BANK As at 30 June 2015
BANK As at 30 June 2015
hprf:P(B-201s AUDITORS' REPORT & AUDITED FINANCIAT STATEMENTS OF PROBASHI KALTYAN BANK As at 30 June 2015 K. M, HASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants Hometown APartment 18th & gth Floor) 87, New Eskaton Road, Dhaka'1000 AHMAD & AKHTAR Chartered Accountants BclC Bhaban 3rd Floor 30- 3l Dilkusha c/A Dhaka - X000 Phone: 9351457, 9351564 2 Phone: 88-02-9561289, 717413 Fav.:88'02- 9345792 Fax: 88-02-9564366 Eilai : [email protected] com E-mail: aacanol20@gmail web:www kmhasan com Contents sl. Pate No. 7 01-02 2 03-04 3 05 06 5 Statement ofchanger in EqultY a) 08 6 Notes to the FinancialSlatements 09-24 8 Hlshlishts on the overalL activiti€s of the Bank 29 9 Fixed Assets scheduler (Annexure " A) 30 AHMAD & AKHTAR K. M. HASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Auditors'Report to the Shareholders of Probashi Kallyan Bank accompanylng financial statements of Probashi Kallyan Bank (the "Bank") which comprise the balance sheet as at 30 June 2015, profit and loss account, statement of chang€s In equity and statem€nt of cash flows for the year then ended and a summary ofsignlflcant accountlng policies and other we have audited the explanatory inf ormatlon. Managements Responslblllty for the Financlal Statem€nts anagement Is responsib,e for the preparatlon and fak presentation of these financlat statements of the Bank in accordance wlth Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS), Probashi Kallyan Bank Act 2010, applicable rules and regulations lssued by the EanBladesh Bank and other applicable laws and regulations' M The responsibillty includes; designing. implementing and maintalning internal contro' relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement' whether due tofraud or error; selectlng & applylng approprlate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Audltors' Responslbility Our responsibillty is to express an opinlon on these flnancial statements of the Bank based on our audjt' We conducted our audlt in accordance with Bangladesh standards on Audjting {BsA) Thos€ standards require that we comply with ethlcal requkements and plan and perform the audlt to obtaln reasonable assurance aboutwhetherth€ flnancial statements ofthe Bank arefree from materialmlsstatement in the An auditinvolves performing proceduresto obtaln audit evidence aboutthe amounts and disclosures judgment, of the includlng the assessment financial statements. The procedures selected depend on our ln risks of material misstatement of the ffnancial statements of the Bank, whether due to fraud or error' preparation fak and to the entity's relevant making those risk assessments, we consider internal control presentation the financial statements of the Bank in order to design audit proc€dures that are of effectiveness of appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an oPinlon on the policies of accounting the appropriaten€ss tie entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the as evaluatlng used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by manaSemen! as well ove.all presentation ofthe fina ncial statements ofthe Bank. we believe thatthe audit evid€nce we have obtained is sufficientand appropriate to provide a basisforour audit opinion. 01 [r). AHMAD & AKHTAR K. M. HASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants oplnion Bank prepared in accordance \/ith Bangladesh Financial position ofthe bank as at 30 'lune 2015 ftt*s), glve a true and fairvlew of the financial flows for the year then ended and comply with results of lts financlal performance and lts cash Bangladesh Bank and other ,"nk Acr 20x0, appticabte rutes and regulations issued bv In our opinion the financial statements *"r*"! ji."o"* and ofthe inJ rJ".r,i*"t,r"n ofthe applicable laws and regulations' We also report that: whlch to the best of our knowledge and we have obtained all the lnformation and explanations audit and made due veriflcation thereof exceptthose belief were necessaryfor the purposes of our matters mentioned inthe letter to the management; the Bank so far as it as required by law have been k€pt by i) ii) in our opinion, proper books of account appeared from our examination ofthose books: Bank dealtwith bYthe reportare in agreement the balancesheetand profit and loss account ofthe lssues discussed in the letter to the management; with the book of account and returns exceptthe iii) ofthe Bank's business; purpose the expendlture incurred wasforthe have been 2015 &the profitfor the yearthen ended the financial position of the Bank as at 30June been & the financlal statements of the Bank have iv) v) " o."o"rV r*,"""0 ir"i"r"a in in the financlal sta;ents principles; the generally accepted accounting *lth """o14"n." -l\rhAfinancialstatementshavebeendrawnupinconformitywiththePlobashiKallyanBankActand '" by Bangladesh BanK' *itft the accounting rules and regulations issued in ""aorarna" prescribed standards set in the accounting vii) the financial statements of the Bank conform to the of regulations issued by Bangt"a""h a;Li".l, vlii) e'ntli"t ti''" ittues discussed with the prof€ssional accounting bodies "ont'ltation tetter to the Management' in the "*."pt satisfactory; by us have been received and found the information and explanations requked ix)therecordsandstatementssubmittedbythebrancheshavebeenproperlymalntainedandinthe letter to the management; ^' "l xi) mentloned in the financial statements, exceptthose matter; assets of the Bank we have reviewed ov€r 80% of the risk weighted a nd we have spent around 1'040 Bank; audit ofthe books and accounts ofthe which are in our opinion' doubtful of provlsions have been made for loans and advan€es .rn ior" fo,,r'" Adequate xii) :::ff]; 2OO3 , *" Bank circular Risk Management lssued bv Bansladesh no xT dated 7 october are Yetto be complied' Other Matter ThefinancialstatementsoftheProbashiKallyanBankfortheyearended30June2014-wereaudltedjointly v/s rlan wahab shatique Rahman & co ana on 20 October2014' expressed an unqualified opinion chartered Accountants aLlditorwho by M/s. Aziz Hatim Khair cf'o'aflu|' ctt"'t"'lil"to'ntants ' }ffiil\hB(- K M, HAsAN & CO. :_3iered Ac.oLrntants :::eC :: Charte Ur! Dhaka :?oiember 2015 02 K, M. HASAN & AHMAD & AKHTAR Chartered Accouniants CO. Chartered Accountants Probashi Kallyan Bank Balance Sheet As at30June 2015 30.06.20ls 30.06,2014 !c& PROPERTY AND A55ETS 1 Cash in hand (lncludlns foreisn cunencies) ( Balance with Bansladesh Bank & its asent bankG) fcludinBfore sn ^ Balan.ewithotherbanks&financialinstltutions Money at.allon short I 1n96.977 - 1nq6s77ll 1477.101.917 I L1Aa,592,732 rryr*ry1 5 Notice 6 435.510,087 Loans, Cash 290,172,085 Credit& Overdcft etc. BiLs purchased & discounted Fixed arseB including premises, furnit!re and fixturcs a 2a,782,039 21,271912 9 98,495,205 11,!55,245 2.O41.1A7 .246 7.772.r91,97 4 751,7t8,663 544,015,629 LIAAILlTIES AND CAPITAL Boftowlngsfrom other banks, financial lnstitutions and agents 10 Deposits and otheraccounte current Accounts and other accounts 11 2,5-7a,575 6,520,A79 108,05s,808 sav ngs Bank DePosits Shod Nouce DePosts !4,264,267 Deposit Pension Scheme 62 91,346,396 8a5,a18,239 6t5,362,O25 1,000,000,000 63,639,885 1,000,000,000 74 15 55,\21,167 49,619,334 16 16,41a,043 21,729,712 1,157,369,007 13,157,A27 L136,a29,949 2.043,7a7 ,246 1,772,197,974 13 18 ii Proflt and Loss A/c Total shareholdert' Equity !Jr! us rota Liabilitiet and Shareholdert' tquity 5A2,79 134,099,576 71 capital/shareholders' EqritY 4,754,472 30,841,437 5,575,7A6 52,755,819 7.769 03 Db.l, l AHMAD&AXHTAR M. HASAN & CO. chartered Accountants K. Chartered Accountants off-Balance Sheet ltems 30.06.2015 30.06.2014 Ele Ici! Acceptanc€s and Endo6ements lrrcvocable Letters of Credlt Bilk 60r collection oth€r contingent Liabilltles fotal: oocumentary credits and short term tlade_related kantactlons rorward assets purchas€d and forward d€posits placed undrawn note issuance and revolvlng underwriting facilities Undrawn formal standbv facilitiet, credit llnes and other commitfr ents rotal Off'Balanca sheet ltems ln.ludlry contlntent llabilities: €lalstatem€nts should be read ln conjunctlon wlth the annexed notes slgned in terms of ourannexed rcpon ofeven date' \ffi**-s< /yJ"^--)-"' (. M. IASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants charteredAccountants Dared, Dhaka 04 AHMAD &AXHTAR Charlered Accountants K. M, HASAN & CO. ararterd Accountants Probashi Kallyan Bank PrcIit & Loss Account Forthe vear ended 30lune 2015 20t4-20a5 2011-2014 EIe rq I riterest 208.673.080 (oo,ggr,gue)l zo | paid on deposits and botrowirgs etc. ll | ,47,779,754 Rent, taxe5, insuran.e, e ectrlclty etc. 23, newspaper, stamp,telecommun cat on etc Stationery, Prinung5, Advertisements etc. Chlef Execut ve's salarY and fees 74 l' I I I I I I Itt |I I 8,951,811 25 1,569,053 2,956,729 26 819,200 233,454 77 100,000 losses 9,s93,515 746,000 7A oepreciatlon of bank's ar3ets 29 R€palrofbankta$ets 30 rs6,01&168 Total oPerating expenses ftt 31 I Provislof for d mlnution lnvahe ofinvestments provision for Loansand Advancet Total Prof itlLoss bef ore tarcs Prov sion laxation rr I llll ior CutrentTax Provislon for Delerred Tax Net Prollt aft er Taxation z6-rn,E1 I r.o:s,gr: I r.rzo.sss I z,agt,on I srs.zoo I ae.sso I * I ,,rur.o* I tzteq I ro,rzg,zz: I 6A,959,862 87.058,305 79,495,434 Prorit/lo$ betore Provisioi Provision for szrl,r:sI 11,546377 22 Iot.l I (sz,zoo,g+g)l !44,331,791 r:,srzrqsII zr I OlheroperaunC income ToraloperatinB incone on oan 202,032,639 [.;;L_--; Comnission, exchange and brokerage Charg€s Etc 25.075.504 34,420,3t0 2r-128.61rc 23.128.64011 r4so8"6o4 I ,, I 16,508,6(M 70,549,701 29,9a1,623 29,983,6231 ----314lf49- 12,244,575 t2,146,798 3.13 4.06 34 se annexed financial statements thould be r€ad In conlunciion with the Manacingoir.dor Sicned ln t€rms X. M, NASAN olour a.nexed & CO. Ifffik$Soq CharteredAc.ountants Chaftered Accountants "* 05 AHMAO & AKHTAR M, HASAN & CO. Chanered Accountants K, Chartered Accountants Probashi t(allyan Bank Cash Flow Statement Forthe v€ar ended 30 June 2015 Cash o .ioe.o, rP.e Isle r43 f,","-r--:'#l f.'---_',,,,,.#l -- I I ] prr .oln .*ior ,.' "ips 1,a'1 B"ro,elF(or odr(p'elrorlvw rlrelorl fee o1o (d'|-oa)m"nl'loemolovPP' ca.,pd,fe1.5rosLpor'"'. Oper.ting Profit before changes ln operatlngattets and l.l I Netcarhiiomoperatingactivitles llo$ fiom inve5li.q adivities o-.!lr.eolpooerv.olanr&"q-'prert (a\h activities o'a mbo-o$,.s ,,or..,O,Or.l .r-041. I I ,o_l I ] ,r..r*..-l - t18'4.l'7i,1 - 14!'!B63'z4) I o Net cash from a-!!jf'!{3 o I L;#;l -''(9'266'813) acriviti.( ..,.J.6.,Dpr.6r5-1ol o-Ere oer ^r, 71's93'199 f*"-'' l I--.i;-:;;;l iro'oo:'ggz) alr&eoJ Pr'.1 cdsh flows from finan(ine ,o'l.o,r.rrrl rr.-", 3-J,.)6,1,.a I Lor.ror.o -ir.or. other liabllties (it€m wGe) ,","*o,,rL ir"'iirdt lltt D"po.nsr,oro,t.'bdr,r 0"oo,,.. om.L Lore-, P ,r.,.Uo,rro,l :)i ^"^.lr,j 2'7'266''00 (112'so'sog) l;abilnles e oi t roilg ,e.u. ue' .r1.&ad/anF(ro(L+ome'. or,e,a.e,,,rem-rker -olp'op.1v . "." ". "l /'Brbr'@l ] ,,;;;.;;.;l I liabilitie's pL, 1a.e/ " Netcashtrom investinS I ,::,1::'l]:ll I od.d tncrease/oecrease ln oreratine asets and I ---l I r0'6'g{'381 1r5r5,442j] .r one r".es qe.,.o.. . or o,1e.oo"rar .e d.,i. L,F. , ,e -.s,G, Dd,-e.t.lorothelopelall18a.t,'ie'te_,$i!c' o, 20!3 - 2014 !lows f rom ooeratinr a.tivities ,,6.e!,,4cepJn(a.h .re,"J oa?Telrs rd 2014- 2075 financin8activitlet l7t'o52'632], ,or,".,ruL (10'525'316) --'6'J"o'05' sobrb'zl -ob | 'tu"",z" I r'or'rez'rs' --]'^*4"'"!- -JipEtl" \" r,rea'e/de.rcd\e.a!l.a.n"no,d(lcoLracrr!arb'B,i.epe.oo .ash ard cash equivalents aiend ,,,0.,.rr. 1 olperiod period AnaLysisoi cash and cash equivalents at end o' f,loiet al ca lon shdtnoticc , rhe'€Klc.. _ r,"*,r*,*1, __1Ee!32 milnroas'lrherr'7rc \$ @'# -*W {aLcmert1<r'o'looereadil 06 -..u4 d q I -l F :9 &8 I ci ,68 E .}.4 E .i ..i r.-i 3 I t co.- 3t g"cl 6 ac-l i:5:l 'e ; =(!6l oqsl tit ^- * fis E j EI :,ERI Uc, r9 :l o!3 ral E e = a E E ,E I 'o F t \Ji .rB dP oi zN *e _.dl jE o= Jo *fl\ r i 5E I I q { :: <! I dl! E Tt !l dl .; c e E 3 G ,6 E _- 3E.Ert Ef, € P ili 8. E l! :;l <t -o =*5 95o o-E \. tE AIB \--il E :E S -61 a;a! 'ad !a ,qE e ! 9l :.Et -9 o: (J: i 6 9P E P! 3* < !;1 i E ts i: q r: d3 ' fll =E i ers i*!gE!!! \, E :rc; 2t t; 4; w @ K, AHMAO & AKHTAR M. HASAN & CO. Chartered Accouniants Chart€red Accor.rntants Probashl Kallyan Bank Notes to the Financial Statements For the vear ended 30June 2015 1 1.1 The bankand its activities Reporting entlty Probashi Kallyan Eank was established under Go\t. gazette notification dated 12 october 2010 under Probashi Kallyan Bank Act 2oLo (Act no. 55 of 2010). The requircments of the Bank Companjes Act and other prevailing R€gulatlons related to the Eank Companies Act are not appliceble tothe Bank exceptthe'Flrst Schedu,e' (sectlon no, 38)ofth€ Bank companies Act 1991, as amended bY the BRPD Circular no. 14 dated 25 June 2003, other Bangladesh Bank circulars and other laws and rules applicable in Bangladesh oras mentioned ln the Act. 1,2 Naturc ofbuslness The Probashi (allyan Bank ls a specialized bank incorporated for the well belng of the emigrant people. The bank provldes its customers different services i.e. accepting deposits, oxtending loans & advances, collection of foreign remittanc€, money transfer etc. 2 2.1 Basis of preparation and siSnlflcant accountlng policies Basls ofprcparatlon The financialstatements ofthe bank for the period form 1st July, 2014 to 30 June 2015 have been prepared underthe historicalcost convention and in accordance with the ProbashiKallyan BankAct 2010, the 'Fkst Schedule' {sectlon no, 38) of the Bank Companies Act 1991, as amended by the BRPD Circular no, 14 dat€d 25 June 2003, other Bengladesh Bank circulars and other laws and ru'es applicable in Bangladesh. ln case the requirement of provisions of the Probashl Kallyan Bank Act 2010 differ with those of other re8ulatory authorlties and accounting standards, th€ provisions of the Probashi Kallyan BankAct2010shall prevail. However, the Bank has departed from some requirements of BFRss in order to comply with the rules and regulations of Bangladesh Bankwhjch are dlsclosed below: 2.1.1 cash flow statement flow statement can be prepared either in direct method or ln lndirect method The presentatlon is selected to present these cash flows in a manner that ls most appropriate for th€ BFRS: Cash business or lndustry. The method selected is applied consistendy' Banglad€sh Bank As per BRPD Circular No. 14 dated 25 June 2003, cash llow is a mixture ofdirect and Indirect methods. 2.1.2 Loans and advanae net of provision BFRS: Loans and advances should be presented net ofprovisions' presented separately as Bangladesh Bank: As p€r BRPD 14, provlslon on loans and advan€es are liability and cannot be netted offagainst loans and advances' 2.2 Functionalandpresentationcurrenay the bank's functional currency. The flnancialstatements ofthe bank are presented in Taka which is Financialinformation have been rounded off tothe nearestTaka' 09 AHMAD & AKHTAR M. HASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants K. 2.2 Chartered Accountants Useofestimatesandiudgments Ckcula' no 14 The pr€paration of the financial statements of the bank in conformlty with ERPD judgments, estimates and assumptions that dated 25 June 2OO3 requlres management to make liabilitles' income affect the appllcation of accountlng policles and the reported amount of assets' and expenses. Actual result maydifferfrom these estimates' Revisions to accounting Estimates and underlylng assumptions are revjewed on an ongoing basls revlsed and in any future p€riod estimates are recognized ln the perjod In which the estimate Is 2.4 ThebankmaintainsitsbooksofaccountformainbusinessmanuaL]Ywherejnsomecasesmaintairs through software automation 2.5 Foreign cu rrencY transaction TheBankhavebeenawardedl]mitedl]censetotransactforeigncurrenc]esandauthorizedto transaction through anY AD receive foreign currency directlY. The Bank shall have to report the to agranl Bank' Main Branch and be Branch of Ag;ani Bank Accordingly the Bank have approached able to transact foreign currency verY soon. Reporting period to be from 1 July to 30 I une each year and The accounting period of the bank has been determlned igfollowedconsistently'Thesefinanc]aIstatementscoverstheperiodfromlst.]u1y,2014to30 1une,2015. 2.7 Cash Flow Statement with Eangladesh Accountlng Standards BAS Bafk BRPD Circu dr No 14 7: ' statement of Cash F ows' and under the guidellne of Bangladesh dated25]Une2003.ThestatementshowsthestructureofchangesincashandcasheqUivalents Cash Flow Statement has been prepared ln accordance during the financial Year. z.a Statement of changes in equitY or decrease ln net Ihe stat€ment of changes in equity refl€cts information about increas€ assets or worthoftheBank.statementofchanSesinequityhasbeenpreparedinaccordancewith statements' and relevant sr;gtr,lurh n".orntlng Standards BAS_1: 'Presentauon of Financlal guldelines of Bangladesh Bank. 10 AHMAD & AKHTAR M. HASAN & CO. ;hartered Accountants K. 2.9 Chartered Accountants Liquidity statem€nt (asset and Liabllity Matu ritv analvsis) The liq!!dity statement has been prepared in accordance with remainlng maturity grouping of Assets and Liabilities as of the close of the year on the following basis; Balance with other banks and financlal lnstilutions, money at cal and on short notice etc' on a) the basis of their maturitY term; 2.10 b) c) d) e) f) g) lnvestments on the basis oftheir residual maturityterm; Loans and advances on the basis oftheir repayment/rnaturlty schedule; h) i) Otherlongterm liabilitY on the basis oftheir maturitvtermi Provisions and other iabiities on the basis oftheir settlernent; oftheir useful llves; Otherassetsonihebasisoftheiradjustment, Fixed assets on the bas s Borrowingsfrom otherbanks and financiallnstitutiors, as perthelrmaturity/repavmentterm; trendi Deposits and otheraccounts on the basis oftheir maturityterm and behavioralpast Cash and cash equivalents banks & financial cash and cash equivalents include notes & coins on hand & ba arce with other lnsutuuon. 2.11 lnv€stments Noinvestmenthas been made bythe Bankas vet' 2.12 Loans, advances and provisions (i) Loans and advances Twotypes ofloans are belngdisbursed by the bank, such (ii) as Mi8ration loan and Rehabllitation loan Securities against Loan Migration loan: Pe rsona I guara ntee ls consldered as the securitv against the mi8ration loan' Rehabilitation loan: the rehabilitation Personal guarantee and collateral both are consldered as th€ security against loan (iiil Prcvlslon for loans and advances: loan at each Year Provision agalnst loans and advances has been made @ 5% on total outstanding 2013' 22' september ended as p;r decision of the Board of Directors in lts meeting held on 11 K. M. HASAN & CO. AHMAD & AKHTAR Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants 2.13 Flxed assets and depreclatlon Fixed assets are recognlz€d If lt ls probablethatfuture economic beneflts associated with the assets willflow to th€ Bank and the cost of the assets can be reliably measured. {i) Flxed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreclatlon as per Bangladesh AEcounting Standards 8A5-16| 'Property, Plent and Equipment'. Acquisition cost of an asset comprises the purchase price and any dlrectly attributable cost of bringlng the asset to working condltion for its intended use, (ii) Depreciation is charged at the following rates on a,l flxed assets on the basis of estimated useful lives as determined by management of the bank. ln all cases depreciation ls calculated on the Straight [ine method. (iii) Depreclation rates used for each type of fixed assets a re as follows: Rate of depreciation Category of fixed assets Furnlture and fixtur€s LO.O0% offlce Machineries 20.oo% Ofrice Equipm€nts ts,o0% ElectricalEquipments 20.oo% Vehicles 20.00% (iv) Repairs and maintenance are charged to profit and loss account as expense when incurred. is charged on addltlon commencing trom the date of acquisition an d d€preciation js charged on disposalitem uptothe date ofdlsposal. (iv) Depreciation 2.14 Other assets Otherassets include all other financial assets and include fees and other lJnreallsed income receivable, advancefor operating and capitalexp€ndlture and stocks ofstatloneryand stamp. 2.15 Receivables Receivables are recognized when there ls a contractual rlSht to receive cash or another {inancial asset from another entitY. 2.16 Deposlts and otheraccounts Deposits and otheraccounts lncludes savings deposltand fixed deposits, 2.17 Other liabllltles otherliabilltlescompriseitemssuchasprovislonforloansandadvancesfnvestments/otherassets, taxationandalsoincludesinterestpaYable,accruedexpensesetc'.otherllabilitiesarerecognlzedin 1984 End the balance sheet according to the guldelines of Bangladesh Bank, lncome Tax ordjnan'e internal poljcy of the ProbashiKallyan Bank. 12 AHMAD & AKHTAR K. M, HASAN & CO. Chartered Accouniants Chartered A€countants 2.18 Statutory rcseave 20% of its Bank Companles Act 1991it is r€quked for the bank to transfer paid up capital' current year's proflt after tax to reserve untilsuch reserve equals to its As per section 24 2.19 ofthe Provision Ior taxatlon Current Year tax 50% as pres€ribed in the Flnance A€t 2015 of Provislon for current income tax has been made @ 42 and dlsallowances' the proflt made bythe Bankconsidering majortaxable allowances 2.20 Revenue retognition as alL conditions of revenue recognitions The revenue during the vear has been recognized tol owing prescribed by Bangladesh Ac.ounting Standards BAS_18: Revenue" 0) lnterestonunc|assified|exclUdingspec]alMentionedAccount(stv]A)]loansandadvanceshave banks (FDR & STD) income on accrual basis' Lnterest from balance with other to, lu"n "."ornt"a ", has been accounted for on cash basis and accrued basls' (ii) Fees and commission income Feesandcommiss]onincom€arisesonservic€sprov] receipt bash. (ii0 lnter€st paid on borrowings and deposits on 360 days in a year and r€cognlzed on Lnterest paid on borrowings and deposiis are caLcLrlated cash basis. (lv) lnterest income from lnvestments lnterest income on lnvestments in (v) accounted foron cash basis Managem€ntandotherexpenses Expenses incurred 2.21 FDR is bythe Bankare recognized on actueland accrualbasis' Earnings Per share by divlding the Profit Earnings per share (EPS) has been computed as at 30 Jun€ 2015 as averag-e number of ordinary shares outstanding Standards (BAS)_ 33;'Earnings per Share'' 13 rt I I I t I I t I t I I I I I I t I I I T AHMAD & AI(HTAR M. HASAN & CO. :_a.tered Accountants X, 2.22 chartered Accountants Standards Complianceof BanBladesh Financial R6porting (BFRS) and Bangladesh AGcountlng Standards (BAS). Kallyan Bank applied most of while preparing the financial statements' Probashi BFRS and BAs as adopted by ICAB. Details are glven below: r;I" ii s;sl"d".h Frnancial Reporling standard5 {BFRs) E;rtr;Ad"ptl;, "f 8",c1"d",il"'"ld N/A R€porting Standards share-Based PaYment gusiness combinatlons 2 N/A 3 N/A N/A lnsurance Contracts Discontinued Operatlons Non- CurrentAssets Held forsale and Resource Explorationforand Evaluation of Mineftl Flnancial lnstruments: Disclosures 5 6 7 8 N/A 1 Applied i-""ormingst"na"ras(gAs) pre-semation of Financial Statements 2 7 Statement ofCash Flows Estimates and Errors Accounting PoLicies' Changes in Accounting Events Afterthe Balance sheet Date Construction Contracts 8 10 Applled 11 N/A 72 Not applled t6 Property, Plant and Equipments L7 18 Employee Benefits of Government Assistance Accountingfor Govt. Granttand Disclosure Rates The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Borrowing costs Related Party Disclosures Benefit Plans Accounting & Reportlng by Retirement Separate Flnancial Statements lnvestments in Associates & loint Venture Financial Instruments: Presentatlon Earnings Per Share lnterim Financial RePorting lmoairment of Assets prolvistons, Contingent tlabillties and Contingent Assets htansible Assets iin"n-.irt tnrtrr."nt.' n"cognition and lvleasurement lnvestment ProPertY 19 20 2l N/A 23 24 Applled 26 27 28 N/A 32 33 Applied 34 36 31 38 39 40 41 14 Applied N/A I t I I II II II L tt tt tt tt 5 l. K, AHMAD & AKHTAR M. HASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants 2.23 Related party dlsclosures As per Bang,adesh Accounting Standards BAs_24: 'Related Party Disclosures', parties are consldered to be related if one of the party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence overthe other party in ma king financla I and operating d€cislons. 'fhe Bank provides banking serulcetothe emigrant and returned people In the form ofadvances but the bank had no transa€tions with the directo6 ofthe bank as a related party. (i) Board of Direators oI ProbashiKallyan Bankend thelrlnterestin thebank sl. Name of Directors 1 Dr. Khondak€r lftekhar Haider 2 Ms, Begum samson Nahar Name of the firms/compani€s/ lnstltutions in whlch they have secretary, Minlstry of Expatrlates' Welfare & Overseas EmPloyment Status wlth Probashi Kallyan Chairman Director General(Additiona Secretary) , Bureau of Manpower, EmPloYment & Director Training Syed Mabinul Haque 3 4 5 6 Mr. GokulChand Dash Director Genera I (Monitoring Cell), Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh secretariat. Dhaka Additional Secretary Bank & tinance Department, Mjnistry of Finance Additional Secretary Ministry of €xpatrlatesr Welfar€ & Overseas Employment. Mr. Md. Hazrat Ali Mr. Md. Mojibur Rahman JointSecretary (Admin & Development), Ministry of Labor and Employment, Bangladesh Secretariat, Director Director Director Director Dhaka 7 Director General (Flnance), Minlstry of Md. Riaz Hamidulla Foreign Mlnistry 8 Mr. Md. Ahsan Ullah 9 Mr. Md. Mosharraf chowdhury H Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank ossain Director Director Managing Director of Tk The directors have no other lnterest in the Eank except for availing meeting attendance fee 5,000for ea.h meeting. {ii) Slgnillcant contraats where bank ls a party&wherein Dlrectots have lnterest: Nil (ii) Related Pafty Transactlons: Therc ls notransaction held between the dlrectors and the bank' 15 AHMAO & AKHTAR (. M. HASAN & CO. ::artered Accountants I I I t I I I I F t It t t I t t t (rv) Chartered Accountants [endins Policies to Related Padies: general loan pollcy ofthe bank' Related parties are not allowed loans and advances as per (v) concem oI the Directors as per sectlon_ Buslness otherthan banklng buslness with any rclated 18(2) ofthe Bank Companies Act 1991: Ntl (vi) concem: lnvestments in the Secudtles oI Dlr€ctorsand th€lr related 2,24 Nil Executlve Committee of the bank. Dr. Khondaker lftekhar tulini.t.y of rrpatriates' G[6IJulin, Haider overseas EmPIoYment Ms, Begum samsun Nahar 6I""tor" ',erat(ld e d welfare & itio nal secreta ry) , Bureau of ManPower, EmPloYment & Fdn.n"ls".rut"ry, Bank & Financ€ of Flnance MIoistry Department, Mr. Md. Hazrat All iiin'at secretary, vinittry of Expatriates' Welfare & overseas EmPloYment Mr, Matiar Rahman 2.25 6liGrytvtanaglng oirector (Joint secretary),Mlnistry of Expatriates' welfare & Overseas EmploYment Audit Committee ofthe bank AuditcommitteeofProbashlKallyanBankhasbeenformedwiththefollowlngBoardMembers: Syed MabinulHaque 6ilEi (tu'tonltoring cell), Ministrv of Finance, Bangladesh Secretarlat, Dhaka e *erat & Mr. Md. Mojibur Rahman Joint Secreta rY(Ad min Development),Minlstry of Labor and Employment, Banglad€sh Secretarial Mr, Md.Ahsan Ullah E-"",ti"" Di*at"r, B",gladesh Bank, Head office, Dhaka. 16 I I T I I I t t t t t I t I t I t t t t I AHMAD & AKHTAR M, HASAN & CO. :^.1ered Accountants K, 2.26 Chartered Accountants ManaS€mentCommittee The bank has formed a management commlttee to expedite day to day transactlon promptly with the following execuuves ofthe Bank. 1 Chairman Mr. Md. Mosha.ref Hossain Chowdhury Mernber Member GazlMohammad Julshas, NDC 3 Mr. Md. Mohabbat Ullah Mr. Mohammad Abu SaYeed 5 Ms, Hasna H€na Parvin 6 Mr. Mohammad Kamal Hossain 2 lvlr. 2.27 MemberSecretary Asst. MemberSecretary concurtent AuditTeam scrutinizing A department in Head offlc€ has been formed to carry out concurrent audit. TheY are of their the management to reporting day to expense vouchers and loan flle. TheY are regularly f indings. 2.24 Member Accordingly correctlve measures are being taken. gvents afterthe balance sheet date EventsafterthebalancesheetdatethatprovldeadditionalinformationabouttheBankspositlonat Balance the balance sheet date as per Bangladesh Accountlng Standards BAS-10: 'Events After the sheet Date'. 2.29 Management's responsiblllty on flnancial statements TheBoardofDirectorsoftheBanktakestheresponsibilityforth€preparationandpresentationof these flna ncial statem ents, 2,30 General Figures appearing ln these Flna ncjal Statements have been rounded \7 offtothe n€arestTaka' I I I I I I I I K M, :_:'iered Accountants cash in hand (lnc ldlng toreisn cutrencle, Ba ance wlth BanBladesh Bank & itsagent 4 I I I t I I 30.06.2015 30.06.2014 r3& Et! 3,496,977 ba.k(s) (includinsforelcncu encies) ____-__3,oe6el1 Balancewithotherbanks&financialinsiitution5 7,477 ,301,917 n Bangadesh(Note4.1) o!tslde Bangladesh --J ,411,:91211- \3A3,592,732 4.1 l, Bangladesh Cutrent Account sTD Account (Note 4.1.1) F xed DepositAccount (Note4.1.2) 136,903,390 1,340,398,s27 1,477 ,301,917 t I I I I I I AHMAD & AKHTAR chartered Accountants HASAN & CO. Sonal Bank Limlted lanata Bank Llmited Arab B:ngladesh Eank Ljmlted 7,367,574 70,779,067 1,000 7,473,350 one Bank Lim ted 46,215,84\ Barkask Llrnited 7,429,744 22,155,a51 AgraniBankLmted PKB, PrincipalBranch 2\5,242 Rupa iBank Llmited shahja al k am Bank Llmited 975,673 10,000 136,903,390 4.1.2 54,99!,446 1,32A,60\,246 7 )Aa.592.132 1,316,564 16,624,416 1,000 11,194,372 23,669,519 2,785,715 54,991,446 FixedDePosltAccount SonaLi Bank Llmited 265,000,000 70,000,000 40,000,000 lanata Eank Limlted BanBLadesh KrishiBank Nationa Bank Limited city Bank L mited 250,447,242 10&353,166 92izo,3-lZ 40,010,000 1s0,000,000 United Commercia Bank Limited 50uth Bangla Agr culture Bank L mited BASIC Bank Limlted AB Bank Limited MadumatiBank Llrnited lFlC Bank L mited 40,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 100,269,000 22q000,000 O.e Bank Limited Ex m Eank Llm ted Rupa i Bank Llm ted south East Bank L mited Eastern Baik Llmited 2,500,000 20,000,000 54,A32,649 80,000,000 273,975,419 183,990,439 1,340,398,127 soc al kLami Bank L mited Staidard BankLlrnited NRB Bank Limited Meghna Bank Limited 18 20,000,000 52,137,774 2,600,000 20,005,000 10,000,000 71,640,350 40,000,000 !11,442,O73 732a,60L246 r - I I I K, AHMAD & AKHTAR M, HAsAN & CO. :.e.iered Acco!ntants 4.2 Chartered Accountants 30.06.2015 30-05.2014 Ef! EIs Maturlty grolping of balrnces with oth€r b.trks & linanclal lnstltutlons 13O903,390 315,000,000 over l month but not morcthan 3 months Over3 months but not morc than l Year Overlyear but not more than s4,991,446 !,031,496,577 294,504,7 1,o22,794,5-27 -69 5 Years 2,600,000 ___1,471,)9!D17 7,1A3,a92,732 Money at call on Short Norce Financial lnstltutions (Public & Prlvate) Others Loans, Cash Credit & Ov€rdraft etc. (Note Bilk purchased & discounted 71) 435,510,087 29A,172,445, 435,510,087 290,172,O45 435,510,087 290,!72,O45 435.510,087 290,772,045 435,510,087 290,172,085 419,794,441 14,716,594 939,052 274,252,914 _li!E1949 ___.2eoE2,@5 435,S10,087 2g0,.L72,;85 435.510,087 290,772,045 loans, Cash crcdit & OverdEft etc. ln Eansladerh LoanslNote 7.1.1) Cashcredlt Total lnslde Bansl.desh M gration Loars Rehablitation Loan MotorCyc e Loan 7,2 15,979,!67 Remaining maturity grouping of lo. ne Payable on demand Not rnore thar 3 months Above 3 months but not more than l Vear Above l year but not more th.n 5 years Above 5 yeaB 79 @ I I I I I I I I rl I I I I I I I I I I I I < : .,r. HASAN & CO. -;1: AHMAD & AKHTAR Chartered Accountants red Accountants 7.3 30,06.2015 30.06,2014 Ele Ele Loans on the basls of signlficantcon.€ntration lncludlng bills purchased & dhcounted a. b. c, d. Advancesto Dlrcctors Advancer to MD and othersenlor Executives AdvancestoCustomersgroup Advancesto lndustrial sector ceo&aphlcal Locatlon - wise Loans and Advances lnside Band.desh 7A4,5A3,627 100,554,319 74,A22,264 Chlttagong Dlvlslon Khulna Divlslon Rajshahl Dlvlsion Sylhet Divlslon 6!,642,852 17,925,113 15,761,154 30,300,738 435,510,087 BarisalDlvlslon Rangpur Division Total hslde Banglad6h outslde Banglad€sh 1.5 7A4,AA4,464 11,726,940 26,723,325 32,169,104 13,341,306 16,161,004 26,045,9A2 2qo.172.085 Dlstributlon ot Loans and adv.nces accordinS to BRPD Circular bv sangladesh Bank Standard SMA 435,510,087 294,172,445 435,510,087 290,L72,04s 435,510,087 290,772,045 year agalnst total No Loan clasifkaton has been made bv the Bank. s% provlsion ha5 been made for the outstandifg loan ba ance at the yearend. 7.6 Parti.ulaB of loa O ns and Adr.nces: Debts consideredcood n respect comPanY kfu lY ofwhichthe banklnc 75,919,167 secured (i) Debtscorsideredcoodiorwhichthebankingcompafvhods no other securityother than debtols personal security' {lli) Debtsconsldered good secured bv pe60nallab Liti'so'one or mofe parties n addition tothe Personalsecuritvofthe (iv) d;bts consldercd doubtfu or bad not provided for (v) Debts due bY dlrectoB and offce6 of the banklns compaiv or anv of them eiiher severallv or iointly with arv other (vr) 14,716,594 Debts d'ue by companles or f rms in which the directo6 of the banklns companY are interested as directors, partners or n"ldeilg aeFlls o ,. tle cd\a or Dr:vr'P roaodl'4' d\ 2A 274,252,914 434.571.035 ' 290,172,045 ffi, v\_-l' 'rrlt - I ! ! ! ( ^,1. HASAN & CO. :-:':::ec (vi) rI AHMAD & AKHTAR Ac.ountants Chartered Accountants 30.06.2015 30,05.a)14 Ilta Elc L5,233,710 4,242,469 77,527,450 5,907,042 Maximum total amolnt oi advances lncluding temporary advances made at any tlme durlng the year to the dlrecio.s or manageB or ofikers of the bankins company or any of them either severally orjoint y with any other person.* (vill) Maxmum tota amount of advaices includins temporary adv:nces Branted during the year to the cohpanies or firms ln whlch the directors of the b.nkiig company are interested as directors, partners or managng agents or n the case of pr vate company I (ix) Due from bankirscompanies. (x) claslfied Loansand Advances: a) Clasfied oans and advances on which irterest has rot been credited to income b) (Dec.ease)/lnc'easein provsion(sp€clrlc) c) ! Amount rea ned aga n5t loan pr€violslywrtten off d) Amount oi provislon kept agalnst lGn cassified - (xi) Amount oflhe written off loan: a)Curnu ative amountofCassified Loans which is as w.tten written offln curent Year c)The amount ofwritten offlca$ified loanforwhkh law b)Classlried Loans/Lite rest wave qulrs havp heen f lPd ! - t rl t I t I rt I I tix€d assec in.luding premises, furniture and fixtures F!rnitureand Fixtures Less: Accumulated depreciat on \,745,404 1,351,708 4,181,942 26,543,618 3,753,669 56,033,609 44,929p47 27,75t,5s0 17,658,035 _____]9t!4q Schedule ot ftued Atseas is gieen in l) lncome teneratinS assets ll) Non-lncom€ generatinS assets Stationery stamps, pdntlng materialset . (Note 91) Advanc€ income tax (Note 9.2) Acrounts Re€eivable (Note 9.3) a) b) c) d) 9.1 Anlexurc-a 1,4D,427 7,129,4A6 21,600,6s3 26,234,254 498,946 43,288,559 t40,374 75334,274 A€crued lntereston FDR ----__4,u1012_ 98,496,206 94,496,206 71,158,U5 Prepald Printing Stationery 7,414,123 Prepald s€curity Statlon€ry 2,494 919,660 209,426 71,755,245 St.tionery stamps, prlntlnS mate.iah etc. ___--_!,417,oX 27 7,129,446 A, (_ (Dhda \>/" /): i I I I t Chartered Accountants 30.06,2015 9.2 Add: Addltion During the Year I t l. Le$r settled durinsthe Year t t I I T It h 30.06.2014 EIc Iltq 26,23a,254 28.s45.489 s4,783,743 13-183.090 21.600-653 28,950'774 26'23A'254 AdvanceAga nst House Rent 758,475 Adju5ting Account Loaf /Savings {181611 lao314 55,189,028 7A950,774 26,238,254 85,700 62,000 360 350,886 498'946 Borrowingsfiomoth€rhants,linancial lnstitutiontand agentt t I I I I I AHMAD & AKHTAR chartered Accountants K. M, HASAN & CO. Depositc and other accounts Current accounis and other Accounts Savlngs Bank DePosiis Short Notice DePosits Fixed Deposits (Note 11.1) 11.1 6,520,;79 4,154,;12 108,055,808 2,578,515 30,887,431 F14.964.26! 508,373,785 620,300,000 502,798,000 @.@. \.575,746 ____E! F64E_ ____ n$ErE_ PDS Repayable on demand 35,641,843 Repayable withln 1 month over l month butwithin 6 months Over6 months but withln lYear Over lyear butwlthin 5 Years over5yeats bltwithln 10YeaE !2 Other llabilitiet Provision for Loan and Advances (Note 121) Provklon for lncenuve Bonus (Note 12 2) Provjsion for csR (Note 12.3) Provision for Expenses (Note 12'4) otheE Payable (Noie 12.5) Provision for currentTax(Note 12 6) 5taff Providert Fund staff SuPerannuation Fund staff R sk/Benevolent Fund 634,564,26! 5aa,313,146 614,5€/,251 544,015,629 42,941,O91 21,165,541 4,310,045 1,000,000 920,300 58,360,539 23,a2a,640 1,936,669 L4AO,!76 3,27),624 1,000,000 2,940,364 32,A92,743 29,983,623 459,115 421,2a4 22,176 @na -----qlss!ee I I T t I : t I T t t T I t I t t I t t AHMAD & AKHTAR chartered Accountants K. M. HASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants 30.06.2015 !0,06.2014 I3tc 12,1 Provlsion for loans & Advances Prcvislon held at b€Einnlng ofthe vear Add: Provlsion made for the Year Less: Adjusted 21,165,5a7 42,941,091 @@ durlngthe Year ma!19,,**11:::9:11#H::;::'ff,:::T.:f[ctors has been held on september 22,2013 The aggregate 3,217,620 ! duringthe Year held at the end of the vear Provision Lessr PriorYear '929 820,309 967,515 3.277,620 ofthe vear adju5iment Add: ProvGlon made for the Year Provisio. held at the end ofthe vear 12.4 2,597 --ffi--ffi Lessr Paid Provklon held at beginnlng n ts rneetne provrsLor Provision for lncentlve Bonus Provision held at beginning of the vear Add: Provision made for the Year 12,1 6,656,983 14.508,604 Provision held at the end of the vear rhe provGon Ele 1,000,000 300,000 700,000 300,000 500,000 1,000,0!q 1,000,000 ------lI9!{99- Provision for ExP€nses 500,000 500,000 --:!:y:::- 1,500 Provision for Photocopy Repalr 100,000 150,000 forAodit Fee Provision forWater Bill 20,000 518,400 100,000 76,34O 30,000 50,000 Provislon Provjsion for Elecricity ElLl Provislon forTelePhone Bill Provision f or Postage/lnternet Provision for Honourium Provision Stationery Provislon for rurniture,Air 63,500 90,000 121,000 ':o 7,207,84O CooLer' Equipments 14s,0!0 printing Provision for prlnting/securitv 6,520 Provlsion for Overtime Provislon f or Advertisement Excise D!itY PaYable Loan Ri5k coverage scheme lnterest Payable o' FDR ,o,ooo 130,000 920,300 2.940,160 l,42,144 184,656 1!,A2\ 658,619 13,381 3,s14 15,050 20,803,509 300 12,686,190 35,932,476 1,184,849 !2,449,17s ffi@ Undi5tributed saLary 73 s1,415 6.047,398 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I rI I {. iv1. HAsaN & AHMAD & AKHTAR chartered Accountants co. :_:iered acco!ntants ,.6 OrentTax Provldon for Provision held at beginnlng of th€ vear Add: Provlsion made forcurrent vear tax 30.06.2014 Els EIe 79,9At623 a6,439,211 29,9a3,621 23,12A,640 53,112,263 71,6,422,a14 86,439'711 29.9a3,623 a998!.621 the vear Less: AdjLrstment made durlng zr'lza'640 Provision h€ld at tha end of the vear 5O,OOO,OOO 30.06.2015 -- t,.r,."rp* ordinary shares of Tk 100 00 each --i900-49q999- l..ued. Subscribed and Paid'up Capltal ii.i*,* tri'""* 1O,OOO,0OO -a taid upcaoitalofthe sant asrollows: tp*prqr." -P",*tP* Ordinary Shares of Tk IOO'00 Each ol sh ;-r(h,r.holders oi 6iililfri,i7-iii-Tiir"tl"P'utt' Finance secr€tary' Eangladesh represented bv ffi".E;"""Gfr;ffi-14 ilm atthe beg nnlne of the Year {20" o' oro'n oero'" ta') ;;"';'". BaLance ;;;, ""J"r'"",'"' 15 Balance at the begLnn t6 tro""oio ortDero'eIa \ ngoftheYear s*"v"'r'5"" o' orortr oero'e rJ)) Balance at the begrnn ;; ;";'.. d,;' 17 50,000,000 50,000,000 9,500,000 10,000,000 950,000,000 1,000,000,000 1.OO0,o0o,ooo 950,000,000 ffiffi ffiffi 52,155,879 49,679,334 ngortheYear ;;,;;;i,",".;",,";,""r 500,000 !3,757,027 ffi-- 3A,645,879 39,096,879 10'229,542 7 a)7.4A5 "1"p" oividend paid durlng the Yeat 2013-20!4' th" "f by rinance secretary' repres€nted Bangladesh effi"t P"'Ple's Republlc 552,632 10,500,000 !!,052 !? 6i!Ex"ttvq49sq 18 Account Surplus In Proflt and Loss 20,637 '169 300,000 12.244 575 add: Prior Ybar adlustrn€nt add: Profit for the Year 13,7A2'3M Lt.052,632 ,, 24 129.712 18,817,887 12.346194 31,164,08s r0,526,315 20-6a7,159 ffi: It*i rr.r. ll '\' :- (. M. AHMAD & AKHTAR Chartered Accountants HASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants 20!4 - 20!5 201? - &!a EIs lnterestor Loais (Note 19.1) lntereston Depostwith other Bank (Note 19 2) 20!4 44,445,494 164,227,586 22,656,571 779,376,126 lnterest from Fore gn Banks 208,673,080 79,1 L9,2 42,62t,946 21,258,395 LA22,976 552 L394,178 44444494 22,656,513 3,712,502 160,s14,984 164,227,546 777,A57,296 179,376,126 lntereston Deposit with other Bank lntereston ShortTerm Depos t lnterest paid ondepositt and borowingsetc. 176,4-9? 9t930 574,164 On SND 541,173 66,235,661 66.893,326 21 2324,A30 fil,295 56,848,459 57,700.848 other operating income 7O,215,84 478,500 3.224.057 !3,917,795 7,416,514 419,950 1,115,61\ 9,212,L15 salary and \5,1A2,!27 1,744,986 6,913,204 ilouse ReitAllowance Con!eya nce ALlowa nce Wages to co.tract basis emPloYees Wages to temporary basls emPloYees Deputat or alowance 7aa,44O \244,672 5,466,340 4,151,617 244,827 1,006,593 1,217,O26 6,379,662 267,789 1,905,488 251,954 117,890 196,080 1,342,968 75,276 8,400 21,924 2,657,A29 159,284 135,686 2X2,579 15,600 bna nce/ Oth er Allowa nce Dearne$ A lowances Entertainment A lowance 9,565 9,125 64,000 49,1A6,044 Iax ofStaff paid to NBR 25 5,596,2A0 1,048,050 14,2AO su 5,980,955 \27,234 3,A67,54! superannuatlon Furd(Banks contribution) 7!,!15,272 7,500 36,977,799 AHMAD & AKHTAR K. M, HASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants ara.tered Accountants 23 2014 - 2015 2013 - 2014 Icle EIq Rent, taxet, lnsurance, electricity etc. Taxes.nd VAT ectriclty and HeatinC 7,346,621 5,459,274 \,4$,249 769,338 721,25L Rates, E 24 Postage, newtpaper, ttamp, tele.ommunication + 'tc' Telecommun cauon 141,89s ______9!C,8r3 220,953 !34,7A8 1,171,590 991,447 !71,327 4,183 Stationery, Printinct, Advertitements etc Printing, Securlty Statlonery Publlcity,Advertisementand publlcation 1-s59.05:, 7,726,555 \,6!6,324 7,278,307 1,623,542 504,s12 474,667 566,510 303,231 2.996,729 3,591"678 480,000 8,400 240,000 480,000 8,400 10,800 80,000 10,800 80,000 819,200 chief Executivet s.larY and fee5 Entertainment A lowarce _*_e194q Board meetlng and auditcomm ttee meeung Other Meetlng Feey'Be.ef ts Each D rector is paid 240,000 233,450 88,950 233.450 88,950 provided io the dlrectors of fo.Tk.5ooo per nreetinS. Therewas no otherl nancla benetits Depreciation of bank's a$ets Furniture and Fixtures t,523,372 \,6s6,574 Repairof bank'tassets 7,1ar,4AA 269,223 2O2,156 835,610 5,308,736 9,593,515 750,734 4,479,736 707,742 135,116 64,800 52,844 256,176 373,764 509,to2 746,OOO 26 1,154,035 7,76a,O69 A" Itl ( ur"r, )''l \?\ \_::l la K. M. HASAN & CO. AHMAO & AI(HTAR Chartered Accountants 30 Chanered Accounia.:s Otherexpenses Iravellins Expenses {GenerE t) rravellins Expenses (rransfer) 2014 - 2075 2073 - 2074 &!g I!!4 869,937 882,354 33,050 Banking Diploma & Others Hon. ining Expenses Commksion & Exchange Eranch shift ins/Openlng Expenses Business Development Expense5 News Pape. & Periodlcak Water & Sewerage expens€s lnterest Paidon GPF Fund ClosingAllowance Tra 349,A31 2a9,6',75 1,384,206 1,161,887 5,264 559,722 33,670 nr,uo, 163,870 173,67L 42,529 7,693,7 7,996,471 /5 2,5A3,7a3 91,614 250,060 141,7,26 150,000 l40,4aa Su.dry Exp€nses 603,653 488,264 1,124,296 7,234,2t4 314,000 70,t74,729 Provlsion for oncl3ssiried loans & advances (Note 12.1) Provision forclasified roans & advances 77,77s,504 14,508,604 _____4t1!,s04_ ______41e994 32 Provision for 3,000,000 300,000 ncenUve Bonus 1,500,000 500,000 ______!r9g9g9_ The abo?e provsion for ifceitive bonus has been made on Iump sum basls which ls subject to approval of approp.iate authorty, Provision forCurrentTax 29,983,623 Add: Provision rnade for cutrert year tar Less: Adjustment made durins the a6,439,277 23,72a,64O ye.r Earninss (lPS) Net Profit after Tar (NL,meEtor) Number of Ordiiary Share Outstandins (Denomlnator) Earning Per share {EP5) 27 53,712,263 29,983,623 23,!24,540 716,422,834 46,439,271 29,943,623 31,297,694 10,000,000 40,s66,078 10,000,000 ____________!:13 K. M, HASAN & CO. Chartered Accountants 35 AHMAD & AKHTAR Chartered Accountants Coverage ol Externat Audit Theexternalauditorhascovered80%oftherhk-weiEhtedassetsandhavesPentarolnd1,040manhoufiJol the audit of the books and account ofthe bark 35 Events after rePorting Period (i) the financlal stateme'ts Ihe Boa.d of DirecioG in its nreeung held on 10'09'2015 approved and authorized Kallvan ii. ru." ro, o*" rh" eorrd also approved div dend amountins to Tk' 1o'OOo'oOO for Wage Earners cofBanghdesh' Board and Tk,526,316 forThe Government ofthe Peop et Rep!b r. Dated, Dhaka 10September2015 +-.:0"{ @ (:( Dhrka )-) eb/e' a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I ll K. AHMAD &AXHTAR chartered Accountants M. HASAN & CO. Chariered Accountants Probashi Kallyan Bank Highlights on the overall activities ofthe Bank For the vear ended 30 June 2015 Particulars Sl. No. 1 Paid up capital 2 TotalCapital capital (Deflcit) 3 5 TotalDeposits 6 9 Total Loans and Advances Total contingenl Liabilities and commitments Credit - Deposit Ratio of Ct"t.ifi"d roans aga rst total Loans & 10 Profit after Tax and Provision 11, filo,rnt ofcta..ified 7 8 12 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 N/A 2,043,1a7 ,246 7,772,797,914 544,Ols,629 290,\12,O85 751,774,663 435,510,087 57.94% 5?34% 31,291,690 40,566,O78 Lo"ns and Advances agalnst Classified Loan Provision Kept Provislon SurPlus/ (deflcit) Cost of Fund 15 lnterest Earnjns Assets 16 71 Non-interest Bearing Assets Return on lnvestment {ROl) 18 Return on Assets (ROA) 19 21- lncomes on Investm€nt Earnings Per Share (EPS) Net lncome PerShare 22 Price Earning Ratio 20 zoL3 - 2014 "entug" 74 13 2014 - 2015 a.9a% 7A.67.,4 7,944,691,040 9a,496,206 7,701,036,724 11,755,245 N/A 29 1.69. 3.38% 3.13 4.06 3.13 4.06 N/A + 4Z E.3 ?q <6 _sl E:I d3 <6t EE a; EI qd gi6 h L 9.9 !.E l L L L L I I t I I T I I E I IEEA ':Xi RIE -9 E: * 0., s€st i3 !i Pl n;<;l I' 3. I Ebt- ! Y<t 9.X ;6 ii E.E I .EEi.e 6+ <i n !! E E .: E 2 !