The Story of Jule of the Orient


The Story of Jule of the Orient
Meet the scientist
behind Jule
Ingredients revealed
“Jiaogulan is not only the
rainforest’s most precious
gift, but it is, in fact, nature’s
greatest treasure.”
From jiaogulan to aronia
and goji to lychee, read
about the 22 ingredients
that pack Jule with a
powerful nutritional punch.
page 2
page 3
26 Reasons
to Drink Jule
of the Orient
From fighting
fatigue to boosting
your immune system,
read how Jule can
benefit you.
page 4
Healthy Living
U.S. Edition Vol. 1 Issue 1
The Story of Jule of the Orient
Remarkable herbal tonic combines ancient wisdom and modern science
early every civilization on Earth
has developed a system of natural
healing based on the use of native
plants. One of the great appeals of herbs is
that you don’t need to become ill first in
order to use them. To the contrary, there
are certain herbs that, if used on a daily
basis, will help to heighten your body’s
natural resistance so that you can head off
trouble before it starts.
Longer and Healthier Lives
The jiaogulan plant is not widespread
throughout China; it grows mainly in the
country’s rugged southern mountains.
That is why the ancient masters of TCM
overlooked jiaogulan; and yet, the people of
the South have long treasured this twisting
vine with five-leafed clusters above all
other healing plants. It is described by
the local inhabitants as xiancao, or the
“Immortality Herb,” because people within
certain villages in the Southern provinces
of China, where jiaogulan tonic is drunk
regularly, are said to have a history of
living to a very old age.
FreeLife® Investigates the
“Immortality Herb”
Thanks to the efforts on the part of
scientists, particularly the pioneering
Chinese research team guided by Dr.
Jialiu Liu, jiaogulan recently came to
the attention of FreeLife International.
FreeLife is an industry-leading company
dedicated to bringing people the most
effective, scientifically validated nutritional
products. With that corporate mission,
jiaogulan appeared to be a natural for
FreeLife. But at first, Co-Founder and CEO
Ray Faltinsky was skeptical. “At first I
could not believe my eyes,” said Faltinsky.
“The health benefits claimed for this
plant were so broad and far-reaching that
it appeared impossible. But, after a very
detailed and in-depth investigation by our
scientific team, we were convinced that
we had found the most important health
discovery we had ever seen.”
The most protective and health-restoring
herbals are the liquid preparations called
tonics, a name derived from their ability
to keep the body’s systems and energies in
tone. Tonics are a mainstay of Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM), the world’s
most comprehensive system of natural
healing. In TCM, a tonic is said to have
a protective, balancing, and energizing
quality that benefits one’s entire well-being
and creates “radiant health.” Many of the
ancient tonic formulas in TCM still enjoy
great popularity today, both at home and
around the world. And yet, the tonic herb
with perhaps the most profound benefits
for human health is little known outside of
China. Its name is jiaogulan (jee-ow-goolahn), and it is Nature’s Greatest Treasure™
for health and longevity.
In the last 30 years, extensive research
has been carried out around the world,
and more than 300 scientific papers
on jiaogulan have been published in
respected journals. This makes jiaogulan
one of the world’s most well-researched
herbs, and no other plant has been
scientifically demonstrated to have
broader applications for the betterment
of human health and wellness. Today
this miracle herb is used by health
practitioners in China to support virtually
every aspect of human health.
FreeLife could have chosen to market an
existing jiaogulan product, but, according
to Faltinsky, “Our goal in developing
our jiaogulan product was to utilize the
very best minds in the world to create the
What Is Jiaogulan? PREVIEW
Nature’s Greatest Treasure™ offers help for modern stressful lifestyles
Jiaogulan (pronounced jee-ow-goo-lahn), a
member of the cucumber family, is a lowlying vine with five-leafed clusters, hence
its botanical name Gynostemma
pentaphyllum (from the Greek
penta = “five” + phyllon = “leaf”).
Jiaogulan has a long history of use
as a daily tonic in China, but is
just now gaining popularity
worldwide because of new
scientific research supporting
a range of health and longevity
benefits that may very well eclipse that
of any plant yet discovered. To date, more than
300 research papers attest to jiaogulan’s diverse
Chemical analysis has shown that adaptogens work
because of active principles called saponins.
Ginseng, for example, is renowned as an
adaptogen because of its complement
of 28 saponins, but jiaogulan contains
more than 100 different saponins,
an astounding number that experts
proclaim to be the broadest and most
powerful range found in nature.
Jiaogulan’s saponins include the
major ones found in ginseng, plus
unique forms called gypenosides
that are found in jiaogulan alone.
Different gypenosides are found in different
parts of the plant, so it is thought to be most
beneficial to use the entire plant.
The Story — Continued on page 3
FreeLife’s Jule of the Orient is the
premier jiaogulan tonic. Here’s what it
can do for you!
As a super-adaptogen, Jule brings
balance to the body under a wide
range of stressful circumstances.†
Jule offers powerful anti-aging and
immune system support.†
Phytonutrient-rich Jule delivers the
antioxidant capacity of 15 servings
of fruits and vegetables in just 4
Many herbalists consider jiaogulan to be the most
potent herbal adaptogen. This term refers to special
plants that can increase the body’s resistance to
everyday stress, trauma, anxiety, and fatigue.†
Adaptogens accomplish this by a unique two-way
balancing action on neuro-endocrine and immune
Copyright ©2009 FreeLife International
Jiaogulan is also a powerful antioxidant, which is
important in today’s world of toxins, chemicals, poor
dietary habits, and other sources of free radicals.† Freeradical damage—also known as oxidative stress—is
a major contributor to many of today’s common
health concerns. Research suggests that jiaogulan
can help by promoting the body’s own production of
its most important antioxidant enzymes.†
In addition to jiaogulan, Jule is
formulated with 21 synergistic
supernutrients for optimal health
and wellness.†
Jule delivers smooth, long-lasting
energy that you can really feel!†
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.