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Stran 10 - Š t e v i l k a 14
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
Na podlagi 3. točke 315. člena ustave Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije izdaja
Predsedstvo Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije
Razglaša se zakon o ratifikaciji konvencije Združenih narodov zoper nezakonit promet mamil
in psihotropnih snovi, ki ga je sprejela Skupščina SFRJ na seji Zveznega zbora dne 15. novembra 1990.
P št. 1292
Beograd, 15. novembra 1990
Predsedstva SFRJ:
dr. Borisav Jović l. r.
Skupščine SFRJ:
dr. Slobodan Gligorijevič l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se konvencija Združenih narodov zoper nezakonit promet mamil in psihotropnih
snovi, sprejeta na Dunaju 19. decembra 1988 v arabskem, angleškem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in
španskem izvirniku.
2. člen
Besedilo konvencije v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu se glasi:
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
Številka 14 - Stran 11
Adopted by the Conference at its 6 planary meeting, on 19
December 1988
sprejeta na 6. plenarnem zasedanju konference dne 19. decembra 1988
The Parties to this Convention,
Deeply concerned by the magnitude of and rising trend
in the illicit production of, demand for and traffic in narcotic
drugs and psychotropic substances, which pose a serious threat to the health and welfare of human beings and adversely affect the economic, cultural and political foundations of society,
Deeply concerned also by the steadily increasing inroads
into various social groups made by illicit traffic in narcotic
drugs and psychotropic substances, and particularly by the
fact that children are used in many parts of the world as an illicit drug consumers market and for purposes of illicit production, distribution and trade in narcotic drugs and psychotropic
substances, which entails a danger of incalculable gravity,
Rezognizing the links between illicit traffic and other related organized criminal activities which undermine the legitimate economies and threaten the stability, security and sovereignty of States,
Recognizing also that illicit traffic is an international criminal activity, the suppression of which demands urgent attention and the highest priority,
Aware that illicit traffic generates large financial profits
and wealth enabling transnational criminal organizations to
penetrate, contaminate and corrupt the structures of government, legitimate commercial and financial business, and society at all its levels,
Determined to deprive persons engaged in illicit traffic of
the proceeds of their criminal activities and thereby eliminate
their main incentive for so doing,
Podpisnice te konvencije
so zelo zaskrbljene zaradi obsega in naraščanja nezakonite proizvodnje, povpraševanja in prometa mamil in psihotropnih snovi, ki pomenijo resno nevarnost za zdravje in blaginjo
ljudi in negativno vplivajo na gospodarske, kulturne in politične temelje družbe,
Desiring to eliminate the root causes of the problem of
abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, including the illicit demand for such drugs and substances and the
enormous profits derived from illicit traffic,
Considering that measures are necessary to monitor certain substances, including precursors, chemicals and solvents,
which are used in the manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the ready availability of which has led to
an increase in the clandestine manufacture of such drugs and
Determined to improve international co-operation in the
suppression of illicit traffic by sea,
Recognizing that eradication of illicit traffic is a collective responsibility of all States and that, to that end, co-ordinated action within the framework of international co-operation
is necessary,
Acknowledging the competence of the United Nations in
the field of control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and desirous that the international organs concerned
with such control should be within the framework of that Organization,
Reaffirming the guiding principles of existing treaties in
the field of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and
the system of control which they embody,
Recognizing the need to reinforce and supplement the
measures provided in the Single Convention on Narcotic
Drugs, 1961, that Convention as amended by the 1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961,
and the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, in order
to counter the magnitude and extent of illicit traffic and its
grave consequences,
Recognizing also the importance of strengthening and
enhancing effective legal means for international co-operation
in criminal matters for suppressing the international criminal
activities of illicit traffic,
Desiring to conclude a comprehensive, effective and operative international convention that is directed specifically
against illicit traffic and that considers the various aspects of
the problem as a whole, in particular those aspects not envisaged in the existing treaties in the field of narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substances,
Hereby agree as follows:
so zelo zaskrbljene tudi zaradi stalnega, vedno večjega
prodiranja nezakonitega prometa mamil in psihotropnih snovi
v različne socialne skupine, zlasti pa zaradi dejstva, da se v
mnogih delih sveta otroci izkoriščajo kot nezakoniti porabniki
mamil in za nezakonito proizvodnjo, razdeljevanje in trgovino
z mamili in psihotropnimi snovmi, kar pomeni nepojmljivo nevarnost,
so ugotovile zvezo med nezakonitim prometom in drugimi organiziranimi kriminalnimi dejavnostmi, ki spodkopavajo
legitimno gospodarstvo in ogrožajo stabilnost, varnost in suverenost držav,
so ugotovile, da je nezakonit promet mednarodna kriminalna dejavnost, katere zatiranje zahteva nujno pozornost in
največjo prednost,
so prepričane, da prinaša nezakonit promet velik finančni
dobiček in bogastvo, ki omogočata transnacionalnim organizacijam kriminalcev, da prodirajo v strukture oblasti, legitimnega poslovnega in finančnega sveta in družbe na vseh ravneh in
da jih kvarijo in korumpirajo,
so pripravljene osebam, ki se ukvarjajo z nezakonitim
prometom, odvzeti dobiček, ustvarjen z njihovo kriminalno dejavnostjo, in s tem odpraviti glavno spodbudo za takšno dejavnost,
želijo izkoreniniti vzroke problema zlorabe mamil in psihotropnih snovi, med drugim tudi nezakonito povpraševanje
po takšnih mamilih in snoveh in ogromne dobičke, pridobljene z nezakonitim prometom,
menijo, da so potrebni ukrepi za spremljanje določenih
snovi, med drugim prekurzorjev, kemikalij in raztopil, ki se
uporabljajo pri proizvodnji mamil in psihotropnih snovi, katerih dostopnost je povečala skrivno proizvodnjo takšnih mamil
in snovi,
so pripravljene zboljšati mednarodno sodelovanje pri zatiranju nezakonitega prometa po morju,
menijo, da je izkoreninjenje nezakonitega prometa kolektivna odgovornost vseh držav in da je za to potrebna koordinirana akcija v okviru mednarodnega sodelovanja,
potrjujejo, da so Združeni narodi pristojni za področje
kontrole mamil in psihotropnih snovi, ter želijo, da bi mednarodni organi, ki se ukvarjajo s takšno kontrolo, delovali v okviru omenjene organizacije,
ponovno potrjujejo glavna načela veljavnih sporazumov
na področju mamil in psihotropnih snovi in sistem kontrole, ki
so ga vzpostavile,
priznavajo, da je treba okrepiti in dopolniti ukrepe iz
enotne konvencije o mamilih iz leta 1961 in te konvencije,
spremenjene s protokolom iz leta 1972 o spremembah enotne
konvencije o mamilih 1961, in iz konvencije o psihotropnih
snoveh iz leta 1971, da bi se postavile po robu razširjenosti in
obsegu nezakonitega prometa in njegovim hudim posledicam,
menijo tudi, da je pomembno krepiti in povedevati učinkovita zakonita sredstva za mednarodno sodelovanje na področju kazenskega prava za zatiranje mednarodnih kriminalnih
dejavnosti nezakonitega prometa.
želijo skleniti celovito, učinkovito in operativno mednarodno konvencijo, ki je konkretno usmerjena zoper nezakonit
promet in ki upošteva različne vidike tega problema nasploh,
zlasti tiste, ki niso določeni z veljavnimi sporazumi na področju mamil in psihotropnih snovi,
in so se dogovorile o naslednjem:
Stran 12 - Številka 14
Article 1
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
1. člen
Except where otherwise expressly indicated or where the
context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall app l y t h r o u g h o u t this C o n v e n t i o n :
(a) "Board" means the International Narcotics Control
Board established by the Single Convention on Narcotic
Drugs, 1961, and that Convention as amended by the 1971
Protocol A m e n d i n g the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs,
1961 .
(b) "Cannabis plant" means any plant of the genus Cannabis.
(c) "Coca bush" means the plant of any species of the genus hrythroxylon;
(d) "Commercial carrier" means any person or any public, private or other entity engaged in transporting persons, goods or mails for remuneration, hire or any other benefit;
Navedene definicije imajo v tej konvenciji naslednji pomen, razen če ni izrecno drugače navedeno ali če iz besedne
zveze ne izhaja kaj drugega:
(a) ,,odbor" je Mednarodni odbor za kontrolo mamil, ustanovljen z enotno konvencijo o mamilih iz leta 1961 in s to
konvencijo, spremenjeno s protokolom iz leta 1972 o spremembi enotne konvencije o mamilih iz leta 1961;
(e) "Commission" means the Commission on Narcotic
Drugs of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations;
(f) "Confiscation", which includes forfeiture where applicable, means the parmanent deprivation of property by order
of a court or other competent authority;
(g) "Controlled delivery" means the technique of allow i n g illicit or suspect consignments of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, substances in Table I and Table II annexed
to this Convention, or substances substituted for them, to pass
out of, trhough or into the territory of one or more countries,
with the knowledge and under the supervision of their competent authorities, with a view to identifying persons involved in
the commission of offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1 of the Convention;
(h) "1961 Convention" means the Single Convention on
Narcotic Drugs, 1961;
(i) "1961 Convention as amended" means the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs,
(j) "1971 Convention" means the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971;
(k) "Councul" means the Economic and Social Council
of the United Nations;
(l) "Freezing" or "seizure" means temporarily prohibiting
the transfer, conversion, disposition or movement of property
or temporarily assuming custody or control of property on this
basis of an order issued by a court or a competent authority;
(m) "Illicit traffic" means the offences set forth in article
3, paragraphs 1 and 2, of this Convention;
(n) "Narcotic drug" means any of the substances, natural
or synthetic, in Schedules I and 11 of the Single Convention on
Narcotic Drugs, 1961, and that Convention as amended by the
1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic
Drugs, 1961,
(o) "Opium poppy" means the plant of the species Papaver somniferum L;
(p) "Proceeds" means any property derived from or obtained, directly or indirectly, through the commission of an offence established in accordance wiht article 3, paragraph 1;
(q) ,,Property" means assets of every kind, whether corporeal or incorporeal, movable or immovable, tangible or intangible, and legal documents or instruments evidencing title
to, or interest in, such assets;
(r) "Psychotropic substance" means any substance, natural or synthetic, or any natural material in Schedules I, II, III
and IV of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971;
(s) "Secretary-General" means the Secretary-General of
the United Nations;
(t) "Table I" and "Table II" mean the correspondingly
numbered lists of substances annexed to this Convention, as
amended from time to time in accordance with article 12;
(u) "Transit State" means a State through the territory of
w h i c h i l l i c i t narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and substances in Table I and Table II are being moved, which is neither the place of origin nor the place of ultimate destination
(b) ,,rastlina kanabis" je vsaka rastlina iz rodu Cannabis;
(c) ,,grm koka" je rastlina katerekoli vrste iz rodu Erythroxylon;
(d) ,,komercialni prevoznik" je katerakoli oseba ali katerokoli javno, zasebno ali drugo telo, ki se ukvarja s prevozom
oseb, blaga ali pošte proti denarnemu plačilu, z dajanjem v
najem ali proti drugi vrsti plačila;
(e) ,,komisija" je Komisija Ekonomsko-socialnega sveta
Združenih narodov za mamila;
(f) ,,zaplemba", ki vključuje odvzem, kjer je možen, je
trajni odvzem lastnine z nalogom sodišča ali drugega pristojnega organa;
(g) ,,kontrolirana dobava" je preiskovalna tehnika, s katero se dovoli, da nezakonite ali sumljive pošiljke mamil, psihotropnih snovi, snovi iz tabel I in II, ki sta objavljeni skupaj s to
konvencijo, ali snovi, ki jih nadomeščajo, nadaljujejo pot, gredo v tranzitu čez območje ene ali več držav ali pridejo na njihovo območje, pri čemer pristojni organi teh držav vedo za to
in jih nadzorujejo, da bi se identificirale osebe, vmešane v prekrške, določene po prvem odstavku 3. člena konvencije;
(h) ,,konvencija iz leta 1961" je enotna konvencija o mamilih iz leta 1961;
(i) ,,spremenjena konvencija iz leta 1961" je enotna konvencija o mamilih iz leta 1961, spremenjena s protokolom iz leta 1972 o spremembah enotne konvencije o mamilih iz leta
(j) ,,konvencija iz leta 1971" je konvencija o psihotropnih
snoveh iz leta 1971;
(k) ,,svet" je Ekonomski in družbeni svet Združenih narodov;
(l) ,,zamrznitev" ali ,,zaseg" je začasna prepoved transferja, konverzije, razpolaganja ali gibanja lastnine ali začasno
nadzorstvo ali kontrola nad lastnino na podlagi naloga, ki ga
je izdalo sodišče ali drug pristojen organ;
(m) ,,nezakonit promet" so prekrški, navedeni v prvem in
drugem odstavku 3. člena te konvencije;
(n) ,,mamilo" je vsaka naravna ali sintetična snov iz tabel
I in II enotne konvencije o mamilih iz leta 1961 in iz konvencije, spremenjene s protokolom iz leta 1972 o spremembah enotne konvencije o mamilih iz leta 1961;
(o) ,,opijski mak" je rastlina iz vrste Papaver somniferum L;
(p) ,,dobiček" je vsaka lastnina, ustvarjena ali pridobljena
neposredno ali posredno s prekrškom, določenim po prvem
odstavku 3. člena;
(q) ,,lastnina" je kakršnokoli premoženje ali aktiva podjetja ali koga drugega, in sicer premična ali nepremična, materialna ali nematerialna, in pravni dokumenti ali listine, ki dokazujejo lastninsko pravico na takem premoženju ali aktivi ali
korist od takega premoženja ali aktive;
(r) ,,psihotropna snov" je vsaka naravna ali sintetična
snov ali vsaka naravna snov iz tabel I, II, III in IV konvencije
o psihotropnih snoveh iz leta 1971;
(s) ,,generalni sekretar" je generalni sekretar Združenih
(t) ,,tabela I" in ,,tabela II" sta ustrezno oštevilčena seznama snovi, ki sta objavljena skupaj s to konvencijo in se občasno spreminjata ali dopolnjujeta v skladu z 12. členom;
(u) ,,tranzitna država" je država, čez katere območje gredo nezakonita mamila in psihotropne snovi ter snovi iz tabel I
in II, ki ni niti kraj njihovega izvora niti končni namembni
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
Številka 14 - Stran 13
Article 2
2. člen
1. The purpose of this Convention is to promote co-operation among the Parties so that they may address more effectively the various aspects of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substances having an international dimension. In
carrying out their obligations under the Convention, the Parties shall take necessary measures, including legislative and administrative measures, in conformity with the fundamental
provisions of their respective domestic legislative systems.
2. The Parties shall carry out their obligations under this
Convention in a manner consistend with the principles of sovereign equality and territorial integrity of States anf that of
non-intervention in the domestic affairs of other States.
3. A Party shall not undertake in the territory of another
Party the exercise of jurisdiction and performance of functions
which are exclusively reserved for the authorities of that other
Party by its domestic law.
1. Namen te konvencije je zboljšati sodelovanje med podpisnicami, tako da se lahko učinkoviteje borijo zoper različne
vidike nezakonitega prometa mamil in psihotropnih snovi z
mednarodno razsežnostjo. Pri izpolnjevanju svojih obveznosti
iz te konvencije bodo podpisnice sprejemale ustrezne ukrepe,
tudi zakonske in administrativne ukrepe, v skladu s temeljnimi
določbami pravnih sistemov svojih držav.
Article 3
3. člen
1. Each Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law,
when committed intentionally:
(a) (i) The production, manufacture, extraction, preparation, offering, offering for sale, distribution, sale, delivery on
any terms whatsoever, brokerage, dispatch, dispatch in transit,
transport, importation or exportation of any narcotic drug or
any psychotropic substance contrary to the provisions of the
1961 Convention, the 1961 Convention as amended or the
1971 Convention;
(ii) The cultivation of opiom poppy, coca bush or cannabis plant for the purpose of the production of narcotic drugs
contrary to the provisions of the 1961 Convention and the
1961 Convention as amended;
(iii) The possession or purchase of any narcotic drug or
psychotropic substance for the purpose of any of the activities
enumerated in (i) above;
(iv) The manufacture, transport or distribution of equipment, materials or of substances listed in Table I and Table II,
knowing that they are to be used in or for the illicit cultivation,
production or manufacture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic
(v) The organization, management or financing of any of
the offences enumerated in (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) above;
(b) (i) The conversion or transfer of property, knowing
that such property is derived from any offence or offences established in accordance with subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, or from an act of participation in such offence or offences, for the purpose of concealing or disguising the illicit origin of the property or of assisting any person who is involved
in the commission of such an offence or offences to evade the
legal consequences of his actions;
(ii) The concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement, rights with respect to, or
ownership of property, knowing that such property is derived
from an offence or offences established in accordance with
subparagraph (a) of this paragraph or from an act of participation in such an offence or offences;
(c) Subject to its constitutional principles and the basic
concepts of its legal system:
(i) The acquisition, possession or use of property, knowing, at the time of receipt, that such property was derived
from an offence or offences established in accordance with
subparagraph (a) of this paragraph or from an act of participation in such offence or offences;
(ii) The possession of equipment or materials or substances listed in Table I and Table II, knowing that they are being
or are to be used in or for the illicit cultivation, production or
manufacture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;
(iii) Publicly inciting or inducing others, by any means, to
commit any of the offences established in accordance with this
article or to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances illicitly;
2. Podpisnice bodo izpolnjevale svoje obveznosti iz te
konvencije v skladu z načeli suverenosti, enakosti in ozemeljske nedotakljivosti držav ter nevmešavanja v notranje zadeve
drugih držav.
3. Niti ena izmed podpisnic ne bo na območju druge
podpisnice izvrševala jurisdikcije ali funkcij, do katerih imajo
izključno pravico pristojni organi druge podpisnice, določeni z
njenimi zakoni.
1. Vsaka podpisnica bo sprejela potrebne ukrepe, da se
določijo kot kazniva dejanja po njenem zakonu, če so naklepni, tile prekrški:
(a) (i) proizvodnja, predelava, ekstrakcija, priprava, ponudba, ponudba za prodajo, razdeljevanje, prodaja, dobava
pod kakršnimikoli pogoji, posredovanje, pošiljanje, pošiljanje
v tranzitu, transport, uvoz ali izvoz kateregakoli mamila ali katerekoli psihotropne snovi v nasprotju z določbami konvencije
iz leta 1961, spremenjene konvencije iz leta 1961 ali konvencije
iz leta 1972;
(ii) gojenje opijskega maka, grmov koke ali rastline kanabis za proizvodnjo mamil v nasprotju z določbami konvencije
iz leta 1961 in spremenjene konvencije iz leta 1961;
(iii) posest ali nakup mamil ali psihotropnih snovi za kakršnokoli dejavnost, navedeno v podtočki (i);
(iv) proizvodnja, transport ali razdeljevanje opreme, materiala ali snovi, navedenih v tabelah I in II, če je znano, da se
bodo uporabljali pri nezakonitem gojenju, proizvodnji ali
predelavi mamil ali psihotropnih snovi ali za to;
(v) organiziranje, upravljanje ali financiranje kateregakoli dejanja - prekrška, naštetega v podtočkah (i), (ii), (iii) ali
(b) (i) konverzija ali transfer lastnine, če je znano, da je
bila takšna lastnina pridobljena z enim ali več prekrški po točki (a) tega odstavka ali na podlagi sodelovanja pri takšnem
prekršku ali prekrških, da bi se skrival ali prikrival nezakonit
izvor lastnine ali pomagalo kakšni osebi, ki je bila vmešana v
takšen ali takšne prekrške, da se izogne zakonskim posledicam
svojih dejanj;
(ii) skrivanje ali prikrivanje prave narave, izvora, kraja,
razpolaganja, gibanja, pravic v zvezi z lastnino ali nad lastnino, če je znano, da je bila takšna lastnina pridobljena z enim
ali več prekrški, določenimi po točki (a) tega odstavka, ali s sodelovanjern pri enem ali več takšnih prekrškov;
(c) v odvisnosti od ustavnih načel in temeljev lastnega
pravnega sistema:
(i) pridobivanje, posest ali uporaba lastnine, če je ob njenem prejemu znano, da je bila takšna lastnina pridobljena z
enim ali več prekrški, določenimi po točki (a) tega odstavka,
ali s sodelovanjem pri takšnem prekršku ali prekrških;
(ii) posest opreme ali materiala ali snovi, navedenih v tabelah I in II, če je znano, da se uporabljajo ali se bodo uporabljali pri nezakonitem gojenju, proizvodnji ali predelavi mamil
ali psihotropnih snovi ali za to;
(iii) kakršnokoli javno spodbujanje ali napeljevanje drugih, da storijo kateregakoli izmed prekrškov, določenih po tem
členu, ali da nezakonito uporabljajo mamila ali psihotropne
Stran 14 - Številka 14
(iv) Participation in, association or conspiracy to c o m m i t ,
a t t e m p t s to commit and aiding, abetting, f a c i l i t a t i n g and couns e l l i n g the commission of any of the offences established in accordance with this article.
2. Subject to its constitutional principles and the basic
concepts of its legal system, each Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary to establish as a criminal offence
under its domestic law, when committed intentionally, the possession, purchase or cultivation of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances for personal consumption contrary to the
provisions of the 1961 Convention, the 1961 Convention as
amended or the 1971 Convention.
3. Knowledge, intent or purpose required as an element
of an offence set forth in paragraph 1 of this article may be inferred from objective factual circumstances.
4. (a) Each Party shall make the commission of the offences established in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article
liable to sanctions which take into account the grave nature of
these offences, such as imprisonment or other forms of deprivation of liberty, pecuniary sanctions and confiscation.
(b) The Parties may provide, in addition to conviction or
punishment, for an offence established in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, that the offender shall undergo measures such as treatment, education, aftercare, rehabilitation or
social reintegration.
(c) Notwithstanding the preceding subparagraphs, in appropriate cases of a minor nature, the Parties may provide, as
alternatives to conviction or punishment, measures such as
education, rehabilitation or social reintegration, as well as,
when the offender is a drug abuser, treatment and aftercare.
(d) The Parties may provide, either as an alternative to
conviction or punishment, or in addition to conviction or punishment of an offence established in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, measures for the treatment, education,
aftercare, rehabilitation or social reintegration of the offender.
5. The Parties shall ensure that their courts and other
competent authorities having jurisdiction can take into account factual circumstances which make the commission of the
offences established in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article particularly serious, such as:
(a) The involvement in the offence of an organized criminal group to which the offender belongs;
(b) The involvement of the offender in other international organized criminal activities;
(c) The involvement of the offender in other illegal activities facilitated by commission of the offence;
(d) The use of violence or arms by the offender;
(e) The fact that the offender holds a public office and
that offence is connected with the office in question;
(f) The victimization or use of minors;
(g) The fact that the offence is committed in a penal institution or in an educational institution or social service facility
or in their immediate vicinity or in other places to which school children and students resort for educational, sports and social activities;
(h) Prior conviction, particularly for similar offences,
whether foreign or domestic, to the extent permitted under the
domestic law of a Party.
6. The Parties shall endeavour to ensure that any discretionary legal powers under their domestic law relating to the
prosecution of persons for offences established in accordance
with this article are exercised to maximize the effectiveness of
law enforcement measures in respect of those offences and with due regard to the need to deter the commission of such offences.
7. The Parties shall ensure that their courts or other competent authorities bear in mind the serious nature of the offences enumerated in paragraph 1 of this article and the circumstances enumerated in paragraph 5 of this article when considering the eventuality of early release or parole of persons
convicted of such offences.
8. Each Party shall, where appropriate, establish under its
domestic law a long statute of limitations period in which to
commence proceedings for any offence established in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, and a longer period
where the alleged offender has evaded the administration of
9. Each Party shall take appropriate measures, consistent
w i t h its legal system, to ensure that a person charged with or
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
(iv) sodelovanje, združevanje ali zarota, da se stori, poskus storitve in pomoč, napeljevanje, olajševanje in svetovanje
glede kateregakoli izmed prekrškov, določenih po tem členu.
2. Odvisno od lastnih ustavnih načel in temeljev pravnega sistema bo vsaka podpisnica sprejela potrebne ukrepe, da
se določijo kot kazniva dejanja po njenem zakonu tile naklepno storjeni prekrški: posest, nakup ali gojenje mamil ali psihotropnih snovi za osebno rabo v nasprotju s konvencijo iz leta 1961, spremenjeno konvencijo iz leta 1961 ali konvencijo iz
leta 1971.
3. O vednosti, naklepu ali namenu, ki so potrebni kot element prekrška, navedenega v prvem odstavku tega člena, se
lahko sklepa iz objektivnih dejanskih okoliščin.
4. (a) Vsaka podpisnica bo za prekrške, določene po
prvem odstavku rega člena, uporabila sankcije, kot so zapor ali
druge oblike odvzema prostosti, denarne sankcije in zaplemba,
pri čemer bo upoštevala hujšo naravo teh prekrškov.
(b) Podpisnice lahko poleg obsodbe ali kazni določijo, da
se za storilca prekrška, določenega po prvem odstavku tega
člena, uporabijo ukrepi, kot so zdravljenje, izobraževanje, nega po zdravljenju, rehabilitacija ali socialna reintegracija.
(c) Ne glede na prejšnje odstavke lahko podpisnice v ustreznih manj pomembnih primerih določijo kot alternativo za
obsodbo ali kazen ukrepe, kot so izobraževanje, rehabilitacija
ali socialna reintegracija, če je storilec prekrška narkoman, pa
zdravljenje in nego po zdravljenju.
(d) Podpisnice lahko kot alternativo za obsodbo ali kazen
ali poleg obsodbe ali kazni za prekršek, določen po drugem
odstavku tega člena, določijo za storilca prekrška ukrepe za
zdravljenje, izobraževanje, nego po zdravljenju, rehabilitacijo
ali socialno reintegracijo.
5. Podpisnice bodo zagotovile, da njihova sodišča in drugi pristojni organi, ki so pristojni za jurisdikcijo, upoštevajo
dejanske okoliščine, zaradi katerih so prekrški, določeni po
prvem odstavku tega člena, še posebej resni, kot so:
(a) vpletenost storilca v prekršek organizirane skupine
kriminalcev, ki ji pripada storilec prekrška;
(b) vpletenost storilca prekrška v druge mednarodne organizirane kriminalne dejavnosti;
(c) vpletenost storilca prekrška v druga nezakonita dejanja, omogočena s prekrškom;
(d) nasilje storilca prekrška ali uporaba strelnega orožja;
(e) dejstvo, da je storilec prekrška zaposlen v javni službi
in da obstaja zveza med prekrškom in zadevno službo;
(f) viktimizacija ali izkoriščanje mladoletnikov;
(g) dejstvo, da je bil prekršek storjen v kazenski instituciji, v instituciji za prevzgojo, v objektu družbene službe ali v njihovi neposredni bližini ali na drugih krajih, kamor odhajajo
šolairji, dijaki in študenti zaradi izobraževanja, športnih in drugih dejavnosti;
(h) prejšnja obsodba, zlasti zaradi podobnih prekrškov,
bodisi v državi bodisi v tujini, v meri, kolikor je to dovoljeno z
zakonom podpisnice.
6. Podpisnice si bodo prizadevale zagotoviti, da se vsa
diskrecijska zakonska pooblastila na podlagi njihovih zakonov, ki se nanašajo na pregon oseb zaradi prekrškov, določenih v skladu s tem členom, izvršijo tako, da bodo zakonski ukrepi v zvezi s temi prekrški kar najbolj učinkoviti in da se pri
tem popolnoma upošteva potreba po preprečevanju takih prekrškov.
7. Podpisnice bodo zagotovile, da njihova sodišča ali pristojni organi pri obravnavi možnosti za predčasen ali pogojni
odpust oseb, obsojenih za prekrške iz tega člena, upoštevajo
resnost prekrškov, naštetih v prvem odstavku tega člena, in
okoliščine, naštete v petem odstavku tega člena.
8. Vsaka podpisnica bo po potrebi na podlagi svojega zakona določila dolg zastaralni rok za začetek postopka v zvezi s
katerimkoli prekrškom, določenim po prvem odstavku tega
člena, in daljši rok, ko se domnevni storilec izogne pravici.
9. Vsaka podpisnica bo v skladu s svojim pravnim sistemom z ustreznimi ukrepi zagotovila, da bo obdolženec ali ob-
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
Š t v v i l k a 14 - Stran 15
convicted of an offence established in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, who is found w i t h i n its territory, is present at the necessary criminal proceedings.
10. For the purpose of co-operation among the Parties
under this Convention, including, in particular, co-operation
under articles 5, 6, 7 and 9, offences established in accordance
with this article shall not be considered as fiscal offences or as
political offences or regarded as politically motivated, without
prejudice to the constitutional limitations and the fundamental domestic law of the Parties.
11. Nothing contained in this article shall affect the principle that the description of the offences to which it refers and
of legal defences thereto is reserved to the domestic law of a
Party and that such offences shall be prosecuted and punished
in conformity with that law.
sojenec za prekršek, določen po prvem odstavku tega člena, ki
je na njenem območju, navzoč pri nujnem kazenskem postopku.
10. Pri sodelovanju med podpisnicami po tej konvenciji,
predvsem pri sodelovanju v zvezi s 5., 6., 7. in 9. členom, se
prekrški, določeni po tem členu, ne bodo šteli niti za fiskalne
prekrške niti za politične prekrške niti za politično motivirane
prekrške, to pa ne bo prejudiciralo ustavnih omejitev in temeljnega domačega zakona podpisnic.
Article 4
4. člen
1. Each Party:
(a) Shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offences it has established in
accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, when:
(i) The offence is committed in its territory;
(ii) The offence is committed on board" a vessel flying its
flag or an aircraft which is registered under its laws at the time
the offence is committed;
(b) May take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offences it has established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, when:
(i) The offence is committed by one of its nationals or by
a person who has his habitual residence in its territory;
(ii) The offence is committed on board a vessel concerning which that Party has been authorized to take appropriate
action pursuant to article 17, provided that such jurisdiction
shall be exercised only on the basis of agreements or arrangements referred to in paragraphs 4 and 9 of that article;
(iii) The offence is one of those established in accordance
with article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraph (c)(iv), and is committed outside its territory with a view to the commission, within its territory, of an offence established in accordance with
article 3, paragraph 1.
2. Each Party:
(a) Shall also take such measures as may be necessary to
establish its jurisdiction over the offences it has established in
accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, when the alleged offender is present in its territory and it does not extradite him to
another Party on the ground:
(i) That the offence has been committed in its territory or
on board a vessel flying its flag or an aircraft which was registered under its law at the time the offence was committed; or
(ii) That the offence has been committed by one of its nationals;
(b) May also take such measures as may be necessary to
establish its jurisdiction over the offences it has established in
accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, when the alleged offender is present in its territory and it does not extradite him to
another Party.
3. This Convention does not exclude the exercise of any
criminal jurisdiction established by a Party in accordance with
its domestic law.
11. Nič iz tega člena ne bo vplivalo na načelo, da je opis
prekrškov in zakonske zaščite pred njimi prepuščen zakonu
podpisnice in da veljata za takšne prekrške pregon in kazen v
skladu z njenim zakonom.
1. Vsaka podpisnica:
(a) bo ustrezno ukrepala za vzpostavitev svoje jurisdikcije
nad prekrški, ki jih je določila v skladu s prvim odstavkom 3.
člena, kadar:
(i) je prekršek storjen na njenem območju;
(ii) je prekršek storjen na ladji, ki pluje pod njeno zastavo, ali v letalu, ki je registrirano po njenih zakonih, ko je storjen prekršek;
(b) lahko sprejme ustrezne ukrepe za vzpostavitev svoje
jurisdikcije nad prekrški, ki jih je določila v skladu s prvim odstavkom 3. člena, kadar:
(i) stori prekršek njen državljan ali oseba, ki običajno
prebiva na njenem območju;
(ii) je prekršek storjen na ladji, v zvezi s katero ima zadevna podpisnica pravico ustrezno ukrepati v skladu s 17. členom, pri čemer bo takšna jurisdikcija izvršena le na podlagi
sporazuma ali aranžmaja iz četrtega in devetega odstavka navedenega člena:
(iii) je prekršek eden izmed tistih, ki so določeni v skladu
s točko (c) pod (iv) prvega odstavka 3. člena, in storjen zunaj
njenega območja z namenom, da se stori na njenem območju
prekršek po prvem odstavku 3. člena.
2. Vsaka podpisnica:
(a) bo sprejela tudi ustrezne ukrepe za vzpostavitev svoje
jurisdikcije nad prekrški, ki jih je določila v skladu s prvim odstavkom 3. člena, če je domnevni storilec prekrška na njenem
območju in ga ne izroči drugi podpisnici zaradi naslednjega:
(i) ker je bil prekršek storjen na njenem območju ali na
ladji, ki pluje pod njeno zastavo, ali v letalu, ki je bilo registrirano po njenem zakonu, ko je bil storjen prekršek;
(ii) ker je prekršek storil njen državljan;
(b) lahko sprejme tudi ustrezne ukrepe za vzpostavitev
svoje jurisdikcije nad prekrški, ki jih je določila v skladu s
prvim odstavkom 3. člena, če je domnevni storilec prekrška na
njenem območju in ga ne izroči drugi podpisnici.
3. Ta konvencija ne izključuje izvršitve kakršnekoli kazenske jurisdikcije, ki jo podpisnica določi v skladu s svojim
Article 5
5. člen
1. Vsaka podpisnica bo sprejela ustrezne ukrepe, da bi se
omogočila zaplemba:
(a) dobička, ki izvira iz prekrškov, določenih po prvem
odstavku 3. člena, ali lastnine, katere vrednost ustreza vrednosti takšnega dobička;
(b) mamil in psihotropnih snovi, materiala in opreme ali
drugih sredstev, kakorkoli uporabljenih pri prekrških ali namenjenih za prekrške, določene po prvem odstavku 3. člena.
1. Each Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary to enable confiscation of:
(a) Proceeds derived from offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, or property the value of
which corresponds to that of such proceeds;
(b) Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, materials and equipment or other instrumentalities used in or intended for use in any manner in offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1.
2. Each Party shall also adopt such measures as may be
necessary to enable its competent authorities to identify, trace,
and freeze or seize proceeds, property, instrumentalities or any
other things reffered to in paragraph 1 of this article, for the
purpose of eventual confiscation.
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo sprejela tudi ustrezne ukrepe, da
se njenim pristojnim organom zaradi dokončne zaplembe
omogoči identifikacija, odkrivanje, zamrznitev ali zaseg dobička, lastnine, sredstev ali česarkoli drugega, navedenega v
prvem odstavku tega člena.
Stran 16 - Številka 14
3. In order to carry out the measures referred to in this article, each Party shall empower its courts or other competent
authorities to order that bank, financial or commercial records
he made a v a i l a b l e or be seized. A Party shall not decline to act
under the precisions of this paragraph on the ground of bank
4. (a) Following a request made pursuant to this article
by another Party h a v i n g jurisdiction over an offence established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, the Party in
whose territory proceeds, property, instrumentalities or any other things referred to in paragraph 1 of this article are situated
(i) Submit the request to its competent authorities for the
purpose of obtaining an order of confiscation and, if such order is granted, give effect to it; or
( i i ) Submit to its competent authorities, with a view to giv i n g effect to it to the extent requested, an order of confiscation issued by the requesting Party in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, in so far as it relates to proceeds, property, instrumentalities or any other things referred to in paragraph 1 situated in the territory of the requested Party.
(b) Following a request made pursuant to this article by
another Party having jurisdiction over an offence established
in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, the requested Party
shall take measures to identify, trace, and freeze or seize proceeds, property, instrumentalities or any other things referred
to in paragraph 1 of this article for the purpose of eventual
confiscation to be ordered either by the requesting Party or,
pursuant to a request under subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, by the requested Party.
(c) The decisions or actions provided for in subraparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph shall be taken by the requested Party, in accordance with and subject to the provisions
of its domestic law and its procedural rules or any bilateral or
multilateral treaty, agreement or arrangement to which it may
be bound in relation to the requesting Party.
(d) The provisions of article 7, paragraphs 6 to 19 are applicable mutatis mutandis. In addition to the information specified in article 7, paragraph 10, requests made pursuant to
this article shall contain the following:
(i) In the case of a request pertaining to subparagraph (a)
(i) of this paragraph, a description of the property to be confiscated and a statement of the facts relied upon by the requesting Party sufficient to enable the requested Party to seek the
order under its domestic law;
(ii) In the case of a request pertaining to subparagraph
(a) (ii), a legally admissible copy of an order of confiscation issued by the requesting Party upon which the request is based,
a statement of the facts and information as to the extent to
which the execution of the order is requested;
( i i i ) In the case of a request pertaining to subparagraph
(b), a statement of the facts relied upon by the requesting Party
and a description of the actions requested.
(e) Each Party shall furnish to the Secretary-General the
text of any of its laws and regulations which give effect to this
paragraph and the text of any subsequent changes to such
laws and regulations.
(f) If a Party elects to make the taking of the measures referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph conditional on the existence of a relevant treaty, that Party shall
consider this Convention as the necessary and sufficient treaty
(g) The Parties shall seek to conclude bilateral and multilateral treaties, agreements or arrangements to enhance the effectiveness of international co-operation pursuant to this article.
5. (a) Proceeds or property confiscated by a Party pursuant to paragraph 1 or paragraph 4 of this article shall be disposed of by that Party according to its domestic law and administ r a t i v e procedures.
(b) When acting on the request of another Party in accordance with this article, a Party may give special consideration
to concluding agreements on:
(i) Contributing the value of such proceeds and property,
or funds derived from the sale of such proceeds or property, or
a substantial part thereof, to intergovernmental bodies specializing in the fight against illicit traffic in and abuse of narcotic
drugs and psychotropic substances;
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
3. Za izvajanje ukrepov, navedenih v tem členu, bo vsaka
podpisnica pooblastila svoja sodišča ali druge pristojne organe, da naložijo, da se bančna, finančna ali komercialna evidenca da na razpolago ali zaseže. Podpisnica ne bo zaradi bančne
tajnosti zavrnila ravnanja po določbah tega odstavka.
4. (a) V skladu z zahtevo, ki jo po tem členu postavi druga podpisnica, ki ima jurisdikcijo nad prekrškom, določenim
po prvem odstavku 3. člena, bo podpisnica, na katere območju
so dobiček, lastnina, sredstva ali karkoli drugega, navedenega
v prvem odstavku tega člena:
(i) predložila zahtevo svojim pristojnim organom, da dobi nalog za zaplembo, in ga bo izvršila, če ga dobi; ali
(ii) predložila svojim pristojnim organom zaradi izvršitve
prosilkin nalog za zaplembo v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega
člena v meri, kolikor se nanaša na dobiček, lastnino, sredstva
ali karkoli drugega, navedenega v prvem odstavku, kar je na
območju zaprošene podpisnice.
(b) V skladu z zahtevo, ki jo po tem členu postavi kakšna
druga podpisnica, ki ima jurisdikcijo nad prekrškom, določenim po prvem odstavku 3. člena, bo zaprošena podpisnica
sprejela ukrepe za identifikacijo, odkrivanje in zamrznitev ali
zaseg dobička, lastnine, sredstev ali česarkoli drugega iz prvega odstavka tega člena zaradi dokončne zaplembe, ki jo bo naložila bodisi prosilka bodisi zaprošena stran v skladu z zahtevo
po točki (a) tega odstavka.
(c) Zaprošena stran bo odločitve in dejanja iz točk (a) in
(b) tega odstavka izvedla v skladu in v odvisnosti od določb
svojega zakona in svojih procesnih pravil ali katerekoli dvostranske ali večstranske pogodbe, sporazuma ali aranžmaja, a
katerim prevzema obveznost nasproti prosilki.
(d) Šesti do devetnajsti odstavek 7. člena se uporabljajo
mutatis mutandis. Poleg obvestil, navedenih v desetem odstavku 7. člena, morajo vsebovati zahteve, postavljene v skladu s
tem členom:
(i) če gre za zahteve, ki se nanašajo na točko (a) pod (i) tega odstavka - opis lastnine, ki naj bo zaplenjena, in navedbo
dejstev, na katera se opira prosilka, ki zadoščajo, da lahko zaprošena stran zahteva nalog na podlagi svojega zakona;
(ii) če gre za zahtevo, ki se nanaša na točko (a) pod (ii) pravno sprejemljivo kopijo naloga za zaplembo, ki ga je izdala
prosilka in na katerem temelji zahteva, navedbo dejstev in obvestilo o obsegu, do katerega naj se nalog izvrši;
(iii) če gre za zahtevo, ki se nanaša na točko (b) - navedbo dejstev, na katera se opira prosilka, in opis zahtevanih dejanj.
(e) Vsaka podpisnica bo poslala generalnemu sekretarju
besedilo vseh svojih zakonov in predpisov, s katerimi uveljavlja ta odstavek, in besedilo vseh naknadnih sprememb takšnih
zakonov in predpisov.
(f) Če se kakšna izmed podpisnic odloči, da je za sprejetje ukrepov, navedenih v točkah (a) in (b) tega odstavka, potrebna ustrezna pogodba, bo štela to konvencijo za nujno in
zadostno pogodbeno podlago.
(g) Podpisnice si bodo prizadevale, da sklenejo dvostranske in večstranske pogodbe, sporazume ali aranžmaje, s katerimi se bo povečala učinkovitost mednarodnega sodelovanja
smiselno temu členu.
5. (a) Dobiček ali lastnina, ki jo zapleni ena izmed podpisnic v skladu s prvim ali četrtim odstavkom tega člena, bo na
razpolago omenjeni podpisnici po njenem zakonu in upravnih
(b) Kadar deluje podpisnica na zahtevo druge podpisnice
v skladu s tem členom, se lahko posebej odloči za sklenitev
sporazuma o naslednjem:
(i) da se vrednost takšnega dobička in lastnine ali sredstva, pridobljena s prodajo takšnega dobička ali lastnine, ali
pa pretežni del priloži kot prispevek medvladnim telesom, specializiranim za boj zoper nezakonit promet in zlorabo mamil
in psihotropnih snovi;
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
Š t e v i l k a 14 - Stran 17
( i i ) Sharing with other Parties, on a regular or case-by-case basis, such proceeds or property, or funds derived from the
sale of such proceeds or property, in accordance with its domestic law, administrative procedures or bilateral or multilateral agreements entered into for this purpose.
6. (a) If proceeds have been transformed or converted into other property, such property shall be liable to the measures
reffered to in this article instead of the proceeds.
(b) If proceeds have been intermingled with property acquired from legitimate sources, such property shall, without
prejudice to any powers relating to seizure or freezing, be liable to confiscation up to the assessed value of the intermingled
(c) Income or other benefits derived from:
(i) Proceeds;
(ii) Property into which proceeds have been transformed
or converted; or
(iii) Property with which proceeds have been intermingled shall also be liable to the measures referred to in this article, in the same manner and to the same extent as proceeds.
7. Each Party may consider ensuring that the onus of proof be reversed regarding the lawful origin of alleged proceeds
or other property liable to confiscation, to the extent that such
action is consistent with the principles of its domestic law and
with the nature of the judicial and other proceedings.
8. The provisions of this article shall not be construed as
prejudicing the rights of bona fide third parties.
9. Nothing contained in this article shall effect the principle that the measures to which it refers shall be defined and
implemented in accordance with subject to the provisions of
the domestic law of a Party.
(ii) da z drugimi podpisnicami redno ali od primera do
primera deli takšen dobiček ali lastnino ali sredstva, pridobljena s prodajo takšnega dobička ali lastnine, v skladu s svojim
zakonom, upravnimi postopki ali dvostranskimi ali večstranskimi sporazumi, sklenjenimi v tem smislu.
6. (a) Če je bil dobiček preoblikovan ali spremenjen v
drugo lastnino, bodo namesto dobička za takšno lastnino veljali ukrepi, navedeni v tem členu.
(b) Če je dobiček pomešan z lastnino, pridobljeno iz legitimnih virov, bo za takšno lastnino brez prejudiciranja katerihkoli pooblastil v zvezi z zasegom ali zamrznitvijo veljala zaplemba do ocenjene vrednosti pomešanega dobička.
Article 6
6. člen
(c) Za prihodek ali druge koristi, ki izvirajo iz:
(i) dobička;
(ii) lastnine, v katero je bil preoblikovan ali spremenjen
(iii) lastnine, s katero se je pomešal dobiček,
bodo prav tako veljali ukrepi, navedeni v tem členu, na enak
način in v enaki meri kot za dobiček.
7. Vsaka podpisnica lahko obravnava zagotovitev obrnjenega dokaznega bremena glede zakonitega izvora domnevnega
dobička ali druge lastnine, ki naj bi se zaplenila, kolikor je takšno dejanje v skladu z načeli njenega zakona in z naravo sodnega in drugih postopkov.
8. Določbe tega člena se ne bodo razlagale tako, da prejudicirajo pravice dobrovernih tretjih.
9. Nič iz tega člena ne bo vplivalo na načelo, da se ukrepi, na katere se nanaša, določijo in izvajajo v skladu z zakonom podpisnice in pod pogoji, določenimi v njem.
1. This article shall apply to the offences established by
the Parties in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1.
2. Each of the offences to which this aticle applies shall
be deemed to be included as an extraditable offence in any extradition treaty existing between Parties. The Parties undertake
to include such offences as extraditable offences in every extradition treaty to be concluded between them.
1. Ta člen se bo uporabljal za prekrške, ki jih podpisnice
določijo v skladu s prvim odstavkom 3. člena.
2. Za vsak prekršek, za katerega se uporablja ta člen, se
bo štelo, da je zajet z vsakim sporazumom o izročitvi, sklenjenim med podpisnicami, kot prekršek, za katerega je obvezna
izročitev. Podpisnice prevzamejo obveznost, da vključijo takšne prekrške v vsak sporazum o izročitvi, ki ga sklenejo med
seboj, kot prekršek, za katerega je obvezna izročitev.
3. Če prejme podpisnica, pri kateri je potreben za izročitev sporazum, zahtevo za izročitev kake druge podpisnice, s
katero nima sporazuma o izročitvi, lahko šteje to konvencijo
kot pravno podlago za izročitev v zvezi z vsakim prekrškom, za
katerega se uporablja ta člen. Podpisnice, ki so jim potrebni
podrobni predpisi, da bi uporabljale to konvencijo kot pravno
podlago za izročitev, bodo proučile možnost, da sprejmejo takšne predpise, kakršni so potrebni.
4. Podpisnice, pri katerih za izročitev ni potreben sporazum, bodo štele prekrške, na katere se nanaša ta člen, kot prekrške, za katere je med njimi obvezna izročitev.
3. If a Party which makes extradition conditional on the
existence of a treaty receives a request for extradition from
another Party with which it has no extradition treaty, it may
consider this Convention as the legal basis for extradition in
respect of any offence to which this article applies. The Parties
which require detailed legislation in order to use this Convention as a legal basis for extradition shall consider enacting
such legislation as may be necessary.
4. The Parties which do not make extradition conditional
on the existence of a treaty shall recognize offences to which
this article applies as extraditable offences between themselves.
5. Extradition shall be subject to the conditions provided
for by the law of the requiested Party or by applicable extradition treaties, including the ground upon which the requested
Party may refuse extradition.
6. In considering requests received pursuant to this article, the requested State may refuse to comply with such requests where there are substantial grounds leading its judicial or other competent authorities to beleive that compliance would
facilitate the prosecution or punishment of any person on account of his race, religion, nationality or political opinions, or
would cause prejudice for any of those reasons to any person
affected by the request.
7. The Parties shall endeavour the expedite extradition
procedures and to simplify evidentiary requirements relating
thereto in respect of any offence to which this article applies.
8. Subject to the provisions of its domestic law and its extradition treaties, the requested Party may, upon being satisfied that the circumstances so warrant and are urgent, and at the
request of the requesting Party, take a person whose extradition is sought and who is present in its territory into custody or
take other appropriate measures to ensure his presence at extradition proceedings.
5. Za izročitev so obvezni pogoji, predpisani z zakonom
zaprošene strani ali uporabnimi sporazumi o izročitvi, tudi razlogi, zaradi katerih lahko zaprošena stran zavrne izročitev.
6. Pri obravnavi zahtev, prejetih v skladu s tem členom,
lahko zaprošena stran zavrne zahteve, ko je zadosti razlogov,
da so njeni sodni ali drugi pristojni organi prepričani, da bi se
z ugoditvijo tem zahtevam olajšal pregon ali kaznovanje kakšne osebe zaradi njene rase, vere, narodnosti ali političnega
prepričanja ali da bi se zaradi kateregakoli izmed teh razlogov
povzročila škoda kakšni osebi, ki jo prizadene zahteva.
7. Podpisnice si bodo prizadevale, da pospešijo postopke
v zvezi z izročitvijo in poenostavijo dokazne zahteve v zvezi z
njimi, ki se nanašajo na prekrške, za katere se uporablja ta
8. V odvisnosti od določb svojega zakona in sporazuma o
izročitvi lahko zaprošena stran - potem ko se prepriča, da je
glede na okoliščine upravičeno in nujno - na zahtevo prosilke
pripre osebo, katere izročitev se zahteva in katera je na njenem
območju, ali pa lahko z drugimi ustreznimi ukrepi zagotovi, da
je oseba navzoča v postopku za izročitev.
Stran 18 - Š t e v i l k a 14
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
9. W i t h o u t prejudice to the exercise of any criminal jurisdiction established in accordance with its domestic law, a Party in whose territory an alleged offender is found shall:
(a) If it does not extradite him in respect of an offence established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, on the grounds set forth in article 4, paragraph 2, subparagraph (a), submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of
prosecution, unless otherwise agreed with the requesting Party;
(b) If it does not extradite him in respect of such an offence and has established its jurisdiction in relation to that offence in accordance with article 4, paragraph 2, subparagraph
(b), submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution, unless otherwise requested by the requesting
Party for the purposes of preserving its legitimate jurisdiction.
10. If extradition, sought for purposes of enforcing a sentence, is refused because the person sought is a national of the
requested Party, the requested Party shall, if its law so permits
and in conformity with the requirements of such law, upon application of the requesting Party, consider the enforcement of
the sentence which has been imposed under the law of the requesting Party, or the remainder thereof.
11. The Parties shall seek to conclude bilateral and multilateral agreements to carry out or to enhance the effectiveness
of extradition.
12. The Parties may consider entering into bilateral or
multilateral agreements, whether ad hoc or general, on the
transfer to their country of persons sentenced to imprisonment
and other forms of deprivation of liberty for offences to which
t h i s article applies, in order that they may complete their sentences there.
9. Brez prejudiciranja kakršnekoli kazenske jurisdikcije,
določene v skladu z njenim zakonom, bo podpisnica, na katere
območju je domnevni storilec prekrška:
(a) če ga ne izroči zaradi prekrška, določenega v prvem
odstavku 3. člena, iz razlogov, navedenih v točki (a) drugega
odstavka 4. člena - predložila zadevo svojim pristojnim organom zaradi sodnega pregona, razen če se s prosilko ne dogovori drugače;
Article 7
7. člen
(b) če ga ne izroči zaradi takšnega prekrška, svojo jurisdikcijo v zvezi s tem prekrškom pa je vzpostavila v skladu s
točko (b) drugega odstavka 4. člena - predložila zadevo svojim
pristojnim organom zaradi sodnega pregona, razen če prosilka
ne zahteva drugače, da bi ohranila svojo legitimno jurisdikcijo.
10. Če se izročitev, zahtevana zaradi izvršitve sodbe, zavrne zato, ker je zahtevana oseba državljan zaprošene strani,
bo zaprošena stran - če je to dovoljeno po njenem zakonu in v
skladu z zahtevami takšnega zakona - na podlagi prošnje prosilke proučila izvršitev sodbe, ki je bila izdana po zakonu prosilke, ali njenega preostalega dela.
11. Podpisnice si bodo prizadevale, da sklenejo dvostranske in večstranske sporazume za izvedbo izročitve ali za njeno
večjo učinkovitost.
12. Podpisnice lahko proučijo sklenitev ad hoc ali splošnih dvostranskih ali večstranskih sporazumov o medsebojni
predaji oseb, obsojenih na kazen zapora ali druge oblike odvzema prostosti za prekrške, za katere se uporablja ta člen, da
bi v svoji državi prestale kazen do konca.
1. The Parties shall afford one another, pursuant to this
article, the widest measure of mutual legal assistance in investigations, prosecutions and judicial proceedings in relation to
criminal offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1.
2. Mutual legal assistance to be afforded in accordance
w i t h this article may be requested for any of the following purposes:
(a) Taking evidence or statements from persons;
(b) Effecting service of judicial documents;
(c) Executing searches and seizures;
(d) Examining objects and sites;
(e) Providing information and evidentiary items;
(f) Providing originals or certified copies of relevant documents and records, including bank, financial, corporate or
business records;
(g) Identifying or tracing proceeds, property, instrumentalities or other things for evidentiary purposes.
3. The Parties may afford one another any other forms of
mutual legal assistance allowed by the domestic law of the requested Party.
4. Upon request, the Parties shall facilitate or encourage,
to the extent consistent with their domestic law and practice,
the presence or availability of persons, including persons in
custody, who consent to assist in investigations or participate
in proceedings.
5. A Party shall not decline to render mutual legal assistance under this article on the ground of bank secrecy.
6. The provisions of this article shall not affect the obligations under any other treaty, bilateral or multilateral, which
governs or w i l l govern, in whole or in part, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
7. Paragraphs 8 to 19 of this article shall apply to requests
made pursuant to this article if the Parties in question are not
bound by a treaty of mutual legal assistance. If these Parties
are bound by such a treaty, the corresponding provisions of
that treaty shall apply unless the Parties agree to apply paragraphs 8 to 19 of this article in lieu thereof.
1. Podpisnice bodo nudile v skladu s tem členom druga
drugi vzajemno pravno pomoč pri preiskavah, pregonu in v
sodnih postopkih v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji, določenimi po
prvem odstavku 3. člena.
8. Parties shall designate an authority, or when necessary
authorities, which shall have the responsibility and power to
execute requests for mutual legal assistance or to transmit
them to the competent authorities for execution. The authority
2. Vzajemna pravna pomoč, ki se bo nudila v skladu s
tem členom, se lahko zahteva v naslednjem smislu:
(a) zbiranje pričevanj ali izpovedb;
(b) vročitev sodnih listin;
(c) preiskava in zaseg;
(d) pregled predmetov in lokacij;
(e) zagotavljanje obvestil in dokazil;
(f) zagotavljanje izvirnikov ali overjenih kopij pomembnih dokumentov in evidenc, med drugim bančne, finančne,
komercialne in poslovne evidence;
(g) identificiranje ali odkrivanje dobička, lastnine, sredstev ali česarkoli drugega za dokazne namene.
3. Podpisnice lahko nudijo druga drugi tudi vse druge oblike vzajemne pravne pomoči, ki so določene z zakonom zaprošene strani.
4. Podpisnice bodo na zahtevo olajšale ali spodbujale kolikor je to v skladu z njihovim zakonom in prakso - navzočnost ali dosegljivost oseb, med drugim priprtih oseb, ki se strinjajo, da pomagajo v preiskavah ali da sodelujejo v postopku.
5. Podpisnica zaradi bančne tajnosti ne bo zavrnila vzajemne pravne pomoči po tem členu.
6. Ta člen ne bo vplival na obveznosti iz kateregakoli drugega dvostranskega ali večstranskega sporazuma, ki v celoti ali
delno ureja ali bo urejal vzajemno pravno pomoč v kazenskih
7. Osmi do devetnajsti odstavek tega člena se uporabljajo
za zahteve, vložene v skladu s tem členom, če zadevne podpisnice niso zavezane s sporazumom o vzajemni pravni pomoči.
Če so podpisnice zavezane s takšnim sporazumom, se bodo
uporabljale ustrezne njegove določbe, razen če se podpisnice
ne dogovorijo, da bodo namesto njih uporabile osmi do devetnajsti odstavek tega člena.
8. Podpisnice bodo po potrebi določile pristojni organ ali
organe, ki bodo zadolženi in pooblaščeni izvrševati zahteve za
vzajemno pravno pomoč ali jih posredovati v izvršitev pristojnim organom. Generalni sekretar bo obveščen o organu ali or-
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
or the authorities designated for this purpose shall be notified
to the Secretary-General. Transmission of requests for m u t u a l
legal assistance and any communication related thereto shall
be effected between the authorities designated by the Parties;
this requirement shall be without prejudice to the right of a
Party to require that such requests and communications be addressed to it through the diplomatic channel and, in urgent circumstances, where the Parties agree, through channels of the
International Criminal Police Organization, if possible.
9. Requests shall be made in writing in a language acceptable to the requested Party. The language or languages acceptable to each Party shall be notified to the Secretary-General.
In urgent circumstances, and where agreed by the Parties, requests may be made orally, but shall be confirmed in writing
10. A request for mutual legal assistance shall contain:
(a) The identity of the authority making the request:
(b) The subject matter and nature of the investigation,
prosecution or proceeding to which the request relates, and
the name and the functions of the authority conducting such
investigation, prosecution or proceeding;
(c) A summary of the relevant facts, except in respect of
requests for the purpose of service of judicial documents;
(d) A description of the assistance sought and details of
any particular procedure the requesting Party wishes to be followed ;
(e) Where possible, the identity, location and nationality
of any person concerned;
(f) The purpose for which the evidence, information or
action is sought.
11. The requested Party may request additional information when it appears necessary for the execution of the request
in accordance with its domestic law or when it can facilitate
such execution.
12. A request shall be executed in accordance with the
domestic law of the requested Party and, to the extent not contrary to the domestic law of the requested Party and where possible, in accordance with the procedures specified in the request.
13. The requesting Party shall not transmit nor use information or evidence furnished by the reqested Party for investigations, prosecutions or proceedings other than those stated in
the request without the prior consent of the requested Party.
14. The requesting Party may require that the requested
Party keep confidential the fact and substance of the request,
except to the extent necessary to execute the request. If the requested Party cannot comply with the requirement of confidentiality, it shall promptly inform the requesting Party.
15. Mutual legal assistance may be refused:
(a) If the request is not made in conformity with the provisions of this article;
(b) If the requested Party considers that execution of the
request is likely to prejudice its sovereignty, security, ordre
public or other essential interests;
(c) If the authorities of the requested Party would be prohibited by its domestic law from carrying out the action requested with regard to any similar offence, had it been subject to
investigation, prosecution or proceedings under their own jurisdiction;
(d) If it would be contrary to the legal system of the requested Party relating to mutual legal assistance for the request
to be granted.
16. Reasons shall be given for any refusal of mutual legal
17. Mutual legal assistance may be postponed by the requested Party on the ground that it interferes with an ongoing
investigation, prosecution or proceeding. In such a case, the
requested Party shall consult with the requesting Party to determine if the assistance can still be given subject to such terms
and conditions as the requested Party deems necessary.
18. A witness, expert or other person who consents to give evidence in a proceeding or to assist in an investigation,
prosecution or judicial proceeding in the territory of the requesting Party, shall not be prosecuted, detained, punished or
subjected to any other restriction of his personal liberty in that
territory in respect of acts, omissions or convictions prior to
his departure from the territory of the requested Party. Such
safe conduct shall cease when the witness, expert or other per-
Š t e v i l k a 14 - Stran 19
ganih, določenih za ta namen. Zahteve za vzajemno pravno
pomoč in vsa sporočila v zvezi z njimi se bodo posredovale
prek organov, ki jih določijo podpisnice, ta zahteva ne bo prejudicirala pravice podpisnice, da zahteva, naj se ji take zahteve
in sporočila pošiljajo po diplomatski poti, v nujnih primerih,
kadar se podpisnice tako dogovorijo, pa po možnosti prek
mednarodne organizacije za zatiranje kriminala - INTERPOL.
9. Zahteve se bodo vlagale pisno v jeziku, ki je sprejemljiv za zaprošeno stran. O jeziku ali jezikih, sprejemljivih za
vsako podpisnico, bo pisno obveščen generalni sekretar. V nujnih primerih in kadar se strani tako dogovorijo, se zahteve lahko vložijo ustno, vendar morajo biti takoj pisno potrjene.
10. Zahteva za vzajemno pravno pomoč bo vsebovala:
(a) ime organa, ki vlaga zahtevo;
(b) zadevo in naravo preiskave, pregona ali postopka, na
katerega se zahteva nanaša, ter ime in funkcije organa, ki vodi
takšno preiskavo, pregon ali postopek;
(c) povzetek pomembnih dejstev, razen v zvezi z zahtevo
za predložitev sodnih listin;
(d) opis zahtevane pomoči in podrobnosti o vsakem določenem postopku, ki naj bi bil izveden na željo prosilke;
(e) kjer je možno, ime, kraj in državljanstvo zadevne ose-
(f) namen, zaradi katerega se zahtevajo dokazi, obvestila
ali dejanje.
11. Zaprošena stran lahko zahteva dodatna obvestila, če
je to potrebno za izvršitev zahteve v skladu z njenim zakonom
ali če to lahko olajša takšno izvršitev.
12. Zahteva bo izvršena v skladu z zakonom zaprošene
strani in v meri, ki ni v nasprotju z zakonom zaprošene strani,
in kjer je to mogoče, v skladu s postopki, navedenimi v zahtevi.
13. Prosilka ne bo odkrila niti izkoristila obvestil ali dokazov, dobljenih od zaprošene strani, za druge preiskave, pregone ali postopke, razen za tiste, ki so navedeni v zahtevi, če
poprej ne dobi soglasja zaprošene strani.
14. Prosilka lahko zahteva, da zaprošena stran varuje kot
zaupna dejstva in bistvo zahteve, razen v meri, ki je potrebna
za izvršitev zahteve. Če zaprošena stran ne more zadovoljiti
pogoja glede zaupnosti, o tem brez odlašanja obvesti prosilko.
15. Vzajemno pravno pomoč je mogoče zavrniti:
(a) če zahteva ni sestavljena v skladu s tem členom;
(b) če zaprošena stran meni, da bo izvršitev zahteve verjetno v škodo njeni suverenosti, varnosti, javnemu redu ali
drugim bistvenim interesom;
(c) če bi bilo pristojnim organom zaprošene strani po njenih zakonih prepovedano izvesti zahtevano dejanje v zvezi s
kakšnim podobnim prekrškom, ko bi bil ta predmet preiskave,
pregona ali postopka pod njihovo jurisdikcijo;
(d) če bi bila ugoditev zahtevi v nasprotju s pravnim sistemom zaprošene strani, ki se nanaša na vzajemno pravno pomoč.
16. Vsaka zavrnitev vzajemne pravne pomoči mora biti
17. Zaprošena stran lahko vzajemno pravno pomoč odloži, da ne bi ovirala tekoče preiskave, pregona ali postopka. V
tem primeru se bo zaprošena stran posvetovala s prosilko in
ugotovila, ali je pomoč mogoča pod pogoji, katere šteje zaprošena stran za nujne.
18. Priča, izvedenec ali druga oseba, ki privoli pričati v
postopku ali pomagati v preiskavi, pregonu ali sodnem postopku na območju prosilke: ne bo preganjana, priprta, kaznovana ali kako drugače omejena glede osebne svobode na tem
območju v zvezi z dejanji, opustitvami ali obsodbami pred njenim odhodom z območja zaprošene strani. To varstvo pa ne bo
več veljalo, če je priča, izvedenec ali druga oseba imela priložnost oditi 15 zaporednih dni ali toliko časa, kolikor se do-
Stran 20 - Številka 14
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
son h a v i n g had, for a period of fifteen consecutive days, or for
any period agreed upon by the Parties, from the date on which
he has been officially informed that his presence is no longer
required by the judicial authorities, an opportunity of leaving,
has nevertheless remained voluntarily in the territory or, hav i n g left it, has returned of his own free will.
19. The ordinary costs of executing a request shall be borne by the requested Party, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties concerned. If expenses of a s u b s t a n t i a l or extraordinary
nature are or w i l l be required to fulfil the request, the Parties
shall consult to determine the terms and conditions under
which the request will be executed as well as the manner in
w h i c h the costs shall be borne.
20. The Parties shall consider, as may be necessary, the
possibility of concluding bilateral or multilateral agreements
or arrangements that would serve the purposes of, give practical effect to, or enhance the provisions of this article.
20. Če bo potrebno, bodo podpisnice proučile možnost,
da sklenejo dvostranske ali večstranske sporazume ali
aranžmaje v smislu tega člena za praktično izvedbo ali razčlenitev njegovih določb.
Article 8
8. člen
govorita strani, od dneva, ko je bila uradno obveščena, da njena navzočnost sodnim organom ni več potrebna, pa kljub temu
prostovoljno ostane na območju ali se po odhodu vrne po lastni prosti volji.
19. Običajne stroške za izvršitev zahteve plača zaprošena
stran, razen če se zadevni strani ne dogovorita drugače. Če so
ali če bodo potrebni precejšnji ali izredni stroški, da bi se izvršila zahteva, se bosta strani posvetovali in določili pogoje in
modalitete, pod katerimi se bo zahteva izvršila, ter način poravnave stroškov.
The Parties shall give consideration to the possibility of
transferring to one another proceedings for criminal prosecution of offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, in cases where such transfer is considered to be in the
interests of a proper administration of justice.
Podpisnice bodo proučile možnost, da druga drugi pošiljajo zapisnike o kazenskem pregonu prekrškov, določenih po
prvem odstavku 3. člena, če menijo, da je to v interesu pravilne
izvršitve pravice.
Article 9
9. člen
1. The Parties shall co-operate closely with one another,
consistent with their respective domestic legal and administrative systems, with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of law
enforcement action to suppress the commissions of offences
established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1. They
shall, in particular, on the basis of bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements:
(a) Establish and maintain channels of communication
between their competent agencies and services to facilitate the
secure and rapid exchange of information concerning all aspects of offences established in accordance with article 3. paragraph 1, including, if the Parties concerned deem it appropriate, links with other criminal activities;
(b) Co-operate with one another in conducting enquiries,
with respect to offences established in accordance with article
3, paragraph 1, having an international character, concerning:
(i) The identity, whereabouts and activities of persons
suspected of being involved in offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1;
(ii) The movement of proceeds or property derived from
the commission of such offences;
(iii) The movement of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, substances in Table I and Table II of this Convention
and instrumentalities used or intended for use in the commission of such offences;
(c) In appropriate cases and if not contrary to domestic
law, establish joint teams, taking into account the need to protect the security of persons and of operations, to carry out the
provisions of this paragraph. Officials of any Party taking part
in such teams shall act as authorized by the appropriate authorities of the Party in whose territory the operation is to take
place, in all such cases, the Parties involved shall ensure that
the sovereignty of the Party on whose territory the operation is
to take place is fully respected;
(d) Provide, when appropriate, necessary quantities of
substances for analytical or investigative purposes;
(e) Facilitate effective co-ordination between their competent agencies and services and promote the exchange of personnel and other experts, including the posting of liaison officers.
2. Each Party shall, to the extent necessary, initiate, develop or improve specific training programmes for its law enforcement and other personnel, including customs, charged with
the suppression of offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1. Such programmes shall deal, in particular,
w i t h the following:
(a) Methods used in the detection and suppression of offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1 ;
1. Podpisnice bodo med seboj tesno sodelovale v skladu s
svojimi pravnimi in upravnimi sistemi, da bi povečale učinkovitost zakonskega delovanja za zatiranje prekrškov, določenih
po prvem odstavku 3. člena. Na podlagi dvostranskih ali večstranskih sporazumov ali aranžmajev bodo zlasti:
(a) vzpostavljale in ohranjale poti za vzdrževanje zvez
med svojimi pristojnimi ustanovami in službami, da bi olajšale
varno in hitro izmenjavo informacij v zvezi z vsemi vidiki prekrškov, določenih po prvem odstavku 3. člena, tudi povezanost
z drugimi kriminalnimi dejavnostmi, če zadevne strani menijo,
da je to potrebno;
(b) medsebojno sodelovale v preiskavah v zvezi s prekrški, določenimi po prvem odstavku 3. člena, ki imajo mednarodni značaj, ki se nanašajo na:
(i) identiteto, gibanje in dejavnosti oseb, osumljenih, da
so vključene v prekrške, določene po prvem odstavku 3. člena;
(ii) gibanje dobička ali lastnine, pridobljene s takšnimi
(iii) gibanje mamil, psihotropnih snovi, snovi iz tabel I in
II te konvencije in sredstev, uporabljenih ali namenjenih za
uporabo pri takšnih prekrških;
(c) v ustreznih primerih in če to ni v nasprotju z njihovim
zakonom - ustanavljale skupne teame za izvajanje tega odstavka, upoštevaje, da je treba zagotoviti varnost oseb in operacij.
Uradni predstavniki vsake strani, ki so člani teh teamov, bodo
delovali kot osebe, ki so jih pooblastili ustrezni organi strani,
na katere območju naj bi se operacija izvršila; v vseh teh primerih bodo zadevne strani zagotovile popolno spoštovanje suverenosti strani, na katere območju naj bi se operacija izvršila;
(d) po potrebi zagotovile potrebne količine snovi za analitične in preiskovalne potrebe;
(e) olajšale učinkovito koordinacijo med svojimi pristojnimi ustanovami in službami ter pospešile izmenjavo osebja in
drugih izvedencev, tudi oficirjev za zvezo.
7. Vsaka stran bo po potrebi uvajala, razvijala ali zboljševala specifične programe usposabljanja za svoje osebje v krinimalističnih in drugih službah, tudi v carinski, ki so zadolžene za zatiranje prekrškov, določenih po prvem odstavku
3. člena. Takšni programi se bodo nanašali predvsem:
(a) na metode, ki se uporabljajo pri odkrivanju in zatiranju prekrškov, določenih po prvem odstavku 3. člena;
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
(b) Routes and techniques used by persons suspected of
being involved in offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, particularly in transit States, and appropriate countermeasures;
(c) Monitoring of the import and export of narcotic
drugs, psychotropic substances and substances in Table I and
Table II;
(d) Detection and monitoring of the movement of proceeds and property derived from, and narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and substances in Table I and Table II, and instrumentalities used or intended for use in, the commission of
offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1;
(e) Methods used for the transfer, concealment or disguise of such proceeds, property and instrumentalities;
(f) Collection of evidence;
(g) Control techniques in free trade zones and free ports;
(h) Modern law enforcement techniques.
3. The Parties shall assist one another to plan and implement research and training programmes designed to share expertise in the areas referred to in paragraph 2 of this article
and, to this end, shall also, when appropriate, use regional and
international conferences and seminars to promote co-operation and stimulate discussion on problems of mutual concern,
including the special problems and needs of transit States.
Številka 14 - Stran 21
(b) na poti in tehnike, ki jih uporabljajo osebe, osumljene, da so vmešane v prekrške, določene po prvem odstavku 3.
člena, zlasti v tranzitnih državah, ter na ustrezne protiukrepe;
(c) na spremljanje uvoza in izvoza mamil, psihotropnih
snovi in snovi iz tabel I in II;
(d) na odkrivanje in spremljanje gibanja dobička in pridobljenega premoženja, mamil, psihotropnih snovi in snovi iz
tabel I in II ter sredstev, uporabljenih ali namenjenih za uporabo pri prekrških, določenih po prvem odstavku 3. člena;
(e) na metode, ki se uporabljajo za transfer, skrivanje ali
prikrivanje takšnega dobička, lastnine in sredstev;
(f) na zbiranje dokazov;
(g) na tehnike kontrole v prostih trgovinskih conah in
prostih lukah;
(h) na sodobne tehnike izvajanja zakona.
3. Podpisnice bodo druga drugi pomagale pri načrtovanju in izvajanju programov raziskovanja in usposabljanja, namenjenih za pridobitev strokovnega znanja na področjih, navedenih v drugem odstavku tega člena, in bodo v ta namen po
potrebi sklicevale tudi regionalne in mednarodne konference
in seminarje za pospeševanje sodelovanja in spodbujanje pogovorov o problemih skupnega pomena, tudi o posebnih problemih in potrebah tranzitnih držav.
Article 10
10. člen
1. The Parties shall co-operate, directly or through competent international or regional organizations, to assist and
support transit States and, in particular, developing countries
in need of such assistance and support, to the extent possible,
through programmes of technical co-operation on interdiction
and other related activities.
2. The Parties may undertake, directly or through competent international or regional organizations, to provide financial assistance to such transit States for the purpose of augmenting and strengthening the infrastructure needed for effective
control and prevention of illicit traffic.
3. The Parties may conclude bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements to enhance the effectiveness of international co-operation pursuant to this article and may take into consideration financial arrangements in this regard.
1. Podpisnice bodo neposredno ali prek pristojnih mednarodnih ali regionalnih organizacij v možni meri pomagale in
podpirale tiste tranzitne države in zlasti države v razvoju, ki tako pomoč in podporo potrebujejo, in sicer s programi tehničnega sodelovanja za prekinitev verige mamil in s sorodnimi
2. Podpisnice lahko neposredno ali prek pristojnih mednarodnih ali regionalnih organizacij zagotovijo takim tranzitnim državam finančno pomoč za povečanje in krepitev infrastrukture, ki je potrebna za učinkovito zatiranje in preprečevanje nezakonitega prometa.
3. Podpisnice lahko sklenejo dvostranske ali večstranske
sporazume ali aranžmaje, s katerimi bodo zboljšale učinkovitost mednarodnega sodelovanja v skladu s tem členom, in lahko pri tem upoštevajo finančne aranžmaje.
Article 11
11. člen
1. If permitted by the basic principles of their respective
domestic legal systems, the Parties shall take the necessary measures, within their possibilities, to allow for the appropriate
use of controlled delivery at the international level, on the basis of agreements or arrangements mutually consented to, with
a view to identifying persons involved in offences established
in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, and to taking legal
action against them.
2. Decisions to use controlled delivery shall be made on a
case-by-case basis and may, when necessary, take into consideration financial arrangements and understandings with respect to the exercise of jurisdiction by the Parties concerned.
3. Illicit consignments whose controlled delivery is agreed to may, with the consent of the Parties concerned, be intercepted and allowed to continue with the narcotic drugs or
psychotropic substances intact or removed or replaced in whole or in part.
1. Če dopuščajo temeljna načela njihovih zadevnih nacionalnih pravnih sistemov, bodo skušale podpisnice s potrebnimi ukrepi v mejah svojih možnosti omogočiti ustrezne kontrolirane dobave na mednarodni ravni na podlagi sporazumov ali
aranžmajev, ki jih med seboj uskladijo, da bi identificirale osebe, vmešane v prekrške po prvem odstavku 3. člena, in proti
njim zakonsko ukrepale.
Article 12
12. člen
1. The Parties shall take the measures they deem appropriate to prevent diversion of substances in Table I and Table II
used for the purpose of illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs or
psychotropic substances, and shall co-operate with one another to this end.
2. O kontroliranih dobavah se bo odločalo od primera do
primera; pri tem se lahko po potrebi upoštevajo finančni
aranžmaji in dogovori v zvezi z izvajanjem jurisdikcije zadevnih strani.
3. Nezakonite pošiljke, glede katerih kontrolirane dobave
se doseže dogovor, je mogoče ob soglasju zadevnih strani prestreči in dovoliti, da nadaljujejo pot z mamili ali psihotropnimi snovmi nedotaknjenimi ali odstranjenimi ali v celoti ali delno nadomeščenimi.
1. Podpisnice bodo sprejele tiste ukrepe, ki jih štejejo za
primerne pri preprečevanju preusmerjanja snovi iz tabel I in
II, ki se uporabljajo za nezakonito proizvodnjo in predelavo
mamil ali psihotropnih snovi, in bodo v ta namen med seboj
Stran 22 - Številka 14
2. If a Party or the Board has information which in its
o p i n i o n may require the inclusion of a substance in Table I or
Table II, it s h a l l notify the Secretary-General and furnish him
with the information in support of that notification. The procedure described in paragraphs 2 to 7 of this article shall also
apply when a Party or the Board has information justifying the
deletion of a substance from Table I or Table II, or the transfer of a substance from one Table to the other.
3. The Secretary-General shall transmit such notification,
and any information which he considers relevant, to the Parties, to the Commission, and, where notification is made by a
Party, to the Board. The Parties shall communicate their comments concerning the notification to the Secretary-General,
together with all supplementary information which may assist
the Board in establishing an assessment and the Commission
in reaching a decision.
4. If the Board, taking into account the extent, importance and diversity of the licit use of the substance, and the possibility and ease of using alternate substances both for licit purposes and for the i l l i c i t manufacture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, finds:
(a) That the substance is frequently used in the illicit manufacture of a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance;
(b) That the v o l u m e and extent of the illicit manufacture
of a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance creates serious
public health or social problems, so as to warrant international
action, it shall communicate to the Commission an assessment
of the substance, including the likely effect of adding the substance to either Table I or Table II on both licit use and illicit
manufacture, together with recommendations of monitoring
measures, if any, that would be appropriate in the light of its
5. The Commission, taking into account the comments
submitted by the Parties and the comments and recommendations of the Board, whose assessment shall be determinative as
to scientific matters, and also taking into due consideration
any other relevant factors, may decide by a two-thirds majority of its members to place a substance in Table I or Table II.
6. Any decision of the Commission taken pursuant to this
article shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to all
States and other entities which are, or which are entitled to become, Parties to this Convention, and to the Board. Such decision shall become fully effective with respect to each Party one
hundred and eighty days after the date of such communication.
7. (a) The decisions of the Commission taken under this
article shall be subject to review by the Council upon the request of any Party filed within one hundred and eighty days after
the date of notification of the decision. The request for review
shall be sent to the Secretary-General, together with all relevant information upon which the request for review is based.
(b) The Secretary-General shall transmit copies of the request for review and the relevant information to the Commission, to the Board and to all the Parties, inviting them to submit
their comments within ninety days. All comments received
shall be submitted to the Council for consideration.
(c) The Council may confirm or reverse the decision of
the Commission. Notification of the Council's decision shall
be transmitted to all States and other entities which are, or
w h i c h are entitled to become. Parties to this Convention, to
the Commission and to the Board.
8. (a) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in paragraph 1 of this article and the provisions
of the 1961 Convention, the 1961 Convention as amended and
the 1971 Convention, the Parties shall take the measures they
deem appropriate to monitor the manufacture and distribution
of substances in Table I and Table II which are carried out wit h i n their territory.
(b) To this end, the Parties may:
(i) Control all persons and enterprises engaged in the manufacture and distribution of such substances;
( i i ) Control under licence the establishment and premises
in which such manufacture or distribution may take place.
(iii) Require that licensees obtain a permit for conducting
the aforesaid operations;
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
2. Če ima kaka podpisnica ali odbor informacije, na podlagi katerih se lahko po njegovem mnenju zahteva uvrstitev
kakšne snovi v tabelo I ali II, obvesti o tem generalnega sekretarja in mu pošlje informacije, s katerimi podkrepi pisno obvestilo. Postopek, opisan v drugem do sedmem odstavku tega
člena, se bo uporabljal tudi takrat, ko ima kakšna podpisnica
ali odbor informacije, ki utemeljujejo zahtevo, da se kakšne
snovi iz tabel I in II črtajo ali pa prenesejo iz ene tabele v drugo.
3. Generalni sekretar pošlje tako pisno obvestilo ter vse
informacije, ki jih šteje za pomembne, podpisnicam, komisiji
in odboru, če pošlje obvestilo podpisnica. Podpisnice pošljejo
svoja mnenja v zvezi s tem obvestilom generalnemu sekretarju
skupaj z vsemi dopolnilnimi informacijami, ki utegnejo pomagati odboru pri ocenjevanju in komisiji pri odločanju.
4. Če odbor ob upoštevanju obsega, pomena in raznovrstnosti zakonite uporabe snovi ter možnosti in enostavnosti
uporabe drugih snovi tako za zakonito rabo kot tudi za nezakonito proizvodnjo ali predelavo mamil ali psihotropnih snovi
- ugotovi:
(a) da se snov pogosto uporablja pri nezakoniti proizvodnji ali predelavi mamil ali psihotropnih snovi,
(b) da povzroča obseg nezakonite proizvodnje ali predelave mamil ali psihotropnih snovi resne zdravstvene in socialne probleme in je zato potrebna mednarodna akcija,
pošlje komisiji oceno snovi, med drugim tudi možnega učinka
uvrstitve snovi v tabelo I ali II na zakonito uporabo in na nezakonito proizvodnjo ali predelavo, skupaj s priporočili o morebitnih ukrepih za spremljanje, ki bi bili primerni njegovi oceni.
5. Komisija lahko z dvetretjinsko večino glasov svojih
članov odloči, da se uvrsti snov v tabelo I ali II, pri čemer
upošteva mnenja podpisnic ter mnenja in priporočila odbora,
čigar ocena bo odločilna v zvezi z znanstvenimi vprašanji, in
vse druge pomembne dejavnike.
6. Vsako odločitev, ki jo sprejme komisija v skladu s tem
členom, sporoči generalni sekretar vsem državam in drugim telesom, ki so podpisniki te konvencije ali ki imajo pravico to
postati, in odboru. Taka odločitev bo za vsako podpisnico začela veljati 180 (stoosemdeset) dni po dnevu, ko je bila sporočena.
7. (a) Odločitve komisije, sprejete na podlagi tega člena,
se predložijo v revizijo svetu na zahtevo katerekoli podpisnice,
vloženo v 180 (stoosemdesetih) dneh po pisnem obvestilu o
odločitvi. Zahteva za revizijo se pošlje generalnemu sekretarju
skupaj z vsemi pomembnimi informacijami, na podlagi katerih
se zahteva revizija.
(b) Generalni sekretar bo kopije zahteve za revizijo in vse
pomembne informacije predložil komisiji, odboru in vsem
podpisnicam in jih prosil, naj dajo svoja mnenja v devetdesetih dneh. Vsa prejeta mnenja se predložijo svetu, da jih obravnava.
(c) Svet lahko potrdi ali odpravi odločitev komisije. Obvestilo o odločitvi sveta bo posredovano vsem državam in drugim telesom, ki so podpisniki te konvencije ali imajo pravico
to postati, komisiji in odboru.
8. (a) Ne da bi prejudicirale splošnost določb prvega odstavka tega člena in določb konvencije iz leta 1961, spremenjene konvencije iz leta 1961 ter konvencije iz leta 1971, bodo
podpisnice sprejele ustrezne ukrepe za spremljanje proizvodnje, predelave in razdeljevanja snovi iz tabel I in II na njihovem območju.
(b) V ta namen lahko podpisnice:
(i) kontrolirajo vse osebe in podjetja, udeležena pri proizvodnji, predelavi in razdeljevanju takih snovi;
(ii) kontrolirajo v skladu z dovoljenjem uvedbo proizvodnje, predelave ali razdeljevanja ter prostore, v katerih naj bi se
to opravljalo;
(iii) zahtevajo, da si imetniki dovoljenja priskrbijo dovolilnico za izvedbo omenjenih operacij;
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
Številka 14 - Stran 23
(iv) Prevent the accumulation of such substances in the
(iv) preprečijo, da se take snovi kopičijo pri proizvajalcih,
possession of manufacturers and distributors, in excess of the
predelovalcih in razdeljevalcih v količinah, ki presegajo potrequantities required for the normal conduct of business and the
be za normalno delo in prevladujoče pogoje na trgu.
prevailing market conditions.
9. Each Party shall, with respect to substances in Table I
9. Vsaka podpisnica bo v zvezi s snovmi iz tabel I in II
and Table II, take the following measures:
sprejela naslednje ukrepe:
(a) uvedla in vzdrževala bo sistem za spremljanje medna(a) Establish and maintain a system to monitor internatirodnega prometa snovi iz tabel I in II zaradi lažje identifikacional trade in substances in Table I and Table II in order to facilitate the identification of suspicious transactions. Such mo- je sumljivih transakcij. Taki sistemi spremljanja se bodo uporabljali v tesnem sodelovanju s proizvajalci, predelovalci,
nitoring systems shall be applied in close co-operation with
uvozniki, izvozniki, prodajalci na debelo in na drobno. ki bomanufactures, importers, exporters, wholesalers and retailers,
do obveščali pristojne organe o sumljivih naročilih in transakwho shall inform the competent authorities of suspicious orcijah;
ders and transactions.
(b) predvidela bo zaseg vsake snovi iz tabele I ali II, če je
(b) Provide for the seizure of any substance in Table I or
dovolj dokazov, da se uporablja pri nezakoniti proizvodnji ali
Table II if there is sufficient evidence that it is for use in the ilpredelavi kakega mamila ali psihotropne snovi;
licit manufacture of a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance.
(c) čim prej bo obvestila pristojne organe in službe zainte(c) Notify, as soon as possible, the competent authorities
resiranih podpisnic, če obstajajo razlogi za domnevo, da je
and services of the Parties concerned if there is reason to belieuvoz, izvoz ali tranzit snovi iz tabele I ali II namenjen za nezave that the import, export or transit of a substance in Table I
konito proizvodnjo ali predelavo mamil ali psihotropnih snoor Table II is destined for the illicit manufacture of narcotic
vi, zlasti pa o plačilnih sredstvih ter o vseh drugih bistvenih
drugs or psychotropic substances, including in particular inelementih, ki so bili razlog za tako domnevo;
formation about the means of payment and any other essential
elements which led to that belief.
(d) zahtevala bo, da bo blago, ki se uvaža in izvaža, pra(d) Require that imports and exports be properly labelled
vilno označeno in dokumentirano. V komercialnih dokumenand documented. Commercial documents such as invoices,
cargo manifests, customs, transport and other shipping docutih, kot so računi, manifesti tovora, vozni listi, carinske listine
ments shall include the names, as stated in Table I or Table II,
in druge odpravne listine, bodo navedeni imena snovi iz tabele
of the substances being imported or exported, the quantity beI ali II, ki se uvažajo ali izvažajo, količina, ki se uvaža ali izing imported or exported, and the name and address of the exvaža, ter ime in naslov izvoznika, uvoznika in prejemnika, če je
porter, the importer and, when available, the consignee.
(e) Ensure that documents refferred to in subparagraph
(e) zagotovila bo, da se dokumenti, navedeni pod (d) tega
(d) of this paragraph are maintained for a period of not less
odstavka, hranijo najmanj dve leti in da so na razpolago prithan two years and may be made available for inspection by
stojnim organom zaradi inšpekcije.
the competent authorities.
10. (a) Poleg ukrepov iz devetega odstavka tega člena bo
10. (a) In addition to the provisions of paragraph 9, and
na zahtevo, ki jo je zainteresirana stran vložila pri generalnem
upon request to the Secretary-General by the interested Party,
sekretarju, vsaka stran, s katere območja naj bi se snov iz tabeeach Party from whose territory a substance in Table I is to be
le I izvozila, zagotovila, da pristojni organi pred takim izvoexported shall ensure that, prior to such export, the following
zom posredujejo pristojnim organom uvoznice naslednje ininformation is supplied by its competent authorities to the
competent authorities of the importing country:
(i) ime in naslov izvoznika in uvoznika ter prejemnika, če
(i) Name and address of the exporter and importer and,
je znan;
when available, the consignee;
(ii) ime snovi iz tabele I;
(ii) Name of the substance in Table I;
(iii) količino snovi, ki se izvozi;
(iii) Quantity of the substance to be exported;
(iv) pričakovani kraj vstopa v državo in pričakovani da(iv) Expected point of entry and expected date of dispattum odprave;
(v) vse druge informacije, o katerih se podpisnice med se(v) Any other information which is mutually agreed upon
boj dogovorijo.
by the Parties.
(b) Vsaka podpisnica lahko sprejme strožje ali ostrejše
(b) A Party may adopt more strict or severe measures of
kontrolne ukrepe, kot pa so določeni v tem odstavku, če so po
control than those provided by this paragraph if, in its opininjenem mnenju taki ukrepi zaželeni ali nujni.
on, such measures are desirable or necessary.
11. Ko pošlje ena izmed podpisnic drugi informacije v
11. Where a Party furnishes information to another Party
skladu z devetim in desetim odstavkom tega člena, lahko podin accordance with paragraphs 9 and 10 of this article, the Parpisnica, ki jih pošilja, zahteva, da podpisnica, ki jih prejema,
ty furnishing such information may require that the Party receobravnava kot zaupno vsako trgovinsko, poslovno, komercialiving it keep confidential any trade, business, commercial or
no ali poklicno tajnost ali trgovinski postopek.
professional secret or trade process.
12. Vsaka podpisnica bo vsako leto v določeni obliki in
12. Each Party shall furnish annually to the Board, in the
na za to določen način poslala odboru na obrazcih, ki ji bodo
form and manner provided for by it and on forms made avaidani na razpolago, informacije:
lable by it, information on:
(a) o količinah zaseženih snovi iz tabele I in II in o njiho(a) The amounts seized of substances in Table I and Tabvem izvoru, če je znan;
le II and, when known, their origin;
(b) o vseh snoveh, ki niso uvrščene v tabelo I ali II, ugo(b) Any substance not included in Table I or Table II
tovljeno pa je, da se uporabljajo pri nezakoniti proizvodnji ali
which is identified as having been used in illicit manufacture
predelavi mamil ali psihotropnih snovi, in podpisnica meni,
of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, and which is deda so dovolj pomembne, da se nanje opozori odbor;
emed by the Party to be sufficiently significant to be brought
to the attention of the Board;
(c) o metodah preusmerjanja in nezakonite proizvodnje
(c) Methods of diversion and illicit manufacture.
ali predelave.
13. Odbor bo vsako leto predložil komisiji poročilo o iz13. The Board shall report annually to the Commission
vajanju tega člena, komisija pa bo periodično analizirala uson the implementation of this article and the Commission
treznost in pravilnost tabel I in II.
shall periodically review the adequacy and propriety of Table
I and Table II.
14. Določbe tega člena se ne bodo uporabljale za farma14. The provisions of this article shall not apply to pharcevtske pripravke niti za druge pripravke, ki vsebujejo snovi iz
maceutical preparations, nor to other preparations containing
tabele I ali II, ki so sestavljeni tako, da snovi ni mogoče zlahka
substances in Table I or Table II that are compounded in such
uporabiti ah vrniti v prvotno stanje s hitro uporabnimi sreda way that such substances cannot be easily used or recovered
by readily applicable means.
Stran 24 - Številka 14
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
Article 13
13. člen
The Parties shall take such measures as they deem appropriate to prevent trade in and the diversion of materials
and equipment for illicit production or manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and shall co-operate to
this end.
Podpisnice bodo sprejele takšne ukrepe, ki so po njihovi
presoji primerni za preprečevanje trgovine in preusmerjanja
materialov in opreme za nezakonito proizvodnjo ali predelavo
mamil in psihotropnih snovi ter bodo v ta namen med seboj
Article 14
14. člen
1. Any measures taken pursuant to this Convention by
Parties shall not be less stringent than the provisions applicable to the eradication of illicit cultivation of plants containing
narcotic and psychotropic substances and to the elimination of
illicit demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
under the provisions of the 1961 Convention, the 1961 Convention as amended and the 1971 Convention.
2. Each Party shall take appropriate measures to prevent
illicit cultivation of and to eradicate plants containing narcotic
or psychotropic substances, such as opium poppy, coca bush
and cannabis plants, cultivated illicitly in its territory. The measures adopted shall respect fundamental human rights and
shall take due account of traditional licit uses, where there is
historic evidence of such use, as well as the protection of the
3. (a) The Parties may co-operate to increase the effectiveness of eradication efforts. Such co-operation may, inter
alia, include support, when appropriate, for integrated rural
development leading to economically viable alternatives to illicit cultivation. Factors such as access to markets, the availability of resources and prevailing socio-economic conditions
should be taken into account before such rural development
programmes are implemented. The Parties may agree on any
other appropriate measures of co-operation.
(b) The Parties shall also facilitate the exchange of scientific and technical information and the conduct of research
concerning eradication.
(c) Whenever they have common frontiers, the Parties
shall seek to co-operate in eradication programmes in their
respective areas along those frontiers.
4. The Parties shall adopt appropriate measures aimed at
eliminating or reducing illicit demand for narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substances, with a view to reducing human suffering and eliminating financial incentives for illicit traffic. These measures may be based, inter alia, on the recommendations
of the United Nations, specialized agencies of the United Nations such as the World Health Organization, and other competent international organizations, and on the Comprehensive
Multidisciplinary Outline adopted by the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, held in 1987, as it
pertains to governmental and non-governmental agencies and
private efforts in the fields of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. The Parties may enter into bilateral or multilateral
agreements or arrangements aimed at eliminating or reducing
illicit demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
5. The Parties may also take necessary measures for early
destruction or lawful disposal of the narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and substances in Table I and Table II which
have been seized or confiscated and for the admissibility as
evidence of duly certified necessary quantities of such substances.
Article 15
1. Ukrepi, ki jih podpisnice sprejmejo v skladu s to konvencijo, ne bodo manj strogi od določb, ki se uporabljajo za izkoreninjanje nezakonitega gojenja rastlin, ki vsebujejo mamila
in psihotropne snovi, ter za odpravo nezakonitega povpraševanja po mamilih in psihotropnih snoveh po določbah konvencije iz leta 1961, spremenjene konvencije iz leta 1961 in konvencije iz leta 1971.
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo sprejela ustrezne ukrepe za preprečevanje nezakonitega gojenja in za izkoreninjanje rastlin, ki
vsebujejo mamila in psihotropne snovi, kot so opijski mak,
grm koke in rastlina kanabis, ki se gojijo nezakonito na njenem območju. S sprejetimi ukrepi je treba spoštovati temeljne
človekove pravice in upoštevati tradicionalno zakonito uporabo, o kateri obstajajo zgodovinski dokazi, ter varstvo človekovega okolja.
3. (a) Podpisnice lahko med seboj sodelujejo, da bi bile
pri svojih prizadevanjih za izkoreninjanje učinkovitejše. Kjer
je primerno, lahko to sodelovanje med drugim vključuje podporo integralnemu razvoju vasi, ki omogoča ekonomsko rentabilno nadomeščanje nezakonitega gojenja. Dejavnike, kot so
dostopnost trga, razpoložljivost virov in obstoječi družbenoekonomski pogoji, je treba upoštevati pred uresničitvijo takih
programov razvoja vasi. Podpisnice se lahko dogovorijo tudi o
drugih ustreznih ukrepih sodelovanja.
(b) Podpisnice bodo tudi olajševale izmenjavo znanstvenih in tehničnih informacij ter raziskovanja v zvezi z izkoreninjanjem.
(c) Podpisnice, ki imajo skupne meje, si bodo prizadevale, da sodelujejo pri programih izkoreninjanja na svojih območjih vzdolž teh meja.
4. Podpisnice bodo sprejele ustrezne ukrepe za odpravo
ali zmanjšanje nezakonitega povpraševanja po mamilih in psihotropnih snoveh, da bi se zmanjšalo človeško trpljenje in odpravile finančne spodbude za nezakonit promet. Ti ukrepi lahko med drugim temeljijo na priporočilih Združenih narodov in
specializiranih ustanov Združenih narodov, kot so Svetovna
zdravstvena organizacija in druge pristojne mednarodne organizacije, ter na vsestranskem multidisciplinarnem prikazu,
sprejetem na mednarodni konferenci o zlorabi mamil in nezakonitem prometu, ki je bila leta 1987, saj se nanaša na prizadevanja vladnih in nevladnih ustanov in zasebnikov na področju
prevencije, zdravljenja in rehabilitacije. Podpisnice lahko sklenejo dvostranske ali večstranske sporazume ali aranžmaje, da
bi se odpravilo ali zmanjšalo nezakonito povpraševanje po
mamilih in psihotropnih snoveh.
5. Podpisnice lahko prav tako ustrezno ukrepajo, da se
čimprej uničijo ali zakonito odstranijo mamila, psihotropne
snovi in snovi iz tabel I in II, ki so bile zasežene ali zaplenjene,
ter da se predpisno overjene potrebne količine takih snovi
sprejmejo kot dokaz.
1. The Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure
that means of transport operated by commercial carriers are
not used in the commission of offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1; such measures may include
special arrangements with commercial carriers.
2. Each Party shall require commercial carriers to take reasonable precautions to prevent the use of their means of tran-
15. člen
1. Podpisnice bodo ustrezno ukrepale, da bi zagotovile,
da se prevozna sredstva komercialnih prevoznikov ne uporabljajo pri prekrških, določenih po prvem odstavku 3. člena; taki
ukrepi lahko zajemajo posebne aranžmaje s komercialnimi
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo zahtevala, da sprejmejo komercialni prevozniki razumne previdnostne ukrepe, da bi preprečili
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
sport for the commission of offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1. Such precautions may include:
(a) If the principal place of business of a commercial carrier is within the territory of the Party:
(i) Training of personnel to identify suspicious consignments or persons;
(ii) Promotion of integrity of personnel;
(b) If a commercial carrier is operating within the territory of the Party:
(i) Submission of cargo manifests in advance, whenever
(ii) Use of tamper-resistant, individually verifiable seals
on containers;
(iii) Reporting to the appropriate authorities at the earliest opportunity all suspicious circumstances that may be related to the commission of offences established in accordance
with article 3, paragraph 1.
3. Each Party shall seek to ensure that commercial carriers and the appropriate authorities at points of entry and exit
and other customs control areas co-operate, with a view to preventing unauthorized access to means of transport and cargo
and to implementing appropriate security measures.
Article 16
Š t e v i l k a 14 - Stran 25
uporabo svojih prevoznih sredstev za prekrške, določene po
prvem odstavku 3. člena. Taki previdnostni ukrepi lahko vključujejo:
(a) če je glavni poslovni sedež komercialnega prevoznika
na območju te podpisnice:
(i) usposabljanje kadrov za identificiranje sumljivih pošiljk ali oseb;
(ii) zboljšanje integritete kadrov;
(b) če komercialni prevoznik posluje na območju podpisnice:
(i) vnaprejšnjo predložitev tovornih manifestov, kadarkoli je to možno;
(ii) uporabo pečatov, ki jih je mogoče posamično preveriti in ki jih ni mogoče zlahka poškodovati, na kontejnerjih;
(iii) čimprejšnje obveščanje ustreznih pristojnih organov
o vseh sumljivih okoliščinah, ki bi utegnile biti povezane s prekrški, določenimi po prvem odstavku 3. člena.
3. Vsaka podpisnica si bo prizadevala zagotoviti, da bodo
komercialni prevozniki ter ustrezni pristojni organi na kraju
vstopa v državo in izstopa iz nje ter na drugih krajih, kjer se
opravlja carinska kontrola, sodelovali, da se prepreči nepooblaščen pristop k prevoznim sredstvom in tovoru in da se izvajajo ustrezni varnostni ukrepi.
16. člen
1. Each Party shall require that lawful exports of narcotic
drugs and psychotropic substances be properly documented.
In addition to the requirements for documentation under article 31 of the 1961 Convention, article 31 of the 1961 Convention as amended and article 12 of the 1971 Convention, commercial documents such as invoices, cargo manifests, customs,
transport and other shipping documents shall include the names of the narcotic drugs and psychotropis substances being
exported as set out in the respective Schedules of the 1961
Convention, the 1961 Convention as amended and the 1971
Convention, the quantity being exported, and the name and
address of the exporter, the importer and, when available, the
2. Each Party shall require that consignments of narcotic
drugs and psychotropic substances being exported be not mislabelled.
1. Vsaka podpisnica bo zahtevala, da bodo zakonite izvoze mamil in psihotropnih snovi spremljale pravilne listine. Poleg zahtev po dokumentaciji v skladu z 31. členom konvencije
iz leta 1961, 31. členom spremenjene konvencije iz leta 1961 in
12. členom konvencije iz leta 1971 bodo vsebovali komercialni
dokumenti, kot so računi, tovorni manifesti, vozni listi, carinski dokumenti in drugi prevozni dokumenti - imena mamil in
psihotropnih snovi, ki se izvažajo, navedena v usreznih seznamih konvencije iz leta 1961, spremenjene konvencije iz leta
1961 in konvencije iz leta 1971, količino, ki se izvaža, ter ime
in naslov izvoznika, uvoznika in prejemnika, če je znan.
Article 17
17. člen
1. Podpisnice bodo v skladu z mednarodnim pomorskim
pravom kar najbolj sodelovale pri zatiranju nezakonitega prometa po morju.
2. Podpisnica, ki utemeljeno sumi, da je ladja, ki pluje
pod njeno zastavo ali ki ne izobesi zastave ali nima vidnih oznak registracije, vpletena v nezakonit promet, lahko zahteva
pomoč druge podpisnice, da bi preprečila uporabo ladje v tak
namen. Tako zaprošene podpisnice bodo pomagale v okviru
svojih razpoložljivih sredstev.
3. Podpisnica, ki utemeljeno sumi, da je ladja, ki prosto
pluje v skladu z mednarodnim pravom in ki izobesi zastavo ali
ima vidne oznake registracije druge podpisnice, vpletena v nezakonit promet, lahko o tem obvesti državo, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, zahteva potrditev registracije in pooblastilo
države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, da bi ustrezno ukrepala
v zvezi s to ladjo.
4. V skladu s tretjim odstavkom ali v skladu z veljavnimi
sporazumi, sklenjenimi med podpisnicami, ali v skladu s kakim drugim dogovorom ali aranžmajem med temi podpisnicami lahko stran, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, pooblasti med
drugim državo, ki vloži zahtevo:
(a) za vkrcanje na ladjo;
(b) za preiskavo ladje;
(c) za ustrezne ukrepe v zvezi z ladjo, osebjem in tovorom
na njej - če se dokaže, da je vpletena v nezakonit promet.
1. The Parties shall co-operate to the fullest extent possible to suppress illicit traffic by sea, in conformity with the
international law of the sea.
2. A Party which has reasonable grounds to suspect that a
vessel flying its flag or not displaying a flag or marks of registry is engaged in illicit traffic may request the assistance of other Parties in suppressing its use for that purpose. The Parties
so requested shall render such assistance within the means
available to them.
3. A Party which has reasonable grounds to suspect that a
vessel exercising freedom of navigation in accordance with international law and flying the flag or displaying marks of registry of another Party is engaged in illicit traffic may so notify
the flag State, reguest confirmation of registry and, if confirmed, request authorization from the flag State to take appropriate measures in regard to that vessel.
4. In accordance with paragraph 3 or in accordance with
treaties in force between them or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement otherwise reached between those Parties, the flag State may authorize the requesting State to, inter
(a) Board the vessel;
(b) Search the vessel;
(c) If evidence of involvement in illicit traffic is found, take appropriate action with respect to the vessel, persons and
cargo on board.
5. Where action is taken pursuant to this article, the Parties concerned shall take due account of the need not to endan-
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo zahtevala, da bodo pošiljke mamil in psihotropnih snovi, ki se izvažajo, pravilno označene.
5. Pri ukrepanju v skladu s tem členom bodo zainteresirane podpisnice pazile, da ne ogrozijo varnosti življenja na mor-
Stran 26 - Številka 14
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
7. For the purposes of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article,
a Party shall respond expeditiously to a request from another
Party to determine whether a vessel that is flying its flag is entitled to do so, and to requests for authorization made pursuant to paragraph 3. At the time of becoming a Party to this
Convention, each Party shall designate an authority or, when
necessary, authorities to receive and respond to such requests.
Such designation shall be notified through the Secretary-General to all other Parties within one month of the designation.
8. A Party which has taken any action in accordance w i t h
t h i s article shall promptly inform the flag State concerned of
the results of that action.
9. The Parties shall consider entering into bilateral or regional agreements or arrangements to carry out, or to enhance
the effectiveness of, the provisions of this article.
10. Action pursuant to paragraph 4 of this article shall be
ships out only by warships or military aircraft, or other ships
or aircraft clearly market and identifiable as being on government service and authorized to that effect.
11. Any action taken in accordance with this article shall
take due account of the need not to interfere with or affect the
rights and obligations and the exercise of jurisdiction of coastal States in accordance with the international law of the sea.
ju ter varnosti ladje in tovora in da ne prizadenejo komercialnih in zakonskih interesov države, pod katere zastavo pluje
ladja, ali kake druge zainteresirane države.
6. Država, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, lahko v skladu
s svojimi obveznostmi iz prvega odstavka tega člena zahteva za
izdajo pooblastila določene pogoje, o katerih se dogovori z
državo, ki je vložila zahtevo, med drugim tudi pogoje v zvezi z
7. Podpisnica bo v skladu s tretjim in četrtim odstavkom
tega člena brez odlašanja odgovorila na zahtevo druge podpisnice, da ugotovi, ali ima ladja, ki plove pod njeno zastavo, pravico do tega, in na zahtevo za pooblastilo, vloženo v skladu s
tretjim odstavkom. Ko postane kaka država podpisnica te konvencije, imenuje organ ali - kadar je to potrebno - organe, ki
bodo sprejemali take zahteve in odgovarjali nanje. O imenovanem organu bo vse druge podpisnice obvestil generalni sekretar v enem mesecu po imenovanju.
8. Podpisnica, ki je ukrepala v skladu s tem členom, bo o
rezultatih teh ukrepov pravočasno obvestila državo, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja.
9. Podpisnice bodo obravnavale sklenitev dvostranskih
ali regionalnih sporazumov ali aranžmajev za izvajanje ali povečanje učinkovitosti določb tega člena.
10. Ukrepi v skladu s četrtim odstavkom tega člena se bodo izvajali samo z vojnimi ladjami ali vojaškimi letali ali drugimi ladjami ali letali, ki so jasno označeni in prepoznavni kot
ladje in letala v službi vlade in v tem smislu pooblaščeni.
11. Pri vseh ukrepih, sprejetih v skladu s tem členom, bo
upoštevana potreba po tem, da se ne prizadenejo in ne kršijo
pravice in obveznosti ter izvajanje jurisdikcije obalnih držav v
skladu z mednarodnim pomorskim pravom.
Article 18
18. člen
ger the safety of l i f e at sea, the security of the vessel and the
cargo or to prejudice the commercial and legal interests of the
flag State or any other interested State.
6. The flag State may, consistent with its obligations in
paragraph 1 of this article, subject its authorization to conditions to be m u t u a l l y agreed between it and the requesting Party,
i n c l u d i n g conditions relating to responsibility.
1. The Parties shall apply measures to suppress illicit traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and substances
in Table I and Table II in free trade zones and in free ports
that are no less stingent than those applied in other parts of
their territories.
2. The Parties shall endeavour:
(a) To monitor the movement of goods and persons in
free trade zones and free ports, and, to that end, shall empower the competent authorities to search cargoes and incoming
and outgoing vessels, including pleasure craft and fishing vessels, as well as aircraft and vehicles and, when appropriate, to
search crew members, passengers and their baggage;
(b) To establish and maintain a system to detect consignments suspected of containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic
substances and substances in Table I and Table II passing into
or out of free trade zones and free ports;
(c) To establish and maintain surveillance systems in harbour and dock areas and at airports and border control points
in free trade zones and free ports.
1. Podpisnice bodo uporabljale ukrepe za zatiranje nezakonitega prometa mamil in psihotropnih snovi ter snovi iz tabel I in II v prostih trgovinskih conah in v prostih lukah, ki niso milejši od ukrepov, ki se uporabljajo na drugih delih njihovega območja.
2. Podpisnice si bodo prizadevale:
(a) spremljati gibanje blaga in oseb v prostih trgovinskih
conah in prostih lukah in bodo zato pooblastile ustrezne organe, da preiščejo tovor in prihajajoče in odhajajoče ladje, med
drugim tudi turistične in ribiške ladje, in kadar bo to potrebno,
da preiščejo člane posadke, potnike in njihovo prtljago;
Article 19
19. člen
1. V skladu s svojimi obveznostmi po konvencijah Svetovne poštne unije in v skladu s temeljnimi načeli svojih pravnih sistemov bodo podpisnice sprejele ukrepe za preprečevanje uporabe pošte za nezakonit promet in bodo v ta namen
med seboj sodelovale.
2. Ukrepi, navedeni v prvem odstavku tega člena, vključujejo zlasti:
(a) koordinirano akcijo za prevencijo in preprečevanje
uporabe pošte za nezakonit promet;
(b) uvedbo in vzdrževanje prek osebja, pooblaščenega za
izvajanje zakonov, preiskovalnih in kontrolnih tehnik, namenjenih za odkrivanje nezakonitih pošiljk mamil, psihotropnih
snovi ter snovi iz tabel I in II v pošti;
1. In conformity with their obligations under the Conventions of the Universal Postal Union, and in accordance with
the basic principles of their domestic legal systems, the Parties
shall adopt measures to suppress the use of the mails for illicit
traffic and shall co-operate with one another to that end.
2. The measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this article
shall include, in particular:
(a) Co-ordinated action for the prevention and repression
of the use of the mails for i l l i c i t traffic;
(b) Introduction and maintenance by authorized law enforcement personnel of investigative and control techniques
designed to detect illicit consignements of narcotic drugs,
psychotropic substances and substances in Table I and Table
II in the mails;
(c) Legislative measures to enable the use of appropriate
means to secure evidence required for judicial proceedings.
(b) uvesti in vzdrževati sistem odkrivanja pošiljk, za katere se sumi, da vsebujejo mamila in psihotropne snovi ter snovi
iz tabel I in II, ki prihajajo v proste trgovinske cone in proste
luke ali odhajajo iz njih;
(c) uvesti in vzdrževati sisteme nadzora v lukah in na dokih ter na letališčih in mejnih prehodih v prostih trgovinskih
conah in prostih lukah.
(c) zakonodajne ukrepe, ki omogočajo uporabo ustreznih
sredstev za zagotovitev dokazov, potrebnih za sodni postopek.
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
Article 20
Številka 14 - Stran 27
20. člen
1. The Parties shall furnish, through the Secretary-General, information to the Commission on the working of this
Convention in their territories and, in particular:
(a) The text of laws and regulations promulgated in order
to give effect to the Convention;
(b) Particulars of cases of illicit traffic within thier jurisdiction which they consider important because of new trends
disclosed, the quantities involved, the sources from which the
substances are obtained, or the methods employed by persons
so engaged.
2. The Parties shall furnish such information in such a
manner and by such dates as the Commission may request.
1. Podpisnice bodo prek generalnega sekretarja pošiljale
komisiji informacije o delovanju te konvencije na njihovem
območju, zlasti pa:
(a) besedilo zakonov in predpisov, objavljenih v zvezi z
uveljavitvijo konvencije;
(b) podrobnosti v zvezi s primeri nezakonitega prometa v
okviru njihove jurisdikcije, za katere menijo, da so pomembne
zaradi novih odkritih trendov, količin, virov, iz katerih so snovi dobljene, ali metod, ki jih uporabljajo osebe, vključene v
takšen promet.
2. Podpisnice bodo pošiljale take informacije na način in
v rokih, kot bo zahtevala komisija.
Article 21
21. člen
The Commission is authorized to consider all matters
pertaining to the aims of this Convention and, in particular:
(a) The Commission shall, on the basis of the information
submitted by the Parties in accordance with Article 20, review
the operation of this Convention;
(b) The Commission may make suggestions and general
recommendations based on the examination of the information received from the Parties;
(c) The Commission may call the attention of the Board
to any matters which may be relevant to the functions of the
(d) The Commission shall, on any matter referred to it by
the Board under article 22, paragraph 1(b), take such action as
it deems appropriate;
(e) The Commission may, in conformity with the procedures laid down in article 12, amend Table I and Table II;
(f) The Commission may draw the attention of non-Parties to decisions and recommednations which it adopts under
this Convention, with a view to their considering taking action
in accordance therewith.
Komisija je pooblaščena, da obravnava vsa vprašanja v
zvezi s cilji te konvencije, zlasti pa:
(a) bo na podlagi informacij, ki ji jih pošiljajo podpisnice
v skladu z 20. členom, analizirala delovanje te konvencije;
Article 22
22. člen
1. Ne da bi se prejudicirale funkcije komisije iz 21. člena
ter funkcije odbora in komisije po konvenciji iz leta 1961, po
spremenjeni konvenciji iz leta 1961 in po konvenciji iz leta
(a) če ima odbor na podlagi svojih proučevanj informacij,
ki so na razpolago njemu, generalnemu sekretarju ali komisiji,
ali informacij, ki so mu jih poslali organi Združenih narodov,
razlog domnevati, da se cilji te konvencije glede vprašanj v
zvezi z njegovo pristojnostjo ne izpolnjujejo, lahko povabi
podpisnico ali podpisnice, da pošljejo vse relevantne informacije;
(b) v zvezi z 12., 13. in 16. členom:
(i) po ukrepih v skladu s točko (a) tega člena lahko odbor, če meni, da je to nujno, zahteva, da zadevne podpisnice
sprejmejo take korektivne ukrepe, ki so v danih okoliščinah
nujni za izvajanje 12., 13. in 16. člena;
1. Without prejudice to the functions of the Commission
under article 21, and without prejudice to the functions of the
Board and the Commission under the 1961 Convention, the
1961 Convention as amended and the 1971 Convention:
(a) If, on the basis of its examination of information available to it, to the Secretary-General or to the Commission, or
of information communicated by United Nations organs, the
Board has reason to believe that the aims of this Convention
in matters related to its competence are not being met, the Board may invite a Party or Parties to furnish any relevant information;
(b) With respect to articles 12, 13 and 16:
(i) After taking action under subparagraph (a) of this article, the Board, if satisfied that it is necessary to do so, may
call upon the Party concerned to adopt such remedial measures as shall seem under the circumstances to be necessary for
the execution of the provisions of articles 12, 13 and 16;
(ii) Prior to taking action under (iii) below, the Board
shall treat as confidential its communications with tha Party
concerned under the preceding subparagraphs;
(iii) If the Board finds that the Party concerned has not
taken remedial measures which it has been called upon to take
under this subparagraph, it may call the attention of the Parties, the Council and the Commission to the matter. Any report
published by the Board under this subparagraph shall also
contain the views of the Party concerned if the latter so requests.
2. Any Party shall be invited to be represented at a meeting of the Board at which a question of direct interest to it is
to be considered under this article.
3. If in any case a decision of the Board which is adopted
under this article is not unanimous, the views of the minority
shall be stated.
(b) lahko daje predloge in splošna priporočila na podlagi
proučitve informacij, dobljenih od podpisnic;
(c) lahko opozori odbor na vsa vprašanja, ki bi utegnila
biti pomembna za njegove funkcije;
(d) bo ustrezno ukrepala v zvezi s katerimkoli vprašanjem, ki ji ga prenese odbor na podlagi prvega odstavka pod
(b) 22. člena;
(e) v skladu s postopki, navedenimi v 12. členu, lahko
spremeni in dopolni tabeli I in II;
(f) lahko opozori države, ki niso podpisnice, na odločitve
in priporočila, ki jih sprejme na podlagi te konvencije, da bi
obravnavale ukrepe v skladu s temi odločitvami in priporočili.
(ii) preden bo ukrepal po podtočki (iii) te točke, bo odbor
obravnaval kot zaupne vse stike z zadevno podpisnico po
predhodnih podtočkah;
(iii) če odbor ugotovi, da zadevna podpisnica ni sprejela
korektivnih ukrepov, ki naj bi jih sprejela po tej točki, lahko
na to opozori podpisnice, svet in komisijo. Vsako poročilo, ki
ga odbor objavi po tej podtočki, bo vsebovalo tudi stališča zadevne podpisnice, če le-ta to zahteva.
2. Vsaka podpisnica bo povabljena na sestanek odbora,
na katerem bodo obravnavana vprašanja, ki imajo zanjo neposreden pomen po tem členu.
3. Če odločitev odbora, ki se sprejme po tem členu, ni
soglasna, se ugotovijo stališča manjšine.
Stran 28 - Številka 14
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
4. Dicisions of the Board under this article shall be taken
by a two-thirds majority of the w h o l e number of the Board.
5. In e a r n i n g out its functions pursuant to subparagraph
1(a) of this article, the Board shall ensure the confidentiality of
all information w h i c h may come into its possession.
6. The Board's responsibility under this article shall not
apply to the implementation of treaties or agreements entered
into between Parties in accordance with the provision of this
7. The provisions of this article shall not be applicable to
disputes between Parties falling under the provisions of article
4. Odločitve odbora po tem členu se sprejemajo z dvetretjinsko večino vseh članov odbora.
5. Pri izvajanju svojih funkcij v skladu s točko (a) prvega
odstavka tega člena bo odbor skrbel za zaupnost vseh informacij, ki jih utegne dobiti.
6. Odgovornost odbora po tem členu ne bo veljala za izvajanje pogodb ali sporazumov, sklenjenih med podpisnicami
v skladu s to konvencijo.
Article 23
23. člen
1. The Board shall prepare and annual report on its work
containing an analysis of the information at its disposal and,
in appropriate cases, an account of the explanations, if any, given by or required of Parties, together with any observations
and recommendations which the Board desires to make.
The Board may make such additional reports as it considers
necessary. The reports shall be submitted to the Council through the Commission which may make such comments as it sees fit.
2. The reports of the Board shall be communicated to the
Parties and subsequently published by the Secretary-General.
The Parties shall permit their unrestricted distribution.
1. Odbor bo pripravil letno poročilo o svojem delu z analizo informacij, ki so mu na razpolago, in v ustreznih primerih
prikaz pojasnil, če jih ima, ki so jih dale ali ki jih zahtevajo
podpisnice, skupaj z morebitnimi ugotovitvami in priporočili,
ki jih želi dati odbor. Odbor lahko sestavi tudi dodatna poročila, za katera meni, da so nujna. Poročila bodo predložena svetu prek komisije, ki lahko da ustrezna mnenja.
Article 24
24. člen
7. Določbe tega člena se ne bodo uporabljale za spore
med podpisnicami, za katere velja 32. člen.
2. Poročila odbora pošlje generalni sekretar podpisnicam
in jih nato objavi. Podpisnice dovolijo neomejeno distribucijo
A Party may adopt more strict or severe measures than
those provided by this Convention if, in its opinion, such measures are desirable or necessary for the prevention or suppression of illicit traffic.
Podpisnica lahko sprejme ukrepe, ki so strožji ali ostrejši,
od tistih, ki jih določa ta konvencija, če so po njenem mnenju
taki ukrepi zaželeni ali nujni za preprečevanje ali zatiranje nezakonitega prometa.
Article 25
25. člen
The provisions of this Convention shall not derogate
from any rights enjoyed or obligations undertaken by Parties
to this Convention under the 1961 Convention, the 1961 Convention as amended and the 1971 Convention.
Določbe te konvencije ne bodo prizadele pravic ali obveznosti, ki so jih podpisnice te konvencije pridobile ali prevzele na podlagi konvencije iz leta 1961, spremenjene konvencije iz leta 1961 in konvencije iz leta 1971.
Article 26
26. člen
This Convention shall be open for signature at the United Nations Office at Vienna, from 20 December 1988 to 28
February 1989, and tereafter at the Headquarters of the United
Nations at New York, until 20 December 1989, by:
(a) All States;
(b) Namibia, represented by the United Nations Council
for Namibia;
(c) Regional economic integration organizations which
h a v e competence in respect of the negotiation, conclusion and
application of international agreements in matters covered by
this Convention, references-under the Convention to Parties,
States or national services being applicable to these organizations w i t h i n the limits of their competence.
Ta konvencija bo odprta za podpis v Uradu Združenih
narodov na Dunaju od 20. decembra 1988 do 28. februarja
1989, nato pa v Direkciji Združenih narodov v New Yorku do
20. decembra 1989:
(a) za vse države;
(b) za Namibijo, ki jo zastopa Svet Združenih narodov za
(c) za regionalne organizacije ekonomske integracije, ki
so pristojne za pogajanja, sklepanje in uporabo mednarodnih
sporazumov glede vprašanj, ki jih obravnava ta konvencija, pri
čemer velja sklicevanje na podpisnice, države ali nacionalne
službe v tej konvenciji za te organizacije v mejah njihove pristojnosti.
Article 27
27. člen
1. This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance
or approval by States and by Namibia, represented by the United Nations Council for Namibia, and to acts of formal confirmation by regional economic integration organizations referred to in article 26, subparagraph (c). The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval and those relating to acts of
formal confirmation shall be deposited with the Secretary General.
1. To konvencijo morajo ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti
države in Namibija, ki jo zastopa Svet Združenih narodov za
Namibijo, ter uradno potrditi regionalne organizacije ekonomske integracije, navedene v 26. členu pod (c). Listine o ratifikaciji, o sprejetju ali o odobritvi in sklepi v zvezi z uradnim potrdilom se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju.
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
Številka 14 - Stran 29
2. In their instruments of formal confirmation, regional
economic integration organizations shall declare the extent of
their competence with respect to the matters governed by this
Convention. These organizations shall also inform the Secretary-General of any modification in the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by the Convention.
2. Regionalne organizacije ekonomske integracije bodo v
svojih listinah o uradni potrditvi dale izjavo o tem, koliko so
pristojne za vprašanja, urejena s to konvencijo. Te organizacije
bodo tudi obveščale generalnega sekretarja o morebitnih spremembah glede svoje pristojnosti za vprašanja, urejena s to
Article 28
28. člen
1. This Convention shall remain open for accession by
any State, by Namibia, represented by the United Nations Council for Namibia, and by regional economic integration organizations referred to in article 26, subparagraph (c).
Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the Secretary-General.
2. In their instruments of accession, regional economic
integration organizations shall declare the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by this Convention. These organizations shall also inform the Secretary-General of any modification in the extent of their competence with
respect to the matters governed by the Convention.
1. Ta konvencija bo ostala odprta za pristop katerekoli
države, Namibije, ki jo zastopa Svet Združenih narodov za
Namibijo, in regionalnih organizacij ekonomske integracije,
navedenih v 26. členu pod (c). Pristop bo opravljen z deponiranjem listine o pristopu pri generalnem sekretarju.
Article 29
29. člen
1. This Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth
day after the date of the deposit with the Secretary-General of
the twentieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval
or accession by States or by Namibia, represented by the Council for Namibia.
2. For each State or for Namibia, represented by the Council for Namibia, ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding
to this Convention after the deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the
Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the
date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance,
approval or accession.
3. For each regional economic integration organization
referred to in article 26, subparagraph (c) depositing an instrument relating to an act of formal confirmation or an instrument of accession, this Convention shall enter into force on
the ninetieth day after such deposit, or at the date the Convention enters into force pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article,
whichever is later.
1. Ta konvencija začne veljati devetdeseti dan od dneva,
ko se pri generalnem sekretarju deponira dvajseta listina o ratifikaciji, o sprejetju, odobritvi ali o pristopu držav ali Namibije, ki jo zastopa Svet Združenih narodov za Namibijo.
Article 30
30. člen
2. Regionalne organizacije ekonomske integracije bodo
dale v svojih listinah o pristopu izjavo o tem, koliko so pristojne za vprašanja, urejena s to konvencijo. Te organizacije bodo
tudi obvestile generalnega sekretarja o morebitnih spremembah glede svoje pristojnosti za vprašanja, urejena s to konvencijo.
2. Za vsako državo ali za Namibijo, ki jo zastopa Svet
Združenih narodov za Namibijo, ki ratificira, sprejme, odobri
ali pristopi k tej konvenciji po deponiranju dvajsete listine o
ratifikaciji, o sprejetju, o odobritvi ali o pristopu, začne konvencija veljati devetdeseti dan po deponiranju njene listine o
ratifikaciji, o sprejetju, o odobritvi ali o pristopu.
3. Za vsako regionalno organizacijo ekonomske integracije, navedeno v 26. členu pod (c), ki deponira listino v zvezi s
sklepom o uradni potrditvi ali listino o pristopu, začne ta konvencija veljati devetdeseti dan po takem deponiranju ali na
dan, ko začne konvencija veljati v skladu s prvim odstavkom
tega člena, odvisno od tega, kaj je pozneje.
1. A Party may denounce this Convention at any time by
a written notification addressed to the Secretary-General.
2. Such denunciation shall take effect for the Party concerned one year after the date of receipt of the notification by
the Secretary-General.
1. Podpisnica lahko to konvencijo kadarkoli odpove s
pisnim obvestilom, ki ga pošlje generalnemu sekretarju.
2. Ta odpoved začne za zadevno podpisnico veljati eno
leto potem, ko prejme generalni sekretar pisno obvestilo.
Article 31
1. Any Party may propose an amendment to this Convention. The text of any such amendment and the reasons therefor
shall be communicated by that Party to the Secretary-General,
who shall communicate it to the other Parties and shall ask
them whether they accept the proposed amendment. If a proposed amendment so circulated has not been rejected by any
Party within twenty-four months after it been circulated, it
shall be deemed to have been accepted and shall enter into
force in respect of a Party ninety days after that Party has deposited with the Secretary-General an instrument expressing,
its consent to be bound by that amendment.
2. If a proposed amendment has been rejected by any
Party, the Secretary-General shall consult with the Parties
and, if a majority so requests, he shall bring the matter, together with any comments made by the Parties, before the Council which may decide to call a conference in accordance with
Article 62, paragraph 4, of the Charter of the United Nations
Any amendment resulting from such a Conference shall be
1. Vsaka podpisnica lahko predlaga spremembe in dopolnitve te konvencije. Besedilo morebitnih sprememb in dopolnitev ter njihovo obrazložitev pošlje podpisnica generalnemu
sekretarju, ta pa drugim podpisnicam, da bi se opredelile, ali
sprejemajo predlagane spremembe in dopolnitve ali ne. Če niti
ena izmed podpisnic v štiriindvajsetih mesecih ne zavrne tako
poslanega predloga sprememb in dopolnitev, se šteje, da je
sprejet in začne za vsako podpisnico veljati devetdeset dni potem, ko je pri generalnem sekretarju deponirala listino, v kateri je izjavila, da bo spoštovala spremembe in dopolnitve.
2. Če katerakoli izmed podpisnic zavrne predlagane spremembe in dopolnitve, se generalni sekretar posvetuje z drugimi podpisnicami in - če to zahteva večina - predloži zadevo
skupaj z morebitnimi mnenji podpisnic svetu, ki lahko odloči,
da se skliče konferenca v skladu s četrtim odstavkom 62. člena
ustanovne listine Združenih narodov. Vse spremembe in dopolnitve,sprejete na taki konferenci, bodo vključene v protokol
Stran 30 - Številka 14
Petek, 23. novembra 1990
embodied in a Protocol of Amendment Consent to be bound
by such a Protocol shall be required to be expressed specifically to the Secretary-General.
o spremembah in dopolnitvah. Zahtevano bo, da se mora soglasje o obveznosti takega protokola posebej izjaviti generalnemu sekretarju.
Article 32
32. člen
1. If there should arise between two or more Parties a dispute relating to the interpretation or application of this Convention, the Parties shall consult together with a view to the
settlement of the dispute by negotiation, enquiry, mediation,
conciliation, arbitration, recourse to regional bodies, judicial
process or other peaceful means of their own choice.
2. Any such dispute which cannot be settled in the manner prescribed in paragraph 1 of this article shall be referred,
at the request of any one of the States Parties to the dispute, to
the International Court of Justice for decision.
3. If a regional economic integration organization referred to in article 26, subparagraph (c) is a Party to a dispute
which cannot be settled in the manner prescribed in paragraph
1 of this article, it may, through a State Member of the United
Nations, request the Council to request an advisory opinion of
the International Court of Justice in accordance with article 65
of the Statute of the Court, which opinion shall be regarded as
4. Each State, at the time of signature or ratification, acceptance or approval of this Convention or accession thereto,
or each regional economic integration organization, at the time of signature or deposit of an act of formal confirmation or
accession, may declare that it does not consider itself bound
by paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article. The other Parties shall
not be bound by paragraphs 2 and 3 with respect to any Party
having made such a declaration.
5. Any Party having made a declaration in accordance
with paragraph 4 of this article may at any time withdraw the
declaration by notification to the Secretary-General.
1. Če pride med dvema ali več podpisnicami do spora v
zvezi z razlago ali uporabo te konvencije, se bodo podpisnice
med seboj posvetovale, da bi spor rešile s pogajanjem, preverjanjem, posredovanjem, poravnavo, arbitražo, z obračanjem
na regionalna telesa, s sodnim postopkom ali z drugimi mirnimi sredstvi po lastni izbiri.
2. Vsak spor, ki ga ni mogoče rešiti na način, predpisan v
prvem odstavku tega člena, bo na zahtevo katerekoli države strani v sporu poslan Mednarodnemu sodišču, da o njem odloči.
3. Če je regionalna organizacija ekonomske integracije,
navedena v 26. členu pod (c), stran v sporu, ki ga ni mogoče rešiti na način, predpisan v prvem odstavku tega člena, lahko
prek kake izmed držav članic Združenih narodov zahteva, da
svet prosi za strokovno mnenje Mednarodnega sodišča v skladu s 65. členom statuta sodišča, ki se bo štelo za odločilno.
Article 33
33. člen
4. Vsaka država lahko ob podpisu ali ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi te konvencije ali ob pristopu h konvenciji, vsaka regionalna organizacija ekonomske integracije pa ob podpisu ali deponiranju sklepa o uradni potrditvi ali pristopu izjavi, da ne šteje, da jo zavezujeta drugi in tretji odstavek tega
člena. Drugi in tretji odstavek ne bosta obvezna niti za druge
podpisnice glede katerekoli strani, ki je dala tako izjavo.
5. Vsaka podpisnica, ki je dala izjavo v skladu s četrtim
odstavkom tega člena, lahko to izjavo kadarkoli prekliče s pisnim obvestilom, ki ga pošlje generalnemu sekretarju.
The Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts of this Convention are equally authentic.
Besedila te konvencije v arabščini, kitajščini, angleščini,
francoščini, ruščini in španščini so enako verodostojna.
Article 34
34. člen
The Secretary-General shall be the depositary of this
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention.
Done at vienna, in one original, this twentieth day of December one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight.
Da bi to potrdili, so spodaj podpisani, za to predpisano
pooblaščeni, podpisali to konvencijo.
Sestavljeno na Dunaju v enem izvirniku dvajsetega decembra tisočdevetstooseminosemdesetega leta.
Generalni sekretar bo depozitar te konvencije.
Table I
Table II
Tabela I
Tabela II
Lysergic acid
1 -phenyl- 2-propanone
The salts of the substances
listed in this Table whenever
the existence of such salts is
Acetic anhydride
Anthranilic acid
Ethyl ether
Phenylacetic acid
The salts of the substances
listed in this Table whenever
the existence of such salts is
Lizerginska kislina
1 -fenil-2-propanon
Soli snovi, navedenih v tej tabeli, kadarkoli je njihov obstoj
Anhidrid ocetne kisline
Antranilna kislina
Fenilocetna kislina
Soli snovi, navedenih v tej
tabeli, kadarkoli je njihov
obstoj možen
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega zakona bo skrbel zvezni upravni organ za zdravstvo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati osmi dan po objavi v Uradnem listu SFRJ - Mednarodne pogodbe.