Section 4_US DuMont WABD Programme Schedules
Section 4_US DuMont WABD Programme Schedules
!"#$%&'()*+!( ,-.&'$(/01,(23&43566"(!#7"8-9":( ( Year Month Description 1939 Week of Televents POSTER 12th November DuMont Television W2XBS Programme schedule. 1945 Week of DuMont Television WABD Channel 4 Programme schedule. 1945 Week of DuMont Television WABD Channel 4 Programme schedule. 1945 Week of DuMont Television WABD Channel 4 Programme schedule. 28th February Outside Inside 11th February Outside Inside 18th February Outside Inside ! ! !"#$%&'#()*!#+,%-,.//0#12304"506# 40 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-.&'$(/01,(23&43566"(!#7"8-9":( ( 1945 Week of DuMont Television WABD Channel 4 Programme schedule. 1946 Week of DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 25th February Outside Inside ! ! May 20th May 27th June 5th June 10th June 17th June 24th July 1st DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. !"#$%&'#()*!#+,%-,.//0#12304"506# 41 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-.&'$(/01,(23&43566"(!#7"8-9":( ( ! ! 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of July 8th July 15th July 22nd July 29th August 5th August 12th August 19th August 26th DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 September 2nd Programme schedule. September 9th DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. !"#$%&'#()*!#+,%-,.//0#12304"506# 42 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-.&'$(/01,(23&43566"(!#7"8-9":( ( 1946 Week of Special Notice’s September 16th New York “Yankees” vs Buffalo “Bisons” and a Gala Occasion! Never been done before on television! DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. ! ! 1946 Week of DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 September 23rd Programme schedule. 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 September 30th Programme schedule. October 7th October 14th October 21st October 28th November 3rd DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 November 10th Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 November 17th Programme schedule. !"#$%&'#()*!#+,%-,.//0#12304"506# 43 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-.&'$(/01,(23&43566"(!#7"8-9":( ( ! ! 1946 Week of DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 November 24th Programme schedule. 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of December 2nd December 9th DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 December 16th Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 December 23rd Programme schedule. DuMont Television WABD Channel 5 December 30th Programme schedule. !"#$%&'#()*!#+,%-,.//0#12304"506# 44 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&21344"(!#5"678"9( ( ! Year Month Description 1941 Week of June 30th – July 5th Station WNBT National Broadcasting Company Television Programme Schedule ! ! ! ! !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 45 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( ! ! Year Month Description 1944 Week of WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. 1944 Week of 1944 Week of 1944 Week of 1944 Week of 1944 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of July 19th October 20th December 8th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme December 15th schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme December 22nd schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme December 29th schedule. January 5th January 12th January 19th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 46 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( ! ! 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of January 26th February 2nd February 23rd February 28th March 2nd March 9th March 23rd March 30th April 6th April 13th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 47 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( 1945 Week of 1945 Week of April 20th April 13th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. V-E Day Special Victory News Program WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. ! ! 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of April 27th May 4th May 11th May 18th May 25th June 1st WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 48 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( ! ! 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of June 7th June 14th June 21st June 28th July 5th July 12th July 19th July 26th August 2nd August 9th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 49 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( ! ! 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of August 16th August 23rd August 30th September 6th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme September 13th schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme September 20th schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme September 27th schedule. October 4th October 11th October 18th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 50 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( ! ! 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of 1945 Week of October 25th November 1st November 8th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme November 15th schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme November 22nd schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme November 29th schedule. December 6th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme December 12th schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme December 19th schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme December 26th schedule. !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 51 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of January 2nd January 9th January 16th January 23rd January 30th February 6th February 12th February 20th February 2728th May 12th WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel No.1 Programme schedule. WNBT changes from Channel 1 to channel 4. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. ! ! !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 52 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( ! ! 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of May 19th May 26th June 2nd June 9th June 16th June 23rd June 30th July 8th July 15th July 22nd WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 53 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( ! ! 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of July 29th August 5th August 12th August 19th August 26th WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme September 2nd schedule. September 9th WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme September 16th schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme September 23rd schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme September 30th schedule. !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 54 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-./(01&2134(!#5"678"9( ( 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of November 9th WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. 1946 Week of Goodyear Army vs Notre Dame October 7th October 5th October 14th October 21st November 9th WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. WNBT Television Channel 4 Programme schedule. ! ! !"#$%&'()'*++,%-./,012,3% 55 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-.,(/(,-.!(01&21344"(!#5"678"9( ( ! ! Year Month Description 1946 Week of WCBW Television Channel 2 Programme schedule. 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of September 5th WCBW Television Channel 2 Programme September 12th schedule. WCBW Television Channel 2 Programme September 17th schedule. WCBW Television Channel 2 Programme September 26th schedule. October 3rd October 10th WCBW Television Channel 2 Programme schedule. WCBW Television Channel 2 Programme schedule. !"#!$%$!"#&$'()*(+,,-$&./-012-3$ 56 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-.,(/(,-.!(01&21344"(!#5"678"9( ( 1946 Week of 1946 Week of October 23rd WCBW Television Channel 2 Programme schedule. 1946 Week of Channel 2 changes to WCBS from WCBW October 17th October 30th WCBW Television Channel 2 Programme schedule. WCBS Television Channel 2 Programme schedule. ! ! 1946 Week of 1946 Week of 1946 Week of November 4th WCBS Television Channel 2 Programme schedule. WCBS Television Channel 2 Programme November 11th schedule. WCBS Television Channel 2 Programme November 21st schedule. !"#!$%$!"#&$'()*(+,,-$&./-012-3$ 57 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ,-.,(/(,-.!(01&21344"(!#5"678"9( ( 1946 Week of WCBS Television Channel 2 Programme November 28th schedule. 1946 Week of December 4th WCBS Television Channel 2 Programme schedule. Final card see below; ! ! !"#!$%$!"#&$'()*(+,,-$&./-012-3$ 58 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( !$,'-,.-(/'$".$,%'".0(,'-(1"2"3%0%&'(4%."#$&.5( ( Year Month Description 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory (94 pages) Almost certainly a rare “surviving” listing of artists, entertainers and musicians who worked in television in the 1940’s commentating the programme schedules. This section gives a good picture of early US TV programming. 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory • Inside cover 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory • First page, including subscription card 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory • Editorial and publication management ! ! !"#$%#&%'($")&"#*$)&+',)-).*+*/$'0*&)1"/&2' 59 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( !$,'-,.-(/'$".$,%'".0(,'-(1"2"3%0%&'(4%."#$&.5( ( 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory • Table of Contents 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory • Index 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory • Agents and managers participating in this issue 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory • Example page ! ! !"#$%#&%'($")&"#*$)&+',)-).*+*/$'0*&)1"/&2' 60 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( !$,'-,.-(/'$".$,%'".0(,'-(1"2"3%0%&'(4%."#$&.5( ( 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory • Example page 1949 - Standard Entertainers and Television Directory • Example page ! ! !"#$%#&%'($")&"#*$)&+',)-).*+*/$'0*&)1"/&2' 61 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ( ( ! ! ,-.-////,01(23&43566"(!#7"89:";( Year Date Description 1948 May 9-15th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1948 May 16-22nd WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1948 May 23-29th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1948 June 13-19th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1948 June 20-26th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1948 July 25-31st WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1948 Sept 6-12th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1948 Nov 15-21st WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1948 Dec 20-26th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1948 Dec 27- Jan 2nd WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. !"#"$%!&'()*+,*-../(012/345/6( 62 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ( ( ! ! ,-.-////,01(23&43566"(!#7"89:";( 1949 Jan 10th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1949 Feb 19th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1949 Mar 5th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1949 Mar 12th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1949 June 11th WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1949 July 2nd WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. 1949 Sept 3rd WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1949 Oct 15th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1949 Oct 29th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1949 Nov 5th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1949 Nov 12th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. !"#"$%!&'()*+,*-../(012/345/6( 63 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ( ( ! ! ,-.-////,01(23&43566"(!#7"89:";( 1949 Dec 10th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1949 Dec 17th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1949 Dec 24th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1949 Dec 31st WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1950 Feb 25th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1950 Mar 11th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1950 Apr 8th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1950 May 13th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1950 July 1st WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. 1953 Jan 10th WBKB, WGN and other television channels TV forecast. !"#"$%!&'()*+,*-../(012/345/6( 64 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ( ( 1954 Jan 23-29th ,-.-////,01(23&43566"(!#7"89:";( Special Issue Full Colour; Marilyn Monroe WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. ! ! 1954 Feb 12-18th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1954 Oct 23-29th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1954 Apr 30-May 6th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1954 May 21-27th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1954 June 11-17th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1954 July 24-30th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. !"#"$%!&'()*+,*-../(012/345/6( 65 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ( ( ,-.-////,01(23&43566"(!#7"89:";( 1954 Sept 11-17th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 19541955 Sept 25-Oct 1st Special TV Guide Fall Preview WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1955 Apr 9-15th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1955 May 7-13th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1955 Sept 24-30th Special TV Guide Fall Preview WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. ! ! 1955 Dec 3-9th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1956 Jan 21-27th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1957 Jan 19-25th WBKB, WGN and other channels TV guide. 1980 Nov 22-28th TV guide, Local Programs Year Date “On The Air” 1947 October Philco Television Time !"#"$%!&'()*+,*-../(012/345/6( 66 ! ! ! !"#$%&'()*+!( ( ( ! ! Year Date 1949 Feb 26- Mar 4th 1949 Jun 18-24th ,-.-////,01(23&43566"(!#7"89:";( “TeleVision Guide” WBKB, WGN and other television channels programme forecast. !"#"$%!&'()*+,*-../(012/345/6( 67 ! ! !