 9, Casino Edmonton—7055 Argyll Road! If you’ve already submitted a volunteer application form for our previous dates at the Palace Casino, we hope you’ll still be able to join us in July. If you’re new to Theatre Alberta or weren’t available for the previous dates and would like to help out, please contact us and we’ll be happy to set you up! You’ll be having fun with friends, meeting new members, and helping to ensure that Theatre Alberta receives important funding. Remember—you’ll receive credits toward membership when you volunteer at our Casino! TALES FROM THE STACKS FEATURED COLLECTION FEATURED REFERENCE RESOURCE Theatre for Children: Fifteen Classic Plays edited by Coleman A. Jennings (2005) Performance Anxiety: A Workbook for Actors, Singers, Dancers, and Anyone Else who Performs in Public by Eric Maisel (2005) A collection of new and classic plays for children. This anthology contains adaptations from some of the most beloved stories in children’s literature (such as Roald Dahl’s The Witches, The Great Gilly Hopkins, and Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas) as well as original plays. Actors and musicians call it ‘stage fright’. Others may know it as ‘butterflies’. No matter what you call it, the symptoms of performance anxiety are the same: a paralyzing sense of fear and dread whenever you have to speak or perform before a group. Dr. Eric Maisel, a renowned author, psychotherapist, and creativity coach, shows readers how to approach presentations calmly and comfortably, without sweaty palms and a pounding heart. DONATIONS Thank you so much to Monica Maddaford for her generous donation of scripts and reference books. theatre alberta news 3. MEET THE BOARD Tanya Ryga, President of the Board Tanya Ryga has been active in the theatre industry for 30 years as a professional actor, director, teacher, & writer, performing on stages from Vancouver to Ottawa to New York City. Her career includes acting in film, television, & radio, and directing for the stage. As an instructor of Theatre Studies at Red Deer College, Tanya specializes in Acting and Voice, and when lucky, directs shows in their seasons: Guernica by Fernando Arrabal (2005), The Country Wife by William Wycherly (2006), and The Bundle by Edward Bond (2006). She has also directed Marion Bridge and The Shape of a Girl for Red Deer’s newest company, Ignition Theatre. Tanya is the artistic director of the award-winning anti-tobacco drama program Butt Ugly (now in it’s 13th year of touring) and co-founder of Scripts At Work, Central Alberta’s Playwright Series, which provides professional mentorship for emerging playwrights. Tanya’s favorite experiences have been with the production of new and existing Canadian plays and she has, herself, co-authored fifteen new works. What is your involvement in Theatre Alberta? venue followed by an ever decreasing (though loyal!) audience base. I have been Theatre Alberta’s President of the Board for three years, and a member for six. I have taught at Artstrek, and for the Workshops by Request program, and taken classes at both Dramaworks and Playworks Ink. What do you consider to be the biggest challenge for theatres and theatre artists in Alberta? I used to argue that theatre was a creation and not a building. Unfortunately, the biggest challenge for theatres and theatre artists right now seems to be finding and keeping space to present their work. I have seen many struggling theatre groups who, after launching a great opening season, hop from venue to What inspires you in your own work? As Steinbeck says, the human mind and the human spirit. Learning… I must continue to learn. Oh and food—can there be food??? What role do you feel theatre plays in your community? Now that Edmonton has been designated a cultural capital for 2007, the city of Red Deer (we who enjoyed cultural capital-dom in 2003) might be willing to impart some sage advice. Red Deer is a vibrant theatre city with a diverse offering of experiences. There is a strong community theatre which has been prospering for almost forty years, and several professional and semi-professional theatre groups employing both emerging and Equity artists. And of course, the outstanding Red Deer College theatre program (no bias here!), which continues to attract many theatre professionals who come to play—and often stay! Central Alberta audiences are able to experience a rich range of work; for example, the world premiere of Mieko Ouchi’s …the dada show (R.D.C), Albee’s The Goat (TAR theatre), Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Ignition), and The Mad Cow Cabaret (Prime Stock Theatre). If you could hang out with any theatrical personality—living or dead—for one night, who would it be? What would you do? I’d like to share smoked salmon with playwright Gwen Pharis Ringwood at Long Beach, Vancouver Island. BRINGING BACK THE OLD, RINGING IN THE NEW Here’s where we roll out the welcome NEW MEMBERS mat to all our new and renewed Individuals Ryan Abram Greg Allan Joleen Ballendine Mathew Baynes Michael Beamish Tatiana Cheladyn Denny Demeria Rob Desjardins Armin Escher Rick Hardy Tricia Heiligers Lanna Lastiwka Twilla MacLeod Tim Mikula Lindsay Moffat Martin Morrow Prudence Olenik members from January 1, 2007 through March 31, 2007. Don’t see your name here? That’s probably because you joined Theatre Alberta in one of the other nine months, or you bought a two-year membership and aren’t due for renewal until next year. Just keep your eyes peeled and you’ll surely see your name in an upcoming issue! A warm and sincere thank-you to the following for their generous contributions to Theatre Alberta: Mathew B. Baynes, Mitch Cheladyn, Duane Mills, and Clyde Rigsby. 4. summer 2007 RENEWING MEMBERS Jason Ostrom John Ryan Lucas Sutton Euan Ward Lindsey Wilkinson Lindsey Wilkinson Charlie Wilson Groups Avalon Jr High School Christie Lites Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre Raymond Playhouse Society Vic Juba Community Theatre Individuals Douglas Abel Crystal Beatty Stacy Berg Lynda Bird Mary Blackstone Elizabeth Bowering Beverly Brilz Michele Brown Tangle Caron Tracy Carroll Michael Cheladyn Judith Clark Erin Crealock Elizabeth Danyluk James DeFelice Johanne Deleeuw Brian Dorscht Diane Falck Wendy Froberg Jhan Groom Kathleen Hankinson Kevin Hendricks Trevor Hildebrand Roy Jackson Beth Jenkins David Johnston Darren Keegstra David Kohl Darlene Kowalchuk Jennifer Kynoch Tiana Leonty Kayla Lewis Annette Loiselle Shannon Macelli Larry MacKillop Monica Maddaford Marlene MaertensPoole Andrea Martinuk Jeremy Mason Erin McDougall Jen McNeilly Duane Mills Karyn Mott Betty Moulton Annette Nieukerk Ryan Novak David Owen Jeremy Park Valerie Pearson Trina Penner Doreen Piehl Dennis Porsnuk McNally High School Millwoods Christian School Outcast Theatre Adventures Pandora Players Quest Theatre Society Red Deer College Theatre Society Ross Sheppard Composite High Groups School Bassano Arts Shadow Theatre Council The Shakespeare Daysland Little Company Theatre Company Strathcona Composite Edmonton Musical High School Theatre Strathcona County Fringe Theatre Overacting ImaginaAdventures tions Youth Drama Grant MacEwan Club College Sturgeon Composite Holy Redeemer High School Catholic Junior/ Theatre Prospero Senior High Tree House Youth School Theatre Kompany! Dance and Webber Academy Musical Theatre Arlene Purcell Wanda Reinholdt Sarah Sharkey Herb Stanley Stanley Stevenson Faye Stollery Lana Sugarman Jacqui Swain Bridget Toms Keltie Winters welcome back shear success BY JILL CONNELL. TA PROGRAMMER MARK BELLAMY ON MYSTERY & MADNESS Thirty years ago, Vertigo Theatre began as an amateur mystery theatre company based out of Calgary’s science centre. Over the years it has grown into the only fully professional mystery theatre company in Canada, with a stunning new (2003) facility in the Calgary Tower. MARK BELLAMY We still have people after four years who walk into the theatre and say “Oh my god, I had no idea this was here, this is fantastic—it’s beautiful.” Because it really is a gorgeous facility and it was the first new performing arts facility to be built in Calgary since the EPCOR CENTRE, which was 15 years ago, so it was definitely time for some more space. We ended up building two spaces: one for us that could house the mystery series, and one that could house the Y Stage (TYA) series and act as a rental venue for other smaller theatre companies—like Ground Zero, Ghost River, and Springboard Dance. All of that has been tremendously successful. When Vertigo first did Shear Madness in 1999, they had planned on running the show for six weeks…and it ran for six months. Eight years later, Vertigo has already extended their run by two weeks before the show has even previewed. M.B. I don’t know that we can go all summer this time… If we do I won’t get a vacation and I’ll be very cranky. [laughs] But yeah, we’ll certainly run it as long as we can. I mean it’s this incredible phenomenon—people just go crazy for it. When I became Artistic Director a lot of the audience was asking me “Are you going to bring Shear Madness back, are you going to do Shear Madness again, are you going to do Shear Madness again??” And it had been about six years since I’d even actually been on a stage, so I thought, sure, I’ll do it one more time, you know, [laughs] my last farewell as a performer. Considering Mark is into his third (marathon) run as the flamboyant hairdresser Tony Whitcomb—not to mention the improvisational nature of the show, which is always set in the city where the production takes place—one might suspect it becomes increasingly difficult to separate Tony from Mark… M.B. It’s actually harder to get Tony out of my day-to-day life than it is to get Mark out of the show. The first time I did it, John Paul Fischbach—who had directed the first production—said “Oh my god, once you’ve released your inner hairdresser it’s really hard to get him back inside.” [laughs] And the lines do blur occasionally, especially when I’m improvising and it’s more me than it is the character… But I’m sort of given license to do what I want, and it’s kind of my job to be the loose cannon. So sometimes I’m bad, sometimes I get carried away. [laughs] But that’s half the fun of the show. Did you have a penchant for hairdressing before you were cast, or is that something you had to work on? M.B. I think I have a lot more expertise now. I’ve gotten really good at the shampooing and the conditioning and the styling… [laughs] Even a bit of cutting. What excites you about theatre these days? M.B. Oh gosh, so much. Everything excites me. Running a theatre is exciting. I guess the thing that excites me the most in this theatre is how engaged the audience becomes. I’m always fascinated when I watch the audience watching the work, because it’s not the kind of theatre that you sit back and let wash over you, like Chekhov—not that there’s anything wrong with Chekhov, I love Chekhov—but you know, you sit back and absorb Chekhov. With mystery the audience is literally leaning forward, they’re the detectives, they become part of the process, and I love how marvelously engaging this form of theatre is. I enjoy celebrating that as opposed to sort of PHOTOGRAPH BY SEAN DENNIE, COURTESY OF VERTIGO THEATRE. On April 26, the longest-running show in Calgary’s history made a much-anticipated return to the stage as Vertigo Theatre launched their third incarnation of the hilarious hairdressing-whodunit Shear Madness by Paul Portner. I spoke with Vertigo’s Artistic Director during the madness of preview week—about his passions, his theatre, and of course, the run-away hit sensation that is Shear Madness…in which he plays the starring role. Ladies and gentlemen, Calgary’s beloved loose cannon: Mark Bellamy. MARK BELLAMY AS TONY WHITCOMB AND SHARI WATTLING AS BARBARA DEMARCO IN VERTIGO THEATRE’S SHEAR MADNESS. apologizing for the work and saying “Yeah, well it’s just a mystery,” but rather saying, “No, no, this is really good.” You look at television these days, which is laden with the genre, I mean how many CSIs and Law & Orders do we possibly need? This is a social consciousness, we have this fascination with puzzles and mysteries and we like to figure things out and know whodunit, or see the twists and the turns that get you there. It’s a very popular form of entertainment that is everywhere now, and it’s great to be able to do it live on stage. To learn more about Vertigo Theatre’s 2007/08 season of gripping mysteries, visit And you never know, the phenomenon that is Calgary’s Shear Madness might still be running… theatre alberta news 5. 6. summer 2007 Publications Mail Agreement Number 40051164 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Theatre Alberta 11759 Groat Road, 3rd Floor, Edmonton AB T5M 3K6 ? can puppets ? BY WENDY PASSMORE-GODFREY. TA MEMBER change the world T hroughout history, the scene has been repeated over and over in many cultures: a rapt audience watches a small (or large) wooden (or cloth, leather, paper) humanlike object (or animal or some other thing) speak (or sing, be silent, just breathe). These people are caught up in the object’s thoughts and feelings. They enter the object’s world and cheer for its success (or downfall). And what of the man (or woman or child) behind the object as it moves to music, interacts with its world, converses? What thoughts or feelings is that person expressing through the object—questions, explorations, anger, love, outreach, exploration, teaching? Reaching back into the process, when the object was created (or found), what soul was sculpted (or sewn, carved, stapled, molded, imagined) into its shape? PHOTOGRAPH BY LESLIE RASPORITCH. WENDY AND PUPPETS FROM THE GREAT KAPOK TREE DOING RAINFOREST ACTIVISM. A puppet’s power is its inherent nature to “become” anything it’s designed to be. Puppets synthesize ideas. They are the essence of a thought, concept, or character. As such they can represent qualities such as tolerance and peace quickly and without explanation. They can teach without qualifications, model without ego, and express without consequences. They can speak for us as a proxy. This is what makes puppetry such an effective medium in so many therapeutic, educational, or even propagandist settings and what has fascinated audiences since the shaman-caveman created a puppet from a bone and a flickering fire’s shadow. But can puppets change the world? Can their power turn the tide on AIDS? Can they save a rainforest? Can they teach the world to read? Can they overturn a despotic government? Puppets working for change pop into every nook, cranny, classroom, fireside, community hall, street, hospital room, refugee tent, doctor’s office, and church around the world. We have seen the news footage of puppets used in G8 Summit, IMF, and World Bank protests. We may have heard of police raiding puppet studios in Philadelphia, of the “puppetistas” from the Battle of Seattle, we possibly even know about the Balinese puppet company using their traditional wayang kulit puppetry to bring “natural balance” back after the Bali bombings. And we have seen change—positive change, miniscule sometimes and slow change, change complicated by many factors—but perhaps we can say that puppets have had a part in it. Mere weeks ago, WP Puppet Theatre Society presented a conference entitled Puppet Power 2007 – Puppets as Agents of Social Change. The conference featured keynote speakers, hands-on workshops, panel and world café discussions, and even a puppet parade—all intent on exploring, discussing, and challenging the extent and potential of puppet power in the world today. The speakers related what puppets can do, have done, and will inspire and aspire to do. Keynote Gary Friedman spoke about his work with a project “Puppets against AIDS”, which began in South Africa in 1987 and toured the world for nine years from Reunion Island to the remote eastern Arctic. His “Puppets in Prison” program promoted, for the incarcerated puppeteers, an increase in self-esteem, a sense of pride about their accomplishments, and the perception that they had an important role to play in their community. Plenary Speaker Graciela Monteagudo talked about life as an Argentine human rights activist and community artist. She has worked internationally with diverse communities both on her own and with Bread and Puppet Theater. She has coordinated puppet and street theatre actions in Latin America and throughout the USA. Shadowland from Toronto shared their philosophy to reuse cast-off material from business and industry to give it new life as puppets. Precipice Theatre from Banff talked about their projects that channel the energy of youth into theatrical works that matter and are relevant to the world they will inherit. Jhan Groom from Calgary suggested that the stuff (even puppet stuff) in our everyday lives is sacred. Learning to recognize and appreciate this is itself an act leading to social change. After relating their powerful stories, these speakers guided 100 conference participants in their own practical and theoretical explorations into puppetry. Of course, a puppet static on a shelf doesn’t have power—a person is always required to provide the spark of spirit that moves through the puppet to the viewers. It may seem preposterous to suggest that puppets can change the world—without people a puppet is just a sock (or a piece of wood or length of cloth). Yet to quote the oftquoted thought from Margaret Mead, “never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” Perhaps we can add, “never underestimate the power of a small (or large) puppet in the hands of a small (or large) group of committed puppeteers…” Wendy Passmore is founder and artistic director of W.P. Puppet Theatre Society, established in 1991 to produce and perform original puppet theatre and present workshops and residencies for adults and children in Canada and internationally. This is the 5th conference on the power of puppets beyond performance that WPTS has organized. Wendy’s next project is the creation of a multi media puppet work entitled “Finding my Song: By Bird.” Puppet Power 2007 – Puppets as Agents of Social Change took place on May 25-27, 2007 at the University of Calgary. theatre alberta news 7. BY JILL CONNELL. TA PROGRAMMER creating theatre magic SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNICIANS Around the Theatre Alberta office we might debate animatedly over an actor’s performance or the latest developments in funding or legislation. But whether a certain IATSE loophole is beneficial to working conditions, or how neat-o we find the latest lighting gadgetry…not so much. The recent publication of Theatre Alberta’s Safe Stages manual has certainly increased our awareness of health & safety best practices in the world of technical theatre—a resource compiled through cooperation and communication with Alberta’s technical theatre community. And yet, somehow the day-to-day tasks and concerns of theatre technicians (not to mention their obsession with Peter Pan) retain an aura of mystery. The following profiles are an attempt to understand, appreciate, and celebrate those hard-working individuals responsible for delighting our senses and so much more: theatre technicians. SCOTT-GEORGE LAFLUER PHOTOGRAPH BY SHEILA CLEASBY. Assistant Head of Electrics – The Citadel Theatre, Edmonton In this industry everyone’s a mentor. Everyone has some little tidbit of WES JENKINS knowledge that you don’t. Production Manager – EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts, Calgary Which is probably the best SCOTT-GEORGE FOCUSING LIGHTS ON THE BRIDGE OF THE SHOCTOR THEATRE FOR THE CITADEL’S PRODUCTION OF OLIVER!. thing about the theatre community: if one person summer 2007 I find it hard to divorce is having a problem they have about 100 people Monday is his big day off. Every other evening of their five-week run Scott-George they can call to get the anis in the Citadel’s Shoctor Theatre operating swer. It’s a very tight-knit the followspot for their final mainstage community, especially on show of the season: Oliver!. Before the 8 the technical side of it. PM curtain he’s conducting various preshow checks—verifying the shutter-cuts on lamps, props with electrical elements, radio dimmers—and by curtain he’s up in the grid running the followspot, highlighting the Artful Dodger to the delight of 685 theatre patrons. Scott-George got his start at the Arden Theatre in St. Albert, where he began volunteering at the age of fourteen thanks to his Mom’s insistence that he “keep himself busy doing something.” That was back in 1993, and he’s been lighting the stages of Edmonton ever since. Now wrapping up his seventh season at the Citadel, ScottGeorge works alongside Sheila Cleasby (Head of Electrics) as a member of the full-time technical staff creating behind-the-scenes magic in Edmonton’s most prominent A-house theatre. This usually means a 40-hour work week during show runs and 60 to 70-hour work weeks during tech runs (with the odd 98-hour stint—ScottGeorge’s record during last May’s tech run of Peter Pan), doing everything from replacing burnt-out bulbs to fashioning a Tinkerbell adorned in LEDs. Luckily Scott-George gets some time off in the summer… which 8. he spends “on vacation” as a venue tech at the Edmonton Fringe. “You’re thrown into a world with two technical staff per venue and eight shows a day back to back,” says Scott-George. “But when you’re at the Fringe you’re on your own to a certain extent—the Technical Director and Production Manager are there, but they’ve got 13 other venues to worry about, so you try not to rely on them too much. So if there are any problems you go back to the person in charge, and that’s you. It’s a good vacation.” myself from looking to see how shows are done. Every now and then you’re lucky enough to experience a show that’s so magical that you don’t care how WES RIGGING IN BEIJING FOR THE ALBERTA BALLET. it’s done. With Cirque de Soleil’s Love I was just in Wes remembers being the only one awe of the magic and in his high school drama department who entertainment. But it’s rare knew how to use a tool, which placed him in in my position that you charge of tech at Crescent Heights H.S. in don’t look to see the Great Calgary. From there Wes Jenkins embarked Oz behind the curtain. My on an impressive career, with credits such job is to see how it’s done as Stage Manager at the Southern Alberta and how to make it better. Jubilee Auditorium, Head Carpenter for Alberta Ballet, and Technical Director for Calgary Opera, the Banff Centre, and Lunchbox Theatre. Now the Production Manager at the EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts, Wes’ primary responsibility is to coordinate the shows and people performing in their 2,021-seat world-class Jack Singer Concert Hall. This often involves juggling several shows a day, and the fine art of negotiating how to best use the time, space, and staff available. And negotiate he does: “Because it’s often a show’s first time in the building, it’s like, ‘Okay that’s your show, great. This is how we’re going to do it here.’ And you say that in the nicest possible way, and allow it to be their idea, but you try to lead them in the best direction to make it happen.” Wes also has a passion for rigging—the art of moving objects and flying people through the air (think curtain tracks, suspension speakers, the counter-weight and motorized rigging systems that make Peter Pan fly). He and business partner Richard Gregson operate Down Stage Right Industries, inspecting rigging systems for theatre companies from the Shaw Festival in Ontario to the Arts Club in Vancouver. “Sometimes you go into a theatre and they absolutely follow the rules while the next one can be just a disaster,” says Wes. “It’s all over the map in terms of how people accept and implement safety. For us in the world of technical theatre, it’s certainly a top priority.” background makes me a much more versatile technician from start to finish, even on the production side, just because of the wide scope of things you’re exposed to in theatre. It’s not like I went into production and left theatre behind—it’s a base of knowledge I will carry with me forever.” Josh sends thanks to Nico Van Der Clay, Adam Mitchell, Gina Puntil, and Terry Reeves. TAMMY O’HANDLEY Technical Director – Theatre Network, Edmonton One of the challenges is when the director or design team comes up with something and you think, now how JOSH BURNETT the hell are we going to do Live Audio & Sound Reinforcement – FM Systems, Calgary that? There are always these little projects that can hurt TAMMY IN THE CONTROL BOOTH DURING THEATRE NETWORK’S RUN OF CLOSER AND CLOSER APART. Most of the time the general public has no idea what we do. Even my family is just starting to understand what I do. And sometimes that’s okay— JOSH IN THE CONTROL ROOM AT THE SADDLEDOME. it’s kind of neat to be the magic behind the produc- Josh broke into the technical theatre tion. I remember when scene by volunteering at the Edmonton we did Peter Pan at Grant Fringe, which eventually led to more Fringe MacEwan. The very first jobs (site crew, carpentry crew, venue time the giant bay window technician, assistant technical director) opens magically and Peter and introduced him to an entire network Pan flies into the room, you of people in Edmonton’s theatre industry. could hear the kids in the Although Josh had always been most audience gasp all the way interested in sound, he continued to take from backstage. And that whatever jobs he could get his hands on: “To makes it all worthwhile. be in the theatre you have to be a jack of all trades, because you have to eat. You have to be able to build risers, paint floors, hang lights, everything.” This is why Josh got into the more corporate or “production” side of things: he wanted to be a full-time sound guy. Now into his fourth year with FM Systems, he designs sound systems and runs events as diverse as concerts, musicals, and corporate parties. Josh’s current work shares many characteristics with the theatre world—long hours, hard work, and never enough time to get everything done. But Josh claims there’s more variety in production, which involves travelling to different places and setting up, running a full concert, and tearing down—all in 16 hours. Another difference: in the world of concerts and corporate events, the money is huge (relatively speaking). But this doesn’t mean Josh forgets his roots: “My theatre your brain and then boom, you figure it out. Those are great. You can do show after Tammy grew up on a dairy farm in show with the same director Rossland, BC, where she wasn’t exposed and there’s always a new to drama until she took part in a couple challenge or question, and it of high school plays. But it was the single ends up being a lot of fun. technical theatre course offered at the University College of the Caribou in Kamloops that got her hooked: “It was more related to farming work, more of the hands-on getting dirty work, so I enjoyed it a lot.” Eager for more intensive training, Tammy headed to Edmonton for the University of Alberta’s BFA in Technical Theatre. Now finishing her fourth season as Technical Director for one of Edmonton’s hottest local theatres, Tammy is hard-pressed to describe a typical day. Theatre Network takes on larger crews for their four mainstage productions, but when it comes to the shows that go up in between, Tammy’s largely a one-woman show: “It’s hard to say what’s coming next, because you don’t have just one job: you’re the crew. You have to be willing to be really flexible.” Whether she’s running the show, or just the lights, or supervising a rental, or mentoring emerging artists during Nextfest—whatever comes up, she gets it done. Theatre Network’s facility consists of a single main stage and a lobby with little room to spare for offices, meaning Tammy often builds her sets in outside shops and hauls them over to the theatre in pieces. “It’s nice working in a small theatre, but you get put up against walls,” says Tammy. “You don’t have enough power to do this or the building’s too old to do that. We can be put in the same category as the Citadel for the Sterlings, but it’s very different in terms of the amount of money and people we have for shows.” But at the end of the day, it’s the challenges that Tammy loves. The reward of opening an incredible show after a week of struggles, the immediacy of her work, and the appreciation she gets from the team at Theatre Network, who she says are “absolutely great about everything.” theatre alberta news 9. DIANE CONRAD. TA MEMBER POPULAR THEATRE ON THE INSIDE drama with incarcerated youth F 10. summer 2007 Participation in drama helps to consolidate a sense of self-worth and purpose, strengthen commitments to aspirations for the future, and aid in the reconstruction of roles and identities as other than criminal. Taking on roles and constructing life stories for characters—and imagining the decisions the individuals have made and their consequences—suggests possibilities for things to be otherwise in the lives of the youth. The drama sessions at the prison are part of the centre’s Native program. Tragically, approximately 60% of the youth in the facility are Native—a statistic that speaks to the systemic racism in our society. The coordinator of the Native program has created a welcoming space within the prison for the youth to connect with their culture and each other, to dialogue, interact, create, and share alongside caring adults. The youth are eager and appreciative participants, glad for the break from routine and for opportunities to play, create, and laugh together. I am privileged to share in their imagination, energy, wit, and generosity. The work we undertake flourishes despite the constraints of the context—unpredictable attendance, restrictions on topics and resources, prohibited forms of expression, and limitations to showing the work or images of the youth beyond the prison walls since the law strictly protects their identities. Our dramatic creations, emergent and youth-driven, bring together drama (character development, role-play, storytelling, improvisation, image theatre, and maskmaking) with popular arts forms for presenting and documenting our work (graffiti, comic books, digital storytelling, digital photography, and video). The youth recently completed a digital storytelling project based on the Cree teaching “respect.” Following two more years of work in the prison, supported by my BFA in playwriting, I intend to write a play about what I learned, focusing on the youths’ perspectives, and the research experience. This research is based in my belief that drama/theatre has a contribution to make in creating a more just world. Dr. Diane Conrad is Assistant Professor of Drama/ Theatre Education in the Department of Secondary Education at the University of Alberta. Her research project The Transformative Potential of Drama in the Education of Incarcerated Youth is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. She was recipient of the 2006 SSHRC Aurora Prize, awarded each year to a promising new scholar in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Canada. For more information visit www.alberta. ca/~dhconrad or email [email protected]. PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF THE EDMONTON JOURNAL. or two years I have made weekly visits to a youth prison in Alberta to conduct drama-based work with inmates. After driving to the facility on the outskirts of town, securing my personal belongings in a locker, traversing the metal detector, signing in, donning my ID-tag, and buzzing through several sets of locked doors, I walk down the long empty corridor to meet with the youth. This procedure for accessing the facility illustrates how the reality of the prison setting determines what happens there. Drama in youth prison is seen as a risky undertaking. This work, my research program in drama education at the University of Alberta, grows out of concern for justice for youth. Over the years, working with “at-risk” youth, I have witnessed how institutions—schools at times analogous to prisons—do injustice to youth, putting them “at-risk.” My research asks how participation in popular theatre might help incarcerated youth to avoid future negative behaviour. Popular, applied, or community-based theatre can be a powerful medium for individual and social transformation, requiring participants to analyze their conditions and causes, and to search for possibilities for change. Popular theatre draws on the participants’ experiences to collectively create theatre and discuss issues through theatrical means. Accounts of prison theatre programs describe the benefits of drama for inmates (see Thompson’s Prison Theatre: Perspectives and Practices, Balfour’s Theatre in Prison: Theory and Practice, or Geese Theatre’s The Geese Theatre Handbook: Drama with Offenders and People at Risk). Drama allows for self-expression—a welcome outlet in a prison environment. Drama allows individuals to represent, explore, and reflect upon their thoughts and emotions. With human behaviour as its subject matter, through drama individuals become more aware of the motivation behind their actions. Interpretation of their life experiences allows opportunities for self-knowledge. Taking on roles develops empathy and interpersonal sensitivity. Acting out allows exposure to situations and viewpoints beyond their immediate experiences. Playing the part of the parent of a victim of crime, for example, allows the youth to consider the impact of their actions on others. DIANE CONRAD WORKING WITH INCARCERATED YOUTH IN EDMONTON. BY ERIN MCDOUGALL. ARTSTREK REGISTRAR we’ve got ARTSTREK fever I t’s barely springtime here at the Theatre Alberta office and we’re already buried under applications from eager new and returning Artstrek participants! So what’s all the fuss about? Is it the allure of the beautiful theatre facilities at Red Deer College, or the excitement of bunking in the residences for a whole week with hundreds of fellow “drama freaks”? Is it the prospect of learning from the best of Alberta’s theatre artists and educators, or the lifelong friendships that emerge from being surrounded 24/7 by people with the same passions and interests? It’s all this and so much more, as our applicants’ wonderful letters scream loud and clear: it’s that time of year again, time to register for Artstrek, Theatre Alberta’s Residential Summer Theatre Program for Teens! “I like Artstrek for countless reasons: the morning stretches, the singing, the Supers, the excitement, the people… The day I drop my luggage in my dorm at Artstrek will be the day my 51 week wait will end!” — Graeme (Jasper), three-time returning Artstrek participant “Artstrek should replace Disneyland as the ‘Happiest Place on Earth!’” — Sarah (High River), three-time returning Artstrek participant “Everytime my drama teacher talks about Artstrek, my excitement increases. I am extremely excited to be part of the Artstrek family!” — Evan (Calgary), first-time Artstrek participant This summer’s program will explore the Canadian classic Who Has Seen The Wind by Lee MacDougall, based on the novel by W.O. Mitchell. With applications continually pouring into our mailbox, this year’s program will be brimming full of the most enthusiastic, hard-working, and passionate drama students in the province. They are the future of theatre in Alberta and the future looks bright! Artstrek runs July 8–14 & July 15–22 at Red Deer College. For more information call Theatre Alberta at 1-888-422-8160 or email artstrek@theatrealberta. com. Watch the new Artstrek 2007 promotional video at! BY TERRY SCERBAK. TA MEMBER DRAMAWORKS S ince amateurs aren’t professionals (they can’t be expected to reach a “professional” level of achievement in their art), why bother trying to improve through training and professional development? The question hinges on the definition of “amateur” and “professional.” The World Book Dictionary defines “amateur” as “a person who does something for pleasure, not for money or as a profession,” whereas a professional is a person who makes “a business or trade of something that others do for pleasure” such as a professional musician or ballplayer. Therefore, the difference hinges not on talent or professionalism, but rather on whether one makes enough money at one’s art for it to be considered a trade or profession. As a writer, I can aspire to become a playwright and screenwriter who makes her living as such without having to leave Grande Prairie. Naturally, I would still have to venture to Toronto, New York, and London for the opening nights of my plays and to Sundance for the screening of my movies (it’s a prerequisite for a writer to live in a fantasy world, at for amateurs & pros least occasionally). But for others wishing to be professional directors, actors, designers, etcetera, it’s nearly impossible to make a living at their art without moving elsewhere. But where can an amateur pursue training and professional development? Theatre Alberta has been offering a summer theatre workshop program for adults since 1959 and I’ve been going to Dramaworks at the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton for years. It was a Dramaworks playwriting workshop taught by Edmonton playwright David Belke that inspired me to write three plays for the drama students at Alexander Forbes School, two pantomimes for Grande Prairie Live Theatre, and a full-length comedy as a fundraiser for three local charities. I’ve continued taking playwriting workshops, but have also started broadening my choices. Because plays are collaborative art forms, becoming more knowledgeable about other parts of the whole can only improve that part which is my contribution. But with so many choices at Dramaworks this year, it’s hard to choose. There’s a beginning acting workshop I should try, and the theatrical lighting design and technical theatre overview workshops also intrigue me. There are also workshops on creating a one-person show, directing, dialects, improv, and experimental writing, as well as an acting masterclass, a clown workshop, and a workshop for artistic directors. Newcomers, with or without training or experience, are always welcome to get involved with productions at GPLT. The greatest learning always takes place by doing. But should the rest of us try to develop our skills and learn new approaches that improve our ability to mentor newcomers? Time, cost, and distance are obviously factors, but Dramaworks is a great way to learn and have fun with other community theatre members from around the province. I highly recommend it. Terry Scerbak is a playwright, screenwriter, and volunteer member of GPLT, Grande Prairie’s community theatre. Dramaworks runs July 5–8 & 12–15 at the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton. For more information call 1-888-422-8160 or visit theatre alberta news 11. a summer at play drama camps & classes in AB This summer there’s no shortage of opportunities to play & learn: our land of creative plenty bears the fruit of summer camps! We’re happy to provide information on a variety of arts programs running in Alberta this summer, from improv for kids to Shakespeare for teens to clowning for adults. Not only do we hope to inspire some fun, but we also hope to kick-start your research: don’t see the perfect fit for your interests, age group, or area? Call around to your local schools, colleges, recreation centres, and theatre companies… And have a sizzling summer of drama! EDMONTON DRAMAWORKS The Citadel Theatre For ages 18 and up July 5–8 & 12–15 $199–$249 Dramaworks is a summer theatre workshop program for adults that has been running in Alberta since 1959. Each weekend includes both beginner and advanced workshops for performers, directors, designers, technicians, playwrights, and more! Contact Maggie McCaw 1-888-422-8160 or (780) 422-8162 [email protected] SUMMER CAMPS AT THE FOOTE THEATRE SCHOOL The Citadel Theatre For ages 6–18 July 3–Aug. 3 (five different sessions) $230/$270 (one week); $430/$495 (two weeks) The Foote Theatre School offers a range of camps for all ages in drama, musical theatre, and film. All classes are taught by experienced professionals in the Citadel’s facilities. Contact Meredith Scott or Diana Boratynec (780) 428-2120 or (780) 428-2113 [email protected] CAMP SHAKESPEARE Hawrelak Park Classes in age groupings: 8–10, 11–13, 14–16 & 13–18 July 3–20 (five different sessions) $135 half day; $200 full day Participants will work with professional instructors and artists, exploring text, characters, design, music, and stage combat. Classes culminate in a weekend presentation/sharing on the main-stage for friends and family. Contact Gilbert da Silva (780) 425-8086 [email protected] GRANT MACEWAN SUMMER DRAMA COURSES Various locations, Grant MacEwan College July 4–Aug. 17 (five different camps) $235–$395 Grant MacEwan offers five summer camps including “Children’s Theatre” (ages 8-12), “Children’s Musical Theatre Workshop” (ages 9-12), 12. summer 2007 “Teen’s Musical Theatre Workshop” (ages 14-18), “Gilbert and Sullivan Vocal Workshop” (ages 13 and over), and “Sing! Sing! Sing!” (ages 7-10). Both beginner and advanced vocal and theatrical workshops culminate in a final production! Contact Katie Cebuliak (780) 633-3725 [email protected] NORTHERN LIGHT THEATRE & MARALYN RYAN Northern Light Theatre For ages 6–8 (Playmakers) & 9–15 (Teen Camp) Aug. 7–10 & Aug. 13–24 $99 & $325–$375 Two camps: “Playmakers”: This is a fun program for young children who love to act, sing, and dance. This year’s theme is “The Wizard of Oz”, with Kate Ryan running the show as the Mayor of Munchkinland (a.k.a. Camp Director). “The Wizard of Oz Teen Camp”: Maralyn Ryan is an excellent teacher and guide for young adults, as well as an accomplished actor and director within the Canadian theatre scene. This year the camp presents “The Wizard of Oz”,where your child will develop their skills in acting, singing, and movement. Contact Erin Newell-Lupien (780) 471-1586 [email protected] THREE L’UNITHÉÂTRE CAMPS Le Campus St-Jean (Multi-Arts) & La Cité Francophone (L’Uni-Cirque) The Troubadour Camp will go anywhere in Alberta! For francophone and immersion students in grades 1–12 Aug. 13–24, $250 (Multi-Arts) July 30–Aug. 3, $200 (L’Uni-Cirque) Dates & price are negotiable with the Troubadour Camp! Three camps: “Multi-Arts,” “L’UniCirque,” and “Troubadour Camp.” An incredible opportunity to challenge participants to improve and maintain their skills in French, while developing an artistic spirit. Theatre, circus, dance, and each camp has a final show! L’UniThéâtre travels all over Alberta! Contact Isabelle Brin (780) 469-8400 [email protected] SPRUCE GROVE SUMMER DRAMA PROGRAMS Woodhaven School (475 King St.) and 315 Jespersen Ave., Spruce Grove For ages 7–13 (various camps) July 3–19 (various dates) $60–$100 Five camps: “Improv” (ages 7–12): This class will teach you everything from story telling to how to think creatively. “Puppet Workshop” (ages 8–11): Learn how to put on a puppet show! Design and build a puppet of your very own to take home! “Rhyme, Sing, Act & Play” (ages 5–7): Learn new rhymes and tongue twisters, sing your favourite movement-based songs, and play some fun drama games! “Drama Games 1 & 2” (ages 8–10 and 11–13): Play lots of cool movement, improv, and drama based games. (780) 962-8995 ZOCALO THEATRE ARTS SCHOOL Convenient central locations in Edmonton For ages 4 to adult Classes available in July and August $45–$300 With classes ranging from preschool Musical Theatre to Film & TV Acting for those looking for their big break into the industry, Zocalo Theatre Arts School has something this summer for everyone. Advanced students be sure to ask about participating in our Edmonton International Fringe Festival production! Contact Monica Maddaford (780) 433-7861 [email protected] CALGARY CYPT SUMMER SAFARI DRAMA CAMPS Unitarian Church of Calgary, 1703–1st St. NW (July); Temple B’Nai Tikvah, 900–47 Ave. SW (August) For ages 4–17 July 2–Aug. 31 $100–$350, subsidies available For 15 years CYPT has produced high quality drama camps for ages 4 and up. Themes this year include: “Summer Safari” and “Rockin’ Shakespeare for Teens”. Act, Learn, Play, Grow! Contact Mat Mailandt (403) 230-2664 [email protected] YOUTH SINGERS PRESENTS TADA! Victoria Community Centre, 1302–6th St. SE For ages 8–15 & 11–17 July 16–Aug. 17 (various one-week programs) $300 per child Monday, kids begin learning a musical written just for them. By Friday they’re ready to take the stage! Experience New York’s best theatre training for youth right here in Calgary. Contact Suzanne Eckstadt (403) 234-9549 [email protected] QUEST THEATRE’S 12TH ANNUAL SUMMER DRAMA CAMP 900–47th Ave. SW For ages 6–18 July 2–Aug. 3 (1, 2, & 3-week camps available) $195–$495 Four camps: “Journeys” (ages 6–9) is filled with fun and creative play, movement, voice, and storytelling; “Treks” (ages 10–12) explores the world of drama through character work, voice, movement, improv, and basic scene building; “Expeditions” (ages 10–14) explores all aspects of drama with a focus on a final presentation; “Odyssey” (ages 14–18) is structured much like professional theatre rehearsals and leads to the performance of a chosen play. Contact Roberta Mauer Phillips (403) 264-8575 ext. 21 [email protected] PUMPHOUSE THEATRE SUMMER DRAMA DAY CAMPS Pumphouse Theatre, 2140 Pumphouse Ave. SW For ages 8–14 July 3–Aug. 24 (four two-week sessions) $300–$325 Each day of camp is divided into miniclasses covering a variety of acting techniques, speech, movement, playwriting, and stagecraft. An emphasis on group work helps to develop social and life skills. Contact Amanda Chapman (403) 263-0079 [email protected] SUMMERACT Epcor Centre for the Performing Arts, 205–8th Ave. SE For ages 7–17 Various dates in July and August $195–$445 One and two-week camps offered in July and August for young actors seven to 17. Courses include: “Musical Theatre,” “Radio Drama,” “Filmmaking,” “Performative Art,” and so much more! Contact Aviva Fleising (403) 294-7455 ext. 1075 afl[email protected] THE DOWNRIGHT CANADIAN THEATRE COMPANY The Station 53 North Railway St., Okotoks (Camps 1 & 2); The Bonivista Baptist Church 1507 Acadia Dr. SE, Calgary (Camp 3) For ages 8–15 July 23–Aug. 17 (three five-day sessions) $160 Kids of all levels of experience will enjoy this exploration into the fascinating world of theatre special effects. Campers will also play drama games, do improv, and create a work in progress to be presented on the final day of camp. Contact Nicole Gomez (403) 389-3002 [email protected] SHAKESPEARE INTENSIVE FOR TEENS Mount Royal College For ages 15–18 July 16–21 & 23–28 $300 per week Join 2007 Shakespeare in the Park company members Valerie Ann Pearson and Heather Lea MacCallum for a one-week summer intensive training workshop. The week will be packed with text exploration, vocal preparation, and physical training all focused on Shakespeare’s magical works, with a Grand Finale Showcase at MRC’s outdoor TransCanada Amphitheatre. Contact the Conservatory office (403) 440-6821 THE ART OF PEACE CAMP 134 Scarboro Ave. SW For ages 9–13 July 9–13 (9am to noon) $50 per child Through stories, songs, drama, improv, role play, and art we provide a chance for kids to explore their ideas for peace with nature, families and friends, the world! Contact Carolyn Pogue (403) 228-1791 [email protected] CHINOOK STUDIO SUMMER DAY CAMPS 3522–19th St. SW For ages 5–14 July 3–6 & July 9–13 $121–$164 Try new instruments and meet new friends while developing your existing musical skills in a fun-filled setting. Activities include: Guitar, Musical Theatre, Percussion, Karaoke and more! Contact Carrie Kalmykov (403) 246-8446 [email protected] SCHOOL OF DECIDEDLY JAZZ— SUMMER DANCE CAMPS 1514–4th St. SW For ages 5–18 Weeklong dance camps in July & August $110–$250 DJD summer dance camps are designed to instill a love of dance. Students experience various dance styles and acquire skills in jazz, West African, tap, and funk/hip hop, as well as elements of ballet, modern, and yoga. Contact Jennica Willis (403) 228-8177 [email protected] WILDFLOWER ARTS CENTRE 3363 Spruce Dr. SW For ages 5–12 July 3–Aug. 31 (four different camps) $84–$193 Four camps: Preschool Dance/Drama (ages 5-6): “Performing Arts Combo” or “Dance, Rhythm and Sound,” Arts Venture Daycamps (ages 6-12), Preschool Drama/Art (ages 4-5): “Lions and Tigers and Bears Am I,” and Children’s Drama Camps (ages 6-12): “Improvisation,” “Puppetry,” or “Physical Theatre.” Whether it’s expressing yourself on stage, building imagination, or doing two and three dimensional art activities—Wildflower’s got something for you! Contact Kendra McAllister (403) 249-3773 [email protected] CREATIVE KIDS MUSEUM TELUS World of Science For toddlers to young teens Children and youth $12, adults (18+) $15, family pass $49 The Creative Kids Museum provides a space for toddlers to young teens and their families to have a positive artistic experience where hands-on discovery enhances creativity and learning. With summer camps, art displays, performances, and workshops, there’s always something new and interactive at the Creative Kids Museum. (403) 268-8300 STORYBOOK THEATRE DRAMA CAMPS Limited Availability Community Arts Centre, 2633 Hochwald Ave. SW For ages 6–17 July 3–Aug. 17 (various two-week camps) Junior $325, Senior $425 Come along for the journey and explore “Mystery and Magic” with StoryBook Theatre’s summer Drama Camps! Camps include: “Elves, Fairies, Gnomes,” “Who Dunit?,” “Where the Wild Things Are,” and “Shakespeare.” Contact Burton Harker/David Wolanski (403) 216-0808 [email protected] A L B E R TA ARTSTREK Red Deer College For ages 13–15 (Exploration I) and 16–18 (Exploration II) July 8–14, July 15–22 $450–$485 Theatre Alberta presents Artstrek 2007: a residential summer theatre program that has been running in Alberta for nearly 50 years. Over the course of the week students will explore acting, voice, movement, sound/music, creation, design, and directing. This year’s curriculum will focus on the Canadian classic Who Has Seen the Wind. Contact Erin McDougall 1-888-422-8160 or (780) 422-8162 [email protected] RED DEER COLLEGE TEEN ARTS SUMMER PROGRAMS Red Deer College For ages 10–18 (various camps) July 1–Aug. 17 (various camps) $200–$749 (depending on program) Camps include “Teen Video Intensive,” “MusiCamp Alberta,” “Adventures in Summer Music,” and “Summerscapes.” Whether you’re leaning how to produce, direct, shoot, write, act, and edit your own short movies; taking part in a hands-on art experience for teens; or playing in specialized music workshops—Red Deer College has something for you! Contact Joyce Howdle (403) 342-3526 [email protected] TREE HOUSE YOUTH THEATRE Red Deer For ages 11–17 July 30–Aug. 24 $300 Join us for an exciting summer of character development, voice, and movement clinics as Tree House Youth Theatre of Red Deer prepares its performance of the classic musical Fiddler on the Roof. Contact Rhonda Brown (403) 342-6883 [email protected] EMPRESS THEATRE SUMMER DRAMA CAMPS The Empress Theatre, Fort Macleod For ages 8–18 (regular camp) and 6–10 (junior camp) July 16–20 or Aug. 13–17 (regular camp), July 30–Aug. 3 (junior camp) $75 per student The Empress Theatre Drama Camps teach students the fundamentals of acting, movement, improvisation, musical theatre, and culminates in a student created performance at the Empress Theatre’s Vaudeville nights. Contact Stephen Delano 1-800-540-9229 ext. 201 [email protected] CARRIAGE HOUSE THEATRE SUMMER ACADEMY Carriage House Theatre, Cardston For ages 6–12 Sessions throughout the month of July $99 A theatrical experience while building skills in acting, movement, and voice that stresses creativity, self-confidence, and teamwork by being part of a real theatre experience! Contact Alonna Leavitt (403) 653-1000 ext.4 [email protected] ROSEBUD SCOUT WEEK Rosebud School of the Arts, Rosebud For High School graduates and adults June by appointment, July 10–14, August 7–11 $100 Discover Rosebud Alberta: take acting workshops, see Rosebud Theatre’s spectacular summer shows, work in the dining room, soak up the scenery and more. All meals and accommodations included. Contact Nathan Schmidt (403) 677-2350, recruitment@rosebud CANADIAN BADLANDS SUMMER SCHOOL Drumheller For ages 14–18 June 29–July 21 $375 + Room/Board $500 = $875 Develop performance skills, physical self-awareness, stage presence, and auditioning skills; earn high school credits (Performing Arts 15, 25, 35); learn from arts professionals and educators; and act in the Canadian Badlands Passion Play! Contact Terry Schlinker (403) 821-0521 [email protected] theatre alberta news 13. BY CLEM MARTINI. DRY MARTINI who needs the playwright anyway? J ust when you thought it was safe to go to the theatre, someone says something bone-headed. That happened to me the other day. Well, to be honest, it wasn’t at the theatre exactly. It was at a talk about the theatre. Brad Fraser was delivering an address about what ails contemporary theatre in Canada… and you know how it is when you attend these kinds of events. People wait until after the talk is over to say things that they mean to be provocative. Sure enough, at one point, an individual stood and asked: “Is the playwright necessary in the theatre anymore?” So, is the playwright necessary? I suppose the first response must be, no, of course not. After all, what is necessary? Let’s begin by confessing that in the great scheme of things, we are all unnecessary. After all, what is essential? Not playwrights. Not plays. Not theatre. Not anything, really. A man or woman can be dropped into the howling wilderness and survive with nothing more than their own naked self, a match to start a fire, a rock implement to chip him or herself a devilishly sharp microblade of the sort that I’ve seen fashioned so handily on the history channel, and a cell phone to order pizza. What is truly essential? Nothing. Nothing is essential. As contemporary philosopher Kerry Livgren of the rock band Kansas put it so eloquently in his visionary song of the same name, “All we are is dust in the wind.” But if we are to live in cities, and not the howling wilderness, and if we are to have theatre, then there may be a few things to consider before we begin packing up the playwrights and placing them in the attic with all the other toys that the theatre won’t be needing anymore now that it’s all grown up. Here are three reasons to resist jettisoning the playwright just yet: 1 Because story represents the bedrock of theatre and playwrights have traditionally been the group best prepared to generate stories. It is, after all, what playwrights concern themselves with, and what their temperament and training best suit them to examine. It’s not that stories can’t be created in another manner. It’s just that if much of the power and effectiveness of story derives from specificity, unity of vision, and clarity of a particular voice and point of view—all these things are easier 14. TA MEMBER summer 2007 2 to achieve through the efforts of one individual than through the consensus of a committee. Because story is complicated and people often don’t get how it functions exactly, or just how vital it is. As a result, story itself has been taking a bit of a kicking from people who ought to know better. Some folks believe that the whole notion of story is a gimmick, or a bunch of artificial rules, or an arcane tradition that one can simply do away with, the way that those in charge of the fashion industry simply do away with things like bushy side burns or muttonchops (which both, curiously, appear to be making a bit of comeback. Now they truly could be done away with). But, let’s be clear about this: story is more than a passing fancy or custom. It is a universal need. It is something humans come into this world equipped to receive and deliver. It is one of the first things children ask for and it is one of the first things they become adept at analyzing. In the theatre, there are other things that will entertain. Spectacle will entertain. Displays of skill will entertain. The circus provides both very well. The audience is awed by the fire eater and the aerialists, and impressed by the acrobats and lion tamers, without much story ever informing any of these events. But stories do more than entertain. Stories equip us. Stories in small form are utilized by humans every day to contextualize their everyday concerns (“Guess what happened at work today? The foreman asked me to operate a new machine. I told him I don’t have the training…”). Stories in large form help us understand the world, and society, and the culture we struggle to shape. Theatre is the laboratory ideally suited to present and examine those stories. And when the luster of spectacle fades and has been forgotten, a good story will still be related generations later. Nobody recollects or retells the events of the Roman circus, but the plays written for the Roman theatre still hold the power to enthrall. 3 Because there is an urgent need to revitalize our contemporary theatre, crack open the shell of tired convention, and shake things up—and one of the reasons that stories and playwrights have come under attack in recent times is because the world presented on our stages sometimes seems so very small and non-inclusive. Where are the strong female protagonists, some ask? Good question. Where are the stories of the contemporary underclass—or any class but the middle class? Another good question. Where are the stories representing the First Nations? The stories of those who have immigrated to this country? These stories have difficulty finding their way to the stage not because there aren’t people willing to write them, but because there aren’t sufficient theatres with the courage to produce them. This doesn’t deny the need for playwrights—it argues the opposite. There is a greater need for a wider variety of plays. There is a greater need to listen to, and make welcome playwrights from diverse backgrounds. So, does the theatre need the playwright anymore? Well yes, it does, as a matter of fact. Now more than ever. An award-winning playwright, screenwriter, and novelist, Clem Martini is a three time winner of the Alberta Writer’s Guild Drama Prize (Nobody of Consequence, Illegal Entry, and A Three Martini Lunch), a Governor General Drama Nominee for his anthology A Three Martini Lunch, and is the current president of the Playwrights Guild of Canada. His trilogy of novels, The Crow Chronicles, has been distributed world wide, and translated into Dutch, German, Swedish, and Japanese. An Associate Professor of Drama at the University of Calgary, Clem lives in Calgary with his wife and two daughters. NEWS FROM ALBERTA’S DRAMA FESTIVALS ALBERTA HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION: A GATEWAY TO GOOD STUFF! years past and see that cycle of passion for the arts continue. ALBERTA DRAMA FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION ORIGINAL SCRIPT FLOURISH! Provincial Festival (aka AHSDFA) continues to be an amazing place to learn and grow for high school students in the world of theatre. Students from all corners of Alberta head up and down the QE II to get their set, costumes, cast, and crew to the Red Deer College Arts Centre to showcase their play for the masses. The facility is second to none and the people that work with our students are top notch as well. It is extraordinary to have these students work alongside former festival participants of The sets have been struck, the stage has been swept, and we have all had our final hug goodbye until next year. A big BRAVO goes out to the zones within Alberta that continue to grow and thrive under the constraints of budget cuts and curricular demands. Alberta has had a busy festival season, as six of the nine zones across the province held regional festivals between February and April. A grand total of 38 plays were represented at these festivals, 16 of which were original scripts! Four of the original scripts won an opportunity to be performed at the provincial festival in High River. These excellent statistics attest to the vast amount of theatrical talent Alberta has to offer and ADFA is the perfect vehicle to present these plays and performers. ADFA . . . Get Into The Act! Next year brings a new festival and new positions in our executive. Some executive members and I are taking a step away from our positions to make room for new people and fresh ideas. I would like to thank the AHSDFA members that have made my four year stay as president a creative and fantastic experience. PHOTOGRAPH BY UWE WELZ See you all at Provincials 2008— May 8, 9, & 10! Trina Penner, AHSDFA President Steve McHugh, ADFA President The 2007 AHSDFA Provincial Festival took place May 10–12 at the Red Deer College Arts Centre. The 2007 ADFA Provincial Festival was hosted by Windmill Theatre Players and took place May 11 & 12 at the Highwood Memorial Centre in High River. Check out our Fall 2007 Newsletter for a full report on both these exciting festivals! CLARE FILIPOW AND ALEX BRAMM FROM STRATHCONA HIGH SCHOOL IN LOUIS E. CATRON’S WHERE HAVE ALL THE LIGHTNING BUGS GONE? theatre alberta news 15. theatre alberta membership application Date MAIN CONTACT Last Name (or Organization Name) First Name (or Contact Name) Address City Province Home ( ) Fax ( Work ( ) Postal Code ) Cell ( ) Email Preferred method of correspondence: Regular Mail Email First Name Address City Province Home ( Fax ( ) Work ( ) Postal Code ) Cell ( ) Email AFFILIATIONS (please check all that apply) CAEA IATSE ACTRA APN School (please specify) Theatre Company (please specify) Other (please specify) MEMBERSHIP FEES Individual Memberships I am: Professional Artist Other (please specify) Emerging Artist Community Theatre Artist I would like a: Student membership for Individual membership for Please add: A general membership with Alberta Playwrights’ Network Teacher $15 (1 year) $30 (1 year) Student $25 (2 years) $50 (2 years) $10 Group Memberships We are: Professional/Union Professional/Non-Union Educational Institution Co-op/Collective We would like a: Group A (annual operation budget under $10 000/year) Group B (annual operation budget under $100 000/year) Group C (annual operation budget over $100 000/year) Donations Community Theatre Other (please specify) $50 (1 year) $75 (1 year) $100 (1 year) $80 (2 years) $125 (2 years) $175 (2 years) Please add a donation to Theatre Alberta Thank you! Amount: TOTAL ENCLOSED METHOD OF PAYMENT Cash Cheque (payable to Theatre Alberta) Card# VISA MC Debit Expiration Date Cardholder Name Signature of Cardholder Membership information is collected by Theatre Alberta for communication and marketing purposes only. 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