Instructions - Department of Computer Science


Instructions - Department of Computer Science
Introductory Instruction Manual for the Oxford Computer Science
Mentorship Scheme online system
Organised and supported by:
In case of any questions, please email [email protected]
1. Registering with the system ................................................................................................................ 2
2. Using the system as a mentor ............................................................................................................. 3
Fill in your mentor profile........................................................................................................ 3
Viewing Mentees .................................................................................................................... 4
View mentor requests to you ................................................................................................. 4
3. Using the system as a mentee ............................................................................................................ 5
Fill in your mentee profile ....................................................................................................... 5
See your mentors .................................................................................................................... 5
View available mentors........................................................................................................... 6
Making a mentor request ....................................................................................................... 8
View pending mentor requests............................................................................................... 8
1. Registering with the system
To register, please go to and click on ‘Mentoring Database’.
Please then select ‘Register for an account’, selecting to be a mentor, or mentee, and entering your
information as requested. If you would like to register as both a mentor and mentee, please repeat
the procedure twice using the same email address.
Your request will be approved as soon as possible and once this is done, you will receive an email
address with your username and password.
2. Using the system as a mentor
Once you have your username as password, please use it to sign in by going to, clicking ‘Mentoring Database’, and entering your username and
password as requested.
For mentors, the system provides the following functionality:
Fill in your mentor profile
As a mentor, you are asked to fill in profile information about you as soon as possible, to be used
by potential mentees when selecting mentors. Please select the ‘Update Details’ tab towards the
top of the page and enter your information.
Interests (Keywords)
Please describe your connection to the department, e.g. Alumnus, or
Industrial Partner, or Research Assistant in the Department.
Please enter the areas of work in Computer Science in which you are
Please describe briefly as you see fit
(i) the various areas within Computer Science in which you have knowledge
(ii) academic and professional transitions in which you have experience e.g.
academia to industry or vice versa
(iii) any particular industries or companies at which you have worked and
around whose practices you could advise mentees, e.g. prior software
developer at Google.
Please describe anything else about your academic or professional
experience which you think may be relevant to a potential mentee.
Viewing Mentees
You are able to view your mentee by selecting the ‘I am mentoring’ tab towards the top of the page.
This brings up a table with mentee information.
View mentor requests to you
You can view mentor requests to you by potential mentees, which you are able to approve or reject
by clicking the appropriate word in the ‘Approve/Reject’ column. We ask that you limit your
number of mentees to 3 at one time.
3. Using the system as a mentee
Once you have your username as password, please use it to sign in by going to, clicking ‘Mentoring Database’, and entering your username and
password as requested.
For mentees, the system provides the following functionality:
Fill in your mentee profile
We you to please fill in some basic information about yourself as soon as possible, by selecting the
‘Update My Details’ tab towards the top of the page and filling in the information.
See your mentors
You can view your mentors while logged in, by selecting the ‘My mentors’ tab towards the top of the
table. This table will only display those mentors who have approved your requests for mentorship.
At first, the table only shows the name and email of the mentor. To see further information about
the mentor, please press the green button to the left of the mentor’s name. This will expand more
information which can be minimised again by selecting the red button to the left of the mentor’s
View available mentors
To see available mentors, select the ‘Available mentors’ tab towards the top of the page. This will
bring up a table with information about available mentors.
To view more detailed information about each mentor, click the green button to the left of the
mentor’s name which will bring up more information about their areas of interest and other relevant
information. To minimise this additional information, click the red button to the left of the mentor’s
Making a mentor request
If you would like to send a mentor request to any of the available mentors, please click ‘Request
Mentor’ in the ‘Request Mentor’ column of the table.
This will bring up the window shown below. The field is for you to include any information you wish
about why you’d like to be mentored by the selected mentor, and any particular information about
what you expect from the mentor-mentee relationship which you feel is relevant.
Once you’ve clicked ‘Confirm’ in the window below, you will receive an email shortly letting you
know whether you’ve been paired with your mentor of choice.
View pending mentor requests
You can view any pending mentor requests by you by selecting the ‘Mentor Requests From Me’ tab
towards the top of the page.