December 5 to Bring Messiah By Vike Chorus 8 0 0 D o lla rs F
December 5 to Bring Messiah By Vike Chorus 8 0 0 D o lla rs F
V O L. 68. N O . 9 L A W R E N C E C O LL E G E , A P P L E T O N , W IS . F r id a y , N o v e m b e r 1 9 , 1 9 4 8 December 5 to 8 0 0 D o l l a r s F o r Bring Messiah C a m p u s C h e s t * , . Feathers Fly as By Vike Chorus Seven Elected to All Begs are Put R a l p h N ie l s e n M u r i e l H o i le W illia m M a r g u e r ite H arde r Schum ann T e d C lo a k Scores O n c e M o r e Schumann, Hoile, Nielsen, Harder, To be Soloists Membership by ,n ° ne Asket Drama Group ‘ ‘The L aw rence student body ro«6 to the need en thusiastically an d w holeheartedly,” co-chairmen M au O ver two hundred voices in the Induction, Convo rice Brow n said W ednesday n ight S chola C antorum w ill au g m en t th« as an un official total of over $800 fo ur soloists who are to sing the Plans Formulated was contributed for the one - day leads in the a n n u a l perform ance C a m p u s Chest drive. Brown and At Sunset Meeting of H an d e l’s “Messiah," to be preBruce C am pb ell, this sem ester's sented December 5 at 8 p. m. in Sunset, the local honorary dra* £°-chairm en, announced that $:>2S the Lawrence M em orial chapel. In a tic Dro„ u at r JWM>n« h»« at had. bcon collt‘ct°d in cash up to M arguerite S chu m an n, soprano; ™ 1“ * Iou p “ l , T ? * ! hdS dt W ednesday evening. w itk M u rie l Engelland Hoile. contralto;]3 rccent m e e tin « e,ected to m e m $280 m ore being pledged for n a y . R a lp h Nielsen, tenor; and W illia m ib e r s h ip Bettie F alv ey, P h y llis m e n t by the end <rf the sem ester. H arder, baritone, are the soloists. F inlayson, T erry G illette, Shirley . riv * W^u !^ not have been L a V a h n Mo,*sch i . ,o p.ay .he o r- G re g o r. BU. H i « . . BiU L e n t/ a „ d “ S S S S 5 gan, and the entire perform ance D ave K nickel. F ollow ing the indue- m u sicians and artists who w orked w ill be directed by Dean W ate r tion cerem ony the now m em b ers on the d riv e ,” Brown added. m an, w ho revealed selection of so w ill be treated to a supper at the , ^ ' s w a* y e ar a oneloists this week. w »ct it„ h iday drive was a tte m p te d and the The only u n fa m ilia r personality 1‘ |results were satisfactory. Also in the list of chosen soloists is that At the sam e m eeting plans were for the first tim e , no quotas for of the tenor soloist, R a lp h Nielsen. m ad e for a Sunset directed convo- classes, dorm s, or fraternities and Mr. Nielsen has an extensive b a ck cation p ro g ra m J a n u a r y 13. The sororities were established. Vie ground in the field of oratorio, h a v ... . . . * . . . tried to set up a collecting force program w ill probably be a student to w hjch Uu. 8tudoMts collld ^ ing perform ed the m a jo r w orks of their m oney because they w anted H andel, H aydn, Mendelssohn, Bach, directed one - act play. In other business before the to. not because they had to m ee t Beethoven, V erdi, G ounod, D v o r ak. Stainer, and Bruch. He is eredit- group freshmen e lig ib ility in Law- a qu o ta .” the co-chairmen elabor« ed w ith a large repertoire of both rence theatre activities was conMd- ated. sacred and secular music, singing in t- S f five Imffiifloes Niels,>n h-is been oll dt*veloped at the m eeting, first , ‘ ‘ isem ester freshm en are to be barmore than (> >0 broadcasts over Mu- red from acting positions, and their _______ ___________________ ____ , ua • A B C and networks. car-jw ork on sta ge crews is to be strictlads n a m e d H a m m e r an d Hafne»- ■yinR s,ar ro,cs in Chicago Theater \y lim ite d. This is in accordance th » M in « Th ♦ • ♦ 1° th0 A ir Productlons of “F ir e fly ,’ |w ith the past policies of both the th* acting. Then it is piquant. ‘ Babes in T oyland," and “Pinafore.’’ ,theatre and the Deans' offices. A faculty wife fit to grace the A rPC„n( appr.arnnf.r has been g h M urn end of any ca m p u s club tea en b M r Nlolai>n as concort So l o - ! f f W it h S p r ite ly T h u r b e r C o m e d y I! . i f aln 1.ha.1,^w “ . " i l * after every $100 collected, and the trad itio nal red feathers and but* tons signified those who gave. Students who pledged contribute ions are asked to pay at the Bustness office before the end of tlie sem ester. The drive opened with a rally at the chapel Tuesday night, follow ed by a tour to Sage, O rm so y an d Brokaw w ith Bob P a rtrid g e 's pep band in the lead. B Y M A R G U E R IT E SCHUMANN A ny one who has ever chuckled Over Ja m e s T h u rb e r’s flop • eared dogs and lim p lu m p y people in the Cartoons ca m e aw ay fro m the L a w ^ c ^ a vn Ty e£°r. who was | t J ith thc c h i Mendelssohn r f O f l O f U r O m O | « .ffV # rence college theater's version of cast as E lle n T urner. It was h e r!c lu b at orchestra H all. •‘The M ale A n im a l” in a state of job to p o rtra ? a " » t r a c t iv e Miss S chu m an n, form er student E J. — I w o m an - no task at a ll for one of la u g h exhaustion. her n a tu ra l endow m ents - and to;®* M arshall B. H u lbert. Dean C arl § f 1 M l v f »»I • j Aitriougn tne play is alleg ed ly a give it the m a tu r ity of ten years of W aterm an of the Conservatory, # I A ltho ugh the Joint enterprise between E llio tt Nu-'m a r r ic d life w ith an E n g lis h pro- rmd M is* G ertrud e H u ll in Minne- U g ( f P i n c f r f f P d gent and J a m e s T hurber, it is pure lessor, w hich som e consider a ra-;apolis has previously sung the soi x w i i u i w i w v i T h urb e r throughout, w ith stage thcr w e aring process. M iss G reg o r i rrtniiniioH o Pi Epsilon Delta, a n atio nal honPeoria. III.— (I.I*.)— A recent surg im m ic k s added by his w orthy col- did a nice P»ece of acting, alter^ o n u n u e a on pngt orary frate rn ity for those demon- vey on “ c r a m m in g ” by Dr. D av id lab orato r. The situ ation of the play nating between spasm s of temper- . c A A - i£ . stratinK outstanding a b ility and in M. W hite of B radley university re- w hether or not a young professor m a n t and the gracious w ife and L D M A n n o u n c e s w t t l C e r S J tercst in the field of d ra m a tic s, is veals that an average of per to be reinstated on the Law rence cent c r a m n w d al»out six and one* sho uld read a letter by the anarch- hostess role. t f ,, D m eU nnt ist V anzetti a t the th re a t of a red-! Joc F erguson, the all - tim e All K u e n z i E l e c t e d P r e s i d e n t cam pus. |half hours for each fin al exam in* purge by the bo ard of trustees - has 'A m e ric a n of un be lie v ab ly low g ill K uenzi was elected president The fraternity, otherwise known ation. Since the psychological effect of a gleam of a m essage in it, but speed reactions in everything Gf the Lutheran students Associ-|as the National Collegiate players, th a t does not in h ib it the g lib an d where pigskin isn’t concerned, was a tjon at the last meeting hied in was first organized at Lawrence cram m ing seems to help the vet fa n c ifu l T hurber and friend. There delightfully done by Lawrence Fut- the Zion Lutheran Church. C o n in e ' college in 1926 as th e twenty-first eran student as much as the actual is re a lly only one serious m o m e n t chik. He b u m b le d his hearty w ay shoofs was elected vice - president, chapter. Charter members at that additional facts he picks up, D r. afie r Jeannine Krantz, secretary - treys- tim e included Warren Beck, prof-jWhite believes that "it is p o s ^ b le in the play, w hen the sim ple , un- through dom estic situation g r a m a tic a l V anze tti m essage jg dom estic situation, and was hilar* urer, and C arol Leichsenring and essor of English. M r Beck and K. 1that there is some tie-over from re a d aloud, th at the audience is lous |n his ex planations of a fake C a rl Denzer are the co - publicity ¡Theodore Cloak, director of dra their (the veterans') wartime in g ripped by a serious thoug ht on fake” an d the ‘‘Statue of L ib e rty ” !c h a irm e n . A fter the election was matics are at present the only doctrination with its focus on Da c a d e m ic freedom . The rest of the plays. W hen he got together with held, gam es were played, and re-!mem bers on cam pus. day, H-Hour type of activity an d tim e they are busy gu ffaw in g at W a lly Myers, upon w hom his Mid- freshm ents were served. | The players, organized solely on the necessity to direct themselves thc cavortings of the m a le and te- western football m an tle had fallen, The next m ee ting of the LSA will|an honorary basis, are recognized psychologically to # D-Day, II Hour m a le a n im a ls on the stage before the N eanderthal sporting of the be held D ecem ber 15 in the Mount ¡nationally as a group of outstand-jstimulus situation in the classIroom. them . It is a com edy of sprightly tw o was alm ost past belief. Myers. O live L uthern C hurch, ling college d ram atists. pace, a fresh and distin ctly un-farc- a handsom e h u n k of halfback, was ic a l situation, lines as b rig h t as a done by R obert D uthie. new dim e , an d constant evidence Ja c k H afne r was perfect as of a d y n a m ic and w h im s ic a l d ire c M ichae l B arnes, editor of th_* liter tor- Theodore C loak by nam e. C o ntin u ed on page 8 J o h n H am m er was superb in his p o rtra y a l of T o m m y T urner, a w an ascetic little E n g lis h professor who c a n ’t ca ll his ho m e his own for all the football players en ca m p e d there. His acting was d e ligh tfully I O V A / O f * ab stra ct and bookish, and when he v U o lo fin a lly decided th a t the m eek would Union Investigation never in herit the earth unless h e 1 took m atte rs in h an d a n d becam e Evokes Suggestions as tho rag in g sea lion, the audience lau g h e d until the be-spectaclod In an a tte m p t to get rid of tho ones had to w ipe off their tearto | w ashed lenses. D ru n k scenes can $1400 U nion deficit, proposals the very often be revolting, but not '-I'm jnate S u nd ay hours and w riting , serving of cost-upping food were w hen T hurber does the C loak the directing, and a p a ir of considered in two m eetings hold Ilate this week. S tudent body pres-1 ident J e r r y P ub antz m e t with R a l ph J . W atts, business m a n a g e r,! George W alter, dean of m en. R ich Row e, U nion co m m ittee c h a irm a n and Bill B rad lee Tuesday, when Today tho proposals were m ad e. A followC u b an d in n e r up m ee ting W ednesday aftornnon found P ub antz, Rowe and Bradlee G y m ja m conferring w ith Iv a W clch, super Saturday, Nov. 20 visor of dorm itories. A lu m n i game P u b antz, Row e and B radlee a r e | S und ay, N ovem ber 21 A rt association lecture s e n te d ir{o V r . ^ Wa\ts ' e a H y ' * next FIVE H O N O R E D — A tea at Russell Sage hall a week ago Thursday afternoon honored the P h i M u concert week. election of five seniors to Phi Beta Kappa. Shown in fheir initiation robes, left to r ig h t, are T hank sg iv in g vespers Action w ill be taken after con- M arv H artzell Nancvbelle Beckham, W illia m Dresser, Anne Hughes and Kathryn Elwers. W ednesday, N ovem ber 24 sid ératio n by the a d m in is tra tio n ^ jss' « 0 h| secretary of the Wisconsin Gam m a chapter, made announcement of the electiuo T hank sg iv in g recess begins and the student executive earlier in the day at convocation. m ittee. V eterans— H ow to Get a Three Point Cut Services; ß t U b a a 'i d Vollstedt of of full tuition, Celia K och, ’cellist, New Holstein, and R u th Zerler of A ppleton, D o nn a De G raff, cornetL on do n, an d Charles Plym outh, violin, organ and co m et ist, N ew Crow der, pianist, of Chicago. respectively w ill receive $200.00 prizes. Sylvia C hapm an, contralto, of W ausau was chosen as alternate. of Sheboygan, Don 2 The Lawrentian F r id a y , N o v . 19, 1948 _ Ç f t n <tf t r v 0 t 0 r y Scholarships Go to Four BY BOB PARTRIDGE Coming: bat. Not. 20, 8 p. m. minstrel ahow, II. H. Audit, bun. Nov. 21, 4 p. m. Phi Mu pro gram at Peabody. Mon. Nov. 22, 8 p. m. General recit al, Peabody. Sun. Dec. I, I p. m. Mewtiah at the Chapel. Tuen. Dee. 7, 8 p. m. Rand concert at the chapel. Thurs. Dec. 9. 8 p. m. General re cital, Peabody. T u c k . Dee. 14, 8 p. m. Orchestra at the Chapel. 0 9 0 Last Saturday the conservatory opened its doors to fifty high school graduates, com peting for conserva tory scholarship. T ypical Lawrence College hospitality was shown the contestants by the follow ing con Students, faculty members, and d i rectors C huck Crow der, Don Schroeder, Dave K nickel, Lyla K eel ing, Jeann in e K rantz, Eleanore Siewert, Celia and Betty Koch and George Miotke; Betty Plautz, H ar old G rünew ald. P au l Jackson and A lice W anner were accompanists. Dean C arl W aterm an, Dean M a r shall Hulbert, W illia m Harder, and Phi Mu Presents Annual Concert Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is ag ain presenting its an n u a l All-American concert Sunday at 4 P. M. N ovem ber 21 at the conservatory. The pro g ram will consist of works of living A m e rica n composers. This pro g ram is being given to show that the art of com posing good m u sic did not die w ith past European m asters. M odern A m e rica n c o m posers have taken their well earned place beside the established c o m posers of Europe present and past. i«ast year the pro g ram was chos en m ostly from the works of m en who have become fam ous in A m e r ica and the world today. This year, however, the m usic, w ith one ex ception, was w ritten especially for the occasion by m em b ers of the faculty And student* of the Conser vatory of m usic. Com positions of I .a V ahn and J a m e s M ing have been Iv a r d ntul well received in this area in the last few years The concert w ill also include a work of Clyde D un can whose m usic w ill l>e he ard for the first tim e in Appleton. The sim i le com position w ritten by a student is a series of sketches by Jo h n Hi-rtzberg. A piano sonata w ritten by Mr. lle rt/b e rg perform ed last y ra r shown thnt he has definite ta l ent. The pro gram is .is luiluws: Sint»? f«>r P ian o by L a V ahn M aesoh; Brass Q uintet, 1st m ov e m e nt by J a m e s M ing; sketches (A llegro A n dante - A llegretto Giocoso) by Jo h n H ertzberg; Two P iano Sonata (M oderately - Slow an d Q uiet • F ast) by Clyde Duncan. The pro g ram is being given on the date w hich co m m e m orate s the tenth anniversary of the founding of Phi M u Alpha Sinfonia on L a w rence college cam pus. Fifty-Two Compete; Eau Claire Pianist Wins Full Tuition W illard Robb, ju d g in g voice contentants; G ladys Brainard, M ar garet Webster, Jam es M ing, Clyde The judges for the scholarship Duncan, and E dw ard Dix, ju dg in g fin a ls , Dean C arl J . W aterm an, the piano contestants; E. C. Moore, ; Dean M arshall H ulbert, Gladys I instrum ental and w oodw ind judge; Brainard, LaV ahn Maesch, Jam es Byler and Mr. M ing, strings; and Paul H ollinger adm inistering the M ing and K enneth Byler, selected Theory Exams. four students w ith one alternate to Mrs. J. E. Scanlon, M arie Dohr, receive Conservatory scholarships M arguerite Schum ann, Dayton G raf man, and Robert W ilch were the interviewers and directors. College students may reserve “From the Carrels" we heard of their tickets for “The Messiah” at the p in n in g of Dean G ray and the Donahue-Larsen (or Larsen-Lar- Beltings drug store on or after sen) case w hich the W rigley com Tuesday, November 23 upon pre pany is in v e s tig a tin g ................ rel sentation of their activity books. ative to illegal use of their tin The cost of public admission is 60 foil, which if flashed from the fingers, resembles rings. . . . cents. sometimes com plicating hum orous situations . . . We all advise last week. C arol G an ter from Eau George to set us straight or chock w ith the nearest Vets’ ad m in istra C laire w ill receive fu ll tuition of tor. $450.00 for piano. F rank Guenther O f the fifty-two contestants who competed for Conservatory scholar ships last Saturday m orning, eight were chosen as finalists to perform d uring the afternoon. Two con testants were unable to attend the contest Saturday and were a u d i FO R T H E School Supplies A rt & A rchitectural Supplies Underwood Portable Typewriters tioned by Kenneth B yler and Jam es M ing on Friday. Last year’s winners of Con schol arships were Carol Sykora, v io lin ist, M inneapolis, w in n in g first prize THAT H AN DSOM E, CASU AL LOOK B E G IN S W I T H T H E H A I R E x p e r t H a i r c u t s G iv e n a t jo n . e BEST SYLVESTER & NIELSEN, INC. 209 E. College Ave. HAND w arm er * Instant Heat! One filling lasts all day! Even in sub zero temperatures a JON-E . • • keeps you W A R M ! 3 .5 0 Eo Valley Sporting Goods Co. CONWAY HOTEL BARBER SHOP 211 N . A p p l e t o n S t. D ia l 3- 1 3 9 3 129 N. Oneida St. “ I T ’S GREAT E N T E R T A IN M E N T " B ILLFO LD S Men's and Ladies' Perfect and Practical for Christmas Giving. $ 1 .2 5 From Plus tax Up H SUELFLOW’S 3 0 3 W . C o ll e g e A v a . E MAKE M O RE C O LLEG E S T U D E N TS lopyiifta 194«, Uviti * M<uu ÎVM.1.0 V.A S T E R F I E L D THE If t lL & iif c CIGARETTE S M O K E C H E S T E R F IE L D S than any other C ig a r e t t e .. BY LATEST NATIONAL SURVEY This Week technicolor film showed off to good The Lowrention 3 ad v antage the m a n y varieties an d Friday, Nov. 19, 1948 b rillia n t colors of the flowers. A d ram atic b u ll fig h t was one of the the Aztecs an d the M ay as in Y u ca m a in features of the film . Senor tan were also photographed by sen U ribe explained th a t the M exican or U ribe. These p y ra m id s w hich fighters have becom e even m ore skilled and d a rin g than those of are believed to be as old as those X b“ j ‘ w ith E l senor C ru z U ribe, an engineer S pain an d a g re a t riv a lry has tison | p la n s are now being m a d e for from Green Bay, showed colored between the two countries. buildings the next m e e tin g w hich w ill be a m otion pictures and delivered a Views of g o vernm e nt t lk j Spanish on his trip to and P31301“5* an d p y ra m id s b u ilt by|Christm as party opanisn at M exico an d C e n tral A m e ric a ovem the S panish club m eeting, N Noi ■ ■ ber 10. Introduced by Alice Becker, pres Everyone ident, senor U ribe began his p ro Avers, that the g r a m w ith a short talk about the Best Cleaning trip w hich he took w ith his wife antj son son on the P a n -Am erican and in town ¡'Spaniards' See C h i n a ’s F a t e H a n g s In Mexican Movie Colored Films Show Bull Fight, Palaces P e r il A s B a t t le R a g e s by Fred Gilbert Nov. 8 to Nov. 15 methods for Franco’s are just as The Hattie for Chin» '%orse* We have just The battle raging north of Nan- fiui^h^ » w a r against two king for the past week seems to such dicU tors, and now this small be developed into a red victory facslm»<* ®f Hitler wants to become tionaiut’« de-i Ho. our against a “ common foe. ’ Suchow. one of the Nationalist’s ,p. tense bastions has been isolated e amasing th*ng about this apand the Communists are reported peal is its acceptance by many U.S. to be moving south on Chiang’s eongressmen and the military. One capital. Nearly a million men are cai1,1 c,ose his *• Fran' involved in this contest which may co s reK‘n,e and acknowledge him decide China’s future and our nol- as * friend because of his anitin the the sam same icy in the F a r F ast. ’ i|communist * * ™ " “ "!?* policy. Policy. For F o r in e I f the N ationalists do lose, then m a n n f r Franco f fascism is just as hi h The moviM which were C h ian g Kai-Shek is finished; his opposlle 40 our lin k in g as S ta lin ’s i“ lgnw ay; m o v ‘es- w hich w ®re WHETHER IT BE HIS . OR HERS is done at ca pital w ill fa ll and his m ilita ry c o m m u n is m (narra te d m Spanish by senor Unforces w ill be reduced to n o th in g 1 TWs Utt,e desP°t is as much a be, were taken m a in ly in M exico m o re than guerillas. In event of threa* 40 an individuals freedom as and showed m a n y of the places frethis C hiang w ill be forced to resign or Mussolini, and there is quented by tourists such as colorful and a go vernm ent w ill be form ed 1,0 *or us stoop and cater X o chim ilco, w hich is a floating w hich w ill have no altern ativ e but to h im ’ 'garden in a M exico C ity park. The MODERN DRY CLEANERS 2 2 2 E. C o lle g e to negotiate a peace. The I N S ecretary G eneral Trygve Lie and A ssem bly P resident H erbert E v a tt have appealed to the chief executives of the B ig Four powers to m eet and settle the B e rlin c ri sis. This seems to be a last resort m ove on the part of the UN, for a ll previous atte m p ts to reach a settlem ent in the security council have m et w ith failure. The big question is w hat P re s ident T ru m a n w ill do. Although W hite house officials said the P res ident favored a settlem ent in the U N . the fact that the Vinson mis-' sion was proposed several weeks ago m ay indicate T ru m a n is w ill ing to enter into direct negotia tions. There is little doubt that S talin w ill accept this peace overture, but only on his grounds. This m eans the proposed m ee ting w ould have to take place som ew here w ithin the Soviet sphere of influence. There is an in trin sic ad v anta g e in hav ing one’ s opponent com e to you to set-j tie an issue. S pain. D onning the ga rm e nts of a friend an d saviour G e n e ra lissim o F r a n c isco F ran c o has expressed a desire to im pro v e relations w ith the U ni ted States. The Spanish leader w ould like a loan of $200,000,000 to re h a b ilitate tran sport and industry, and in return S paiu w ould be w ill ing to take part in a W estern a lli ance. F ranc o seem s to think his country holds the balance of power in Furope, and by his jo ining the W estern powers the co m m u n ist u n d e rm in in g of F u ro pe would be Stopped. It is true that expediency som e tim e s produces strange bed-fellows, b u t it is not necessary to take this fascist dictator into cam p w ith us. If we do accept F ranco we can in no w ay criticize S talin 's J ia n a e C o . F a m o u s D u B a rry M a k e -u p K its "D u Barry was a lady" . ! . and here's a delightful must for every lady . . . beauty at your fingertips! You'll find beauty helps whose subtle efforts have worked wonders . . . you, too. let them help In attroctive cases, both smart and durable, to assure you lasting beauty. Du Barry Set Box Type Kit Over the Shoulder Kit Smart distinction in this beige shoulder Loveliness for you, in this bok'e Daring, Primitive bag. Contains everything box type kit. Contains all the beauty stick. with lipstick brush and necessities for perfect travel. And blending face powder. beauty-minded travel . needed . for . including lip smart for the office or school, too. cream, powder, lipstick, lotion. Originally 1.50 Originally 1•>.:><) . . . . ...................... 7 Red O riginally lid.50 . . . . .5 0 ' 39c 7 .5 0 ' NOT ILLU ST R A T E D . . . Smart, Glamorous C o m p a c t s Glistening, leakproof gay compacts of metal. Squaie, dashingly engraved. S tra w b e rry and C r e a m O rig inal!) 5.00 ....... 1 .9 5 Dainty, delightful . . . lipstick, face powder. Strawberry lipstick, cream beige face powder, all for you. Purs« Type Cosmctic Kit Ideal Christmas Gifts Heavy weight plaids in black and white and black 1 .5 0 ' and green The one shirt for W is consin weather. Originally 2.0o At A Saving! Clever, attractive, fashioned in blazing red faille. Includes all the essentials for beauty-right travel. ‘ Plus Tax Buy now. Toiletries — Street Floor Originally 7.50 .................... . . . . 5 . 9 5 * S aturday night to Dix Friday, Nov. 19, 1948 4 The Lowrentian I T Z J tT - Parties, Pinnings are Week's Society News K d it n l by C arol I,eishscnrinK Pledge parties and m ore scaven- A IjI 'i s held la6t Sunday night was ger hunts arc the line-up for this 3 success! After a hectic two week-end w ith the fraternities and hours of scavenging, everyone •o rorities. The B eta’* w ill start cam e back to thf> room * where re’ things rolling with their pledge pa r - / r<‘s*im o n *s wt‘re w aiting. The chap ty tonight, and the D C s will carry u ‘r wisht*s to thank F>at H a m m t l throu g h with a treasure hunt Sun- an d h t r com m ittee for doing such day n ight for th**ir actives and a swt*** ¿°h| M onday night both actives and Delta Gamma pledges gathered to hear Miss C o ng ratulatio ns for a fine perfor- Schultz give a very interesting talk Finance to Shirley G regor who piay-j Congratulations to Ja c k ie W itte *d E lle n in The M ale A n im al. for her splendid perform ance in Plans for a treasure hunt for at- The M ale A n im a l and to Anne tives, pledges, and their dates have Hughes upon her election to Phi been form u lated for this Sunday B«‘ta Kappa, night. The pledges are entertaining 1*1 Beta I'h i ©ther pledges and Independents The chapter wishes to extend its this afternoon form 3:00 to 5:U0 at congratulations to Bunny Y oung a party designed to get them better who was elected the new L .W A ; acquainted. social c h a irm an , and also to KathC o ng ratulatio ns to B a rb a ra Shul- erine Elw ers and N ancybelle Recktz and Phi W ohlers, pledges, w h o .a m who were elected to i ’ hi Beta; placed second in the inter-sorority K appa. Best wishes to Jo a n Fursttennis tournam ent. enberg who is pinned to an ATO at K ap p a D elta M adison. K appa D elta wishes to extend It.**j HI I'h i Is proud to announce Its he artiest congratulations to K D pledge officers: P hyllis Haeger. M ary H art/e ll for her recent el«‘C- president; B a rb ara M cB ride, vicepresident; Jo a n F urstcnberg, re tion to I ’hi Beta K appa. cording secretary; C arolyn In g Alpha ( hi Omega The Alpha C hi's wish to announce h a m . scholarship c h a irm a n ; Carothe engagem ent of C aro lyn Jones lyn Silvers, activities c h a irm a n ; to L. (I S im m ons of the Air C o rp s ., B a rb a ra Kelsey, social c h a irm a n Best wishes to C arolyn who is a Shirley Schaeffer, historian, and m e m b e r of Alpha C h i’s pledge Sonia Sandeen and Shirley P o m e r oy, censors. class B ts t wishes to J o Huus. A lpha D H U Pi H unt that the J o was keyed «pinned, is i last The Scavenger pledges Give a Damn" Attitude •I" D Waldo, o n 't Congratulations to the new P h i ^ q q P z e V O l e T l t Tau pledge Len N ew endorp of W au Chicago, 111. — (I P ) — College watosa. professors should take a stand on In line with our policy «» « « . I (n fie ld, ,,k< .c l ing good w ill w ith the sororities on, sland whjch th(iy can t , s cam pus, the chapter w ill entertain the A lpha C hi O m e ga .o r o n ty o n reasonably defend, and the uniS unday at 2:00. versity itself should stand for someP h i D elta Theta thin g,” declared Dr. E rne st C. colT om Fassett, field secretary of .. ’Dresident of the U niversity of P hi Delta Theta, visited the chapter du ring the past weekend. Chicago, m a r ^ C ongratulations to B ill Dresser on “ the lim itation s in education, his election to P h i Beta K appa. I He added, however, that w hat In the annual pledge-active foot- professors and universities stand ball gam e, the actives em erged for should be open to challenge and victorious by a score of 19-9, aided debate by the students, by the referees, both actives. The D r. Colw ell also called attention losers provided refreshm ents. to the sophisticated “ don’t give a Bet* Theta P i d a m n ” attitude of m a n y colleges Actives and pledges alike are and university students of the past eagerly an ticip atin g the party the ¡several decades. He said this is in actives are giving for the pledges good m easure the fault of the coltonight. leges and universities. It m u st be Congratulations to Collin Sehroe-1overcome if the U nited States is der who hung his pin on L ucy Chap- to assum e positive leadership in pell last weekend. world affairs. D e v e lo p in g & P r in t in g Kodaks & Supplies Greeting Cards IDEAL PHOTO AND GIFT SHOP 2 0 8 E . C o ll e g e N e a r th e C a m p u s Enjoy ) Woy Distinction In o “Cavalier Crest" COVERT GO D ELU X E A T LO W EST R A T ES Y | e l l o D ial w C a b 3 - 4 4 4 4 , . \ V ^ V M \ W % W A V L W . \ V d W / . * .A W . S S V . V . V ¿ f Twothings every f collegeman shouldknow! MARX JEWELERS ¿12 E. College C o n t i n u o u s I s Q u a Q l i t y u a Ave. l i t y Y o u T r u s t p I his is a baby. Fussy about clothes. Di'mandt frequent change of wardrobe* Hits bitttle daily. Hut finds life Incomplete. Is ju st U'aitinfi for day u hen he can wear smart " M anhattan " shirt 1. It s lu x u rio u s h a n d needled edges denote Its refined tailoring. t . S t y le d w ith s m a rt casualness w ith its three buttons closely placed to effect longer, low roll lapels. 8 , The “ Cavalier Crest” Covert proclaims its rich quality with a suede soft surface, pliancy and rich, exclusive colors. $60.00 <i.'k for it etther way . . . both trade m.irks mean the same thing;. THIEDE GOOD CLOTHES Bottled Under A uthority of the Coca-Cola Com pany by LA SALLE C O CA C O LA B O T T L IN G CO W H askell St Appleton. W ia o 1V4t. TK* Coro Cote lomfxmy 417 W . Diol College 3 1123 M r s . C a s e y , O r m s b y 's M o t h e r , W a n t s H e r B ig F a m ily B a c k Mrs. W illia m Casey, h o u s e m o th e r ------------ ---- -------------at O rm sb y, loves big fa m ilie s; and foels Quite at hom e in Appleton. she's re a lly gone all out for them Since m ost of her children still live this year. A fte r successfully rais-'in thc * ox river valley area, she ing five children of her own, she couldn’t be better situated. ca m e to L aw rence this fa ll to take! In additon to her interests in her over the jo b of looking after an children and grandchildren, she even big g e r fa m ily --- the fresh-;,.. _ . , .4 , m a n girls at O rm sb y hall. likes to sew, knit, cook, and in A lthough M rs. Casey is new a t general, be “ dom estically erethe jo b of housem other, she has ative .” This stands to reason since som e pretty sound theories about she graduated from the University doing the jo b well. A m o ng them is of W isconsin with a degree in H om e to im press upon the girls that rulesj E conom ics. Mrs. Casey also enjoys are for th e ir protection and for the radio. She not only has a very the sake of org an ization rath e r than lovely, low, resonant voice herself, a d a m p e r on their sense of respons but she has passed it on to her ib ility and independence. This sim daughter M ary, who can be heard pie ex planation goes a long w ay w ith Bob Kelly over the new G reen in effectiveness. Bay network every weekday mornAnother theory of M rs. Casey is ning. to let the girls com e to her rather! The hope that O rm sb y won t be than pushing herself upon them on a freshm an dorm next year is one feigned inspection tours. Needless of Mrs. Casey's pets. W hy such a to say the girls have com e to Mrs. strange wish? Because she likes Casey, not only for friendly visits, her girls so m uch she wants them but for help in solving their prob- back next year, natch, lem s an d occasionally for her assis-| A “ housem other” in every sense tance in catchin g prow lers as well of the word, th a t’s Mrs. Casey She is ju s t th an k ful that when shej called the police they d id n ’t tell G r - F s G o t O S c h o o l her to m a k e the prow ler get bacKj in the d o rm where he b e lo n g e d j More th an a m illio n and a half but cam e im m e d ia te ly to her res- W orld w ar II veterans were reportcue. Seem s that the housem other ed in train in g under the G-I b ill on at Brokaw h a d that experience the Septem ber 30. 1948. year after the dorm was convert**! Of the 1,503.000 trainees, 897, >00 from a boy's residence to one for were enrolled in schools and col ongirls. The police just w eren’t up leges, 267,000 in in stitutio nal fa rm train in g and 398,500 in job on the change. A n ative of Oshkosh, Mrs. Casey training. ]Lack Fare? Borrow the Helicopter panies are deTuged by calls Despite the fact that the A ppleton street departm ent is decorating the local lam pposts w ith evergreens, N ovem ber 25 is still T hanksgiving D O NOT L E T T H IS C O N F U S E YOU . The C hristm a s season is starting early this year so that con sumers w ill buy m ore. (F o r fu r ther inform ation see M r. Bober.) Santa Claus is pushing the turkey and you m ay find pine needles in your cranberry sauce, but Nov em ber 25 IS T hanksgiving. O n Novem ber 24. the iong trek hom e begins, and if this year is like m any others, break out the stadium boots, kids, w e’re in for a blizzard. As of next W ednesday the exodus of tired but unbeaten students to Chicago, M ilw aukee, M inneapolis and St. P au l, D uluth, Bariboo, Evanston, P o dun k and E ast Podunk, and points anyplace, commences. Dusty suitcases com e out from their two m onths h ib er nation, and the post office is show ered with special deliveries con taining train fare hom e. Textbooks are hastily collected along with best intentions, and M r. D ietrich 's art students gather up their assort ed efforts to show the hom e folks the “ cu ltiv a tin g " they’ve been get ting. Comes the 24th. The cab co m The Lowrention 5 Friday, Nov. 19, 1948 ise w on't show m u c h and it w a sn ’t an ybody’s fau lt really. I t ’s ju s t crowded. W hat happened to your coat? O h don’t w orry, it’s a ro u n d here some place. Yes, those green plush seats are a bilious color, are n ’t they? And did you catch the gas lights? W hat a panic. M ovo over; the conductor w ants to go through. 1 don’t know w here you can m ove over to. J u s t think, pretty soon w e'll be hom e . . .m y feet hurt. Listening For Pleasure Benny Goodman and Peggy Lee — The W a y You Look Tonight — W here or W hen — And Six Other Exciting S'des M el Torm e — The Velvet Fog Gems From Sigmund Romberg — The Student Prince Farr's Melody Shop 224 Eost College Ave. Diol 3-5135 T h e N E W S ty le For N E W W ARN ER BROS. B e a u ty BU ETO W 'S RIO THEATRE B e a u ty N O W P LA Y IN G ff's here! Come in and see it I and tim e tables are checked and re checked. The tra in pulls in and somehow, som e way, people get on. F in d in g a seat is an altogether d if ferent m atter. H elpful H int: S u it cases m a y be used to sit on as well as being used to bid four d ia m onds on. It's sm oky an d drafty but, well, then there’s hom e, c o m ing closer and closer. Yes, you m ig h t say that the tra in was crow ded. B ut w hat good spirits. The club car abounds w ith the singing of school songs. K n ittin g needles fly even faster than in convo. The cigarette burn on your val- 225 E. College Ave. ~ ï^ D A ¥ Ï S Shop Phone 4 2131 l*b«rl THE NEW MONTGOMERY ROYAL PORTABLE... Why Walk When You Can Whizz by in a New Car? with FINGER FORM KEYS! designed to cradle your finger-tips! FOX RIVER OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. Phone 3 0093 404 W. W isconsin Ave. W ARNER C O N V E N T IO N A L COLORED CARS B R O S. ARE A V A IL A B L E FOR RENT BY TH E H O UR , D A Y A N D WEEK . . . A P P L E T O N NOW 1*LAYIN(S DRIVE IT YOURSELF! M e d in Red SKELTON a ; P R E S C R IP T IO N O f it h Red Top Cab Co. D IA L 3 6666 For The P H A R M A C Y 204 E. College Ave. W • Fostest Cob Service Diol 3 5551 C o m p le te D r u g s A n d L in e s Plus “A N G E L IN In Appleton E X IL E ' T o ile tr ie s M \ S S % fW ^ V A V A % % % \ % V .V A W A \ W .V / .V W .,.V Every Entree a Specialty ! ! Irregular« O u r S h o rt O rd e rs Of 2.25 Quality A re th e B est Nylon Hosiery and M ost R e a s o n a b l y P r ic e d 1.59 C H E C K E R LU N CH 219 E. College Ave. . W i V . ,A W . V . V . V . % W W « V « V . V . V . V . ,. W . ' Highly foshionable nylon irregulars with FO R REAL SPORTS! Complete Line SKI LESSO NS BERGGREN BROS. SPORT SHOP 121 N. Appleton St. block seam. heel and 51 gauge, full ♦oihioned hose in smart W inter Sports Equipment For A ll Occasions FREE flattering Diol 3 9536 foil shodes. Save by getting several pairs! Hosiery — Street Floor H a r r ie r s W ith End Y e a r 2 n d a t B e lo it Alumni Cagers Hockey Team Drops Tough One; Coffee Meet Varsity Soothes Nerves Team Tomorrow 6 The Lawrenttan Friday, Nov. 19, 1948 Ripon has done it again! This tim e the R cdw om en have smashed Miller, Flom, Curry the L aw rence field hockey team on the Vikes own field by a score of Lead Outstanding 3-2. This disastrous event too« place last Sunday on the girls a th Alumni Team letic field under the banner of the W.R.A. D ick M iller, *47, leads a group L aw rence college h arrie rs took A fterw ards victors and v ictim s BY BILL D O N A L D of fo rm e r L aw rence college cai-e alik e socialized over doughnuts and Second plnce in the M idw est concoffee. R ipo nite w om en inform ed greats against J o h n Sines’ v arsity A nothe r great co ntrib u tio n has been rendered by the “L ” club to L aw ference cross-country m eet held at our stalw a rt V ikings that the Red- crew in the season’s cu rta in raiser rcnce college. B eloit last S aturday as Cornell n a r A heat treatm ent massage u nit, costing the athletic association about m e n 's squaw s are also excellent tom orrow night. U pw ards of fifteen row ly gained first place honor«. 9750, w ill be installed this m onth in the college in firm a ry to extend fur* rifle shots and field archers thanks The Vikings were only 6 points ther m edical care to every Law rence student. The project is one of sev- to R iP °n facilities. V iking wom en alu m s have sig nified their w illin g they used clubs ness to test the collegians in an behind the C ornell team , collecting «*•'»1 undertaken by the club in the last three years designed p a rticu larly replied that (Shades of L ’il A b n e r!) to promote athletics. a ffair sponsored by the L aw re nce 4f> points as the llillto p p e rs held The play day, as this excursion This colum n m ay read som ething like a m edical jo u r n a l from here on M en’s club. their total down to 10. Following buf every m e m ber of the student body—athletes and non-athletes alike in m a y h e m and gossip was called The a lu m n i te a m has reached Law rence was C arleton w ith 60 - should take note of the announcem ent. was designed as an exchange of points. Iteloit w ith 83, and Mon1« the past, whenever a Lawrence football player, for exam ple, suf- recreational ideas am o ng the two back m ore than tw enty years for m ou th with 10!» G rin n e ll entered ferrd * « ‘ver* »prain. bruise, muscle or tendon in ju r y , it was only pos- ^ ! f consl" P rev iou sly the one of its m em b ers in the person slide for h im to receive treatm ent w ith hot applications and the result ^ 1*tin <?s h a d journeye d to M adison of Pete Briese who cap tain e d one • team but only four of their run was usually rather slow response. A nothe r altern ativ e of receiving on 8 s' m *har rnission. A g ainst Ripners finished m that their scorc " w hirl pool" massage treatm ents at the local city hospital was follow ed on a d liie re n t te a m was used in of the few V iking .ch a m p io n sh ip insisting only in frequ e ntly because of the charge and the inconvenience. jorder that m ore girls w ould have squads in 1924-25. S till d id not count. that they hav e n't lost th e ir shoot Self-administered massages or treatm ents given by another person a an,C ,e, to Pa r tic if,a te Ben M cA datn of C ornell took in were sim ply out of the picture, of course, what w ith the severe pain . eLfVe^i, m c h*ded Eliza- ing ab ility are U rb a n R e m in d , *31, d iv id u a l honors by w inning the and the possibility of com plicating the in ju ry . (beth Forster, Sue Cory, Dee D rake, m ee t and establishing a new record The new “w h irlp o o l”— donated to Law rence college w ith its benefits M ary G ru b ish a, D o rothy Schwartz- B ill Foote. ‘35 and L a rry Roeck and Ben R afoth, who played in the mid« of If» m inutes. 33 seconds for the available to every L aw re n tian — w ill end all that. A nd this is not a quo- beck. K itty M asterson, J e a n Queenthirties. an, Jo U bbink, C hristine Lipps, The old tii tion from the m anufacturer's advertising. B eloit three m ile c o u ix J im Johnson and K a r l T ippett, Je ane ttee B lluch e an d record of 16 m inutt m , 45 seconds The u n it is actually a stainless steel rectangular w ater container cap-!‘L®Bne” »e e,,ucn e an a lLois ,o i s Larson. parson. the double pivot post, and Buck Was held by C arro llII S chum acher able of accom m odating an entire h u n k of hum an anatom y. The temperlay,e rs w ere selected fro m last W eaver, P h il H aas or Don Boya of Beloit who finishe I in fourth ature of the w ater is therm ostatically cont r ol l / d' 3' | ye* r ' * V arsily ond CiaSS team a and B ruce L arson in the back plac Saturday. i.vxe .».luuuB /. u i i ' i i i o ui wdii-i mi iu w wciriii no ut, and in e i i forces lcurrents of water and arm uir air to circuíale circulate inroug throughout, court, head an outfit that com bines P aul F.lsberry, V ik itu ace. fol- this way, an even, light pressure is applied to the sensitive in ju ry . n t l H the fast break w ith set plays most lowed m inutes, Lawrence athletes who have had h id the opportunity n n n n rln n iiv of »r receiving PA<.*ivin . treat- I l M l l l w l U I O U l l v J wed with the tim e of l i niiiiutes, effectively. Coach Sines also has a 4!» seconds. E lsberry was closely — .............. - .......... * ............... ....... .< m ents from the hospital u n it claim that the results are am azing. Thus ■ • strong group of reserves to rush traile d by H alph H arris of ( ornell, it was that Ur. K alpli Landis, in firm a ry physician, urged the ‘‘L ” club G lX / P II into action in Jo h n F rie d , Don an d 15*17 conference cha m pio n. to purchase the "w h irlp o o l" when they studied several oovsihilities of 1 3 Swenson. M el S torm , Jo h n G ebert, For Law rence B ill Sievert finish- using the funds they had earned last year for the w elfare of college ath- s . i n B lck Nelson, Don E x ne r, D av e DufedI in 5th place. D u ain c Discher in letes and the school as a whole. I K f ln f lU P T fey, D on Strutz, P h i M ontress, E a r l 10th th. Don Hclgeson in 12th and De The result was a project that w ill benefit Law rence stu d e n ts - b o th " * Glosser and F uzz H ung er. w itt Ingles in 17th. R a lp h Vogt and; men and wom en for years to come. A total of 33 v arsity letters and This aggregation shows prom ise Klwood llo rs tm a n also ran for the 34 freshm an n u m e ra ls were m ad e of being stronger th a n the te a m of Vikes but only the places of the by the athletic bo ard of control to last year. E a rly indications, h o w first five m en were counted. those p a rtic ip a tin g in cross-country ever, show' that B eloit w ill pro b <»ther finishers for C ornell were and football. The m ee ting was held, ably top the conference ag ain w ith D ick Bishop, C huck Foster and Don last T uresday and the aw ards were R ipo n an d G rin n e ll also showing Kyerson fin ishin g 7th, 14th and 15th m ad e at the L club d in n e r Wednes-jgreat strength, respectively. day evening. The Vikings were not at top V arsity football letters were giv- Curtin Picks strength for the m eet as llclgcson en to the follow ing: c a p ta in R a lp h „ was suffering fro m a pulled lig Buesing, M a rv in G r id y, J im Campincnt Vogt also bad a bad day nr Fourteen candidates, in clu d in g he would bave finished in a m uch Law rence colics«.? " ' Strtit7. “ ik* • Hth#* ^ al5r;fnllnunnf? fonrtopn . . . ..w re stle r, h a v e '! Hon K o s k in e n S w im s higher position three letterw inners, reported (or heen w ork,,.* out üa .ly tor the past Uon S,rui,z: foll? w 'ni! tm lr‘pen .,rH i . . . . . . . . . „ t juniors: Don Boya, L aw rence BonI his was the last m eet of the s w im m in g practice in response to week Jn<* the prospects .o r a sue . q j c h a m b e r la in lteed For* season for the Law rence runners season look good. i V n , n t u i i ,, a call by C oach Ade D illon last cessful i oAch |lrrn|<. „ M c lto n .a t.a „ for bush, D ick * ra ilin g H a rla n d Hun- I n D e f e n s e o f They have a season’s record of ger, Charles Knoedler, Harvey 1 he team has three weeks in a tin e n was w ell rew arded with four wins and thie e losses in dual . Kuester, R obert L ansberg, R ic h a rd m eet com petition. to shape up for its first m eet on the m a jo rity of his la-it P h i D e lt T itle The Vikes won over Carleton. D ecem ber 4 when it w ill m eet Ma- s^ u a d back w ith the added strength Nelson, Lloyd Nielson, Spence Potof the large and pro m ising fresh- fer’ C laude R adtke, C harles WillBeloit and M ichig an school of S w im m in g holds the spot lig ht in m. . o m « ' the f hn fnu»u inrf sophom cnnlmmArfic calester in a nonconference m eet folow ing ores:• M ines They were defeated by C o r m an te a m of last year. The firsl i the G reek league this week w ith as, A lla n H allock, R ic h a rd aiv . » _ * „ ■ Bill Hinze, senior, div er and free • test of the season w ill come from nell, M arquette and the U n iversi . . ri i c? . .u s,x team s b a ttlin g for top honors to the ¡„ ____ _ u_ _____ ty of W isconsin ju n io r varsity. style; George M iotke, senior, baek-'M acalester college on D ecem ber 4 R istau an d Bob Sorenson; ^ ~ i‘n the m eet to be held tom orrow ona awso . a fternoon a t A lexander g y m n a s iu m stroke and free style; and J o h n C oach Heselton w ill be aided by ¡two m anage rs: 1W atson, junior, freestyle are the Dr. M a rv in K ag an who w ill act as and D ouglas Allen. •pool. W h ite law Takes Title “ L ” winners back on the squad. In a p a rt tim e assistant. Dr. Kar*an, ) V arsity aw ards in cross-cotintryl Phi D elta Theta, led by Don KosBob W hitelaw won the all-college addition, the team w ill be strength-ja form er U niversity of IllinoT s'm at w e r e m a d e t o D u a in e D ischer Ral- kl'n " Vs"f a“voVed “to T u c c is Jf u l l y 'd ^ W illia m )fend thp c ha m plo n # hlp. Koskinen table tennis tournam ent Monday ened by the e lig ib ility of Don Kos-1veteran should give the team »n an P* Vogt, P a u l L lsberry , Sievert, D o nald Helgeson, n iKhl defeating Bud Inglis in two kinen, ju nior, who should be a con- added p ra c tic a l slant. 1 1 led the P h i Dclts to their victory out ot three matches. sistent point getter in div in g andi M en reporting for varsity w restl Inglis, and Elw'ood llo rs tm a n . last year by w in n in g three of the F reshm en footb a 1 1 n u m e rals The ping pong tournam ent had the fret* style. ing are Reed F orbush and Don six in d iv id u a l events. One of the one ot the largest list of entries in R alp h H au crt an d Ia*n C olvin. Brow n, letterw inners of last year, ^'°.re ®warded to I re m a in in g three events w as won by stylers, have shown pro- ‘‘C h ic k ’’ C a n ip l« its history, but participation by hoth bell. Don Daw son, S a l^ in . ,1 ^,“ Bi*Utr P hi D elt R ill F erguson who w ill m en sinned up for the tournam ent ,m sc and should bolster the squad. J im T hrone, l»ick Luthin, P a t______E Cur- !c£ a r i J ,lc k l- „ W " 1‘a ? 1 B.or"- also be conipetinK this year. O ther R oland „ 1 1>hl Delta " h o are ba rk fro m last S trld, was com paratively small, according F ive sophom ore n u m e ra l w inners tin, J im P o llvka, C arlton, Ja m e s Coyle, year are Don E x ne r, B ill Osborne to Wray George, intra-m ural d i w ill be trying for places on the Jo h n S avage, Bob McCoy, Angelo " 1* D o nald Geld- and Jo h n Schneck. F erguson holds team . They are Bill Ferguson. G reco, Bob W ilson. M erlin Schultz,■Lawrence F utchik. rector free- Fred K a fu ra . Ken. Lutz, Chuck m a c her, 1’ rank G ran b e rg (manag- the in te rfrate rn ity record for the 75 backstrokc Bob lla n is c h , Senn finalists were A l Soto, Har.• f < 1 . a. I « . st vie a; George o| \ C «' o le Mim l i tan i l i ,, II free-style; at » It , V ▼nande ilU V Zande, 1111«. I Bruce SVI lle rd rlc h and ,?r>’ *^ohn W ebster Hron, Pet- . . a r j backstroke. |cr Jaco bs. W'arren Keefe, Theodore . iss. in, m, is .in. h D eW itte Ing lis, breast-stroke; and G rn e Sim on. The other five team s w ill p r o b Rl.s defeated Soto and W hitelaw D an T„ as< froe gtvlc_ i The fre sh m an ssquad has also rc- M o tschm an , T hom as M cKenzie, ably fin ish in the follow ing order: be;it Sisson to reach the final Don R u m p f, junior, Don Peter- ported and the roster includes J i m | ^ ‘" ‘a m Nitzche, W en dall O rr, DavDelta T au Delta. The Delta arc m atch. Jam es Osborne, Tack son and Tom V anH ousen, both W eber, Al L overnal, Joe Kargo, insworth, w eakened by the loss of B ill Hinze Doubles cham ps in the to u rn e y !sophomores, are also trying Rectz. D onald 5 ecause 0f his ea rning a varsity out George Schneck. Bob H ill and Ains-!Pr‘bnow, R obert R einicke were Fred H arker and Whitelaw for the team . . . * i / Cap»*a m 8n ‘S'letter but ru m o r has it that they W ebers. All are to receive nu m e i l l s have m ore good new' m a te ria l than Elsberry Gets Second Ahead of Last Year Champ T h e P re s s B o x Swim Team Prepares for iFirst Meet Good Prospects For '48 Matmen n auer. Bickle. an i chik for 19^0, B M cK enzie for 1951. Cross-country n u m e r a l aw ards g rante d to L yle H atho rn, R obert H ill, C larence M eltz, Jo h n Nelson, R o n a ld I.anqe, and D a v id C arlsen a n y othor te a m - If this is so, they m a y be able to pull an upset. Beta Theta Pi. The Betas, sec ond place w inners last y e a 1", have five veterans to b u ild around. Reed p lr b u s h Leonard C olvin, Bob Sperry, J e r r y W alecka and Jo h n G ueinzlus w ill pro bably give them j enough strength to enable th e m to H o n o ra ry H o c k ey ‘place. S ig m a P h i E psilon. The S i* Kps P o s itio n s A w a r d e d w ill definitely be weakened by the Based on class participa tion alone, transfer of Ted Jones, but they honorary class and varsity hockey have added George C o lm a n who teams have been elected by L. W. A. sw am for the Independents last O f the seven class teams thirty-two year. They have several veterans per cent of the girls were aw arded from their fourth place te a m of last year. those honorary positions. Independents. The The varsitv letters w ill be proIndies w ill sented to: freshm en. Nancy Ellis, have m ore m e n com peting last r .Ja c k ie R obbins and Ja n ic e W’eller; year. W hether these m en can pile j sophomores, J o n i Grasshold. Lois up enough points to better their I.arson and M argie W olf; juniors. Position is to be seen, Phi K appa Tau. The P h i Taus. |Dee Drake and Lenore Hoolev; I seniors. Nan Ballou, V iv G rady, the dark horse of the m eet, did I A nne Hughes. N ancy M ilne and n° t enter a te a m last year. It is Jean W att. doubtful w hether they w ill have G irls receiving class recognition m u c h strength this year. are- ir .a h n v n * t t e B.llch. Bettjr Hughes and Barb Johnson. Mar,r,rmc Loversky, Lucy Norman and ^ r,rru'lt* Thom pson; sophomores. M arS o u Simpaon. Joan U b b .n k and I)ot W U I,.,™ ’ j Un,ors. A n n Cox M el j^nsen **Ann I^ckie"^^ r b 'ir a * M ^ p ris Jo^ Q ueenan a,\d j 0vCel v aiy TOUCH-FOOTBALL W IN N E R S in in ter-fratern ity competition for the ninth consecutive season this fa ll were D elta Tau D elta gridm cn (I. to r., ro w one) Gus Block, Bob Thompson, Bob Fritz, For Grade, Bill H in ie , Earl Glosser, (row two) Ross Sackett. Pete Green, Bob W il- j,!”' Goodw in.r Jovce^H arreid Gretu* seniorSt Sl5e Cn,ry* ! V P I i im All H It m m son, Ken Lutz, (row three) Coach W indy Johnson, Kelly Lathrop, D Arcy Leek, Jim Vessey. ¡chen riab, Dorothy ^ h w a r U ^ c i . / « • » ^ Elwers. Bet- f 1 iCtnaal Ca„crt. Th« Low renHon 7 Pictures Framed Example: Tasty Pastries! Size 1 0 " x 1 2 " Costs W e S p e c ia liz e in D e c o ra te d a n d RILEY SOLIE P a rty C a k e s " Your Best Bet Is Launderette Your week's wash can be clone in 3 0 minutes. A nd if you wish we will also F lu ff Dry your clothes. STORE HOURS: M on. W ed. Fri. 8 A .M .— 9 :0 0 P.M . Tues. Thurs. Sat. 8 A .M .— 5 :3 0 P.M . THE LAUNDERETTE STORE 813 W . Colics« Avc. • Dial 4 1657 E L M TR EE B A K E R Y 308 E. College Ave. Known W herever There Are Schools and Colleges YO U R O F F IC IA L JEWELER • Fraternity & Sorority Pins • Crested Rings S T U D E N T ’S LIGHT NOONDAY LUNCHES SODAS * SUNDAES * SOFT DRINKS Priced so low • Stationery • Favors • Dance Programs • Cups - M edals - Trophies • A thletic Insignia • M em orial Plaques Your Cam pus F r ie n d ly R e p r e s e n ta tiv e 303 State M A D IS O N , W IS FA. 6860 SERVING BREAKFAST at 8 : 1 5 A. M We COSMETICS PRESCRIPTIONS 134 E. College Ave 116 E. College Ave, Feoture Appleton, Wis, 8 The Lowrention G o d Friday, Nov. 19, 1948 Is a C o n c r e t e R e a l i t y Name Bands to Be at Gym Jam T e d C lo a k S c o re s O n c e M o r e W it h S p r ite ly T h u r b e r C o m e d y v illainous, blustering role of E d K eller, stadium-obsessed trustee. ary m ag azin e, a sort of in tellectu al He has very canny d r a m a tic in Henry A ld rich who enjoyed a m a z stincts and used th e m to good a v a il Vikings to Dance, Tin* follow ing quotations art- excerpts from President N athan Pusey’s ing success at getting everyone in in m a k in g his cha racte r m e m o r S trm on delivered at the First C ongregational church on the occasion of trouble through his hemlock-dipped able. Play Cards, Swim All-College Sunday. pen. He put one strongly in m in d Som e fine jobs were done in the "The undergraduate who is asking about God doe* not want to know Ainsiee r Fcrdie of W illia m Allen W h ite ’s sage a d s m a lle r roles. L aw rence H astings, l l i m as an Intellectual proposition but as a living force and present realDorsev Tex Benecke vice on w hat to do w ith the u n as the m agnificently-goateed D e an i t , an d philosophical ar« omenta cannot help him here, to r Cod ™ d |V, u<h„ Monroe an d perhaps U,n« u sually bright college student • D am o n, proved stirrin g when aro u be known concretely, not ahatracB y. He must be felt In life. Crosby w ill show their talents in either hold h im un d e r the pum p, sed from his peaceful 42 y e ar m o u l Kiicrcl.y recognized in thought, or it won t he God . . . (Alexander g y m at the second G y m or give h im a w h irl at the college der in the E n g lis h de p artm e n t: an d “A person cannot know God u n til he comes to feel a need io r H im . this evening. This all college, paper. The latte r w ill bring his|his vacuous spouse, E th e l Lou Y o u n g people com m only feel no need, because they have not yet sus-|non-dute and free a ffa ir w ill be|gradcs down to n o rm a l and slightly Stanek, the v iv id an d antisep tically pectod the inadequacy of those other false Gods and man-made idols conducted in the best of Lawrent- unsettle his m in d. U nsettled or not, -minded M yrtle Keller, done by to w hich they are attached and in w hich they really place their trust |ian traditions. H afner was hilarious. D orothy W illia m s , and Q e o ta , “ It is rig ht and proper that we should w ant to know, and it is inevi_____ M l ____________________ Clothes w ill be w orn but they W om an problem for the student taken by Shirley P om eroy, w ith a ta' therefore, it seems to me. that at some stage of our lives we w a n t 'm a y he anything fro m bathing suits editor and a large percentage of genuine accent, proved to be ex to find God. to discover H im w ith our ow n minds, - to weigh H im , to to form als. O ld clothes however are football team was P a tric ia trem ely cheerful spots. G ordon Al* appraise H im , to analyze H im and even to judge H im . But when we prescribed by the hitch in g post, Stanley, well played by Jacq u e lin e ston, and R a lp h added color as the reflect upon it for a m om ent, we see that by the very method of our The three ring circus w ill begin in W itte. E nthu siastic, curvaceous band leader an d new spaper repo rt seeking. we thin k of God as an external, inanim ate, distant object, — as the vicinity of 7:30 post m o rte m and com ely. Miss W itte was co m er respectively. a “th in g ” merely to be know n. The irony of this situation is that we and not end till three hours later, pletely at hom e behind the foot The handsom e liv in g roo m ate thus prevented by on unw arranted presupposition from fin d in g what In the m id d le rin g A m e rica 's lights an d punched her tangy lines was done by Jo h n F o rd Sollers, biggest nam e bands w ill provide w*th gjcilj for. and from out in front it looked as “What we ultimately come to see. when we have batted our heads the music for dancing. C ard tablc3 A perfect “ heavy” was George if an extrem ely com petent stage against the wall long enough. In that knowledge of God comes to men w ju hot set up in odd places so M cC ellan, who was allocated the crew was on hand. and not from him,—that it Is not God's darkness which is there to be il- that sheepshead and bridge addicts luminated by our light hut rather that it 1» we here in darkness who m ay he satisfied. The tables will at to be made whole liy Ills light. Ours is the need, and His is the a jso he used to serve refreshments, power. I On the sidelines vollyball an d W e e k s Q u o t a t i o n s " O u r m inds are not alone in this world, and kno w ing God is not a b adm in ton w ill endeavor to supply “When you leave this room I want you to feel that you’ve learned One-way process from them to an in an im ate external object. But God too obstacles for the dancers. P in g la interested in know ing, and in stim u latin g and in spiritualizin g and pong tables w ill be set u p down- something. Don’t go out and Just develop personality.** M. M. Bober in Economics 11B. perfecting our haltin g efforts. K now ing G od is not an achievem ent of stairs in one of the locker rooms, “Some say that the greatest contribution that chemistry has made to our minds but a gift to them, and an illu m in a tio n in them from the out- G uides w ill be provided. To cliaule, or from deep w ithin, for God is both distant and very close at hand. m ax this assortment of fem inine society is blondes. Need 1 say more?” “It is not an Intellectual regression nor a failure of nerve— much as it torture, the W .R.A. w ill have the Paul F. Cundy in Chemistry 1A. seems to the stiff-necked so to be— to come to recognUe that it is the p00j open for m ixed sw im m ing , but “There are those who say that the first mention of tennis occurs in part of reason not to he narrowly or dogmatically rational. There is activities w ill go on at the the Bible when it says that David served in Saul’s court." miieh evidence, on the other hand, to indicate that our minds work best sam e tim e and if you tire of onei W. Burnet Easton in Religion 1ID. —indeed that they can only begin to work richly — when they have yOU can try your hand or feet at. made their peace with and expelled the anxiety that infects them; when another. In charge of the G y m ja m they are supple, untensed and receptive, when they proceed not from is W .R.A . vice-president and social suspicion, but in trust; when they are ready to he spoken to as well as to c h a irm an , Lenore Hooley She is R a n e y L e c tu re speak. Iassisted by Je a n W att. In short, our m inds can do their work and guide us rig htly in this life C la r ifie s M ill only when they cease to concentrate exclusively and p a in fu lly on our tinivers«* as an object, and begin rather to recognize, to experience and to “ It is a protest a g ain st w h a t he respond to the action in it of the subject i.e., to recognize and respond C O N T IN U E D F R O M P A G E I counts to be the ty ra n n y of the to the spirit in the world which is God ’* By Gunker m a jo r ity over the in d iv id u a l,” said It looks as though we have b e e n 'l'1'300 ° f “The Messiah" at Wa- Mr. W illia m R a n e y in his freshg rante d a reprieve by the petition-.tertow n. Sturgeon B ay and tw icc m a n studies lecture ab out Jo h n From the Editorial Board era tor. low an d behold h e re’s the w ith L t v m c e choir at A p .'S t u a r t M ill's book " O n L ib e r ty " on c o lu m n again. O u r head is still at* v N o v em be r 10. “ M ill feels th at the tached to the rest of our body so P*cton. She has also appeared as m a jo r ity has no rig ht to im pose F in a n c ia l D e fic its D e m a n d w e'll continue to plug aw ay, If soloist in D u Bois’ “Seven Last its ideas on the m in o rity .” you don’t like this co lu m n then Words of C hrist” and F aure.g ..R e q . M r. R aney gave some of the don t read any further. G o on back „ w, „ ,________ , Miss S ch u m an n has hig hlig hts of the w rite r’s life, pointto the front page. Nobody is forcing ulom Mass T h a t N a m e B a n d b e S a c r ific e d . .. . , „,eT™,Ti*ng out ^ a t M ill h a d a very in you to read it. appeared over M ilw au k e e s W T M J tensified in tellectu al education be C o n s id e r in g th e f in a n c ia l p r o b le m s of th e E x e c u tiv e c o m m itte e , ( onsidering the attendance at the on "S ta rrin g Y ou n g W isconsin Art- ginn in g at an e arly age. W hen he U w o u ld be a fo o lish m is ta k e to h a v e a n a m e b a n d a t l^ t w io u c c 4anc*e last S aturday n ig ht, we m ay ists” series. was three years old M ill began assurne that either L aw rence has studying G reek and was w ritin g fo i this y e a r ’s p ro m . T he u n io n faces a d e fic it o f fo u rte e n h u n d r e d a n u m b e r of co nfirm e d spinsters M uriel E ng elland H oile has also lea rn ed reviews in his late teens. d o lla r s a n d th e L a w r e n t tan faces one o f sev e ral h u n d r e d d o lla rs . or that the de ar young m a id s are appeared in previous perform ances A fter the brief auto bio graphy, Is it w o rth fifte e n h u n d r e d d o lla r s to fla tte r o u r egos w ith a n a m e s^-v .to *rv date the m e n * “The Messiah*' In 1945 Mrs. M r. R an e y ex plaine d M ill’s views that the m a jo r ity should honor the b a n d ’’ Is it w o r th a fo u r o r fiv e d o lla r s p e r co u p le for th e m u s ic o f ^¡¿,|e'"^perhaps** th e "1 m e n ° 1,l< on* Hoile, studying at J u illia r d w ith opinion of the m in o rity . Illu s tr a t a second ra te n a m e b a n d w h e n w e c o u ld h a v e the first rate m u s ic ca m p u s are not w orth dating. We Rosalie M ille r, em inent voice teach ing others that agreed w ith M ill’s of G e o rg e K n ig h t or O r v ille B a th k e ? .| th <n*. r n T a in,i i v* vr v si the m v. tv a VIIIry tn ii L uu i ik v i u ral i cxi views on u tilita ria n is m , M r. R a n e y w” ° y er,i won K ath ong C iho a m an W e feci th a t s tu d e n t o p in io n has s h ifte d since last s p rin g . N o h e a rts J were a im oat broken 'w h * n *cholarship to sing and study in the said M ill also felt that should be free in his actions p ro W o r th w h ile s tu d e n t p ro je cts s h o u ld be sac rifice d u n t il an a tte m p t they realized th a t they h a d not: chorus of the M etropolitan opera, vid in g he h a rm s no one but h im t>'en “ d a ted” for the Sadie Haw- i She is contralto soloist w ith thc self. h a s been m a d e by th e S o c ia l c o m m itte e to r e e v a lu a te th is chang e. k m ’s day dance. Some of the loud-| er sobs were audible all the »vay choir of the First Presbyterian across the cam pus. P e rh aps th e 'ch u rc h of Neenah, w hich appears Is t h e P r o m i s e d L i g h t W a n t e d m a le section of the student bod>, *weekly over the air. Inow that they know the fueling of From: Mr. Brubaker Mr. Harder, new faculty m em ber .not hav ing a date to a dance, w ill Students w ishing to s u b m it m a To: The editors of the I.awrentian (perhaps b r e a k down a n d , ° f the conservatory, has already terial i . «n n m u i.t ........ R° out the girls a little ofte ne rJd isplaye d his voice and ab ility in te rial for pu b licatio n in the Con“ C a n y o u an sw e r m e thU** W liv it.» O I ., C, n,< to l h r h l,r a r v The n u m b e r o f 'p i n n e d ' w om en a l his recital o t N ovem ber 7. He has ‘ H butor should do so before the in bro ad d a y ilig hit, t. p u ll ,aw . . « w » tt,.u io se lfo o rrty iy the dance far outn um be re d those been a m em ber of the Chicago w -,i^ eac^line on Tuesday, D e cem _______ d o w„.. n the .shades a n d tmu rmn on u those C iv b er 7. W att b u lb s - a n d leave th e m b u r n in g w h e n th e y le a v e th e ca rre ls wh‘> had not as yet reached that ic O pera C o m pany chorus and has A ny *orrn oi creative w ritin g w ill to go to class?" desireable. or undesireablo, status, been a frequent soloist in operatic ^ • cons*<*cre<* *or Publication, and w riters are re m in d e d that m a te r ia l Mr. Brubaker’s (mint is well taken. However, should all students « ^ s7 does * ^ f * * include fnViIii. W"¡Tough concerts’ and oratono3p rin ted in the C o ntrib u tor is still . .. .. dorm not be punished because of of the few?” If you are going to green leafy vegetables. eligible for entry in the A le xand er R eid or Hicks contests in the The b a nd at the dance was a have lights in the carrels at all. why not have good one»? good one, but as fa r as the students ft spring. Any m e m b e r of the C o ntrib u tor wrere concerned, a juk e dox w ould j Publishes »very Friday d u r in g the col sta if w ill happy to answ er queshave done ju s t as well. Very few Letters to the Editor— people. if any, gave the m u s ic a n s 1 e * r e p t v a ca tio ns by the Ijiw - tions about the C o ntrib u to r or to any enco urage m ent by a p p la u d in g ' A p p le to n ! #i L*wr*“e*.receive m anuscripts. The m e m b e rs them at the end of a nu m b er. Th*>j ' ' ¡of the staff are: editor, E lizab e tn q u ality of the m u sic at a dance is **»*• F orster; associate editors, Mauratm ost directly proportional to the . wiv, u i ' M arc a rch 3.P *ut°s! Jo h n E gan, S hirley ....... u n d e r th e a r t of h 3, IK iï. i®e B row n, Nancy K ingsbury, am o u n t of applause given at the] P rin te d by the Post P u b lis h in g c o m p a n y , jHansen, and S u b s c rip tio n rates •re, Jo a n Teuscner. end of each num ber. T here’s noth A p p lr to n , W is. V!.:>0 pear year. M .'S per semester. | The first issue of this y e a r’s ing h a r m fu l about beating one’s, .... S h irle y H anson C o ntrib utor w ill be d istribute d at Nov. 14, 194H W alter m e a n t his statem e nt to be hands together. In fact, it is really i E***or-lii-chief P h o n e 3-9102 D e ar Kditor: the end of Ja n u a r y . m erely reply. Let us pre-* »^VtlH quite lit. healthful since increases, • •' a tactful ---- ‘ ' r V * U lklU U l i1lll\ V- it n u s in e sa m a n ag*v e r■ ........... Donald R ro w n t.ast week, we L aw re ntians were »sum e that ad blood 111 circulation. »••s.«» the college < i vim (11inistrate 1111>t Till- the lilt U1UUU vUliulUn. subjected to a letter in thisi paper ion is in fav or of its present segreB ro kaw is in the m id st of an by .i student who seemed both star- gated en rollm en t. up rising . The fellows that exist: Managing editor ................. Kuissel F ills tied and disgusted alH,ut the treat-; O h yes, but then we are told that (just barely, according to reports» N ew s edito r ........................ K ob be rrrt S tra n d Ro m ent of Negroes in Appleton. Miss race segregation is “ non-Christian” over there are feeling the p re ssu re ‘ C o p y edito r ............................ Gail O u tla n d pressure W illia m Dresser K eller, the w riter, seem ed upset and “ non-dcniocratic" To this we of an a d m in is tra tiv e g o vernm e nt *ait«r A11 S ain ts’ episcopal church w ill A n n e H ughes when she le a rn e d that eating plac- reply that m onopolies, po litica l and they don't like it. (A n d that's F e a tu re e d ito r . M o n a Jung be the scene of the a n n u a l Thankses in this locality were reluctant to, m achines and host of other puttin g it m ild ly ) O ur latest com-1S p o rts edito r w u iia m D o n a ld Igiving vesper service to be held T o b e E x p e r ie n c e d , N o t P r o v e n O u ts id e CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 December 5 Will Bring Messiah To Lawrentians Contributor Copy Due on December 7 tétì Business Requires Policy O i Racial Segregation Sunday Vespers at Episcopal Church Let us hope that the high levels ta b lish e d by m e n who desire to of life can be m a in ta in e d in this m a k e m oney. N egro trad e cuts are a ; by the residents of Appleton dow n on their business fro m others, in keeping Negroes out of the city. Thus, these m en are right in favor-¡by the businessm en of Appleton in in g a com pletely non N egro client- not accepting Negro patro nage an d el. It seems to m e that these busi* by the college a d m in is tra tio n in nesses should be allow ed to use holding to their 101 y e ar old tradith e ir ow n discretion on this m atte r, tion of not accepting Negroes. rencc would reply Of the college restrictin g their e n rollment. Let us hope that Mr. Sincerely, RF. ent C hristian association, the L u th too. They report that they are c u r B I S IN IS S ST AFF eran Student association an d the business sed w ith a fem ale prow ler every M ethodist Y outh fellow ship. E a c h o bert lla n ls c h m o rn in g w ho does not take the cirenUUon m a n a g e r . . n a r ba ra G r n r ic h of the three groups w ill have a in hab itan ts m odesty into account. representative in the service. L ila The residents there are ra th e r!v io u s that this co lu m n is being r ^ u S chm idt w ill represent the L S A . proud of their new screen door that w ritte n from the view point of an D ick T hackeray w ill represent lias ju st been put up. Since a ll the in d iv id u a l. We have never cla im e d M Y F and C arol L eichsenring w ill flics an insects outdoors to express the views of an y individ- be SCA s representative! — da other -----have either gone south or have u a l sorority or fratern ity. Since! The p ro g ram w ill includo the w elcom e accordNote to Phi K appa Tau: T au do not necessarily reflect the ing to R osalie Keller, head of the We thought that it was quite ob-| views of G u n k e r I Iworship commission of SCA.