transport news - Idaho Trucking Association
transport news - Idaho Trucking Association
TRANSPORT NEWS 3405 East Overland Road, Suite 175 Meridian, ID 83642 Phone: 208.342.3521 / Fax: 208.343.8397 E-mail: [email protected] Bi-weekly news brief to ITA members March 14, 2012 Session Update and Bill Tracking Information Week Ending March 2: This week began the official process by which candidates for the upcoming 2012 election can file to run for office, and we learned that many longtime legislators will not be filing to run for another term. Some notable retirements include Senator Jim Hammond, Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, Senator Denton Darrington, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary & Rules Committee, Rep. Dennis Lake, Chairman of the powerful House Revenue and Taxation Committee, Rep. Janice McGeachin, Chairman of the House Health & Welfare Committee, and Rep. Bert Stevenson, Chairman of the House Resources and Conservation Committee. Also this week, Governor Otter appointed Jim Rice of Caldwell to replace Senator John McGee, who resigned abruptly last week. On March 1st, the House passed Governor Otter’s Individual and Corporate Income Tax reduction proposal, HB 563 by a wide margin. This issue now moves on to the Senate for consideration and is a major issue that must be completed before the session can end. Week Ending March 9: The Idaho Legislature wrapped up this week by completing all of the official work on setting the FY 2013 Budget. The Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee (JFAC) set the final budgets today for the Idaho Department of Commerce and the final Department of Health and Welfare budget, including appropriations and spending authority for the Medicaid Division. The following specific issues have still yet to be resolved and will be the primary focus in the coming weeks: 1. Establishment of an Idaho Health Insurance Exchange as part of federal health care reform. There has been a lot of talk and negotiation on this proposal, but legislation has yet to be introduced. 2. State rules regarding oil and gas development in Idaho. 3. Clarification and clean up legislation for last session’s “Students Come First” education reform. Serving all of your insurance needs 851 E. Fairview Avenue Meridian, ID 83642 (800) 213-8214 Local (208)323-8214 See a listing of other legislation being tracked by ITA lobbyist on last page of this newsletter Skip Smyser and Jason Kreizenbeck, Lobby Idaho, LLC Welcome the Following New ITA Members: Cheney Transportation – Caldwell Wayne Cheney, President Todd Cheney, Vice President Classy’s LLC – Chubbuck Sharon Gould, Owner EPIX Logistics, Inc. – Twin Falls Kevin Soloman, President/CEO The Idaho Foodbank - Boise Michael Martin, V/P Operations Julie Pipal, Food Resource Manager TravelCenters of America–Salt Lake City Steve Miller, National Accounts Mgr. Verizon - Boise Daren McKinney, Business Account Mgr. 2012 Truck Driving Competition May 11 – 12 Idaho State Police Facility Boise Watch for Sign-ups being mailed out in March. Mar. 15 April 3 April 10 April 19 May 11-12 Jul. 11-13 Aug. 7-9 Calendar of Events SMC Meeting – Twin Falls & Blackfoot “Telematics that enable you to collect, organize, and use data in ways that fundamentally change behavior” Hazardous Materials Transportation Workshop sponsored by USDOT/PHMSA and Great West Casualty Company (see attachment) SMC Meeting – Boise “FMCSA Update” presented by Rich York of FMCSA SMC Meetings – Twin Falls & Blackfoot “FMCSA Update” presented by Rich York of FMCSA Annual Truck Driving Competition – Meridian Rocky Mountain Regional Safety Rendezvous – Helena, MT Annual Convention – McCall ITA Website: Complying With New Hire Reporting The severe economic downturn that has gripped Idaho for the past three years left tens of thousands of workers without jobs, increasing the financial pressure on them and their families and leading to rising instances of illegal collection of unemployment benefits. One of the major weapons the Idaho Department of Labor (DOL) has to fight these overpayments and fraud is the 1997 New Hire Reporting law. But only 30% of Idaho’s employers are complying with this law that requires them to report newly hired workers to the Idaho Department of Labor within 20 days. The U.S. Department of Labor has labeled the New Hire Reporting requirement the best weapon states have in the war on unemployment insurance fraud. As part of its integrity initiative, the Idaho DOL compliance staff cross-matches unemployment benefit recipients with the new hire reports daily to identify those who have gone back to work but are still collecting benefits. Unfortunately, despite 14 years of trying to get Idaho employers to voluntarily comply with this law, only 30% are doing so. The failure of the other 70% to report new hires promptly means that in those cases there could be months and months of fraudulent overpayments before these workers are identified through the quarterly reports employers are required to file. That means that instead of trying to collect $1,000 or less from a worker identified in a matter of weeks through a new hire report as still collecting benefits, the Department is faced with trying to collect thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars in addition to the cost of the personnel it must devote to tracking down these overpayments through the quarterly reports employers must submit on wages paid to their nearly 600,000 workers. In 2010, the Department uncovered 1,776 cases where claimants had returned to work but continued collecting unemployment benefits and their employers failed to comply with the new hire reporting requirement. The cases were instead detected through the quarterly reports from employers. The failure to provide the legally mandated early notice under the new hire law resulted in these claimants collecting benefits for substantially longer than if the Department was made aware of their hires. The total overpayment in these cases was $7.4 million. Had employers complied with the law and the fraud detected within four or five weeks rather than months, the overpayments could have been held to around $2.4 million. That $5 million difference would have remained in the trust fund and worked to keep employer tax rates lower. Even though the Department contacts employers every year to remind them of their responsibilities, this 14-year effort to secure compliance with education has not been successful. That is the reason the Department proposed a modest fine of $25 per failure to report a new hire, capped at $5,000 per quarter or 200 violations per quarter. This bill, SB 1306, is pending in the legislation. Reporting new hires has been made as easy as possible. By federal law employers are required to get a W-4 for each employee and send it to the federal and state tax agencies. New Hire reporting simply requires a copy of that W-4 being sent to the Department of Labor—by fax, by mail, or by electronic e-mail ITD Driver Services Update Regarding Hazmat Clearance Letter Driver Services will no longer be mailing out Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Hazmat Threat Assessment Clearance letters (Form 99D) to notify drivers their hazmat background check has been completed. TSA currently mails out letters to drivers on the day their background check is approved. This letter notifies a driver their hazmat background check is complete and advises them that their license state of issue has been notified that they may renew or obtain their hazmat endorsement. Additionally, on the TSA website is the following: “DRIVERS: If you have not received a letter from TSA two weeks after you have been fingerprinted, please call 877.429.7746 for a status update.” Because TSA mails drivers a letter, and their status is also readily available from TSA, our clearance notification letters are no longer needed. Drivers Services will continue to update the driver’s record with the TSA clearance information as soon as it is received. If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact Driver Services at 208.334.8735, Option 3 Fraud Alert It has recently come to ATA’s attention that invoices are being faxed to members asking for payment in the amount of $685 for annual membership dues and directory listing. The invoices are purportedly from a group called The American Truckers Association. Payment is requested to be sent to an address in Brockton, MA, payable to the Membership Dept. of ATA Association. This fax is not from American Trucking Associations – the real ATA. ATA is attempting to determine the source of these faxes. In the meantime, ATA’s invoicing and billing information remains unchanged. For additional information contact Stormie Janzen at [email protected] IRS Publishes Revised Employment Tax Form Congress has passed and the President signed federal legislation that extends the existing payroll tax reduction through the end of calendar year 2012. The reduction has been in effect since the beginning of 2011, but, before the extension, had been due to expire at the end of February. Employees don’t have to take any action to continue to get the tax cut. For employers, however, the Internal Revenue Service has issued a revised employment tax report, Form 941 (available at, that reflects the extension. The legislation also extended the current tax cut for the self-employed through the end of the year Court Upholds in Part, Rejects in Part NLRB Notice-Posting Rule The United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruled in a challenge brought by a number of plaintiffs, including the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace of which ATA is a member, to the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) rule requiring employers to post a specific notice of employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The Court upheld the NLRB’s authority to require employers to post the notice. However, the Court rejected the penalty provisions of the rule that deemed failure to post an unfair labor practice and that tolled the statute of limitations for filing an unfair labor practice change. Therefore, those two penalty provisions are stricken from the rule. The Court did note that although it was improper for the NLRB to generally declare failure to post an unfair labor practice, the NLRB was not prohibited from making that determination on a case-by-case basis taking into account the facts and circumstances of how the failure to post interfered with the employee’s exercise of his/her rights under the NLRA. An appeal of the decision is likely FMCSA Reverses Course and Withdraws CSA Crash Accountability Process At an industry stakeholder meeting in Washington on March 8, initiated by FMCSA Administrator Ferro, ATA learned troubling news that the agency is “pulling back” on its plans to implement a CSA crash accountability process “until further notice.” As recently as four weeks ago (February 9, 2012) FMCSA confirmed to ATA and other stakeholders its previously announced plans to allow carriers to challenge the use of crashes for which carriers are not accountable in assigning carriers’ CSA Crash Indicator scores. Subsequent to February 9, the agency and the Secretary of Transportation received feedback from a few public interest groups raising questions about the “reliability of police accident reports” that FMCSA was planning to use as part of the crash accountability determination process. As a result, FMCSA now says it needs to address a “series of questions” about the police accident reports, and how they might be used in their intended process. ATA and other industry stakeholders were highly disappointed by this announcement and expressed it during the meeting. ATA will be redoubling its efforts to get the agency to quickly address the “questions” raised so that it can move forward in implementing a reasonable process UCRA Board Votes Down Out-of-Service Proposal The board of directors of the Unified Carrier Registration Agreement discussed a proposal to request the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (the association of highway truck enforcement personnel) to consider making the failure to pay UCRA fees a motor carrier out-of-service agreement. This would mean that a motor carrier’s entire operations could potentially be shut down across the country for a failure to fulfill its UCRA obligations, which can be as little as $76. In January, the UCRA board voted to pursue the idea. At its meeting last week, however, the UCRA board, in response to strong industry representations that shutting a carrier down was, among other things, out of all proportion to the nature of the violation, rejected a motion to bring such a request to CVSA Hand-held Cell Phone Ban A finalized rule that carriers should be addressing is the restriction on the use of cellular phones while operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). This rule became effective January 3. This finalized rule is quite restrictive and needs to be addressed in your company policy and procedure manual if it hasn’t already been done. The final rule does address push-to-talk features on cellular phones, what constitutes dialing, and the definition of “driving” or “reaching” for a compliant device in this new regulation. Following are a few frequently asked questions: 1. Q. Do violations affect a BASIC, and if so, what BASIC(s) will be involved? A. Yes. Unsafe Driving BASIC Operation of commercial motor vehicles in a dangerous or careless manner. 2. Q. Are wired or wireless earpieces allowed? A. Yes. Hands-free use of a mobile telephone is allowed using either a wired or wireless earpiece, or the speakerphone function of the mobile telephone. Wireless connection of the mobile telephone to the vehicle for hands-free operation of the telephone, which would allow the use of single-button controls on the steering wheel or dashboard, would also be allowed. 3. Q. Is push-to-talk allowed? A. No. A driver’s use of the push-to-talk function on a mobile telephone violates the prohibition against holding the phone. 4. Q. What is required of the employer? A. The rule does not require motor carriers to establish written policies in terms of company policy or training programs for their drivers. However, employers are prohibited from allowing or requiring their drivers to use hand-held mobile phones -from Kevin Skow/Leo Hughes of GWCC Quotes of wisdom from Coach John Wooden: “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation because your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” “Never mistake activity for achievement.” “Be prepared to be honest.” 2011 Legislative Activity of Interest to ITA Members Bill No. HB 354 Brief Description Amends, repeals and adds to existing law to place the sales and use tax on services and to decrease the rate of the sales and use tax to 5%. HB 403 Amends existing law relating to abandoned motor vehicles to provide for an Idaho State Police authorized tow list and to require background checks of certain persons. HB 435 Adds to existing law relating to revenue and taxation to establish the Idaho Corporate Tax Incentive and Accountability Act. HB 563 Amends existing law to reduce the individual income tax rate for Idaho taxable income over $7,500 to 7.4% and to reduce the corporate income tax rate to 7.4%. HB 586 Amends existing law relating to rules of the road to provide provisions relating to bicycles. HB 619 Amends existing law to remove provisions relating to regulation of speed by local authorities. SB 1229 Amends existing law to provide that the speed limits for vehicles with five or more axles operating at a gross weight of more than 26,000 pounds shall be the same as for other motor vehicles. SB 1231 Amends existing law to provide for a one year waiver from the Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program upon certain events occurring. SB 1243 Amends and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding special license plate programs. SB 1251 Amends and adds to existing law relating to motor vehicles and cellular telephones to prohibit the use of cellular telephones while operating a motor vehicle, to provide exceptions and to provide a penalty and to provide for exceptions. SB 1252 Amends existing law to provide that texting while driving a motor vehicle shall constitute an infraction. SB 1268 Amends existing law to provide for an increase in permissive deductibles for comprehensive coverage and collision or physical damage coverage as a condition to renewal. SB 1274 Adds to existing law to define a term and to provide infraction penalties for texting while driving with exceptions. SB 1306 Adds to existing law to add a civil penalty for employers failing to report the hiring or rehiring of employees to the Department of Labor. SB 1310 Adds to and repeals existing law relating to the Idaho Transportation Department to create the Idaho Mobility Council. SB 1312 Amends existing law relating to motor vehicles to provide that specified operating fees shall not apply to certain construction equipment, forestry equipment and lawn and grounds equipment. SB 1317a Amends existing law relating to highways and bridges to provide for a bridge program, to revise provisions relating to a limit on total cumulative debt service and certain expenses, to provide that the Board shall list and approve certain projects and to provide for a status update. SB 1347 Amends existing law relating to the Idaho Transportation Board to establish provisions relating to the State Transportation Board establishing standards regarding the location, design and construction of providing access from properties adjacent to state highways, to establish provision relating to applications for certain permits, to provide for a decision on the record, to provide for findings and to provide rules. SB 1356 Amends existing law relating to highway districts to revise provisions relating to the corporate powers of highway districts. To view the bills go to Status Introduced in House Revenue & Taxation Passed House, sent to Senate Judiciary & Rules Introduced in House Revenue & Taxation Introduced in House Revenue & Taxation; introduced in Senate Local Government Introduced in House Transportation Introduced in House Transportation Introduced in Senate Transportation Passed Senate, in House Transportation Passed Senate, in House Transportation Introduced in Senate Transportation Introduced in Senate Transportation Passed Senate, in House Business Passed Senate, in House Transportation Introduced in Senate Transportation Passed Senate, in House Transportation Passed Senate, in House Transportation Passed Senate, in House Transportation Introduced in Senate Transportation Passed Senate, in House Transportation