April - Kansas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans
April - Kansas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans
Volume XV. Issue 04 April 2012 B.G. Albert Pike Camp #1439 Gen Lewis A Armistead Camp # 1846 Cols Lewis & Harrison Camp # 1854 Gen William Steele Camp # 1857 Major Thomas J. Key Camp # 1920 South Kansas Camp # 2064 DEAR FRIENDS OF FORREST: It is with the heaviest of heart that I have to report to you that today , March 12, 2012 at approximately 2:00 PM it was discovered that the life- size bronze bust of General Nathan Bedford Forrest has been stolen from the 5 1/2 ton granite pedestal monument in Live Oak Cemetery in Selma Alabama. A HISTORICAL REVIEW AND UPDATE: Selma's first black mayor, hostile & militant toward whites, James Perkins aligned himself with Selma's local domestic terrorist, Rose Sanders, wife of Alabama State Senator, Hank Sanders...and coerced the Selma City Council to vote to move the Nathan Bedford Forrest monument from its historically accurate & appropriate location, the Smitherman Building Museum. The Smitherman Building Museum had been a field hospital during the War of Northern Aggression i.e. The War Against Southern Independence! Prior to its removal to Live Oak cemetery, for weeks after the dedication on Oct 7, 2000 Rose Sanders and her foot soldiers launched attacks on the monument almost on a daily basis by putting black garbage bags over the bust of General Forrest, by putting flyers on the monument depicting Gen Forrest as the founder of the KKK & accusing him of murdering blacks at Fort Pillow..also, by leading the entire entourage of students & black citizens commemorating MLK Day in Jan 2001 to the monument and throwing a rope around the neck of General Forrest in an attempt to pull the monument over while appealing to anyone with a pickup truck to come & they would be successful in pulling the monument over. Also, one evening three full garbage bags were dumped over the monument, no only just littering the grounds of the Smitherman Building Museum but desecrating the monument. We and the Selma INSIDE THIS ISSUE police sifted through the garbage to discover 3 pieces of mail 1. Nathan Bedford Forest Bust Stolen addressed to Rose Sanders' lawfirm...through ALL of 2. Editor Report this...NOTHING WAS DONE TO ROSE SANDERS...NOT even a 3. Around the Division litter fine!!!! The police were on the grounds when Rose & her foot 4. Division Calendar soldiers threw the rope around his neck & threatened to pull it over 5. Last Month‟s Trivia Answer and NOTHING WAS DONE!!!!! All of this was reported in the 6,7. Convention Info and Registration papers along with pictures of her doing this and NOTHING WAS 8,9 Forrest Statue, Graves, & Train DONE!!!! 10. Recruitment, Camp Meetings, On February 26, 2001 the Selma City Council voted 5-4 to move Camp Information the monument to Live Oak Cemetery just a few blocks from the Smitherman Building Museum. The footing was dug the next day, Feb 27 IN THE RAIN...the foundation was poured 1 My fellow compatriots. I felt compelled to pass on some interesting facts I recently found in a manuscript written by Randolph H. McKim. The book “A Soldiers Recollections.” One might ask, who is Randolph McKim? Randolph Kim was a Confederate soldier serving with the Army of Northern Virginia. Beginning his service as a private and later as a Staff Officer. McKim later advanced to Chaplin in the field. McKim served in the ranks under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and then Thomas Jonathon Jackson. A staff officer under Brigadier Gen H. Stewart in the Army of Gen R E Lee and a Chaplain in the Second Virginia Cavalry under Col Thomas T Munford in the Brigade of Gen Fitzhugh Lee. I personally believe that we as members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans should live as our ancestors lived and learn from their story. Understanding we cannot talk to them, however we can learn from their personal recordings as written by the men themselves. The following is a direct quote from McKim‟s book first published in 1910 by Lengmus, Green & Co. Fourth Ave and south street, New York. I would ask that as you read these words you do so with an open and understanding mind. In doing so we can better, understand our charge as compatriots to the organization, which represents these brave men. “I am not in these pages brooding over the ashes of the past. The soldiers of the Southern Cross have long ago bowed to the decree of Almighty God in the issue of the great conflict. His will is wiser and better than ours. We thank God that to day the sun shines on a truly reunited country. We love our Southland as we are southern men, but we are glad that sectionalism is dead and buried, and we claim our full part in working out the great destiny that lies before the American people. We may not forget-we veterans of the Civil War – that the best of our life and work lies behind us; Morituri Salutamus. But whatever of life remains to us we have long ago dedicated to the service of our common country. We joyfully accept our share in the responsibilities the opportunities, the strenuous conflicts, of the future, against foes within and without for the oral and material glory of our country. We are Americans in every fiber and nothing that pertains to the honor to the welfare, to the glory of America is foreign to us.” We should stop and think what this one soldier is telling us in his writing. What are we to do? How are we to act? Your gracious servent Kyle E Erickson Kansas Division Commander 2 Dispatches from the Front Camp Agendas B.G. Albert Pike Camp # 1439 April 14 Lewis A. Armistead Camp # 1847 April 14 Col’s Lewis & Harrison Camp #1854 April 21 Div Cmdr Kyle Erickson “Who is Jim Lane?” William Steele Camp# 1857 April 10 Maj. Thomas J. Key Camp # 1920 April 5 Jonathan Casey (archivist at Liberty Memorial) “National World War I Museum” South Kansas Camp # 2064 April 12 “Confederate Veteran Homes”, given by Jim Beckner Division Oratory Contest Topic: “You, Captain William C. Quantrill Capture James H. Lane and Charles Jennison in Lawrence on August 21, 1863”. What are your plans for them? Cols Lewis & Harrison Camp #1854 had a change in plans for their March meeting where noted local historian and authorDale Vauhn gave a presentation on "The Southern Case For Firing On Ft. Sumter, As Learned By A Reluctant Yankee" After the meeting the camp feasted on a Corned beef and Cabbage with potatos and carrots meal prepared by Cmdr Erickson. Wayne Nighbert of the Gen William Steele Camp has just undergone treatment to remove a cancerous growth from his neck. Although he is in good spirits he will soon start chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Please add Wayne in your prayers for a complete and speedy recovery. Wayne is confident he can defeat this enemy with humor, so please feel free to send him jokes and humorous articles. His email address is: [email protected] Confederate Enlistment Why not cross this fence and join the SCV brother? Intelligence from the Wire… Events in Kansas Division Key Camp New member Matthew Silber. to be inducted April 5 is New Recruits Brig.Gen. Albert Pike Camp # 1439 None 18th War Service Medal for Key Camp to be awarded April 5 to Ben Smith for service during the Vietnam War Brig.Gen. Lewis A. Armistead Camp # 1847 None Col’s Lewis & Harrison Camp #1854 None Brig.Gen. William Steele Camp# 1857 None Major Thomas J. Key Camp # 1920 Matthew Silber Pvt. Hiram G Brian Hargis CO Flicklins Battalion KY Inf. South Kansas Camp # 2064 3 Letters Generals Sunday 1. W. Wayne Tebbutt B-Day Lewis & Harrison Camp LG Simon B Buckner DOB 1823 Hart Co KN 8. Monday Blue Letters Camp Meetings Tuesday 2. Mike Smith B-Day Key Camp Gen Albert Johnston DOD 1862 Tennessee. MG Hennry Benning DOB 1814 Georgia LG Ambrose P. Hill DOD 1865 Petersburg 9. 3. 10. Steve Crawford B-Day Key Camp Black Letters Camp Members Wednesday Thursday 4. BG Geo. Anderson DOD 1901Aalabama Camp #1920 11. BG Wade Hampton DOD 1902 S.C. L G Leonidas Polk DOB 1806 Raleigh NC 5. 12. L.G. Richard Taylor DOD 1879 NY, NY GenAlbert Johnston DOD 1862 T.N. Friday Saturday 6. MG John Wharton DOD 1865 Texas 13. B.G. Joe Kershaw DOD 1894 Camden 7. BG James Kemper: DOD April 1895 V.A 14. BG Harry T. Hays DOB 1820 Camp #1439 Camp #1847 Camp #2064 Camp #1857 15. 16. MG Edward Johnson DOB 1816 Virginia. 17. Greg Miller B-Day Key Camp 18. 19. 20. Dr. John Bolton Bob Whitaker B-Day Key Camp MG Samuel French DOD 1910 Florida 22. 23. 24. Gavin Weir B-Day Key Camp 29. Gen Albert Johnston: Maj. Gen Samuel French 25. 26. 27. BG. Almbrose Wright DOB 1826 GA 21. Kevin Makel B-Day Key Camp Camp #1854 28. BG. Fitz Hugh Lee: DOD 1905 WA. 30. Gen Simon Bolviar Buckner Lt. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson Maj. Gen. John Wharton B.G. Joseph B. Kershaw B. G. James L. Kemper Lt. Gen Leonidas Polk B.G. George Anderson B. G. Fitz Hugh Lee Lt. Gen Richard Taylor B.G. Harry T. Hays Maj. Gen. Hennry L. Benning: B.G. Wade Hampton B.G. Almbrose R. Wright 4 Last Month’s Question What was the name of General Thomas Stonewall Jackson’s first War horse and what was the name of his second horse when he first received her ? Congratulations to Art Anderson Camp 1854 on answering first. One horse captured from Union forces at Harpers Ferry by the Confederates was given to Mr‟s Jackson the wife of General Thomas Jackson and named "Fancy." However, a much larger horse also captured and used by the General known as "Big Sorrel" proved unreliable in battle being terrified of gunfire. He commandeered Fancy and conscripted him for his own use. The animal became known as "Little Sorrel." General Jackson was tagged with his nickname "Stonewall" at First Manassas/Bull Run when he sat on Little Sorrel "like a stone wall" during a heavy Union onslaught. Then- tragedy struck, as he rode his steed assessing the battle at Chancellorsville. Confusion during the hotly contested battle, led to his being mistaken as a Yankee by his own men who shot him from the saddle. He fell to the ground mortally wounded. Surgeons amputated his badly wounded left arm which was later buried in the nearby Ellwood family cemetery near Spotsylvania, Virginia. His condition deteriorated rapidly succumbing from his wounds a day later. The body was brought to Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia by packet boat. Cadets met carried the remains to his old classroom where it lay it state. The cadet battery fired salutes from sunrise to sunset until burial in the family plot at Lexington Cemetery. He was disinterred later and re buried beneath a statue of him in the cemetery center which was also renamed for him. In the chaos that followed, Little Sorrel was captured, then recaptured, then re-recaptured, then graciously allowed to return to the Confederacy for keeps. Little Sorrel was nobody's pretty pony. An undersized, dumpy, homely little horse, he was also the favorite mount of Confederate hero-general Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, who appreciated the chunky charger for his toughness, smooth gate, and intelligence. Little Sorrel was beloved in Dixie, particularly with Southern ladies who would clip hairs from his mane and tail to make wristlets and rings. The horse became famous and revered after the war. At first the animal was pastured at Mrs Jackson's home in North Carolina but later became the mascot at the Virginia Military Institute where the General had taught cadets he led into battle. For the next 20 years Little Sorrel was a hit at Southern fairs and Rebel reunions, even making a trip to the New Orleans World's Fair in 1885. His health deteriorated quickly afterward and he spent his last few months at a Richmond old soldiers home. A hoist used to lift him to his feet slipped and he fell breaking his back. He was euthanasia at age 36. His remains minus his hide were eventually buried on the parade grounds at V.M.I. The VMI Museum got the bones back, cremated and interred them in 1997, on the parade grounds, at the feet of a statue of General Jackson. "It's the right thing to do," says the curator. The hide was stretched over a likeness and displayed in a standing position in a museum at the Veterans Home until 1949 when it was finally returned to V.M.I. Today, Little Sorrel stands near the raincoat that Stonewall Jackson was wearing when he was mortally wounded. The coat is displayed so that visitors can see the bullet hole. The Museum today is a major repository of artifacts relating to Jackson. This Month’s Question In 1860 this person formed a group of sharpshooters into a unit called the "Yell Rifles" in Arkansas. And among his fellow officers he was known as the "Stonewall Jackson of the West". This year‟s guest speaker at the Kansas Division Convention in emporia Kansas will be retired USMC Master Sergent Paul R Petersen, award winning author of “Quantrill of Missouri”, “Quantrill in Texas” and the newly released “Quantrill at Lawrence”. Petersen will cover a wide variety of topics in his lecture. He is what many consider an expert on Missouri Partisan Ranger, William Quantrill and will reveale many previously known facts about the Missouri guerrilla fighter, his tactics and how they affect modern day warfare. A veteran of the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi freedom, Petersen will emphasize that Quantrill was a legitimate military leader. So much so that his methods of warfare are taught to our military today. 5 2012 KANSAS DIVISION CONVENTION SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday June 15, 2012 16:30 hrs Gathering of members & Camaraderie 19:00hrs Opening Ceremony Posting of the Colors: Gen William Steele Camp #1857 Invocation: Div Chaplain Tyrone Williams Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag All Convention Members Salute to the Confederate Flag All Convention Members Singing of “DIXIE” All Convention Members 19:10hrs About the Movie Jake Roedel and Jack Bull Chiles are friends in Missouri when the Civil War starts. Women and Blacks have few rights. Jack Bull's dad is killed by Union soldiers, so the young men join the Bushwhackers, irregulars loyal to the South. One is a Black man, Daniel Holt, beholden to the man who bought his freedom. They skirmish then spend long hours hiding. Sue Lee, a young widow, brings them food. She and Jack Bull become lovers, and when he's grievously wounded, Jake escorts her south to a safe farm.The Bushwhackers, led by men set on revenge, make a raid into Kansas. At 19, Jake is ill at ease with war. As his friends die one after another, he must decide where honor lies. 19:15hrs “Ride With The Devil” . 19:50hrs Break 18:00hrs Oratory contest Each contestant will be given 7 minutes to best explain, act, and/or deliver his response to the Accusation: A panel of 3 judges will be chosen from the crowd to choose that person who best pleases the crowd. Each contestant may use 1 extra as council or Judge in their response. 21:30hrs Closing and singing of Dixie 2012 KANSAS DIVISION CONVENTION SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Saturday June 16, 2012 08:00 Registration: Registration Committee Credential Committee: Committee Members 0830-0930 Executive Committee Meeting: Division Commander 0930 Call to Order by Hosting Camp (B.G. William Steele Camp #1857) Posting of the Colors: (B.G. William Steele Camp #1857) Invocation: Div Chaplain Tyrone Williams Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag All Convention Members Salute to the Confederate Flag All Convention Members Singing of “DIXIE” All Convention Members 0930-1130 Business Session 1 Quorum Call: Division Commander Appointment of Convention Officers: Division Commander Division Staff Reports: Chief of Staff Report Jess Estes Division Adjutant Paul Honaker Division Judge Advocate Simon „Chip‟ Buckner Border Brigade Commander Charles W. Walthall Indian Brigade Commander Thomas Westbrook Camp Reports: General Albert Pike Camp #1439 General Lewis A. Armistead Camp #1847 Colonels Lewis & Harrison Camp #1854 Brigadier General William Steele Camp #1857 Major Thomas J. Key Camp #1920 South Kansas Camp #2064 1130– 1230 Lunch Prepared in the Main Lounge Area 1230– 1300 Program: USMC Master Sergent Retired Paul R. Peterson 1330– 1430 Business Session II Committees / Committee Reports: Committee Chairmen Division Awards: Division Commander Constitutional Amendments: Division Judge Advocate Voting Results: Division Adjutant Closing Ceremony Division Commander Benediction (all stand) Division Chaplain Singing of “DIXIE” All Convention Members Retiring of the Colors (remain standing) Division Color Sgt. Adjournment Division Commander Executive Committee Meeting (If needed): Division Commander 6 14th Annual Kansas Division Convention Sons of Confederate Veterans June 15-16, 2012 Best Western Motel 3021 W. Highway 50 Emporia, KS 66801 620-342-7587 REGISTRATION FORM: (Required *) *NAME _________________________________________ * TITLE/POSITION _________________________ *SCV CAMP NAME _______________________________________________*Number ________________ *PERSONAL ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________ CITY _______________________________ STATE __________________ZIP ________________________ *HOME PHONE (________) _____________________ WORK PHONE (________) ___________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS ______________________________CELL PHONE (________) ___________________ SPOUSE NAME (For Badge) _________________________________________________________________ GUEST NAME __________________________________ GUEST NAME ____________________________ COST FOR CONVENTION IS $10.00 PER PERSON Included in the Registration: Convention book, lunch, lots of camaraderie, and excellent presentation from our guest speaker. Ret USMC Master Sergent Paul R Petersen Friday Evening Entertainment: We will begin Friday evening at 6:30 with a DVD feature presentation of Ride With The Devil. Followed by our Oratory contest at 8:00. This year‟s Topic “You, Captain William C. Quantrill Capture James H. Lane and Charles Jennison in Lawrence on August 21, 1863”. What are your plans for them? Ancestor Memorials: Have your ancestors name listed in the convention booklet. Cost is $10.00 and must be submitted no later than May 23, 2011. (Up to 16 names for $10.00). Please include rank, Name, company, and unit on separate sheet of paper). Registration: Qty. ___ x $10.00 = $ _______ Friday Evening Gala: Qty. ___ x $ 5.00 = $ _______ Ancestor Memorials: Qty. ___ x $10.00 = $ _______ Total: $ _________ In honoring of the Sesquicentennial, our featured convention presenter will be. retired USMC Master Sergent Paul R Petersen, award winning author of “Quantrill of Missouri”, “Quantrill in Texas” and the newly released “Quantrill at Lawrence”. Petersen will cover a wide variety of topics in his lecture. He is what many consider an expert on Missouri Partisan Ranger, William Quantrill and will reveale many previously known facts about the Missouri guerrilla fighter, his tactics and how they affect modern day warfare. He promises to give an extraordinary presentation to the members of the Kansas Division. Lunch will be provided by the Motel DEADLINE TO MAIL IN REGISTRATION FORMS Is Monday May 31, 2011!!! Also find online at http://www.ksscv.org MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: KANSAS DIVISION SCV Kansas Division Adjutant Paul Honaker 4109 SW 29th Topeka Kansas 66614 7 (Bust Stolen Continued) and on Wed. Feb 28, 2001 the monument was moved by some jack leg wrecker company called the Deep South Wrecker Company....NOT AN EXPERIENCED MONUMENT COMPANY! The monument was set with the direction of the all knowing city council and the militant black mayor, James Perkins who owed a political debt to Rose Sanders for getting him elected mayor after two previous unsuccessful campaigns against the long time Selma Mayor Joe T. Smitherman! For those of you who have visited the General in Live Oak Cemetery, that will explain to you WHY the monument is facing EAST and NOT NORTH as ALL Confederate Monuments are supposed to be placed! On May 17, 2001 the Friends of Forrest, Inc. filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Selma for discrimination. Judge Brevard Hand was the Judge for the Southern Federal District. He heard oral argument on June 25, 2001 and allowed the case to go forward on its The 7-foot tall monument now stands at Old Live Oak Cemetery in Selma. merit and did NOT rule it a frivolous case. The City of Selma hired the scalawag WHITE lawfirm of Gamble, Gamble, and Calame... with Valerie Chittom as an attorney employed by this firm. She was the lead attorney for the city. Mayor Perkins at the beginning of his term established a FULL TIME ATTORNEY WITH AN OFFICE IN CITY HALL, APPOINTING BLACK ATTORNEY JIMMY NUNN with an annual salary in the $50,000 range!!!! So, we wondered, WHY DID MAYOR PERKINS HIRE THE WHITE SCALAWAG LAWFIRM when he had a full time black city attorney! Mayor Smitherman did not hire a full time attorney for the City of Selma...he retained an attorney for times an attorney was needed. Ultimately, almost four years later and hundreds of motions filed by the enemy scalawag law firm, costing the city of Selma more than $200,000 the dying Judge Brevard Han (dying with cancer & was hospitalized &on high powered pain medication for most of the summer of 2003) dismissed our case...even after having set the trial date for Jan 12 2004!!!!!!! By the way, Judge Hand died a few years ago. In the ever resounding words of Mrs. Robert E. Lee, "If there is a cool spot in hell, I hope he has it." Now, it is 2012...during all these years NOTHING has been done against the monument since its "temporary exile" into Live Oak Cemetery at Confederate Circle. I say, "temporary" because we have been busy trying to raise funds to buy a private lot in Selma to develop the Nathan Bedford Forrest Park & move the monument onto privately owned property! We cancelled our appeal and decided not to pay any more money to useless lawyers to fight this "reconstruction city government" of the city of Selma. We learned in the classic form there is "no honor among thieves"!!! The Selma City Council is made up of nine members...8 councilmen and the president....the vote went down with 4 blacks and ONE white woman against us...and 4 members for us...two white men and two black men. These two black men were the honorable ones and lived up to their word and convictions that they did the right thing. Since then, I have learned that both of those black city councilmen who voted to keep the monument at the Smitherman Building Museum received numerous death threats. Ultimately, neither of them ran for re-election in the next campaign season, but four more years later, Mr. Benny Tucker has since been re-elected. It was the one white woman, Jean Martin, the council president George Evans and councilwoman Nancy Sewell who betrayed us. Selma had the opportunity to tell Rose Sanders to SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP...but they chose to fight the Friends of Forrest and deny Selma her history, heritage and the opportunity to enhance our tourism income and showcase ALL of Selma's history and show some of that "TOLERANCE" that we seemed to have pushed down our throat on daily basis for EVERY CULTURE ON THE PLANET except for the Anglo-Celtic culture...which is constantly and continuously vilified, mocked and ridiculed every day the sun rises!!!! A few weeks ago, prior to the annual Bridge Crossing Jubilee scheduled for Mar 2-5 (the commemoration of the Mother of all orgies) I was notifed that Rose Sanders had issued an appeal over her radio talk show at her radio station 105.3 ( we call it HATE 105) for people to join her to go into the cemetery & remove General Forrest. The Bridge Crossing Jubilee began on Thurs evening Mar 1 at 6:00 PM with a reception at the St. James Hotel...then a 7:00 PM service at Tabernacle Baptist Church. Then on Friday, Mar 2 they officially kicked off the Jubilee with vendors & rap music on Water Avenue...usually lasting until Sunday when they have the commemorative "walk across the bridge to freedom" ...but this year your tax dollars were really put to work for EIGHT DAYS...beginning on Monday morning, March 5 they ...about 100-125 folks walked 10 miles per day for the next 5 days to Montgomery - blocking BOTH LANES OF TRAFFIC...bringing traffic to a complete halt...I know first hand because I got caught up in it on Thurs Mar 8 trying to get to Prattville - ordinarily it takes me about 45 minutes - this day it took 1 1/2 hours!!!! . The annual street party requires county, city and state police working overtime...and by the way, general services really have their work cut out for them too cleaning up the city streets of Selma after these food vendors dump trash & grease into the street!!! Since we were alerted about Rose's radio appeal, we checked on the General all during the course of the weekend going into the cemetery after dark to make sure he was OK. Then, On Wed Mar 7 my husband was listening to Rose's talk radio show & heard her issue the same appeal. We were out of town on Thurs Mar 8, Fri Mar9 & Sat Mar 10 & did not go into town yesterday...so the bust was taken sometime between Fri night and 2:00 PM today when it 8 was discovered missing. Oh, and by the way, two weeks ago Butch & I were driving through White Hall, Ala...approx 9 miles from our farm, and the Southern Star Casino was all lit up on the outside. Butch & I said...Hummm, somebody must know something we don't about this trial...then last week ALL were acquitted in the gambling trial. Ironically, on Friday Mar 9 the marquis was flashing: ELECTRONIC BINGO OPENING TODAY AT 4:00. So, the trial is over - ALL were acquitted - the 1901 Constitution remains the same the Ala State Supreme Court ruling remains the same but as soon as the trial was over & ALL were found innocent, the gambling casino in White Hall, Alabama opened on the last day of the annual commemoration of the "mother of all orgies" culminating in Montgomery at the State Capitol with a few hundred folks screaming to repeal Alabama's Immigration Bill - the Southern Star Gambling Casino is right across the highway (U.S. Hwy 80 ) from the White Hall Civil Rights Interpretive Center i.e. THE ORGY TEMPLE/HATE THE WHITE MAN CENTER!!!! Move over "Land of Lincoln - Illinois - Alabama's gonna steal ya thunder in corruption yet! As our case unfolds here in Selma regarding General Forrest..I will keep you posted. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you ALL for ALL your faithful support during all these years building the monument - defending the monument protecting the monument - and for all the wonderful friends we have made during these years. Once again it is a sobbering reality there is NO justice for white folks anymore and the Constitution died at Appomattox 1865. Thanks to the Lincoln government, national education and communist media AmeriKans have been misled by the illusion of a "theoretical document" ...and as President Davis said, "Lincoln rolled the Constitution up and put it on a shelf." I am as President Davis...one without a country....that is until we reconvene in Montgomery, Alabama once again as a GOVERNMENT OF OUR OWN! THIS AIN'T OVER YET! The following graves were located by CB Blackburn and Cmdr Neal Handley on Saturday. That brings the total they have found, photographed and GPS'd to 225. The information was sent to Kevin Ivey documentation. A challenge has been issued to other camps to do the same. Greenwood Cemetery, Eureka, KS Chew, Jonas Wesley (Capt) GPS 37.82315N/096.27263W Devier, Lucius A. (Pvt) GPS 37.82301N/096.27241W Parks, Arthur Weldon (Pvt) GPS 37.82305N/096.27245W Ladd Cemetery, Lapland, KS Sallyards, G.S (Pvt) GPS 37.87539N/096.38971W Neal Cemetery, Neal, KS Pugh, John Wesley (Pvt) GPS 37.82216N/096.06348W Union Pacific 844 came sailing through Leavenworth on Sunday around 1430 in the afternoon. The train was full of Civil War rein-actors and a flatbed of different types of period piece cannons on the way to Shiloh. 9 OUR OWN PLANTATION KS Border Brigade Cmdr. Charles Walthall and family have recently purchased the WynnPrice Plantation home near Garland City, Arkansas. The home is known as "Wynward Hall". Construction on the home began in 1835, and was completed in 1840. The style of the home is Greek Revival. The home still rests on an active plantation. The active crops are cotton, corn, winter wheat, and winter rye. The home was built by Col. William Wynn. The Wynn Family is known primarily for their generosity toward the destitute families of Confederate soldiers lost during the War for Southern Independence; and for seeing both to the immediate needs and for the payment of property taxes for those families. The home is located on the west side of the Red River; and geographically between Lewisville and Rondo, Arkansas. Lewisville was a major supply depot during the War; and was the wintering grounds for Gen. Thomas Churchill's Arkansas Inf. Division in 1864. Rondo served as the location of the Arkansas Confederate government archives after 1863 until the end of the War. The cemetery at Rondo also contains a large section of Texas Cavalry troops who died at Rondo enroute to Little Rock. Had the War continued and the fortifications at Dooley's Ferry been utilized, the home would have become the Headquarters for the District of Arkansas. Wynward Hall is comprised of four structures. The main portion of the home is two- story. The house has a four-columned front with porches on both floors. There are temples to either side of the main house. Each temple is single-storied with four columns on each porch. The temples are connected by now enclosed hallways. The external Kitchen was moved forward at the end of the War, and is attached directly to the home. The east Temple is referred to as the East Room. The west Temple is referred to as the West Wing. The enclosed west hallway was expanded to provide office space for the Plantation. The office is currently under renovation to enhance the Oval aspect of the office utility. The home has now been owned by an SCV member since 1992. The home was added to the National Register of Historic Places at that time. Charles and his family bought the home last fall, and have now moved there to reside. Jordan will remain in Blue Springs with his grandparents to finish his High School education. The twins are now enrolled in Arkansas (as of Christmas break) and are thriving in 3rd Grade. For further info: Write to: Wynward Hall, 106 Price Plantation Road, Garland City, Arkansas 71839 On Facebook at: (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wynn-Price-PlantationSociety/259724760724369) Or contact Charles at: ([email protected]) 10 If you have an article you would like printed in the News Letter. Contact Newsletter Editor at [email protected] . Editing may be done in the sense of letter size and extraction of some pictures depending on the size. All items need to be submitted no less that three days before the 1st of the Month. Kansas Division Color/Honor Guard Available Compatriot Gerald V. Spaur of the BG Albert Pike Camp #1439 is suited and ready for the occasion. Gerald is prepared for the opportunity to be present as a Color Guard for your event, or to take on the responsibility of Honor Guard for the passing of a family member, friend or compatriot where an honorGuard is needed. Gerald will go anywhere in Kansas and be available for any and all Military services for compatriots, family members, and friends. Feel free to contact Gerald at 2947 Walnut Wichita Kansas 67217-3128 Phone: 316-524-2555 KANSAS DIVISION CAMP MEETINGS GEN. ALBERT PIKE CAMP #1439 LOCATION: Ryan‟s Steak House 3323 North Rock Road. Wichita, Kansas DATE: Second (2ND) Saturday each month TIME: 11:30 am fellowship 12:30 Meeting MAJOR THOMAS J. KEY CAMP #1920 LOCATION: Zarda Bar-B-Q 11931 W 87th St. Lenexa, Kansas. DATE: First (1st) Thursday each month TIME: 6:30 pm. fellowship, 7:00pm. Meeting COLONELS LEWIS & HARRISON CAMP #1854 LOCATION: Westside Christian Church, 432 SW Lindenwood, Topeka, Kansas. DATE: Third (3rd) Saturday each Month TIME: 09:30 Fellowship 10:00 Meeting SOUTH KANSAS CAMP #2064 LOCATION: Rockwell Branch Library 5939 E 9th Street, Wichita, Kansas. DATE: Second 2nd Thursday each Month TIME: 6:00 pm. GEN. LEWIS A. ARMISTEAD CAMP #1847 LOCATION: Public Library Technical Conference Ctr. Rm. 301 East Elm, Salina, Ks. DATE: Second (2nd) Saturday each Month TIME 1:00-1:30 fellowship, 1:00-2:30 Meeting GEN. WILLIAM STEELE CAMP #1857 LOCATION: High Noon Saloon Star of the West Room 206 Choctaw St. Leavenworth, KS 66048. DATE: Second (2nd) Thursday each Month TIME: 6:30 pm. Fellowship 7:00 pm. Meeting 11 The Kansas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans 190 NW Hawthorn St. Topeka, Kansas. 66606 COMPATRIOT 12