Footprint April 2015 copy
Footprint April 2015 copy
2015 FRONT PAGE APRIL FOOTPRINT Its that time again! For all the RWWP News and how you can save $$$ go to PP. 2 &3 P.P. 4 - 6 P.7 P.8 P.2 The incredible SFR 30th Celebration! Go-Long Gossip P. 8: Invite to Pride Track & Field Meet in San Francisco P.9: Tokyo Marathon: The Day We Unite PP 10: 12 SFR History P. 13: Potluck Photos Coach Len Turns 90 If you would like to contribute to the Footprint send photos and/ or articles to Linda at [email protected] FOOTPRINT RWWP 2015 Bigger & Better Corporate Sponsors Microso' with dona/ons of $1,000.00 Elite Sponsors HomeStreet Bank with dona/ons $500.00 Trilogy Chiroprac/c with in kind dona/ons valued at $500.00 Intermediate Sponsors Broadcast Coffee with in kind dona/ons valued at $300.00 please give back to our sponsors by suppor/ng them our SFR Bank Save Big Save $5 and register by May 1st Are you a 2015 SFR Member? If so, put in FRONTRUNNER20 and save 20% on your registration. Early Bird price and coupon expire on May 1st Register today at: (student/youth $15) FOOTPRINT OK - so where does my entry fee go? We have named Camp Ten Trees as our primary beneficiary this year to support their fantastic work in inspiring LGBTQA youth to become invested in their communities and supporting youth in strengthening inner courage, making new friends, and developing leadership skills through their week-long camp program in the summer. Additionally, we will also be giving a portion of the proceeds from RWWP 2015 to the LGBTQ TASK Force to help fund a local project that aims at raising awareness on transgender injustice. Be part of a PROUD SFR Tradition and Run/Walk with Pride Since 1983 RWWP has donated over 150K to local LGBT Organizations Ever had the thought ....”WOW! SFR is such an amazing club ...I’d like to volunteer for them, but what could I do?” Question answered: Volunteer for RWWP. There are many day of event opportunities. We need you and you will feel so good working with other committed SFR, having fun and doing something important to support our club and our community. Its Easy. Just send an email to Linda at; [email protected] with the subject RWWP and say “I’m in!” FOOTPRINT Happy 30th Anniversary Seattle Frontrunners! A snapshot of a magnificent event filed with old friends, new friends, laughter, tears, good food and drink, those who started SFR 30 years ago, those who recently joined and everyone in-between....a truly memorable evening! See the 30th Celebration video here! an em h t r ! nde ppy arte one ha b r Ou every t kep who FOOTPRINT Lots of laughter, making new friends and reuniting with old Nothing happens on its own The SFR 30th Anniversary Committee: Alex, Danny, Steven,Jon & Linda. A big thank you to all the event volunteers, without you this would not have been the success that it was FOOTPRINT A delightfully delicious buffet catered by Urban Feast The evening closed with prizes and inspirational speeches by SFR President Jon Nicholson and Vice-President Danny Luong “Thank you for the flowers, it was an honor to serve on this SFR project.” ~ Linda Steven wins the grand prize, a beautiful painting by artist Rick Duque FOOTPRINT GO LONG Gossip! -‐ by Andrew Williams Boston, London, and sunshine oh my!!! Yep, Spring is here and so is that wonderful feeling of not being able to get out the door quick enough to take advantage of the wonderful sunshine and longer days. This is the /me of year we feel the need to start adding track workouts and more miles on our easy days. I love spring like every other runner out there. Spring ushers in the two most compe//ve races of the year in the Boston Marathon and London Marathon. London will be host to the 8 fastest /mes from 2014. If condi/ons are good, don’t be surprised if the marathon record gets broken again. GO LONG con/nues to grow. We are now at 128 members. Please welcome our newest members: Bryan Chung, Sara Andersen, Joe Meyer, Ray Manahan, Kim Lupo, Danny Luong, Matheus Magno, Brian Cee, Bre\ Coleman, Kent Yip, Susan Winkelman, Jeff Works, Paul Kazemersky, Jason Hong, and Paul Sochan. Welcome everyone! Sea\le Frontrunners and GO LONG are invi/ng everyone to our Spring Trail Run at Cougar Mountain. We will be running a 5 and 10 mile run. Any pace is welcome as we have stop points at every intersec/on to make sure we keep the group together. Jus/n Huff will be leading the run. If you plan to a\end then please let Andrew Williams know so carpools can be arranged appropriately. We will be mee/ng at 10am at Volunteer Park in front of the Asian Art Museum on April 19th. We will carpool out to Cougar Mountain and do the trail run there. Winter produced some great runs for many of our runners. Below are some, NOT ALL, of the accomplishments by your fellow Frontrunners. Mike Hsaio Chilly Chase Half Marathon 1:30:05 Andrew Williams Tokyo Marathon 3:15 Kevin O\en Mercer Island 5K 23:42 Robert Nielsen Completed his first marathon,,,,,as a training run!! Bryan Chung Set a personal distance record of 9.3 miles. Not bad for a tennis player. Barry Faught New York Half Marathon 1:34:36 Our staple Saturday long runs con/nue. We start promptly at 8 am at the same loca/on as the 9am group. In front of the Greenlake Community Center. Details are always posted on the Facebook group. Routes are explained and a real variety of paces par/cipate so if you are wan/ng to try a longer run then I encourage you to show up and take part. GO LONG is a division of Sea\le Frontrunners dedicated to training for longer distance running or racing. Anyone can be a part of the ac/on by joining the GO LONG Facebook group. h\ps:// groups/golong/ UnQl next Qme, RUN STRONG AND GO LONG! FOOTPRINT Happy Birthday Coach Len! 90 Years and Still Going! So much SFR love and gratitude was given to Coach Len at his 90th birthday party! He has inspired and led the SFR track team to world recognition and lots of medals over the past two decades. Invite to the Annual Pride Track & Field Meet in San Francisco San Francisco Track & Field Club is happy to announce that registra/on is now open for the 8th Annual Pride Track & Field Meet on Saturday, June 20, 2015! The meet returns to San Francisco State University's Cox Stadium this year and will be included in the Pacific Associa/on's Grand Prix Series (in which par/cipants have the chance to win a split of $10K at the end of the season!). See our website ( for more details -‐ including mail-‐in and online registra/on procedures. Pre-‐registra/on for the meet will be a flat $45 (which includes an unlimited number of events). Day-‐of registra/on will go up to $55 so register early and save! We're looking forward to seeing you there! If you have any ques/ons, please contact Andrew Bundy, Meet Director, at pridemee/[email protected] or by phone at 510-‐708-‐6582. FOOTPRINT Tokyo Marathon: The Day We Unite by Andrew Williams I am not sure when I made the silly decision to run the 6 major marathons in the world, but I do know that once I make a decision there isn’t much out there that can stop me from making it happen. Back in 2009 I made the decision that I would finally complete a marathon. Not only would I complete a marathon, but it would serve as a life marker for turning 40. That decision led me to Boston, New York, and Chicago and somewhere in there I made the decision that I would run the 6 majors of the world. Having taken care of the domes/c marathons it was /me to turn my a\en/on to the interna/onal races. Once again I was given the chance to add some drama to the goal by flying to Tokyo on my 45th birthday. Once in Tokyo I was lucky to have a personal guide in Sea\le Frontrunners own Nicholas Honner. He gave me a beau/ful place to stay and cared for me as though I were his own child. It was something I will never stop being grateful for. I arrived in Tokyo a bit burned out to be honest. I wasn’t par/cularly excited to run another marathon. It was to be my 3rd in a 9 month period. Nicholas took care of that by taking me around the city and showing me the life that most tourists never get to experience. I got to meet locals, other runners, and get a feel for how someone living in Tokyo goes about daily life. I’ve never been one to care much about museums and sites so this made me fall in love with Tokyo. Race day came all too quickly and like every other race day my nerves kicked in and all the excitement of running a race in a new loca/on quickly followed. I was anxious to see how the Japanese would rate on the “major” marathon scene. Tokyo had become a major just two years ago which puzzled most in the running world. Japan has a long tradi/on of producing world class distance runners and to this day teaches a unique stride technique which encourages a faster cadence instead of a longer stride. As I stood at the start line I couldn’t help but feel like “the white guy.” I was surrounded by smiling Japanese runners who all appeared to be thrilled that this American showed up to run. Everyone was so encouraging at the start line. It made me so happy and proud of the distance running community. I felt instantly accepted and connected to all those around me. It was a wonderful feeling. Running through the streets of Tokyo I couldn’t help but have a smile on my face. The crowds were large and fana/cal in their support of everyone. Japanese runners love their race day uniforms that were brightly colored. It seemed like everyone belonged to a team of some sort. Along the route were numerous dance groups ranging from tradi/onal drum troops to Anime kids in pastel pink and blue doing choreographed dances to speedy music. It wasn’t long before I reached the finish line and had a chance to just take a deep breath and smile. I really feel so fortunate to be able to experience a race in another country with 35,000 other runners. I walked through the maze that takes you away from the finish line with a young man from Hong Kong who smiled with his eyes and had a laugh a'er everything he talked about. Reflec/ng on the theme of the day I thought, “yeah, today is the day we unite.” FOOTPRINT Ever wondered about how FR began? This history was compiled with the help of several SFR founders and long-time members. Read it and BE PROUD! Seattle Frontrunners “SFR have a long, proud history and represent a broad spectrum of the LGBT Community.” SFR Coach Len Tritsch; SGN July 2009 1974 – The &irst FR Club was started in San Francisco by Jack Baker & Gardner Pond. It was listed as an Introduction to Jogging group in the bi-‐monthly publication of Lavender U. Bud Budlong and other “joggers,” inspired by Patricia Nell Warren’s book The Frontrunner, named the group Frontrunners. 1980 – A 2nd Frontrunner Group forms in NYC 1981 – Frontrunners Los Angeles is started 1982 – Gay Games I: San Francisco; following which Frontrunner groups began springing up around the U.S. and around the world. 1983 -‐ Tom, Virginia H. & Rob M. organize a Seattle FR group. They meet discretely behind Evans Pool. Larry Yok drives from Tacoma to run. That group does not survive. 1983 -‐ The Lesbian Resource Center sponsors Seattle’s &irst Gay Pride Run, which transitions into the now famous, annual SFR Run Walk With Pride event. 1984 -‐ Dick Todd, Kit War&ield and Sue Schafer reincarnate a small SFR group. 1985 -‐ “Third time’s a charm”; Sabina Havkins, Phileo McAlexander and Greg Fischer unite in June of 1985 to provide the “kickstart” needed to get the club going and of&icially begin the SFR Club that continues on to this day. 1986 -‐ “I found out about SFR through an announcement in the SGN. I had only been in Seattle since July of 1985 and it was a great way to meet new friends and to become a part of a great community!” - Meredith Channel This SFR welcoming tradition continues to this day. 1986 -‐ In March there were 33 members, 17 women (51%) and by November there were 55 members, 13 women (29%). SFR has it’s &irst T-‐Shirt, teal with an outline of the Seattle skyline, designed by Phileo McAlexander. 1986 -‐ The &irst Wednesday night seasonal (nice weather) run was started. Attendance was light. FOOTPRINT 1986 -‐ SFR has two, 5 runner teams in the Falls to Gasworks 50 mile relay, starting at Mt. Si and ending at Gasworks Park. SFR continues to have teams through the 80’s. 1987 -‐ SFR &inds a home at Mae’s Phinney Ridge Café. Someone in the Saturday circle was designated each week to bring a quarter for the pay phone to RSVP for the group. 1988 -‐ SFR Saturday morning runners experience a schism with some abandoning breakfast at Mae’s for pastries at the Honeybear coffee house in Wallingford. 1988 -‐ SFR makes its &irst memorial gift to Children’s Orthopedic Hospital (now Seattle Children’s Hospital) on behalf of SFR member James Calvo who died in a motorcycle accident. 1990 -‐ Gay Games III: Vancouver; SFR, including many women, run the 5/10K . There are some good relay races and individual performances by the SFR Track Team. 1994 -‐ Len Tritsch comes on as SFR track coach and prepares the track team for Gay Games New York. 1994 -‐ Gay Games IV: New York; A good SFR turnout and the &irst time track goes to the Games with Coach Len. 1995 -‐ Nicholas Honner moves from Atlanta and revitalizes the now, highly successful, Wednesday night run which attracts 40 -‐70 runners each week all year round. 1998 -‐ Gay Games V: Amsterdam; SFR dominates track & &ield events 1999 -‐ Saturday morning coffee moves from the Honeybear to Zoka 2000 -‐ The SFR Website was established. Turnout for runs is in the 20’s on Wednesdays and the 70’s on Saturdays. 2000 -‐ SFR Mark Nagen passes and his parents set up the Mark Nagen award to be given to a SFR who excels in promoting the club’s mission. 2002 -‐ Gay Games VI: Sydney; A record number of 108 SFR (outnumbering Sydney FR in their home city) compete and return home with the, now traditional, volume of SFR medals (over 130 from track & &ield). Many SFR set Gay Games records which stood for quite a few years! 2005 -‐ Russell LaMar Jarquet-‐Acea comes on as the SFR Field coach, helping many SFR to try, succeed in and have fun with several &ield events. 2006 -‐ Gay Games VII: Chicago; SFR sent only a handful of track folks to Chicago, but they brought back plenty of medals (SGN, Aug. 11, 2006) FOOTPRINT 2006 -‐ Out Games I: Montreal; Overall attendance is smaller due to the split into Out and Gay Games. About 70 SFR compete and again SFR dominate track & &ield events. 2008 -‐ SFR participates for the &irst time in the Ragnar Relay and has had Ragnar teams every year since. In 2014 SFR had 3 teams. The 2 competitive teams &inished 3rd and 5th out of 422 &inishing teams. Our fun team has also performed well and had lots of fun doing it! 2009 -‐ Out Games II: Copenhagen; 37 SFR athletes, age 28 to 84 compete. An unexpected hate crime caused a hand injury to SFR teammate Dean Koga. “SFR resumed competition because they were determined not to let the incident succeed in stopping the OutGames.” (SGN) Dean competed in a relay run the following day. 2009 -‐ SFR &irst Pride Underwear Fashion Show hosted by Matthew Love, was and continues to be, a great success raising over 18K for our RWWP bene&iciaries. 2010 -‐ Gay Games VIII: Cologne; A small number of SFR competed. “As you might expect, we participated in both Laufen (road running, including the marathon) and Leichtathletic (Track & Field) and sometime in both.” -‐ SFR John Longres 2012 -‐ Go Long is started by Jon Nicholson and Andrew Williams as a long run training group. Today, in 2015, there are 114+ members on their FB page. In 2014 trail running is added to the Go Long long distance training runs. 2013 -‐ Out Games III: Antwerp; This was the track’s last meet with Coach Len. SFR brought back over 70 medals, and Len made sure each SFR got at least one. 2014 -‐ A record of 7 SFR run in the Boston Marathon. 2014 -‐ Gay Games IV: Cleveland/Akron; On the road and in track and &ield SFR compete, bringing Seattle SFR Pride and lots of medals home with them. 2014 -‐ Regular attendance during the summer grows to 40 on Wednesday evening runs and to 70 -‐ 100+ on Saturday morning walks & runs. 2015 -‐ February 7th over 140 SFR gather at the Mt. Baker Community Clubhouse to celebrate 30 years of SFR Pride! $170,000 The approximate amount raised and donated to the LGBT Community from the SFR sponsored RWWP and Underwear Fashion Show. Bene&iciaries throughout the years have included: the N.W. AIDs Foundation, Lesbian Mothers National Defense Fund, the Yes on Campaign 7 Campaign, Lambert House, The LGBT Community Center, Rainbow City Band, Safe Schools Coalition, Seattle hosted International FR track event, PFLAG, Center for LGBT Health, Team Seattle, Gay City, Chicken Soup Brigade, Three Dollar Bill Cinema, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), and Seattle Area Support Group. FOOTPRINT Thank you Kevin for hosting a fun SFR potluck with great food, super view and, most importantly, wonderful people!