Ced. Activity body Fall 2012
Ced. Activity body Fall 2012
W63 N645 Washington Ave. • P.O. Box 49 • Cedarburg, WI 53012 CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OFFICE HOURS 8:30-11:30 A.M. and 12:30-4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday City Hall–Lower Level W63 N645 Washington Ave. P.O. Box 49 Cedarburg, WI 53012 _______________________ TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parks and Recreation Office: .………….................. 375-7611 Senior Center: .…………....…. 375-7644 Forestry: .………………....…... 375-7662 _______________________ DEPARTMENT STAFF Mikko Hilvo, CPRP, AFO, LGI Director of Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Kevin Westphal, Superintendent of Parks & Forestry Carol LaFontaine, CPRP Senior Center Director Sharon Possley, Assistant Senior Center Director Maggie Bultman, AFO, LGI Recreation Superintendent Ellen Beck, AFO Recreation Supervisor/Office Manager Web: www.ci.cedarburg.wi.us City Departments, Parks & Recreation _______________________ MEMBERS OF Southeast Park and Recreation Council Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association National Recreation and Park Association Page 3 CONTENTS FALL, WINTER, SPRING ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 22 Registration Information Youth and Adult Basketball Kinder Fall & Winter Sports Adult Pickle-Ball, Softball, Volleyball Total Body Fitness Winter Tennis Polar Express Yoga Instructional Volleyball Family Dodgeball, Youth Soccer League Pre/Post Natal Personal Training Toddler Playtime Lifeguard Class Water Fitness/Lap Swimming Real Health & Fitness Center Cedarburg Select Baseball Cedarburg Tubing Event Mandarin Chinese For Adults Winter Family Scavenger Hunt Community Events Calendar Special Events Santa’s Dash Away 5K Easter Egg Hunt Cheer Camp, Dance Camp Ozaukee Special Olympics Babysitting Safety Sledding/Skating Lakeshore Boot Camps Senior Center Activities Senior Center Activities Senior Center Activities Civic Band Summer Park Rentals Community Organizations Registration Forms Page 4 CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROgRAM REgISTRATION INFORMATION In fairness to all City, Town and Cedarburg School District residents, our recreation program registration procedure has been modified. Resident registrations will be accepted beginning Tuesday, September 2. To avoid having to stand in long lines to register, mail-in and 24-hour drop box registration is encouraged for the first few days of registration. All non-resident registrations will be accepted and processed beginning Monday September 8. Registration is ongoing until the classes fill or through the start of the program. Enrollment is limited for most programs. Be sure to list your second choice for a program. Some programs require a special registration form. RESIDENCY: RESIDENTS: Mail-in, drop box, and walk-in (in-person) registrations will be processed randomly beginning Tuesday, September 2. All registrations received after September 2 will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. RESIDENCY: A resident is anyone residing in the City. Anyone living in the Town of Cedarburg or Cedarburg School District is considered a non-resident. FACILITY RESERVATIONS: The City of Cedarburg has park and recreation facilities which are available for rent. Contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 375-7611 for details on rental costs and reservation procedures. REFUNDS: A $10.00 processing fee will be charged for refunds prior to the program start date. Once the program begins, no refunds are issued unless the program is cancelled by the department. JOB OPENINgS Basketball Officials, Scorekeepers, Lifeguards, Building Supervisors, Pool CS/Concessions. We are also looking for Volunteers for our special events. HOW TO REgISTER STEP 1 _____________________________________________ Complete the registration form on the back page. Please fill out all information clearly. Be sure to list your second choice for a program if you prefer one. Note: some of the programs will have special registration forms available at a later date. STEP 2 _____________________________________________ Make checks payable to: CEDARBURG PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. Or, pay with a credit card in the office. STEP 3 _____________________________________________ MAIL-IN Simply fill out the registration form and mail your check or money order to: Cedarburg Parks and Recreation Department W63 N645 Washington Avenue P O Box 49 Cedarburg, WI 53012 DROP OFF 24-hour drop box is located outside the south entrance of City Hall. Place your registration form with payment in an envelope, addressed to Parks and Recreation Department. WALK-IN Registrations for winter activities will be accepted in person during office hours of 8:30 - 11:30 A.M. and 12:30 - 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, beginning Tuesday, September 2. STEP 4 _____________________________________________ CONFIRMATIONS The Cedarburg Parks and Recreation Department will send a confirmation only if a registrant includes a self-addressed stamped envelope when registering by mail or drop box. If one is not enclosed, no confirmation will be sent. You will be contacted by phone only if classes are cancelled or filled. If you are not notified, assume your class will continue as scheduled and attend the first class. CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT YOUTH BASKETBALL INSTRUCTION COED BASKETBALL 1ST gRADE This program is for boys and girls to learn the game of basketball in a fun, non-competitive setting. Emphasis will be placed on learning basic skills. Enrollment is limited. CLASS #3110-1 LOCATION: Thorson School Gym DATES: December 5 - March 5 (No class Dec. 19 & 26 & Feb. 6) DAYS: Saturdays, 10:00 - 11:00 A.M. FEE: $60.00 BOYS BASKETBALL 2ND - 3RD gRADE This program is for boys to learn the game of basketball in a fun, non-competitive setting. Emphasis will be placed on learning basic skills. Enrollment is limited. CLASS #3112-1 LOCATION: Thorson School Gym DATES: December 5 - March 5 (No class Dec. 19 & 26 & Feb. 6) DAYS: Saturdays, 9:00 - 10:00 A.M. FEE: $60.00 CLASS #3112-2 LOCATION: Thorson School Gym DATES: December 5 - March 5 (No class Dec. 19 & 26 & Feb. 6) DAYS: Saturdays, 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. FEE: $60.00 gIRLS BASKETBALL 2ND - 3RD gRADE This program is for girls to learn the game of basketball in a fun, non-competitive setting. Emphasis will be placed on learning basic basketball skills. Enrollment is limited. CLASS # 3111-1 LOCATION: Westlawn School Gym DATES: December 5 - March 5 (No class Dec. 19 & 26 & Feb. 6) DAYS: Saturdays, 10:00 - 11:00 A.M. FEE: $60.00 ADULT BASKETBALL LEAgUE Team applications will be accepted starting September 7, 2015. Preference will be given to those teams that were in the league last season. Deadline for registration is October 16, 2015. Contact the Department Office for application information. LOCATION: Webster School Gym W75 N624 Wauwatosa Road DAY: Wednesday evenings DATES: Nov. 4 - March 16 (no games Nov. 25, Dec. 23) FEES: Team Entry Fee: $750.00 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 *If you are interested in officiating in the Adult Basketball league, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department for more information and an application. (262) 375-7611. Page 5 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Throughout the year for various activities. For further information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 375-7611. gIRLS BASKETBALL 4TH - 5TH gRADE This program is for girls to learn the game of basketball in a fun, non-competitive setting. Enrollment is limited. CLASS #3113 LOCATION: Westlawn School Gym DATES: December 5 - March 5 (No class Dec. 19 & 26 & Feb. 6) DAYS: Saturdays 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. FEE: $60.00 YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAgUES These leagues are designed to provide a positive team experience for youth. Players learn basic basketball skills and the concepts of teamwork and sportsmanship. A separate, specific registration form is required for this program. The form will be available in the Department Office, on the City website and in Cedarburg Schools beginning Tuesday, September 8. Registration deadline is October 23. FEE: $90.00 4TH & 5TH gRADES – COED LEAgUE Practices: Begin at the end of November, during the week. Teams practice twice per week. games: At the Community Center Gym January March on Fri. nights, Sat. & Sundays. 6TH, 7TH, 8TH gRADES BOYS LEAgUE AND gIRLS LEAgUE Practices: Begin at the end of November, during the week. Teams practice twice per week. games: At Webster School Gym January - March on Saturdays & Sundays. TEAM SPONSORS NEEDED For only $75 you can sponsor a team in our Youth Basketball League. Being a team sponsor offers an excellent way for a business to be a good corporate citizen and support the Cedarburg Youth Basketball Leagues. Team sponsorship includes the sponsors logo printed on the back of the basketball jerseys. Call 262-375-7611 for more information. Page 6 CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PICKLE-BALL You will feel like a winner and a champion playing this exciting paddle game called Pickle-Ball. This mini-tennis game is played by 2 or 4 people on a badminton-sized court using wood paddle racquets and a plastic, poly baseball with holes. The Community Gym will be set up for 3 courts. DATES: FEE: Sunday evenings September 13 – May 15 from 6:30 – 8:30 P.M. (No class 9/20, 10/11, 10/25, 11/8, 12/6, 2/21, 3/27) Thursdays September 11 – July 30 from 1:00 – 3:00 P.M. (No class 11/24, 12/31) (dates and times are subject to change) $3.00 per time ADULT NOON HOUR OPEN gYM LOCATION:Community Center Gym W63 N641 Washington Avenue DAY: Fridays DATES: September 18 - July 29 (Off Nov. 27, Dec. 4, 25 TIMES: 12:00 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. FEE: $3.00 daily Season Pass: $70.00 2015 ADULT SOFTBALL LEAgUES Men’s, Women’s, and Co-ed Church Leagues begin forming in February and March, 2016. Games are played from May through August at Behling Field. For more information, contact the Department at 375-7611 ADULT VOLLEYBALL LEAgUES Recreational, non-officiated leagues are available for men and women. Teams that played last season will be given preference in submitting a team application. Contact the Department for application information. FEES: Team Entry Fee: $250.00 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, September 25, 2015 Men’s League LOCATION: Webster School Gym W75 N624 Wauwatosa Road DAY: Monday evenings DATES: October 5 - March 21 Women’s League LOCATION: Community Center Gym W63 N641 Washington Avenue DAY: Monday evenings DATES: October 5 - March 21 FALL OFFERINgS SPORTS SPECTACULAR – This non-competitive program for children 4 to 6 years old in K4 or K5 will introduce a variety of sports including, basketball, soccer and football. Organized games are used to encourage sportsmanship and aid in the development of basic skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching. CLASS: 3108-2 FEE PER SESSION: AgES: LOCATION: TIME: Saturday, Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 21 $55.00 4-6 (currently in grades K4 & K5) Westlawn School 9-9:45 A.M. CLASS: 3107-2 FEE PER SESSION: AgE: LOCATION: TIME: Saturday, Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 21 $55.00 1ST – 4th grades Westlawn School 9:45–10:30A.M. AgES: CLASS: 3118-10 LOCATION: TIME: FEE PER SESSION: 4 to 6 year olds (currently in K4 & K5) Saturday, Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 21 Westlawn School 10:45–11:30 AM $55.00 YOUTH SPORTS – This non-competitive program for children in 1st through 4th grade will introduce a variety of sports, organized games and movement. Games include, floor hockey, football, soccer and more. Activities are used to develop gross motor skills and social skills. FALL TENNIS – This non-competitive program for children in grades K4 through 4th will introduce tennis using the USTA introductory program. Some low organized games are used to encourage sportsmanship and aid in the development of basic skills such as running, jumping and eye-hand coordination. AgES: CLASS: 3118-11 LOCATION: TIME: FEE PER SESSION: 1ST through 4th grade Saturday, Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 21 Westlawn School 11:30AM-12:15PM $55.00 WINTER SPORTS SPECTACULAR This non-competitive program for children 4 to 6 years of age in K4/K5 will introduce a variety of sports including basketball, soccer and football. Low organized games are used to encourage sportsmanship and aid in the development of basic skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching. CLASS: #3109-1 AgE: 4 to 6 years old (grades K4 & K5) LOCATION: Westlawn School Gym TIME: Saturdays 9:00 - 9:45 A.M. DATES: Dec. 5 - Mar. 5 (No class Dec. 19, 26 & Feb. 6) FEE: $60 CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT TOTAL BODY FITNESS Join us for a fun, energetic exercise class that will burn calories, build endurance, tone up your muscles, and reduce stress! This is a total body workout tailored to every fitness level. Class includes a warm-up, aerobic segment, upper and lower body strengthening through the use of free weights, stretch bands, and poles, ending with a cooldown and stretching. High and low levels are shown so you can work at your own pace. Enjoy the benefits of exercise while working out to a variety of energizing music. Bring free weights (1-5 lbs). Register prior to the first class using the registration form in the booklet or in person at the Department Office. LOCATION: Community Center Gym DATES: Class #2215 Sept. 8 - Oct. 23 Class #2216 Nov. 2 - Dec. 22 (No class 11/26, 11/27, 12/4) (No pm class 12/3) Class #2219 Jan. 4 - Feb. 19 (No classes Feb. 16) Class #2220 Feb. 29 - April 15 (No classes April 5) Class #2221 April 25 - June 10 (No class May 30) DAYS: TIME: FEE: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. $40.00 DAYS: Tuesdays and Thursdays TIME: 8:00am - 9:00am, or 5:30 - 6:30pm FEE: $35.00 Instructors: Sandie Kass, Jan Braby, Janis Gralewski. Cedarburg Chiropractic Office A Better Value In Sight CERTIFIED CHIROPRACTIC SPORTS PRACTITIONER Dedicated to Spinal Health Care After Hours Emergencies Call 262-377-4935 262-377-3240 WINTER TENNIS This non-competitive program for children will introduce tennis using the USTA introductory program Some low organized games are used to encourage sportsmanship and aid in the development of basic skills such as running, jumping, and eye-hand coordination. Age: 4, 5 & 6 year olds (currently in K4 & K5) Age: 1st -4th grade Beginners Age: 1st -4th grade Intermediate (Match Play) Class: 3118-3 Location: Westlawn Dates: December 5 - March 5 (no class December 19, 26 and February 6) Times: Saturdays, 12:30-1:00pm Fee: $70.00 Class: 3118-4 Location: Westlawn Dates: December 5 - March 5 (no class December 20, 27 and February 7) Times: Saturdays, 1:00-1:45pm Fee: $70.00 Class: 3118-5 Location: Westlawn. Dates: December 5 - March 5 (no class December 20, 27 and February 7) Times: Saturdays, 1:45-2:30pm Fee: $70.00 POLAR EXPRESS Join us aboard the Polar Express for a Magical Journey to the North Pole on December 19, 2015. This is a joint program with the Cedarburg, Grafton and Port Washington Parks and Recreation Departments. This year our Journey will be in Grafton. More information and tickets will be available in November. Gregory G. Highstrom D.C., C.C.S.P. N144W6220 Pioneer Rd. Cedarburg (Just East of Hwy. 57 on Pioneer Rd.) Page 7 262/377-6800 Grafton Village Center 1210 12th Ave. Grafton CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Page 8 YOgA Tuesday/ Thusday Early Morning 5:45 - 6:45 a.m. OR Beginner 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. Early morning yoga will start your day off right! Ease into your day with yoga movements aimed at energizing and balancing your body and mind. Participants can choose their level of challenge to awaken their muscles. If that’s just a little too early for you join us for our later morning session instead! Tuesday’s class will focus on basic yoga poses and flows. This class is specifically designed for beginners. Thursday’s class will help soothe tight and sore muscles, relax your mind and help to relieve stress. This class is suitable for all levels. *Free Daycare available for the 9:15-10:15 AM class. Child must be potty trained. LOCATION: TIME: DAYS: DATES: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Session 5: Session 6: Session 7: Cedarburg Community Gym, 2nd Floor 5:45 - 6:45 am OR 9:15 - 10:15 Tuesdays or Thursdays or Both 3 wk (6 classes) Sept. 8-Sept. 24 3 wk (6 classes) Oct. 13-Oct. 29 6 wk (12 classes) Nov. 3-Dec. 15 (no class Nov. 26) 6 wk (12 classes) Jan. 5-Feb. 11 5 wk (10 classes) Feb. 18-Mar. 22 6 wk (12 classes) Apr. 12-May 19 6 wk (12 classes) May 24-June 30 FEES: 3 week session $22-1 day/wk, 5 week session $55-1 day/wk, 6 week session $65-1 day/wk, $44-2 days/wk $72-2 days/wk $85-2 days/wk *** Drop-in price is $10 per class Must inform recreation department a day prior to drop-in if daycare would be needed. FAMILY YOgA Family yoga classes are an opportunity to chuck the to-do list and simply enjoy each other's company while building confidence, selfesteem, and strong, healthy bodies. This class is structured like kids yoga classes, with simple animated poses, cooperative games, art, music, breathing exercises, partner poses, and relaxation to help strengthen coordination and build body awareness. We'll bark in downward dog, hiss in cobra pose and flutter our wings in butterfly. This class promises fun for the whole family. Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, and Caregivers are welcome. No yoga experience required*. *Appropriate for kids ages 4 and up. *Please bring a mat and water for each participant. LOCATION: Cedarburg Community Gym, 2nd Floor DATES: Saturday's - Sept. 12, Oct. 17, Nov. 14, Apr. 23, May 14, Jun. 11 TIME: 9:30 - 10:30 am FEE: $5.00 per person, per class INSTRUCTIONAL VOLLEYBALL PROgRAM Learn all the basic individual skills of passing, setting, serving, spiking and blocking. For 7th and 8th graders, basic defense and offense will be covered, as well as advanced techniques. All participants will receive a T-shirt. Saturdays, 6 weeks –Sept. 12-Oct. 24 (Off Sept. 19) LOCATION: Cedarburg Community Gym TIME: 12:00pm-2:00pm, Grades 5-6 2:15pm – 4:15pm, Grades 7 - 8 FEE: $45.00/person FAMILY DODgEBALL Come have a ball and throw one too. Get some exercise while enjoying some family time. Teams will be formed on site each week. LOCATION: Cedarburg Community Gym DAYS: Fridays / 6 weeks DATES: Session 1: Sept. 11 – Oct. 30 (Off Sept. 18 & Oct. 9) Session 2: Jan. 8 – Feb. 12 Session 3: Feb. 26 – Apr. 1 TIME: 6:30pm – 7:30pm FEE: $10.00 / person Min. 10 Max. 30 *All family members need to pay YOUTH SOCCER LEAgUE–SPRINg 2016 This league will be 5 vs 5 with teams for K4-K5, 1st-2nd and 3rd-4th grade. (grades determined by 2015-2016 school year) Practices will be held starting May 2nd and games beginning May 23rd. Game days will consist of a practice from 5:30-6:00pm and the game taking place from 6:007:00pm. Practices and games will be run by parent volunteers. *Registration will begin January 4th, 2016* LOCATION: Prairie View Park DAY: Mondays FEE: $45 includes team shirt Please have child wear shin guards to all practices and games. PRE/POST NATAL PERSONAL TRAININg • Major emphasis on reduction in low back pain • Improved flexibility • Breathing improvements • Soft-tissue work to alleviate stiffness • All performed in a comfortable and inviting environment • Performed by a certified Woman Fitness Specialist • Either 1 on 1 training or small group • Each 30 minute session is only $25 by appointment • For more information call or email at 262-377-0700 or [email protected] 2 THE MAX TRAININg CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT LIFEgUARD CLASS – ages 16+ This American Red Cross class will certify you as a Lifeguard. Topics Covered: 1) Lifeguard Skills, 2) CPR 3) Use of an AED, 4) First Aid. Course Fees include a Lifeguard Book and a Rescue Mask. *You must attend all classes in order to receive certification. CLASS #3215 Saturdays DATES: Feb. 20 - April 23 (no class 4/2 & 4/9) TIME: 1:00pm - 6:00pm LOCATION: Cedarburg High School Pool ENROLLMENT: min. 6, max. 12 Register Before: February 13 FEE: $250 WATER FITNESS Swimmers and non-swimmers can benefit from this vigorous, well-rounded fitness class that improves circulation, strength and flexibility without the impact of land aerobics. Times subject to change. Need to enroll prior to start of session –no pay per night. CLASS #3210 Mondays and Wednesdays LOCATION: Cedarburg High School Pool DATES: Session 1: Sept. 14 – Oct. 21 Session 2: Oct. 26 – Dec. 16 Session 3: Jan. 4 – Feb. 17 Session 4: Feb. 22 – March 30 Session 5: April 11 – June 1 no class 5/30 TIMES: 7:30 - 8:30 P.M. FEES: $35.00 per session LAP SWIMMINg Lap lanes available for adults and teens (13 years and older) that are accompanied by a parent. Times subject to change. Need to enroll prior to start of session–no pay per night LOCATION: Cedarburg High School Pool CLASS #3211 Mondays & Wednesdays DATES: Session 1: Sept. 14 – Oct. 21 Session 2: Oct. 26 – Dec. 16 Session 3: Jan. 4 – Feb. 17 Session 4: Feb. 22 – March 30 Session 5: April 11 – June 1 no class 5/30 TIMES: 7:30 - 8:30 P.M. FEES: $35.00 per session DEEP WATER TONINg–Non Instructional This one night a week class is self-guided and uses flotation belts to suspend participants in deep water for a no-impact workout including cardio and muscle strengthening; moderate to high intensity. Session 1: Sept. 14 – Oct. 19 Session 2: Oct. 26 – Dec. 14 Session 3: Jan. 4 – Feb. 15 Session 4: Feb. 22 – March 28 Session 5: April 11 – June 6 no class 5/30 LOCATION: Cedarburg High School Pool DAYS: Mondays TIMES: 7:30pm – 8:30pm FEES: $17.50 Page 9 TODDLER PLAYTIME Toddlers (ages 6 & under), parents, grandparents and caregivers can make new friends and enjoy playing in a large open space in this drop in program. The unstructured, non-instructional setting in this open gym time gives kids a chance to run, jump, roll, dance, socialize, bounce balls or do whatever kids do to burn energy and beat boredom during the winter months. Please do not bring outside ride toys such as a bike, big wheel, scooter etc. DAY: DATES: TIME: LOCATION: Mondays and Wednesdays December 7, 2015 - March 30, 2016 –subject to change (No class on 12/24, 12/29, 12/31, 2/16 9:30 – 11:00 A.M. Cedarburg Community Gym PAY PER TIME: $2.00 SEASON PASS: $75.00 – first child $5.00 for each additional child in the same family Proudly serving Cedarburg Community for 22 years. Tae Kwon Do Featuring Over 10,000 sq. ft. and 3 Workout Areas • All Ages! • Little Ninja • Tae Kwon Do • Kick Boxing • New–Cage Fitness for Teens • Personal Training N19 W6733 Commerce Ct. Cedarburg 262-474-0067 cell: 414-899-4968 Have you gotten a quote lately? New lower rates... Call today for a free quote. Page 10 CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Real Health and Fitness is a full service HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTER committed to serving the community. The Cedarburg Parks and Recreation Department continues to build upon a solid partnership with Real Health and Fitness Center to provide additional fitness opportunities to the community. CLASSES AND FITNESS PROgRAMS Committed to lifetime health and wellness, Real Health and Fitness offers a wide variety of group exercise classes geared towards all ages and fitness levels. There is something for everyone! Refer to our website www.getrealfit.com and click on “classes” to view the current monthly schedule. Be sure to click on the class name to view specific details for each class. Gym memberships and “No commitment” TAF Cards are available and “include all classes.” REAL HEALTH AND BARRE CLASS A full body, strength-building workout combining Yoga, Pilates and traditional Ballet. Using your own body weight, light weights and an endless variety of exercises no two workouts are the same. Fun, fast-paced and very effective--try it once and you'll be hooked! PERSONAL TRAININg BOOT CAMP gOLD Real Health and Fitness Personal Trainers excel at helping you achieve the results you want. Our trainers are as diverse as our membership options. We will pair you with a trainer who matches your needs. One of the hottest trends in fitness, Boot Camp Gold is designed for active, independent older adults age 60 and up, offering a new twist on traditional performance and conditioning activities. Boot Camp Gold is especially designed help you feel and look better and younger while minimizing stress on your joints. See our website to find out all the reasons why a Personal Trainer is the correct way to start your fitness journey! “New to Ozaukee County” You’ll participate in fun engaging activities to improve, enhance and maintain your STRENGTH, CARDIO CAPACITY, BALANCE, AGILITY and even your COGNITION! Let us help you: get Started Do It Right Stay on Track get Results www.getrealfit.com We can help you pick the option that is right for you: One-on-One • Two Person • Small group CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FITNESS CENTER Page 11 BOOT CAMPS REAL FITNESS AWARD WINNINg BOOT CAMPS Our year-round Boot Camps have been awarded the Wisconsin Excellence Award amongst all its' peers and competitors in southeastern Wisconsin by the US Trade & Commerce Institute. REAL HEALTH AND FITNESS Motivating, metabolic-boosting workouts will transform your body and mind. Our non-military camps encourage you to challenge yourself while you work at your own pace, and respect your fitness level to avoid injury. You will lose weight while you gain strength, speed, agility, flexibility and improve your balance. Transform yourself and have fun in the process! Each Boot Camp runs for four weeks. Come participate in one FREE class to check it out! See website for dates and times. Contact us to make arrangements for your FREE Trial Class! www.getrealfit.com “Transformation Program” and “Silver Weight Loss Program” MONEY BACK gUARANTEE If you failed at weight loss in the past, stop in and Let Real Health and Fitness be your last stop for successful weight loss. No special food to buy! No more starving! Improve your health, energy and appearance! W61 N513 Washington Avenue Cedarburg, WI 53012 262-376-2680 For more details regarding all of our programs and memberships go to www.getrealfit.com REAL FITNESS “Quick-Start” Training Package Our Quick-Start Training Package leads to faster results, and a better functional you, without a long term commitment! This 30 day starter option includes working with a Certified Personal Trainer once a week and provides total gym access during staffed hours. It is designed for those who want or need a trainer's direction and motivation but do not want to commit for more than 30 days. • Detailed workouts for non PT days • Use of our facilities for 30 days • Discounted session pricing • Weekly meeting with a Certified Personal Trainer • Online Nutrition Analyzer • New program every week and review with a Certified Personal Trainer Page 12 TRYOUTS FOR CEDARBURg SELECT BASEBALL CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Cedarburg Select Baseball (CSB) is a non-profit, volunteer run organization. We serve approximately 200 Cedarburg baseball players, from current 2nd Graders - 8th Graders. Our mission is to provide our youth with the opportunity to play the best of Community-based Baseball, Tournaments, State League and North Shore Baseball. Our Junior League teams compete in local leagues at Grant Schoen Field @ Adlai Horn Park. Plus an optional opportunity to compete on traveling tournament teams (Mercs). Our Senior Program and 2nd Grade Mercs compete in the Wisconsin State League versus other communities with an opportunity to also play in tournaments. Note: If you plan to play baseball in another league or traveling team please do not consider playing in CSB. Tryouts for the 2016 season: Cedarburg Select Baseball Tryouts will be held Saturday, September 12th and Saturday, September 19th with Saturday, September 26th as the rain date. For more information contact Chad King at (262)422-9100 or email [email protected] Or visit the CSB website at: www.cedarburgselectbaseball.com CEDARBURg TUBINg EVENT Come Slide with us in the Worlds Largest Tubing Park! Cedarburg Park & Rec will be Tubing At Sunburst along with Grafton Park & Rec on Friday January 22rd from 10:00-12:00. We’ll leave the Grafton Senior Center by bus at 9:30, spend 2 hours tubing, have lunch and be back around 1:00. Date: Friday, January 22, 2016 Time: 9:30am Fee: $40/person (Includes bus to and from ski hill, tubing for 2 hours, and lunch) 2ND ANNUAL WINTER FAMILY SCAVENgER HUNT This program is FREE to parents & their children. Join in the fun for a family scavenger hunt. There will be a list of things to “hunt” for which will be e-mailed to participants during the week of December 1st. Collect as many items from THE LIST as you can in a shoebox. Submit the shoebox and THE LIST between Dec. 7—Dec. 18. The 5 families who collect the most items win a prize! Winners will be notified by December 21. Be creative, items on THE LIST can be bought, created or found unless the item is marked “picture”, “photo”, “drawing” include the real item. Substitutes are worth half a point. Date entries received will be a determining factor! *Pre-registration required available online or in the Park and Recreation office) BASIC MANDARIN CHINESE FOR ADULTS Are you planning a trip to a Mandarin-speaking country, or have you always wanted to learn some common Mandarin phrases? Whether you plan to travel for business or pleasure, learning basic Mandarin phrases and conversational skills will be key to a successful trip. Basic Mandarin is also a great skill to add to your resume, as many of today’s global business meetings are conducted in Mandarin Chinese. Basic Mandarin is the first in a series of six courses designed to teach you how to speak Mandarin Chinese. This course will introduce you to the basic language you will need to know to eat, live, and get around in Mandarin speaking countries. Since this is a language course, we recommend taking this course with a friend or group of friends. Practicing with others by speaking the language will help you learn it more effectively. Invite friends to take this course with you. The instructor is a native Chinese speaker with a degree in Education from Concordia University. There will be a FREE introductory class held on Tuesday, October 13, from 7:00pm – 8:00pm held at the City Hall. 6 week program DATES: November 3, 2015 – December 8, 2015 DAYS: Tuesdays TIME: 7:00pm – 8:00pm NEW! LOCATION: City Hall FEE: $90 MINIMUM: 5; MAXIMUM: no limit REgISTER BY: October 16, 2015. CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY EVENTS SEPTEMBER 11 Friday Noon Adult Open Gym Starts 13 Sunday Night Pickleball Starts 19-20 Wine & Harvest Fest OCTOBER 4 10-11 23-31 31 21 31 Maxwell Street Days Oktoberfest Gothic History Tours Trick or Treat Halloween Party Pumpkin Walk NOVEMBER 21- Dec. 19 Festive Friday Eves 30 Tree Lighting Cedarburg Parks & Recreation W63 N645 Washington Ave P O Box 49 Cedarburg, WI 53012 www.ci.cedarburg.wi.us Page 13 DECEMBER 4-6 Senior Center Holiday Craft & Gift Sale 4-6 Holiday Art Fair & Christmas In The Country 19 Polar Express FEBRUARY 20-21 Winter Festival 16 Election tba Senior Center Mega Rummage Sale MARCH 19 APRIL 5 Easter Egg Hunt Election Special Thanks To Our Booklet Sponsors: • Badger Optical Of Grafton • Cedarburg Chiropractic • Cedarburg Festivals Committee • Chay’s • Dr. Kurt Kwiatkowski, DDS • Landmark Publishing, Inc. • Little Sprouts Dental • Real Health & Fitness • Sid R. Prom AgencyAmerican Family Insurance Page 14 CITY OF CEDARBURg OFFICIAL TRICK OR TREAT Saturday, October 31 2015 5:00pm - 8:00pm CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT SPECIAL EVENTS 8TH ANNUAL WINTER FESTIVAL SNO-BALL TOURNAMENT Come and enjoy a Softball Tournament in the Snow. The playing field will not be plowed so whatever snow we have we will play on. Teams can be co-ed, all men, or all women. Winning team will receive a winners T-Shirt and bragging rights for the year. For more information please call the Cedarburg Recreation Department at (262) 375-7611. Date: February 20, 2016 Fee: $50/Team FALL COSTUME PARTY Adults and children, ages 35, come join us for some Costumer Party fun! Children should come in their Halloween costume as we make some fun fall crafts, eat a spooky snack and also spend some time playing games! TEEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Date: Wed., Oct. 21 Location: Cedarburg Community Gym Time: 6:00 – 7:30pm Ages: 3-5 years Cost: $10.00 / child SANTA’S DASH AWAY 5K Help keep Santa's Workshop in downtown Cedarburg during the holiday season by participating in the inaugural "Santa's Dash Away 5K" on Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Runners and walkers of all ages are welcome to join in the holiday spirit and participate in a 5K run/walk where all proceeds go directly towards the Cedarburg Christmas Committee, which coordinates the workshop each holiday season. Nearly 500 families visit the charmingly decorated gingerbread house for free, private visits with Santa each year. FEE: $25 Register by: November 20 to receive a t-shirt (Race day registrations will also be accepted) EASTER Egg HUNT All children 8 years old and under are invited to participate in the Easter Egg Hunt. Children will be grouped by ages. WHERE: Cedar Creek Park WHEN: Saturday, March 19, 2015; 10:00am Sharp! (Rain or Shine!) FEE: Free *Sponsored by Cedarburg Junior Woman’s Club CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT DANCE CAMP 1st-4th grade Participants in the dance camp will learn simple dance routines set to music. No dance experience required, just a love of dance. Participants will work on flexibility and basic dance skills. Comfortable clothing and tennis shoes required. October 21, 28 and Nov 4 DATES: TIME: 5:00-6:00pm LOCATION: Cedarburg Community gym 2nd floor FEE: $50 INSTRUCTOR: Lindsay Boerner CHOREOgRAPHY CAMP 5th-8th grade Participants in the choreography camp will work together to create their own dance routines with the supervision and guidance of the instructor. Participants will choose music to use, and collaborate with others to create several short dance routines. Professional dance training not required, just a desire to create and perform. During this camp students will work on flexibility, dance skills, communication, teamwork and develop an understanding of music. Comfortable clothing and tennis shoes required. Feel free to bring CDs along with music to pick from. DATES: October 21, 28 and Nov 4 TIME: 6:15-7:15pm LOCATION: Cedarburg Community gym 2nd floor FEE: $50 INSTRUCTOR: Lindsay Boerner OZAUKEE SPECIAL OLYMPICS A year round program that provides athletic training and sports competition for individuals with development disabilities. Open to athletes 8 years and older. Athletes participate in volleyball and basketball. For further information contact Pat Armbruster at 375-2651. LOCATION: Community Center Gym DATES: September - March TIME: Tuesday evening 6:45 - 8:15 pm ALSO–YOUNG ATHLETES: Saturdays in September and October 9:00am - 11:30am Ages 2-7, with and without disabilities. For further information contact Susan Waldkirch at 377-7238 Page 15 Page 16 CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BABYSITTINg SAFETY In cooperation with the American Red Cross, a seven-hour babysitting course for youth, ages 11 - 15 year olds, will stress babysitter safety. The course will teach you everything you need to be a great babysitter. This fun interactive course teaches first aid and safety skills so you can prevent and respond to emergencies. And, as a Red-Crosstrained babysitter, you’ll gain confidence and valuable skills to impress parents. Bring a bag lunch with you. CLASS SIZE: LOCATION: DATES: Min. 6 , Max. 12 Cedarburg City Hall, Room 2, lower level CLASS #1115 - 1 October 7 & 8 4 - 7 P.M. CLASS #1115 - 2 November 11 & 12 4 - 7 P.M. CLASS #1115 - 4 March 16 & 17 4 - 7 P.M. CLASS #1115 - 3 FEE: $85.00 February 10 & 11 4 - 7 P.M. ICE SKATINg The City will maintain the river at Boy Scout Park for ice skating and an ice rink at Cedar Creek Park. No other ponds or lagoons are maintained by the City for skating. The rink is closed when the temperature falls below zero, until the rinks can be plowed after a snow storm, or unseasonable weather conditions. The rink at Cedar Creek is lit for evening skating. gREEN LIgHT/FLAg – Ice is Safe RED LIgHT/FLAg – Ice is NOT Safe CAUTION: THE RINKS AND SLEDDING HILLS ARE NOT SUPERVISED, SKATE AND SLED AT YOUR OWN RISK. SLEDDINg Three hills in the City of Cedarburg are available for sledding: Centennial Park, E. Stephen Fischer Park, and Cedar Creek Park. PLEASE VISIT THE CEDARBURG PARKS AND RECREATION WEBSITE FOR MORE PROGRAM INFORMATION AT WWW.CI.CEDARBURG.WI.US, CITY DEPARTMENTS, PARKS AND RECREATION. SUMMER ACTIVITY GUIDE WILL BE ONLINE APRIL 1, 2015 CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT SESSION SESSION SESSION SESSION SESSION 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: SEPT. 8–OCT. 15 OCT. 20–DEC. 3 (Off Nov. 24 & 26) JAN. 5–FEB. 11 FEB. 23–MAR. 31 APR. 12–MAY 19 Page 17 Page 18 CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OLDER ADULT ACTIVITIES WEEKLY EVENTS AND CLASSES Bingo 1st and 3rd Monday of each month 12:45 PM - 2:30 PM Wii Bowling 2nd and 4th Monday of each month 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM Book Chat 1st, 2nd, and 4th Friday at 1:00 PM Bridge, 500 Tuesdays, 1:00 PM Chorus Mondays, 12:30 PM Chicken Foot & Mexican Train Thursdays 12:45 PM Dancing With The Seniors 3rd Wednesday 10:30 - 11:30 AM Exercise - “Fun”ctional Fitness” Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30 AM September 8 - May, 2016 Open Studio for Painters Wednesdays, 1:00 PM Play Pool Call for days/times availability Sheepshead Thursdays, 7:00 - 10:00 PM Teddy Bear Class Fridays 9:00 - 11:00 AM Pickle Ball Fridays 9:30 - 11:30 AM Knitters Meet the 1st Monday of each month, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Knit, share ideas and skills. Instruction and demonstration at each meeting. Beginners to experienced knitters welcome. CEDARBURg SENIOR CENTER 2015 FALL WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP Wednesdays, 1:00 p.m - 3:15 p.m. October 7 -November 4 Class fee: $55.00 Classes held at the Cedarburg Senior Center. Instructor: Erin Blum. Call 375-7644 to register. TENNIS 55+ 9:00am - 11:30am Fridays Play doubles tennis with other adults 55+. Play at Zeunert Courts (N28 W5600 Lincoln Blvd) and Cedarburg High School tennis courts. FLU SHOTS SEPT. 28, 2015 10:00AM-12:00PM CEDARBURg SENIOR CENTER Provided by the Ozaukee County Health Department Seniors should bring their Medicare and Medicare Advantage cards. THE CEDARBURg SENIOR CENTER The Cedarburg Senior Center, located in the Lincoln Building, W63 N643 Washington Avenue, is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. All persons 55 and older are welcome. Lounge area, games, cards and pool table are available. Registration is necessary for most programs. Call 375-7644 for more information on these programs and other services sponsored by the Senior Center. Monthly newsletter available at the Senior Center or through the mail. The Cedarburg Senior Center has a fully accessible platform lift at the entrance. PLAY BRIDgE Tuesday 1:00 pm Play bridge, the ultimate mind and social game. Contract Bridge took off as an international rage in the 1930’s and is considered today by many to be the ultimate card game. Even those who have been playing for years still find room to learn. Join the fun Tuesdays at 1:0 pm at the Cedarburg Senior Center. ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 - 4:30 P.M. Hosted by the Cedarburg Senior Center and the Cedarburg High School Community Service Volunteers Adults 55+ are invited to our annual turkey dinner at Webster Middle School, formerly hosted by Fred Beyer and his family. The tradition continues with a dinner of roast turkey and the trimmings plus entertainment before and after the meal. Tickets can be purchased after Oct. 1 at the Cedarburg Senior Center. SENIOR CENTER NEWSLETTER “THE LINCOLN ADDRESS” Special events, programs, speakers, and tours are advertised bi-monthly in the newsletter available at the Center or through the mail at $8.00 per year or on the City of Cedarburg website. PICKLE-BALL Fridays at 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. The Cedarburg Senior Center is offering Pickle Ball at the Community Gym. This mini-tennis game is played by 2 or 4 people on a badminton-sized court using wood paddle racquets and a plastic, poly baseball with holes. Cost is $3 per person, per time. 3 indoor courts. THE COFFEE’S ON ME 2015-2016 10:30 a.m. First Wednesday of each month a different featured speaker and presenter will be at the Cedarburg Senior Center for an informative program presented by Greg Michaels, Investment Representative. No fee, program sponsored by Greg Michaels. CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Page 19 OLDER ADULT ACTIVITIES Corliss Phillabaum Emeritus Professor of Theatre at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee MOZART REVISITED Thursdays, Sept. 3 - Oct. 8, 2015 1:00 pm~3:00 pm Five years ago Professor Phillabaum discussed all 22 operas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in six marathon sessions. Five years without Mozart is too long, so it’s time to revisit these wonderful works, this time in greater depth. We will examine Mozart’s six greatest operas, one per session, beginning with his first operatic masterpiece, Idomeneo, and continuing with The Abduction from the Harem, The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, Così fan tutte, and concluding with his delightful fantasy, The Magic Flute. As always, video selections from the operas will illustrate the talks, including selections from recordings released since the original series. Cost: $25 Resident $30 Non-Resident Dr. Franklin Miller Associate Professor of Music, Emeritus University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, presents Johannes Brahms: Life and Works Thursdays, October 15 to November 19, 2015 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm The class will examine and come to know some of Brahms' majestic symphonies, piano and chamber music, as well as the glorious "German Requiem", in a series of six lectures and attentive listening sessions. Cost: $25 Resident $30 Non-Resident Sign up for either or both classes by calling 262-375-7644 Make checks payable to: Cedarburg Senior Center PO Box 49, Cedarburg WI 53012 AARP DRIVER SAFETY CLASS Wednesday, September 30, 2015 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cost: $20 (AARP member $15)– Checks made payable to AARP. The AARP Driver Safety Program is the nation's first and largest refresher course for drivers 50 and older. You will tune up your driving skills and update your knowledge of the road. Learn about normal age-related physical changes and how to adjust your driving to allow for these changes. Drive more safely; reduce your traffic violations, crashes and chances for injuries. Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multiyear discount to AARP graduates! TOE NAIL TRIMMERS, LLC First and Third Thursday of each month; Sept. 3 & 17, Oct. 1 & 15, Nov. 5 & 19 at the Cedarburg Senior Center, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sign up at the Cedarburg Senior Center by calling 375-7644. The cost is $27 for a 30 minute session Convenient on site care includes; * Toenail trim * Foot and toenail assessment/recommendation to podiatry care as necessary. There will be a privacy screen provided. Appointments are required. TWO PROgRAMS/ONE DAY Wednesday, October 14, 2015 CEDARBURg SENI0R CENTER FREE Power of Attorney Advice 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Attorneys from the Ozaukee County Bar Association will be available to meet individually with county residents to assist them in completing their Power of Attorney for Health Care. Documents and assistance will be provided free of cost. A Power of Attorney allows a person to choose the individual he/she would want to make medical decisions in the event that the person is unable to make them for him/herself. Appointments are open to anyone age 55 and older, as well as to persons with a disability determination. Contact 262284-8200 for scheduling a one to one appointment. PATHS PREPARE, ANTICIPATE, TRANSITION, HEALTH & HAPPINESS 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm A panel of local professionals will be providing information and solutions to the basic issues we all face as we age: legal issues of powers of attorney, wills, trusts, insurance, banking issues, home health care, housing options, hospice, and funeral planning. There will be the presentations and time to ask questions with the members of the panel. There will be light refreshments and a Door Prize! CEDARBURg SENIOR CHORUS If you love to sing, come sing with us Mondays from 12:302:30 pm. The Cedarburg Senior Chorus performs at area health care facilities and housing units. DANCINg WITH THE SENIORS 3rd WEDNESDAY 10:30 - 11:30 AM At the Cedarburg Senior Center. Learn basic steps of ballroom dancing; Box Step, Fox Trot, Waltz, Latin Beat, Tango. Instructor, Donna Eigel has taught dance at Arthur Murray Studio. Free - great exercise! NINTENDO Wii BOWLINg Monday, September 14, 28; October 12, 26 November 9, 23; December 14, 28, 2015 Cedarburg Senior Center 1:00 PM NO FEE Video bowling that is fun to play right here on alternate Mondays at the Cedarburg Senior Center. Join other adults 55+ NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. “FUN”TIONAL FITNESS: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 am in the Cedarburg Community Gym. Pay per session. Certified fitness instructors, Janis Gralewski and Sandie Kass lead a dynamic routine to promote coordination, balance, strength and flexibility. Hand weights, resistance bands and balls are all part of the fun. All levels of ability are welcome. Page 20 CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OLDER ADULT ACTIVITIES – SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 2015 HOLIDAY CRAFT & gIFT SALE Thursday, December 3 Friday, December 4 12:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Saturday, December 5 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Call 375-7644 for information. 15TH ANNUAL ART SHOW FOR SENIOR ARTISTS Open to any artist in the Cedarburg Area, age 55 and older. Artists can bring up to three pieces of twodimensional original artwork, any media. Space will determine if all pieces will be hung. All artwork must be of original design, not created from kits. All artwork must be display ready, framed with sturdy hangers, hooks or wires. There is no fee to enter the show. Applications will be available after February 11, 2016. The Cedarburg Senior Center provides a unique venue for local senior artists & senior quilters to display and sell their work year round. It features a variety of quilts and artwork all made by area older adults. TRANSPORTATION FOR SENIORS Driving can often become a problem for the best of drivers. When non-emergency transportation is needed, use the Cedarburg Senior Center Van Service; leave the driving to our volunteer drivers. The van is available Monday-Friday 8 am to 4 pm. Call 375-7644, 24 hours in advance to schedule a ride. SHOPPINg AT BAYSHORE TOWN CENTER Take the Cedarburg Senior van to Bayshore Town Center in Glendale for an afternoon of shopping. Cost: $10 round trip. Shopping trip open to all adults 55+. Call 375-7644 for dates and to make reservations. OKTOBERFEST PARTY & NOON LUNCH – OCTOBER 2 Musical entertainment by Kathleen Jacoby on the accordion playing your favorite polkas and more. Oktoberfest isn’t just for Germans, we invite everyone to enjoy the fun just like in the old country. There will be music, contests, German theme meal and root beer floats. Reservations are necessary, call the center. FIRESIDE TOURS 2016 LEGENDS IN CONCERT- Wed., Jan. 21 PETER PAN- Wed., March 9 SISTER ACT - Thurs., May 5 ROCKN’ AT THE FRIESIDE- Wed., July 6 SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN- Thurs., Aug. 4 SHOW TO BE ANNOUNCED- Thurs., Sept. 8 A FIRESIDE CHRISTMAS 2016- Thurs., Dec. 8 Check out our pricing for Fireside shows in 2016. Lowest prices in the area. Price includes deluxe motorcoach transportation, a delicious luncheon and a fabulous show. Seats are limited. - 2016 EXTENDED TOURS Washington Waterways & National Parks Depart Sept 15, 2016 9 Days • 13 Meals~ Featuring Mount Rainier and Olympic Mountains National Parks. Explore the Pacific Northwest from Seattle's vibrant waterfront to the English charm of British Columbia's capital. Along the way, see an impossibly green rain forest; the deep, dark waters of Puget Sound; mesmerizing glass art and waters of Puget Sound; mesmerizing glass art and much more! Mayflower Tours 2016 VALUE TOUR April 9-16, 2016 gULF SHORE BREEZES Value Tour highlights include Nashville, the “Music City”, Country Music Hall of Fame, Historic RCA Studio B where Elvis, Chet Atkins & the Everly Bros. recorded, a dolphin cruise, GulfQuest National Maritime Museum & more. More One Day Tours introduced at our annual Travel Show January 26, 2016 Call the Cedarburg Senior Center for reservations at 262-375-7644. THE CEDARBURg DININg CENTER You are invited Monday ~ Friday to have lunch with us. Enjoy a delicious, nutritional meal, conversation and meet other older adults. This is not an income eligible program. Anyone who is 60 or older is welcome to join us. Make reservations by calling Debbi, Cedarburg mealsite manager at 483-2876 before 11:30 a.m. the day before you plan to come. JOIN US FOR WEEKLY EVENTS Serving at 12:00 at the Cedarburg Senior Center, W63 N643 Washington Ave. ** First time diners will receive one free lunch** CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Page 21 CEDARBURG CIVIC BAND High school students and adults are welcome to join us. You haven’t picked up your musical instrument in a long time? No problem. This is your opportunity to play with community members. From May until early August, the band rehearses on Tuesday evenings on the second floor of the Community Gym. Cedarburg is one of the few community bands in Wisconsin that marches in parades in addition to performing concerts in the park. Please join us in Spring. For other information please visit the band’s website at: www.ci.cedarburg.wi.us City Departments; Parks and Recreation; Civic Band SUMMER PARK RENTALS Summer park rental information is available for pick up at the Cedarburg Parks and Recreation Office in the lower level of City Hall. Reservations for summer 2016 are accepted the first business day in January. For additional information please visit our website at: www.ci.cedarburg.wi.us, City Departments, Parks & Recreation. Specializing in locally crafted and American made toys. From Science Kits to items like Organic Bibs and Dolls to Stuffed Animals and even toys made from Recycled Milk Jugs. W62N583 Washington Ave. Cedarburg, WI 53012 (262) 377-7224 www.cedarburgtoyco.com COMMUNITY ORgANIZATION DIRECTORY PLEASE NOTE: The Cedarburg Parks & Recreation Department does not administer nor does it directly sponsor any of the following programs. This information is given for public reference. Please contact respective program providers for information. American Legion 377-9987 Artist guild www.cedarburgartistguild.com Cedarburg Art Museum 377-6123 Cedarburg Basketball Club www.cedarburgbasketball.com Cedarburg Colts www.cedarburgcolts.org Cedarburg/grafton Rotary www.cedarburggraftonrotary.com Cedarburg Lions Club www.cedarburglionsclub.org Cedarburg Mat Dogs Wrestling www.matdogs.com Cedarburg Select Baseball www.cedarburgselectbaseball.com Cedarburg Soccer Club www.northshoreunited.org Cedarburg Woman’s Club www.cedarburgwomensclub.org Chamber - Cedarburg 377-5856 Civic Band www.ci.cedarburg.wi.us Cultural Center 375-3676 Festivals 377-3891 girls Select Fastpitch Dave Goethel [email protected] Junior Woman’s Club www.cedarburgjuniors.org School District 376-6100 Senior Chorus Senior Center 375-7644 Ozaukee Ice Center 375-6851 Visitor Center - Cedarburg 377-9620 Volunteer Center of Oz. Co. 377-1616 *If your organization is interested in being in this directory please call the Recreation office at (262) 375-7611. CEDARBURg PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Page 22 FALL/WINTER/SPRINg REgISTRATION Parent’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________ Work phone & Name of person to contact: ___________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Reside in: ❑ City of Cedarburg Participant’s Name ❑ Town of Cedarburg Sex Age Grade ❑ School District Birth Date ❑ Non-Resident Program Name FOR OFFICE USE: CHECK____________ CASH____________ DATE_____________ Class # Fee TOTAL: Return completed form with payment to: Cedarburg Parks and Recreation Department, P.O. Box 49, Cedarburg, WI 53012 FALL/WINTER/SPRINg REgISTRATION Parent’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________ Work phone & Name of person to contact: ___________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Reside in: ❑ City of Cedarburg Participant’s Name ❑ Town of Cedarburg Sex Age Grade ❑ School District Birth Date ❑ Non-Resident Program Name FOR OFFICE USE: CHECK____________ CASH____________ DATE_____________ Class # TOTAL: Fee Return completed form with payment to: Cedarburg Parks and Recreation Department, P.O. Box 49, Cedarburg, WI 53012 Dedicated to personalized, quality dental care for your whole family. Now accepting new patients! Call us to schedule your appointment (262)377-0852 DR. KURT R. KWIATKOWSKI | DR. CHRISTOPHER J. MANTEL 1200 Seventeenth Avenue | Grafton, WI 53042 | (262)377-0852 www.thefutureofdentistry.com June 25-26, 2016 September 17-18, 2016 October 8-9, 2016 Mid-November to Christmas February 20-21, 2016 Beyer’s True Value W61 N278 Washington Cedarburg, WI 53012 262-377-1313