2016 Jan Newsletter - Competitive Shaggers Association


2016 Jan Newsletter - Competitive Shaggers Association
January 2016
Competitive Sha
President’s Le,er -­‐ 2 Board Members -­‐ 3 Commi,ees & Contact Info -­‐ 4 Get Involved -­‐ 5
2016 CSA Contest Schedule -­‐ 6
Thank You -­‐ 7 MeeKng Minutes -­‐ 8
2016 Membership ApplicaKon -­‐ 9 2016 Friends ApplicaKon -­‐ 10 Birthdays -­‐ 11 & 12 Banquet Awards -­‐ 13 CSA Apparel -­‐ 14 Event Flyers -­‐ 15 & on
President’s Letter
Hello Members and Friends of the Compe55ve Shaggers Associa5on! I hope you all are doing well today. The sun is up today and the snow and ice are beginning to melt and I am reflec5ng on what we did not get to do this weekend. Many of you probably were planning to aDend the fundraiser in Greensboro that is being held in honor of our friend Debbie Rickard. Just so you know this is supposed to be rescheduled for a weekend in February that will be determined. We were also planning to host a scoring workshop for all of our board members here at our home, aka The Poperosa, but we have postponed the workshop for a later date as well. Our contest schedule at this point seems to be firmed up now. Our first contest is scheduled for the first weekend in April in the same loca5on we finished up our last season, The Phoenix Inn in Greenville, SC. Please refer to the flyer in this newsleDer to find informa5on about this contest. It has been a very long 5me since our contest schedule starts this late in the year and aOer all the effort and the way other events fall in the calendar this is the earliest we can start in 2016. There are some other events like the Na5onal Shag Dance Championships in January and March that many of us are dancing in. There is also the Keeper’s Contest at Fat Harold’s and the O.D. Shag Classic at Saville’s on 2nd in N. Myrtle Beach, SC which is a Non-­‐Pro contest. You can find our contest in this newsleDer and on our website. Speaking of our website, if you have not looked at the website recently please go and do so. Our very own Tom Edwards has taken on the responsibility and with a liDle help and guidance from a friend has produced for us a totally new website. The appearance is similar but the website is easier to use now and probably the most important thing is that it is easier to update. Tom surprised many of us by doing this as he basically had no experience in developing a website. Tom thanks for doing this for our associa5on! I have sent informa5on to you over the past week about the possibility of the USA Grand Na5onals becoming a sanc5oned event the Compe55ve Shaggers Associa5on (CSA). I have asked for your feedback and have goDen some really good informa5on for all us to consider. Just so you know this or any other opportunity to bring a contest or event into our sanc5oned contest schedule is not always a slam dunk. There are many things to consider. For example we have to ensure our rules and regula5ons that govern a sanc5oned event for CSA can be followed to the leDer without excep5ons. Our CSA club liaison Ashely Stewart has spent a lot of 5me speaking with me and Michael Norris. Collec5vely we have been working to iden5fy any and all points that need to be addressed that could impact the USA Grand Na5onals, CSA, and most importantly you our members. So, we con5nue to work and I con5nue to ask for your detailed input. We plan to have a general membership at the Phoenix Inn contest in Greenville, SC to discuss this in detail with you. In regards to the Compe55ve Shaggers Associa5on our goal generally speaking is to help promote the Shag Dance, the music, and the lifestyle and to have fun with each other at our contests. We should all be thankful for our club owners for taking the 5me and pu_ng forth the effort and the great deal of money it takes to do this for us. I ask and even expect every one of us to share our gra5tude to these folks. Also take the 5me to thank each judge that has been willing to set in the judge’s chair before the results of a contest are announced. Be great ambassadors for the Compe55ve Shaggers Associa5on! Reach out and invite your friends to join and support CSA. If you are out and see someone dancing that you believe would enjoy becoming a compe55ve dancer reach out and invite them to join us. Please take on the responsibility of growing the Compe55ve Shaggers Associa5on. One last thing for now, Nancy and I have been a part of CSA basically from the beginning. We are so blessed to have been invited to be a part of this not just because of the dancing but most importantly the friends and many of which I consider to be family that we have been fortunate enough to have in our lives. Please take a minute and ask yourself “what would I be doing if I were not dancing?” Please let us know if something is going on in your life that your friends would like to know such as a family member is sick or if you have a death in your family. I look forward to seeing every one of you soon and if I can help you with anything please let me know. Take care! Gene BOARD MEMBERS
Ethics—Archer Joyce (Chairman), Galen Ezzell, & Dale Hern Membership— Pat Joyce (Chairman) & Jim Hern Ways & Means— Nancy Pope (Chairman), Shirley Weaver, & Debbie Ezzell Communica6ons—Tobitha Stewart (Chairman), Jessica Huffstetler, & Tom Edwards Nomina6ons—Galen Ezzell (Chairman) & Debbie Ezzell Float— Dale Hern (Chairman), Jessica Huffstetler, Rick Bivins, Linda Bivins, & Jim Hern Awards Banquet—Tina Phillips (Chairman) & John Phillips Web Master—Tom Edwards Newsle?er —Tobitha Stewart Contact Informa6on Gene Pope / 919.215.6875 [email protected] Archer Joyce / 336.708.1073 [email protected]
Jessica Huffstetler / 704.281.1089 jhuff[email protected]
Dale Hern / 215.499.2008 [email protected] Pat Joyce / 336.324.6707 [email protected]
Ashley Stewart / 704.202.9655 [email protected]
Nancy Pope / 919.682.4266 [email protected]
John Phillips / 336.671.7404 [email protected] Tina Phillips / 336.749.2350 [email protected] Galen Ezzell / 919.812.7143 [email protected] Debbie Ezzell / 919.801.2359 [email protected] Larry Pa?erson / 919.922.2906 [email protected] Shirley Weaver / 919.922.9110 [email protected] Tobitha Stewart / 704.202.9655 [email protected] Tom Edwards / 757.814.0814 [email protected] GET INVOLVED!!
We always need VOLUNTEERS!! Feel free to reach out to any of our current Board Members if you are interested in serving on a commiDee. We would love to have you!! In case you didn’t know, we’re on Facebook! If you have a Facebook account and do not have access to the CSA’s FB page, please email us at: [email protected] to make sure you are added asap! If you are looking for a Dance Partner… Go to our CSA Facebook Page and make a post… Partner Wanted!! 2016 CSA Sanctioned
Based on signed agreements as of 12/30/2015 April 1 & 2 Phoenix Inn Greenville, SC May 13 & 14 Lynn’s Dance Club CharloDe, NC August 5 & 6 Eno Beach Shag Club Chapel Hill, NC August 19 & 20 FayeDeville Area Shag Assoc. FayeDeville, NC September 2 & 3 Fat Harold’s N. Myrtle Beach, SC October 15 Augusta, GA Goldsboro, NC November 5 Shag Shack Sugar Foot Shag Club November 18 & 19 Carolina Shag Classic at Duck’s N. Myrtle Beach, SC Visit the Competitive Shaggers Association Website
for more contest information at
Mark your calendars Next
General Membership Meeting
will be April 2, 2016 at the
Phoenix Inn in Greenville, SC.
Time: TBA
1 - Vicki Cecil
2 - Joe Tedesco
6 - Craig Jennings
6 - Shirley Weaver
7 - Steve Woodard
8 - Tracye Jackie
13 - Sandy Gregory
15 - Mary Lynn Myrick
16 - Alma Hill
19 - Peggy Cavin
21 - Nancy Lee Mitchell
27 - Tom Adams
29 - Stacey Wooten
4 - Darrell Gaither
7 - Joey Sogluizzo
10 - Galen Ezzell
20 - Karyn Allen
20 - Bill Barber
20 - Michael Norris
23 - Bill Drew
23 - Sheila Seymour
25 - Joan Byrnes
29 - Tobitha Stewart
30 - Nancy Townsend
1 - Nancy Wall
3 - Jim Childs
5 - Danny Scott
9 - Brenda Barber
11 - Cheryl Parker
14 - Jennifer Payne
16 - Ruth Cookman
17 - Jennifer Sogluizzo
20 - Bill Seymour
22 - Butch Ennis
22 - Jim Hern
24 - Larry Duncan
25 - Cathy Williams
26 - Jill Woodard
27 - Sherri Wildoner
4 - John Bradshaw
4 - Pat Osborne
6 - Pat Joyce
13 - Linda Barr
14 - Michele DeRosa
20 - Joan McKinney
21 - Harry Severance
22 - Sharli Drew
23 - Darlene Brown
28 - Linda Lawhorn
29 - Chad Farlow
31 - Gene Pope
3 - Debbie Ezzell
4 - Dottie wilson
6 - LeAnn Norris
11 - Joe Honeycutt
11 - Marsha Tedesco
14 - Fred Davis
15 - Rusty Hosaflook
19 - Judy Duke
20 - Kris Long
28 - Tony Barr
4 - Vicki Tedesco
6 - Heather Jennings
13 - Susan Leggett
16 - Phillip Park
18 - Vickie Hyde
19 - Bruce Sager
20 - Don Borja
22 - Jesse Bradshaw
23 - Tripp Tuner
24 - Patrick Rogers
28 - Dennis Brown
30 - Linda Bivins
2 - Dot Smith
4 - Larry Davis
7 - Allan Grider
8 - Dale Hern
8 - Tom Edwards
8 - Andrew Hill
8 - Tim Long
11 - Bryan Renn
12 - Clay Parker
12 - Les Rose
13 - Cameron Caruso
15 - Pat Cote
21 - Allan Grider
23 - Brittany Austin
23 - John Phillips
26 - Mikki Sager
29 - Archer Joyce
29 - Vaughn Royal
29 - Janice Ennis
31- Roger Carr
31- Carolyn Wingate
4 - Tabitha Bradshaw
5 - Robin Wilson
9 - Barry Thigpen
9 - Eric Widenhouse
10 - Larry Patterson
29 - Larry Milton
31 - Krystal Bravo
7- Donna Hosaflook
7- Arthur Dill
9- AC Williams
11- Bruce Yates
13- Tom Josam
16 - Curtis Nivens
18- David Townsend
22- Anna Bradshaw
22- Sid Strawderham
23- Jane Renger
23- Ashley Stewart
27- Lyn “Dink”Slaughter
29- Susie Beaver
29- Sue Cheek
29 - Vaughn Royal
3 - Rick Bivens
3 - Nancy Pope
9 - Libba Duncan
13 - Vickie Chambers
13 - Chuck Duymich
14 - Kevin Payne
14 - Tina Phillips
19 - Ned Gregory
20 - Laura Workman
26 - Tommy Manibusan
26 - Claude Robertson
26 - Karen Workman
30 - Kevin Byrnes
30 - Brian Huffstetler
3- Andy Cecil
5- Robbie Brunson
10- Marsha Rose
12- Kim Chance
16- Mike Rink
20 - Lani Wright
21- Audrey Borja
21 - Ralph Tedesco
23- Jim Osborne
23- Besty Pittman
24- John Leggett
30- Sammy Clelland
2 - Suzie Park
6 - Nathan Keip
8 - Jim Riley
11 - Brennar Goree
12 - Cathy Metcalf
13 - Autumn Jones
13 - Vickie Chambers
18 - Susan Welch
21 - Jessica Huffstetler
21 - Butch Metcalf
22 - Mark Casey
23 - Lyn Honeycutt
24 - Cheryl Widenhouse
26 - Kathy Riley
27 - Jane Nivens
27 - Crystal Turner
29 - Duncan Cookman
30 - Sharole Negrete
31 - JoAnn Caudle
2015 CSA Annual Awards Banquet
For Your CSA Apparel Today!
Contact Dennis & Darlene Brown
[email protected]
New Date To Be Announced!
The Phoenix Inn
Greenville, South Carolina
presents a
Competitive Shaggers Association (CSA)
Shag Contest
April 1 & 2, 2016 with the Legendary DJ Butch Metcalf
The Phoenix Greenville’s Inn (Pet-friendly)
246 North Pleasantburg Drive • Greenville, SC 29607 • (864) 233-4651
For more contest information, contact
Jill Woodard at 864-477-0731 [email protected]
or Steve Woodard at 864 -477-0728 [email protected]
May 26–30, 2016
Atlanta, GA