Torch December 2015 - St. Aidan Episcopal Church
Torch December 2015 - St. Aidan Episcopal Church
December 2015 THE TORCH St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, Camano Island, WA NOVEMBER 29th Sunday, November 29th 9:10—9:50 a.m. Make your own advent wreath with live greens, ribbons and adornments, candles and everything you need to tie it all together. All are welcome. CELTIC CHRISTMAS CONCERT Featuring Jeff Johnson, Irish flutist Brian Dunning and violinist Wendy Goodwin Sunday, November 29 7:00 p.m. at St. Aidan's Freewill offering will benefit Safe Harbor Free Clinic Opportunities for special worship and events in our community this Advent and Christmas—see page 4 Join us for the work and fun day Thursday,December 10th Safeguarding God’s Children Tuesday, December 1st at 6:30-9 pm St. Aidan's will host and run a Safeguarding God’s Children class in Dietel Hall. All clergy, Bishop's Committee members and those who work with children are required by the diocese to attend this training. To get signed up call the office, email Karen Tendering or sign up sheet on bulletin board. FILL THE JEEP FOOD BANK Sunday. December 6th MESSIAH SING Tuesday, December 29th at 7 p.m. 9 a.m. No host breakfast at Stanwood Café 10 a.m. The fun begins. Bring tools and a smile ANNUAL BAKE SALE The Annual Bake Sale and Mini Bazaar will be held on Saturday, December 12th 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Set up and donations will be received on Friday, December 11th between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Baked goods needed are Cookies—Cakes— Pies—Candy—Breads (but no cream pies) If you have questions, please ask Pat Van Almkerk From the Vicar... Happy New Year! For the church, that is. Another church year come and gone hardly seems possible, not to mention kissing another calendar year goodbye at the end of this month. Whew! For all the things we have control over in our lives, time is something that can never hold that claim. because mother natures has given us has given us a gift. Without consulting us she says, “Stop… and wait.” To actually choose waiting and quiet in the midst of the flurry of a busy world is countercultural. But so incredibly valuable! Because in our waiting we are changed. We begin to see things afresh. We begin to be open to God in new ways. So I encourage us in this Season of Advent to spend a bit of time waiting… To simply claim the gift of time and wait in expectant hope for the coming of Christ. And to expect new life As you receive this newsletter we will have coming from unexpected places. Bethlehem just begun the new year – the Season of was on no one’s radar, but look what came Advent. We will have moved from a time of from there. To do this you my start by lighting “proclamation” (Pentecost) to a time of a candle on the Advent wreath each week as “preparation” (Advent). In every season of preparation there is also an accompanying, all- you say your prayers, and watch as the light pervasive sense of expectation. In Advent wait grows brighter and brighter as Christmas moves closer and closer. And to give thanks in expectant hope for the Messiah who is to for the God who created you, sustains you, and come. At the darkest time of year we wait in faith for God to come and dispel the darkness calls YOU beloved. with his promised light and love. By hope we I hope to see you in church – it won’t be the grab hold of this assurance, and by faith we same without YOU! step out into the uncertainty that tells us such Yours in Christ, hope is unreasonable. Will God do for me Drew+ what God has promised? Does God see my darkness? And will God really bring to me the Sunday School news light and new life he promises? The prayerful season of Advent says, despite all that seems Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. dark, YES! Waiting, however, can be the hardest thing we ever do, especially for us highly connected, wired-up, plugged-in, 21st century people. The instantaneous connections we have through our smart phones, through texting and Facebook, and through GPS satellites means that we are almost never out of touch in any meaningful way. That’s why when there is a snow storm, or a severe wind storm like the one we had just a few weeks ago that knocked out the power, a part of me sings for joy Family Christmas Eve Service at 5:00 p.m. with “instant” pageant. All kids welcome to participate. Call or email Crystal Colombo [email protected] or 360-675-4478 2 From the Senior Warden: Advent Season is upon us as we mark the beginning of the Christian Year; preparing to reflect on the celebration of the birth of Jesus. “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Psalm 25:4. Stanley and I spent Friday afternoon at the annual Diocesan Episcopal Convention. It was a great opportunity to greet old friends, do some shopping at the Episcopal Book Store and Cathedral Shop, but mainly to listen to Bishop Rickel’s address. He left us with five questions to ponder so I pass them on to you: 1. What do you think the church is addicted to — how can we enter into recovery? 2. When you hear the words Jesus Movement — what does that conjure up in you? 3. What will you personally commit to in the area of racial reconciliation this next year? 4. If Evangelism and Episcopalian can truly coexist — what would it look like in our church? 5. What are the “nightmares” that we should pray for and look to change to realize the dreams God has for us? Stewardship update: To date 60 pledge commitments have been returned (140 pledge request letters sent). The total amount pledged thus far is approximately $125,000. This is a considerable shortfall to what St. Aidan's needs to effectively operate, not only for the basics (i.e. keeping the lights on and office running) but to keep a commitment to support a full time priest as well as support a desire to remain a relevant and vibrant church. We cannot continue to operate within a deficit budget. If you have not yet returned your pledge, I urge you to prayerfully consider doing so. Extra pledge cards can be found in the front foyer. Thank you to all. May you all have a Blessed and Peace-filled Advent Season. Jackie Humes-Fear Greetings from your Junior Warden: Well, the Night of 100 Pumpkins is in the past and by all reports it was a huge success and loads of fun getting it set up and then watching the kids get to carve their Jack o Lanterns. Not bad food either! Thanks to all who worked so hard. However, we did learn that trying to plug multiple electrical items and all of the assorted extension cords into two outlets was a rather large pain. Thanks to Rob and Karole Gorman we now have two new outlets on the outside of the shed. One by each door. Thank you to you both! Next we’ll look at the lighting issue. Jan and I were out of town for cleanup day, but the word is that it was a large success and a great deal was accomplished. Even talking Greg Meyers into going up on the shed roof and cleaning off the debris. The TV system is up and running in Dietel Hall. Now, we’ll take it and the bulletin boards down and repair and repaint the wall. Then the TV will go back up and two of the boards will go up on the wall just outside of the office door. Lastly, the flags have gradually deteriorated to an unacceptable state of appearance. We have been aware of it but we were waiting until the fall winds die down before we replace them. Louise Close has graciously donated the funds for a new church flag and that has been purchased along with a new US flag. We still will wait for calmer days though. Have a very happy and grateful Thanksgiving. Walt Thank you to those brave souls who confronted the wind and rain to help out at our work day: Fran Brown, JoAnn Moffett, Bob and Betty Stevens, Don Stewart, Roger and Ann Boid, Frank Hunt and the “new guy” Greg Myers who received his initiation by cleaning the leaves off the shed roof. LINUS PROJECT We’ve been invited to join with our church neighbors next door for a carol hymn sing and get-together this year! Date: December 5th Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Place: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (795 Ell Road) This includes a service project: Starting now, we are invited to make no-sew fleece blankets for needy children, then bring the blankets for display to the Christmas event, after which they will be donated to Project Linus ( Contact Jan Donovan at 360.629.2961 for further information and blanket instructions. 3 Opportunities for special worship and events in our community this Advent and Christmas November 29 Advent Wreath making for families and friends from 9:10-9:50 a.m. A Celtic Christmas Concert 7:00 p.m. December 1 Safeguarding God’s Children at St. Aidan's 6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. December 5 Christmas Carol Sing Along with our Mormon neighbors 7:00 p.m. family event December 11 Set up for Bake Sale (bring your goodies) 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. December 12 Holiday Bake Sale and Christmas Bazaar 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. December 13 Advent Lessons and Carols (with Holy Communion) at 10:00 a.m.. Morning Worship at 8:00 a.m. as well December 16 Helping Hands/Care Ministry Annual Advent Potluck 11:15 a.m. December 20 Decorate cookies at 9:15 a.m. for the homebound December 21 Deliver Cookies and sing Carols bringing joy to those who are homebound 1:00-4:00 p.m. December 24 Family Christmas Eve with “instant” pageant—walk-ons welcome! 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve “Midnight” Mass with choir 9:00 p.m. December 25 Christmas Day service with Holy Communion at 10:00 a.m. December 27 1st Sunday of Christmas: Holy Communion at both 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services December 29 8th Annual MessiahSing, a community singalong to Handel’s Messiah 7:00 p.m. December 31 The Gathering Place 5:30 p.m. January 3rd Feast of the Epiphany observed at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services MessiahSing How long has it been since you’ve heard a harpsichord? Orchestra? 150 voice chorus with skilled soloists??? You can not only hear all of the above, you can be a part of it all —The 8th Annual MessiahSing is happening Tuesday, December 29 at 7:00 p.m. right here at St. Aidan's. Many of us have come to love this wonderful event at the very end of the year. If by any chance you have yet to experience it, please join in the fun this year. Bring friends and neighbors who enjoy music. And children too—what a terrific introduction to real concert music! Of course, it’s a singalong, but you are welcome simply to listen if you prefer. A fabulous dessert buffet follows (stay tuned for details and how you can help). This is our end-of-year gift to the community—our holiday musical mission. Please join us! NEXT TORCH DEADLINE FOR JANUARY 2016: Starr Harrison Sarai Bevington Joy Strain Dale Johnson Jan Mills Chrissa Donovan Nancy Leuschel Doris Ager Judy Bingay Karen Tendering Bill Lee 01 07 11 15 15 16 16 17 23 24 30 Thursday, December 17th Email submissions to: Check the bulletin board in the Parish Hall for when you will host coffee hour. Contact Pat Van Almkerk (360.387.9630) with questions or to be added to the Host list! Please find a substitute if you will be gone on your assigned date. [email protected] 10:00 a.m. Service Coffee Hour Hosts for December 2015 Richard & Joy Strain 15 Karen & Randy Tendering 23 06: Choir 13: Susie Johnson & Nancy Leuschel 20: Linda Bonnell, Jackie Humes-Fear & Karole Gorman 27: Arra Morrison & Arlyne Whitescarver 4 NIGHT OF 100 PUMPKINS Stewardship The annual ingathering has been completed with the placing of our Commitment Cards on the altar. It was a visible sign of our spiritual ideal of sharing the blessings that we have received from God. It also states we have acknowledged Jesus’ teaching of loving our neighbor by sharing through the realization of his second commandment. We do this in faith knowing our Heavenly Father’s bounty is working within and about us. Outstanding pledges may still be returned to the Church office. May God continue to bless us. Amen Stanley Fear Helping Hands and Care Ministry Wednesday, Dec. 16th 11:15 AM Annual Advent Potluck will be held to celebrate a busy and successful year of service within our St. Aidan’s family. All past and present members of Helping Hands, Caring Connection, and our new Care Ministry are welcome. YOU are part of this ministry if you serve the community with calls, visits, Eucharistic visits, meals, and other offerings, rides, shopping, etc. Bring a potluck dish and join us in a joyous celebration of service. COME AND JOIN US IN TAKING CHRISTMAS CAROLS AND COOKIES TO SHUT-INS Members of the Care Ministry and Helping Hands are happy to invite each of you to join with us on Monday, December 21st from 1:00-4:00 p.m. as we go Christmas caroling and visit our dear St. Aidan's friends that are ill or may be homebound for various reasons. We believe it will be pleasurable and rewarding to us as we hope it will be to our friends we call upon. We are also planning on bringing Christmas sugar cookies to church on Sunday, December 20th and will decorate them at 9:15 a.m. in Dietel Hall. We will provide the cookies, frosting and sprinkles so anyone may join in, if you don’t mind the stickiness. We then will deliver a dozen of these custom decorated cookies to each person we carol and visit on Monday afternoon. In a small way, these cookies are presentations of the love of St. Aidan's for members who can’t always be with us. Please contact Dorothy Armstrong if you are interested in joining with our “informal choir” - no singing skills necessary! If you love to sing the simple, classic Christmas carols, it should be lots of fun and good fellowship. 5 December 2015—Activities Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 Noon AA 6 pm OA 10:30 am Alanon 10 am Holy Eucharist I First Sunday of Advent 8 am Holy Eucharist I 9:10 am Family Advent Wreath Making 9:30 am Sunday School 10 am Holy Eucharist II 7 pm AA Second Sunday of Advent 5 pm AA 7 pm AA (W) 7 pm Christmas Carol Sing Along with Mormon neighbors 6:00 pm EfM 6:30 pm AA (W) 7 pm Bible Study and Compline 7 pm Celtic Christmas Concert 6 6:30 pm Safeguarding God’s Children 7 pm AA 7 8 9 10 10 am Holy Eucharist I St. Aidan's Work Party 10 am 11 9 am—3 pm 9 am—3 pm Set-up for Bake Holiday Bake Sale—bring Sale and Bazaar your goodies 10:30 am Alanon 7 pm AA 6 pm OA 1:30 pm Worship Committee 11 am Women of St. Aidan's Noon AA 7 pm AA 5 pm AA 7 pm AA (W) 6:00 pm. EfM 6:30 p.m. AA (W) 16 17 Third Sunday of Advent 10 am Holy Eucharist I Noon AA 8 am Morning Prayer 9:20 am Adult Education 9:30 am Sunday School 10 am Advent Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion 11:15 am Helping Hands Annual Advent Potluck TORCH DEADLINE 5 pm AA 7 pm AA (W) 6:30 pm AA (W) 23 24 25 Noon AA Christmas Day FILL THE JEEP 8 am Holy Eucharist I 9:20 am Adult Education 9:30 am Sunday School 10 am Holy Eucharist II 13 14 15 7 pm AA 20 21 Fourth Sunday of Advent Deliver Cookies 1 pm-4 pm 22 10 am Holy Eucharist I 5 pm AA 7 pm AA (W) First Sunday of Christmastide 8 am Holy Eucharist I (Morning Prayer returning on January 10) 9:20 am Adult Education 9:30 am Sunday School 10 am Holy Eucharist II 7 pm AA 19 10:30 am Alanon 6 pm OA 6:00 pm EfM 7 pm AA 26 29 7 pm MessiahSing 5 pm Family Christmas Eve Service 10:30 am Alanon 10 am Holy Communion 9 pm Christmas Eve “Midnight” Mass 6 pm OA 30 31 1 10 a..Holy Eucharist I Noon AA OFFICE CLOSED 7 pm AA 28 18 6:30 pm AA (W) 8 am Holy Eucharist I 9:15 a.m. Cookie Decorating 7 pm Bishop’s 9:30 am Sunday School Committee 10 am Holy Eucharist II 27 12 5 pm AA 7 pm AA (W) 5:30 pm Gathering Place 6:30 pm AA (W) 6 pm OA 7 pm AA 2 10:30 am Alanon 7 pm AA 6 December 2015—Service Assistants If you cannot serve on your assigned day, please find a substitute and let the office know! 8:00 a.m. November 29 December 6 December 13 December 20 December 27 Lector JoAnn Moffett Don Talbott Louise Close Jim Miller Jeanne Jacobs Chalice Ann Morgan Ann Morgan Morning Prayer Ann Morgan Ann Morgan Acolyte Don Talbott Jim Miller Don Talbott Kathy Hosley Don Talbott Usher Bob Jacobs Don Talbott Bob Jacobs Don Talbott Bob Jacobs 10:00 a.m. November 29 December 6 December 13 December 20 December 27 Lector Jackie Humes-Fear Ann Boid Ann Boid Carole Schaefer Nancy Pates-Riches Rhoda Venditto Jeff Johnson Jeff Maxwell Stanley Fear Chalice Kara Hunt Nancy Uhlmansiek Theresa Strain Kara Hunt Stanley Fear Jackie Humes-Fear Bob Perry Adele Lee Stanley Fear Jackie Humes-Fear Acolyte Jan Donovan Bob Perry Jan Donovan Jan Donovan Jan Donovan Ushers Susie White Bill White Susie White Bill White Pat VanAlmkerk Dale LeMaster Roger Boid Ann Boid Ethel Maxwell Judy Pieper Counters Karole Gorman Janice Minear Connie Jones Sally Goodson Karole Gorman Nancy Minear Jan Mills Susan Yerkes Jackie Humes-Fear Julie Vaux Child Care Need Volunteer Crystal Colombo Dorothy Armstrong Crystal Colombo Kara Hunt Crystal Colombo Jackie Humes-Fear Crystal Colombo Susie White Crystal Colombo Special Christmas Services December 24th 5 pm Family Service December 24th 9 p.m. Midnight Mass December 25th 10 a.m. Holy Communion Lector Ann Boid Jeff Maxwell Theresa Bennett Chalice Adele Lee Kathy Hosley Stanley Fear Jackie Humes Fear Ann Morgan Acolyte Kathy Hosley Don Talbott Jim Miller and Zadin Miller Usher Ann Boid Roger Boid Ethel Maxwell Judy Pieper DECEMBER CARE MINISTRY SCHEDULE Need comfort? Care? Transportation? Prayer? Call the office and let us know! 360-629-3969 Nov 29-Dec 5 December 6-12 December 13-19 December 20-26 Dec 27—Jan 2 Stanley/Jackie Fear Paul/Jean DeGroot Karole Gorman Phil Jacobs Ann Morgan DECEMBER GREETER SCHEDULE Date Sunday Morning Weekday Gift Greeter December 6 Ethel Maxwell Judy Mieger December 13 Jean DeGroot Bill Vaux December 20 Judy Bingay Ethel Maxwell December 27 Cheryl Wood Frank Hunt 7 St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church 1318 East SR 532; Camano Island, WA 98282 (P.O. Box 145; Stanwood, WA 98292) 8
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