hardwood matters - National Hardwood Lumber Association
hardwood matters - National Hardwood Lumber Association
J U LY 2 01 3 H A R DWO O D M AT T E R S T H E VO I C E O F T H E H A R DWOO D I N D U ST RY 2013 NHLA ANNUAL CONVENTION & EXHIBIT SHOWCASE PRESENTED BY LUMBERMEN’S UNDERWRITING ALLIANCE WWW.NHLACONVENTION.COM Enduring Beauty Starts with Pike Brand Hardwoods Made from specially selected logs our 4/4 thru 8/4 Rift and Quarter Sawn White Oak has the color and texture to satisfy the most demanding customers. See the difference Pike Brand ® Hardwoods can make in your products. ® P.O. Box 247 Akron, Indiana 46910 [email protected] www.PikeLumber.com (800) 356-4554 (574) 893-4511 (574) 893-7400 fax Check Out Our Latest Deals Scan with your Smartphone 3DJH READER SERVICES 4 6 10 11 16 18 19 24 26 28 43 President’s Message Executive Director’s Message Registration Information Schedule of Events Educational Seminars Special Events Hardwood Forest Foundation Events 2013 NHLA Convention Sponsors 2013 NHLA Convention Exhibit Hall Map 2013 NHLA Convention Exhibitors 2013 Convention Registration Form IN THIS ISSUE... 12 Meet This Year’s Keynote Speakers 22 Meet the Presenting Sponsor: Lumbermen’s Underwriting Alliance CONTENTS W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 1 H A R D WOO D M A T T E R S T H E VO I C E O F T H E H A R DWO O D I N D U ST RY THE MISSION OF NH LA To serve NHLA Members engaged in the commerce of North American hardwood lumber by: maintaining order, structure and ethics in the changing global hardwood marketplace; providing member services unique to the hardwood lumber industry; driving collaboration across the hardwood industry to promote demand for North American hardwood lumber and advocate the interest of the hardwood community in public/private policy issues; and building positive relationships within the global hardwood community. July 2013 ▪ Issue 136 National Hardwood Lumber Association PO Box 34518 ▪ Memphis, TN 38184-0518 901-377-1818 ▪ 901-382-6419 (fax) [email protected] ▪ www.nhla.com EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MISSION LEADERS Scott Heidler Heidler Hardwood Lumber Co. President Skip Holmes Thomas & Proetz Lumber Co. Unique Services Pem Jenkins Turn Bull Lumber Co. Vice President Charlie Netterville Fred Netterville Lumber Co. Industry Advocacy & Promotion Dave Redmond Highland Hardwood Sales, Inc. Past President 2010-2012 Greg Patenaude Péladeau Lumber, Inc. Membership & Marketing Mark A. Barford, CAE Executive Director Brent Stief Huron Forest Products Structure NHLA STAFF Gary Swaner Swaner Hardwood Co. Rules Mark A. Barford, CAE Executive Director [email protected] David George Creative Director [email protected] Renee Hornsby Director of Communications/Editor [email protected] The views of contributions do not necessarily reflect the positions of NHLA. All advertisements for Hardwood Matters are accepted and published with the understanding that the advertiser and/or advertising agency are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. The advertiser and/or advertising agency will defend, indemnify and hold any claims or lawsuits for libel violations or right of privacy or publicity, plagiarisms, copyright or trademark infringement and any other claims or lawsuits that may arise out of publication of such advertisement. NHLA neither endorses nor makes any representation or guarantee as to the quality of goods and services advertised in Hardwood Matters. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ■■■ Lisa Browne Convention Director Rich Hascher Inspector Training School Instructor John Hester Marketing Director Dana Spessert Chief Inspector Denise Stewart Director of Finance/CAO For advertising & exhibiting inquiries: Contact John Hester, Marketing Director at [email protected] or 901-399-7558. COMMITTEE CHAIRS Jeff Durst Hull Forest Products Inspection Services Orn Gudmundsson, Jr. Northland Corporation Finance Mark Mah Upper Canada Forest Products Hardwood Advocacy Darwin Murray McClain Forest Products Continuing Education Jim Reader Downes & Reader Hardwood Co. Membership Joe Snyder Fitzpatrick & Weller, Inc. Rules Jim Steen Pike Lumber Co., Inc. Inspector Training School For convention & sponsorship inquiries: Contact Lisa Browne, Convention Director at [email protected] or 901-399-7567. Stephanie Van Dystadt DV Hardwoods Communications & Marketing For convention registration inquiries: Contact Trisha Clariana, Office Manager at [email protected] or 901-399-7552. Kim Vollinger W. M. Cramer Lumber Co. Convention 2 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M ADVERTISER INDEX ADVERTISER INDEX 33 11 35 40 8 39 7 32 40 25 AHC Hardwood Group American Hardwood Industries Baillie Lumber Company Breeze Dried, Inc. Brewco Incorporated Buchanan Hardwoods Cascade Hardwood Group Cole Hardwood CS Industries, LLC Dakota Hardwoods 5 DMSi Software 30 Dunavant Global Logistics Group 9 Elimbs, LLC 41 The Jacobs Team 13 Industrial Timber & Lumber 40 Industrial Vision Systems, Inc. 3 Inter-State Hardwoods Company, Inc. 24 Laidig Systems, Inc. 23 Lumbermen’s Underwriting Alliance 42NHLA Unmatched Consistency 31 OSI Machinerie 21 Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company ifc Pike Lumber Company, Inc. 15 Rossi Group 28 Stringer Industries, Inc. 8 TMX Shipping Company, Inc. ibc U•C Coatings Corporation 37USNR 33 Wood-Mizer, LLC At Inter-State Hardwoods, our rich history is matched only by the rich color and quality of our hardwoods. For over 70 years buyers and their customers have depended on Inter-State to deliver products that are superior in every detail. EAST COAST SALES - (770) 448-2264 or (800) 688-4501 WEST COAST SALES - (818) 768-2740 SAWMILL/SALES/CORPORATE OFFICE - (304) 456-4597 PO BOX 7, ROUTE 250/92, BARTOW, WV 24920 WWW.InTER-STATEhARdWOOdS.COM CERTIFIEd W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Everything is Bigger in Texas! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and the improved hardwood market. No matter what sector of the industry you represent, by now you should be experiencing improved business opportunities. As your summer plans come to a close, make sure your fall plans include this year’s NHLA Annual Convention and Exhibit Showcase, October 2–4 in Fort Worth, Texas. The Annual Convention will expose your company and employees to the many opportunities through networking, educational seminars and the exhibit showcase. I have been attending the NHLA Convention since I first entered the industry. Some of the meetings have been a blur, but I do cherish the personal contacts that I have made over the years and understand how important these relationships have become to my business. I have been able to develop a much better understanding of the products that so many of our manufacturing members have to offer just by the networking opportunities the convention provides. Whether you are buying or selling, you will have the opportunity to expand your business contacts and increase your company’s overall profitability by attending the NHLA Convention. Besides the networking opportunities, the educational seminars have always added value to the convention for me. Whether I will be attending the LUA Insurance Seminar – Taking Charge of Your Business Insurance Program & Costs: Tips from an Underwriter, the AHEC International Buyer’s Panel or the State of the Hardwood Industry led by David and Judd of the Hardwood Market Report, I always walk away with at least one good idea that will add to the bottom line for my company. Then we have the Exhibit Showcase! Once again we will have a diverse group of exhibitors at the show educating us on products including sawmill equipment, insurance coverage, dry kilns, shipping solutions, software applications, as well as lumber producers and distributors. There is truly something for everyone in the exhibit showcase. Make sure you take a little time out of your schedule and walk the exhibit hall floor so you don’t miss something that can directly contribute to the bottom line for your company! As an added bonus this year, we will have the Rules Open Forum. As directed by the NHLA By-Laws, 2013 is a Rules change year. As part of the Rules change procedures, there will be an open forum to discuss the proposed Rules changes that the Rules Committee has accepted and which will be sent out for a vote to all Active category member firms after the convention. Make sure you stop by the Rules Open Forum on Thursday afternoon so you completely understand the implications of any and all proposed Rules changes before you vote. Amy and I are looking forward to seeing everyone in Fort Worth this October, and yes I am sure I will get some grief about my size as everything is bigger in Texas, including this year’s NHLA Convention and Exhibit Showcase! Make sure you don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of the networking, educational seminars and exhibit showcase to increase your company’s profitability! 4 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W Whether you are buying or selling, you will have the opportunity to expand your business contacts and increase your company’s overall profitability by attending the NHLA Convention. Sincerely, Scott Heidler Heidler Hardwood Lumber Co. W W W. N H L A .C O M Your business is complicated. Register today at dmsi.com/ NHLApromo for a FREE Leatherman Multi-Tool Agility has it covered. NATIVE TALLY CAPTURE, STORAGE, & VISIBILITY QUICK POS MOBILE DEVICE ORDER ENTRY BUILT IN ACCOUNTING RAZOR TIGHT INVENTORY CONTROLS MULTI-BRANCH FUNCTIONALITY As a Hardwood Lumber Distributor, you have a lot to think about. Tracking product from procurement to production to customer fulfilment is no easy feat. DMSi’s Agility brings it all together. Agility has tools for kiln drying, tally capture, remanufacturing, and production scheduling all fully integrated into one manageable ERP package. Think of it as the Leatherman of software: no matter the problem, you’ll have a solution. Steps to claim your Leatherman Multi-Tool: INCREASED INVENTORY TURNS TRANSPARENT MADE-FOR-ORDER PROCESSES INSTANT INFORMATION 800.34 7 .6 7 20 | d msi.co m W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M 1 2 3 4 Register online at dmsi.com/NHLApromo Attend the NHLA 2013 Annual Convention, October 2-4 in Fort Worth, TX Find DMSi at booth 215 Your DMSi Leatherman will be waiting! J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 5 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE THE 2013 NHLA ANNUAL CONVENTION & EXHIBIT SHOWCASE – THE RIGHT TIME AND THE RIGHT PLACE The NHLA Annual Convention caps an exciting year for the hardwood lumber business. The October dates normally mark the end of industry conventions and meetings, giving attendees the chance to reflect upon the year. For many, the convention season begins with the February meeting of the Indiana Hardwood Lumberman’s Association (IHLA) held in downtown Indianapolis. Lumbermen tell me they use IHLA to learn what the competition is up to and plan accordingly for the important spring months ahead. Likewise, the NHLA Convention serves as a year-end review of those plans and expectations, and a discussion of what markets will look like for the remainder of the year. The uniqueness of the convention is that since NHLA is a fully inclusive organization. The event brings together lumber traders, timberland owners, international buyers, sawmillers and producers of hardwood lumber as well as their suppliers. NHLA welcomes other industry trade associations to hold their meetings in conjunction with NHLA, and many of those association leaders attend to share future plans and ideas. Maybe because it has been such an exciting year, interest in the 2013 Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase is already ahead of recent years. As of this writing in mid-June, registration exceeds 450 people with nearly all of the exhibit space reserved and several new sponsors added to our strong list of supporters. Of course, it could also be the great program and the various sponsored social activities, but I think most of the industry sees this as the right time and the right place to do some business. On behalf of the NHLA staff, we look forward to visiting with you in Fort Worth. Enjoy the meeting, learn about what is ahead, but also take some time to appreciate the privilege of working in an industry that works with each other in “friendly competition.” This year has seen a return of growth and excitement to the hardwood industry that ensures our future success. Come share in the celebration. As of this writing in mid-June, registration exceeds 450 people with nearly all of the exhibit space reserved and several new sponsors added to our strong list of supporters. Sincerely, Mark Barford, CAE, Executive Director National Hardwood Lumber Association www.nhla.com 6 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M e t i s On LES SA ff sta We are here. Give us a call. 800-228-3065 W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M [email protected] www.cascadehardwood.com J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 7 b-1600 and nhla grading course Securing Future your BUY A NEW B-1600, AND BREWCO WILL PAY FOR TUITION AND BOOKS FOR ONE PERSON TO ATTEND THE NHLA 14-WEEK GRADING COURSE! • The Brewco B-1600 is as fast as a linebar resaw and provides up to 20% more yield than a circle saw • The person you invest in is the person that will work for you Efficient equipment and ensuring an education... the right thing to do for securing your future! HEADQUARTERS: 607 Front St. Central City, KY 42330 8 800.237.6880 www.brewcoinc.com J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W NHLA FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 9! MADE IN AMERICA W W W. N H L A .C O M W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 9 REGISTRATION INFORMATION REGISTRATION NEW THIS YEAR! Registration can be completed online at www.nhlaconvention.com. Or you can complete the registration form included in this magazine and return by fax or mail. Wednesday to Friday, New NHLA Convention Format Registration Fees Standard On-Site (July 1 – Oct. 1) Oct. 2 Member $600 $650 Member Spouse $450 $500 Non-Member $800 $850 Non-member Spouse $650 $700 One-Day Pass$300 $300 Thursday or Friday Only * HOTEL I NFORMATION How to Receive the Hotel Discount Save $100 on the published convention registration fees when you stay at the Omni Fort Worth, the official NHLA Convention Hotel. To receive the discount, please reserve your hotel room first. You will need to indicate that you are staying at the official convention hotel when completing the convention registration to receive the $100 discount. *The $100 discount does NOT apply to the One-Day Pass. Book your hotel room and complete online convention registration at www.nhlaconvention.com. Omni Fort Worth Hotel 1300 Houston Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 +1-817-535-6664 Main www.omnihotels.com/findahotel/fortworth As breathtaking as any West Texas sunset, the Omni Fort Worth Hotel offers a taste of Texas hospitality. Conveniently located in the heart of Fort Worth’s exciting downtown, the hotel is adjacent to the Fort Worth Convention Center and within walking distance from the city’s cultural centers, restaurants and nightlife. Sculpted from native stone and rich hardwoods and wrapped in glass, the Omni Fort Worth Hotel is the newest star in the Lone Star State. The NHLA group rate is $209 single/double. 10 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W If you’ve grown accustom to the Wednesday through Saturday routine of the past NHLA Annual Convention, here's hoping you're not too attached. This year the convention will run Wednesday through Friday evening, October 2-4. The new format is compact but allows attendees the opportunity to return home on Saturday morning. NHLA Convention Mobile App Coming Soon! NHLA is going mobile! Look for the NHLA Convention & Expo app to launch in August! The app will be available on the NHLA website, or you can also find the app in the Android Marketplace or in the App Store for your iPhone. Top 10 Reasons to use the NHLA Convention Mobile App 1 Customize your personal schedule 2 Receive important alerts 3 Check out the full agenda each day 4 Message colleagues 5View exhibitor information 6View speakers 7 Connect to NHLA social networks 8 Upload pictures 9View tradeshow map 10 Complete session surveys (evaluations) quickly and easily Name Tags A 2013 NHLA Annual Convention name badge is required for admittance into ANY function. Name badges and registration packets can be picked up on-site at the NHLA Registration Desk located on the Second Floor. W W W. N H L A .C O M SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Wednesday, October 2 Friday, October 4 7 – 10am 11am – 4pm 2 – 5pm 6 – 7:30pm 7:30 – 10pm 7 – 9am 7 – 8am 7:30 – 9am 7:30am – 12pm 8 – 9:30am 9:30 – 10:30am 10 – 11am 10am – 1pm 1:30 – 2:15pm 2:30–6pm 7pm Hardwood Distributor’s Association Board Meeting* Hardwood Forest Foundation Annual Golf Tournament at Ridglea Country Club† Exhibitor Set-up NHLA Welcome Reception NHLA Board of Managers Dinnerº Thursday, October 3 7am 8 – 10am 10am – 2pm 10:30 – 11:30am 12:00pm 1 – 5pm 1:30 – 4pm 2 – 3pm 3 – 5pm 4 – 5pm 5 – 6pm 6 – 7:30pm Continental Breakfast Opening Session with Keynote Speaker Roger Staubach, Heisman Trophy Winner and legendary Dallas Cowboy's Hall of Fame quarterback Exhibit Showcase Open Hardwood Forest Foundation presentation of the “Truth About Trees” Lunch served in the Exhibit Showcase John F. Kennedy History Tour † Hardwood Distributor's Association Annual Meeting * Educational Seminar: Ways to Lower Business Insurance Premiums presented by Lumbermen's Underwriting Alliance Educational Seminar: NHLA Hardwood Lumber Grading Rules Change Review facilitated by NHLA Chief Inspector, Dana Spessert International Wood Products Association Receptionº NHLA Inspector Training School Alumni Reception Thursday Evening Reception Canadian Hardwood Bureau Breakfast & Meeting* Fellowship of Christian Lumbermen Annual Meeting Continental Breakfast Exhibit Showcase Open Educational Seminar: International Buyer's Panel presented by American Hardwood Export Council American Hardwood Export Council Board Meeting * Educational Seminar: State of the Hardwood Industry presented by Hardwood Market Report Spouse/Guest Open House General Session with Second Keynote Speaker Mark Williams, AIA Principal of HKS Architects, Designers of the Dallas Cowboys Stadium Dallas Cowboys Experience (exclusive behind the scenes tour of the Cowboys Stadium) † Texas Hoedown with barbecue, bull riding, blue jeans and beverages † Excellence in every drop * Members Only º By Invitation Only † Pre-registration Required Schedule subject to change. W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 11 2013 KEYNOTE SPEAKER ROGER STAUBACH Opening Session – Thursday, October 3 – 8am Sponsored by Industrial Timber & Lumber Corporation Few players at any level of football ever generated as much excitement as Roger Staubach did every time he took a snap from center. If one characteristic symbolized his daring play more than any other did, it was his uncanny ability to lead the Dallas Cowboys to come-from-behind victories. He engineered no less than 23 fourth quarter comebacks that produced victories, fourteen in the final two minutes of the game or in overtime. Roger played his entire 11 years of professional football with the Dallas Cowboys and was the starting quarterback for eight of those years, leading the team to four Super Bowls and achieving victories in Super Bowls VI and XII. His pro career was culminated by his selection into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985, his first year of eligibility. Roger received a late start in professional football as he fulfilled four years active duty with the United States Navy after graduating from the Naval Academy. He separated from active service as a Lieutenant following a distinguished career that included overseas duty in Vietnam for one year. Staubach left a legacy at Annapolis. As a junior in 1963, he was named recipient of college football’s top honor, the Heisman Trophy and he is the only midshipman to win the Thompson Trophy Cup for best all around athlete three consecutive years. Staubach has carried over the same winning attitude and traits from his successful football career into his business career. During football off-seasons, he worked for the Henry S. Miller Company and then started The Staubach Company in 1977. In 2008, The Staubach Company merged with Jones Lang LaSalle. Today, he is Executive Chairman - Americas of Jones Lang LaSalle. The company is known for its full service capabilities, unparalleled standard of business and personal ethics and dedication to providing innovative real estate solutions for clients. Roger and his wife, Marianne, have five children, fifteen grandchildren, all of whom reside in Dallas. Roger continues to be involved in the American Cancer Society Annual Children’s Luncheon and many community and charitable activities and professional organizations. He is currently on the Board of Jones Lang LaSalle, AMR Corporation and Cinemark. 12 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M While communication has changed... SMOKE SIGNALS POSTAL LET TER CARRIER PIGEON TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CELL PHONE FAX MACHINE SOCIAL MEDIA E-MAIL Our message remains the same: Simply the Best Resources, Facilities, Quality, Service, Delivery, and Innovation ITL Corporation dba Industrial Timber & Lumber www.itlcorp.com 23925 Commerce Park Road Beachwood, OH 44122 USA Phone: (216) 831-3140 FAX: (216) 831-4734 Toll Free: (800) 829-WOOD (9663) E-mail: [email protected] © 2012 Industrial Timber & Lumber W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M Ask us about our FSC® certified products. J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 13 2013 2ND KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mark A. Williams, AIA, LEED AP BD+C General Session – Friday, October 4 – 1:30pm Sponsored by Rossi Group Mark Williams currently serves as the Director of Business Development for the HKS Sports and Entertainment Group and a principal at HKS, Inc. With 22 years of experience, Mark’s unique diversity within the profession allows him to maintain an active role throughout the life of the project. His involvement focuses around the venues programming, overall project design direction, client communication and project management. Mark has recently programmed and completed venues for the National Football League, Major League Baseball, National Hockey League, National Basketball Association and International Soccer. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Cowboys Stadium - Arlington, Texas Lucas Oil Stadium - Indianapolis, Indiana The American Airlines Center - Dallas, Texas Rangers Ballpark in Arlington - Arlington, Texas Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles, California Pizza Hut Park - Frisco, Texas Metrodome Next - Minneapolis, Minnesota Liverpool Football Club Stadium - Liverpool, England Maracana - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Southern Methodist University Crum Basketball Center - University Park, Texas Estadio Corona - Torreon, Mexico Formula One - Austin, Texas Galaxy Events Center - Macau, China NBA China - Beijing, China University of Texas at Arlington Special Events Center - Arlington, Texas QUALIFICATIONS Registration Education Bachelor of Architecture - Ball State University Bachelor of Art in Architecture - Iowa State University Registered Architect: Indiana Registered Interior Designer: Indiana Certified, National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) United States Green Building Council LEED® Accredited Professional Building Design + Construction Affiliations American Institute of Architects International Association of Arena Managers (IAAM) Stadium Managers Association (SMA) 14 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M Solutions NORTHERN Ph 860.632.3500 Fax 860.613.3725 Email [email protected] W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M www.rossigroup.net J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 15 EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS & SPEAKERS Taking Charge of Your Business Insurance Program & Costs: Tips from an Underwriter Thursday, October 3 at 2pm There are many factors that are used in determining the cost of your business insurance. A source of frustration for many is the belief that you have no control over these costs. While some factors that affect your insurance rates are not in your direct control, others are. Kevin Mershimer of Lumbermen’s Underwriting Alliance will answer these and other questions during this seminar: What can I do to lower my premiums? How can I best prepare for a visit from my underwriter? What are loss prevention/underwriters looking for when they tour a property? What would hurt my rates or make me less desirable? Time will also be devoted to questions from the floor. NHLA Rules Change Open Forum Thursday, October 3 at 3pm Sponsored by Thompson Hardwoods, Inc. As a final step in the Rules Change process, a Rules Open Forum will be held during the 2013 NHLA Annual Convention. The forum allows members to openly discuss/debate the Rules Change proposals which have been submitted prior to voting. The new Rules Change proposals will be mailed to all Active category members during the month of July and will be posted for review at www.nhla.com. The Chief Inspector Dana Spessert, Rules Committee Chairman Joe Snyder and all National Inspectors will be available during this open meeting to answer any questions you may have. Dana Spessert joined NHLA as Chief Inspector in September 2010. He is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the NHLA grading rules by supervising the Association’s field staff of six full time inspectors. He is a native of West Virginia where he Kevin Mershimer is a regional manager for Lumbermen’s was born into the lumber industry – his father having graduated Underwriting Alliance (LUA), NHLA’s endorsed carrier, where he from NHLA Inspection School in 1962. He started his career by performs Field Underwriting and Loss Prevention services for working at their family owned sawmill and later graduated from current and potential customers. the NHLA Inspector Training School in the spring of 1986. He Kevin has more than 14 years of Loss Prevention and Underwriting worked independently as a lumber inspector for several sawmill experience with commercial insurance primarily focused on and lumber yards in the areas surrounding Elkins, West Virginia. the forest products industry. With a degree in safety and Dana was also employed by Colonial Millworks, Ltd. for five years environmental science, Kevin started his LUA career in Loss as a production supervisor and spent the last nine years working Prevention and then moving into the sales/Underwriting role in for Coastal Lumber Company as Quality Control Manager. He is a 2005. He is responsible for selection and proper pricing of LUA graduate of the Dale Carnegie Leadership Training Course. subscribers in his five-state territory. In demonstration of his commitment to his trade, Kevin has obtained the following designations: Certified Risk Manager (CRM), Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC), Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Occupational Safety and Health Technician (OHST). Kevin is a member of the American Society of Safety Engineers and sits on the Board of Directors for the Indiana Hardwood Lumber Association (IHLA) where he is a member of the green team, convention committee and chairs the golf committee. 16 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS & SPEAKERS International Buyer’s Panel State of the Hardwood Industry A panel of importers from several key global markets including China, Europe, Mexico and Vietnam will collaborate with select U.S. exporters to share their thoughts about the export markets for North American hardwoods. The panel will be moderated by Mike Snow, Executive Director of the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC). David Caldwell and Judd Johnson of the Hardwood Market Report will report on the hardwood marketplace and the factors currently influencing business and potential business change. Caldwell and Johnson are considered experts in the hardwood markets using their vast resources of historical data and industry experience. Michael S. Snow has been the Executive Director of the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) since 1999, where he oversees the Council’s promotional programs around the globe, and manages AHEC’s overseas offices in Europe, Mexico, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and China. Previously, he served as AHEC’s Program Manager for Europe, China and Japan. David Caldwell joined the staff of the Hardwood Market Report as Assistant Editor in March of 2005. David brought with him 21 years experience in the hardwood lumber and veneer industries. Upon graduation from the University of Memphis, David began his hardwood lumber career by attending and graduating from the National Hardwood Lumber Association’s Inspection School in April of 1984. After gaining experience as a lumber inspector, he worked in hardwood lumber sales before delving into the sawmill business. Before joining Hardwood Market Report, David worked for a major flooring and sawmill company, managing sales and production of the sawmill division and oversight of 50 million board feet of hardwood lumber. Friday, October 4 at 8am Mr. Snow holds a Master’s Degree in International Economics from the George Washington University, and a BA in Developmental Economics from the University of Wisconsin. Before joining AHEC, Michael served as a Consultant on international education outreach programs for the National Geographic Society and the Smithsonian Associates, and spent several years in Seville, Spain teaching economics courses in English and Spanish for the University of Wisconsin. W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M Friday, October 4 at 10am Judd Johnson is Managing Editor for Hardwood Market Report, the industry’s leading publisher of North American hardwood pricing and market information since 1922. He joined the company in 1994 as Associate Editor. Judd has extensive experience in the hardwood industry. Having worked summers during college for a consulting forester and then completing the National Hardwood Lumber Association Inspection Training School, his career began in the hardwood industry in 1976 as a lumber inspector. Since then, his work encompasses primary manufacturing, processing, purchasing and sales of hardwood lumber, and secondary manufacturing of hardwood dimension, components, furniture, and flooring. J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 17 SPECIAL EVENTS 2013 NHLA CONVENTION SPECIAL EVENTS NHLA Welcome Reception The Dallas Cowboys Experience Welcome to Texas Reception. All convention attendees are invited to celebrate the start of the NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase. Join us in the Texas Ballroom to network with fellow attendees. After the Keynote Presentation by Mark A. Williams, AIA Principal of HKS Architects, Designers of the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, buses will load up and depart for a behind the scenes tour of Cowboys Stadium. Cowboys Stadium is more than the home of the Dallas Cowboys; it's a world of facts and figures about the world's largest domed structure, an art museum and a classroom. The things you can do inside Cowboys Stadium are endless and with the Cowboys Stadium Tour, you can experience all of them. Wednesday, October 2 at 6pm Sponsored by Dakota Premium Hardwoods JFK History Tour Thursday, October 3 at 1pm Sponsored by Thompson Appalachian Hardwoods Inc. November 22, 1963...a day that lives in the memory of millions of people around the world. The tour will explore the JFK related sites: Dealey Plaza, the triple underpass, and the former Texas Schoolbook Depository. Sign up and pay for the tour when you complete convention registration. Cost of the tour is $70 per person. INSPECTOR TRAINING SCHOOL ALUMNI RECEPTION Thursday, October 3 at 5pm Sponsored by Cole Hardwood, Inc. Attention graduates of the NHLA Inspector Training School! Please join fellow alumni and friends at the 2013 NHLA Inspector Training School Alumni Reception. The ITS Alumni reception is a much anticipated annual event that continues to get bigger and better every year. Spouse/Guest Open House Friday, October 4 at 10:00am Spouses and guests of this year's convention attendees are invited to meet and greet during an open house, hosted by the NHLA First Lady Amy Heidler. This is a great chance for spouses to mingle with old friends while meeting and making new ones. Suite location will be announced on-site. 18 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W Friday, October 4 at 2:30pm Sponsored by Rossi Group Preregistration is required. Sign up and pay when completing registration. Cost of the tour is $70 per person and includes transportation, beverages on the bus, guided tour with field access and commemorative photo. Texas Hoedown Barbecue, Blue Jeans, Bull Riding & Beverages Friday, October 4 at 7pm Sponsored by Cascade Hardwood, LLC Get ready to Cowboy Up...at this year's closing party, Texas style. Friday night's event includes barbecue, beverages and mechanical bull riding so make sure to pack your favorite pair of jeans! If the bull riding wasn't entertainment enough, The Andy Childs Band will give a high octane performance. (You might remember him from the 2011 Convention or from his recent TV appearance in the drama Nashville.) Preregistration is required. Sign up and pay when completing registration. Cost of this event is $35. Anyone not signed up for full convention registration can attend the closing party for $125. W W W. N H L A .C O M HFF EVENTS HARDWOOD FOREST FOUNDATION FUNDRAISING EVENTS Every year, the NHLA Annual Convention provides the Foundation the opportunity to hold special fundraising events. Your participation in any of the Foundation's convention events helps support forestry education. For more information regarding any of these special fundraising events please contact Crystal Oldham at 901-507-0312 or [email protected] Annual Hardwood Forest Foundation Golf Tournament Wednesday, October 2 at Noon – Tee Time Buses Depart at 11am Presented by Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company With more than $300,000 in cash and prizes up for grabs, this year’s Annual Hardwood Forest Foundation Golf Tournament is set to be one of the biggest yet! The event will be held at the exclusive Ridglea Country Club, located just ten minutes from downtown Fort Worth. The Club offers two of the finest golf facilities in Dallas/Fort Worth. The Foundation’s Annual Golf Tournament will be played on the Family Course or the North Course. Tournaments such as the U.S. Open qualifier, U.S. Amateur qualifier, Texas State Open qualifier and the National Big I tournament have dotted the tournament calendar over the years. Visit www.ridgleacountryclub.com for more information. Registration fees are $175 per person and golf club rental is available. Preregistration is required. Sign-up and pay for this event when you complete Convention registration. A special thanks to the following sponsors for making this event a success! Presenting Sponsor: Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company Beverage Cart Sponsor: U•C Coatings Corporation Lunch Sponsor: Hardwoods Specialty Products Golf Shirt: Newman Lumber Co. Gift Bag: Taylor Lumber, Inc. Closest to the Pin: Atlanta Hardwood Lumber Corp. • Champlain Hardwoods Hole in One: Downes & Reader Lumber Co. • Patrick Lumber Co. • Spellman Hardwoods, Inc. Longest Drive: Abenaki Timber Corporation Tee Sponsors: Classic American Hardwoods • Fred Netterville Lumber Company Hardwood Market Report • Heidler Hardwood Lumber • Highland Hardwoods Sales Inc. Huntersville Hardwoods, Inc. • Kerex, Inc. • Lumbermen's Club of Memphis • Missouri Walnut Northland Corporation • Peladeau Lumber • Ralph Taylor Lumber Co. • Rives & Reynolds Lumber Co., Inc. Sirianni Hardwoods, Inc. • Spartan Forest Products • Sweeney Hardwoods • Thomas & Proetz Lumber Co. USA Woods • W.M. Cramer Lumber Co., Inc. • Walter M. Fields Lumber Co. W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 19 HFF EVENTS Truth About Trees SILENT AUCTION The Hardwood Forest Foundation’s official Spokesperson, Tommy MacDonald will present the Foundation’s Truth About Trees program to approximately 50 local elementary school students. The event is open to all attendees and is a great opportunity to receive a true understanding of the impact Truth About Trees program has on children as it teaches the benefits of harvesting. Upon completion of the presentation, the children will be treated to lunch and enjoy an exclusive tour of Sweeney Hardwoods. Stop by Booth 513 & 515 to preview and bid on this year’s silent auction items. The auction is another fundraising event that helps the Foundation fund forestry education. Donating silent auction items and participating in the bidding is a great way to support the Foundation and have fun at the NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase. Thursday, October 3 at 10:30am Presented by Mitchell Forest Products Ongoing – Booth 513 & 515 Sponsored by Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company Tommy MacDonald Hardwood Forest Foundation Spokesperson, Tommy MacDonald, is an Emmy-Nominated woodworking television show host who is known as one of the best furniture makers of today. MacDonald discovered a passion for woodworking in middle school, where shop classes and an after school program fed his growing love for the craft. In 9th grade, he entered the Blue Hills Regional Vocational Technical High School in Canton, Mass. – his hometown. Twenty years later, he went on to graduate from North Bennet Street School, an internationally renowned craft and trade school in Boston's North End. MacDonald has been featured in Forbes Magazine, Fine Woodworking Magazine, Woodshop News and The Boston Globe. His furniture has been displayed at the Massachusetts Historical Society, the Rhode Island School of Design museum, the Concord Museum and Doric Hall in the Massachusetts State House. HARDWOOD FOREST FOUNDATION 50/50 DRAWING Saturday, October 4 – Texas Hoedown The Hardwood Forest Foundation Annual 50/50 Drawing is a popular event that gets better and larger with each ticket sale, as half of the final pot of money will be awarded to one lucky person. MacDonald recently joined the Foundation’s charge of educating young You could be this year’s lucky winner but only if you purchase a people on the importance of properly managing forests. And he is 50/50 ticket. featured in the organization’s new video version of its flagship program, Truth About Trees. The 50/50 Drawing will take place on Friday, October 4 during the Texas Hoedown. To purchase a ticket, stop by the Hardwood Forest Foundation stand – Booth 513 & 515 or purchase tickets at the official NHLA registration desk and other designated areas. 20 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M “I choose mutual insurance because i know we’re in this together.” Business owners who work with a mutual insurance company have a shared purpose, getting the best coverage and protection available. And mutual insurance delivers because mutuals serve policyholders, not shareholders. Our decisions are always based on what’s best for you and your business. Plus local brokers offer customized solutions for all your business insurance needs. Find out how mutual insurance can work for you. 800.752.1895 | www.plmins.com Member of the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies “Shared purpoSe. Mutual values” TM is a registered trademark of the National association of Mutual Insurance Companies. all rights reserved. © 2012 National association of Mutual Insurance Companies. W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W shAred purpose. mutual values.™ 21 MEET THE PRESENTING SPONSOR MAKING YOUR INSURANCE PROGRAM WORK FOR YOU IN TODAY’S COMPETITIVE BUSINESS WORLD With the prolonged economic downturn in the forest products industry, everyone is looking for ways to improve their bottom line results. From automation to enhanced distribution systems to strategic partnerships, the landscape has changed drastically over the last decade. While business will never stay the same, one area that has remained a constant throughout this tumultuous time has been the commitment of Lumbermen’s Underwriting Alliance (LUA) to the NHLA membership. For over 108 years, our Company has placed a high value on the long-term partnerships we have established throughout the industry. We have remained committed to the same tenet for over a century now: “To promote the industry and earn the continued trust of the businesses we serve”. While there are many challenges to be faced daily within the forest products community, LUA is proud and honored to be a part of such a wonderful organization as NHLA. As the Annual Convention draws near, I want to take this opportunity to briefly describe the NHLA/LUA’s Value in Partnership Program (VIP). For those of you who are new members and may not be familiar with the program, the following information explains a few of its highlights. For the 8th consecutive year, this exclusive program offers NHLA members, who have their property insurance with LUA, the opportunity to earn up to a 10 percent return, based on the group’s overall loss results. This dividend is paid annually to each active member, if the target loss ratio is achieved. Additionally, you can become part of the Program at any time throughout the calendar year simply by placing your insurance program with LUA. Since you can access our program through your local agent, there is no need to change your trusted advisor to become a part of it. By joining, you will also have immediate access to our highly experienced safety and loss control services along with our knowledgeable in-house property claims adjusting staff. I recognize that you may already have your insurance with another lumber niche carrier and ask why you should choose the LUA program instead. There are several good reasons. First, the NHLA Board of Managers has officially endorsed LUA as its approved property insurance carrier for the past 8 years. We are very humbled by this endorsement and will continue to earn it by providing our insureds with solid underwriting practices and careful attention to loss prevention. Second, since the program’s inception LUA has paid nearly $1,000,000 in dividends to the NHLA members involved with the VIP program! That is a measurable return on your insurance dollars that can greatly reduce the overall cost of your insurance program. Finally, LUA has been providing customized property insurance programs to the hardwood industry for over a century! Our knowledge and expertise, in assisting you and your agent with all aspects of your program are second to none when it comes to understanding the unique exposures common to your operation. In closing, let me say that I am optimistic about the opportunities that lie just around the corner for our industry. We have all faced adversity but the future is filled with unlimited potential. I look forward to spending time with all of you in Ft. Worth and to sharing additional information concerning the NHLA/LUA’s Value in Partnership Program. Sincerely, Wil Nance Senior Vice President Operations Lumbermen’s Underwriting Alliance 22 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M FINDING THE RIGHT P&C INSURER SHOULDN’T TEAR YOU TO PIECES. Our long-time experience in the forest products industry supplies protection that’s a cut above the norm. After all, we’ve provided this kind of specialty-risk coverage for more than a century. During that time, our in-depth experience and careful assessment has resulted in P&C policies based on actual risks. It’s a strategy that worked well when we began in 1905, and one that should continue to work well for centuries to come. So count on us to carve out the perfect solution for all your P&C needs. For more information, call 1.855.300.1905 or visit www.LUA.cc Presenting Sponsor 2013 NHLA Convention & Exhibit Showcase Visit LUA @ Booth 112 W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 23 MEET THE SPONSORS MEET THE SPONSORS *as of June 1 WALNUT LEVEL Cascade Hardwood LLC Friday Night Texas Hoedown Dakota Premium Hardwoods Wednesday Welcome Reception & Convention Mobile App Industrial Timber & Lumber Thursday Opening Session with Keynote Speaker, Roger Staubach Rossi Group Friday General Session with Keynote Speaker, Mark A. Williams & Dallas Cowboys Experience Tour Cherry Level Sponsor Baillie Lumber Co. On-Site Event Guide Cole Hardwood, Inc. Thursday Inspector Training School Alumni Reception Inter-State Hardwoods 2013 NHLA Convention Attendee Registration Bag MAPLE LEVEL Atlanta Hardwood Corp. 2013 Convention Name Badge Lanyard Matson Lumber Co. Key Card Packet SII Dry Kilns Co-Sponsor of the Thursday Opening Session Continental Breakfast TMX Shipping Company 2013 NHLA Convention Website U•C Coatings Corp. Co-Sponsor of the Thursday Opening Session Continental Breakfast Red Oak Level Sponsor Downes & Reader Hardwood Co., Inc. Convention Bag Insert Thompson Appalachian Hardwoods, Inc. Thursday JKF History Tour Thompson Hardwoods, Inc. Educational Seminar W.M Cramer Lumber Convention Bag Insert Swaner Hardwood Company Convention Bag Insert 24 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 25 MAP OF THE EXHIBITORS 26 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M EXHIBITOR LISTING as of June 1 507 A.W. STILES CONTRACTOR 402 ACES DIVISION OF KUEHNE + NAGEL, INC. 509 AMERICAN HARDWOOD INDUSTRIES 104 AMERICAN WOOD DRYERS, INC. 304 BABCOCK LUMBER CO. 408 BB&T INSURANCE SERVICES FOREST PRODUCTS PRACTICE 407 BLUE BOOK SERVICES, INC. 510 BREEZE DRIED, INC. 122 BREWCO INC. 120 BRUNNER-HILDEBRAND LUMBER DRY KILN CO. 118 C.S. INDUSTRIES, LLC 315 CASCADE HARDWOOD, LLC 505 CHERRY FOREST PRODUCTS 201 COLLINS COMPANIES 511 CONNOR & GALLAGHER INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. 508 COOL CAT APPS, INC. 302 CORLEY MANUFACTURING CO. 215DMSi 406 DUNAVANT GLOBAL LOGISTICS GROUP 502/504 Elimbs 409 EPICOR Software corporation 401/403 FORESTRY SYSTEMS, INC. 205 FROEDGE MACHINE & SUPPLY CO. 312 GOODFELLOW, INC. 312 HARDWOOD FEDERATION 513/515 HARDWOOD FOREST FOUNDATION 506 INTERGLOBO MORRA N. A., INC. 412 ISIS WOOD PRODUCT SOLUTIONS 414 ISK BIOCIDES, INC. 124 THE JACOBS TEAM 309 JIM C HAMER CO. 305KILN-DIRECT.COM 501 LICO MACHINERY, INC. 307 LONZA WOOD PROTECTION, INC. 112 LUMBERMEN'S UNDERWRITING ALLIANCE 404 McDONOUGH MANUFACTURING CO. 404 MISSOURI WALNUT, LLC 306 MJB WOOD GROUP, INC. 110 NATIONAL HARDWOOD LUMBER ASSOCIATION 415 NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE 300 NORTHLAND CORPORATION 512 THE OLIVER LUMBER CO. OF TORONTO, LTD. 503 OSI MACHINERIE 514 PENNSYLVANIA LUMBERMENS MUTUAL 203 PIKE LUMBER CO., INC. 114 SII DRY KILNS 314 STRINGER INDUSTRIES, INC. 106/108 T.S. MANUFACTURING COMPANY 128 TAYLOR LUMBER, INC. 405 TIMBER PRODUCTS INSPECTION, INC. 126 TMX SHIPPING 303 TRADETEC COMPUTER SYSTEMS, LTD. 500 U•C COATINGS CORPORATION 301/400USNR 116 WOOD-MIZER, LLC W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 27 MEET THE EXHIBITORS MEET THE EXHIBITORS * as of June 1 A.W. STILES CONTRACTOR BOOTH 507 We are dry kiln, predryer, walnut steamer, and steam piping specialists. Roof replacements, doors, controls, fan decks, fan wall modifications, power vent applications, heating coil replacements, protective coatings, energy efficient improvements, etc., we do it all. We focus on repair and retrofitting of existing equipment more so than new installations. However, we do have the knowledge, experience, and man power to supply new equipment when the opportunities arise. In addition to updating existing equipment and new installations, current market conditions have influenced kiln and boiler relocations. We’ll be happy to look at relocating equipment from other facilities to your yard. Contact: Tommy Stiles by phone: 931-668-8768 or cell phone: 931-808-9214. www.awstilescontractors.com 28 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W ACES DIVISION OF KUEHNE + NAGEL, INC. BOOTH 402 ACES - Division of Kuehne + Nagel, is the dedicated forest-product solutions unit of Kuehne + Nagel, one of the world’s leading logistics companies and the global No. 1 seafreight forwarder. We have more than 125 years’ experience in specialized transportation management for the forest product market -from timber to pulp to paper. KN’s dedicated, experienced staff specializes in friendly service and customized solutions, focused on you and your business and providing IT-based supply chain management services. Worldwide reach via Kuehne + Nagel’s global network of 1000+ offices in 100 countries, staffed by more than 63,000 logistics specialist and linked by a single, global operational system, which supports KN Login, a browser-based application providing you with easy on-line access tracking and tracing across your supply chain 24/7/365. W W W. N H L A .C O M MEET THE EXHIBITORS AMERICAN HARDWOOD INDUSTRIES BOOTH 509 American Hardwood Industries (AHI), formerly Augusta Lumber, is headquartered in Waynesboro, Virginia. The company is a leading supplier of hardwood logs, lumber and flooring both in the United States and abroad. Founded in 1955, AHI is a vertically-integrated supplier that includes 10 sawmills with a total capacity of 130 million board feet, 5 kiln locations with a total annual kiln dried capacity of 65 million board feet, and sells its products under the Augusta, Blue Triangle, and Graham Lumber brand names. AHI also operates a high quality flooring plant which manufactures pre-finished flooring under the Montebello Flooring brand name. Please visit the company’s web site www.ahiwood.com for more information. AMERICAN WOOD DRYERS, INC. BOOTH 104 American Wood Dryers All-Aluminum kilns are famous the world over for their quality and efficiency. With hundreds of kilns in operation in 19 countries they are one of the largest manufacturers of dry kilns in the world. Headquartered in Clackamas, Ore., American Wood Dryers has representatives in Harrisburg, Penn., Orange Park, Fla. and Portland, Ore. Building a reputation…not resting on one! www.drykilns.com BABCOCK LUMBER CO. BOOTH 304 Babcock Lumber Company, whose hardwood lumber division is based in Champion, Penn., in the heart of prime Appalachian hardwood country, is one of the oldest family-owned hardwood lumber companies in the United States. Founded in 1887, Babcock was the largest hardwood lumber company in the world by the early 1900s, cutting more than 400,000 board feet of lumber each day. Today, there are seven locations around Pennsylvania, Alabama, Ohio, New York, West Virginia and Florida. The 30 acre headquarters in Champion, Penn. has a concentration yard with 750,000 board feet of dry kiln capacity on sight and an additional 550,000’ being custom kiln dried. The company produces 4/4 through 8/4 thickness in Red Oak, Poplar, White Oak, Cherry, Ash and 4/4 Maple, Hickory and Walnut. Babcock handles both export and domestic sales in KD rough lumber, surfaced, dimension and stair parts. BB&T INSURANCE SERVICES FOREST PRODUCTS PRACTICE BOOTH 408 BB&T Insurance Services - National Forest Products Practice offers a comprehensive risk management program specifically designed for the forest products industry. Our consultative approach differentiates us from other brokers focusing on the industry. We listen to our clients; understand their industry, their issues and what’s important to them, while delivering world class service that exceeds all expectations. Our team’s experience and knowledge of the forest products industry allows us to develop and implement unique risk management strategies and deliver quantifiable results that reduce our clients total cost of risk. To learn more about the BB&T Insurance Services – National Forest Products Practice give us a call at 877-270-5270. W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M BLUE BOOK SERVICES, INC. BOOTH 407 Blue Book Services is the industry’s source for credit and marketing information about companies that buy hardwood and softwood, including secondary manufacturers, wholesalers, industrial accounts and retail lumber yards. Subscribers have unlimited access to Blue Book’s comprehensive online database to find new accounts. Company pay indicators and in-depth business reports identify a company’s recent pay history. As demand for lumber increases, Blue Book Services is a dependable and affordable solution to reduce credit risk and find new accounts. BREEZE DRIED, INC. BOOTH 510 Breeze Dried Inc. is your number one source for purchasing the genuine legal Breeze Dried stacking stick. The unique design of the Breeze Dried lumber drying lathe was invented by David Townsend and remains under patent protection in Canada, the United States and Europe. The Breeze Dried lathe design provides for superior air flow through lumber in the drying process whether in the yard or in kilns. Using Breeze Dried patented sticks will: • Reduce or eliminate sticker stain • Reduce kiln-drying costs • Improve lift stability and yard safety It has been estimated that the Breeze Dried lathe has resulted in cost savings of $250 million in the North American lumber industry – make sure your company is realizing these savings! Order your Breeze Dried sticks today. For more information or to order the genuine legal product, please visit Booth 510 during the 2013 NHLA Convention, visit www.breezedried.com or call our office at 519-842-6841. BREWCO, INC. BOOTH 122 Brewco Incorporated specializes in thin-kerf horizontal resaws. Our flagship system, the B-1600 Horizontal Resaw System uses a 2" wide band to saw high quality grade lumber. Using a 2" wide band eliminates the need for an expensive filing room. Mills with circle headrigs best benefit with the B-1600 by gaining 17% to 25% more lumber yield out of each log. Mills with band headrigs benefit not only by an increase in production but also by eliminating expensive lines on their headsaws. Stop by Booth 122 or you may visit us online at www.brewcoinc.com or call 800-237-6880. BRUNNER-HILDEBRAND LUMBER DRY KILN CO. BOOTH 120 Brunner Hildebrand with an office in Nashville, Tenn. has more than 50 years experience in dry kilns and more than 15,000 kilns have been sold worldwide. Conventional dry kilns are available from 2,000bft up to 150,000bft timber capacity. We also deliver High Vac vacuum dryers that offer quick drying times, high quality results and low energy costs. Steaming Chambers, Firewood Kilns, Heat Treaters and Kiln Components for self made kiln buildings are available as well. All systems are computer controlled, with modem connection to the nearest Hildebrand service station. Please see our video on www.brunner-hildebrand.com/GREENKILNS. J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 29 MEET THE EXHIBITORS C.S. INDUSTRIES, LLC BOOTH 118 C.S. Industries, LLC is the exclusive importer and North American distributing agent for Innovative Wood Technology (IWT) Moldrup and EBI Electric. Moldrup is the world’s leader in Wood Protection application equipment and have more than 1,000 installations worldwide of pressure treating plants for traditional softwoods as well as hardwood ties. We specialize in complete turnkey plants for Hydro-Thermo Wood treatment for hardwoods. EBI manufactures the special line of Vision Scanners, specifically designed for hardwood flooring manufacturing. Of special interest to the hardwood producer is the new process of Hydro-Thermo treatment and our latest generation Inspector B flooring scanner. Stop by our booth to learn more details. www.csi-llc.com. CASCADE HARDWOOD, LLC BOOTH 315 Cascade Hardwood Group, a major producer of top quality alder, and Pacific Coast maple has over 50 years of experience. Our company is known worldwide for consistency and dependability of supply. We offer KD S2S alder in a wide range of grades, and thicknesses from 4/4" through 12/4", Pacific Coast maple in 4/4" through 8/4". All Cascade Hardwood production has FSC Certification available on demand. Port Angeles Hardwood also operates as a member of Cascade Hardwood Group, and brings some specialty products to the market, including 12', and 8'3" products. Together these mills are a leading supplier to the U.S. distribution market, with unsurpassed customer support and loyalty. We are also a major producer of hardwood precut pallet components, including notched stringers. Cascade Hardwood Group is a member of the National Hardwood Lumberman’s Association, Indiana Hardwood Lumberman’s Association and American Tree Farm Association. Please visit our web site at www.cascadehardwood.com or see us in Fort Worth at Booth #315 or contact us at 800-228-3065 or [email protected]. WE ARE YOUR SINGLE SOURCE SOLUTION. From domestic transportation to international logistics, we are driven to provide superior customer service and get your needs squared away quickly. Visit us in Booth #406 at the NHLA Annual Convention in September. 888.955.3547 30 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W DUNAVANT.COM W W W. N H L A .C O M BOOTH 505 What makes Cherry Forest Products unique from other hardwood suppliers is that we control all aspects of the business from the time the trees are harvested through kiln drying, dimensional processing and shipment. This enables us to remain consistent in our supply and delivery of our hardwood products while providing excellent color and size specifications demanded today by our customers. •Logging/Saw Mill Division •Kiln-drying / Walnut Steamers •Warehouse Facility •Dimensional Products •Pulled to Width Sorting Lines •Veneer Division •New State-of-the-Art Computerized Rip Line With over 150 full time employees and a facility of over 75 acres, our growth has been possible thanks to the long term relationships we have formed with our customers. Continuous re-investment into our facility along with our dedicated employees ensures that CFP is a solid intelligent choice as your partner for the long term. COLLINS COMPANIES BOOTH 201 Headquartered in Portland, Oregon and family-owned since 1855, the Collins Companies produces high quality wood products including, hardwoods, millwork, pine particleboard, softwoods, veneer logs, engineered wood siding and trim. Collins also features a full line of FSC-certified wood products. A champion of sustainable practices and protecting the integrity of the total forest ecosystem on their landholdings, which cover more than 314,000 acres, Collins upholds their long-standing commitment to land and resource stewardship. Collins divisions are located in: Kane, Penn., Richwood, W.Va., Chester, Cal., Boardman, Lakeview and Klamath Falls, Ore. ,447,38 S6 6 CHERRY FOREST PRODUCTS GET THE SCP EDGE U MEET THE EXHIBITORS SELF-CENTERING PLANER • MAKES OPTIMAL USE OF EVERY SINGLE BOARD • ENSURES 100% THICKNESS ACCURACY OF ALL WORK PIECES • MAXIMIZES RAW MATERIAL YIELD, DECREASES COSTS, AND INCREASES OVERALL PRODUCT QUALITY Direct opposing heads GET SMART ON SAWING SMARTKUT • FAST AND ACCURATE CUTS • LEAVES NO MARKS • CAN PROCESS SHORT PIECES • HEAVY-DUTY DESIGN CONNOR & GALLAGHER INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. BOOTH 511 Many wood product business owners have been faced with the hardships of increasing premiums and large deductibles over the last few years. At Connor & Gallagher we have developed relationships with many markets that participate in our Pallet and Wood product insurance program. With many carriers dropping out of the wood product industries over the past few years we are striving to become the leader in wood product insurance. We have developed an expertise of what carriers are looking for to make pallet and wood accounts more attractive in the marketplace. We have come up with a strategic partnership for each of our clients to keep costs down. We offer competitive solutions for property, liability, auto, workers compensation and umbrella insurance. The program can accommodate local to long haul transportation, heavy manufacturing, and many types of property risk from non sprinklered operations to saw mills. W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M • CAN PROCESS CUT SOLUTIONS FROM SCANNER, MANUAL MARKER, OR PRINTER MARKS • OVERHEAD BLADE OSI is an authorized distributor for the CRIQ’s scanner technology, the SAGE X2. 2510, 98e Rue Saint-Georges QC G6A 1E4 CANADA T: 418 228-6868 Toll-free: 1 877 228-6868 BRAIN POWER PRODUCTIVITY osimachine.qc.ca J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 31 MEET THE EXHIBITORS COOL CAT APPS, INC. BOOTH 508 Cool Cat Apps Inc. is helping loggers, sawmills, and dry kilns save time and money by bringing the power and simplicity of the iPhone® and iPod touch® to the hardwood industry. Their first app, Pack Tally, lets you perform end tallies quicker and easier than any other hand-held currently on the market. It tracks your entire pack inventory and allows you to create reports and print and email them wirelessly. With plans to develop a log scaler and other hardwood apps and a dedication to continually improve all of their products, Cool Cat Apps is committed to your future. CORLEY MANUFACTURING CO. BOOTH 302 For over 100 years Corley has supplied rugged up to date, dependable machinery to the sawmill industry and backed it up with fast reliable service. Since 1905, we have focused our efforts exclusively on serving sawmillers. This experience has enabled Corley and our subsidiary Lewis Controls, to develop sawmill machinery and optimization that is uniquely suited to your needs. Our product line includes carriages, band mills, Tyrone carriage drives, log turners, horizontal and line bar resaws, edgers, gangs, trimmers, log and lumber handling equipment, carriage, edger, and gang optimizers, custom machine controls and “turn-key” sawmills. www.corleymfg.com. DMSi BOOTH 215 A long-standing NHLA member, DMSi Software is focused on serving the hardwood lumber industry with our Agility business software system. Agility’s functionality for the hardwood lumber industry includes end tally interfaces, mobile wireless applications, barcode tagging, remanufacturing, unlimited units of measure, integrated viewers, freight/dispatch accounting, drop ships, mill system integration, freight/fuel surcharge management, accurate costing, and air-tight inventory control. Hardwood lumber concentration yards, distributors and manufacturers interested in improving asset management, streamlining business processes, and increasing customer satisfaction are encouraged to visit DMSi at the NHLA Annual Convention, Booth #215. For more information on DMSi Software, call 402-330-6620, email [email protected] or visit www.dmsi.com. DUNAVANT GLOBAL LOGISTICS GROUP BOOTH 406 With more than 50 years of achievements in global supply chain management, Dunavant specializes in delivering global logistics, distribution, freight and consulting services for a range of industries, including hardwood lumber. Our experience has allowed us to meet stringent standards for safety, performance, service and quality assurance. Combining smart technology with global supply chain expertise, Dunavant is uniquely qualified to solve and manage complex problems for any channel of distribution needed in the hardwood lumber industry. Hardwood lumber companies seeking more efficient, viable solutions for their transportation and logistics needs are welcome to visit Dunavant at the NHLA Annual Convention, Booth #406. For more information on Dunavant, visit Dunavant.com or call 888-955-3547. eLIMBS BOOTH 502-504 eLIMBS is the hardwood industry’s premier provider of Lumber and Logging Inventory and Handheld Computer Systems. eLIMBS Handhelds are the best of breed solution for tracking hardwood from timber cruising through lumber yard processing: Receiving, Chain Tally, Automated Vendor Inspection Analysis, Inventory Management, Kiln Management, Order Picking, End Tally, Shipping. The eLIMBS Intelligence System provides seamless integration with the industry’s leading inventory, sales and accounting systems. eLIMBS Complete Inventory System provides real-time tracking and management of inventory, with access to current inventory information available in-yard, on our handhelds. eLIMBS offers on-site training, system customization and the industry’s best customer service. 32 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M MEET THE EXHIBITORS The Height of Technology EPICOR SOFTWARE CORPORATION BOOTH 409 Epicor Software Corporation is a global leader delivering inspired business software solutions to the manufacturing, distribution, retail and services industries. With over 40 years of experience servicing small, midmarket and larger enterprises, Epicor has more than 20,000 customers in over 150 countries. Epicor enterprise resource planning (ERP), retail management, supply chain management (SCM), and human capital management (HCM) software enable companies to drive increased efficiency and improve profitability. With a history of innovation, industry expertise and passion for excellence, Epicor provides the single point of accountability that local, regional and global businesses demand. For more information, visit www.epicor.com. FORESTRY SYSTEMS, INC. BOOTH 401-403 Forestry Systems in the largest provider of hand held and office solutions to the hardwood industry. With over 800 installations Forestry Systems has the name and reputation business owners can trust for their office solutions needs. Since our first NHLA show in 1987, Forestry Systems has stood by your industry year after year and with the past recession behind us we are the only solutions provider who can grow as your company’s needs do. Our competitors simply cannot compete. Call today and find out more: 800-868-2559. The most Progressive Total Business Solution in the Hardwood Industry. FROEDGE MACHINE & SUPPLY CO. BOOTH 205 The control of lumber is more important today than ever before. Systems which are consistent, dependable and accurate have become increasingly important in the environment we operate in today. Having a smooth system that keeps the operator concentrating on the process is required in order to achieve profitability. Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc. provides systems that focus on labor savings, production increases and data collection. Examples are: Green Lumber Stackers, Inbound Talleys, Trimmer Optimizers, Planer Feed Systems, Rip Yield Systems, Packaging Systems and Destick operations. Call 270-487-5891 or visit us online at www.froedge.com or stop by our booth at the NHLA Convention. NEW TURBO 7 BLADE BOOST PERFORMANCE This unique, agressive profile gives high horsepower sawmills a blade with a bigger bite. 800.522.5760 woodmizer.com/blades Copyright 2013, Wood-Mizer LLC When you think of wood, think of us. GOODFELLOW, INC. BOOTH 312 Since 1898, Goodfellow Inc. has been a mainstay in the hardwood lumber business. With a 5 million BF kiln capacity and a continuous inventory over 10 million BF, Goodfellow, Inc. is ready to meet your specific needs. With the recent addition of a large walnut steamer and specialty White Oak kilns, Goodfellow Inc. now has a complete package of specialty hardwoods. Goodfellow Inc. has 14 distribution centers coast to coast. Full service milling offered with post milling sorts to serve you. Goodfellow, Inc. specializes in width sorted programs to satisfy your most precise needs. A full line of exotics always on the shelf to complete your loads. Goodfellow Inc., the Elephant since 1898. W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M Atlanta, GA Huntersville, NC Cleveland, GA Crystal Spring, PA Clarksville, TN Birmingham, AL 800-476-5393 www.hardwoodweb.com J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 33 MEET THE EXHIBITORS HARDWOOD FEDERATION BOOTH 413 The Hardwood Federation (HF) coordinates industry policy positions to ensure a unified voice on legislation impacting hardwood businesses. HF is the largest DC-based hardwood industry trade association, representing thousands of hardwood businesses in every state in the U.S. and acting as the industry’s advocacy voice on Capitol Hill. It is an umbrella organization representing the majority of trade associations engaged in the manufacturing, wholesaling, or distribution of North American hardwood lumber, veneer, plywood, flooring, and related products. Stop by our booth so that we can discuss the current state of the hardwood industry and how we can help it on Capitol Hill. www.hardwoodfederation.com. HARDWOOD FOREST FOUNDATION BOOTH 513-515 Created in 1989 by NHLA, the Hardwood Forest Foundation is a non-profit educational resource. Its goal is to teach the public about trees, forests and the importance of sustainable forest management and eliminate any misconceptions of the forest products industry through education. To meet this goal, the Foundation relies on the support of individuals, organizations and corporations. Every year, the NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase provides the Foundation the opportunity to hold special fundraising events including the Hardwood Forest Foundation Annual Golf Tournament, 50/50 Drawing and Silent Auction. Please stop by the Foundation’s booth to purchase 50/50 Tickets, preview and bid on Silent Auction items and possibly meet the Foundation’s new Spokesperson, Emmy-Nominated television show host and woodworker Tommy MacDonald! INTERGLOBO MORRA N. A., INC. BOOTH 506 Interglobo is an Italian, privately owned international freight forwarding company. It has maintained its headquarters in Genova, Italy and offices and warehouses in Milan, Sassuolo and Rivalta Scrivia. Over the years, it has strengthened its presence worldwide with particular concentration in North America, Asia and South America for import and export. In the last twenty years, Interglobo has opened offices in New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzen Hochiminh City, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Jakarta, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Lima, Peru; Santiago, Chile; and Antwerp. At the same time it also carefully established a worldwide network of professional partners and exclusive agents in other major countries to better serve its clientele door to door and handling storage and distribution of overweight goods. www.interglobo.it ISIS WOOD PRODUCT SOLUTIONS BOOTH 412 ISIS together with its data collection partners offers the hardwood industry’s only true hardwood inventory/sales and production solution. Call us and we will show you why we can make this claim. ISIS supplies complete end-to-end inventory/sales and production systems for hardwood manufacturing companies. Our customers include hardwood sawmills, concentration yards, as well as secondary wood manufacturers such as remanufacturers, moulding & millwork companies. Some of the NHLA members who are also customers of ISIS include: Matson Lumber Company, Gutchess Lumber, Taylor Lumber, J T Shannon and Cascade Hardwood. ISK BIOCIDES, INC. BOOTH 414 ISK Biocides, Inc. is a company which specializes in a wide range of wood protection products, i.e. sapstain control on newly cut timbers/lumber and preservative coatings for log homes. Our personnel are well-trained and qualified to assist lumber producers in solving mold related issues on newly cut lumber, pallets and log homes. Our people and products are our strengths. THE JACOBS TEAM BOOTH 124 The Jacobs Team was started nearly 50 years ago by former NFL defensive quarterback, Harry Jacobs. Today, the firm consults with family owned private businesses in the areas of business succession, team building, risk management and investment strategies. The firm brings “ENERGY” in longterm relationships and helps stakeholders manage the process of smoothly transferring ownership in tax-efficient ways that ensure the future interests of the retiring principals, the new ownership and the enterprise. JIM C HAMER CO. BOOTH 309 West Virginia is singularly blessed in that only her borders fall entirely within the Appalachian producing region. Ideal elevation, rainfall, climate and soil conditions support a timber-base that is second to none. The Jim C. Hamer Company owns and manages timberland, sawmills and dry kilns within the great state of West Virginia. Lumber sawn at our modern band-mills is generous in thickness and offers outstanding lengths, widths, color uniformity and texture. We produce and sell both green and kiln dried lumber. We offer many services to our customers, the least of which is four-generations of experience and “know-how.” Why don’t you stop by? We hope to see you in Fort Worth. Contact us at the Kenova, WV office at 304-453-6381, Jack Hatfield Ext. 113 or [email protected]. www.jimchamer.com. KILN-DIRECT.COM BOOTH 305 Kiln-direct is a leading manufacturer of small to mid-size drying and HT kilns for lumber, pallets, and firewood. Small lumber kiln with 9,000-21,000 BF capacity is delivered in one single unit and mid-sized/modular lumber kilns with 25,000-40,000 BF capacity to be placed on a raised concrete wall. Small complete kilns and Mid-sized modular designs offer the latest control technology with wireless communication; all aluminum/SS construction; easier installation of single unit; easier relocation plus our service. LICO MACHINERY, INC. BOOTH 501 Lico Machinery Inc. specializes in the conception and fabrication of equipment adapted for sawmills, flooring plants and other secondary transformation application. Lico is known for its capacity to propose innovative solutions that are adapted to meet the needs of the client. Most known for its high-speed ripsaws, edger optimizers and resaw systems. Stop by Booth 501 during the NHLA Convention and discuss with us in person the variety of services that will help make your business more profitable. www.licoinc.net For more information about ISIS please contact us at: 866-878-8809 or [email protected]. www.isiswood.com 34 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M MEET THE EXHIBITORS Lonza WOOD PROTECTION, INC. BOOTH 307 Lonza Wood Protection manufactures AntiBlu® wood protection products to prevent the growth of mold and the appearance of sapstain on logs, lumber and other wood products. Lonza also provides technical service to ensure effective use of its products. The AntiBlu® line includes mold control, defoamers, brighteners, borates, fungicides, and insecticides. Lonza Wood Protection is a major producer of pressure treatments, and licenses the production of such respected brands as Wolmanized® wood and Dricon® fire retardant treated wood. www.AntiBlu.com McDONOUGH MANUFACTURING CO. BOOTH 404 The leading manufacturer of heavy-duty & custom band-sawing & board edging equipment for hardwood sawmills and secondary plants since 1888. Specializing in headrigs, carriages, resaws, board edgers & gangs (optimized & conventional), engineering services, parts and service. McDonough now has our New Resaw MAXX Infeed System installed and commissioned on both vertical and horizontal resaws, maximizing throughput through the system. Come by our booth to see a video and get more information. MISSOURI WALNUT, LLC LUMBERMEN'S UNDERWRITING ALLIANCE BOOTH 112 LUA is a specialty risk insurer providing tailored coverage to the forest products industry since 1905. Fostering a long-term relationship with NHLA, we are pleased to offer members the ability to earn up to a 10% return on their property premium through the Value in Partnership program. LUA is honored to continue its ninth year tradition as the Presenting Sponsor of the NHLA Annual Convention and Exhibit Showcase. This opportunity to serve the forest products industry is just one of the many ways LUA continually proves its commitment to its policyholders. We are now able to be accessed by your current broker. Please stop by the booth for more details. BOOTH 209 Founded in 2002, Missouri Walnut is a family owned business located in Southwest Missouri. We focus exclusively on producing the finest Black Walnut lumber on the market today. With over three generations of experience in the manufacturing and processing of Black walnut, we have a long standing tradition of excellence. We pride ourselves on consistently supplying our customers all over the world with the best product available. Contact us at 417-455-0972 or [email protected] or [email protected] or www.missouriwalnut.com. integrity THE BAILLIE PEOPLE... MAKING A DIFFERENCE AROUND THE WORLD SINCE 1923 THROUGH DEDICATION TO QUALITY, SERVICE AND DELIVERY baillie.com www. your SINGLE SOURCE HARDWOODS ...for the world’s PHONE : W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M 4002 L EGION D RIVE / H AMBURG , N EW Y ORK 14075 USA 716.649.2850 / 800.950.2850 / FAX : 716.649.2811 / EMAIL : INFO @BAILLIE. COM J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 35 MEET THE EXHIBITORS MJB WOOD GROUP, INC. BOOTH 306 MJB Wood Group manufactures and distributes industrial wood products throughout North America, Asia and Europe, specializing in panel products, hardwood and softwood lumber, millwork, and components for the fixture, furniture and cabinet industries. We source globally and offer solutions that provide our customers with real time visibility to their supply chains. MJB also offers an on-site vendor managed inventory program (VOS) that allows our customers to have the assurance of inventory on hand without the capital investment. At MJB, we connect people, products and technology, through innovation and expertise, to enhance the profitability of our customers. NATIONAL HARDWOOD LUMBER ASSOCIATION BOOTH 110 The National Hardwood Lumber Association would like to welcome everyone to the 2013 NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase. NHLA was founded in 1898 to establish a uniform system of grading Rules for the measurement and inspection of hardwood lumber. Today, NHLA continues that legacy and is the world's largest and oldest hardwood industry association. NHLA staff will be available throughout the convention to answer questions and provide information regarding membership, education, inspection services and the convention itself. Please make a point to stop by the NHLA booth during the show! NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE BOOTH 415 National Hardwood Magazine is the leading trade publication helping suppliers in the forest products industry target buyers who purchase 50,000’ of 2 Common & Better lumber a year, with the exception of flooring plants that buy large volumes of 2 and 3A. National Hardwood Magazine distributes 5,000 issues per month, and, on a rotating basis, reaches a mailing list of more than 11,000 industry firms. The circulation is targeting all types of woodworking plants, distribution/ concentration yards, wholesalers, and sawmills. Since 1927, we have helped Hardwood suppliers create an effective marketing program to improve sales throughout North America. Suppliers also use our sister publications to market their products to buyers of forest products worldwide. We can help you develop an effective marketing program to develop your sales domestically or internationally. National Hardwood Magazine may also be read online at www.nationalhardwoodmag.com. NORTHLAND CORPORATION BOOTH 300 Northland Corporation dries high quality hardwood lumber with strict attention to detail so we can provide you the quality and service you expect. We service the domestic and international markets. We have a comprehensive inventory that enables you to fill in your out of stock items. Mixed T/LS is our specialty. We stock ash, alder, basswood, beech, birch, Aromatic cedar, cherry, hickory, sapele, genuine mahogany, poplar and walnut. We steam our own walnut. We have 3 locations to serve you: Collinwood, Tenn.; LaGrange, Ky. and Montreal, Canada. Please stop by our Booth #300 during the show to see how we can better serve you. 36 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W THE OLIVER LUMBER CO. OF TORONTO, LTD. BOOTH 512 Oliver Lumber originated in Toronto in 1872, at the foot of Spadina Road, and was owned by one of the former mayors of Toronto, Thomas Oliver. Oliver Lumber quickly became the largest lumber company of its kind in Canada, serving customers all over North America. The Oliver Lumber office and warehouses are now located west of Toronto on highway 401 in Campbellville, Ontario. The new operation stocks over 15 million board feet of top quality domestic and exotic hardwoods, softwoods, and panel products from all over the world. The Oliver Lumber mills, drying facilities and distribution centers are all supplying the Oliver warehouses with a just-in-time service from their numerous locations. At Oliver we are committed to customer satisfaction. It doesn't matter if your order is small or large, we can fill it - in any combination of thicknesses, grades, lengths or species. Oliver is also committed to prompt, reliable delivery. The bottom line is that Oliver Lumber stands behind every order we fill, and that is a commitment that made sense in 1872 and it still makes sense today. OSI MACHINERIE BOOTH 503 At OSI Machinerie we are committed to delivering high-end solutions to help you continuously deliver value to your customers. We design wood processing equipment that is robust, yet easy to use. Offering a razorsharp precision, second-to-none, our intelligent equipment also helps to maximize your production efficiency and optimize your resources. Our self-centering planer, a market first, makes optimal use of every single board, significantly reducing waste. It will remove the same thickness on both material surfaces. Its concept eliminates jamming and profit-gouging downtimes. Reach us on the web at: www.osimachine.qc.ca or by phone at 418-228-6868 or by email at: [email protected]. PENNSYLVANIA LUMBERMENS MUTUAL BOOTH 514 PLM specializes in Property and Casualty insurance for the lumber, woodworking and building material industries. We offer competitive rates, loss control programs and prompt claims response and handling. We are financially strong and carry an A.M. Best rating of A- (Excellent). For more information visit our booth or contact us at 800-752-1895. PIKE LUMBER CO., INC. BOOTH 203 Pike Lumber Company has the resources to deliver quality hardwoods. Our university trained foresters sustainably manage the diverse mix of timber species found in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio to continuously supply our 3 modern sawmills. This recipe allows Pike to stock one of the broadest inventories of hardwood lumber (4/4 -16/4) in the industry: ASH BASSWOOD CHERRY HARD MAPLE SOFT MAPLE HICKORY RED OAK RED OAK RIFT & QUARTERED WHITE OAK WHITE OAK RIFT & QUARTERED BLACK WALNUT YELLOW POPLAR RUSTIC GRADES in WHITE OAK, HICKORY and CHERRY Phone: 800-356-4554 Visit our website: www.pikelumber.com W W W. N H L A .C O M MEET THE EXHIBITORS SII DRY KILNS BOOTH 114 SII Dry Kilns designs and manufactures high quality hardwood and softwood lumber drying and heat-treating equipment. Products include conventional and high temperature single and double track multi-zoned kilns, conventional package loaded kilns, “cross-flow” and downdraft predryers, fan sheds and pallet heat treaters. Controls from manual input to fully computerized multi-zone PLC-based automatic systems with wireless probes or “Sample Watch” our in-kiln weight based system for maximum kiln performance. To learn more about us visit www.siidrykilns.com or call 800-545-6379. TIMBER PRODUCTS INSPECTION, INC. BOOTH 405 Timber Products Inspection, Inc. (TP) is an independent, third party wood products inspection, testing, and consulting company with field representation throughout the United States. TP provides the highest quality assurance services to lumber manufacturers, pressure treaters, heat treaters, panel manufacturers, pallet manufacturers, log/timber frame manufacturers, truss manufacturers, utility product manufacturers and pellet manufacturers. TP also provides third party auditing on behalf of various forest management certification programs. In addition, we maintain state of the art chemical and biomass laboratories as well as a physical property’s laboratory to support our mission. STRINGER INDUSTRIES, INC. BOOTH 314 Stringer Industries is a family owned manufacturing business, established in 1964. Stringer Industries manufacturers the Bark King debarker head with its long lasting, turn-able, round or hex teeth, and its patented depth control system, allowing the head to provide the smoothest finish in the market. Stringer also manufactures its own line of wastewood chippers and hogs, offering a variety of sizes to match the application to the machine. These machines are designed with quality, maintenance and value in mind. Stringer Industries is proud to be a member of NHLA. TS MANUFACTURING COMPANY BOOTH 106-108 TS Manufacturing has been designing, manufacturing and installing quality systems for the Hardwood Sawmill & Lumber Handling Industry, for over 40 years. In fact, TS builds pretty much everything in your sawmill. Our high strain bandsaws, carriages, resaws, optimized edgers (lineal and transverse), trimmers, grading stations, sorters, stackers, debarkers, tilt hoists, screening systems and vibrating conveyors are specifically designed for the hardwood market. In the Pellet Mill/Briquetting or CoGen industry, we can organize everything from engineering to installation. Visit us at booth 106/108 or go to www.tsman.com for more. TAYLOR LUMBER, INC. BOOTH 128 Taylor Lumber is a leading manufacturer of Rift & Quarter sawn lumber. Taylor’s quality manufactured lumber is produced from the highest grade Appalachian forest logs, known for their clarity and excellent grain. Rift & Quarter sawn lumber is offered in the following species: Cherry, Hard Maple, Red Oak, Walnut, and White Oak. Plain Sawn lumber is also available. The Taylor name, synonymous with quality, innovation and beauty has been well known for almost 125 years. Please call us at 740-259-6222 with all of your inquiries. Millwide. Worldwide. W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 37 MEET THE EXHIBITORS TMX SHIPPING BOOTH 126 Understanding protocol, tending to the minutest details, and providing customized service are the trademarks of TMX Shipping, since 1985, the standard in freight forwarding services. TMX aggressively seeks better ways to serve our customers, who hold us to the highest of possible standards; our own. At TMX Shipping, we expect more from ourselves, so our customers get more from us than from any other freight forwarder. Absolute professionalism and expertise. Unmatched service and value. Whatever and wherever you export, TMX Shipping can get it there at the most competitive rate available. Anything less would not be up to TMX standards. For more information please visit our website, www.tmxship. com or call 252-726-1111. TRADETEC COMPUTER SYSTEMS, LTD. BOOTH 303 A leader in forest industry software, our comprehensive suite of applications helps lumber companies become more profitable today and positions you to remain competitive for the future. TallyWorks has always helped you control costs, and now it comes with an integrated CRM (customer relationship management) component that will help to increase sales to existing customers and automate the prospecting of new business. We offer solutions for: • Lumber Inventory Management • CRM and Sales Order Management • Handheld Lumber Tally • Log Procurement & Log Inventory • Weigh Station • Handheld Scaling • Employee Time and Attendance USNR BOOTH 301–400 USNR provides hardwood lumber manufacturers with advanced solutions specifically designed to meet their unique requirements. The steadily growing application of MillExpert optimization software is well known to increase recovery, value and yield, thus improving overall mill profitability. USNR’s long history of manufacturing package kilns, track kilns and computer control systems has continued for over 100 years. With an extensive range of products and technologies, USNR offers state-of-the-art machinery, control systems and automation software for sawmills, planer mills, OSB, LVL, plywood and other engineered wood manufacturing plants. Contact USNR for a solution to your processing challenges. Call 1-800-BUY-USNR. WOOD-MIZER, LLC BOOTH 116 Wood-Mizer is a world leader in the sawmill industry and a pioneer in narrowband, thin-kerf blades and equipment for all sawmill operations. The industrial line of thin-kerf wood processing equipment includes breakdown headrigs, an oversized log headrig, edgers, multi-head resaws, material handling, and a small log processing line. Wood-Mizer machines have more than proven capable of enduring the rigors of high production environments, while saving businesses money in investment and maintenance costs, all while increasing yield per log. Boosting solutions for sawmill companies; Wood-Mizer Blades are perfect for quality, thin-kerf blades and blade maintenance equipment. Follow at facebook.com/woodmizer. All our software integrates seamlessly with sawmill equipment and popular accounting packages. www.tradetec.com / 800-278-1098 U•C COATINGS CORPORATION BOOTH 500 You bring the Wood … We’ll bring the Protection™. Our products conserve hardwood resources and improve production yields, so you make more wood products – and more profitable products – from each piece of wood. Anchorseal and Anchorseal 2 (wax end sealer), Gempaint & Gempaint*Plus (water-based paints for dried lumber), LogSavers & FlitchSavers (plastic “stitches” for logs), Shade-Dri (mesh fabric to protect logs & lumber against the elements), Bates Glue Release Coatings (to protect gluing equipment) and more! Global Wood Protection Specialists, we ship to over 30 countries on six continents. For more information, visit www.uccoatings.com or call 1-888-END-COAT (1-888-363-2628). 38 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 39 BUIL BUILDING THE EQUIPMENT TH THAT PRESERVES AND TREATS TRE ATS YOUR WOOD A 1 877 795 0274 ((tel)) 1-877-795-0274 603-720-5977 ((fa (fax) f x)) fa [email protected] nffo o@c @csi si-l -lllc. c.ccom www.csi-llc.com www.c w si llc.com w.c • Hydro-Thermo Treatment • Vacuum/Pressure Treatment • Creosote Tie and Pole Treatment • Low Pressure Treatment with Oil & Pigments • Ammonia & Smoke Treatment • Hydraulic Doors & Rail Bridges • Plant Control Systems Visit us at Booth 510! A New Standard in End-Tally Accuracy VisionTally™ is the first end-tally system that eliminates the need for human involvement in the calculation of board footage. Achieve a new level of consistent tally accuracy, and recover billable footage lost by human-assisted end-tally systems. labo And save labor. · Bingaman & Son Lumber · J Gibson McIlvain · Wallter McIlvain Company Our Satisfied Customers · MidWest Hardwood Corp · MacDonald & Owen Lumber Company · Urufor Industrial Vision Systems, Inc. · www.visiontally.com · (215) 393-5300 · [email protected] 40 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W 41 Join NHLA on our e-news and social media to catch the latest in Hardwood trends and be a part of our social network, connecting to other members and industry resources around the globe. Scan the code below to go to our hub. 42 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M No Sponsor? Yes No Registration Fees: * Member Member Spouse Non-Member Non-Member Spouse Cancellation Policy: Payment Information: $650 US $500 US $850 US $700 US (Oct. 2) On-Site Discounts No Amount Paid: $ Hotel Discount Registration Fee $175 US per person HFF Golf Tournament Wed., Oct. 2 $70 US per person $35 US per person Discover American Express MasterCard Security Code: VISA Exp. Date: $70 US per person Dallas JFK Fort Worth Cowboys History Tour Hoedown Stadium Tour Thurs., Oct. 3 Fri., Oct. 4 Fri., Oct. 4 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $50 US per person Golf Club Rental 43 CODE: HOEDOWN RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM ALONG WITH YOUR PAYMENT TO: Credit card payments: NHLA | PO Box 34518 | Memphis, TN 38184-0518 | Fax 901-382-6419 All other payments: NHLA | PO Box 1000 #886 | Memphis, TN 38148-0886 Full refund if cancelled prior to August 30, 2013. Cancellations after August 30, 2013 and before September 13, 2013, will be refunded 50 percent. No refunds will be made for cancellations made after September 13, 2013. All refund requests must be made to Trisha Clariana at [email protected]. Fri. $300 US per person Thurs. Check Only One One-Day Pass Anyone not paying full convention registration may attend the Fort Worth Finale Dinner at a cost of $125 US per person. Yes Make check payable, in U.S. funds only, to “NHLA.” Checks from U.S. or Canadian banks are accepted. Contributions or gifts to National Hardwood Lumber Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, they may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. Date: Signature: ($100 x no. of registrants at convention hotel) Credit Card Number: $ Name on Credit Card: Subtotal Email Address ITS Alumni Omni Fort Worth Hotel | 1300 Houston Street | Fort Worth, Texas 76102 | 817-535-6664 | $209 single/double occupancy First Name/Last Name J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W $ $600 US $450 US $800 US $650 US Standard (Jun. 1–Oct. 1) Is your company an NHLA member? Country: Save $100 US on each paid convention registration when you stay at the Omni Fort Worth Hotel! Check “Hotel” box below to receive discount. Complimentary registration does not include tickets to Fort Worth Finale Dinner, Tours or Golf. Questions regarding complimentary registration should be directed to Trisha Clariana at 901-399-7552 or [email protected] Are you an exhibitor? Yes Fax: Phone: Website URL/Social Media Handle: ZIP/Postal Code: State/Province: City: Email: Address: Company Name: Registrant List – List name as it should appear on name badge. Copy this form for additional attendees. All attendees must wear a current 2013 Convention name badge to attend all convention functions. Hotel Information: Required Information: Company Address: Visit www.nhlaconvention.com to register to attend the 2013 Annual NHLA Convention & Exhibit Showcase or send this completed form to the address listed below or fax to 901-382-6419. 2013 NHLA CONVENTION (OCTOBER 2–4) REGISTRATION FORM W W W. N H L A C O N V E N T I O N . C O M 44 J U LY 2 0 1 3 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S C O N V E N T I O N P R E V I E W W W W. N H L A .C O M THERE’S A LOT RIDING ON YOUR IMPORTS & EXPORTS ANCHORSEAL® SHOULD BE ONE OF THEM U •C Coatings ships to over 30 countries on 6 continents. Recommend the wood protection you trust to your overseas suppliers. www.uccoatings.com 1-888-END COAT [email protected] Doing Business in China A Two-Day Business Culture Course August 7–8 at NHLA Headquarters in Memphis, TN China is the world’s second largest economy and has attracted such western global giants as Starbucks, Volkswagen, Boeing and Proctor & Gamble. But despite its growing influence and middle class, challenges remain for companies looking to do business in the country. Are you China ready? During this two-day program, Mr. Marco Chan will give participants an overview of China, discuss key Chinese culture values and give specifics on what to do in China in regards to communication, personal interaction, leadership, decision making, negotiation, logistics and distribution, legal system and enforcement, recruitment and development of local management, and working with government agencies. Cost: $495 US – NHLA Members Only – The seminar fee includes: registration, dinner (Tuesday, August 6), lunch each day and workbook. Space is limited to 25 students! Interested companies should register ASAP. Contact: Lisa Browne at 901-399-7657 or [email protected]. Registration Access a complete course outline, speaker biography and online registration from the homepage of www.nhla.com. You may also contact Lisa Browne directly to reserve a spot today or scan the QR code to go directlyto the registration form.