Diesel Mileage - Ashok Leyland


Diesel Mileage - Ashok Leyland
Customer Journal | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2011
Manage your fleet
Ashok Leyland
Creating products
designed for you
Diesel Mileage
We prove our supremacy
message from the Managing Director
Dear Friend,
I am delighted to introduce to you the latest issue of Milestones.
This is indeed a special issue for us, coming as it does on the heels
of a historic performance in the financial year 2010-11. For the first
time, our turnover crossed the `11,000 crore mark, thanks to the support
of our customers and the efforts of our channel partners. A proud moment,
but also a sobering one. It places increased responsibility on us as we
embark on our journey for market share, customer profitability and product
and service excellence.
I am very proud to share details of the various accolades and awards
we received this year, including the coveted HCV Truck of the Year at the
recently concluded CV Awards.
Over the past few months we have conducted various Mileage
Muquablas all across the country, and the results have been more than
encouraging. They conclusively demonstrate the superior fuel efficiency of
our products – specifically the 3116il – and you will read more about this in
the subsequent pages.
Maintenance is a critical aspect of our profitability and in the Tricks of the
Trade segment we share some tips on tyre-care, and also on modern fleet
management systems. GenMod is our unique process for creating winning
products and I invite you to learn more about this.
As always, we bring to you industry news, environmental initiatives and
other headlines from the world of Ashok Leyland. Join us on this interesting
journey and may your business reach many more milestones.
Happy driving.
Vinod Dasari
Managing Director
July - September 2011
July - September 2011
Products & Services
Over 370 touch points: getting closer
to you everyday
Ashok Leyland introduces new initiatives to enhance customer support.
inding the right product when you
want it and getting the right assistance
when you need it, are two of the most
important aspects of owning, running and
message from the
Managing Director
Alok Saraogi
Vidya Ghosh
Products & SERVICES
Executive Publisher
Maneck Davar
CoveR Story
Tricks of thE trade
friends of leyland
world of leyland
Al Honored
GreeN Goals
GreeN Goals
Customer Journal | July - september 2011
Anosh Khumbatta
Art Director
Manoj P V
Graphic Design
Puja Devare
Sunil Kadam
Digital Imaging
Vikas Padloskar
Milestones is the quarterly magazine of Ashok Leyland. Milestones
is published and printed by Spenta Multimedia at Peninsula
Spenta, Mathuradas Mill Compound, N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower
Parel, Mumbai 400 013. Tel: +91-22-2481 1010
For all editorial & marketing queries, e-mail:
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Ashok Leyland and Spenta Multimedia.
No.1, Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032.
Tel: +91-44-2220 6000 F: +91-44-2220 6001
www.ashokleyland.com; www.utruck.in
July - September 2011
driving your fleet. We have been making active
investments in expanding our network and
getting to as many touch points as we can.
In the last 18 months alone we have added
over 80 customer touch points to our rapidly
expanding network and today we have over 370
points of contact along major national highway
corridors and across strategic locations, and
What we offer to our customers
The Diesel Mileage Muquabala
Tips on fleet and tyre management
Building and sustaining relationships
Awards for Ashok Leyland
Our efforts towards a cleaner tomorrow
to society
Our efforts
a cleaner tomorrow
July - September 2011
Products & Services
Our key initiatives to ensure
your vehicle remains on-road,
all the time
• Tie-ups with over 200 local truck
garages with Ashok Leyland
trained staff
• The TatkAL promise: Contact
within 4 hours, repair in-under 48
hours, ` 1000 per day penalty for
every day of vehicle downtime
over 48 hours (anywhere on the
Golden Quadrilateral or on the
North-South, East-West corridors)
• Over 16,000 trained mechanics
• Over 5,400 retailers across the
country for assured after-sales
• SASSY: Containerised units
for immediate, seamless and
comprehensive on-site service
support (select dealerships/
authorized service centres)
Screen shot of network locator
we are confident of growing this number to over
400 by the end of this financial year. Our entire
network is but a click away – log on to
http://locator.ashokleyland.com to see detailed
highway maps, where you can filter results by
specifying your location and the nature of the
services you require. At Ashok Leyland, we are
committed to making you profitable, reducing
downtime and ensuring superlative service across
the length and breadth of the country.
Feedback from customers
How does one create world-class products? How does one ensure a constant stream of category-beating products?
How do we constantly understand customer needs and offer customised solutions? In this article we offer a sneak
peek into how products are specially designed for you, here at Ashok Leyland.
It is about understanding your needs as intimately
as possible.
It is about openness, sharing and teamwork.
It is about innovation and execution.
enMod – a process that focuses on
getting the right products to the market
at the right time, products that are bestsuited to the unique requirements of our customers.
July - September 2011
GenMod is about a fresh approach to meeting
customer needs. It is about reducing time-to-market,
and helping us present winning products, consistently
and cost effectively.
What is GenMod?
Not long ago, the entire process of getting a new
product to market was managed by separate
functions – design teams designed it, manufacturing
built it and marketing sold it – a very inward-out
way of working. With a rapidly changing business
environment (changing emission norms, increased
operating costs etc), and constantly evolving
customer needs, this traditional method of
product development is not the optimum way
of getting new products to the market. We have
created a cross-functional initiative that involves
all customer-relevant functions such as product
development, marketing, HR, finance etc; and
this is what GenMod is all about. This new-age
process is an outward-in process where every
function is involved in understanding customer
requirements. Efficient interaction within the team
ensures a smooth and structured transition from
July - September 2011
Products & Services
one process to the next, through constant reviews and
course corrections.
Customers come first and at
every step
GenMod begins with a series of customer workshops
– Customer Inspired Solution (CIS) – where we meet
customers from across the length and breadth of the
country to understand and define their needs correctly.
Through the process of dialogue and interrogation, we
identify new opportunities and conceptualise products
and services that meet these needs.
The cross-functional teams visit important markets
to capture the voice of the customer. We then
interpret this feedback to understand latent demands
and convert them into a set of product benchmarks.
GenMod provides us with a whole new way of listening
to and understanding the ‘voice of the customer’,
which in turn helps us channelise time, effort and
resources more effectively and in the right direction.
To the drawing board
Conclusions from the CIS phase then move to the
The Six Processes
1.Customer Inspired Solutions
Anticipating and acting on
customer needs
2.Portfolio and Product
July - September 2011
Involvement of our customers becomes even
more vital once the prototype is built. We conduct
extensive customer trials to test our vehicles in ‘real’
situations and to ensure that we acquire customer
feedback, even before the product hits the market.
This feedback flows back to the design rooms where
appropriate changes are made to ensure that the end
product delivers on all benchmarked norms.
GenMod is more than a process – it is now a way
of life at Ashok Leyland. It is a unique way of creating
future-gazing products and services that will meet
and exceed all parameters of mileage, maintenance
and operating economics, to deliver more profit, more
uptime and greater peace of mind.
3) High-level design
4) Detailed design
5) Proto verification and process
design followed by Proto validation
and homologation
6) Pilot and pre-launch preparation
7) Launch and mass production
5.Decision-making and governance
3.Programme Management
Making clear, effective decisions on the
portfolio and on programmes
4.Lean Development Process
Post prototype
Investing in the right products
and technologies
Identifying Programme Managers
and cross-functional teams with
responsibility for quality, cost
and delivery
An Ashok Leyland tipper undergoing trials
next phase of development – the Lean Development
Process (LDP). This is where concepts are detailed
and developed such that they exceed customer
expectations. The product development team
puts each concept, each product, through
extensive tests and validation processes before
building the prototype.
‘Lean’ because it aims to cut wastages.
LDP involves seven phases:
1) Concept definition
2) Concept evaluation
6.Technology Management
Cultivating and deploying the right
technology in our products.
A proof-of-concept is the ALERT
telematics unit that enables two-way
communication between the driver
and an Ashok Leyland call centre
allowing fleet owners to track
their vehicles
July - September 2011
Ashok Leyland trucks prove their
dominance over competition Mileage Muquablas held at
locations all over India.
cover Story
To test our mettle against our
competitors, we organised
mileage muquablas across
India. Our trucks went head-tohead with those of competition,
and the results establish the
superior fuel efficiency of our
trucks beyond any doubt.
Text by Anosh Khumbatta
ith fuel costs comprising over 60%
of operating costs, fuel efficiency
is a subject of constant worry
and debate. Inflationary pressures are constantly
pushing fuel rates up and keeping fuel costs
in check is a key preoccupation for most
business operators.
Fuel economy has always been a key design
principle in the development of any truck at Ashok
Leyland. Our trucks are built to deliver the perfect
balance between power and economy. Even with
the advent of BSIII emission norms, we have
always offered high fuel efficiency, high uptime
and low maintenance costs.
Our commitment to providing the best to our
customers was proven at the Mileage Muquablas,
held in different cities around India in June
this year.
Gurudev Filling station in Nagaur set the stage
for the first Mileage Muquabla on June 13 and
14. The enthusiasm, despite the scorching heat,
was unbelievable. Many customers took on the
challenge and participated, with their drivers ready
to prove their might. Mr. L K Prateek, Manager,
Service, explained the rules to the 16 participants
July - September 2011
July - September 2011
cover Story
and flagged off the trucks on an 80-kilometre
route along the Khinvsar Road.
Drivers could choose the ‘make’ of the
trucks they would drive for the challenge.
The 2516il was pitted against the equivalent
competitive model and clocked the best
mileage figures in the competition. Mr. Nazir
Mr. Nimba Ram with 4.79 kmpl and 4.76 kmpl
Khan ranked first with a fuel economy of
Tamil Nadu
5.06 Kmpl, followed by Mr. Dharma Ram and
The Red Hills of Chennai were hosts to the
July - September2011
respectively. A customer, whilst cutting the
cake to celebrate the victory of our trucks,
said “We have always believed in the mileage
of Leyland trucks. Today’s performance has
only strengthened that belief.”
Mileage Muquabla in Tamil Nadu on June 17
and 18. All participating drivers were provided
an opportunity to drive our 3116il and also
the equivalent competition models to ensure
fair play. The event was flagged off by the
Area Manager for Tamil Nadu, Mr. Elangovan
M, and participating drivers drove along a
30-kilometre route. Mr. M Sundaram won the
day’s event by squeezing out 4.76 kmpl from
our 3116il. Mr. M Sundaram, who drove our
3116il for the first time is now a firm believer
in its performance and fuel efficiency. The top
3 spots were bagged by our 3116il proving
the efficiency of our product conclusively.
Sundaram Motors hosted Tamil Nadu’s
second Mileage Muquabla in Vellore on July
13. Over 20 of our customers were invited
to witness the event. Participating drivers
were given tips on economical driving to get
superior fuel mileage from their vehicles. All
participating drivers were expected to stretch
3 litres of diesel as far as possible, on the
15-kilometre course along NH 4. At the end of
the day, the best mileage figure of 5.23 Kmpl
was achieved by Mr. V Manokaran, closely
followed by Mr. V Anandan who managed 5.17
kmpl in our 3116il. There was a tie for the third
place between Mr. V Vanayagam and
Mr. V Prakash, both of who managed to
squeeze 5.13 kmpl from their trucks. Customers
and drivers were highly impressed by the
performance of the 3116il, and were effusive
in their praise. We also took this opportunity to
educate our customers and their drivers about
driving at controlled speeds to achieve the best
possible mileage from their trucks.
Tamil Nadu
- September 2011
cover Story
3116il as well as the competitive truck, with
Dehri on Sone, a major economic hub situated
on NH 2 witnessed the mileage muquabla
on June 14 and 15. Club HP Chandra Sikha
Fuel Centre staged the competition and
mileage was calculated over a distance of
the same amount of load. Our 3116il once
29.8 kilometres. Here, we pitted our 3116il
top-slots. Mr. Ramnath at 5.12 kmpl, closely
followed by Mr. Harinder Singh at 5.09 kmpl
and Mr. Durga Singh at 5.04 kmpl.
against the equivalent competition model. To
ensure fair play, all 10 drivers drove both, our
Indore played host to the Mileage Muquabla
Patna and West Bengal
again emerged victorious and bagged all three
July - September2011
on June 16 and 17 at the Madhur Petrol
Pump located near Rajeev Gandhi Chowk. 14
competitors drove our 3116il, and also the
equivalent 31-T vehicle from the competition, over
the 79-kilometre route. Many financiers like IBL,
Sundaram Finance, HDFC, Citicorp visited the stall
and offered financing options to our customers.
Once again, the top three positions were bagged
by the Ashok Leyland truck, with Mr. Gulab Singh
coming in first with 4.57 kmpl, Mr. Chandra
Mohan Patidar second with 4.17 kmpl and
Mr. Sameer third with 4.07 kmpl.
West Bengal
Taking the fight to the east, the Mileage
Muquabla was held in Kolkata on July 6 and 7,
along a stretch of NH 2. Thirteen drivers took
to the challenge and drove a stretch of 35.5
kilometres from Tatipara to Dankuni and back, to
establish the best mileage possible. All participating
drivers were veterans with driving experience of
over 15 years each. The best mileage clocked in the
challenge was a whopping, 5.51 kmpl achieved by
Mr. Ranjit Singh. Mr. Sarabjit Singh who got a mileage
of 4.65 kmpl came second followed by Mr. Harpreet
Singh with 4.54 kmpl. Yet again the top 3 spots were
bagged by our 3116il. Customers were highly pleased
by this performance and Mr Ranjit Singh, who bagged
the first prize, commented “More than me, the winner
in this challenge is the 3116il”
These results have been more than encouraging,
clearly demonstrating the superiority and
robustness of our products. Fuel efficiency is one
of the bulwarks of the business, and our products
have proven superior against competition, giving
us an edge in this critical area. A big thank you to
the hundreds of customers, and to their drivers,
who took the challenge and brought out the best
in our products.
- September 2011
Tricks of the Trade
Technological advances have greatly affected and simplified fleet management techniques over the past few years.
Text by Debanuj Chakraborti with inputs from Aaron Rodrigues
he days when we had to manually
track the number of vehicles in our
fleet are long past. Tedious paperwork,
maintaining physical transport logs, enduring
communication gaps; these are but distant
memories. Every aspect of the commercial
vehicle business has undergone multiple changes
and one such area of intense improvement is the
Fleet Management System.
fleet owners. They were always at the
mercy of network and connectivity, making
communication unreliable and unstable.
Questions about accuracy of information and
authenticity of the journey often clouded
relations between owners and their drivers.
Needless to say, this lack of transparency
was a matter of concern for management.
The importance of ensuring quality, real-time
communication led to many developments
that would help provide the most accurate
information to fleet owners and would also help
© Huang Sien | Dreamstime.com
Optimising performance, increasing profits
Fleet Management System (FMS)
Simply put, FMS is a method to help you manage
the vehicles in your fleet. While this system can
be used for all kinds of commercial vehicles –
cars, ships etc. – it is of particular relevance to
trucks and buses. It helps optimise operations by
providing the best-possible managerial control
over the vehicle as also over labour. FMS aims at
improving the course of purchase, maintenance
and at times, even the disposal of vehicles.
Techniques of Fleet Management
Not so long ago, drivers used mobile phones
or two-way radios to stay-in-touch with
A proper FMS is necessary to keep tabs on your fleet
validate journeys. The most widely
methods of FMS are Active System and
Passive System.
Local mobile service provider
Vehicle fitted with tracking device
Dial-up/DSL/ Broadband
Customers Computer
A fleet of airport ground handling trucks
July - September 2011
A graphical representation of a fleet management system
FMS server
Active Systems
These use a Global Positioning System (GPS) to pinpoint the exact location of any vehicle and allow for
real-time tracking. The tracking software re-calculates
various other aspects of the vehicle such as speed
limits and distance travelled. It helps not just locate the
vehicle but also provides a log of driver behaviour and
vehicle performance. It can help capture real-time data
on distance travelled, load carried, speeding, braking,
stoppages and other important variables that help you
track the performance and efficiency of both the vehicle
and the driver. With periodic incremental updates, GPS
systems minimise the risk of human errors or even
misinformation, putting you in control of your fleet
operations. Some GPS tracking softwares can also
store information for future processing and analysis.
July - September 2011
Tricks of the Trade
A fleet of Ashok Leyland BEST buses
Advantages of Fleet
The prime use of FMS is to successfully
track the physical location of your vehicle.
Apart from this, fleet management
systems perform a variety of functions:
•Optimising vehicle maintenance: It
wouldn’t be surprising if you were
to sometimes overlook a scheduled
maintenance cycle of your vehicles,
given the heavy demands on them. Fleet
management systems provide alerts on
scheduled and preventive maintenance
cycles and dates, to help you keep track
of their health. Well-maintained, healthy
vehicles will, of course, spend more time
on-road, maximising their profit potential.
•Fuel management: Keeping track of
the mileage provided by your vehicles
is an important aspect of maintaining
profitability. Fleet management systems
trigger an alert in case of a sudden change
in fuel levels. This helps curb fuel pilferage
July - September 2011
– a key cause of concern for most truck
ventures today.
•Vehicle diagnostics, Telematics and
tracking: Once pre-programmed, the
system triggers alert messages in case
of any occurrences like low engine oil,
sudden drop in pressure, high engine
temperature etc, helping you troubleshoot
•Speed management: This unique feature
allows you to monitor driving habits
– speeding, sudden braking and harsh
acceleration. You can also influence driver
behaviour and ensure the safety of staff,
your machine, passengers and cargo.
•Financing: Fleet management systems
can also help you manage funds. They can
offer comparisons on bank interest rates
and equated monthly instalments (EMI)
and some systems can also track revenue
earned by each vehicle in your fleet,
providing you with an accurate gain/loss
analysis of your business.
Passive Systems
As the name suggests, these systems play an
equally effective, but a passive role in providing
information relating to the vehicle. Unlike an
active system that provides data/information
instantly, in a passive system all data points
such as harsh braking, kilometres covered, load
carried, trip time etc are stored in an on-board
memory chip fitted onto the vehicle. Once the
vehicle returns to the owner, the data can be
downloaded onto a computer for further analysis.
There are many other useful features
of the FMS such as labour operations,
tracking goods, health management, driver
management and safety management,
that will help you run a more efficient and
profitable fleet operation.
Fleet Management Systems have
shouldered much of the burden earlier
experienced by fleet owners. Whether it
is tracking a simple product or delivering
a consignment to another country,
fleet management opens up a world of
opportunities waiting to be explored.
July - September 2011
Tricks of the Trade
Increasing the tyre life of your vehicles
of the weight carried by each position. Worn-out
tyres should be placed such that they move in
the opposite direction to the one they moved
in originally.
A look at getting every last kilometre out of that set of tyres
Text by Anosh Khumbatta
Alignment & balancing
No matter how large your vehicle, it
is only the rubber surface of the tyres
that maintains constant contact with
the surface of the road. By keeping a
few tyre-care parameters in mind, fleet
owners can greatly increase tyre life,
leading to more profits.
A simple yet significant aspect of tyre maintenance
is to ensure correct tyre pressure at all times. The
more a vehicle is driven, the hotter the tyres get.
Maintaining correct tyre pressure will prevent
overheating, slow down wear-and-tear and prolong
their life. Air pressure should be checked at least
once a week, especially after the vehicle has been
stationary for a few hours.
Over and under inflation of tyres are the two
most common problems related to tyres.
Under-inflation while more common, is a serious
problem that increases the rolling resistance of the
tyres (friction caused by tyre movement against
the road).
©Crops galore / Den Reader / Alamy
eavy vehicles constantly plying on our
highways take the maximum toll on
tyres. Each stretch of tar or concrete,
every sudden ditch, each broken road, it is the tyres
that bear the brunt of it all. Safety, comfort and fuel
economy – all depend on the condition of tyres. Next
to fuel, tyres are the most critical operating cost for
a trucking business and it is important to look after
them to ensure they save you money. Keeping an
eye on these parameters will help ensure a long and
healthy life for your tyres.
Always use the correct type of tyre for your specific usage
Ensuring that tyres are properly aligned and
balanced is a very important aspect of tyre
maintenance. Wheel alignment ensures that all
tyres are properly aligned with the suspension and
steering components and also with each other.
Incorrect wheel alignment can cause uneven tyrewear and can make the vehicle pull to one side,
making precise handling impossible. Alignment
needs to be re-checked every time tyres are
rotated or changed.
Wheel balancing includes the fitting of small
weights to the wheel to ensure even rotation at
high speeds (imbalanced wheels will wobble).
Improper balancing will hasten tyre-wear and can
© Matusciac | Dreamstime.com
Tyres that are under-inflated by just a few
Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) can increase fuel
consumption, cause faster and uneven tyre-wear,
and also affect vehicle handling. Under-inflation is
also the main cause of over-heating and bursting
of tyres.
On the other hand, tyres that are over-inflated do
not grip the road as well, resulting in less traction
and poorer handling of the vehicle. An over-inflated
tyre will age faster than is required and will make
for a jarring and uncomfortable ride.
Truck tyres need to be inflated to the correct
pressure based on the axle they are fitted to, and
also basis the load being carried. Nitrogen filling
stations that have been introduced lately are a
boon for tyre upkeep. Tyres inflated with nitrogen
are less affected by temperature, help stabilise fuel
economy and also result in slower tyre-wear.
July - September 2011
Wheel rotation
Each tyre wears out at a different rate due to the
difference in the weights of each axle. To ensure
even tyre-wear, tyres must be rotated periodically
(as advised by the vehicle manufacturer).
When rotating tyres of the truck, please be mindful
A lot rides on the condition of the tyres
July - September 2011
Tricks of the Trade
© Jan Martin Will | Dreamstime.com
The term tread-depth generally refers to the depth
of the ‘grooves’ on the tyres, and is an indication
of their health. The minimum tread- depth allowed
by law in our country is 2mm, by which stage
most tyres are well past their prime. It is important
to check the tread-depth of tyres regularly and
replace them when they wear out. This will ensure
maximum traction and grip, helping you avoid any
unpleasant surprises on highways. Tread-grooves
disperse water from underneath the tyres – deeper
treads disperse more water, helping maintain control
and ensuring safety.
Load distribution
Periodic inspections are necessary
also cause the steering wheel to shudder at high
speeds. These vibrations get transferred to the
suspension, leading to increased wear-and-tear
of suspension related components.
If you have a flat tyre ensure that, after repair,
July - September 2011
Tyres for off-road usage require deep treads to retain grip
Periodic inspections
Don’t forget to inspect tyres manually. An
inspection every few months, can help detect
unevenly worn patches, bulges, rips or tears in
the rubber and any damage to the sidewall. You
can bring this to the notice of your mechanic and
ensure timely intervention. Periodic inspections
help keep your tyres in good working condition,
resulting in less downtime, and will greatly improve
the efficiency of your fleet. Besides well maintained
tyres, ensure that tyre maintenance equipment is
in a good working condition.
Tyres are an extremely crucial and expensive
part of any truck and it is important to look after
them. It is surprising how simple, everyday tips can
help increase tyre life and help extract maximum
durability and performance from them.
©INSADCO Photography / Alamy
Overloading is a common industry practice.
Tyres on incorrectly loaded trucks, wear-out
disproportionately due to non-uniform distribution
of weight. Ensuring an even distribution of weight
over the loading surface will spread the burden
equally between axles, preventing a particular
tyre from wearing out faster. Increasingly, tyre
manufacturers have been investing in R&D to build
extremely specialised tyres, with characteristics
to suit the varying forces that act on each axle of
a truck. Today there are special tyres available
for driven, non-driven and steering axles. Using
appropriate tyres in the prescribed manner can
greatly improve tyre life.
the tyre is fitted back onto the rim at exactly the
same position. A useful tip is to mark the tyre and
the wheel with a piece of chalk to ensure they are
correctly aligned. If not done properly the wheel
will need to be re-balanced.
Proper tyre usage means less downtume
An Ashok Leyland U-4323 TT
July - September 2011
Friends of Leyland
Partners in Success:
KPCL and Ashok Leyland collaborate on a number of new ventures.
aritime trade is a fast-growing
sector and one of the lesser known
success stories of the Indian
economy. The Krishnapatnam Port Company
Limited (KPCL) is a pioneer and a key player in
the marine infrastructure business.
KPCL was formed when the CVR Group won
a mandate from the Government of Andhra
Pradesh to develop its existing minor port
into a modern, deep-water, high-productivity
port. Set up on a 50-year Build Operate Share
Transfer (BOST) concession basis, KPCL has
since been on a constant growth path. Now in
its second phase of development, it is set to
become the largest automated port for exports
and imports in South Asia, with 42 berths and
a bulk cargo handling capacity of 200 MTPA.
It rates high on all parameters of operations
including optimum cost, reliability, turnaround
time and higher service levels to customers. An
all-weather port with a single-day clearance,
it has minimal waiting time that ensures faster
turnaround for vessels. Once developed to
its full potential, the KPCL port will handle 7
MMTEU of container cargo. Its close proximity
to NH 5 and the National Rail Network
(Kolkata-Chennai main line) makes it ideal for
handling inland cargo. KPCL and Ashok Leyland
have entered in to a multi-level agreement for
a one-of-a-kind partnership.
At-site workshop
At-site service
KPCL owns and operates over 300 of
our tippers and trucks. We have set
up a dedicated 16-bay 24X7 at-site
workshop exclusively for KPCL, equipped
comprehensively for all major overhauling
jobs. This workshop is capable of handling the
entire fleet of trucks and incoming vehicles –
in excess of 1,000 vehicles per day.
Training Initiative
Lease Agreement between AL and KPCL being signed
We have set up an at-site Driver Training
Institute (DTI) to improve productivity of
their vehicles and also increase focus on
safe driving. By training local villagers, the
institute will create job opportunities and also
a pipeline of skilled drivers for the KPCL port.
The institute is run by skilled and qualified
trainers and there is a dedicated tipper and
cut-section models of various aggregates for
hands-on training
Lease agreement
Krishnapatnam port
July - September 2011
Mr. Anil Yendluri, CEO, KPCL, visits the at-site Driver Training Institute
We have recently leased 85 U-trucks to
KPCL to meet their requirements within
the port. This is the first time that such
an arrangement is being tried out in the
Indian commercial vehicle industry. While
KPCL will use and operate these vehicles,
all maintenance and upkeep will be Ashok
Leyland’s responsibility. With our shared
values we are confident that together we can
make this bold, new arrangement a
resounding success.
July - September 2011
World of ashok Leyland
A year of triumphs
The year 2010-11 was a year of great triumphs
for us. Our turnover crossed `11,000 crores (for
the very first time), our domestic and export
volumes were the highest ever and we also
introduced the largest number of products to
the market. Net sales rose 53.46 % to close at
to `11,117.7 crores, up from `7,244.71 crores
the previous financial year. Thank you to all our
customers who helped make this a reality.
Mr. Kamal Nath laying the foundation stone at Chhindwara
Happenings from our world
Driver Training Institute at Chhindwara
Continuing our initiative to provide the industry with
a large pool of skilled drivers, we have established
a Driver Training Institute at Chhindwara in Madhya
Pradesh (the first time that we have collaborated
with the Government of India). While laying the
foundation stone in April 2011, Mr. Kamal Nath,
Honourable Union Minister for Urban Development
said, “The Indian automobile industry is growing
at a rapid pace and increased focus on road and
infrastructure development will boost freight
movement across the country. This centresponsored institute will help drivers learn and
understand the fundamentals of driving heavy-duty
commercial vehicles. The comprehensive driver
July - September 2011
engagement program will enable drivers to handle
overall on-road safety measures efficiently and avoid
mishaps. This driver training institute will help create
more employment opportunities in the region.”
Mr. R. Seshasayee, Executive Vice Chairman of
Ashok Leyland said that the organisation has been
leading the industry by creating and investing in
a comprehensive driver engagement programme
to strengthen its relationship with the driver
community. “We are already running two driver
training institutes in the country – one at Namakkal
in Tamil Nadu and the other at Burari, near Delhi –
that train around 40,000 drivers every year. We are
planning to open more institutes in Haryana and
Rajasthan,” he added.
Our existing Driver Training Institutes in Delhi
and Namakkal have provided training to over
2,00,000 drivers. The idea behind these training
programmes is not just to impart technical skills,
but also to provide the drivers with a better life
beyond driving. In addition to industrial education –
they are introduced to yoga and meditation, stress
management, first-aid, firefighting and maintenance
inputs and insurance coverage, as well as
counselling for erratic behavioural patterns and
substance addiction. We invite all our customers to
take advantage of these institutes and to enhance
the skill of their drivers.
A strong partnership between ALDS and KMW
Defence spreads its wings
Ashok Leyland Defence Systems Ltd. (ALDS)
and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG
(KMW), based in Munich, Germany, concluded
a Memorandum of Understanding during the
International Defence Exhibition (IDEX) at Abu Dhabi.
Both firms will co-operate in the development of
advanced defence systems for the Indian defence
establishment as well as other defence forces
worldwide and will initially develop armoured
wheeled vehicles, recovery vehicles, artillery and
combat systems, bridge laying systems and other
similar products.
July - September 2011
World of ashok Leyland
Ashok Leyland is the largest
supplier of logistics vehicles to
the Indian Army. Our Stallion
brand, with over 60,000
vehicles in use by the Indian
Army, forms the backbone of
the Army’s logistics. Armed
forces of over 30 nations rely
on the systems developed
by KMW such as the MBT
LEOPARD 2 battle tank, the
artillery system PzH 2000 and
the DINGO 2 All Protected
Vehicle (APV).
Ashok Leyland Defence Systems at IDEX
MOU for double-decker buses being signed
Eagle 816 being handed over to a customer by Mr. Vinod K Dasari
Ashok Leyland enters the Russian market
We have entered the Russian market in partnership with
Volgabus - the renowned bus manufacturer from Russia,
known for their large buses (12m, 15m multi-axle and
18m vestibule buses). Volgabus has designed a proto
lightweight minibus using the chassis of our Eagle
816 E-IV. This minibus uses fibreglass and composite
material, and was built in all of six weeks. With an
order of 300 chassis from Volgabus, this initiative
marks our entry in to the Russian market.
Moving Forward in Hyderabad
290 double-decker buses for Bangladesh
Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation
(BRTC) has placed an order of 290 fully built
double-decker buses worth around $23.3
million on us. An agreement to this effect
was signed by the Chairman of BRTC and
Mr. Antony Lobo, Special Director – International
Operations, Ashok Leyland, at Dhaka.
Commenting on the order, Mr. Vinod K
Dasari, Managing Director, Ashok Leyland,
said, “Bangladesh has always been a very
important market for us. Our continued focus
on this robustly growing market has helped
July - September 2011
us establish ourselves today as the second
largest brand in Bangladesh’s commercial
vehicle market. We will continue to maintain
this focus in the coming years.”
In 2010–2011, export numbers zoomed
by 72% to touch 10,306 units, in which
Bangladesh had a significant contribution.
Over the years, more than 9,500 vehicles of
different models have been exported through
Ashok Leyland’s sole dealer of over two
decades, IFAD Autos Ltd.
An Ashok Leyland double-decker bus
Mr. Vinod K Dasari, Managing Director, Ashok Leyland,
inaugurated the Transport and Training Development
Institute in Hyderabad on April 13, 2011. Set-up by the
Hyderabad Goods Transport Association (HGTA), the
institute seeks to provide the best possible training to
transport managers, drivers, technicians, and support
staff of transport companies.
Demonstrating our strong commitment to training
and development for the transport business, we have
built a Mechanical Lab and Tool Room, helped develop
the course syllabus and also provided course modules.
With constant efforts in R&D and with products
becoming more technology-intensive, this institution
will play an important role in keep technicians abreast
of developments
Inauguration of the Transport and Training
Development Institute at Hyderabad
July - September 2011
Ashok leylanD Honored
Ashok Leyland honoured for its industry efforts
We have been technology leaders in India’s commercial vehicle industry, and our product ideas have gone on to
become industry norms. This year has been special since we received four prestigious awards for our outstanding
performance in various fields.
CV man of the year
Mr. R Seshasayee, our Executive Vice
Chairman, was named CV Man of the Year in
recognition of his commitment and dedication
towards the commercial vehicle industry.
He has led the company’s transformation
into a globally competitive technology leader
seeking growth through globalization and
diversification, via global acquisitions and joint
ventures with Nissan Motor Company, John
Deere, Continental AG and Alteams Group to
name a few. A respected professional and
a well-known personality, his energy and
enthusiasm extend beyond the automobile
sector. Mr. Seshasayee was the Chairman of
Southern Region Council of CII, in 1994. He
served as the President of CII during 200607. He was the President of Society of Indian
Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), the apex
body representing the Indian automobile
industry during 2001-03.
The award-winning U-4923 TT
Training (IFTRT) and Sridhar Chari – Editor,
Commercial Vehicle magazine. Designed
to deliver a faster trip time and higher
fuel efficiency, the U-4923TT is equipped
with a 225 HP ‘H’-series Common Rail
Fuel Injection System (CRS) engine with a
matching driveline, ensuring better pickup and
This award is an acknowledgement of our
unflagging commitment to offering quality
products to our customers while leading the
CV Truck of the year:
U-4923 TT
Mr. R Seshasayee receiving his award
July - September 2011
The U-4923 TT won this year’s award in the
Prime Mover category at the ApolloCommercial Vehicle Awards.
Commercial Vehicle magazine recognises
the best in the industry through its annual CV
Awards. The eminent jury comprised industry
insiders and domain experts like Dominic
Martin – Divisional Head Global Marketing,
Commercial Vehicle Tyres at Apollo Tyres
Limited, S P Singh – Senior Fellow of the
Indian Foundation of Transport Research and
category with constant innovation.
Bhandara plant wins
HCV truck of the year award received by Mr. Rajive Saharia,
Executive Director - Marketing
Our manufacturing facility, Bhandara, was
awarded the Performance Excellence
trophy as part of the Indian Merchants’
Chamber Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality
Award 2010. The Bhandara Unit houses
manufacturing and assembly facilities for
sophisticated synchromesh transmission and
also has facilities for assembly of vehicles.
Awards for Innovation & Creative
Our team from Hosur Unit-1 bagged 3 Excellence
Awards for ‘In house-Innovation and Creative
Automation’ competitions at the Automotive
Engineering Show, 2011 conducted by the
Automation Industry Association (AIA). These
awards are specifically focused on celebrating the
pioneering role played by mid-level operational
management teams. The aim of the event
is to create a motivating environment and
build credibility in the automotive segment.
Participants presented their knowledge and skill on
productivity, safety, environment protection, value
improvement and energy efficiency. Teams were
judged based on creative automations carried out
in their workplaces.
July - September 2011
green goals
Our efforts towards a greener tomorrow
lant trees, recycle, reuse – simple
lessons taught in school. Most of
us go through life oblivious to the
fragility of our environment. At Ashok Leyland,
finding better ways of operation to reduce
our carbon footprint is a way of life. We take
the environment seriously and have nurtured
multiple projects - be it in water conservation or
in afforestation.
This year we were presented with 3
prestigious awards that acknowledge our
efforts in this direction.
Hosur Unit-2 received the ‘Excellent Water
Efficient Unit’ award at the National Award
for Excellence in Water Management 2010,
conducted by CII-Godrej GBC. The award
was presented to Mr. Baidyanath Barik, Mr.
L. Viraraghavan and Mr. B K Suresha who
represented Ashok Leyland.
Hosur Unit-1 received the silver award at
‘The Greentech Environment Excellence Award’,
presented to companies that demonstrate the
highest level of commitment toward managing
the environment. Mr. Kamaleshwar Sharan,
President, Greentech Foundation, gave away
the award to Mr. T R Ranganathan and Mr. P
Subrahmanyam of Hosur Unit-1 at the 11th
Global Greentech Environment Excellence
Award & Global Conference held in Hyderabad.
Hosur Unit-2 received the ‘Innovative
Environmental Project’ award at the CII
Environmental Best Practices Awards 2011 for
their project ‘Co-processing of Paint Sludge and
Oil-Soaked Cotton Waste in a Cement Kiln’. Mr.
P Udayappan and Mr.J Kishore Kumar received
the award from Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CIIAndhra Pradesh at the event held in Hyderabad.
These awards have strengthened our
commitment to building a better planet for all of
us and we continue in our efforts to reduce our
carbon footprint.
July - September 2011
July - September 2011
i-BUS2 gives wheels to SCARF
Ashok Leyland’s custom-built mobile tele-psychiatry unit reaches out
The AL telepsychiatry bus
A mental health awareness programme being held
July - September 2011
n a first-of-a-kind initiative we have customized
a bus for the Schizophrenia Research Foundation
(SCARF), a Chennai-based NGO, to help them
provide healthcare for those without access
to hospitals.
Fully computerised, the bus comes equipped with
everything necessary to provide healthcare services.
The on-board consultation room has state-of-the- art
video-conferencing equipment with provisions for data
storage and also has a pharmacy. It also has a public
address system and external plasma screen for them
to conduct awareness programs in villages.
Mr. Surjit Singh Barnala, then governer of Tamil
Nadu, launched the mobile rural telepsychiatry unit
from Raj Bhawan on February 9, 2011.
People who need psychiatric help in the rural areas
are not able to access medical facilities because
it is difficult for their family members to travel long
distances along with the patient. “We are hoping that
if we provide a proximal service, chances of them
accessing it are much more,” added R Seshasayee,
Executive Vice Chairman, Ashok Leyland, who was
also present at the event.
July - September 2011
July - September 2011