holy child church - Church of the Holy Child
holy child church - Church of the Holy Child
September 27, 2015 HOLY CHILD CHURCH www.holy-child.org 718-356-5890 4747 Amboy Road, Staten Island, N.Y. 10312 Weekend Masses Saturday PM 5:00 7:00 Sunday AM 6:30 8:00 9:30 11:00 Sunday PM 12:30 5:30 Weekday Worship M - F Mass 6:30 AM M - S Morning Prayer 8:30 AM M - S Mass 9:00 AM Parish Office Hours M-F 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM 1:30 PM - 8:00 PM 718-356-5890 Pastor and Vicars Mary Kelly, Parish Manager Rev. Travers Rev. Edwin H. Cipot Rev. Wilfred Y. Dodo Joseph Longo, Maintenance Supervisor In Residence Rev. Percy Joseph Catherine McQuillen, Sports Council 718-356-5890 www.holychildbasketball.com Sandra Pace, Organist/Music Department Head 347-560-1793 Tom DeLacy, Soccer www.holychildsoccer.org Marie Ferro, Director of Religious Education 718-356-5277 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM JoAnn C. Gaal, Director of Pre-School 718-356-5159 Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM [email protected] Sacraments Baptisms Devotions Marriages 2:00 PM on Sundays Arrange in advance through the Rectory. Pre-Baptismal classes 8:00 p.m. on certain Saturday evenings. Call for schedule. Please contact priests of the parish at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Book the church before the hall. ADULT CONFIRMATION DETAILS ON PAGE 3 Reconciliation Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 PM Mary-Pat Schaefer Sal Lavanco Lea Laccadito Bob Mistretta Esther Pla Sabrina Lufrano Rita Martin Mark Kwapich Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Divine Mercy Chapel 24/7 Miraculous Medal Novena Church Mon. after 9:00 AM Mass and at 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group Rectory Conference Room Wed. 7:45 PM Parish Council President Adoration Bereavement Ministry Beyond Renew Faith Sharing Charismatic Prayer Group Cheerleading Cub Scouts Boy Scouts Nick & Janna Gaudiuso James Amberger Peggy Corney Eddie O’Connor Ray Doyle - Nick Nocerino Anthony Frizalone Kelly Carbonaro - Rich Passante 1 Family Life/Respect Life St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul Sons & Daughters of Mary Usher Ministry Singles on the Go Social Club Youth Group HOLY CHILD CHURCH SECOND TIME: Matthew Montelbano and Christina Montanaro Michael Cinquegrana and Linda DiMarco Franco Oliveri and Celia Scalici Week 26 Psalter II www.divineoffice.org THIRD TIME: Salvatore Improta and Jessica Marrale ***** SATURDAY VIGIL, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 5:00 PM Al Ferrigno 7:00 PM Dominic T. Carbonaro Father Travers will officiate at The Blessing of the Animals on the front porch of the church Sunday, October 4th at 4:00 p.m. In honor of St. Francis of Assisi SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2015 6:30 AM People of Holy Child 8:00 AM Thomas and Mary Ellen Duffy 9:30 AM Veronica Omerza 11:00 AM Anthony Lupo 12:30 PM Angelina Stazzone 5:30 PM James Jude Mangano, Sr. 4:00 PM FAMILY LIFE HOLY HOUR with BENEDICTION ***** of the BLESSED SACRAMENT Mrs. Laccadito ministers to your bereavement needs. Call upon her to make an appointment at your convenience – 718-227-0449. ***** MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 6:30 AM The Rocco Family 9:00 AM Alice and Lawrence Miniter TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 6:30 AM John G. Crowley 9:00 AM Carl Backlund Ladies in Bereavement … … are welcomed to a weekly gathering in the Fellow- ship Room on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 pm for shared conversation about the widowed experience. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 6:30 AM Joseph Amoia 9:00 AM Mary & Francis Salerno 7:45 pm Monthly Healing Mass Fr. Basil - Celebrant “Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief.” ***** THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 6:30 AM Marie Amoia 9:00 AM Rocco Urciuoli Alexa Anne Cioffi Thomas Bracco FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 6:30 AM Melina and James Marceda 9:00 AM Pauline Della Peruta ***** ST. MARIA GORETTI SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 9:00 AM Eileen Horan The relic of St. Maria Goretti will be on display at St. Rita’s Church, 281 Bradley Avenue, Staten Island on Wednesday, Sept. 30th between 6 am to 11 pm. SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 3, 2015 5:00 PM Carmela and Frank Montella (Living) “45 Anniversary” 7:00 PM In Honor of St. Jude For information go to www.stritachurch.net ***** ***** Scripture/Faith Sharing Sessions Mondays in the FORUM after the 9 A.M. Mass St. Clare is presenting a three part explanation of Pope Francis’ recent encyclical on September 22nd, 29th and October 6th at 7:30 p.m. ***** The Gospel of St. John Scripture Study 12 weeks: October 5th until December 21st every Monday from 7:30 - 9:00 pm in the Small Conference Room - Rectory Claire Smith Director of Adult Faith Formation The Church of Saint Clare 110 Nelson Avenue Staten Island, New York 10308 (718) 984-7873 ext. 1729 2 STATEN ISLAND, NY WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR THIS WEEK’S DONATIONS: Qualify to be a Godparent or a Sponsor…. GET CONFIRMED! Bread & Wine In Memory of Rosalie & Bernard LaRosa Offered by Mr. & Mrs. Caccamo This is a program of adult faith formation that combines presentations, group discussion, reflection and prayer. The sessions will cover Sacred Scripture and Tradition, the Creed, prayer and spirituality, the Church, Catholic social teaching and meaning of the sacrament of Confirmation. Sanctuary Lamp In Memory of Nicholas B. Squeo Offered by Nicoletta Squeo Adoration Chapel Candles In Thanksgiving for all our answered prayers Offered by Pat & Paul Diana Staten Island Location Our Lady of Pity Church 1616 Richmond Avenue Bull’s Head, Staten Island, NY 10306 718-761-5421 All sessions in Staten Island are held on Mondays 7:00pm—8:30pm ***** HOLY CHILD ROSARY MAKERS Makers meet every Thursday in the Rectory after the 9 am Mass. All are welcome. ***** Prayerful Mantle Dates of the Staten Island Sessions Session # 1: September 28, 2015 Session # 2: October 5, 2015 Session # 3: October 12, 2015 Session # 4: October 19, 2015 Session # 5: October 26, 2015 Session # 6: November 2, 2015 Session # 7: November 9, 2015 Session # 8: November 16, 2015 The Prayerful Mantle Knit & Crochet Group will meet on Friday, October 2nd at 9:30 a.m. in the large conference room. For more information, please contact Phyllis Ballarino at 718-356-6643. ***** New Utrecht High School “50” Reunion Class of 1965 & 1966 Friday October 23, 2015 Hilton Garden Inn Contact: Angela DiTringo Sutera (718) 984-0827 ***** Confirmation Mass At Our Lady of Pity Church, Staten Island Monday, November 30, 2015 ARRANGEMENTS FOR BAPTISM To preserve a more devout and reverent celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism, only four families will be accommodated each week. Please make arrangements with the Church at least a month beforehand. For information: 646-794-2692 www.nyfaithinformation.org ***** We are happy to welcome the following newly baptized member into our Holy Child Family: Alexa Lynn Diodato Child Protection Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by priest, deacon, religious or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212-371-1000 x 2949 or Deacon George J. Coppola at 917-861-1762. Both may also be reached via e-mail at [email protected]. Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, www.archny.org. In keeping with the Archdiocesan policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. ***** ***** Jillian Cannon Michael Capolongo Colleen Cerzosie Lenny Cerzosie Louise Cesarano Theresa Cuchel Josephine Devlin Anthony Dimesa Mary Theresa Ferrari Baby Giuliana Geller Rosalie Giangrande Rosaria Incantalupo Josephine Latiz Richard Leone Veronica Mangieri Peter Mongiove Tom O’Donnell Fr. Joseph Pasciutto Alex Passante Lisa Romano Billy Sherwood Theresa Spezio Kenneth Velleca Joseph Zaza Stewardship “The Archdiocese of New York takes the stewardship of your donations and its resources seriously. If you have knowledge of or reason to suspect financial misconduct, please report your concerns via a toll free hotline, at 877820-0541, or on the internet, at http://www.reportlineweb.com/ ADNY. Both are available 24 hours per day.” NAMES ON THIS LIST WILL BE ON UNTIL THIS WEEKEND AND THEN WILL BE REMOVED UNLESS WE HEAR FROM THE FAMILY. 3 TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MUSIC DEPARTMENT Starting September 18, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts will be open for registration at 7:30 pm sharp in the school building Cub Scouts - boys, 1st grade - 5th grade Boy Scouts - starting 6th grade in September Any questions please call Rita Martin at 917-922-8613 New members are always welcome (and encouraged!) to join any of the choirs/ensemble. You can even come to a few rehearsals to see what we do. For more information on any of these groups, please contact Sandra at 347-560-1793 or at [email protected]. Note - there are no fees to join any of the choirs. Youth Choir (Grades 3+) Tuesday: 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. The Children’s Choir participates twice a month in the Children’s Masses throughout the school year. They also perform in a special Christmas Eve concert before Mass. ***** Cheerleading Car-Wash Fundraiser The Holy Child Cheerleaders will be hosting a car wash fundraiser on September 27th from 9-5 pm in front of the Pre-School Building. Our Itty-Bitty and Little Hawk cheerleaders will be on hand to sell lemonade and cookies, while our JV and Varsity Cheerleaders wash your car. Please stop by and show your support for our Cheerleaders! Youth Ensemble (students proficient on all instruments) Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. This ensemble of young musicians participates at the two monthly Children’s Masses, Christmas and Easter Masses. If you are new to this group, please contact Sandra prior to your first rehearsal. ***** Handbell Choir (children and adults) Tuesday: 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. The Choir meets from mid-September through the Feast of Corpus Christi in the spring. The Choir rings twice a month at Sunday Mass and for special Feasts and parish celebrations. They also perform for the community several times a year, including at Christmas in Richmondtown and Scalia Tree-Lighting Ceremonies. Neither experience nor ability to read music is required to join the group. Cross Road Foundation’s Fall Fashion Show The Cross Road Foundation will be holding its 22 nd Annual Fall Fashion Show & Dinner on Thursday evening, October 8th at the Hilton Garden Inn at 7:00 pm. The theme for the evening will be, “Mamma Mia”. Tickets for the event are $65 per person. This includes dinner, musical entertainment and a show of fashions from local boutiques. There will also be gift baskets and a 50/50 drawing. Please call 718-556-3474 to RSVP. Proceeds from this event will go to help expectant and new mothers in need on Staten Island. The Choir Tuesday: 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. This group, open to high school students and adults, sings at the 11:00 a.m. Mass from September through the Feast of Corpus Christi in the spring. Music reading ability is helpful, but not required. The choir sings different styles of music, including traditional and contemporary. ***** Cross Road Foundation 1152 Victory Blvd Staten Island, NY 10301 (718) 556-3474 www.crossroadfoundation.org Cantors Youth (grades 6+); Young Adult (grades 9+); Adult If you are interested in becoming a cantor at any of the Masses, please contact Sandra for information regarding training. Note-you do not need to commit to being a cantor every week. ***** Birth Announcements Uriel - June 28th Jose Manuel - August 9th ***** The Staten Island Chapter of Hunter College Alumni Association Staten Island Catholic High School Information Fair Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 from 12 pm to 2 pm at the South Fin Grill 300 Fr. Capodanno Blvd & the Dolphin Fountain Has (2) $1000 Merit Scholarships Available for students who will be attending class in September 2015 If you are: 1. A Staten Island Resident 2. Will be attending Hunter College in September 2015 3. Write a letter of application which should include a current transcript, a letter of recommendation from a teacher (written on college letterhead) and a brief biography. 4. Will be able to attend the Scholarship Luncheon on October 17th, 2015. Applicants must include name, address, telephone, and email on the application. Applicants should request an application by calling (718) 984-5770. Applications are due no later than Oct.1st 2015. Considering a Catholic High School for your child? Are you interested in learning more about Staten Island Catholic High Schools? Join us for our information day where we will be available to share TACHS information, academic programs The Road to College Success, open house dates, and showcase our students and our Catholic High Schools. Visit www.adny-si.org and click on the High School information Fair tab to view lecture schedule, search for a school, and directions. To RSVP please call (718) 667-5350 ext. 1007. 4 SEPTEMBER 27, 2015 Holy Child supports Cross Road with the annual Baby Bottle Campaign Cross Road Foundation 1152 Victory Blvd. Staten Island, NY 10301 718-556-3474 www.crossroadfoundation.org August 1, 2015 Dear Friend of Cross Road, There are non so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people Are those who choose to ignore what they already know. - Jonathan Swift “Luz” came in to our center last month, looking for help. She is married with four children, three teens and an eight year old. She is having vision problems as the result of stress. She also recently found out that she was in the second month of pregnancy. Referring to a failed attempt at birth control, she asked our advisor for information about termination. She was informed of the procedure and the risks involved in a surgical abortion. She was told about the heartbeat, brain activity, and the organs present in her seven week old unborn baby. Yet rather than consider this reality, she quickly responded that both she and her husband had already made enough sacrifices for their other children. They did not want to start again raising another child. When asked to consider making an adoption plan as a more positive alternative to abortion, she mentioned her own aches and pains as a way of excusing this option. It became apparent that she and her husband had already decided that this fifth child would not see the light of day. I am always taken aback by adults who knowingly ignore the facts about fetal development when choosing to abort a child. Their polarized view blocks out those rays of truth which would allow them to see life in all its colorful clarity. Consequently their vision is limited to gray scales and dark shadows that distort their perspective. Thus they may grieve for a lion killed in Zimbabwe but take no note of the Christians slaughtered in Nigeria. They would avoid altogether viewing the recently released videos documenting how Planned Parenthood harvests and sells fetal organ tissue to researchers, and focus instead on the well-coiffed spokeswomen who feign outrage in the name of a woman’s imagined right to infanticide. And while I would like to believe that such moral myopia is more the exception, the increasing lack of media attention to such horrific acts suggests it is more the rule. Still, we hope and pray that the pro-life community, through its various means, will continue to shine the ray of truth into those dark corners of our culture so that our nation may regain its moral clarity. At Cross Road, we will continue to meet with women like “Luz” knowing that, with the grace of God, some will come to see life in its true and holy light. Thank you for your support. Bill Harder Executive Director 5 Church: Holy Child Church City: Staten Island Account: 03-00612 6
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holy child church - Church of the Holy Child
Rectory. Pre-Baptismal classes 8 p.m. on certain Saturday evenings. Book the church before
the hall.
Call for schedule.
October 25, 2015 - Church of the Holy Child
prior to the wedding date.
Book the church before
the hall.