rDesk IDX - Grendelfly - www.PensacolaAssociationofRealtors.com


rDesk IDX - Grendelfly - www.PensacolaAssociationofRealtors.com
rDesk IDX
The rDesk IDX Control Panel ......................................................................................................................... 1
The Home Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 2
The Display Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 2
The Banner Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 4
The Search Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 5
The Registration Tab ................................................................................................................................. 7
The Notifications Tab ................................................................................................................................ 8
The Auto-Repsonder Tab .......................................................................................................................... 9
The Links Tab........................................................................................................................................... 10
The rDesk IDX Control Panel
rDesk IDX is controlled through the IDX Control Panel. It allows you to manage the search functions and
options available to your website visitors.
1) Login to rDesk
2) Click Marketing
3) Click IDX
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LPS MLS Solutions
Customer and Internal Use Only
The Home Tab
The Home Tab contains links to the additional seven tabs. It also contains the Preview rDesk IDX link to
view your website listing search screen.
The Display Tab
The Display Tab allows you to customize the website search and display screens.
1) To select a color theme, select from the dropdown list
rDesk IDX
LPS MLS Solutions
Customer and Internal Use Only
Click Preview Page, to view changes before saving
Click Save Changes, to save
Click Reset Form, to revert back
If you have a rDesk Agent Website, check the box to use the same color scheme
2) To select which items you want to display,
a. Under Select which tools to enable, check the box next to the item
i. For Enable Listing Photo Slideshow, use the dropdown to select the number of
seconds (1-10) you want each photo to display before moving to the next one
ii. For Request More Info and Schedule A Showing, use the dropdown to select
who should receive the notification
b. Click Save Changes, to save
c. Click Reset Form, to revert back
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LPS MLS Solutions
Customer and Internal Use Only
The Banner Tab
On the Banner tab, you can select the information you want to display in the sponsorship banner area of
the IDX search screen.
1) Under Banner Options, check the box next to the item
a. Your name appears by default and is a required field
b. The photo and company logo entered in your Personal Profile are used by default
i. To enter a different photo and/or logo, click Browse
ii. Select the image from your computer
c. Under Select where to display the Sponsorship Banner, choose from the dropdown
(Top, Bottom, or Both)
2) Click Save Changes, to save
3) Click Reset Form, to revert back
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The Search Tab
The Search Tab is where you determine search and display options for your website search screen.
1) Under Search Options,
a. To Enable Advanced Search Options, click the radio button
b. Check the Property Types and any sub-types you want available
c. To Select the order in which search results are displayed, click the radio button
2) Click Save Changes, to save
3) Click Reset Form, to revert back
4) Click Preview Page, to view changes before saving
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5) To set the starting point of the map for the map search on your website,
a. Enter the City, next to Go To City
b. Click Go
c. Click Save Map, to save
d. Click Revert to Default Map, to revert back
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The Registration Tab
The Registration tab allows you to manage the search screen registration process for your website
1) To create or edit the message on the Client Account Registration form,
a. Enter a Title
b. Enter an Intro Message
c. Enter a Closing Message
2) To select when a visitor must register, select the radio button
a. For After viewing details, enter the number of listings
3) To select how returning visitors will register, select the radio button
4) To select the information you would like to capture, check the boxes next to the item
5) Click Save Changes, to save
6) Click Reset Form, to revert back
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The Notifications Tab
Under the Notifications tab is where you indicate when you want to be notified by email when certain
events occur.
1) Under Notifications, check the box next to the item
a. Notify me whenever a new visitor registers on my site is selected by default
2) Click Save Changes, to save
3) Click Reset Form, to revert back
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LPS MLS Solutions
Customer and Internal Use Only
The Auto-Responder Tab
The Auto-Responder tab is where you set-up automatic emails to clients when they complete a form,
save search, or ask for email alerts.
1) Under Auto-Responders,
a. Select the Message Name from the dropdown
b. Enter the Subject Text
c. Enter the Message Text
d. Enter a Signature
e. Enter the Status
f. Click Save Changes, to save
g. Click Reset Form, to revert back
2) Under Email Alerts,
a. Select the Alert Type from the dropdown
b. Enter the Subject Text
c. Enter the Introduction Text
i. To insert the client’s name or email address as a token, use brackets
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<<Search Name>> or <<Customer Name>>
d. Enter a Signature
e. Click Save Changes, to save
f. Click Reset Form, to revert back
Note: If fields are left empty, the current default format for notifications will be used.
The Links Tab
The Links tab allows you to add rDesk IDX search links to your non-rDesk website.
1) rDesk IDX links that can be used are:
 Map Search
 Standard Search
 My Listings
 Office Listings
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2) To create a custom search link, click Add Standard Search Link
a. Enter the criteria for your search, click Search (to check results before saving)
i. You can click the Modify Search link to revise your criteria
b. Click Save Search
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c. Enter a name for your search, click Go
d. A confirmation message will display, click Close Window
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e. Your new search will now appear under Custom Links, Standard Search, after you
refresh your page
3) To create a custom map search, click Add Map Search Link
a. Enter or draw your search criteria, click Save this Search
b. Enter a name for your search, click Go
c. A confirmation message will display, click Close Window
d. Your new search will now appear under Custom Links, Map Search, after you refresh
your page
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LPS MLS Solutions
Customer and Internal Use Only
4) To notify your website administrator of the links you have created, click Create Email
a. Enter the recipient’s name and email address, click Send Email
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LPS MLS Solutions
Customer and Internal Use Only