Page |1 Soaring Eagle SOARING EAGLE ADMINISTRATIVE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER August 2016 Happenings in the month of August 2016 Prayer for CCHS Strategic Plan CCHs Website Three Observations Mark Your Calendar Summer Reading ACT Dates Parent Social Cafeteria Services Congratulations Learning Center Safe Environment Shrimp and Petroleum Red/White Calendar iPad Orientation Immunization Hall of Fame Volleyball Schedule Football Schedule Called to Serve Parent/Teacher Conference Mary’s Messengers iPad Pick-up Organization/Moderators August Calendar 2016 VOLUME XI, ISSUE 2 HOME OF THE EAGLES_____ CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL’S MESSA GE Godisgood! Focus for 2015-2016 Central Catholic High School The United States Catholic Bishop published the “A Pastoral Message on Catholic Education” in November, 1972. It has been updated but the primary message goes unchanged. The scope is broad but not all encompassing. “Proclaiming the Gospel is a perennial task and joy for the Church of Jesus Christ………Catholic Education is an expression of the mission entrusted by Jesus to the Church He founded…..thus one crucial measure of the success or failure of the educational ministry is how well it enables men to hear the message of hope contained in the Gospel, to base their love and service of God upon this message, to achieve a vital personal relationship with Christ, and to share the Gospel’s realistic view of the human condition which recognizes the fact of core and personnel sin while offering hope.” “Education is one of the most important ways by which the church fulfills it commitment to the dignity of the person and the building of community….the educational mission of the Church is an integrated ministry embracing three interlocking dimensions: the message revealed by God (didache) which the Church proclaim; fellowship in the life of the Holy spirit (Koinonia); Soaring Eagle Page |2 service to the Christian community and the other human community (diakonia). In the months ahead I will address: • Message • Community • Service And the fourth component added later • Worship The building blocks to factor in creating and sharing in a Catholic Educational Institution are: • • • • Collaboration Collegiality Subsidiary These also will be addressed to hopefully have our entire community functionary effectively. Soaring Eagle Page |3 August Birthdays Students: Carsyn Meador, Hallie Crappell, Jonathan Gilmore, Bently Alcina, Marina Duval, Ross Thomas, Grant Cheramie, Luke Barbier, Macy Sims, Emily Price, Rayne Hotard, Symone Wiggins, Kade Pichoff, David Laubach, Braxton Alcina, Ethan Whittington, Dominic Skipper, Adam Dupuis, Ja’len Johnson, Samarick Paul, Thomas Stafford, Chance Jewett. Faculty: Maria Barbier, Debbie Stanley, Latashia Wise. Community’s Roles at a Catholic School I will define in future newsletters the roles of each member group of the Central Catholic Faith Community. Student – Disciple Parent – Witness (Model) Teacher – Minister Principal – Prophet Pastor – Shepherd Soaring Eagle Page |4 Central Catholic High School Strategic Plan – Ongoing The community of Central Catholic High School has a: Mission Statement Goals Objectives Strategic Plan Action Plan In the month ahead I will keep all of us up to date what has been approved for Central Catholic High School by the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Office of Catholic Schools and the Advanced Ed Evaluation Process. Available on the CCHS Website The Central Catholic High School Website is All the current information for 2016-2017 is located on this website: CCHS Parent/Student Handbook Schedule for Teams Calendars Annual Fund Information Safe Environment Information Summer Reading Information Much More Three Observations As Central Catholic High School officially opens the 2016-2017 School Term, I remind everyone of three areas of growth. a. Parent Participation is needed when requested. b. No student is to have an attitude of entitlement. c. Attend church services as a family each Sunday. There are a number of areas of growth for Central Catholic High School. Further areas of growth are listed in the 2016-2017 Strategic Plan to fulfill the Mission of Central Catholic High School. I do request during these summer months of rest, relaxation and socials, that everyone be aware of the consumption of alcohol beverages by students and especially not to place such unbecoming conduct on social media. Page |5 Soaring Eagle Mark your Calendar for August • • • • • • • • • August 1-3 – Teacher In-service August 4 - New Parent Social – 6:00 P.M. August 8 - 1st Full day of school for grades 10-12 August 9 - Full Day of school for grades 7-9 August 10 - Full Day of school for ALL students--Back to School Mass – 8:15 A.M. August 14 - “Project Graduation Community Day” August 16 - Back to School Night – 5:30 P.M. August 22 - Alumni Board Meeting – 7:00 P.M. August 25 - Football Jamboree (Lafayette) Summer Reading Program – VERY IMPORTANT The 2016 Summer Reading Packet has been published. They are now available at ( They can also be picked up in front of the school office. One of the most important educational skills a person can have is “Reading.” Not just learning how to read but to be able to comprehend and understand what you read. Students remember to complete your summer reading. ACT Testing Dates and Registration Facts Testing Date September 10, 2016 October 22, 2016 December 10, 2016 February 11, 2017 April 8, 2017 June 10, 2107 Registration Ends August 5, 2016 September 16, 2016 November 4, 2016 January 13, 2017 March 3, 2017 May 5, 2017 Late Registration Time Frame August 6-19, 2016 September 17-30, 2016 November 5-18, 2016 January 14-20, 2017 March 4-17, 2017 May 6-19, 2017 Tuition Payment • • Come to the Central Catholic High School Office to begin the process for MC Bank Loans. Tuition in full was due in June, 2016 Reporting Information in the Administration Monthly Newsletter Please let Deacon Vic know the results of events, accomplishments, awards, milestones and the like so they can be reported in the newsletter. Parent Social Thursday, August 4, 2016 – 6:00 P.M. – Flyer enclosed. Mark your calendar! Soaring Eagle Page |6 Shrimp and Petroleum Festival See attached flyer. St. Mary Bus Transportation All details regarding St Mary Parish Bus Transportation or St. Martin Parish Bus Transportation for Stephensville students can be acquired by contacting the Parish Transportation Offices. 2015-2016 Advisory Council Officers and Members President – Billy Hidalgo, Jr. Vice-President – Mark Nini Treasurer – Michele Picou Secretary – Jeremy Callais Members – Nathan Templet, Patrick Skiles, Burt Adams, Clarence Robinson, Fr. Clyde Mahler, Vic Bonnaffee (Executive Officer), Greg Hamer, Jr., Jennifer Rivere 2014 and 2015 Yearbooks Central Catholic has a few 2014 and 2015 Central Catholic Yearbooks for sale. If you did not purchase one for these years they are for sale for $25. Call the office for more information. IMMUNIZATION FOR 2016 – 2017 According to the State of Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, all individuals through 18 years of age who are enrolled in any Louisiana school must be up to date on immunizations. Please contact Debbie Stanley at Central Catholic High School to confirm that your student is current with all required vaccinations and we have their immunization record on file. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Cafeteria Services See enclosed flyer Congratulations Jalen Johnson – commitment to play football at University Louisiana Lafayette. Connor Hebert and Caroline Nini – Being recognized by the Morgan City Rotary Club. David Nugent – State 4H for Science, Engineering and Technology Board Elected Member. Liam McCloy – Received the Louisiana Scout of the Year Award from Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4222 Alyssa Landry – Miss Louisiana Junior Teen The Swamp Ball Baseball Team, Cheerleaders and Eaglettes, All Teams for practicing hard during the summer. Katie Jensen and Anne Rhodes for their new additions. Soaring Eagle Page |7 Change of Address and Email Address - IMPORTANT Please notify the Central Catholic High School Office of any change of address, phone number or email address as soon as this occurs. This information is needed to keep our database as up-to-date as possible. Your help is appreciated! The email address can be for more than one member of a family, i.e. father and mother. Reporting Information in the Administration Monthly Newsletter Please let Deacon Vic know the results of events, accomplishments, awards, milestones and the like so they can be reported in the newsletter. Safe Environment To be eligible to participate as a volunteer for student activities, parents must complete the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Safe Environment. Contact Bobby Miller for details. Uniforms for 2016-2017 Uniforms for 2016-2017 are to be purchased from the Alumni Shop. Get there early! Details regarding uniforms can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook which is located under Resources on the school website Official Shoe Requirement for 2016 – 2017 The official school shoe is the brown Eastland and the official Deck Shoe sold at Alumni Shop. Registration! Please inform family and friends, Central Catholic High School is accepting student applications for 2016 – 2017 School Term. Central Catholic High School is worth the ride and it is worth the investment. LEARNING CENTER STUDENTS Admission to the program is based on a recent professional evaluation. Documentation must be dated within the last two years for new students and within the last three years for students presently attending Central Catholic High School. It is very important that juniors and seniors have an updated evaluation on file in the guidance office in order for them to receive accommodations on the ACT Test. No student will receive accommodations from the Learning Center for the 20162017 school year until an evaluation is on file in the guidance office. There will be a change in accommodations for juniors and seniors in the Learning Center during the 2016-2017 school year. Juniors and seniors will stay in class with their math teachers for all testing. Questions are better answered by the math teachers as the students advance to higher math classes. Soaring Eagle Page |8 SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING The following guidelines must be followed for Safe Environment Training. INITIAL TRAINING - Paperwork must be picked up from the office or Bobby Miller. Complete the first three pages and return them to the office so a criminal background check can be completed. The other pages you can return later. You will be informed when you are cleared to do the training. RENEWAL TRAINING Go to: Use your username and password from last year. Instructions are online if you have forgotten your username or password. Complete the RENEWAL TRAINING. Print your certificate and turn in a copy to your local safe environment coordinator (Bobby Miller) or email to [email protected]. If you have any problems, then please contact Bobby Miller. What does CCHS offer to you? • Faith and Prayer • Family • Friends and Community • Life-Long Memories • Safe Environment • Excellent Curriculum • Extra-curriculum and Co-Curriculum Events • Dedicated Personnel This is what comes from a catholic education and academic excellence. Finally, almost 80% of Central Catholic High School students are involved in extracurricular and spirit activities. CCHS IS WORTH THE RIDE! Year of Mercy I cannot understate the importance of understanding and modeling Pope Frances’ Year of Mercy. It is all started with the beliefs that each of us is in the image of God. From this principle each of us than model our relationships to each other (Love your neighbor). It also prioritizes daily lives and action -- God, Family, Jobs or School, Extra Activities and Social Events. Finally, Pope Francis has declared 2016 the “Year of Mercy”. In the Bayou Catholic each month there are numerous articles concerning the meaning and practice of mercy. Below I list the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Focus on one and practice it for the month. CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY To feed the hungry To instruct the ignorant To give drink to the thirsty To counsel the doubtful To clothe the naked To admonish sinners To shelter the homeless To bear wrongs patiently To visit the sick To forgive offences willingly To visit the imprisoned To comfort the afflicted To bury the dead To pray for the living and the dead Soaring Eagle Closing Page |9 I thank you for being a part of the Central Catholic Community. For the community to prosper, communication must be ongoing. This newsletter contains too much information but it does give you the information needed to begin 2016-2017 correctly. Each year is a new beginning. Please stay up to date. God Bless all of you Peace and blessing, Soaring Eagle P a g e | 10 P a g e | 11 Soaring Eagle August 2016 Red/White Calendar DATE DAY SCHEDULE EVENT Aug. 1 Monday In-Service Aug. 2 Tuesday In-Service Aug. 3 Wednesday In-Service Aug. 4 Thursday New Parent Social Aug. 5 Friday CPR Aug. 8 Monday Orientation Grades 10-12 Aug. 9 Tuesday Orientation Grades 7-9 Aug. 10 Wednesday Red Day Aug. 11 Thursday White Day Aug. 12 Friday Red Day Aug. 15 Monday White Day Aug. 16 Tuesday Red Day Back to School Night Aug. 17 Wednesday White Day Assembly Aug. 18 Thursday Red Day Mass – (9:00 A.M.) Aug. 19 Friday White Day Senior Retreat Aug. 22 Monday Red Day Alumni Board Meets Aug. 23 Tuesday White Day Aug. 24 Wednesday Red Day Aug. 25 Thursday White Day Back to School Mass(8:15) Program Picture Day Assembly (Student Council) Mass (Bishop Fabre-8:15) Football Jamboree Aug. 26 Friday Red Day Late Start Aug. 29 Monday White Day Birthday Monday Aug. 30 Tuesday Red Day P a g e | 12 Soaring Eagle Aug. 31 Wednesday White Day Junior Retreat Assembly Soaring Eagle P a g e | 13 Soaring Eagle P a g e | 14 P a g e | 15 Soaring Eagle IMMUNIZATIONS SCHOOL YEAR 2016 – 2017. According to the State of Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, all individuals through 18 years of age who are enrolled in any Louisiana school must be up to date on immunizations. Please contact Debbie Stanley at Central Catholic High School to confirm that your student is current with all required vaccinations, and we have their immunization record on file. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Soaring Eagle P a g e | 16 Soaring Eagle P a g e | 17 P a g e | 18 Soaring Eagle Central Catholic High School 2016 Football Schedule 8/25 Jamboree Vermillion Catholic Away 9/2 Week 1 St. John Home 9/8 Week 2 Opelousas Catholic Home 9/15 Week 3 Ascension Catholic Away 9/22 Week 4 Lafayette Christian Home (D) 9/29 Week 5 Centerville Home (D) 10/7 Week 6 Highland Baptist Away (D) 10/14 Week 7 Vermillion Catholic Away (D) 10/21 Week 8 Hanson Memorial Away (D) 10/28 Week 9 Gueydan (Homecoming) Home (D) 11/4 Week 10 Ascension Episcopal Away (D) (D) – District Games Head Coach – Tommy Minton Athletic Director – Ree Case Principal – Deacon Vic Bonnaffee School Colors – Red and White Mascot - Eagles P a g e | 19 Soaring Eagle We are called to Serve Central Catholic High School Parent Participation Program builds community and helps provide the needs and services of CCHS and its mission. It is also a great way to meet other parents working for the same goal and investment, a great Catholic education. Parents are required to contribute 40 hours of service for the 2016-2017 school year. We have many activities and programs that you can participate in to receive your hours. Please sign up when you can to help out at these events. If you fail to meet your commitment, you will be required to pay $400.00 per family. These hours must be turned in by March 31, 2017. If you have any questions please call Maria Barbier in the Advancement Office, ext 319. Let’s all work together and soar like EAGLES! Soaring Eagle P a g e | 20 P a g e | 21 Soaring Eagle Mary’s Messengers Adoration What is the purpose of CCHS’s “Mary’s Messengers” Adoration Group? When we take a moment to adore God, a transformation happens. We are no longer held captive by the concerns of this life. Our hearts are lifted to that timeless place where God is. Here we can stay for a while, gazing at the beauty of His majesty, our spirits renewed by the power of His presence. We invite each of you to join us in a special program called “Mary’s Messengers”. This group sets aside one hour on the first Tuesday of each month from 11:30-12:30 to come before the Living presence of Christ in the Eucharist, to pray for our CCHS Family. We ask that you pray for the success and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, parents, grandparents and benefactors who so graciously help support our school and all that CCHS stands for. We invite you to meet us a few minutes early in the vestibule of the church for an opening prayer before heading to the chapel for adoration. If this adoration time is not convenient for you, Holy Cross parish also has silent adoration from 5AM-5PM in the chapel. All are Welcome! Soaring Eagle P a g e | 22 Soaring Eagle P a g e | 23 P a g e | 24 Soaring Eagle Central Catholic High School Organizations and Moderators 2016 - 2017 411-Vocations Maria Barbier Curriculum Committee – Gerrie Byrne Campus Ministry Kristi Wisdom/Maria Barbier/Gerrie Byrne ARK Club Jennifer Loupe Band – Morgan City High School Baseball – Tyler Jensen Beta Club Allison Longman Bowling – Jason Price Boys’ Basketball – Coach Ree Case Retreat Team – Kristi Wisdom/Maria Barbier/Gerrie Byrne Computer Club – David Irwin Cross Country – David Fuhrer Drama Club Kelli Jo Patterson Eaglettes – Melony August/Dominique Thomas Flag Raisers – Deacon Vic Bonnaffee Football – Coach Tommy Minton Freshman Sponsor – Missy Burton, Jenifer Loupe Girls’ Basketball – Cody Brodie/Joe Jones (Non-Faculty Coach) Governor’s Program on Abstinence(G.P.A.) –Allison Longman Hoby – Karen Tycer Virtual Curriculum – Gerrie Byrne/David Irwin Junior High Girls Basketball – Basketball Coaches Junior High Boys’ Basketball – Ron Case Junior High Football – Ree Case Junior High Softball – Mary Thomas Junior High Track – David Fuhrer Junior High Volleyball - Kindra Halverson/Michelle Picou Junior Ring Ceremony - David Irwin /Heather Irwin Junior Sponsor – Heather Irwin/ Brittany Matte Junior/Senior Prom Heather Irwin/Brittany Matte Key Club – Karen Solar Library Club – Anna Saleme Literary Rally – Missy Burton MAO Heather Irwin National Honor Society – Brittany Matte National Junior Honor Society –Allison Longman Newspaper(Local) Maria Barbier Newspaper(School) Aimee Bergeron Quiz Bowl TBA ` Soaring Eagle 4-H Club – Lisa Nugent Robotics – Burt Adams Boys’ and Girls’ State Karen Tycer Rotary – Karen Tycer Senior High Counselor – Karen Tycer Senior Sponsor – Anne Rhodes/Karen Tycer Seventh/Eighth Grade Sponsor –Lisa Nugent/Allison Longman/Kristi Wisdom Sports Information Director - Maria Barbier Softball – Joe Russo Sophomore Sponsor – Aimee Bergeron and Karen Solar Student Council – Kristen Miller Swim Team – Mark Nini Tennis – Mrs. Anne Rhodes/ Scott Rhodes Textbooks/Apps Gerrie Byrne Track – David Fuhrer Varsity Cheerleaders – Dominique Thomas Volleyball Latashia Wise Website – Anna Saleme Yearbook/Publication – Aimee Bergeron P a g e | 25 P a g e | 26 Soaring Eagle STUDENT COUNCIL MODERATORS 2016- 2017 SENIORS: Anne Rhodes and Karen Tycer JUNIORS: Heather Irwin and Brittany Matte SOPHOMORES: Aimee Bergeron and Karen Solar FRESHMEN: Missy Burton and Jennifer Loupe JUNIOR HIGH: Kristi Wisdom and Allison Longman ACTIVITIES 1. 2. 3. 4. Monthly Class Meeting (in place of Assembly) with moderator. Homecoming Week Trunk or Treat Spirit Week/Field Day SENIORS: Homecoming, Senior Breakfast JUNIORS: Prom, Ring Ceremony, Refreshments from Graduation SOPHOMORES: Sadie Hawkins, Refreshments after Ring Ceremony FRESHMAN: Christmas Decorations in the Mall JUNIOR HIGH: 2 dances/activities (suggestions) • Beginning of the year movie/game night • Bowling Party • End of year ice cream social(with Holy Cross grade 6) • Halloween Party • Homecoming Mixer Soaring Eagle P a g e | 27