July 21, 2016 - First Baptist


July 21, 2016 - First Baptist
First Servant Weekly
Dr. Gil McKee, Senior Pastor
July 21, 2016
Volume 15 Issue 29
“Meet and Greet”
Sunday, July 24
3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall Room 2
Please use the 23rd Avenue entrance.
Attend this informal gathering to learn
more about the ministry of GriefShare.
Visit www.griefshare.org/about to
learn more about this ministry of
encouragement for those dealing with
grief, and for those helping someone
else through the grieving process.
Sunday School Leadership Meetings
Sunday, August 7 @ 5 p.m.
Adult Sunday School Leaders: 5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Dr. Gil McKee, Meal provided. Reservation details coming soon.
Preschool/Children’s Sunday School: 5 p.m. in the Kids’ Worship Room
Student Ministry Sunday School: 5 p.m. in the Student Building
Mondays, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
@ First Baptist Church Tuscaloosa
Fall A Term
Mondays, August 22-October 10
The Minor Prophets
Instructor: Rev. David Woods
Fall B Term
Wednesday Nights at First
No Wednesday night activities (including the Family Night Meal) on August 3
or August 10. Fall Kick-off for all Wednesday Night activities is on August 17.
Information about Fall small-group studies for adults and details about activities
for children and students available soon. Consider ways you and your family
may become more engaged in your church through our Wednesday night
activities and groups. Fall is the perfect time to get connected!
Mondays, October 24-December 12
Christian Ethics
Instructor: Dr. Gil McKee
To register online:
or call 205-726-4055
This Fall
at First
interconnect | involve | ignite
page 2
First Servant Weekly
If you have already
participated in
Discover Membership,
but have not yet had
the opportunity to
be part of the other
events in the Discover
First series, July is a great time to “make up” those you
have missed.
Discover Missions and Evangelism
Sunday, July 24 at 11 a.m.
Discover Ministry
Sunday, July 31 at 11 a.m.
August Local Mission Project:
Operation Christmas Child
How will you serve with our annual
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox
Project? We need volunteers to lead and
volunteers to provide support in these
• Collection of items to fill the shoeboxes
(both from church members and from
businesses in the community)
• Church-wide packing party: planning
and set-up
August 1
• Publicity and ways to encourage others
to get involved
6:30 p.m.
• Visual displays and project reminders
• Transport of the finished boxes to the local collection site.
Help make this a truly church-wide mission project. Talk with
your Sunday School class, small-group and family about
ways to be involved. A volunteer leadership team needs to
be in place before the August meeting. Please contact Diane
Gaddy at 632-3074 or [email protected] or
Leigh Anne Darnell at [email protected].
Learn more about Operation Christmas Child at
Parking Lot Renovation
The large parking lot between 6th and 7th Streets remains
CLOSED for renovation. Work is continuing to upgrade
and modernize our parking lot across from the Fellowship
Hall. The smaller lot on the opposite corner of 7th Street
and 23rd Avenue is also currently closed for repaving
and expansion. Work in both these lots is progressing on
schedule. Alternate parking is available in the City Parking
Deck, street parking (two-hour limit weekdays), and in our
lot on Greensboro and 8th Street.
First Baptist has
a new website...
but our web address is the same:
Check it out!
Mobile version also now available.
Sunday Shuttle Service
Shuttle Service is now available
each Sunday morning between the
City of Tuscaloosa Parking Deck
and our main building. Through The
721 Project we now have a streetlegal, six-person golf cart for this
much-needed ministry.
Shuttle service is provided each
Sunday 8:00 a.m. – 12:30
p.m. There are two shuttle stops
indicated by signs in the parking deck, both on the first
level: at the elevator (northeast corner of the parking deck)
and near the entrance/exit. Parking ministry volunteers are
also present to assist. The primary drop-off and pick-up
point for the shuttle is now the 7th Street/Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Nights for Kids
5:45-7:30 p.m.
“Who Am I” - Grades 1-5, Kids’ Worship Room, 3rd floor
“Sharing Jesus Around the World” 3’s-K, 2nd floor
Childcare - Babies-2’s, 1st floor
First Servant Weekly
page 3
July 10, 2016
Ministry Plan Gifts
Weekly Ministry Budget Need
Surplus for Week$10,659.75
721 Project Gifts
Designated Gifts
Total Gifts
First Baptist Tuscaloosa
721 Greensboro Ave.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Children’s Center:
July 17, 2016
Ministry Plan Gifts
Weekly Ministry Budget Need
Difference for Week($33,494.78)
721 Project Gifts
Designated Gifts
Total Gifts
2016 Mission/Ministry Plan Summary
Actual Year-to-Date Gifts
Year-to-Date Need
Difference for Year
Gifts given in Honor of:
Giving is an Act of Service
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s
people but also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.
Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves,
men will praise God... 2 Corinthians 9:12-13a
Minister on Call
In case of an emergency need
during the weekend please call 535-5988.
Emily DeFrance, Peggy Sexton
Recently Hospitalized
Sunday School
Aspire Rehab:
Vickie Dockery, Bernie Hendrickson
Enrollment Attendance
Preschool 18659
College 31320
Special Education
(as of 07/19/16)
Sympathy to:
• Frieda Fulmer and family in the death of her
sisters, Florinne Campbell (on June 23) and Nell
Lewis (on July 13).
• Donald Robertson and family in the death of his
wife, Freda Robertson.
Congratulations to:
Mid-Week Devotion
Wednesdays, 5:45 p.m. in the Chapel
July: 20: Charlene Ferniz
July 27: South Asia Trip Report
August 3: No Wednesday activities
August 10: No Wednesday activities
August 17: Fall Kick-off
Logan and Heather (Falgout) Hayes in the birth of a
baby girl, Henley Grace Hayes, on Tuesday, July 5,
Reservations are not needed.
Kris Sullivan
Business Administrator
[email protected]
Vial Fontenot
Minister of Missions & Ministry
[email protected]
Joe Ziegler
Minister of Music & Worship
[email protected]
Jerry Lake
Minister to Senior Adults
[email protected]
Joe Armour
Minister to Adults & Outreach
[email protected]
Beth Yates
Minister to Women
[email protected]
Minister to Students
[email protected]
Jeremy Carroll
Minister to Preschool/Children
[email protected]
Carl Wells
Wednesday, July 27
Chicken casserole with green beans,
whole kernel corn, Jell-O salad, rolls,
OR Baked Chicken with same sides
OR Small salad bar
Kids: Corn dog, tater tots, fruit cup,
Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Jody Gambrell Family Night Meal
Meal served 4:45-5:45 p.m.
Gil McKee
Associate Pastor Emeritus
Visit the page listed above and click “Give Online”.
This will take you to a secure portal where you may
create your own login and password. Click the image
above to go directly to the secure giving portal.
If viewing this online, you may
click on the email addresses
above to send a message.
page 4
Sunday, July 24
8:30 a.m. Worship
Chinese Prayer Service
9:30-10:45Library open
Sunday School
Chinese / Spanish Worship
2:00 p.m. Bicentennial Committee
GriefShare Meet/Greet
Monday, July 25
8:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Second-Hand Rose Ministry
Lillian Hinton Mission Group
Adult Volleyball
Titus2Women event
Tuesday, July 26
2:00 p.m.
First Servant Weekly
Help us have at least
men attend this inspirational event!
Encourage the men and teen boys in your life to attend. Men, invite your
neighbors, coworkers, friends and family members to come with you!
Men’s Bible Study $5
Wednesday, August 10 @ 6:30 a.m.
First Baptist Tuscaloosa Fellowship Hall
High School Bible study
Middle School Boys study
Line Dance Exercise classes
Middle School Girls study
EPIC: College Worship
Wednesday, July 27
Men’s Prayer Group
Quilters Group
4:30-7:30 Library Open
4:45 p.m. Wednesday Night Meal
Spanish Bible study
ESL Classes
Mid-Week Devotion
Preschool/Children’s activities
Students: Wed. Night Live
Adult DiscipleLife study
Women’s Bible study
6:15-7:30 Worship Choir & Orchestra
Students After-Party @ UA Pool
Thursday, July 28
9:00 a.m. International Ministry Trip to Birmingham Zoo
Friday, July 29
6:00 p.m.
Chinese Bible Study/Fellowship
Saturday, July 30
High School Adventure Trip (July 30-Aug. 1)
11:00 a.m. Jubilee rehearsal
Our Worship Service is
broadcast at 11:00 a.m.
every Sunday on WVUA-TV.
per person
Includes biscuits,
sausage gravy, eggs,
bacon, sausage, grits,
augratin potatoes, fruit,
cinnamon rolls, coffee
Guest Speaker: Rodney Orr
Rodney Orr,
founder of
and co-host of
Tider Insider,
will share his
during our
Fall Kickoff
Weekly Men’s
Bible Study
begins Wednesday, August 17
6:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Book cost: $15
Book study:
Disciplines of a Godly Man by Kent Hughes
The flowers are placed in the Sanctuary this Sunday in memory
of Judy Fowler Burroughs by Mike Burroughs; Jason, Susan,
Ellie Morgan and Lilly Catherine Miles; and Michael, Elizabeth,
Emma, Landon and Mollee Burroughs.
721 Greensboro Avenue | Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
205.345.7554 | Fax 205.391.3108 | www.firsttuscaloosa.org
First Servant Weekly
July 21, 2016
First Servant Weekly (USPS 020629) is published weekly (except the weeks of Christmas and New
Year’s Day) by The First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 721 Greensboro Ave., Tuscaloosa, AL
35401. Periodicals Postage Paid at Tuscaloosa, AL 35401. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
The First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, 721 Greensboro Avenue, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.
Mission Statement: First Baptist Church exists to magnify Jesus Christ and multiply His
Kingdom, to mature believers into effective Christ-followers, and to minister to others in Jesus’ name.

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