Paris. 2016-2017 Courses


Paris. 2016-2017 Courses
& Motion Design
Paris. 2016-2017 Courses
10 reasons
to study at Lisaa
Lisaa is the largest
design school in France
Lisaa is one of the few private higher
education institutes to be recognised
by the French Ministry of Culture
and Communication
At Lisaa, the creativity of each student
is respected, developed and showcased
Lisaa awards qualifications that are
equivalent to international
bachelor’s and master’s degrees
Lisaa’s campus is located
in the heart of Paris
Our students have top-of-the-range
equipment at the forefront of digital
technology at their disposal
Lisaa is one of the most highly reputed
schools amongst professionals, who offer
students work placements and first jobs
A new course, UX design,
is available for the academic year of 2016
In the third year, students can specialise
in the subject of their choice:
websites, illustrated books, film
and motion design or editorial projects.
Students are overseen by a teacher
in small groups of six
Lisaa has more than 10,000 alumni,
who hold managerial positions
throughout the world
Photos: guillaume lebrun, Atelier Diptik
UX Design
(new for 2016)
Course in French or English
2 years following a bachelor level qualification in design or information
technology, or a non-specialised university or business course
Advanced Course
Equivalent to master level
This course is for students who wish to learn about
User Experience design issues for digital creations:
websites, applications, software, interactive machines, etc.
First year: graphic design, UI Design, computer graphics, video,
HTML, CSS, Wordpress and CMS, basic development, digital
culture, management, marketing, case studies,
sociology/personas, ergonomics/prototyping/Axure,
test design, autocommunication, English
Second year: professional dissertation, workshops,
end of course project, work placement
Graduates from the UX Design master’s
may go on to work in the following areas:
• Digital communications agencies
• Software or application houses
• In-house communication services
for all kinds of businesses or institutions
• Interactive equipment manufacturing
• Freelance for the fields mentioned above
Graphic Design
Motion Design
Course in French or English
3 years/60 ects credits per year
Course in French or English
3 years/60 ects credits per year
Qualification in Graphic Design
Equivalent to bachelor level,
listed on the French Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP, level 2)
Qualification in Graphic Design
Equivalent to bachelor level,
listed on the French Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP, level 2)
On this course, students learn to define a visual
communications strategy, to understand different means
of expression and to format them on various supports:
print, packaging and interactive media.
This course teaches students to create cinema
and television credits, music videos, advertising videos,
broadcast design, web banners, advertising for tablets
and smartphones, animated documentaries
or illustrated digital books.
First year: observational drawing, life drawing,
outdoor drawing, art, colour, project methodology,
computer graphics, art history, exhibition visits,
English, illustration workshop, visual communication,
photography workshop.
First year: observational drawing, life drawing,
outdoor drawing, art, colour, project methodology,
computer graphics, art history, exhibition visits,
English, illustration workshop, visual communication,
photography workshop.
Following years : graphic design, illustration, visual
identity, typography, press and publishing, history of
graphic design, semiology, media sociology, computer
graphics, videographics, web design, sketch drawing,
experimental drawing, creativity, cultural news, English,
Following years: cinematographic language and culture,
storyboards, drawing, life drawing, typography, sound
techniques and video shooting, 2-D production,
and use of computer graphics tools.
+ Workshops and projects with partner companies
+ Evaluation & viva exams
→ from January: judging panel consisting of teaching staff
→ from June: judging panel consisting of professionals
+ End of course project (3rd year)
+ Workshops and projects with partner companies
+ Evaluation & viva exams
→ from January: judging panel consisting of teaching staff
→ from June: judging panel consisting of professionals
+ End of course project (3rd year)
+ Work placements (six weeks per year)
Work placements are possible from the first year onwards
+ Work placements (six weeks per year)
Work placements are possible from the first year onwards
Bachelor & Master
Design Management
Course in French
2 years following Bac+3 years of higher education/120 ects credits
Courses in English
Bachelor : 1 year following bachelor’s qualification in Berlin/60 ects credits
Master : 2 years for master’s in Paris (1st year) and Berlin (2nd year)/120 ects credits
Advanced Course
Equivalent to master level
This course teaches students to become experts
in digital media. Students who have already completed
studies in graphic design will further their skills and learn
to work with video, motion design, interactive animation,
web development, mobile design and UX design
via a comprehensive class programme covering
all aspects of multimedia.
First year: digital art direction, interactive animation,
web development, videographics, motion design,
environment, agency simulator, cross-media project.
Second year: 3-D Animation, advertising videos,
interactive advertising, mobile creation
+ Workshops and projects with partner companies
+ Continued evaluation & viva exams
→ conducted by a panel of professionals
+ End of course project (2nd year)
+ Two work placements (12 months in total)
(new for 2016)
Qualifications in partnership with the MHMK Macromedia University
in Berlin (equivalent to first and second year of master’s)
Students at Lisaa have the opportunity to further
their knowledge in management and project management
at its partner university in Berlin, MHMK Macromedia.
Students learn to use design thinking to develop
and manage ambitious multidisciplinary projects.
An excellent opportunity for students to be fully
immersed in another culture and to reinforce language
skills, this course also allows students to undertake
a long work placement in Berlin.
Design thinking, project management, management,
international law, workshops, aesthetics, social law,
intercultural management, psychology and sociology,
digital media, economics and statistics,
media and communication.
+ Work placement in Berlin
Art Direction
Exceptional Professions & Careers – Work Placements & Partnerships
Welcoming International Students – Application
Exceptional Professions & Careers
Romain Landsberg
Abdoul Diallo
Esthèle Girardet
Associate Creative Director
at UX-Republic – 50 staff
graduated 2002
Art Director at John Walter Thompson
graduated 2012
Art Director, Graphic Designer and Photographer
Founder of More Than A Gallery
Founder of the fanzine IRENE
graduated 2008
Romain earned his stripes at France’s
leading design agency, working
on creative ideas and development,
web services, mobiles and connected
objects, rapidly becoming head
of the innovation department.
Equipped with a qualification
as rich as it is diverse (electronics,
information technology, mechanics,
art and advertising), Abdoul started
his career at Fred and Farid,
an independent communications
group responsible for, among others,
the campaigns for Schweppes,
Orangina and Diesel.
In addition to being an art director,
graphic designer and independent
photographer for big brands, in 2011
Esthèle also created an erotic fanzine,
IRENE, with two other young women,
for which she is the editorial designer.
Five issues, distributed it places such
as La Galerie du Jour d’Agnès B
or LO/A, have been produced.
In January 2014, Abdoul joined JWT,
a top American advertising agency
with international scope,
as an art director.
In 2014, Esthèle created More Than
A Gallery, which is a design studio,
online gallery and publishers, and
aims to promote up-and-coming
After winning the prestigious
Samsung TV competition,
with three associates he founded
UX Republic, a user experience
consultancy specialising in digital
interface design for big brands.
LVMH, Société Générale and Vinci
are just some of their clients.
careers in graphic design: advertising illustrator, children’s books illustrator, newspaper
illustrator, model maker, museographer, computer graphics designer, typographer, art director.
careers in motion design and in the digital industry: 2-D graphic design,
motion designer, digital designer, web designer/integration, data visualist, photo retouching,
advertising director, music video director, credits director, storyboarder, matte painter,
digital art director.
Brand-content platform, Guerlain Makeup
Virginie Delannoy
Art Director and Freelance Designer
Founder of Fluonoir studio
promotion 2003
Shortly after graduating, Virginie became assistant
to the art director of a men’s magazine and supervised
art buyings, photoshoots, mock-ups and webdesign.
Over the following four years, she gained experience
working on numerous cross-channel projects for agencies,
high-end brands, photographers and cultural institutions.
In 2008, digital became central to her work. Consequently,
she decided to set up Fluonoir, where she has put this
medium to the use of fashion and luxury brands such
as Armani, Cartier, Guerlain and Louis Vuitton.
Fête du graphisme.
A workshop at Lisaa led by Fons Hickmann
From 19th-22nd January, 2015, Lisaa organised a workshop as part of this Graphic Design Festival.
Led by Fons Hickmann, a graphic designer from Berlin who came especially from Germany
for the occasion, this workshop welcomed students from nine different design schools.
A professionally-orientated education
Thanks to its professional teaching, which is highly valued
by recruiters, 81% of recent graduates in graphic design
find employment upon graduating from Lisaa.
Professional teachers. Teachers are active professionals in their fields.
They continually update the content of the learning process to follow market evolution.
Project-based learning. Teaching via projects familiarises students with
methodology and tools in addition to budget, creative and organisational constraints.
Alumni network. Alumni network. The department, which is celebrating
its 20th year of graduates, benefits from a solid network of former students who turn
to Lisaa to find work placement candidates and collaborators.
Work placements. From the first year, students are invited to undertake
six-week work placements in companies.
Business partnerships. Students benefit from interactions with numerous
partner companies, particularly during competitions, partnerships, conferences
and during the viva exams at the end of the year, at which they will present
their project to professionals.
Hermès: the house famous for its silk scarves, leather goods, perfumes and watches. Havas 360: digital advertising agency that is part of the Havas group, the number one advertising group
in France. Agence Babel: Strategy and Communications Agency. Le Monde: daily French newspaper. Les Echos: daily French economy and finance newspaper. Ladurée: patisserie famous
for its macaroons. BBDO: number one advertising agency and number one communications group in the world. Fête du graphisme: an important creative event, under the auspices of the
Ministry of Culture and Communication and the City of Paris.
Welcoming International Students
Obtaining a visa
Students from outside of the European Union must proceed with an application for a long
stay visa for studying and residency (VLS-TS) from the French consulate in their country.
The standard duration of validity for a VLS-TS is one year. In addition to other assessment
criteria for the long stay visa for studying, French law requires that international students
have proof of sufficient living funds, equating to 615 euros/month.
At the same time as the visa, the consulate will send an OFII (the French Office
for Immigration and Integration) certification form as well as completion instructions.
OFII formalities should then be carried out upon arrival in France.
• Campus France, the French national agency for the promotion of higher education,
international student services, and international mobility can help you with these steps.
• A welcome service for international students (SAEE) answers all of your questions
every year from September to November at the Maison Internationale.
→ 17 Bd Jourdan – 75014 Paris.
• Lisaa is part of CUMULUS, an association of the most prestigious universities
of art in Europe, whose aim is to promote research and teaching in art and design
through exchanges, partnership and transfer of knowledge and best practices.
This network facilitates international mobility for students and teachers at Lisaa.
• Lisaa has signed a partnership with the US Department of Veteran Affairs
to enable beneficiaries to follow courses at LISAA. →
Finding accommodation
• To apply for accommodation in university halls of residence, you must complete
an application on the Paris CROUS (students’ representative body) website
before 30th April. →
• UNME, the National Union of Student Housing, has details of all student
accommodation in the Paris region. →
• Lisaa has a partnership with estate agents Les Estudines who offer studios for rent
as well as several services for students. →
Practising French at Lisaa
During their studies, international students are able to follow 1½-hour French evening
classes every week. A very effective way of perfecting the language of Molière.
Professional equipment at Lisaa
Located near to the Latin Quarter, the Graphic Design department provides students
with access to high quality professional equipment: two photographic studios,
a video studio, a sound studio and a projection room.
Lisaa Paris chose to establish itself in the heart of the student neighbourhoods
of the capital, in prestigious sites on a human scale. A choice reflecting the school’s desire
to be a real part of Parisian student life and to establish close links with its students.
The closing date for applications is 30th June.
To apply you must:
1. Make an appointment via the LISAA website. A date for an interview will be arranged
with a director of studies at LISAA or via Skype if you are an international student.
Bring the following with you on the day of the interview:
cover letter
grade certificates for the last two terms of your schooling
portfolio of personal work
During the interview, you must explain your career plans to the admissions officer
and show proof of your motivation.
3. You will be informed of your admission status two days following the interview.
A registration form will be sent to you and you must proceed with your visa application
if you are an international student.
4. Your enrolment will take effect upon reception of your completed and signed
registration form, accompanied by the required documents and registration fees.
Lisaa Paris - Graphic Design
62 Boulevard Arago - 75013 Paris
+33 (0) 01 85 73 23 40
Private Higher Education Establishment, recognised
by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.