Buccaneer 4-14 - the home of the USS Essex Association
Buccaneer 4-14 - the home of the USS Essex Association
VOLUME 45 NUMBER 1 WWW.USSESSEXCV9.ORG APRIL 2014 1963 USS ESSEX CVS-9 VISIT TO N.Y.C Vol. 45 APRIL 2014 NOTES FROM THE EDITOR Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Historian Ship’s Storekeeper Buccaneer Editor Master at Arms Membership/Publicity We have designed the Buccaneer to provide you with as much information, news, humor and coming events as possible. This is your newsletter so please forward us feedback as to articles and material you would like to see. We will keep all future issues to a maximum of 24 pages, and 20 pages would be ideal. This will keep our postage expenses to a minimum. With a tighter format, while using the front and back cover to eliminate wasted space, we should have as much if not more material to present to the reader. No.1 Robert C. Zeller, Jr. Gordon Kreiner H. Bruce Sims Robert D. Peters Bob Nause Richard M. Scales Tom Ferelli Tony Medina Fred McCaskill Gerald McDonell BOARD OF DIRECTORS *** CONTENTS*** 1- COVER-ESSEX-FREEDOM GUARD NYC HARBOR 2- NOTES FROM THE EDITOR, CONTENTS/OFFICERS/ DEAD LINES, etc. 3- CHAIRMAN’S REPORT/UPDATES 4- CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE 5 -TAPS & SICKBAY 6 - MEMORIAL AND HONOR LIST 7 - OVERVIEW OF USS ESSEX 8 - CHANGES TO ROSTER/ FYI 9 - “ONE OF OUR OWN” –EUGENE SCHMIDT 10- “45th USS ESSEX ASSOCIATION REUNION 11- 2014 BUFFALO REUNION TOURS 12- REUNION’S PLAN OF THE WEEK 13 - ANNUAL REUNION REGISTRATION 14 - LHD-2 COMMAND MASTER CHIEF 15 - LHD-2 UPDATE 16 - SHIP’S STORE page 1 17- SHIP’S STORE Page2 18- USS ESSEX 2014 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 19- RETURN TO SENDER /WELCOME ABOARD 20- ESSEX ORGANIZATION DUES NOTICE Art Bergmann Class of 2014 Chuck Fiedler Tom Connell Class of 2015 Euegene Schmidt Berlyn Ware Class of 2016 Richard Scales Bob Dreher Gordon Kreiner Ed Mrozinski FORMER CHAIRMEN Joseph DuErmit William Pihl Robert C. Zeller Jr. Robert Walker Frank O’Connor Norm Thompson Dan Ganet Bill McCaffrey ADVISORY BOARD Class of 2014 Don Fortin Bob Watson THE BUCCANEER is a periodical publication published a minimum of three times annually by the USS ESSEX CV/CVA/CVS-9/LHD-2 ASSN. INC., a non-profit organization. Members are composed of those who have served on the above ships at various times from 1941 to present. Offspring of those who served are also qualified for full membership. Spouses and others who are sponsored by a member may become an Associate Member but without voting privileges. NOTE: All photos, prints, articles, biographies, events, naval news, letters, humor, cartoons and all other newsworthy material should be sent to the editor as clearly and comprehensive as possible. All material forwarded for publication will be used when space and time permits. 2014 DUES ARE DUE! *Bob Nause–Chaplain /570-788-3157/ [email protected] 28 Country Club Ln., Sugarloaf, PA 18249-9733 PLEASE SEND YOUR DUES TO EUGENE SCHMIDT HIS ADDRESS IS ON THE BACK COVER OF THIS PUBLICATION *Tony & Maria Medina-Editor /732-738-6807 [email protected] 1719 Sunnyview Oval Keasbey, NJ 08832 *H. Bruce Sims-Secretary /770-707-1812/[email protected] 581 Conkle Rd. Hampton, GA 30228 *Gerald McDonell-Publicity/Membership [email protected] 42543 Applecreek Dr. Plymouth, MI 48170 BUCCANEER SUBMISSION DEADLINE Last day of October for December issue. *Robert D. Peters-Treasurer/[email protected] 2329 Princeton Berkley, MI 48072-3020 Last day of February for April issue. Last day of June for August issue. *Chuck Fiedler-LHD liaison/[email protected] 612 Fieldwood Cir. Richardson. TX75081-5608 2 From The Eyes of the Chairman Hope everyone had a happy holiday season. As for myself, I suffered a heart attack loading Santa’s sled on my front lawn. Had (4) stents and will be having another procedure on March the 12 th. Our reunion plans for Buffalo are moving right along. Dan Genet, will be following –up in the Buccaneer. We are in the process of working on the 2015 reunion. Bob Zeller Chairman The Treasurer Says" What a difference one year makes. In 2012 the Association lost $1,022 -- in 2013 the Association had a gain of $2,323. That is a swing of $3,345, ($1,022 + $2,323). Most of the gain was from a very strong income from the Nashville reunion. Our cash position remains very strong -- $45,330. This is a small gain of $1,811 over 2012. In my opinion, the Essex Association is in a sound financial position. Robert D. Peters Treasurer NOW HEAR THIS! My current term after being re-elected in Nashville will expire with the 2016 reunion. Therefore, I will not seek another term as your secretary. It has been a pleasure serving you all these years but after sixteen years, I will step down and pass it on to another shipmate. This will give the association three years to find my replacement. Sincerely, H. Bruce Sims Secretary USS Essex Association 3 The Chaplains Message The Chaplains Message Faith is what helps us face each new day of adversity. We truly must be our brothers and sisters keepers. Small acts of kindness lead to large acts of kindness. Faith is the glue that keeps us together. If you do not have the vision to move forward nothing will get done. Do not be afraid to start a business, venture into another career field, or relocate to a new town to enhance your opportunities. Faith is what you must depend on to battle the next medical procedure or illness. Faith is what we need in this country to keep our military and their families out or harm’s way. Faith is what our founding fathers had when they started our country. As the seasons change, from winter to spring our country has suffered drought, fires, heavy snow, flooding and terrible violent storms. Easter will be here soon. Remember Christ died because he loved us. Have a Happy Easter and do your best to stay healthy. God bless you and our troops! Recipe for Friendship Cake 1 cup greetings ½ cup smiles 2 cups hospitality 2 large handshakes 1 cup love 1 tsp sympathy Cream greetings and smiles thoroughly. Add hospitably and handshakes. Fold in love and sympathy carefully. Bake in moderate oven. Serves a large number and never goes stale, Calories-0Bob Nause Chaplain 4 TAPS Shipmates/ Members Departed Aboard Theodore S. Tubbs John Hugh McGrory Nick P. Cottis Barbara R. Heller George Gay Leroy Downs Carl Bond Anthony Iannazzo Virgil Down 04/15/13 12/9/13 11/01/11 09/07/13 06/26/13 12/17/13 01/16/13 10/12/13 12/17/13 unknown 1943-1946 1943-1944 Wife of Rich Heller 1953-1955 1943-1945 1950-1952 unknown unknown SICK BAY Carl Ward, is resting at home after 4 weeks at a Medical Center. He plans to have heart surgery early this year….let’s send prayers for a quick recovery. As updated by Eva, Judge Miller is back home and doing well, after his surgery lets pray for him to continue to do better each day. Roger Gladhill had an accident Feb.24th and had surgery on his leg and is at Presybertian Homes in Bloomington, Mn. recovering . Anyone wanting to wish him well ,the address is 9889 Penn Ave. So. Bloomington, Mn. 55431 Our Chairman Bob Zeller had a procedure in March, and is now recuperating. 5 MEMORIAL & HONOR LIST MEMORIALIZED HONORED DONOR EDWARD J. SCHNEIDER CHARLES M. POTTER JOHNNIE MALCIK GEORGE TODORICH ROBY SCHNEIDER, (WIFE) WARREN E. POTTER MR&MRS. BOB EMSWILER MARTHA TODORICH, (WIFE) OREN RALPH & 4 SONS BRUCE WOOD BOB HAYES BOB FLYNN MR & MRS BOB EMSWILER NORM & CAROLYN THOMPSON NORM & CAROLYN THOMPSON NORM & CAROLYN THOMPSON In HONOR or MEMORY of Form Name Donor In Memory of In Honor of______________________________By_____________________________ In Memory of In Honor of______________________________By______________________________ Name________________________________Street/Apt.___________________________ City__________________________________St & Zip ___________________________ Please make check payable to USS Essex Assn. and send it to treasurer Bob Peters, 2329 Princeton, Berkley MI 48072 Thank You (All donations will go into the general fund unless noted) Donation $____________ 6 Overview of the USS Essex Association by Past Chairman, William Pihl As I scan through the last Buccaneer, I have noticed with much satisfaction that we have a strong, worthwhile and healthy association. I think back to the days starting with our NYC reunion when major steps were taken to become an association, where all our former and present members could renew our allegiance and preserve “the fightenest ship in the fleet,” The USS Essex CV-9CVA,CVS. We had a rough time putting procedures in order so that an association could develop. Our first meetings were held at the reunions that followed because we had not proceeded to fully organize. We needed a secretary, treasurer, chairman and a slate of direction. Most of this was accomplished at our New Orleans reunion after the New York reunion. Because of our elected members lived so part apart, it was difficult to communicate. Therefore, we decided to have a phone conference call and it worked but, there was still room for improvement. There was a lot of paperwork to be done and a few members to do it. A fall out occurred with the person who first started the reunion in Louisville and Chicago, who saw fit not to pay our outstanding bills regarding previous reunions. As a result the order of business in New Orleans was to eliminate those invoices involving the previous board and others. So all the members present dug in their pockets and were fortunate to have the requirements to pay off the outstanding invoices. As a result from the encounter, we immediately pursued electing a treasurer and an audit committee to be elected at each reunion to review expenses and profits. In doing so we established a true and responsible method to keep the association in a sound financial position. We have been very fortunate to have such trustworthy members in charge of our banking and financial duties year after year. It proves to me that we have a healthy and proper association that we all can be proud of. The early years were busy for all of us as we went about establishing high standards. As it turned out what we were doing forty years ago was evidently the right thing to do which made being a member of the association desirable. Now with the addition and help from our LHD-2 members, it will be even more so. A FRIENDLY REMINDER: 2014 DUES ARE DUE!! 7 Pihl, William (Bill) 5115 Spring St. Ashville, NY 14710 Tel. 716-763-0558 McDonell, Gerald 307 Pamela Cir. Brooklyn, MI 49230 Tel. 586-719-0997 Dempsey Sr., Benjamin W. Armbrook Village #2414 551 North Rd. Westfield MA. 01085-5167 Matthews, Walter L. 7112 Santa Barbara St. Pensacola, FL. 32526 Tel . 850-458-6842 Powell Jr.,William B. 1174 Continental Ave. Melbourne, Fl. 32940 Tel. 321-610-1538 FYI READ BELOW The Association will be getting two signed copies of the above book from Retired Navy Commander, Rick Campbell, and they will be up for auction at our 2014 reunion. I’m Rick Campbell, a Navy Commander who retired last year after thirty-two years of service. As I approached retirement, I decided to try my hand at writing novels and ended up with a book deal with Macmillan / St. Martin’s Press, one of the biggest publishers in the country. My first book, a submarine thriller titled The Trident Deception, is getting fantastic reviews. Booklist has even hailed it as – the best submarine novel written in the last 30 years – since Tom Clancy’s classic The Hunt for Red October! (I’ve pasted the early reviews below.) My publisher is very excited about the book and is heavily promoting it, and the book will be featured at the front of all Barnes & Noble’s nationwide for two weeks. However, over 1000 novels are published each week, and my publisher can keep me at the front of bookstores for only so long before it’s swept into oblivion by the tidal wave of new books. I think former USS Essex crew members would enjoy reading The Trident Deception. You can find out more about The Trident Deception, as well as read the first 3 chapters at: rickcampbellauthor.com I’d love to send your association a signed hardcover copy of The Trident Deception, either to an individual or for an upcoming reunion as a door prize or for a raffle to raise funds. (Some associations have asked for two hardcovers - one for an individual and one for the reunion, and that's okay too.) Who knows – if I end up making it big, the signed hardcovers might actually be worth something someday. 8 “Proud of one of our own “(By Jonathan Van Zytveld /Grand Rapid Press) GRAND RAPIDS, MI – At Blandford Nature Center, it is difficult to find something Eugene "Joe" Schmidt has not fixed. A 72-year-old retiree, Schmidt volunteers biweekly at Blandford and utilizes his decades of building experience to create the best solution at the lowest possible cost. "He's basically had his hands on every square inch of this facility," said Martin Ferrone, a maintenance staff member at Blandford. "He's definitely not your average Joe." Schmidt's life as a builder began in the United States Navy as a machinist's mate aboard the USS Essex in the 1960s. There, he said he learned the importance of thoroughness and teamwork. "When you're on a ship, every single job is important," he said. "If you don't do your job right, somebody is going to get hurt. One guy can't do it alone, though; you learn to work together because you have to." When he got out of the service, Schmidt was self-employed as a builder until a recession in the 1980s made him seek a more stable job, which he found as a member of the facilities maintenance department in the Steelcase wood division. When Schmidt retired, he sought a way to way to remain active and use his skills. "You spend the greater part of your life learning this stuff, and then when you retire, it is nice to still be able to use it," he said. "If you can find a way to purpose (those skills), then you're better off." Schmidt and his wife, Janice, became acquainted with Blandford founder Mary Jane Dockery and bonded over a mutual love of birds. Schmidt is a lifetime member of the Grand Rapids Audubon Club and the Michigan Audubon Society, so when Dockery approached him to volunteer at Blandford, he said he was eager to help. "I love new challenges, and they give them to you all the time out here," he said. "Every time I come out here, there is something new to do." In his first year as a volunteer, Schmidt helped reconstruct a floating boardwalk and rebuilt the maintenance building, which had been in dire need of repair for years. Roughly five years later, Schmidt has worked in almost every building at Blandford. Among other projects, he has helped stabilize the collapsing Bicentennial Barn, created a dock extension at the frog pond based on a model that he created, fabricated ironwork for Blandford's entrance gate, and repaired damage to a floating dock, which was recently vandalized. He even built a ledge and gate mechanism for Blandford's bobcat, Bob. The majority of Schmidt's work involves coming up with the most costeffective way to solve a problem, but not at the expense of quality. To help Blandford continue to operate with budgetary constraints, he reuses tools and spare parts he's accumulated throughout his life. "We often have to make something out of nothing," he said. "When I was growing up, we didn't have a lot of stuff that kids have now, so you learned to make do with nothing." Schmidt's typical daily duties include welding, plumbing, carpentry and performing electrical work. "Blandford is definitely blessed to have him out here," Ferrone said. "He does all of the things you don't see, but what he does helps things run smoother, which helps the education programs keep running." Blandford has recognized Schmidt for his hard work many times, but he remains humble, even after earning the 2011 Volunteer of the Year Award. "I don't think that I do anything special, since so much of what I do out here is just second nature to what I've done all my life," he said. "My son used to tell the neighborhood kids to bring their bikes when they broke and told them that I could fix anything. That's a reputation that I've had for a long time."Schmidt said he enjoys the work he does at Blandford, and his other hobbies include building model ships and leatherwork. "Having hobbies is what keeps people going," he said. "You've got to keep going or everything comes to a halt. I'll keep coming back here for as long as I can. 9 45th USS ESSEX Association Reunion Our 2014 reunion will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel located at Two Fountain Plaza, Buffalo, N.Y. 14202 the week of September 08 to September 14, 2014. To make your Hotel reservations please call Central Reservation at 888.421-1442 or if necessary you can call the Hotel Direct at 716.856-1234 Monday to Friday 0900 to 1700 hours. You MUST indicate the group name USS ESSEX Association in order to receive the group rate. The Hotel is about 12 miles from the Buffalo – Niagara International Airport (Airport code is “BUF”). After making your Flight Reservation call Jane Cavanaugh at 716.855-4954 and give her your Name, the Name of your Airline, Your Flight Number, Date & Time of Arrival, Date & Time of Departure and your Cell Phone Number. This is so the Hotel can make the arrangements for picking everyone up. After picking up your luggage, walk out the doors, turn left and walk about 200 feet to the Hotel Shuttle parking area and look for a Black Van with Hyatt Regency on the side. If your using a computer to search for Airfare you can try KAYAK.COM to search numerous airlines at one time, when you select an airline it automatically switches you to that airline to make your reservation. Note: Southwest Airlines does not participate in Kayak. If you are driving to Buffalo, when you arrive at the Hotel pull up to the Entrance and tell the attendant that you are checking in and will park your car after check in. When checking in you will receive a parking voucher and be advised as where to park your car. NOTE: Valet parking is $12.00 a day and is NOT included in your room rate. Our room rate is $104.00 a night plus tax which includes Parking, Transportation to & from the Buffalo, N.Y. Airport. The room rate also includes a Full Buffet Breakfast from 0600 to 1100 hours consisting of Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Bacon, Breakfast Potatoes, Egg White Vegetable Frittata, Biscuits & Sausage Gravy, make your own Waffle with Fruit Compote & Whip Cream on the side, Rotating throughout the week will be Pancakes – French Toast & Smoked Salmon, a Variety of Cold Cereals, Steel Cut Oatmeal, White – Wheat & Rye Bread, Bagels, English Muffins, Variety of Fresh Danishes & Muffins, Fresh Sliced Fruit – Strawberries – Cantaloupe – Honeydew & Watermelon, Artesian & Domestic Cheese Board, a server will bring Coffee – Tea – Orange Juice – Cranberry or Apple Juice will rotate during the week. Also available will be made to order Traditional Eggs – Over Easy – Medium – Hard, Sunny Side Up, Poached, Egg Whites OR Omelets with a variety of 6 Cheeses and 9 Fillings. Now that was a mouthful!!! You will sign for your Buffet Breakfast, which includes Tax & Tip, and it will be deducted at the end of your stay. A menu is available but, that is EXTRA and is NOT included in the room rate. The Hotel has given us a 20% discount on all food purchase at their Restaurant during our reunion. NOTE: The Hotel charges $16.95 per person for the buffet breakfast, which is included in our room rate. According to a Buffalo brochure there are 69 Restaurants within walking distance from our Hotel. There are 25 Restaurants within a 5 minute walk and another 41 Restaurants within a 10 minute walk. All in all there are 69 Restaurants within a 15 minute walk of the Hotel. These Restaurants range from Sit Down Restaurants, Pubs with Diners, Take Out, Deli’s & Coffee shops. On other pages in the Buccaneer you will find a description of the tours, the Plan of the Week and the Registration form for the Buffalo Reunion. Dan Genet Reunion Coordinator 10 2014 Buffalo Reunion Tours Tour #1 Fort Niagara – Standing on a bluff above Lake Ontario not far from Niagara Falls. Old Fort Niagara has dominated the entrance to the Niagara River since 1726. The Fort played an important role in the struggles of France, Great Britain and the United States to control the Great Lakes region of North America. The tour includes 1 guide per 30 people, 6 buildings, Musket demo, Museum and Gift Shop. Tour #2 Niagara Falls State Park Your pre-paid ticket is for the Bus ride ONLY. Once you arrive at the park you can purchase an inclusive ticket for $ 33.00, which gives you admission to all Five venues, including the hop on hop off trolley OR you can pick one or more of the venues and pay for that venue only and take the Trolley around the park. Note: There are two restaurants at the park. The first one is right were you walk in; the second one is in the middle of the park and looks nicer then the first one on the outside. Trolley – $ 2.00 will allow you to hop on & hop off as it goes all around the park. Observation Tower – $ 1.00 This 230 foot overlook provides the only US location to photograph both the American & Horseshoe Falls. Maid of the Mist – $ 15.50 Ride into the Mist. Water rushes all around as you “soak” in the excitement and explores the roar of the falls. A historical ride aboard the world-famous Maid of the Mist is a half hour thrill of a lifetime! Which also includes the Observation Tower. You will receive a mild spray. Cave of the Winds – $ 11.00 The Cave of the Winds trip takes you closer to the waters of Niagara Falls than you thought possible. You ride an elevator 175 feet deep into the Niagara Gorge. Then, clad in a bright yellow poncho & wearing the special footwear provided, you walk over a series of wooden walkways to the famous “Hurricane Deck”. As you stand at the railing, you are a mere 20 feet from the billowing torrents of Bridal Veil Falls. Rainbows are usually visible day and night. Lots of wood Steps & you get very wet. Niagara Adventure Theater Movie – $ 9.00 Legends of Adventure comes to life on a new 45foot-large screen in our movie theater. Our auditorium ensures that you-re right in the middle of the action. See behind the mist, myths and mysteries of one of the most storied natural wonders of the world. Aquarium at Niagara – $ 10.00 there’s an ocean of discovery to experience at Niagara’s other “wet wonder,” the Aquarium of Niagara, located just a few blocks from Niagara Falls State Park. More than 1,500 aquatic animals live at the aquarium, representing ecosystems ranging from the Great Lakes to coral reefs. Niagara Gorge Discovery Center – $ 3.00 with hands on learning for all ages, the George Discovery Center includes interactive displays, a 26 foot rock climbing wall and a 180 multiscreen theater showing 12,000 years of the Niagara River. 11 PLAN OF THE WEEK USS ESSEX (CV/CVA/CVS-9/LHD-2, INC.) 45th ANNUAL REUNION Hyatt Regency Hotel, Buffalo, NY SEPTEMBER 8 or 14, 2014 0800 – 1145 0900 – 2300 1300 – 1730 Monday, September 08, 2014 “Now hear this” – Set the watch, Hoist the Welcome Banner, Stand by to receive guests to the 45th Annual USS ESSEX Reunion in Buffalo, New York Registration and Tour Packets table will be in front of the Hospitality Room Hospitality Room, (Bar open, If someone is available to tend bar while touring) Tour #1, Fort Niagara 0800 – 0840 0900 – 2300 0900 – 1600 Tuesday, September 09, 2014 Registration and Tour Packets table will be in front of the Hospitality Room Hospitality Room, (Bar open, If someone is available to tend bar while touring) Tour #2, Niagara Falls State Park 0800 – 0840 0900 – 2300 0900 – 1230 1400 – 1700 1700 – 2130 Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Registration and Tour Packets table will be in front of the Hospitality Room Hospitality Room, (Bar open, If someone is available to tend bar while touring) Tour #3, Navy Park (Free Train in front of Hotel) Annual Board of Directors Meeting Tour #4, Dinner Cruise 0800 1830 – 2000 Thursday, September 11, 2014 Registration and Tour Packets table will be in front of the Hospitality Room Hospitality Room, (Bar open, If someone is available to tend bar while touring) Tour #5, Wilcox Mansion, Buffalo Transportation Museum, Vidler’s 5 & 10 Store and the Made in America Store Specialty Food Night, Hospitality Room 0900 – 1000 0900 – 1200 1200 – 1830 1900 – 2300 Friday, September 12, 2014 Registration and Tour Packets table will be in front of the Hospitality Room Members General Business Meeting “Show membership card for admission” Hospitality Room Ladies Auction; Starting at 1600 hrs. you may bring in your items to be Auctioned 1000 – 1100 1100 – 1400 1700 – 1800 1800 – 2200 Saturday, September 13, 2014 Memorial Service Hospitality Room Cocktail Hour (Cash Bar) Banquet Dinner and then Dance the night away with a local DJ 0800 Sunday, September 14, 2014 Farewell to Friends and Shipmates until next year. 0745 – 0810 0900 – 2300 0830 – 1800 12 2014 USS ESSEX th 45 ANNUAL REUNION BUFFALO, NEW YORK SEPTEMBER 8-14, 2014 NAME ___________________________________PREFERRED NAME ON BADGE_________________________________ NAME OF YOUR GUESTS________________________PREFERRED NAME ON BADGE______________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_____________________________________STATE__________________ZIP___________________________________ PHONE___________________________________EMAIL________________________________________________________ IS THIS YOUR FIRST ESSEX REUNION? (YES OR NO) _______WHAT DAY DO YOU EXPECT TO ARRIVE?______ HOW MANY DAYS WILL YOU ATTEND? ________ PLEASE LIST ANY SPECIAL NEEDS_______________________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NOTIFY _______________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FEES \ NUMBER OF PERSONS ATTENDING REQUIRED REGISTRATION FEE _______ X $25 _______ THURSDAY NIGHT CHICKEN WINGS / BEEF ON WECK BREAD / SALAD_______ X $11 _______ SIRLOIN _______ X $37 _______ BANQUET MEAL CHOICE PLEASE SELECT: REGULAR PIE______ BRIOCHE CHICKEN _______ X $32 _______ ALASKAN SALMON _______ X $34 _______ OR SUGAR FREE PIE _______ TOURS TOUR #1~ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH ~ FORT NIAGRA TOUR _______ X $36 _______ TOUR #2 ~ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH ~ NIAGRA FALLS STATE PARK _______ X $30 _______ TOUR #3~ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH ~ NAVY PARK _______ X $6 _______ TOUR #4 ~ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH ~ DINNER CRUISE _______ X $80 _______ SELECT DINNER OPTION: BEEF & CHICKEN COMBO ______ ALL CHICKEN ______ ALL BEEF ______ TOUR #5 ~THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH ~ WILCOX MANSION, TRANSPORTATION MUSEUM, VIDLER’S 5 AND 10 STORE & MADE IN AMERICA STORE _______ X $58_______ TOTAL INCLOSED $ _______ PLEASE MARK T-SHIRT SIZE: SM_______ M_______ L _______ XL _______ XXL _______ PAYMENT IS DUE NO LATER THAN AUGUST 8, 2014 PLEASE SEND PAYMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS AND MADE PAYABLE TO: THE REUNION BRAT 16817 MOUNTAINSIDE DRIVE EAST GREENWATER, WA 98022 Confirmation of Registration and Itinerary will be sent out by August 12, 2014. A $20 per person cancellation fee will apply to all cancellations received within 30 days of the event. Cancellations received within 10 days of the event will be non-refundable. All payments have been made to all vendors. Call the Hyatt Regency Buffalo at 716-856-1234 as soon as possible to make your room reservations. Room reservations must be made no later than August 8, 2014. Be sure to mention you are with the USS Essex Association Reunion to receive your group room rate of $104 plus tax per night, Breakfast is included in the room rate. Depending on availability the room rates are available 3 days prior to and after your reunion should you choose to extend your stay. WE’LL SEE YOU SOON IN BUFFALO, NEW YORK! CMDCM(SW/AW) Gary Mendus Command Master Chief USS ESSEX (LHD-2) Master Chief Gary Mendus was born in Meridian, Mississippi. After graduating from Bay Senior High School, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi he entered the United States Navy and began Basic Training in San Diego, California in August 1987. Following Basic Training he completed HM "A" School at Naval School of Health Sciences, San Diego, California. He reported to his first ship, USS MCCANDLESS (FF-1084), home ported in Norfolk, Virginia. During his tour there, he deployed to the Mediterranean Sea and was Command Advanced to HM2. His subsequent sea assignments include: USS PONCE (LPD-15), which also deployed twice. CMDCM Mendus then went to HM "C" School, Surface Force Independent Duty Corpsman (SFIDC) and was Command Advanced to HM1. He then went to USS HAYLER (DD-997), home ported in Norfolk, Virginia as the SFIDC, where he was Sailor of the Year and advanced to Chief Petty Officer in 1999. He then reported to USS TICONDEROGA (CG-47) home ported in Pascagoula, Mississippi as the SFIDC and the Navigation and Administrations Leading Chief Petty Officer. In 2002, he was advanced to Senior Chief Petty Officer. While onboard he completed two 6 month deployments to South America. Upon completion of that tour, he next went to the USS COMSTOCK (LSD-45) as the SFIDC and Medical Leading Chief Petty Officer and completed two deployments to the Arabian Gulf. Shore assignments include: Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Florida as an EMT Instructor and Commander Surface Forces as the Technical Advisor to the Force Surgeon. He was promoted to the rank of Master Chief in 2005 during his tenure with Expeditionary Strike Group Three (ESG3) where he served as the Senior Enlisted Leader for Medical and acting Command Master Chief. Master Chief Mendus is a graduate of the Senior Enlisted Academy and Keystone Course and reported aboard USS CAPE ST GEORGE (CG-71) as Command Master Chief in January 2008 until January 2010. Next he reported as Naval Base San Diego's Command Master Chief in January 2010 until March 2012 Master Chief Mendus' personal decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (three gold stars), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (one silver star), Good Conduct Medal (one silver star), National Defense Medal (one bronze star), as well as other campaign and service awards. 14 Essex Leaves an Imprint on Fleet Readiness By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Sean Gallagher, USS Essex Public Affairs SAN DIEGO - A group of scientists and military leaders visited the amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2) to observe and discuss the operations of a unique three-dimensional printer, Feb. 12. The printer is the first of its kind to be installed and operated on board a Navy vessel. Essex was selected to test the viability of using the machine in practical situations including the printing of medical supplies as well as non-critical parts for shipboard use. “I’m very excited to test this machine,” said Capt. J. L. Jenkins, Essex’s commanding officer. “There are plenty of low risk, high-value applications it can be used for. Several small, non-critical parts can be made.” The group included visitors from Commander U.S. Third Fleet, Commander Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (SURFPAC), Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) Systems Center Pacific and several other distinguished guests. Visitors watched a demonstration of the uPrint Plus 3D Printer in the medical bay of the ship and then held an open discussion about possible applications for the U.S. Navy. The group noted that the capability of the printer increases ship’s mission capability and sustainable excellence by reducing the costs of materials per ship. The trial run on board Essex will test the technology’s capacity to increase warfighting ability if applied fleet wide and whether the equipment will be cost effective. Developing Sailors, training crews to fight and win, and providing warships ready for combat are the subjects of SURFPAC Commander Vice Adm. Thomas H. Copeman IIIs "Vision for the 2026 Surface Fleet," which consolidates a set of objectives and policies to maximize surface force readiness by concentrating on warfighting ability, sustainable excellence and wholeness over time. “Even though the printer can create useful tools for ships, we have to look at whether it will perform at sea, if Sailors will be able to get the appropriate training for this tool, and can it create a system by which parts can be approved for shipboard use,” said Shayne Kondor, a contractor with Naval Post-Graduate Dental School and subject matter expert. Copeman’s 2026 vision includes information related to requirements for improving shipboard technical expertise. His goal for the surface fleet is to have predictable, sustainable delivery of ships ready to train in order to ensure the success of the unit readiness development process. At the conclusion of three-hour tour, scientists and leaders were in agreement that the 3D printer improves the ship’s readiness and quality of life. “We just need to find what tools and equipment we can print to assist daily operations and shipboard projects,” said Jenkins. “Through testing and necessity we can create a wish list of what equipment to produce.” By printing things such as medical supplies, Essex has already demonstrated that there are a variety of helpful tools that the machine can make. The ship stands ready to prove the usefulness of the machine at sea paving the way for future ingenuity for the fleet. Essex is nearing the end of a $200 million, 18-month Dry-dock Planned Maintenance Availability (DPMA) and is scheduled to be operational in spring 2014. 15 SHIP’S STORE ORDER FORM (REVISED 11/2013 )page 1 of 2 USS USS Essex Marine USS Essex LHD-2 Red w/gold Blue w/ gold ___x17.00=$___ ___x17.00=$___ USS Essex CV-9 Blue w/gold ___ x17.00=$___ USS Essex CVA-9 Blue/gold /R bar ___x17.00=$___ USS Essex CVS 9 Blue/gold w/R bar ___x17.00=$___ USS Essex LHD-2 __1x17.00=$___ U USS Essex Assn. Blue w/gold USS Essex CVA-9 Blue w/gold Pin___x17.00=$___ ___x17.00=$___ Silver w/service Dates 1943-1969 & ship’s imprint Brass w/service Dates 1942-1969 & ship’s imprint USS Essex CV-9 WWII 1941-1945 NAVY VETERAN USS Essex CV-9 USS Essex Assn. __1x17.00=$___ Ship w/silver __ x14.00=$__ Lapel/Hat __ x14.00=$__ ___ x17.00=$___ Limited supply Limited supply Limited supply Essex Assn.Coin __x 15.00ea.$___ __x15.00ea.$___ __x15.00ea.$___ ___x10.00=$__ 2/for $25.00 2/for $25.00 2/for $25.00 Plaque not included in price __x14.00=$___ Essex Challenge Coin __x10.00=$ ___ __x15.00=$___ (A)__ Essex Assn. Ship Decal ___x5.00=$____ (B) __ pg. 16 (C) __ Essex Tote Bag blue w em.zips w/pockets __x15.00 _ SHIP’S STORE ORDER FORM (REVISED 11/2013) * PLEASE INDICATE SIZE*pg.2 of 2 USS Essex Sweatshirt —-x26.00= —— USS Essex Assoc. Men’s T shirts Blue only M__ L__ XL __ 2xl__ ___x15.00= $___ Golf Shirt Navy Blue —-x22.00= —— Golf Shirt Blue/White —-x22.00= —— USS Essex Sport Pique polo lt. blue (Blueberry) L___ XL ___ $27. ___x7.00=$___ New lic. Plate @ship store, & USS Essex website 2xl ___ $28. Ladies Golf Shirt Red —-x25.00= —— Ladies Golf Shirt White —-x25.00= —— Essex Jacket —-x50.00= —— Embroidery front Any member who has any suggestions for merchandise that they would like to see for sale in Ship’s store feel free to contact me at [email protected] . The ship’s store will be shipping all merchandise to the reunion site in Buffalo NY; therefore the store will close 2 weeks before Labor Day for inventory and pack out/shipping. All hands are reminded that the Essex Association is on Facebook and also information about the Association is available on ussessexcv9.org and ussessexassociation.com. Get online and get involved. PLEASE FILL OUT ORDER FORM BELOW AND MAIL PAGES YOU ORDERED FROM OR COPIES, TO TOM FERELLI AT THE ADDRESS INDICATED. MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO THE USS ESSEX ASSN. EMAIL OR CALL TOM WITH ANY QUESTIONS (See email and phone # address below) PLEASE FILL IN ABOVE SELECTIONS AND TOTAL BELOW. COMPLETE FORM AND MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO USS ESSEX ASSN. DO NOT MAKE PAYABLE TO TOM FERELLI. Send this slip along with the pages you ordered from or make copies and mail to: Tom Ferelli 19808 N. 43rd Ln. Glendale, AZ 85308-7390. email Tom at [email protected] or call 623-582-3164. Send to: Name__________________________________ Email address or phone # ___________________________ Address______________________________________City___________________St.____Zip____________ TOTAL $___________ (All taxes and shipping are included in price) 17 Return to Sender For the Return to Sender Address Unknown Ingram, Milton L. Truskot Sr., Frank J. Voltz, Leo J. Bollinger, Sylvester “Butch” J. Schmidt, Dolores Binns, Georgia Anderson, William H. Beam, Ray J. If anyone can help with new addresses for these listed please notify the secretary WELCOME ABOARD NAME DIV/S ABOARD Gibelyou, Paul ? 1965-1966 Ongman, “Bud” M 1962-1966 Packer, Scott V4 1992-1996 (LHD) Peabody, Charles OP 1960 Peterson, Eric V4 1991-1995 (LHD) Tippins, Jr., William Son of William Sr. 2014 MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE NOW DUE!!!!!! 19 USS ESSEX ASSOCIATION DUES NOTICE PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY and MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE U.S.S. ESSEX ASSN. DO NOT MAKE PAYABLE TO BOB PETERS . Membership cards will be issued and mailed by the Secretary. Mail to: EUGENE SCHMIDT 3823 WYOMING AVE. SW, WYOMING MI 49519-3659 Please check here only if this is a change in your address, phone number or email address. Remember, most of the time your phone # will also change when you move. Name __________________________________________________________________________ Street Address ___________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip __________________________________________________________________ Phone # __________________________Email Address __________________________________ (Please circle the appropriate year you’re paying) 2013 2014 Other (Explain Below) _____Years @ $25.00 per year $ ________ Other $ _______ Donations $ _______ TOTAL $ _______ You will not receive a dues notice by mail. Your only dues notice will be on our web site at www.ussessexcv9.org and printed in this B u c c a n e e r t h r e e t i m e s a y e a r . Dues not paid by 31 December of the current year due will be dropped from our active roster. All mailings, including the B u c c a n e e r , will be discontinued. The date on your membership card indicates the year you are paid thru. Therefore, please keep your card handy to refer to your dues status and entry into our Annual General Membership Meeting. (Please tear out or copy and send with your remittance) USS ESSEX ASSOCIATION 581 Conkle Rd. Hampton, GA 30228 TO: FIRST CLASS MAIL