News for festivals


News for festivals
News for festivals
october 2010
Our concert propositions available on tour in 2011.
In this document, you'll find different concert programs.
Technical setups and costs are precisely described.
We are open to any suggestions, concerning these programs:
Some pieces can be played alone, other programs assembled etc...
1. Bruno de Chénerilles
The Guitare Plus concert and creation 2011
2. Paul Clouvel / Bruno de Chénerilles
Electronic concert, video and Prospexion
3. Bruno de Chénerilles
Move Sweet Move
4. The composers
NB: you can listen or watch extracts of the pieces by clicking on the
links in this document (if you are on line)
Please ask for any further information, CDs, DVDs...
Bruno de Chénerilles
email: [email protected]
Tel: +33 979 18 34 32
Mobile: +33 668 45 69 62
Zone d'Art
2 rue du Rhin Napoléon
F 67000 Strasbourg
More info about projects and
activities :
1. Bruno de Chénerilles
The Guitare Plus concert – creation 2011
Guitare solo concert - Bruno de Chénerilles
All the sounds come from guitar, played live on the table, prepared with
objects, by electronics, or recorded and transformed as concrete music
objects, edited and mixed...Each piece explores a different set up, so the
composer can act differently and walk in another way through the
instrument sound territory and his weird extensions...
The course of these 3 studies begins with fixed sounds et is more and
more orientated towards real time playing and interactions. Other pieces
will continue this serie during next years.
Studies for guitar 1 to 3 compose together a concert program of 50 mn. It
can be extended by one or another piece or improvisation by Bruno de
In concert on April 10th, 2011 – at La Petite Grange aux Sons Wissembourg (F)
Listen to Etude No1: mp3 audio extract (2mn30)
- Study Nr1 for sampled electric guitar – duration 16 mn
2 possible versions: fixed sounds or live electronics - 1996
selected at Concours International de Musique électronique de
Bourges (F) - 1996
- Study Nr2 for prepared and sampled electric guitar – duration 20 mn
Table guitar and live electronics – 2010
Created on March 26th and 27th, 2010 at Taps Scala Strasbourg (F)
- Study Nr3 for table guitar and video – duration 20 to 30 mn - 2011
Our price for 1 concert
Creation 2011
This 3rd Study exhibits the instrument in her mythic dimension and
concrete reality. Gesture and mouvement are captured by video, before
but also during the performance. These pictures are projected and
+ accomodation for 1 person
connected with the sounds produced by the guitar.
+ travel by car and by train or plane Bruno de Chénerilles: table guitar and video setup - duration : 20 to 30
for long distance
To be created on March 24th, 2011 - concert Elektramusic concert - at
+ author's rights (Sacem)
Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg (F)
1 000 € net
(no vat taxes)
Technical specifications
Sound: 8 compact speakers on
stands , of good quality (DB,
JMeyer, or equivalent) over the
room and on stage + 4 stereo amps
8m mini
Lights: close on the musician and
his setup, and on the speakers
Video: 1 video projector + screen
(to be precised later)
4 hours for setting up and rehearsal
(it's better to preset the P.A. before
8m mini
2. Paul Clouvel / Bruno de Chénerilles
Electronic concert, video and Prospexion
Bruno de Chénerilles - Prospexion - 2009
A great sound fresco, somewhere between concrete music and live
electronics, time and space architecture and live intensity. Copulations of
frogs, abstract electronic sounds, constructivist aphorisms and more...
are performed on a 8 speakers sound system.
Bruno de Chénerilles: synthesizers, sampler, voice and sound
spatialisation - duration 45 mn
Created in concert on June 28th, 2009 - at the Big Bang ! event Strasbourg (F)
Listen to Prospexion: mp3 audio extract (2mn30)
Paul Clouvel – electronic music and video - 2005/2009
Finely wrought musics with sounds from the real world and abstract ones.
His compositions are fi xed on a stereo track in the french tradition of
musique concrète, then spatialized, interpreted by the composer himself
on a speakers' orchestra. Some of the pieces transform in videomusic in
collaboration with video-artists.
Our price for 1 concert
1 400 € net
(no VAT tax)
+ accomodation and travel for
2 persons by car and train or
plane for long distance
Speech - created in 2007 at Festival Futura - 1st radio broadcast by
France-Musique, 2008 - duration 8mn
Mouvements/Caduques (partie III) - created at Château de Tours (F)
2006 / 2009 - duration 10 mn
Canranc - created at Fimu Belfort/Centre Chorégraphique de FrancheComté (F), 2005 - duration 12 mn
listen to Canranc: mp3 audio extract (2mn50)
listen and watch Speech: mp4 video (7mn30)
The concert is played in 2 parts, one for each composer. Each part : 40
mn and a 15 mn interruption.
The audience is immerged in the sounds spaces created and scupted live
by the composers-performer on an 8 speakers' orchestra.
+ authors' rights (Sacem)
Technical speciifications
8m mini
Sound: 8 compact speakers on
stands , of good quality (DB,
JMeyer, or equivalent) over the
room and on stage + 4 stereo amps
Lights: close on the musician and
his setup, and on the speakers
Video: 1 video projector + screen
(to be precised later)
4 hours for setting up and rehearsal
(it's better to preset the P.A. before
8m mini
3. Bruno de Chénerilles Move Sweet Move
Move Sweet Move - sound gestures and projected pictures - 2005
All sounds played on synthesizer and sampler by gestures in an infrared
midi controller. All pictures captured by gestures and camera moving
(photo and video). The film is projected on a screen, just beside the
sound gesturing performer.
Bruno de Chénerilles: composition, video creation and performance duration 18 mn
listen and watch Move Sweet Move: mp4 video extract (3mn40)
Created in concert on October 2004 - Pignon Nord /Zone d'Art Strasbourg (F)
We can send to you one copy of the DVD, released on our label.
This piece can be played in an existing program or be added to our other
programs. It can also be the basis for a more video-music oriented
It can also be intergrated easily in a visual arts event or in a museum, as
a performance.
The video projection doesn't need total darkness.
Our price for 1 concert
600 € net
(no VAT taxes)
+ accomodation and travel for
1 person by car and train or
plane for long distance
+ author's rights (Sacem)
Technical speciifications
8m mini
Sound: 6 compact speakers on
stands , of good quality (DB, JMeyer,
or equivalent) over the room and on
stage + 3 stereo amps
Lights: close on the musician and
his setup, and on the speakers
Video: 1 video projector + screen (3
to 4m base)
4 hours for setting up and rehearsal
(it's better to preset the P.A. before
8m mini
4. the composers
Bruno de Chénerilles
Born in 1949. He lives and works in Strasbourg (F).Compoter, radio
author , video artist, guitarist.
He created Audiorama (music creation, distribution, label, learning
center) in 83.
Recent projects
2009/2010 Un Opéra des Trois Pays/ eine Dreiländeroper – a trinational project with music, multimedia and culutral actionson the
Three borders territory - Basel (CH), Saint-Louis and Huningue (F)
Lörrach and Weil am Rhein (DE).
1999-2008 Ruban : a sound portrait of Elsass : music and cultural
project in Bouxwiller, Srasbourg, Kehl, Sélestat, Marckolsheim,
Colmar, Bassin Potassique, Mulhouse.(F)
2006-2008 Pop Sonic : an electroacoustic theatre pice for young
people – (Festivals: Wien Modern 2008 (A), Giboulées de la
Marionnette Strasbourg 2007(F), Festival International de Magdeburg
2007(D), Momix Kingersheim 2007(F), Mélimomes Reims 2007(F), ...)
Recent discography
2005 Move Sweet Move: 4 electronic pieces and video - XBSex35,
La Vérité, Etude No1, Move Sweet Move - DVD Audiorama
1999/2003 Ruban: un portrait sonore de l’Alsace - 8 CD+DVD box
Concert pieces available in concert
- XBSex35 - musique concrète - 8' - stéréo - 1982
- Fantômes: saxo3 - live electronics - 8' - stéréo - 1993
Silver Trophy at Faust 93 - Toulouse(F)
- Study Nr1 for sampled electric guitar - 2 versions: stéréo or live
electronics - 16' - 1996
Sélected at Concours International de Musique électronique de
Bourges (F) - 1996
- Move Sweet Move – sound gestures and projected pictures - 18' 2005
- Prospexion - live electronics - 40' - 2009
- Study Nr2 for sampled and prepared electric guitar - 16' - 2010
- Study Nr3 for electric guitar and video - 16' - 2011
More info about projects and activities
4. the composers
Paul Clouvel
Born in 1971. He lives and works in Strasbourg (F).
After his academic studies,he specialized in electroacoustic
composition, in particular at Ircam Summer Academy (Paris-F),then
he obtained two diplomas in electroacoustic composition at the
Conservatoire de Bourges ( F) and at the Conservatoire National
Supérieur de Musique de Lyon.
Paul Clouvel got the Luigi Russolo International Price in Italy. His
pieces are frequently played in festivals in France and abroad.
He created and directs the Elektramusic label (concerts, CDs,
webradio, TV magazine on experimental music and video)
Recent pieces
2008 Prypiat Song
2006/2009 Mouvements/Caduques (partie III)
Created in 2006 at Château de Toursas a sound installation, then in a
new concert version in 2009.
2007 Speech
Created in 2007 at Festival Futura, first radio broadcast. at France
Musique 2008
video-music version in collaboration with austrian video artist Michaela
2007 ArtBoretum
2005 Canranc
– creation at Fimu Belfort / Centre Chorégraphique de FrancheComté (F)
Recent discography
CD Electroacoustic Music volume 01 (prod. Elektramusic 2006)
CD Composite, caduques (prod. ArtBoretum 2007)
CD 60x60 international mix (prod. VoxNovus, New York 2007)
More info :