July 2007.pub - gwrra
July 2007.pub - gwrra
GWRRA South Central Texas Region H District Texas Chapter R DFW Rallycats Raconteur www.gwrra-txr.org www.gwrra-txr.org Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge Volume 11, Issue 5 July 2007 2007 Wing Ding Coming Soon DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 1000000000About the Cover Chapter News — Staff Updates INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Chapter News/ 2 Staff/Member Updates Spotlight on . . . Recent Rides District Staff/News Region Staff/News National Staff/News Celebrations Calendars Classifieds Sponsors 3 8 9 12 13 13 14 15 21 22 Jo and Bill Moody stayed at a friend's cabin near Broken Bow, Oklahoma, and rode the Talimena Drive that a lot of us rode back in October, ‘06. Come Join Us • Chapter R’s Monthly Gathering is held on the 4th Tuesday of every month. • The Gathering is held at Fuddruckers in Grapevine, near Bass Pro Shop. (Check website for directions.) • For the safety of our members, Chapter R holds smoke free meetings. • All visitors are welcome! • Dinner at 6:30 pm; Meeting at 7:30 pm Send your photos and stories to Cheryl Baker at [email protected], and you, too, could end up on the next cover of the DFW Rallycats Raconteur! “R” Officers and Staff — 2007 Chapter Directors Chapter Couple of the Year Web Master Jim and Tish Jones Cells: (817)521-3491 (Tish) (682)438-0317 (Jim) [email protected] Fred and Mandy Mew Home : (817)354-4963 Cells : (817)707-3568 (817)939-3568 [email protected] [email protected] Teodora Stanev (972)800-0278 [email protected] Asst. Chapter Directors John and Ruth Fuls Home : (972)484-9399 Cells: (214)236-0522 (John) (214)476-9003 (Ruth) [email protected] (John) [email protected] (Ruth) Secretary/Treasurer Rebecca Herman Home : (817)481-6546 Cell : (817)706-1799 [email protected] Asst. Chapter Directors Ways and Means Jo Moody Cell : (214)505-9056 [email protected] Dwan Needham Home : (817)498-7430 Cell : (817)821-2449 [email protected] Chapter Educator Mark Herman - Educator Home : (817)481-6546 Cell : (817)239-9444 [email protected] Newsletter Editors Don and Cheryl Baker Home: (817)329– 8765 Cell: (817)703-4008 (Cheryl) [email protected] (Cheryl) 2 E-Master Ross Crum (817) 638-5248 [email protected] Rally Coordinator Karen Charles (972) 245-5311 [email protected] Scrapbook Coordinator Donna Thompson (940)240-0166 [email protected] Ride Coordinators Ross and Liz Crum Home : (817)638-5248 Cells: (214)497-8924 (817)706-2167 [email protected](Ross) [email protected] (Liz) DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Chapter Directors 2007 - Jim & Tish Jones Summer Vacation What are you doing for your summer vacation? As I look into the summer of 2007, I see that many folks are attending Wing Ding in Billings, and wish we could go. Some are just wandering around this area, and others are taking trips elsewhere. When we were children in school, we always had to tell the class what we did last summer as part of the back-to-school ritual. I remember that some summers I was very excited to tell of my trips as my family was lucky enough to have long family vacations. Other times I had Jim and Tish Jones nothing to say as we would just spend the summer at home. Either way, I always tried to make the best of what I was offered for my vacation. After Tish and I were married, we would try to plan way ahead of time for our summer vacations. Our daughters would always get very excited when summer was near as they knew we would be taking some type of trip and they would get to see new and exciting things. Heck, even I enjoyed those trips, because it gave me a chance to know my children better and see what this wonderful world has to offer. Now, Tish and I still plan our vacations way in advance. This is so that we can plan to see things and go places that we have not been to before. We did this for Billings this year, but alas, due to job issues, it did not work out. So, we will make the best of it and make our vacation somewhere near by. Again, we will enjoy what we have and have a great time. And again it gives Tish and me a chance to relax and just enjoy being with each other and the beautiful country that we call home. So as you take off for your vacation this summer, remember to not sweat the small stuff, things will go wrong, relax and enjoy the time you have with your significant other, the open road and time to just be you. Who knows, maybe we will have our own version of the old school ritual of "What did you do for your summer vacation"? Wherever you go, we wish you great weather, great roads and even greater times. Thanks, Jim and Tish Jones Chapter Directors GWRRA TX-R 3 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Asst. Chapter Directors 2007 - John & Ruth Fuls ACD’s CORNER John & Ruth Fuls Goals, many people set them, many people say everyone should, others never do. Some say only luck will allow you to achieve them, and others say all it takes is hard work, perseverance, and belief that you can do it. It’s said that it only brings about depression when one fails to achieve their goal, however it’s a tremendous high if John and Ruth Fuls, ACD’s you make it. Well I think goals are fine if they’re made with discretion.You say, what does this have to do with ridding a motorcycle? Well let’s consider it for a moment.Your first goal could be to become as well educated and practiced as possible in motorcycle safety and driving, No telling how much that could help you. A second goal may be to keep your motorcycle in the best condition possible. Up to date in servicing of all liquids, tires and brake pads in good condition, and a general inspection to verify that all thing are snug & tight. There’s assurance, and you ride more relaxed knowing everything is well maintained. Another goal could be to become involved in your chapter activities. There are many jobs you could do, or maybe just plan a ride you’ve always wanted to do, or come up with ideas for places to go, or things to do. Or you can set a goal for yourself of places to go or vacations you want to do.Years ago I made a mental list of places we wanted to ride to: Deal’s Gap, over the Brooklyn Bridge & through Times Square in NYC.Visiting certain Nat’l Parks and riding the “Road to the Sun” in Glacier Nat’l Park, attending selected rallies such as Americade in up state New York, and Honda Hoot in N.C., now moved to TN. Sometimes it’s fun to set fantasy goals, things you’d like to do or places to go even when the probably of doing them isn’t very good. It makes for great daydreaming. So go ahead, daydream & set some goals. 4 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Asst. Chapter Director 2007 - Jo Moody Vacation Time is here Well, vacation time is here again. This is the year of Bill’s and my BIG ADVENTURE. We bought what is now his Gold Wing two years ago last month. We were watching the news on the evening of July 4th and seeing the fireworks display at Mt. Rushmore. I turned to Bill and said “I want to do that! I want to go see the fireworks on Mr. Rushmore on July 4th!” We later found out that some of our chapter was actually there at the time! Well, this year we are going to be there, just not for the July 4th fireworks. Jo Moody, ACD We will be traveling through many scenic areas of our beautiful country for two weeks beginning June 16th. Many of you have already “been there, done that”. However it is our first time to take a really long vacation completely on the bikes and it is at once exciting and a bit scary. (speaking for myself.) We have listened to many of your stories and are taking advantage of your experience and wisdom. We thank you for sharing with us and maybe saving us some heartache but certainly we’ll see things that had not originally been on the itinerary. I hope everyone has a great summer. If bikes are part of your vacation plans, ride safe. You will no doubt be getting a review of our trip in next month’s newsletter. I hope there will be many highlights to report on and lots of adventures to share. Jo Moody 5 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Chapter Educator 2007 Mark Herman Nitrogen or Air? I decided to do some investigating on the topic of Nitrogen since it came up in our meeting. I found this in an article written in The Associated Press Updated: 1:56 p.m. CT July 31, 2006. It is information by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and opinions from Consumer Reports. In my reviews, here is the information I found. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has no opinion on nitrogen, but it does encourage motorists to keep their Mark and Rebecca Herman tires properly inflated, both for safety and to boost gas mileage. Severely under-inflated tires are dangerous, especially for sport utility vehicles and light trucks. I think we can throw in there (Motorcycles). The tire experts at Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, neither endorse nor object to the use of nitrogen in tires. They did find a gentleman that is using nitrogen in his tires. his name is George Bourque of Fairfiled, and he is driving around with pure nitrogen, the same stuff that Nascar drivers use. Bourque, an engineer, said he has seen a 1 to 1.5 mile-per-gallon increase since he began filling his tires with nitrogen, which is touted as maintaining tire pressure longer and resisting heat buildup on hot summer days. The article states that it is finding its way into the mainstream at a growing number of tire dealers — including Costco Wholesale Corp. However, Nationwide, fewer than 10 percent of tire dealers offer nitrogen and most dealers charge $2 to $5 per tire for the nitrogen fill-up. With or without nitrogen, proper inflation is the key to improving gas mileage. Motorists can improve gas mileage by 3.3 percent simply by keeping their tires properly inflated, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Since our atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen, it is more economical to continue using pure old air and certainly more available. I would say, use your own judgment, though the main issue of the article was about Nitrogen, I still think it is one of tire pressure. Please check your air pressure both on your motorcycle and in any vehicle you drive, that includes work vehicles and rentals. Remember - air on the side of safety. I did think this was a funny statement though, "Why pay for nitrogen when there’s plenty of free air for the taking? ’Why are you drinking that bottled water when there’s a pond out back?” Mark Herman GWRRA Region H Chapter R Chapter Educator 6 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Chapter Couple of the Year—Fred and Mandy Mew When chosen to represent Chapter R as your Couple of the Year, we dedicated our year to promoting Jim and Tish’s motto…to HAVE FUN! Well, in light of all the tragedy and loss experienced in the past year, sometimes it is hard to put on a cheery face. Although it is a tough time, we have chosen to take this time to reflect on ourselves and how lucky we truly are. It is said that “friends are the Fred and Mandy Mew family you choose for yourself”. We are proud and honored to call each of you our special friends and, indeed, our extended family. In these hard times, it is comforting to know that our friends in Chapter R are there for us to lean on; to steady us when we need support; and to celebrate our successes and share our good times. We cherish our time with Chapter R and look forward to each opportunity to get together, to laugh, to ride, to swap stories, to have fun. We will never forget those that are gone. They continue to ride with us in our hearts and our memories. “Think where man’s glory most begins and ends. And say my glory was that I had such friends.” William Butler Yeats Have fun, ride safe, Fred & Mandy 7 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Spotlight on. . . . .The District Rally Talent Show Behind the Scenes... ... A Talent Show Entry in the Making By Alice Meyer Let's start at the beginning. It all started at the Region H Rally in 2005. That's when we came up with the "big number" for the 2006 Texas District Talent Show entry. Those brave souls (Terry & Leona McDade, John & Lena Bryant, Fred & Mandy Mew, Jim & Tish Jones, Jeff & Donna Thompson, Ross & Liz Crum, and I) got up on stage (or helped with the AV equipment) and showed all of Texas District just how crazy chapter R really is. Afterwards, we knew we had to do it again. But, what could we do to top our "Time Warp - Welcome Back Breeze & Carolyn" skit? Hmmm.... The 2007 Texas District Rally theme was "Riding with the Stars". How could we tie this into our skit? Well, the late 60’s TV Show "Laugh In" always had lots of cameos and guest stars; could this be it? After many different ideas and suggestions, we hatched our plan: we'd use movie quotes from various eras and genres. We had some volunteers, and asked for more, after all, the more the merrier - and have you ever seen how many cast members were on Laugh In? We had several rehearsals, and various changes to scripts and lines. I think we had more fun, than actual rehearsal time at each of these planned events. Jim & Tish did their best to reel us in. Before we knew it, it was time to deliver. We dressed our parts and arrived in style. Many didn't know what to think, as we made our grand entrance. Many didn't know what to think after we left the stage, but that's another story. We had a lot of fun up there. And a lot of people volunteered their time, money, and ideas to the cause. So a big thank you to those of you that participated in the skit and cheered us on from the audience! We had a lot of fun. If you couldn't make it to Wichita Falls, you need to see the video! Bill & Jo Moody - not only provided the base materials for the backdrop, but also carried them to and from rehearsals, as well as, to Wichita Falls! Brian Neal - for providing us with some great impersonations and filling in with all those great laugh in characters (Tyrone F Horny and the Tricycle guy), and Scottie from Star Trek. Jim Jones - For being our announcer and keeping us in check. Tish Jones - For being such a great Ruth Buzzie! For helping paint those backdrops! Nice job! Leona McDade - Not only a great character, but also for allowing us to use your school stage (once again) for rehearsals! Mandy Mew - WOW, you've got some great lungs, girl. And I'm still seeing spots from that outfit when I close my eyes. Terry McDade & Gary Meyer - for being our gracious hosts for the evening. Rowen & Martin couldn't have done a better job! Ross & Liz Crum; Jeff, & Donna Thompson - for starting out with the group. Your ideas helped us get going. Hopefully next year's rehearsals won't conflict with your real life. And finally, Carolyn Barton - for volunteering and letting us run with it. SOCK IT TO ME, girl! Thanks again everyone! Alice Meyer 8 Chapter News— Gatherings DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Participants: Leonard & Glenda Reiter Vern Attaway Don & Cheryl Baker Mike Barchers John & Lena Bryant Dave & Karen Charles Ross & Liz Crum Alex & Courtney Crum Greg & Cassima Dean Brianne & Josh Gulley Mark & Rebecca Herman Hank & Marolyn Hetrick Brandon & Cheryl Hickey Don & Linda Holley Donna Holley Jim & Tish Jones Joe & Sandy Levengood Fred & Mandy Mew Alice Meyer Brian & Tina Neal Dwan & Mike Needham Jeanne & Jerry Nevil Gini & Herb Parsons Debbie & Greg Scott Tony & Pam Senia Mat Talmadge Jeff & Donna Thompson Leonard & Glenda Reiter’s BBQ May 27, 2007 Participants: Vernon Attaway Cheryl Baker Donald Baker John Bryant Lena Bryant Dave Charles Karen Charles Greg Dean James Jones Theresa Jones Joseph Levengood Sandy Levengood Alice Meyer Gary Meyer Brian Neal Tina Neal Teddy Stanev Mark Tucker Sonic Night, June 1, 2007 9 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Chapter News— Gatherings Participants: Vernon Attaway Ross Crum James Jones Mandy Mew Greg Scott Laine Crum Marvin Euchner Cathy Tucker Mark Tucker Mt. Scott Ride, June 2, 2007 Participants: Dinner ride to The Green Bamboo June 12, 2007 10 Cheryl Baker Alex Crum Courtney Crum Liz Crum Ross Crum Cassima Dean Greg Dean David Dorr James Jones Theresa Jones Leona McDade Terry McDade Jo Moody Gini Parsons Herb Parsons Anthony Senia Pamela Senia Teddy Stanev Jim Walton DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Chapter News— Gatherings Participants: B’day Party Campout, Dawson, TX June 16—17, 2007 Carolyn Barton John & Lena Bryant Alex Crum Courtney Crum Laine Crum Ross Crum John & Ruth Fuls Brianne Gulley Josh Gulley Hank & Marolyn Hetrick Donald & Linda Holley Donna Holley James & Theresa Jones Robert & Betty Mann Terry & Leona McDade Fred & Mandy Mew Leonard & Glenda Reiter Greg & Debbie Scott Jeff & Donna Thompson Participants: Dave Charles Karen Charles Cassima Dean Chapter ‘R’ Rally Roundup June 23, 2007 Greg Dean John Fuls James Jones Theresa Jones Brian Neal Tina Neal 11 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Other Area GWRRA Chapter Gatherings TX-B Garland/Richardson, TX 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm Spring Creek BBQ 3335 N. George Bush Turnpike Garland, TX TX-U2, Keller, TX 3rd Saturday, 9:00 am Golden Corral, Grapevine Hwy N. Richland Hills TX-W2, Waxahachie, TX 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm Fire Mountain 1400 N. Hwy 77 TX-F2 Fort Worth, TX 1st Tuesday, 7:00 pm Luby’s Cafeteria 251 University Dr. Ft. Worth TX-M, Arlington, TX 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm Spring Creek BBQ Hwy 287 & Debbie Lane Mansfield TX-P, Granbury, TX 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm Golden Corral 1300 S. Morgan TX-Z2, McKinney, TX 4th Thursday, 7:00 pm Steak Kountry 153 Westgate Shopping Center Texas District Staff — 2007 Vendor Coordinators District Directors Jim and Ruby Seale (903) 856-5153 John Simonick (210) 497-0447 Asst. District Directors/ Member. Enhancement Division Ken and Barbie Peterson (817) 791-6685 Pamela Meyer (281) 578-8371 District Trainers Ron and Magaly Griffis (361) 777-3670 District Educators John and Lydia Bourg (281) 242-5125 Asst. Membership Enhancement Coordinators Asst. District Educator John and Lena Bryant (817) 741-5216 District Treasurer/ Newsletter Editor District COY Gene and Carolyn Tice - 2006-07 (281) 471-9544 Chief Advisor Dieter Meyer (281) 578-8371 Collen Campbell (281) 839-0176 These, or any other District Staff members, can be reached by phone or by e-mail at www.gwrra-tx.org 12 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Region News Region H Staff — 2007 Region Directors Region Treasurer 2004-05 Region H COY Cliff and Donna Miller (405) 949-1748 Ed Nahl (405) 321-6467 Brent and Roxie Comeaux (337) 993-8440 Asst Reg Directors/Trainers Region Educator Region Webmaster Harry and Joan Dollarhide (405) 391-7661 Walt Smith (281) 362-0960 John and Lydia Bourg (281) 242-5125 Asst RegTrainers/MAD Coord. Dave and Joni Barham (870) 673-6773 These and other Regional Officers can be contacted through the GWRRA Website: www.region-h.org National News National Staff — 2007 Executive Director Melissa Nordeoff Senior National Directors Jim & Shirrin Hutchens International Directors Of Operations James & Margie Hodge Senior Canadian National Director National Director-Canada Rider Education International Member Enhancement Director Gordon and Elsie Murphy June Agee Senior International Rider Education COY Coordinators Tom and Kathy Peck Bob and Susan Lorenz Wing World Editor International Directors Leadership Training CJ and Bo Karcanes TBA Nick Hoppner Global Affairs Director Peter Russell/Lesley Ann Kennedy These and other National Officers can be contacted through the GWRRA Website: www.gwrra.org 13 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Celebrations July Birthdays August Birthdays Nina Lynn Thomas 07/05 Alice Meyer 08/01 John Fuls 07/14 Mark Tucker 08/03 Jim Jones 07/15 Greg Scott 08/04 Tony Senia 07/16 Glenda Reiter 08/10 Kathy Roberts 07/17 Bob Mann 08/11 Donna Thompson 07/18 Mandy Mew 08/11 Sherry Jones 07/19 Jeanne Nevil 08/12 Ju Thornton 07/24 David Dorr 08/17 Jeff Thompson 07/29 Gene Harper 08/23 Karen Charles 08/25 Cheryl Pendergrass 08/25 Dolly Griffin 08/30 Brian Neal 08/30 July Anniversaries August Anniversaries Mike & Dwan Needham 07/04 Jim & Dee Call 08/05 Jim & Kathy Roberts 07/15 Bob & Betty Mann 08/11 Terry & Leona McDade 07/27 Greg & Debbie Scott 08/23 Dave Cobb & Dolly Griffin 07/31 14 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 July 2007 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri Sat Sonic Night 7 6NW Highway Grapevine Meet there at 7:00p 2007 8 Breakfast ride to Tater Junction John Fuls leads 9 15 2-day Horizons Class North Dallas Bank 12900 Preston Road Meet there 8:00 a 22 16 Planning Meeting Wing Ding, Billings, 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21Mystery 2-day Horizons Class North Dallas Bank 12900 Preston Road Meet there 8:00 a Ice Cream Ride Feedstore BBQ Lead TBD Lv CC 7:30p 6:30p Eat 7:30p Meet 23 MT 10 Dinner Ride Broadway Grill Davis Blvd & Continental Southlake Lead TBD Lv CC 6:30p Eat 7:00p Leave CC 8:30a GWRRA ‘R’ 25 24Gathering 26 27 28 Jones Pool Party & Movie Night Fuddrucker’s at Bass Pro Shop Grapevine Mills Meet there 4:00p 6:30p Eat 7:30p Meet 29 30 31 Most rides leave from the Circuit City Parking Lot located on Hwy 114 & Kimball (opposite McDonald’s). Drivers meet 15 minutes prior to the listed departure time. For those using CBs, Chapter R monitors Ch 1. Unless otherwise noted, come with full tanks, full bellies, & empty bladders. All rides are Weather Permitting. 15 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 August 2007 Sun Mon Tue Most rides leave from the Circuit City Parking Lot located on Hwy 114 & Kimball (opposite McDonald’s). Wed 1 Thu 2 7 Sat Night 4 3 Sonic Hwy 287 & Avondale-Haslet Road Meet there at 7:00p Drivers meet 15 minutes prior to the listed departure time. For those using CBs, Chapter R monitors Ch 1. Unless otherwise noted, come with full tanks, full bellies, & empty bladders. All rides are Weather Permitting. Ride to 5Lost Highway 6 Fri 8 9 10 11 Museum Dinner ride To Pecan Gap Mark Herman Leads Leave CC 8:00a Jim Jones Leads Leave CC 2:00p 12 13 14 Dinner Ride to Up ‘N Smoke Keller 15 16 17 Ride Jim Jones leads Ross Crum leads Leave CC 6:30p Eat 7:00p 19 20 21 Leave CC 8:00p 22 23 24 Planning Meeting Ice Cream Ride/Payback Jim Jones Leads 6:30p Eat 7:30p Meet 27 25 To Chapter ‘M’ Feedstore BBQ 26 Chapter 18 M Moonlight Leave CC 6:00p 28 ‘R’ Gathering Fuddrucker’s at Bass Pro Shop Grapevine Mills 29 6:30p Eat 7:30p Meet 16 30 31 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Calendar Upcoming Events July, 2007: July 4-7: Wing Ding, Billings MT September, 2007: September 8: Chapter R Rally, Keller, TX September 21: Kansas District Rally, Abilene, KS October, 2007: October 4-6: Oklahoma District Rally, Stillwater, OK October 11: Mississippi District Rally, Biloxi, MS 17 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Chapter “R” 10th Anniversary Rally Rally???????? You Bet!!!!!!!!!! We are well on our way getting ready for our rally on September 8th, the second Saturday in September. “Why all the hype?” Good question. This will be our 10th anniversary rally and 10 years is definitely something to celebrate. We need some time to make this rally the outstanding event that it should be. This year I want to encourage each and every Rally Cat to be “on fire” with excitement to make this year’s rally a huge success. Everybody can participate in the “get ready” festivities … even to‐ day. “What can I do?” I’m glad you asked ……………….. We can all think about contingency prizes. Three will be required for the discounted pre‐ registration fee … just like years past. And this year, we are asking that at least one of the con‐ tingency prizes you donate be valued at $25 or more. The others can be valued at $5‐$10. This will enable us to have one table of nicer prizes to give away. But don’t stop there. If you are able, we would greatly appreciate additional contingency prize donations that anyone can con‐ tribute throughout these early months. Some little something you find at the dollar store or on the “impulse” aisle at Target, etc. will do. Or why don’t you tell the restaurant manager at your next dining outing what we are doing and see if they would donate a gift card? Take a flyer with you so he will know what he is supporting. (copy available on website) I can start accept‐ ing prizes as early as …… NOW. So don’t wait till later, start bringing in those contingency prizes early and let’s build up a stock pile for our rally. Another way we can all start getting ready is marketing/advertisement that can easily be done by a simple “word of mouth”. Flyers are available on the website and in the newsletter with all the pertinent details. Make the copies you need and start passing them out at the other rallies, chapter visitations, etc. I will edit the flyer as vendors and grand prizes are confirmed so you can always have easy access to the latest rally flyer. And third, we can all spread the word and ……. tell your friends. This year, for every guest you bring who has never attended one of our rallies and registers, you will receive a number of free tickets to go in a drawing for a nice cash grand prize. And the only way you can be in this par‐ ticular drawing is by bringing new guests to our rally. Wow! We all like the green. And how easy can this be?!? So ………….. I’m counting on YOU! Chapter R needs each and every one of us so please don’t let “the other guy” do your share. As I said, I hope everyone will join me and get that “fire in their belly” for a fabulous 10th anniversary rally for Chapter R. “R‐R‐R‐R‐R‐R‐R‐R‐R‐R‐R” 18 CHAPTER “R” RALLY CATS 10TH ANNUAL RALLY & MOTORCYCLE SHOW You truly September 8, 2007 Knights of Columbus Hall 2050 Whitley Road, Keller, TX 76248 R-R-R-R-R… It’s gunna be purrrrfect!!!! Grand Prize Sponsors Maxim Motor Sports – Joe Rocket Jacket DFW Honda – gift cards Cycle Center of Denton – set of tires Sims Industries Honda Suzuki North Speed Guts N Chrome Vendors Dallas Motorcycle Accessories Night Fire Patches Koolin' Klothz Chopperwear Handmade Crafts & Jewelry and more These Rally Cats are eager to greet you for some exciting fun and fellowship. ______________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Registration Games (+ comic “relief” from neighboring chapter friends) Bike Show Classification/Staging Bike Show Judging Closing Ceremonies 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM – Staggered all day 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM – All bikes welcome 12:00 PM 2:30 PM - Drawings, awards, etc. Grand Prizes Will Be Given Away at Closing Ceremonies Raffle Drawing During Closing Ceremonies Contingency Prizes Drawn All Day Award for Largest Pre-Registered GWRRA Chapter Early Registration: (by 9-1-07) Rider: $12.00 Co-Rider/2nd Rider: $12.00 Early Registration will include: 2 Grand Prize Tickets, 2 Contingency Tickets, 2 Game Tickets, & Bike Show On Site Registration will include: One of each Ticket & Bike Show On Site Registration: Rider: $15.00 Co-Rider/2nd Rider: $15.00 19 REGISTRATION FORM (Make Checks Payable to GWRRA Chapter R) Please Print: Rider: ________________________________________________________________ Chapter: ________ Co-Rider/2nd Rider _____________________________________________________ Chapter: ________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________ State:_______ Zip Code:_________________ I/We agree to hold harmless GWRRA, Co-Sponsoring Organization, Knights Of Columbus or any of their members for any loss or injury to self or property in which I/we may become involved by reason of participation in this event. I/We accept responsibility for any property which I/we knowingly damage. RIDER SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________ CO-RIDER/2nd RIDER SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ Date: ___________ Mail Form to: Karen Charles Chapter R Rally Coordinator 2112 Southmoor Drive Carrollton, Texas 75006 Website / Phone #: www.gwrra-txr.org / 972-245-5311 ____________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER “R” Rally Cats 10th ANNUAL RALLY & MOTORCYCLE SHOW SEPTEMBER 8, 2007 Knights of Columbus Hall located at 2050 Whitley Road, Keller, TX. 76248 Traveling North on I35W Take the Basswood Blvd. exit and turn right on Basswood. Travel 3.5 miles and turn left on US377, Denton Hwy. Travel 1 mile North and turn right onto North Tarrant Parkway. Travel 1 block and turn Left onto Whitley Rd. (behind Home Depot). Pass 6 residential streets on the right. Take the very next right turn which has no name (1st right turn after Stallion St). Follow the signs. Traveling South on I35W Take the Golden Triangle Blvd. exit and turn left on Golden Triangle Blvd. Travel 3.5 miles and turn right on US377, Main Street. Travel 3 miles South and turn left onto North Tarrant Parkway. Travel 1 block and turn Left onto Whitley Rd. (behind Home Depot). Pass 6 residential streets on the right. Take the very next right turn which has no name (1st right turn after Stallion St). Follow the signs. Traveling West on Hwy 114 Take the Hwy 170 split, left, onto Hwy 170 west for 2 miles. Turn left on US377. Travel 8 miles South and turn left onto North Tarrant Parkway. Travel 1 block and turn Left onto Whitley Rd. (behind Home Depot). Pass 6 residential streets on the right. Take the very next right turn which has no name (1st right turn after Stallion St). Follow the signs. t po De oa d e m yR Ho itle d n Wh hi Be 050 2 20 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Classifieds ♦ 2006 Yamaha V Star 1100 Classic Polished chrome luggage rack, polished chrome engine guard, polished chrome 6 inch handlebar riser, polished chrome extra headlights, mileage 7390. Asking $8300.00 Tank Bra Fits 2000-2006 Yamaha V Star 650 or 1100. Hand-laced leather with deep pocket, silver star and studs, horse hair tassle, made in USA, paid $112.00, asking $65.00. Bike Cover Ultragard cruiser cover, paid $70,00, asking $50.00. Call Jo Moody 214-762-1269 or e-mail [email protected] ♦ 1994 Kwik Kamp Immaculate condition. White cover, bra and cooler cover (new). Green tent—like new, no holes, tears or broken zippers. Like new mattress and cover—(used twice). Chrome bumper with light bar. Swivel coupler. All upgrades done to axle and tongue. 12” wheels (new). Always garaged. $2500.00. Contact Info: Jim St John, [email protected] 817-543-0652 Note: Classified ads will be posted for 2 newsletters. Please notify the newsletter editor ([email protected]) if: - your item has sold (so that it can be removed from the postings), or. - you want your item to be posted for longer than 2 months. 21 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 Sponsors Lasting Impressions PAINT & BODY Cars - Lt. Trucks Motorcycles - Motorcycle Trailers Color Match Motorcycle Parts DON HOLLEY 940-365-9762 Roofing - Windows - Siding Pantego Construction Over 20 Years Experience Dave Cobb Owner Office 817-589-4666 Cell 214-850-8303 PCroof.com 3310 Peachtree Pantego TX 76013 [email protected] CHISHOLM TRAIL MERCATILE NORTH TEXAS BIKER STOP GEAR, GIFTS, ACCESSORIES & MORE WWW.CHISHOLMTRAILMERCANTILE.COM 104 E Howell, PO Box 208 Saint Jo, TX 76265 Ph. 940-995-2709 Fax 940-995-2719 TOXIE BEAVERS Visit www.bikerroadhouse.com For online shopping, photo galleries and update information Biker owned & operated 22 14517 Aubrey Industrial Park Aubrey, Texas 76227 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 2350 William D. Tate (SH 121) Grapevine, Texas 76051 23 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 24 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, July 2007 ERRY’S & Son MUFFLER & UNDERCAR SPECIALISTS Specializing in Jerry Nevil Daniel Nevil 1148 E. Hwy 121 #A Lewisville, TX 75057 Foreign and Domestic Exhaust System Repairs, Specialty & Custom Exhaust Mufflers, Pipes, Catalytic Converts and More Brake Service, Suspension Service, Shocks & Struts Alignment, Fabrication & Welding 972.434.7774 jerrysmuffler.com www.dallasmotorcycles.com [email protected] or 1-800-574-2440 Complete motorcycle mounting solutions for Delphi SkyFi or Roady & Roady II, Sirius Starmate and other Sirius models GL1800 Two versions available for the GL1800 Chrome GL1500 Plated Glass or Blue Tint, Anti-Glare Lets make it short, get rid of 14 to 22 feet of ugly wire with our modified XM and Sirius Antennas A safety feature you don't want to pass up. Turn most motorcycle rearview mirrors into safety systems that command 25 Field tested and works great! GWRRA Texas Chapter R Jim and Tish Jones Chapter Directors 112 Silver Rock Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 www.gwrra-txr.org Volume 11, Issue 5 July 2007 DFW Rallycats Raconteur 26
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