Learn Basic HTML5
Learn Basic HTML5
i Table of Contents Table of Contents.................................................................................................i Intro ................................................................................................................... v What’s New?.................................................................................................... viii HTML5 Page Structure ....................................................................................... ix Minimum HTML5 Document .................................................................. ix Basic Syntax Improvements in HTML5 .................................................... ix HTML5 Document................................................................................... xi New Attributes in <input> Element ..................................................................... 1 The ‘type’ Attribute ............................................................................................ 2 The ‘placeholder’ Attribute ................................................................................ 3 The ‘autofocus’ Attribute ................................................................................... 3 The ‘required’ Attribute ..................................................................................... 4 New Elements in HTML5 ..................................................................................... 5 New Media Elements ......................................................................................... 6 The <canvas> Element ............................................................................ 6 The <audio> Element .............................................................................. 8 The <video> Element ............................................................................ 10 The <source> Element .......................................................................... 13 The <embed> Element.......................................................................... 14 The <track> Element ............................................................................. 15 New Form Elements ......................................................................................... 17 i|Page- LetsDnD.com ii The <datalist> Element ......................................................................... 17 The <keygen> Element ......................................................................... 19 The <output> Element .......................................................................... 21 New Semantic/Structural Elements ................................................................. 22 The <article> Element ........................................................................... 22 The <aside> Element ............................................................................ 23 The <section> Element ......................................................................... 24 The <header> Element ......................................................................... 25 The <nav> Element ............................................................................... 25 The <footer> Element ........................................................................... 26 The <bdi> Element ................................................................................ 27 The <command> Element ..................................................................... 27 The <details> Element .......................................................................... 28 The <summary> Element ...................................................................... 29 The <dialog> Element ........................................................................... 29 The <figure> Element ........................................................................... 30 The <figcaption> Element ..................................................................... 30 The <mark> Element............................................................................. 31 The <meter> Element ........................................................................... 31 The <progress> Element ....................................................................... 32 The <ruby> Element ............................................................................. 33 The <rt> Element .................................................................................. 33 The <rp> Element ................................................................................. 34 The <time> Element ............................................................................. 34 The <wbr> Element .............................................................................. 35 ii | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m iii Drag and Drop .................................................................................................. 37 Geo Location ..................................................................................................... 43 Storages of HTML5 ............................................................................................ 48 The localStorage Object ................................................................................... 49 The sessionStorage Object ............................................................................... 50 Offline Web Browsing ....................................................................................... 51 Application Cache ............................................................................................ 52 Manifest File .................................................................................................... 53 Server Sent Event.............................................................................................. 56 About Author .................................................................................................... 59 Thank You ......................................................................................................... 60 iii | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m iv Learn Basic HTML5 - Second Edition By Sandeep Likhar Copyright © 2014 Let’s Design n Develop All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission from the author. 2nd Edition - 2014 iv | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m - Intro - “I’m The Future of Your Web Browser” vi Introduction HTML5 is the newest hyper text markup language for websites from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The first draft was made public in 2008, but not much happened until 2011. In 2011, HTML5 was released and people started writing about it and using it, but the support in different browsers was still poor. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web. For more information visit http://www.w3.org/ Today all major browsers offer HTML5 support, therefore the newest HTML technology can be used at its best today. Answer : vi | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m Popular Web Browsers Indentify any of these? From L to R - Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari Question: Can You vii Introduction HTML5 works with CSS3 and is still in development. W3C plans to release a stable version next year, but it still looks like this is a long shot. Since its release, HTML5 has been in continuous development, with the W3C adding more and more impressive features, therefore it seems quite unlikely that HTML5′s development will end soon, which is not necessarily a bad thing. HTML5 is the successor of HTML 4.01, released for the first time in 1999. The internet has changed significantly since 1999 and it seemed like the creation of HTML5 was necessary. The new markup language was developed based on preset standards: New features should be based on HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript. The need for external plugins (like Flash) needs to be reduced. Error handling should be easier than in previous versions. Scripting has to be replaced by more markup. HTML5 should be device-independent. The development process should be visible to the public. vii | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m viii Introduction What’s New? HTML5 is not yet an official standard, and no browsers have full HTML5 support. But all major browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer) continue to add new HTML5 features to their latest versions. HTML5 was created to make the coding process easier and more logical. You will see a bit later that many syntaxes are now deprecated and soon to be kicked out through the back door. The following tags from HTML 4.01 are now removed from HTML5, therefore browsers do not offer support for them anymore. This means that it is a good idea to go back to your HTML pages and check for them, as they might disrupt the design in the latest browsers. • • • • <acronym> <applet> <basefont> <big> • • • • <center> <dir> <font> <frame> • • • • <frameset> <noframes> <strike> <tt> The unique and impressive features comes with HTML5 are in the multimedia department. Many of the features comes with it have been created with the consideration that users should be able to run heavy content on low-powered devices. The syntactic features include the new <video>, <audio> and <canvas> elements, but also integration of vector graphics content (what we knew before as being the <object> tags). This means that multimedia and graphic content on the web will be handled and executed easier and faster, without the need of plugins or APIs. viii | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m ix Introduction HTML5 Page Structure Minimum HTML5 Document Below is a simple HTML5 document, with the minimum of required tags: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title of the document</title> </head> <body> Content of the document...... </body> </html> Basic Syntax Improvements in HTML5 The <!Doctype> tag In HTML5 there is only one <!doctype> declaration, and it is very simple: <!DOCTYPE html> The <script> tag It's common practice to add a type attribute with a value of "text/javascript" to script elements as follows: <script type="text/javascript" src="scriptfile.js"></script> HTML 5 removes extra information required and you can use simply following syntax: <script src="scriptfile.js"></script> ix | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m x Introduction The <link> tag So far you were writing <link> as follows: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylefile.css"> HTML 5 removes extra information required and you can use simply following syntax: <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylefile.css"> Custom Attributes A new feature being introduced in HTML 5 is the addition of custom data attributes. A custom data attribute starts with data- and would be named based on your requirement. Following is the simple example: 1. <div class="example" data-subject="physics" data-level="complex"> 2. ... 3. </div> The above will be perfectly valid HTML5 with two custom attributes called data-subject and data-level. You would be able to get the values of these attributes using JavaScript APIs or CSS in similar way as you get for standard attributes. As Chrome Browser supports most of the HTML5 elements, we recommend you to use it for try out our examples. To download, visit https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/ x|Page- LetsDnD.com xi Introduction HTML5 Document Following is a sample HTML5 document which included new tags arrived with HTML5. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>your web page title</title> </head> <body> <header> <nav> <ul> <li>Your Menu</li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section> <article> <header> <h2>Article Title</h2> <p>This is a my long paragraph. </p> </header> </article> <article> <header> <h2>Article Title</h2> <p>This is a my first long paragraph. </p> </header> <p>This is a my second long paragraph. </p> </article> </section> <aside> <h2>About Section</h2> <p>This is a my first long paragraph in about us.</p> </aside> <footer> <p> Copyright 2014 Your name </p> </footer> </body> </html> xi | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m New Attributes in <input> Element “Creating Forms never been this much easier” 2 New Attributes in <input> Element The ‘type’ Attribute HTML5 input elements introduced several new values for the type attribute. These are listed below. datetime A date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractions of a second) encoded according to ISO 8601 with the time zone set to UTC. datetime-local A date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractions of a second) encoded according to ISO 8601, with no time zone information. date A date (year, month, day) encoded according to ISO 8601. month A date consisting of a year and a month encoded according to ISO 8601. week A date consisting of a year and a week number encoded according to ISO 8601. time A time (hour, minute, seconds, and fractional seconds) encoded according to ISO 8601. number This accepts only numerical value. The step attribute specifies the precision, defaulting to 1. 2|Page- LetsDnD.com 3 New Attributes in <input> Element range The range type is used for input fields that should contain a value from a range of numbers. email This accepts only email value. This type is used for input fields that should contain an e-mail address. If you try to submit a simple text, it forces to enter only email address in [email protected] format. url This accepts only URL value. This type is used for input fields that should contain a URL address. If you try to submit a simple text, it forces to enter only URL address either in http://www.example.com format or in http://example.com format. The ‘placeholder’ Attribute HTML5 introduced a new attribute called placeholder. This attribute on <input> and <textarea> elements provides a hint to the user of what can be entered in the field. The placeholder text must not contain carriage returns or line-feeds. Here is the simple syntax for placeholder attribute: <input type="text" name="search" placeholder="search the web"/> The ‘autofocus’ Attribute This is a simple one-step pattern, easily programmed in JavaScript at the time of document load, automatically focus one particular form field. HTML5 introduced a new attribute called autofocus which would be used as follows: <input type="text" name="search" autofocus/> 3|Page- LetsDnD.com 4 New Attributes in <input> Element The ‘required’ Attribute Now you do not need to have JavaScript for client side validations like empty text box would never be submitted because HTML5 introduced a new attribute called required which would be used as follows and would insist to have a value: <input type="text" name="search” required/> 4|Page- LetsDnD.com New Elements in HTML5 “Super Cool HTML5…!! You have Lot of New!!!” 6 New Elements in HTML5 New Media Elements The <canvas> Element HTML5 element <canvas> gives you an easy and powerful way to draw graphics using JavaScript. It can be used to draw graphs, make photo compositions or do simple (and not so simple) animations. The HTML5 Canvas element is an HTML tag similar to the <div>, <a>, or <table> tag, with the exception that its contents are rendered with JavaScript. In order to leverage the HTML5 Canvas, we'll need to place the canvas tag somewhere inside the HTML document, access the canvas tag with JavaScript, create a context, and then utilize the HTML5 Canvas API to draw visualizations. Here is a simple <canvas> element which has only two specific attributes width and height plus all the core HTML5 attributes like id, name and class etc. <canvas id="mycanvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas> You can easily find that <canvas> element in the DOM using getElementById() method as follows: var canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas"); Let us see a simple example on using <canvas> element in HTML5 document. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <style> #mycanvas { border: 1px solid red; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="mycanvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas> </body> </html> 6|Page- LetsDnD.com 7 New Elements in HTML5 You can create many shapes using canvas as example below: The Rendering Context: The <canvas> is initially blank, and to display something, a script first needs to access the rendering context and draw on it. When using canvas, it's important to understand the difference between the canvas element and the canvas context, as often times people get these confused. The canvas element is the actual DOM node that's embedded in the HTML page. The canvas context is an object with properties and methods that you can use to render graphics inside the canvas element. The context can be 2d or 3d. Each canvas element can only have one context. If we use the getContext() method multiple times, it will return a reference to the same context object. The canvas element has a DOM method called getContext, used to obtain the rendering context and its drawing functions. This function takes one parameter, the type of context 2d. 7|Page- LetsDnD.com 8 New Elements in HTML5 Following is the code to get required context along with a check if your browser supports <canvas> element: <body> <canvas id="myCanvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas> <script> var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle="#FF0000"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,150,75); </script> </body> The <audio> Element The HTML <audio> element is used to represent sound content in documents. Added as part of HTML5, it may contain several audio sources, represented using the src attribute or the <source> element; the browser will choose the most suitable one. Fallback content for browser not supporting the <audio> element can be added too. Before HTML5, the audio files could not be played on a web page without support of third party plug-ins like Adobe Flash Player, Apple QuickTime Player etc. But HTML5 defines a new element (<audio>) which provides native audio playback support in the browser. The audio tag specifies a way to embed an audio file within a web page. HTML5 audio element is supported by latest versions of all web browsers. But Internet Explorer 8 or earlier versions of Internet Explorer do not support audio element. 8|Page- LetsDnD.com 9 New Elements in HTML5 Presently three audio file formats are supported by HTML5 audio element; .mp3 .ogg .wav HTML5 audio element example given below: <audio controls="controls" loop="loop" autoplay="autoplay" preload="none"> <source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> <source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> <source src="song.wav" type="audio/wav"> <p>Your browser does not support the audio element.</p> </audio> The text written between <audio> and </audio> tags is displayed if the browser does not support audio element. Attributes of Audio Element controls If this attribute is present, the browser will offer controls to allow the user to control audio playback, including volume, seeking, and pause/resume playback. src The src attribute defines a valid source path of audio file. loop The loop attribute specifies whether the audio file should be repeatedly played. 9|Page- LetsDnD.com 10 New Elements in HTML5 autoplay A Boolean attribute; if specified (even if the value is "false"!), the audio will automatically begin to play back as soon as it can do so without stopping to finish loading the data. buffered An attribute you can read to determine which time ranges of the media have been buffered. This attribute contains a Time-Ranges object. preload The preload attribute specifies when the audio file gets preloaded. Possible values are – none / metadata / auto. none: hints that either the author thinks that the user won't need to consult that audio or that the server wants to minimize its traffic; in others terms this hint indicates that the audio should not be cached; metadata: hints that though the author thinks that the user won't need to consult that audio, fetching the metadata (e.g. length) is reasonable; auto: hints that the user needs have priority; in others terms this hint indicated that, if needed, the whole audio could be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it; The <video> Element The video tag is one of those HTML5 features that gets a lot of attention. Often presented as an alternative to flash in the media, the video tag actually goes beyond that. Although it's recently joined the rest of the ubiquitous HTML tags, its capabilities and support across browsers have increased at an amazing speed. The <video> element is brand new in HTML 5 and allows you to, get this, play a movie in your website! The data of this element is supposed to be video but it might also have audio or images associated with it. 10 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 11 New Elements in HTML5 The HTML 5 <video> tag accepts attributes that specify how the video should be played. Attributes include preload, autoload, loop, play, pause and more. Let’s take a look at each one in a little more detail. autoplay Tells the browser to start playing the video as soon as it is downloaded. controls Displays built-in controls that are native to the browser. Basic controls tend to include a play/pause button, time counter, volume control, and time scrubber. crossorigin Either allows or prohibits the sharing of a video across other domains using CORS (CrossOrigin Resource Sharing). height Identifies the height of the video (if your height/width aren’t in the correct ratio, you will see black banding above and below the video; it will not distort). loop Tells the browser to loop the video after playback has been completed. mediagroup Allows multiple media elements to be linked together by creating a media controller. Therefore you can synchronize multiple videos or a video with audio. muted Allows the author to specify if the video should be muted when it begins to play. 11 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 12 New Elements in HTML5 poster Identifies the location of a still image to use as a holding frame. preload Allows the author to inform the browser to start (or not start) downloading the video as soon as the page is loaded. preload has replaced the autobuffer attribute. The autoplay attribute can override the preload attribute if present. The available states are none: Tells the browser not to preload the file. The file will begin to load when the user clicks Play. metadata: Tells the browser to only preload the metadata (dimensions, first frame, duration, etc.). The rest of the file will begin to load when the user clicks Play. auto: Tells the browser to choose whether to download the entire file, nothing, or only the metadata. This is the default state if preload isn’t specified. src Identifies the location of the video file (note that this is not required if a child source element is present, which we’ll cover later). width Identifies the width of the video (if your height/width aren’t in the correct ratio, you will see black banding above and below the video; it will not distort). In order to implement HTML5 video cross browser, we need to be aware of three container formats. 1. WebM 2. Ogg 3. MPEG-4 12 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 13 New Elements in HTML5 HTML5 video element example given below: <video width="200" height="200" controls> <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="video.ogg" type="video/ogg"> <source src="video.webm" type="video/webm"> <p>Your browser does not support video element</p> </video> The <source> Element The <source> element is used to specify multiple media resources for <audio> and <video> elements in HTML5. It is an empty element. It is commonly used to serve the same media in multiple formats supported by different browsers. The <source> tag basically replaces the single src attribute. Every HTML5 browser will scan through these tags top to bottom, until it finds a video it can play. With a combination of an MP4, ogg and a WebM video, you have nearly all HTML5 browsers covered (Firefox 3.x only supported the outdated OGG format, but that browser version is almost gone now). The HTML 5 <source> tag accepts attributes that specify how the video and audio should be played. Attributes include src, type, media. In the two examples below, the <video> and <audio> element is best example of source element. <audio controls="controls" loop="loop" autoplay="autoplay" preload="none"> <source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> <source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> <p>Your browser does not support the audio element.</p> </audio> <video width="200" height="200" controls> <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="video.ogg" type="video/ogg"> <source src="video.webm" type="video/webm"> <p>Your browser does not support video element.</p> </video> 13 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 14 New Elements in HTML5 The type attribute is not required, but useful for increased performance. If it is not set, all browsers will start downloading the first video to find out if it can play. With the type set, Firefox and Opera recognize they should download the right video instead of the other one. The <embed> Element The <embed> is a non-standard but well-supported element that's used to embed multimedia content, including media types that mightn't usually be natively supported by the browser. It can also be used for embedding media types that are supported, such as images in .jpg, .gif, or .png format. The HTML <embed> tag is used for embedding another resource or interactive content into the document. The <embed> element is an empty element and this tag ending with the delimiter string ‘/>’.This tag has no closing tag like <embed/>. This tag is used to insert nonstandard elements content, typically a multimedia element that is not supported by HTML. You can use <embed> tag to add images, audio or video etc or you can write anything in it. The example below uses 4 different video formats. The HTML 5 <video> element tries to play the video either in MP4, OGG, or WEBM format. If this fails, the code "falls back" to try the <object> element. If this also fails, it "falls back" to the <embed> element: <video width="200" height="200" controls> <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="video.ogg" type="video/ogg"> <source src="video.webm" type="video/webm"> <object data="video.mp4" width="200" height="200"> <embed src="video.swf" width="200" height="200" /> </object> <p>Your browser does not support video element</p> </video> 14 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 15 New Elements in HTML5 The <track> Element The <track> element is used as a child of the media elements—<audio> and <video>—and does not represent anything on its own. It lets you specify timed text tracks (or time-based data). The type of data that <track> adds to the media is set in the kind attribute, which can take values of subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters or metadata. The element points to a source file containing timed text that the browser exposes when the user requests additional data. A media element cannot have more than one <track> with the same; kind attribute, srclang attribute, and label attribute. Each <track> element has an attribute for kind, which can be subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters or metadata. The track element src attribute points to a text file that holds data for timed track cues, which can potentially be in any format a browser can parse. Let’s take a look at each one in a little more detail. default This attribute indicates that the track should be enabled unless the user's preferences indicate that another track is more appropriate. This may only be used on one track element per media element. kind How the text track is meant to be used. If omitted the default kind is subtitles. The following keywords are allowed: subtitles: Subtitles provide translation of content that cannot be understood by the viewer. For example dialogue or text that is not English in an English language film. 15 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 16 New Elements in HTML5 Subtitles may contain additional content, usually extra background information. For example the text at the beginning of the Star Wars films, or the date, time, and location of a scene. captions: Closed captions provide a transcription and possibly a translation of audio. It may include important non-verbal information such as music cues or sound effects. It may indicate the cue's source (e.g. music, text, character). Suitable for users who are deaf or when the sound is muted. descriptions: Textual description of the video content. Suitable for users who are blind or where the video cannot be seen. chapters: Chapter titles are intended to be used when the user is navigating the media resource. metadata: Tracks used by scripts. Not visible to the user. label A user-readable title of the text track which is used by the browser when listing available text tracks. src Address of the track. Must be a valid URL. This attribute must be defined. srclang Language of the track text data. It must be a valid language tag. If the kind attribute is set to subtitles, then srclang must be defined. 16 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 17 New Elements in HTML5 Html Code Example: <video src="sample.ogv"> <track kind="captions" src="sampleCaptions.srt" srclang="en"> <track kind="descriptions" src="sampleDesciptions.srt" srclang="en"> <track kind="chapters" src="sampleChapters.srt" srclang="en"> <track kind="subtitles" src="sampleSubtitles_de.srt" srclang="de"> <track kind="subtitles" src="sampleSubtitles_en.srt" srclang="en"> <track kind="subtitles" src="sampleSubtitles_ja.srt" srclang="ja"> <track kind="subtitles" src="sampleSubtitles_oz.srt" srclang="oz"> <track kind="metadata" src="keyStage1.srt" srclang="en" label="Stage 1"> <track kind="metadata" src="keyStage2.srt" srclang="en" label="Stage 2"> <track kind="metadata" src="keyStage3.srt" srclang="en" label="Stage 3"> </video> New Form Elements The <datalist> Element You probably have experienced this kind of response somewhere on the Web: when you are typing in an input form, a list of suggestions appears at the bottom of the input. Over the years, we rely on JavaScript to create such a function. Today, we are able to do that with the new HTML5 <datalist> element. This HTML5 new element allows us to store a list of options that will be shown as the users type in the input. The <datalist> can be linked to <input> element using a new HTML5 attribute, list. We can use list in a few input types like text and search.The datalist contains option elements much like the select element, though datalist itself is not an independent control. Instead it is added or attached to an <input type="text"/> element using the list attribute. In the below code snippet we have a regular <input type="text" /> control with an id and the new list attribute. This tells the browser to load the list of values or suggestions from the datalist element with a corresponding id. 17 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 18 New Elements in HTML5 <label>Select your preferred code editor:</label> <input type="text" id="txt_ide" list="ide" /> <datalist id="ide"> <option value="Brackets" /> <option value="Coda" /> <option value="Dreamweaver" /> <option value="Espresso" /> <option value="jEdit" /> <option value="Komodo Edit" /> <option value="Notepad++" /> <option value="Sublime Text 2" /> <option value="Taco HTML Edit" /> <option value="Textmate" /> <option value="Text Pad" /> <option value="TextWrangler" /> <option value="Visual Studio" /> <option value="VIM" /> <option value="XCode" /> </datalist> Then comes the actual datalist element with the aforementioned id and a collection of option elements. This is how the values are attached to the input control. When we run this in the browser, we will see a normal textbox, then when we starting typing (or press the down arrow key, which works in Firefox and Chrome but not in Opera) the complete or filtered list appears. As we type, only the relevant options will be shown, much like how Google's Search box displays suggestions. Be aware though, slight behavioral variations do exist from browser to browser. Example : 18 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 19 New Elements in HTML5 To hook the <datalist> to an <input> element, simply add list attribute and refer to the id attribute, like so. <input class="destination-list" type="text" placeholder="From:" list="city"> <input class="destination-list" type="text" placeholder="To:" list="city"> The <keygen> Element The HTML <keygen> element exists to facilitate generation of key material, and submission of the public key as part of an HTML form. This mechanism is designed for use with Web-based certificate management systems. It is expected that the keygen element will be used in an HTML form along with other information needed to construct a certificate request, and that the result of the process will be a signed certificate. Attributes autofocus This Boolean attribute lets you specify that the control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control. Only one form element in a document can have the autofocus attribute, which is a Boolean. challenge A challenge string that is submitted along with the public key. Defaults to an empty string if not specified. disabled This Boolean attribute indicates that the form control is not available for interaction. 19 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 20 New Elements in HTML5 form The form element that this element is associated with (its form owner). The value of the attribute must be an id of a <form> element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, this element must be a descendant of a <form> element. This attribute enables you to place <keygen> elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements. keytype The type of key generated. The default value is RSA. name The name of the control, which is submitted with the form data. Html Code Example: <form action="demo_keygen.asp" method="get"> Username: <input type="text" name="usr_name"> Encryption: <keygen name="security"> <input type="submit"> </form> The keygen element is only valid within an HTML form. It will cause some sort of selection to be presented to the user for selecting key size. The UI for the selection may be a menu, radio buttons, or possibly something else. The browser presents several possible key strengths. Currently, two strengths are offered, high and medium. If the user's browser is configured to support cryptographic hardware (e.g. "smart cards") the user may also be given a choice of where to generate the key, i.e., in a smart card or in software and stored on disk. When the submit button is pressed, a key pair of the selected size is generated. The private key is encrypted and stored in the local key database. 20 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 21 New Elements in HTML5 The <output> Element Across the web, you’ll see a range of sites that feature calculators for working out things like loan repayments, mortgage rates, tax, insurance, and more. Until now, we’ve had no way of semantically marking up the result of those calculations. The <output> element represents the result of a calculation. Example given below: Along with the standard global attributes, <output> also accepts the following: for A space-separated list containing the IDs of the elements whose values went into the calculation. form Associates the <output> element with its form owner. The value must be the ID of a form in the same document. This allows you to place an <output> element outside of the <form> with which it is associated. name The name of the element. 21 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 22 New Elements in HTML5 Html Code Example: <form onsubmit="return false" oninput="o.value = parseInt(a.value) + parseInt(b.value)"> <input name="a" type="number" step="any"> + <input name="b" type="number" step="any"> = <output name="o"></output> </form> New Semantic/Structural Elements The <article> Element The HTML <article> Element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, e.g., in syndication. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a user-submitted comment, an interactive widget or gadget, or any other independent item of content. From the above explanation, we can conclude that <article> element is exclusively recommended to be used for structuring article, especially the article that most likely we are going to syndicate, such as a blog post, page content or forum posts. The following example shows how we structure blog-post content with <article>. <article class="post"> <header> <h1> This is Blog Post Title </h1> <div class="post-meta"> <ul> <li class="author">Author Name</li> <li class="categories">Save in Categories</li> </ul> </div> </header> <div class="post-content"> Quisque id vehicula ante. Morbi id condimentum magna. non mollis arcu vehicula eget. Nulla viverra lacinia nibh ut semper. </div> </article> 22 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 23 New Elements in HTML5 The <aside> Element The HTML <aside> Element represents a section of a page that consists of content that is tangentially related to the content around it, which could be considered separate from that content. Such sections are often represented as sidebars or as inserts. They often contain side explanations, like a glossary definition; more loosely related stuff, like advertisements; the biography of the author; or in webapplications, profile information or related blog links. A sidebar in a webpage, containing associated links, profile information, advertisement displays etc.. are good example of the kind of content you can enclose in aside. An example is a "pull quote" from a longer article. A pull quote (also known as a lift-out quote or a call-out) is a quotation or edited excerpt from an article that is placed in a larger typeface on the same page, serving to lead readers into an article and to highlight a key topic. Html Code Example: <div style="font: 0.8em/ 1.2em Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;"> <aside style="font-size:larger;font-style:italic; color:green;float:right;width:35%;padding-left:5px;"> Proin accumsan, lectus id pretium pulvinar</aside> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin accumsan, lectus id pretium pulvinar, felis quam egestas magna, neccursus.</p> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin accumsan, lectus id pretium pulvinar, felis quam egestas magna, neccursus.</p> </div> 23 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 24 New Elements in HTML5 The <section> Element The HTML5 <section> element is not a replacement for a div. It’s easy to think it should be, because all the other structural elements that were introduced in HTML5 (header, footer, main etc.) replaced all the divs we used to use to denote those areas of a page. The HTML5 specification is clear about this “The section element is not a generic container element. When an element is needed only for styling purposes or as a convenience for scripting, authors are encouraged to use the div element instead.” If you’re wondering why it makes a difference, the answer is semantics. The div is a semantically neutral element, the section element is not. The section element is exposed through the browser’s accessibility API, and that information is picked up by assistive technologies and communicated to users. For example the Jaws screen reader announces “Region” each time it encounters the section element. It announces “Region” rather than “Section” because the section element maps to the role of region (and it’s the role that’s exposed via the accessibility APIs). <article> <header> <h1> </header> <section> <h4> <p> </section> <section> <h4> <p> </section> </article> Welcome </h1> What We Do </h4> We protect sharks... News Items </h4> Man eats shark... </p> 24 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m </p> 25 New Elements in HTML5 The <header> Element The HTML <header> tag represents a group of introductory or navigational aids. Headers can contain headings, subheadings, version information, navigational controls, etc. The <header> element should be used as a container for introductory content or set of navigational links. You can have several <header> elements in one document. The <header> element is intended to usually contain the section's heading (an <h1>-<h6> element or an <hgroup> element), but this is not required. The <header> element can also be used to wrap a section's table of contents, a search form, or any relevant logos. The <header> tag cannot be placed within a <footer>, <address> or another <header> element. <header> <hgroup> <h1> <h2> </h2> </hgroup> </header> Talking Dogs </h1> Humans aren't the only talkers! The <nav> Element One of the new elements for HTML 5 is the <nav> element which allows you to group together links, resulting in more semantic markup and extra structure which may help screen readers. The nav element represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links. Not all groups of links on a page need to be in a nav element only sections that consist of major navigation 25 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 26 New Elements in HTML5 blocks are appropriate for the nav element. In particular, it is common for footers to have a list of links to various key parts of a site, but the footer element is more appropriate in such cases, and no nav element is necessary for those links. <nav> <a href="/html/">HTML</a> | <a href="/css/">CSS</a> | <a href="/js/">JavaScript</a> | <a href="/jquery/">jQuery</a> </nav> The <footer> Element The HTML <footer> tag is used for defining the footer of an HTML document or section. Footers usually contain information such as the author of the document, copyright information, links to terms of use, privacy policy, etc. Contact information within a <footer> tag should be marked up using the <address> tag Although footers are typically located at the bottom of a document, this is not required (although it cannot be placed within a <header> or another <footer> element, and it cannot contain a <header> element). A document/section can have more than one footer. <footer> <ul> <li>copyright</li> <li>sitemap</li> <li>contact</li> <li>to top</li> </ul> </footer> 26 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 27 New Elements in HTML5 The <bdi> Element The HTML <bdi> Element (or Bi-Directional Isolation Element) isolates a span of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it. This element is useful when embedding text with an unknown directionality, from a database for example, inside text with a fixed directionality. Though the same visual effect can be achieved using the CSS rule unicode-bidi: isolate on a <span> or another text-formatting element, the semantic meaning is only conveyed by the <bdi> element. Especially, browsers are allowed to ignore CSS styling. In such a case, the text would still be correctly displayed using the HTML element, but will become garbage when using the CSS styling to convey semantic. The HTML <bdi> tag is used on a span of text that is to be isolated from its surroundings for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting. This can be useful when displaying right-to-left text (such as Arabic) inside left-toright text (such as English) when the text-direction is unknown. The <bdi> element allows you to honor the correct directionality of text when this is unknown (such as in the case with user-generated content). <ol> <li>User <li>User <li>User <li>User <li>User </ol> <bdi>homerjay</bdi>: 1601 posts</li> <bdi>msimpson</bdi>: 335 posts</li> <bdi><إيان/bdi>: 195 posts</li> <bdi>barts</bdi>: 6 posts</li> <bdi>moe</bdi>: 2 posts</li> The <command> Element The HTML <command> tag is used for specifying a command that the user can invoke. According to the HTML 5 specification: 27 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 28 New Elements in HTML5 A command is the abstraction behind menu items, buttons, and links. Once a command is defined, other parts of the interface can refer to the same command, allowing many access points to a single feature to share aspects such as the disabled state. The <command> tag was introduced in HTML 5. <menu> <command type="command" label="Save" onclick="save()">Save</command> </menu> Note: The command element is currently only supported in IE9. The <details> Element The HTML <details> tag specifies additional details that the user can view or hide on demand. It can be used in conjunction with the HTML5 <summary> tag to provide a heading that can be clicked on to expand/collapse the details as required. Essentially, we can use <details> to create an accordion-like widget that the user can toggle open and closed. Inside <details>, we can put any sort of content we want. The <details> tag was introduced in HTML 5. <details open="open"> <p> If your browser supports this element, it should allow you to expand and collapse these details. </p> </details> 28 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 29 New Elements in HTML5 The <summary> Element The HTML <summary> tag specifies a summary/caption that can be used in conjunction with the HTML5 <details> tag. This summary/caption can be clicked on to expand/collapse the details as required. The <summary> tag, if used, should be the first child of the <details> tag. Essentially, we can use <details> to create an accordion-like widget that the user can toggle open and closed. Inside <details>, we can put any sort of content we want. <details> <summary> Show/Hide me </summary> <p> Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. </p> </details> The <dialog> Element The <dialog> element originally entered the HTML5 scene as a way to markup conversations but it was cut from the spec back in 2009. However now it’s back, and it has a brand new role. The new <dialog> element makes it really easy for developers to create popup dialogs and modals for their web applications. Before now this required using a JavaScript plugin. However popup dialogs have become so popular that the Chrome team have decided to create a native implementation of this UI component. <dialog id="dialog"> <p>Hi, I'm a dialog!</p> <button id="close">Okay</button> </dialog> Note: <dialog> has been dropped from the HTML5 specification. 29 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 30 New Elements in HTML5 The <figure> Element The HTML5 <figure> element is a new element created to allow designers to associate images and other units of content with the main flow of content while keeping them separate. A figure can be moved around in the content and even away from the main content without affecting the meaning of the document as a whole. The HTML <figure> tag is used for annotating illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc. You can use the <figure> element to associate a caption together with some embedded content, such as a graphic or video. You can use the <figure> element in conjunction with the <figcaption> element to provide a caption for the contents of your <figure> element. <figure> <img src="image.jpg" alt="The image tag" width="300" height="200"> </figure> Note: Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions do not support the <figure> tag. The <figcaption> Element The HTML <figcaption> Element represents a caption or a legend associated with a figure or an illustration described by the rest of the data of the <figure> element which is its immediate ancestor which means <figcaption> can be the first or last element inside a <figure> block. Also, the HTML Figcaption Element is optional; if not provided, then the parent figure element will have no caption. The most common use of the figure element is with images (with FIGCAPTION providing captions for those images), but that isn't the only thing you can put in a figure. You can also put in blocks of code, pull quotes, or any other content that is related to the main content, but not critical to the flow. 30 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 31 New Elements in HTML5 <figure> <img src="image.jpg" alt="The image tag" width="300" height="200"> <figcaption> Fig1. - A view of the pulpit rock in Norway. </figcaption> </figure> The <mark> Element The HTML <mark> tag is used for indicating text as marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context. It is important to understand the intended purpose of this tag. According to the HTML 5 specification: When used in a quotation or other block of text referred to from the prose, it indicates a highlight that was not originally present but which has been added to bring the reader's attention to a part of the text that might not have been considered important by the original author when the block was originally written, but which is now under previously unexpected scrutiny. When used in the main prose of a document, it indicates a part of the document that has been highlighted due to its likely relevance to the user's current activity. <p>Do not forget to buy <mark>soft drink</mark> today.</p> The <meter> Element The HTML <meter> tag is used for indicating a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value. Also known as a gauge, usage could include displaying disk usage, the amount raised during fundraising activities, or the relevance of a search query result. 31 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 32 New Elements in HTML5 It is important to note that the <meter> element is used to represent a range. It is not appropriate to use this element for representing a single number (such as how many children someone has) unless there is a known maximum number. <meter value="2" min="0" max="10">2 out of 10</meter> <br> <meter value="0.6">60%</meter> Note: The <meter> tag should not be used to indicate progress (as in a progress bar). For progress bars, use the <progress> tag. The <progress> Element When building web sites and web applications, we often need to provide essential feedback to a user informing them of the progress of their request or task, be it uploading a file, playing a video, or importing data. HTML5 makes life easier for us by defining an element whose sole purpose is just that: the <progress> element. JavaScript can be used to manipulate the value of progress bar. The HTML5 specification describes it best: The progress element represents the completion progress of a task. Downloading now. Progress... <progress value="250" max="1000"> <span id="downloadProgress">25</span>% </progress> 32 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 33 New Elements in HTML5 The <ruby> Element The HTML <ruby> tag is used for specifying Ruby annotations, which is used in East Asian typography. Ruby (also spelt rubi) characters are small, annotative glosses that can be placed above or to the right of a Chinese character when writing logographic languages such as Chinese or Japanese to show the pronunciation. Ruby annotations, are usually used as a pronunciation guide for relatively obscure characters. <p lang="zh-CN"> ... <ruby> 汉 字 </ruby> </p> <rt> <rt> hàn zì </rt> </rt> This example demonstrates how to write the <ruby> element into your HTML code. This example is the pinyin for the word "hanzi" ("chinese character") in simplified chinese, as used in mainland china. This example requires that your browser can display Chinese characters. The <rt> Element The HTML <rt> Element embraces pronunciation of character presented in a ruby annotations, which are for showing pronunciation of East Asian characters and the <rt> element is used inside of <ruby> element. Ruby annotations are used in East Asian typography. Ruby (also spelt rubi) characters are small, annotative glosses that can be placed above or to the right of a Chinese character when writing logographic languages such as Chinese or Japanese to show the pronunciation. Ruby annotations, are usually used as a pronunciation guide for relatively obscure characters. 33 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 34 New Elements in HTML5 <p lang="zh-CN"> ... <ruby> 汉 字 </ruby> </p> <rt> <rt> hàn zì </rt> </rt> The <rp> Element The HTML <rp> element is used to provide fall-back parenthesis for browsers nonsupporting ruby annotations. Ruby annotations are for showing pronounciation of East Asian characters, like using Japanese furigana or Taiwainese bopomofo characters. The <rp> element is used in the case of lack of <ruby> element support its content has what should be displayed in order to indicate the presence of a ruby annotation, usually parentheses. Ruby annotations are used in East Asian typography. Ruby (also spelt rubi) characters are small, annotative glosses that can be placed above or to the right of a Chinese character when writing logographic languages such as Chinese or Japanese to show the pronunciation. Ruby annotations, are usually used as a pronunciation guide for relatively obscure characters. <ruby> 漢 <rt><rp>(</rp>ㄏㄢˋ<rp>)</rp></rt> </ruby> The <time> Element The HTML <time> tag is used for declaring the date and/or time within an HTML document. The HTML <time> element represents either a time on a 24-hour clock or a precise date in the Gregorian calendar (with optional time and timezone information). 34 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 35 New Elements in HTML5 This element is intended to be used presenting dates and times in a machine readable format. This can be helpful for user agents to offer any event scheduling for user's calendar. <p> On Saturdays, we open at <time> 09:00 </time> . </p> <p> The concert is <time datetime="2009-02-18"> next Wednesday </time> . </p> <p> We finally hit the road at <time datetime="2009-02-17T05:00-07:00"> 5am last Tuesday </time> . </p> The <wbr> Element The Word Break Opportunity (<wbr>) HTML element represents a position within text where the browser may optionally break a line, though its line-breaking rules would not otherwise create a break at that location. On UTF-8 encoded pages, <wbr> behaves like the U+200B ZERO-WIDTH SPACE code point. In particular, it behaves like a Unicode bidi BN code point, meaning it has no effect on bidi-ordering: <div dir=rtl>123,<wbr>456</div> displays, when not broken on two lines, 123,456 and not 456,123. 35 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 36 New Elements in HTML5 For the same reason, the <wbr> element does not introduce a hyphen at the line break point. To make a hyphen appear only at the end of a line, use the soft hyphen character entity (­) instead. This element was first implemented in Internet Explorer 5.5 and was officially defined in HTML5. <p> And the world record for the longest place name in an English-speaking country is... <br> <i>Taumata<wbr>whakatangihanga<wbr>koauau<wbr>o<wbr>tamat ea<wbr>turi<wbr>pukakapiki<wbr>maunga<wbr>horo<wbr>nuku<wbr>pok ai<wbr>whenua<wbr>kitanatahu</i> </p> <p> This is the name of a hill in New Zealand. </p> <p> Here's what it looks like without using the <code> wbr </code> tag... <i>Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaun gahoronukupokaiwhenuakitana</i> </p> 36 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m Drag and Drop “Drag and Drop… Anything! Anywhere!” 38 Drag and Drop Drag and drop is a very common feature. It is when you "grab" an object and drag it to a different location. In HTML5, drag and drop is part of the standard, and any element can be draggable. The example below is a simple drag and drop example: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <style> #div1 { width: 350px; height: 70px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; } </style> <script> function allowDrop(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); } function drag(ev) { ev.dataTransfer.setData("Text", ev.target.id); } function drop(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("Text"); ev.target.appendChild(document.getElementById(data)); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="div1" ondrop="drop(event)" ondragover="allowDrop(event)"></div> <br> <img id="drag1" src="img_logo.gif" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" width="336" height="69"> </body> </html> 38 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 39 Drag and Drop It might seem complicated, but let’s go through all the different parts of a drag and drop event. Make an Element Draggable First of all: To make an element draggable, set the draggable attribute to true: <img draggable="true"> What to Drag - ondragstart and setData() Then, specify what should happen when the element is dragged. In the example above, the ondragstart attribute calls a function, drag(event), that specifies what data to be dragged. 39 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 40 Drag and Drop The dataTransfer.setData() method sets the data type and the value of the dragged data: function drag(ev){ ev.dataTransfer.setData("Text",ev.target.id); } In this case, the data type is "Text" and the value is the id of the draggable element ("drag1"). Where to Drop - ondragover The ondragover event specifies where the dragged data can be dropped. By default, data/elements cannot be dropped in other elements. To allow a drop, we must prevent the default handling of the element. This is done by calling the event.preventDefault() method for the ondragover event. Do the Drop - ondrop When the dragged data is dropped, a drop event occurs. In the example above, the ondrop attribute calls a function, drop(event): function drop(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("Text"); ev.target.appendChild(document.getElementById(data)); } Code explained: Call preventDefault() to prevent the browser default handling of the data (default is open as link on drop) 40 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 41 Drag and Drop Get the dragged data with the dataTransfer.getData("Text") method. This method will return any data that was set to the same type in the setData() method The dragged data is the id of the dragged element ("drag1") Append the dragged element into the drop element Drag and drop events At every stage of the drag and drop operation a different event is fired so that the browser knows what JavaScript code to execute; the events are: dragStart : fires when the user starts dragging the element. dragEnter : fires when the draggable element is first dragged over the target element. dragOver: fires when the mouse is moved over an element when the drag is occurring. dragLeave: fired if the user’s cursor leaves an element when dragging. drag: fires every time we move the mouse during the dragging of our element. drop: fired when the actual drop is performed. dragEnd: fires when the user releases the mouse while dragging the object. With all of these event listeners you have a lot of control over how your interface works and precisely how it performs in different circumstances. The Data Transfer object This is where all the drag and drop magic happens; this object holds the data that was sent by the drag operation. 41 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 42 Drag and Drop The data can be set and retrieved in various ways, the most important ones are: dataTransfer.effectAllowed=value: this returns the types of action permitted, possible values are none, copy, copyLink, copyMove, link, linkMove, move, all and uninitialized. dataTransfer.setData(format, data): adds the specified data and its format. dataTransfer.clearData( format ): clears all the data for a specific format. dataTransfer.setDragImage(element, x, y): sets the image you wish to drag, the x and y values specify where the mouse cursor should be (0, 0 will place it top left). data = dataTransfer.getData(format) : As the name says it returns the data available for a specific format. 42 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m Geo Location “Where are you Reader? May I find you…?” 44 Geo Location HTML5 offers to locate, where does the reader who is reading the website comes from. But if and only if reader is willing to reveal that information. The HTML5 Geolocation API is used to get the geographical position of a user. Since this can compromise user privacy, the position is not available unless the user approves it. If a website is using this API to locate the user, user will always get something popped up on his browser like as below. With the name of the website, it asks permission to reveal that information. But when the reader is viewing the website through his PC, it doesn’t give any accurate information. But when it on a mobile device which includes GPS, it gives out accurate information where the user viewing the website from. Let’s go through a code snippet how to do this. Through JavaScript we are accessing HTML5 DOM(Document Object Model) elements. <script> var x = document.getElementById("demo"); function getLocation() { // Check if Geolocation is supported if (navigator.geolocation) { //If supported, run the getCurrentPosition() method navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition); } else { //If not supported, display a message to the user x.innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser."; } } //If the getCurrentPosition() method is successful //it returns a coordinates object to the function specified in the //parameter ( showPosition ) function showPosition(position) { //displays the Latitude and Longitude x.innerHTML = "Latitude: " + position.coords.latitude + "__tag_19$1_Longitude: " + position.coords.longitude; } </script> 44 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 45 Geo Location <p id="demo"> Click the button to get your coordinates: </p> <button onclick="getLocation()">Try It</button> Let’s see what is happening in here. Use the getCurrentPosition() method to get the user’s position. It is a simple Geolocation example returning the latitude and longitude of the user’s position. If everything goes okay, you’ll see some output like the following. Latitude: 6.887212 Longitude: 79.9063267 The example above is a very basic Geolocation script, with no error handling. There are several error points that might comes up in the getCurrentPosition() method. Permission denied – The user did not allow Geolocation Position unavailable – It is not possible to get the current location Timeout – The operation timed out To handle those error, we can use the second parameter of the getCurrentPosition() method is used to handle errors. It specifies a function to run if it fails to get the user’s location. Change the calling getCurrentPosition() method as follows by adding the 2nd parameter. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition,showError); 45 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 46 Geo Location Then add the function mentions as below. function showError(error) { switch (error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: x.innerHTML = "User denied the request for Geolocation." break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: x.innerHTML = "Location information is unavailable." break; case error.TIMEOUT: x.innerHTML = "The request to get user location timed out." break; case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR: x.innerHTML = "An unknown error occurred." break; } } Information that gained from this way can be send to the server side for necessary operations. If you know how to use Google Maps API, this information can be converted into a display on the Google Maps. To display first you have to have a division tag to display the map. <div id="mapholder"></div> To send to the Google Maps API service you need to create a latitude and longitude string in the following format. latitude_longitude_string = <latitude>,<longitude> var latlon = position.coords.latitude+","+position.coords.longitude; What we are going to do now is appends an image inside our division tag. The src attribute value of the image goes as follows. var img_url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmapcenter="+latlon+"&zoom=14&si ze=400x300&sensor=false"; 46 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 47 Geo Location Here we send our latitude_longitude_string as the staticmapcenter parameter to Google maps service, so our location position is centered in the map. We set the zoom level as 14 and size of the image as 400×300 with no sensors. Next thing is create the image and append it to the division. document.getElementById("mapholder").innerHTML = "<img src='"+img_url+"'>"; Check whether if your location appears here correctly. But don’t forget to give the permission when your browser asked. 47 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m Storages of HTML5 “Where are you Reader? May I find you…?” 49 Storages of HTML5 Don’t get jumbled with databases such like MySQL or Postgres…etc. We are talking about local storages. Something like cookies. But something better than cookies. It is actually a storage in the user’s web browser. With HTML local storage, web pages can store data locally within the user’s browser. Previously, this was done with cookies. However, local storage is more secure and faster. The data is not included with every server request, but used ONLY when asked for. It is also possible to store large amounts of data, without affecting the website’s performance. The data is stored in name/value pairs, and a web page can only access data stored by itself. Unlike cookies, the storage limit is far larger (at least 5MB) and information is never transferred to the server. HTML local storage provides two objects for storing data on the client. window.localStorage – stores data with no expiration date code.sessionStorage – stores data for one session (data is lost when the tab is closed) When you are using this feature on your web site, better to check whether user’s browser supports this feature. Here is the code snippet to check that. if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { // Code for localStorage/sessionStorage. } else { // Sorry! No Web Storage support.. } Now let’s go for each of the above mentioned objects. The localStorage Object The localStorage object stores the data with no expiration date. The data will not be deleted when the browser is closed, and will be available the next day, week, or year. 49 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 50 Storages of HTML5 Here is how you can store a key value pair as a local storage object. Put this code segment inside the true condition of the above if statement. Key is the first parameter and the value is the second parameter. localStorage.setItem("lastname", "Vandebona"); Here is the code segment to retrieve the value of a relevant key stored in the local storage. localStorage.getItem("lastname"); Also you can write the above two codes like as this. //Store localStorage.lastname = "Vandebona"; //Retrieve localStorage.lastname; To remove a key value pair from the local storage, use the following code segment. It used the key to remove the object. localStorage.removeItem("lastname"); The sessionStorage Object The sessionStorage object is equal to the localStorage object, except that it stores the data for only one session. The data is deleted when the user closes the browser window. sessionStorage.lastname = “Vandebona”; These same two methods can be done by using cookies. But with the emergence of HTML5, now we do not need to waste cookies for this simple functionality. 50 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m Offline Web Browsing “What? No Internet…? But I want to see that again.” 52 Offline Web Browsing With application cache it is easy to make an offline version of a web application, by creating a cache manifest file, a way to view a web site without internet once it loaded. Application Cache HTML5 introduces application cache with the intention of when a web application is cached, it can accessible without an internet connection. Application cache gives an application three advantages: Offline browsing – users can use the application when they’re offline Speed – cached resources load faster Reduced server load – the browser will only download updated/changed resources from the server Let’s see how to create this cache manifest file. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html manifest="demo_html.appcache"> This is the most important code segment if you want to reserve a manifest file on the user’s web browser to support the offline web browsing. To enable application cache, include the manifest attribute in the document’stag. Just put this code line there and view the website once with the online, and view it repeatedly in offline. Every page with the manifest attribute specified will be cached when the user visits it. If the manifest attribute is not specified, the page will not be cached unless the page is specified directly in the manifest file. The recommended file extension for manifest files is: “.appcache” 52 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 53 Offline Web Browsing Manifest File The manifest file is a simple text file, which tells the browser what to cache (and what to never cache). The manifest file has three sections: CACHE MANIFEST Files listed under this header will be cached after they are downloaded for the first time This is the first line of the file and also it is a required line. CACHE MANIFEST /stylesheet.css /image.gif /script.js The manifest file above lists three resources: a CSS file, a GIF image, and a JavaScript file. When the manifest file is loaded, the browser will download the three files from the root directory of the web site. Then, whenever the user is not connected to the internet, the resources will still be available. NETWORK Files listed under this header require a connection to the server, and will never be cached. This specifies the files that should not cached in the web browser. The NETWORK section below specifies that the file “login.asp” should never be cached, and will not be available offline. NETWORK: login.asp NETWORK: * An asterisk can be used to indicate that all other resources/files require an internet connection. 53 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 54 Offline Web Browsing FALLBACK Files listed under this header specifies fallback pages if a page is inaccessible The FALLBACK section below specifies that “offline.html” will be served in place of all files in the /html/ catalog, in case an internet connection cannot be established. The first URI is the resource, the second is the fallback. FALLBACK: /html/ /offline.html This is a complete manifest file CACHE MANIFEST # 2012-02-21 v1.0.0 /theme.css /logo.gif /main.js NETWORK: login.asp FALLBACK: /html/ /offline.html You might have wondered what the line means with a #hashtag is. Lines starting with “#” are comment lines, but can also serve another purpose. An application’s cache is only updated when its manifest file changes. If you edit an image or change a JavaScript function, those changes will not be re-cached. Updating the date and version in a comment line is one way to make the browser re-cache your files. 54 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 55 Offline Web Browsing So how long would be this cached information stored in the browser? Once an application is cached, it remains cached until one of the following happens. Also user can define the size limit of the cache information. The user clears the browser’s cache The manifest file is modified (see tip below) The application cache is programmatically updated But remember to be careful what you are going to allow for caching. Once a file is cached, the browser will continue to show the cached version, even if you change the file on the server. To ensure the browser updates the cache, you need to change the manifest file. 55 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m Server Sent Event “Feed Me… Feed Me…” 57 Server Sent Event We guess, you all are much fans of social networking site FaceBook. Or you might be familiar with Twitter application where you update your statuses with your followers. Or if you are a cricket lover, you might be familiar with Cricinfo where it live update what’s happening on the match in text mode. All of these web applications provide live text feed from the server and present it to the user without making user to refresh the page. We called this feature, Server-Sent Events. Server-Sent Events allow a web page to get updates from a server. It is a one way messaging technique. A server-sent event is when a web page automatically gets updates from a server. This was also possible before emerge of HTML5, but the web page would have to ask if any updates were available. With server-sent events, the updates come automatically. Facebook/Twitter updates, stock price updates, news feeds, sport results, etc… are few of the most popular usages. Let’s look at an example. First thing to do is checking the availability of browser support. if (typeof (EventSource) !== "undefined") { // Yes! Server-sent events support! // Some code..... } else { // Sorry! No server-sent events support.. } Then you need a server side script where it sends messages to the client browser. We are using PHP for that purpose. <?php header('Content-Type: text/event-stream'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); $time = date('r'); echo "data: The server time is: {$time}\n\n"; flush(); ?> 57 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 58 Server Sent Event Save this file as demo_sse.php The server-side event stream syntax is simple. Set the “Content-Type” header to “text/event-stream”. Now you can start sending event streams. We also specify that the page should not cache. Output the data to send using echo and always start with “data:” word and flush the output data back to the web page. Then we are going to create the EventSource object in the true condition part of the if statement. var source = new EventSource("demo_sse.php"); source.onmessage = function(event) { document.getElementById("result").innerHTML += event.data + "<br>"; }; Create a new EventSource object, and specify the URL of the page sending the updates (in this example “demo_sse.php”). Each time an update is received, the onmessage event occurs. When an onmessage event occurs, we put the received data into the element with id=”result”. 58 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 59 About Author About Author Sandeep Likhar is a freelancer, lives in India and completed his graduation in 2008. In 2010 he started his career in IT. Now He is owner of Let’s Design n Develop. His First and foremost area of focus is E-Books creation and conversion for Amazon, iTunes, Nook, CreateSpace etc. Also he has developed wide range of websites using PHP, HTML, CSS and CMS. After 4 year of experience in IT field he decided to write his own programming language ebooks and make tutorials for quick learners. ‘Learn Basic HTML5’ is the first book written by Sandeep Likhar. Thanks! 59 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m 60 Thank You Thank You Thanks for downloading my book! I certainly hope you enjoyed ‘Learn Basic HTML5’. It’d be very nice to hear from you… Please visit us for more ebooks and free tutorials. Website: www.letsdnd.com Contact Us Email: [email protected] You can connect and be around with us for new updates from our social network. Don’t forget to like and follow. 60 | P a g e - L e t s D n D . c o m