View Article - Sugar Designs
View Article - Sugar Designs
bathroom design & Construction more than $25,000 Better Building Services Designer Sugar Designs Suburb Yarralumla This striking project has been planned and executed with great success, resulting in a well-appointed bathroom which offers an unassuming and understated level of luxury. In constructing this lavish bathroom, Better Building Services and Sugar Designs have created a sense of opulence whilst maintaining a focus on functionality. The stunning design and layout of the space combined with flawless workmanship in construction make this project a truly exquisite one. 60 act winning homes 2011 Immeasurable quality commercialresidentialdetailed joinery p 02 6299 3500 f 02 6299 3500 e [email protected] PO Bo 252 Fyshwick ACT 2609 Specialising in boutique design for: Retail interior design HUB Communications Advertising Agency Services Hospitality interior design Commercial interior design Residential interior design 3D computer renderings 3D computer design models • Advertising & Marketing • Direct Marketing • Graphic Design • Radio & TV Campaign • Print/Press • Promotions Contact Helen for more information: mobile: 0408 253 739 phone/fax: 6259 5521 email: [email protected] act winning homes 2011 P: 02 6162 5118 E: [email protected] W: 61 merits 76 custom built home $600,000 - $1,000,000 custom built home $600,000 - $1,000,000 Builder Geocon Constructors Suburb Kingston Builder Better Building Services Architect Dowse Norwood Architects Designer Sugar Designs Suburb Yarralumla custom built home $300,000 - $600,000 custom built home L ess than $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 Builder Reliabuilt Builder Geocon Constructors Suburb Forde Suburb Franklin Display home More than $300,000 residential green li v ing pro j ect Builder Better Building Services Architect Dowse Norwood Architects Designer Sugar Designs Suburb Yarralumla Suburb Franklin Builder Jigsaw Housing act winning homes 2011 finalists CUSTOM BUILT HOME MORE THAN $1MILLION CUSTOM BUILT HOME MORE THAN $1MILLION CUSTOM BUILT HOME MORE THAN $1MILLION CUSTOM BUILT HOME MORE THAN $1MILLION Builder Solve Projects Builder Preferred Builders Builder InStyle Constructions Builder Chapman Construction Suburb Reidsdale Suburb O’Malley Suburb Red Hill Suburb Griffith CUSTOM BUILT HOME MORE THAN $1MILLION CUSTOM BUILT HOME $600,000 - $1 Million CUSTOM BUILT HOME $600,000 - $1 Million CUSTOM BUILT HOME $600,000 - $1 Million Builder Chase Building Group Builder Furlong Build & Design Builder Bora Building Group Builder Art Homes Architect Architects Ring & Architect TT Architecture Designer Adam Hobill Design Suburb Forde Associates Suburb Kiama Suburb Forde CUSTOM BUILT HOME $600,000 - $1 Million CUSTOM BUILT HOME $600,000 - $1 Million CUSTOM BUILT HOME $600,000 - $1 Million CUSTOM BUILT HOME $600,000 - $1 Million Builder Geocon Constructors Builder Drewaire Constructions Builder Better Building Services Builder Sutton & Horsley Suburb Kingston Suburb Hackett Architects Architects Ring & Suburb Rivett Designer Archertec Interiors Suburb Forrest Associates Designer Sugar Designs Suburb Yarralumla 80 act winning homes 2011 finalists CHIEF MINISTERS AFFORDABLE HOUSING AWARD DISPLAY HOME MORE THAN $300,000 DISPLAY HOME MORE THAN $300,000 DISPLAY HOME MORE THAN $300,000 Builder CHC Affordable Housing / Builder BLD Homes Builder Better Building Service Builder Deemro Homes Milin Brothers Builders / Kasparek Architect Architectural Evolution Architect Dowse Norwood Architects Suburb Bonner Architects Suburb Bonner Designer Sugar Designs Project Edge Apartments Suburb Yarralumla DISPLAY HOME MORE THAN $300,000 DISPLAY HOME MORE THAN $300,000 DISPLAY HOME LESS THAN $300,000 DISPLAY HOME LESS THAN $300,000 Builder Innovative Building Projects Builder Rawson Homes Builder GR8 Constructions Builder Renaissance Homes Suburb Bonner Suburb Casey Architect Sanctum Interior Design Suburb Casey Suburb Bonner DISPLAY HOME LESS THAN $300,000 DISPLAY HOME LESS THAN $300,000 DISPLAY HOME LESS THAN $300,000 PROJECT HOME MORE THAN $275,000 Builder Blackett Homes (Aust) Builder Gracious Living Builder Rawson Homes Builder Classic Constructions (Aust) Constructions Suburb Bonner Suburb Campbell Suburb Casey Suburb Bonner act winning homes 2011 83 finalists Kitchen Design & Construction - MORE THAN $25,000 Kitchen Design & Construction - MORE THAN $25,000 Kitchen Design & Construction Kitchen Design & Construction - MORE THAN $25,000 - less THAN $25,000 Builder Select Custom Joinery Builder Queanbeyan Joinery Builder Simplicity Kitchens / SM Builder GR8 Constructions Suburb Queanbeyan Designer Sugar Designs Precision Building / Pacific Stone Designer Sanctum Interior Design Suburb Yarralumla Suburb Bonner Suburb Bonner Kitchen Design & Construction - less THAN $25,000 Kitchen Design & Construction - less THAN $25,000 Kitchen Design & Construction - less THAN $25,000 Builder Simplicity Kitchens / Vogue Builder Heiniger Joinery Builder Oppikofer Joinery Bathroom Design & Construction more THAN $25,000 Constructions / Pacific Stone Designer Deborah Pavletich Interior Suburb Farrer Builder Brother Projects Suburb Crace Design Designer MMM Interiors Suburb O’Connor Suburb Pearce Bathroom Design & Construction more THAN $25,000 Bathroom Design & Construction more THAN $25,000 Bathroom Design & Construction more THAN $25,000 Bathroom Design & Construction more THAN $25,000 Builder Brother Projects Builder Brother Projects Builder Brother Projects Builder A & J Bathrooms Designer MMM Interiors Designer MMM Interiors Designer MMM Interiors Suburb O’Malley Suburb Bruce Suburb Jerrabomberra Suburb Pearce act winning homes 2011 89 finalists Bathroom Design & Construction more THAN $25,000 Bathroom Design & Construction more THAN $25,000 Bathroom Design & Construction more THAN $25,000 Bathroom Design & Construction more THAN $25,000 Builder Better Building Services Builder A & J Bathrooms Builder True-As-Maintenance Builder True-As-Maintenance Designer Sugar Designs Suburb Farrer Contractors Contractors Designer MMM Interiors Designer MMM Interiors Suburb Fadden Suburb O’Connor Suburb Yarralumla Bathroom Design & Construction less THAN $25,000 Bathroom Design & Construction less THAN $25,000 Best use of Material Builder A & J Bathrooms Builder Wayne Goodwin Building Suburb Acton Suburb Rivett Services Builder Erincole Building Services Best use of Material Builder Instyle Constructions / Hanz & Aaron Fraenznick Suburb Red Hill Suburb Curtin BUILDING FACADE Interior Finish Interior Finish Interior Finish Builder Erincole Building Services Builder Geoff Rees Builder C & S Painters Builder Capital Veneering Suburb Acton Suburb Macquarie Suburb Forde Designer MMM Interiors Suburb Kingston 90 act winning homes 2011