Open list in pdf format here.


Open list in pdf format here.
EXPOSE THEM" (Ephesians 5:11)
(505) 293-8168
1. Waco-The Big Lie
2. America Under Siege
3. Clinton Chronicles
4. John Coleman - MI 6
5. 666 - Mark of the Beast
1. Waco II - The Big Lie Continues
2. Panama Deception
3. Troopergate
4. Mark Koernke
1. Day 51: The True Story About Waco
2. Bill Clinton's Circle of Power
3. Invasion & Betrayal
4. Nick Repac
1. Ted Gunderson on Oklahoma Bombing
2. Reichstag '95: An American Holocaust
3. The Mena Connection: Ex-CIA Agent Terry Reed Explains
the CIA's Role in Guns & Drugs
4. Gov. Gone Mad - Jeffery Baker
1. The Secret Government
2. Retired Officer - Jack Me Lamb
3. America, the Fed &. IRS
4. New World Bank, Religion & Rules
1. The Buck Act
2. New Diseases, Microbian Mutations - Lindsey Williams
3. Charles Collins
4. An Economic Overview - Larry Bates
1. Millennium 2000
2. Montauk
3. The Resister
4. Iron Mountain
5. The Coming Financial Wipeout- How to Avoid it
1. Civil Rights Task Force
2. Don McAlvaney Pts. 1 & 2
3. Our Godly Heritage
1. Charles Duke - Colorado State Rep. & Jeffery Baker - State
2. John Coleman - National & International Events
3. Gary Kah
4. Environmental Warfare
1. America in Peril Pts. 1 & 2 - Mark Koernke
2. UN Masters of America - John Coleman
1. Chuck Harder - Oklahoma City Bombing
2. Death & Taxes - Gorden Kahl
3. Dr. Robert Stecker - AIDS
4. Nichols vs. Clinton
1. Taking Our Country Back - Gunderson Pt 1
2. 666 - ID Found - Terry Cook
3. Brass Roots Rally-Ted Nuggent
4. Ruby Creek Massacre
1. Mark Koernke - Col. Ohio
2. Secret Home Video - Waco
3. Police Officer - Jack McLamb
4. Dr. John Coleman – MI 6
1. Television's Vietnam
2. Hidden Hand - Ralph Epperson
3. Cover-Up - Iran Contra Affairs
4. Concentration Camps in America
5. Biochip Update - Dr. Sanders
1. Enemies: Foreign & Domestic P. l - M.O.M.
2. Crisis Creation
3. The Panic Project
4. Ghost of Vince Foster
1. ET's UFO's & N.W.O. Technology
2. Lucifer 2000
3. Breaking the Law (BATF)
4. Militia vs. The UN
5. Second Pro Se Meeting
1. Taking Our Country Back Pt. 2 - Koernke
2. UN Flag Raising
3. Underground Bases & N.W.O.
4. N.W.O. Land & Farm Confiscation
1. (Free American) - Bob Fletcher
2. Barrie Konikov - The Seminar (Taxes)
1. Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips
2. Gulf War Illness - Capt. Joyce Riley
3. Who Controls Our Children?
4. The Crash
5. Gay Rights
1. Aaron Russo's Mad as Hell - 30 min.
2. America in Peril 3 - Mark Koernke
3. Vultures in Eagles' Clothing- Pts. I & 2
1. Justice Prose
2. Clinton - Next 4 Years - Dr. Coleman
3. No Reg Requires 1040 Filing
4. Pastor Strawcutter-Media Terrorism
5. Are Your Children Property of the State?
1. Mad as Hell - Aaron Russo - 1 hr
2. The Gulf War Syndrome - Joyce Riley Pts. l&2
3. Personalities in the News - John Coleman
1. The Healing of America - Bo Gritz
2. The Year in Crisis '95 - John Coleman
3. Murder in the Heartland
4. Secret Societies & N.W.O.
1. Above Top Secret –M.O.M.
2. Hillsdale College - Mark Koernke
3. A Nation Betrayed - Bo Grtiz
4. The Secret Brotherhood
5. Alaska's Statehood
1. The Energy Non-Crisis
2. Jay Jay Johnson
3. Constitution -Carl Miller
4. Enemies: Foreign & Domestic Pt. 2
5. IRS Controls Preachers & Churches
1. BATF Harassment of Women Officers
2. Who Will Sound the Alarm?
3. Keeping America Free
4. Assault on Freedom
5. Capitalist Conspiracy
6. Lou Katona-BATF
7. Let Us Pray
1. Obstruction of Justice
2. America in Peril II
3. The Philadelphia Experiment
4. Janet "Butch" Reno
1. The Mark of the New World Order
2. Vanishing Jobs
3. British 20/20
4. Interviews with Joyce Riley
5. Bombs of Oklahoma
1. Weather Control
2. Our Moon - Alex Collier
3. Bill Cooper Papers
4. America in Crisis
1. Patriotism & Mind Control
2. 13 Illuminati Bloodlines
3. The Waco Incident
4. The Capitalist Conspiracy
1. Hollywood: Lights, Camera and Blasphemy!
2. Angels Don't Play this HAARP
3. Martial Law - Jack McLamb
4. Pestilence (AIDS)
1. Midway Sightings
2. UFO's Over the World
3. Dreamland
4. Goatsucker
5. Awakening to Zero Point
1. Final Warning
2. Terry Cook - Denver
3. Pentagon : Marc Card
4. Global 2000 - Barry Smith
5. Changing Commands
1. Secret BATF Waco Video
2. Genesis of Communism - The Illuminati
3. Aids & Ebola - Dr. Horowitz
1. Barbed Wire on America - David Wagner
2. UFO: Lying Signs & Wonders?
3. Suppressed Medical Discovery - Dr. Beck
1. The UN, USA, WWIII - Baker
2. Capital Crimes: How the Federal Reserve Robs us Blind
3. Scientific Model For Biblical Floods
1. America's Judgments: What lies Ahead? - MO.M
2. Ted Gunderson Chronicles
1. Dumitru Duduman
2. Foreign Troops on US Soil - David J. Smith
3. (Child) Brainwashing for N.W.O.
1. ET's-Phil Schneider
2. Oklahoma: What Really Happened?
3. Gary Kah - N.W.O.
4. Socialist Trends in American Education
5. Chupacabra – Goatsucker
1. UFO's - Gateway to Hell Pt. 1
1. UFO's - Gateway to Hell Pt. 2
2. Ships of Troy
3. 60 Minute Deception
4. Gene "Chip" Tatum - CIA
5. Coming UN Occupation
1. Waco: Rules of Engagement
2. America's Occult Holidays
3. The Sign of the Times
4. Secrets
1. Exposing the Illuminati From Within
2. Globalism: The Program - Gen. Ben Parton
1. The New World Odor
2. Subliminal Mind Control
1. Montauk Project
2. V6 "Andromedan Update" - Alex Collier
1. Working for N.W.O. - Phil S.
2. Arrival of the Anti-Christ
3. Panel Discussion/Denver
1. Freemasonry
2. Rock n Roll Sorcerers
3. First Family of Satan
1. Bacteriological Warfare
2. The 10 Planks - Strawcutter
3. In The Name of Satan
4. Oil: The Road to Armageddon
1. UFO Sightings
2. Alien Interview
3. Devil Worship
4. Globalism & UFO's - Norm Franz
1. The New World Order-Ralph Epperson Pt. 1
1. The New World Order-Ralph Epperson Pt. 2
1. The Shocker - David Wagener
2. America's Secret Destiny - Ralph Epperson
3. Crisis in the Classroom
1. Global 2000 - David Smith
2. The Apostate Church - David Wagener
1. Secret Sixes
2. The Driver Shot Kennedy!
3. Straight From the Joint Chiefs
1. N.W.O. Mind Control - Al Neal
2. I Saw Subs Attack America! - Gruver
3. ECO - Fraud - Dr. Coffman
1. Sinister Secrets of the UN
2. The Irridium System
3. The Infinity Bible Code - Al Neal
4. Global Governance
1. Wake 'em & Shake 'em
2. Black Operations - Al Cuppett
3. The God Makers 1 & 2
4. Witness At Your Door 1 & 2
1. Turning The Tide-David Icke
2. Kill The White Man
1. Revelations of a Mother Goddess - David Icke
2. Internet: Network for the Mark?
1. America Destroyed by Design - Alex Jones
2. Freedom Road - David Icke
1. Wake Up or Waco - Alex Jones
2. Presentation of Discoveries - Ron Wyatt
3. Freemasonry's Control of Church & State
4. Communist Infiltration of Catholic Church
1. Police State 2000 - Alex Jones
2. Prisoners of Psych Ops
3. From Harvard Scholars to Worker - Bees of N.W.O.
4. Happy 4th of July! - Ralph Epperson
1. Carl Miller -"The Arrest"
2. Terror Scam
3. William Cooper - Lansing, ML
4. World Domination 2000 - Dr. Coffman
1. Louis Beam
2. Surviving Marshal Law - M. O. M.
3. Fear is the Master
4. Beyond Smog II
1. Good Conduct - Michael New
2. Biochip & Chemtrails – Kurt Billings
3. Gulf War Illness: Fact or Fiction?
4. Cabala- Freemasonry Connection
5. Bible Code I, II & III
1. Tickling the Tail of the Dragon I & II
2. Gov. Secrecy & UFO's - Bob Fletcher
3. Randy Weaver - Jubilation
1. CT Expo: Ritual Trauma, Child Abuse
2. Exotic Weapons of Mass Control
3. Cabala - Witchcraft Connection
1. Al Neal – Albuq, N.M.
2. Dead Doctors Don't Lie!
3. For the Children
1. Masters of the Universe
2. Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse - Dr. Horowitz
3. Who Goes There?
1. Weapons of the N.W.O.
2. Bill Clinton's Rise to Power
3. Desert Storm Troopers
4. The Biggest Game In Town
1. CNN / MK Ultra
2. Holes In Heaven - H.A.A.R.P.
3. Non-Profit Handcuffs - 501(C)3
4. Faces of Persecution
5. The Martyr's Cry
6. Satanic Ritual Abuse & Secret Societies
7. Kenneth Trenadue
1. Police State 2000 II - Alex Jones
2. The Infinity Bible Code II - AI Neal
3. Journey Thru The Underworld - Perry Stone
1. Chemtrails: The Video - Peter Ekberg
2. Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove
3. The Ark of the Covenant - Ron Wyatt
4. Death by Entertainment
1. Sound & Fury
2. Let My Children Go
3. Dawning of the New Age
4. The Unwrapping of Christmas
5. UFO's-The Hidden Truth
6. Masons: Friend or Foe? - David Wagener
1. Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed! - Alex
2. The Occult in Your Living Room
1. Bob Larson's Top 10 Exorcisms
2. Rods
3. Brice Taylor - MK/Ultra
4. Mind Control & The Military
5. Contrails: The Truth is Out There
1. Baby Parts for Sale
2. Lifetalk
3. Why Johnny Can't Come Home
4. Mark of the Beast: The Final Connection
1. Alien 51- Anthony Hilder
2. Mind Control Goes Public
3. Secrets of Mind Control
4. Conquest of Atzlan
5. Phenomenon - Monopoly Men
1. C.I.A & World Trade Center
2. Mind Control Out of Control ¬¬– Cathy O’brian
3. Spin
4. How Any Idiot Can Beat a Radar Speeding Ticket
1. 9-11: The Road to Tyranny - Alex Jones
2. What in the N.W.O. Is Going On?
3. Demons or Disassociation
4. School Shootings Solutions II & III
1. 9 -11: The Road to Tyranny II – Alex Jones
2. Illuminazi 911 - Anthony Hilder
3. Hate Laws
4. The Other Israel
1. A Great Deception - David Wagener
2. Backdoor to the N.W.O. - Barry Smith
1. Masters of Terror - Alex Jones
2. John Trochman - Expo 02
3. The Cure for all Cancers
4. The Truth About Fluoride
5. Cathy O'Brien - Expo 02
1. Police State 3 - Alex Jones
2. Black Ops Interview
3. Carl Klang Live
4. Emperor of Hemp
1. Moon Shot
2. Matrix of Evil - Alex Jones
3. Truth & Lies About 9-11
4. Votescam
5. Miracle II
1. Alex Jones- 9-11 Extra
2. Painful Deceptions - Eric Hufschmid
3. 9-II: The Great Illusion
4. Martial Law Rule
5. Forbidden Science
1. Evil Conspiracy Song
2. Vaccines
3. Star Wars Weapons & End Times Warfare - Horowitz
4. The Hemp Revolution
1. American Dictators - Alex Jones
2. 9-11 In Plane Site
3. The Sheriff
4. Orwell Rolls In His Grave
5. Uncovered: Truth About Iraq War
1. Huh
2. Martial Law & ABC Videos
3. 9-11 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold
4. Bush Family Fortunes
5. Aerosol Crimes (Chemtrails)
1. Secrets of the Matrix Pt. 1 – David Icke
1. Secrets Of The Matrix Part 2 - David Icke
2. Martial Law 9-11 – Alex Jones
3. How Illegal Immigration Is Destroying America
1. Russia's Secret weapon
2. Vaccinations at Gunpoint
3. Vaccines - CDC Documents
4. Nightstalkers Over America
1. Planned Population Reduction
2. Beyond Treason
3. Vaccination: The Hidden Truth
1. Illuminati; Game or Blueprint for World Domination
2. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon
3. Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World
4. Mercury, a Slow Death
1. The Illuminati
2. Angels and Demons Revealed
3. Was it only a Paper Moon
4. Genetically Modified Food
1. Order of Death
2. Electile Dysfunction
3. Loose Change
4. Aftermath Interview Footage
5. Secret Space DVD
1. Aftermath: 9/11
2. Exposing The Strong Delusion
3. H. A.A.R.P. - The Update – Begich
4. Earth Changes - Begich
1. Loose Change II
2. Chinese Slave Camps
3. Mind Control – Begich
4. Technologies in the 21st Century - Begich
1. Soldiers pay
2. JFK Assassination-The Bush Connection
3. Mohamed Atta & The Flying Circus
4. Voter Gate
5. Free Energy
1. America's Beginnings
2. Slide Presentation - Jordon Maxwell
3. Columbine: What Went Wrong?
1. 911 - Eyewitness
2. 911- Confronting the Evidence
3. 911 - Revisited
1. Sons of God & the Antichrist
2. Conspiracy of Silence
3. Outfoxed
4. Making Waves
1. Secret Societies- Texe Marrs
2. The Best Enemies Money can buy - Monteith&Sutton
3. New Strategies for the Tax Man
1. Unconstitutional
2. Wal-Mart
3. American Jobs
4. The Freedom Perspective-Codex Magica
1. Alex Jones-C Span
2. The Assassination of JFK, Jr
3. Arsenal of Hypocrisy
4. Triumph of the Beast!
1. The DaVinci Code – Hoggard
2. Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, MLK
3. Rocky Anderson
1. Terrorstorm – Alex Jones
2. The Great Conspiracy
3. Deadly Arrogance
4. Unprecedented: 2000 Elections
5. Clash Of The Geniuses
1. America: Freedom To Fascism
2. Why We Fight
3. Hijacking Catastrophe
4. Iraq For Sale
1. 9/11 Mysteries
2. The Line In The Sand
3. The Corporation
# 110
1. The Party’s Over
2. Hollywood Unmasked
3. Is Walmart Good For America?
4. Remote Viewing
5. Bad Seed ; Truth About Food
1. Behind The Big News
2. Pandora’s Black Box
3. Children Of The Secret State
4. Innocents Betrayed
5. The Weather Underground
1. Soldiers Speak Out
2. Caught In The Crossfire
3. Radiation: A Slow Death
4. Justifiable Homicide
1. Breaking The Silence
2. Independent Intervention
3. Are Vaccines Safe?
4. The Future Of Food
1. The Illuminati II
2. Independent Media
3. The Oil Factor
4. The Ground Truth
5. Turning The Tables
1. This Is What Democracy Looks Like
2. August In The Empire State
3. The Energy Non-crisis II
4. Who Killed The Electric Car?
1. Endgame – Alex Jones
2. Vaccinations: Are They Worth The Risk
3. Food Interviews
4. Money As Debt
1. 9/11: Blueprint For Truth
2. American Dynasty / Perfect Circle
3. The North American Union
4. Matrix Of Power
5. Torn From The Land
6. Organic Farming
1. Who Infiltrated America?
2. CNN Interview With William Cooper
3. Secrets Kept (UFO’s) - Knell
1. The Forbidden Secret - Monteith
2. Shootem Up; The Truth About Vaccines
3. Freedom From Disease & Illness
1. Megiddo
2. Weather- War & More Pt. 1 & 2-David J Smith
1. Spiritworld - David Icke
2. Zeitgeist
3. Military, The Media & You
4. Work Week
5. EMF Depopulation
6. Global Warming or Global Governance?
1. The 911 Chronicles – Alex Jones
2. The Illuminati III
3. Security & The Constitution
4. America’s Defense Monitor
1. One Nation Under Siege
2. Crude Impact
1. Fabled Enemies
2. When Greed Turns to Fear
1. Where The Rich And Famous Dwell
2. Washington You’re Fired!
3. Mega Earth Changes II
4. Toxic Sludge Is Good For You
1. The Texican-The Meatrix-The Air Car
2. Zeitgeist: Addendum
3. Psychiatry: Industry Of Death
4. Global Warming-John Moore
1. 14 Characteristics Of Fascism
2. Liberty Bound
3. A Cold Day In D.C.
4. Nuclear War In Iraq
5. Greetings From Missile St.
6. Americans Abandoned
7. Deadly Persuasion
1. No End In Sight
2. In Lies We Trust - Horowitz
3. Secret Societies – Gardiner
1. Riddles In Stone
2. Shoot’Em Up II
3. Scarred Lands; Wounded Lives
4. UFO Top Secret - Bob Lazar
1. Obama Deception
2. Aaron Russo Recruitment
3. Shadow Factory
4. Assault On Liberty
1. Communist Manifesto - Hovind
2. Stolen Jobs - ?
3. The Drugging Of Our Children
4. Selling Sickness
5. Health Freedom Expo
6. Prescription For Disaster
1. United States of Terror
2. Best of Puppet Government
3. Americanism 101
4. Esoteric Agenda
5. Jim Marrs Interview
6. Reptiles, Shapeshifters
1. Rothschild’s Choice
2. American Drug War
3. The Freedom Files
4. Torture On Trial
5. The Genetic Conspiracy
6. Fiat Empire
1. New World Order
2. Camp FEMA
3. The Ultimatum - Fulford
1. Fall Of The Republic
2. Architects of Control
3. Fulford Interviews Rockefeller
1. Hype: The Obama Effect
2. The Big Picture
3. Poison Dust
4. In The Zone/NAU Clips
5. 9-11 Eyewitness II
1. The Fall Of America & The Western World Pt. I
1. The Fall Of America Pt. II
2. Conquering The Chaos
3. Secrecy
4. Mystery Flights
5. Secrets Of The C.I.A.
1. Superpower
2. Conspiracy Realities of 9ll
1. Operation Trojan Horse
2. Magic Dominates The World
3. Moon Rising
4. Generation RX
1. Illuminati 4
2. Frankenfed
3. Magnificent Deception
1. Police State 4 – Alex Jones
2. Invisible Empire
3. D.U.M.B.S.
1. War Made Easy
2. Thought Control On Campus
3. Autism Made In The USA
4. Climate Engineers
5. Sky Lines
6. Lost In The Shadow War
1. Don’t Tread On Me
2. World Government Convergence
3. Vaccination Nation
4. Hidden Dangers In Kid’s Meals
1. 9/11 Let’s Get Empirical
2. Weather Warfare
3. They Sold Their Souls For Rock Roll
1. Exposing The Satanic Empire
2. United We Fall
3. What In The World Are They Spraying?
4. Unnatural Selection
1. Conspiritus Remake
2. Zero 9/11
3. Vaccines Flu & Flue Shots
1. Shadow Gov. - Jeffrey
2. How Weed Won The West
3. Gasland
4. Overview Of America
1. Obama Cloning
2. Ripple Effect
3. Food Inc.
4. The Federal Reserve Griffin
5. Dollars & Sense
1. Superstate
2. Subliminal Seduction
3. The Legacy Of William Cooper
1. DVD Arsenal
2. Behind Every Terrorist There Is A Bush
3. Agenda;Grinding America Down
4. Our Gov.-DeJure Or DeFacto
1. Total Proof Of N.W.O.
2. H.A.A.R.P.-Ultimate Weapon
3. The End Of The America
4. Unveiling Beast Conf.
5. The Watchers 2
1. Radical Truth – David Icke
2. The Zeitgeist Movement
3. The American Dream
1. Die America Die
2. RFID – Mark Of The Beast
3. D.U.M.B.S. 2
4. Dollar Bubble
5. Satan’s Crusaders
1. Obama’s Secret’s Exposed
2. 9/11 Press For Truth
3. HAARP-Ultimate Weapon-Smith
4. Poisoned Waters
1. Thrive
2. True Lies
4. Giants PT 1
5. The Shadow Of Hate
6. The Isaiah 9;10 Judgment
1. Hollywood Insiders
2. From Chemtrails To Pseudo-Life
3. Mercury, Autism & Global Vaccine Agenda
4. Deconstructing Supper
1. Aquarius: The Age Of Evil
2. Mythology & The Coming Great Deception
3. Owning The Weather
4. The Case Against Water Fluoridation
1. Age Of Deceit
2. Wake Up Call
3. Forced To Marry
1. Obama’s America 2016
2. Monumental
3. Mount Hermon Roswell Connection
4. Losing Our Sons
1. The 7 Obamanations
2. Dreams From My Real Father
3. The James Holmes Conspiracy
4. Project Pegasus
1. Lockdown On Main Street
2. The Bizarre History Of Fluoride
3. Secrets In Plain Sight
4. Americas Disgrace Exposed
1. The Real Matrix
2. Obama VS America
3. The Men Behind Obama
4. Why In The World Are They Spraying?
5. Fluoride TV
6. The Determinators
7. Farmageddon
1. Camp Fema 2
2. The Marketing Of Madness
3. The True Story Of Phil Schneider
1. State Of Mind
2. Beast Of The Bible Belt
3. GNN Clips
4. The Trial Of The Century
1. Battlefield America
2. The Conspiracy To Rule The World
3. Chema-Kill
4. How To Refuse Checkpoints
1. The Eye Of The Illuminati
2. Super Soldiers
3. The Big Bad Bank
1. Secret Space III
2. HAARP-Ultimate Weapon
3. HAARP-Chemtrails & Plasma Weapons
4. Geoengineering
1. NWO Blueprint Of Madnesss
2. The Greatest Pyramid Scheme Of All Time
3. The Mega New Madrid Earthquake
4. WIFI In Schools
5. The Cooking Of Humanity
6. Smart Meter Hacking
7. Smart Meter & Agenda 21
8. Voices Against Smart Meters
1. Who Is Barack Obama?
2. Barack Obama-Marxist Communist
3. Fluoridegate
5. Black Awakening
1. Mark Of The Beast & Alien Implant
2. UFOs Are Real
3. Genetics Of The Mark Of The Beast
4. The Harvenger Decoded
5. The Great Culling: Our Water
1. Conspiracy Research
2. The New American Century
3. Cancer: The Forbidden Cures
1. The Power Behind The N.W.O.
2. Ancient Aliens Debunked
1. Illuminati WWIII
2. Black Awakening Continued
3. Underground N.Y.
1. We Are Anonymous
2. Blue Gold
1. Michelle Obama Really A Man?
2. Obama & The Global Elite
3. Illuminating The N.W.O.
4. Project Blue Beam
1. The New World Order
2. Nuclear Terror Of A Toxic World
3. Elite Using Brain Waves To Control Thoughts
4. Hollywood Insiders
1. The Hidden Enemy
2. Look Up
3. Boys For Sale
4. Sex & money
1. Illuminati Plans For 2015
2. A Poisoned World
3. The Fluoride Deception
4. Geoengineering-Clear & Present Danger
1. Bought
2. Engineered Drought
3. The Fluoride Deception - Bryson
4. Mind Control in USA
5. Archon Invasion
6. The Hybrid Age
1. Jade Helm 15
2. When You Have Eliminated The Impossible
3. David Icke UFO Secret War
4. Life & Times Of Michael Prince
1. Brainwashing In America PT 1 & 2
2. 9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out
3. 9/11 (No Plane Theory)
4. Best UFO Videos 4/15
1. Age Of Deceit II
2. Brainwashing In America PT 7 & 10
3. The Next Decade
1. Into The Fire
2. September Clues
3. Sandy Hook / Boston Bombing
1. 9/11 – Alan Powell
2. 9/11 (The Real Deal
3. TV Sigil Magik
4. Weapons Of Mass Control
5. The Destruction
6. The Life Of Adam
Over 5 1/2 hours of info on each one !!
DVD, PLUS $5 S&H. (cash, check, or money order)
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