HEIGHTS - Prattville YMCA
HEIGHTS - Prattville YMCA
CLIMB TO NEW HEIGHT S AUG - DEC 2016 PROGRAM GUIDE PRATTVILLE YMCA PRATTVILLE YMCA STAFF David Lewis............................General Director Keith Cantrell.........................Assistant General Director/Development Betty Estes.............................Child Care Branch Executive Otis Reeves.............................Don M. Smith Branch Executive Jennifer P. Barrett..................DMS Assistant Branch Director Cecily Darby...........................Fitness/Wellness Branch Executive Jessica Sedgwick...................Gymnastics Director Sherry Moore.........................Finance Director Kathy Asbury..........................Membership Coordinator Wendy Majors........................Accounts Payable/Payroll Priscilla Glasscock.................Child Care Administrator Sandra Hanna.........................Preschool Administrator Bambi Molden........................Don M. Smith Branch Member Services Chris Smith.............................Willis Bradford Branch Member Services Sarah Kirkpatrick..................Fitness/Wellness Branch Member Services David Creamer........................Aquatics Coordinator Jon Grooms.............................Sports Coordinator BOARD OF TRUSTEES OFFICERS Harvey Clark...........................President Roscoe Williams....................Vice President Frank Lamar............................Treasurer Ted Taylor................................Secretary Willis Bradford David Lewis Ed Mullins Girls’ Volleyball..........................................page 4 Basketball...................................................page 5 Basketball Clinics......................................page 5 Gymnastics ................................................page 6 Cheer & Tumbling.....................................page 7 Gymnastics Lock-ins................................page 7 Swim Lessons............................................page 8 Swim Team.................................................page 8 Home School P.E.......................................page 9 Taekwondo.................................................page 9 Youth Exercise Classes...........................page 9 Afterschool Care.......................................page 10 Kids’ Club....................................................page 10 Preschool Child Development Center...page 10 Birthday Parties........................................page 11 Child’s Play Center....................................page 11 Parents’ Night Out...................................page 11 OFFICERS Mike Lamar..........................Chairman Johnny Brownell.................Vice Chairman Spencer Knight...................Secretary/Treasurer Clay McConnell Brett Crawford Spence Agee David McDowell Brent Edwards Eric Alford Tom Miller Martha Ellis Robby Anderson Algie Morgan Bob Gipson Jeremy Arthur Cindy Oliver Hootie Gipson Karla Boles Gray Penton H. Mac Gipson Terry Bowen Susan Poole Steve Golsan Ken Burton Larry Puckett Randy Grissett Jim Byard Jr. Wade Seamon Ginger Henry Janice Clark David Smith Louise Jennings Edward Clinton Carl Johnson Rob Couch Dean Argo Willis Bradford J.N. “Buddy” Buckner Harvey Clark Louis Colley Barbara Dennis Frank Lamar Your opinion matters to us! Tell us how we’re doing: [email protected] YOUTH DEVELOPMENT (pages 4-11) Cheerleading..............................................page 4 Football.......................................................page 4 BOARD OF MANAGERS LIFE BOARD MEMBERS David Smith Don M. Smith Milton Wendland The PRATTVILLE YMCA is for... HERE FORYOU! Joe Mathis Roy McAuley Ed Mullins Tom Newton Horace Powell Don M. Smith Robert Stacy Albert Striplin Ted Taylor Mona Till Alfred Wadsworth George Walthall, Jr. Richard Williams Roscoe Williams The Prattville YMCA is a United Way Agency. HEALTHY LIVING (pages 12-15) Aerobics Schedule............................................page 12 Fitness Classes..................................................page 13 NETA Certifications.........................................page 13 Massage.............................................................page 14 Adult Aquatics Classes....................................page 15 Adult Swim Classes & Lap Swim Times.......page 15 Free Swim...........................................................page 15 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (page 16) Diabetes Academy...........................................page 16 Leaders’ Club.....................................................page 16 Military Deployment Program.......................page 16 Pacers.................................................................page 16 Scholarship Program.......................................page 16 Second Grade Water Safety..........................page 16 YMCA Volunteers.............................................page 16 YOUR YMCA BRANCHES... . . . . ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH (334) 365-8852 600 East Main St., Prattville, AL 36067 Monday – Friday 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. CHILD CARE BRANCH (334) 358-1446 972 McQueen Smith Rd. S, Prattville, AL 36066 Monday - Friday After School Programs: Summer Day Camps: 6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. 7:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. DON M. SMITH BRANCH (334) 365-8852 600 East Main St., Prattville, AL 36067 Mon., Tues., Thurs. 7:30 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. Wednesday & *Friday 7:30 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. SundayClosed *May 27-August 5 close at 6:00 P.M. on Fridays. FITNESS BRANCH (334) 361-0268 600 East Main St., Prattville, AL 36067 Monday – Friday 5:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Sunday 1:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. . Child Watch Room Hours for Fitness Branch Mon., Wed., Fri 8:00 - 11:00 A.M. Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 - 10:00 A.M. Monday- Friday 3:30 - 7:00 P.M. WELLNESS BRANCH 348 Hwy 82 W., Prattville, AL 36067 Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday . (334) 491-9622 5:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. 5:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Closed Child Watch Room Hours for Wellness Branch Monday-Friday 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. Tuesday 5:30 - 6:30 P.M. WILLIS BRADFORD BRANCH (334) 358-9622 972 McQueen Smith Rd. S, Prattville, AL 36066 May 21 - Aug 28 After Aug 28 Mon. – Thurs. 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. Friday 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Sunday *1:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.Closed *Sunday hours are June - August and are pool only. Child Watch Room Hours for Willis Bradford Branch Mon., Wed., Fri 8:00 - 10:00 A.M. Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 - 11:00 A.M. MEMBERSHIP RATES Category Monthly Draft Joining Fee Household* $53 $75 Household Plus One* $69 $91 Household Plus Two* $85 $107 River Region Household** $63 $100 Adult (19 and over) $32 $50 River Region Adult** $49 $50 Youth (10 - 18) $28 $25 Youth (9 & Under) $25 $25 *A household includes two adults, residing at the same address, and any dependents of either person or both. The Household Plus options allow for up to 2 additional adults residing at the Household Membership address to be added to a Household Membership. Proof of residence will be required for all adults on a Household Membership. **A River Region Membership includes YMCA branches in Alabama, Mississippi & parts of Tennessee. MEMBER-GET-A-MEMBER Love the YMCA? Tell your friends to sign up and get paid! Refer a friend and receive $20 in Y bucks, good for YMCA programs and merchandise. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE All Branches closed on Monday, Sept. 5 for Labor Day Nov. 23 Administrative Closed at Noon Bradford 8 AM6 PM Nov. 24 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 31 Jan. 1 Jan. 2 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 8 AM6 PM 9 AM6 PM Closed Closed Closed 8 AM6 PM Closed Closed Child Care Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Don M. Smith Closed at Noon Fitness 5 AM6 PM Closed 6 AM6 PM Wellness 5 AM6 PM Closed 7 AM1 PM Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 8 AM6 PM Closed 8 AM6 PM Closed Closed Closed 8 AM6 PM 8 AM1 PM 1-4 PM 8 AM6 PM Closed Closed 8 AM6 PM 8 AM6 PM STAY CONNECTED www.prattvilleymca.org As a YMCA member, you will receive a detailed program book 3 times a year with program dates, times & fees. For detailed program descriptions & membership policies, visit our website or ask Member Services for a General Program Guide. 3 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Nurturing the potential of every child and teen SEASONAL SPORTS GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Registration: Now through September 10 Ages: 3rd - 6th grade Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Player Evaluation & Clinic: Sept. 12 at the Bradford Branch 3rd & 4th grade 5:30 P.M. 5th & 6th grade 6:30 P.M. All participants need to be present First Practice: Coaches will contact prior to first practice. Equipment: Knee pads recommended but not required. Fee: $45 Members/$85 Non-members 4 YOUTH FOOTBALL LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Registration: Now through August 13 3 Leagues: 1st & 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th grade, 5th & 6th grade Free Clinic: August 6, 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. Early Registration: (Thru Aug 6) $60 Members/$120 Non-members Aug 7-13: $80 Members/$140 Non-members Equipment provided by participant. Game jersey provided by YMCA. YOUTH CHEERLEADING LOCATION: Registration: 3 Leagues: Fee: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Now through August 13 1st & 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th grade, 5th & 6th grade $120 Members/$155 Non-members Fee includes program fee, uniform & pom poms. YOUTH BASKETBALL FIELD OF DREAMS BASEBALL Call for Fall League information: 358-9622 LITTLE DUNKERS LOCATION: Registration: Ages: Days: First Practice: Fee: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Now through August 27 Boys & Girls 4 & 5 years old Mondays & Thursdays Coaches will contact prior to first practice. $45 Members/$85 Non-members LITTLE DRIBBLERS LOCATION: Registration: Ages: First Practice: Fee: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Now through October 29th Boys & Girls 1st & 2nd grade Coaches will contact players. $50 Members/$100 Non-members The purpose of Little Dribblers is to teach the basic skills of basketball in a positive learning environment. Teams will shoot on 8 foot goals and use a smaller ball. Practice will be held once a week at *Prattville Elementary School and games will be on Friday nights at the Bradford Branch YMCA. Parents interested in coaching, please contact Jon Grooms at 358-9622. *Note: Practices may be at Prattville Elementary or at the Bradford Branch depending on space availability. GIRLS’ BASKETBALL LOCATION: Registration: 3 Leagues: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Now through October 29th 3rd & 4th grade, 5th & 6th grade, 7th-12th grade Player’s Evaluation: November 11th 3rd & 4th grade at 5:00 P.M. 5th & 6th grade at 5:30 P.M. 7th-12th grade at 6:00 P.M. First Practice: November 14th or 15th Fee: $60 Members/$120 Non-members (fee includes jersey) BOYS’ BASKETBALL LOCATION: Registration: 4 Leagues: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Now through October 29th 3rd & 4th, 5th & 6th, 7th & 8th, 9th-12th grade Player’s Evaluation: November 7th 3rd grade at 5:30 P.M. 4th grade at 6:00 P.M. November 8th5th grade at 5:30 P.M. 6th grade at 6:00 P.M. November 10th 7th grade at 5:00 P.M. 8th grade at 5:30 P.M. 9th-12th grade at 6:00 P.M. First Practice: November 14th or 15th Fee: $60 Members/$120 Non-members (fee includes jersey) HOLIDAY BASKETBALL CLINIC & UAB GAME Join us for a fun-filled day of basketball! First, we will be at the Bradford Branch for an instructional clinic for boys and girls. Then we will enjoy a pizza dinner and a Pepsi. After dinner we will load up on the bus and head to Birmingham or Auburn to watch a game. Date to be announced. Call the Bradford Branch for cost and more information (358-9622). 5 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Nurturing the potential of every child and teen YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS LIL’ CRICKETS LOCATION: Ages: Don M. Smith Branch (365-8852) Walking to 35 months Days & Times: Saturdays: 9:00-9:30 A.M. 10:30-11:00 A.M. Fridays: 11:00-11:30 A.M. Mondays: Fee Per Session: $39 Members/ $57 Non-members (25% off additional child discount) GYMINEE CRICKETS LOCATION: Ages: Don M. Smith Branch (365-8852) 3 - 5 1/2 (children who are not potty-trained must have an adult present during the entire class) Days & Times: Saturdays: 9:45-10:30 A.M. Mondays: 12:00-12:45 P.M. 4:00-4:45 P.M. 5:00-5:45 P.M. 6:00-6:45 P.M. Tuesdays: *10:00-10:45 A.M. 12:00-12:45 P.M. Fridays: 12:00-12:45 P.M. * Our Tuesday 10:00 class is for the Bradford Branch Preschool only Fee Per Session: $49 Members/ $79 Non-members (25% off additional child discount) YOUTH GYMNASTICS BOYS’ & GIRLS’ GYMNASTICS CLASSES LOCATION: Ages: Don M. Smith Branch (365-8852) 5 1/2 and up 2 day a week classes: Days & Times: Mon & Wed: 4:00-4:55 P.M. (girls only) 5:00-5:55 P.M. (girls & boys) Tues & Thurs: 12:00-12:55 P.M. (girls only) 4:00-4:55 P.M. (girls only) 5:00-5:55 P.M. (girls & boys) 6:00-6:55 P.M. (girls & boys) Fee Per Session: $69 Members/$99 Non-members (25% off additional child discount) 1 day a week classes: Days & Times: Monday 6:00-6:55 P.M. (girls only) Friday4:00-4:55 P.M. (girls only) Saturday 9:00-9:55 A.M. (girls & boys) Fee Per Session: $49 Members/$79 Non-members (25% off additional child discount) Advanced Class: Must have completed the Platinum level in our class program. Days & Time: Wed & Fri 5:00-5:55 P.M. (girls only) Tues & Thurs 7:00-7:55 P.M. (girls only) Fee Per Session: $69 Members/$99 Non-members (25% off additional child discount) GYMNASTICS & CHEER SESSION DATES August 13-September 9 September 10-October 7 October 8-November 4 November 5-December 9 (no classes Nov. 21-26) January 7-February 3 February 4-March 3 March 4-April 7 (no classes Mar. 20-25) April 8-May 5 GYMINEE CRICKET OPEN HOUSE! August 8, 6:00-6:30 P.M. Come see what Crickets is all about! Meet the Gyminee Cricket Staff and participate in fun gym activities! 6 MARK YOUR CALENDARS! NATIONAL GYMNASTICS DAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 CHEER & TUMBLE CLASSES SENIOR CHEER AND TUMBLE LOCATION: Ages: Days: Time: Fee Per Session: Don M. Smith Branch (365-8852) 6th-12th grades Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:00-8:00 P.M. $69 Members/$99 Non-members (25% off additional child discount) JUNIOR CHEER AND TUMBLE LOCATION: Ages: Days: Time: Fee Per Session: Don M. Smith Branch (365-8852) 1st-5th grades Wednesdays & Fridays 4:00-4:55 P.M. $69 Members/$99 Non-members (25% off additional child discount) GYMNASTICS LOCK-INS LOCATION: Ages: Dates: Time: Fee: Don M. Smith Branch (365-8852) 5 1/2 and up Aug 26, Sept 23, Oct 21, Nov 18 7:00 - 10:30 P.M. $25 Members/$35 Non-members Come enjoy a FREE clinic with the YMCA Team Coaches and a special guest from the University of Alabama. The clinic is open to the community for boys and girls ages 5 1/2 and up. This is the perfect time to try gymnastics for the first time or for our returning gymnasts to kick off the fall gymnastics season! CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL! Saturday, Dec 10 This is our end of the year show for boys & girls enrolled in our gymnastics program. Every gymnast receives a medal! HOLIDAY GYMNASTICS CLINIC! Mon & Tues, Dec 19 & 20 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. Looking to have some fun this holiday season? Sign up for our Holiday Gymnastics Clinic. Our clinic is for boys & girls ages 5 1/2 & up. PRIVATE GYMNASTICS & TUMBLING LESSONS Private lessons are available for class students and team members who would like extra work on beam, bars, vault or tumbling. For scheduling information, contact Coach Jessica Sedgwick at the Don M. Smith Branch (365-8852). 7 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Nurturing the potential of every child and teen YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS SWIM LESSONS & SWIM TEAM SWIM LESSON SESSION DATES August 23-September 15 September 20-October 13 October 18-November 10 November 15-December 15 (no classes Nov. 21-25) January 10-February 2 February 7-March 2 March 7-April 6 (no classes Mar. 20-24) April 11-May 4 PRESCHOOL SWIM LESSONS PRATTVILLE SWIM LEAGUE Days & Times: Tues & Thurs 11:00-11:30 A.M. 4:00-4:30 P.M. LOCATION: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Short Course Swim Team: Our PSL short course swim team is a YMCA and USA swimming team. Registration for the short course swim season begins in August. For more information, contact the Don M. Smith Member Services’ Desk at 365-8852. LOCATION: Ages: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) 3-5 years old Fee Per Session: $36 Members/$72 Non-members (Non-members may register the Fri prior to session start date) YOUTH SWIM LESSONS LOCATION: Ages: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) 6 and up Days & Times: Tues & Thurs 11:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M. 4:30-5:00 P.M. 8 Fee Per Session: $36 Members/$72 Non-members (Non-members may register the Fri prior to session start date) ABILITY SWIM LESSONS LOCATION: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Ages 3-16 that have a special physical or medical need. For more information regarding the program and registration, contact the Don M. Smith Member Services’ Desk or email [email protected]. FAMILY FITNESS TIMES BUILDING STRONG BODIES & MINDS NEW! KID FIT LOCATION: Fitness Center (361-0268) A fun class incorporating various fitness techniques and principles to help kids develop aerobic endurance, muscular strength, flexibility and a love of exercise. Ages: Sessions: Days: Time: Monthly Fee: 6-11 years old Sept 6-29 • Oct 4-27 • Nov 1-Dec 1 (No classes Nov 22 & 24) Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:00-5:00 P.M. $20 Members/$40 Non-members TEEN CROSS LOCATION: Fitness Center (361-0268) Challenging and fun workout class that will help teens improve their fitness level through interval, circuit, strength & aerobic training. Ages: Sessions: Days & Time: Monthly Fee: 12-15 year olds Sept 7-30 • Oct 3-31 • Nov 2-30 (No classes Nov 21-25) Mon, Wed & Fri, 4:00-5:00 P.M. $20 Members/$40 Non-members HOME SCHOOL P.E. LOCATION: Ages: Begins: Day & Time: Monthly Fee: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Kindergarten - 6th grade. Classes will be divided into two groups (Kindergarten - 3rd grade, 4th - 6th grade). September 6 Tuesdays, 1:00 - 2:30 P.M. LOCATION: Wellness Branch (491-9622) Days: Mon-Thurs Time: 4:00-7:00 P.M. Ages: 9 & up LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Days: Mon-Fri Time: 4:00-7:00 P.M. Ages: 7 & up LITTLE DRAGONS TAEKWONDO LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Days & Times: Tues & Thurs 6:00-6:45 P.M. Ages: 4-6 years old Instructor: Pam Smith Monthly Fee (bank draft): Members Non-members 1st child$45$60 2nd child$30$40 TAEKWONDO LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Days & Times: Tues & Thurs 6:45-7:45 P.M. Instructor: Pam Smith Monthly Fee (bank draft): Members Non-members 1st family member: $60 $75 Additional family members: $30 $40 Members: $15 per child with a family max of $45 Non-members: $25 per child with a family max of $75 INFANT SURVIVAL SWIMMING LOCATION: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Ages: 6 months-6 years Infant Aquatics has developed a proven technique that teaches infants as young as 6 months old to float and breathe, regardless of the water’s depth, for an indefinite amount of time. This is more than your average swim lessons, these techniques are lifesaving. Not only will the child be more confident in the water, it gives parents and caretakers peace of mind knowing that if an accident does occur, their child has the skills to save themselves. For more information or to register, contact Jeffrey Nichols at 375-2023 or [email protected] 9 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Nurturing the potential of every child and teen AFTERSCHOOL CARE AFTERSCHOOL REGISTRATION BEGINS JULY 18 at 8:00 A.M. AT THE BRADFORD BRANCH When you have to work, the Y is here to provide your child with a fun and safe place to go after school. We provide a supervised, structured environment for children in grades K-6. Their activities include arts & crafts, games, creative activities, sports, snacks, and much, much more. We have afterschool sites at 5 different locations throughout our community. For more information, contact Betty Estes or Priscilla Glasscock at 358-1446. Sites: Main Site, Daniel Pratt, Pine Level, Kindergarten, and Primary Afterschool Hours: 2:30-6:00 P.M. Weekly Fee: Members Non-members 1st child$50$60 2nd child$40$50 3rd child$35$45 YMCA KIDS’ CLUB LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) PRESCHOOL CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER THEME: WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD The Y offers you a State of Alabama licensed preschool for your child age 2 ½ -5 years old who is fully potty trained. The mission of our Preschool Child Development Center is to provide child care in a structured learning environment that also teaches Christian values. We use the Houghton Mifflin Curriculum that has been approved for the Pre K4 Programs by the State of Alabama. Your child is offered electives throughout the year such as Gyminee Crickets, swim lessons, and tailored activities. Hot lunch and two snacks are provided to your child daily. Contact Sandi Hanna at 358-1446 for more information. When: Time: LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-1446) Time: 6:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. Fee: Members $95/week Non-members $120/week 10 Come join our adventure as we explore God’s amazing world. We will learn all about animals, ABC’s, 123’s, shapes & colors. From ants to zebras and plants to trees, get ready to discover creation like never before! Begins Wednesday, Sept 7, 2016. 8:30 - 11:30 A.M. (check in at 8:15 A.M.) OPEN HOUSE/MEET THE TEACHER: Aug 18, 10:00 A.M. Choose from the following options: 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) Fee per month: $90 Members / $120 Non-members 2 days a week (Monday & Wednesday) Fee per month: $75 Members / $105 Non-members $5 off the second child. Registration fee: $30 (includes a t-shirt!) Limited number of drop in spots available per day ($15 Members /$25 Non-members per day). PLAY CENTER TIME CHILD’S PLAY CENTER FAMILY TIME LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Days & Times beginning September 7: Mon: 11:30 A.M.-4:00 P.M., 8:00-9:00 P.M. Tues:12:00-3:30 P.M., 7:30-9:00 P.M.* Wed:11:30 A.M.-9:00 P.M. Thurs:12:00-4:00 P.M., 8:00-9:00 P.M. Fri:11:30 A.M.-6:00 P.M.** Sat:9:00-11:30 A.M.* *If there are no birthday parties scheduled, then free play is available. **If there is no Parents’ Night Out scheduled, then free play is available. Fee: Free to Members CHILD’S PLAY CENTER PUNCH CARD LOCATION: Ages: Days & Times: Fee: Bradford Branch (358-9622) 2-9 (must be potty-trained) Tues & Thurs: 8:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. Mon & Thurs: 4:00-8:00 P.M. $30 for one punch card (members only) PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) When: July 8 & 22, Aug 12 & 26, Sept 9 & 23, Oct 14 & 28, Nov 11, Dec 2, 9 & 16 Time: 6:00-10:00 P.M. Ages: Boys and girls ages 3-12 (must be potty trained) Fee: Members Non-members 1st child $20 $30 Additional children $12 $22 BIRTHDAY PARTIES FIELD OF DREAMS PARTIES (KICKBALL & WIFFLE BALL) LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Days: Saturdays Party Times Available:10:00 A.M., 12:00 P.M., 2:00 P.M., 4:00 P.M. Fee: $140 Members/$190 Non-members (15 party guests, $2 each additional guest) RUMBLE AND TUMBLE GYMNASTICS PARTIES LOCATION: Days & Times: Fee: Don M. Smith Branch (365-8852) Saturdays 1:15-2:45 P.M. or 2:15-3:45 P.M. $225 Members/$325 Non-members (15 party guests, $2 each additional guest) PLAY CENTER PARTIES LOCATION: Times Available: Fee: Bradford Branch (358-9622) Saturdays: 12:00 P.M., 2:00 P.M., 4:00 P.M. Tuesdays: 4:00 P.M., 6:00 P.M. $140 Members/$190 Non-members (15 party guests, $2 each additional guest) IN THE GYM PARTIES LOCATION: Fee: Bradford Branch (358-9622) $140 Members/$190 Non-members (15 party guests, $2 each additional guest) ADD AN INFLATABLE JUMPER TO A PLAYCENTER OR IN THE GYM PARTY FOR $50. 11 HEALTHY LIVING Improving the nation’s health and well-being GROUP EXERCISE SCHEDULE * These classes require an additional fee. CLASSES AT THE FITNESS CENTER (361-0268) MONDAY TUESDAYWEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY 5:15-6:15 A.M. Sunrise Aerobics 7:00-7:30 A.M. Morning Movers Morning Movers 8:00-9:00 A.M. Pacers Pacers 8:30-9:00 A.M. Core Strength Morning Yoga Kick Boxing Sunrise Aerobics Morning Yoga Kick Boxing Core Strength Sunrise Aerobics Pacers Core Strength 8:30-9:30 A.M. Pilates Mix Pilates Mix 9:00-9:30 A.M. Butts & Guts Butts & Guts 9:00-10:00 A.M. Step Aerobics 9:30-10:30 A.M. Y-Fit Total Body Fitness H. I. I.T It Total Body Fitness 10:00-11:00 A.M. Zumba Zumba Zumba 11:00-11:45 A.M. Cardiac Class Cardiac Class Cardiac Class 4:00-5:00 P.M. 4:30-5:30 P.M. Yoga Step Aerobics 5:00-6:00 P.M. Yoga Yoga Step Aerobics Body Sculpting Zumba Step Aerobics Body Sculpting 5:30-6:00 P.M. Core Strength Core Strength 6:00-7:00 P.M. Zumba Zumba Box Mania I Zumba *Boot Camp Taboxing *Boot Camp WOD (6:00-6:30) Zumba Zumba CLASSES AT THE BRADFORD BRANCH (358-9622) 8:30-9:30 A.M. Zumba Zumba Zumba CLASSES AT THE WELLNESS BRANCH (491-9622) 5:15-6:15 A.M. *Barre 9:00-10:00 A.M. Yoga Flow 10:00-11:00 A.M. 10:15-11:15 A.M. *Barre 5:30-6:30 P.M. 6:00-7:00 P.M. 12 Yoga Flow Zumba Gold Pound Yoga *Barre Zumba Gold *Barre Yoga Flow *Barre Yoga LOCATIONS: Fitness, Bradford & Wellness Branches There is a $5.00 child watch fee for non-members AND $10.00 guest pass per day for non-members. The guest pass does not include paid classes/programs. The child watch is free to members for their own children while they are working out in the facility. GROUP CLASSES & ACTIVITIES SEE PAGE 12 FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF AEROBICS CLASSES & TIMES OFFERED AS PART OF YOUR YMCA MEMBERSHIP. BOOT CAMP LOCATION: Fitness Center (361-0268) Boot Camp is an excellent outdoor workout. You will experience a challenging workout with our well-motivated and well-trained instructors. The interval training in the boot camp session will improve your cardiovascular system, agility, flexibility, balance and strength. Attend all 8 classes in September and receive 50% off the October session! Receive your punch card at registration. Sessions: July 11-Aug 3 Aug 8-31 Sept 12-Oct 5 Oct 10-Nov 2 Days & Times: Mon & Wed 6:00-7:00 P.M. Fee: $30 Members/ $60 Non-members BARRE CLASS LOCATION: Wellness Branch (491-9622) Come experience Y-Barre where you will tone your arms, legs, glutes and abs through intense strengthening and stretching exercises. Sticky socks are strongly recommended and are available for purchase at the Wellness Branch. Days & Times: Mon/Wed/Fri 10:15-11:15 A.M. 5:15-6:15 A.M. $30 Members/$60 Non-members Tues & Thurs Monthly Fee: Receive a Barre Punch Card when you purchase your card at the beginning of the month. Once you have completed 12 classes for that month, we will give you your next month of classes for FREE! NEW! POUND LOCATION: Wellness Branch (491-9622) FITNESS CERTIFICATIONS NETA CERTIFICATION CLASSES GROUP EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION Date: August 13 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. The GX Instructor Certification review workshop features interactive lectures, demonstrations and hands-on applications that help you develop the technical knowledge and leadership skills to become an effective and successful group exercise instructor. Includes proctored exam administered at conclusion of workshop. Topics include Anatomy, Kinesiology, Physiology, Nutrition, Cuing, Choreography and more. HIIT IT WITH YOGA Date: August 14 8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. High Intensity interval training (HIIT) is fun, effective, and challenging for all. Yoga is the practice of poses that combines deep, meditative breathing with slow strengthening movements which is incredibly healthy for your mind, body and spirit. Fusing these two seemingly different formats together is clearly a “win-win” approach for successful cardiovascular exercise improvement and overall performance thus, we have HIIT It with YOGA. RACQUETBALL & TENNIS COURTS Pound is the world’s first cardio jam session inspired by the infectious, energizing and sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums. LOCATION: Reservations: Time limit: Fee: Days & Times: LOCKER RENTALS Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 P.M. WOD = WORK OUT OF THE DAY LOCATION: Fitness Center (361-0268) Participants will perform functional movements that are constantly varied at high intensity for a fast but productive workout. Days & Times: Thursdays 6:00-6:30 P.M. Fitness Center (361-0268) Make 2 days in advance 1 hour Free to Members LOCATION: Fitness Center (361-0268) Fee: $50 per year Available for members only *Free daily lockers are available for use. 13 HEALTHY LIVING Improving the nation’s health and well-being GET STARTED & STAY ON TRACK FITNESS ORIENTATIONS LOCATION: Fitness Center (361-0268) Fee: FREE FOR MEMBERS! During an orientation, a staff member will assess your health history and show you how to use our strength machines. Our staff will get you started with a simple exercise routine to get your program going. This service is free to our members. HOLIDAY FITNESS CHALLENGE FITNESS EVALUATIONS Oct 31 - Dec 3 Fitness Center Reach your fitness goals during the holiday season by competing with fellow Y members. Registration begins Oct. 10 and is $5.00 per person. Must attend at least 20 days to qualify. Find out more information at the Fitness Center. LOCATION: Fitness Center (361-0268) Fee: $30 Members/$60 Non-members The Fitness Center offers fitness evaluations to members and non-members. During this evaluation the participant will become aware of their measurements, body fat, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility, through various fitness tests. Non-members may get $30 off of their joining fee if they get an evaluation and join the Y! BODY FAT EVALUATION Fee: AEROBIC MELTDOWN Dec 3 8:30-10:30 A.M. Join us at the Fitness Center for two hours of aerobics with your favorite instructors! Bring a gift to donate to the Children of Autauga County. Child Watch available! HIRE A PERSONAL TRAINER Personal Training Rates: Sessions Time per session 1 30 min 1 1 hour 5 30 min 5 1 hour 10 30 min 10 1 hour 14 Rate $18 $35 $80 $150 $150 $250 $15 Members/$25 Non-members MATRIX TRAINING SESSIONS After completing your FREE orientation on the Matrix equipment, you may receive additional instruction as needed up to 5 sessions. $10 per session for Members only. Call the Fitness Branch to schedule an appointment. REWARD YOURSELF WITH A MASSAGE NEW MASSAGE THERAPIST! Stephanie Underwood THERAPEUTIC BODY MASSAGE LOCATION: Fee: Fitness Center (361-0268) Full Hour: $45 Members/$70 Non-members Half Hour: $35 Members/$60 Non-members *Gift certificates available STONE MASSAGE LOCATION: Fee: Fitness Center (361-0268) $65 Members/$95 Non-members *Gift certificates available AQUA CHALLENGE-A.M. LOCATION: Days & Time: Fee: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Mon, Wed, Fri 8:00-8:55 A.M. (No classes Dec. 26-30) Free for Members/$10 per class for Non-members AQUA CHALLENGE-P.M. LOCATION: Days & Time: Fee: SWIM YOUR WAY TO A HEALTHIER YOU FREE SWIM LOCATION: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Dates: Beginning August 8 Days & Times: Monday 7:00-7:40 P.M. Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:00-12:55 P.M. Saturdays 12:00-2:45 P.M. Fee: Free to Members/$10 per visit for Non-members LAP SWIM LOCATION: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Days & Times: Mon & Wed 6:00-7:55 A.M. 12:00-12:55 P.M. 7:45-8:45 P.M. (Monday only) Tues & Thurs 6:45-9:55 A.M. 7:00-7:40 P.M. Friday5:00-7:55 A.M. 12:00-12:55 P.M. Saturday 10:30-11:55 A.M. Fee: Free for Members/$10 per visit for Non-members ADULT SWIM LESSONS LOCATION: Days & Time: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Tues & Thurs 7:00-7:40 P.M. Session Dates: August 23-September 15 September 20-October 13 October 18-November 10 November 15-December 15 (no classes Nov. 21-25) Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Tues & Thurs 7:45-8:45 P.M. (No classes Dec. 26-30) Free for Members/$10 per class for Non-members ARTHRITIC EXERCISE LOCATION: Days: Times: Fee: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Mon, Wed, Fri (No classes Dec. 26-30) 9:00-9:55 A.M. or 11:00-11:55 A.M. Free for Members/$10 per class for Non-members SENIOR ADULT AQUACIZE LOCATION: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Days & Time: Monday - Friday 10:00-10:55 A.M. (No classes Dec. 26-30) Fee: Members free Non-members under age 50 - $10 per class Non-members over age 50 - $10 Mon, Wed, Fri Free Tues & Thurs PRE-MASTERS TRAINING PROGRAM LOCATION: Days & Times: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Mon, Wed, Fri 1:00-2:00 P.M. Session Dates: September 19-October 14 October 17-November 11 November 14-December 16 (no classes Nov. 21-25) January 9-February 3 February 6-March 3 March 6-April 7 (no classes Mar. 20-24) Fee Per Session: $38 Members/$76 Non-members MASTERS SWIM TEAM January 10-February 2 February 7-March 2 March 7-April 6 (no classes Mar. 20-24) April 11-May 4 Fee Per Session: $39 Members/$77 Non-members LOCATION: Don M. Smith Branch Indoor Pool (365-8852) Days & Times: Mon, Wed & Fri 5:00-6:00 A.M. (workout provided) Tues & Thurs 11:00-11:55 A.M. (open practice) Saturday9:30-10:30 A.M. (open practice) For more information regarding the program and registration, call 365-8852. Continuous Monthly Enrollment: Fee Per Month: $25 Members/$65 Non-members 15 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Giving back and providing support to our neighbors FOR OUR FUTURE LEADERS LEADERS’ CLUB FOR TEENS LOCATION: Don M. Smith Branch (365-8852) The YMCA offers 3 Leaders’ Clubs for the community’s teenagers: Jr., Sr., and Global Leaders. The club offers our youth in grades 6-12 a Christian Leadership Program focused on servant leadership. Contact Jennifer Barrett at 365-8852 or [email protected] for more information. OPEN HOUSE: September 13, 6:30 P.M. at the Day Camp Facility for interested youth and their parents. FOR OUR COMMUNITY DIABETES ACADEMY LOCATION: Fitness Branch (361-0268) Diabetes Academy is a free class given by a Novo Nordisk Diabetes Educator to help you learn about managing diabetes. Curriculum includes: • Diabetes 101-covers basic diabetes information and terminology. • Staying Healthy-provides convenient tips for eating healthy and staying active. • Diabetes Medication-reviews the basics about insulin and GLP-1 agonists and demonstrates how to use Novo Nordisk devices. Dates: Aug 11 • Sept 8 • Oct 13 • Nov 10 • Dec 8 Time:2:00-3:30 P.M. Where: In the Yoga Room at the Fitness Branch MILITARY DEPLOYMENT PROGRAM LOCATION: Administrative Branch (365-8852) The Y appreciates the military heroes of our community. The sacrifice they make for our country every day is remarkable. We offer a military deployment appreciation membership. If your family has one head of household deployed with the military, please contact 365-8852 to find out more information regarding this program. 16 PACERS LOCATION: Fitness Branch (361-0268) The Y understands the importance for our Senior Adults to remain active. The Y’s Pacers is an exercise class we offer to active older adults looking for a great way to stay in shape. Pacers helps increase joint flexibility and range of motion while maintaining muscle strength. This class is offered free of charge to our community. SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM LOCATION: Administrative Branch (365-8852) We seek to make our services available to all persons regardless of inability to pay. Scholarships are available to those living in Autauga County and the city of Prattville. This assistance is made possible thanks to the support of sustaining contributors and the United Way. Please call Kathy at 365-8852 for more information. SECOND GRADE WATER SAFETY LOCATION: Bradford Branch (358-9622) The Y, the State of Alabama Marine Police, and the Autauga County Board of Education have partnered together to provide a weeklong water safety class to every second grader in Autauga County. These children learn the basics of being safe in and around the water through classroom instruction and in water activities. Y VOLUNTEERS LOCATION: Administrative Branch (365-8852) Take an active role in bringing about meaningful, enduring change right in your own neighborhood by becoming a YMCA Volunteer. With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, Y volunteers give men, women and children of all ages and from all walks of life the resources and support they need to be healthy, confident, connected and secure. T H A N K Y O U Thank you Michael’s of Prattville for all the wonderful books you donated to the Prattville YMCA Summer Camps through your book drive. There are not enough words to express our deep appreciation for these books. Because of you, we are reading our way through summer. 17 THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY FOR DONATING TO OUR ANNUAL COACH A CHILD CAMPAIGN! DONORS: Tisha Addison Spence Agee James Allen Jamie Alward Amy Anderson Chad Anderson Karen Anderson Robby & Katrina Anderson Mark Andrews Dean & Paula Argo Jeremy Arthur Kathy Asbury Sarah Bailey River Bank and Trust Bank Trustmark Bank Will & Jennifer Barrett Amgad Bebawy Dottie Benak Mike Blackburn Dr William Blow Karla Boles John Boutwell Terry Bowen Amy Brabham Willis & Gail Bradford Denise Brown Laura Brown Martie Brown Sallye Brown Johnny Brownell Jr J.N. Buckner Jr Dave Burns Ken Burton Steve Burton Jim & Beverly Byard Joan Byard Jeff & Sara Byard Cindy Cannady Keith & Angela Cantrell Jeff & Amy Carswell Donald Causey Reid & Julie Cavnar Chase Chambliss Melanie Chambliss Harvey & Janice Clark Scott Clark Dene Cleveland Edward Clinton Prattville Lions Club Spinners Club Joyce Coady Louis Colley Stephen Collins Linda Colson Ken & Melody Colvert Academy Sports Allstate Insurance Caldwell & Sons Chappy’s Deli Chick Fil A Edward Jones Lane Easterling Eyecare Plus First Community Bank Innovative Home Center International Paper Marco’s Pizza Medicine Shoppe Merrill Lynch Poarch Creek of Creek Indians Prattville Powder Coating River Region TV River Region Veterinary Supreme Greens Tropical Smoothie Universal Turbine Parts Wiregrass Construction Kellie Cook Julie Cooley Ron Cooley Justin Copeland Robert Couch Cline Countryman Brett Crawford Gail Crawford David Creamer Guardian Credit Union MAX Rebecca Crews Cecily Darby Hope Davis Tanner Davis Dale Dellegar Barbara Dennis Jay Dennis Zach Devers Keith Duck Josette Dudle Susan Easter Jadan Eberly Ken Edgewortth Caleb Ellender Martha Ellis Cindy Epperson Betty Estes Michael Ferguson Jimmie Flavell Sharon Foster Allstate Foundation The Noah Foundation Gregory Fowl Beau Freeman Brittany Gardner Tom Gaylord Hermie George Bill Gillespie Mac Gipson Priscilla Glasscock Rusty Golden Steven Golsan David Golson Rob Golson Dudley Gordon Karen Griffin Randy Grissett Harold Grooms Jonathan Grooms Suzanne Guerrero Tom Hall Sarah Hallman Tony Hallman Sherri Hamilton Sandra Hanna George Head Ginger Henry Michael Hernandez Arby Hines Michele Hobbs Matt Holtzscher Harold Howell Lauren Hughes Lauren Hughes Copeland Security Group Cox Saw Headstrong Starke Agency Carolyn Irwin Jeremy Jackson Brianna James Louise Jennings Carl Johnson Kerry Jones Myrna Jones Skip Jones Joshua Jordan Terra Jorgensen Jeffrey & Theresa Keith Walter Kennedy Robin Killough Tim Killough Spencer Knight Michael Lamar Frank Lamar Jr Nickie Leagans Andrea Lee Teresa Lee Bart Leswick Diana Letner David & Stacey Lewis Matthew Lewis Jennifer Lim Animal Medical Clinic of Prattville Cathouse Performance Marine Cleveland, Riddle & Atchison Dana’s Floral Ellis Counseling LEK Technology R & R Enterprises Southern Orthopaedic Surgeons Varner Pool & Spa Bob Lloyd Erik Lubinger Ryan Luchner Margaret Luckie Mandy Mahalak Wendy Majors Joseph Mathis Mary Katherine May Roy McAuley Clay McConnell James McCullough David McDowell Shelby Meadows Jacob Melton Kathy Melton Tracey Meyer Kim Miers Jeff Miller Joe Miller Lisa Miller Tom Miller Jessica Minardi Ron Mitchell Sherry Moore Algie Morgan Eric Morgan James Morris Courtney Moseley Ed Mullins Gayle Myers Thomas Newton Gregory Nichols Cindy Oliver Petrunic Orthodontics Dale Osterman Carol Pearson Tyrone Pelham Gray Penton Steve Perry Kristi Pieper Susan Poole Catherine Porter Horace Powell Kayleigh Powers Stacie Pruitt Tommy Pruitt Larry Puckett Zackary Pugliani Charlene Raker Linda Ramsey Jaimie Rawlinson Bill & Pam Ray Chris Reed Jason Reed William Reeder Otis Reeves Mike Renegar Joseph Reynolds Susan Rhodes Nevelyn Richard Rob Riddle Carol Risher Thomas Risher Kelley Rouze John Ryan Alta Mary Sanders Bill Sanders Anne Sanford Anne Scanlon David Schulz Wade Seamon Jessica Sedgwick Brenda Sellers Debbie Sharman Lisa Shaw George Sheridan Kyle Shirley Chris Smith Crystal Smith David Smith Don McQueen Smith Erin Smith Malcolm Smith Penny Smith Nelda Sorrells Robert Stacy Mona Stafford Jerry Starnes Shirley Starnes Diane Steinhilber Adam Stephenson Allison Stewart Olivia Stewart Benny Stinson Katie Strichik Albert Striplin Oscar Taylor Scott Taylor Ted Taylor Sid Thompson Mona Till Edwin Tillman Reid Tolar Patrick Trotter Patty VanderWal David Vinson Alfred Wadsworth Patrick & Andria Walker Jeremy Walker Turner Walker George Walthall Jr. Diane Wendland Richard Williams Roscoe Williams Brian Wilson Donny Wilson Alan Wood Bill Youngblood Brannon Zaner Joseph Zerk Andie Zorn HEADING 1 17:21 SOCIETY JOHN Subhead 1 HEADING 2 The John 17:21 Society was established in 2013 and is comprised of YMCA donors who believe in the mission of the YMCA: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all. These donors understand the impact of the YMCA is felt every day when an individual makes a healthy choice, when a mentor inspires a child and when a community comes together for the common good. These donors demonstrate that belief by annuallyHEADING donating at2least $1500 to the work of the Prattville YMCA. COMPUTERS - NETWORKS - WEBSITES Riverside Presbyterian Church www.riversidearp.org Individual Level Robby and Katrina Anderson Will and Jennifer Barrett Karla Boles- State Farm Willis and Gail Bradford Chick-Fil-A Linda Colson Louise Jennings David and Stacey Lewis Joe and Tricia Mathis Roy and Elaine McAuley James McCullough Larry and Linda Puckett David and Donna Smith Spinners Club Bob and Teresa Stacy Roscoe and Jackie Williams For more information on how you or your business can become members of the John 17:21 Society, contact Keith Cantrell at 358-9622. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Montgomery, AL Permit #88 PRATTVILLE YMCA PO BOX 680009 PRATTVILLE, AL 36068-0009 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED October 15, 2016 Prattville YMCA Willis Bradford Branch 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Festivities Include: Grits Cookoff • Door Prizes • Giveaways • Face Painting • Bounce Houses • Contests • Arts & Crafts • Balloons • Food Vendors • Live Music • & the... Nitty Gritty 5K & Fun Run
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youth development
Harvey Clark...........................President
Roscoe Williams....................Vice President
Frank Lamar............................Treasurer
Ted Taylor.................................