Why should we be concerned with lake weeds?


Why should we be concerned with lake weeds?
Why should we be concerned with lake weeds?
Lakescapes offers weed
Waterville, MN
management services as well as shorelines
restoration, including various erosion control
techniques, buffer zones, and native plantings.
I can provide a very high level of service with
my close connection to the community, I am on
these lakes myself everyday as well. I do all
the treatments MYSELF,with DNR approved
aquatic herbicides and in accordance with all
EPA, Dept of Ag, and DNR regulations.
Clear lake, Waseca MN
Most lakes in Southern Minnesota are also on
the impaired waters list.
Aquatic herbicide treatments can
Improve the value of your properties
Improve native aquatic vegetation.
Improve enjoyment of water recreation
Aquatic vegetation is an extremely important
component of most freshwater systems,
providing habitat, refuge, and food for a wide
variety of organisms including fish,
invertebrates, and waterfowl. It is well
documented that aquatic vascular plants serve
as habitat for numerous invertebrate species.
Lake Volney, Minnesota
There are many instances where excessive
aquatic vegetation growth can detrimentally
affect fishery and wildlife resources, or limit
access for fishing, hunting, and other
recreational activities.
Near shore and cabin program
The easiest way to have your shore weeds
controlled for the season, is have me take care
of it for you. This is my Near Shore Program It
will provide the highest level of weed control
around your dock and beach. For most lots
this area is 50ft X 150ft. This program is not
eligible for the DNR grant.
This is the program I recommend for
customers if their goal is recreational use
around your shore. Please let me know if you
have any questions.
What does it cost for the season?
This can vary for several different reasons. Like water depth, weeds present, and if you have a much larger or
smaller lot. Just give me a call I can
give you all this information even over
the phone or email typically.
Lakescapes LLC
[email protected]
721 River St, Waterville, MN 56096
(507) 271-3727
Large area treatment programs
I also provide large area submerged herbicide
treatments. These are typically done along with
DNR funds, Local Lakes Associations, resorts,
and cities.
Clear lake Waseca, MN
I am very flexible with DNR treatments
programs and have several years experience
in the local area working closely with the DNR
and the local lake group’s I am also more than
happy to come talk to your Lake group talk
about the programs and process I offer and
how I might be able to help you.
Thanks for taking the time to read all this and
don’t hesitate to give me a call or email
Lake Tetonka, Waterville MN
Cory Culbert
Lakescapes LLC
[email protected]
721 River St, Waterville, MN 56096
(507) 271-3727
What can Aquatic herbicides do for you?
An overabundance of aquatic vegetation is
typically the result of introduction of exotic
species which out-compete native plants and
grow unchecked by natural herbivores or
parasites. For example, two of Minnesota’s
most problematic aquatic plant species,
Eurasian water milfoil and curly leaf pondweed,
are not native to Minnesota.
Clear lake
Minnesota’s natural lands and water resources
require special attention to keep them in their
naturally functioning ecosystem
condition. Some of these functions are to store
floodwaters, improve water quality, maintain
water flow during dry seasons and provide
food, nesting and protection for fish and
Lakescapes works in partnership with local,
state and national governmental agencies to
help any customer with any regulatory codes or
changes that may be issued.
My contact information is
Cory Culbert
[email protected]
Cedar Lake