VGU Newsletter 03/2015 - Vietnamese
Newsletter 03/2015 Newsletter 03/2015 Contents Editorial............................................................................................................................................................... 3 News from the Campus .................................................................................................................................... 4 Visit of Vietnam’s State President at VGU .......................................................................................................... 4 Visit of Mr. Volker Kauder to Ho Chi Minh City ................................................................................................... 5 VGU Opening Ceremony - Marking the New Academic Year.............................................................................. 5 New DAAD Scholarships for Two Study Programs at VGU.................................................................................. 6 World Bank Scholarships for Students at VGU.................................................................................................... 6 VGU Established Lawyer Training Center ........................................................................................................... 7 Update on VGU’s New Campus Planning............................................................................................................ 8 News from Research ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Expansion of Research and Technology Transfer at VGU ................................................................................. 11 Student’s Success in Unicef’s Worldwide Competition „Wearables For Good“ ................................................ 12 Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Workshop ............................................................................... 12 VGU Student Project Selected For Second Round of Vietnam Maker Contest .................................................. 13 Selected Student Projects from Study Program Electrical Engineering & Information Technology .................. 14 Robot Soccer Programming Contest Championship ......................................................................................... 16 Student from EEIT Won Fellowship to Study in USA ......................................................................................... 17 Info-Session for VGU’s 911-Scholarship Program ............................................................................................. 17 News from Conferences ................................................................................................................................. 18 th The 13 Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing at VGU ................................................................. 18 International Conference “The Future of Ho Chi Minh City Metropolitan Area” .............................................. 20 International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development ........................................................................ 21 VGU Selected to Host EASTS Conference 2017 ................................................................................................. 21 News from Workshops ................................................................................................................................... 22 Seminar on Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Ms. Jingyuan Chen from Stanford University ........................... 22 Visit to the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) .................................................................. 23 Special Seminar on Planning and Shaping Identity for Cities ............................................................................ 23 1 Newsletter 03/2015 Summer School of Computational Engineering in Germany ............................................................................. 24 Dean of the VGU Engineering Faculty Visits RUB.............................................................................................. 25 VGU Is Co-Organizing the Green Challenge 2015 by Bosch .............................................................................. 25 News from Administration ............................................................................................................................. 26 Report from Human Resource Department ...................................................................................................... 26 Report from Finance Department ..................................................................................................................... 27 Report from Management Unit VMU ............................................................................................................... 29 External Events .............................................................................................................................................. 30 VGU Consortium - Meeting of Members in July 2015 ....................................................................................... 30 Camp of Vietnamese Students Association “SiViDuc” held in Germany ........................................................... 30 VGU’s Teambuilding Trip 2015 ......................................................................................................................... 31 Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in Dau Tieng District.............................................................................. 33 Staff News ...................................................................................................................................................... 34 Thank You for Supporting Mr. Bui Quang Hung ............................................................................................... 34 Imprint ........................................................................................................................................................... 35 2 Newsletter 03/2015 Editorial Dear readers, This year we are celebrating 40 years of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Germany. Our university is an important part of this special friendship between the two countries and is considered to be a “lighthouse project” of Vietnamese-German relations in the Joint Declaration of Hanoi, signed by German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in 2011. The VGU is earning its position as a leading research university in the region. As the first "New Model University Project" of Vietnam, VGU is committed to following the German university model which stresses the unity of teaching and research and is based on academic freedom. In VGU-President Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mallon practice, this means that a lecturer´s research results flow directly into the lectures and students get the opportunity to participate in research projects. Another principle that ensures the applicability of theoretical knowledge and the development of problem-solving skills is the use of project-based learning, which can be practiced even in industrial projects. An important part of the students' academic education is the inclusion of laboratory exercises to put the theoretical knowledge into practice. On this basis VGU is investing in the education of a new generation of leaders and thus to a sustainable future of Vietnam. The success of this concept and its significance is underpinned by strategic partnerships between VGU, its academic partners and industry. We are proud to introduce to you, in this issue of our newsletter, a few examples of our results in education, research and technology transfer: VGU has been selected to host the world’s 3rdbiggest conference on transportation issues, the 12th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) in September 2017. The conference is estimated to attract about 700 guests from all over the world. We are confident that this event will have a great impact on Vietnam’s research and business in the field of transportation and urban development and make a big contribution in enhancing VGU’s reputation. VGU’s past conferences, the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM) and the International Conference on “The Future of Ho Chi Minh City Metropolitan Area” have also been great events and successes for VGU’s development. Read more about the outcomes of these conferences on pages 10 and 11. In addition, this newsletter issue is packed with news regarding research activities, including student’s projects, people behind VGU and their success stories and reports from important visitors at our university. As always, if you have any feedback to this newsletter, we appreciate hearing from you. Enjoy reading! Yours sincerely, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mallon VGU President 3 Newsletter 03/2015 News from the Campus Visit of Vietnam’s State President at VGU On Sunday, 04th October 2015, VGU was honored to welcome a very special guest, Vietnam’s State President Truong Tan Sang. Group picture with President Mr. Truong Tan Sang (middle) at VGU. In a festive ceremony, more than 250 guests and media representatives got an insight into the achievements as well as future plans of Vietnam’s first new-model university. The State President praised VGU’s positive contribution to Vietnam’s educational landscape, by putting the focus on targeted technology transfer. In this regard, Mr. Truong Tan Sang stressed Vietnam’s high demand for qualified local and foreign lecturers and he particularly mentioned VGU’s high standards of teaching and research based on the German model which are expected to increasingly attract students from Southeast Asia in the following years. Mr. Truong Tran Sang underlined that VGU’s international approach and prioritization of high-quality educational standards should be considered a breakthrough in Vietnam’s education reform which support the countries’ 2020 industrialization and modernization program. The President’s genuine interest was emphasized when he addressed two students from the audience, asking them to present their personal experience of studying and living at VGU, first from a Vietnamese and second from an international perspective. The presidential visit clearly demonstrated that VGU’s international collaborative efforts do not remain unnoticed and are of high relevance and importance for Vietnam’s educational landscape and its future sustainable growth. Emma Stoll, Volunteer 4 Newsletter 03/2015 Visit of Mr. Volker Kauder to Ho Chi Minh City On 25th August, the Parliamentary Group Leader of the ruling CDU and CSU in the German Bundestag, Mr. Volker Kauder, was in Ho Chi Minh City to meet representatives of German businesses. From VGU’s side, President Prof. Jürgen Mallon joined this meeting. Firstly, Mr. Kauder updated the audience on current political issues in Germany, such as the financial help for Greece or the challenges of the refugee crisis. After that, he listened to the reports from German businesses and education partners in Vietnam. Mr. Volker Kauder (5th person from the right) at his meeting with German businness representatives and Prof. Mallon from VGU. Picture by AHK Developments of ongoing projects and prospects for the future, including VGU’s development and future strengthening, were discussed. Mr. Kauder will take all the feedback from German representatives in Vietnam home and discuss ways to find solutions for the problems in the German parliament. Karina Scholz, PR-Officer VGU Opening Ceremony - Marking the New Academic Year On 23rd October 2015, to celebrate the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year, the VGU was honored to host a very special guest, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Nguyen ThienNhan. On this occasion, the VGU welcomed this year's new students and took a look back to the very beginning of the university's still young history, with only 23 students in the first intake, to this year’s intake with almost 1200 students Prof. Nguyen ThienNhan underlined to VGU's major contribution to Vietnam's educational landscape as the lighthouse-project and cornerstone to the enduring successful partnership between Germany and Vietnam. He expressed his joy at the positive development of the educational establishment in recent years, saying that it laid a basic foundation for further researchoriented university models in Vietnam. He expressed his hope that the educational establishment would help increase the position of Vietnam’s education sector in the region and bring it to meet international standards. The VGU trains an elite that is qualified to meet the demands of the local and international labor market and therewith ensures Vietnam's positive reputation for the future. 5 Newsletter 03/2015 On the occasion, the VFF President Nhan thanked the World Bank, the German government and Germany’s universities and professors for the successful cooperation and their great support in the process of constructing and developing the Vietnamese-German University. Emma Stoll, Volunteer New DAAD Scholarships for Two Study Programs at VGU The VGU as a state university and lighthouse-project of the bilateral relationship between Vietnam and Germany are of major relevance for the local and international educational as well as socioeconomic development. This is the result of the VGU's tireless effort to maintain the highest-possible standards in studying and teaching. To keep up with high-class international qualification requirements, the VGU gets financial support from politics and industry. This year, the university has 1.2 Mio. USD for scholarships at its disposal. The grants will be awarded to the most promising young talents studying at the VGU. This year, two master programs Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (MSST), and Sustainable Urban (SUD) have been the first two programs which received a new scholarship type from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – DAAD scholarship Type I. The scholarship offers tuition fee and living costs to attract excellent Vietnamese students or international students from neighboring countries to study at VGU. The total amount of the scholarship for MSST and SUD is 5,500 EUR of which tuition fee is 950 EUR per term and living allowance is 300 EUR per month. All accepted students for the intake 2015 were invited by Email in August to apply for the scholarship until August 31, 2015. The students were informed about the scope of the scholarship, the selection process and criteria and the documents that have to be submitted with an enclosed letter. Selection Committee interviewing an applicant in Germany via Skype. From far away to closer: Ms. Annette Klosa, DAAD representative, Ms. SilkeHeimlicher, Head of Academic Affairs Department, Dr. JörgFranke, Academic Coordinator of MSST, and Dr. Tran Le Luu, Lecturer and Coordinator of MSST. All eligible applicants were invited for an interview on September 3, 2015. A committee consisted of representatives from DAAD, SUD, MSST and AA interviewed best 14 Vietnamese applicants including 1 applicant in Thai Nguyen, Northern Vietnam, and one applicant in Germany. After one day of intensive interviews, four applicants of each program were selected. DAAD and VGU believe the scholarship recipients will have better support and motivation to study at VGU. In 2016, DAAD will continue to offer the scholarship to MSST and SUD. For more information please contact [email protected]. Do Kim Thanh, Scholarship Officer World Bank Scholarships for Students at VGU Funded by the World Bank loan, VGU has issued two new scholarships in August 2015. The Women scholarship and Opportunity scholarships have two types of support: (1) Full scholarship (covering tuition fees + living stipend) and (2) Tuition scholarship (covered 100% tuition fees). The Women scholarship intends to support and encourage female students to study one of three selected master 6 Newsletter 03/2015 engineering programs, Computational Engineering, (Transport ( and Logistics ogistics (from 2016), and Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology. Technology ents of the master programs The Opportunity scholarship aims to provide financial aid for students Computational Engineering, Transport and Logistics, Mechatronics and Sensor or Systems Technology, and Sustainable Urban Development, coming comi from disadvantaged families or under-represented under regions in Vietnam. Do Kim Thanh, Scholarship Schola Officer VGU Established Lawyer Training Center VGU has established a Lawyer Training Center (German: ( Station fürRechtsreferendare). The first two trainee lawyers (Referendare) arrived in July and the third joined them in August 2015. Kate Wilson Dr. Robert Germund Dennis Kasprzik Thee trainee lawyers who are working for VGU have finished 5 years of law studies at German Universities and passed their first state exams at a master’s level. They are highly qualified and were carefully selected from a pool of applicants based on their outstanding outstanding academic achievements (with honors). The traineeship is required for their further education to become judges, lawyers or state attorneys. attorneys The trainee lawyers provide legal services to the Vice President for Administration for a wide range of topics ics and support the presidential board and the administrative departments with advice on legal issues. During the following 8 months,, there will be 8 other trainee lawyers at VGU. They will be paid by the federal states of Germany and therefore are cost-neutral cost neutral for VGU. Each trainee lawyer is here for a duration of three months. The trainee lawyers report directly and exclusively to Dr. Mathias Neukirchen, Vice President for Administration. The achievements of the first three trainee lawyers at VGU, during during the first two months, are: • first draft of the “Rules of Procedure of the Vietnamese-German Vietnamese German University”, which contains binding rules to regulate the internal affairs at the university • first draft of the “Framework Examination Regulations”, which contain the general academic structure for all study programs of the VGU • support of the Presidential Board in legal matters. In the coming next month the trainee lawyers will elaborate: • standardization of the implementation process for new employees; • developmentt of a privacy policy; • publish different articles in journals. 7 Newsletter 03/2015 The combination of interesting and demanding tasks and the professional collaboration with different departments is perfect for their educational training and the trainee lawyers are looking forward to new challenges. Dr. Mathias Neukirchen, Vice President for Administration Dr. Robert Germund, Trainee Lawyer Update on VGU’s New Campus Planning The new campus of the Vietnamese German University is planned to be Vietnam’s most modern campus, not only due to its design, but also because of its facilities which will create an ideal learning and working environment for students, lecturers and staff alike. Covering a total area of 50 hectares, the new campus will be located 40 km from Ho Chi Minh City in the New Urban area of My Phuoc, ThoiHoa Commune, Ben Cat District in Binh Duong Province. The design by architecture-firm MACHADO SILVETTI from Boston, USA for the layout of the campus (master plan) and structures to be built was selected as the best in an international competition in 2013. VGU New Campus – phase 1 to be finished in 2019 The construction of the Campus is divided into two phases. Upon completion of phase 1, the Campus will be able to support studies of up to 5.000 students and permit the planned relocation of VGU to the new campus in 2019. During phase 2, the campus will be completed and be able to support the studies of 12,000 students. The construction of the new campus will make a significant contribution to VGU's main objective of strengthening its role in education and research in Vietnam and worldwide and will provide ample space to implement new educational programs. In direct proximity to each other, five academic cluster buildings will offer space for lecturers and research staff. The buildings will be equipped with offices and state-of-the-art laboratories of different sizes, and have modern equipment to facilitate interdisciplinary and intercultural research. The laboratories are designed to meet or exceed international standards. In addition to the learning that will take place in laboratories, students will also attend lectures and seminars in the Lecture Hall, which will have a total of 50 seminar and lecture rooms of different sizes and seating arrangements. In order to promote interactive learning, the seminar and lecture rooms will be fitted with the latest technology and audiovisual equipment. 8 Newsletter 03/2015 The new library, with its vibrant learning spaces and wide array of printed, digital as well as interactive resources, will be able to support the different learning styles of students, and support Overview Campus with Buildings VGU's high academic standards by creating an environment where students and lecturers can easily acquire new knowledge. The new design also includes on-campus dormitories, which will feature furnished apartments, lounge areas and recreational spaces. Students will also be provided with an abundance of leisuretime opportunities including, among other things, a sports center with various quality sports fields, a gym as well as a swimming pool. A modern food court, with a seating area of three floors, will offer a great variety of high-quality food, ranging from light snacks to complete meals, including vegetarian, seafood, national and international cuisines. In order to ensure the highest possible health and hygiene standards, all meals will be prepared in separate kitchens. There will also be two cafés, one in the administration building and a smaller one on the ground floor of the library, to satisfy coffee cravings and, at the same time, provide additional break areas. Thanks to a new oval shaped ceremony hall, which will accommodate more than 1.000 people, VGU will become more open to the public. The hall’s well-thought-out design will make it an ideal venue for various events, e.g. graduation ceremonies, official receptions, conferences and concerts. In addition to its close cooperation with German universities, VGU aims to build further strategic partnerships and networks with international educational institutions, therefore, the new campus will also include an academic village to accommodate guest lecturers and professors from different countries. In a large exhibition hall, students and faculty of VGU will not only have the opportunity to showcase the results of their own research, but also career and technology fairs will be able to be held. Integrated research pavilions will offer space to exhibit VGU’s study programs and research fields as well as to present students’ theme- and project-based work. Besides its teaching staff, which provide the highest quality research and education, VGU's Administration, including the Presidential Board, the Student Service Center, the Facility and Building Management, Human Resources, Finance and Accounting as well as the Public and Relations 9 Newsletter 03/2015 Department sustain smooth operations at VGU and help support the creation of an ideal learning and teaching environment, for example in modern offices and conference rooms. The single departments will be situated in a separate building, which will also house the Alumni club. The latter will be situated on the top floor, overlooking the whole campus area. Timeline for VGU New Campus design and construction The chart above displays the timeline for design and construction that divides the campus into four zones. The phased approach enables each zone to be appraised, authorized, and built as the corresponding design package becomes available, resulting in a potential saving of up to two years of total construction time. Time savings result from allowing appraisal and authorization of subsequent zones to run in parallel with construction of antecedent zones. Tentative agreement on use of the phased approach with zoning methodology for construction of campus that is corresponding with four zones as being designed by General Designer/Consultant MACHADO SILVETTI (MSA). The technical design of the administration building, including the presidential office (see figure above), as well as the exhibition hall and the technical plant has already started and is expected to be completed by the end of this year. It will be more detailed in terms of the technical requirements for the buildings and rooms as well as in terms of the infrastructure. The design is being reviewed by the VGU planning team, who constantly provide feedback to the designer. 10 Newsletter 03/2015 The bottom picture shows the view out of the Presidential Office overlooking the campus. In the beginning of 2016 the technical design for the next zone will start, which includes the library, ceremony hall, lecture hall and food court. The construction will most likely start in September 2016 and is expected to be completed by the summer of 2019. Every day, the VGU planning team – the VMU Civil Engineer, Ms. Hoa and Deputy Head of the Building and Facility Management, Ms. Klimas are giving their best to ensure the new campus’ quality in design, space and technology and therewith contribute to the VGU’s ongoing success story. Emma Stoll, Volunteer Corinna Klimas, Deputy Head in Department for Building and Facility Management News from Research Expansion of Research and Technology Transfer at VGU VGU is continuing to make progress in its development as a leading research university. It is intensifying its research activities and is combining the previous selectively developed research into a strategically oriented Research & Development (R&D) portfolio and developing new R&D priorities and collaborations. Plus, VGU has begun an initiative to raise funds required for these goals and to develop cooperation with industrial R&D partners. In collaboration with VGU researchers, strategic research directions and priorities for VGU were developed that are scientifically significant, have high relevance for Vietnam and have high synergies with the competencies of the German partner universities. VGU is continuously developing its research capacities and skills and has professionalized research management, technology transfers and industrial relations through two new central service departments. VGU has also attracted a number of competent and highly motivated young Vietnamese lecturers, many of whom have studied at universities and institutes overseas where they gained initial research experience. These mentioned initiatives are increasingly bearing fruit. In Vietnam, VGU is currently negotiating with ministries and funding agencies for the financing of research projects and is holding talks with leading universities on research collaborations. Funding from national institutions, such as NAFOSTED, has already been granted. In parallel, the R&D cooperation with existing industry partners will be expanded and new partners will hopefully be won. Examples of this are cooperations with Bosch Vietnam on Green Mobility and currently ongoing are negotiations with international companies like Infineon or Microsoft regarding future interdisciplinary R&D collaborations. Regarding academic research, student research is also being actively pursued. Remarkable projects and first results have already emerged. A team of VGU students was chosen in September 2015 as the only finalist from the region for the finals of the world's “Wearables for Good”-Competition from Unicef (read more on page 12). On this path of development, VGU has been able to develop a growing research landscape. But to have further continuous development, the university needs to have deeper research co-operation with its German partner institutions. Only through this sort of co-operation can the development of new research programs be significantly accelerated and new joint research projects with Vietnamese researchers be developed. 11 Newsletter 03/2015 Therefore, Dr. Michael Braun, who is responsible for technology transfer and industrial relations, presented the strategy and implementation status of research and technology transfer of VGU at a workshop with the academic partners of the VGU on October 13th in Germany. There he suggested concrete proposals for new joint projects in dialogue with the VGU-researchers to the partner universities. Following this, initial discussions with academic and industrial partners were conducted. Dr. Michael Braun, Head of Department for Technology Transfer and Industrial Relations Karina Scholz, PR-Officer Student’s Success in Unicef’s Worldwide Competition „Wearables For Good“ A team of four students from VGU’s bachelor study program Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EEIT) has been chosen as finalists for the Unicef world-wide competition “Wearables for good”. Hung Doan Viet, Uyen Nguyen Tran Phuong, An Le Din and Thy Pham Hoang Khanh developed the idea of a “GuardBand” to protect children in danger and to improve their healthcare. The students from VGU are the only representatives from Vietnam in this competition. There were 250 submissions from 46 countries across 6 continents and only 10 teams were chosen. It's a great accomplishment by the students. Congratulations from all VGU associates on this success! To learn more about the student’s idea, please follow this link: The team behind GuardBand: Hung Doan Viet, Thy Pham Hoang Khanh, Uyen Nguyen Tran Phuong, An Le Dinh. Pictures: private Here is an excerpt of their project description: What is the problem GuardBand helps to solve? Organization's reports and Unicef’s report, millions of girls and boys under 18 have to work as labourers and are mistreated every day. The GuardBand system makes a major contribution in preventing child abuse. Moreover, our idea also helps organizations to connect with benefactors in order to support children personally or financially. What does GuardBand do? In order to protect children, the GuardBand is made up of three parts. The first part is a waterresistant band that used to collect audio data as well as data about the user's health and location, thereby hiding the user's private information, by sending a GPS signal to a server, which is the second part of the design concept. Aid organizations will evaluate the user's conditioned data to be enabled to intervene in case of danger. The third part is an app, which will update information on each child that can be evaluated in more detail. Nguyen Minh Hien, Senior Lecturer, PhD Electrical Engineering & Information Technology Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Workshop 12 Newsletter 03/2015 On 29thSeptember 2015, for the first time, the VGU organized a seminar for students on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer held by Mr. Tran GiangKhue and Dr. Michael Braun. The topic was interestingly introduced through specific case studies of Son Tung MTP, Flappy Bird, and IKEA. Most of the participants suggested that Intellectual Property and Technology VGU Vice President Dr. Nguyen Le Hung in front of the audience at the IP Workshop Transfer should be a subject for study at university. Dr. Pham Thuy Duong PhD Coordinator and Officer of Research Management Dept. VGU Student Project Selected For Second Round of Vietnam Maker Contest A research project, Glovinator (automatic gloves), of a VGU's student group has been selected for the second round of the Vietnam Maker Contest with Intel Galileo 2015 (VMIG), organized by Vietnamese Youth Association. In the contest, participants will be given a board of Intel Galileo that they have to create innovative solutions and devices. The VGU project aims to control electronic devices via "smart gloves".This is the first, national wide, Intel creative contest in Vietnam. Dr. Pham Thuy Duong PhD Coordinator and Officer of Research Management Dept. DAAD Scholarship Workshop Mrs. Anke Stahl and Mr. Nguyen Viet Duc (DAAD) during their presentation at VGU 13 Newsletter 03/2015 On Wednesday, 23rdSeptember 2015, at VGU's Campus, Mrs. Anke Stahl and Mr. Nguyen Viet Duc from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Branch office in Hanoi presented an introduction to DAAD in Vietnam and their graduate scholarship programs. DAAD provides various kind of graduate scholarships, such as full-time and part-time PhD scholarship programs, short-term research scholarships for researchers, lecturers, and for specific courses relevant to developing countries. Dr. Pham Thuy Duong PhD Coordinator and Officer of Research Management Dept. Ho Chi Viet, DAAD Hanoi Selected Student Projects from Study Program Electrical Engineering & Information Technology The results of the three projects presented here are examples of excellence in education at the VGU. Project 1: Internet of Things Monitoring System for Vacuum Storage Stations Students: Nguyen Thanh Quang, Duong Ngoc Quang Tam, Dinh Quoc Huy, EEIT2011 Advisers:Dr. Udo Klein and lab engineer Duong Huynh Bao In this project, students developed a system which controls the status of various vacuum storage rooms (clean rooms used in production of semiconductor chips). These rooms are located all over the world. Instead of having a person manually check the status of the clean rooms and take notes every day, the students designed a system that has sensors that can detect problems with the vacuum storage room’s environment and then send an alert message via the Internet. Student team developing a monitoring system for vacuum storage stations In addition, it is able to display a map of all nodes (all clean room locations) and track the status of these nodes in real-time. The company KLA-Tencor provides process control solutions and yield management products to the semiconductor industry. Its service organization stores critical spare parts, which need to be stored in a vacuum, in local depots all over the world. The purpose of these vacuum storage stations (VSS) is to Block diagram of data acquisition, processing, and display components for VSS maintain a constant vacuum monitoring system. throughout the entire storage period of the spare parts. The scope of the students' work for this project was to build a fully automatic data logging, monitoring, and alert system for every VSS. The technical solution incorporates the “Internet of Things” and uses real-time embedded systems to collect and log the 14 Newsletter 03/2015 required sensor data, to process the data to extract relevant information, and to provide timely information authorized persons in the event of irregular storage conditions. Project 2: Quadcopter stabilization, control, and license plate recognition Students: Pham Ngoc Bao Lam, Pham Anh Duy, Nguyen Ha Nhat Anh, EEIT 2011 Advisers:Prof.Dr. Peter Nauth and Dr. Nguyen Minh Hien This research project focuses on the design of an air patrolling system (quadcopter) controlled by human via glass goggles. The project has diverse practical applications such as traffic inspection, consumer drones, real-time exploitation of dangerous and remote scenes (for example, measuring toxic chemical pollution level), virtual reality (VR) in entertainment industry. As of current, the project used the captured real-time image scene for license plate detection and recognition. Main modules built by the students include (a) quad-copter control via a pair of VR glasses; (b) camera stabilization with a 2D gimbal; (c) license plate recognition and tracking. Project 3: Development of various recognition algorithms: sign language, speech, and fingerprint Students: Bui Thanh Nguyen, Tran BaoDuy, Duong Kha Di, Nguyen Hoang VinhKhang Advisers:Dr. Nguyen Minh Hien and lab engineer Tran QuangNhu A set of recognition algorithms developed for sign language gestures, speech processing and fingerprint identification. The methods use a combination of conventional correlation method, linearpredictive coding and sophisticated support vector machines technique. Nguyen Minh Hien,Senior Lecturer, PhD Department of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology 15 Newsletter 03/2015 Robot Soccer Programming Contest Championship VGU students won the first prize at the soccer tournament for robots, called Soccerbot 2015, which was organized by Saigon High-tech Park Incubation Center (SHTP-IC) on 17thOctober. Proud winners of Soccerbot 2015 Soccerbot 2015 was an intelligent robot programming contest for students from technical universities in Ho Chi Minh City. Each team was provided with the robots to program and practice with. Those robots are able to move on scroll wheels, communicate wirelessly and compete in a 1.2m x 2.0m stadium. Each team had 3 primary robots and 1 substitute robot. Each team was required to write controlling software and set up those robots so that they would have the ability to work together, search for and identify the ball, goal and other players, and score a goal or prevent the opposing VGU’s “Soccerbots” communicating wirelessly team from scoring goals. According to the organizer, this was a technological playground for students who are fond of electronics, information technology, automation, and robotics, and to make these students known to Enterprises that are seeking high quality human resources. 16 Newsletter 03/2015 Nguyen ThiTrucGiang, Marketing Executive Student from EEIT Won Fellowship to Study in USA A student from VGU’s bachelor study program Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EEIT), Nguyen Le Khoi Nguyen, won the Vietnamese Education Foundation (VEF) fellowship for a PhD graduate study in the United States of America. Congratulations on this success from all VGU associates! The VEF competition is known to be tough and the final round is an interview by three U.S. professors from top U.S. universities. These professors were impressed by Nguyen and asked many questions to get to know about VGU better. The list of universities recommended by the U.S. professors for Nguyen are The University of California Irvine, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Mr. Nguyen Le Khoi Nguyen University, Stony Brook University, The University of Arkansas, and The University of Virginia, all of which have a PhD program Electrical & Computer Engineering. VEF was established by the U.S. Congress under the Vietnam Education Foundation Act (2000) to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the US and Vietnam through educational exchange activities. The program was launched in 2003 and is ending this year. Nguyen Minh Hien, Senior Lecturer, PhD Department of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology Info-Session for VGU’s 911-Scholarship Program In order to promote the state funded 911 program, an Information Session was organized on Saturday, 19th September 2015 in Ho Chi Minh City. The 911 Program provides full-time PhD scholarships abroad. With this program, VGU aims to recruit local lecturers, who will get the chance to do a PhD in Germany under the premise that they return to the VGU on completion of their PhD. The scholarships cover all fees relating to the courses, living costs, health insurance, travel cost, passport and visa fees, and one return air ticket. At the event, President of VGU, Prof. Jürgen Mallon gave an introduction to VGU as the first New Model University project in Vietnam, a joint project of Vietnam and Germany, with research oriented education, a focus on sustainable high-tech engineering and academic support from 36 German universities. VGU Vice President Dr. Nguyen Le Hung, President Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mallon, Prof. Reiner Anderl and Prof. Stark during their talk with the audience interested in the 911 scholarship program. The President also highlighted the benefits of being a lecturer at VGU and the need for VGU to recruit 120 lectures in the near future, when it is planned that VGU will have 5,000 students in 23 study programs. 17 Newsletter 03/2015 We very much appreciated to have two special guests, Prof. Reiner Anderl and Prof. Rainer Stark from Germany at the Info-session, thanks to their participation in the GCSM conference. Prof. Reiner Anderl, Vice President of TU Darmstadt and Chairman of the VGU Consortium presented reasons to do a PhD in Germany and research opportunities through collaborative research centers, graduate school projects and research clusters. He also emphasized the German requirements for achieving a Doctoral degree, which are to demonstrate the ability to do independent research and to be able to defend the scientific results achieved. Prof. Rainer Stark, Director of the Chair for Industrial Information Technology from TU Berlin then gave an example of joint research at the Collaborative Research Center in TU Berlin. An overview on 911 Program at VGU was given by Dr. Nguyen Le Hung, Vice President of VGU. The application process was briefly discussed, with further instruction to be provided later by email to the participants (which are also available on VGU’s website). Following up this event, for three consultant Saturdays, sessions will be held at VGU campus on October 17, November 21 and December 19, 2015, for those interested. Dr. Pham Thuy Duong PhD Program Coordinator & Research Management Officer News from Conferences The 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing at VGU The Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM) is one of the world's largest events on sustainable manufacturing, paving the way for international cooperation between industry and education. The 13th GCSM was jointly organized by the Vietnamese-German-University and TU-Berlin and held in BinhDuong New City from 16 -18 September 2015 thanks to the tireless commitment of VGU President Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mallon. Group picture of the 200 participants from 30 different countries who joined the GCSM 2015 in Bing Duong. This year's motto "Decoupling Growth from Resource Use" strategically targeted innovative solutions for global sustainable growth without the exploitation of natural and social resources. 200 participants from 30 different countries gathered at the Binh Duong International Convention and Exhibition Center and had the chance to exchange hands-on experience and transdisciplinary perspectives. The GCSM welcomed many prominent guests, with special mention of Ms. Victoria Kwakwa, Country Director of World Bank. 18 Newsletter 03/2015 In her keynote speech Ms. Kwakwa called the GCSM "a good idea for many reasons", especially as it serves a boost to Vietnam's rapid development and paves way for future cooperation. The organizers of GCSM are especially proud to have had the highly acclaimed scientist and author Prof. Gunter Pauli as one of the key speakers. Pauli gained special fame for his project “Blue Economy”,that that has already created over 100 new activities and over 13 million jobs worldwide. He delivered one of the event's most memorable speeches and stressed the personal, as well as scientific responsibility to“go beyond the obvious”and to inspire the future generation. The Industrial Day on September 17th offered the opportunity nity to meet influential leaders from industry, such as Sanjeev Bahl, President of SAITEX, Dr. Reiner Hengstmann, gstmann, Global Director at Puma Safe Supply Chain as well as Plant Manager of Bosch Vietnam, Mr. RyosokeMasumitsu. yosokeMasumitsu. The high number of participants clearly clearly depicts the importance and urgency of the topic. Over three days, the conference served as a platform for young and established scientists to present their concepts on sustainable manufacturing. In 22 paper sessions and 10 working sessions, innovative innovati concepts, meeting future challenges were introduced and left no doubt that with such bright minds, there is a good chance for a bright future. The conference showed that the “bright future” of sustainable manufacturing is already a reality, as seen from the example of SAITEX. The company developed a method to reduce the use of waste water in jeans production from 140 liters to 14 liters per jean. Success stories like these illustrate that even small changes can substantially reduce the exploitation of natural tural resources and therewith therewi increase the quality of life. Ms. Victoria Kwakwa, World Bank’s Country Director for Vietnam, East th Asia and Pacific,, during her speech at the 13 GCSM. In this regard, the conference's framework program provided further opportunities for branch and transdisciplinary exchange. The first day of the conference concluded with a gala dinner cruise, taking up on the idea of constant forward movement. In the atmospheric setting of Saigon's waterfront at night, the guests enjoyed Vietnam's culinary and cultural traditions. As strategic trategic partnership is the key to sustainable development, the participants of the GCSM Industrial Day enjoyed a gala dinner at the Becamex Hotel as a further networking opportunity. The guests were introduced to the Vietnamese customs of sand-painting sand painting and karaoke, which supported the Conference's motto of “bridging the gap” between between Vietnam's ancient and modern culture. The final day of the conference was characterized by the implementation of the previously introduced concepts. Starting with an on-campus on campus visit and laboratory tour at VGU, the participants were introduced to the most st notable student projects and the university's modern technical equipment and resulting opportunities. The next point in the program included a visit to Corporate Partners MinhLong and SAITEX, offering the guests an insight into the companies' approaches to sustainable manufacturing techniques and provided a chance for questions and open discussion. 19 Newsletter 03/2015 After three days of exchanging experiences and networking, this year’s GCSM can be considered a success and a step towards sustainable development. The participants repeatedly stated that they got great inputs and new perspectives from the extensive trans-disciplinary and intercultural exchange. The conference's key values and objectives were perfectly summarized by International Chairman of the GCSM, Prof. Dr.-Ing. GüntherSeliger, who stated that:"We only have one globe. We are all dependent on it and therefore all of us have to work together." GCSM 2016 will be held in Agrabies, South Africa, October 2nd-9th. Emma Stoll, Volunteer International Conference “The Future of Ho Chi Minh City Metropolitan Area” In recent years, developing countries have been experiencing fast economic growth and associated rapid urbanization. In this context, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s biggest metropolitan area, has been facing challenges in providing sufficient urban infrastructures and services to meet the needs of development. From 24th to 25th September 2015, VGU, with support of DAAD, UTC and REMON, hosted the international conference on “The Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s biggest metropolitan area, by night. Future ofHo Chi Minh City Metropolitan Area” in Binh Duong with attendance of more than 150 international and local representatives from academia, science and industry. Among the most prominent participants were Associate Professor Doctor Nguyen Hong Tien – Director General of Technical Infrastructure Department, Ministry of Construction and Mrs. Anke Stahl – Director DAAD Branch Office Hanoi. The Conference offered a great opportunity for experts from academia and industry worldwide to discuss challenges in transport dynamics and modeling techniques, focusing especially on developing countries, to exchange best practices and to establish transnational andinterdisciplinary cooperation. Mrs. Anke Stahl, Director of DAAD branch office Hanoi Some of the key topics were strategies for transport planning, managing traffic chaos and solutions for megacities and new towns. Regarding Ho Chi Minh City, the comprehensive accessibility of public transport as well as questions of traffic safety were discussed. The conference made a major contribution to sustainable development in the fields of sustainable urban and transport planning. Dr. Vu Anh Tuan, Director of the Vietnamese-German Transport Research Centre (VGTRC) Emma Stoll, Volunteer 20 Newsletter 03/2015 International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development The “International Conference on Sustaining Urban Development – Applicable Research Directions” has been a major success with over 80 attendees from Vietnam, Germany and others countries. The Conference has been jointly organized by VGU and TU Darmstadt on 16th October, 2015. The conference served as a platform for local and international representatives from academia and industry to discuss about sustainable urban development and how to apply the researches to foster the concrete development context more effectively. Prof. Jürgen Mallon, President of VGU underlined the challenges coming with the continuing urbanization with regard to Vietnam's dynamic growth in the next three decades. The major challenge he mentioned was the decoupling of growth from the extensive use of natural resources. The conference offered room for transdisciplinary exchange and aimed at presenting intercultural approaches towards the future challenges of sustainable urban development, with regard to their applicability in developing and emerging countries and Vietnam in particular. Dao ThiBich Van MSc, Research and Teaching Assistant Sustainable Urban Development Master Study Program (SUD) VGU Selected to Host EASTS Conference 2017 On 10th September 2015, a delegation from VGU went to Cebu, Philippines, to present a proposal to host the 12th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) (2017) in Vietnam in Binh Duong & HCMC. For this purpose, VGU President Prof. Mallon delivered a presentation to the nomination committee. 21 Newsletter 03/2015 As a result, VGU has been selected to host the conference in September 2017. This is a great success for VGU as the EASTS conference is the world’s third biggest conference on transportation issues and will attract about 700 guests from all over the world. VGU’s Presidential Presidential Board is confident that this conference will make a big contribution to raising VGU’s reputation, reputation, as well as having a great impact on Vietnam’s (especially Binh Duong and HCMC) research and business in the field of transportation and urban development. In Cebu at the 12th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), VGU’s Dr. Tuan also presented three academic papers and one study report. The titles of the papers are: 1) Mode Choice Behavior and Modal Shift to Public Transport in Developing Countries the Case of Hanoi City; 2) Accessibility to Public Transport Systems in Developing Countries - An Empirical Study in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; 3) Mixed Traffic Saturation Flows of Signalized Intersectionss in Motorcycle Dominant Cities. The study report is entitled "Institutional Arrangement for Urban Railway Line 1 (Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien) in HCMC" under the Special Session on IRG (International Research Group)Group) 26 (Institutions for Railway Development in Asian A Cities (IRDAC). Dr. Tuan during his presentation at the 11th conference of the EASTS in Cebu. Mrs. Nguyen Le Linh,, Executive Assistant to President Dr. Vu Anh Tuan Director of the Vietnamese-German Transport ansport Research Center (VGTRC) Academic Coordinator of Master Study Program Traffic and Transport News from Workshops Seminar inar on Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Ms. Jingyuan Chen from Stanford University Following the example of VGU’s Senior Lecturer, PhD, Electrical Engineering &Information Information Technology, Nguyen Minh Hien, who did her Postdoc at Stanford University, USA. Ms. Jingyuan Chen, a PhD candidate from Stanford University, Department of Electrical Engineering visited VGU and in particular the department of the bachelor study program Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EEIT) on 22nd June 2015. 2015 She gave a seminar entitled Ms. Jinyuan inyuan Chen, Stanford "Fun with Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Jingyuan Chen is a principal University investigator in modeling and analysis of brain spontaneous activities using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). She leads active research activities has recently published numerous articles in the NeuroImage scientific journal and given numerous conference presentations at the annual meetings of Human Brain Mapping and International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. The seminar attracted around 40 students students and provided valuable information ranging from the basic concepts of magnetic resonance imaging as a medical imaging technique used to investigate the anatomy and physiology of the body (signal generation, acquisition protocol, image reconstruction) 22 Newsletter 03/2015 to the advanced applications of fMRI in order to understand the functioning mechanisms of our brain, identify dysfunctional brain regions, and provide biomarkers that can aid clinical diagnosis. In addition, the students had a glimpse of the Stanford resting-state fMRI system and current research projects, such as using fMRI to regulate and control chronic pain in real time. The seminar facilitated students' understanding of bio-imaging as a research and diagnostic tool that has been adopted in academia and industry. Nguyen Minh Hien,Senior Lecturer, PhD Electrical Engineering & Information Technology Department Visit to the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) On 21st August 2015 the presidential board of VGU paid USTH in Hanoi a courtesy visit. USTH was established in 2009 as a second New Model University Project (NMUP) based on an intergovernmental agreement between France and Vietnam. Similar to VGU, which is the first NMUP, the USTH aims to provide excellent education and research. During the meeting, Prof. Patrick Boiron, Rector of USTH, and Prof. Jürgen Mallon came to the conclusion that both USTH and VGU could be proud of all the achievements that they have reached in the short time of their existence. Nonetheless, both universities are facing some challenges that are very alike. With this in mind, Prof. Boiron and Prof. Mallon plan to Group picture after the visit at USTH with Prof. Dr. Le Tran Binh (USTH, Vice Rector cum Director of University Implementation Unit), Nguyen Le Linh (VGU), Prof. Dr. Patrick Boiron (USTH, Rector), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mallon (VGU, President), Hoang Tram (USTH, Assistant to Rector), Assc. Prof. Dr. Vu Thi Thu Ha (USTH, Co-Director of Administration) and Gérard Gasquet (USTH, Director General) and Dr. Nguyen Le Hung (VGU, Vice President). (left to right) strengthen the long-term relationship between both universities in order to join forces in different projects. VGU is now looking forward to welcoming the presidential board of USTH to our campus in order to deepen the discussions on further collaboration and generation of synergies in research and education. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mallon, President Special Seminar on Planning and Shaping Identity for Cities All the faculty members and students of VGU’s Master Study Program Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) recently joined forces to present a special seminar on “Public Space, Bottom-up Place-Making and the Shaping of Identity for Cities” on September 9th, 2015. The guest speaker 23 Newsletter 03/2015 wasDr. ToKien, who is a Senior Research Scientist and Senior Teaching Fellow at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). One of the highlights of the seminar was the emerging bottom-up and participatory approach that compliments the traditional top-down one in the making of public space, and it was explained it through diverse examples from around the world, as well as Vietnam. The seminar also outlines how public space can play a role in shaping or enhancing the identity of a city, with the aim of improving cultural sustainability. SUD associates and students at the seminar After listening and discussing withthe speaker, all attendees gained some knowledge and insight into the making of public space and got a feel for the latest approaches for shaping the identity for cities. This seminar is part of a strategic thrust to increase the number and quality of research activities of SUD members and students. Thirty persons, including participants from VMU, were in attendance. Dao ThiBich Van MSc, Research and Teaching Assistant Sustainable Urban Development Master Study Program (SUD) Summer School of Computational Engineering in Germany On 4th August 2015 the VGU's Computational Engineering class of 2014 arrived at Ruhr University Bochum for a one-month-summer course at VGU's sister university in Germany. One day later the students got started with the serious aspects of their visit when they participated in a four-day-seminar on 'Wind Energy Facilities' that concluded with a written test. Following this, there were two other block VGU students enjoying summer school at Ruhr courses held specifically for the VGU students, University Bochum, Germany. namely 'Geographic Information Systems in the Field of Environmental Engineering' and an 'Experimental Lab' hosted by the RUB department of mechanics. Thanks to financial support provided by DAAD, the RUB CE Coordination organized a 24 Newsletter 03/2015 cultural program that featured a guided tour through the impressive Dortmund football stadium, one day at Movie Park Germany and a football match of Vfl Bochum at the local stadium. The students then had the opportunity to take advantage of a lecture free week to travel around Germany and to explore German culture on their own. Julia Lippmann and JörgSahlmen, Ruhr University Bochum Dean of the VGU Engineering Faculty Visits RUB Since 2009, the Ruhr University Bochum’s Computational Engineering Master's course has maintained close bi-national relations with its sister program at VGU. Within the scope of this cooperation the Dean of the VGU Engineering faculty paid a visit to RUB on 17thAugust 2015. The visit allowed for the exchange of experiences and helped to identify cultural particularities of both educational systems. The visit included a guided tour through the RUB wind tunnel, a campus tour, a meeting with the Vietnamese CompEng graduates who are currently pursuing their PhDs at RUB as well as with the participants of the VGU Summer School, who were participating in a four-weektraining program at RUB. After finishing lunch with Prof. Dr. Ing. Mark, Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hackl, Head of the Department Technician ReinhardElke, Engineer Sven Zimmermann and Prof. Dr. Klaus of Mechanics and Computational Hackl (left to right) from RUB together with Prof. Thi in Bochum. Engineering Course Director, Prof. Thi continued his journey to TU Darmstadt, which is also involved in a cooperative training program with VGU. Julia Lippmann and JörgSahlmen, Ruhr University Bochum VGU Is Co-Organizing the Green Challenge 2015 by Bosch The Green Challenge 2015 is an initiative by Bosch to unearth future talents in engineering and design and to solve critical issues in the society.By giving young talents the tools, the know-how and the expertise, Bosch and the co-organizers want to help make Vietnam a better place. Co-Organizers of this competition are the Da Nang University of Science and Technology, the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and the Vietnamese-German University. The idea: With 5 million motorbikes and underdeveloped infrastructure, Ho Chi Minh City dwellers have to suffer from congestion, air pollution and noise pollution.Aiming to initiate the change to green mobility and connectivity in Vietnam, Bosch Vietnam wants to develop a green 2-wheeler mobility escooter sharing system, a hassle-free system for electric scooters in Vietnam. 25 Newsletter 03/2015 The brief: Each team will develop a green 2-wheeler mobility e-scooter sharing system with 3 components: Authentication and Payment Infrastructure, Solar Charging Station and e-Bike Tracking. The teams should ensure that the cross functional aspects of this projects are sufficient considered. The teams should keep environmental friendliness in focus. The reward: 1stPrize:A field trip to Germany to visit Bosch’s plant and R&D center. A training session with Bosch experts in Germany during the field trip. 2nd Prize:A training session with Bosch experts in Ho Chi Minh City. 3rd Prize: A set of BoschPower Tools foreach member. The Jury Panel: Mr. VoQuang Hue, Managing Director of Bosch Vietnam Prof. Dr. Le Kim Hung, President of Danang University of Science and Technology Mr. Guru Mallikarjuna, Managing Director of Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Vietnam Ass.Prof. Dr.VuDinh Thanh, President of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Mr. MasumitsuRyosuke, Plant Manager of Bosch Vietnam Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mallon, President of Vietnamese-German University Mr. Martin Fethke, Head of Bosch Automotive R&D Centre To learn more about the deadlines of the Green Challenge, visit Bosch Corporate Communications News from Administration One of the VGU's main objectives is to become the leading research university in South East Asia. In order to reach this goal,everyone, not just the lecturers and students, but also every member of the staff in every single department needs to do their best every day. All of the departments - Human Resources, Financial Department, IT Department and Facility and Building Management – must work closely together to ensure smooth operations on a day-to-day basis. Each member of the VGU staff is important to VGU's ongoing success story. In this newly established section, we will introduce you to every department of the VGU Administrationand highlight their individual success stories of the last quarter of 2015. Report from Human Resource Department In any organization, human resource (HR) planning must be integrated into the organization´s strategic plans. The decisions made by HR are extremely importance and must be based on the most accurate information available. The HR Department of VGU is responsible for all HR matters and reports directly to the Vice President for Administration, Dr. Mathias Neukirchen. Team: Every working day, the colleagues of HR Department try their best to provide the highest quality of service and create an excellent work environment. The HR department is comprised of four members. The Head of the department is Dr. Dinh Hai Dung, who started in June 2015. He has several years of working experiences in German universities and 26 Newsletter 03/2015 holds a PhD in Economics. Dr. Dung is supported by three competent HR officers: Ms. Phuong, Ms. Thanh, and Ms. Vinh. Dr. DinhHai Dung, Head of HR Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Thanh Mrs. Hoang Thi Thanh Vinh Achievements: A great success of our team was this year's rapid increase in personnel numbers. As of 01.11.2014, the team noted that VGU now has 78 members of VGU full time faculty and staff, with 17 full-time lecturers for all study programs. Currently, the VGU family counts 128 members, which is an increase of about 60%. New management positions for Finance, IT, Facility Management have been successfully filled. Beside checking and readjusting of all existing contracts to new legal requirements, a separate contract for Lecturers and Senior Lecturers was created. The Team Building Event 2015, organized by HR, was a great success that strengthened the relationships between all VGU staff members. Plans: During the remaining months of 2015, HR plans to complete the deployment of a synchronized HR software to optimize the daily work schedule and cope with many special cases that so often arise in this developing stage of VGU. In the coming months, the consulting package “Developing Human Resource Policy” financed by World Bank will start. Our target is to establish a HR policy that fits with the international academic labor market standards but is still in-line with the Vietnamese labor laws. Report from Finance Department Team:The Finance Department is divided into the accounting and procurement teams. Currently, three members of the accounting team are processing around 150 transactions per month amounted up to VND 5 billion in total. In the meantime, the procurement team handles 30 requests per month of different values. To maintain the high standard in operations, a new Head of Finance, Mr. Duong Hoai Linh was recruited as the new Head of Finance. Achievements:In early September 2015, a contract for a sustainable financial plan was signed between VGU and a consultant, Mr. Richard L. Staisloff II. The project is scheduled to start in October 2015. With his support, we expect to be able to draft a feasible plan for the operation of the whole university to not only ascertain the sufficient provision of financial resources both internally and externally, but also to facilitate the strategic decision making process in Vietnam's dynamic environment. In addition, in August, a bidding package for the overall assessment of a consultancy firm was set up and, subsequently, a bidding document was submitted to the State Treasury. 27 Newsletter 03/2015 The consulting work is expected to commence in December 2015 and last for one year. The work will support the establishment and implementation of a financial management system as an integrated component of the university operation. The goal of the consulting work is to create a proper reporting system for accounting and other relevant activities. Plans:Policies of Fixed Asset Management and Inventory Management have been drafted and in the next period, the Finance Department shall draft and submit for implementation a Standard Operating Policy for all finance and procurement activities and set up an effective Internal Control System. The Finance Department is collecting data needed to establish a new internal report system that will assist the Senior Management in the decision making process. We are also developing a budget control system for March 2016 so as to implement a transparent and comprehensive budget to all departments. Report from IT Department Team: VGU's IT Department is well aware of the critical importance of having access to reliable information. The department is responsible for the development and maintenance of an internal network of laptops, desktop workstations, digital office equipment, networking equipment and operating systems, and is committed to implementing a service management framework based on best practice principles (ITIL) to drive the development of consistent service standards for IT support across the University. Quach Luom, New Head of IT Pham Minh Duy, Deputy Head of IT Dao Quoc Hung, IT Officer Nguyen HuyPhu, ERP Technical Manager for the project Tran HuuQuoc Van, Nguyen Trung Thanh, IT Executive IT Executive The IT department’s main responsibilities include: • • • • Management of the organization's hardware, software and communication infrastructure. Providing guidance for resolution of technology issues to VGU's faculty, staff and students. Maintenance of information security and network availability. Development of plans and recommendations for future developments of VGU's IT infrastructure. Achievements/Plans: As part of World Bank consultant package, with support by a consultant of Ernst &Young, we will develop a comprehensive IT strategy and system based on modern technologies that allow integration with other university systems and processes. Beginning 11th August 2015, the project will deliver an analysis of current IT trends and developments, and market research into suitable, modern/emerging hardware, middleware and software, a development plan for an IT Infrastructure, an improvement of the performance of local network and Internet connection as well as of the IT system security. 28 Newsletter 03/2015 Further, improved IT services for students will be designed, and a plan for employing and training staff will be developed. All data will be as accurate as possible, including names and (estimated) prices of components. The project is planned to be finished by the 1st March, 2016. As an additional resource, a Helpdesk, intended to provide the end users with targeted information, will be implemented by November 2015. Last but not least, IT will improve WiFi service on the buses to improve working conditions for the VGU staff during commuting. Report from Management Unit VMU A workshop chaired by the World Bank (WB) on 2014 and 2015 procurement plan progress and bidding methods took place in Hanoi on August 20th, 2015. The workshop welcomed representatives of the World Bank, the Presidential Board members of VGU and most team members of VMU at the WB’s office in Hanoi. After a warm welcome by the WB’s Task Team Leader - Mr. Michael Crawford, all participants started working on the workshop topics. All effort of VGU/VMU team members was paid off, after one working day and with the support of the WB representatives, all issues were solved. Mr. Crawford highly appreciated the good progress of the procurement plans of 2014 and 2015. After the workshop, the WB’s Task Team Leader concluded that, as now all issues have been made clear and the progress is satisfactory so the supervision mission, which is supposed to happen at the end of October 2015, won’t be needed. Thus, the coming supervision mission is tentatively scheduled in January 2016. On 27th August 2015, VMU Director, Dr. Ha ThucVien together with PMU Director, Mr. Phan Quang Dung, participated and presented in the Advisory conference with experts on efficient use of ODA funding in education and training in period 2004-2014 held by the Committee on Culture, Education, Adolescents and Children of the National Assembly in Hanoi. In the conference, the participants focused on clarifying achievements, limitations, weaknesses, difficulties, obstacles, defining causes, responsibilities of ministries, agencies, localities and beneficiary units of ODA projects in education and training. In the third quarter of 2015, VMU has implemented a number of procurement tasks, the procurement team already signed 10 contracts for 7 packages with the total value of USD 945,000. At the moment, the team members are in the progress of handling, assembling equipment and goods of 5 purchasing packages for EEIT, GPEM, Library and a solution for VGU’s asset management as well as checking and taking over the library consultancy product and deploying 3 consultancy services of Marketing, IT Strategy and Doctoral Training. Two consultancy packages of Human Resources and Financial Management were already submitted to the WB for consideration. And 8 packages of goods purchasing for EEIT, MSST, CS, GPEM and VGTRC are being evaluated. Regarding 3 packages of MSST, GPEM and VGTRC, the request for proposals was issued. Together with the GPEM staff, the procurement team is finalizing the technical requirements for one ICB package. The TOR of Longterm teaching consultancy package is being completed soon as well as the selection of the consultant for education management and the team is currently working on completing the 2016 procurement plan. On 22ndJuly 2015, an administrative assistant, Ms. Van Thi Xuan Trang, joined VMU team. Ms. Trang has been working as a project assistant and administrative assistant for several years and is now happy to be a member of VMU/VGU team. Starting from the 7th of September 2015, Ms. Ta Thi Thu Hien joined the VMU as a procurement officer. Ms. Hien achieved the Master Degree of Engineering from Bach Khoa University and has many years of experiences in procurement and project management. 29 Newsletter 03/2015 External Events VGU Consortium - Meeting of Members in July 2015 On 2nd July 2015, the 14th meeting of members of the VGU consortium took place in Bonn, Germany, with Mr. Dr. Ha ThucVien and Deputy Head of Academic Affairs, Ms. Dr. Dang Thi Ngoc N Lan attending the meeting of the consortium as special guests. The main topic of the meeting was Professor Anderl's report on the 7th university council, which took place in June 2015 in Frankfurt. Professor Anderl was appointed as a member of the VGU university council in May 2015, due to his engagement and academic as well scientific support for VGU since the beginning of building up VGU. Meeting of members of the VGU consortium in Bonn, Germany. Other topics of the members meeting were the implementation of the Bachelor’s degree program in Mechanical Engineering gineering at VGU and general news from VGU. Furthermore the consortium welcomed a new member at consortium. The University of Applied Sciences Bochum was accepted as a new member of the consortium. The VGU consortium now includes 36 institutional members. Nicole Binder, Head of coordination office of VGU Consortium Camp of Vietnamese Students Association “SiViDuc” held in Germany The Vietnamese Students Association in Germany organized a camp in Berlin, Germany, on August 14th – 16th, named “SiviDuc Berlin rlin 2015″. Mr. Thai, Head of Student Affairs, Affairs and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Anh Thi, Dean of the Engineering Faculty, represented VGU at this event and promoted VGU’s 911 PhD scholarship program. There were around ar 130 students listening to their theirpresentation,mostly undergraduates. Nevertheless, the students found the 911 program interesting. Mr. Thai at his presentation of the 911 scholarship program in Berlin. 30 Newsletter 03/2015 The SiViDUc camp was sponsored by the Vietnamese Embassy in Germany and received support of businesses, the Overseas Vietnamese Association in Germany and international friends. Vietnamese students delegations from France, Poland, the Czech Republic and England were there, accompanied by one or two officials of the Vietnamese embassy from those countries. This was the first time such an event for Vietnamese students in Europe had been organized and it happened thanks to the agreement and approval of the Vietnamese embassies beforehand. It was decided that next year the event will be held in France and the organization team asked whether VGU could take part and support them as well. Both the organizer and the Vietnamese ambassador thankfully acknowledged VGU’s attendance several times. The camp’s main activities included the 2ndCongress of the Vietnamese Students Association in Germany (2015-2018), a vocational workshop, a SiViDuc scientific workshop, a gala concert, a European football and badminton tournament 2015 and many Vietnam’s folk games. The lady ambassador of Vietnam in Germany, Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh. Vo Minh Thai, Head of Student Affairs VGU’s Teambuilding Trip 2015 As one of many annual activities at VGU organized by the HR Department, the Team Building Event this year was held between 14 Aug and 16 Aug 2015 in Mui Ne, a beautiful beach city in BinhThuan Province. We, 66 members of the VGU family, spent a great time together doing many activities, such as sport activities, gala performances, and team building games on the beach (What a pity the others could not join!). This year we organized a sharing talk about the experiences and passions of each member of VGU in the evening we when gathered around a big camp fire. That was a really emotional moment. After the team building trip, various shades of emotion arose among the participants. So far, the HR Department has received over twenty comments. Some shared comments are really encouraging “Thank you for making it a nice memory to all!”; “But the overall experience was AWESOME!”, some are useful and contributive as well “If all (or almost all) of the staff of VGU joined the team building, then we could obtain better results from this activity”, “Make it an obligatory trip for everybody. Who cannot join, has to work”, “I wish, the teambuilding games would have taken place in the afternoon”; some are funny “Phòngquánhiềucôntrùngnênmọingườiđềubịmuỗivàcôntrùngcắn – (translation in English: Accommodation has many insects so most people were bitten by them). Actually, they were not bitten in the rooms but in the garden and on the beach during the humorous activities. In general, most of the submitted opinions are good (81%). As a conclusion, we experienced a meaningful staff outing this year. 31 Newsletter 03/2015 Group picture of the VGU family at the beach in Mui Ne Dr. Dinh Hai Dung Head of HR 32 Newsletter 03/2015 Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in Dau Tieng District On the occasion of the traditional Vietnamese Mid-Autumn Festival, 60 students and several staff members went on a charity trip to Dau Tieng District to celebrate the “Tet Trung Thu“ with the pupils of HoaLoc Elementary School. Starting off their weekend with a long bus ride on the 26th of September the VGU students and staff visited the small fishing village, which is about 50 kilometers from the university’s campus. Some were still trying to recover from the lack of sleep caused by a long session of moon cake baking while others were worrying about having to sleep on tables and chairs, but once the buses arrived at the venue, everyone seemed wide awake and VGU students and staff members at HoaLocElemtary School ready to start preparing for the big night. 300 gift bags with stationery, milk, candy and homemade moon cakes had to be packed. Thanks to the sponsorship of the companies Decathlon and Bobi Craft, the pupils were also to be presented with toys and clothing. Together with some staff members of the HoaLoc Elementary School, a colorful stage was put up just in time for the first pupils to arrive. The plan for the night was to first style the girls’ hair with colorful hair ties, which the VGU students had prepared, and then present an entertainment program so everyone could enjoy an unforgettable night. However, despite all their careful planning, no one could influence the weather conditions that night. What started off as a light rain shower slowly turned into heavy rain and forced all participants to leave the stage and to run into the classrooms before the performances had even begun. VGU’s Vice President Dr. Ha ThucVien handing over a gift bag. VGU's Vice President, Dr. Ha ThucVien, came along to help VGU students to hand out the gift bags. After joining members of the local community and teachers of HoaLoc Elementary School for dinner, the festival ended with the students returning to the HoaLoc Elementary School to get some rest in the classroom. Although the night didn’t exactly go the way it was supposed to go, all participants still returned home happy that they had been part of this VGU tradition. VyVy Tran, Volunteer 33 Newsletter 03/2015 Staff News Thank You for Supporting Mr. Bui Quang Hung The Executive Committee (EC) of Vietnamese-German University's Labor Union would like to deeply thank the VGU associates for having assisted with the request for aid for Mr. BuiQuangHung. In the most turbulent time, Hung and his family have received care, encouragement, physical, emotional, and spiritual support. This was a significant motivator for his triumph of the complication. In August, after a comprehensive medical examination, his health has reached normal levels. On behalf of the EC and Hung, I am honored to express the gratitude to all of you for your care, love and, practical support to him and his family. On Behalf of VGU Labor Union EC Chairman Dr. Ha ThucVien 34 Newsletter 03/2015 Imprint Imprint Publisher: The President of VGU – Vietnamese German University, Le Lai Street Binh Duong New City, Binh Duong Province Editorial Work: Karina Scholz [email protected] Richard Bradley Emma Stoll Pictures: VGU, AHK as signed, Machado &Silvetti as signed 35
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