The Orrick Building
The Orrick Building
“T B U IL D IN G W IS E S ERVIC E S With more than 20 million square feet of project experience, BuildingWise provides professional consultation, training, and direction to assist clients in maximizing operational performance, developing sustainability policies, and implementing strategies for energy savings. Services are custom-tailored to meet the specific high-performance needs of each individual client. his asset demonstrates what is possible when cutting-edge building design and technology meet progressive - yet practical - sustainable building management practices.” – Blake Peterson, MBA, RPA, LEED AP, Senior Property Manager, Ashforth Pacific of California, LLC Consulting LEED Certification The Orrick Building, ENERGY STAR PerformanceWise SM & Benchmarking a Modern-Day San Francisco Landmark Achieves The Green HeartbeatSM Carbon Footprint Analysis Energy Audits & Energy Analysis Green Retrofits Sustainability Development & Training Speaking Engagements L E E D ® FA C T S The Orrick Building 405 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105 LEED Platinum Certification LEED Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance V3 2009 Certification Awarded May 2010 For additional details and to view project highlights Platinum Certification 90 Sustainable Sites: 22 Water Efficiency: 10 visit BuildingWise, LLC BuildingWise, providing a comprehensive set of consulting Monterey Bay | San Francisco services and unmatched expertise in the LEED® (Leadership 831.633.9473| 415.990.5080 in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating Energy & Atmosphere: 27 System™ to guide building operators, owners, and investors Materials & Resources: 11 as they design, construct, or upgrade existing buildings to Indoor Environmental improve energy performance, grow net-operating income, reduce environmental impacts, and leverage for maximum marketing potential. Quality:14 Innovation in Operations: 6 BUILDINGWISE, LLC I MONTEREY BAY I SAN FRANCISCO | WWW.BUILDINGWISE.NET P RO J ECT PROF ILE : T HE ORRI CK BUIL D IN G Commitment to the Environment and Extraordinary Leadership Take Iconic Structure to the Next Level An impressive trash sorting program was implemented wherein, the inhouse janitorial staff hand-separates all compostable and recyclable items from the building waste-stream on a daily basis. Remarkably, 92% of all building waste is either recycled or composted, sending only 8% to the landfill. In addition the property management team has launched numerous initiatives including: a comprehensive green cleaning program; an ordering policy for building supplies, reducing the quantity of deliveries; a low/no mercury light bulb purchasing policy; and a policy to mulch plant waste and tree pruning on-site as ground cover, rather than disposal. 89% of occupants utilize some-type of alternative transportation. 92% of ongoing consumables are recycled or composted that otherwise would have been sent to local landfills. ENERGY STAR rating of 94, ranking within the top performing office buildings in the country. Landscape water use is over 87% less than would be required for conventional landscaping in the region. Energy efficiency projects have generated over $40,000 in electrical cost savings, representing a 2.2 year payback after rebates and incentives. PR O JE C T B A CKG ROU ND S T RAT EGIES & RES ULT S Located in the South of Market Financial District in San Francisco, California, 405 Howard Street, also known as The Orrick Building, is a distinctive, modern-day landmark in the heart of the City. Built in 2002, the 10-story, 503,576 square-foot structure, designed by Studios Architecture, is located on 1.7 acres and features a modern steel and glass design, state-of-the-art building infrastructure and systems, large floor plates, excellent views and a plaza area showcasing contemporary art in an active, urban environment. The Orrick Building was originally designed and constructed with sustainable elements including: a dramatic glass curtain wall with low-e glazing, 12foot ceilings, 100% fresh air intake, T5 and T8 building standard lighting, a raised floor HVAC distribution system and low-flow plumbing fixtures. This existing awareness and commitment to sustainability positioned the building to be the perfect candidate for LEED Platinum certification. 405 Howard Street is managed by Ashforth Pacific of California LLC and is owned by an affiliate of the General Electric Pension Trust in joint venture with The Ashforth Company. In May of 2010, Ashforth Pacific, in collaboration with BuildingWise, secured the prestigious, United States Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED-EB Platinum certification for the Orrick Building. Earning 90 out of 110 possible points, the Orrick Building became the second multi-tenant building in all of San Francisco to achieve this level of LEED®, and is the highest scoring existing building in the United States to date. Ashforth Pacific not only looked to their industry experts and consultants, but involved their tenants in many aspects of the process. In fact, each tenant elected a LEED delegate that represented their business in the coordination of LEEDrelated tenant tasks and communications. The innovative establishment of this tenant-landlord partnership created a unique sense of camaraderie and positive momentum towards the common goal of LEED certification. E N E R G Y & ATMO SPHE R E S US TAINABL E S IT ES The maximum number of points was achieved in the Energy and Atmosphere category of LEED due to optimizing outstanding energy efficiency in such a large structure that is almost 100% occupied. The building currently has an Energy Star rating of 94, yielding 17 out of 18 possible points for this credit. Efforts made in their commissioning process show signs of the Energy Star score improving even more in the years to come. The efforts made in alternative transportation exceeded ex- BUILDINGWISE, LLC I MONTEREY BAY I SAN FRANCISCO | WWW.BUILDINGWISE.NET Ashforth Pacific has been honored with the San Francisco Building Owners and Managers Association’s (BOMA) Earth Award; the 2010 Urban Land Institute’s Awards for Excellence: The Americas competition; a 2010 San Francisco 24x7 Energy Challenge Award; and a BOMA 360 Designation. Furthermore, Ashforth Pacific’s San Francisco office served as the pilot office for the San Francisco’s Department of Environment’s development of the Certified Green Business designation for property management offices. pectations for both the area of San Francisco and the LEED rating system, earning all 15 points available, as well as the bonus point for regional priority, commemorating the building’s accomplishment even further. BUILDINGWISE, LLC I MONTEREY BAY I SAN FRANCISCO | WWW.BUILDINGWISE.NET