fresh sustainable caviar
fresh sustainable caviar
F R E S H S U S TA I N A B L E 1 C AV I A R S TO RY CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE 2 S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS R ECIPES STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < T H E S TO RY O F A LO N G J O U R N EY FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS PREV RECIPES < T H E VA L U E O F T I M E “Time present and Time past are both perhaps present in time future, and time future contained in time past.” (T.S. Elliot) rat io no ft he fry Larvae weaning dm atu Up to 40 days Up to 1581 marble slab with the city bylaws that establish the right tro lle 1 year of the Conservatories on fish sold in the city of Rome. Co n CRAFTSMANSHIP Up to 13 years s male he fe ion ract ext viar , r a a avi the c f he c of t ation o n o r ti a a p r u re mat and p y ond Sec e ovar h of t Up to 9 years Fattening of the females and first maturation of the caviar STORIA n and ratio Matu ft tion o epara s Caviar, appreciated since the times of the Byzantine Empire, was known as “Khavjar”, literally “Cake of Power”. But its history dates back much further. With Venice as a European port of entry, in the 15th century caviar had already become a delicacy on the table of every nobleman. Legend has it that Leonardo da Vinci gave the beautiful Beatrice d’Este the prestigious egg of a majestic sturgeon which had been caught on the banks of the river Ticino, placing it in a magnificent box encrusted with precious stones. Galileo Galilei, who lived in the early Up to 6 years 17th century, was the first celebrity known to love caviar so much that he would send it as a gift to his daughter’s convent in Florence. (Ramade, 1999: 10, 11, 14). Sturgeons are the oldest family of bony fish in existence and they appear in the fossil record about 200 million years ago. It is a long-living species that can live up to 100 years, weigh over 880 lbs (400 Kg) and reach a maximum length of over 17 feet. To taste a good caviar you can’t be in a rush. The wait lasts more than 11 years and consists in care and constant attention in observance of natural rhythms. This is the value of time, to be observed until 4 Time is one of the secrets of Calvisius top-grade sturgeon caviar. the right moment, that Calvisius experience recognizes, in order to provide the connoisseur with an excellent and uncompromising product. STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < C R A F T S M A N S H I P 5 STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < R E V E A L I N G C H A R A C T E R T H R O U G H D E TA I L S Calvisius combines time-honored Italian traditions with sustainable technologies. For over fourty years, the skilled and passionate hands of our Caviar Masters have been taking care of our top choice caviar, using cutting-edge production methods and traditional manual techniques to preserve the sensory characteristics, wholesomeness and freshness of the best “Calvisius Caviar”. Thanks to this exceptional attention, Calvisius caviar has become one of the most exquisite delicacies in the world of cuisine, for the discriminating consumer to savor at every special occasion. “Inspired passion, creative vision and patient research, from one generation to the next.” STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < FRO M T H E S O U RC E 7 STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < TA K I N G C A R E O F S T U R G E O N ’ S W E L L B E I N G “Our Thirst for perfection springs from a natural desire for excellence. No less.” Calvisius Farm was founded in the mid-1970s and since then the quality of our fresh caviar has been the result of immaculate processing methods combined with exclusive feed and the pure spring waters the sturgeons swim in. The clean taste and high quality of our caviar is unique, as Calvisius is both farmer and producer, having direct control over every aspect of the sturgeons’ life: each caviar tin is labelled and raced to the sturgeon it came from. STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < S U S TA I NA B I L I T Y 9 STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < T H E NAT U R A L C H O I C E TO P U R S U E Since 1998, the sturgeon has been on the Washington Convention’s list of endangered species. Calvisius, thanks to its sustainable farmed caviar that contributes to the protection of the sturgeon and the environment, has been awarded besides other certifications with highly acclaimed certifications such as “BRC and IFS Higher level.” We are particularly proud of being the first “Friend of the Sea” certificated sustainable aquaculture. “To prize the sturgeon, preserve the species, reduce any pointless waste. For us this is a sign of respect for nature.” STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < T I M E L E S S L I FE S T Y L E 11 STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < A G R E AT TA S T E TO D I S C O V E R The perfect environment of Calvisius allows year round production of premium caviar, “Malossol quality”, a Russian word that means “low in salt content”. Connoisseurs prefer fresh malossol, which contains a maximum of four percent salt, preserving even the most delicate and light flavors and tastes. Calvisius has also reached its current position in the market because of the considerable size of its eggs (up to 3.2 millimeters) as well as its total hygiene standards. “It is only by creating something that fulfills someone else’s dream that we reach an achievement. This is authentic Excellence” STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < WHEN HISTORY BECOMES KNOWLEDGE Caviar reached a level of large scale distribution around 1600 in Russia, from the eggs of three species of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea: Beluga, Oscietra and Sevruga. At the same time the merchants of Venice also contributed to introducing caviar in Italy, where the tradition of the sturgeon was already present. Over the years, the elite fashion of caviar began to make its way into the most exclusive European, American and Japanese circles, with admirers such as Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and Ronald Reagan, just to name a few of the more well known. Unfortunately, the need to satisfy foodies of the era caused the progressive disappearance of the sturgeon from many of the original basins: entire populations of sturgeons were destroyed, until they were finally declared endangered. Calvisius began operations in the late ‘70s, choosing to raise three protected species out of about thirty existing sturgeon species; this allowed us to protect and preserve this species from intensive fishing and pollution, discouraging poaching without sacrificing the privilege of the best caviar. Today, with more than fourty years of experience, Calvisius is specialized in raising six species of sturgeon in order to offer just as many exclusive and extremely high quality caviar specialties. STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < T H E F I N E S T C A R E F O R C AV I A R Tradition caviar comes from the Oscietra caviar comes from the Sevruga caviar comes from the Beluga caviar comes from the Venise caviar comes from the Da Vinci caviar comes from the White Sturgeon, a species from the Sturgeon of the same name, also Sturgeon of the same name, a Huso Huso sturgeon, which can Siberian Adriatic Pacific coasts of North American known as Russian Sturgeon (an small sized species which rarely grow to be as long as 26 feet (8 moderately sized species and species which is typical in the between Baja, ancient species originally native reaches 55 lbs (25 Kg). It can m) and weigh more than 6,700 reaches anywhere Adriatic Sea and the primary California. It is one of the longest to the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea be found in the Black Sea, the lbs (3 tons). Originally native to between 17 and 89 lbs (between waterways of the Padano-Veneta living sturgeons, sometimes living and the Azov Sea). It is a medium Caspian Sea, the Azov Sea and the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea 8 and 40 Kg). It is raised in many region, Dalmazia, Albania and to be one hundred years old, it is size fish that can weigh from 44 to in tributaries, and the Azov Sea, it was been countries world western Greece. This caviar, with heavier than 1,750 lbs (800 Kg) 110 lbs (50 Kg), providing a poppy and it is also in the Aegean Sea in Italy in the Adriatic, the Ionian because of its relatively quick its fresh, intense and decisive and measures up to 19 feet long and slightly nutty caviar with and the eastern Ionian Sea. It and in the rivers which connect maturation, but it is native to the taste, has a particularly smooth (6 m). In addition to providing a coloring that ranges from dark has a rather aromatic taste and to these seas before dying out. It fluvial basins of Siberia (from the consistency and its eggs are lean, high protein meat, its biggest brown to beige. Many consider this is characterized by small eggs is the rarest and most costly and Ob river to the Kolyma river) and characterized by medium sizes value Alaska the respective a weight around This the is a Sturgeon, an Italian remains connected to be the most refined caviar. Its (about 2 millimeters) with a color it is characterized by large eggs in the Baikal Lake basin. Its caviar (about 2.4 millimeters) with a remarkable production eggs are medium sized (between that varies from light to anthracite (bigger than 3 millimeters) which has sizes which vary with age rather clear coloring in shades of of large eggs, bigger than 3 2.6 and 2.9 millimeters). It requires grey. It requires minimum 7 years tend to be oval shaped and have (from 2.2 to 2.7 millimeters) in brown to black. It requires about millimeters, with coloring varying a 9-11 year life cycle. of the sturgeon life cycle and is a pearl gray to dark grey coloring. shades of grey and amber. It is an 10 years of the sturgeon life cycle. extremely delicate to breed. It requires about 20 years of the extremely versatile caviar with a sturgeon life cycle. quite marked taste. It can have an to the still and sturgeon. from dark grey to black. The taste is particularly delicate and elegant. It requires about 11 years of the important oil component which sturgeon life cycle. is high in Omega 3. It requires 6-8 years of the sturgeon life cycle. WHITE STURGEON OSCIETRA STURGEON SEVRUGA STURGEON BELUGA STURGEON SIBERIAN STURGEON A D R I AT I C S T U R G E O N ( A cipenser transmontanus ) ( A cipenser gueldenstaedtii ) ( A cipenser S T E L L AT U S ) ( A cipenser H U S O H U S O ) ( A cipenser B A E R I I baerii ) ( A cipenser N A C C A R I I ) STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < OUR BRANDS Calvisius has two product lines in different geographical areas of Northern Italy with particular natural charm and pure, clear waters which make the taste of Calvisius caviar truly unique. C A LV I S I U S C AV I A R Calvisano is located in the characteristic plains area of the Brescia province, rich with our own precious springs. Its name is derived from the Latin Calvisius, an ancient Roman noble landowner and great gourmet. The unique characteristics of the pure waters in the area where Calvisius decided to raise its sturgeons are at the foundation of the excellent ecosystem that guarantees the authenticity and freshness of “Calvisius Caviar”, which has become an exquisite delicacy in worldwide cuisine. A R S I TA L I C A C A LV I S I U S C AV I A R “Ova Stirionis Conditvm Quod Caviare Vocant.” (Platina, 1471) Italy was, is, and will always be one of the authentic motherlands of the sturgeon. Caviar has deep Italian roots: it has been traditionally prepared and considered a true delicacy, a precious food, a privilege reserved for Nobles and Popes, especially between the XVth and XIXth centuries. Many masterpieces of art and protagonists of the Italian Renaissance have preserved and passed on to us the evidence and the value of Italian caviar’s food culture. Ars Italica Caviar takes its inspiration from it and from the teachings and the passion of great chefs in history such as Maestro Martino (1456), Bartolomeo Platina (1471), Bartolomeo Scappi (1570), Bartolomeo Stefani (1663) and many others, who revealed the recipes, definitions, Italian craft secrets of caviar production and the traditional ways to consume it. STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < AN INDULGENT JOUR NEY FOR ALL YOUR SENSES TRADITION OSCIETRA BELUGA* White Sturgeon caviar is smooth and slightly nutty, with a medium firm texture. With an elegant aroma and an unmistakable flavor, this exquisite caviar is large in size. Chipped ice and a horn spoon is all you need to fully appreciate this exceptional sturgeon roe. Characterized by a firm egg, dark brown in color with a golden hue and having a rich, nutty, creamy flavor. Originated by the Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii, this was historically the most popular caviar for its taste. Serve atop blinis, mashed potatoes, oat cakes or unsalted water crackers. Beluga caviar has always been considered the most prestigious because of its rarity and the significant size of the egg. Tasting it deserves the proper attention and in its purest state the smooth characteristics connected to the shape, size and consistency of this egg can be appreciated between the mouth and tongue. A delicate wine or fine champagne enhance it even more. VENISE Slightly smaller in size than the White Sturgeon and Oscietra, the Calvisius Venise has a well-rounded flavor that lingers on the palate. This is a recent addition to the caviar family of Calvisius. Served best with dollop of crème fraiche or as garnish for fine recipes. * Not available for US Market The exclusive Calvisius Caviar Collection Box provides a taste of a selection of our best Malossol caviars. This is an experience not to be missed of a voyage through tastes to discover the value of our finest fresh sustainable caviar. We recommend serving the caviar using mother of pearl spoons because metal could change the taste. Caviar should be refrigerated (not frozen) until served and it should be served in a small basin or a crystal goblet immersed in shaved ice. It should be accompanied by champagne/white dry white wine or premium vodka. STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < D E L I G H T F U L M O M E N T S TO S AVO R 17 STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < Spaghetti with caviar Ingredients for 4 servings 200 g of premium Italian spaghetti One 50 g can of fresh Calviusius caviar 30 g of butter Black pepper Salt • Cook the spaghetti in 2 liters of boiling salted water. Place a terrine over the spaghetti pot and melt the butter. Save some of the cooking water from the pasta. • Drain the spaghetti and add the melted butter, some pepper and some cooking water. • Mix everything together and divide the spaghetti up on plates, top with caviar and serve immediately. 18 STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < Bites of quail eggs, celery root and caviar Ingredients for 4 servings Six 1oz cans of fresh Calviusius caviar 4 quail eggs A small celery root One teaspoon of sour cream One lemon Salt • Clean and wash the celery root, julienne it and blanch it in boiling salted water with some lemon juice. • Strain it, let it cool and dress it with some sour cream and salt. • Boil the quail eggs for 3 minutes, drain the water and let them cool. Peel them and cut them in half. • Arrange the celery root on plates to create 4 little nests. Then place the eggs in the center and top them with caviar. STORIA CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE OUR BRANDS RECIPES PREV < Zucchini Tartar and zucchini blossoms with sturgeon and caviar Ingredients for 4 servings 4 teaspoonful of Calvisius Caviar 6 fresh small zucchini with their blossoms 10 thin slices of sturgeon carpaccio Extra virgin olive oil from Liguria White pepper Celtic gray sea salt • Peel the zucchini, detach the blossoms and put them off to the side. Dice the zucchini and 4 blossoms into very small cubes, then cut the remaining blossoms into thin slices. • Dice two slices of sturgeon, mix it with the vegetables and dress with a tablespoon of olive oil, ground pepper and a pinch of salt. • Divide the tartar into 4 presentation rings, stiffen with a teaspoon and remove the ring. • Top with sturgeon and the blossoms 20that had been put off to the side, dress with a pinch of salt and finish up the dish with a teaspoonful of caviar. S TO RY CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THE SOURCE S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y TIMELESS LIFESTYLE Calvisius HQ and Farm 21 Via Kennedy – 25012 Calvisano (Brescia) ITALY Ph. +39 030-96.86.991 Fax: +39 030-968433 Email: [email protected] For sales info: [email protected] OUR BRANDS R ECIPES
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