March 27th - St. Barnabas Church
March 27th - St. Barnabas Church
EASTER SUNDAY March 27, 2016 What translates into a terrific Easter was a fruitful Lent. During Lent the elect worked vigorously in the RCIA program; the parish council energized parishioners with the seven weeks of Discovering Christ; the poor box and monthly food pantry received lots of attention; our daily Masses had many more attendees and Sunday Masses seemed more solemn; students prayed the Stations of the Cross and went to confession; Reconciliation Monday was non-stop from 3pm to 9pm with penitents. All this has filled us with spiritual excitement for Easter or to put it another way a Magdala Experience. Mary of Magdala was the first recorded witness to the Resurrection. We too are filled with the excitement and happiness she had on Easter morning by receiving our Lord in Holy Communion. May your experience of Easter Mass be heavenly. Tithing & Stewardship Weekly Goal $18,000 March 20 (Palm Sunday) $17,099.36 Thank you for your contributions Please know your generous Easter donation is extremely important to the workings of the parish. We are a self-sustaining parish and your offering can be a very special gift for the good of the church. THE EASTER PROJECT SECOND COLLECTION today goes to our reserve fund for major capital repairs of our facilities. THE POOR BOX is a silent way the parish begs for people in need. Your donation into the poor boxes located at the doors of the church and chapel are used for those who come to the parish in dire need. Some common requests are food, medicine, travel to find work, some sort of unexpected emergency in their lives which they cannot afford. The Rectory Office will close at 3:00pm TODAY - Easter Sunday Complimentary Books The Perfect Companion for the YEAR OF MERCY “beautiful MERCY” Experiencing God’s Unconditional Love So We Can Share It With Others By: Pope Francis Matthew Kelly, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Fr. Larry Richards, Fr. Michael Gaitley, Fr. Donald Calloway, Curtis Martin, Dr. Scott Hahn and many more contributions. Books are available in the vestibule; please take a copy as you leave today. Celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday Update: Rounding figures off, we have $90,000 pledged so far toward our $152,000 parish goal. We are on target for our timeframe. Helping out our Archdiocese totally depends on your returning at least a pledge amount in the white Cardinals appeal envelope. There are extras at the door of the church. Please take one if you need it. Thank you to all who have made their gift. You can also make your gift online at Lectio Divina Reflection: Today’s Gospel is John 20:1-9 Bring new life to someone as an expression Easter faith. Call or visit someone who is isolated. Share food and company. Be a source of joy to those who meet you. Give someone a reason to shout Alleluia! Lectio Divina shows scripture is accessible and relevant for you today. Contact Helen McCullagh 914-237-1595 for more information. Join us for a Session on Sunday morning from 9-10:15am in the Considine Center. The Altar Rosary will have their corporate Mass & Communion on Sunday, April 3rd, at 9:00am in the Main Church followed by recitation of the Scriptural Rosary and then a meeting in the high school cafeteria. New members are always welcome. Any questions, please contact MaryDee McMahon at 914-237-7709. NOTE: Mass for Living Members of Altar Rosary on Thursday, April 7th at 8:30am Mass. Next Sunday, April 3rd Main Church 3:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. 4:00pm – Solemn Vespers (Evening Prayer) followed by Benediction. 5:00pm Mass – Young Adult Mass (Chant Mass) Solemn High Mass in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite Music will be provided by the St. Joseph Seminary Schola. Dr. Jennifer Donelson – Director of Sacred Music, Saint Joseph Seminary Coordinator of Music – Mrs. Shana Mahoney, Saint Barnabas Church Organist – Mr. Eric Johnson - Principal Organist, Saint Barnabas Church All are welcome The National Shrine of Divine Mercy Stockbridge, Massachusetts on Saturday, April 2nd, In celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday Tickets $40 Bus leaves from Saint Barnabas Church For further information, call Peggy at 718 601-2703 Bread and Wine Memorials All 60 daily Masses in one month All 8 Sabbath weekend Masses in one week Four Sabbath weekend Masses in one month All 15 daily Masses in one week One Sabbath Weekend Mass in one week $100.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 15.00 Sanctuary Lamp Memorial Weekly $10.00 & Wedding Anniversaries Gifts Of Bread and Wine Congratulations to 25th & 50th anniversary couples this year. The parish and archdiocese wish to honor you with a wedding scroll and invite you to celebrate with us. Sanctuary Lamp Mary Boyd Here at Home: BABY SHOWER Weekend of April 16/17, 2016 5pm – 8:00pm (Saturday) 9am – 2:00pm (Sunday) Saint Barnabas High School Cafeteria We are collecting babies and toddlers clothing, wipes, baby blankets, burp cloths, books, infant shampoo/soap and small toys All contributions will be given to the Pregnancy Care Center in Yonkers Your support would be greatly appreciated. For 25th and 50th anniversary couples, Msgr. Barry invites you to the 11:45am Mass on Sunday, June 12th to celebrate with us. Please register by submitting, to the rectory, the first and last names of both husband and wife with your address & phone number and the number attending. Saint Patrick’s Cathedral For 50th anniversary couples, Archbishop Dolan invites you to attend the Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass at the Cathedral on Saturday, June 25th at 1:30pm or Sunday, June 26th at 2:00pm. Pre registration is required please contact the rectory by May 20th - 718 324-1478, ext 0. MASSES FOR THE WEEK Join them for coffee and lively discussions on our Catholic faith on Saturday mornings from 9:00am to 10:00am in Room 1-6 in the Considine Center. All men in their 20-40s are welcome to attend. Contact Ben Smith at [email protected] Baptismal Instruction Classes Parents wishing to have their children baptized at Saint Barnabas must attend one of the classes that are held normally on the second and fourth Monday of each month prior to arranging the child’s baptism. The classes are held in the Elementary School Library at 8:00pm. No registration necessary. The next class for March will be conducted: th Monday, March 28 Baptisms are conducted every Sunday at 1:00pm in the Main Church ANNUAL PARISH VOLUNTEER PARTY Volunteer work in service to the parish is the blood that pumps through the veins of our parish. The purpose of our annual tribute to volunteers is to maintain solidarity among like-thinking people. Please contact your organization leader with your response. DATE: Sunday, April 10, 2016 TIME: 2:15pm – 4:30pm PLACE: High School Cafeteria FARE: Light refreshments Thank you for all you are and all you do for Saint Barnabas parish. Hope to see you there! RSVP: To Leader Of Your Organization Saint Barnabas Parish has received the Major Relic of Saint Faustina MONDAY March 28 6:30 Flora & Mary Smith 8:30 Anthony Bonelli and Robert Armstrong TUESDAY March 29 6:30 Daniel, Kate, Thomas, Catherine & Mary Murphy 8:30 Patrick Henricksson (1st ANN) and Intentions of Helen & Edward Maguire 7:00 Morgan O’Connor WEDNESDAY March 30 6:30 Dec. Memb. Of the Moran & Fitzgerald Families 8:30 Anthony Grant and James & Daniel Devane & Thomas Brophy 7:00 Anna T. Graziosa (12th ANN) THURSDAY, March 31 6:30 Joseph Borgese th 8:30 Peter Joyce & Peter Frankowich (30 ANN) st 7:00 Frank O’Rourke (1 ANN) FRIDAY, April 1 6:30 Special Intention 8:30 Ann Marie McAdams (19thANN) & John Cloherty SATURDAY April 2 8:30 Mary Ann Mulligan and Molly Nicholls (1st ANN) 12:00 Shawn McCarthy 5:00 Camelia, John & John Lawrence Schaumann and John Gorman 7:00 Philomena & Michael O’Neill From The Little Sisters Of The Poor Dear Msgr. Barry Thank you so much for welcoming us to Saint Barnabas on February 20th and 21st. Please excuse the tardiness of this sincere thank you letter. We are always so very grateful to you and your parishioners for your goodness to us. The collection this year was quite generous. It totaled $6,003.00 and many of the envelopes we gave out are coming back. Please thank them for us for their help in caring for the elderly poor. Sincerely Grateful in Jesus, Sr. Mary John, l.s.p. Friday, April 8th, St. Barnabas Main Church . A historic, grace filled occasion: the “Saint of Mercy” comes to New York in the Year of Mercy, on Divine Mercy Sunday 3:00pm – 4:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet 4:00pm – 6:00pm Veneration & Confessions 7:00pm Mass Parish Council welcomes observers Monday, March 28th at 7:00pm in the Considine Center. The St. Barnabas Bantams won the CYO Bronx County basketball Championship with a thrilling 28-26 victory. Front: Jack McElligot - Ronan McGonigle - Matt Gierer Brian Shaughnessy - Shea O'Sullivan Middle: Cormac Murphy - Jack Gleeson - Michael Weninger - Conor McElhatton - Kieran Martin - Michael Rooney Back: Dave Hannon - Roger Murphy - Ryan McInerney Dylan McElhatton - Mary Murphy Absent: Michael Patterson - Noah Gonzalez SAINT BARNABAS HIGH SCHOOL, an independent all-girls college preparatory school, is accepting students for its Freshman class. It offers small classes with a 15:1 student to teacher ratio, AP classes, college credits, internship programs and extra-curricular activities. Learn more about us at or by calling Christina Washburn at 718-325-8800 x20 __________________________ SAINT BARNABAS HIGH SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY RAFFLE FUNDRAISER DRAWING: Sunday, April 17th following the 1:00pm Mass The goal is to continue to upgrade student computers in the technology labs. Tickets can be purchased following Masses on the following weekends, April 1-2, April 8-9, and April 16-17. Individual tickets are $20 and a book of 6 is $100. GRAND PRIZE: - $7,000 Second Prize: - $2,000 Third Prize: - $1,000 For further information call the High School at 718 325-8800. Help make Saint Barnabas High School tops in Technology __________________________ PARISH CALENDAR Monday, March 28 8:00am – 10:00am 9:00am – 11:00am 12noon – 2:00pm 1:00pm – 3:00pm 3:00pm – 9:00pm 6:30pm – 8:00pm 8:00pm – 9:30pm Tuesday, March 29 8:00am – 10:00am 9:00am – 11:00am 12noon – 2:00pm 3:00pm – 6:00pm 3:00pm – 8:00pm 3:00pm – 9:00pm 3:00pm – 9:30pm 7:00pm – 9:00pm 9:00pm – 11:30pm Wednesday, March 30 8:00am – 10:00am 9:00am – 11:00am 12noon – 2:00pm 1:30pm – 4:00pm 3:00pm – 6:00pm 3:00pm – 6:00pm 3:00pm – 8:30pm 6:00pm – 9:00pm 6:30pm – 9:30pm 7:00pm – 9:30pm Thursday, March 31 8:00am – 10:00am 9:00am – 11:30am 12:30pm – 2:00pm 3:00pm – 3:45pm 3:00pm – 6:30pm 3:45pm – 4:45pm 4:45pm – 5:45pm 6:00pm – 9:00pm 3:00pm – 9:30pm 7:30pm – 9:00pm 9:00pm – 10:30pm 9:00am – 10:30am Friday, April 1 8:00am – 10:00am 10:00am – 12noon 3:00pm – 8:30pm 3:00pm – 8:30pm 4:00pm – 6:00pm 6:00pm – 9:00pm 7:00pm –9:30pm Saturday, April 2 8:00am – 10:00am 9:00am – 10:00am 11:00am - 1:30pm 11:00am - 2:00pm Sunday, April 3 8:00am – 11:30am 8:30am - 10:30am 9:00am – 10:15am 10:00am – 11:30am 11:00am - 2:00pm EMS (CC 2-6) Playgroup (CC 1-4) Playgroup (CC 1-4 Leisure Club (CC 1-6) Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) AA (CC 2-6) Baptism Class (ES 1-4) EMS (CC 2-6) Playgroup (CC 1-4) Playgroup (CC 1-4) BAC (ES Gym) Riverdale Theatre (ES Aud.) Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) BAC (ES Gym) 12 Steps (CC 2-6) McNiff Basketball (ES Gym) EMS (CC 2-6) Playgroup (CC 1-4) Playgroup (CC 1-4) Golden Age (CC 1-6) BAC (ES Gym) Greenan Music (CC 2-4) Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) BAC (HS Gym) Boy Scouts (ES Gym) A.A (CC 2-6) EMS (CC 2-6) Playgroup (CC 1-4) Playgroup (CC 1-4) Cherub Choir (CC 2-4) BAC (ES Gym) Angel Choir (CC 2-6) Teen Choir (CC 2-6) BAC (ES Gym) Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) Adult Choir (CC 2-4) College League Bsktbll (HS Gym) Murray Bsktbll (ES Gym) EMS (CC 2-6) Knitting Club (CC 1-6) BAC (ES Gym) Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) Riverdale Theatre (ES Aud.) BAC (HS Gym) A.A (CC 2-6) EMS (CC 2-6) Men’s Group (CC 3-6) Brownies (CC 3-6) Riverdale Theatre (ES Aud) Altar Rosary (HS Caf.) CCD (ES Aud.) Lectio Divina (CC Library) RCIA (CC 1-6) Riverdale Theatre (ES Aud) BINGO TAKES A BREAK We plan to reopen Wednesday, April 6th . RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE asks that you reserve this date: Saturday, April rd 23 . A panel will speak to End of Life issues in the Elementary School Auditorium. Information to follow. Aisling Irish Community Center 4th Annual Pauline Boylan-Coll Memorial 5k Walk/Run Fundraiser Sunday, April 10th at 9:30am Please contact the Center at 914 237-5121 WOODLOCH PINES TRIP -The Woodlawn Chapter 1147 of the AARP is having a trip to Woodloch Pines Resort located in the Pocono Mountains. We will leave Monday morning May 16, 2016 and return after breakfast on Friday, May 20. For more information, please contact Vicki Linton at 914-969-3610. Woodlawn Heights Library On Wednesday, March 30th at 5:00pm there will be a musical program presented by Cady Finlayson, in honor of St. Patrick's Day (although the date is a little late). WINE TASTING EVENT Join Friends of Troop 102 as they present An Evening Tasting Event with a Selection of Wine, Hard Cider, and Craft Beers, a fundraiser benefiting BSA Troop 102 of St. Barnabas, on Saturday, April 9, from 8:00 to 11:00 pm in the St. Barnabas High School Cafeteria. Tickets are $40. For information and tickets contact Kathy Galvin 914-471-3043, Bea Peel 914-672-8460, or Helen McCullagh 914-237-1595. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We welcome into the Roman Catholic Church and our parish community the following children who were recently baptized here at St. Barnabas: Robelyn Tejares Villa, child of Sergio & Lynn Kaylee Almosara Viloria, child of Jose & Jenelyn Prayer Requests For The Sick & Endangered Please submit names of all those who are in need of prayer, cut this box out and return to the rectory office. Name:_______________________________________ Due to limited space, we can only publish for 2 weeks William Badinelli, Denise Gentile Olive Trinka Alfred Gonzalez Joseph Heid Bill McKinney Donna DeFeo Bill McKinney Ronda Cohan Rest In Peace Let us pray for our deceased parishioners, benefactors, relatives, members of the Armed forces, for those who are most forgotten and for those who recently died especially: Pejeter Shllaku, Peter Shlahoo, Barbara Cicchetti, Maureen Fegan, Leonard Schafer and Winifred O’Donnell.