Ivan Metocean Overview Ivan Characteristics
Ivan Metocean Overview Ivan Characteristics
Ivan Metocean Overview n n Focus on deep water for now Agenda – Ivan Wind/Wave Hindcast – Current Hindcast – Wave/Wind measurements – Historical perspective – NWS Wind Forecasting n Each talk followed by 55-min questions Ivan Characteristics Ivan… – – – – – Category 33-4 Hurricane Central pressure 939 mb Radius=20Radius=20-30 nm Max Wave Hmax~96 ft Wind=92 kt (33 ft, 30 min) API/RPAPI/RP-2A 100100-year… – d/w Hmax=71.2 ft – Wind=87 kt (33 ft, 30 min) 1 Hindcast Methodology Modeling done by OWI n Basic Steps n – specify storm parameters (time history of pressure, etc.) – Run wind model to determine wind field every 30 minutes – Use modeled winds to drive wave & surge models – Validate against site measurements Wind & Wave Comparison NDBC Buoy 42040 2 Wind & Wave Comparisons at Marlin TLP Wave & Wind Hindcast Summary n n n n n Methods & models (Gumshoe) same as used for API RP2A. Excellent comparisons with Ivan measurements at buoys & platforms Gumshoe model works for Ivan Hmax~96 ft; W max=92 kt (33’, 30 min) RP2A 100100-yr: Hmax=71 ft; W=87 kt (33’,30 min) 3 Ivan Current Hindcast n n n Review Hurricane Currents Hindcast Currents from Ivan Design Implications? Hurricane Current Hurricane Current: n Generated by local wind stress n Strongest on right side in DW (10’ s of km wide) n Current peaks within 11-3 hours of max wind n Strong inertial component persists 33-4 days Wind Stress 0 Current Mixed Layer Momentum Transfer -50 De pth (m ) -100 Density Stratification Limits Momentum Transfer -150 0 50 100 150 200 250 U (c m/s e c) 300 350 400 Hurricane Current 4 Hurricane-Loop Interaction n n Varying temperature and salinity profile has strong influence on hurricane current Joint hurricanehurricane-Loop load cases likely important for southern DW areas 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120(m ) De pth -140 -160 -180 -200 Background TS Loop TS 0 50 100 150 U (cm/s e c) 200 250 300 Effect of Different Temperature and Salinity on Hurricane Current profile 0.0 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (hours) 120 140 0.0 60 80 100 Time (hours) -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 Vy (m/sec) Vx (m/sec) 0.0 1.0 -1.0 40 1.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 Vy (m/sec) -2.0 -2.0 20 Vx (m/sec) 0.0 0.5 n 0 0.5 n Current hindcast ability not as developed as that for winds, waves Little data to compare against, no profile data above 30 m Bulk mixedmixed-layer model does good job in 5 of 6 comparisons with ML averages -1.0 n 2.0 Hindcasting Ability… ML Model Compared to Measurements, Hurricane Frederic (Sept. 1979) 5 Hindcasting Ability n n n n Recent data shows substantial shear in mixed layer M-Y 1D profile model compares well in DW Bathymetry needed around shelf/slope Models are very sensitive to inputs Hindcas t Curre nts , Hurricane Lili 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 De pth -120 (m ) -140 -160 ADCP ML M-Y 1D HYCOM -180 -200 0 50 100 U (cm/se c) 150 200 Profiles Near Time of Peak Current Near Genesis Ivan Hindcasts n n n n Commercial hindcast available with HYCOM Preliminary comparison on slope with Navy data shows reasonable agreement Bulk ML, MM-Y 1D profile analyses also performed No DW current data for validation Snapshot of Ivan HYCOM Currents 6 Model Comparisons for Ivan in DW n n MixedMixed-layer depth and average speed from Bulk ML, MM-Y 1D profile models similar HYCOM mixedmixedlayer average speed is similar, but profile and ML depth are questionable Hindcas t Curre nts , Hurricane Ivan 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120(m ) De pth -140 -160 ML M-Y 1D HYCOM -180 -200 0 50 100 150 U (cm/se c) 200 250 300 Profiles Near Time of Peak Current in DW Model Comparisons Continued n n Bulk ML, MM-Y 1D profile model predict similar currents across storm track M-Y 1D predicts higher mean speeds on 100 m HYCOM result includes Ulysses eddy currents, so not shown Comparing ML and M-Y Models for Ivan at Fixed Latitude 250 M-Y ML 200 Mean U, 100 m (cm/sec) n 150 100 50 0 -90.5 -90.0 -89.5 -89.0 -88.5 -88.0 -87.5 -87.0 -86.5 -86.0 -85.5 Longitude 7 Summary of Currents n n n n Ivan model efforts hampered by lack of data for validation Bulk ML, MM-Y 1D profile models with limited prior validation yield similar results for Ivan in DW HYCOM results in DW are questionable – need to investigate M-Y 11-D profile model should be used to derive criteria for shallow draft platforms (Bulk ML model suitable for spars) Industry Site Measurements at Marlin and Medusa n Marlin TLP – Wind at top of crane – Wave radars on SE (noisy) & SW sides – High sampling rates n Marlin Medusa Spar – Wave radars on SE (noisy) & NW sides – High sampling rates Medusa 8 Wind Spectrum at Marlin 4102.2 2.0 m/skts R e feat re 170 nce Wind, 5 1.8kts m Ele ft, 81.5 atvatio 33 nft 17 :3 0 - 1 8:30 34.8 83.5m/s ktsReference at 173 ft, Wind, 67.5 52.7 kts m at Elevation 33 ft 15:30 - 16:30 3500 1500 Energy Density, m2/Hz-s 2 NPD API, lo freq API, mid fre q API, hi freq Iva n at Ma rlin 2000 1000 500 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 NP D 3000 AP I, lo fre q 2500 AP I, mid fre q 2000 AP I, hi fre q Iva n a t Ma rlin 1500 1000 500 0 0.001 1 0.01 0.1 1 Fre q ue n c y , Hz Fre que ncy, Hz 1-sec gust factor = 1.36 1-min gust factor = 1.15 1-sec gust factor = 1.34 1-min gust factor = 1.14 •Gust factors agree reasonably well with NPD •Earlier spectrum agrees with NPD model but later spectrum is deficient in very low frequency energy Wave Time Series at Marlin Ivan Waves at Marlin 100.00 Hmax=86.3 ft 90.00 80.00 height (feet) 2/Hz-s 2 Energy EnergyDensity, Density,mm2/Hz-s2 2500 Hs,max=50.6 ft 70.00 60.00 Hs 50.00 Hmax 40.00 Cmax 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 time (hours) on 15 Sep 9 Wave Time Series at Marlin 16:30 - 17:30 on 15 Sep Ivan Waves at Marlin, 16:30 - 17: 30 on 15 Sep wave elevation (ft) 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 time (sec) 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 -20 -20 -40 -40 -60 700 seconds H = 73.5’ 800 -60 1100 seconds 1200 H = 86.3’ Wave Height Distribution at Marlin 10 Wave Height Distribution at Medusa Platform Damage at Petronius and Pompano Petronius Pompano 11 Petronius Platform Damage Damage at 54.1’–57.4’above storm water level (after accounting for 2.6’ storm surge, tide, and setdown) Hs=51.1’ Tp=15.4s Forristall distribution integrated over entire storm 100% percentile 80% 60% hindcast 1.03 * hindcast 40% damage height above SWL 20% 0% 40 50 60 70 Corresponds to 60th –80th (40th –70th) percentile estimate of maximum crest from Ivan hindcast max crest (fee t above SWL) Pompano Platform Damage Damage at 54.1’–61.3’above storm water level (after accounting for 1.6’ storm surge and tide) Forristall distribution integrated over entire storm 100% percentile 80% 60% hindcast 40% 1.03 * hindcast 20% Damage height above SWL 0% 40 50 60 70 max crest (m above SWL) Hs=45.4’ Tp=16.8s 60o Hs=29.2’ Tp=10.2s Hs=34.9’ Tp=16.8s Corresponds to 95th –99.9th (90th – 99th) percentile estimate of maximum crest from Ivan hindcast Unlucky? Crossing wave trains? Wave enhancement by platform? 12 Wave / Platform Interaction 80’wave at Ekofisk Model tests What is the height of the undisturbed wave crest (green water) that might be inferred from local platform damage? Measurement Summary n n n n Wind spectra fit standards No evidence of “freak” (rogue) waves Distributions of measured wave crests fit design standards Damage provides no compelling evidence for criteria change 13 Ivan Characteristics Ivan… – – – – – Pressure 939 mb (93%) Radius=25 nm (25%) Forward Spd=10 Spd=10 kt (50%) Wind=92 kt (33 ft, 30 min) Max Wave Hmax~96 ft API/RPAPI/RP-2A 100100-year… – d/w Hmax=71.2 ft – Wind=87 kt (33 ft, 30 min) Key Questions n n n What return interval was Ivan? Was Ivan statistically “unexpected”? Should criteria be increased & if so in what part of Gulf? Satellite image of Ivan 14 Ivan’ s Return Interval? Site-to-Site Variability n n Model hindcast (GUMSHOE) gives large sitesite-toto-site variability Causes of variability 1. Water depth & fetch 2. Insufficient sample of severe storms 3. Regional differences 100100- yr 96° 90° 85° 80° 100100- yr & max Hs along the 600 ft isobath based on Gumshoe site hindcast Insufficient Sample of Severe Storms 14 Jan 2005 60 50 Weibull fit: k = 1.20 30 Hs (ft) Hs (ft) 40 40 20 10 0 -60 20 -40 -20 0 20 Dist from center (miles) 40 60 Parametric model crosscross-section of the Hs in Hurricane Camille. 10 20 40 60 Return Period 100 200 Extremal fit for site near maximum of Camille. W/o Camille, Hs100 is 4 ft lower. Given small size of storms & infrequent occurrence, we need several several hundred years of data to sufficiently reduce this “noise” 15 Regional Variations n Recent work suggests real regional variations – Severity – Frequency n Severity Contours Possible physical causes – Persistent Loop water – Gulf geometry – Atmospheric influences Storm frequency contours Removing the “Noise” n n n 10-4 JIP is addressing issue Solution 1: combine (pool) sites that are similar but not identical sites Solution 2: develop a deductive model Uncertainty of nn-yr Hs Model Gumbel Site Gumbel Pooled 100-yr ±2.5’ 10k-yr ±5.0’ ±1.6’ ±2.0’ Pooling reduces uncertainty 16 Choosing the Optimal Pooling Size n n n n Apply “crosscross-validation” (Chouinard,1992, OTC) Optimal dist. ~ 100 miles 1010-4 JIP has found similar results Results that follow use pooling at 55-7 sites Will also use this 100100-mi scale in another key way Cross-Validated Square Error for Rate Estimation (for omni-directional > 15mb rate) 0.2112 0.211 0.2108 CVSE n 0.2106 0.2104 0.2102 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Sigma(distance) [km] What Return Interval Was Ivan? n n ~2500 yr Hs at site where peak occurred Exceeded Hs100 over ~150 mile swath Ivan peak vs Gumshoe N-yr Hs along 28.25°N 17 How Does Wind Compare? n n ~700~700-yr Wind Spd (33 ft, 30 min) Exceeded 100100-yr over ~60 mile swath Ivan peak vs Gumshoe N-yr Wind along 28.25°N How Current Compare? Ivan P e ak Curre nt vs. N-Ye ar Value s at Fixed Latitude n n n ~700~700-yr 5050-m Exceeded 100100-yr over ~ 20 mi swath Storm that causes 100100-yr Hs does not usually cause 100100yr wind or current 400 Ivan R=100 R=1000 350 300 250 200 150 100 U nifo50 rm C u rre n t o n U p pe r 5 0 m (c m /s e c ) 0 -90 -89.5 -89 -88.5 -88 -87.5 Longitude -87 -86.5 -86 -85.5 Ivan peak vs N-yr Layered Model along 28.25°N 18 Was Ivan Statistically Unexpected? n n n Intuition: expect one, 100100-yr storm in 100 yrs in entire Gulf Fact: expect Hs100 exceeded somewhere in Gulf every 4 yrs Because… … – Must treat Gulf as statistically independent regions – Assume “regions”in Gulf are 100 mi apart – Expect a 25002500-yr Hs in 100 yrs – That sounds like Ivan! 25 sites, ~ 100 mi apart Ivan not a major surprise based on prepre-Ivan distribution Metocean Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ivan generated peak Hmax~ 96 ft Highest in 100 yrs but not by much Ivan generated ~2500~2500-yr Hs using the prepre-Ivan extremal distribution Ivan peak wind & current ~ 700700-yr event Could argue Ivan is an “outlier” But new designs in Eastern Gulf should include Ivan Under peak of Ivan, a d/w facility could have seen wave loads ~30% higher then present design but still << then 100% factor of safety Further work … . a. Look at metocean in shallow sites b. Review API metocean guidelines c. Obtain more upper waterwater-column currents 19 HURRICANE FORECASTING Frances Charley Jeanne Ivan 2005 2005 Season Season Forecast Forecast Dr DrGray GrayForecast… Forecast… NOAA NOAAFORECAST FORECAST 15 15Named NamedStorms Storms 12-15 Named 12 12-15 NamedStorms Storms 88 Hurricanes Hurricanes 66-9 -9 Hurricanes Hurricanes 44 Intense Intensehurricanes hurricanes 33-5 -5 Major MajorHurricanes Hurricanes Factors supporting an active hurricane season •Warmer than normal sea surface temperature •“La Nada” •MultiMulti-decadal Atlantic signal 20 2005 HURRICANE SEASON 2005 SEASON 7 Tropical Storms n 2 Major Hurricanes (Dennis & Emily) n 21 22 MAJOR HURRICANES 5 YEAR AVERAGE 23 Errors cut in half in 15 years 24 Hurricane Charley Minimum Central Pressure 9 - 14 August 2004 1020 1010 Pressure (mb) 1000 990 980 970 BEST TRACK 960 Sat (TAFB) Sat (SAB) 950 Sat (AFWA) Obj T-Num 940 AC (sfc) Surface 930 8/9 8/10 Charley deepened from 964 mb to 941 mb in 4 h 35 min near landfall –NIGHTMARE! 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Date (Month/Day) 25 FORECAST IMPROVEMENT Better Observations n Improved Computer Models n How Do We Track A Hurricane? n Satellite Imagery GOES East and Goes West Visual, IR, WV Every 1515-30 minutes (rapid update for research) Used to determine location, motion, and intensity n Aircraft Reconnaissance USAF CC-130 - Primary Mission Operations NOAA PP-3 - Primary Mission Research NOAA GG-IV – High Altitude Operations More accurate than satellite n Doppler Radar 250 nm range for reflectivity tracking 125 nm range for Doppler velocity estimates Location, wind, motion, rainfall estimates and tornado detection 26 High Resolution Vis RECONNAISSANCE FLIGHT PATH Aircraft “ALPHA” Pattern 27 NOAA G-IV AIRCRAFT 28 TRACKING AND FORECASTING HURRICANES IN 2004 Frances Charley Jeanne Ivan 2004 Track Guidance (1st Tier) 29 2004 Track Guidance (1st Tier) Intensity Forecasts 30 GFS TRACK FORECASTS FOR IVAN FROM 9/7/04 12Z –9/11/04 12Z HAD A SIGNIFICANT RIGHT BIAS. 31 GFS TRACK FORECASTS FOR IVAN FROM 9/13/04 12Z –9/15/04 12Z WERE EXCELLENT IN SPECIFYING IVAN’S LANDFALL LOCATION ON GULF COAST. IVAN CHARACTERISTICS Typical Cape Verde Storm n Southern Most Major Hurricane n Reached Category 5 Three Different Times n Was a Category 5 for over 30 consecutive hours. n Weakened and made landfall as Cat 3 n 32 IVAN TRACK FORECAST ERRORS # HOURS 12 24 36 48 72 96 120 NHC 24 47 79 108 161 222 289 FSSE 21 38 58 81 126 171 199 10 YR AV 44 78 112 146 217 248 319 33 WIND PROBABILITY PRODUCT Experimental Product in 2005 n Available on NHC Homepage n Graphical and Text n Could become Operational in 2006 n 34 35 n Gene Hafele n Warning and Coordination Meteorologist n [email protected] n 281-337-5074 x 223 36 HURRICANE-INDUCED SEAFLOOR FAILURES IN THE MISSISSIPPI DELTA by James R. Hooper, FugroMcClelland Marine Geosciences & Joseph N. Suhayda, Consulting Oceanographer HURRICANE-INDUCED SEAFLOOR FAILURES IN THE MISSISSIPPI DELTA Presented to the 2005 Offshore Hurricane Readiness and Recovery Conference American Petroleum Institute Houston, Texas July 26-27, 2005 James R. Hooper, P.E. Senior Consultant Fugro-McClelland Marine Geosciences, Inc. 1 Mississippi River New Orleans Mississippi River Delta THE DELTA FRONT SEAFLOOR HAS A BAD REPUTATION. CONSIDER SHELL’ S NEW SP-70B PLATFORM SHORTLY AFTER INSTALLATION IN 1969. 2 SP-7OB Water Depth ~300 ft Seafloor Seafloor 16 Piles Driven to ~400 ft SP-70 PLATFORM 1969 SP-7OB Seafloor Hurricane Camille Waves Seafloor Failure Zone ~100 ft Seafloor sliding SP-70 SEAFLOOR FAILURE 3 SP-7OB Hurricane Camille Waves Seafloor Seafloor Soil Force Against 16 Piles & 24 Well Conductors SP-70 SOIL FORCES SP-7OB Seafloor Hurricane Camille Waves Piles Fail at Base of Jacket Seafloor Soil Motion SP-70 SOIL FORCES 4 SP-70 PLATFORM FAILURE 1969 MAJOR HURRICANE HISTORY •9 major hurricanes (Category 3 or greater) passed near the delta 1900 - 2004. •Camille passed over the delta with a central pressure of ~909 mb. •Ivan passed east of the delta with a central pressure of ~935 mb. 5 Mobile, Alabama New Orleans IVAN, 2004 Mississippi River Delta CAMILLE, 1969 HURRICANE CAMILLE •South Pass 70 landslides caused the seafloor to move downslope by more than 3000 ft in some areas. •One new 24-well platform toppled and two others were badly damaged by seafloor landslide failures. •Pipelines were also damaged and destroyed by landslides. 6 HURRICANE IVAN 2004 •Delta-front landslides during Ivan were similar in size & character to those experienced during Camille. •One platform in ~480 ft water depth toppled by landslides (MC-20). •Pipelines were also damaged and destroyed by landslides. Path o f Iva n’s C e nter Western Limit of Hurricane Force Winds From Fugro Chance, Inc. Region of delta front discussed during this talk. STUDY REGION PLATFORMS AND PIPELINES 7 WHY IS THE DELTA FRONT PRONE TO SEAFLOOR FAILURES SO DESTRUCTIVE TO PLATFORMS AND PIPELINES ? Pass A’Loutre Head of Passes THE BIRDSFOOT DELTA we ut h ss Pa So h ut So st Pa ss NE Pass SE Pass 8 ~1300-1400 1840 2005 18 m i 1684 1684 1684 1840 1840 2005 2005 GROWTH OF THE DELTA Consider this Profile line across the seafloor GROWTH OF THE DELTA FRONT 9 From Coleman et al, 1980 So ut hw es tP as s So ut h Pa ss Pr of ile lin e 1874 DELTA FRONT BATHYMETRY 1979 BATHYMETRY MAP From Coleman et al, 1980 So ut hw es tP as s So ut h Pa ss Mudflow lobes 1979 BATHYMETRY MAP 1979 DELTA FRONT BATHYMETRY 10 Depth Below Sea Level, Feet Mudlobe Advance = 2.7 mi 0 1979 Mudlobe in 1874 Mudlobe in 1979 200 1874 400 Pre-Delta (600-700 YBP) 600 800 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Distance from South Pass, Miles SEAWARD ADVANCE OF THE DELTA MUDFLOWS MOVE THE DELTA FRONT SEAWARD 11 DEPOSITION IN THE DELTA •Deposition rates 1-2 ft/yr in front of the major passes. •Sediments primarily low permeability clay with silt. •Results in weak strength profiles more than 300-ft thick, and numerous landslides that create a unique seafloor. From Coleman et al, 1980 Region of Mudflow Gullies Region of Mudflow Lobes SEAFLOOR GEOMORPHOLOGY 12 Mudflow Gullies or Channels SEAFLOOR GEOMORPHOLOGY 6 –10 miles Mudflow Lobes From Coleman et al, 1980 Slump Failure at Head of Gully Mudflows in the Gully Mudflow Lobe at End of Gully From Coleman et al, 1980 ELONGATE LANDSLIDES MUDFLOW ORIGIN, SEDIMENT TRANSPORT, AND DEPOSITION 13 MUDFLOW GULLIES •Mobile sediment typically 40 to 80 feet thick. •Gully lengths up to 6 miles. •Major mudflow activity occurs several times a year in some gullies, and every few years in others. Newest Mudflows Discharging from Gullies Older Mudflows Newer Mudflows SEDIMENT STRENGTH PROFILES STACKED MUDFLOW ORIGIN 14 MUDFLOW LOBES •Individual flow thickness ranges from a few feet to ~50 feet. •Stacked mudflows are more than 100-ft thick in some areas. •Mudflow lobes tend to remain stable until triggered by large storm waves. Mudflows in Gullies New Mudflow Lobes & Lobe Failures Platform & Pipeline Failures From Fugro Chance, Inc. MAP OF SEAFLOOR INSTABILITY FEATURES OFFSHORE SOUTH PASS AREA STUDY REGION 15 From Coleman, et al, 1980 6 Mudlobes 200 4 400 2 600 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 0 40,000 Seafloor Gradient, Percent Depth Below Sea Level, Feet 0 Distance from Arbitrary Origin, Feet SEAFLOOR PROFILE IN SOUTH PASS AREA SW 25 ft NE 410 ft Single flow units ~70 ft Stacked Mudflows Pre-Delta Parallel Layers STACKED MUDFLOW EXAMPLE 16 Depth Below Sea Level, Feet Mudflow Gully Transport Zone 0 Slow accumulation zone 200 Overflow Zone 400 600 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 Distance from Arbitrary Origin, Feet THE FATE OF MUDFLOW SEDIMENTS WAVE-TRIGGERED SEAFLOOR FAILURES 17 Of course, the wave is moving Pressure increase seafloor Pressure Decrease So the seafloor pressure is also moving WAVE-INDUCED PRESSURE ON SEAFLOOR Wave Crest Wave Trough Upward Motion Downward Motion seafloor Lateral Motion SEAFLOOR MOTION 18 CYCLIC WAVE-BOTTOM PRESSURES •Cyclic pressure & sediment motion beneath the waves gradually weakens the sediment. •Weak sediment in the gullies slowly moves downslope during a storm. •Cyclic pressures may cause slope failure of some mudflow lobes. SEDIMENT STRENGTH 19 Depth Below Sea Level, Feet 0 0 Strength, KSF 2 4 6 20% of typical strength Typical strength in Gulf of Mexico 200 400 DELTA FRONT STRENGTH PROFILES 600 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Soil Strength, KSF Depth Below Seafloor, Feet 20 B1 40 B4 60 80 B3 B2 STRENGTH VARIATION IN A SINGLE MUDFLOW LOBE 100 120 20 THIS STRENGTH VARIABILITY IS TYPICAL OF MUDFLOW LOBES Soil Strength, KSF Depth Below Seafloor, Feet 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Upper Bound 50 100 STRENGTH PROFILES FOR SLOPE STABILITY 150 Lower Bound 200 21 Depth Below Sea Level, Feet STABILITY ANALYSES 0 200 Mudflow Lobe 300 ft WD Gully Region 400 Mudflow Lobe 400 ft WD 600 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 Distance from Arbitrary Origin, Feet TYPICAL SEAFLOOR PROFILE 22 RESULTS OF STABILITY ANALYSES •Moderate-size waves can fail the sediments in mudflow gullies. •Mudflow Lobes with Upper-Bound strength profiles appear to be stable during intense hurricanes. •Mudflow Lobes with Lower-Bound strength profiles appear to fail during intense hurricanes. SUMMARY 1. Sediments accumulate in shallow water and, over time, move downslope in gullies as mudflows. 2. These gully mudflows are triggered by waves typical of small to large hurricanes. 23 SUMMARY (cont.) 3. Intense hurricanes (e.g., Ivan and Camille) create large waves causing large pressures on the seafloor. 4. During Ivan/Camille-size storms, existing mudflow lobes may fail, and mudflows from gullies may overrun previously deposited mudflow lobes. SUMMARY (cont.) 5. Large-scale seafloor failures are the primary geologic process for seaward growth of the delta. 6. Past rates of seaward growth of the delta front will likely be maintained, and seafloor failures will continue to occur. 24