1969 Minutes - City of Orangeburg
1969 Minutes - City of Orangeburg
./ 3391 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. JANUARY 7, 1969 ~, ) mh 1-_e . :rrunuves of the regular meeting of City Council held .J- January 7, 1969. Present: E. O. Pendarvis IIJ. G. Sifly A. T. Brown C. B. Goodma.'tl Mayor Councilman Councilman Counci L111an Absent: F. F. Limehouse Co~iL111an The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held December 17, 1968 were read and approved. A motion by Councilman was unanimously approved at of an ordinance classifying a.~nexed property in Caw Caw Brown, seconded by Councilman Sifly, third reading and enacted into law as A 1 Residehtial certain recently Plantation a.'tld Club Acres. A motion by Councilma.'tl Sifly, seconded by Mayor Pendarvis, was unanimously approved at second reading of a.'tl ordinance reclassifying certain property on Glover St. from A - 2 Residential to B 1 Business. A motion by Nayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved at first reading of an ordinance a.111ending the Plumbing Code whereby journeymen pllli111bers will be permitted to ma.~e minor plumbing repairs • .~. A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Mayor Pendarvis, i.Jas u..~2nimously approved at first reading of an ordinance to impose';'0 and regulate licenses in the City of Orangeburg, S. C, for the year 1969. A motion by COlli~cilman Sifly, seconded by Councilma.~ BrowTI, una.iimously approved a format of an outdoor sign for 1-26. The next regular meeting of City Council was scheduled for 4 P. M. Ja.'tluary 21, 1969 due to the Annual Legislative Dinner meeting in Columbia, S. C. ~. ./ CITY OF OR1U'TG3illURG, S. C. JA1~ARY ~. "'--/ 21, 1969 The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held J~~uary Present: 21, 1969. E. O. Pendarvis F. F. Limehouse N. G. Sifly A. T~ Brown C. B. Goodm~~ ~Iayor CounciL'1lan Councilman Councilman CounciL'1l~~ The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held January 7, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by Co~~cilm~~ GooQ'1lan, seconded by Councilman Sifly was unanimously approved at second reading of ~~ ordinance amending the Pl~'1lbing Code whereby journeymen plumbers will be permitted to make minor plumbing repairs. A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Brown, was ~~~~imously approved at second reading of ~~ ordinance to impose ~~d regulate licenses in the City of Orangeburg for the year 1969. A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Co~~cilman Sifly was un~~imously approved at third reading and enacted into law of are ordinance reclassifying certain property on Glover St. from A-2 Residential to B-1 Business. ~ ~'I . ~/ A motion by Councilm~~ Brown, seconded by Co~~ciL'1lan Limehouse, unanimously approved the continuance of the present rates for Outside Fire Protection • A motion by Councilm~~ Brown, seconded by Co~~cilman Limehouse, approved a resolution approving participation by local owners in the Federal Rent Supplement Program. Voting for: Mayor Pendarvis, Councilman Limehouse, ~~d Co~~cilm~~ Brown, Voting against: CounciL'1l~~ Sifly and Councilman GOOQ~~~. (See Copy of Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes. See Statements by Mayor Pendarvis and Councilm~~ Goodman attached to and made a part of these minutes.) A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by approved the jury list for 1969. ~~animously Councilm~~ Brown, ~ mO~lon by Councilman Bro,~, seconded by COill"cilman Sifly, was un~~mouslyapproved at first reading whereby the property at 1206 L~~caster St. belonging to Oscar Goodwin was annexed to the City of Or~~geburg. City Council approved an ~'1lended sewer disposal agreement with School District If 5. Councilman F. F. Limehouse abstained from voting on this matter. ~ City Council gave its approval of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Human Relations Co~~ittee. (See copy attached to and made a Dart of these ~inutes.) ".;,' '.'lJ"Y U.:.J. () STATEMENT CONCERNING RESOLUTION APPROVING PARTICIPATION BY LOCAL HOUSING OWNERS IN THE FEDERAL RENT SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM ~~ o My opposition to this motion is entirely against the rent subsidity portion. I am not opposed to low cost housing. Orangeburg needs a considerable amount of housing as much of the housing is sub-standard. fi Signed: /~./ 0:;:;1:'~~_ c. B. Goodman Councilman Dated: ~ ......,....... January 21, 1969 STA1EMENT CONCERNING RESOLUTION APPROVING PARTICIPATION BY LOCAL ROUSING OWNERS IN THE FEDERAL RENT SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM I am voting for this resolution in spite of the fact that I have always been and am now against the paternalistic and socialistic "- A' ~" Federal Programs that have been thrust upon us in the last several years. I shall continue to oppose them and will do whatever I can to keep them from becoming enacted into law by the Congress or any other law making body which is making laws for us. I also resent the fact that the law was so written that it is necessary for local officials to be involved, when in reality they have nothing to do with it. The foregoing is a reflection of my personal feelings, but as a member of this Council and after much thought, I realize that our refusal to pass this resolution would not save ~~ dollar and actually would only, very probably, send this through another channel. There are those who sincerely think that this program would be beneficial to this community and some of its citizens, and for me to vote against this ~ \-.) resolution would serve no useful purpose nor save any ~ money. is my thinking and I am not critical, but rather respect the stand This ta~en by the other members of Council. , Signed: January 21, 1969 // 1·--:;;u::/;l~.> ~/:::"''l/~-L/';/ E. 10. Mayor Dated: / Pendarvis~ r;~ ., C} '-;I fd i " ~:J i,--j t 'j i ~"r C} J; ~ ".J !: ( :" 'i " ! 0)· (J if.: (} [J n ,il ,~_'l r3 .p c,el '.' '}~(d ;-" ( ~ ~/ <'J f ,({ ,'< n ,,1 "J '1 " {-"1 ~ t3 g.) (,i (-·'1 F\ "j ,f;i VI (y Q Co! ll,1 1 ">t ,i) ( I,j ,.1 ( ;: ,., .,\ V '; '~ "1 1'1 "j ( ORANGEBURG AREA HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE CLASS OF 1969: Dr. J. Harvey Atwill, Jr. Mr. Roger Council ~" Dr. J. W. Curry Rev. C. M. Davis Dr. S. C. Disher Mr. Gene Fersner Dr. B. L. Gore Mr. Frank Randal Dr. Roland Haynes Mr. Rudolph Jones Mr. Samuel T. Middleton Mr. W. Newton Pough Mr. Rueben Reeder Mr. Henry Sims Miss Nonie Smith Mr. Clifford Stanley Mrs. Henry Tecklenburg Mr. J. J. Teskey Mr. Harry Wannamaker, III ~ Mr. J. I. Washington, III CLASS OF 1970: Mr. Raymond Anderson Mr. Joe Bradham Rev. Lester Branham Mr. Eddie Conner Mr. A. J. Hydrick Rev. George Jenkins Mrs. Daisy D. Johnson Mr. Harris Marshall Mrs. W. S. McCain Mrs. Eloise Murray Dr. Raymond O'Cain Mr. Paul Robinson Mrs. Valeria Staley Mrs. R. S. Williams Miss Cynthia zeigler Mr. Ben Wetenhall STATE Of SOUTH CAROLINA L : COUNTY OF ORANGEBURG : CITY Of ORANGEBURG : RESOLUTION RESOLUTION APPROVING PARTICIPATiON BY lOCAL HOUSiNG OWNERS IN THE FEDERAL RENT SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 101 of the HOlJslng and Urban Development Act of 1965 the Secretory of Housing and Urban Deveiopment is authorized to enter into contracts to make rent slJpplement pa)ll1'lents to certain qualified housing owners on behalf of qualified IO\'V income families who are elderly, handicapped, displaced, victims of notural disaster, or occupants of substandard hausing; and WHEREAS, the provisions of sold Section 101 cannot be made available to housing O\'Vnlilrs in certain localities unless the governing body of the locality '--" has by resolution given approval for such porticipatian in the Federal Rent Supplement Program. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, Orangeburg, South Coralina, as follows: Approval is hereby granted for participation in the Federal Rent Supplement Program by qualified housing owners of property located in the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina located at Intersection of fletcher and Enterprise Avenues in the City of Orangeburg, Done ThisO( i(;f~!~ lift; ATTEST: ~~. - Moyor f ----~-- Day of /Z, c/, ) . (/ , !l--£7~~~~ Councilmen ..,· / '/,1 Je ,J, . -.::... --< , 2:J'~.// ." _,/7 I~~ /'l /- -:-1/7 • /?;-;(~t~ City Clerk (SEAL) ~~z ~AJf:;;:~,--,_ ' ,/.' / CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. FEBRUARY ~ i "'--..../ 4, 1969 The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held February 4, 1969. Present: .c.. O. Pendarvis F. F. Limehouse N. G. Sifly A. T. Brown C. B. Goodman ~ Mayor CounciL-rnan Councilma."l Councilman Counci L-rna.."l The minutes of the regular meeting of City COQ"lcil held January 21, 1969 were read and approved. City Council received for further study a suggested 16cation for the National Guard Armory. A mO~lon by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilma.."l Sifly, was unanimously approved at third reading a.."ld enacted into law of an ordinance amending the Plumbing Code whereby journeyman pllli~bers are perlnitted to make m;nor plmubing repairs. COQ"lcil received as information a letter of suggestions from I'!aster Pllli~bers pertaining to changes in the Plumbing Code. ~. ''-......._- A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, was unanimously approved at third reading a.."ld enacted into law of an ordinance to impose and regula.te licenses in the City of Orangeburg, S. C. for the year 1969. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by COQ"lci1man Limehouse, was unanimously approved at second reading of an ordinance fu"lnexing a lot at 1206 Lancaster belonging to Oscar Goodwin. City Council received as information an official declaration from the City F1meral Directors stating that on 11ay 1, 1969 they would discontinue all a..'11bulance service. A motion by Councilma.."l Sifly, seconded by Councilma.."l Goodma.."l, una.."limously approved the nightly securing of Edisto Memorial Garden Drive. City Council unanimously approved a reVlSlon of the Sunnyside Cemetery regulations. (See copy attached to a.."ld made a part of ~. t~ese minutes.) ~J~5 ( ,----- ) ,,-) (5) No trees, shrubs or other plants' shall be planted on any lot in this section without the approval of the cemetery officials. The prices of lots shall range from $100.00 to $200.00 in' the Southeast Section, without perpetual care. (Sold out). The prices of lots in the Northwest Section, with perpetual care, shall range from $200.00 to $400.00. Single grave space, $75.00; Infant grave space, $25.00. Interment $10.00. charges, $30.00; Infant interment, CITY OWNED AND OPERATED HEBREW BENEVOLENT CEMETERY Regulations herein set forth for the Southeast Division shall also govern the management of the Hebrew Benevolent Cemetery. Further information in regard Cemetery and Hebrew Benevolent be had by consulting the custodian Cemetery or the Director of Parks SUNNYSIDE CEMETERY ORANGEBURG. s, C. to Sunnyside Cemetery may on duty at the and Cemetery . . APPROVED by the City Council of the City Orangeburg, South Carolina, this 21st day December, A. D" 1965, and revised 4th day February, A. D., 1969. E. O. PENDARVIS, Mayor F. F. LIMEHOUSE NORMAN G. SIFLY C. B. GOODMAN ALEC T. BROWN Councilmen of of ~f ' .~~ ~~~ PERPETUAL CARE ASSURED BY TRUST ATTEST: M. R. CAMPBELL, City Clerk and Treasurer. FUND AND RESOURCES OF THE CITY AVAILABLE ON ANY LOT v 0397 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. FEBRU~BY ~. "-- 18, 1969 The minutes of the regular meeting of City February 18, 1969. Present: E. "". Pendarvis Hayor F. F. Limehouse COQ~cilman lJ. G. Sif'ly Councilman A. T. Brown C. B. GOOdII1a."l Councilman COQ~cil held Councilma.~ The m;nutes of the regular meeclng of City Council held February 4, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by COQ~cilma.1J. Limehouse, seconded by Nayor Pendarvis, unanimously approved negotiating with the Southern Railroad for parking space near the Railroad Corner. A mOclon by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman was unanimously approved at third reading and enacted into law of· an ordinance a.nr:.exing a lot at 1206 La.~caster Goo~~a."l, belonging to Oscar Goodwin. A motion by Councilman Br01-JIl, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved a resolution regarding property on Pearl a.1J.d Baldwin st. (See copy of Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) ~ "-- City Council approved the purchase of 50,000 Edisto Garden brochures for ,;33,068.00. A motion by COQ~cilman Bro'w-rl, seconded by Councilma."1 Limehouse, was una."1imously approved whereby parking would be allowed for speC.ified periods of time at the Railroad Corner. City Council upon mOclon of COQ1J.cilman Sifly, and seconded by CounciDnan Limehouse, approved the extension of the City Waner System from its present location on the Cordova Road to a."ld including the town of Cordova, S. C. City COQ1J.cil upon motion of Councilman Limehouse, and seconded by Councilman Brown, approved the submission of a."ld application to t~e Department of Housing a.~d Urban Development for a financial grant for the purpose of extending the City's water system from its present location on the Rowesville Road to a.1J.d including the town of Rowesville, S. C. It authorized and directed the manager of the Department of Public Utilities2..!1d the City Clerk and Treasurer to sign the application on behalf of the City of Orangeburg, S. C. ~" '- ~2.§'2.!:.~!.I2.E! WPEREAS, the City of Orangeburg might have some claim to that certain parcel or strip of land known as the Eastern end of Pearl Street, on the Eastern side of Baldwin Street and being bound on the North by lands of Dan ,~ K. Dukes estate now owned by South Carolina State College and measuring thereon one hundred (100) feet; East by lands of Hughes and measuring thereon fifty (SO) feet; South by land of Dan K. Dukes estate and measuring thereon one hundred (100) feet; West by Baldwin Street and measuring thereon fifty (50) feet; said land being more fully shown and designated on a plat of Fairview Terrace by L. F. Wolfe dated June., 1911 as recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg County, South Carolina in Plat Book No. 2 Page 139, and, ~~~REAS, the said proposed street has not been open, used or taken over by the City of Orangeburg, and, wtlEREAS, the said strip of land has been possessed, used and occupied by the la-te. Dan K. Dukes, Sr. as a pa.rt of his or.-m. property for more. than forty years, ana, T~~REAS, the City of Orangeburg nor the general public would derive any material benefit; nor would the City or the general public suffer any loss or damages by relinquishing w-natever right, title or interest it may no,.., have or shall have in said land, NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the City of Orangeburg does hereby relinquish whatever right, title or interest in and to the above described strip of land that it now has or shall acquire under the dedication of said '-.,,-- parcel of land as set forth on the Plat of Fairview Terrace by L. F. Wolfe dated June, 1911 as recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg': County, South Carolina, :SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and Clerk to execute and deliver by way of a quit-claim deed whatever right, title or interest it might have in said property to Dan K. Dukes, Jr., Rose M. Dukes and South Carolina state College their heirs, assigns or successors forever. PASSED by the City Council this 18th day of February, A. D., 1969. L~(j _ ~~~ " 7~---M .'?r--- _1 ~!j ~4?iJVL~ 'no / ",-U v . a ! 6'/~VVIQ ~(l. ~~ 4'. ! i ( Councilmen 7h~1:~~ 'CifYCfierk '-"'~1-~. - (;1""": -.----~~~~ / . Q'.(: () DdJ.& "==_=-.) "-,/ , \\ / CITY OF ORANGEB~RG, l'i.4.RCE ~ 4, ;)399 s. c. 1969 Prio~ to the regular meeting of City Council, a public bea.ring was held at l~jh.ich no opyosi tion was expressed to a ~eclassification of property at the corner of Sunnyside and Henley. "'-~ The ll1inutes of the regular meeting of City GOi.illcil held 4, 1969. ?~arch Present: E. O. Pendarvis F. F. Limehouse IIJ • r:. Sifly ~ ...6... 'i' - .. 3~01ffi C. 3. G- 0 0 d..-rnCL11 Hayer Councilman Councilman Councilm.an Councilrr.an The rr5.T:.utes of the regular meeting of City Council held February 18, 1969 were re8.d and approved. A motion by l''layor PendarYis; seconded by Cov.ncilma..YJ. Limehouse:; .was unanimously approved l'IThereby a request fo:!: a S-81 :age connection by Earl £.-:ischler on pro:perty outside the City limits was received for study and ir..vestie;8tior... o A moti or.. by lc;ayoY' FendaY'vi s, secor..ded by Cmll1cilma..'1 Sifly, unanimously ap~roved a resolution of appreciation to Theodore ~",;ellen Jornlson. ( See c09Y of Resolution atte.ched to ana. ma.de a part of these minutes.) ~ .~ - .A motio~ by l"layor PendariTis, s-8cono..eo.. by Councilma.Yl Limehouse:; Has un8-"r1imously approved whereby t:b.e resignation of Fire Chief Gil19Ir_ was accepted wi th regrets. A motior.. by Hayor :?endarvis, seoonded by C01J.I'.cilmsn Goodnan., unanimously approved the eleetion of lv~a'ion Inabinet as Fire Chief • .P. mot;lon by Councilman 3ro"v-J!l, seconded by Councilman Limeuna.~imously approved ~t first reading of an ordinance reclassifying property on Sunnyside and Eenley from A-2 R.esidential to B-1 Business. house, was A motior.. by Councilman Brow-n, secondec oy Councilman Sifly, approved the low bid foY' Folice and Fire DepaY'tment SUInmer uniforms by Limehouse !1en's Store at a cost of 5:>2,233.27 for the Police Dept. a.'1d ~)l ,072.23 for the Fire Dept. Councilma..'1 Limehouse abstair..ed from voting on t~s matter. A motion by CouncinQan Brown, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, to authorize City Administrator Stevenson to proceed with pla...YJ.s regarding sw""iroraing at the Edisto River PaiTilion was defeated by a vote ~ to three. Voting for proceedir..g:'Co,mcil.1"1'1 , p.. fl:1>..1. ctv... .. 4-~ "\"'I C" O".j ~ ~ Y1'-"" r-JI "P _ r.l8.....'Yl T -'-1l.~.~eho"C_se ....v _Z.:±:!O!-. iTOl..d_uO aoa_nsL- p.L oceed...Lw~6" uayor _end 8..rvis, Councilm.8...."YJ. Sifly & Gocdrrl9..n. 1i J........ A motton by Councilma.."0 3ro"toln, seconded by C·ouncilman Sifly, W8.S una.."rJ.imonsly appro"'lTed at first reading of an ordinance where- by property of J. \''.i":"esley Pic!-::ens, Jr. on }To ore Road was aYl..nexed ~ "'--../ to the City of Orangeburg. CI:~i" -:';Tl 0fu~:t~GBEt':2.G $I S"" (L, SU~YEr1ER TITRE P..ND ?OLICE - FEERUARY 21, 1969 S?ECIFrCATIO"~ SlliV~\ARY F!REi~ DEP~t:...~n1Er~TS OF BIDS DEI?lUZ T;:15~~:e ~ ~ '-. ~i\,Ni!'I'Y ? PRICE EACH 1'1:1£1:1 :$ 50.00 S::'::.t ;; 3L:-20 60 Of;:~i.cer~ 8 26 Sw~}J,C:','C Sli.ort and Slc!Cv\~ 1?l",LV2,t\~.s Wilite: Slee.~~'e. Bl,1Je gT!_:L!f'·-i':.~ \\'<!:tg£l't? B'1tue 3 .. 69 5,25 \; Ta:t~ ~~ !vietj,'t2,n;';1..<''£''';:S ~ Cb.ief, OfLE'icc):"s 11 ~ 9 1.62 25 U.35 3.64 3 .. 61.~ 5,£10 :$ 50.00 589.90 12.80 218.40 140.40 :$ 1,071.50 :$ 1,072.23 :$ 1,103.55 ~ 32.15 4,50 4 .. 50 :$ 9.00 112,50 :$ 4.09 4.09 8.18 102.25 17.85 18.35 18.35 3.99 11.35 53.55 899.15 165.15 646.38 295.10 :$ 7L,ieut.enantB: ~ J ?;;:'-':::;::(Jl,-J0~';-;1 ',' f;~ l."t0,.~()USCi,':'S ,I!~'",;';"w;m! s 16 .. 95 17.35 16 .. 50 11.49 50.85 850.15 ]?{d.~·~j 10*-34 268.84 'I'L"OU:;':'-3&."-S ,~;<9 :$ 50.00 'IDTliL DEE:~\RTEi-1Nr; 25 3 , ERICE EACH .00 3L23 " T()Tt~L 2 50.00 559.30 13.80 221.40 136.50 $ 16.45 3.69 Trouse:r$ Suh-lbtal State 14iJLICE 'ID1l'IL Sh~~s 143.,50 128,,38 -~- $ 2,169.16 $ :2 'r= State $ 2 'I'CTAL R€'~z:o~s(ui":::nd 6!L05 65.09 .27 $ 2,23LL85 that bid be al0'aJ"':dad 10\v I,i.mel~oD3e l-1ett, G s Store Adiilillistrator Dated" M::'1:ch 3!, 19S9 RESOL1:JT.ION ---------Ii1I'!I'SREAS, The C:l.tyof Ot'angeburg dellires to expt'eslI its appreciation to nmoOORE WE1..LEN JO"llNSON. SENIOR ORANGES 'lJRG FIRE DEPAIl.'l'MENT "'Z;. .;_;,./ for bis forty (40) years of faithful service to the City; and WEREAS, Be has lOubmitted hi.s resi.gnation to the Chief of the Fire Department, City of Orangeburg, effective March 1, 1969: and WHEREAS, The City of Orangeburg is indebted to bim for his fine performance of duty throughout the years be was employed by the City: and '~EAS, Be, through his diligent and excellent work, has 'brollght much credit and acclaim to the City and its Fire Department; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Mayor and Councilmen, in Council assembled, do officially take cognizance of the faithful and distinguished service rendered to the City of Orangeburg by Theodore Wellen J"ohnsoll., Senior all an outstanding fireman for the past forty years and commend bim for a job _11 done. EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED lhat a copy of this resolutioll be kept in ___...i the permanent records of the City of Orangebllrg and be distributed througb appropriate agencies; throughout the City in order tn.at ?-cknowledgement of his work might be properly appreciated. PASSED By the Mayor and Council of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, this fourth day of Marcb, A. D., 1969. f-:Or .t1~~~ / May,,/:· /C ~/ / / / oil ' '---' \ // .~.~ 'e>I --t ~-j ~ = . !/C --~ -. / / ,i .~ '......-{ I ;;/.7. . ;//-, ( ./."Y'-.....,; ),~ " I )-- \~ , , Coline Umen .~ A=~'~ o 11LCliY0rt <--L- r • /. L.< ,/vl " I CITY OF ORANGE3URG~ HAECR 18, 1969 ~ '- s. c. The minutes of the regular meeting of City Narch 18, 1969. Present: E. o. F. ..:.:"G E. G. ~ T. ... Pendarvis . Limehouse Sifly BroT.....'T11 C. 3. GooClma.'l"l Earch COQ~cil held Nayor Councilman Councilma...""l Councilman Councilma."I'1 The minutes of the regular meeting of City C01.L"lcil he 10. 4, 1969 were read and approved. A group of citizens of the ~rangeburg area apneared before City Council asking that the Edisto River be opened for swirr.minz thi S SUJrlner. A motion by Co~cilman Lirr~house, seconded by Councilma-"l Good.1112n, 1.L1'J.animously ap:proved second reading of an ordinance reclassifying property on Sunnyside and Renley from A-2 ~esidential to B-1 Business. A motion by Councih--nan Sifly, seco::1ded by Councilma..'rl unanimously approved a resolution authorizing ~''Iayor E. O. Pendarvis to sign a lease w-i th the Southern Railroad regarding property in the lTorth Boulevard - .IL-rnelia St. area~ (See copy of resolution attached to fu~d made a part of these minutes. ) GOOQ'lTlar.., /"""', A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilm~1'J. Sifly, was unanimously approved at second reading of 3.n ordina~ce .annexing one lot in CaV.~ Caw Plantation belonging to ~·'.Je slay Pi ckens. ~6.~ motion by Councilman 3rO"\.lTn, seconded by Cov.Jlcilrllan Limehouse, W2.S unanimously approved whereby I'1ayor E. O. Pendo..rvis ,"ras authorized. 8....YJ.d directed. to sign the necessary instr1..L1"f1ents for certain sewer improvem.ents. (See Resoluti on attached to and made a ~art of these minutes.) A motion by Hayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved a new table of orgfu~ization for the ?ire Department. Ci ty COll."rlcil gave ap:.proval to Ci ty son 1 s plan for painting ="':;irmow Field. ~ll~drnini.strator Steven- P..n application by Herbert C1.L."T'Jrnings to operate a pool room at 224 Russell St. Eo "'~. was 2,pproved by City C01mcil. ~ 3401 / 2.ESOL'ST ------ I I) R BE IT RESOLVED By tb.e Mayor and Councilmen of the City of (?', c \ Grangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council asse!D.bled . and. by autho:-ity of the same: sani tary Tn~t the, City of Orangeburg c:pply for grant for certain sew~r improvements it: the City of Orangeburg through the ~partment of Rousing and Urban Development. BE IT FUR7tlER RESOLv~D ~~at the Mayo~ of the City of Orangeburg, the Ronorable E. O. ?endarvis, be, and he hereby is, directed to s~gn autho~ized and the application and all other instruments in connection 'With the grant for certain sewerLnprovements: inthe City of 7 Orange~urg thro:..:gh the Depart..'nent of Eousing 2nd Urban De.velop:rrent. PASSSD by ·the City Council of the City of O:::-ange.'burg, South Caroline: this eighte.enth day of l'larch, A .. D .. , 1969 .. ,-' 3 ~t3, ~~ , d ~~~~ ,-i ,-J '1;1 ~? l~'."YOr ! ~ . , / f ..----' // ' ';!11~/Ct-z..(~ ",,---, ., " l'I iYVYrct/vl, (] fl ' ~ , sS"I ~'/A J r+-' l I I (~. , . ~ _,1/ 'v ~~ ~ -Cou-nc-il:nen j~~ k .. - ~ \. \ '" RESOLUTION ---------BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Conncilmen of the City of Orangeburg, -- State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into a lease agreement with southern Railway Company whereby the City of Orangeburg agrees to lease a parcel of the right-of-way or property of Company, at Orangeburg, South Carolina, having an area of 14,963 square feet, more or less, located on Boulevard and U.S. 601, to be used for public parking purposes; together with the right to construct and maintain upon said premises a fence not less than 36 inches high between the parking lot and main track of Railroad. Licensee will pay unto Company the rent or sum of twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per annum, payable in advance, beginning as of the effective date hereof. It is understood and agreed that the term of this Lease may terminate at any time by thirty (30) days written notice. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor of the City of Orangeburg, the Honorable E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign said Agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. i1 PASSED by the City Council this 18th day of March, A.D., 1969. ~ Ii V! '-'> ,-( /) (J _/IIB/}1L~j{ -'- ~~ C -~r-ur Councilmen iATrEST: i~ ~ 1~;_ 4. __ O/~~ City Cl<ik ~ COpy E. O. PENDARVIS ROBERT T, STEVENSON MAYOR CITY AOMINISTRATQR FRANK F. l.IMEHOUSE NORMAN G. SIFl.Y ALEC T. BROWN C. B. GOODMAN (!Ii tg COUNCILMEN of ®ra:ll~l1~hu:rg ~uu±1r Qiarolina 29115 / 2S w 19'.6·9 ~t;ft',;:h Mr. tt:~. C4i Bethea., Cb;a~ 01::mg",1;;1lJ::i ColJ.liI.tlr l?h.Qll:il.'lg '.i;),;?;vP..llQpj.'3(:tnt Ooolm1,$sioD. and OratiZ"pul."'t\, south Carolb'MI 29115 "Oear Mt;' Ii Be thea.:: 'lll.ie ill toeertify that tb~ Ci ty of OJ.-angei:l'Ul:jJ; bcreby contrihute tile Sl.IIlI of 'r.rel'lle. !'!!>:>'<!zaM :i1'i,';IC l'iundred DoUar& ($1.2,500) 01$ itt> Sl:ated $hare for eert'"'t~. !lpecified site bprovements at the ~jcC"'nU:l-OilbQrl'le tl'l..:!r.lS tz:-id _~e..:t. Olg)~OOIl ~" '~Cllid.~'s;:l;ca w11 1 be !Q::thcClllirlg to you upon 1J:'e'i~,i\ilt. BY OROEil:OF r:r.rl OOl3NC'!lo /(///~~~ ~ Y7~~ / It.. Toft ,$"'~~w.on Cit,," (1.~i:tlis,t::~tQ.t" RTSIilir 00: CitycooncU Ci tl Cleric and Tl:e&aurar SG:at(lt' Ii-hrllhaU B. 1iI11li_ o ;., oJ ::$ r-I '0 ..-I tV .-C\ () 'r! ..-I ;1 ,: o o o G-I GO r: • 'n rd ~~ tV tV p. tV 0 f:-I P, p, f-{ ~! ::$<0 oJ '" ..-I u' to ri 0) '0 Q) '" ~ ..-I 0) cO ':fi:1 s=l 0" ;:hO +,0" til ~~ OJ tV o ;., G-, tV +' ;., OJ .£1 tV hO E-I • • 1]:-1 ;., o• ('J• r:q• r-1 tV "'; ." G... o .. <'I ... ·1) t>~ Q) .r:E-! .1 . i Q) G-: ~·l or! .p W if) .£1 o ~l ~~: ( ,/ CI'rY OF ORANGEBUHG, S. C. APHIL 15, 1969 ~ The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held April 15, 1969. Present: Absent: E. F. H. C. O. Pendarvi s F. Limehouse G. Sifly S. Goodman A. T. BrOl"1"11 N:ayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held April 1, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Mayor Penarvis, that a previous motion banning swi~ng in the EQisto River be reconsidered to allow swi~~ng during the coming Summer Season vJas unaI'~mously approved. A motion by COLL~cilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilm~~ Sifly, was unanimously approved authorizing and directing Mayor E. O. Pend.arvi s to sign an agreement wi th the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company for a gas line crossing. (See Resolutiilin attached to and made a part of these minutes.) ~ .. A motion by Councibuan Sifly, seconded by Councilman GooQman, unanimously approved a contribution of $12,500 for certain specified site improvements in the NcCants-Osborne industrial area located on U. S. Highway 21. City Council authorized City Administrator Stevenson to sign an agreetment to purchase a certain piece of prouerty from Boyd Thompson for i,;3,OOO per acre. - ,oj. City Council authorized payment to }fl!'. T. Jol:>..nson of his regular salary from l"larch 1, to Illarch 13, 1969, the date of his effective retirement. ~'-, 0~U5 ,/ g,~'§Q!:1!!!Q~ ,~ BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, in Council assembled, and by authority of the same: That the Department of Public Utilities of the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company whereby the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad grants unto the said City the right or license to install and maintain for the purpose of conducting natural gas not to exceed a maximum operating pressure of 30 PSI, a line of 3/4-inch O.D. steel pipe across the right of ',yay and under tracks in Amelia N.W., at Orangeburg, South Carolina, at a point 3,433 feet northwestwardly, measured along the center line of Licensor's track from the pOint of switch at the junction of said track and Licensor's traCk, which point of switch is distant 2,861 feet r---~ southwardly, measured along the center line of said main track from Mile Post K-376; as shown in green on the print attached hereto and made a part hereof, Licensor's right of way being as indicated on said print. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED this fifteenth day of April, A.D., 1969. --- tZ ,:;:; Signed: ' ~ /"- 2 r C, 'cY:I::?:!;;/d~:V:f4~~'<l "I,,} (" -'t~/)'-ck~, /! 'j[il'Iayor ,/, ./ ' 1,-_ .- ~ /~, ''':/) !f! '-" \"....-:,/ . . . . v: /}i//'1 ,"-£"---:;-o "0 , '\ ," , '-',' (r,. '--.? r'\ '-..,.: / Councilmen ATTEST: }?;-K~~~ v City Clerk and Treasurer I' .'-< // // .... '.-1-/// r:;',,- ,~ I ~ '\; " STATEMENT CONCERNING SWIMMING AT PAVILLION The interest, welfare and happiness of all the people of ~ Orangeburg has always been and will continue to be the determining factor in all decisions made by City Council regulating policies and activities. Several weeks ago by majority vote, the City Council did not believe that existing conditions warranted the opening of the River to organized, City sponsored, swimming at this time. of so Now that we have been assured of the desire and cooperation ~any groups, as well as individuals; the assurance of a staff of well trained life guards who' will be on duty at designated periods; the construction of facilities for men and women providing restrooms and dressing rooms, the Council gives its approval to the opening of a designated area of the River for the benefit and pleasure of our entire community. We call upon our people to illustrate in spirit and practice such conduct that will bring additional pride to our City and that ,/-- they put forth every effort in maintaining the beauty, tranquility and general wholesomeness of the area. / CITY OF ORA1"ifGEBURG, S. C. MAY 6, 1969 ~ The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held May 6, 1969. . Present: Absent: E. . F. N. C. O. F. G. B. Pendarvis Limehouse Sifly Good..'11an A. T. Brown Mayor Councilman· Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held April 15, 1969 were read and approved. City Council received for further study a request by Mrs. Dorothy Passwater for a plaque to be erected on the Memorial Plaza in honor of the servicemen in Vietnam. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Goodunanimously approved accepting the agreement with Southern Railroad regarding certain property near the intersection of U. S. 601 and Russell St. ~~, A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved the reconstruction of a portion of Gl~ver street as proposed by the S. C. Highway Dept. .~ City Council unanimously approved a State Highwaw Department Traffic Study for improvements on the Chestnut St. and Columbia Road are~the intersection of Carolina Ave and North Boulevard, and on John C. Calhoun Drive. A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved the installation of parking meters on Broughton street from Amelia to Henley st. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved the plans for construction of a picnic shelter near the Edisto River Pavillion. A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved a standard power line resolution with the Southern Railway Company. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) Amotion by Councilman Goodman, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved at first reading of an ordin~~ce whereby property of Frederick I. Evans at 2149 Broughton st. N. W. wasannexed to the City of Orangeburg, S. C. City Council directed City Administrator Stevenson to withdraw an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a gr~t for certain sewer improvements. ~ (over) 040'1 'y ~;JU tJ'1t1 0 J City Council authorized payment to Shep Pearlstine Co. for a windshield broken when truck passing Adden street playground was hit by a baseball; prc)"rided Shep Pearlstine Co. has no insurance coverage for this damage. Ci ty Council authorized the issuance of. a j3usA-»ess License to Home Realty Co. operated by Mrs. Lois Lengel. a'l1'ZTreen St.l}I,.!': ,--. /,. ~ , ~/ ./ ~~2Q.1g!1Q.!,! ~ 0' BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with Southern Railway Company, a Virginia Corporation, whereby Southern Railway grants unto the City of Orangeburg, in so far as its title enables it so to do, a license to construct and maintain a line of power wires across the right of way on property of the said Company at a pOint twenty four (24) feet South of Mile Post SC 83 North of Orangeburg, South Carolina, being that identified arrllocated substantially as shown in red color on annexed print of Drawing maJ:ked Exhibit "A", dated r~\ \,~ February 20, 1969. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign the said agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED this fifth day of May A.D. 1969. ~.f . U ,,~ ~ < fi fl ,!'-.{V?(V ~ '7 Yi rJ'/VYICi'/i,.., t \ r , '...--1 ~ \~ ' -~,--; '" /1 ;/ (,_...v . ~'--, 1JJh", _ Ir f/ Councilmen .~ "'-..-...-/' ~~~T: ~ /IJ.l!__ Cdrk -v - - ....... \ 3~09 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, MAY 20, 1969 ~ s. c. The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held May 20, 1969. Present: E. F. N. A. C. O. F. G. T. B. Pendarvis Limeho1j.se Sifly BrCin~n GoodIllan Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held May 6, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved the placing of a plaque in Memorial Plaza in honor of servicemen in Vietnam. Named t(!) the Orangeburg County Memorial Committee were: L. O. Hinson, Charles Shuler, Mrs. Dorothy Passwater, Harris Marshall, Jr., Lamar Dawkins and Basil Sheppard. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Goodman, unanimously approved second reading of an ordinance annexing one lot at 2149 Broughton St. N. W. belonging to Frederick :to Evans. ~ A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved first reading of an ordinance establishing a ~oinj Planning Commission and amending Chapter 107, Code of Ordinances of the City of Orangeburg. A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved a resolution establishing the date of September 9. 1969 for the Municipal election. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) City Council approved a proclamation regarding the Municipal election and giving notice that Miss Nonie Smith has been appointed as Supervisor of Registration. (See Proclamation attached to and made a part of these minutes.) A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved a resolution appointing D. A. Gardner, Jr., Harold I. Robinson and D. D. Salley III as Commissioners of Election for the City of Orangeburg. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved the low bid by Horne Motors for $2,655.93 for a truck to be used by Engineering - Public Works Department. ~ RESOLUTION ---------BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, ~. ~ State of South Carolina, in Council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, recommend to the Honorable Robert E. McNair, Governor of the State of South Carolina, that he appoint the following three Commissioners of Election for the City of Orangeburg: D. A. Gardner, Jr., Harold I. Robinson, and D. D. Salley, III, and that said appointment be for a period of four (4) years commencing June 1, 1969. FORTHER RESOLVED That the Honorable E. O. Pendarvis, Mayor of the City of Orangeburg, be authorized and directed to forward to the Honorable Robert E. McNair, Governor of the State of South Carolina a copy of this resolution, and request that His Excellency make the said appointment at his earliest convenience. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, this the 20th day of May, A. D., 1969. Z. /: . Z' ((), ~-'l /d/r 44~./<f v 'Mayor /LL¥2J<7U£ ~ £,! '..../1 /7/ /",,9 / I! /', I i ' :-.;" ' u.--1." /1 J . .I L l/)/!/Ia~~, ,,'" /)V \"../}' .. Il~. ,'. C i'\ ~ 'I'~ Councilmen ATr7h?~ City Clerk -, .-. ( .. A' .....:.:;; . l{ /i' !!/ (r,', ,I \I !!~Q'!!'!!!'!'Q! BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, ~. v State of South Carolina, in Council assembled and by authority of the same: That the regular municipal election for the purpose of electing a mayor and four (4) councilmen in the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, under the commission form of government is hereby ordered to be held in the City of Orangeburg on Tuesday, September 9, 1969; tp2t the said election shall be held at the polling precincts designated by law for all general elections; that the term of office of said mayor and councilmen shall be for four (4) years under the commission form of government adopted by the said City and as provided by law; that the Honorable E. O. Pe-ndarvis, Mayor of the City of Orangeburg is hereby authorized and directed to issue a proclamation publishing the date of the said election and to do all other things required by law in connection with said election. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, this the 20th day of May, A.D., 1969. t:( ,-ilL£4~ .t).!J~ G {Mayor 11. " f .I f 11 ~ C' (it/ {~.. ... Jl.j(.,-.Y -:;:....:,-- --_ _\l v!; ~~J-'-J , l/t;v2/:n"l CC---1/ii ~ ~ _ ", j' _ Councilmen ffiTi0t~ city Cler!W' iI' 1.:";/ __ ....... )/...... .. 1 PROCLAMATION FOR mE REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR A MAYOR AND FOUR OJUNCILMEN FOR THE CITY OF ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA UNDER THE COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT Pursuant to a resolution of the City Council, adopted May 20, 1969, (~ notice is hereby given that the regular municipal election of the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, is hereby ordered and proclaimed to be held in the City of Orangeburg at the polling precincts designated by law for all general elections by the qualified registered electors of said City on Tuesday, September 9, 1969, and that a mayor and four (4) councilmen for the said City be elected to serve a term of four (4) years under the commission form of government adopted by the said City and as provided by law. Notice is also given that Miss Nonie smith has been appointed as Supervisor of Registration of said City and shall hold office for two (2) years or until her successor has been appointed and qualified. Orangeburg, South Carolina "-- May 20, 1969 ?4"J C/ t~ ,.::::::. f ~ M ATrEST A City Clerk and \'-../ ,-~ , ~~ / 0111 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. JUNE 3, 1969 ~ "-- The minutes of the r.egular meeting of City Council held June 3, 1969. Present: Pendarvis Sifly Brown C. B. Goodman Mayor Councilman CouncilmaIi Councilman F. F. Limehouse Councilman E~ N~ A~ Absent: O~ G~ T~ The minutes· of the regular-meeting of City Council held May 20, 1969 were read and a~~roved. City Council· received for further study a proposal for low income housing. ·A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved at ·thirdreading and enacted·into law of an ordinance anneXing· one lot at 2149 Broughton St. N. W. belonging to Frederick I . Evans. A motion- by· COUncilrilail Brown,· secohded by Mayor Pendarvis, unanimously approved secondreadihgof an" ordinance establishihg a Joiht-Plahnihg Commission·and amending Chapter 107, Code of Ordinanc~~ .. ?f the __ ?i t;y _?f . 0:t'~€?~burg_. ~ ',,--/ Ci tyCoUhcil unanimously approved -a -standard water line crossing· agreement with the Seaboard Coa·st·Line Railroad~ (See Resol~tion attached to and made a part of these minutes.) A motion by Councilrilan Brbwn,·seconded by Councilman Gdodman; unanimously approved·· the convey81ice· of certain· property·oetween the State of South· Carolina and the City of OrangebUrg. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes. ) ~ .. ~. RESOLUTION ---------- q' '--- WHERR~S, the City of Orangeburg heretofore conveyed to State of South Carolina by its deed dated July, 1936, recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg County in Deed Book 103, page 166, a tract of 1.64 acres located at North Broughton Street and Bull Street, in the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, upon condition that same be used as the site for an armory upon further condition that said tract should revert to City of Orangeburg at any time Same was not so used; and, WHEREAS, the 'State of South Carolina, acting through the offices of General, heretofore indicated its desire to abandon said site as an armory and to rebuild its facilities on a 5 acre tract of land located on Chestnut Street, N. E., Orangeburg, South Carolina, which 5 acre tract was conveyed by the City to the State by its deed dated October 7, 1967, recorded in said Clerk's office in Deed Book 299, page 463, and upon such conditions as contained in said deed; and the State of South Carolina, acting through the offices of General, has indicated its desire to abandon both of the above two sites and to rebuild its facilities on the 10.2 acre tract described hereinbelow, which has been offered to it by the City of Orangeburg in exchange for the tract of 1.64 acres and the tract of 5 acres upon the conditions hereinafter set out; and, w~£REAS, WHEREAS, the construction of new facilities on the 10.2 acre tract is subject to availability of governmental funds to be determined; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, 'in Council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg convey to the State of South Carolina in consideration of the sum of five and 00/100 Dollars ($5.00), subject to the conditions mentioned hereinbelow: , "'-../ All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, with any impcovements ;'thereon, situate, lying and being South of the corporate limits of the City of Orangeburg, Orange Township, School District 5 (outside), Orangeburg County, South Carolina, containing 10.2 acres, as set forth and shown on a plat of survey, property of City of Orangeburg, made by B. Reese Earley, dated April 18, 1969, approved by H. Frank O'Cain, C.E., and having the following boundaries and measurements: West by right of way of Southern Railroad Company, a wire fence being the line, and measuring thereon 880 feet; North by lands of H. Boyd Thompson, et ux., 521 feet; East by lands of H. Boyd Thompson, et ux., 785.1 feet, and on the South by lands of H. Boyd Thompson, et ux., (shown on said plat as proposed U.S. 21 and 178 By-Pass), and measuring along a curved line a total distance of 534.7 feet; the same having such area, courses, distances, metes and boundaries as shown on said plat, the same being incorporated herein and made a part of this description by reference. . ALSO: A perpetural right of way or easement for drainage purposes over a !strip of land 10 feet in width beginning at a point at the northeast corner of ,the tract of land above described and extending across lands of H. Boyd [Thompson, et ux., in an easterly direction 130 feet, more or less, to an iexisting drainage ditch on or near remaining lands of H. Boyd Thompson, et ux.; :with the right and privilege of entry upon said lands for the purpose of Iconstructing a system of drainage as may be necessary and proper, and with the 'right to cut any trees, remove stumps and other debris from said right of way. [It is agreed that any drainage shall be piped below the surface level of the [ground. ~/ The above described property.and easement being the same conveyed to the 'grantor by deed of H. Boyd Thompson, et ux., dated May IS, 1969, recorded in [the office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg County, S. C., in Deed Book 317 !a t page 547. This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions: 1. That the State of South Carolina shall construct or cause to be constructed on the tract of 10.2 acres an armory and/or other facilities for the use and benefit of the National Guard of South carolina within five years from the date of this deed and shall continuously maintain and use said property for such purposes; and 2. That the State of South Carolina shall reconvey to the City of Orangeburg by good and sufficient deed in fee simple, free and clear of all encumbrances, that certain tract of land containing 1.64 acres located at Bull Street and North Broughton Street in the City of Orangeburg, S.C., as hereinabove referred to; said reconveyance shall be made unto the City of Orangeburg at such time as the State of South Carolina shall abandon the said 1.64 acre tract presently used as the site of an armory and not later than five years from the date of this deed. Further, that the State of South carolina shall reconvey to the City of Orangeburg by good and sufficient deed in fee simple, free and clear of encumbrances, that certain tract of land containing five acres located on Chestnut Street, N.E., Orangeburg, S. C., as referred to hereinabove; that said reconveyance shall be made at the earliest practicable time after deliverance of this deed and the City of Orangeburg shall have the right or rights of occupancy and possession of the 5 acre tract until said deed is duly delivered. 3. Upon failure of the State of South Carolina to comply with the conditions as above set forth, the said tract of 10.2 acres shall revert to the City of Orangeburg, its successors or assigns. ~ '\...,r- .~ '~,,~. This conveyance is also made subject to the rights of H. Boyd Thompson and Ellen R. Thompson until August 1, 1969, to harvest peaches from the peach orchard located on the above described lands.· BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign the said Deed on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSES by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, this 3rd day of June, A. D., 1969. £.() .,~~44/'--A Mayor ~~--~~--------~ Councilmen " ~/ , / g,~~Q.!oQI1.Q.li -,~, L BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, in Council assembled, and by authority of the same: That the Department of Public Utilities of the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company whereby the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad grants unto the said City the right or license to install and maintain for the purpose of conducting water, a line of 2 inch cast iron pipe across the right of way and under the Railroad Company's main track near Cordova, South Carolina; as more particularly described in said agreement, which agreement is dated May 7, 1969, a copy of which agreement is filed with the Department of Public Utilities, City of Orangeburg. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis, \~, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED this third day of June, A. D., 1969. Signed: S~~0Ju/~ ,.---. L City Clerk ancil" Treasurer \ C:fi/ 4~ ?,z v , /h'~~~ I Mayor / .:'.i! ~.-:; CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. JUNE 17, 1969 ~ The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held June 17, 1969. '---" Present: E. O~ Pendarvis F ~ F ~ Limehouse N~ G. Sifly A. T. Brown C. B. Goodman Mayor Councilman CoUncilman CoUncilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held June 3, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by CoUncilman· Goodman, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously" approved whereby the Teen Age Republicans were given authorization to clean -the s"tatue on Memorial Plaza provided they first receive clearance from the United Daughters of the Confederacy. A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, was Unanimously approved at third reading and enacted into law of an ordinance" establishing a ~oint ~lanning Commission and amending Chapter 107, Code of Ordinances of the City of Orangeburg. ~ A motion byCounciIman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Brown, unanimously approved a resolution authorizing and directing Mayor E. O. Pendarvis to sign an agreement to establish a Joint Planning Commission. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes. ) City Council appointed Watt McCain, Cliff Morgan and T. K. Bythewood as members of the Joint Planning Commission. City Council approved a request from Town Players for perto use Memorial Plaza on July 26 for an art exhibit. ~ission A motion by Councilman Limehouse,seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved a standard railroad wire crossing agreement with the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) .. ~ ~i> .i,'I... .., u':t.: ..t.u ,/ RE.§..Q.LU:!'.l..Q.N G BE IT RESOLVED By the 11ayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, in Council assembled, and by authority of the same: That the Depart?Jlent of Public Utilities of the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with the Seaboard Coast Line P~lroad Company whereby the Seaboard C.ast Line Railroad grants unto the said City the right or license to construct and maintain a power line across the right of way and over the wires and main track of said Railroad Company at or near Orangeburg, South Carolina; as more particularly described in said 1969, a copy of which agree- agreement, which agreement is dated April 28, ment is filed with the Department of Public Utilities, City of Orangeburg. BE IT FURTEER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign said agreement on be~ half of the City of Orangeburg. G PASSED this seventeenth day of June, A. D., 1969. /. -£ y / . C/ ~a<-z:/~ /7 '7 Signed: .... ~ ~ 0 If1S1a:t;/ ,7;7 / j .- . . . J . J=:;{ '. " ~;~vJr:c.vo~ .c< y ~:!i \ . ~ Ylt~VVn~~. {!,. " -} \f~./ ,?t:.::: . '-/ -- r7 \l. Councilmen ~~~ ~. ( \J '-f -~-.-- __ ;r'-)~"-'-- ,_."'<.-,........ City Clerk and /J:'reasurer 1/ f'/ ,'j liA W rr '-..1 RESOLUTION --------- BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, ~- State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with the County of Orangeburg whereby they establish, operate and maintain the Orangeburg Urban Area Joint Planning Commission. The Commission to become effective on the 17th day of June, 1969. BE IT FURTIlER RESOLVED That the Mayor of the City of Orangeburg, the Honorable E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign said Agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED by the City Council this 17th day of June, A. D., 1969. ~ 7 _&.4 a ~/V7"/:'-(/ // ' C;. ;- ~4J !J May '-- L-_ fYVV]/] Q...-/\ ~- ~ I. \ ~~A~ ~ \1 ~~~~~-~~ ~ ~') 1/ ~#~ Councilmen -EST: X I' ;/ gg,gQ!:!!IIQn ~. G BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with Southern Railway Company, a Virginia Corporation, whereby Southern Railway grants unto the City of Orangeburg, in so far as its title enables it so to do, a license to construct and maintain a natural gas line under .the right of way on property of the said Company at a point forty two (42) feet North of Mile Post SC 83 North of Orangeburg, South Carolina, being that identified and located substantially as shown in red color on annexed print of Drawing marked Exhibit "A", dated June 6, 1969. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor,Mayor E. O. ~ ~ Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign the said agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED THIS first day of Jury A. D. ?i" ~ k ')~:::>/0";r;:-,.. /:1' a/for, .-><' /)ViY~ ----- ~---- ] ~ "')/"f C'. j/~,r 0,. i.' ('i ~1....../. "-'-- --1 'o. /7 •. // ..•.. / .. n,(}/'.1 . . .M : ~v, .' \ b~,:E~,f:s , ,. tI .... ,. / /~?df/Y'll'~-//·Councilmen ~ ATTEST: 7/7. jj /7, " / 17-7(- ~t{ij-v - Clerk/, /. . '---.7 u.,' ---(~~I I ./ g,g~Q.bgIIQ.!! ~, BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with Southern Railway Company, a Virginia Corporation, whereby Southern Railway grants unto the City of Orangeburg, in so far as its title enables it so to do, a license to construct and maintain a water line under the right of way on property of the said Company at a point one thousand one hundred sixty (1160) feet South of Mile Post SC 76 South of Orangeburg, South Carolina, being that identified and located substantially as shown in red color on annexed print of Drawing marked Exhibit "A", dated June 6, 1969. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign the said agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED this first day of July A. D. 1969. ··?64~/~~A or ~-~~vOA , C;;:u££ Councilmen ATT~T: ,~ 7/7(. /./. J/K-0&£¢t1A/L 71 Clerk /' RESOLUTION ~ BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, in Council assembled, and by authority of the same: That the Department of Public Utilities of the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company whereby the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company grants unto the Said City the right or license to install and maintain for the purpose of conducting water, a line of twelve (12) inch ductile iron pipe across the right of way and under the Railroad Company's main track three thousand nine hundred seventy nine (3979) feet South of Milepost K 380 near Cordova, South Carolina; as more particularly described in said agreement, which agreement is dated May 27, 1969, a copy of which .~ agreement is filed with the Department of Public Utilities, City of Orangeburg. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor Eo O. PendarVis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED this first day of July, A. D., 1969. ~ . Signed. JJ}J /' &>0, "', ¥S07t<." 'Q . ii' . " " ,IT L~._ ~ , I. ~~} I . a'~'L /:jr~Jf/~,~ __ Councilmen A)0~~~ City Clerk a~ Treasurer v g, lL~ Q. !; :g: I 1. Q. l'I ~. BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with Southern Railway Company, a Virginia Corporation, whereby Southern Railway grants unto the City of Orangeburg, in so far as its title enables it so to do, a license to construct and maintain a water line under the right of way on property of the said Company at a point seventy five (75) feet North of Mile Post SC 83 North of Orangeburg, South Carolina, being that identified and located substantially as shown in red color on annexed print of Drawing marked Exhibit "A", dated May 22, 1969. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign the said agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED This first day of July A.D. 1969. /1 ~ ·.i/)"~'M - d- j ,f '. f' ~,)~ ~-"'-" ~" _ ~ ). /'"/ lyH11CiL.1t! J.-.~ \. . . . . .l~ () , 0""'i p( J ~ // /, ~.~~(L ./':~"/"'~ "'"/¢ /.~ ../,r;;fjJfi'.~:Wi/ /:/P'"/J7:zrr ?r(~~w,_ Councilmen ATTEST: -. _~~ ~"y{ <''"/' .~ /4-'- l/jA4 q :1 /' 3'115 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. JULY 1, 1969 The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held July 1, 1969. Present: E. Pendarvis Limehouse N. G. Sifly A. T. Br9wu C. B. Goodman F~ O~ F~ J'Iayor Councilman COLUlcilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held June 17. 1969 were read and approved. Amotion by Councilman Limehbuse, seccndedbyMayor Pendarvis, Unanimously approved the purchase of a patrol car for the Police Department. City Council named the folloWing to the City1s Board of Appeals for Building Codes:Wes Summers, T. C. Jenkins, Eugene Montgomery, Jo11n Henry Dukes and J. E. Gramling, Jr.___:Ycc_-'c::/',:_' C:,('I'-IC.,j,~ /,~/, A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved authorizing and directing Nayor E. O. Pendarvis to sigh four standard railroad crossing agreements. (See Resolutions attached to and made a part of these minutes. ) A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved a three year contract with U. S. Highway 301 Association whereby the City of Orangeburg Will pay 50% of the cost of three signs directing traffic along U. S. Highway 301. ; !" Board of Adjustment and Appeal, J. E. Gramling, Jr. 534-1165 Wes Summers _ 536-0025 Eugene Montgomery _ 534-1233 T. c. Jenkins _ 534-5580 John Henry Dukes _ 534-4543 I : ~/ Term of office EXPires July l, 1971 Jllly 1, 1970 July 1, 1912 July 1, 1971 JUly 1, 1970 ------~~= / !U~~Qh!:!I1Q~ BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City '---../ of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with Southern Railway Company, a Virginia Corporation, whereby Southern Railway grants unto the City of Orangeburg, in so far as its title enables it so to do, a license to construct and maintain a natural gas line under the right of way on property of the said Company at a point one thousand two hundred forty (1240) feet South of Mile Post SC 76 South of Orangeburg, South Carolina, being that identified and located substantially as shown in red color on annexed print of Drawing marked Exhibit "A", dated June 9, 1969. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O. ~ >~' PendarV~S, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign the said agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED THIS fifteenth day of July A. D. 1969. or I)~~~ Councilmen ( ~- ,-----" AAi~ , Cler ~!~£~3!.!.!.£!i WP.EREAS, The City Council of the City of Orangeburg deems it desirable to borrow the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00); and Wl1EREAS, The First National Bank has agreed to lend the City the said Fifty Tnousand Dollars ($50,000.00) under the terms and conditions hereinafter recited .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same, borrow Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) from the First National Bank. The loan shall be evidenced by a note pledging the taxes and Business Licenses; the note shall be repayable one (1) year from date of execution, with interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annun::.. BE IT FunTHER RESOLVED, That the Honorable E. o. Pendarvis, Mayor of the City of Orangeburg, be authorized and he is hereby directed to sign on behalf of the City of Orangeburg the note heretofore mentioned (a copy of this note shall be attached and made a part of this resolution). PASSED by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, this fifteenth day of July, A.D., 1969. L:o(d~d~~ j . :'~' Mayov-;1 • / ) '-...J • ", , Councilmen qST: ,~ /IJ.l Ckk~ Cityil-erk Cibj of Orangeburg NOT E ---July 15, 1969 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Orangeburg, Orangeburg, South .~ Carolina, promises to pay to the order of the First National Bank at its office in the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), one year from date, with interest thereon from date at the rate of five (5) percentum per annum; with an additional ten (10) percent of the amount due as reasonable attorneys fees 'if placed in the hands of any attorney for collection by suit or otherwise; having pledged to the said barn< as security for the payment of this note and all other demands and liabilities, direct or indirect, joint or several, whether absolute or conditional, as principal, maker, endorser, surety guarantor or otherwise, of the undersigned to payee or holder thereof, already existing or which may hereafter arise, and whether due or not due: Revenues collected by said City of Orangeburg from property tax and business licenses. o The makers, drawers, endorsers and guarantors, or otherwise, severally, waive presentment for payment, demand, protest, and notice of protest of non-payment or default of this note. CITY OF ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CA.l'l.OLINA BY: £: (/ '~,£(/'A/ Mayor AT"IT2hR~ City Clerk ~ il " !! !i I i: :! City of Orangeburg Ii Ii Ii,I " NOT E --- "" Ii July 15, 1969 il ~ :1 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Orangeburg, Orangeburg, South 11 II 'I I,'I Carolina, promises to pay to the order of the State Bank and Trust Company ii at its office in the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, the sum of Fifty II i: Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), one year from date, with interest thereon " ,I I II if from date at the rate of five (5) percentum per annum; with an additional ten (10) percent of the amount dh~ as reasonable attorneys fees if placed Ii ij in the hands of any attorney for collection by suit or otherwise; having IIII pledged to the said bank as security for the payment of this note and all II III: other demands,and liabilities, direct or indirect, joint or several, whether I' II'I otherwise, of the undersigned to payee or holder thereof, already existing or Ii which may hereafter arise, and whether due or not due: I,I I',I ~ absolute or conditionai, as principal, maker, endorser, surety,. guarantor or Revenues collected by said City of Orangeburg from Ii I,I property tax and business licenses. il i " .,; 1 The maker s, drawers, endorsers and guarantors, or otherwise, severally, waive presentment for payment, demand, protest, and notice of protest of non-payment or default of this note. I CITY OF 02.ANGEBURG, IIII BY: Ii I',I !I " il ATTEST: IiIi il 11 II iI Ii I'I II:1 .,~ "Ii :1 ii 11 !I Ii Ii "Ii" ii II I; " i" "j! ~ ~ 7/ 1\- ~(A- Clty Cle<' 2(7, DUTIl. CAROLINA , .r-~ RESOLUTION --------WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Orangeburg deems it desirable to borrow the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00); and wrrmREAS, The State Bank and Trust Company has agreed to lend the City the said Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) under the terms and conditions hereinafter recited. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same, borrow Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) from the State Bank and Trust Company. Tne loan shall be evidenced by a note pledging the taxes and Business Licenses; the note shall be repayable one (1) year from date of execution, with interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum. BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, That the Honorable E. O. Pendarvis, Mayor of the City of Orangeburg, be authorized and he is hereby directed to sign on behalf of the City of Orangeburg the note heretofore mentioned (a copy of this note shall be attached and made a part of this resolution). PASSED by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, this fifteenth day of July, A.D., 1969. Councilmen ~ AA/(~~ City Clerk I ,/ 3417 CITY OF ORA..1'fGEBURG, S. C. JULY 15, 1969 - The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held July 15, 1969. ~ , ~. ) Present: E. F. N. A. C. O. F. G. T. B. Pendarvis Limehouse Sifly Brown Goodman Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held July 1, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Brown, unanimously approved a proposal by the University of Georgia for a downtown development study. A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved first reading of an ordinance annexing five lots on Moore Road. A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved whereby the City of Orangeburg will accept the use of a new emergency rescue truck to be purchased by the City of Orangeburg Fireman's Fund. ,~", ',,,--__,,/i A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved a resolution authorizing and directing Mayor E. O. Pendarvis to sign a standard railroad crossing agreement with the Southern Railway Company. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) City Council authorized the purchase of a mower to be used by the Engineering Public Works Department. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved a resolution whereby the City of Orangeburg borrows $50,000.00 from the State Bank & Trust Company. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved a resolution whereby the City of Orangeburg borrows $50,000.00 from the First National Bank. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) City Council unanimously approved the purchase of Limestone Rural Community Water District Water System for a price of $120,765.56 subject to title, to be furnished by the Water District, being favorably passed upon by the City Attorney. ~ .. .~ / 0'11Y CITY OF ORANGEBURG, AUGUST 5, 1969 /~ '~ s. C. The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held August 5, 1969. Present: E. F. N. A. C. O. F. G. T. B. Pendarvis Limehouse Sitly Brown Goodman Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held July 15, 1969 were read and approved. Council received an annexation petition from for further study. Mr~. R. W. J~ison A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Goodman unanfumously approved second reading of an ordinance annexing five lots on Moore Road. A motion by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved a resolution expressing appreciation to Fabric Services for the gift to the City of recreational equipment. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) City Council approved a request by the Retail Merchants Bureau for a Christmas Parade to be held on Friday, November 28, 1969. \ ~' A request to change the name of a certain section of Brookside Drive was approved and referred to the Planning Commission. A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved the low bid of $4,614.49 by Renneker's Inc. for winter uniforms for the Fire and Police Department. A motion by Councilman Limehouse,seconded by Councilman Brown, unanimously approved a resolution whereby the American Bank & Trust Co. lends $100,000.00 to the City of Orangeburg. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) City Council approved a plan whereby Aetna Life and Casualty Insurance Company increases its benefits as of August 1, 1969 for the following: Hospital room from $22 to $26 per day Miscellaneous charges from $220 to $260 Maternity charges from $220 to $260 ~ \,,--~ A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved the purchase of the Limestone Rural Community Water District of Orangeburg County for the sum of $120,765.56 per Contract of Sale. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) RESOLUTION ---------i~E&S > ,J - ' Fabric Services, Inc. has donated to the City of Orangeburg certain needed recreational equipment valued at Four ',,- Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00). and, WEREAS, this generQus donation is highly valued by the City for use within its recreational facilities, and, m!EREaS, the City of Orangeburg deel!l$ it appropriate to publicly acknowledge its gratitude for such gift; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of Orangeburg does hereby express its appreciation to Fabric services, Inc. for the recreational equipment made available to the City of Orangeburg fQr the use and benefit of all ita inhabitants and dQes hereby commend Fabric Services, Inc. fQr its altruistic act 'of public spiritedness. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, state of South Carolina, this the 5th day of August, A.D., 1969. ~- 4' , h' t1~,~~~~ i,' ~ 7 Mayor h ~ c2- ,~~£,-?0~ ;j Ji \ ~ l~ ~ , \~7 cf{"'7/ , "/4 C,· ~C~~_ Councilman .J _r' ~,,--,,/ ./ aESOLUTION ---------'llmIU!lAS, the City Coullcil of thee City oE Oraar$cburg deems it )/.--... desirable to bon-ow tile 30 of Otle Hundred Thousand DoHan ($lO().OOO.OO)~ and waBREAS, The ~erican aank and Trust ~pany haa agreed to lend tile City the said One Hundred ThoWland Dollan ($100.,000.00) under tile terms and conditions he~einafter recited. NOW, 'mERElrolU;:. l>E l'l.' RESOLVi:D by the Mayor and COWII.cillilen of the City of Crange.oorg, State of South Carolina, in COIIDCU aSsembled atld by autllority of tile same, bQrrOii' One liundred Thousand Dollars ($100 ,000.00) frOlii the .Ir.lIleriean Banlt; and ",Crua; t OOOipany. note pledgin~ The loan shall be eVidenced by a the taxes and Busillees Liceneesl the !lota shall be repayable O!le (l) year frolll date of execution, '!lith interest at the rate (If f1ve (5) pereent per ann~. liE IT FURTiSR RESOLVi:O. That the Fionorable E. O. Pendarvis, "Mayor of the City of Orangeburg, be authorized and he is llereby directed to aiga. I OIl behalf of the City of Orangeburg; the note beretofore mentioned (a copy of this llIote £M11 beattacheCi: and _de a parI: of this relilolutioo), PASSE» 1;)y tile City Coulldl of tll.e City of Orangeburg, State of south Carolina. this 5th day of Augulilt, A.D., 1969. )liay~r - 1 J // // . ~- / ,;:T-/fit~'dLP - -/ ~ '--' Gounci 1me n AnES~_£0u~ --,--- City-Clerk! I City of Orangeburg NOT E August 12, 1969 r ;i II" Ii " FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Orangeburg, Orangeburg, South Carolina, promises to pay to the order of 'the Ame,ioan Bank and Trust COIDPO"y "" J! at i:5 office in the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, the sum of One :1"" I, Hund ced Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), one year fr,)m date, with interest :1 thereon from date at the rate of five (5) percentum per annum; with an i~ additional ten (10) percent of the amount due as reasonable attorneys fees if II placed in the hands of allY attorney for collection by suit or otherwise; Ii" I:;i having pledged to the said bank as security for the payment of this note and II all other demands and liabilities, direct or indire,et, joint or several, ;1 " il Ii ji " 'I I: il whether absolute or conditional, as principal,. make:::-, endorser, surety guarantor or otherwise, of the undersigned to payee or holder thereof, alre.:ldy existing .. or which may hereafter arise, and ,;..rhether due or not due: " i! Ii Revenues collected by said City of Oranl,eburg from Ii II property tax and business licenses. :1 Ii Ii r The makers, drawers, endorsers and guarantors, or otherwise, il II severally, waive presentment for payment, demand, protest, and notice of Ii protest of non-payment 01- defaul t of this note. I' 'I Ii'I CITY OF ORAI-'GEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA !i .,.: I' III, BY: ii IIII ,I 7Mayor !i !, I',I !i IiI, i " :! II II IIII I,iI" p II ,III :'II Ii Ii ,~, II ,II, II r...; '.-/ ii" 'I,I !I i ;i ii 'I :' £()'~4'?~d ATTEST: : I I I I I! 31~1 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. AUGUST 19, 1969 ~ The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held August 19, 1969. Present: E. F. N. A. Co O. F. G. T. B. Pendarvis Limeho1jse Sifly Brown Goodman Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held August 5, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by Councilman Brown, sEiconded by Councilman Goodman, was unanimously approved at third reading and enacted into law of an ordinance annexing five lots on Moore Road. City Council authorized City Administrator Stevenson to advertise for a public hearing on October 2l, 1969 regarding rezoning property on Summers St. and Glover St. A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Mayor Pendarvis, unanimously approved a resolution requesting that the Orangeburg area be established as an Economic Growth Center. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) ~ City Council directed City Administrator Stevenson to work with Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. on removing the dead trees along East Russell from Baldwin St. to Clarendon Ave • . ~ RESOLUTION --------- liJ:.BREAS, the City Council of -the City of Orangeburg deems it desirable to have established an Economic Growth r-. \ .'--_.-' Ce~ter consisting of the City of Orangeburg and the four census districts surrouncir4 Orangeburg; and / vThE~~EAS, the purpose of e.s tab 1 ishing this Economic Gror.-.-rth Cen ter shall be to qualify this area for assistance from. the Economic Develo?ment Administration; and ~~EAS, this is the area in which the majority of the physical and economic growth has accrued in the past and according to professional studies shall continue to experience physic31 and economic growth in the immediate futu.re; and vW~R~S, transpo~tation the Orangeburg Area is blessed with its excellent network, unsurpassed general and technical educational facilities, adequate water and electrical supply, and the many other factors conducive "to continued BE IT / RESO~VED, economi~ gro~h; NOW ~tlSgEFORE that the City Council of Orangeburg, South Carolina in council assembled on this the nineteenth day of August, requests the \ Economic Dev2.i.of'~ncnt Ad'atinistra'tion to establisl: the City of Orangeburg and the four surrounding census districts as an Economic Growth Center in order that the above mentio~ed area may be eligible for assistance from the Economic Development Administration. PASSED by the City Council of Orangeburg, South Carolina this the nineteenth day of August, A.D., 1969. 2:iJ. t!2f~~~~ 7 ~ rr !2 i,~" ' /l ~.~ -~~TJ~'-.f..___j4ff.-.0, & !~ Councilmen A1P/3;_l_~M. City"ier~ ,/ R~SQ.h2:.1:!..Q.!! ~ ;J BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, State of South carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with Limestone Rural Community Water District of Orangeburg County in order to purchase the District's water distribution system, including all property of every kind and nature, real or personal, owned by said District for the sum of One Hundred Twenty Thousand, Seven Hundred Sixty-five and 56/100 ($120,765.56) Dollars, all of which will more fully appear by reference to a Contract of Sale appended hereto, marked Exhibit "An, and made a part of this Resolution by reference. o. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That His Honor, Mayor E. Pendarvis and M. R. Campbell, City Clerk, be, and they hereby are, authorized and i ---'1 directed to sign the said Agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED this Fif.th. day of August, 1969. \,- --.::;J ?u, " JJ Mayor " v !) Councilmen ATT~ /(~ .~ , , ',- ;; " 11 ~ ¥ IId"- --''';;' /1 " " I' ~ " !I~ 1- I' I I I I , :1 !i t' I I ,I I, II Ii STATE I, I; OF SOUTH CARO LINA, "Ii\! ' I',' ~ ) )L COUNTY OF ORANGEBURG. '---,- .) I , Ii ' II LIMESTONE RURAL COMMUNITY WATER, Ii DISTRICT ,I 'I !i ' II OF ORANGEBURG COUNTY, " ", II, " Seller, j/} ---../ ) I,I j ) Ii CITY OF ORANGEBURG,) SOUTH C A R O L I N A , ) "" , i Ii d I I ! . '. '," AI: This agreement made this 26th day of August '!;'I Limes.~one" Rural Community Water I! referred to as " " I: ,. P"- 1 Ii[I ($10.00) to n~ledged, and the seller paid by the buyer, receipt whereof is hereby acknow- I in further consideration of the mutual covenant's and conditions I U Ii the covenants he'reina£ter mentioned on its part to be made and performed, IIII the seller .hereby covenants and agrees to convey and assure . to the buyer, in q i! ,I Ii'I i: IiII " Ii" .'I'" " II H IiJ\ i! fee simple, clear of all encumbrances Whatever, the follOWing: The entire water distribution system of Limestone Rural Community Water District of Orangeburg County, including in such system all real and personal property of the District, all rights of way, encroachment permits, mains, connections, tanks, towers, and all equipment of every nature and kind; all accounts 'receivable, contracts for distribution of water, franchise rights, territorial rights, if any, and all oG~er property and rights of every nature and kind of the' Limestone Rural Community-" Water District of Orangeburg County; and specifically includinf. the following described real estate: . / ., / " I' ,Ii I' ,I Ii I'I'It" 'I !I ,p Ii ~"" 11 ,.""" Y!\l'borough & ~...hnll AttorneY:! At L:.w I P. O. Box eos , Or~oburg. s. C. 29115 I" All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in School District No.6, Limestone Township, Orangeburg County, South Carolina, measuring and being bounded as follows: On the Northeast by lands of Archie and Mary L. Livingston and measuring thereon one hundred, forty-seven and .. six-tenths (147.6) feet; on the Southeast by S. C. Highway No. S-38-60 and ,measuring thereon one hundred forty-seven and six-tenths (147.6) feet; on the Southwest by lands of Archie and Mary 1'. Liv ingston and measuring thereon one hundred forty-seven and six-tenths (147.6) feet; and on the Northwest by lands of Archie and Mary L. UWingston and measuring thereon one hundred forty-seven and six-tenths (147.6) feet. This tract " u Ii,I 'II, ,~ ,I~ ~ ! I ,~-- " P ,I ~ ( , If ~ I 1 Ii " i H referred to as buyer, in consideration of the sum of Ten and,OO/lOO dollars i'l' herein contained, WITNESSETH: I ,: !: That, if the buyer shall first make the payments and perform ~ I Car~lina; 'hereinafter I H I' - )-'----- I , i ,1969, beticel"nlI District of Orangeburg County, hereinafter" seller, and/'The City of Orangeburg, South H ' I CONTRACT OF SALE )) B uyer. !i ~ i ) TO II 'I i , I ) I[THE Z' I ) Ii /-.,'~7;tJ . ) ) ' I II 'I I , I ,;,H /.J, H ~ "_W,'., ,-" " • ii" < j Ii i ~ 11 I II ;" ~ p II Ii 'i I, H i t1 II Ii I, -~ i"l II H Ii II "I'I ,II, q Ii l iII H ., il ft:/J., -;; ';;/1 / ,/~:'-i..( C-/ ,/'/ /,' \~ Ii I! Ii II '. 'I H II I!;r III' n I being more fUlly and clearly 'shown and delineated on " plat of survey, property of Limest9ne Rural Community Water District of Orangeburg County, by-H. Frank O'Cain, C. E., dated February 14, 1966, and being the same property conveyed to Limes'tone Rural Community Water District of Orangeburg County by deed of Archie Livingston, dated April 6, 1967, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg County in 'Deed Book 294, at page 113. AND ALSO: , I I I I i I I, All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in School District No.5 (outside), Limestone Township, Orangeburg County, South Carolina, measuring and being bounded as follows: On the Northeast by lands of E. V. Martin and measuring thereon twenty-five (25) feet; on the Southeast by lands of E. V. Martin and measuring thereon fifty (50) feet; on the Southwest by U. S. Highway No. 178 '. and measuring thereon twenty-five (25) feet; and-'on the Northwest by lands of the Estate of Washington and measuring thereon fifty (50) feet. This tract being more fully and clearly shown ,,'i·,' and delineated on a plat of su~vey, property of Limestone Rural Community Water District of Orangeburg County, by H. Frank O'Cain, C. E., dated February 14, 1966, and recorded in the ,\. office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg County in Plat Book 24, " at page 88; and being· the same property conveY,ed to Limestone Rural Community Water'" District of Orangeburg County by deed of E. V. Martin, dated April 6, 1967, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg County in Deed Book 294, at page 177.' I ',. I'" i~ This agreement shall be subject to the following terms and ";r t1 ~ ,,1; conditions: f I ~ Ii 1) Ii 1. The purchase price shall be the sum of O::le hundred, twenty thousand seven hundred sixty-five and 56/100 dollars ($120,765.56), payable II" in escrow upon delivery ana execution of this Iij! 2. contract. The purchase 'price shall be placed in escrow with the,State lj !i Bank and Trust Company, Orangeburg, South Carolina, and shall be used to 'II purchase a, certificate of deposit with said Bank, Ii along wi th proper ly " authorized and properly executed fee simple warranty deed to the real estate ii' herein described, IiI property of the seller, and with contract of sale of all ~ ,~ '1: other property of the District and other dociJments necessary to fully-and .-- / ~ '1. / II !1 " . effectually consummate the transfer of the system to the buyer. ",The seller " shall furnish all necessary deeds and documents with required documentary \1,I II stamps .attached. ;:' Ii H i I" Ii : ~ li i, 3. That the said certificate of deposit shall be issued . I jointly in the .~names of Limestone Rural Community Water District of Orangebur, I County and The City of,Orangeburg, shall be held by said State Bank and Trust \: ,Ii " ! ! Company in escrow for the parties hereto, and shall be delivered to the seller ,I .. "i J ' jj Y~borousb. & M6::Jh:l.ll Attorney!: At Law ?O.BoxGOG' Ort,mgr,lb'l:ll'g, S. C. 29 ..115, j l Ii ;; ,':,! ; . 1~ I,; ._~_______ t1 Yo L / & - , i:", c ~ ~ 1, " ~ upon enactment by the General Assembly of South Carolina, (lnd approval by the , ,Govern~r I )--- of T.~gislation confirming and ,authorizing such sale. 4. That, upon execution of this agreement and upon delivery of the purchase price to fue'State Bank and Trust Company in escrow as hereinabove provided, the seller shall ,immediately deliv'er to the buyer the whole system, including all accounts receivable, records, books, personal property, and all other assets of every kind to the' buyer. That the buyer shall thereafter be entitled to all receipts for water delivered after August 6, 1969 hereinafter referred to as "initial meter reading daten, and the buyer shall receive and hold for the seller all receipts for water delivered prior ,to "and including the initial meter reading 'date. That water rates to the users 'in "< . ~ the District shall be as presently charged and receipts for water delivered /l' fC;'l/ after the initial meter j r I(-?; , ,/}/; /7/;· / ,',:c\J r~ading date shall be held by buyer'in,aseparate account pending final transfer of the system to the , I,' b~yer •. Upon final consum- mation and transfer of the system to ,the buyer, the, rates for water to the users in the District shall thereafter be the same as those charged to com~ parable users of water furnished by The City of Orang'eburg, outside the City Limits. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that for the period commencing with the initial meter reading date an~ ending with the date of final consummation and transfer of the, system, the excess of wat~r receipts based upon present user rates above those charged to comparable users outside the City Limits shall be rebated and paid to the seller. I, 5. That the ,question of whether or not to sell the District syst,em and to dissolve shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the ~~ District in an election to be held according to the provisions of Section 59- , 626.1 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, (Act 4/2351 of the General Assembly; , I of 1964), and that the said system shall be sold only upon a vote in favor of : the sale by a majority of those voting in the election. -, 6. i A That, upon enactment of the legislation hereinabove referre~ to, all documents of title and all other necessary papers consummating the transaction shall be immediately delivered to the buyer; and a:H water receipt in excess of the amount payable to the seller, pursuant to the provisions of i; YmobONUZh & Mu.."':Jb.all At. . orncY!l At L:l.w P.O.BoxGOC S. C. 29115 , O=~burE'. ~-~---~-,---~-'--- - - - - - - - - - - -----------,------, ;/ v / , il" .[ 1 I I II IiI' I ~' .p,I i,'I Paragraph 4, for deliveries after the initial meter reading date, shall become ! the property of the buyer. I /-'~. I t) ~! II I 7. That, in the event the legislation authorizing &Ld confirming ,- ~\ !I the sale hereinabove referred to I' !I Ii shall not be enacted by the General Assembly ",'~.;;I· flu.... ~...v-;J,.a, ~~7:.-.) pi" (-q'7~~yd(l,z.v..XL~;,;~/ and 'approved the the Governor of South Carolina;'l then lhis contract 'Shall becomf"~" ·':I~'; , null and void and of no effect; escrow funds with accrued interest shall be !! IiIi returned by the State Bank and Trust Company to the buyer; receipts for water Ii deliveries, less costs thereof b; the seller to the buyer, and all necessary Ii repairs performed by the buyer, shall be returned to the seller and the parties! p Ii I~ ! Ii II :B~:" --"7, -,; " I I shall be restored to the same position as of the date of this contract. 8. That the seller is indebted to the Farmers Home Administratirn, ,I II the United States of America, /j1J:L/ i! on certain bonds and the balance due thereon in the amount of approximately One hundred and six thousand five hundred eighty- i, I! seven and 81/100 dollars ($106,587.81) shall be first paid out , Ii!! of sale and the balance shall be delivered to the selle1" I' 11 qP perform ~, I1\,1 all necessary repairs from the date of execution of this agreement to I , final delivery of documents and title and consummation of the purchase and sale,. 11 10. ~ Ii I The buyer shall maintain and preserve the system and shall 9. Ii of the proceeds of every kind The 'seller represents to the buyer that all indebtedness ag~inst I the cseller or the system shall be paid from the proceedsl i II of sale. I! 11., That this contract and all terms and condi tions thereof I' Ii I" 11 are approved by duly adopted resolu,tions of the seller and of the buyer, I',I II through their duly appointed constituted officials. ,I p 'I'!' TO THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE HEREOF, we do hereby bind ourselves,l j our successors and assigns. ,I- ii II" IN THE PRESENCE OF: '""'''"' ' " ' " CO"",," WA'" "',,,.], j! ~~ So n Q f. '-n1..wrtc0.h'0 IL ,:::z::;./ /"" By: ,I II ,I II p Yro:'borouSh & Mnrohall Attorneys At Law P. O. Box £0£ Ormlgeburz, S. C. 29115 " " C G"j# , ' r-", ,c-~ \ ' r.~" . ' " • ...--"'_~ ~ --,-',---' , " ! . :; ~ \~•••:~~, .;.,.!"",..c..... C(~.....t.IP€. Ii (I, ' - ,', ,J; f IiI il{i~::J!~ I, 11 !i :i if \ , < , , tillie/., l-h , ~~c~........-..---~!,III '"""0 ,'C7 ~ 'r OF 0RAVGEBURG COUNTY ' ../ By',. 4J,(.{J!{/ ,)v t Chairman 0/ ;:?;-:A1/'/ Attest: THE • CI~ O~ ; / ""Yl /~ < j' I t/'/f/ c-L Secretary-Treasurer , ORAN'iURG, ?SOUTH 7,0 ,,:/,:;'7<'0£0, ~ / //:, _ (-.. -1',' ",.; //1 '/ Attest::/'/. //,-7....... /' . /Majlor /' I, I ' < A / /.. -.....:..~;~_/~~'i//:/' City/Clerk _/' F' C~OLINA I ./i ., ,,' .or.r' i! " ' .-; I _.~/ , ,i / ~ i' i )1 ! ,,1 1) : q ! II 'i '~ Ii I i ,; STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I I " ( !I COUNTY OF ORANGEBURG. i i ) ) i ) I' , " ,~ I 1~ I' PERSONALLY appeared before me n II being duly 'Ir~ Sara E. Munden , who, sworn, says on oath that she saw the within-named Limestone Rural Community Water District of Ora."1.geburg County, by its Chairman, Edgar L. , ,I H Coker N. Price, sign, seal and~ as )1 and attested - by. its Secretary-Treasurer, .. 1) II its H act and deed, deliver the foregoing Contract of Sale for the uses and I SWORN to before me this 26th day i ~: (\• I 1 I the execution thereof. d I: jl I I F. H. Yarborough P H Ii 1 f purposes therein mentioned, and that she, with Ii witnessed I! [ I Culler~ ,1 Ii ) I ) ~ ) of August 1969. :-'Ooc, ) / " ) ~/ =----t:-~Y"iL/C;~~~~ "iFN0-T~}'UBLIC FOR SOU1il{PJZOLINA J;.'-,. /' . liMy Comniission expires I' 1-1-71 ~ t, 'yyi-u/ACl!.1A"-,, ) ) . ii "1i 'i I: STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I ) ) ) I COUNTY OF ORANGEBURG. ,~ PERSONALLY appeared before me Alan McC. johns tone being duly sworn, says on oath that , who, he saw the within-named The City of ( Orangeburg, South Carolina, by its Mayor, E. O. Pendarvis, attested by its City Clerk, M., R. Campbell, sign, seal and, as its act and deed, deliver the foregoing Contract of Sale for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that he, with C~ witnessed the execution thereofa W ~ Limehouse C C ) SWORN to before me this 26th day ), ) 969 • of AUQuS t ~'--7.i r;:::-". ',:./. ~..:..~ ~., ) ) :~ ~_. ~" (.-.::~<."'.-~) '-~--. t'\.'N - ----~ / NOTARY PUBLIC FOR~OUTH CAROLINA " My Commission expires l - \ - 1 ) v···-- Y:::borough & Mo..""fIbnll Attorncya At Law P. O. Bo::c60G Oran.,.--obm'£'. s. C. 29115 Ii Ii'," ""'-'-~';iI "-r II" '...- ,< /(lj I,., / /;','-------'- :~ '/~" />~",-,A,;,-,---_, """,.,., ..• ,-,,,-.. u I 3'123 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 ~ The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held September 2, 1969. Present: E. O. Pendarvis F. F. Limehouse N. Go Sifly A. T. Brown C. B. Goodman Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held August 19, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by Councilman Brown, secomded by Mayor Pendarvis, was unanimously approved granting permission for the Catholic Church to have periodic rummage sales in the Susie Connor building on Windsor Street. ~, .~ / :f ...t) 3',,19;>- CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 /-'\ ',~ The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held September 16, 1969. Present:: E. F. N. A. C. O. Fo G. T. B. Pendarvis Limehouse Sifly Brown Goodman Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regu£ar meeting of City Council held September 2, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved at first reading of an ordinance adopting a revision and codification of the ordinances of the City of Orangeburg, S. C. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Goodman, was unanimously approved at first reading of an ordinance to raise supplies and make appropriations to meet the liabilities of the City of Orangeburg, S. C. for the year commencing January 1, 1969 and ending December 31, 1969. City Council received from the Commissioners of Election for City of Orangeburg, S. C. a declaration of the results of the City election held September 9, 1969. (See declaration attached to and made a part of these minutes.) ~ '- / A motion by Councilman Sifly, unanimously approved agreement with the Southern attached to and made a part Limehouse, seconded by Councilman a standard power line crossing Railway Companyo (See resolution of these minutes.) City Council seD September 30, 1969 at 7:30 P. M. as the time for swearing in of the new City Council. G. D. Mizzell, Recreation Director reported a gift of $1,000.00 by Smith Corona Marchant to the Orangeburg Recreation Department 0 A statement by Alec T. Brown dated September 16, 1969 is attached to and made a part of these minutes. City Council authDrized and directed Mayor E. O. Pendarvis to sign a deed on behalf of the City of Orangeburg regarding property located at 569 Dantzler Avenue N. E. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) \ .~~ OF RESULT O? CITY ELECTION DECL.~~~TION l~yo~ ~~d For Councilmen - Held S8?t. 9, 1969 1'[8, the duly appointed Cortl!r.issioners of Election for the City of Ora."1ge- bnrg, having received the /"'"' // , \ repo~t of the ~~nagers Ora~geburg of the election held in the City of of Election who had charge on September 9, 1969, for the purpose of electing a ¥zyor and four Councilmen to of four years, znd having had delivered ~to S8TVe for a regular term our charge the ballot boxes vdth the billots seiled therein, met at the City Hill on rnursday, September 11, 1969; no person appeared before your Comr.ri.ssio:1ers iN"ith any statement or :-oe- quest in regard to the said electicn, and the following is the tabulat~d vote received by the candidates at said election: FOR M..I,.YOR: S. Fair Clyd~ 974 votes 1167 votes Alec T. Brow'Tl 10S9 votes C. B. Good.'1la:l 1lQJ. votes Frar~k 1684 votes TtJ.. Everett Salley 1188 votes Nom.an G. Sifly 1,'01 votes 772 votes 100, votes Eddie O. Pendarvis FOR COUNCILl'1EN: L~~ehouse F. ~ '\..., J. J. Teskey LrJ. Juli2.Yl '!lise Your Co:mr.issioners therefore bereby declare that the said EdCie Oeo Penc1a!"""Jis ba.s beal"J. elected to the of.fice of" ~1ayor, a"rla that G... B.. Goodman, FrarJc ?~ L5.mehouse, Co~~ci~~en Norma~ Go Everett Salley, 2.!ld iJ'To of the City of Orangeburg; regular tem. of four (4) years • ll! ~11 of Sifly have been elected as Who~ have been elected for a " "+'h..l.1.2.ccoraa..."1ce 'W"!. ...... V~.:.e lao,. _ ~O" /..-:'./' ,( .-:?/ ;7, . /." ~}< " / y.:c/ /j.y/d>J-'/\·/b~ ~ -... /D. A. _?' Garo..'1.er .", (;/ _______~ 7~~.(.z Js:'~A-=---- ~... l SHORN to and ~ '~ befo::-e me tb-is d I Robinson ~ ~.,··.l/~c~. ~ ,.x.:::.. '-;; subscri?~/ /' -'7?:. I \ (,---" \ " ' A\" r" ' I'/ / / ~./-~ / /;/l\:: .i day of September, A. D . , . . D. D. Salley I I I J ,~ I/Commiss;o~e-s of'1C1 t· ~U7'~ / / ' .' i South C;r~lina ~ ~_ec :Lon for City of Orar,geburg . /' l V "';-cb{61/~\ NotalCT Public for So~olina S----(.-~ ,L . (/f My CO!1'.!1'.ission E::q:,-I. es: I/! • f,' ( //77; v / gE;.§'Q1.!!IIQll BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City ,~ of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into an agreement with Southern Railway Company, a Virginia Corporation, whereby Southern Railway grants unto the City of Orangeburg, in so far as its title enables it so to do, a license to construct and maintain an electric power line over the right of way on property of the said Company at a point three thousand three hundred eighty (3380) feet North of Mile Post SC'75 South of Orangeburg, South Carolina, being that identified and located substantially as shown in red color on annexed print of Drawing marked Exhibit "A", dated June 27, 1969. ,- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign the said agreement on behalf of the ,City of Orangeburg. PASSED this sixteenth day of September A.D. 1969. /l /J // c:.0'/ /:7 7;;Y4/~4/?/'>; ~ . c V t -'.,-7 -~- - ~"ayor - -- ,:/~::f ···,?'Y)~(-/L/;~l.{<L( '-., -" 0/) I r 1.,.<,/ \.~/ 1lli-1/lrY\ ~ [] -'-q~A/-,< ~~/i-~---~--;..p ~I-L.-~~:;~~.;:;~(>-~,.-.~ 'J Councflmen ATTESTJg?~ ; Clerk -/ glL§'Q1!!IIQ);i BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and Councilmen of the City .~ of Orangeburg, State of South carolina, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That the City of Orangeburg deed to James R. Wingard, .in consideration of the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars and exchange of real estate, all that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in the City of Orangeburg, Orangeburg County, South Carolina, located at 569 Dantlzer Avenue N. E., the same being more fully shown and set forth on a plat thereof made by Thomas B. Fairey, R.P.E., dated September 16,1969, and having the following boundaries and measurements: Southeast by Dantzler Avenue N.E., 70 feet; Southwest by property of J. O. Williams, 140 feet; Northwest by remaining property of City of Orangeburg, -, 70 feet, and Northeast by property of City of Orangeburg and of Jenney Brunson, 140 feet. Being part of certain property conveyed to City of Orangeburg by deeds of J. o. Williams and Jenney Brunson both dated August 29, 1969, recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg County, S. C., in Deed Book 321, pages 209 and 301 respectively. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his Honor, Mayor E. O~ Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign the said deed on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED this sixteenth day of September A.D., 1969. LI -- -zf2 ' ,j/;:::.;/,6c?-/~ ,<I - /rU , ~_ /._ / -~'ayor \.0 c i/v",. ~·" '-" (J ~1 <:;1--'" r I, ~~"--" v (\""""' ~ ~~~,\\ CouncUmen ATTEST~~~~ / '-Cl:J?rk Statement by Alec T. Brown September 16, 1969 ~\ First, I do appreciate the vote and support that I received on last Tuesday. And I am especially grateful for the many kind and considerate expressions of condolence and good wishes received since the election. Now, on this the last regularly scheduled meeting of this Council I publicly thank the citizens of Orangeburg for the opportunity that has been mine for the past four years to serve on City Council. I have served to the best of my ability - have made some political mistakes - but have always followed the dictates of my conscience. At all times I h.1ve felt it my duty to clearly state my position on issues that face the Council. That my position was not the popular one in some instances was evidenced by the election results. Even so my conscience is clear, I have no regrets and offer no apologies for my actions. Every citizen has the right to his or her opinion and the inalienable right to express their convictions at the polls. So in defeat I hold no ill-will or resentment toward any person or faction. Now I offer to the newly elected Mayor and Councilmen my congratulations .~. and my heartiest support to their efforts for the continued progress and \...,'" development of the City. I urge their consideration at all times for the loyal and efficient employees who after ·all determine the measure of municipal services. I also urge that all of us as citizens and stockholders in the community join in a common effort to make Orangeburg a city of continued good government - responsive to the needs of all its citizens and an even better place in which to live and to serve our fellowman. Sincerely, ~~a ~ ~ ,~.-<----, - Alec T. Brown .3'12'7 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. SEPTEMBER 30, 1969 ~ , I "'--. j Minutes of the Special Meeting of City Council held September 30, 1969. City Attorney C. Walker Limehouse administered the oath of ' office to the incoming Mayor and Council to serve from October 1, 1969 through September 30, 19730 (See signed Statements attached to and made a part of these minutes.) Mayor E. O. Pendarvis announced to following assignments: Fire and Police Department Executive Engineering - Public Works Health & Recreation Department of Public Utilities .~ i J .'-/ E. C. W. N. F. O. B. E. G. F. Pendarvis Goodman Salley Sifly Limehouse THE STATE OF SOUTH C&'<OLINA, , -~ (J) liNT\' OF ORA.."!GEBURG. ( l,., I, E. O. Pendarvis, Mayor of the City of Orangeburg, do solemnly swear that I will equally, fairly and impartially, to the best of my ability and skill, exercise the trust reposed in me and I will use my best endeavors to preserve the peace and carry into effect according to the law the purposes for which I have been elected. I do further solemnly swear that I will at all times endeavor to secure and maintain for the City an honest and efficient government in every particular, with an eye single to the public welfare. I do further solemnly swear that I am duly qualified, according to the Constitution of this State, to exercise the duties of the office to which I have been elected and that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties thereof and preserve, protect and defend the (\ Constitution of this State and of the United States, SO HELP ME GOD! --rf-v..___ ?-; ~-: S'M)R."l to before me this day of September, ~1969. - \ ~ ;::o.<~ .::::.~.d-c/~" C\ ~ ' \ • ~;\,"W _~~. ~ . (SEAL) i' t\ Notary Publ~S.C. ~ t:..< . U - , 6" I /j;::yL../£-'7~v4 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ORAJ.'lGEBURG. I, F. F. Limehouse, Councilman of the City of Orangeburg, do solemnly swear that I will equally, fairly and impartially, to the best of my ability and skill, exercise the trust reposed in me and I will use my best endeavors to preserve the peace and carry into effect according to the law the purposes for which I have been elected. I do further solemnly swear that I will at all times endeavor to secure and maintain for the City an honest and efficient government in every particular, with an eye single to the public welfare. I do further solemnly swear that I am duly qualified, according to the Constitution of this State, to exercise the duties of the office to which I have been elected and that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties thereof and preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of this State and of the United States, SO HELP ME GOD! SWORN to before me this 4- r day of September, A -'9-_-1,969 r (0"~~~~ \ i (SEAL)~\:s:::L) _ ,Notary PUbiiC;S: C. II ~ £c J17 f~~~{<JL , THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ORANGEBURG. I, Norman G. Sifly, Councilman of the City of Orangeburg, do solemnly swear that I will equally, fairly and impartially, to the best of my ability and skill, exercise the trust reposed in me and I will use my best endeavors to preserve the peace and carry into effect according to the law the purposes for which I have been elected. I do further solemnly swear that I will at all times endeavor to secure and maintain for the City an honest and efficient government in every particular, with an eye single to the public welfare. I do further solemnly swear that I am duly qualified, according to the Constitution of this State, to exercise the duties of the office to which I have been elected and that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties thereof and preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of this State and of the United States, SO HELP ME GOD, SWORN to before me this 2-G Ll__ C\. day of September, A. D. 1969. ~\ I ' (SRA.L) " 0 (\ ""- P~>, . - . :' , C. ! Q d.AA.tJJ - '-- TIlE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ORAl'iGEBURG. I, C. B. Goodman, Councilman of the City of Orangeburg, do solemnly swear that I will equally, fairly and impartially, to the best of my ability and skill, exercise the trust reposed in me and I will use my best endeavors to preserve the peace and carry into effect according to the law the purposes for which I have been elected. I do further solemnly swear that I will at all times endeavor to secure and maintain for the City an honest and efficient government in every particular, with an eye single to the public welfare. I do further solemnly swear that I am duly qualified, according to the Constitution of this State, to exercise the duties of the office to which I have been elected and that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties thereof and preserve, protect and defend the ~ Constitution of this State and of the United States, SO HELP ME GOD: ~ SWORN to before me this ~\'=- 196"9'•. day of September , ,~. ' tJ. ~ ~ ( , ~'~~\-'~\ ~\ " (SEAL) \\../, ';-'__ r--r---,j'\,\),, '. "" i'' \, =-. ' , " , ' Notary Pub 1 LC,--S.~ . ~. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ORANGEBURG. ; , \ I, W. Everette Salley, Councilman of the City of Orangeburg, do solemnly swear that I will equally, fairly and impartially, to the best of my ability and skill, exercise the trust reposed in me and I will use my best endeavors to preserve the peace and carry into effect according ha~e to the law the purposes for which I been elected. I do further solemnly swear that I will at all times endeavor to secure and maintain for the City an honest and efficient government in every particular, I w~th an eye single to the public welfare. do further solemnly swear that I am duly qualified, according to the Constitution of this state, to exercise the duties of the office to which I have been elected and that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties thereof and preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of this State and of the' United States, SO HELP ME GOD, SWORN to before me this ~ day of September, A. D. 1969. r-" rr.~ ~ (SEAL) ( ) ~,',--V~ ~~ 'Notary Public, S. C. ,-- ~ 3429 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S.C. October 7, 1969 Minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held October 7, 1969. r- PRESENT: F. N. C. W. ABSENT: E. O. Pendarvis \" F. G. B. E. Limehouse Sifly Goodman Salley, D.V.M. Mayor Pro Tem Councilman Councilman Councilman Mayor The minutes of the regular meeting held September 16, 1969 and of the Special meeting held September 30, 1969 were read and approved. W. wannamaker, Jr. advised Council that the present COnfederate Flag being flown on Memorial Plaza was an improper flag and offered to replace this flag with the proper Confederate Flag. This offer was received for further study. Mr. W. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by COuncilman Goodman was unanimously approved at second reading of an ordinance to raise supplies and make appropriations to meet the liabilities of the City of Orangeburg, S.C. for the year commencing January 1, 1969 and ending December 31, 1969. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Goodman was unanimously approved at second reading of an ordinance adopting a revision and codification of the ordinances of the City of Orangeburg. ~" A motion by Councilman Goodman, seconded by Councilman Sifly unanimously approved a temporary budget in the amount of $295,158.00 for the period from October 1, 1969 thru December 31, 1969. City Council authorized City Administrator Stevenson to proceed with plans for revamping the area at the intersection of Green and Amelia Streets. A request from the League of Church Women United for use of the Teenage Canteen on Middleton Street was approved provided their meeting could be arranged at a time where it would not interfer with the teenage activities at the Canteen. ~. j) ! ,/ uf,-;l CITY OF ORA1\fGEBURG, S. C. OCTOBER 2+, 1969 Prior to the regular meeting of City Council, a public hearing was held at which no opposition was expressed to a reclassification of property on Summers Ave. and on Glover St. and to a classification of newly annexed property on Lancaster st~Caw Caw Plantation and Dixie Circle Subdivision. ~ .~ Minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held Oct. 21, 1969. Present: E. F. N. C. W. O. F .. G. B. E. Pendarvis Limehouse Sifly Goodman Salley Mayor Councilman Councilman CounciL'llan Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held Oct. 7, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilm~~ Sifly, was unanimously approved at third reading and enacted into law of an ordinance to raise supplies and make appropriations to meet the liabilities of the City of Orangeburg, S. C. for the year commencing J~~uary 1, 1969 and ending December 31, 1969. A motion by Councilman Goodman, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved at third reading and enacted into law of an ordinance adopting a revision and codification of the ordinance of the City of Orangeburg, S. C. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved a resolution regarding Halloween activities. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) ~. '. "-~ City Council authorized the issuance of a business license to Arthur Snell for a pool room at 705 Russell N. E. A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Goodman, was approved appointing Councilman F. F. Limehouse as a Trustee for the Fireman's Fund. A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Goodman, was unanimously approved accepting with regret the resignation of Police Chief Roger Poston to become effective December 1, 1~69. A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved authorizing and directing Mayor E. O. Pendarvis to sign quit-claim agreement with F~bric Services, Inc. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Salley, was unanimously approved at first reading of an ordinance rezoning from A-2 Residential to B-1 Business certain property on Glover Street and certain property on Summers Avenue. c------. ~ . A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Salley, was unanimously approved at first reading of an ordinance zoning certain newly annexed property on Lancaster Street as A-2 Residential and certain property in Caw Caw Plantation area and in the Dixie Circle Subdivision as A-I Residential • A request by Jenkins Funeral Home to tie on to the sewer system off the Bel~ville Road uas denied. -/ RESOLUTION ---------- BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, State of South Carolina, in council assembled and by authori~ ~ ty of the same: That the City of Orangeburg enter into an Agreement with Fabric Services, Inc., in order to quitclaim, release and discharge unto Fabric Services, Inc., its successors and assigns, all of its right, privilege and authority to construct, erect, operate and maintain electric power and/or transmission lines under that certain Right of Way Grant dated December 30, 1965, recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg County in Deed Book 280, page 499, insofar as the same affects the following described land: ~ \ ~~-...- All that piece, parcel or strip of land, 25 feet in width, beginning at a point on the westerly side of U. S. Highway 21 and extending southwesterly South 61 degrees, 50 minutes \'ies t a distance of 1720 feet, more or less, to the center of an intersecting right of way of South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (now City of Orangeburg) 44 K.V. line as will appear by reference to a map dated July 24, 1964, prepared by Department of Public Utilities, City of Orangeburg, S. C., showing gas line right of way on property of Fabric Services, Inc., on U. S. Highway 21. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that His Honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis and M. R. Campbell, City Clerk, be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to sign the said Agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED this 21st day of October, ',/ __ A i ' lW7A0/iOt.-rA f! , ~I' -~ e;' ,qn . • ~-~/~"",/-rl"~ 'I v~ , i Mayor ,3-:, ~ ~"~(/dd / i'iJ' lP ""--A ',! ~a " "I ~ ~~\. K/y;?~ ~ ?//?j / , ---'I "":... ....,;.J Clerk. ~. C/~hcilmen !!.§.Q~£I!Q!! WHEREAS, in recent years, on Halloween night, there have been \\~' lawlessness and destruction of property; and WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Orangeburg feels that it is in the best interest of the people of the community, including its youth, that some limitations be placed on these activities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That only children under twelve (12) years of age shall be allowed to masquerade and visit from house to house on the night of October 31, 1969. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That such masquerade and visitation by children under twelve (12) years of age shall be terminated by 9:0'0' P. M. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina, this 21st day of October, A.D., 1969. .z: ~ /~ , " erk \:..J ~ ((/ , /-Y fi - xl Z&~~4f~/ /~\ STATE OF SOUT':tI CAROLIl'-'JP.1. ) IN ) COUNTY OF ORANGEBURG CITY OF ) OR~NGEBURG, ?l..i~INTIFFS TI{E COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS ) ) ) ) ) ) , -vsMA.RY L. BR01A1}J? et .. ai. '} o RDE R ) ) DEFE"bJ"'UANTS. ) This matter comes before me on motion by Counsel for numerous defendants arrested in the City of Orangeburg 'On various ds"'ces commencing Augus"t 2.1963 and continuing through to April 17,1964, as is shown by a com?lete lis"'cing on the attached list which has been preyared and submitted by agreement of Counsel. \ ,.. ' . . ". ~ ' A number of the arres'cs \Vere mad.e as a sitins~ result of public assemblages, . .. act1.v~·t~es h' h Wi l.Cl ~.;ere picketing and related 1'· ta~l.ng place a:c. • tne . t~me 1 • f -' cy t.:iese ae ~enu"ant:s' , and others in various attew?ts to influence ?ublic opinion . . . . . .. h Wl.tn respect to certal.n customs, praCi:1.ces and. usages wnl.Clo. prevailed prior to the enactment of the Civil Rights Law of 1964, 42 U.S.C., Sections 2000 et. seq. Some of the cases were tried in the Recorder's Court of the City of Orangeburg and resulted in convictions. Appeals from "those convictions were made to "this Court. cases were not disposed of and are pending~ Other awaiting the out- come of the s?peals from those C,3ses which a.re on a;yyeal. It appears that all of the cases should be dismissed under decisions of the United States Su?reme Court in \"'.,/1 \..;;,.,:;...../ ·'.~P"RD'S· ..... uiA!n.l.. ," "V • .S'"'·"~'-~I,.,O~~i'7' VUl.i~ '-'--..£\. :....J.l....l,:v."i, 2d 697; H..4.}:ll'-'1 v .. r-..;'t· v_. Y o~ .. _ 12 L. Ed .. 20. lOL~2; Title L,1.2') "'7"'-'~ ..... 4v .. ,:}. :.. RO~'V :"ii7 ~ VL'-_~~ ?~O _L,~. _~77 iT '-' ~"'S b.... ~ .. ~. .. ~t • G rs"v, 9 0 1 "'-I. ~. l!.d. • 98S, 84 S. C"t .. 1902, and related decisions by that Court and also United States Code, Secticfns 2000 et .. seq .. , the Civil. , ~ Rights Law of 1964. Accordingly, ·the cases are hereby dismissed and the City of Orangeburg is directed to return to Counsel for the defendants all cash bonds now hele by them on account of same. Perry q~ In this regard., a recei;:>t from Counsel, Matthew J. w. Pough~ Newton defendants~ for the will operate to discharge the City of Orangeburg from further liability tvith respect to the bonds held by ·the City as ShOloJt', on schedule cont~3ining ~che attached the date of arrest" the a.rrest number'f the names of the defendants and the amount of bail posted. IT IS SO ORDERED. ,~1 \>\' I \;-0''....)1..$ ,?\ / L,J5Se/v RE$TDE~f':r--jUDGE~Fr©t'jtJDtCLt\LC!RCllrt ~ Orange burg, ,-,. 't.. ;:)OU1:J..~ ro , • varC1.~na October!~( ,1969. / -2- ·ill;;:i:i:l\·:j:$i'~ .- ,. ., ."~ I,' ", ...~~._.~ ..I. " . ·r~t-:J':. " )~Wi:;:·;;)::{j/:;;;ili~~~·~,~~___ ____ ~_____~__ ~ .=:! 'D"~, .....r7.~ _..... <O""':;-'rt14'D "'::"'-'"\.·,~'AiJ;';" ,,; .:5::/2/6, ~8/5J63___ .-.,.. .. DElr;O~·;ST3ATION ~- "'u""t:BER .::.'~ ~.I' 8/5/63 8/5/63 8/5/63 8/5/63 8/5/63 - 29-)6"3 R. Jason T h o m a s . 1 0 0 . d O · '29604 R. Jason Thomas 100.00 Willie Lee Irick Delbert hood, Jr. 100.00 100.00 _29608 29609 22610 ' 29611 29613 29615 9/28/63 29982 9/28/63 29988 9/29/63 9/29/63 29909 l'ielvln V. Bolds William Nelson. Jr. Loretta G. Thomas ___Battle L._...1'homa~ Ruth C. Owens Isaac W. Williams ~!arion Davidson 9/29/63 9j29/63 9/29/6) ,~ '. 9/29/63 9/7:!9 163 29910 29912 29915 29916 29918 29936 9/29/6329937 I: 'I 9/29/63 9/29/63. I I; 9/29/63 _2996..5: 9!Z9!~3~ 29980 9/29/63"':' 29.3..2.0 9/29/63~ __~~22.1 9/29/63 ;i~ . 9j30/~ 29992 30198 9/30/63 30270 9[29 /63~~ _ _ ~42 \ I 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 bOO.OO 100.00 100.00'. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ----'--,----,-_.-,---- " V 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Henry Pinckney Patricia Jenkins Donna Crawford 100.00 100.00' 100.00 100.:,00 Alice Cain Shuler J . • /' 1 GO. ClO...., ~ ,",Ad. cd i'~ i'" I'~ ',~ I~. Terry Thomnson Robert Stevenson Theodore Adams 100.00 100.00. 100.00. 100.00', 100.00 100.00 JJ.J~ .'; '" 'J Josenh Fuller ..___ , 100.00 100.00 100.00 Geneva Southh~ll Bernice Middleton Mrs. Earl Coblyn J. P. Fergerson Pricilla E. Brunson Janice Smalls JuHa 'wright Charlease Thomas Ruth Owens 2995.£' _Gloria B. 2ackley 29994- .. __ ~:el vin j:anij?'aul t ., 100.00 100.00 Elliott Mose C. H. Thomas 9/29/6'L~292ls-} Ii ".:-~ ..6~'O,[J"'<;I ~ •• ' .... ~~:~ Pricilla Jarvi s 9/28/63 29886 9/28/63 29892 Willie Irick. Jr. 9/28/6329970_George Sadler , (j) ... :' 11>. (Not Refunded) "A""'" 1, l".i..c .~.......~ q;;--s T 8/5/63 29605 8L2f.hl___ ._]9606__ 8L5i63__ 29607 8/2!63_~ CASE RECEIPT t S " _~ ----.---,.------~---.,--:.----- -.! __ m.JJ.u,-,,,"-,,",,,, "( ;'1_ '.: ,'",., , ~.' " II ,. >......~ DE~ONSTRATION (Not Refunded) -u:,!'.;-' AR::::fEST '~r;~~:2:S 'c' ~'l7""vo;;"'tT'1.;'D _._.;.... ..... ~.... ,'. 1;;'';:' I "___ '~ _ _ _ _ _ ":-=:~ I 'Y , I,~ , NA~E AI40UN,(' 10/1/63 10/1/63 29969 30087 Jessie Rudolph 10/1/63 10/9/63 30185 2-00.00 100.'00 100.00 100.00 100.00 _.' ~_J08'i'8_ 30692 Ledger Charles L. Bush Yvonnie Orr _~:lldred Cay Harold Johnson Carolyn "Jright (.:.'rrested 10/7/6) 3057~_ 10/11/63 iO/9/63 10/7[63 10/116"3, '30304 . 30919 __ 30936, 10/3/63 10/3/63 i', 'i,. !\dams 20ss, Jr. James Gran,rrer 10/1/63 10/5/63 29975 29981' 29994 )0563 J081, James Sult0n 10/5/63 30805 Henry PinckneY 10/6/63 Ledger J. U ' t I'~e 1 son ( ~!I.rreSL.e . ~ d :1ev. .. uoer I , Ellis Lean ~amie Ruth ~yrick 10/s/63) i> 10/6/63 " James 1'.• '·Hlliams 10/6/63 10/6(63 " .. 10/6/63 ., Prof. Ernest Plnson .. Bev. Leon Stephenson" Hev. Jack S. ['ash " 10/6/63 " J. P. Fervuson 100.OQ~ 10/6/6, 10/6/63 " " Theclore .".darr's Anna Belle Sherman 10/6/63 " Dorothl'..J::c&t'8:{ 10/6/63 " Do~Ls S. 10L:6L:6J 10/6/6J " Cant" Genevieve Southhall " " " N " ,. ., " Rev. Harcld Roland " 10/6L:6J 10/6/6} Barbara Brown' " Charles A. Roberts " 1016/63 " 1':. L. Dobbins " 100.00 100.00 100.00 10/6/63 " Clarence Corley " 100.00 10/6/63 " Ruth Harmon " 100.00 3)5D O' 0" ------ " , • .. , ,.~ ------.,-~--::- ....... -' ~ "---'. ~/~I , '-"1 I \: 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Rev. C. T';. ;;a,1s '---. i 10LOO 100.06 " " " " , I, 100.00. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 :00.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 10/616] , Leola Lou 1 se Kersey Stanley Jacobs 10/3/63 I, ~i~vins 29973 10/3/63 / 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 _c;arolyn Juani t9 Ki= ~alter Tobin Johnnie Lee .. ~~~""I:r v .. 0:':;'.,:- ...... 10jlJLiS3 10/12/63 I, 'A F''1t':''lV~'O __ ... :, ._:. :P CASH BECEIPT'S :~ ~\~, . . -/~. \ t,: ~",MJ,___ -- _ ___________ _ _______ ,______ " .. , CASH RECEIPT'S (Not Refunded) ':Dl~S :'::'3C~::::::i)'ED ,- ... ;. i~:~··v,-~._._.!r'"~£!6-3 Ledger. AXOUNT 10/6/62 " 10/6/9J_ 10/6/62 " ;)1'. n 10/6/6'3 10/6/63 " .. Gloria Shuler " " 10/6/63 , . 10/6/63 10/6/63 I NAr~E Lex1.e Sulliven(),r-rested 10/5/6')) ?ev. J. W. Curry -, I' , ' !?-- P...9.REST ??:JJi{SE8. James t'.arqus " Thomas J.:oss n Youvonnie Thomoson " , -- DEr~ONsT3A'TIOI~ 100.00 100.00 ~ , 100.00 100.00 " Earl Ishrr:al .. 100.00 100.00 Flossie Mae Keitt Grace Brooks " " 100.00 100.GO 100.00 ' ~1111ams 10/19/63 10/19/63 '30494 '3049'3 James M. 11/12/63 Ledger Luc10us Brown 100.00 100.00 Theodore iL i'dams (Arrested 11/12/63) 11/13/63 " T h o m a s Kenner'J.y " 200.00 200.00 11/13/63 11/13/63 11/13/63 " " 200.00 11/13/6'3 11/13/63 " • Robert James " " 200.00 200.00 200.00 El11s A. Dean " 11/13/6"3 11/13/63 11/1'3/6, " Jason H. Thoma s • ., 11/1~'/6'3 23963 Nathaniel Brown (C1 ty Treas. ) 11/14/63 11/14>/63 23964 23965 Arthur N. Bluntt 11/14/63 23966 11/14/6'3 22967 Thelma Sstes Lillie Edw&rds John T. Irick Stanley J&cobs n t'.elvin Good~ln " " Paul Perry Leroy Darby ,i 200.00 200.00 200.00 "200.00 'i' Dorothy J. Vann " " . ' 100.00 100.00 100.00' 100.00 100.00 \' f:- /O_.).O-hO I! . 11/8/63 24770 11/8/62 11/8/63 11/8/6J_-_ 247?1 ___ i)Qrothy J. Va~n 24772 William T. dobinson 24772 Armstead. L. Salters Emanuel W. Hixson 24112 11/8/63 11/8/62 . . Charles F. i-:cDeVi (City Tress.) " " " .. --_. 21;,.776 LeoJl. Brya~t, Jr. ~ 100.00 100.00 100.00 :00.00 100.00 100.00 'ftOO,o ; .. l ;.-. _________ ~ _____. ~-'-/ , 1'1 I Q , , ' .---.- --.------~----- _____ ~_._J,:.t,,/!_··)··,,'c'c;-."".;':;m!il._________ . " "."', q ;:'El'10NSTRATION C,~3n h'.CEIPT· S ) ~ \ (Not 2e.:.unceu) Dl~j,~E .~R3.EST ~nj'i'iBER E2t"?:VlSC' "-~'-'~"-- r-- .. 12/6/61 12/6/63 12/6/63 12/6/63 29946 29955 29948 29949 12/6/63£2.9.5~ 12LQ/6} 12/6/Q.2 12/6/63 12/6/63 12?~/63 .. _ 29998 22999_ 30000 30001 30003 ~:.~Ou"NT N~"\.t~E Cynl tho. ?:ell 10C.OO }OO.OO Zelda Norris 100.00 100.00 MarIie Jackso!: Thelma L. Jackson ___ShLrle~y A. ;,n thony 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Clarence ! .. '-'arby, Jr. Jimmy L. Franklin James Callwood Charle s l'.a son Cllfford 2. Smlth t> ./ 1/3/64 1/3/64 31282 31283 CharlesCottlnpharr 1/11/64 '31310 John 2/24/64 2/24/64 LedQ'er Lurma RsckJ,8'1 2/5/64 3143 2 " 2/5/64 2/5/64 2/5/64_ 2/5/64 2/5/64 2/5/64 Led&rer 4/17/64 31752 10/26/61 26424 • " " " ~ 100.00 100.00 Gloria 3. 2ack1ey Ann Gered. ,< l111ams 100.00 100.00 100.00 ~homas Tho~as L. Kennerly (t..rrested 2/1/64) Luclous crown 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 '10.00 " Cynthia Kell Calvi!: ':right .. Ann ~arle Thorr,as " Davld Huggl~s " John ~111!9ms " Gloria 5ackley (HosDltai) (No receipt avallBhl~ if posted or refunded) )(~~ (n,1 >Y7~,j;'.{ Ztrv,;~ C!--~2".1.. \"..1 /3) !;;-e> , 60 . ,,{I~lM-Y >Y",:~:£? I , , 100.00 I) 1':ro, " :) 100.00 Mari on Ph 11U os Jeted.. euJ.- , /$0,00 ())':::/ ~;__ a.t:., ,e: <I.<~ C~- ~.........x) • :. I III~ I , ,I i '-:':'-.J The undersigned as Counsel for the defendants named herein acknowledge receipt of the sum of Thirteen Thousand, One Hundred Fifty and OO/lO~ of-Ora'ngeb=9--'in-cft."H--co~ianca-wi-th-'-the- -_ .. Order of Honorable Louis Rosen, Judge, First' Judicial Circuit,· date,d October 16,'1969, which is appended hereto.' . . ··-··--C$l3";TSQ-;"()()'i--Do·rl:ars--pa±d-by--Ci ty october /VI , MATTHEW J. PERRY and 1969. W. NEWTON POUGH . / ..-,--4 . --z-~ By~;k':=l~~;:;,=f-pL-< '--/ . Attorneys for Defendants • .;.; , .-) _ COpy ROBERT T. STEVENSON E. O. PENDARVIS CITY ADMINISTRATOR MAYOR C. B. GOODMAN FRANK F. LiMEHOUSE W. EVERETTE SALLEY. D.V.M. QIHlJ llf <llhauBehurB NORMAN G. SIFLY COUNCIL.MEN ~ou:tlr (!ltrolinlt 29115 I~ November 12, 1969 Dr. J. R. Gressette Orangeburg'l."heaters, Inc. 9'20 Holly, li.. '8 ... Or,mgeburg. South carolina 29US 17ear D::.-.. G:e.sse tte: AI: its last regular meeting, City Council ex;>ressed its intentions not to renew tile lease on the Carolina TlIed::re auditor; at the expiration of your lease. Under your present lease agreement, you are to be given notice not lc,tertllan Janu,jry I, 1970 of the City's intention not to rene.w. It is the purpose of ,this letter to give you such notice. BY O~R. OF CIIYCOtmb:L A;¥~ It. T.. Stevenson City Administrator ~' RTSlmr cc: j . i City Council City Attorney Clerk and· Tcea.snt"er Dr .. John E. Rembert / CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. NOVEMBER 4, 1969 c) -~~ Minutes of the regular meeting of City Council Nov. 4, 1969. Present: E. F. N. C. W. O. F. G. B. E. Pendarvis Limehouse Sifly Goodman Salley Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held Oct. 21, 1969 were re~d and approved. A motion by Councilnuh~ Limehouse, seconded by Councilm~~ Goodman, was unanimously approved at second reading of an ordinance rezoning from A-2 Residential to B-1 Business certain property on Glover St. and certain property on Summers Ave. A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved at second reading of an ordinance zoning certain newly annexed property on Lancaster st. as A-2 Residential and certain property in Caw Caw Plantation and in Dixie Circle Subdivision as A-I Residential. A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, sec~d by Councilman Goodman, unanimously approved the appoint of the City Clerk and Treasurer, Fire Chief, Police Chief, City Attorney, and the City Recorder. ~.~ '~ A motion by Councilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Salley, unanimously approved a resolution expressing concern to any proposal affecting the development and use of the North Fork Edisto River Basin. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) City Council approved the extension of the present surburban fire protection plan for the period March 1, 1970 thru Feb. 28, 1971. City Co~~cil authorized a feasibility study by the Corps of Engineers to determine the possible usage of the swamp lands bordering the Edisto Memorial Garden. City Administrator Stevenson advised City Council that pursuant to a court order signed by Judge Louis Rosen, the money collected in the amount of $13,150.00 for demonstration activities from August 2, 1963 thru April 17, 1964 has been refunded to W. Newton Pough, ~ttorney for the defendants. City Council decided not to renew the lease on th Carolina Threatre auditorium at the expiration of the present lease. ~. A . ::;-I~'f) 3':!-JC) / li&§'Q.!d!IIOlJ: 1--''-, " WHEREAS, The Charleston District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers heretofore conducted a public hearing at Orangeburg, South Carolina, in order to determine the advisability of further development of the water resources of the Edisto River Basin and has requested an expression of views from interested parties, including municipal agencies; and WHEREAS, the North Fork Edisto River is the single and sole source of supply of water for the Orangeburg area, consisting of approximately 48 sq. miles and of approximately 35,000 people, with continued expanding demands for potable water; and the City of Orangeburg desires that every proper step and precaution be taken to insure the continued source of its water supply and is concerned in behalf of its citizens that no development or use be made of the North Fork Edisto River Basin which would harm either the quality or quantity of same; Now, therefore, w~EAS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, State of south Carolina, in Council assembled and by authority of the same: l' ' " ~../ THAT the City of Orangeburg, acting in behalf of its citizens, expresses its utmost concern as to any proposal affecting the development and use of the North Fork Edisto River Basin which would be harmful to either the quality or quantity of the supply of water upon which the City is or will be dependent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this ResOlution be forwarded to the District Engineer, Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army. Charleston, South Carolina, and to such other public bodies as may be concerned therewith. PASSED this 4th day of November 1969 • . ', . "\';",,,,,,.,..:1: A~~T: /l;.~~ ClI€r'K ~Y:!·5\) CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. NOVEMBER 18, 1969 Minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held November 18, 1969. C) Present: E. F. N. C. W. O. F. G. B. E. Pendarvis Limehouse Sifly Goodman Salle.y Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held Nov. 4, 1969 were read and approved. A motion by Councilman Sifly, seconded by Councilman Goodm~~, was unanimously approved at third reading and enacted into law of an ordinance rezoning from A-2 Residential to B-1 Business certain property on Glover street and on Summers Ave. A motion by Councilman Limeho~se, seconded by Councilman Goodman, was unanimously approved at third reading and enacted into law of an ordinance zoning certain newly annexed property on Lancaster Street as A-2 Residential and certain property in Caw Caw Plantation and in Dixie Circle Subdivision as A-l Residential. A motion by COlL~cilman Limehouse, seconded by Councilman Sifly, was unanimously approved adopting a 1970 budget in the amount of $1,493,400.00. o City Council accepted a deed conveying a fifty foot right of way for street purposes from Dr. W. F. Fairey in Sheridan Estates Subdivision to be designated as Mason Street. City Council advised the City Administrator to advertise for bids for a vehicle maintenance and storage facilities to be opened at 2 P. M. December 16, 1969 as specified in the plans and specifications by B. P. Barber & Associates .. City ~ouncil received as information resolutions passed by the Orangeburg Area Human Relations Committee regarding a public housing study and jail facilities. (See copy of resolutions attached to and made a part of these minutes.) A motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Councilman Limehouse, unanimously approved the elimination of all parking on Cemetery Straet, and the partial elimination of parking meters in the 100 Block of Broughton Street, the 100 Block of Doyle Street and the 700 Block of Russell Street. City Council advised the City Administrator to notify Dr. J. W. Dantzler, City Health Consultant, that these services would be terminated as of December 31, 1969. ------\, '~' ~ v~~AS, r it is the belief of members of Orangeburg Area Human Relations Committee that a number of residents of the area do not enjoy comfortable a.1"ld adequate liviJlg quurters, a:.0.d vrt-IEREAS, i t is the op;n-;on of the said Committee that various programs :for 101:Y rent public housing are available, THE..BEFOP~, now~ be it resolved, that the Orangeburg H1..1.I!!all Relations Committee petition and request the Orangeburg City Council to appoint a study group to explore the various ~10using programs available a.1"ld report to City Council their findings including need a.1"ld desirability. \I: ft'''';:;,f (y'");u'.) ( /IJ;.J c ~. r----- ( / 0L l /"" ') .) I )1) ;:,-(rfl' li-ff),FVif\! i "( "~I { J/ji"/,j, "(lor ~--- ~BEREAS, L/ it has long been recognized that the penal and detention facilities maintained by the City of Orangeburg and Orangeburg County have long been obsolete, inadequate and unfit for the use intended, and WHEREAS, the two (2) facilities are used by the Law enforcement agencies of both the City and County in conjunction and in cooperation, and WHEREAS, youthful offenders are often exposed to the harsh conditions-of adults and the obvious influences detr¢mental to their de-tention, and _HHEREP,S, the Human Re lations Committee desires to encourage acticr. by both the City and County to resolve the situation, and ~ '-/ -. :! WhEREAS, we feel that this is the opinion of the majority of the citizens of both the City and County of Orangeburg, NO'1l ,I 'I BE IT RESOLVED, that the Orangeburg City Council and the Orangeburg County Delegation take whatever steps necessary :1 , (in conjunction) to provide modern detention facilities for the detention of those citizens accused of crimes and that these facili-ties be design~d with adequate space to provide a separate area for juvenile offenders. , ~, \J .~. E. 0, PENDARVIS ROBERT T. STEVENSON MAYOR L c. CITY AOMINIOTRATOR O. GOODMAN F"RANK F. L.JMEHOUSg W. EVERETTE NO~MAN SAL.LEY, D,V.M. G, SIFL..,V QIUg uf @:nurgehttrg COUNCII.M::N Jl)nut\r Il]:Ilrl"li"'tt 29115 November 24, 1969 Dr. J. \~. Dantzler 272 vJiles, S. E. Orangeburg, South Carolina 29115 Dea.r Dr. Dantzler: In adopting the ne', budget for 1969-70, City Council has eliminated the position of health consultant to be effective January 1, 1970. This, of course~ means the termination of your official connection with the City. I am certain that I speal~ for the entire Council in expressing the cii.ty.~s appreciation for the fine conscientious service (~ you have rendered in the area of health and sanitation to our City and County. lJith kindest personal regards, I am Yours sincerely, '/d /?:r- R. T. stevenson City Administrator ... RTS/mr ~ ~ ~\ ..JOHN W. DANTZLER, D.V.M. 2'7::: WILe:::! 8 ... ORANGE8URG, s. c. Novembef 25, 1969 Mr. Eo T. Stevenson City Ad.minist:r[l~or 222 Middleton Stre~t Or8. YJi;e burg , .sout;h Carolina Dear Bob: I should. like to acknowledge receipt of your letter of l\!ovemb~,r 24, 1969 re 1.,( t i ve to the terminSc'cion of my :>f ['tc tal coni1ection ;'Ii th the city. ,~. l / Ple:lse c'Jnvey t') Council my best l·lishes and. assure each of them of my desire tel help in any way.md at any time for a more healthful Or·".ngeburg. ?lec<se calIon me at any time. \'1 ttl kind personal regards, I'eLm Yours very truly, ;JJI ..,.... '" ~" John ;)0 Dantzler, DoY! ol'!o ,/ ' ':it,,) /"")7 3 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. DECEr1BER 2,1969 Minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held December 2, 1969. Present: i~ ~ , Pendarvis Limehouse Sifly Goodman VJ. E. Salley E~ O~ F~ F~ N~ G~ C~ B~ Mayor CounCilman Councilman Couri6ilman Councilman The minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held Nov. 18, 1969 were read and approved. CityCoUrlcilreceivedfor further'study a request by the Junior Service League for financial assistance for a home for underpriviledged girlso Robert C. Osborne requested that Plantation Subdivision be annexed to the -City of Orangeburg. , , A ,motion by Mayor Pendarvis, seconded by Couricilman Limehouse, was unanimously approved appointing ~ohn E. Cook as Chief of Police. A motion by Counci1nian'Limehouse~ seconded 15y Counci1ri1an Sifly, was unaniIliously approved awarding the low bids on automobiles to Wanna.maker Motor Co. -as follows: Two automobiles'for'Police Dept~ $4;128~00 One Pick-Up Truck for Fire Dept. 1,892.80 CityColincil authorized the City'Administrator to seek the reorganization of the Orangeburg Count~Municipal Association. ~\ I '-- Amotion by CburiciLma:rl Limehouse, seconded by CounciL'1lan Sifly, unanimoiislyapproved a resolution authorizing arid directing Mayor E. 'O.Peridarvis to'sign acoritract with W. E. Tullu6k, Inc. in theamouritof $775,160.00 for construction of Improvements to the 'I'TaterTreatment Plant. (See resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes.) City Council appointed the following of Low Rent Subsidy Housing: co~~ttee Roger Council A. T. Brown Earl'Middleton ::. D. P. Bradbury John Edgar Harley to make a study ~ ,-2': " ~" ',-- '-i',',::':- /' g~'§'Q1!IT'!Q!i ~ WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Orangeburg invited < "'-- bids on the twenty fifth day of November 1969 for the construction of Improvements to the Water Treatment Plant for the Department of public Utilities of the said City; and WHEREAS, W. E. Tulluck, Inc. of Orangeburg, South Carolina, was the low bidder on the BASE BID; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, in council assembled and by authority of the same, that the bid of W. E. Tulluck, Inc. in the amount of Seven Hundred Seventy Five Thousand One Hundred Sixty ($775,160 00) 0 Dollars based on the BASE BID price as listed on the Bid Form of the contract attached to and made a part of this resolution, and the same is hereby accepted upon the filing of the proper L bond by the said contractor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That his honor, Mayor E. O. Pendarvis, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sign said contract for and on behalf of the City of Orangeburg. PASSED by the City Council this second day of December, A.D. 1969. -". ;7 (/ \..../ £- ... :.:-' /f/ ' -' vX.c£?L, , rr-)VPn / 9-oJmclJ:meiJ:'~ 'TT'wr~;:~ v Cler . 'J ? ~ r.-'9 u'f<~ CITY OF ORANGEBURG; S. C. DECEMBER 16~ 1969 ~ Yunutes of the regular meeting of City Council held December 16, 1969. Present: E: F: N: C: w. 0: F: G: B: E. Pendarvis Limeliouse Sifly" GoOdiilan Salley Mayor Counei J.mal:i. Cou.n.cilman Councilman Councilman The'miriiitesofthe regular meeting of City Council held December 2, 1969 were read and approved. A Iliotion'by CouncilmanSifly, seconded 'by Councilman Goodman, was Unanimously approved at first reading' of an ordinance a..'1.nexing approximately fourteen acres in the Bowman loIoods Subdivision. A motionby Mayor Pendarvis ,secoiided by Councilman Sifly, un-' ahirriouslyapproved placing the 'new' fire station on Chestnut St. under the present insurance coverage. Amotion by CounCilmanSifly,' seconded by Mayor Pendarvis, was unanimously approved declaring December 25 and 26 as official holidays. CityCoUIicilapprovedthe elimination of three parking spaces in the 166 block of Broughton St. S. E. ~ ~. City Council agreed to release the Carolina ThBatrefrom the present lease requirements, effective December 31, 1969. ! i COpy E. O. PENDARVlS MAYOR ROBERT T. STEVENSON C. 8. GOODMAN CITY AOMINISTRATOR FRANK F. LIMEHOUSE W. EVERETTE SALLEY, D.V.M. QJ:U-g llf Qlhattg~hurg NORMAN G. SIFLY COUNcrLME::N j1\nutlr QLarnlina r'- 29115 1( " ~ December 17, 1969 Or .. J .. H. .. Gre.ss:et te, President; OraDgeburg 'll'oeatre.. llle. 920 Holly, N. E. OraDgcllurg;. Sooth Carolina 29115 Pear Dr. Gressett",: l'his is to officially advise that at its last regular meeting beld Oecellioor 16th, City Council approved your request to termina.te your lease Oil. Carolina Theatre effective December :n. 1969. 1il'e enjoyed tile fine relationship and s!,irit of cooperation aff·orded as during tbe many years of associ"tion. and hope 'chat this s.pirit will. continue as 'Ole attempt to' develop this facility into a ~thwhile culturel asset to' our community. 'fours very truly~ It ~~=-'-~ fa. ~'&tevensoll. \.--,/ City Administrator RTS/m;: , <X:"J,City Clerk aoo Treasurer Department of Public Utilities ____ 34~1 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. DECEMBER 23, 1969 /~ Minutes" of " the speCial meeting of City Council held at 10:30 A. M. December 23, 1969. \ Present: E~ F~ N~ O~ F~ G~ Pendarvis Limehouse Sifly C ~ B ~ Goodman 'Ill. E. Salley Mayor Counei lrrian COUncilrrian CoUnCilman Councilman A motion by CounCilman Sifly;seconded by Mayor Pendarvis, was unanimously approved" at second :reading of an ordinance annexing approximately fourteen acres in the Bowman ~~oods Subdivision. A special meeting" of City Council was set for 9 A. M. December 30, 1969. ~" "~ <{/! j ,::t> uf ...,u CITY OF ORANGEBURG,S. C. DECEMBER 30, 1969 .~ ~unutes of the special meeting of City Council held at 9 December 30, 1969. Present: E ~ 0 ~ pe:ndarvis F~ F~ Limehouse N~ G~ Sifly C ~ B ~ Goodniiin W. E. Salley A~ M. 1'1ii.y()r Counei linii.n Councilnian Councilnian Councilman A motiori by C()uncilman SiflY, seconded by Mayor Pendarvis, was unaIlimouslyapproved at third reading -a:nd enacted into law of an ordinance ax\.iJ.exirig- approximately fourteen acres in the Bowman Woods Subdivision. ~ .~