`Otzi` - The Iceman, Now... News Article


`Otzi` - The Iceman, Now... News Article
'Otzi' - The Iceman, Now Online! - Kids News Article - Page 62
Fodder for young minds
'Otzi' - The Iceman, Now Online!
By Meera Dolasia on March 9, 2009
Stunning pictures of Otzi the Iceman, the world's oldest frozen mummy can now be viewed online, thanks to
Italy's Institute for Mummies and The Iceman. Discovered by two hikers on a mountain range between Austria
and Italy it is believed that Otzi inhabited the Earth 5,300 years or 53 centuries ago!
Until recently, the mummy, which resides in a refrigerated room, in a specially-built museum in Bolzano, Italy,
could only be viewed there, and that too, only through portholes.
'Otzi' - The Iceman, Now Online! - Kids News Article - Page 62
In order to allow more people to get a view of this amazingly intact skeleton, without jeopardizing it, the
researchers at the museum decided to take pictures and create a special website.
The website photos were chosen from a collection of 150,000 high
definition pictures shot from twelve different angles, and provide
visitors with a view that is even better than seeing Otzi 'live'. In
keeping with modern-day technology, the photos can also be viewed
in 3-D, with the right glasses.
Otzi has been one of the most remarkable finds in archeological
history. His remains were so intact that scientists even found
evidence of meat and unleavened bread in his intestine - his last
meal consumed about eight hours before he died.
Beside him were all his tools, including a bow and arrow, dagger and copper axe. Even more surprising was the
sophisticated clothing found, comprising of a hide coat, an intricately woven grass cloak, leggings, loin cloth
and shoes.
Otzi's body was marked with over 57 tattoos, which scientists believe may have been acupuncture treatment for
his arthritic knees.
It is thought that Otzi died from exhaustion and an old unhealed arrow wound, on his back. At the time of his
death, he was 45 years old, 5.5 ft tall and weighed about 112lbs.
Over the years, Otzi has remained quite popular, and is the subject of many books and even a play. And if you
happen to visit the Bolzano museum, you can purchase many Otzi souvenirs, including an Otzi drink. To view
additional pictures of this iceman be sure to check out his website - http://www.icemanphotoscan.eu/
Sources: wilderdom.com, telegraph.co.uk, dailymail.co.uk