Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater


Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Platinum Sponsors
This event is proudly sponsored by
Table of Contents
Message from the Mayor
Message from the Chair, Chris Lydon
Inspire Award Recipients
Inspire Community Spirit (Award Patron, Atlantic Lottery Corporation)
Paula Gallagher
Inspire Imagination (Award Patron, Nova Scotia Power)
Wendy Lill
Inspire Leadership (Award Patron, Scotiabank)
Dr. Gerry Johnston
Inspire Learning (Award Patron, Enterprise Holdings)
Hope Swinimer
Inspire Public Service (Award Patron, Alexander Keith’s)
Diana Whalen, MLA
Inspire Service (Award Patron, Insurance Bureau of Canada)
Constable Donald Jenkins
Messages from our Awards Patrons
Live Auction Packages
Lifestyles of the Rich & Hali-famous
Rocky Mountain Get-Away
Hockey Night in Halifax
Bonjour Montréal
Vacation Dreaming
There’s a Party on the Rooftop!
Our Generous Sponsors
Scotiabank Steps Up! Play the 50/50 Make a Match raffle
for your chance to win up to $1,200! And to make it even
more fun...Scotiabank will match proceeds from this
initiative, helping Big Brothers Big Sisters serve more children in beneficial mentoring
Introduction of Emcee - Kayla Hounsell, CTV
Greetings from the Mayor’s Office
It Takes a Village
Time to
Enjoy the refreshments
Visit the BIG prize raffle
Purchase a 50/50 ticket
Presentation of Inspire Awards
Live Auction
See pages 16 to 21 for package details
Door Prizes
Closing Remarks
Gap Inc. Makes a BIG Difference! In recognition of the dedicated
volunteerism by Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy employees here this
evening, the Gap Foundation will match proceeds from tonight’s Big
Raffle! Thanks so much for this outstanding generosity, which helps this
event have an even greater impact for young people in our community.
Message from the Chair
On behalf of the Board of Directors, our
volunteers and the hundreds of Metro families
impacted positively by our programs,
congratulations to our 2013 Inspire Award
Big Brothers Big Sisters plays a profound role in our community, and we are
not a community without some challenges. But our mentors help our ‘Littles’
navigate these challenges. They are more than guides, more that friends …
our ‘Bigs’ are often the difference-makers in the lives of hundreds of our
city’s young people. Too often, without these mentoring relationships,
outcomes are less sure. But together, these kids stay in school, they go on to
post-secondary education, they volunteer more, respect their communities
and families more. These outcomes result in stronger, healthier
neighbourhoods and a brighter future for our community. We’ve got the
numbers to prove it.
Our 2013 Inspire Award recipients embody these same values. Like our
volunteer “Bigs”, they lead by example. They are leaders in their respective
fields, who make a difference in the lives of so many people each and every
day, without the expectation of recognition. Well too bad, tonight they’re
getting some.
These leaders go above and beyond the call of duty and we are thrilled to be
able to honour them for their contributions.
Chris Lydon
Chair, Board of Directors, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Halifax
Inspiring our community.
Big Brothers Big Sisters recognizes that mentoring takes places
across our community in many ways beyond our programs.
Business leaders, people in uniform, teachers, coaches, community
elders, neighbours, artists, family members, athletes, people from any
walk of life can be amazing mentors who inspire others to achieve
their goals.
Our Inspire Awards celebrate those people. We encourage
you to take a few moments to read about our 2013 Inspire
Award recipients on the following pages. You will be inspired!
Inspire Community Spirit
Paula Gallagher
Award Patron, Atlantic Lottery Corporation
Paula Gallagher is a consulting partner in the
Halifax office of Deloitte and leads Deloitte’s
public sector practice for Atlantic Canada.
She is active in the local community, having
recently completed her term as Chair of the
Board, Halifax Chamber of Commerce. She
continues to sit on the Board as past Chair. She
is also Honorary Chair of the Board of the ALS
Society of NS and actively supports that
organization in many ways. Most recently,
Paula and 19 colleagues raised over $24,000
for the ALS Society of NS by cycling the Cabot
Trail. She is a strong supporter of women and women’s issues and has spoken
to several audiences about the importance of gender diversity in public and
private sector organizations.
Paula is a strong supporter of community activities within the Deloitte family.
She is a past Chair of the United Way campaign; an active leader in the firm’s
Impact Day, where all 8,000 partners and staff of the Canadian firm give back
to their community; and she is part of a national team exploring how to bring
Social Impact Bonds to Canada. She strongly encourages everyone at Deloitte
to give back to their community in a way that matters to them.
Paula identifies having many mentors over the course of her career – some
formal, many informal. She considers two key people to be at the top of this
list. Her husband, Miles, has been her strongest supporter, sounding board,
and sometimes giver-of-advice, helping her navigate the ups and downs with
a sense of clarity and often, humour. Paula also credits a long-term colleague
as being an important mentor for her. Together, they have grown their
careers based on a mutual trust and respect. In the corporate world where
some would consider them “competitors”, nothing could be further from the
Inspire Imagination
Wendy Lill
Award Patron, Nova Scotia Power
Playwright and former politician, Wendy Lill,
has written extensively for radio, magazines,
film, and television. Her work has resulted in
two ACTRA awards, a Golden Sheaf award (for
her film Ikwe), a New York Festivals Radio
Program and Promotion Award in 2011
(Backbencher) and four nominations for the
Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama
(The Occupation of Heather Rose, All Fall
Down, The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum, and
Corker) Chimera, her first play since leaving
politics premiered at the Tarragon Theatre.
She created and was head writer for the award winning CBC Radio Series
Backbencher from 2009 to 2011.
Wendy was born in Vancouver and grew up in London, Ontario. She
completed a BA in political science at Toronto’s York University. She lived in
Winnipeg for a period and during this time began writing plays and developed
a productive association with Prairie Theatre Exchange and its artistic director,
Kim McCaw. In 1988, Wendy moved to Dartmouth and continued to write for
theatre which lead to her becoming a co-founder of the Eastern Front Theatre
Company. In 1997, Wendy was elected as a Member of Parliament (NDP) for
Dartmouth, and re-elected in 2000 for a second term.
Wendy credits two important women in her life who truly nurtured and
inspired her imagination. Mary Vingoe, Artistic Director and mentor for many
of Wendy’s plays, always challenged her to go further, take the difficult turns,
and dig deeper into a story. Alexa McDonough nudged Wendy toward politics
and was an inspiring mentor because of her tenacity and courage. Alexa
energized Wendy’s imagination and provided a model of exemplary public
service. When reflecting on the value of these important mentors, Wendy
says, “Mary and Alexa; I can't imagine where I would be or who I would be
without them!”
Inspire Leadership
Dr. Gerry Johnston
Award Patron, Scotiabank
Dr. Gerry Johnston is Associate Dean
(Research) in the Faculty of Medicine and
Professor in the Department of Microbiology
& Immunology within the Faculty of Medicine
at Dalhousie University. Well recognized for
his cancer research and collaborative genetics
program, Dr. Johnston has spent his career
fostering important research initiatives as a
member, and Past President of the National
Cancer Institute of Canada.
Though highly lauded academically, Dr.
Johnston remains humbled and honoured by
recognition from his community. He considers himself fortunate to have had
(and continues to have) a long list of individuals to whom he can look for
guidance through example.
As a postdoctoral fellow in the early 1970s, Dr. Johnston worked in the
Department of Genetics at the University of Washington in Seattle with a
young and talented investigator, Lee Hartwell. (Lee went on to receive a
Nobel Prize in 2001). The then head and founder of that department was Dr.
Herschel Roman, an international research star in his own right, but someone
who also recognized talented individuals and supported them in their career
Dr. Johnston remembers, that although Dr. Roman had responsibility for a
large department with many researchers, he took time to get to know all of
the postdoctoral fellows. Witnessing his meaningful interest and thoughtful
guidance instructed Dr. Johnston on the ways of true leadership and
Reflecting on mentors and leadership Dr. Johnston says, “One thing that has
been a constant in my observations of effective leadership is that true leaders
are not focused on themselves, but rather those who work with them. For me,
I have come to see effective leadership as identifying talented individuals,
providing them with the resources they need and supporting them to develop
their own style and skills. Anything that I may have accomplished is because
others in my environment have succeeded.”
Inspire Learning
Hope Swinimer
Award Patron, Enterprise Holdings
Well known in both veterinarian communities
and wildlife rehabilitation, Hope Swinimer is
the Founder and Director of the Hope for
Wildlife Society and Nova Scotia’s only
veterinary hospital completely dedicated to
the care of wildlife from her home in Seaforth,
NS. She also owns and operates the Homeward
Bound City Pound in Dartmouth.
In her work in the veterinary community, she
was the first Nova Scotian to become a
Certified Veterinary Practice Manager. Hope
sits as a Board member of the Metro Animal Emergency Hospital and belongs
to both the Certified Veterinarian Practice Manager Association and the
Veterinarian Hospital Managers Association.
In 1997, she founded The Eastern Shore Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation
Service, now the Hope for Wildlife Society, Nova Scotia's first private wildlife
rehabilitation organization. In addition to ongoing learning through advanced
courses in wildlife, Hope has visited rehabilitation facilities around the world,
bringing valuable knowledge to Hope for Wildlife.
Hope has received Canadian and international recognition for her work in
wildlife rehabilitation and education, including the Roland Michener
Conservation Award from the Canadian Wildlife Federation, the Colin Stewart
Conservation Award, and the Shining World Compassion Award. The fourth
season of a television series about the Hope for Wildlife Society was recently
released and is aired across Canada and Europe and in countries as far away
as Thailand. A book about her work released in 2011 reached bestseller
status and was a finalist for the 2012 Evelyn Richardson Memorial Prize.
Hope says her sister-in-law Seata (whom she met as a young girl) had a huge
impact on how she perceives the world today. Originally from Russia, Seata
would tell Hope stories of life under communist rule and how lucky we are to
live in North America. This perspective stuck with Hope throughout her life,
and has encouraged her life’s work to create a legacy of positive action.
Inspire Public Service
Diana Whalen, MLA
Award Patron, Alexander Keith’s
Diana Whalen has served as a Member of the
Legislative Assembly for over ten years. First
elected in 2003 in Halifax Clayton Park, she ran
in the most recent election in the new riding
of Clayton Park West. She holds a Master of
Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts
from Dalhousie, as is a Certified Management
Diana is community focused and committed to
making a difference. She has served on the
Boards for Neptune Theatre, the Centennial
Rink Commission, and the Halifax Library. Ten years ago she helped found the
Mainland North Volunteer Recognition Committee and is currently a member
of the Halifax North West Trails Association and the Bella Rose Theatre. In the
late 1990s she founded a community action group dedicated to seeing a new
school built in Clayton Park West (Park West School).
Since her election as MLA, Diana has championed the fight to preserve the
Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area, which culminated in the
province protecting over 3000 acres of wilderness adjacent to Bayers Lake
Business Park (April 2009). The fast growing area needed improved
recreation, and Diana has worked with the people of her riding to lobby HRM
and the province. The Canada Games Centre is the realization of that effort.
In 2009, Diana was honoured by the Canadian Progress Club Halifax
Cornwallis with a Women of Distinction Award in the category of Public
Affairs and Communications for her work in the community.
Diana points to her mother, Mary Hudson, as an important role model and
mentor. Mary was a trailblazer for women in her own right when she
embarked on a career as an investment advisor in 1968. Her career influenced
Diana’s decision to study business at university, and it was her mother who
encouraged her to pursue a career in politics. Diana says, “I have learned the
importance of having a great mentor which has helped me to carry on the
tradition of encouraging others to follow their dreams.“
Inspire Service
Constable Donald Jenkins
In honour of Private Nathan Smith
Award Patron, Insurance Bureau of Canada
Constable Donald Jenkins, a member of the
Halifax Regional Police for 29 years, is known
by co-workers, colleagues and members of the
community as an engaged, energetic and
enthusiastic individual who helps to bring out
the best in others.
As a member of the Community Relations and
Crime Prevention Team for the past 12 years
he and his colleagues work to bolster
community relations and public safety,
working on such initiatives as Police Week,
Cops ‘n Kids Camp, Pixels For Pistols Gun
Amnesty, CopShop, Law Enforcement Torch Run, a variety of personal safety
campaigns and many other community-based initiatives. He is also known as
someone who does extensive volunteer work in the community, bringing
special energy and enthusiasm to everything he does.
Constable Jenkins is well-regarded by his peers, having received the
Employees’ Choice Award at the Department’s Annual Award Night earlier
this year. In 2009, he and 3 colleagues from the Community Relations and
Crime Prevention team shared the honour of being named Police Officer of
the Year and in 2008 he was awarded the Department’s Community
Contribution Award.
Reflecting on mentors in his life, Constable Jenkins says, “Growing up I had the
finest kind of mentor, my father, who for 35 years served his country in the
Royal Canadian Signals. Dad wore his "jump wings" and medals with great
pride, and rightly so, as all who selflessly serve their country should.”
Unable to attend the INSPIRE Awards presentation because he is out of the
country, he sent the following message: “I am proud and privileged to be a
member of the HRP team, having the good fortune of serving the citizens of
Halifax as a Community Relations Officer. The tragic circumstances that
resulted in the naming of this award sadden me. For my name to appear
below Nathan’s is humbling and I cannot help but feel so very small after
reading the tributes to him. It is an honour to be the recipient of this award.”
Award Patrons
Award Patron, Atlantic Lottery Corporation
From our very beginning in 1976, Atlantic
Lottery has worked with the four Atlantic Provinces to provide a safe and
regulated gambling environment for all Atlantic Canadians.
Throughout those 35-years, Atlantic Lottery has returned every penny of
profit (totaling more than $7-billion!) to the four provincial
governments. These dollars help fund the services that matter most to
Atlantic Canadians, proving that what Atlantic Lottery does goes far beyond
the realm of fun and entertainment. Building a strong Atlantic Canada is
priority number one – with more than 600 employees being led by the
vision of ‘Making Atlantic Canada a Better Place.’
As the Award Patron of the INSPIRE Community Spirit award, Atlantic
Lottery is honoured to be recognizing an individual who shares our mantra
of community support and who has gone above and beyond to make their
community a better place.
Award Patron, Nova Scotia Power
Imagination, service, learning, leadership,
community spirit and public service… inspiration comes in many forms.
Nova Scotia Power and our employees are committed to the communities
where we live and work and are proud to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Greater Halifax in recognizing mentoring in our community through the
2013 Inspire Awards.
Award Patrons
Award Patron, Scotiabank
At Scotiabank, community involvement is not something we just talk about.
It's an important part of the way we live, work and do business every day.
Our dedication to being a socially responsible corporation is showcased
through our charitable donations and the active volunteerism of our
employees. Evidence that this philosophy truly reaches into the community,
can be seen in the number of Scotiabank employees who have helped plan
and implement tonight's event.
We are proud to support initiatives that encourage leadership in sport, the
arts, and of course for youth in communities across the country. As Patron of
the Big Brothers Big Sisters Inspire Leadership Award, we are pleased to
continue a long-standing relationship with this organization, and along with
them, celebrate mentors in our community.
Award Patron, Enterprise Holdings
Congratulations to this year’s Inspire Award
recipients. We are proud to celebrate their
contributions to the community.
Enterprise Holdings, through its regional subsidiaries, operates the largest
fleet of vehicles in the world via a global network of more than 8,100 airport
and neighborhood locations under the Enterprise Rent-A-Car, National Car
Rental and Alamo Rent A Car brands. Other transportation services marketed
under the Enterprise brand name include Enterprise CarShare, Enterprise
Rideshare and Enterprise Commercial Trucks. Enterprise Holdings is the
largest car rental company in the world as measured by revenue, fleet and
employees. The company’s annual revenues also place it near the top of the
travel industry, exceeding all other rental car companies, and most airlines,
cruise lines, hotels, tour operators and online travel agencies. Established in
Canada in 1993, Enterprise is a multi-year recipient of the “50 Best Employers
in Canada” by the Globe and Mail. The largest rental car company in Canada,
Enterprise has more than 4,000 employees countrywide.
Award Patrons
Award Patron, Alexander Keith’s
Alexander Keith is obviously best known these days for his
famous beer, but in his day he was known almost as much
for his contribution to his community. A three-time Mayor
of Halifax, Mr. Keith was also a generous philanthropist, and
sat on the boards of a number of organizations. Labatt Breweries is proud to
carry on Mr. Keith’s tradition of giving back to the community, and are proud
to have Alexander Keith’s Fine Beers as the Patron of the Inspire Award for
Public Service.
Public service comes in many forms and attracts many different people. What
they all have in common is a dedication to their community and a drive to
make a difference. The dedication shown by those who make a commitment
through public service is truly inspiring. Alexander Keith’s Fine Beers is
honoured to be a part of tonight’s event and present the Inspire Award for
Public Service.
Award Patron, The Insurance Bureau of Canada
Insurance Bureau of Canada is the national industry association
representing Canada’s private home, car and business insurers.
Its member companies represent 90% of the property and
casualty (P&C) insurance market in Canada. The P&C insurance industry
employs over 118,600 Canadians, pays more than $7 billion in taxes to the
federal, provincial and municipal governments, and has a total premium base
of $46 billion.
On behalf of our members, we engage in research projects surrounding the
impacts of our changing climate; we provide consumer information to help
mitigate risk; and we also work to combat insurance crime through
investigating auto theft rings.
IBC is proud to support many tremendous efforts undertaken in our
community toward injury prevention. We are delighted to support the efforts
of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halifax in its sponsorship of the INSPIRE awards,
and honoured to be the patron of the INSPIRE Service award.
Lifestyles of the Rich & Hali-famous
Live Auction Package
This auction package gives you the posh life for a day on the town! Start
off with a $500 shopping spree from Halifax Shopping Centre where your
personal shopper (up to 4 hours, courtesy of Tommy Hilfiger in
Dartmouth) will help you choose your styles and carry your bags. Getting
there will be a breeze with your 3 hours of town car service from
Manhattan Limo. After you’ve shopped ‘til you’ve dropped, you can enjoy
a delicious dinner at Estia on Spring Garden Road ($100 gift certificate),
where you’ll be perfectly situated to finish off the day by taking in the
luxury accommodation for your one night stay at the Lord Nelson Hotel.
Approximate value $ 1,200
Rocky Mountain Get-Away
Live Auction Package
Get ready to enjoy the spectacular beauty of the Rocky Mountains with
this auction package. First, spend a night relaxing at the ALT hotel, Halifax
Airport location. The next day, you and a guest will fly (courtesy of
WestJet) to Alberta for a week’s vacation (July 21-28, 2014) at Rocky
Mountain Resort in Banff. This stunning resort accommodation features
two bedrooms and bathrooms, a full kitchen, indoor pool, hot tub,
mountain health and fitness club, tennis & squash courts, laundry
facilities, high speed internet, and free shuttle to downtown Banff.
Note: Travel voucher and accommodation may be used separately. Air
travel, fees, taxes and surcharges are included in the WestJet voucher. Air
travel can be to any WestJet destination, and must be completed by
October 9, 2014. Black out dates apply.
Approximate value $ 4,000
Hockey Night in Halifax
Live Auction Package
You and nine friends can enjoy the comfort and hospitality of the Emera
Skybox at the Halifax Metro Centre while you cheer on the Halifax
Mooseheads on December 1, 2013. It’s sure to be a great night of hockey
and this package also includes $200 toward food and soft drinks for you
and your guests.
Approximate value $ 1,250
Bonjour Montrėal
Live Auction Package
VIA Rail Canada invites you to enjoy a romantic get-away for two from
Halifax to Montréal. Relax and enjoy the comfort of a Sleeper/Economy
Class ride through eastern Canada as you head to the city of love –
Montréal, Québec.
Paired with this travel experience is a two-night stay at the Delta
Montréal, located in the heart of downtown in the vibrant entertainment
district, and just steps away shopping on Sherbrooke street with its chic
and trendy high-end retailers and many museums.
Blackout dates for may apply. VIA Rail travel must be completed by
October 8, 2014.
Approximate value $ 1,400
Vacation Dreaming
Live Auction Package
Thinking about a shopping trip to NYC, a beach vacation to Mexico or Cuba
or star-gazing in Hollywood? This auction package could be any of those
trips, or one you dream of yourself. Return air travel for 2 to any WestJet
destination is paired with a $350 gift certificate from Maritime Travel so
you can plan your own vacation. You’ll also receive a night’s
accommodation at the new ALT hotel at the Halifax Airport so you are
relaxed and conveniently located to catch your flight.
Note: Travel voucher and accommodation may be used separately. Air
travel, fees, taxes and surcharges are included in the WestJet voucher. Air
travel can be to any WestJet destination, and must be completed by
October 9, 2014. Black out dates apply.
Approximate value $ 3,250
There’s a Party on the Rooftop!
Live Auction Package
Start planning an amazing party on the roof of the Halifax Seaport Farmers’
Market. You’ll have 3 hours at this spectacular, outdoor venue, overlooking
Halifax Harbour for up to 260 people. (Booking subject to availability.)
No party would be complete without food and music, so included in this
package are a $500 voucher toward catering from Sweet & Savoury and
$300 toward services from Audible Chocolate DJ Service. There’s also a
case of wine (12 bottles) courtesy of Harvest Wine and Spirits, to toast
your special event!
Approximate value $ 1,500
Platinum Sponsors
CTV Atlantic is the number one television station in the Maritimes. It
serves up top-rated local news programs and a powerhouse prime-time
line-up. Locally, CTV, together with its sister station CTV Two, produces
over 25 hours of news and information programming every week including its signature programs CTV News, CTV News at 5 and CTV
Morning Live. CTV has reporters in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and
Prince Edward Island. Visit us online at; on Twitter
@CTVAtlantic - and look for the new CTV Go app this fall which allows
viewers to live stream and access on-demand premium programming on
computers and mobile devices.
Along with keeping Canadians in style, Winners is passionate about
helping out in the community. Winners is proud to support Big Brothers
Big Sisters of Greater Halifax, an organization that has been creating
friendships since 1967. As we grow, it is incredibly important to us that
we do our part to strengthen our local communities and positively
impact the lives of the people who live in them.
Making a difference together is the driving force for Winners’ community
partnerships. It's about supporting and encouraging the tremendous
community spirit of our associates. It's about looking for opportunities to
empower and collaborate with community members and it's about being
proactive to promote and address issues that matter to our stakeholders.
Building and maintaining vibrant, healthy communities is a shared
responsibility in which we all have a stake.
Our Company and our associates are dedicated to being responsive,
caring and involved community partners. For us this commitment is more
than a responsibility, it is fundamental to living our corporate values of
mutual respect and caring.
Donate the clothes you don’t need
& help local kids!
Call 454-4025 to arrange a pick-up of your donations or visit
our website to find a bin location in your neighbourhood.
We believe it is our responsibility
to do everything we can
to make the earth a better place
for our children.
That’s why we’re
proud to support
Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Proud to support
Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Big Brothers Big Sisters programs help young people reach their full potential
and become confident, caring adults. All this, through a simple act of friendship!
There are many ways you can start something great for kids in our community:
Volunteer to be a Big.
Participate in a fund raising campaign (like Bowl for Kids Sake).
Become a MatchMaker and help build a friendship.
Offer your expertise to a committee or event team.
Become a corporate partner.
Donate your used clothing to our ReNew Crew (call 454.4025 and
we’ll pick up your donation).
Every LITTLE bit makes a BIG difference to children in our community.
902.466.KIDS (5437)
Thanks to all of our guests, award recipients, sponsors,
patrons, volunteers and donors.
Together, we’ve started something BIG!
Celebrating 100 years in Canada and 45 years in Greater Halifax.
Thank you for being a part of the celebration.