Reception - Leadership Akron
Reception - Leadership Akron
The Leadership Akron Alumni Association cordially invites you to join us for an enjoyable evening to welcome and honor new community leaders and share with them LAAA’s spirit of community. Committee NE W C O M M U NI TY L E A DERS ’ RECEP TI ON Melvin Blake ’08 Karen Lefton ’07 Co-Chair The City of Akron Bureau of Recreation The Lefton Group, LLC Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition John McKenzie ’03 Brittany Schmoekel ’14 Rochelle D. Sibbio ’09 Co-Chair Habitat for Humanity Dan Rice ’99 Kastner Westman & Wilkins, LLC The City of Akron Kendra Preer ’15 ChristineYuhasz ’05 Stark State College Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority Julie Jones ’12 The University of Akron HORS D’OEUVRES & SPIRITS AT 5:30 P.M. | PROGRAM TO BEGIN AT 6 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS, PLEASE RESPOND BY OCTOBER 15, 2015 TU E S D AY Reception 2015 NEW COMMUNITY LEADERS’ OCTOBER 20, 2015 5:30 – 7 p.m. Greystone Hall 330-436-5291 | [email protected] OR REGISTER ONLINE: 103 South High Street | Akron, OH 44308 Parking available in the CitiCenter deck EMPOWERING. FOR YOU. FOR AKRON. FOR GOOD. 2015 New Community Leaders’ Reception Dr. Lydia Alexander Cook President Karen Hrdlicka President & CEO SUMMA PHYSICIANS, INC. Honorees Sue Lacy President Doug Piekarz President and CEO MATURE SERVICES SUMMIT WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS AKRON ZOO Tom Bratten Superintendent Joe Iacano Superintendent Dr. Thomas Malone President & CEO Lucia Pileggi Regional President STOW CITY SCHOOLS SUMMIT COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE CENTER SUMMA HEALTH KEY BANK Lisa Mansfield Managing Director Chris Quinn CEO WEATHERVANE PLAYHOUSE STEP2 COMPANY LLC Matthew Montgomery Superintendent Bernard Rzepka President and CEO REVERE LOCAL SCHOOLS A. SCHULMAN, INC. Jim Mullen President and CEO Donna Skoda Deputy Health Commissioner UNITED WAY OF SUMMIT COUNTY SUMMIT COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH Nicole Mullet Executive Director Claude Vincente President ARTS NOW SUMMACARE, INC. Michael Neumann Executive Director Larry Williams Athletic Director SHAW JCC OF AKRON THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Rachel D’Attoma Executive Director AMERICAN RED CROSS, SUMMIT, PORTAGE & MEDINA COUNTIES M. Diane Johnson Executive Director PAWSIBILITIES, THE HUMANE SOCIETY Jacqui Flaherty-Ricchiuti Executive Director and CEO Julie Johnson President and CEO KEEP AKRON BEAUTIFUL BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF THE WESTERN RESERVE Joanne Green Director SUMMIT ARTSPACE Judi Hill President NAACP, AKRON BRANCH Chris Horne Publisher THE DEVIL STRIP Chuck Jones President and CEO FIRSTENERGY CORP. Lisa King Executive Director SUMMIT METRO PARKS Kyle Kutuchief Akron Program Director JOHN S. AND JAMES L. KNIGHT FOUNDATION Melanie YC Pepe Artistic Director WEATHERVANE PLAYHOUSE